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Prevention and Risks Mitigation Plan

for IPPF General Assembly

Bogota, Colombia Nov. 2022

Approvals Name / Title Date Signature
Prepared by: J. Phillips (Safety & Security Consultant)
Revised by: N. Barriskell (Global Safety and Security Advisor)
Approved by: E. Lopez Uribe (Regional Director for ACRO)

This document is the sole property of IPPF ACRO; it was drafted to distribute and advise colleagues coming into Bogotá, Colombia to attend the
General Assembly on November 2022
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES __________________________________________ 3
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT ___________________________________________________ 3
PREVENTION AND MITIGATION MEASURES _________________________________ 5
MEET & GREET - JOURNEY MANAGEMENT PLAN ____________________________ 8

This document is the sole property of IPPF ACRO; it was drafted to distribute and advise colleagues coming into Bogotá, Colombia to attend the
General Assembly on November 2022
This prevention and Risks Mitigation Plan was developed in October 2022. The document examines and
outlines the prevention and mitigation measures to put in place during the execution of the General
Assembly in Bogotá, to manage the identified risks that the IPPF and downstream partners are likely to
be exposed to during their attendance of the GA activities in the city. The plan is limited to the General
Assembly activities in Bogotá.

IPPF General Assembly will be in Bogotá, Colombia, from 21st to the 25th of November 2022. It takes place
every three years, and this November, we mark IPPF’s 70th-anniversary by defending choice and delivering
care beyond barriers.

Profamilia Association is our host in Colombia.

The aim of this document:

● The Prevention and Risks Mitigation plan is to identify controls (safety and security measures) to be
implemented and resources to be used to reduce risks to ALARP level, to protect personnel,
facilities, information, and assets involved in the project against identified and foreseeable security
● Defines roles and responsibilities, in accordance with the IPPF Guidelines, to control safety and
security risks and then to implement adequate mitigating measures.
● Ensures the correct and effective management of specific safety and security-related emergencies
covered in the document.
● Puts in place appropriate organisational measures and provides rules of conduct to be followed in
the event of safety and security-related emergency.
● Allows the involved functions, each for the issues falling within their remit, to assess the situation
and adopt the most appropriate measures for the protection of personnel and assets.
● Defines criteria and methods to keep informed IPPF personnel coming to Colombia for the General
assembly related to safety and security matters and situations in Bogota.

Although Colombia’s overall risk is rated as MODERATE, the risk level for Bogota and, more specifically,
for the General Assembly in Bogota is assessed as LOW.

It is advised that IPPF staff members and our downstream partners exercise caution and take a common-
sense approach to their safety and security during the GA by following the advice and guidelines provided
for this event.

With the risk assessment results, we identified the respective safety and security mitigating measures to
be implemented and resources to reduce risks to As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) , to protect
personnel, information and assets involved in the General Assembly.

This document is the sole property of IPPF ACRO; it was drafted to distribute and advise colleagues coming into Bogotá, Colombia to attend the
General Assembly on November 2022

Threat Description Likelihood Impact Risk rating Residual rating
Armed robbery 3 - Possible 3 - Moderate 9 Medium/High 6 Low/Medium
Theft 3 - Possible 3 - Moderate 9 Medium/High 4 Low
Violent/Pacific demonstrations 4 - Likely 2 - Minor 8 Low/Medium 4 Low
Express kidnapping 2 - Unlikely 4 - Major 8 Medium/High 6 Low/Medium
COVID-19 3 - Possible 3 - Moderate 9 Medium/High 6 Low/Medium
Health Emergencies 3 - Possible 2 - Minor 6 Low/Medium 3 Low
Immigration issues 3 - Possible 2 - Minor 6 Low/Medium 4 Low


Safety and Security are shared responsibilities and cannot be assured by policies and procedures only;
security is about the behaviour of people. Creating a safe working environment requires a collaborative
commitment and action at every level of IPPF.

