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for SAP PP
in S/4HANA
Production Planning and Execution in

Himanshu Goel
Handbook for SAP PP in
Production Planning and Execution

Himanshu Goel
Handbook for SAP PP in S/4HANA: Production Planning and Execution
Himanshu Goel
Germany, Germany

ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4842-8565-7 ISBN-13 (electronic): 978-1-4842-8566-4

Copyright © 2022 by Himanshu Goel

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To my beloved mother, I LOVE YOU! I will always cherish the time that
I got to spend with you. Hope to see you again someday.
To my wife, you are awesome! I LOVE YOU!
To my dearest son, You’re rare, special in every which way possible!
You have the most beautiful smile and you’re the most amazing son
in the whole world! Daddy and Mommy love you the most!
Table of Contents
About the Author��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xiii


Chapter 1: Introduction�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
What Is SAP?��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
Introduction to ERP������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 2
The History of SAP������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Introduction to SAP Production Planning��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
Manufacturing Industry Types������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
Summary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13

Chapter 2: Master Data in SAP PP�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15

Master Data�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
Material Master��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
Bill of Materials��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45
Work Center��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 53
Routing���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 73
Production Version����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 83
Summary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 88

Chapter 3: Sales and Operations Planning������������������������������������������������������������� 89

What Is Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP)?������������������������������������������������������������������������ 89
Standard SOP������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 91
Product Group������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 92
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 108

Table of Contents

Chapter 4: Demand Management������������������������������������������������������������������������� 109

What Is Demand Management?������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 109
Planned Independent Requirements����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 109
Customer Requirements����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 115
Planning Strategies������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 116
Key Planning Strategies������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 116
Make-to-Stock Strategies��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 117
Make-to-Order Strategies���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 129
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 132

Chapter 5: Material Requirements Planning�������������������������������������������������������� 133

What Is Material Requirements Planning?�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 133
Planning Time Fence����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 135
Materials Requirements Planning��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 136
Steps in the MRP Run���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 136
Procurement Type���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 148
Scheduling��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 150
BOM Explosion��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 150
MRP Procedures����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 151
Master Production Scheduling�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 151
Planning Time Fence����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 152
Consumption-Based Planning��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 153
How Do You Run MRP?�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 158
Total Planning Run��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 159
Single Item, Multi-Level MRP Run��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 161
Single Item, Single-Level MRP Run������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 162
MRP Control Parameters����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 163
Processing Key�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 164
MRP Live����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 170
Running MRP Live��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 175
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 176

Table of Contents

Chapter 6: Procurement Proposals����������������������������������������������������������������������� 177

Planned Orders������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 177
Header View������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 182
Assignment View����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 183
Master Data View���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 185
Schedule Planned Order������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 186
Material Availability Check�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 187
Convert a Planned Order to a Production Order������������������������������������������������������������������������ 192
Convert in Stock Requirement List�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 192
Individual Conversion���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 196
Collective Conversion���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 196
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199

Chapter 7: Capacity Requirement Planning���������������������������������������������������������� 201

What Is Capacity Requirement Planning?��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 201
Availability Capacity������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 202
Capacity Requirements������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 207
Capacity Evaluation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 209
Capacity Leveling���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 218
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 225

Chapter 8: Discrete Manufacturing���������������������������������������������������������������������� 227

What Is Discrete Manufacturing?���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 227
Production Orders��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 228
Create a Production Order Manually������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 228
Convert a Planned Order to a Production Order������������������������������������������������������������������ 229
Change/Display Production Order��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 235
Order Release��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 256
Goods Issue to a Production Order�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 256
Confirmation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 258
Operation Confirmation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 258
Order Confirmation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 264

Table of Contents

Display Confirmation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 266

Cancel Confirmation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 267
Goods Receipt for Production Order������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 267
Status Management������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 269
System Status��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 269
User Status�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 269
Technical Completion of a Production Order����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 270
Close a Production Order���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 270
Co-Products and By-Products��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 271
Automatic Goods Movement at Order Confirmation������������������������������������������������������������������ 278
Rework Order���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 281
Scrap����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 281
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 282

Chapter 9: Repetitive Manufacturing�������������������������������������������������������������������� 283

What Is Repetitive Manufacturing?������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 283
Repetitive Manufacturing with Make-to-Stock������������������������������������������������������������������� 283
Repetitive Manufacturing with Make-to-Order�������������������������������������������������������������������� 284
Master Data for Repetitive Manufacturing�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 284
Material Master������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 285
Bill of Materials������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 286
Rate Routing������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 286
Production Version��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 288
Product Cost Collector�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 290
Standard Cost Estimate������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 293
Planning Table��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 297
Create a Planned Order Using the Planning Table��������������������������������������������������������������� 300
Convert Quantities to Production/Process Orders��������������������������������������������������������������� 301
Move Quantities Along the Time Axis����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 301
Pull List������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 303

Table of Contents

REM Confirmation��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 305

Reporting Point Backflush��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 307
Scrap in Repetitive Manufacturing������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 309
Post-Processing of Error Records��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 309
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 311

Chapter 10: Process Order Management�������������������������������������������������������������� 313

What Is Process Order Management?��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 313
Master Data for the Process Industry��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 314
Material Masters����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 314
Bill of Materials������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 316
Resources���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 317
Production Version��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 318
Master Recipes�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 319
Process Management��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 328
Control Recipes������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 328
Manufacturing Execution with Process Order Management����������������������������������������������������� 333
Create Process Order����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 333
Control Recipe Monitor�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 336
Maintain PI-Sheets�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 339
Send Process Messages������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 342
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 344

Chapter 11: PP/DS in S/4HANA����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 345

What Is Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling?����������������������������������������������������������� 345
Master Data for PP/DS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 346
Locations����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 346
Material Master������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 348
Work Center/Resource��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 361
Production Data Structure��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 364
Planning Run with MRP Live����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 366

Table of Contents

Production Planning Run����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 366

Product View in PP/DS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 369
Convert Planned Orders������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 372
Detailed Scheduling Board�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 373
PP/DS Optimizer������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 377
Fiori Application for Production Scheduling Board������������������������������������������������������������������� 378
Resource Planning Table����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 379
Alert Monitor����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 380
Plan Monitor������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 380
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 380

Chapter 12: Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)�������������� 381

What Is Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)?��������������������������������������� 381
Why Is DDMRP Needed?����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 382
Components of Demand-Driven Material Requirement Planning��������������������������������������������� 382
Calculation of Buffer Zones������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 384
DDMRP in SAP��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 387
Setup in the Material Master����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 387
Schedule Product Classification (DD)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 389
Mass Maintenance of Products (DD)����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 391
Schedule Lead Time Classification of Products (DD)����������������������������������������������������������� 392
Schedule Buffer Proposal Calculation��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 394
Manage Buffer Levels���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 396
Replenishment Execution by On-Hand Status��������������������������������������������������������������������� 398
Replenishment Planning by Planning Priority���������������������������������������������������������������������� 400
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 401

Chapter 13: Predictive MRP���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 403

What Is Predictive MRP? ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 403
Prerequisites for pMRP������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 404
Create the Planned Independent Requirements����������������������������������������������������������������������� 405

Table of Contents

Schedule pMRP Simulation Creation���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 405

Define Flexible Constraints������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 411
Process pMRP Simulations������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 413
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 423

Chapter 14: Reporting and Analytics�������������������������������������������������������������������� 425

Materials List���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 425
Report for Bill of Materials�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 427
Explode: Level-by-Level BOM���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 427
Explode Multilevel BOM������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 429
Where-Used List: Material��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 432
Multiple Material Where-Used List�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 433
Report for Work Center������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 435
Work Center List������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 435
Cost Center Assignment������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 437
Stock/Requirements List����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 438
MRP List������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 443
The Order Information System�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 443
Order Headers��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 444
Components������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 445
Operations��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 445
Confirmations���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 446
Documented Goods Movements������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 446
Fiori Apps���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 446
Monitor Material Coverage (F0247)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 447
Manage Material Coverage (F0251)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 448
Monitor External Requirements (F0246)������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 448
Manage External Requirements (F0250)����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 449
Monitor Internal Requirements (F0263)������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 450
Manage Internal Requirements (F0270)������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 451
Monitor Production Orders or Process Orders (F0266A)������������������������������������������������������ 452

Table of Contents

Manage Production Orders or Process Orders (F0273)������������������������������������������������������� 452

Display MRP Master Data Issues (S23OP)��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 453
Capacity Scheduling Table (S21OP)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 454
Explode Bills of Material (S23OP)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 455
Monitor Capacity Utilization (S21OP)����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 456
Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 456

Index��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 457

About the Author
Himanshu Goel is an SAP certified solution architect.
He has more than 15 years of experience in designing
and deploying SAP solutions, primarily in production
planning and execution, quality management, and plant
maintenance. He’s a supply chain professional focused on
solving business problems and delivering customer-centric
solutions. He has worked on several large-scale, end-to-end
SAP implementation and rollout projects. He has authored
the e-bite Introducing the Material Master in SAP S/4HANA,
published by SAP Press, and has also contributed several
entries on He is passionate SAP professional
and loves all things SAP.

First of all, I would like to thank my beloved wife Akanksha for all her support and
encouragement, which kept me going through the writing process.
I would like to thank my dear friend Diwakar Sharma for his guidance and thorough
review of the book.
This book wouldn’t be possible without Jawad Akhtar. He connected with me one
fine day after reading one of my SAP blogs and planted the idea of writing a book on SAP
in my head.
I would like to give a big thank you to the entire team at Apress!
I would like to thank Divya Modi, coordinating editor at Apress, for her great support
during the process and her patience with my hectic schedule. Furthermore, many
thanks to Laura Berendson, development editor at Apress, who provided her valuable
suggestions during the review process.


Welcome to the exciting world of SAP! In this chapter, you will learn about:
• SAP, the company and its flagship products

• The evolution of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

• The history of SAP and its major milestones

• SAP production planning

What Is SAP?
First things first, SAP is pronounced S-A-P. You say the individual letters S-A-P (ess-ay-­
pee). This is due to the fact that SAP is an initialism and not an acronym. If you have
been pronouncing it as “SAP,” now you know it’s wrong.
Which of the following do you think SAP is?

• Technology

• Programming language
• Application/tool

What if I told you that SAP is none of these? As a matter of fact, SAP is a German
company that was founded in 1972 by five ex-IBM engineers. SAP stands for “Systeme,
Anwendungen und Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung” in German, which translates to
“Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing” in English.
SAP AG develops software products used by companies to manage their business
operations, best known for its ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). But it also develops
many other products and solutions such as Ariba, Concur, IBP, several cloud-base
products, and more. SAP S/4HANA is SAP’s latest product and it’s the successor to SAP
ERP. It’s built for the SAP HANA in-memory database.

© Himanshu Goel 2022
H. Goel, Handbook for SAP PP in S/4HANA,
Chapter 1 Introduction

SAP S/4HANA is an abbreviation of “SAP Business Suite 4 SAP HANA,” which is an

enterprise resource planning (ERP) software package. SAP S/4HANA is the successor
to SAP ECC (SAP ERP Central Component). Generation 4 is the first SAP business suite
to run only on the proprietary SAP HANA (High-Speed Analytical Appliance) database
The SAP S/4HANA business suite is used by companies across the globe to manage
their operations, including sales, procurement, planning (advanced), production,
inventory management, warehouse management, transport management, finance,
human resources, and more. The biggest strength of SAP lies in the unified integration
of all business functions, which help businesses run their operations in real time.
Companies all over the globe use SAP S/4HANA as a single source of truth for informed
decision-making. SAP S/4HANA combines analytical and transactional capabilities.
Now that you know what SAP stands for and how it is correctly pronounced, I want
to share some funny acronyms for SAP that you may come across in your SAP career.
SAP has been known to be called Slow and Painful, Slow and Problematic, Seriously
Annoying Program, and Submit and Pray, to name a few.

Introduction to ERP
ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. Companies need software systems to run
their day-to-day business operations, including sales, manufacturing, procurement,
finance, human resources, and so on. ERP aids organizations in running their business
functions, like logistics, supply chains, finance, human resources, and so on. The
strength of ERP lies in the fact that it integrates all business functions into a single
Figure 1-1 shows the evolution of ERP. During the 1960s, companies relied on
standalone software tools to manage their sales, finances, inventories, and so on. MRP
(Material Requirements Planning) systems were used to manage the inventory and keep
the stock level in control.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 1-1.  History of ERP

In the 1980s, a new concept evolved that integrated MRP with sales, purchasing,
finance, and production. It was called MRP II. The new system, MRP II, proved extremely
beneficial to companies. It provided extended functionalities to handle capacity
planning and scheduling and direct integration with production processes and various
business functions.
MRP II laid the foundation for a new concept, called ERP, which changed the way
companies operated their business. ERP was introduced in the 1990s and it took MRP
II to the next level. ERP integrated business functions like human resources, project
systems, and customer relationship management (CRM) to MRP II. It also provided real-­
time reporting, thus helping businesses make informed decisions.
With the introduction of high-speed Internet and cloud computing in the 2010s,
ERP was again revolutionized. ERP suites are now available on the cloud, which means
companies can run ERP on browser-based platforms that allow users to access and run
ERP tools from anywhere in the world.

The History of SAP

SAP was started by five ex-IBM employees in 1972. In 1973, they launched their
first product, which was an accounting system called RF. This eventually led to the
development of SAP R/1, where R stands for real time.
In 1979, SAP R/2 was launched. It was much more powerful than SAP R/1. The
capabilities of the software were extended to support other business functions, like
material management and production planning, logistics, and human resources. R/2
operated on mainframe computers.
SAP’s flagship product—SAP R/3—was launched in 1992. It operated on a client-­
server architecture. The 3 refers to a three-tier architecture. The three layers of SAP

Chapter 1 Introduction

R/3 were database, application server, and presentation server. SAP R/3 could operate
on OSes like Microsoft Windows and UNIX. SAP R/3 laid the founding for the next
generation of ERP so much so that it still remains the basis of the current ERP systems.
SAP revamped the architecture completely and introduced mySAP ERP in 2004. The
old SAP R/3 was replaced with SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC). Several new
products—including SRM (Supplier Relationship Management), CRM, PLM (Product
Lifecycle Management ), and SCM (Supply Chain Management)—were introduced in
mySAP ERP. The new SAP ECC enabled users to run SAP Business Warehouse and SAP
Strategic Enterprise Management and Internet Transaction Server in SAP ECC.
In 2015, SAP launched their latest ERP, called SAP S/4HANA. Also called Suite for
HANA. The new ERP runs on SAP’s in-memory database, HANA. SAP S/4HANA not
only integrates several business functions and industry solutions, but it also integrates
parts of SAP Business Suite products, such as SAP SRM, SAP CRM, and SAP SCM. SAP
S/4HANA can be implemented to run in the cloud, on-premises, and in hybrid mode.
The major milestones of SAP are shown in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2.  The SAP timeline

Introduction to SAP Production Planning

SAP ERP provides solutions to cover end-to-end business processes and functions
in an organization, including sales and distribution, production planning, materials
management, finance and control, plant maintenance, supply chain management,
human resources, and more. Refer to Figure 1-3.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 1-3.  Business functions in SAP S/4HANA

Production planning and execution is the mainstay of a manufacturing organization.

It is of utmost importance for a manufacturing organization to plan and forecast their
production. They must be able to set up streamlined production processes to maximize
efficiency and effectiveness and meet or exceed customer expectations. The SAP PP
module helps organizations effectively plan and produce their products.
This book discusses production planning tools like sales and operations planning
(S&OP), demand management, master production scheduling (MPS), materials
requirements planning (MRP), and capacity requirements planning (CRP). You’ll also
learn about manufacturing execution processes, ranging from discrete manufacturing to
repetitive manufacturing to the process industry process.
Manufacturing processes are broadly divided into two segments:

• Manufacturing planning

• Manufacturing execution

Chapter 1 Introduction

Manufacturing planning determines the quantities of materials to be produced to

meet customer demands. It considers the available capacity in the plant. Production
planning aids procurement of raw materials and other equipment needed for production
as well as planning of labor and other staff.
Manufacturing planning helps the organizations optimize their production process
and thus minimize production costs.
In SAP PP, various tools are available to support production planning, as shown in
Figure 1-4. These tools help companies plan their production in the most effective way:

• Sales and Operations Planning

• Demand Management

• Master Production Scheduling (MPS)

• Material Requirement Planning (MRP)

• Capacity Requirement Planning (CRP)

Figure 1-4.  Tools for production planning

Manufacturing execution determines how the raw materials are transformed into
finished goods. SAP has provided three production execution methodologies, as shown
in Figure 1-5.

• Production order-based manufacturing

• Repetitive manufacturing

• Process order-based manufacturing

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 1-5.  Manufacturing execution methodologies

Manufacturing Industry Types

The manufacturing industries are broadly divided into two industry types—discrete
manufacturing and process manufacturing.

Discrete Manufacturing
Discrete manufacturing is a production methodology used to produce materials or
assemblies that can be disassembled, completely or partially, into the original state of
the components used. The methodology uses complex, multi-level BOMs and products
change frequently from order to order. Lots of different products can be produced on
the same production line with a little variation of machine parameters/settings. The
products are manufactured using process like assembly, welding, machining, punching,
stamping, and so on. Industries such as automotive, electronics, medical devices, and
heavy machinery use discrete manufacturing to produce products like bicycles, cars,
computers, mobile phones, forklifts, heavy earth movers, and so on.

Process Manufacturing
Process manufacturing is a production methodology where the production involves
a special process that transforms the ingredients into a totally new product. The
production process is quite intricate as it involves formulas or recipes. The production
involves highly composite processes like casting, grinding, blending, boiling, and so on.
Chemicals and food products go through a chemical process. Industries like chemical,
pharma, FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods), and food and beverage use process
manufacturing to manufacture products such as chemicals, medicines, food products,
and so on.
Chapter 1 Introduction

Unlike discrete manufacturing, the finished goods in process manufacturing cannot

be disassembled into their original raw materials.
SAP designed two solutions—Production and Production-Process—that cater to
these two industries types: discrete and process.
SAP provides three production execution methodologies:

• Production order-based manufacturing

• Repetitive manufacturing

• Process order-based manufacturing

Production order-based manufacturing is a methodology where production is

executed based on orders. The materials are produced in lots or batches as the products
change quite frequently. The Production order is a detailed document and contains
tons of information. This is in addition to the ones available in planned orders, such
as operation details, system status, user status, planned cost, actual cost, component’s
overview, operations overview, and many more. There are also lots of functions
available, like release, cost, availability check, capacity planning, read PP master
data, technically closure of production order, and so on. You can also display goods
movement, cost analysis, confirmation details, and so on.
The strength of discrete manufacturing lies in the fact that every aspect of production
can be traced back with respect to the production order. To support traceability in
discrete manufacturing, you use the batch management functionality.
The cost of production is settled at order level. The settlement receiver is usually a
material for make-to-stock production and sales order for make-to-order production.
Repetitive manufacturing is a period-based production. The same product is
manufactured over a period of time, and products do not change frequently. The
planned order is a simple document containing only essential details, such as material,
quantity, production dates, production version, and components. The planned order
disappears forever once the backflush is posted.
The strength of repetitive manufacturing lies in the simplicity and effortlessness.
Thus, it requires less effort from the business for the backflush process.
The cost of production is settled on a product cost collector, which acts as a bucket
for storing the cost of production. A product cost collector is created for plant/material/
production version. The settlement is carried out periodically. (Usually monthly.)

Chapter 1 Introduction

Process order-based manufacturing is similar to production order-based

manufacturing but is used in discrete manufacturing. Process order-based
manufacturing is used in process industries.
In PP-PI, production is executed based on process orders, which are similar to
production orders. However, there are some differences between production order-­
based manufacturing and process order-based manufacturing.
In PP-PI, you use resources instead of work centers, master recipes instead of
routing, and process orders instead of production orders.
One of the more unique features of PP-PI are the PI sheets. In a PI sheet, you can
describe the entire production cycle of a product or part of a production process. If the
PI sheet represents part of the production process, you usually need several PI sheets
to manufacture a product. You can define the control and picking information for the
individual production steps in the PI sheets. The PI sheet is used to inform the process
operator about the individual production steps that need to be performed. They can
interactively maintain the SAP PI sheet according to the phase sequence.
Table 1-1 shows the differences between the different master data objects used in
each of the production execution methodologies—discrete manufacturing, process
industry, and repetitive manufacturing.

Table 1-1.  Master Data Objects in SAP PP

Discrete Manufacturing Process Industry Repetitive Manufacturing

Material Master Material Master Material Master

Bill of Materials (BOM) Bill of Materials (BOM) Bill of Materials (BOM)
Work Center Resources Production Line
Routing Master Recipe Rate Routing
Production Version Production Version Production Version
Production Resources and N/A Production Resources and
Tools Tools
N/A PI Sheets/ X-Steps N/A
N/A N/A Product Cost Collector

Chapter 1 Introduction

Table 1-2 shows the differences between the production execution methodologies
based on the functions available for each.

Table 1-2.  Production Execution Methodologies

Discrete Process Repetitive
Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing

Production Resources and Tools Yes No Yes

Order Splitting Yes No No
PI Sheets/X-Steps No Yes No
Trigger Point Yes No No
User Status Yes Yes No
Digital Signature No Yes No
Active Ingredient No Yes No
Setup Matrix Yes Yes No
Campaign Production No Yes No

SAP manufacturing consultants often think that the industry should steer them to
which type of manufacturing to use: PP or PP-PI. The decision about whether you want
to implement PP or PP-PI should be based on the functionality that you want to use.
Similarly, the decision to use order-based production (discrete and process) or
orderless production (repetitive) depends on your business requirements. Consider
requirements such as manufacturing processes on the shop floor, production reporting
and data capturing, traceability, collect/report costs per order or per time period,
and so on.

Note Production order-based manufacturing is referred to as discrete

manufacturing in SAP, which is misleading due to the fact that order-based
manufacturing and repetitive manufacturing are both execution methodologies
used in discrete manufacturing. In this book, we refer to order-based production as
simply discrete manufacturing, since that’s how it is referred to in SAP.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Business Case
Assume that SuperGears AG is a manufacturer and supplier of gear box assemblies to
major automobile OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers). SuperGears is rolling out
a big project to implement SAP S/4HANA to streamline their business processes. The
project scope is to cover end-to-end business process such as order-to-cash, procure-­
to-­pay, plan-to-produce, and record-to-report. The SAP project team must implement
core SAP modules like SD (Sales and Distribution), MM (Material Management), PP
(Production Planning and Execution), FICO (Finance and Controlling) , and so on. In
this book, we place emphasis on the production planning and execution modules.
Consider this discussion between the production manager at SuperGears and the
SAP S/4HANA production planning and execution functional consultant.

1. What do you produce?

We’re a leading manufacturer and supplier of gear boxes to

automotive OEMs. Our parts are built with the latest cutting-edge
technology to achieve a greater degree of efficiency. Constant
Mesh Gear box is our flagship product, which constitutes 70% of
our total sales.

2. What components are used for manufacturing a gear box


The major components that we use for production are a counter

shaft, clutch shaft, dog clutch, main shaft, and reverse gear (see
Figure 1-6).

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 1-6.  Constant mesh gear box

3. Can you explain your manufacturing process?

The shaft and gears are fabricated with high-quality steel, which
is procured from vendors. In our machine line, gears go through a
series of operations like machining, drilling, and boring on high-
precision CNC machines. Turning is performed on shafts on lathe
machines. Finally, the gears and shafts are assembled into the
gear box assembly on our assembly line.

Now that you know the business process for SuperGears AG, the next step is to
transform the business process into SAP. First you have to create master data objects like
material master, bill of material, work center, and so on.

Chapter 1 Introduction

In this chapter, you learned about ERP, including the history of ERP and the importance
of SAP production planning. You also learned about the different manufacturing
execution methodologies, including production order-based manufacturing, repetitive
manufacturing, and process order-based manufacturing. You’ll learn more about these
in the coming chapters.
The next chapter covers master data objects for SAP production planning and
execution. It explores all the relevant master data objects for SAP PP and discusses how
each master data object is created in SAP.


Master Data in SAP PP

This chapter explains the master data objects required for the manufacturing process in
SAP: material master, bill of materials, work center, routing, and production version.

Master Data
In SAP, two types of data are created—master data and transaction data.
Master data is static data that is used to drive key processes in the organization. Once
the master data is created, it is seldom changed. Master data acts as a prerequisite to run
business processes.
Transaction data is dynamic data used to capture day-to-day business transactions.
Master data is used during the creation of transactional data.
Business scenario: The purchasing department at SuperGears AG wants to run their
purchasing process using the SAP S/4HANA. The first thing they need to do is create
their master data, including the material master, the vendor master, the purchase info
records, the source list, and so on. One master data object can be used in another master
data object. For example, material master and vendor master are used in the purchase
info record. All these master data objects are eventually used in purchase requisitions
or purchase orders, which are transaction data. When there is a raw material shortage,
MRP will generate a purchase requisition to procure the material from the vendor.
The purchase requisition is converted to a purchase order. The master data objects are
created once and can be referred to in hundreds or thousands of transactions. However,
each transaction is unique and is identified by a unique document number. For example,
the purchasing department can issue hundreds of purchase orders to the vendor. All
the purchase orders will have unique order numbers, while the master data remains
the same.

