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MBA 201




We have interviewed Mrs. Prachi Sharma who has been
working as an Assistant Manager (HR) in BA Continuum Pvt.
Ltd. which is a non-banking subsidiary for Bank of America.

Reducing voluntary turnover rates is a critical concern for

organizations. High turnover rates can be costly and
disruptive, resulting in lost productivity, reduced morale, and
increased recruitment and training expenses. To address this
issue, many companies are taking proactive steps to address
the underlying causes of turnover.
Here, we will discuss some of the key steps that BA
Continuum has taken to achieve this goal.


Employee engagement leads to employee satisfaction &
motivation resulting in increased productivity of the
workforce. It takes place in the form of fun activities to
reduce the stress and ensure well being of employee's mental
health. Team huddles are done on daily basis so that
employees have sense of belongingness towards their team,
work and the organization. Meetings with the upper
management are done to facilitate direct contact between
operatives and upper management to address to the
employee issues more effectively leading to smooth working
on daily basis in the organization. Also, team budgets are
decided and given on a 3 months basis to promote team
building activities such as team lunches and outings. It results
in team bonding through shared conversations, ideas, and

The company believes that appreciated employees are

happy employees and gives utmost importance to employee
satisfaction, motivation and retention.
It has developed an open and transparent culture at Bank of
America where employees feel comfortable expressing their
concerns and opinions. Regular feedbacks and performance
reviews have helped the bank identify areas for improvement
and a gateway for discussions.
The Bank has its own Intranet network, name of FLAG SCAPE
for mass communication and organizational updates between
all the countries and regions to the authorized users. The
network has various essential links to connect with different
departments such as finance for reimbursements, Tech for
technical issues and raising tickets, and HR for clearing their
queries and getting documentation. Also employee
satisfaction surveys are circulated and filled by employees
anonymously once a year which presents a transparent picture
of the working conditions as well as employee satisfaction.
Skype is also widely used in the organization by all the
employees regardless of the department, process or location
for effective communication.


Most processes do not have the concept of overtime, and
everyone at every level works 5 days a week. The bank has
also recently introduced a new hybrid working structure in
which an employee is only expected to work 3 days in the
office and 2 days from home in a week. Employees now have
greater autonomy and control over their personal and
professional lives leading to higher satisfaction and reduced
stress enhancing organization's ability to keep them on board.
Also adequate leaves are enlisted for an employee (24
privileged and 12 sick leaves). Also, provisions for other type
of leaves like family emergency leave, maternity leave,
marriage leave etc have also been made.
Bank of America believes in improving employee skills and
knowledge which in turn increases their value in the company
through training and development practices on a daily basis.
There are various compliance trainings and domain related
trainings available for the employees to choose from and
improve their knowledge and skills. All these trainings are with
the partnership of CORNERSTONE and proper certifications
are provided after completion of any training which can be used
internally in the bank when applying for roles or promotions in
different domains. The bank also provides reimbursement for
higher education (upto INR 3,60,000) to employees after
completion of the course.


The bank maintains a positive work environment and improved
employee morale in the organization through various reward
and recognition programs like bonuses, incentives etc. resulting
in motivated and retained employees.
Every month a process scorecard is generated for each
process and the top performers are provided with bronze,
silver or gold certificates consisting some points which can be
redeemed for shopping at the banks' own marketplace.
Promotions are done twice an year to appreciate and reward
the deserving employees and create a sense of healthy
competition in the work force. Also, increments are also given
on time and this year for the first time dual increments were
given one mid and one year end which has not yet happened in
any other organization in the industry.
All these strategies and factors have somewhat contributed
in maintaining the low employee turnover rate for BA
Continuum India.

BA Continuum has adopted a holistic approach to reduce

employee turnover rate by conducting regular employee
surveys, providing a positive work environment, offering
flexible working arrangements, and promoting professional
development. By taking these steps, the bank has created a
more engaged and satisfied workforce, leading to higher
productivity, increased profitability, and reduced turnover
rates. The current employee turnover rate for BA Continuum
is around 11% which is way below the industry average of

To lower this rate even further, the HR can organize a

system of more frequent communication and immediate (in
case of urgencies) with the employees to address to their
preferences and issues and provide them with answers.
Currently the employees have to reach out to the HR through
online portals and talk through chat or schedule a meet as
per HR’s conveniences. If this system could be improved and
replaced with meets with HR at regular fixed intervals it
could give rise to more transparency and issues faced by

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