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Following are the guidelines for the preparation of 8th Semester Report.

PAPER: Use A4 (210mm X 297mm) Paper.

MARGINS: Margins for pages including the regular text should be as below:

Left : 1.25 Inches

Right : 1.0 Inches

Top : 1.0 Inch

Bottom: 1.0 Inch

CONTENTS: Following should be the order of contents for the report. This order should be

strictly maintained.

I. Cover Page
II. First Page
III. Candidate’s Declaration
IV. Company Certificate
V. College Certificate
VI. Abstract
VII. Acknowledgement
VIII. Table of Contents (Format given at the end)
IX. List of Figures (Format given at the end)
X. List of Tables (Format given at the end)
XI. Chapters 1 to n
XII. Appendix (optional)
XIII. Bibliography


1.0 Introduction
1.1 Project Summary – Key To a good summary is the FIRST sentence, which
MUST contain the most essential information that you wish to convey.
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Objective (It should be measurable)
1.4 Scope (what it can do and can’t do)
1.5 Technology and Literature Review

2.0 Project Management

2.1 Project Planning
2.1.1 Project Development Approach and Justification (Student should cover
nature of project, customer specific requirement on delivery of project)
2.1.2 Project Effort and Time, Cost Estimation (Student should show case in
form of graph what was projected V/S what is followed actually,
whether there is any error in estimation. It’s a learning exercise)
2.1.3 Roles and Responsibilities(If there are three team members, there
should be proper distribution of work.If there are nine GUI and 3 team
members then you should devide number of GUI based on complexity
of GUI.
What is not expected: All work is done by all team members.)
2.1.4 Group Dependencies (Student may include module dependency or GUI
2.2 Project Scheduling (Gantt Chart/PERT/Network Chart) (Same as Estimation:
Projection V/S actual timeline)

3.0 System Requirements Study

3.1 User Characteristics (Type of users who is dealing with the system)
3.2 Hardware and Software Requirements (Development environment and Hosting
environment, minimum requirements to run your system)
3.3 Assumptions and Dependencies

4.0 System Analysis

4.1 Study of Current System

4.2 Problem and Weaknesses of Current System
4.3 Requirements of New System
4.3.1 Functional Requirements
4.3.2 Non Functional Requirements
4.4 Feasibility Study (Students need to answer following questions or questions
suggested by Mentor)
4.4.1 Does the system contribute to the overall objectives of the
4.4.2 Can the system be implemented using the current technology and
within the given cost and schedule constraints?
4.4.3 Can the system be integrated with other systems which are already in
4.5 Activity/Process In New System(Use event table / activity diagram)
Activity Diagram [The purpose of this diagram is to present flow of activities
carried out for single or multiple use cases]

4.6 Features Of New System

For OO Approach (If you are following OO Design)

4.7 Use case diagram
[Use case diagram is one of them and its specific purpose is to gather system
requirements and actors. Use case diagrams specify the events of a system
and their flows. But use case diagram never describes how they are
For further information visit to following links:
(Start reading from purpose of diagram)]

4.8 Class Diagram

[The purpose of class diagram is to model the static view of an application.
Class diagrams are the only diagrams which can be directly mapped with
object-oriented languages and thus widely used at the time of construction
(Start reading from Purpose of Class diagram)]

4.9 Sequence Diagram

[The sequence diagram is used primarily to show the interactions between
objects in the sequential order that those interactions occur. Much like the
class diagram, developers typically think sequence diagrams were meant
exclusively for them.

For Conventional Approach (If you are following Procedural Design)

4.7 Functions of System
4.8 Context Diagram (level-0 DFD)
4.9 Data Flow Diagram (1 and 2 level or higher)
4.10 Data Modeling
4.10.1 ER Diagram
4.10.2 Data Dictionary
4.11 List Main Modules Of New System

4.12 Selection Of Hardware and Software and Justification

5.0 System Design

NOTE : If your criteria does not match with these two design then refer various CASE
Tools for your application and find suitable design. Don’t blindly select these design. Do
find appropriate Design Style suitable to your project work.

For OO Approach (If you are following OO Design)

5.1 System Application Design

5.1.1 Method Pseudo code

5.2 Input/Output and Interface Design

5.2.1 State Transition Diagram which should be drawn for per Object which
is dynamic in nature(optional)
5.2.2 Samples of Forms, Reports and Interface

For Conventional Approach (If you are following Procedural Design)

5.1 System Application Design

5.1.1 Method Pseudo code
5.2 Database Design/Data Structure Design
5.2.1 Mapping of ER Diagrams into Tables
5.2.2 Normalization
5.3 Input/Output and Interface Design
5.3.1 Samples Of Forms, Reports and Interface
5.3.2 Access Control and Security
5.4 System Structural Design (Transformation Of DFD into structural
chart/Hierarchical Charts)

6.0 Implementation Planning

6.1 Implementation Environment (Single vs Multiuser, GUI vs Non GUI)
6.2 Program/Modules Specification
6.3 Security Features
6.4 Coding Standards

7.0 Testing
7.1 Testing Plan
7.2 Testing Strategy
7.3 Test Suites Design Test Cases ( test ID, test condition , expected output , actual output ,
remark )

8.0 Conclusion and Discussion

8.1 Self Analysis of Project Viabilities
8.2 Problem Encountered and Possible Solutions
8.3 Summary of Project work

9.0 Limitation and Future Enhancement


TOP-LEFT CORNER : contains the project id of the student

TOP-RIGHT CORNER : contains the chapter heading


BOTTOM-CENTER : Page number

BOTTOM- RIGHT CORNER : U & P U. Patel Department of Computer Engineering


All pages in the report except the cover pages and dedication page must be numbered. All
the page numbers should be located at the BOTTOM CENTER of the page.