© Himanshu Goel 2022
H. Goel, Handbook for SAP PP in S/4HANA,
Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Now that you have learned about master data and its importance, this section covers
the master data objects relevant for SAP PP:
Material master: The material master is essentially the most important master
data for any company. In the manufacturing industry, a company produces a product
and eventually needs semifinished assemblies and raw materials for the production
process. All the information related to the materials a company produces, procures,
stores, or sells is captured in the material master. SAP users often confuse material with
raw material, but the two are separate and distinct. In SAP, materials can be finished or
semifinished products, raw components, trade goods, or services and packaging.
Bill of materials (BOM): A bill of materials is a comprehensive list of the
components that make up a product or assembly. The list includes the material number
of each component, together with the quantity and unit of measure. You can create
single-level and/or multilevel BOMs. For instance, you would create a BOM for a
semifinished assembly and then create a BOM for a finished assembly that’s made up of
the semifinished assembly and additional components.
Work center: This refers to a place or a workstation where an activity or an operation
is performed during the production process. A work center can be a machine or a labor
(a manual operation such as quality inspection). Work centers are used in routing and
subsequently in production orders.
Task list: This is a list of the production steps. It contains the following important

• Operations that should be performed during the production of a

finished/semifinished assembly.

• The work center on which the operation should be performed.

• The time needed to set up machines during change over, including

operation or machine time for each process, labor time, and so on.

Task lists have different nomenclature in different manufacturing execution


• A task list with task list type N is called a routing and is used in
discrete manufacturing.
• A task list with task list type R is called a rate routing and is used in
repetitive manufacturing.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

• A task list with task list type 2 is called a master recipe and is used in
the process industry.

• Task lists with task list type S and M are referred to as reference
operation set and reference rate routing, respectively. These task lists
can be used as template routings.

Production Version: This defines a unique production technique for producing a

material. For example, the gearbox might use Counter_Shaft01 or Counter_Shaft02.
Either of the two counter shafts can be used to assemble the gearbox. This scenario
can be handled using an alternate BOM in SAP (see Figure 2-1). You can create two
alternative BOMs for gearbox, each using a different counter shaft.

Figure 2-1.  Alternate BOMs

Similarly, you can produce a finished/semifinished assembly on two different

production lines. For example, the gearbox can be assembled on Assembly_Line_01 or
Assembly_Line_02. This scenario is handled using a group counter in routing. You must
create two routings that can assemble the gearbox on different assembly lines.
Based on the BOM and routing, you can create four production versions for each
permutation and combination of BOM and routing for this assembly. You can also create
multiple production versions based on the production lot size or validity dates.
As you might have guessed, discrete manufacturing is the manufacturing industry
type that’s relevant to SuperGears AG. In the next section, you see how to create master
data for the gearbox assembly in a discrete manufacturing environment.

Material Master
A material master record is a central library for storing all relevant information from
various departments—for instance, the production department maintains data in the
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and Work Scheduling views, while the sales

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

and marketing teams store sales-related data in the Sales views of a material master.
Likewise, every logistics department, including purchasing, production, sales, quality,
and warehouses, store relevant data in the material master. The application of the
material master is not limited to logistics functions; rather, finance and controlling
departments also use the material master to store the data that is relevant for them.
It is quite common to define several types of materials, including:

• Finished assembly (FERT)

• Semifinished assembly (HALB)

• Raw material (ROH)

• Packaging material (VERP)

There are many more material types available in standard SAP. Moreover, material
types can also be customized as needed.
Are you wondering what FERT and HALB mean? They are abbreviated from German
words. FERT stands for “Fertigteil” or “Fertigerzeugnis” in German, which means a
finished good. HALB stands for “Halbfabrikat,” which means semifinished, and ROH
stands for “Rohteil,” which means a raw material.
Each material master record is uniquely identified by a material number that can be
up to 40 characters long in SAP S/4HANA. In SAP ERP ECC, the material number can
be up to 18 characters long. The material number can be internal or external. A material
master number is generated automatically when creating a material master record using
an internal number range. Users can also choose a specific number for the material
master number within an external number range. External numbers can be used when
a company is using multiple systems (for instance, a Product Lifecycle Management
system) and prefers to have synchronous material numbers.
Different views of the material master data are maintained at different organization
levels. For instance, sales views are maintained at the sales area level, MRP and work
scheduling tabs are maintained at the plant level, and accounting information is
maintained at the valuation area level. The valuation area is an organization level at
which materials are valuated; it can use a plant or company code.
For starters, to create a material master record, you need to define the following:
• Material number

• Industry sector

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

• Material type

• Material description

Material Number
The material number is a unique number that identifies a material. Any material that
is procured, produced, or stored in a plant must have a material master record created
for it, and this is represented with a unique material number. A material number can be
created uniquely using an internal number range or an external number range.
This is one of the improvements in SAP S/4HANA. In SAP ERP, material numbers
can be created with up to a maximum of 18 characters. However, SAP S/4HANA permits
you to create a material number of up to 40 characters. This is an optional feature. It
is also worth noting that the impact of this extension on custom code, interfaces, and
other SAP applications must be evaluated before using the 40-character extension by
switching it on.

Industry Sector
The industry sector determines the industry segment for which the material is created—
for example, mechanical engineering, the chemical industry, pharma, and so forth. It
also determines the views and fields that can be used to maintain the material master
record. For instance, the industry sector could be configured to determine which views
and in what sequence users can display the material master. Also, it can be configured so
that a field is required, optional, display only, or hidden.

Material Types
The material type determines if the material is

• Finished assembly

• Semifinished assembly

• Raw material

• Packaging material
Material type plays a very vital role, as it determines the business process for
the material—for instance, a finished assembly (Material Type FERT) does not have
purchasing views, while raw materials do not have sales views.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

It is important to choose the material type correctly, especially in complex

organizations like multinational corporations. The same material can be a product
in one part of the organization, a trade material in another, and a raw material in
yet another. So, choosing the right material type can be tricky, as material type is
independent of organizational level.
When creating a material master record, the material type determines the following
(see Figure 2-2):

• Which departments can maintain the material master record

• Whether the material number is assigned internally or externally

• Which number range interval the material number comes from

• Which screens appear and in which sequence

• Which department-specific data you must enter

• Which special material types are allowed; for example, configurable


• Which procurement type is allowed—internal production or external


• Whether quantity changes in the material master record are updated

• Whether value changes to financial accounting stock accounts

are updated

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-2.  Material types

Material Description
A material description is a detailed description of the material. For instance, you can
describe the product name using configuration details of the finished assembly. The
material description is initially maintained in the login language. You can also maintain
material description translations in multiple languages.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

The material master record is created for almost all the business functions in
an organization, including Purchasing, Sales, Production Planning and Execution,
Inventory Management, Warehouse Management, Quality Management, Finance,
Costing, and so on. For each business function there is separate segment in the material
master, which is referred to as views. The following section takes a quick look of the
different views available in the SAP material master record.

• Basic Data: Basic data views contain general information

about a material and are created at the client level. This means
the information contained in these views is generic and not
organizational-level specific. Even if the same material is created for
multiple plants across multiple locations, the fields maintained in
Basic Data views remain the same for the material. This view contains
important fields like the base unit of measure, the material group, the
gross weight, the net weight, and so on.

• Classification: Material classification is used to group objects that

are similar but have certain different properties, like dimension,
color, weight, and so forth. Using this classification system, you can
use characteristics to describe all types of objects (characteristics)
and group similar objects (characteristics) in classes. You can use
classification to search for a material based on the characteristics
value. The classification view is maintained at the client level, which
means all the classes and characteristics are valid across all the plants
for which the material is created.

• Sales: Data maintained in Sales views is used by the Sales and

Distribution module of SAP for any activities pertaining to selling and
distributing the material to reach the customers. There are five views
for sales—Sales: Sales Organization 1, Sales: Sales Organization 2,
Sales: General/Plant, International Trade: Export, and Sales Text.

• Purchasing: Purchasing is a component of SAP S/4HANA Sourcing

and Procurement that is responsible for procuring material from
the vendor. Data maintained in the purchasing view of the material
master is used in any activities pertaining to buying and procuring
the material from the vendor. There are three views for purchasing—
Purchasing, International Trade: Import, and Purchase Order Text.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

• Production Planning and Execution Views: The production

planning and executions tabs are spread over eight views: MRP1,
MRP2, MRP3, MRP4, Forecasting, Advanced Planning, Extended SPP,
and Work Scheduling. The fields in these views play a significant role
in the material planning and production process.

• General Plant Data/Storage: The Plant Data/Storage views (i.e.,

General Plant Data/Storage 1 and General Plant Data/Storage 2)
contain fields and data that determine how the shelf-life of a material
is determined, how the physical inventory process should be carried
out, and so on.

• Quality Management: In the Quality Management view of the

material master, you can define the parameters that control the
process for quality inspections throughout the logistics supply chain.
You can also define various inspection parameters based on the
inspection type—for example:

• How the quality inspections are triggered

• If the inspection should be done with or without a task list

• If the inspection should be done with or without a material


• Whether result recordings should be done for inspection


• Accounting: The Accounting views (i.e., Accounting 1 and

Accounting 2) of the material master hold specific data about how
the material is valuated, along with other accounting data.

• Costing: The Costing view is used to determine the product cost. It

can involve various inputs, but for production, the most important
is the costing lot size—an optimal lot size used for product cost

• Now let’s create a new material master for the gear assembly, which
is a finished material. I’m only creating a finished good. Similarly,
you must create a material master record for all the components,
semifinished assemblies, packaging materials, and so on.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

• Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Master Data ➤ Material Master

➤ Material ➤ Create (General) ➤ Immediately. You can also use
Transaction Code (T-Code) MM01 to create a material master record.
Figure 2-3 shows the initial screen of a material master, where you
can enter the material number (if an external number range is
permitted), industry segment, and material type. Then you can select
the views that you want to create for the material.

Figure 2-3.  Create material master

The screen shown in Figure 2-4 appears, where you can maintain the organization
data relevant to the material. For example, you can enter the plant, storage location,
sales organization, distribution channel, warehouse number, and storage type.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-4.  Create material master: organizational levels

In the Basic Data 1 view, you can maintain a material description, a base unit of
measure, the material group, and other important fields like gross weight, net weight,
and so on, as shown in Figure 2-5.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-5.  Material master: basic data 1

The next section discusses some of the most important fields in the MRP views of the
material master.

MRP1 View
This section discusses some of the most important fields in the MRP1 view of the
material master. The MRP1 view contains three sections—General Data, MRP Procedure,
and Lot Size Data. Figure 2-6 displays the MRP1 view of the material master.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-6.  Material master: MRP1

Base Unit of Measure (UoM): Each material master record must have a base unit of
measure. This UoM is used for inventory management. It means the stock is maintained
in a base unit of measure. Each business function can maintain its own UoM, such as a
purchasing unit of measure or production unit of measure or sales unit of measure. All
additional units of measure other than the base unit of measure are called alternative
units of measure. SAP ERP comes supplied with the ISO (International Organization
for Standardization) unit of measure tables, meaning that SAP ERP already has the
conversions from kilograms to pounds. For nonstandard units, you must define the
conversion factor of the alternative unit of measure to the base unit of measure for each
alternate UoM; for example, converting pieces to pallets or cartons.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

MRP Group: This is an important field, as several MRP parameters can be defined
in it. The MRP group contains a lot of parameters, including the planning strategy
group, consumption mode, order types to be used while converting a planned order to
a production/process order, planning time fence, and so forth. Instead of using the MRP
plant parameters, you can use MRP groups and then assign them to materials that share
the same parameters.
Purchasing Group: This key identifies a person or a group of people who are
responsible for activities related to the purchase of the materials. This field is only
relevant to materials that are procured externally.
ABC Indicator: This key identifies the ABC classification of a material. The ABC
classification is based on material consumption:

• A: High consumption part, thus considered the most important

• B: Medium consumption part, thus relatively less important

• C: Low consumption part, quite unimportant

You can define your own percentage for classifying according to the ABC analysis—
for example, materials with 60% of consumption value can be classified as A, materials
with 25% consumption value can be classified as B, and the remaining 15% can be
classified as C.
In some organizations, materials classified as A get special attention and thus
are planned through MPS (master production scheduling) instead of MRP (Material
Requirements Planning).
Plant-Specific Material Status: This field indicates if a material is restricted for use
in a particular business function. Table 2-1 shows the statuses and the areas for which
materials are allowed. The system will throw a restriction message (i.e., a warning or an
error message) if the material is used in a restricted way in the plant.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Table 2-1.  Plant Specific Material Status

Purchasing MRP Production Plant Inventory Costing
Maintenance Management

Blocked for X X X X X
Under X
Blocked for X X X X X
Blocked for X X X X X
Blocked for X X X X X

MRP Type: MRP is one of the most important functions in SAP.

In SAP, there are three broad types of MRP procedures, as shown in Figure 2-7:

• Materials requirements planning

• Master production scheduling

• Consumption-based planning
• Reorder-point planning

• Time-phased planning

• Forecast-based planning

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-7.  The MRP procedure

Material Requirements Planning (MRP): MRP is a planning engine used to

calculate which materials (or components) should be produced (or procured), the
quantities to be produced/procured, and the dates on which the material should be
available. The function of MRP is to ensure material availability for production and thus
on-time delivery to customers.
The standard SAP offers five MRP types:


• P1 MRP, fixing type -1

• P2 MRP, fixing type -2

• P3 MRP, fixing type -3

• P4 MRP, fixing type -4

MRP types P1 to P4 are MRPs with a fixing type (or firming type). The firming type
determines how order proposals are firmed and scheduled if you work with a planning
time fence in the planning run.
Master Production Scheduling (MPS): MPS is exactly like MRP, except it is used
to flag materials separately. Master production scheduling (MPS) is a form of MRP that
concentrates the planning on the parts or products that have the greatest influence on
the company’s profitability or that dominate the entire production process by using

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

critical resources. These items are marked as A parts in the ABC indicator field (MPS
items) and are planned with extra attention. These items are selected for a separate MPS
run that takes place before the MRP run. The MPS run is conducted without a BOM
explosion so that the MRP controller can ensure that the master schedule items (MSI)
are correctly planned before the detailed MRP run takes place.
MPS is run separately and can only be run at a single-level run. The materials
planned with MPS are not included in the normal MRP run. This means a separate
transaction is used in SAP for the MPS run.
The standard SAP offers five MPS types:

• M0 MPS, fixing type -0-

• M1 MPS, fixing type -1-

• M2 MPS, fixing type -2-

• M3 MPS, fixing type -3-

• M4 MPS, fixing type -4-

Consumption-Based Planning (CBP): As the name suggests, consumption-based

planning procedures use past consumption data or historical data to calculate future
requirements with the help of the material forecast or static planning procedures. The
demand elements have no influence on CBP.
Consumption-based planning is further divided into three broad categories:
Reorder-point planning: The procurement is triggered when the sum of plant stock
and firmed receipts falls below the reorder point. The following MRP types operate on
the principles of reorder-point planning:

• V1 Manual reord.point w. ext.reqs

• V2 Autom. reord.point w. ext.reqs

• VB Manual reorder-point planning

Forecast-based planning: The future requirements are determined based on

historical consumption data. The VV Forecast-based planning MRP type operates on the
principles of forecast-based planning.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Time-phased planning: This planning type can be used when the materials are
procured in a particular time interval. For example, say a vendor delivers the product
every Monday. You can add the quantity for the entire week and send a cumulative
requirement. The following MRP types operate on the principles of time-phased

• R1 Time-phased planning

• R2 Time-phased

• RR Tmphsd. repl. w. dyn.trgt.stck

• RS Time-phased replenishment plng

Reorder Point: If you are using reorder-point planning, you must maintain the
reorder point. Whenever the stock falls below the reorder-point quantity, the system
creates a procurement proposal during the next planning run. The MRP controller must
maintain this value manually when using manual reorder-point planning. If you are
using automatic reorder-point planning, the system updates this value automatically at
defined intervals.
Lot Sizing Procedure: The lot size indicator helps determine the lot size (or the
quantity to be procured/produced) during the net requirement calculation in the
planning run. This means the MRP run will calculate the exact order quantity based on
the lot size. The lot sizes are divided into three major types:
Static lot size: The procurement quantity is calculated based on the specified
quantity in the material master.

• Fix order quantity

• Lot for lot order quantity

• Replenishment to a maximum stock level

Period lot size: You can add the requirement for a specified time interval. For
example, you can group the demand for a time bucket (days, weeks, or months) and the
system will create orders accordingly.

• Daily lot size

• Weekly lot size

• Monthly lot size

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Optimum lot size: As the name suggests, this lot-sizing procedure aims to create
optimal lots by minimizing costs like lot-size-independent costs (setup or order costs)
and storage costs.

• Part period balancing

• Dynamic lot size

• Groff reorder procedure

Based on the selected lot size procedure, the following fields appear dynamically in
the lot size data section of the MRP1 view.
Minimum Lot Size: The minimum quantity allowed for a procurement element. For
example, say the minimum lot size for a material is 50 pcs. There is a requirement of 40
pcs, and the stock availability is 15 pcs. Based on the net requirement calculation, the
procurement element should be 25 pcs. Due to the minimum lot size, the system creates
a procurement element of 50 pcs.
Maximum Lot Size: The maximum quantity allowed for a procurement element.
For example, say the maximum lot size for a material is 50 pcs. There is a requirement
of 125 pcs, and the stock available is 5 pcs. Based on the net requirement calculation,
the procurement element should be 120 pcs. Due to the maximum lot size of 50 pcs, the
system creates two procurement elements of 50 each and a third procurement element
for 20 pcs to cover the requirements.
Maximum Stock Level: The maximum allowed quantity for the material in the plant.
This is used when you are using the HB - Replenish to Maximum Stock Level lot-sizing
Assembly Scrap: Usually, there is scrap during the production of assembly
materials. You can maintain the scrap percentage so that scrap is considered during lot
size calculation. For example, if you maintain an assembly scrap at 10% and there is a
requirement of 100 pcs, the system will create an order proposal for 110 pcs to account
for 10% scrap. Using assembly scrap also helps you plan components in a better way.

MRP2 View
This section discusses some of the important fields in the MRP2 view of the material
master. The MRP2 view contains three sections—Procurement, Scheduling, and Net
Requirements Calculation. Figure 2-8 displays the MRP2 view of the material master.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-8.  Material master: MRP2

Procurement Type: Using this key, you can decide how a material is procured (i.e., if
the material is produced in-house or procured externally from a vendor). If the material
is procured externally, the planning run creates a purchase requisition. If the material
is produced in-house, the system creates a planned order. There could be some special
materials that are mostly produced in-house; however, due to capacity constraints, the
materials are sourced from vendors. For such materials, you can set the procurement type
to Both Procurement and the system will generate a planned order during the planning run.
The MRP controller can decide if the planned order should be converted to a production
order for in-house production. If there are capacity constraints, then the planned order is
converted to a purchase requisition, which is further converted to a purchase order.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Special Procurements: Some materials are procured in specific ways and thus are
identified by a special procurement key.
Some of the special procurement types for in-house production are

• Phantom assembly

• Production in another plant

• Direct production/collective order

Some of the special procurement types for external procurement are

• Consignment

• Subcontracting

• Stock transfer

Backflush: Backflush refers to auto goods issue to the production order. You can
skip the manual goods issue process using backflush. The backflush indicator can be
activated in multiple master data objects. The highest priority is checked based on the
following hierarchy:

• Routing: You can activate backflush for a component in component


• Material Master: You can activate backflush in the material master

or let the work center decide.

• Work Center: If you opted for the work center to decide in the
material master, you can activate backflush in the work center. This
provides an advantage if you want to backflush all the components
that are consumed in this work center and thus do not need to
activate backflush for each material in the material master.

Batch Entry: This field is used to specify how the batches of the components are
determined in a production/process order. You have the following options:

• The batches can be assigned manually in the order before the order is
• The batches can be determined automatically when the order is

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

• The batches are determined when the goods issue is posted.

• The batches must be entered in the order before the goods issue is
posted, but not necessarily before the order is released.

Production Storage Location: This is the storage location that is populated

automatically in an order (planned order, production order, or run schedule quantity in
REM—repetitive manufacturing). For a material that is produced, the production storage
location is where the finished goods are posted during goods receipt. For a component,
this is the issuing storage location to which the backflush is posted.
In-House Production Time in Days: This field is used to maintain the lead time to
produce a material. (Normally, the manufacturing lead time is the sum of the in-house
production time and the GR processing time.) This is maintained on workdays and used
to calculate the basic date for a planned order in a planning run. The time maintained
in in-house production time is lot-size independent, which means the planned dates
remain the same, irrespective of how many parts are produced.
Planned Delivery Time in Days: This field is used to maintain the lead time for
procuring material externally from the vendor. (Normally, the purchasing lead time is
a sum of the planned delivery time and the GR processing time.) This is maintained
in workdays and specifies the time from when it is ordered until it is received in the
warehouse. Like in-house production time, it helps the material controller plan
the components effectively, as planned delivery time is calculated in the purchase
GR Processing Time (in Days): This is the time needed for inspection and placing
the materials in the stock once the stock is received. Goods receipt processing time is
also considered in total replenishment lead time.
Schedule Margin Key: This key is used to determine floats or buffer time that
should be considered during lead time scheduling. The floats are generally used
for administrative activities or to compensate for interruptions during production.
Float before production or after production can be used as a buffer for unforeseen
interruptions. Float before production is used to compensate for any delays in
material staging of components, or delays caused by capacity constraints. The float
after production can be used to compensate for unexpected interruptions during the
Safety Stock: This is the quantity of the material that should always be in stock to
mitigate the risk of running out of stocks during uncertain times. Safety stock acts as a
buffer to meet unexpected high demands from the customer or to continue production

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

even if there is an interruption in delivery from the vendor. It can be maintained

manually using manual reorder-point planning. The safety stock is determined
automatically when using automatic reorder-point planning or forecast-based planning.
Minimum Safety Stock: This is used during the automatic calculation of the safety
stock to ensure it doesn’t fall below the minimum in case the system determines the
safety stock to be too low.

MRP3 View
This section discusses some of the important fields in the MRP3 view of the material
master. The MRP3 view contains four sections—Forecast Requirements, Planning,
Availability Check, and Plant-Specific Configuration. Figure 2-9 displays the MRP3 view
of the material master.

Figure 2-9.  Material master: MRP3

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Strategy Group: A strategy group is used to group all the planning strategies that can
be used for a material. However, in most cases, only one planning strategy is used for a
A planning strategy is used to determine the planning procedure for a material. You
can choose to produce a material in one of the following production environments:

• Make to order: The materials are produced for a specific sales order
only. The material is not planned with a planned independent
requirement, and the planning run (MRP) does not consider planned
independent requirements, if any. There is a clear relation between
production and sales, and each production order has an assignment
and is created with reference to a sales order. The cost of production
is settled on the sales order. The most common make-to-order
planning strategies are 20, 50, and 60.

• Make to stock: The materials are produced based on the forecast.

Demand management plays a vital role in make-to-stock production,
and MRP plans the production against the planned independent
requirements. Sales orders are not considered in planning in pure
make-to-stock production. The cost of production is settled on the
material. The most common make-to-stock planning strategies are
10, 11, and 40.

• Assemble to order: A product is assembled only when the sales

order is received. The assemble-to-order environment is used in
industries where a lot of finished assemblies are produced and
they use the same components and semifinished assemblies. This
gives you the flexibility to procure the key components and produce
semifinished assemblies in a make-to-stock environment.

Consumption mode: This key is used to determine how the forecasts are consumed
by the demands. The planned independent requirements are created as forecasts, which
can be consumed by customer requirements or other demands. (Sales order, dependent
requirements, or material reservations.) You can use backward consumption to consume
forecasts that fall earlier than the requirement date of demands or forward consumption
to consume forecasts that fall after the requirement date of demands.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-10 shows how the planned independent requirements are consumed by
customer requirements in backward and forward consumption mode.

Figure 2-10.  Consumption mode

Backward Consumption Period: If you are using backward consumption, you

can specify the period for which planned independent requirements are consumed by
sales orders, dependent requirements, or material reservations. The backward period is
calculated from the current date.
Forward Consumption Period: If you are using forward consumption, you can
specify the period for which planned independent requirements are consumed by
sales orders, dependent requirements, or material reservations. The forward period is
calculated from the current date.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Availability Check: This field is rather important, as it helps determine if products

can be delivered on time to the customers while creating a sales order, during planned
order or production order creation. During the availability check, the system considers
several parameters, including MRP elements (production order, sales order, purchase
order, and so on), stock, planned independent requirements, and so forth. The following
availability checking groups are preconfigured in standard SAP:

• 01 Daily Requirements

• 02 Individual Requirements

• KP No Check

Checking group 01 means the system adds up all the requirements for a day and
MRP creates a procurement proposal for the cumulated quantities. This also means
that only one line is displayed in the MD04 Stock Requirement List with cumulated
requirement quantities.
Checking group 02 means all requirements are considered individually and
thus MRP creates procurement proposals for each requirement. Each requirement,
such as sales order or schedule line, is displayed individually in the MD04 Stock
Requirement List.

MRP4 View
This section discusses some of the most important fields in the MRP4 view of the
material master. The MRP4 view contains three sections—BOM Explosion/Dependent
Requirements, Discontinued Parts, and Repetitive Manufacturing/Assembly/
Deployment Strategy.
Figure 2-11 shows the MRP4 view of the material master.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-11.  Material master: MRP4

Individual/Collective: This indicator is used to determine if the dependent

requirements of a material are planned separately or grouped together. You can choose
if you want to group material components individually for each sales order or if you want
to group the dependent requirement into one order.
Production Version: This specifies a unique production method for the material.
For example, material A001 can be manufactured using components B001 and C001
or components B001 and D001. You must create two alternate BOMs, specifying which
components should be used to produce material A001. Similarly, the material can be
produced on two production lines with different production processes. Routing must be
created with two group counters, each describing the appropriate production process.
The Production Version button can be used to create production versions in a new
popup screen. With reference to the previous example, you can create four production
versions for a unique combination of alternate BOMs and routing groups.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

A production version also contains the date range, the lot range, and the status for
the material.

