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Institute of Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai.
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2 Marks Questions with Answers & Question Bank CS8078– GREEN COMPUTING Page 1
Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Green IT Fundamentals: Business, IT, and the Environment – Green computing: carbon foot print, scoop on
power – Green IT Strategies: Drivers, Dimensions, and Goals – Environmentally Responsible Business:
Policies, Practices, and Metrics.


Green Assets: Buildings, Data Centers, Networks, and Devices – Green Business Process Management:
Modeling, Optimization, and Collaboration – Green Enterprise Architecture – Environmental Intelligence –
Green Supply Chains – Green Information Systems: Design and Development Models.


Virtualization of IT systems – Role of electric utilities, Telecommuting, teleconferencing and teleporting –
Materials recycling – Best ways for Green PC – Green Data center – Green Grid framework.


Socio-cultural aspects of Green IT – Green Enterprise Transformation Roadmap –Green Compliance:
Protocols, Standards, and Audits – Emergent Carbon Issues: Technologies and Future.


The Environmentally Responsible Business Strategies (ERBS) – Case Study Scenarios for Trial Runs – Case
Studies – Applying Green IT Strategies and Applications to a Home, Hospital, Packaging Industry and
Telecom Sector.

2 Marks Questions with Answers & Question Bank CS8078– GREEN COMPUTING Page 2
Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering


1 Define Green computing.

Green computing, also known as green technology, is the use of computers and other
computing devices and equipment in energy-efficient and eco-friendly ways. Organizations that use
green computing methods often deploy energy-efficient central processing units (CPUs), servers,
peripherals and power systems. They also focus on reducing resource use and properly disposing of
physical and electronic waste (e-waste).
2 What are the 3Rs of Green IT?
Reduce, Recycle, Reuse
REDUCE: The best way to manage waste is to not produce it. This can be done by shopping carefully
and being aware of a few guidelines.
REUSE: It makes economic and environmental sense to reuse products. Sometimes it takes
RECYCLE: Recycling is a series of steps that takes a used material and processes, remanufactures,
and sells it as a new product. Begin recycling at home and at work
3 Distinguish between AI and BI.
Artificial intelligence involves Business intelligence involves intelligent decision-
humans like computer intelligence. making.
It is mainly used in robotics, image It is used in data extraction and data warehousing
2 recognition, virtual gaming, fuzzy techniques.
logic, etc.
It uses the BFS (Breadth First It uses the linear aggression module for classifying
3 Search algorithm) and follows the data.
FIFO principle.
It deals with the principles of It deals with machine learning and deep learning
statistical analysis. algorithms.
4 What the major factors that contribute to carbon emissions in anorganization?
 The most important factors include economic growth, industrialization, urbanization,
technology progress, foreign direct investment, and energy consumption.
 Most of the existing studies are based on OLS framework to explore the relation between
carbon emissions and related factors
5 Point out the specific ways in which a comprehensive Green IT strategy is benefits an
 Reduce Environmental Impact and Landfill Waste. ...
 Reuse
 Recycle
 Cost and Energy Savings
 Brand Reputation
 Customer Attraction and Retention
 Improved Culture
6 Give the Major IT Area Influencing Environment
 Technology- Technological factors include production techniques, information and
communication resources, production, logistics, marketing, and e-commerce technologies.
 Competition, Resources, Consumers, And Laws And Regulations

2 Marks Questions with Answers & Question Bank CS8078– GREEN COMPUTING Page 3
7 What is ERBS?
 ERBS (Environmentally Responsible Business Strategies). Focus on to achieve a green
Enterprise and meet the needs of various stake holders.
The ERBS is made up of five phases:
 Green Business architecture
 Green Process mapping
 Creation of organization specific ERBS
 Implement reengineered processes and employ ERBS
 5) Improve continuously to monetize emissions
8 List four encompassing layers of a comprehensive Green ITvision of an enterprise
 Business
 Applications
 Information
 Technology

