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The Successful Student’s Guide and Syllabus for Drama

Instructor: Tami Price

Swope MS Office: 775-333-5330
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Room: S-17

Welcome to the incredible world of drama! This guide to success is designed to answer any questions you might have about what will
be expected this semester. It is important that you keep this handy and share with your parents!

Students will be introduced to the basic concepts of theatre arts. It is designed to accommodate students who have no experience
or may have previously been involved in theatre. Students will use various creative drama techniques to build confidence and trust,
stimulate imagination, movement, and role-play. Through theatre games and activities, students will learn to lose inhibitions and
will gain trust in themselves as well as others in their groups. Students will learn and use drama and theatre vocabulary in class
discussions and the activities will specifically address the promotion and reinforcement of students' literacy skills, including
reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students will exhibit and reinforce their skills through individual and group presentations,
performances, movement and voice, character building, and script and journal writing.

 General Theatre, Movement, Voice  One or more of the following: Pantomime;
 Acting/Theatre Games Improvisation; Greek, Elizabethan, Japanese Theatre;
 Script Analysis, Playwriting, Monologues Tech; Scenic Design; Front of House; Shakespeare


 Drama Notebook (provided by teacher)  Panther Planner
 Pens and/or Pencils  A Positive, Can-Do Attitude!

 Tissues  Hand Sanitizer
 Paper Towels  Disinfecting Wipes
 Clean Clothing for Costumes (i.e. smaller men’s suit coats, shirts, dresses, shawls, summer hats, and etc. Your children will
be wearing these items, so please make sure they’re clean and in decent shape…)

 Homework/Classwork – There will not be daily homework. Most assignments will be assigned and completed in class,
however, a student may need to practice/memorize/study for a performance or unit assessment on their own time. Rubrics
will be provided for bigger assignments. If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to check with a peer to see
what notes they may have missed. Most classwork is completed in small groups, so most classwork cannot be made up.

Students will be expected to complete the daily board work as a part of their weekly classwork/participation grade. When
appropriate, students will use complete sentences when writing. Student’s work must always be clear and easy to read.

I accept only high quality work. The purpose of every assignment is to help the student learn the art of theatre. Not every
assignment will be collected or graded as some assignments are meant solely for the purpose of practice. However, it is in
every student’s best interest to complete every assignment on time to insure in class activities are meaningful. If a student is
having difficulties, it is imperative they let me know sooner than later.

 Performances – All students will be required to perform in front of their peers and possibly a general audience. Students will
be graded on performances based on how they prepare, how they perform, and how they behave as an audience member.
*This document is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.
 Assessments – Students may be given a performance and written assessment for each unit of study, as well as a semester
final. The semester final will be composed of a performance and written assessment. Grade will be based on character
analyses, performance presentation, self-reflection, and audience etiquette.

 Audience Etiquette/Participation – Students will be expected to behave appropriately during all class performances.
Participation points will be given for audience etiquette, as well as for how students participate during the week. Deductions
may also be made in the areas of Behavior and Work Ethic in Infinite Campus. Participation points cannot be made up.

 Students must be in their seat when the bell rings. Unexcused tardies will be enforced according to school policy.
 Daily board work will be completed, in the Drama Notebook, within 5 minutes of the tardy bell. Drama Notebooks are to be
stored in the appropriate box and remain in the classroom.
 All assignments and projects will be turned in with student’s first AND last name, date, and period. No-name papers will be
put on the wall and not graded. It is STUDENT’s responsibility to figure out the no-name papers. After finding their paper on
the wall, students may add their name and turn it in for credit.
 All electronic devices must be turned off and out of sight from 7:30a.m.-2:00p.m. If a device is out, the teacher will confiscate
the item and it will be locked in the SAC until the student can pick it up at the end of the school day. Every time an electronic
device is confiscated, it will be documented in Infinite Campus as a Technology Violation.
 Students must get permission from the teacher to leave class for any reason. Any student in the hallway is required to have
their Panther Planner signed by their teacher or a written pass from their teacher.
 If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to conference with the teacher. A Make-Up Form will need to be filled
out and turned in within one week of absence, or longer, depending on length of absence.
 Food, gum, and beverages (other than clear water) are prohibited in the drama classroom.