Note  You must create a production version for an in-house produced material in

Repetitive Manufacturing Indicator: Setting up this indicator means you are

activating the material to be manufactured in a repetitive environment. You must also
assign a REM profile if you’re using repetitive manufacturing.
REM Profile: You must assign a repetitive manufacturing (REM) profile, which
decides certain parameters based on the customization:

• Order type determines if a material is produced in a make-to-stock or

make-to-order environment.

• Control parameters for reporting point, error correction, planned

order reduction, and so on.

• Movement types for goods receipt, goods issue, scrap, and so on.

Work Scheduling View

This view contains production-relevant information and is mandatory to maintain if you
are operating in the discrete/process industry. Otherwise, the system will not allow you
to create a production/process order. Figure 2-12 shows the work scheduling view of the
material master.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-12.  Material master: work scheduling

Production Supervisor: This key is used to identify a person or a group of people

responsible for the production of the material. A production scheduling profile can be
assigned to a production scheduler and thus it can be used to determine scheduling
parameters, as described in the next field.
Production Scheduling Profile: This is used to determine how certain functions
are triggered in the production or process order. You can release an order automatically
or print shop floor papers. You can trigger automatic goods receipt during order
confirmation. You can assign the order type to be used when converting a planned order
to a production Order. You can specify an overall profile for capacity leveling.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Serial Number Profile: Your organization produces goods that should have serial
numbers. Each material produced must have a unique identification number—for
example, a chassis number for a vehicle or IMEI number for a cellphone device.
Then you must assign a serial number profile to the material, which is defined in
customization to establish certain parameters about how the serial numbers are created.
Serialization Level: You can define the level at which the serial number must be
unique. You can define the serial number to be unique at a material level, which means
the system checks for the uniqueness of a material and serial number combination.
This means another material can have the same serial number. However, if you want
the serial number to be unique at the client level, you must check indicator 1, and it will
ensure that no two materials have the same serial number. You must ensure that every
material master record has the indicator 1.
Batch Management: This indicator specifies that the material should be handled in
batches at the client level.
Batch Management Indicator for Plant: The indicator specifies if the material
should be handled in batches in the plant.
Approved Batch Record Required: This indicator is used only if you are operating
in the process industry. If you have checked this indicator in the material master, then
the system will check if the batch record has been approved to allow the following

• Making the usage decision for an inspection lot of the origin goods
receipt from production

• Changing the batch status from restricted to unrestricted

Batch Entry: This field specifies how the batches of components are determined in a
production/process order. You have the following options:

• The batches can be assigned manually in the order before the order is

• The batches can be determined automatically when the order is


• The batches can be determined when the goods issue is posted.

• The batches must be entered in the order before the goods issue is
posted, but not necessarily before the order is released.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Underdelivery Tolerance: You can specify a permissible lower tolerance limit for
the quantity that can be accepted against the order quantity. Say you have an order
quantity of 100 with an underdelivery tolerance limit of 5%. In that case, the system will
not allow Goods receipt below 95.
Overdelivery Tolerance: You can specify a permissible upper tolerance limit for the
quantity that can be accepted against the order quantity. Say you have an order quantity
of 100 with an overdelivery tolerance limit of 5%. In that case, the system will not allow
goods receipt over 105.
Unlimited Overdelivery Tolerance: You can use this indicator to specify that there
is no limit for overdelivery and underdelivery. The system will allow you to post any
amount of goods receipt.
Now that you have created material master records for finished goods, semifinished
goods, and components, you can create a BOM (bill of materials) for the gearbox

Bill of Materials
A bill of materials (BOM) is a comprehensive list of the components that make up a
product or assembly. The list includes the material number of each component, together
with the quantity and unit of measure, among other details. SuperGears AG needs
components like a counter shaft, a clutch shaft, a dog clutch, a main shaft, and a reverse
gear to produce their gear assembly, for example.
You can create a bill of materials using Transaction Code CS01 or by choosing
Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Master Data ➤ Bill of Materials ➤ Bill of Materials ➤ Material
BOM ➤ Create.
Figure 2-13 shows the initial screen called Create Material BOM. Enter the material
number of the final assembly for which you want to create the BOM, the plant number of
the production plant, and BOM usage.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-13.  Create a bill of materials

BOM Usage: This is used to state the application area where the BOM can be used.
For example, the Engineering team at SuperGears creates a BOM for Engineering/
Design to list all the components needed for gear assembly during the design phase. The
BOM created with usage Engineering/Design is not exploded during the MRP run or
cannot be used in a production order. Once the Engineering team approves the design of
the gear assembly for production, a BOM with usage Production is created, which can be
used for the MRP run and the production orders.
Similarly, you can create a BOM for Sales & Distribution, Plant Maintenance,
Costing, and so on. If you create a BOM with usage Universal, it can be used for all
business functions. Figure 2-14 shows the BOM uses available in SAP.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-14.  BOM usage

Alternative BOM: If a finished/semifinished assembly can be produced in multiple

ways using different components, you can use an alternative BOM to record different
ways for producing that material. SuperGears AG uses counter shafts, clutch shafts, dog
clutches, main shafts, and reverse gears to manufacture the constant mesh gearbox.
While creating the BOM, the system will generate the BOM with Alternative BOM 1 by
default. A gearbox can use Counter_Shaft01 or Counter_Shaft02. Either of the two
counter shafts can be used to assemble the gearbox. This scenario can be handled using
an alternate BOM in SAP. You can create two alternative BOMs for the gearbox, each
using different counter shafts.
Thus, the primary BOM is created using Counter_Shaft01 with Alternative BOM 1.
You also need to create another BOM using Counter_Shaft02 and the system will set the
alternative BOM 2. The system allows you to create up to 99 alternative BOMs.
Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-15 shows the header screen of the BOM.

Figure 2-15.  Create material BOM header

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

BOM: A BOM number is generated automatically by the system to each material and
BOM category. All the alternative BOMs created for a material are grouped in the same
BOM number. Similarly, all the variants in a variant BOM are also grouped in the same
BOM number.
Base Quantity: Base quantity is the quantity to which all component quantities in a
BOM relate. For example, the base quantity for gear assembly would be 1 and you would
assign a quantity of each component required to produce one gear assembly. However, if
you’re producing cheese, you might need approximately 80 kgs of milk to produce 10 kgs
of cheese. In this case, the base quantity for cheese would be 10 kgs and you’d allocate
quantities for components with reference to the base quantity of the parent material.
BOM Status: This identifies if the BOM is active or inactive, as shown in Figure 2-16.
New status keys can be customized by specifying an application area like MRP explosion,
planned order, costing, and so on.

Figure 2-16.  Bill of materials status

Valid From: This specifies the date from which the BOM is valid. The system defaults
the current date on which BOM is created as valid from date.
Let’s look at some of the important data in item overview by clicking the Item
Overview button.
Item Number: This number refers to the sequence of BOM components. Usually, the
item increment is 10, starting with 0010 for the first component.
Item Category: The item category identifies the type of material and influences how
the material can be used in the BOM. Common item categories are stock item, non-­
stock item, variable-size item, text item, document item, and intra material, as shown in
Figure 2-17.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Stock Item: Most of the components are kept in stock and must have a material
master record so that the inventory situation can be analyzed and procurement can be
triggered based on stock consumption.
Non-Stock Item: These are components in BOM that are rarely used and thus you
don’t need to maintain the stock of this component. It is not mandatory to create a
material master record; you can just enter a material description for this component.
Text Item: The system stores your text in a text file using the long text processing
Document Item: You can use document item to attach documents like design
drawing, catalogue, user manual, and so on.

Figure 2-17.  Item category

Component: You must assign the material number from the material master record
of the component, as shown in Figure 2-18.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-18.  Create material BOM: general item overview

Component Description: Component description is populated automatically from

the material master record. If you’re using a non-stock item, you can just enter the
component description along with other details, like quantity, price, purchasing group,
material group, and so on.
Quantity: Assign the quantity of the component with reference to the base quantity
of the finished assembly.
Unit of Measure: The unit of measure for component is populated from the material
master record automatically.
Assembly Indicator: If the component is a semifinished assembly and has its own
BOM, the Assembly indicator is assigned automatically by the system.
Subitems Indicator: If you have maintained subitems, this flag is set by the system
Business Case: This scenario involves the Electrical and Electronics industry, where
it is important to store reference designators in SAP and eventually send this information
to the MES system. This marks the exact place where a component (for example, a
capacitor or a relay) should be placed on the PCB. The same components could be used

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

at multiple points, which means a component can have multiple reference designators.
This makes it even more important to store all the reference points for each component
in SAP. Reference designators are also called mounting points and are called installation
points in SAP.
You can maintain subitems by clicking the Subitem Overview button, as shown in
Figure 2-19.

Figure 2-19.  Create material BOM: subitems

Note: The subitems have been assigned just to show the functionality. However, the
installation points are not relevant in the example of the gearbox assembly.
Valid From: Specifies the date from which the component is valid. The system
defaults the current date on which BOM is created as the Valid From date. When a new
component is assigned to an existing BOM, the current date is assigned as the Valid
From date for the component. If you’re using a change number, the Valid From date is
populated from the change number.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Valid To: Specify the date until which the component is valid. The system defaults
the valid to date as 31.12.9999. If a component is replaced by another component, the
Valid To date is changed accordingly.
Change number: You can use the change number to create or change master data
objects, like the material master, BOM, routing, and so on. When using change master in
BOM, you can control certain parameters:

• Valid From date of BOM header or components

• Track the changes/history of the BOM

Phantom: If the component is assigned phantom in the material master record, the
system sets this indicator automatically.
SAP phantom assembly is a virtual assembly that’s neither produced nor purchased.
You don’t keep inventory of the phantom assembly either. The purpose of the phantom
assembly is to create a BOM so that all the components can be grouped, but you don’t
want to create a separate production order. You can also say that phantom assemblies
are assembled “on the go” and immediately consumed by some other assembly in the
production process.
For example, the reverse gear and dog clutch are mounted on the main shaft forming
a phantom assembly. But you don’t have to create a separate production order and keep
the phantom assembly in stock, as it is immediately assembled with a counter shaft and
a clutch shaft.

Work Center
This refers to a place or a workstation where an activity or an operation is performed
during the production process. A work center can be a machine/group of machines or
a labor process (manual operation like quality inspection)/group of machines or even a
combination of machine and labor. Work centers are used in routing and subsequently
in production orders.
You can create a work center using Transaction Code CR01 or by choosing Logistics
➤ Production ➤ Master Data ➤ Work Centers ➤ Work Centers ➤ Create.
Plant: Enter the plant, the name of the work center, and the work center category, as
shown in Figure 2-20.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-20.  Create work center

Work Center: You can define an eight-digit alphanumeric unique name for the
work center.
Business Case: At SuperGears AG, the gears that are procured from external vendors
go through a series of operations like machining, drilling, and boring on the machine
line. Similarly, turning is performed on shafts on lathe machines. And finally, the gears
and shafts are assembled into gearbox assembly on the assembly line. To map this
process, you must create work centers for the machine line, the lathe machine, and the
assembly line.
Let’s consider an example of an assembly line only to keep the process simple. Let’s
create a work center called CM_ASSY, which will be used to assemble the gearbox.
Work Center Category: Work center category determines the data that can be
maintained in the work center, as shown in Figure 2-21.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-21.  Work center category

It also identifies the application areas where the work center can be used, as shown
in Figure 2-22. For example, the work center created with the Machine category can be
used for maintenance, production, or quality inspection, as shown in Figure 2-22.

Figure 2-22.  Work center category application

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

The work center master contains five tabs—Basic Data, Default Values, Capacities,
Scheduling, and Costing. The next sections discuss some of the important fields in each
of these tabs.

Basic Data View

Figure 2-23 shows the basic data view of the work center.

Figure 2-23.  Work center: basic data

Description: In the Work Center header, you can see that the plant and work center
name are populated from the initial screen. You must enter the Work Center description
and provide more specific details of the work center for CM_ASSY. Then you must specify
the description of the work center as Constant Mesh Gearbox Assembly.
Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Production Supply Area: The production supply area serves as interim storage on
the shop floor. Components are received from the warehouse and stored temporarily
in production supply area, also called the PSA. The components are then used for
production directly from PSA, thus reducing the wait time. The PSA is used in Kanban
and JIT outbound processing and in extended warehouse management.
Task List Usage: This key can be used to determine the task lists in which a work
center or production resource/tool may be used. Task list usage shouldn’t be confused
with the work center category. The Work Center category determines the application
areas like production, maintenance, and so on. The task list usage determines the task
list type where the work center can be used. For example, the work center category called
0001 Machine specifies the application as P Routings for Production. With Task List
Usage, you can restrict the use of work center for only routings or rate routings or master
Backflush: This refers to automatic goods issue to production orders. You can
skip the manual goods issue process using backflush. The backflush indicator can be
activated in multiple master data objects. The highest priority is checked based on the
following hierarchy:

• Routing: You can activate backflush for a component in component


• Material Master: You can activate backflush in the material master

or let the work center decide.

• Work Center: If you opted for the work center to decide in the
material master, then you can activate backflush in the work
center. This provides an advantage if you want to backflush all the
components that are consumed in this work center and thus do not
need to activate backflush for each material in the material master.

Standard Value Key: When doing an operation on a work center, certain activities
are performed. For example, when starting production, you need to set up the machine
settings (for example, change the cutting tools or adjust the operating parameters on
a CNC machine). This activity is referred to as setup. Similarly, you can have other
activities like machine or labor time, which are used to calculate cycle time and costs
for each operation, and so on. Other activities can be power, depreciation, overhead,
and so on.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

All these activities are also referred to as parameters. A standard reference key can
contain up to a maximum of six parameters for activities, as shown in Figure 2-24. The
activities are then populated in routing and are used to calculate capacity, scheduling,
costing, and so on. The SAP1 standard value key, as shown in Figure 2-24, contains three
activities—Setup, Machine, and Labor.

Figure 2-24.  Work center: standard value key

You can also create new standard value keys, which can include a maximum of six
activities. For example, setup, machine, labor, power, depreciation, and overhead.
Rule for Maintenance: This determines whether it is optional or mandatory to
maintain a value for an activity in an operation of a routing.

Default Values View

Figure 2-25 shows the Default Values view of the work center.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-25.  Work center: default values

Control Key: This is used to determine how an operation is processed. It controls

a lot of parameters, including scheduling, capacity requirements, costing, external
processing, confirmation, and so on. Figure 2-26 shows all the parameters for control
key PP01.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-26.  Control key

• The Scheduling check box determines if scheduling is performed on

this work center.

• Determine Capacity Requirements controls whether capacity

requirement records are generated for an operation on this
work center.

• Cost Indicator determines if the activities performed on this work

center should be costed.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

• Automatic Goods Receipt specifies that a goods receipt for an order

is posted automatically for the confirmation. This means if a control
key with Automatic Goods Receipt is assigned to an operation
and a confirmation is posted, the system also posts goods receipts

• Externally Processing specifies that the operation is processed

by an external vendor, which is also referred to as operation

• Confirmation Parameters specifies whether an object is to be

confirmed if it has the control key you selected. You can also specify
if milestone confirmations can be posted for this operation (see
Figure 2-27).

Figure 2-27.  Confirmation parameters

Standard Text Key: A standard text is assigned to an operation by entering the

standard text key in the operation. By changing this text within the operation long text,
you can create an individual operation description.

In the Capacities tab, you maintain available capacities, breaks, capacity utilization,
and so on. You also maintain the formulas for setup, processing, teardown, and so on.
The production order determines the time for an operation from the routing and, based
on the formulas in the Capacities view of the work center, then generates its capacity
requirement. Figure 2-28 shows the Capacities view of the work center.
Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-28.  Work center: capacities

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

SAP comes preconfigured with capacity formulas that can be readily used, as shown
in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2.  Formulas for Capacity

Formula Description

SAP001 Prod.: Setup time

SAP002 Prod.: Machine time
SAP003 Prod.: Labor time
SAP004 Proj:Netw/Maint.Time
SAP005 Prod: Setup rqmts
SAP006 Prod.: Machine rqmts
SAP007 Prod.: Labor rqmts

Click the Capacity Header at the bottom-left of the screen to navigate to the Work
Center Capacity: Header. From this screen, you can maintain the parameters that are
important to determine the capacity of the work center, like factory calendar, start time,
end time, length of breaks, capacity utilization, and so on, as shown in Figure 2-29.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-29.  Work center: capacity header

Factory Calendar: This is a country-specific calendar that specifies the working day
for the plant as well as a list of public holidays (maintained via the holiday calendar).
Each plant is assigned a factory calendar. You can assign a factory calendar in the work
center or the system can use the factory calendar maintained at the plant level. Here, the
factory calendar helps schedule the production order (i.e., scheduling is not performed
on a holiday).
Capacity Base Unit: The unit in which available capacity is maintained; for example,
hours or minutes.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Start Time: This is the start time of the shift for the work center. For example, at
SuperGears the first shift starts at 06:00 AM.
End Time: This is the end time of the shift of the work center. For example,
SuperGears runs three shifts a day and the third shift ends at 06:00 AM the next day.
Length of Breaks: This is the duration of the total breaks during all shifts in a day.
For example, SuperGears has break time of 45 mins during each shift, so the total break
is 02:15 hours.
Capacity Utilization: Capacity utilization rate measures actual output realized
against the potential output. Say the capacity for a work center is 500 pieces per day. On
calculating the total production for a year, the average production turns out to be 450
pieces per day. Thus, the capacity utilization is 90%.

Capacity Utilization: Actual Output / Potential Output * 100

It is unlikely for a company to operate at a 100% capacity rate ,as there are always
hurdles in the production process (such as the malfunction of equipment or unequal
distribution of resources, and so on). Usually, a capacity utilization rate of 80-85% is
considered good.
Based on the start time, end time, breaks, and capacity utilization, the operating time is
calculated as 18,49 hours, as shown in the Standard Available Capacity section in Figure 2-30.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-30.  Work center: standard available capacity

Number of Individual Capacities: Say you have five machines that are used for the
same kind of operation or activity, such as lathe machines. You can group the capacities
of these five lathe machines as one work center “lathe” and assign the number of
individual capacities as 5. Figure 2-31 shows that the operating time for the work center
is 18,49 while the total capacity is 92,44 hours due to the fact that capacity is five times
the operating time due to a number of individual capacities.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-31.  Intervals of available capacity

Let’s learn about some of the important indicators in the Planning Details section, as
shown in Figure 2-30.
Relevant to Finite Scheduling Indicator: This indicator is important as it
determines if the capacity of the work center should be considered during finite
Can Be Used by Several Operations: You can use this indicator to specify that the
work center can be used by several operations or the same work center can be used by
more than one production order simultaneously.
Business Case: Each gear produced by SuperGears should go through a Heat
Treatment process. Say you created a work center for heat treatment that has a capacity
to treat 500 gears at the same time. Gears from several different production orders can be
treated in the heat treatment process simultaneously given its high capacity. You use the
Can Be Used By Several Operations indicator to allow this.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Overload: You can maintain the permission percentage by which the available
capacity can be exceeded. Say your work center has a capacity of 20 hours a day and
an overload of 5%. The available capacity is 21 hours. Overload can be used in finite
scheduling only.
Long-Term Planning Indicator: This must be activated if you want to use the work
center for planning simulation with long-term planning. Long-term planning is used to
simulate material requirements and capacities for assemblies and raw materials for a
long planning horizon based on demand forecasts.
You can also define your shifts and intervals during the shifts in the Interval and
Shifts screen, as shown in Figure 2-31.

The Scheduling tab is used to determine the start and end times for an operation on the
work center. You can maintain processing formulas, like setup, processing, or teardown.
You can also maintain queue time, which determines how long an order normally waits
at the work center before it is processed, as shown in Figure 2-32.
SAP comes preconfigured with formulas that can be readily used, as shown in
Table 2-3.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Table 2-3.  Formulas for Scheduling

Formula Description

SAP001 Prod.: Setup time

SAP002 Prod.: Machine time
SAP003 Prod.: Labor time
SAP004 Proj:Netw/Maint.Time
SAP005 Prod: Setup rqmts
SAP006 Prod.: Machine rqmts
SAP007 Prod.: Labor rqmts

Capacity view is used to identify the capacities needed on a work center, machine
and labor that could work in parallel. The Scheduling view is used to determine the
start and end times of an operation. Let’s say there is a manual operation for testing
gearboxes. Typically, 100 gearboxes can be tested in two hours. But if you assign two
people for testing, the operation can be finished in one hour. Here the scheduling time is
reduced, but the capacity remains the same, as two people are employed.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-32.  Work center: scheduling

The Costing tab is quite important, as it serves as an integration point between PP
and CO. For each work center, you must assign a cost center to which all the costs of
production on the work center are allocated. A cost center can have multiple work
centers assigned to it; however, you can have only one cost center assigned in a
work center.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-33 shows the Costing view of the work center. Let’s learn about important
fields in the Costing view of the work center in the following section.

Figure 2-33.  Work center: costing

Controlling Area: The controlling area is an organizational unit in accounting

used to subdivide the business organization from a cost accounting standpoint. It is
populated automatically based on plant assignment to company code and company
code assignment to controlling area in the enterprise structure, which is defined in the

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Cost Center: A cost center is an organizational unit within a controlling area to

which costs can be accumulated. You must assign a cost center where the system will
accumulate the cost of production on a given work center. For example, you can have
a cost center for assembly area and all the work centers in the assembly line can be
assigned to this cost center.
Alternate Activity Text: The Activity text is populated automatically based on the
standard value key in the Basic Data tab or the work center.
Activity Type: Activity types describe the activity produced by a cost center and are
measured in units of time or quantity.
Activity Unit: The activity unit is the time or the quantity unit used to post the
consumed activity quantities.
Formula: This specifies the key for formula that’s used to calculate the costs of
activity type performed on a work center.
SAP comes preconfigured with costing formulas that can be readily used, as shown
in Table 2-4.

Table 2-4.  Formulas for Costing

Formula Description

SAP001 Prod.: Setup time

SAP002 Prod.: Machine time
SAP003 Prod.: Labor time
SAP004 Proj:Netw/Maint.Time
SAP005 Prod: Setup rqmts
SAP006 Prod.: Machine rqmts
SAP007 Prod.: Labor rqmts

Reference Indicator: If the reference indicator is set, you cannot change the values
defined on the work center when creating a routing. If there are frequent changes to the
costing activities, you must use this indicator, so that you can make changes in the work
center and the objects will be updated in all the routings where the work center is used.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Routing is simply a production process or a series of processes that transform raw
materials to finished products. It details important information such as:

• Operations that should be performed in the production of a finished/

semifinished assembly

• The work center on which operation should be performed

• The time needed to set up machines during changeover, operation

time for each process, and so on

• Materials needed for each operation

• Production resource and tools needed for production

You can create a routing process using Transaction Code CA01 or by choosing
Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Master Data ➤ Routings ➤ Routings ➤ Standard Routings
➤ Create.
Figure 2-34 shows the initial screen called Create Routing. Enter the material
number of the gearbox assembly to create the routing and enter the plant number of the
production plant.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-34.  Create routing: initial screens

Change Number: You can use the change number to create or change master data
objects like Material Master, BOM, Routing, and so on. When using the change master in
routing, you can control the following parameters:

• Valid from date of routing

• Track the changes/history of the routing process

Key Date: Specifies the date from which the routing is valid. The system defaults to
the current date on which the routing is created as the key date. For instance, if the key
date for routing is 16.06.2022 and you are creating a Production version or production
order for 15.05.2022, the system will give you an error message No Task List Exists,
which means the routing is not created for the usage date.
Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-35 shows the header screen of the routing process.

Figure 2-35.  Routing: header details

Group: A unique key used to group routings.

You can create a routing with or without reference to a material. Routings without
material numbers can be used by many materials that use the same production process,
production line, or manufacturing steps.
Group Counter: A group counter together with group is used to identify a unique
routing. For instance, when you create a routing for a material, a group (number) is
generated automatically by the system with group counter 1 as the default. However, the
group counter can be changed manually if need be. A new routing can be created for the
same material with group counter 2 or so on. Thus, you can create multiple routings for
the same material within the same (routing) group.
Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Usage: Task List usage is used to state the application area where routing can
be used. For example, the Engineering team at SuperGears creates a routing for
Engineering/Design to list the production process for gear assembly during the design
phase. Once the Engineering team approves the gear assembly for production, routing
with usage Production is created, which can be used for production orders.
Similarly, you can create routing/task list for Plant Maintenance and Quality
Management. If you create routing with usage Universal, it can be used for all business
Overall Status: The routing status is used to determine the work areas where the routing
can be used. Figure 2-36 shows the statuses available for routing. The Created status cannot
be used by production orders. The Released for Order status can be used in production
orders but cannot be costed. The Released for Costing status cannot be used in production
orders but can be costed. The Released (General) status can be used for production orders as
well as for costing. Generally, routings are created with the Released (General) status.

Figure 2-36.  Routing statuses

Lot Size From/To: The lot size defines the minimum and maximum quantities for
the production order for which the routing can be used. For instance, SuperGears has two
furnaces that they use for heat treatments. The small one has a capacity of up to 500 pieces,
while the big one is used for bigger lot sizes from 500-1000 pieces. So, two routings should be
created because both the furnaces have different operating timings, as shown in Table 2-5.

