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Delhi Public School Patna East

Under the aegis of Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi

The future of education

in Patna
V. K. Shunglu Shree B. K. Chaturvedi
Chairman Vice-Chairman
Delhi Public School Society Delhi Public School Society

M I S S I O N Welcome to the


» To strengthen a culture of academic excellence. The meaning of education for each progressive generation assumes different dimensions
based upon the infusion of new pedagogical innovations and newer methodologies and
technologies. Therein lies the mantra of success of The Delhi Public School Society, which
» To strengthen student personalities with character building, is today one of the most respected entities in the K-12 sector, not only in India, but the entire
team working, physical development and a sense of globe.

leadership. What started as a humble school in 1949 from the Presidential Estate, has over seven
decades grown into a family of over 207 member schools spread across the length and
» To instill a sense of nationalism and communal harmony. breadth of our country and in other Asian and African countries.

One of the greatest strength of the DPS family is the vast pool of talent and experience that
» To inculcate a sensitivity to the concerns of the environment.
comes as a natural legacy to each new school that is established under the aegis of DPSS.
This rich learning experience and the deep insight gets passed-on by default and immensely
» To help students advance technologically without benefits the nascent schools in hitting the ground running—a situation that benefits all the
compromising rich values and our cultural heritage. stakeholders.

Delhi Public School Patna East comes with that same lineage and shares the mission and
» To prepare students for advanced academic study. vision of the Delhi Public School Society. Additionally, coming up on a 16-acre campus, it will
emerge as one of the largest among the DPS fraternity.

DPSS extends the best wishes to all prospective parents who are desirous of providing a
truly world-class learning environment to their wards that is immersive and experiential,
that imbues Indian ethos and values, that sensitizes to the growing global environmental
concerns and that which will groom them to assume the role of global leaders of tomorrow.
Citadel of learning and a harbinger
of quality consciousness

A Strong Foundation Built on Values, A campus designed for educational excellence

Traditions and Relationships amidst verdant greenery

For almost seven decades now, the DPS Society has developed with a spirit and a vision.
Today it stands as a citadel of learning and a harbinger of quality consciousness, committed
to developing the minds and initiatives of children. The vitality of the classrooms, the energy
of the playing fields and the open friendliness of the work environment, have enabled
DPS students to reach their fullest potential–whether in securing distinctions in the board
examinations or winning national and international accolades in drama, debates or sports.
Outstanding board results and securing enviable positions in the entrance tests to various
professional colleges and institutes of international repute are the accepted identity of a DPS

Innovation is fundamental to DPS learning programmes and its faculty has endeavored to
revolutionize in terms of ideas and practices, to match the demands of twenty-first century
educational trends and global associations. The primary focus is on meaningful and joyful
learning. Academia from the country and abroad, meet to exchange and partake of diverse
cultural and intellectual experiences.

Educational programmes evolve from the felt needs, incorporating contextual issues and
challenges. Activities and events related to value education, environment, health education,
games and sports, visual and performing arts, culture and heritage, international experience
sharing, personality development etc., are effectively woven into the main fabric of school

The schools of the DPS Society A Huge 16-Acre Campus

are centres where: Delhi Public School Patna East, coming-up towards the east of the city, will be an
» The aim is to preserve and enhance the highest standards of excellence and prepare architectural marvel. A micro-city in itself, the sprawling 16-acre campus, has been designed
generations for the 21st century. to enable and foster natural learning. Apart from housing the academic and other essential
» DPS students are helped to master the expanding horizons of technology as also become blocks, acres of open green area with soothing water bodies, landscaped flora and
the repository of a deep commitment to Indian ethos and culture in its pristine form. international standard sport complexes will enthuse both the body and the mind.
» DPS students are equipped to access the best opportunities of growth and
Separate Administrative Building, visitors’ parking and bus bays have been strategically
advancement by being prepared linguistically and culturally for them. The concept of
located so as not to disturb the teaching-learning process.
enlightened citizens of the world will be the backdrop of all their endeavours.
» DPS Students are carefully sensitized to environmental concerns, the feeling of Several activity area, open air auditorium, amphitheatre, and motor skill development tools
nationalism and communal harmony. will afford students opportunities to hone their locomotor skills. These are the nooks and
» Everyone understands the contemporary challenges of education and commit to crannies that nurture bonds of camaraderie and friendships that last a lifetime and help in
fulfilling collective responsibilities towards children in the country. creating the future alumna and alumnus for a school.
to Nurture the Body,
Mind and Spirit

The Junior Block

A thoughtfully planned space, keeping the needs of growing young DPS Patna East follows the syllabus as prescribed by the CBSE. It is our constant endeavour
children in mind, every minute detail has been given importance. to direct each child to become a motivated lifelong learner by experiencing the joy of
Age-appropriate furniture, glare-free ambient lighting, centrally discovery and the ownership of results. Our curriculum has been structured to ensure that
air-conditioned classrooms and a pleasing colour pallet will work in knowledge is imparted through a combination of resources and techniques, thus making the
tandem to keep the little ones happy and energetic. The Junior Block learning process exciting and easy to comprehend.
will house children from Pre-Nursery to Class III.