9 Classify the challenges of low carbon Economy.

Challenges/ Low carbon technologies
Nuclear Renewable Energy
Concerns in Fossil Fuel sector
Energy efficiency Concerns on Awareness, Public
Public measures need to be radiation and waste participation is
Perception promoted, costly management critical
Energy efficiency Domestic nuclear Implementation of
Institutional measures are fragmented, energy sector low tech programs,
Factors need to be strengthened management Need for better R&D,
capacity building
Availability of low cost Dependency on Lack of availability of
Technological tech, For Industrial external technology low cost technologies
Factors Applications suited to local
10 Define Carbon foot print.
A carbon footprint refers to the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas
emissions generated by human activity. It is also one of the primary indicators used to understand
one's impact on global warming.
11 Illustrate the concepts of Business intelligence.
Business intelligence concepts refer to the usage of digital computing technologies in the
form of data warehouses, analytics and visualization with the aim of identifying and analyzing
essential business-based data to generate new, actionable corporate insights.
12 Compare environmental practices that can be incorporated ingreen organization.
Be Intentional About Sustainability, Partner with Employees, Water And Electric
Conservation, Supply Chains, Develop a Recycling Program ,Chemical Management
Purchase Only Energy Efficient Products, Develop Sustainability Work Policies

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13 Describe the impact of BI to EI
Employees with Business Intelligence dashboards have all the important information they
need at their fingertips. Focusing on important tasks makes the employees more efficient and feel
more fulfilled.
14 Give elements of an ERBS forming the Green Strategies Mix
 Corporate goals
 Objectives
 Strategies
 Tactics
 Market and Consumer target audience
15 Illustrate the Drivers for environmental responsibility of business
 Comply with environmental legislation
 Hazardous substances covered by environmental legislation
 Waste and recycling
 Conservation and biodiversity issues for businesses
 Prevent and remedy pollution incidents
16 What are the Steps in developing an ERBS?
 Green Business architecture
 Green Process mapping
 Creation of organization specific ERBS
 Implement reengineered processes and employ ERBS
 Improve continuously to monetize emissions
17 Generalize about Green organizational goals to be achieved
 Do more
 Improve environmental monitoring and analysis
 Create clear methodologies for sustainable development indicators
 Improve national statistical systems
 Make data more accessible
 Focus on local and regional contexts
18 Evaluate about Lean Impact on Green .
The statistical analysis also showed that lean environmental practices and green practices are
positively associated. The research showed that lean and green has also a positive impact on the
logistics processes of companies.
19 Generalize your views about Environmentally responsiblebusiness policies.
One of the most fundamental problems of the world we live in is environmental pollution.
Namely, different environmental problems such as acid rain, contamination of agricultural foods,
GMO products, pollution of drinking water, and global warming problems endanger the lives of both
people and all living things. Since the environment is the interaction of all living organisms with air,
water, and soil, problems in the environment can naturally create different risks in the lives of living
20 Define green sustainable policy.
A Green Policy is your company's statement about the commitment to sustainability and
environmental management that your business is prepared to make. Having a formal green policy
shows your employees and customers that managing environmental issues is a high priority for your

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21 What is included in a green computing strategy?
 IT managers typically focus energy efficiency efforts on data centers, equipment rooms,
storage areas and other elements that use energy or are affected by energy use.
 Saving money is one driving factor.
 Government regulations dealing with energy conservation also drive green efforts. Concern
about climate change, along with internal and external pressure to be environmentally
responsible, is a third factor behind the green movement.
22 List the steps involved in green computing strategies.
 Remote work
 Smart technology
 Upgrade and rearrange the data center
 Power down
 Strategic scheduling
 Display selection
 Computer selection
 Power management
 Temperature check
 E-waste
23 Define Green IT?
 Green IT is the study of using computing resources effectively. It includes,
 Environmental sustainability
 Energy Efficiency
 Cost of Ownership (making, disposal)
24 Define Carbon Foot Print?
A Carbon Foot Print is the amount of greenhouse gases and specifically carbon dioxide emitted by
something during a given period.
25 What is the information required for measuring the carbon foot print?
 Facilities
 Operations
 Transportation
 Travel
 Purchases
26 List out the need for Carbon Footprint?
 Helping company to improve its efficiencies.
 Reducing Costs.
 Getting public Recognition.
 Maintain link in the supply chain. Good impact on customer.
27 What are the categories of Green IT Drivers?
 Costs
 Regulatory and legal
 Socio cultural and Political , New market Opportunities
 Enlightened self-interest, A responsible business eco-system