Table 2-5.  Routings per Lot Sizes

Material Product 1 Product 1

Group 50000001 50000001

Group Counter 1 2
Lot Size from 1 500
Lot size to 500 1000

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Therefore, you need to assign different work centers and other details in the next
screen, as explained in next section.
Click the Operation Overview button to navigate to the screen in Figure 2-37 in order
to maintain the production process.

Figure 2-37.  Routing operation overview

Operation: This number refers to the sequence of operations in the routing. Usually,
the operation increment is 10, starting with 0010 for the first operation.
Sub-operation: This is subordinate to an operation and is used for more detailed
planning of the process step described in the operation.
Work Center: You must maintain the work center that was created earlier as a
separate master data object. Enter the CM_ASSY work center, which is the assembly line
for the constant mesh gearbox assembly.
Note: The parameters assigned in Standard Value Key and Activity Type from the
work center are reflected in the operation. You must assign a relevant activity time for
each of these parameters—setup, machine, and labor.
Setup Time: When starting the production, you need to set up the machine settings
(for example, changing the cutting tools or adjusting the operating parameters on one of
the machines on the assembly line). This activity is referred to as setup.
Machine Time/Labor Time: Machine or labor time is used to calculate cycle
time and costs for each operation. It’s used for scheduling the operation, capacity
requirement calculations on the work center, and calculating the costs of the operation.
Some of the other parameters that can be used for scheduling are Queue Time, Move
Time, and so on.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Queue Time: This is the time an order normally waits at the work center before it is
Move Time: This is the time normally needed between the current operation and the
next one for the move from one work center (location group) to another.
Splitting: Specifies that the operation must be split for scheduling. The system
distributes the lot processing or operation processing into partial lots or among
individual capacities. The system uses at most the number of individual capacities that
are assigned to the capacity used for scheduling.
Overlapping: A means of reducing the lead time by starting the next operation
before the current operation is finished. The system calculates the operation start and
finish dates in such a way that the overlapped operations can be processed without
interruption. The system takes into account the minimum send-ahead quantity and the
minimum overlap time.
The cost of each activity is calculated based on the time specified in routing. The
Activity Type acts as an integration object between PP and CO. The price per unit of an
activity is maintained in Transaction Code KP26.
Control Key: Used to determine how an operation is processed. It controls a lot
of parameters like scheduling, capacity requirements, costing, external processing,
confirmation, and so on. Figure 2-38 shows all the parameters for control key PP01.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-38.  Control key

• The Scheduling parameter determines if scheduling is performed on

this work center.

• Determine Capacity Requirements controls whether capacity

requirement records are generated for an operation on this
work center.
• Cost Indicator determines if the activities performed on this work
center should be costed.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

• Automatic Goods Receipt specifies that a goods receipt for an order

is posted automatically for the confirmation. This means if a control
key with Automatic Goods Receipt is assigned to an operation
and a confirmation is posted, the system also posts goods receipts

• Externally Processing specifies that the operation is processed by an

external vendor; this is also referred to as operation subcontracting.

• Confirmation Parameters specifies whether an object is to be

confirmed if it has the control key you selected. Also, you can specify
if milestone confirmations can be posted for this operation.

Standard Text Key: Standard text is assigned to an operation by entering the

standard text key in the operation. By changing this text in the operation long text, you
can create an individual operation description.
Standard text keys are created using Transaction Code CA10, as shown in
Figure 2-39.

Figure 2-39.  Standard text: initial screen

Click Create and enter the description of the standard text key, as shown in
Figure 2-40.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-40.  Standard text

The standard text key then can be assigned to work center or routing.
Description: You can maintain short text for operations describing the details of
which activity needs to be performed on the work center.
Long Text Exists: This indicator specifies if a long text exists for the operation.
PRT (Indicator: Production Resource/Tools): You can assign production resource/
tools like fixtures, molds, cutting tools, and so on, that should be used to perform the
operation on the work center by clicking the Prod Resources/Tools button on the
Operations screen.
Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

A material master record must be created for each PRT (prod resources/tools) using
Transaction Code MM01. The material type FHMI can be used for creating production
resource/tools. As you can see in Figure 2-41, I assigned a Screw Driver PRT to be used
for operation 10.

Figure 2-41.  Routing: PRT overview

If you assigned Production Resource/Tools to an operation, the system automatically
sets the PRT indicator for the operation.
Sequences: Three types of sequence are available in routing—standard, parallel, and
Alternate sequences are linked to the standard sequence, which is the main sequence.
The place where alternate sequences start is called the branch operation and the place
where it joins the standard sequence is called the return operation.
Parallel sequences are a set of operations that run parallel to the standard sequence.
For example, in the chemical industry, this can be analytical processes that occur
parallel to the main production process.
Alternate sequences consist of sets of operations other than the standard sequence
so that either of the sequences can be run for a production process. Generally, branch
operations in the standard sequence are ignored in this process.
Component Allocation: All the components for the finished/semifinished assembly
as defined in the BOM are automatically populated in the routing. You can allocate each

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

component on individual operations where the component will be used so that you
have better overview of where the components will be consumed. While performing
Operation confirmation, only the components allocated on the said operation will be
consumed while posting goods issue to a production order.
The system allocates the components from the BOM to the first operation by default,
which means all the components will be consumed while posting confirmation for the
first operation.
You have now created a routing procedure that defines the production process for
the gear assembly. However, you may have many finished gear assemblies that follow
the same production process. Is it possible to create new routings using this routing as a
Actually, there is a better solution!
You can click the Assignment button on the Routing Header screen to assign
materials in the routing. You can assign all the products (finished/semifinished
assemblies) that will use the same routing. This way, you can create just one routing and
assign multiple materials to it. This not only saves time and effort, but also eliminates
redundant data leading to less load on the database and thus better performance.
As you can see in Figure 2-42, I assigned the CM_GEARBOX and CM_GEARBOX_01
materials to the same routing with group number 70000158 due to the fact that both
gearboxes are assembled on the same assembly line using the same process.

Figure 2-42.  Routing: material assignment

Production Version
The production version defines a unique production technique for producing a material.
The production version can be created using Transaction Code C223 - Production
Version: Mass Processing. You can also create a production version in the MRP4 view of
the material master.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Let’s create a production version in change Material Master – MM02, as shown in

Figure 2-43.
Version: You must specify an alphanumeric key, up to four characters long, which is
a unique production version of the plant and material, combined.
Production Version Text: You must specify a description of the production
version that can be up to 40 characters long and provided some information about the
production version.
Valid From: You must specify the date from which the production version is valid.
Valid To: You must specify the date until which the production version is valid.
REM Allowed: This indictor specifies if the production version can be used for
repetitive manufacturing.

Figure 2-43.  Production version overview

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Double-click Production Version or click Details to navigate to the next screen to

assign BOM and routing to the production version.
Minimum/Maximum Lot Size: The lot size defines the minimum and maximum
quantities for which the production version can be used. For instance, SuperGears has
two furnaces that they use for heat treatments. The small one has a capacity of up to
500 pieces, while the big one is used for bigger lot sizes from 500-1000 pieces. So, two
routings must be created and two production versions should be created for different
lot sizes.
Valid From: Specifies the date from which the production version is valid. The
system defaults the current date on which production version is created as the Valid
From date. You must ensure that BOM and routing exist for this date.
Valid To: Specifies the date until which the production version is valid. The system
defaults the Valid To date as 31.12.9999. You must ensure that BOM and routing exist for
this date.
In the Planning Data section, you must specify the routing data as follows:
Task List Type: You must select the task list type with which routing is created.
A task list specifies a series of operations that must be performed for different
object types:

• In discrete manufacturing, you must create a routing as a task list.

• In repetitive manufacturing, you must create a rate routing.

• In process industries, you must create a master recipe.

Similarly, you can have an inspection plan or a maintenance task List for quality
management and plant maintenance, respectively.
In this case, select N Routing for the Task List Type.
Group: You must enter the group number that was generated while creating the
routing for the material.
Group Counter: You must enter the group counter that was generated while creating
the routing for the material. If you have more than one group counter, you must enter the
correct group counter.
In the Bill of Materials section, you must specify BOM data as follows:
Alternative BOM: You must enter the Alternate BOM created for the material.
BOM Usage: You must enter the BOM usage with which the BOM is created.
REM Allowed: You must activate this indicator if the production version can be used
for repetitive manufacturing.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Production Line: The production line describes the capacities of repetitive

manufacturing and can be represented in the system by an individual work center or by
a line hierarchy. You can enter the production line in the production version. Figure 2-44
shows the production version details, including the lot size, routing, alternate BOM, and
production line.

Figure 2-44.  Production version details

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

The next section covers improvements made to S/4HANA.

Production Version Migration for BOM

SAP has a new tool for creating production versions. You can go to Transaction Code
SE38 and enter program name CS_BOM_PRODVER_MIGRATION. Click Execute to run the
program. Enter the material and plant number and then select one of the options for
migration execution—Run in Simulation Mode or Run in Actual Mode. Then press F8 or
click the clock icon to execute. Figure 2-45 shows the selection screen of the Production
Version Migration for BOM report.

Figure 2-45.  Production version migration for BOM

I’m executing the program in simulation mode. As you can see in Figure 2-46, the
system wants to create a production version 0002 with BOM Usage 1 and alternate BOM
1. If there are multiple BOMs created for the material (i.e., there is a BOM with multiple
alternate BOMs), the report will generate multiple production versions.

Chapter 2 Master Data in SAP PP

Figure 2-46.  Production version migration for BOM: proposal

In this chapter, you learned about the master data required for SAP PP. The chapter
also discussed in detail how to create each master data object for SAP PP, including the
material master, bill of materials, work center, routing, and production version objects.
Now that the master data in SAP PP is created, you can start the production planning
process. The next chapter discusses Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP), which is the
first step in the production planning process.


Sales and Operations

APICS defines Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) as the “Function of setting the
overall level of manufacturing output (production plan) and other activities to best
satisfy the current planned levels of sales (sales plan and/or forecasts), while meeting
general business objectives of profitability, productivity, competitive customer lead
times, etc., as expressed in the overall business plan.” In this chapter, you learn how
S&OP can be executed in SAP.

What Is Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP)?

S&OP is a flexible forecasting and planning tool with which sales, production, and
other supply chain targets can be set based on historical, existing, and estimated future
data to support the annual plan and the strategic direction. It is used to streamline and
consolidate the company’s sales and production operations. It is particularly suitable for
long- and medium-term planning.
S&OP takes into account key supply chain drivers such as sales, marketing, demand
management, and production and inventory management to get a holistic view of
planning and thus help management make informed decisions.
Here are some of the key benefits of S&OP:

• It supports long-term and medium-term planning and thus strategic

decision making.

• It helps organizations make informed decisions about a product’s

demand and supply.

• It helps organizations achieve higher customer service levels.

© Himanshu Goel 2022
H. Goel, Handbook for SAP PP in S/4HANA,
Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

• It helps organizations effectively manage demand change and

develop flexibility.

• It helps manage inventory, lead-time, backlog, capacity,

and demand.

• It helps create realistic production plans.

• It helps reduce/control costs through resource optimization.

The S&OP process links the objectives and strategies of formal business plans to
actual production schedules. It also helps factory floor planning and execution support
the annual plan and strategic direction.
S&OP consolidates inputs from the demand and supply sides as well as takes into
consideration the econometric reviews. It also takes into account innovation and
strategy, as shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1.  Elements of S&OP

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

Standard SOP
Standard SOP can be used as a preconfigured solution with info structure S076. Standard
SOP is used to plan production at the product group level and then disaggregate
planning at the materials level, which is why its’ called level-by-level planning.
Information structure (info structure) is a table that contains several fields that
receive data from various business functions such as sales, purchasing, and so on.
Information structures are used for analyses and evaluations.
An information structure consists of three parameters:

• Period unit: This is the time bucket during which planning is

performed, such as a week, month, or year.

• Characteristics: Planning can be performed for various parameters/

levels like sales organization, division, purchasing organization,
plant, material, and so on.

• Key figures: Represent numerical values such as for sales history,

production history, inventory level, and so on.

Figure 3-2 displays standard info structure S076, which is used for planning at the
product group level.

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

Figure 3-2.  Info structure S076

Product Group
A product group is used to group similar materials or other product groups. If the product
group contains materials as a member then it is called single level. Several product groups
can also be grouped together to create multi-level product groups. In a multi-level product
group hierarchy, the lowest level of the product group must contain materials as members.
A product group is used to plan the production for similar materials in a long-term
planning period. For example, you can create a product group called the iPhone X. The
product group may contain different variants of the iPhone X with different colors and
other specifications. However, planning at the product group level will simplify the
planning process, as the variants of the iPhone X will use similar components, capacities,
and other resources. The iPhone X product group is a single level. You can also group
various product groups for different iPhone models into the product range. In that way,
iPhone is a multi-level product group.
Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

SuperGears AG uses S&OP to plan and forecast their production, capacity, resources,
financial budgeting, and so on.

Create a Product Group

Let’s create a product group called Constant Mesh Gear Box, which is one of the main
product families at our fictional SuperGears AG company.
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ SOP ➤ Product Group ➤ Create. You can also use
Transaction Code MC84 to create a product group. Figure 3-3 shows the initial screen of
the product group, where you must enter the product group’s name, description, plant,
and base unit of measure. You must also specify whether the member elements will be
materials or product groups.

Figure 3-3.  Creating a product group

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

When you press Enter, the screen in Figure 3-4 appears, where you must specify
the materials and the percentage for each material proportional to the product group.
I assigned two materials—CM_GEARBOX and CM_GEARBOX_01—each having a
proportional factor of 50%.

Figure 3-4.  Product group: maintain member materials

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

You can click the Hierarchy Graphic button to display the product group and all its
members graphically, as shown in Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5.  Hierarchical graphic of the product group

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

Figure 3-6.  Calculating proportions for the planning hierarchy

The system can calculate the proportion factor automatically based on the historical
data. Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ SOP ➤ Product Group ➤ Calculate Proportional
Factors. You can also use the Transaction Code MC8L to generate the proportional factor
You can also distribute the proportional factors via More ➤ Edit ➤ Distribute
Proportional Factors.

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

Create a Plan for the Product Group

Now that you have created a product group, the next step is to create a forecast (plan) at
the product group level, which is also called a rough-cut plan. The rough-cut capacity
planning (RCCP) is a capacity planning tool used for long-term planning for materials or
product groups. It is used to determine the capacities needed to meet sales targets. Since
this is a long-term plan, the forecast figures are created in monthly buckets.
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ SOP ➤ Planning ➤ For Product Group ➤ Create.
You can also use the Transaction Code MC81 to create a plan for the product group.
Enter the product group and plant on the selection screen, as shown in Figure 3-7. When
you press Enter, a popup window will appear to enter the version and description.

Figure 3-7.  Creating a plan: the initial screen

Now enter the sales quantities as shown in Figure 3-8. I created a sales plan for June
2022 until December 2022.

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

Figure 3-8.  Creating a rough-cut plan

Alternatively, you can also create a sales plan automatically if you have significant
historical data available in the system. You can create a sales plan by using one of the
following options from the Edit ➤ Create Sales Plan menu option:

• Transfer plan from SIS

• Transfer CO-PA plan

• Forecast
• Transfer product group proportional from production or from sales

Create a Production Plan Automatically

You just saw how to create a sales plan for seven months. The planning table helps to
create a production plan based on a sales plan. There are many options available to
automatically create a production plan. You can choose one of the following options
from the Edit ➤ Create Production Plan menu option:
• Synchronous to sales: The production plan is created to meet the
sales requirement exactly, as you can see in Figure 3-9.

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

Figure 3-9.  Create a production plan synchronous to sales

• Target stock level: You can maintain your target stock level and the
system will generate production plan to reach the target stock level
considering your sales plan.

As you can see in Figure 3-10, the target stock level has been maintained at 1000 for
each month.

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

Figure 3-10.  Create a production plan from the target stock level

Figure 3-11.  Create a production plan based on the target stock level

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

Choose Edit ➤ Create Production Plan ➤ Target Stock Level. The sales requirement
for June 2022 is 1000 EA and the target stock level is 1000 EA. That’s why the production
plan is created for 2000 EA so that sales requirement for 1000 is fulfilled and there is a
target stock of 1000 EA at month closing of June 2022. Similarly, the production plan is
created for the rest of the months to reach the target stock level.

• Target days’ supply: Similar to the target stock level option, you can
also create a production plan to reach the target days’ supply. The
target days’ supply is maintained at 5 for each month.

The days’ supply for a period is calculated by the system based on the stock level
divided by the average requirements. The average requirements are calculated as sales/
number of workdays.
Choose Edit ➤ Create Production Plan ➤ Target Stock Level. The sales requirement
for June 2022 is 1000 and the target days’ supply is 5 days. The average requirements are
calculated as sales/number of workdays.

Average Requirement = 1000/22 = 45.45

Target days’ supply = 5

Stock level = average requirement * Target days’ supply

Stock level = 45.45 * 5 = 227.27

Thus, the production is generated as 1250 EA to fulfill the sales requirement of 1000
EA and have a target days’ supply of 5 days, as shown in Figure 3-13. The target range
of supply is 5 and the production plan has been created so that the range of coverage
is 5 days.

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

Figure 3-12.  Create a production plan based on the target days’ supply

Figure 3-13.  Create a production plan based on the target days’ supply

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

• Stock level = zero: The production plan is calculated to achieve zero

stock levels.

Choose Edit ➤ Create Production Plan ➤ Stock Level = 0. The production plan has
been created to meet sales requirements and keep the stock at zero at the end of the
planning bucket, as shown in Figure 3-14.

Figure 3-14.  Create a production plan based on zero stock level

This production plan has no direct implication on actual production or operations.

Several plans in the planning version can be created with inputs from various business
functions, like sales, marketing, production, procurement, and so on. Once a common
understanding is negotiated and agreed on, the final key figures are transferred to
demand management as Planned Independent Requirements (PIRs).
The production plan is transferred from S&OP to demand management. The
production plan is transferred as a PIR, which is the basis for the Material Requirement
Planning (MRP).

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

Transfer to Demand Management

Planning figures can be transferred from S&OP to demand management in one of the
following ways:

• Transfer from planning table MC81: The production planning figures

can be transferred to demand management directly from planning
table MC81. Choose Extras ➤ Transfer to Demand Management.

• Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ SOP ➤ Planning ➤ For Product

Group ➤ Transfer PG to Demand Management.

• You can also use Transaction Code MC75 to transfer planning data
from S&OP to demand management. Enter the product group, plant,
and planning version.

Now you must choose the transfer strategy and the planning period. You must
choose one of the following transfer strategies:

• Sales plan for material of PG members

• Sales plan for material of PG members as a proportion of PG

• Production plan for material of PG members

• Production plan for material of PG members as a proportion of PG

Sales Plan for Material of PG Members

The sales plan of the member materials of the product group is adopted when
transferring the forecast figures to demand management.
Let’s check the rough-cut plan for planning version 008. The sales plan is 1000 EA for
each month, while the production plan is generated as 1000 EA. See Figure 3-15.

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

Figure 3-15.  Displaying the rough-cut plan

Transfer the planning figures using the Sales Plan for Material of PG Members
transfer strategy. The transfer period is June 2022 to December 2022.
You can also specify the requirement type and the version of PIR that should be
considered when transferring the planning figures from S&OP to demand management.
See Figure 3-16.

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

Figure 3-16.  Transfer the planning data to demand management

Similarly, when using the Prod. Plan for Mat. or PG Members as a Proportion of
PG transfer strategy, you can transfer the production plan from the planning version
to demand management. When transferring the product group quantities to demand
management, the production plan of the product group is disaggregated to the material
level, according to the proportional factor defined earlier.

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

Planned Independent Requirements in Demand Management

You can verify the PIRs that have been transferred from S&OP using the SAP menu path
Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Demand Management ➤ Planned Independent Requirements
➤ Display. Or use the Transaction Code MD63, as shown in Figure 3-17.

Figure 3-17.  Display a PIR: the initial screen

Chapter 3 Sales and Operations Planning

You can display PIRs for individual materials or for product groups.
You can also create a requirement plan to create and identify one or more PIRs. For
example, you can create a requirement plan to create PIRs for several materials so that
you don’t need to create separate PIRs for each material. Enter the product group for the
mesh gear box.
Figure 3-18 shows the production quantities that have been transferred to demand
management. The production quantities have been disaggregated to member materials
as per the proportion factor.

Figure 3-18.  Display the PIR

This chapter discussed the S&OP product group. It discussed how S&OP is executed
in SAP and how the requirements are transferred to demand management. The next
chapter covers demand management in detail.


Demand Management
Demand management is a planning tool that helps organizations forecast and manage
the demands of their materials. In this chapter, you learn how demand management
can be executed in SAP using the planned independent requirements (PIRs) and the
customer independent requirements. You also learn how materials can be produced/
procured in make-to-stock and make-to order environments.

What Is Demand Management?

Demand management is an important submodule of SAP manufacturing. It helps
determine quantities and delivery dates for finished goods and/or assemblies. It is a link
between sales and operations planning (S&OP) and material requirement planning.
Demand management receives input from S&OP and provides inputs to MPS/MRP.
When requirements are entered, the demand program is updated. The demand
program uses planned independent requirements or customer requirements.
In the previous chapter, which covered S&OP, you created a production plan
for a product group. Then you disaggregated the plan as per the proportional factor
to material level and transferred the forecast to demand management (planned
independent requirements).
Demand management can use two elements—planned independent requirements
and customer requirements. These are used to calculate net requirements during the
MRP run.

Planned Independent Requirements

A planned independent requirement (PIR) is created for a material or a product group
and contains at least one planned quantity and one date in a planning horizon. PIRs can
be created in monthly or weekly buckets and can be split over time.

© Himanshu Goel 2022
H. Goel, Handbook for SAP PP in S/4HANA,
Chapter 4 Demand Management

PIRs can be created manually or transferred from S&OP, as shown in last chapter. See
Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1.  Creating a planned independent requirement: initial screen

Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Production Planning ➤ Demand Management

➤ Planned Independent Requirements ➤ Create. You can also use Transaction
Code MD61 to create PIRs. Enter the material or product group and plant on the
selection screen.
PIRs can be created for a material or a product group. You need to enter the planning
horizon and planning period. The planning period can be daily, weekly, or monthly.

Chapter 4 Demand Management

The PIR consists of the following:

• Desired quantity

• Period indicator

• Requirement’s date

• Planned quantity

Figure 4-2 shows the existing demands that were transferred from S&OP. However,
the PIRs exist in monthly buckets. Click the Schedule Lines view to display the schedule
of the PIRs, as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-2.  Creating a planned independent requirement

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Figure 4-3.  Creating a planned independent requirement: schedule lines

Since the PIRs are created in monthly buckets, it would be better to split them
into weekly buckets to create a realistic demand. Select the demand for the month of
June and choose Edit ➤ Split Period Online. A popup window appears, as shown in
Figure 4-4, where you must specify the period you want to split. You can see that the
planned quantity has been copied from the Schedule Line for the month of June. Change
the Period Indicator from M – Month to W – Week.

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Figure 4-4.  Period for splitting

As you can see in the Figure 4-5, the monthly schedule lines have been split into four
weekly schedule lines. Similarly, you can split your schedule lines into daily buckets.

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Figure 4-5.  Creating a planned independent requirement: schedule lines

If you go back to the header screen of the PIR, you can see the requirements for the
month of June are now displayed in weekly buckets, while the requirements for rest of
the months are displayed in monthly buckets. See Figure 4-6.

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Figure 4-6.  Planned independent requirement: planning table

Customer Requirements
Customer requirements represent the demands from the customers. Customer
requirements can be received from customers as a sales order or as a scheduling
If you don’t have a sales order, you can create customer independent requirements.
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Production Planning ➤ Demand Management ➤
Customer Requirements ➤ Create. You can also use Transaction Code MD81 to create
customer independent requirements. Enter the requirements type and delivering plant
on the selection screen and then enter the material, requirement type, and quantity to
create customer independent requirements.
MD61 is a PIR that’s used in a stock scenario, while MD81 is used to enter the
customer requirement directly instead of using a sales order. The difference between the
two lies in the requirement type, which decides the planning parameters—MTS (Make-­
to-­Stock) or MTO (Make-to-Order). Customer independent requirement (MD81) is used
for the make-to-order situation with requirement type set to KE and so on. The PIR is
used for the make-to-stock situation with requirement type set to LSF, BSF, and so on.

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Planning Strategies
Planning strategies identify the method for planning and manufacturing a material. A
planning strategy helps to determine how the material is produced—make-to-order
or make-to-stock. A material can be produced using various planning procedures, like
Make-to-Stock (MTS), Make-to-Order (MTO), Assemble-to-Order (ATO), or Engineer-­
to-­Order (ETO). The planning strategy plays a vital role in calculating net requirements
during the MRP run and thus determines the production quantities.
The planning strategy also governs the consumption of warehouse stock and
independent requirements. It is a key integration point between the PP module and the
SD module, as it determines how the independent requirements should be consumed by
the sales orders.
A planning strategy must be defined in the MRP3 view of the material master record.

Key Planning Strategies

Make-to-stock planning strategies support the make-to-stock environment. For example,
you could plan a production based on forecast, then fulfil customer orders from the
existing stock.

• Make-to-stock production (10)

• Planning with final assembly (40)

Make-to-order planning strategies support the make-to-order environment. For

example, you wait for the customer order before you start production.