Personnel responsible for implementing this mitigation plan in Colombia and supporting attendees
during the development of the IPPF General Assembly 2022:

Name Position Phone Phone WhatsApp Email
Eugenia Lopez Regional Director (ACRO) +57 313 3135212 +57 313 3135212 [email protected]
Anna-Kim Robinson Head of Operations (ACRO) +57 317 6414407 +1 876 8617060 [email protected]
Dona Da Costa Deputy Regional Director +1 868 610 7230 +1 868 6838913 [email protected]
Gabriela Muñoz ACRO Assistant +57 311 3134038 +57 311 3134038 [email protected]
Jakson Phillips Safety & Security Consultant +1 321 6559679 +1 321 6559679 [email protected]


Name Position Phone Email
Nicolas GONZALEZ Sales Manager +57 323 2733886 [email protected]
Santiago ROCHA Event & Groups Coord. +57 323 2273175 [email protected]
Juan M. RINCON Security Manager +57 320 3709056 [email protected]
Centro de Control Emergency response +57 317 6190470 [email protected]

Name Position Phone Email
Marta ROYO Executive Director +57 215 3328571 [email protected]
Camilo MUÑOZ Security Focal Point +57 314 334 2298 [email protected]
Paula PARRA Executive Assistant +57 314 2105447 [email protected]

Name Position Phone Email
Clara ARIAS General Coordinator GA +57 315 33350477 [email protected]
Jennifer BELTRAN Logistic Coordinator +57 310 2155694 [email protected]
Martha Ruth RAMIREZ Transportation Coordinator +57 316 8304275 [email protected]

This document is the sole property of IPPF ACRO; it was drafted to distribute and advise colleagues coming into Bogotá, Colombia to attend the
General Assembly on November 2022
We strongly suggest you keep the international roaming service activated on your mobile phone during
your stay in Bogota, Colombia.

Armed robberies
• Reduce the opportunity to delinquents, if you follow the recommendations from ACRO's Safety
& Security function you can reduce your exposition to identified crimes, since you arrive at the
airport, in the streets and on the hotel premises.
• Use the low profile. Don’t use expensive jewellery. Don’t use your smartphone while you are
walking in the streets.
• We strongly recommend having the passport and documents in the safe box in the hotel room
and using a copy in the street.
• Implement a financial backup plan if you lose their belongings/money. Using a virtual wallet is a
good option.
• Use ATMs inside the hotel, malls, and buildings, not the roadside ones. Go there with another
person to increase the observation.
• If you are surprised by one or more criminals who try to rob you, the best action is to show a sign
of surrender and raise your hands slowly; they already have control. Follow all the instructions
and do not make sudden movements.
• If something happens, report it to the ACRO Safety & Security Consultant. If you are in the hotel,
contact to Security Personnel at the site.

• Bring only the necessary luggage with you.
• Secure doors when inside the room with locks. Do not open the door to visitors (including hotel
staff) unless they are clearly identified. Use the peephole in the door or door peephole or call the
front desk to verify.
• Check if the telephone in your room is working properly.
• Suitcases should be labelled; inside the case lid, write your full contact details on a stick-on label.
and be locked and strapped. Sticky tape can be put across locks and adjoining edges to deter and
indicate tampering.
• Be aware of your belongings (laptops, documents, cell phones, suitcases, money, and information,
among other things); always keep them safe and do not neglect them. Use the safe box and the
door lock in the hotel room.
• Carry a separate copy of the key pages of your passport and visa. Keep these pages in a different
place on your person.
• Never leave your food or drink unaccompanied. Finish your drink or your food before you hit the
bathroom. Don’t let your new friend or date order a drink for you. Be cautious. Criminals slip it
into drinks, or food or attempt to have their targets absorb the chemical through their skin or
nose. Once the effects of SCOPOLAMINE/other drugs kick in, victims tend to lose their free will.