2 Marks Questions with Answers & Question Bank CS8078– GREEN COMPUTING Page 6
28 List out the most significant constituents of GHG’s?
 Carbon dioxide (CO2)
 Methane
 Nitrous Oxide
 Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) gases
29 What are the business dimensions of Green IT?
 Economy
 Technical
 Process
 People
30 What is the purpose of an organization to go green?
 Increasing energy consumption
 Growing consumer interest in environmentally friendly goods and services.
 Higher expectations by the public on enterprises.
 Environmental responsibilities and emerging stricter regulatory and compliance
1. Define Green Assets.
Anything that has social, environmental and or economic value that is owned by an individual,
business, family or community. It includes intangible, non-physical assets, resources and rights.
2. Illustrate the type of assets.
 Establish (Procure)
 Operate (Run)
 Dispose (Demolish)
3. “The role of green mobile”- Justify.
 A green mobile application will save the battery of the mobile phone while enabling the user to
benefit from the great features and good performance
 The important contributions of this work are as follows: Provide awareness to the youth on the
importance of green computing.
 Green Mobile is a virtual network service powered by Resource Utilities, a UK licensed
telecommunications company specialising in fundraising for charities through innovative
affinity schemes
4. Discover what is Green Data Centers
 A green data center is a repository for the storage, management and dissemination of data in
which the mechanical, lighting, electrical and computer systems are designed to maximize
energy efficiency and minimize environmental impact.
5. Define Carbon Emitting Bit.
A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and
methane) that are generated by our actions. The average carbon footprint for a person in the United
States is 16 tons, one of the highest rates in the world. Globally, the average carbon footprint is closer
to 4 tons.
6. Analyze the factors influencing Green data center.
 Green Data Centers are responsible for the efficient use of computing resources in an eco-
friendly manner
1) PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness)
2) Knowledge of Data Center Power Usage Effectiveness
3) Supply Air Temperature in Data

2 Marks Questions with Answers & Question Bank CS8078– GREEN COMPUTING Page 7
7. Generalize your view on Tools used for measuring carbonemissions.
Carbon stocks can be estimated by applying carbon density values from ground data or
national forest inventories across land cover/vegetation maps obtained by remotely-sensed data.
Spatial vegetation information from optical satellite sensors can be related to ground-based
measurements to estimate carbon stocks
 Text-Based Documents
 Online Calculators
8. Summarize the list of Green Process Categories
 Wastewater treatment
 Elimination of industrial emissions
 Recycling and waste management
 Self-sufficient buildings
 Waste-to-Energy
 Generation of energy from the waves
 Vehicles that do not emit gases
 Harnessing solar energy
 Vertical gardens and farms
 Natural gas boilers
9. Analyze the concepts Green business process management.
Green BPM is to analyze business processes with the goal of making them more sustainable.
Therefore, the Green BPM seeks to:
 Verify the resources and supplies being used in each activity, and analyze how they may be
harming the environment
 Analyze the activities of a process to evaluate how each of them can be improved in terms of
10. Interpret the factors of Green BPM.
 Strategic Alignment
 Governance
 Methods
 Information Technology
 People
 Culture
11. Distinguish between coupling and cohesion.
Cohesion is the concept of intra- Coupling is the concept of inter-module.
Cohesion represents the relationship Coupling represents the relationships between
within a module. modules.
Increasing cohesion is good for Increasing coupling is avoided for software.
Cohesion represents the functional Coupling represents the independence among
strength of modules. modules.
12. When to use Patterns?
Patterns make our task simpler. Problems are easier to solve when they share patterns,
because we can use the same problem-solving solution wherever the pattern exists. The more
patterns we can find, the easier and quicker our overall task of problem solving will be.