• Make-to-order (20)

• Planning w/o final assembly (50)

Assembly-to-order planning strategies support a combination of make-to-stock and
make-to-order. For example, you could build sub-assemblies based on a forecast. Then,
you wait for a customer order before assembling them into a finished product. This is
also referred to as the assembly-to-order process.

• Assemble to order for finished product (81/82)

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Make-to-Stock Strategies
Production is initiated based on forecasts, that is, PIRs; any customer requirements
are not considered. Customer orders are fulfilled from stock. Once the materials are
produced, they are placed into unrestricted stock and can be shipped to any customer.

Strategy 10, Make-to-Stock

Strategy 10 is particularly useful for pure make-to-stock scenarios, which means the
production is done based on forecasts and the sales requirements have no effect on
production. The production is based on production plans transferred via the demand
program/manually entered PIRs. Warehouse stock is considered during net requirement
calculations during the MRP run. Strategy 10 is also referred to as net requirements
planning. A few important features of its strategy include:

• SOs (sales orders) are displayed for information only; they do not
consume PIRs or change the demand plan. Sales orders have no
influence on the production plan.

• Plant/warehouse stocks are taken into account and order quantities

are adjusted accordingly.

• PIRs are not consumed by customer requirements (sales order/

scheduling agreement) since customer requirements are not relevant
for make-to-stock production.

• PIRs are consumed during PGIs (Post Goods Issue) for sales order

• It is often used in repetitive manufacturing.

The first step is to create finished goods with Strategy 10 in the MRP3 view of the
material master, as shown in Figure 4-7.

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Figure 4-7.  Display material: planning strategy 10

Since Strategy 10 is a make-to-stock strategy, you must create some PIRs. Once the
PIRs are created, go to MD04 – Stock Requirement List to display the demands.
As you can see in Figure 4-8, there is an existing stock of 200 pcs and a few
independent requirements were created to generate demand. Strategy 10 takes into
account the existing stock and that’s why the first two PIRs are fulfilled from the existing
stock, while the third PIR is partially fulfilled.

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Figure 4-8.  Stock requirement list: planning strategy 10

Now, let’s run the MRP to generate receipt elements for the demand elements (the
PIRs). Use Transaction Code MD02 to run the single item multi-level MRP with the
parameters shown in Figure 4-9. Press Enter twice to run MRP.

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Figure 4-9.  Single item, multi-level MRP

Go to MD04 again to see the planning situation, as shown in the Figure 4-10.

Here, you can see that a few new planned orders have been generated to fulfil the
requirements from the PIRs. The first three PIRs have a total requirement of 275 EA and
there is an existing stock of 200 EA. That’s why a planned order has been created for 75
EA to cover partial requirement of the third PIR. A few more planned orders have been
generated to cover the requirements for the rest of the PIRs.

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Figure 4-10.  Stock requirement list

Let’s look at the impact of the sales orders on the materials with Strategy 10. Let’s
create a sales order that’s received from the customer. Use Transaction Code VA01
to create a sales order. Go back to MD04 and review the stock requirement list. You’ll
notice that the customer requirement (sales order) has no impact on the planning
situation. Also, it can be noted that the PIR quantities have not been consumed. PIRs are
not consumed by sales orders in Strategy 10, since the sales orders are not relevant for
planning. When you create a delivery using Transaction Code VL01N and post the goods
issue for delivery, the PIRs are reduced by the movement type 601 against the delivery.

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Strategy 11, Make-to-Stock

Strategy 11 is particularly useful for pure make-to-stock scenarios, which means the
production is done based on forecasts and the sales requirements have no effect on
production. The production is based on production plans transferred via demand
program/manually entered PIRs. Plant/warehouse stock is not considered during the
net requirement calculation during the MRP run. Strategy 11 is also referred to as net
requirements planning. A few important features of this strategy are:
• SOs (sales orders) are displayed for information only; they do not
consume PIRs or change the demand plan. Sales orders have no
influence on the production plan.

• Plant/warehouse stocks have no impact on the production plan.

• PIR reduction happens during goods receipt of the production order.

First, create a finished good with Strategy 11. It is mandatory to assign 2 to Mixed
MRP and to Availability Check, as shown in Figure 4-11.

Figure 4-11.  Display material: planning strategy 11

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Since Strategy 11 is a make-to-stock strategy, create some PIRs using Transaction

Code MD61 for the material CM_GEARBOX, which has Strategy 11.
Go to MD04 – Stock requirement List to display the forecasts created as PIRs. As
you can see in Figure 4-12, there is an existing stock of 200 EA. Three independent
requirements are displayed as demands with negative quantities. Since you’re
using Strategy 11, the stock is not taken into account. Despite the fact that there is
existing stock of 200 EA, the system does not consider this stock for the independent

Figure 4-12.  Stock requirement list: planning strategy 11

Now run the MRP to generate a planned order. Use Transaction Code MD02 to
run single-item multi-level MRP with the parameters in Figure 4-13. Press Enter twice
to run the MRP. Check the planning situation in the Stock Requirement List by using
Transaction Code MD04. As you can see in Figure 4-13, three new planned orders have
been generated to fulfil the PIRs. The existing stock is not considered and therefore
three new planned orders are created for a total of 300 pcs to meet a total requirement of
300 pcs.
Chapter 4 Demand Management

Figure 4-13.  Stock requirement list: planning strategy 11

If you create a sales order, you’ll notice that customer requirements (sales order)
have no impact on the planning situation. You’ll note that the PIR quantities will not be
consumed. This is due to the fact that PIRs are not consumed by sales orders in Strategy
11 because the sales orders are not relevant for planning.
When using Strategy 11, the PIRs are reduced during goods receipt of the
production order.
Did you notice the independent requirements for Strategy 10 were created with MRP
element Type VSF (refer to Figure 4-8), while the independent requirements are created
with MRP element Type BSF (refer to Figure 4-12)? This is because planning strategies
contain requirement types for independent requirements and customer requirements.
The requirements type contains important control parameters. The MRP element VSF
and BSF are requirements types assigned to the strategies.

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Strategy 40, Planning with Final Assembly

Strategy 40 is particularly useful for make-to-stock scenarios, which also consider
Sales orders. The production is triggered based on forecast and the sales requirements
consume the PIRs.

• Planning is done at the finished product level.

• Sales orders are taken into account, and they consume PIRs.
• If the sales order quantity exceeds the plan, the system will plan
additional demand.

• If the sales order quantity is less than the demand, the stock is

• Enables quick reactions to customer requirements.

Create a finished good with Strategy 40, as shown in Figure 4-14.

Figure 4-14.  Material master: MRP3 view

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Since Strategy 40 is a special make-to-stock strategy, let’s create some PIRs. Use
Transaction Code MD61 and enter the material, plant, planning period, and planning
bucket information.
Enter the forecast as shown in the Figure 4-15. We created a forecast of 100 pcs each
for weeks 26, 27, and 28.

Figure 4-15.  Creating planned independent requirements

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Figure 4-16.  Stock requirement list: planning strategy 40

Save the PIRs. Now go to MD04 – Stock Requirement List to display the forecasts. As
you can see, there is an existing stock of 120 pcs and three independent requirements
of 100 pcs each. Since you’re using Strategy 40, the stock is taken into account and that’s
why the total requirement for PIRs is reduced.
Now run the MRP to generate a planned order. Use Transaction Code MD02 to
run single-item multi-level MRP. After running MRP, go to MD04 – Stock Requirement
List again to check the current planning situation. You’ll see that the system generated
planned orders to cover the requirements from the PIRs.
The existing stock of 200 pcs is taken into account. There is a total requirement of 300
pcs and thus a new planned order is created for a 100 pcs since other demand from other
PIRs can be fulfilled with existing stock.
Create a sales order for the finished assembly using Transaction Code VA01. The
customer requirement (sales order) has consumed the PIRs since you’re using Strategy
40, as shown in Figure 4-18.

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Figure 4-17.  Stock requirement list

Figure 4-18.  Stock requirement list

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Figure 4-19.  Material master: MRP3 view

Strategy 40 is one of the most widely used planning strategy across all industries.

Make-to-Order Strategies
Production is initiated based on customer requirements which can be received as
sales order or scheduling agreements. Production is unique for each customer. The
warehouse stock is built to satisfy the requirements of each sales order. The Production
order is directly linked to the sales order and thus to the stock produced.

Strategy 20, Make-to-Order

Strategy 20 is particularly useful for make-to-order scenarios in which production is
triggered based on sales orders.

• Each sales order item is displayed in an individual segment in the

stock/requirement list and MRP list.

Chapter 4 Demand Management

• Customer requirements are reduced when goods are issued to the

sales order.
• The Individual/Collective Requirements Indicator in the MRP4 view
decides how the lower-level components are produced/procured.

Let’s create a finished good with Strategy 20.

Strategy 20 is a make-to-order strategy and thus the system doesn’t allow it to create
PIRs. If you try to create PIRs for materials using Strategy 20, the system will give you an
error message: Please Enter valid requirements type.
Create a sales order for the finished assembly with Transaction Code VA01, as shown
in Figure 4-20.

Figure 4-20.  Creating a sales order

Chapter 4 Demand Management

If you go to MD04 – Stock Requirement List, the sales order appears as a

Now run the MRP to fulfil demand. Use Transaction Code MD02 to run single-item
multi-level MRP. You can also run the MRP for a specific sales order using Transaction
Code MD50.
After the MRP run, use Transaction Code MD04 to check the planning situation. See
Figure 4-21.

Figure 4-21.  Stock requirement list

You can see that a new planned order has been generated to fulfil the customer
requirements. In the MRP element data, you can see a planned order with /SO, which
represents the sales order. This means the planned order has been generated for a
material with Make-to-Order strategy. You can see the sales order in the Assignment
View of the planned order.

Chapter 4 Demand Management

Convert the planned order to production and then click the Green flag in the
production order to release and save the order. Then, perform the manufacturing
execution activities—goods issue to production order, order confirmation, and goods
receipt against production order. Go to MD04 – Stock Requirement List; the stock is
displayed as sales order stock and not as unrestricted stock.

Strategy 50, Planning without Final Assembly

Strategy 50 is a special make-to-order strategy that’s used when the main value-added
process is final assembly. Procurement of the components is planned by means of PIRs
entered at the finished product level. However, the production for final assembly is
triggered after the sales order arrives.
• PIRs are entered at the finished product level.

• MRP creates unconvertible planned orders (type VP) based on PIRs

for the finished product, which creates a demand for lower-level
• Lower-level assemblies and components are produced/procured.

• After the sales order is received, the next MRP run creates a
convertible planned order for the finished product.

This strategy is used in industries where the core semi-finished assembly of the
material is the same.

In this chapter you learned about demand management planning strategies and make-­
to-­stock and make-to-order strategies. These strategies will help you plan your materials
appropriately. You can use a mix of these strategies in the manufacturing plant, such as
using a Make-to-Order strategy for final assembly and a Make-to-Stock strategy for semi-­
finished assemblies.
The next chapter covers material requirement planning, which is the next step in the
production planning process after demand management.


Material Requirements
Material requirements planning is probably the most powerful tool in logistics and
supply chain management. This chapter cover material requirements planning and
different MRP procedures. You also learn how to run MRP in SAP using classical MRP
and MRP Live.

What Is Material Requirements Planning?

Material requirements planning (MRP) is the planning engine that ensures on-time
material availability to meet demands which could be customer demands, planned
independent requirements, or dependent requirements from high-level material.
The aim of MRP is to solve three basic questions:

• What (material) to produce/procure

• When (date) to produce/procure it

• How much of it (quantity of material)

MRP is the central component of ERP or in other words you can say that MRP is the
heart of SAP. Any activity happening in the entire logistics/supply chain has a direct
impact on MRP. Businesses can benefit greatly from MRP and solve a lot of problems,
including non-optimal inventory levels (high inventory in most cases), delayed delivery
to a customer, dead stock, capital lockup, and so forth.
MRP checks for requirements/demands and then checks if the material is in stock.
If the material is not in stock, MRP creates procurement proposals (i.e., purchase
requisitions) for materials procured from vendors and planned orders for materials
produced in-house. (See Figure 5-1).

© Himanshu Goel 2022
H. Goel, Handbook for SAP PP in S/4HANA,
Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Figure 5-1.  Material requirements planning

MRP takes input from demand elements, monitors stock situations, and generates
supply elements as output.
Demand elements are MRP elements that generate the requirement for the material
stock and thus credit (or reduce) the stock in the plant or warehouse. Demand elements
are represented as -ve stock in the Stock Requirement list (Transaction Code MD04).
Some of the most common demand elements considered during MRP calculation
are as follows:

• Concrete demands for finished goods from customers in terms of

sales orders or schedule lines (make-to-order scenarios)

• Planned independent requirements for finished goods coming from

S&OP/sales forecasts (make-to-stock scenarios)
• Material reservations

• Dependent requirements for semi-finished or raw materials

Supply elements are MRP elements that fulfill requirements and thus debit (or add)
stock to the plant or warehouse. Supply elements are represented with +ve stock in the
Stock Requirement list (Transaction Code MD04).
To ensure material availability for the demand, MRP checks the stock situation and if
the stock is not available/enough, the system generates supply elements (i.e., purchase
requisitions or planned orders), as shown in Figure 5-2:

• Purchase requisitions are for externally procured materials, which are

then converted to purchase orders.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

• Planned orders are for in-house produced materials, which are

subsequently converted to production orders.

Figure 5-2.  Procurement proposal

The master data maintained in the MRP1 – MRP4 views of the material master
are extremely critical to MRP, as these parameters are considered during the MRP
calculations. Thus, it is very important to maintain the master data correctly to ensure
the MRP results are accurate. The fields of the MRP1 – MRP4 views in the material
master are explained in Chapter 1.
You may assign one of the following MRPs to your material in the MRP1 view of the
material master:

• P1 MRP, fixing type -1-

• P2 MRP, fixing type -2-

• P3 MRP, fixing type -3-

• P4 MRP, fixing type -4-

Planning Time Fence

You can use the planning time fence to protect automatic changes to the master plan
during the planning run. Even if a new requirement arrives, the system will not create or
change the procurement proposals within the planning time fence.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

The MRP type for standard MRP is PD. MRP is also denoted with MRP Type P
followed by firming type or fixing type. There are five firming types:

• 0: Firming type 0 means no firming. Therefore, procurement

proposals are not firmed automatically even if they fall within the
firming horizon. MRP type PD is the MRP with firming type 0.

• 1: With firming type 1, the procurement proposals that fall within the
planning time fence are firmed automatically. If a new requirement
arrives then the new procurement proposals are created, and
the dates are moved to the end date of the planning time fence.
Therefore, the new procurement proposals are not firmed.

• 2: With firming type 2, the procurement proposals that fall within the
planning time fence are firmed automatically. If a new requirement
arrives then new procurement proposals are not created (i.e., the
shortage situation is not adjusted within the planning time fence).

• 3: With firming type 3, the procurement proposals that fall within

the planning time fence are not firmed automatically. If a new
requirement arrives then the new procurement proposals are
created, and the dates are moved to the end date of the planning
time fence.

• 4: With firming type 4, the procurement proposals that fall within

the planning time fence are not firmed automatically. If a new
requirement arrives, then new procurement proposals are not
created (i.e., the shortage situation is not adjusted within the
planning time fence).

Materials Requirements Planning

Steps in the MRP Run
Next, let’s see how the MRP planning engine runs. There are six steps in the MRP run
(see Figure 5-3):

1. Checking Planning File Entry

2. Net Requirement Calculation

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

3. Lot Size Calculation

4. Procurement Type

5. Scheduling

6. BOM Explosion

Figure 5-3.  MRP process

Check Planning File Entry

Planning file entry is a list of all the relevant materials for the MRP run. New materials
are created with MRP views, using a valid MRP type. If you have an MRP type called
ND, the planning file entry will not be created, because ND means “No Planning”. It is
mandatory to have a valid MRP type assigned in the material master.
The planning file entry has several indicators or flags that determine how a material
is treated during the MRP run. They can be generated manually or automatically.
You can manually create a planning file entry by choosing Logistics ➤ Production
➤ MRP ➤ Planning ➤ Planning File Entry ➤ Create. You can also use Transaction Code
MD20 to create a planning file entry.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Enter the material and plant into the initial screen and select the indicators in the
Planning File Entry section, as shown in Figure 5-4.

• Net Change Planning: This field indicates that the material is taken
into account when running MRP with the processing key NETCH
(Net Change in Total horizon).

• Planning File Entry NETPL: This field indicates that the material is
taken into account when running MRP with processing key NETPL
(Net Change in planning horizon).

• Reset Order Proposals: If you set this the indicator, MRP will delete
all existing procurement proposals, including planned orders and
purchase requisitions, and generate new procurement proposals.

• Re-explode BOM: If you set this indicator, MRP will re-explode the
bill of material for the existing procurement proposal, such as the
planned orders, purchase requisitions, and so on.

• Planning Date: This is the date on which the material should be

considered for an MRP run. This is used primarily in time-phased

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Figure 5-4.  Create Planning File entry

Press Enter or click the Continue button. The system will give you a message that
reads “The material CM_GEARBOX has been marked for the MRP run”.

Automatically Creating a Planning File Entry

A planning file entry is created automatically for a material whenever any of the
following activities happen:

• Change in Inventory level: Whenever the inventory level of the

material changes due to a goods movement, such as a goods issue or
goods receipt.

• Change in Demand/Supply elements: Whenever a new demand

element is created (or changed) such as when a sales order arrives
or a supply element is created (or changed), the quantity in the
production order is changed.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

• Change in Material Master – MRP Views: Whenever a field in the

MRP1- MRP4 views of the material master is created/changed, and
the MRP Type Field is MRP 1 View.

A planning file entry can be displayed by choosing Logistics ➤ Production ➤ MRP ➤

Planning ➤ Planning File Entry ➤ Display. You can also use Transaction Code MD21 to
display the Planning File entry.
Enter the material and plant to display the planning file entry for a material. You can
also enter the plant and select one of the selection parameters to display all the materials
in the plant with the selected criteria. For example, you can enter Plant and select Net
Change Planning to display all the materials with that selected flag (see Figure 5-5).

Figure 5-5.  Display Planning File entry: initial screen

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

As shown in Figure 5-6, there are several indicators for the material.

Figure 5-6.  Display planning file entries

Record Type: This is used to determine if the material is an MRP material or a

phantom assembly. This parameter is quite important, as the system doesn’t generate a
planned order if the material is a phantom assembly and is assigned as a BOM component.
Low-level code: This determines the lowest level at which a material is assigned in
any BOM structure in an organization. A finished good has the low-level code 000 and
then, based on the BOM structure, a semi-finished good will have low-level code 001,
and so on. In the following example, ROH1 is placed at level 002 in the BOM structure
for FERT01, whereas the ROH is placed at level 001 in the BOM structure for FERT02.
Since the low-level code is calculated based on the lowest level at which the material is
allocated in all the product structures in an organization, the low-level code for ROH1
is 002. If a material is not assigned in a BOM structure, the material will be assigned the
low-level code 999. Figure 5-7 illustrates this.

Figure 5-7.  Low-level code

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Low-level code is determined by the system automatically and can be displayed in

the material master by clicking the Information button.
MPS Indicator: This determines if the material should be included in the MPS
(Master Production Scheduling) run.
The other indicators, like Net Change Planning, Planning File Entry, NETPL, and so
on, are explained earlier.

Net Requirement Calculation

The MRP run calculates the net requirements based on the demands, the stock on
hand, and the existing receipt elements. The first step is to identify the quantity to be
produced/procured for the material based on the requirements. The system checks
whether each requirement (demand element) can be covered by the existing warehouse
stock. If the warehouse stock is not sufficient, then the requirements may be covered
by one or more supply elements. If the requirements are not covered by stock on hand
and the existing supply elements, a shortage quantity is calculated and the procurement
proposals are created to cover the shortage.
During the net requirement calculation, several parameters are taken into account.
Some of them are as follows:

• Planning strategy: This plays a vital role during net requirement

calculation. For example, Strategy 10 takes into account the existing
warehouse stock while Strategy 11 does not consider existing
warehouse stocks.

• Net requirement calculation section in MRP2 view of material

master: This section includes several important fields like
Safety Stock, Coverage Profile, Safety Time, and so on, as shown
in Figure 5-8. All these fields have a vital influence on the net
requirement calculation.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Figure 5-8.  Material master: net requirements calculation

There are three broad types of material requirements planning, also called MRP

• Materials requirements planning

• Master production scheduling

• Consumption-based planning

• Reorder-point planning
• Time-phased planning

• Forecast-based planning

Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

MRP is a planning engine that calculates which materials (or components) should
be produced (or procured), the quantities to be produced/procured, and the dates
on which the material should be available. The function of MRP is to ensure material
availability for production and thus on-time delivery to the customers.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Standard SAP offers five MRP types:

• P1 MRP, fixing type -1
• P2 MRP, fixing type -2
• P3 MRP, fixing type -3
• P4 MRP, fixing type -4

MRP types P1 to P4 are different options that run standard MRP with a fixing type (or
firming type). The firming type determines how procurement proposals are firmed and
scheduled within the planning time fence during the planning run.

Master Production Scheduling (MPS)

MPS is exactly like MRP, except it is used to flag materials separately. MPS is run for
critical materials that have a huge impact on the company’s profitability and require
special attention.
MPS is run separately and can only be run at a single level. The materials planned
using MPS are not included in the normal MRP run. This means a separate transaction
is used in SAP for the MPS run. While doing an MPS run, you can run MRP flagged
material together.
The standard SAP offers five MPS types:
• M0 MPS, fixing type -0-
• M1 MPS, fixing type -1-
• M2 MPS, fixing type -2-
• M3 MPS, fixing type -3-
• M4 MPS, fixing type -4-

Consumption-Based Planning
Consumption-based planning is a planning procedure that uses past consumption
values (historical data) to calculate future requirements. The system calculates the
requirement by applying the material forecasts or static planning procedures. The
demand elements have no influence on CBP.
Consumption-based planning is further divided into three broad categories.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Reorder-Point Planning
The procurement proposals are created when the sum of plant stock and firmed receipts
falls below the reorder point. The following MRP types operate on the principles of
reorder-point planning:

• V1 Manual reord.point w. ext.reqs

• V2 Autom. reord.point w. ext.reqs

• VB Manual reorder-point planning

If you are using reorder-point planning, you must maintain the reorder point in
the material master (MRP 1 View). Whenever the stock falls below the reorder-point
quantity, the system creates a procurement proposal during the next planning run. The
MRP controller must maintain this value manually when using manual reorder-point
planning. If you are using automatic reorder-point planning, the system updates this
value automatically at defined intervals.

Forecast-Based Planning
The future requirements are determined based on the historical consumption data. The
MRP type called VV Forecast-Based Planning operates on the principles of forecast-­
based planning.

Time-Phased Planning
This planning can be used when the materials are procured in a particular time interval.
For example, say a vendor delivers the product every Monday. You can add the quantity
for the entire week and send a cumulative requirement. The following MRP types
operate on the principles of time-phased planning:

• R1 Time-phased planning

• R2 Time-phased

• RR Tmphsd. repl. w. dyn.trgt.stck

• RS Time-phased replenishment plng

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Lot Size Calculation

The exact lot size of the procurement proposal is calculated based on the parameters
defined in the Lot Size Data section of the MRP1 view of the material master. Based on
parameters like Lot Sizing Procedure, Minimum Lot Size, Maximum Lot Size, Assembly
Scrap, and so on, the system determines the lot size for the procurement element. See
Figure 5-9.

Figure 5-9.  Material master: lot size data

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Figure 5-10.  Material master: scheduling

The lot size indicator helps determine the lot size (or the quantity to be procured/
produced) during the net requirement calculation in the planning run. This means the
MRP run will calculate the exact order quantity based on the lot size. The lot sizes are
divided into three major types:

• Static lot size

• Period lot size

• Optimum lot size

Static lot size: The procurement quantity is calculated based on the specified
quantity in the material master.

• You can select the lot-size procedure FX: Fix Order Quantity and
maintain the quantity in the Fix Lot Size field, and the system will
create the order for the lot size as specified.

• Lot size indicator EX: Lot for Lot Order Quantity will create an
order for the quantity that is an outcome of the net requirement
calculation, which considers the demand/requirement and reduces
the available stock.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Period lot size: You can add the requirement for a specified time interval. For
example, you can group the demand for a time bucket (days, week, or month) and the
system will create orders accordingly.

• Daily lot size

• Weekly lot size

• Monthly lot size

Optimum lot size: As the name suggests, this lot-sizing procedure aims to create
optimal lots by minimizing setup, storage, and order costs, which are lot size-dependent.

• Part period balancing

• Dynamic lot size

• Groff reorder procedure

The system calculates the lot size of the procurement proposal based on the
selected lot-sizing procedure and the values maintained in fields like Minimum Lot Size,
Maximum Lot Size, Fix Lot Size, Rounding Value, and so on.

Procurement Type
Once the system has determined the lot size, the next step is to identify the procurement
type for creating the procurement proposals. The Procurement section in the MRP2
view of the material master plays a vital role when creating a procurement proposal. The
Procurement Type field determines if the material is produced internally or procured
externally. Procurement Type is a mandatory field and one of the following procurement
types must be selected, as shown in the Table 5-1.

