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Disability Comparison Template

Part 1:

For this section of the template, focus on gathering details about the IDEA disability categories. Review the textbook and the topic

study materials and use them to complete the chart. Note that "Autism" has been completed for you as an example.

Disability Potential Effect on

Definition Characteristics Causes Prevalence
Category Learning

Autism Autism is a -Difficulty The causes of Autism is one of Difficulty with

developmental communicating and Autism are not the fastest-growing written expression.

disability that interpreting the clear but has disabilities. Reading

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affects motives and cues of something to do Prevalence has comprehension,

communication others with brain changed to 1 in 68 math problem

(verbal and development before children in the U.S. solving, and fine
-Not comfortable
nonverbal) and birth (Autism Society, and gross motor
with change
social skills. 2016, para. 2) skills may also be

-Poor social skills affected, over and

under selective
-May engage in the
same activity


(SARRC, n.d.)

Deaf-Blind Deafness and Severe problems in Deafblindness can Less than one Mobility and

blindness are two of expressing oneself be caused by percent of all communication

the most disabling and in using one's prenatal sickness or students in special challenges are two

conditions since body. Have a hereditary disorders education have a ways a child's

they hinder one's propensity for such as cerebral combined deafblindness might

ability to coming across as palsy or Usher deafblindness hinder their

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communicate on a uninterested or syndrome. condition. education.

fundamental level. passive

Deafness The effects of Reduces the child's A lack of oxygen The Centers for Not being able to

deafness hamper a ability to hear before birth, severe Disease Control hear the teacher's

student's ability to changes in volume childhood sickness and Prevention lectures, the other

learn from lectures. and pitch. ( Deb, or a severe case of estimates that 5 out students' talks, or

Limbu, Unwin, & measles can all of every 1,000 your notes can

Weaver, 2022). cause deafness in children are deaf. significantly impact

children. your academic


Developmental When a youngster A child with a Hereditary or A developmental Consequences of

Delay doesn't acquire the developmental genetic diseases, delay affects developmental

expected skills at delay has trouble such as Down around one in every delay include the

the typical rate, it's problem-solving, syndrome, brain six children. inability to focus,

called a communicating, trauma, or exposure diminished

developmental and using logic to harmful intelligence, and

delay. while conversing, substances, are the academic

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among other things. root causes of underachievement.



Emotional The term Aggression, Any number of In children ages 0-5 The inability to

Disturbance "emotional immaturity, things might set off years old, the form meaningful

disturbance hyperactivity, and a person's emotions. prevalence of relationships with

condition" withdrawal are all Therefore, there's emotional others is only one

describes many symptoms of no one explanation. disturbance ranges of the many adverse

issues, most related emotional problems There are a lot of from 9.5% to effects of emotional

to mental health. (Alduais et al., things involved. 14.2%. disorders on

Eating disorders, 2022). Hereditary factors, children.

bipolar illness, and stress, food, and

anxiety are all family

examples of responsibilities are

emotional all potential

problems. contributors.

Hearing The four main types

-A child's use of the The middle ear is a Each year, there are The child's inability

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Impairment of this condition are word "huh" is every common site for more than 12,000 to hear won't

a sensorineural, day. infection but also a infants born deaf. prevent them from

conductive, mixed, common site for learning. The

-After you've
and central hearing congenital hearing instructor may use
spoken to the kid,
loss. loss. several
they stare at you.

methods to ensure

the student can hear

everything being


Intellectual A child's Difficulty Intellectual One type of Children with

Disability intellectual remembering disabilities can be developmental intellectual

functioning is information, rules, caused by several Impairment is impairments may

impaired because of concepts, and circumstances, intellectual need extra support

intellectual illogical thinking including genetics, disability. with reading

Impairment. are all symptoms. prenatal Intellectual assignments and

abnormalities, and Impairment affects standardized testing

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difficulties at around 7 percent of because they have

delivery (Huscher, the youngsters in trouble following

2022). the special needs directions.


Multiple A kid with several Due to the wide I'll repeat it: there Multi-disability Changes in

Disabilities impairments needs range of are numerous affects 2,2 percent autonomy and self-

support for more impairments, they potential origins of of the 132,333 sufficiency.

than one manifest in various multi-disability. students eligible for Possible

Impairment ways. Language Pregnancy special education Requirement for

simultaneously. and interaction complications and services. Physical Therapy

would be the most hereditary factors Impairment of

prevalent features. account for most Sensitivity.