2 Marks Questions with Answers & Question Bank CS8078– GREEN COMPUTING Page 8
13. Analyze Green Enterprise Architecture.

14. Define Enterprise architecture (EA).

15. Generalize the concepts of responsibility. What are the various types of responsibilities?
 Responsibility refers to an obligation to perform certain functions in order to achieve certain
 The main characteristics or features of responsibility:
 An organization can assign responsibility to human beings only and not to any non-living
objects such as a machine, equipment, etc.
 Responsibility can be divided into self and social accountability.
 The division can be classified further into several categories; these categories can be in the
forms of individual responsibility, parental responsibility, social cooperate responsibility, and
environmental responsibility.
16. Discuss the benefits VPN.
VPN -virtual private network :
Privacy — by masking things like your IP address, location, and search history, to keep them from being
tracked by websites, internet browsers, cable companies, internet service providers (ISPs), and others.
Security — by helping protect your personal information and other data as it’s in transit, or being sent
from and received by your device.
17. Define Green information system(GIS)
 A GIS (or a CEMS (Carbon Emission Management Software) or EIS(Environmental Intelligence
System)) is a software system that provides support to the business to implement its
environment responsible business strategies (ERBS).
 It has processes and applications that help analyze that data, identify the trends, and, eventually,
it has interfaces that present, report, and interact (and collaborate) with other external sources
of carbon services and data

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18. What is Regulatory Standards Portal(RSP)
 RSP is a large portal that will be maintained by the government agency responsible for emission
control within a country or region.
 The RSP will have to have detailed and continuously updated information on the pollutant
categories that are producing the carbon emission
19. Give the Major phases in GIS
The five steps in the analysis process are:
 Frame the question.
 Explore and prepare data.
 Choose analysis methods and tools.
 Perform the analysis.
 Examine and refine results.
20. Illustrate SCM
Supply chain management is the management of the flow of goods and services and includes all
processes that transform raw materials into final products.
21 What are the three activities of Green assets?
• Establish (Procure)
• Operate (Run)
• Dispose (Demolish)
22 Which are the key elements of Green Data Center?
 Minimizing the footprints of the buildings.
 Sustainable landscaping.
 Waste recycling.
 The use of low-emission building materials carpets and paints.
 The use of hybrid or electric company vehicles
23 Define Green Communication?
Green Communication is the practice of selecting energy efficient communications and
networking technologies and products, minimizing resource used whenever possible in all
branches of communication
24 What is a mobile network in communication?
Mobile communication networks are a type of telecommunications networks with a collection of
terminals, entities and nodes connected to each other through links that enable telecommunication
between the users of the terminals.
25 Define green reengineering?
 A green reengineering framework is proposed that establishes a research agenda in the green.
It improves business domain from the information systems, management perspective
26 Write some of the uses of reengineering?
• Business process reengineering improves quality by reducing the fragmentation of work and
establishing clear ownership of processes.
• The workers gain responsibility to their output and can measure their performance based on
prompt feedback.
27 What are the categories of green processes?
• Individual
• Organizational
• Collaborative

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28 Define enterprise?
An enterprise is a high-level, strategic view of the organization and ―architecture‖ implies a
structural frame for the analysis, planning and development of resources
29 List the categories of requirements?
 Green Business Architecture
 Green Information Architecture
 Green solution Architecture
 Green Enterprise Architecture
30 Define Local Area Networks (LAN)?
The local networks of the organization that are made up of the physical connections among the
machines and primarily the data center.
31 Define WAN?
The Wide Area Networks of an organization enables communication amongst its desktop and
laptop machines with and beyond its data center


1. Define Virtualization.
Virtualization is the creation of a virtual version of something, such as an operating system (OS), a
server, a storage device or network resources. Virtualization uses software that simulates hardware
functionality to create a virtual system.
2. List out the types of virtualization.
 Application Virtualization.
 Network Virtualization.
 Desktop Virtualization.
 Storage Virtualization.
 Server Virtualization.
3. Express benefits of telecommuting offered to individuals and businesses.
 Better work-life balance.
 Increased flexibility.
 Reduced operational costs.
 Reduced expenses for employees.
 Security concerns.
4. Define Telecommuting
Telecommuting is the ability for an employee to complete work assignments from outside the
traditional workplace by using telecommunications tools such as email, phone, chat and video apps.
5. Express three tips to go Green with your PC
 Check your power management settings.
 Make your next PC an EPEAT PC
 Refurb, Reuse, Recycle
6. IllustratetheSomeofthebigchallengesyou’relikelytoencounterasyoubegintotelecommute
 Difficult communication
 Poor relationships
 Overwhelming schedule
 Loss of culture.
 Loneliness