Table 5-1.  Procurement Types

E In-house production
F External procurement
Blank No procurement
X Both procurement types

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

For in-house produced materials with Procurement Type E, MRP generates planned
orders, while for externally procured materials with Procurement Type F, MRP generates
purchase requisitions or planned orders. In the case of planned orders generated for
Procurement Type F, they need to be converted in the purchase requisition later.
Special Procurement Type: This is another important field. Some of the special
procurement types for in-house production are:
Phantom assembly: This is a virtual assembly that’s neither produced nor
purchased and is not inventoried. Phantom assembly is used to group components
together, but a separate production order is not created. You can also say that phantom
assemblies are assembled “on the go” and immediately consumed by some other
assembly in the production process.
Production in another plant: The materials are planned in the planning plant while
they are produced in production plant.
Direct production/collective order: Direct production is used in special situations
when sub-assemblies are produced and consumed directly by the higher-level
production order, without the sub-assemblies being placed into stock. This means no
goods receipt is posted for semi-finished assemblies. Likewise, there is no need for
goods issue postings for these semi-finished assemblies, as they are consumed directly
to the order of higher-level assembly. Such network of orders can also be referred to as
collective orders.
Some of the special procurement types for external procurement are:
Consignment: In the consignment process, the goods are procured from the vendor.
The vendor ships the materials and stores them at the buyer’s premises. The material
remains the property of the vendor even after delivery. The material is consumed from
the consignment stock with special stock indicator K during goods issue.
Subcontracting: This refers to outsourcing a process to a vendor. The vendor is
supplied with components from which goods are manufactured. A bill of material should
be created for subcontracting materials to specify which material is sent to the vendor
and which material is received. A purchase order with item category L is created for the
vendor, which explodes the BOM to determine the components to be sent to the vendor.
Important: In S/4HANA, the production version is necessary for subcontracting the
bill of materials.
Stock transfer: Materials are transferred from one plant to another within a
company using a special purchase order called a stock transfer order. The receiving plant
and issue plant are assigned during customization of this special procurement type.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

The next step in the MRP run is to determine the dates of the procurement proposal.
Scheduling determines the start and end dates for the planned orders or the delivery
date for the purchase requisitions. The Scheduling section in the MRP2 view of the
material master plays a vital role in determining the order dates.
In-House Production Time: Used to determine the dates for planned orders during
the planning run. The in-house production time is independent of the order quantity.
Planned Delivery Time: The time (in workdays) needed by the vendor to deliver the
goods after the purchase order is placed. In other words, it is the time between the date
on which the order was placed and the date on which goods receipt is posted.
Goods Receipt Processing Time: Once a goods receipt is posted for a material then
some time is needed for material inspection and for placing the goods in the warehouse.
This is referred to as Goods Receipt Processing Time and it’s applicable to all the
materials that are produced in-house and procured externally.

BOM Explosion
During the planning run, MRP creates the procurement proposals with a lot size
and then schedules them. The last step in the planning run is to explode the bill of
materials (BOM) to calculate the quantity needed for semi-finished assemblies or raw
materials. Once the BOM is exploded, all the steps of the MRP run (i.e., determining the
planning file entry, net requirement calculation, lot size calculation, procurement type
determination, and scheduling) are performed for every material of the BOM. Such a
BOM explosion is applicable only when running a single item multi-level MRP run.
When running MRP at the plant level, the planning is carried out on the concept of
low-level codes.
Low-level codes determine the lowest level at which a material is assigned in any
BOM structure in an organization. A finished good has the low-level code 000, a semi-­
finished good has a low-level code 001, and so on. The planning is carried out for all the
materials with the highest low-level code and then subsequently moves on to next level
until it reaches the lowest low-level code.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

MRP Procedures
As discussed, there are three types of material requirements planning:

• Materials requirements planning

• Master production scheduling

• Consumption-based planning

• Reorder-point planning
• Time-phased planning

• Forecast-based planning

So far this chapter has discussed standard MRP. This section discusses MPS (Master
Production Scheduling).

Master Production Scheduling

An MPS run is executed on the same principles as an MRP run. The main objective
of MPS is to plan critical materials separately. MPS is used for materials that greatly
influence company profits, or that take up critical resources. It is essential to plan these
materials separately using special tools.
MPS aims to reduce storage costs and increase planning stability, thus ensuring on-­
time material delivery to customers.
The master plan of the critical materials planned with MPS greatly influences the
entire production process, as the planning of the dependent parts depends on the
planning result of the finished products and main assemblies.
The objective of MPS is to pay special attention to the critical materials. Therefore,
these materials are planned with a separate planning run. These materials are not
planned in the normal MRP runs. Planning the MPS materials separately ensures that
these materials can be planned independently from the other planning.
You may assign one of the following MPS types to your material in the MRP1 view of
the material master:

• M0 MPS, fixing type -0-

• M1 MPS, fixing type -1-

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

• M2 MPS, fixing type -2-

• M3 MPS, fixing type -3-

• M4 MPS, fixing type -4-

Planning Time Fence

You can use the Planning Time Fence to protect automatic changes to the master plan
during the planning run. Even if a new requirement arrives, the system will not create or
change procurement proposals within the planning time fence.
The MPS is represented with MRP Type M followed by the firming type or fixing type.
There are five firming types:

• 0: Firming type 0 means no firming. Procurement proposals are not

firmed automatically even if they fall within the firming horizon.

• 1: With firming type 1, the procurement proposals that fall within the
planning time fence are firmed automatically. If a new requirement
arrives then the new procurement proposals are created, and
the dates are moved to the end date of the planning time fence.
Therefore, the new procurement proposals are not firmed.

• 2: With firming type 2, the procurement proposals that fall within the
planning time fence are firmed automatically. If a new requirement
arrives then new procurement proposals are not created (i.e., the
shortage situation is not adjusted within the planning time fence).

• 3: With firming type 3, the procurement proposals that fall within

the planning time fence are not firmed automatically. If a new
requirement arrives then the new procurement proposals are
created, and the dates are moved to the end date of the planning
time fence.

• 4: With firming type 4, the procurement proposals that fall within

the planning time fence are not firmed automatically. If a new
requirement arrives then new procurement proposals are not created
(i.e., the shortage situation is not adjusted within the planning
time fence).

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

You can run MPS using one of the following Transaction Codes:

• MD40 Master Production Scheduling Planning run

• MD41 MPS Single item, multi-level

• MD42 MPS Single item, single level

• MD43 MPS Single item, interactive

Consumption-Based Planning
As the name suggests, consumption-based planning is based on past data. The
consumption values from the past are used to forecast future requirements. The
planning procedure in consumption-based planning is quite different as compared to
MRP or MPS. The procurement proposals are triggered when stock levels fall below a
predefined reorder point or the past consumption values are used to forecast future
requirements. The net requirement calculation is not triggered by sales orders or PIRs or
dependent requirements.
Consumption-based planning is used to plan materials with relative low
consumption, like C-parts (as identified by ABC classification). Such planning
procedures are mostly used for raw materials and operating supplies.
The consumption pattern should be constant or linear with minimal irregularities
for better forecast requirements. You must also ensure inventory management is always
up-to-date to have a realistic picture of the stock situation.

Reorder Point Planning

In reorder point planning, procurement proposals are created when the sum of plant
stock and firmed receipts falls below the reorder point. The reorder point is predefined in
the MRP 1 view of the material master. This planning type can be used for a component
that’s not procured according to the BOM usage (C-parts).
In reorder point planning, the net requirement calculation is not triggered by sales
orders or PIRs or dependent requirements. Rather, replenishment is triggered once the
stock levels fall below the reorder point.
When using reorder point planning, it is recommended to use lot size HB
Replenishment to Maximum Stock level. You must maintain the maximum stock level for
the material. The reorder point should be defined in such a way that the average material
requirements are covered during the replenishment lead time.
Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

It is also important to maintain the safety stock (MRP 2 View) while using
reorder point planning. This ensures that there is always enough stock to cover any
unprecedented demand (for example, due to delivery delays or excessive material
consumption). The safety stock should be able to cover demand during such situations.
Figure 5-11 shows the reorder point planning procedure.

Figure 5-11.  Reorder point planning

You can choose one of the following for reorder point planning:
Manual reorder point planning: You can use MRP Type VB Manual Reorder Point
Planning or V1 Manual reord.point w. ext.reqs. Safety stock and reorder point are
defined manually in the material master.
Automatic reorder point planning: You must assign MRP Type V2 Autom.
reord.point w. ext.reqs. The system will determine the reorder point and safety stock
automatically by the integrated forecasting program. The forecast program uses past
consumption values to determine future requirements. These forecast requirements are
then used to calculate the reorder point and safety stock considering the replenishment
lead time and the expected service level (to be entered manually by the MRP controller
in the material master).

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Forecast-Based Planning
Like reorder point planning, forecast-based planning is based on historical material
consumption. This planning method uses historical consumption values and forecast
values to determine future requirements via the integrated forecasting program. The
forecast values have a direct effect on MRP as automatically determined forecast
requirements. Figure 5-12 shows the Forecasting view of the material master.

Figure 5-12.  Material master: Forecasting view

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

The forecast is carried out on regular intervals based on the specified period (daily,
weekly, monthly, or per accounting period) and the number of periods to be included in
the forecast for each material. You can also specify the number of forecast periods to be
considered during requirements planning.
The forecast requirements may or may not be adjusted based on consumption.

• If consumption is higher than the forecast requirements in the

current month, the system also reduces future forecast requirements.

• If consumption is higher than the forecast requirements in

the current month, the system does not reduce future forecast

• The reduction of the forecast requirements is based on average daily

consumption. Actual consumption data is not relevant.

Important parameters to be defined in the material master for forecast-based

planning are as follows:

• MRP Type VV Forecast-based planning should be assigned in the

MRP1 view of the material master.

• Periodic lot size must be assigned.

• Period indicator must be specified in the MRP3 view of the

material master.

• The Forecasting view of the material master must be maintained as

per requirements.

• Maintain the correct Forecast Model view in the Forecasting view.

• Maintain the past consumption values in the additional data view

called Consumption.

Once the master data is maintained, you can execute the forecasting run in the
Forecasting view of the material master or you can execute the forecasting run using
Transaction Code MP30.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Time-Phased Planning
You can use this to procure materials that are procured on a periodic basis. For
example, a vendor delivers parts each Monday. You can plan these materials using
time-­phased planning and a planning calendar. The Planning Date file in the planning
file entry is updated for the materials planned using time-phased planning. As the
name suggests, the planning date is the date on which the material should be planned
and is determined based on the planning cycle (the planning calendar). The date is set
automatically when the material is created. After each planning (MRP) run, the planning
date is redetermined.
Note: The Net Change Planning and Planning File Entry NETPL indicators in the
planning file entry are irrelevant to materials planned using time-phased planning.
To plan materials using time-phased planning, you must maintain the following data
in the material master:

MRP type for time-phased planning:

• R1 Time-phased planning

• R2 Time-phased

• RE Replenishment plnd externally

• RF Replenish with dyn.TargetStock

• RP Replenishment

• RR Tmphsd. repl. w. dyn.trgt.stck

• RS Time-phased replenishment plng

Planning cycle/planning calendar: The key that determines the

day on which the material is planned. For example, if the material
is delivered every Monday.

Planned delivery time in the MRP 2 view of the material master.

This is quite important for determining the total replenishment
lead time.

Lot size is maintained as Ex lot-for-lot order quantity in the MRP 1

view of the material master.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

During the MRP run, the system checks the planning date in the planning file entry
to determine if the material should be included in the next planning run. If the material
should be included in the next planning run, the system calculates the requirements for
the material.
The system determines a time interval using the following algorithm:
Time interval = MRP date + planning cycle + purchasing processing time + planned
delivery time + goods receipt processing time.
The quantity to be ordered is calculated based on the forecast requirements in the
time interval. The system also checks for stock on hand and firmed receipts (supply
elements). Once the quantity to be ordered is determined, the procurement proposals
are generated.
Although time-phased planning is conceptually designed under consumption-based
planning, it can also be used with material requirements planning.

• Time-phased planning using consumption-based planning: In

such a planning method, the requirements are generated using the
material forecast. The forecast requirements are consumed based on
the same parameters as in forecast-based planning.

• Time-phased planning using material requirements planning:

In such a planning run, all the relevant requirements for MRP are
considered in the net requirement calculation. Also, the forecast
requirements are considered during the net requirement calculation.
In such a planning method, it is mandatory to select an MRP type
with the time-phased with requirements indicator.

How Do You Run MRP?

The MRP can be executed in one of the following ways:

• MD01 Material Requirements Planning run (MRP at

Plant Level)

• MD02 MRP Single item, multi-level

• MD03 MRP Single item, single level

• MD01N MRP Live

• MDBT Total Planning: Background job

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Total Planning Run

You can run MRP at the plant level or at the Scope of planning level using Transaction
Codes MD01 and MD01N. The scope of planning is a key with which you can group
together several plants or MRP areas, but it’s not used in MD01N. Instead, you can
directly input the materials. Therefore, you can run MRP (a total planning run) for a
combination of several plants or several MRP areas. While running such an MRP, the
system checks for all the materials flagged for the MRP run in the planning file entry.
All the materials with the Net Change Planning flag and the planning file entry NETPL
are planned in the planning run. The planning is carried out for all the materials with
the highest low-level code and then moves to the next level until it reaches the lowest
low-level code.
You can run total planning by choosing Logistics ➤ Production ➤ MRP ➤
Planning ➤ Total Planning ➤ Online or you can use Transaction Code MD01
(see Figure 5-13).

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Figure 5-13.  Total planning: MRP run

You can run total planning by choosing Logistics ➤ Production ➤ MRP ➤ Planning
➤ MD01N – MRP Live.
Background mode: You can also set up total planning to run in the background
by choosing Logistics ➤ Production ➤ MRP ➤ Planning ➤ Total Planning ➤ As
Background Job or you can set up the background job using Transaction Code MDBT.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Single Item, Multi-Level MRP Run

You can run MRP for a single material. The BOM is exploded and the planning run
is executed for each material of the product structure. This planning run is usually
executed for finished goods and the system will plan all the materials until the last level
of the BOM structure. The planning file entry is not checked in such a planning run.
You can run single item, multi-level MRP by choosing Logistics ➤ Production ➤
MRP ➤ Planning ➤ Multilevel Single-Item Planning or you can use Transaction Code
MD02 (see Figure 5-14).

Figure 5-14.  Single item, multi-level

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Single Item, Single-Level MRP Run

You can run MRP for a single material only. In such a planning run, the BOM is not
exploded, which means the components in the product structure are not planned.
You can run single item, single-level MRP by choosing Logistics ➤ Production ➤
MRP ➤ Planning ➤ Single-Level Single-Item Planning or you can use Transaction Code
MD03 (see Figure 5-15).

Figure 5-15.  Single-item, single-level

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

MRP Control Parameters

While running MRP with any of the previous Transaction Codes, you must specify the
control parameters.
Here is a list of MRP control parameters:

• Scope of planning

• Processing key

• Create purchase requisition

• Schedule lines

• Create MRP list

• Planning mode

• Scheduling

• Planning date

You can also choose Process Control Parameters to determine how the planning run
is executed:

• Parallel processing

• Display material list

You can also activate the user exit to select which materials should be included in the
planning run based on specific conditions:

• User exit key

• User exit parameter

Scope of Planning: This is a key with which you can group together several plants
or MRP areas. Therefore, you can run MRP (a total planning run) for a combination
of several plants or several MRP areas. Scope of planning can be customized with
Transaction Code OMOE. As shown in Figure 5-16, a scope of planning SG00 is defined
for SuperGears Group AG, which includes two plants (i.e., SG11- SuperGears AG &
SG01 - SuperGears PL). Thus, the total planning run is executed for all the plants defined
in the scope of planning. The planning run will happen in sequence—first for plant SG11
and then SG01. This field is only available in Transaction Code MD01.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Figure 5-16.  Scope of planning: sequence of plants/MRP areas

Processing Key
You can run MRP for all the materials or only for the materials for which the planning
situation for the material has been changed. The following planning types are
available in SAP:
Net Change Planning (NETCH): All the materials that have the Net Change in
Planning flag in the planning file entry are planned during the MRP run. Whenever
there is an MRP relevant change made to the material, the indicator is activated in the
planning file entry. The planning run with NETCH is usually run daily (in background
mode at night) to plan all the materials for which the planning situation has changed.
Net Change Planning in the Planning Horizon (NETPL): All the materials that
have the Planning File Entry NETPL flag in the planning file entry are planned during the
MRP run.
You can maintain the planning horizon at the plant level or the MRP group level.
The planning horizon is the time in days that the requirements are considered during
the planning run. For instance, if you maintain a planning horizon that’s 100 days,
the system will consider the materials that have an MRP relevant change for the next
100 days.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Regenerative Planning (NEUPL): All the materials for which a planning file entry
exists are planned with regenerative planning. The system doesn’t limit the planning
run for materials using the NETCH or NETPL indictor in the planning file entry. It is
recommended to run regenerative planning weekly or bi-weekly so that it will also plan
those materials for which the planning situation is outdated. For example, there are
some materials with old, planned orders. No MRP relevant changes were made to these
planned orders, thus they were not rescheduled. Regenerative planning will replan such
materials during the next planning run.
Create Purchase Requisition: The Create Purchase Requisition indicator
determines if the system should create purchase requisitions or planned orders for the
materials that are procured externally.

• Purchase Requisitions: Created for the total planning horizon.

• Purchase Requisitions in Opening Period: Created within the

opening period. For all the requirements outside the opening period,
planned orders are created.

• Planned Orders: Created for the entire planning horizon. These

planned orders are later converted to purchase requisitions.

The Creation indicator for purchase requisitions can be maintained in customization

at the MRP group level. If the Creation indicator is not maintained in customization at
the MRP group level, the system checks the indicator selected on the initial screen of the
planning run.
Purchase Requisition Creation in S/4HANA: The Create Purchase Requisition
control parameter has been made obsolete in MRP Live. The planning run with MRP
Live always creates purchase requisitions as procurement proposals for the materials
that are procured externally. This is one of the simplifications in S/4HANA.
Schedule lines: The indicator controls if the system should generate schedule lines
or not based on the following options:

• No schedule lines

• Schedule lines in the opening period

• Schedule lines

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

The creation indicator for schedule lines can be maintained in customization at

the plant level or the MRP group level. If the creation indicator is not maintained in the
customization at the plant level or MRP group level, the system checks the indicator
selected on the initial screen of the planning run.
Create MRP list: This indicator controls if the system should generate an MRP list or
not based on the following options:

• MRP list: MRP list is always generated for all the materials planned in
the planning run.

• Depending on the exception messages: MRP list is generated only

for a few materials that have specific exception messages.

• No MRP list: MRP list is not created for any of the planned materials.

Planning mode: The Planning Mode indicator determines how the existing
procurement proposals are treated during the planning run. You can select one of the
following planning modes:

• Adapt planning data (Normal mode): This is the recommended

planning mode to be used for daily MRP runs. The unfirmed
procurement proposals are adjusted based on the new planning
situation. The planning mode takes into account the following

• Change in requirement: If there is a change in the requirement

or demand element then the existing procurement proposals are
adjusted accordingly.

• Changes in date and quantity: If the date or quantity of

the requirement or demand element is changed then the
procurement proposals are adjusted accordingly.

• Changes in the MRP type or lot size in the material master:

If the MRP type or the lot sizing procedure is changed in the
material master the existing procurement proposals are adopted
based on the new parameters.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

• Re-explode BOM and Routing: While using this planning mode, the
system re-explodes the BOM and routing for all existing procurement
proposals that are unfirmed. This planning mode is recommended
to be used whenever there is a change in any of the following
master data:

• Material or sales BOM is changed

• Phantom assembly BOM is changed

• Material classification is changed

• Production version is changed

Note The Re-Explode BOM and Routing planning mode is not available in MD01N
MRP Live.

Delete and recreate planning data: The system deletes all

existing procurement proposals that are not firmed during
planning run. It is not recommended to use this planning
mode, as it slows down system performance since all existing
procurement proposals are deleted and then recreated.

If you are using the Delete and Recreate Planning Data planning
mode frequently, you need to keep eye on the planned order and
purchase requisition number range. Using this planning mode
will exhaust the number range soon.

Scheduling: Scheduling is a vital step during the planning run. It is used to

determine the requirement dates for the procurement proposals. During scheduling, the
system determines the start and end dates for the planned orders for the materials that
are produced in-house. The requirement dates are determined in purchase requisition
for the materials that are procured externally.
The Scheduling indicator determines whether the system should perform Basic
Scheduling or Lead Time scheduling during the planning run.
Basic scheduling: During the planning run, the system determines the basic
production dates for the planned orders. The basic start and end dates are calculated
based on the in-house production time maintained in the MRP2 view of the material

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

master. The in-house production time is independent of the lot size during the
calculation of basic dates. Schedule margin key is not considered during the basic
scheduling. The basic dates are accurate to the day.
Lead time scheduling: The system determines the production dates based on the
time maintained in the routing. Various times can be maintained in the routing, such
as setup time, processing time, queue time, interoperation time, and so on. All these
times are maintained in the routing and are used to calculate the exact time required
to produce a material based on the order lot quantity. During lead time scheduling, the
system not only calculates the production date and time but also generates capacity
requirements. The lead time scheduling calculates the exact production dates and the
time to the accuracy of minutes and seconds. Figure 5-17 shows how the lead times
are calculated considering float before production, operation times, and float after

Figure 5-17.  Lead time scheduling

Figure 5-18 shows the planned order with lead time scheduling. You can see basic
and production dates, which are calculated based on exact time from routing. They also
consider floats before/after production.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Figure 5-18.  Display planned order with lead time scheduling

Planning Date: The planning date is only applicable to time-phased planning. Time-­
phased planning is used to plan the material on a periodic basis, such as every Tuesday
or every Monday and Thursday. The system calculates the planning date for the next run
and assigns the planning date in the planning file. The system checks the materials for
which the planning date in the planning file is the same as the planning date in the initial
screen of the planning run.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Process Control Parameters: During the planning run, you can also select the
process control parameters. The most common parameters are:
Parallel processing: The total planning run usually takes a lot of time since the MRP
is executed at the plant level. To improve the system performance and consequently
reduce the planning runtime, you can run the MRP on several servers or several
sessions. The name of the destination server and number of sessions allowed for parallel
processing must be configured in the customization (Transaction Code OMIQ).
System performance is largely optimized in S/4 HANA by simplification of database
table, which means Transaction Code MD01N does not have parallel processing option.
Display material list: You can use this indicator to generate a list of all the materials
that have been planned during the planning run.
User Exit: Select materials for planning: A user exit can be implemented to
include/exclude certain materials from the planning run. For example, you can choose
to run MRP for materials that are assigned to a specific MRP controller or production
scheduler. In the User Exit Key parameter, you must select the Control key for which
the planning run should be executed. For example, the MRP controller or production
scheduler. In the User Exit parameter, you must specify the value of the control key for
which you would like to execute the planning run. For example, you want to run MRP for
MRP controller 001 and 002.
The user exit M61X0001 must be implemented and the source code must be
programmed to define how the user exit must execute.

MRP Live
MRP Live was launched by SAP to improve the performance of the planning run. The
planning run is a complex process and can take hours, as thousands of materials are
planned and that involves a lot of MRP elements.
With the launch of the SAP HANA database, which is an in-memory and column-­
oriented database, SAP realized that the performance of MRP could be improved by
capitalizing on the capabilities of the HANA database. Hence SAP redesigned the entire
logic around MRP to run it on the HANA database and thus improve the performance of
the planning run.
The PPH_MRP_START program was copied from the RMMRP000 program (the technical
program name for Classical MRP). The new program was reengineered keeping in mind
the performance optimization by executing the planning run on an in-memory HANA
Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

You can run total planning by choosing Logistics ➤ Production ➤ MRP ➤ Planning
➤ MD01N – MRP Live (see Figure 5-19).

Figure 5-19.  MRP Live

Some of the major changes implemented in MRP Live are as follows:

The MRP list was made redundant: Classical MRP provided

the function to generate the MRP list. The MRP list was a static
list that displayed the MRP results when the planning run was
last executed. The performance of the planning run has been
immensely improved therefore it provides an opportunity to run

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

MRP more frequently and always work on live data. It made no

sense to evaluate results from the last planning run and thus MRP
lists are no longer generated in MRP Live.

Simplified control parameters: MRP control parameters have

been simplified. The classical MRP provides creation indicators
that determined if the system should generate planned orders
or purchase requisitions or schedule lines for materials that are
procured externally, as can be seen in Figure 5-20.

Figure 5-20.  MRP Live: control parameters

In the MRP Live, all the creation indicators have been made
obsolete. This means that the system will create purchase
requisitions for the materials that are procured externally.
However, if a scheduling agreement exists for the material,
scheduling lines are generated.

BAdIs in classical MRP: Classical MRP came with a lot of BAdIs

that could be implemented. These BAdIs can no longer work with
MRP Live. If there is a need, then the BAdIs used in classical MRP
must be translated into new AMDP BAdIs. This is due to the fact
that classical MRP was written in ABAP, whereas MRP Live logic
has been designed to be executed in SAP HANA.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

NETPL is no longer available: It is no longer possible to select

the processing key. MRP Live can be executed in a normal
mode (i.e., NETCH). You can also choose to run planning in
Regenerative mode.

Planning mode is simplified: The planning mode is also

simplified. The Re-explode BOM and Routing option is no longer
available in MRP Live. MRP Live’s planning mode has only two

• Adapt Planning Data: If an unfirmed procurement proposal

exists that fulfills the requirement, the system reuses it. If
an unfirmed procurement proposal exists that fulfills the
requirements only partially (for example, the requirement
quantity is same as of procurement proposal, but the
requirement date is different), then the system deletes the
existing procurement proposal and creates a new one.