Grades will be calculated from student’s assessments, projects, presentations, class work and participation. Grades are based on
cumulative points and calculated into a percentage. Weight: Assessments = 75% / Class Work/Participation = 25%.

Rubrics are used to guide students toward success for all long-term assignments. Late assignments will be accepted, however,
the final grade will be lowered one full grade, for each day it is late.

Students will also receive weekly citizenship grades for behavior and work ethic, based on Behavioral and Academic Expectations
(see below). Grades and assignments can be reviewed on Infinite Campus (IC).


In order to create a positive and safe learning environment for all students, it is imperative that every student be prepared and work
to the best of his/her ability, EVERY day. Expectations are in place to make sure that every child’s right to learn and enjoy school
is maintained. Citizenship grades are based on work ethic and behavior. School expectations and consequences are as follows:
Daily Classroom Expectations
1. Keep Hands, Feet and Objects to Yourself
2. Respect Classmates, Teacher and Environment
3. Practice Active Listening
4. Follow Directions the First Time
5. Pursue Excellence
Potential Consequences
1. Verbal Warning
2. Opportunity for Reflection/Think Time
3. Alternative Assignment/Change of Environment
4. Deduction in Behavior and/or Work Ethic Weekly Grades
5. Letter, Email, and/or Phone Call Home to Parents
6. Administration Referral
*This document is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.
Syllabus Acknowledgement

Our classroom will reflect the high standards of the WCSD and each student will be expected to work to the best of his/her
ability. In turn, I will do my best to ensure the learning process is fun and exciting. Each child brings different experiences,
strengths and needs to our classroom and I intend to employ a variety of methods and strategies to meet the needs of each
individual child in our class. We will also work together to foster a strong sense of community, one that emphasizes our
commonalities as people and values our individual uniqueness and diversity. We will create a warm, safe, caring
environment while we meet our academic challenges and promote 21st Century Skills. If you have any areas of
encouragement or information you would like to share with me about your child, please feel free to contact me at any time
throughout the school year at 775-333-5330 or [email protected] .

Movie Clip/Broadway Musical Acknowledgement and In-Class Recording: In this class, we may watch clips (2-3
minutes each) from movies with PG and/or PG-13 ratings to help students better understand a character or theatrical
concept. These clips will be used sparingly and only for educational purposes. The clips are appropriately chosen for the
middle school audience. We may also watch Broadway musicals/movies that are rated PG or NR at various times
throughout the semester. By signing below, I give my permission for my child to watch movie clips and musicals and
understand that I may request, in writing, that my child not participate at any time, for any reason.

In-class performances may be recorded for classroom viewing and reflection. Recordings will never be posted to social
media of any kind. Students may not have recording devices, of any kind, and I understand that if my student has their
device out during performances, their device will be given to the SAC and a Technology Violation will be documented in
Infinite Campus. By signing below, I give my permission for my child to be recorded for classroom viewing and reflection
and understand that I may request, in writing, that my child not participate at any time, for any reason.

My child and I have read the syllabus (classroom policies, expectations and procedures) and understand the information on
this and the previous pages. We agree to follow all WCSD rules and procedures, as well as the Swope MS Handbook.

Student’s Class Period (Circle One): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Print Student’s Name Student’s Signature

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Print Parent/Guardian’s Name Parent/Guardian’s Signature

Home Phone___________________________________ Mobile Phone ________________________________________

□ I DO NOT have a home phone #. I DO NOT have a mobile phone #.

Email Address ______________________________________________________________________________________

□ I DO NOT have an email address.

*This document is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.

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