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7. Define Environmental Product Environment Assessment
EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) is a ranking system that helps
purchasers in the public and private sectors evaluate, compare and select desktop computers,
notebooks and monitors based on their environmental attributes.
8. List out the benefits of Virtualization?
 Server Consolidation
 Energy consumption
 Better availability
 Disaster recovery
9. Compare virtualization techniques

10. Illustrate Formula for data center infrastructure efficiency(DCiE)

DCIE is the reciprocal of Power Usage Efficiency (PUE). PUE is defined as the total facility power divided
by the IT equipment power. That means that DCiE = 1/PUE.
11. Give the Advantages of using green PC.
 Green computing can save energy.
 Green computing can save money in the long run.
 More sophisticated recycling processes.
 Waste reduction.
 Reduction of the resource depletion problem.
 Less pollution.
12. Comparison between Server virtualization and application virtualization.
Server Virtualization Application Virtualization
Offers greater flexibility to virtual infrastructure A lesser level of flexibility in comparison
Maintenance of applications is difficult Allows easier maintenance of applications
Cost can be a concern depending on the use case Cost-effective solution
Access and authentication management is Access and authentication management is
comparatively difficult comparatively easier

2 Marks Questions with Answers & Question Bank CS8078– GREEN COMPUTING Page 12
13. Analyze the Benefits of Green datacenter.
 Improved Energy Efficiencies
 Increased Productivity
 Cost Reductions
 Storage Consolidation
 Enhanced Security, Mitigated Risk
14. Generalize the concept of energy usage in datacenter
Data centers that support businesses, internet services and our social media lives use lots of
energy. Global data centre electricity use in 2020 was 200-250 TWh, and data transmission networks
consumed 260-340 TWh in 2020
15. Differentiate Telecommuting and Teleconferencing
Telecommuting Teleconferencing
Telecommuting offer a straightforward Teleconferencing offers more options to
interface to its users to respond the calls reduce distractions to its users
the quality of performance of the quality of performance of
telecommuting software is much better teleconferencing software is not better
than teleconferencing than telecommuting
Cost is more Cost is less
Greater productivity Lesser productivity
16. Analyze the concepts of Power usage Efficiency(PUE)
Power usage effectiveness (PUE) is a metric used to determine the energy efficiency of a data center.
PUE is determined by dividing the total amount of power entering a data center by the power used to run
the IT equipment within it.
17. Summarize the Special virtualization features of IBM systems
 Resource efficiency
 Easier management
 Minimal downtime
 Faster provisioning
18. Define Green grid.
The Green Grid is a nonprofit, industry consortium of end-users, policy-makers, technology
providers, facility architects, and utility companies collaborating to improve the resource efficiency of
data centers
19. Illustrate the concepts Green grid framework.
The Green Grid is a nonprofit, open industry consortium consisting of end users, policymakers,
technology providers, facility architects and utility companies. It is a joint collaboration that aims to
improve the energy efficiency of data centers and business computing systems.
20. When to use material recycling?
 Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators
 Conserves natural resources such as timber, water and minerals
 Increases economic security by tapping a domestic source of materials
 Prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect new raw materials
 Saves energy
21 What is the role of hypervisor?
The hypervisor isolates operating systems and applications from the underlying computer
hardware so the host machine can run multiple virtual machines (VM) as guests that share the system's
physical compute resources, such as processor cycles, memory space, network bandwidth and so on.
22 What are the basic concepts of consolidation and virtualization?
• Leveraging existing IT Assets like Servers, Storage and Network resources.
• Increasing the efficiency of IT Professionals through centralized simplified management.
• Improving Availability and Ensuring Business Continuity.
• Defeat Data Center sprawl and Infrastructure underutilization.
23 What are the benefits in consolidating servers?
 Decrease in cooling and electrical costs
 Reduction in server load growth and data center expansion
2 Marks Questions with Answers & Question Bank CS8078– GREEN COMPUTING Page 13
 Reduction in warranty and licensing costs
 Purchasing power of commodity hardware as opposed to specialized hardware
 Business agility with the ability to leverage cloud and shared infrastructure
24 Define the term recycling?
Recycling is one of the most efficient ways to combat e-waste problem. Also, recycling helps in
bringing down the greenhouse gas emissions caused by the manufacturing of new products.
25 Define the role of Grid Computing?
The core aim of grid computing was to integrate disparate resources across organizational domains
into what became termed virtual organizations. For example, a database server in one domain may be
integrated with a networked cluster in another domain, to form a powerful data analytics platform.