• Delete and Recreate Planning Data: As the name suggests,

the system deletes all existing procurement proposals and
generates new procurement proposals to satisfy the demands

You can use Transaction Code MD_MRP_FORCE_CLASSIC to force a material to

be planned via classical MRP. You can also determine if you would like to display the
material in MRP Fiori Apps. Enter the plant and MRP controller, as shown in Figure 5-21.

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Figure 5-21.  Information and settings for materials in MRP on HANA:

initial screen

Figure 5-22 displays a list of all the materials in the plant SG11, since the report was
executed at the plant level. It also shows whether the material is planned via MRP Live or
Classical MRP. The report also displays error messages, if there are any.

Figure 5-22.  Information and settings for materials in MRP on HANA

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Running MRP Live

You can run MRP Live with Transaction Code MD01N. As compared to classical MRP,
MRP Live gives you flexibility to select various parameters for your planning run. You
can define your planning scope based on several select options, such as Plants, Material,
Product Group, or MRP Controller. You can execute planning for multiple plants or
multiple MRP controllers, and so on.
Material Scope: You can determine if you want to execute a planning run for all
the materials or restrict your planning run only for MRP materials or MPS materials. As
shown in Figure 5-23, I’m executing the report at the plant level.

Figure 5-23.  MRP Live

Chapter 5 Material Requirements Planning

Changed BOM Components: You can control if you would also like to plan the BOM
components for which the planning situation has changed. The BOM components that
aren’t impacted by the planning situation are not included in the planning run.
All Order BOM Components: You can run MRP for all the BOM components even
if the dependent requirements for the components have not changed. However, the
components that have the special procurement key called Withdrawal From Alternative
Plant are not considered in the planning run.
Stock Transfer Materials: If a material is procured from a different plant, you can
use this indicator to run MRP for the supplying plant as well as the receiving plant.
All the materials for which MRP relevant changes have been done in the supplying
plant are included in the planning run, even if supplying plant was not specified in the
planning scope.

This chapter discussed the MRP planning engine, including different MRP procedures
like material requirements planning, master production scheduling, and consumption-­
based planning. It also discussed MRP Live and the key improvements in MRP Live as
compared to classical MRP. You also saw different ways that MRP runs can be executed.
The next chapter discusses the procurement proposals that are generated as a result
of an MRP run.


Procurement Proposals
This chapter covers the procurement element called the planned order. You’ll learn how
a material availability check can be executed for a planned order and you’ll learn about
several ways to convert a planned order to a production order.
Procurement proposals are created as a result of an MRP run. The system generates
planned orders for materials produced in-house and purchase requisitions for materials
procured externally. Planned orders are further converted to production orders for
order processing. Purchase requisitions are subsequently converted to purchase orders,
which are formal (legal) documents sent to vendors for procuring goods or services. This
chapter discusses the planned order, since it is relevant to the production process.

Planned Orders
A planned order is a procurement proposal that’s usually created by MRP to cover
requirements for materials that are produced in-house. A planned order can also
be created manually if needed. A planned order contains basic information like the
material, quantity, and the production dates, along with some other information.
The planned order is only a procurement proposal and thus must be converted to a
production order for manufacturing execution.

Note  As mentioned, a planned order is only a procurement proposal and is not

used for manufacturing execution. This statement is valid for discrete and process
industries only. In repetitive manufacturing, planned orders are used for production
execution. If the material is flagged to be executed with repetitive manufacturing,
then planned orders with the PE Run-Schedule Quantity order type are created.
Such planned orders cannot be converted to production orders.

© Himanshu Goel 2022
H. Goel, Handbook for SAP PP in S/4HANA,
Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

As you can see in Figure 6-1, MRP has generated several planned orders to fulfil
requirements generated by the planned independent requirements.

Figure 6-1.  Stock requirement list

Planned orders can be created manually or automatically as a result of an MRP run.

Manual creation of planned order: A planned order can be generated manually by
choosing Logistics ➤ Production ➤ MRP ➤ Planned Order ➤ Create. You can also use
Transaction Code MD11 to create a planned order.
You must specify the planned order’s profile on the initial screen, as shown in
Figure 6-2.

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

Figure 6-2.  Creating a planned order: initial screen

A planned order profile uses a unique key that contains several parameters, as
shown in Table 6-1:

• Order type (planned order type)

• Procurement type (i.e., in-house procurement or external


• Special procurement type

• Account assignment category

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

Table 6-1.  Order Types

Profile Procurement Proposal Procurement Special Procurement Account Assignment
Type Type Type Category

KB Standard purchase F K
KD Individual customer E E E
LA Stock order E E
LB Standard purchase F L
LBE Standard purchase F L E
NB Standard purchase F
NBE Standard purchase F E
PR Project order E E Q
UL Standard purchase F U

The planned order profile called LA Stock Order is used to create standard PP
planned orders that are eventually converted to production orders or process orders.
The Planned Order header consists of the planned order number, special
procurement type, material number, and so on, as shown in Figure 6-3.

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

Figure 6-3.  Creating a planned order

The planned order contains three views—Header, Assignment, and Master Data—
each of which contains specific information.

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

Header View
The Header data view of a planned order contains three sections—Quantities, Dates/
Times, and Other Data. Let’s look at each of these sections:

• Quantities: This section contains the order quantity (i.e., the

quantity to be produced and the scrap quantity).

• Dates/Times: Basic Dates: Basic dates are calculated when running

MRP with basic scheduling. During the planning run, the system
determines the basic production dates for the planned orders.
The basic start and end date are calculated based on the in-house
production time maintained in the MRP2 view of the material master.
The in-house production time is independent of the lot size during
the calculation of basic dates. Schedule margin key is not considered
during the basic scheduling. The basic dates are accurate to days.

Production dates: The production dates and times are calculated when running
the MRP with lead time scheduling. The system determines the production dates based
on the time maintained in the routing. Various times can be maintained in the routing,
such as setup time, processing time, queue time, interoperation time, and so on. All
these times are used to calculate the exact time required to produce a material based
on the order lot quantity. During lead time scheduling, the system not only calculates
the production date and time but also generates capacity requirements. The lead time
scheduling calculates the exact production dates and time to the accuracy of minutes
and seconds.
Opening date: You must maintain a Schedule Margin key in the MRP2 view of
the material master with an opening period. The opening period is the time (in days)
to provide the MRP controller with some buffer time to convert planned orders to
production orders. The opening date indicates when the planned orders should be
converted to production orders.
Available for MRP: This is the date when the material will be available in the
warehouse. This is calculated by adding the Goods Receipt processing time to the order
finish date.
GR processing time: This is the time needed for inspection and placing the
materials in the warehouse once the production is finished.

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

Other Data
Production plant: The plant where the material is being produced.
Storage location: Where the material produced is stored once the production is
Production version: Let’s say there are multiple production versions that can
produce the material. You must specify the production version in the planned order.

Planned Order: If this indicator is active, it means the planned order is firmed. A
firmed planned order cannot be changed during the MRP run. The firmed indicator
is activated for the planned order when creating the planned order manually or when
changing a planned order created by the MRP run.
Components: If this indicator is active, it means the components are firmed and
cannot be changed during the next planning run. The firming indicator for a planned
order must be activated before activating the firming for components.
Capacity dispatched: This indicator suggests that the capacity requirements for the
order have been generated and the capacity has been reserved at the work center for the
order to be executed as per scheduled date and time.
Conversion indictor: This indicator determines whether a planned order can
further be converted to a production order or a process order or purchase requisition.
Planned orders for repetitive manufacturing are created with the PE Run-Schedule
Quantity order type, which cannot be converted to production or process orders.

Assignment View
The Assignment view contains two sections—Responsibility and Account Assignment—
as shown in Figure 6-4.

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

Figure 6-4.  Planned order: assignment view

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

• Responsibility: The MRP controller, production supervisor, and

purchasing group are populated from the material master to specify
the responsible person/group of persons in each area.

• Account Assignment: Account Assignment category: This field

determines the cost object, such as a cost center, order, and so on,
where the cost of production should be posted.

Special stock: This field specifies the special stock type for the material—for
example, consignment stock.
Consumption: This field specifies if the consumption is to be posted to a
consumption account (V) or an asset account (A).
Sales order: In a make-to-order environment, the planned order is generated with
reference to a sales order to establish a 1:1 relationship. The reference sales order is
populated in the planned order.
WBS element: If you’re working in an engineer-to-order environment and the
planned orders are generated with reference to a WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)

Master Data View

The master data view contains two sections—material master and bill of material. The
material master section displays a field from the material master—MRP views and the
bill of material (BOM) sections. The BOM is exploded based on the production version
in the planned order, as shown in Figure 6-5.

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

Figure 6-5.  Planned order: master data

Several functions can be executed on the planned order on the menu bar. The
planned order can be deleted by clicking the Delete button.

Schedule Planned Order

If you had run basic scheduling during the MRP run, you can schedule the order by
clicking the Schedule Planned Order button. The system will calculate the production
date and time based on the routing. The scheduling is the same as the scheduling carried
out by lead time scheduling during the MRP run. If the order has been scheduled earlier
manually or using the lead time scheduling during the planning run, you can reschedule
the planned order manually to calculate the latest production dates.
Component overview: You can display all the components and their needed
quantities by clicking the Components Overview button, as shown in Figure 6-6.

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

Figure 6-6.  Components overview

Material Availability Check

You can execute a component availability check to determine if the components are
available in the required quantity on the required date. If the component isn’t available
in the required quantity, the material is flagged with the Missing Part indicator.
The MRP controller can also run a collective availability check by choosing Logistics
➤ Production ➤ MRP ➤ Planned Order ➤ Collective Availability Check. You can also
use Transaction Code MDVP.
Enter the selection parameters on the selection screen. For example, the production
plant and the MRP controller (see Figure 6-7).

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

Figure 6-7.  Collective availability check

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

Based on the selection parameters, a list of planned orders is displayed, as shown in

Figure 6-8.

Figure 6-8.  Collective availability: order view

You can select a few orders manually or click the Select All button to select all the
planned orders from the list. Click the Order button to execute the material availability
check for the selected orders. A popup window appears, where you must select the Reset
Availability Data and Execute Availability Check options, as shown in Figure 6-9.

Figure 6-9.  Collective availability check

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

You can select the indicators to control how the availability check is executed.
Reset Availability Data: If you want to run the material availability check on orders
for which the availability check has been executed previously, you may activate this
indicator. This means the existing components that were confirmed are deleted and
recalculated. Similarly, the confirmation date and quantity are determined again.
The system status FMAT (missing material availability) in the production order is
also reset.
Execute Availability Check: You must set this indicator if you want to execute
a material availability check. The availability check for each material is carried out
depending on the check group assigned in the MRP3 view of the material master. The
results of the availability check are displayed with traffic lights—Red, Yellow, and Green.
The materials for which the availability check were successful are marked as Green and
the committed quantity and commitment date are updated.
Availability check is executed in conjunction with the parameters checking group,
checking rule, scope of check, and checking control.
Checking Group: You must specify the checking group in the MRP3 view of the
material master, under the availability check field. The checking group controls whether
the quantities confirmed in the availability check are locked or not. It also determines if
the ATP quantity are added up.
Checking Rule: You can define a checking rule in customization for various
application areas like sales and distribution, MRP, production order, inventory
management, and so on.
Scope of Check: The scope of check is used to determine the stocks and demand
and supply elements that should be considered during the availability check. A scope of
check is defined for a unique combination of checking group and checking rule. You can
also control if the replenishment lead time is checked during the availability check, as
shown in Figure 6-10.

• Stocks: You can define which stocks should be considered during

the availability check. For example, safety stock, stock in transfer, and
quality inspection stocks are included in the scope of check.

• Supply elements: You can select the supply elements like purchase
requisitions, purchase orders, and so on, that should be included
during the availability check.

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

• Demand elements: You can select the demand elements like sales
orders, reservations, dependent requirements, and so on, that should
be included during the availability check.

Figure 6-10.  Scope of availability check

Checking Control: Using a checking control, you can control if the availability check
should be carried out while creating or releasing an order, as shown in Figure 6-11.
Using the checking control, you can define which checking rule should be used and how
material shortage affects order creation/release.

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

Figure 6-11.  Order control

You can define parameters for availability check at the time of order creation and
different parameters at the time of order release.

Convert a Planned Order to a Production Order

Once the planning is frozen and production can be executed, the planned order must be
converted to a production order. This can be done in various ways, discussed next.

Convert in Stock Requirement List

You can convert a planned order to production from the stock requirement list. Double-­
click the planned order and then click the ➤ Prod. Ord. button, as shown in Figure 6-12,
to convert a planned order to a production order.

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

Figure 6-12.  Convert a planned order to a production order

This function will convert a planned order into a production order. All the details—
like material, quantity, production dates, and so on—are automatically copied from the
planned order to the production order (see Figure 6-13).

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

Figure 6-13.  Creating a production order: general

In the assignments view, the planned order number is stored to establish a 1:1
relation with the production order, as shown in Figure 6-14. However, it must be noted
that the moment a planned order is converted, it is permanently deleted from the
system. This means the planned order cannot be displayed using the Transaction Codes
MD04, MD12, and MD13 or in the planned order PLAF table.

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

Figure 6-14.  Creating a production order: assignment

Click the Save button to save the production order; the system will generate a
production order number.

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

I ndividual Conversion
A planned order can be converted to a production order manually by choosing Logistics
➤ Production ➤ MRP ➤ Planned Order ➤ Convert to Production Order ➤ Individual
conversion. You can also use Transaction Code CO40 to convert a planned order.
Enter the planned order number and the order type of the production order to
be used, as shown in Figure 6-15. You can also partially convert the planned order by
clicking the Partial Conversion indicator.

Figure 6-15.  Creating a planned order: initial screen

Click the Continue button. The system will convert the planned order to a
production order and generate a production order number when you save the order.

 ollective Conversion
Planned orders can be converted to production orders collectively by choosing Logistics
➤ Production ➤ MRP ➤ Planned Order ➤ Convert to Production Order ➤ Collective
conversion. You can also use Transaction Code CO41 for mass conversion.

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

You can select the parameters on the initial screen for which you would like to
convert the planned orders—for example, the planning plant and MRP controller—as
shown in Figure 6-16.

Figure 6-16.  Collective conversion of planned order: initial screen

Based on the input parameters on the selection screen, the screen in Figure 6-17 is
displayed. The output list shows a list of planned orders and other relevant information
like material, material description, order quantity, order dates like start data, and end
date, as shown in Figure 6-17. The first column shows the opening date, which can help
the MRP controller decide whether to convert the planned order or not. The order type
for the production order is also populated based on the plant’s customization settings.

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

Figure 6-17.  Collective conversion of planned order: list

The MRP controller can choose an order manually or can click the Select All button
to select all the planned orders from the list. Then you click the Convert button.
The selected planned orders are converted to production orders and a production
order number is updated for each planned order, as shown in Figure 6-18.

Figure 6-18.  Collective conversion of planned orders: list

Chapter 6 Procurement Proposals

In this chapter, you learned about the planned order procurement element. The chapter
discussed several details about planned orders. It also discussed different ways to
convert planned orders to production orders.
Planned orders should be converted to production orders only after the planning
process is finished. Once planned orders are generated, you must run:
• Material availability check
• Capacity requirement planning

The system provides the flexibility to run the capacity requirement planning for
planned orders as well as production orders. It can be argued if capacity requirement
planning should be run for planned orders or production orders. From my point of view,
capacity planning should be run for planned orders.
You must identify material shortages using MRP and then dispatch your capacity
requirements. Once the shortage situation is dealt with and the capacity is reserved for
the planned order, you can convert the planned orders to production orders.
This chapter discussed the material availability check. The next chapter moves to the
last step of production planning (Capacity Requirement Planning).


Capacity Requirement
Capacity planning is an integral part of the production planning process. It helps
companies determine underload or overload situations for the work center and identify
the bottlenecks. This chapter covers several tools available in SAP that can help—
capacity evaluation and leveling.

What Is Capacity Requirement Planning?

Capacity requirement planning or simply capacity planning is performed after the MRP
run. The purpose of capacity planning is to evaluate the capacity of the work centers in
order to ensure that enough capacity is available so that the production can be carried
out. It aims at optimizing work center capacity utilization.

Capacity Evaluation: The capacity situation of a work center is

assessed to see if all the orders can be produced based on the
planned dates.

Capacity Leveling: Distributes orders in a linear fashion based on

the work center capacity. If there is a capacity overload, the order
dates and quantities must be adjusted.

Before going into capacity evaluation and capacity leveling, you must understand
how the total available capacity of a work center is calculated.

© Himanshu Goel 2022
H. Goel, Handbook for SAP PP in S/4HANA,
Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Availability Capacity
Available capacity is maintained in the Capacity view of the work center. The available
capacity of a work center is calculated based on the parameters maintained in the
Available Capacity section:

• Operating time (start and end time)

• Duration of breaks

• Capacity utilization

• Number of individual capacities

The factory calendar can be assigned in the work center to determine the working
days and thus calculate the capacity of a work center during a day/week. If the factory
calendar is not assigned in the work center, then the system uses the factory calendar
assigned for the plant. The capacity is valid for an infinite period.
If you want to define your capacity for a fixed period, you can maintain an interval of
available capacity. For example, say you typically run three shifts from 6AM to 6AM the
next day, with a total break of two hours and 15 minutes, as shown in Figure 7-1.

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Figure 7-1.  Availability capacity in a work center

However, due to reduced demands or maintenance activities, the management has

decided to run only two shifts for the month of July 2022. You can define this by clicking
the Intervals button. A new screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-2.

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Figure 7-2.  Intervals of available capacity in a work center

You must choose Edit ➤ Insert to add an interval. Enter valid From and To dates for
the interval, as shown in Figure 7-3.

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Figure 7-3.  Adding an interval of available capacity

Now you must define the operating shifts for the month of July, as shown in
Figure 7-4. As opposed to standard capacity, where the work center is operating 24 hours
from 6AM to 6AM the next day, the work center would be operating for only two shifts—
from 6AM to 10PM.

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Figure 7-4.  Work center: shifts

If you go back to the screen intervals of Available Capacity, you’ll notice that a new
capacity has been added for the month of July, as shown in Figure 7-5.

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Figure 7-5.  Work center: intervals of available capacity

You may also maintain the shifts of a work center. If shift is to be maintained, the shift
definition and shift sequence can be maintained with a validity date.

Capacity Requirements
Capacity requirements are generated by various orders, including planned orders,
production orders, process orders, and so on, which subsequently calculate the load on
a work center.
The operation time required to produce a material is maintained in the routing/
master recipe/rate routing. The operating time calculates the capacity requirement using
the formulas assigned in the work center.
Calculating the capacity requirements to manufacture a material takes place when
the order is scheduled and uses the formulas from the work center. Appropriate formulas
must be assigned in the work center to calculate the capacity requirements for each
Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

As shown in Figure 7-6, formula SAP005 and processing formula SAP006 have been
assigned to the work center for the capacity category called 001-Machine. The formula
SAP005 and the processing formula SAP007 have been assigned to the capacity category
called 002-Person. You can display the formula by clicking the Display Formula button.

Figure 7-6.  Work center: capacity overview

Let’s look at the standard formulas provided by SAP:

• Setup: SAP005 = Setup * Operation quantity / Base quantity

• Machine: SAP006 = Machine * Operation quantity / Base quantity

• Labor: SAP007 = Labor * Operation quantity / Base quantity

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Capacity Evaluation
The orders (planned orders, production orders, or process orders) generate load on the
work center. Capacity evaluation analyzes the capacity loads on a work center. Several
transactions are available to perform capacity evaluation.
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Capacity Planning ➤ Evaluation ➤ Work Center
View. From this path, you can choose one of the following Transaction Codes to evaluate
the capacity situation:

• CM01 - Load

• CM02 - Orders

• CM03 - Pool

• CM04 - Backlog

• CM05 – Overload

CM01 - Load
Go to Transaction Code CM01 to evaluate the capacity load on the work center. Select
the General option under the Settings menu to display the default settings for capacity
evaluation. You can specify the time in hours or minutes or you can edit the Int. Finish
field to update the capacity evaluation horizon based on your requirements. The Int.
Finish field is set to 60 days by default. The Periods section represents the evaluation
period and is set to Week by default. You can select other time periods, such as Day,
Factory Calendar Day, Month, and so on, based on your requirements, as shown in
Figure 7-7.

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Figure 7-7.  Capacity planning settings

Enter the work center and plant into the initial screen and then click Standard
Overview, as shown in Figure 7-8.

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Figure 7-8.  Capacity planning selection

Standard Overview
In the standard overview, the list displays the following information:

• Period (week or day, per the settings)

• Requirements: Displays the capacity requirements in the

evaluation period

• Available capacity in the period

• Capacity load (as a percentage)

• Remaining available capacity in the period

In Figure 7-9, you can see that there is slight overload in weeks 25 and 26. The
capacity load stands little above 100%. Whereas the work center is overloaded by 15% in
week 27. The available capacity for week 27 is 92,44 hours, while the requirements expect
a capacity of 106.33 hours. Similarly, the capacity required for week 26 is 94,50, while
available capacity is 92,44 hours.

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Figure 7-9.  Capacity planning standard overview

You can select weeks 25, 26, and 27 and click the Capacity Details/Period icon. A list
showing capacity requirements for the work center is arranged according to the pegged
requirements and displayed per period. For every capacity, the following information is
displayed (see Figure 7-10):

• Period

• Order capacity requirements per period

• Other data for the pegged requirements and the capacities

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Figure 7-10.  Capacity planning: standard overview: details

To resolve the overload situation, you may have to make some adjustments to the
plan. For example, you can move the order 9997 of 263 EA to the next week. Otherwise,
you may have to check if the same material can be produced on an alternate production
line. If so, you may change the production version in the planned order. I moved planned
order 9997 to the next week. The capacity load for week 27 is now 75%, which is shown in
Figure 7-11.

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Figure 7-11.  Capacity planning: standard overview

Based on the capacity evaluation, the production schedule is adjusted as follows:

• Adjust date/quantity in planned independent requirements and
rerun MPS or MRP.
• Adjust date/quantity in planned orders and rerun MPS or MRP.
• Adjust date/quantity in Production orders/process orders and rerun

CM04 - Evaluate Backlog

You can evaluate backlogs on the work center using Transaction Code CM04. Select
the General option under the Settings menu to display the default settings for backlog
display. As you can see in Figure 7-12, the evaluation horizon is defined for two days,
starting 20.06.2022 and ending 26.06.2022, and the evaluation period is selected as Day.
Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Figure 7-12.  Capacity planning settings

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Now click Standard Overview to display the backlogs, as shown in Figure 7-13.

Figure 7-13.  Capacity planning: standard overview

Figure 7-13 shows a backlog on 27.06.2022. Select the 27.06.2022 and then click Cap.
Details/Period. The capacity details display the orders that are in backlog, as shown in
Figure 7-14. You must reschedule these orders to be produced on a new date.

Figure 7-14.  Capacity planning: standard overview: details

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

CM05 - Evaluate Overload

You can use Transaction Code CM05 if you are only interested in viewing the overload
situation on a work center. Figure 7-15 shows that there is an overload in weeks
26 and 29.

Figure 7-15.  Capacity planning: standard overview

Note  Several Transaction Codes are available for capacity evaluation. However, I
personally prefer CM01, since you can view capacity situation on the work center
for several weeks. If there is a capacity overload in a week, you can check the load
in other weeks and adjust the production plan to mitigate the overload situation.

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Capacity Leveling
Capacity leveling enables detailed planning of capacity requirements. The operations/
orders are dispatched to individual capacities to specific points in time and in the
sequence in which they are to be processed.
The operating time for each operation on a work center is maintained in the routing.
These operating times from the routing are populated in the planned orders/production
orders. Based on the production quantity and operation time, the load is calculated on a
work center during the detailed scheduling. The Control key in routing plays a significant
role here. The operations with control keys Det. Cap. Reqmnts (Detailed Capacity
Requirements) generate a capacity load on the work center.
Capacity leveling can be done using a graphical planning table or a tabular planning
table. Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Capacity Planning ➤ Leveling ➤ Variable ➤
Online or use Transaction Code CM25 for capacity evaluation with a graphical planning
table. Many overall profiles are provided in the standard SAP, and you must select the
overall profile for the shop floor control; for example, choose SAPSFCG011: SFC: View
Work Center/capacity (3 graf.)
Enter the work center and plant in the initial screen of Transaction Code CM25, as
shown in Figure 7-16.

Figure 7-16.  Capacity leveling

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Time Profile: You can select the planning horizon for which you want to run the
capacity requirements planning. Click the Change Time Profile icon and the screen in
Figure 7-17 will pop up. Based on the current settings for the time profile SAP___Z002,
the CM25 planning table has an evaluation and planning period that’s three days in the
past and 100 days in the future.

Figure 7-17.  Time profile

In Figure 7-18, you can see that the planning table is split into three sections—work
centers, orders (dispatched), and orders (pool).

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Figure 7-18.  Planning table for capacity evaluation

The Orders (pool) section displays the orders (planned orders, production orders, or
process orders). The orders displayed in this section are yet to be dispatched. As shown
in Figure 7-18, several orders are scheduled to run at the same time. It is not feasible to
produce multiple orders at a time from the same work center.
Therefore, it is imperative to dispatch the order/operations on the work center. Click
the icon to dispatch the orders. As shown in Figure 7-19, the orders are dispatched. Now
the order/operation is scheduled in such a way that only one order/operation is loaded
in a work center at a time.

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Figure 7-19.  Planning table for capacity evaluation

Figure 7-20.  Planning table for capacity evaluation: time scale

The Order (dispatched) section displays all the orders and the timeline on which
they are supposed to be produced.
The Work Centers section displays the timeline and all the orders that are planned to
be produced.