The page numbering starting from candidate’s declaration up to the beginning of the chapters
should be numbered in small roman letters, i.e. i, ii, …

The page numbering starting from the beginning of Chapter 1 up to the end of the report,
should be numbered in Arabic numerals, i.e. 1,2, 3,….


All the text including Tables should be Black prints. However, Graphs and Figures can have
color prints.

Font :
Chapter Headings : Times New Roman 16pts, bold print all capitals
Section Headings : Times New Roman 14 pts, bold print all capitals
Subsection Headings : Times New Roman 12 pts, bold print leading capitals (only first
letter in each word should be capital

Regular Text : Times New Roman 12 pts, normal prints

Special Text : Times New Roman Italics 12 pts (for foot notes, symbols, quotes,
Mathematical notations….)


Use 1.5 spacing between lines of regular text

Use double spacing between:

1. Paragraphs
2. Chapter title and section Heading
3. Section heading and paragraphs
4. Table Title and Table
5. Figure Title and Figure

Use single spacing between:

1. text corresponding to bullets, listing and quotes in the main body of text

All paragraphs in the report are to be fully justified from the first line to the last line and
should start from left without any hyphenation/indent. Text corresponding to bullets, listings
and quotes in the main body of text should be indented.

Section numbering should be left justified using bold print with Arabic numerals and

Section numbering: <Chapter.Section number> <3 blanks> Section heading

Example: 1.1, 2.1

Subsection numbering: <Chapter.Subsectionnumber>

Example: 1.2.1


Numbering for equation if necessary, should be done in the following format:

(Chapter number. Section number. Equation serial number)


Y= mx + b (3.1.1)


Figures should follow immediately after/on immediate next page after they are referred to for
the first time in the text. Figure headings should be given at the bottom of the figure. All the
figures in landscape format must be placed in such a way that their top portions are to the left
side of the page. However, numbering should be at the bottom of the report for landscape
page (similar to the next page). All figures are to be central aligned on the page.

Format for Figure Heading:

Fig. <blank> Chapter number. Figure Serial number <3 blanks> Figure title (center aligned,
leading caps)

Fig 6.13 Typical Component Event


Diagrams larger than A4 size are not encouraged. If larger sizes are absolutely necessary,
they should be folded to A4 size. Each drawing is to be numbered and referred to as Figures
only. Diagram title should be similar to figure titles.

Tables should follow immediately after/on immediate next page after they are referred to for
the first time in the text. Table heading should be given at the top of the table. All the tables
in landscape format must be placed in such a way that their top portions are to the left side of
the page. However, numbering should be at the bottom of the report for landscape page. All
tables are to be central aligned on the page.

Format for Table heading:

Table <blank> Chapter number. Table Serial number <3 blanks> Table Title (center aligned,
leading caps)


Table 6.13 Comparison of methods


All the references cited inside the text should be documented under the heading
“REFERENCES”. All the references must be informative (It should give at least one
paragraph description of the book/material referred).


Single Author:

Aloysius J. A. (1998) Data Analysis for Management, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New

Note : Arrange references in alphabetical order and number them in that order.


Candidate should include the environment and support provided by the respective company,
co-operation of the people. Please mention if the job has been offered.


The report should Hard Bounded.


The student/group must submit (no of student) + 2 college copies

Ex. Assume that there are 2 students in a group.

No. of copies will be: 4
One personal copy of each individual candidate (=2)
Two copies to the college.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 How to apply...............................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction to Topic............................................................................................2
1.1.1 How to do ......................................................................................................3
1.1.1 How to do ......................................................................................................3
1.1.1 How to do ......................................................................................................4
1.2 Introduction to Topic............................................................................................4
1.3 Introduction to Topic............................................................................................5
1.4 Introduction to Topic............................................................................................6
Chapter 2 Motivation of Research..............................................................................8
2.1 Introduction to Topic............................................................................................9
2.1.1 How to do ....................................................................................................10
Chapter 3 Game Theory............................................................................................11
3.1 Introduction to Topic..........................................................................................14
3.1.1 How to do ....................................................................................................16
3.2 Introduction to Topic..........................................................................................17
List of Figures

Fig 1.1 My first C program............................................................................................2

Fig 1.2 My second C program........................................................................................5
Fig 2.1 My first C program..........................................................................................12
Fig 2.2 My second C program......................................................................................15
Fig 2.3 My first C program..........................................................................................22
Fig 2.4 My second C program......................................................................................25
Fig 3.1 My first C program..........................................................................................32
Fig 4.1 My second C program......................................................................................35
Fig 4.2 My first C program..........................................................................................42
Fig 4.3 My second C program......................................................................................43
List of Tables

Table 1.1 My first C program.........................................................................................2

Table 1.2 My second C program....................................................................................5
Table 2.1 My first C program.......................................................................................12
Table 2.2 My second C program..................................................................................15
Table 2.3 My first C program.......................................................................................22
Table 2.4 My second C program..................................................................................25
Table 3.1 My first C program.......................................................................................32
Table 4.1 My second C program..................................................................................35
Table 4.2 My first C program.......................................................................................42
Table 4.3 My second C program..................................................................................43
ALU Arithmetical & Logical Unit

SDLC Software Development Life Cycle

 Symbolic Speed

 Efficiency

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