1 Define green IT’s social impact.

It will reduce the overall cost for total consumption of energy and enhance revenue in long term. It
will save the sufficient energy cost of cloud data centres. It will minimize the impact of carbon dioxide
2 Define evolving green HR.
Green HR is when the field of HR focuses on expanding its role to support the organisation in the
pursuit of sustainability. In green HR, HRM policies are used to stimulate and support the sustainable
use of resources and preserve the natural environment.
3 Illustrate the role-based view of green it.
Green IT aims to minimize the negative impact of IT operations on the environment by designing,
manufacturing, operating and disposing of computers and computer-related products in an
environmentally-friendly manner.
4 Define socio cultural aspect of Green IT?
The social dimension of green enterprise transformation {GET) is a subjective affair that needs to
bring together the tacit knowledge and viewpoints of individuals including the explicit knowledge
stored in database
5 List out the three main categories of green-collar workers.
 Waste management
 Hazardous materials clean-up
 Recycling jobs
6 What are the three individual priorities of Green IT?
 Business priorities
 Personal priorities
 Environmental priorities
7 Define Green Ethics?
A green ethic offers a set of standards and principles that we should systematically apply to nature.
8 Interpret the Issues related to a pilot project.
 Systematic error and unexpected problems.
 Systematic and nonsystematic errors.
 Anitcipated and unrealistic logistical challenges.
 Variation and mistaken errors.

2 Marks Questions with Answers & Question Bank CS8078– GREEN COMPUTING Page 14
9 Define the green requirement soft he business.
In general, business is described as green if it matches the following four criteria: It incorporates
principles of sustainability into each of its business decisions. It supplies environmentally friendly
products or services that replaces demand for non green products and/or services.
10 Explain the Corporate Governance and the planning activities in relation to enterprise
transformation enabled by IT.
IT governance is the responsibility of the board of directors and executive management. It is an integral
part of enterprise governance and consists of the leadership and organizational structures and processes
that ensure that the organization's IT sustains and extends the organization's strategies and objectives.
11 List the phases of diagnosis phase of End-user efficiencies.
These steps occur during five phases of diagnostic testing:
 Prepre-analytic
 Pre-analytic
 Analytic
 Post-analytic
 Post-post-analytic phases
12 Analyze the domain of climate change and environmental
It provides a framework for quantifying the effects of changing air, land and ocean temperatures
and reducing anthropogenic uncertainties in terms of health outcomes. All of these helps to make
decisions at the local, national and global levels on health, environmental sustainability, health care and
other issues.
13 Define Copenhagen.
The Copenhagen Accord is a document which delegates at the 15th session of the Conference of Parties
(COP 15) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change agreed to "take note of" at the
final plenary.
14 Analyze the components of the ISO 14001 standard
 Environmental policy;
 Planning;
 Implementation and Operation;
 Checking and Corrective Action
 Management review.
15 Design the notation of verified and validated in a green audit.
 Understand the scope of audit.
 Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the internal controls.
 Conduct the audit.
 Evaluate the observations of audit program.
 Prepare a report of the observations side by side.
16 Describe the specific advantages in undertaking Green IT audits
 It helps to protect the environment and solve environmental problems
 It enables to find our methods for waste management
 It suggests measures for future complications
 It is useful to evaluate environmental standards
 It helps in the sustainable development of the organization
17 Classify the ways in which they can be applied to green audits.
1. Inspection.
2. Questionnaire.
3. Evaluation of documents and reports.
4. Findings and Analysis.
4.1. Analysis of Green Practices.