Key Focus – Information Technology (IT)

The Senior Block
IT plays an important role in providing a modern environment for children to learn
After Class III children graduate to the Senior Wing. Classes IV to and grow. A network of computers on campus ensures that benefits of this is
XII will be held in this block. Apart from air-conditioned classrooms, accessible to every individual on the campus. For the younger students we
students will find here separate subject-oriented activity rooms with have created a special ‘i-Pad Lab’. Apart from learning basic computing
appropriate apparatus to promote hands-on experiential learning. skills, i-Pads are used to enhance the students visual perception of
geometrical shapes, cognitive skills and language. Smart Classrooms
As students graduate to more formal learning with higher level of with Smart Boards will further augment the learning process.
pure sciences in their syllabus, they will get access to elaborate
and safe laboratories for pursuing and unraveling the mysteries of
Evaluation – To Strengthen Every
Child’s Learning Curve
The Sports Complex An important area where DPS Patna East differs from other schools
is in its evaluation methodology. Till Class II the focus is on the growth
To hone students’ prowess at outdoor and indoor and development of the overall personality of each child. From
sports, international level tennis, basketball, soccer and Class III onwards formal evaluation provides feedback to parents.
cricketing facilities will be provided. Athletic tracks along Assignments are given on a regular basis keeping in mind the
with other free-form sports will be academic requirements. Every child is also closely observed
promoted. Sporting-activity will and monitored for extra-curricular abilities. Parent–teacher
form an integral part of the meetings provide an opportunity to discuss each
curriculum for promotion child’s development.
of teamwork, high ethical
standards of sportsmanship
and healthy competitiveness.
Waiting to be Explored Between the Child, Teacher, Parent and the Community
At DPS Patna East, we encourage each and every Dipsite to
A COMPREHENSIVE TRINITY To ensure the success of the journey which begins in the
participate in cultural, literary and social activities on and off campus.
classroom and goes beyond its boundaries into the real world, an unstinting participation
Activity periods built into the curriculum open avenues of exploration
of all stakeholders in the DPS learning process is obligatory. The students, teachers and
and pursuit of hobbies. Our comprehensive sports complex encourages
parents need to work in tandem so that concepts and values that we all hold dear are
participation in various indoor and outdoor activities fostering team spirit, loyalty
effectively imbibed and reinforced. We wholeheartedly embrace the participation of parents
and unity – essential components of the learning process.
in the education of their children.

THE TEACHER-CHILD BOND The relationship between a teacher and your child is the
Comprehensive Sports Facilities very basis of the child’s security and happiness in school. In this relationship, the child is
allowed to relax and express his/her views. The teacher responds and guides the child,
The Sports complex at DPS Patna East will comprise indoor and outdoor
constantly focusing on his/her strengths and special needs and also bearing in mind the
sports facilities and an Olympic-size temperature controlled swimming
child’s learning curve.
pool complex of international standard. Qualified instructors and coaches
will train the students in specific sports depending upon their interests and

Outdoor sports facilities comprise football and cricket grounds; basketball and
volleyball courts too. Athletics also is a part of the overall development of your
child. There is indoor sports areas for games such as table tennis, badminton, etc.,
and activity areas for yoga, chess, carrom, etc.

Cultural Activities
Dance, music, art and craft give every child an opportunity to showcase his/her
talent and skills.

Literary Activities
Theatre holds a very special place in the learning process at DPS Patna East. We hold
creative writing and story telling sessions so that children can expand their creative
horizons and ignite their imagination. Debates, quizzes, elocution and general knowledge
competitions are also held to bring out the best in your child.

Avenues for Exploration of Hobbies

During hobby classes. all students of the School pursue their own interests through different
clubs set up for activities ranging from yoga to technology and from fine arts to literary

Excursions and Off-Campus Projects

Outings, picnics and excursions form an integral part of the learning process at DPS Patna
East. Students participate and engage in a variety of environmental and scientific projects
related to their study area.

SCHOOL-PARENT PARTNERSHIP The DPS education, is a close partnership between home

and school. There are a variety of productive ways in which parents are encouraged to
associate with the School in providing for the best possible education of their children –
volunteering either on a regular basis or just occasionally by helping in a classroom; joining
with other parents to organise and participate in School events.