Violent Demonstrations
• From Safety & Security function, we will monitor the public order situation 24/7 in Bogotá to
inform attendees of what actions will be implemented. Attendees must be at the hotel during the
state of alert declared and informed by the Safety & Security function regarding the

If you are in the streets and a demonstration is under development, so you need to do the following:

This document is the sole property of IPPF ACRO; it was drafted to distribute and advise colleagues coming into Bogotá, Colombia to attend the
General Assembly on November 2022
• Stay away from street demonstrations – maintain social distancing. Stay in group with your mates,
in calm and reduce stress and tension.
• Inform the IPPF Safety & Security Consultant, use the WhatsApp group.
• Be aware the government’s security forces increase their presence during the demonstrations.
• Be aware of your surroundings if you need to retreat quickly during protests.
• Don’t photograph or record the demonstrations.
• For IPPF staff, be sure to use the Drum-Cussac during your stay in Colombia, 24/7.
• Inform the Safety and Security Consultant about any situation you notice with potential risk for
you and IPPF GA activities.

Express kidnapping
• Report your location to your loved ones / workmates / colleagues 24/7
• Don't be away alone from the hotel or places to visit; all attendees’ visits must be done in groups,
and it must be coordinated with IPPF GA coordination.
• Use transportation means authorised/suggested by IPPF ACRO.
• Do not go to isolated areas.
• Become familiar with the physical environment; bring a map; if possible, you could get one at the
hotel front desk.
• Carry a list of key phone numbers with you; memorise the most important numbers in case you
lose the list.
• Keeping a low profile and not drawing attention to yourself is the best defence against unplanned
crime of opportunity.
• Do not carry unnecessary credit/debit cards with you.
• Remember, your safety is your responsibility; if you follow the IPPF rules, you can reduce the
probability of getting yourself a victim of crime.

• The use of masks is not mandatory currently; however, it is your own decision to use it or not.
• Complete vaccination schedule and biosafety regulations to avoid contagions by COVID-19 and
accomplishment with local regulations.
• Keep protocols for preventing COVID-19: wash your hands, cover your cough and sneeze, and
limit contact with others. We recommend using a mask in public transportation and healthcare
• During your trip, double-check the requirements for leaving your country and entering another
country according to your itinerary.
• Be aware of the local authorities’ measures; we will inform you in advance if these change.

Health Emergencies
• If you have specific medical needs, or are taking any medical treatment, make sure the
medications are legal in Colombia first and add enough provisions for you to have in case you
must stay longer than planned.
• Talk to the embassy/consulate and your doctor (ask for a letter specifying your needs).
• Please report any health issues to the responsible people at the hotel; it is a Profamilia staff
member There will be a hotel room with a medical team from PROFAMILIA for first aid and low-
complexity services.
• All attendees should have an active international healthcare insurance service during the GA.
• Every attendee should be a focal point to support how to use international medical insurance in
their language. Ask IPPF HR and Operations of ACRO representative.

This document is the sole property of IPPF ACRO; it was drafted to distribute and advise colleagues coming into Bogotá, Colombia to attend the
General Assembly on November 2022
Immigration issues
• Hire a travel agency to help the attendees book the flights and permissions/requirements to enter
• Travel logistics plan and start the preparations as soon as possible.
• Pay special attention to requirements for minors; such requirements may take longer and need
authorisation from the parent(s)/legal guardian(s)
• We will share with all attendees the contact information of the local persons responsible for
follow-up needs and local support. Every attendee will receive an Incomer`s booklet before
coming to Colombia; within it, there are a few recommendations.
• I2 Marketing (Meet and Greet and Transportation company) will meet every attendee arriving at
the International Airport in Bogotá.

Arriving to the Immigration point

Sometimes immigration officers need to carry out verifications about your documents or your travels
motivation, so, please do not worry if this happens at your arrival. Be alert, no on panic, if they ask you
information about your motivation you must respond as well. You need an invitation letter to show it to
the officers.

Do not forget, before your trip, to ask your travel representative or IPPF HR Advisor about the
requirements to enter Colombia.

If a person coming to Colombia is detained at the immigration point, they must report immediately to
Anna-Kim Robinson (Head of Operations of Americas and the Caribbean Regional Office), and Jakson
Phillips (Safety and Security Consultant). In the case of an incident please follow the Incident Report
Flowchart for the IPPF General Assembly. (See below). NB: Take the opportunity to politely ask the
immigration officer to contact the IPPF representative because you are coming to attend the IPPF General
Assembly in Bogota.

