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L6M1 – Strategic Ethical Leadership


• Defining leadership

Leadership is the ability of an individual to lead, guide or influence other individuals towards the
achievement of a certain goal. There are three main categories of leadership style according to
Lewin namely authoritarian, democratic and laissez-faire.

• The role of a leader and the activity of leadership

1. Create a vision
2. Inspire trust
3. Enable each person
4. Have discipline and be able to manage strategy

1. Decision making
2. Mentoring others
3. Communicating effectively
4. Challenging employees to be more innovative
5. Building positive momentum

Roles of a manager
1. Manage tasks and activities
2. Planning and organising daily tasks
3. Directing and controlling others to complete tasks

Activities of a manager – According to Peter Drucker

1. Setting objectives for a team

2. Creating the group of people to carry out the work
3. Dividing work into activities
4. Establishing appropriate targets and monitoring performance of the work
5. Developing the individual employee

• The importance of leadership

1. Helps organisation achieve business goals

2. Increases productivity by inspiring internal stakeholders
3. Improve coordination and collaboration
4. Leads to better resource utilisation.

• The difference between management and leadership

1. Leadership have followers while managers have people who work for them
2. Leaders concentrate on people while managers concentrate on tasks, systems
3. Leaders on innovation while managers focus on administration
4. Leaders inspire trust while managers control people
5. Leaders have a long-term view while managers have a short-term view

Management styles
There is no right or wrong management style. The style depends on the organisation, the people and
the culture.

○ Directive/autocratic/coercive
○ Authoritative/visionary
○ Affliative/people-focused
○ participative/democratic
○ Coaching/Developmental

• Situational leadership

- Hersey and Blanchard situational leadership model

- Cultural and generation differences that informs the model

1. Direction
2. Supporting
3. coaching
4. Delegating

• The continuum of leadership behavior

- Tannentaum and Schmidts

1. Tells
2. Sells
3. Suggests
4. Consults
5. Joins
6. Delegates
7. Abdicates

• The forces in deciding the type of leadership

Tannenbaum and Schidmits -factors that affect leadership style

1. Forces in the manager

2. Forces in the subordinates
3. Forces in the environment

-Blake and Mouton managerial grid – Page 40

This functional approach examines how the leader’s behaviour affects and is affected by the group of

-Mc Gregor’s management Theory X and Y – Page 47

According to Theory X, subordinates are unmotivated, do not like work, avoid responsibility, need
punishment/reward, need supervision.

According to Theory X, subordinates likes working with the manager and like work.
• Transformational and inspirational leadership

The ability of a leader to inspire and motivated others, which leads to increased morale and
confidence in the teams.

Traits of an inspiration leader

1. They have q clear vision for the future

2. They not only have a clear vision but know how to achieve it
3. They are passionate and enthusiastic
4. They are trusted by colleagues
5. They see the positive side of situations
6. They turn challenges into opportunities
7. They show appreciation for their team and employees
8. They are effective communicators and active listeners.

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