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Why did you pick this ad?

I was interested by this advertisement because I wanted to know what it would take to

carve out a career for myself and realize my full potential. People appreciate Red Bull

because it gives them an energy boost when they drink it, therefore I chose the advertisement

to represent that. Red Bull has a high caffeine content, similar to coffee, which can make it

addictive. Many people also enjoy (or come to appreciate!) its distinctive flavor. These

stimulants are lawful and can increase blood pressure, heart beat, and breathing rate in

addition to increasing alertness, focus, and energy. Students frequently utilize these beverages

to give themselves an energy boost.

What is the main message in the ad?

The slogan "Red Bull gives you wings" serves as the focal point of Red Bull's

messaging campaign. It emphasizes the notion that its product provides individuals with the

"wings" or energy they require to accomplish anything they want, whenever they want.

Caffeine, taurine, glucuronolactone, B vitamins, plus inositol are some of the constituents in

Red Bull Energy Drink. These components are thought to work together to provide the

favorable benefits on cognitive function, attention, and driving ability. Red Bull creates

elaborate PR stunts to draw in viewers and spread the word about its offerings or business.

Red Bull uses a number of major strategies to draw in its young audience, including

sponsoring and organizing events throughout the world.

Do you think this ad is effective?

I believe the campaign was effective and that it directed viewers to Saudi Arabia. Red

Bull's ascent to fame is based on the successful introduction of a single product, an energy

drink. The advertisement was especially successful because it Long acknowledged as a very

successful marketing technique that may assist in conveying the ideal brand image to a target

market, sponsorships. Red Bull, however, does not follow the conventional approach of
sponsorship exposure. Instead, in order to better manage the many factors that affect the

perception of its brand, the firm wants to own sports teams.

What topic(s) are you interested in studying for your final paper?

An energy drink with the Red Bull name is produced by Red Bull GmbH in Saudi

arabia, it holds a 38% market share, making it the most well-known energy drink brand. use

of energy drinks: positive and negative impacts on health. Over the past 20 years, use of

energy drinks has drastically increased, especially among teenagers and young people.

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