Orthopedic Orthopedic Alterations in limb Burns, which can Orthopedic Regarding

Impairment Impairment movement, spinal leave the skin with Impairment is a intelligence,

includes congenital cord atrophy, and contractures, are condition that children with

disabilities, disease- spastic limb one of the many affects adults more orthopedic

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related motions are all reasons for this frequently than it Impairment are on

impairments, and symptoms. condition. does children. par with their peers.

various forms of Orthopedic However, they may

disability involving impairments affect have trouble with

the musculoskeletal 2.7% of children sensory processing.

system. who are enrolled in

special education.

Other Health It is also possible to- Challenges in Other health issues Students in special It is possible that

Impairment have restricted organizing various can have several education with children who

strength, vigor, or events. sources, both additional health struggle with

alertness due to a hereditary and problems make up various health

- Memory problems
health condition. environmental. about 13% of the conditions won't be
Distractions that are
total. able to finish their
hard to avoid

Specific Learning A particular -A poor memory  Environmental, Around one-third of The kid may have

Disability learning disorder medicinal, and fetal the students in issues with reading,
-A potential
might negatively alcohol exposure special education language, and other

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impact a child's inability to grasp are only some of programs are areas.

cognitive and humor. the possible affected by a

language abilities. reasons. diagnosed learning


Speech or A child's social and -Having trouble Impairments in Speech or language -Communication

Language physical growth producing both one's physical disability affects difficulties -Anger

Impairment might be hindered particular sounds and intellectual the lives of one in and other negative

by a speech or capabilities might five children emotions when

language result in it. enrolled in special attempting to

impediment. education. communicate

-Difficulties in

delivering oral


Traumatic Brain A traumatic brain -Slurred speech Falls, automobile Traumatic brain - communication

Injury injury might accidents, and injuries affect 2% difficulties

negatively impact a injuries caused by of children enrolled

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child's social and -Numbness in weapons are the top in special education -Mental confusion

physical fingertips three leading causes programs.

-The inability to
development. of traumatic brain


Visual The child's physical Vision impairment Cataracts, There are 12.2 -Social interaction

Impairment, development might glaucoma, eye children out of

Including be stunted if they injuries, and every 1,000 who

Blindness have a visual infections that are visually -Mobility

impairment. affect the eye are impaired.

all potential

contributors to

vision impairment.

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Part 2:

For this section of the template, focus on gathering details about common, specific learning disabilities. These disabilities fall under

the IDEA disability categories you researched for the chart above. Review the textbook and the topic study materials and use them to

complete the chart.

Learning Definition Characteristics Common Potential Effect on Essential

Disability Assessments for Learning and Strategies for

Diagnosis Other Areas of Addressing the

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Life Disability

Attention Deficit It is a problem that *difficulty Children, their Children become Elevating the

Hyperactivity affects attention concentrating parents, and more chatty, Stakes Providing

Disorder (ADHD) and hyperactivity *extremely prone to occasionally a fidgety, and individual attention,

and has roots in the being sidetracked. teacher will restless, making it breaking tasks into

brain. participate in difficult for manageable

clinical interviews. teachers to keep chunks, and giving

Then, the kid will them on task and in kids classroom

be watched and their seats. choices can all aid

assessed in both students with

classroom and attention deficit

domestic settings. hyperactivity


Auditory A deficit in the Since children The first step in Background Repositioning the

Processing ability to cannot grasp determining disturbances make child near the front

Disorder (APD) comprehend and instructions, whether or not a kid it difficult for of the classroom

use the information teachers must has ADP is to youngsters to where they can

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that is heard. explain them conduct a hearing concentrate, and better hear the

repeatedly. test that is children have teacher's voice,

considered to be problems lowering the

standard. memorizing vocally volume of the

presented classroom to lessen

information. the amount of

background noise,

and allowing the

student to switch

classes before tests

to ensure that they

are in an

environment free of

distractions are all

viable options.

Dyscalculia difficulties in Math and number- Various types of Because of the It's a valuable tool

learning that are related learning math tests include frequent occurrence for instructors to

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connected to math. challenges caused those containing of mathematical have. They can

by the county. word problems, problems, this evaluate words and

standard questions, might lead to solve word

and long-hand mental anguish if difficulties in real

calculations. the individual life.

cannot solve them.

