Not The But The Sum Ans: Phlutopy Brakti Heitee, TR Lrwig Eayanm U Ing Guals D

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Preamlele loestition.

is not the inodudten but the sum ihe

5 The dhjeztie kesctin prsetd by Pt. JL Nehru în Cnkitaesk ase*

was lalen mvested i t a

precie teny -
Preamhle. The Objeshve Kes-
T Served a t h uiding phlutopy brakti Comheitee, whi t a
Preayble tsday sesves a^ sunmay tss a undestand th chanaten qndian
Constitatin tr lrwig eayanm
The Preamable was tnted trwmd h nd q drnthng Camttatiy.
u ing tahes made Sum a t it rek{ecth #i langen guals w
Oun Canhtatib I ungtiet tewhitahy, yste watd, sth a Pag
beatie Piniples ta tub
rannram Name d Cihzmhip to Summaise it cla
selim. Peamle yey Suce etull attemp
an amendwment
U n Prtamble has longely pmained
hangedex tept
chanadas dnict,
expiity mestining t Socialist m Secula
mpliot. an4
'Du Preamlle has been seuing guiding ligkt tor Sagislato
independapce This is hdping
Jite Sinte
delivey i Basio Shuctu
t aim and djece lndin Cmttuiá, an lo,
Sudhas bety , Equsiy, Jutice and éoveui di
Chaatea Indiay tt this wa ttn trme ud
Cand #he
deuti Cithre udnile djcusions o asfe Pramble
Schalam in brkty
The reable t Onited Sttes Cowtitdtoy Can be said a

tro ductinn US Conshtdn; mile it's aprpriolk tsa hdia

Preale aySummany
ts Indiam Camtitata,'
cpOun bavic Stbuctune Conshtution. Evploun he t h hqlacIpif 1)
he Prea mble
heprne Cutin keaavananda Bhont Vs tak qkenlw
Cane in
im 1173
973 gave Bauie Shucue dochine ker lensthttim 4Tdia

The dochine nsushene mertitned in th csnstntipn ehlampames dream

am priniples 1 Frmers lgntrtati,The &auc uctue indudos
tha aims am bjeive) a o msitatin a t anu Jaid dewm

dthe padh q Ceitatian.

tareamble amd
wld hic,
Indian Crmhtaha, in lenzbiest Cutdb in the
In 1 pats, it is evaling uit changing iney and kewi-
B a n e huduna dn (omh tntie, is also eeuht
Even sine k. Bha are in 1973,The upeme laat r d
as part 3 kx Basie truetana.
h beey remising vieus pindples
The upreme Couat has recognised Equalitkre law, Juta
t fieedom Kp
Lbet, Judiei kevi, welja sah Rigkt ,

ete as part q Baic dhudi

n S (1994) umeme rut rcagnied RSeculani
&emmai Case

pont Bmic udine. These pmindples lan laid dau


n a Preake, uhich is also calles the Sumia our

Contitin Cawahtabin in Uphdding te

This dochine has helped lndian
Cotahanmariy mibng t unlar pewea Panlian
ts amen tha tahtahin. Derpite oppesshene fry Indian Gtvt 4

7o, it has pitactad the chorada Idia and paved te wt

real te a i s and bjedive ad den in the traley and at e
Sana thme b a l l e t by Peamle to validate itaelf.

Hey! hae objednbo,a Mawin explain tn bt pata 1 queth

mabke qmve , l e a m 4pkwod Rnmits tso
itb naluhe
Quatati te preamble to ta Indian Covtitutien, (ommet en

n cspa.
Aw The Pasuuble b the lndiam Cauttatian
We the mdia
Peeple 4 ndia, havi salemnly n d th Gwthtate

aovtin aalist Seaud Demacrti'e Repblio ) od to Secue

t a r t citizens
Juhice, AoCcial ecenamie and polihcol
Lbet theuht, expreien, beliek, tith a hip ;
equelity ppestunty and to premate au Tyoll;
taliy and
th diyuit; te dhidual and te [ad
aley aMun
intayt Jatin]
n D Cahituant Assemblytbia twent Sixth day 1 Naueuben
9 Heruby hdspt, Enast aud Give t unselve i s

Natua 4 ale te mdiam frtndionState:|


Preawble states hdía Seveim Soclist


t t zmeubles beth preminet ideligres

Kepulic. The natn 4 duy Denecra
aweden time-Socidsnm and Libeataymhy (in tarn q
wns rdig's autbnomy in lteal4 Extemaatfans
The wrd Seveni
the Socialt padh tewandy develepma.t
So cialistF ewmny
wth eeauliziy and
Secusanisw meqs rdia's neutralig
tFeatryeey arth enually
tulon sevuty inafka aher
rormn aule.
Demo Cratic mens

a dk L e ldiam an elect repesetatne

faplie mea hend a
insta Mmaath
4 t lashtate,,
The Preammble ac nttha Banic Shudtin Bhmuti Case. f loudl
recqnised by te Supema r t in k.
Sas u populau Saveiny w prevall and hdia wll haw aumoy
in both -mtm md eteial oas.
wwy 7idig Dghe
The readseip
a Qegislm an
imgat pant g Canlitaiby aud
amd u JudBciy
Prea mbla i thL Sul q t a Cemottadion. Give agmButh Im dsT

The Preamlle t e Indjan Cuwatittign has helhd Leyisstos

tnthe PanAiament undeutding the ams and objectins tunding
bhe. I t is a rkinad cudconcie toy the Dbjeche keoltiy
preserthd by Pt JLNelr in the Conatihat Asseubly. The Premble
evisase the rl, philesophuiea and dizis'valus e Tdian
India, timeo has hod e valus ke Plnaliy- 4 bth
sine nient
aigion and eut, ihaty to expres poaselk, speci haax om he
ratenit and tmmunitaaianiny, ard hiyh marals. The anstitib, thornh
ut has stmved o achiwe 9eaan cal Jike Segl Ecmoie- Poluheal

AIme, enning Jutice t thu itizens, prdeding indiidual peedo

e . The preale e y uecentull attensts b set-cut da aims

anoocties h i e t contatron vy dka w-voy Pese

It t giding ight tor the Rayizlatrs and Judici n
tkair repedive tundas.
AL0di Krishna uen, a schlan amd p t Gnhtnent sawhly
had pointad eut -" Gmhibatn incudes whatto we had thayht
cr dreamt t r so Jnt
KM Munshi , an the neted schalan Considead Preammile as tha
"Horope tothe Comstitbidiey"
has helpad evoluin e idta Aasie autu.
duprema loub hay ucomsed Prewbe as a
ntanal pat
Tabove peiaa
again,has pevey
and s sn îpemte fo
The Preanle,pne
ssul a te Cnattutiby.
Schalan kaue ncgne it a
ndia ,amd

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