Parent-Teacher communication receives emphasis in an effort to strengthen the bridge

between students, teachers and parents. Parents are encouraged to participate in orientation
programs and build meaningful relationships with teachers, thereby taking active part in their
child’s learning activities.

The School portal will provide the forum for teachers and parents to share insights about the
child’s learning experience and performance. Inputs will be provided to parents on nurturing
skills, guiding homework and general parenting.
» Lush green, pollution-free environment
CONTRIBUTING CITIZENS Formal education is of little importance unless it contributes to a
better life for the community at large. Every Dipsite is proud to lend his/her hand in creating » Sprawling 16.5 acre campus (making it one of the largest Delhi Public
a better environment in and out of school. Children at DPS Patna East will be introduced to Schools in India)
environmental issues like conservation of water and electricity, planting trees and saying ‘no
» Highly experienced and competent Faculty
to crackers’. The students are also encouraged to improve community living through various
projects such as sanitation drives and vocational programmes. » Usage of ‘English’ as the Global Lingua Franca
» State-of-the-art Infrastructure (Air-conditioned campus)
» Air-conditioned Hostel (separate for ‘Boys’ and ‘Girls’)
» Sports ground of international standards (for Football, Cricket, Basketball,
Tennis & much more)
» Special emphasis on ‘Indoor Sports’ & ‘Personality Grooming’
» Most advanced aquatic centre for water-based sports
» Open air amphitheatre for dramatics and cultural rehearsals
» Well-equipped digitized library with vast collection of books & periodicals
» Expert coaching for all types of competitive examination (IIT-JEE, NEET,
Olympiad, NTSE, KVPY etc)
» Ideal Teacher-student ratio nurturing the innate potential of every child
» Technology driven,innovative teaching pedagogy
» GPS and camera enabled air-conditioned buses
» A safe and secure environment for the 21st century learners with CCTV
cameras under centralized surveillance
(Boarding starts from Class V onwards)

The Boarding House at Delhi Public School Patna (East) is a fine blend of
comfort and safety where structures and open spaces merge beautifully
to create a vibrant environment for congenial coexistence. Boarders at DPS
Patna (East) would find the school campus an extension of their home; a place
where learning takes place in a caring and safe environment under the care
of experienced pastoral staff. Sense of responsibility, religious tolerance,
organization skills and patience is inculcated in students at DPS Patna (East)
Boarding. Staying with pupils from diverse backgrounds and cultures, students
at boarding develop a better understanding of global issues.

Parents always face the dilemma of making special arrangements for their
young ones to be under the watchful eyes of trustworthy people. We at Delhi
Public School Patna (East) can be the perfect destination for your young
champions as we strive to create a safe heaven for them. Working parents need
not undergo the aberration of making such arrangements as we promise to
take care of the apple of your eye under the care and charge of experienced
caretakers at DPS Patna (East). Let our team of experts identify and nurture your
child’s latent talent in Sports, Music, Art and much more!

The concept of Weekly Boarding is for those who would like to see a balance
between life at home and school. The weekly Boarders get through a
structured routine which help them to not only develop time management
and organization skills but also get the enrichment support from our able and
experienced in house faculty. Students through weekly boarding facility save
their travel time during the weekdays. They can reap the benefits of structured
routine at boarding and comforts of home over the weekends. The 24x7
professionals believe the concept works well for them as well as their children.
While the children get a well-rounded education, parents, who are usually
unable to spend quality time with them, get to do so over the weekend.
IIT, IIM or IAS? Stimulating
The first school in Patna offering
Equestrian facility for students
The Grooming Starts From Grade I Invigorating

» Air conditioned buses with pick and drop at all central points of Patna
» Perfect balance of Academics, Co-curricular Activities, Extra-curricular Activities and
» Field Trips & Excursions at regular intervals
» Option to study foreign language
» Healthy and hygienic food in the school campus
» Special Assemblies and Mega events
» Career guidance by renowned experts from various walks of life


» Lush green, pollution-free environment spread across 16.5 Acres
» Fully air-conditioned hostel (separate for ‘boys’ and ‘girls’)
» Provision for Day Boarding and Weekend Boarding
» Highly experienced and competent faculty, hostel wardens & group tutors
» Usage of English as the global lingua franca
» Technology augmented teaching (advanced learning through smart classes)
» Excellent healthcare facility
» Special focus on training for competitive exams by experts–IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE,
» Balanced, nutritious diet under expert supervision


Nurturing The Creators Of Tomorrow!
Delhi Public School Patna East
Under the aegis of Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi
Admin. Office
First Floor, Kashi Place, New Dak Bungalow Road, Patna 800 001.
Phone: +91-62870 82222 / 83333 / 84444

Main Campus (From April 2021)

NH-31, Daulatpur AIMA, Patna

[email protected]

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