Dysgraphia A condition that Difficulty Please An IQ test Will be When it comes to Students and

arises when one explain the carried out to whether or not they instructors can

attempts to write. distinction between evaluate the complete their job, benefit from voice

having too much youngster's reading students will have recordings, and

pause and having and writing abilities difficulty spelling trying out different

words. (De Bruin, 2019). words if they types of paper and

underestimate utensils might assist

themselves. in determining what

works best.

Dyslexia Inability to read Switching the The diagnosis of As soon as we do, Communication

positions of the dyslexia can be we frequently have problems with

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letters and the aided by obtaining issues with our self- parents can

numerals, as well as information from image and have a sometimes be

how words are the patient's family sense of being helped by using

written and spoken, and doing a large- second to our games or other

for example, image scale form fellow peers. educational tools.

vs. picture. assessment.

Dysphasia/Aphasia The incapacity to Being unable to You will better When it is The tone of speech

comprehend the comprehend what is understand a child's challenging since coming from you,

uttered word being said by talents by other people do not yourself, or she

appropriately. another individual participating in a understand them, might be too

despite their ability verbal exam that which is the case dominating for your

to communicate lasts for fifteen most often, is it a ears.

verbally (Horng et minutes. stroke that brings

al., 2019). her on?

Dyspraxia Whenever the body Issues sleeping It tests children's It does not It could be less

and brain work Triggered by large and fine necessarily challenging to

together to throw motor skills using determine how long complete the task if

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off your certain loud noises. the alphabet and a person will live, you experiment

coordination. counting (Ignatova, but it does impair with various

2020). their ability to do jogging aids and

the physically switch to touch

demanding duties typing rather than

of daily life. writing by hand.

Language A condition that Having problems Most of the work is Has difficulty It would be helpful

Processing hinders your with queries that done by a speech relating to and if you could slow

Disorder (LPD) capacity to need many steps. therapist and a communicating down so the pupils

communicate with pathologist. A with children of could follow along.

others. Neurologist can similar ages and Putting essential

label different types sometimes has terms in writing on

of kisses. difficulties the board is a great

comprehending visual aid for

what they are studying.


Non-Verbal A condition that Students develop a Tests for Tests for Routine,

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Learning impairs a child's need for social intelligence and intelligence, visual maintaining

Disabilities capacity to skills due to their visual acuity, as acuity, and general consistency as

communicate dislike of schedule well as a general ability to see the possible, and

verbally and disruptions, which ability to see the big picture may be gradually

interact socially. can sometimes big picture, may be administered. introducing novel

result in a mild, administered. practices.

nonverbal freakout.

Visual A mental If you offer me a Exam of visual It is possible for it Visual timetable,

Perceptual/Visual impairment that location there in the perception without to have an effect on handouts for free

Motor Deficit prevents a book to read, I'll the use of the the cognitive aspect photographs, and

youngster from forget what it is that muscles. of the child, making the ability to

making sense of the they're reading as it more difficult for underline material

what they see in well. them to grasp what found in textbooks

front of their it is that they are are all provided.

personal eyes in the learning.

here and now.

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Deb, S., Limbu, B., Unwin, G. L., & Weaver, T. (2022). Causes of and alternatives to medication for behaviors that challenge in people with

intellectual disabilities: Direct care providers' perspectives. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,

19(16), 9988.

Alduais, A., Majorano, M., Andrés‐Roqueta, C., Hamaguchi, P., Persici, V., & Qasem, F. (2022). Conceptualizing, defining, and assessing

pragmatic language impairment in clinical settings: A scoping review. Infant and Child Development, 31(6), e2368.

Huscher, L. L. (2022). The Relative Effects of a Multicomponent Reading Intervention and Self-Monitoring Strategy on the Reading

Comprehension and Engagement for Students With Autism: A Multiple Baseline With Alternating Treatments Study (Doctoral

dissertation, UC Riverside).

De Bruin, K. (2019). The impact of inclusive education reforms on students with disability: an international comparison. International Journal

of inclusive education, 23(7-8), 811-826.

Ignatova, V. G., Surchev, J. K., Stoyanova, T. G., Vassilev, P. M., Haralanov, L. H., & Todorova, L. P. (2020). Social cognition impairments

in patients with multiple sclerosis: comparison with a grade of disability. Neurology India, 68(1), 94.

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Horng, Y. S., Hou, W. H., & Liang, H. W. (2019). Responsiveness of the modified lower extremity functional scale in patients with low back

pain and sciatica: A comparison with pain intensity and the modified Roland-Morris Disability Scale. Medicine, 98(14).

© 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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