This document is the sole property of IPPF ACRO; it was drafted to distribute and advise colleagues coming into Bogotá, Colombia to attend the
General Assembly on November 2022

IPPF GA attenders will arrive to El Dorado International Airport from various international destination,
each attendee prior to departure will receive a hard copy of this Prevention and Risk Mitigation Plan.

Attendees coming to Bogotá will be met by the transportation company I2Marketing S.A.S.
representatives, who will wear a uniform with company’s logo and a badge identifying properly
themselves. Please see below:

I2 Marketing Logo Sweater Shirt Badge

Hand Notice will be used by I2 Marketing staff

It is necessary our GA attendees can politely ask for the I2Marketing representatives to show their badge.
The meeting point will be at the Starbuck store, at the public area in the International Airport, after you
crossed the claim baggage and custom area, once there. Additionally, two or three I2 Marketing
representatives will be in the Claim Baggage area, and they can support you as well. See the sketches

1 Exit from the airplane 2 Immigration area 3 Claim baggage area 4 Customs point
5 I2 Marketing staff 6 Starbucks _ Meeting point 7 Parking area

This document is the sole property of IPPF ACRO; it was drafted to distribute and advise colleagues coming into Bogotá, Colombia to attend the
General Assembly on November 2022
The mobilisation will be carried out by drivers of Pilotrans transport company, from the International
Airport to the Grand Hyatt hotel in Bogota, (10 kilometres), among other places trough Bogotá:

Driver Driver Vehicles Identification

International Airport, Grand Hyatt Hotel and IPPF ACRO

Grand Hyatt Hotel

It is located at the Teusaquillo locality, on the 24 A street # 57 – 60, Bogotá, Colombia. It is in the
geographic centre of the city, to the northwest of downtown Bogotá.

Transportation: the locality is served by the following major roads: Avenida Carrera 68, Calle 63, Diagonal
53, Carrera 24, Avenida El Dorado, Avenida NQS, and Avenida Caracas. All these routes are served by
various fleets of private buses (not recommended to use by international visitors) that run throughout the
If you need to arrange travel independently, please use taxi company Viajes Imperials ( ) or ask for the hotel concierge to arrange a taxi.

Safety and Security at the Grand Hyatt Hotel

Grand Hyatt hotel will be responsible for providing the safety and security of personnel during your stay.
The hotels facilities have an integrated security system, this includes video surveillance, fire alarm system,
emergency response, one dedicated Security Manager, three security supervisors, and the service of a

This document is the sole property of IPPF ACRO; it was drafted to distribute and advise colleagues coming into Bogotá, Colombia to attend the
General Assembly on November 2022
private security company as contractor at site, “Tokken Security Company Ltda”. Their security officers
carry out the access control, patrolling, emergency response activities and the operations of the
monitoring and control centre at site.

The hotel has three emergency brigades made up of its own employees, each one has an assignment, and
they are made up as follows:
Emergency brigade - Fire brigade - Evacuation squad

They have a commercial contract with the company Empresa de Medicina Integral (EMI), which carry out
the emergency response of medical service at site, including the MEDEVAC plan.

Control Room in Grand Hyatt Hotel Security Officers TOKEN PSC at the Hotel

Emergencies contact data

Eugenia LOPEZ +57 313 3135212

Anna-Kim ROBINSON +57 313 3135212
Dona DA COSTA +1 868 610 7230
Gabriela MUÑOZ +57 311 3134038
Jakson PHILLIPS +1 321 6559679

Clara ARIAS +57 315 33350477 I2 Marketing

Marta ROYO +57 215 3328571 Profamilia

Camilo MUÑOZ+57 314 334 2298 Profamilia

This document is the sole property of IPPF ACRO; it was drafted to distribute and advise colleagues coming into Bogotá, Colombia to attend the
General Assembly on November 2022

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