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4.2. Analysis of Water Management.
4.3. Analysis of Energy Management.
4.4. Carbon Footprint Audit.
18 Analyze the potential for reducing the overall carbon emissions
 Consume local and seasonal products (forget strawberries in winter)
 Limit meat consumption, especially beef.
 Select fish from sustainable fishing.
 Bring reusable shopping bags and avoid products with excessive plastic packaging.
 Make sure to buy only what you need, to avoid waste.
19 Generalize the concepts of Environmental intelligence.
Environmental Intelligence ( EI ) is a system through which information about a particular region or
process is collected for the benefit of decision makers through the use of more than one inter-related source
20 List the Future of Green IT in the Four Dimensions.
 Green Economy
 Technology
 People
 Process
21 Why Copenhagen is a green city?
In its sustainable development efforts, Copenhagen benefits from the backing of Denmark's national
government and its environmental policies. Denmark established a Ministry of Environment back in
1971 and two years later became the first country in the world to implement environmental
22 Is Copenhagen the greenest city in the world?
The world's greenest major city. Denmark's capital has long put sustainability at the top of its
agenda, as have many of its inhabitants. Lots more initiatives are taking place this year as the city
continues its bid to become carbon-neutral by 2025.
23 Distinctions between an environmental review and an environmental audit
S.NO Environmental Review Environmental Audit
1 Determine which performance Verify performance against these standards (eg
standards should be met (eg company checks that it really has reduced
company decides to reduce total emission to 10 tonnes/year)
organic compound emissions from
100 tonnes to 10 tonnes/ year)
2 All known environmental issues with Only issues for which standards exist (eg
or without explicit standards to regulatory requirements, internal company
measure performance standards, or good management practice)
3 Before developing environmental Regularly and on a pre-planned cyclical basis
management systems or before and
after any significant changes in
operations or practices
24 What is GET?
A GET is made up of processes and frameworks. The green enterprise framework provides the ―as i
and ―to be states, whereas the transformation process provides the activities, roles and deliverables
that are employed in reaching that new state

2 Marks Questions with Answers & Question Bank CS8078– GREEN COMPUTING Page 16

1. List out the understanding current business scenario in yourorganization.

 A business process, application, or set of applications that can be enabled by the architecture
 The business and technology environment
 The people and computing components (called "actors") who execute the scenario
 The desired outcome of proper execution
2. Describe the term defined by your organization to adopt Greenpolicies.
Provides environmental parameters to reduce the environment impact of business operations
and promote sustainable development to the organization Learn more in:
 A Framework for Environmentally Responsible Business Strategies
 Policies enhancing and contributing to the sustainability performance of the demand and supply
3. Give the ICT practices have been adopted by your organization.
ICT is concerned with digital data storage, retrieval and transmission. ICT makes a business
 Learn more in: Political Economy of the Green Innovations in the Construction Industry
more efficient, effective and promptly respond to customers' needs. ICT can assist business activities
4. Illustrate the practices
including design, regarding
manufacturing, energy
R&D, saving data
distribution centers
and sales and feedback.
A best-practice layout will improve the efficiency of air flow, which has a direct impact on the
amount of fan energy needed to direct cooled air to the equipment that needs to be cooled. The
fundamental best-practice is hot/cold aisle arrangement. This technique improves efficiency in
several ways
5. Define the term Compliance audits.
Compliance audit is an assessment as to whether the provisions of the applicable laws, rules
and regulations made there under and various orders and instructions issued by the competent
authority are being complied with.
6. Summarize the basic activities are performed in strategic measuresfor reducing emissions.
Identify reduction opportunities. An obvious starting point is to look at the categories that
represent the largest sources of your emissions.
 Establish costs and impacts.
 Priorities measures.
 business
7. Define strategy.
Develop an implementation plan.
 Green Technology Strategies (Green IT or Green Computing) is the study and practice of using
Set targets.
computers and telecommunications in a way which maximizes positive environmental benefit and
minimize the negative impact. The energy efficiency of operating equipment is a major concern of Green
Technology Strategies.

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8. List of the note worthy findings from the preliminary Green IT audit
 Systematic and comprehensive data collection
 Documentation with physical evidences
 Independent periodic evaluation with regulatory requirements and appropriate standards
 Systematic and comprehensive improvement and management of existing system
9. Give the result of the initial green IT audit undertaken by the bank.
The prime benefit of the green banking approach is the protection of the natural resources and
the environment. Green banking avoids paper work to the optimum level and focuses on electronic
transactions like use of ATM, mobile banking, online banking etc for various banking transactions by
the customers.
10. Define carbon footprint.
A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and
methane) that are generated by our actions. The average carbon footprint for a person in the United
States is 16 tons, one of the highest rates in the world.
11. Illustrate the overall approach to GET for Good Mead hospital.
Hospital quality strategies should include improving inter-service quality for different patients
groups, and address hospital-community coordination of care issues. Patient experiences and outcomes
12. are
out the by how hospitalsof
understanding provide access,
current outreach
business and linking
scenario with
in your non-hospital services
 The way people use the processes.
 The current product or service portfolio.
 Underlying technologies that support business.
13. List out the terms
Identify KPIadopted by your organization to adopt green policies?
of business.
 Reduction of energy consumption.
 Reduction of carbon foot print
 Reduction of operational costs.
 Improvement
14. Analyze of reputation
the key drivers of organization.
for environmental responsibility forGood Mead hospital out of the six
 Meet
drivers that government
drive ERBS.regulations and legislation
 Hospitals and care systems increasingly are looking for ways to improve efficiency and reduce
overall costs while also improving the overall patient experience.
 Sustainability initiatives offer significant environmental and financial benefits for organizations
benefits that will help hospitals and care systems thrive now and in the future.

15. What are the steps in developing a hospital’s ERBS? Illustrate it.
 Needs assessment - what do hospitals need? Community health, cost-reduction
 Language - Linguistic accuracy and equivalencies ("qi is not energy")

2 Marks Questions with Answers & Question Bank CS8078– GREEN COMPUTING Page 18
 Business plan – Show value
 Physician/Hospital champion
 Communication skills/Confidence and Competence - Teaching skills
 Clinical skills—needle technique, diagnostic methodology
 Leadership and solutions-focus
16. Generalize the concepts of GET for AuPack packaging.

Green packaging, also called sustainable packaging, uses materials and manufacturing
techniques to diminish energy use and reduce the harmful impacts of packaging on the environment.
Green packing solutions often include biodegradable and recyclable materials in preference to
materials like plastic and Styrofoam. And green manufacturing processes take steps to reduce their
power output and diminish the number of greenhouse emissions they produce.
17. Give the strategic approach by the CGO.
 A CGO should work to understand all of the needs of the employee and allow them the space
to improve their productivity. Empowering them to create solutions increases motivation and
helps to develop processes that truly serve your customers.
 Ultimately improving long-term retention of employees and customers.
18. What are the 4 major phase of transformation in Green Mead hospital?
 Diagnose
 Plan
 Enact
 Review
19. What are the steps to develop a hospital ERBS?

 Business Objectives in becoming Green.

 Green IT Strategies.
 Green IT policies and preconditions.
 Green IT resource plans.
20. What
 are three
Green major aspects
Transformation of GET in the context of ZeeTel?
 Green Business architecture
 Green Process mapping
 Creation of organization specific ERBS
 Implement reengineered processes and employ ERBS
 Improve
21 Write continuously
some objectives to monetize
of Green emissions.
 Reduction in carbon emissions across all departments and process of the organization.
 Aim for a comprehensive and holistic GET that is futuristic.
 Create positive green attitude across the entire staff through Green
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22 Define AuPack scenario?
AuPack is a hypothetical organization in the business of manufacturing packages and
containers that in turn are used by other manufactures of goods and products.

23 Define the term compliance audits?

 Well documented model for carbon emissions.
 Regular updates and modifications of environmental parameters.
 Standard approach to accessing government rules and regulations.
 Provides feedback to government.
 Periodically check environmental documents of the vendor.
24 Illustrate the practices regarding energy saving data centers?

 Energy saving choice when purchasing new ICT hardware.

 Reducing energy used by data centers.
 Use open source system software.
 Machine server virtualization.
 Replace conventional with electronic friendly devices
25 What are the six categories of communication channel
 Personal
 Collaborative
 Mobile
 Asynchronous
 Physical
 Group

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