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

The Work Centers and Order (dispatched) sections display the same information
from a different perspective. Work Centers displays the information from the work
center point of view, while Orders (dispatched) displays the information from the order’s
Order Dispatch means capacity requirement planning is performed on the orders.
The system calculates the required capacity based on the operating times from the
routing information and schedules the orders/operations to be executed on the work
center. During the detailed scheduling, the production time is calculated to the exact
requirement of hour/minutes/seconds based on the order quantity and operation time
from the routing information. This also generates a capacity requirement on the work
center. The Dispatch function checks the current load of the work center and allocates
the capacity to the planned order/production order. If the work center is not available,
the order is rescheduled to the next possible date/time.
Click Settings in the menu bar, and then click Scale.
Time Scales: CM25 offers the option of changing the scale on the planning table
based on the user’s preference. The Time axis of the planning board can be displayed in
hourly/daily/weekly scales. This gives you flexibility to evaluate a planning situation in a
short-term or a long-term horizon.
Strategy Profile: You can display the strategy profile by choosing Settings ➤
Strategy. Figure 7-21 displays the strategy profile SAP___T002.

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

Figure 7-21.  Planning table for capacity evaluation: strategy profile

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

You can use the strategy profile to control the dispatching of operations. It gives you
flexibility to select various parameters, including:

• Parameters to control scheduling, that is, the dispatching of

individual operations. You can control Finite Scheduling and
Planning Direction parameters or dispatch at the earliest point in
time, and so on.

• Parameters to control data, like period split and queue time.

• Parameters to control dispatching, such as:

• Sorting of operations to be dispatched

• Consider operation sequence in the order

• Operation date check

• Change production version in event of an error

• Midpoint scheduling

Capacity Reduction: The capacity requirements on the work center are reduced by

• Order confirmations

• Changing the order status to Technically Complete

• Locking an order (changing the order status to Locked)

• Deletion flag

There are two types of order confirmation—final confirmation and partial

confirmation. During final confirmation, all the requirements of the order/operation are
reduced from the work center. During partial confirmation, the capacity requirements
proportional to the confirmed quantity are reduced. Similarly, if the production/
process order is set up with the Deleted flag or the status is assigned to Technically
Complete, the capacity requirements are reduced because the order is no longer valid
for production.

Chapter 7 Capacity Requirement Planning

This chapter discussed capacity planning, which is the last step in the production
planning process. You learned how the available capacity for a work center is calculated.
You also learned about several tools that can be used for capacity planning and capacity
The next chapters discuss the production execution methodologies. The next
chapter specifically covers discrete manufacturing and production order-based


Discrete Manufacturing
This chapter covers production order management, which is primarily used in discrete
manufacturing. You’ll learn about the entire production execution cycle and how each
step is executed in SAP. You’ll also learn how other processes, such as Rework, Scrap,
Joint Production, and more, are handled in production order-based manufacturing.

What Is Discrete Manufacturing?

Discrete manufacturing is a production methodology used to produce materials or
assemblies that can be disassembled, completely or partially, into the original state
of their components. In discrete manufacturing, the products are produced in low
volumes with high complexity or high volumes with low complexity. The methodology
uses complex, multi-level BOMs and products change frequently from order to order.
A lot of different products can be produced on the same production line with a little
variation of machine parameters/settings. The products are manufactured using
processes like assembly, welding, machining, punching, stamping, and so on. Industries
like automotive, electronics, medical devices, and heavy machinery all use discrete
manufacturing to produce products like bicycles, cars, computers, mobile phones,
forklifts, bulldozers, and so on.
Discrete manufacturing is executed using production orders. This chapter discusses
production order management.
The production order cycle consists of the main activities shown in Figure 8-1.
However, there can be many more processes in the production order cycle:

• Create a manual production order/convert a planned order into a

production order

• Release a production order to the shop floor to begin production

• Issue components to a production order

© Himanshu Goel 2022
H. Goel, Handbook for SAP PP in S/4HANA,
Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

• Confirm a production order (time booking)

• Goods receipt for a production order

Figure 8-1.  Production order cycle

Production Orders
A production order specifies the material that should be manufactured, in what
quantities, and when. It is a comprehensive document that contains key information
like components needed for production and sequence of operations for the production
process. It also captures the costs of production. A production order regulates the
manufacturing in an organization and captures the end-to-end manufacturing process,
including the production status, capacities, and production costs.
A production order can be created in the following ways:

• Create a production order manually

• Convert a planned order to a production order

• Sometimes a production order is created without materials to capture

the material and activity, such as with a rework order

Create a Production Order Manually

Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Shop Floor Control ➤ Order ➤ Create ➤ With
Material. You can also use Transaction Code CO01 to create a production order.
Enter the material number of the finished/semifinished material to be produced, the
production plant, and the order type on the initial screen.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

The order type determines the master data that should be populated in the order
when the production order is created, and it also governs which parameters are relevant
for controlling. SAP comes preconfigured with the following production order types:

• PP01 Standard Production Order

• PP02 Standard Production Order (external NA)

• PP04 Assembly orders

You can define new order types based on your requirements. More than one
production order type can be defined; for example, there can be one order type for
standard production and another for rework orders.

Convert a Planned Order to a Production Order

Planned orders are generated as a result of an MRP run. The planned orders are then
converted to production orders to initiate the manufacturing cycle. There are multiple
ways to do this:
Using MD04: Double-click a planned order that should be converted to a production
order, as shown in Figure 8-2.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-2.  Stock requirement list

Click the ➤ Prod. Ord. icon to convert the planned order to a production order, as
shown in Figure 8-3.

Figure 8-3.  Stock requirement list: additional data for MRP element
Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Once you click the ➤Prod. Ord. icon, the system will take you to the screen in
Figure 8-4. Here you can see that the production order details like material, plant,
quantity, production dates, and so on, have been populated automatically from the
planned order, as shown in Figure 8-4.

Figure 8-4.  Creating a production order

Are you wondering how the order type populated automatically in the production
order? Well, the order type is determined by the Production Scheduling Profile setting,
which is assigned in the Work Scheduling view of the material master. You can check/
configure the Production Scheduling profile using Transaction Code OPKP. Figure 8-5
shows the configuration setting of the order type assignment to the production
scheduling profile.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-5.  Production scheduling profiles

Figure 8-6.  Production order create: initial screen

You can also convert a planned order to a production order using Transaction Code
CO40 or CO41.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Shop Floor Control ➤ Order ➤ Create ➤ From

Planned Order. You can also use Transaction Code CO40 to convert a single planned
order to a production order.
Enter the planned order’s number and order type and press Enter to convert the
planned order to a production order.
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Shop Floor Control ➤ Order ➤ Create Collective
Conversion of Planned Orders. You can also use Transaction Code CO41 to convert
many planned orders at once.
Enter the input parameters on the selection screen. There is a wide range of selection
parameters, including Planning Plant, MRP Area, MRP Controller, Production Plant,
Material, and so on, as shown in Figure 8-7.

Figure 8-7.  Collective conversion of planned order

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

I entered the Production Plant; however, it is recommended to enter as much

selection parameters as possible to get the best filtered results. Click Execute to display
the list of planned orders, as shown in Figure 8-8. The list displays a lot of information,
like the Planned Order number, Material, Start Date, End Date, Order Quantity, Order
Type, and so on. You can also see that some columns are in white, which means they are
editable. You are allowed to change to order quantity and dates as well as the order type.

Figure 8-8.  Collective conversion of planned order list

Select the orders that you want to convert to production orders. Click the Select All
icon to select all the planned orders from the list and then click the Convert button.
As shown in Figure 8-9, the planned orders have been converted to production
orders and the order numbers have been updated in the Order column.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-9.  Collective conversion of a planned order list

Note  Once a planned order is converted to a production order, the planned order
is deleted from the database. The planned order number is set in the assignment
view of the production order for traceability purposes. However, it is not possible to
display the planned order in MD13 since it is permanently deleted.

Now that you have seen several approaches to creating production orders, you are
ready to look at production orders in detail.

Change/Display Production Order

Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Shop Floor Control ➤ Order ➤ Create ➤ With
Material. You can also use Transaction Code CO01 to create a production order.
You can use Transaction Code CO02 to change a production order and CO03 to
display a production order.
Enter the material number of the finished/semifinished material to be produced, the
production plant, and the order type on the initial screen, as shown in Figure 8-10.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-10.  Production order create: initial screen

Press Enter. The Production Order header screen appears, as shown in Figure 8-11,
where you can see information for the order header. Let’s look at the Production
Order header:

Figure 8-11.  Production order create: header screen

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Order: Currently blank since the production order has not been created and
therefore the order number has not been generated yet.
Material: The finished/semifinished material that should be manufactured. This
field is set up automatically based on the input from the initial screen.
Type: This field displays the production order type that was entered in the
initial screen.
Plant: This field displays the production plant where the material should be
produced. It is also displayed based on the input from the initial screen.
There are many views in the production order, as shown in Figure 8-12. Let’s look at
these views and consider the most important fields:

• General

• Assignment

• Goods Receipt

• Control

• Dates/Quantities

• Master Data

• Long Text

• Administration

• Items

• Fast Entry

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-12.  Production order create: header screen

General View
This view contains generic information about the production order. This view has four
sections—Quantities, Dates/Times, Scheduling, and Floats.
Total Quantity specifies the total parts that should be produced, including scrap.
Scrap Portion specifies the expected scrap during the production process. Scrap
percentage can be maintained as Assembly scrap % in the MRP1 view of the material
master, as shown in Figure 8-13.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-13.  Display material: lot size data

If the assembly scrap % is maintained in the material master, the total quantity in
the production order is increased automatically considering the scrap percentage, as
shown in Figure 8-14. The system also issues a warning message that the order quantity
is increased due to scrap.

Figure 8-14.  Production order: general

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

You can also specify the scrap portion directly in the production order and the
system will calculate the scrap percentage.
Delivered quantity: This specifies the quantity that has been posted to the stock.
This is the quantity for which goods receipt with movement type 101 has been posted
against the production order.
The Dates/Times section specifies the dates and times that the material should be
produced based on the given production order. The section contains the start and end
date/times, which specify when the production should start and end. In this section,
there are also three columns for Basic Dates, Scheduled Dates, and Confirmed Dates.
Basic dates are calculated based on basic scheduling, while scheduled dates are
calculated based on lead time scheduling.
Basic Scheduling: During basic scheduling, the basic start date and basic end date
are calculated based on the in-house production time maintained in the MRP2 view of
the material master. The inhouse production time is independent of lot size during the
calculation of basic dates. The schedule margin key is not considered during the basic
scheduling. The basic dates are accurate to the day.
Lead time scheduling: During lead time scheduling, the system calculates the
production dates based on the time maintained in the routing. Various times can be
maintained in routing, like Setup Time, processing Time, Queue Time, Interoperation
Time, and so on. All these times maintained in routing are used to calculate the exact
time required to produce a material based on the order lot quantity. During lead time
scheduling, the system not only calculates the production date and time but also
generates capacity requirements. The lead time scheduling calculates exact production
dates and time to the accuracy of minutes and seconds.
An MRP run can be executed using basic scheduling or lead time scheduling and
accordingly MRP calculates the basic dates and the production dates. These dates are
automatically carried forward from the planned order to the production order.
You can also execute scheduling in the production order by clicking the icon for
scheduling. As shown in Figure 8-15, the order start date/time and end date/time of the
production order is calculated based on the routing time.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-15.  Production order: scheduling

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-16.  Production order: assignment

The Confirmed Date column specifies the exact dates when the production was
started and finished. These dates are set automatically by the system based on the
confirmation dates.
Scheduling: In the scheduling section, you can specify the scheduling type, which
determines how the order should be scheduled. You may schedule the order backward
or forward. If you like to run backward scheduling, you must enter the end date and the
system will calculate the start date. If you like to run forward scheduling, you must enter
the start date and the system will calculate the end date.
With the Only Capacity Requirements scheduling type, you must specify the start as
well as the finish dates of the production order. The scheduled start and finish dates of
the order are calculated based on the floats and the schedule margin key in the MRP2
view of the material master. Scheduling is not carried out for the individual operations of
the order.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

With the Current Date scheduling type, the start date is set as the current date and
the finish date is calculated in forward mode.
Floats: Based on the schedule margin key, floats are calculated for the order and the
start date and end dates for the order are adjusted.

Assignment View
The assignment view contains key information with regards to assignment with various
objects, for example WBS Element, Inspection Lot, Sales Order, Planned Order, and so
on. If the production order is created with reference to a project, the field WBS element
is updated automatically with the project number. In a make-to-order scenario, the
production order is created with reference to a sales order and the sales order number
is updated automatically in the production order. If quality management is active,
then an inspection lot is generated for each production order, which specifies how the
produced material should be inspected to adhere to quality standards. If a planned order
is converted to a production order, the planned order number is also updated in the
production order.
Upon saving the production order, a reservation number is generated and stored in
the Reservation field. A reservation is a formal request or notification to the warehouse
to reserve the components required for the production order. A reservation created
against a production order can be displayed using Transaction Code MB23, as shown in
Figure 8-17. A reservation can also be created manually using Transaction Code MB21.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-17.  Display a reservation

Goods Receipt View

The Goods Receipt view contains information that specifies how the goods receipt
should be posted. Figure 8-18 shows the Control section of the Goods Receipt view.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-18.  Production order: goods receipt: control

The Stock Type specifies where the stock should be posted once the goods receipt is
done. The stock can be posted in Unrestricted, Blocked Stock, or Quality Inspection.
GR Processing Time specifies the time needed for inspection and placing the
materials into the storage location once the goods receipt has been posted.
The Goods Receipt indicator specifies if a goods receipt is allowed for the
production order. The indicator is set as active automatically if the settlement receiver is
material or a sales order. If the production order is created for a project (WBS element),
then the goods receipt indicator is not activated, which means stock is not posted. This is
because the settlement receiver for such orders is a WBS element.
The Delivery Completed indicator is set automatically by the system when the
goods receipt is completed. This means the order can be referred to as complete.
Figure 8-19 shows the Tolerances section of the Goods Receipt view.

Figure 8-19.  Production order: goods receipt: tolerances

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

The Tolerances section specifies the underdelivery/overdelivery tolerances

permitted for the order. The tolerance percentages are specified in work scheduling view
of the material master and are populated automatically in the production order.
The Receipt section specifies where the stock should be posted, as shown in
Figure 8-20. The storage location species where the stock is posted during goods receipt.

Figure 8-20.  Production order: goods receipt: receipt

The goods receipt posted will create/update the stock of the batch specified in the
production order. If multiple goods receipts are posted, then the stock for the batch is
updated each time.
How a batch is created is determined by the Customization setting of the production
scheduling profile. Batches can be created in the production order at the time of order
creation or order release. This would mean there would be one batch per production
order. Batches can also be created during goods receipt. In such a case, a new batch
number is generated each time a goods receipt is posted against the production order.

Control View
Control view contains various sections—Order, Costing, Scheduling, and Production
Scheduling Profile.
This view controls lots of important parameters, like how a reservation or purchase
requisition should be generated, costing variant for planned costs, costing variant for
actual costs, results analysis key, variance key, production scheduling key, and so on.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Dates/Quantities View
The Dates/Quantities view contains two sections—Dates/Times and Quantities.
The Dates/Times sections contains all start/end dates and times relevant for the
production order, such as Planned Order, Basic Dates, Scheduled, Committed, and
Confirmed (see Figure 8-21).

Figure 8-21.  Production order: dates/quantities: dates/times

The quantities sections contain the Quantity or Scrap for the Planned Order, Order,
Delivered, and Committed (see Figure 8-22).

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-22.  Production order: dates/quantities: quantities

Master Data View

The Master Data view contains information regarding the master data used for the
production order. The first section is the production version. Based on the production
version selected in the order, the routing header details and BOM header details are
displayed in the Routing and BOM sections.
Figure 8-23 displays the production version and routing details like Group, Valid
from Date, Lot Sizes, Explosion Dates, and so on.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-23.  Production order: master data: routing

Figure 8-24 displays the Bill of Material details, like BOM number, BOM Usage, Valid
from Date, Lot Sizes, Explosion Dates, and so on.

Figure 8-24.  Production order: master data: bill of material

The administration view contains the information regarding the user and dates on
which the order was created and last changed.
Now that you have learned about all the views of the order and the important fields
across all views, it’s time to move on to the operations overview. Click the Operations
icon in the menu bar to display the operations overview.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Operations Overview
The operations overview (see Figure 8-25) displays all the operations that are required
to manufacture the material. The data in operations overview—such as operations,
work center, control key operation times, and so on—is populated from the routing
information. However, the data from the routing information is adopted based on the
order. For example, the operation quantity and operation times are adjusted based on
the order quantity. The start data and time for each operation is calculated, and a system
status is available for each order. You can also see the operation quantity, confirmed
scrap, and confirmed yield against each operation. This helps you track the exact status
of the orders. For example, there are five operations in an order. You can view their
precise status, such as how many parts have been confirmed/scraped at operation 10,
20, 30, and so on.

Figure 8-25.  Production order: operation overview

You can also display operation details by selecting an operation and then clicking the
Operation Details icon.
Figure 8-26 displays the operation details. Most of the data on the header screen
comes from the routing information, like operation number, work center, operation
short text, control key, and so on. Note that a unique confirmation number is generated
for each operation. You can use the confirmation number for posting operation
confirmation for the production order.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-26.  Production order: operation details

The operation details contains a lot of views, like General, Standard Values, External
Processing, Interoperation Times, and so on.
The Standard Values section displays important data from routing, like the activities
and the time for each operation.
The External Processing view contains all the information of an operation if the
operation is subcontracted. For a subcontracted operation, a Purchase Requisition is
created automatically based on the Purchase Info Record.
There is also lot of other information stored for each operation in the operation
details. Go back to the operations.

Components Overview
Click the Components icon to display the Components Overview. Here you can see
all the components required to produce a material. As shown in Figure 8-27, you can
view all the components, the component description, the quantity needed of each
component, the unit of measure, the operation on which the component is required, and
the item category of the component (stock item, non-stock item, issue storage location,
batch number, and so on). The component data is populated from the BOM (Bill of
Materials) and adjusted based on the order quantity.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-27.  Production order: components overview

You can also see other important information in the component overview table,
like committed quantity, quantity withdrawn, requirements date, purchase requisition
number, and so on. The Purchase Order Exists check box indicates whether a purchase
order has been created for the component.
Let’s check the other functions on the menu bar. Click Header to go back to the
order header.

Material Availability Check

You must ensure that all the components required for the production order are available
based on the required quantity on the requirement dates. In order to do this, you must
run a material availability check for the order. The availability check can be run manually
or automatically. Click the Check Material Availability icon to run the check manually.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

The availability check can also be executed automatically based on the Checking
Control customization, where you define Checking Rule at order creation and order
release. This means you can execute an automatic availability check based on different
checking rules at the time of order creation and order release. Note that the system runs
the material availability check for components that are stock items (i.e., they have the
item category L).
The material availability check includes four customization objects:

• Checking Group: This is assigned to each material and together

with Checking Rule determines how the availability check should be
executed. The checking group is assigned in the Availability Check
field in the MRP3 view of the material master.

• Checking Rule: These are defined for different application areas,

like Sales and Distribution, Material Resource Planning, Production
Order, Maintenance Order, Inventory Management, and so on.

• Scope of Check: This is defined for a combination of Checking Group

and Checking Rule. A Scope of Check controls various parameters:

• Which demand and supply elements—like Purchase

Requisitions, Purchase Order, Planned Order, Production Order,
Sales Order, Reservation, Dependent Requirements—should be
included in the availability check.

• Which stocks—like safety stock, quality stock, blocked stock, and

stock in transfer—should be considered in the availability check.

• If the replenishment lead time should be considered.

• Checking Control: This is used to determine if material availability

check should be executed when an order is created or released. You
specify the checking rule to be used for a combination of Plant, Order
Type and Business Function (i.e., Order Create or Order Release) and
how the material shortfall could impact the order creation or release.

If there is a shortage of components during the material availability check, a list of

missing components is generated. You can check missing parts by choosing Goto ➤
Missing Parts ➤ Missing Parts Overview or Goto ➤ Missing Parts ➤ Missing Parts List.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Capacity Availability Check

Like material availability check, you must execute a capacity availability check to ensure
the capacity is available at the work center for all operations of the order. The system
checks the total available capacity of the work center and the capacity consumed
by other orders to determine the free capacity. Then the system checks the capacity
required for the order against the free capacity on the work center.

Order Costing
When you create a production order, the system calculates the planned costs for the
order. The total costs usually consist of three elements: component costs, production
costs, and overheads. The planned costs are assigned to cost elements.

Settlement Rule
When a production order is created, the system automatically assigns a settlement rule
to the order based on the customization settings. Choose Header ➤ Settlement Rule.
As you can see in Figure 8-28, a settlement rule contains various important
parameters relevant to order settlement.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-28.  Settlement rule

Account assignment category specifies the object type for the settlement receiver like
Material, Order, Cost Center, WBS Element, and so on. Usually, the settlement receiver is
Material for make-to-stock scenarios and Sales Order for make-to-order scenarios.
Settlement receiver specifies the cost object on which the actual costs of the
production order should be settled.
Settlement Percentage Rate: If you want to allocate the cost of the order to multiple
cost objects, you can specify the percentages in settlement percentage rate.
The settlement type determines how the costs are settled; for example, you can settle
the order in full or periodically.
Now save the order. The system will create an order and provide a success message
with the order number.
The first step of the order execution cycle—creating a production order/converting a
planned order to a production order—is complete.
Let’s move to the next step of order execution—the release production order.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Order Release
The Order Release is a formal indication to the shop floor that the order is ready to be
executed by the shop floor. Usually, a production order is created, and some time period
is kept for order preparation, like ensuring material availability, capacity availability, and
so on. Once everything is available, the production order is released by using the Change
Production Order function (Transaction Code CO02). You must click the green flag to
release the order. If you don’t need any time for order preparation, you may release the
order automatically when the order is created. An order can be released automatically
during order creation if a relevant production scheduling profile is assigned in the work
scheduling view of the material master.
The automatic order release is controlled by the Production Scheduling Profile.
When a production order is created, the system sets the status CRTD (created) on the
order. If the production order has the created status, you cannot execute some functions:

• Shop floor papers cannot be printed.

• Order confirmations cannot be executed.

• Goods movements like goods issue and goods receipt cannot be


You can execute these functions only when the production order is released with the
status REL (released).

Goods Issue to a Production Order

Before starting the production on the shop floor, it is necessary to issue the components
required for the production process. The components must be issued from the
warehouse to the production based on a reservation. When a production order is
created, the system generates a reservation which is a list of all the components and their
quantities required for production. Goods issue to a production order can only be posted
once the order is released.
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Shop Floor Control ➤ Goods Movements ➤
Goods Issue/Goods Receipt. You can also use Transaction Code MIGO_GI to post
goods issue. Otherwise, you can simply use Transaction Code MIGO to post any goods

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

While using MIGO, you must select the executable action as Goods Issue and it is
selected as default if you’re using MIGO_GI. Select the Reference Document as Order or
Reservation and enter the relevant document number, as shown in Figure 8-29.

Figure 8-29.  Goods issue reservation

Based on the reference document, all the relevant components are displayed in the
table. Click Check. If the data is correct, you must post the goods issue by clicking the
Post button.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

An order confirmation is a document used to report completion (partial or full) of an
operation or an order. While posting a confirmation, you can report the yield or scrap
that has been produced for an operation or an order. Along with the quantity, you can
also report how much work has been done on an operation/order. You can report the
activities consumed at a work center. Once you post a confirmation, it also updates the
status in the order; for example, PCNF (Partially Confirmed) or CNF (Confirmed).
A confirmation can be posted for an operation or an order. You can post
confirmation at each operation level to get the exact visibility of the order status, this is
called operation confirmation. You can also confirm the entire order at once, which is
called order confirmation.

Operation Confirmation
You can confirm each operation of an order with an operation confirmation or a time
ticket confirmation.
Business Case: At SuperGears AG, each gearbox must go through the heat treatment
process, which includes several operations like annealing, normalizing, stress relief
and hardening, and so on. Each of these processes has a long lead time, which can be
from a few hours to a few days. Therefore, it is important to know the exact status of
each operation. That’s where operation confirmation is used. Operation confirmation
is posted after each operation, like annealing or normalizing, to keep track of the exact
status of the order.
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Shop Floor Control ➤ Confirmation ➤ Enter
➤ For Operation ➤ Time Ticket. You can also use Transaction Code CO11N to post
operation confirmation or time ticket confirmation.
Figure 8-30 shows the first section of the Enter Time Ticket for Production
Order screen.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-30.  Time ticket for production order

You can post a confirmation for a confirmation or a combination of order and

operation. A unique confirmation number is generated for each operation of an order.
You can find it in Operation Details in the order, as shown in Figure 8-31.

Figure 8-31.  Production order: operation details

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Enter the order number and then select the operation number to be confirmed, as
shown in Figure 8-32. Let’s confirm the operation 10 as an example.

Figure 8-32.  Time ticket for production order

Select the Confirmation Type—Partial Confirmation, Automatic Final Confirmation,

or Final Confirmation.
Partial confirmation: When then lead times of an operation are long and you
want to post confirmation for parts that are partly processed, you can post partial
Business Case: An order has been created for 500 pcs for heat treatment of a
gearbox. The first process (Annealing) takes six hours for 100 pcs. You can use Partial
Confirmation to report 100 pcs every six hours to get real-time status on the order.
Once you post a partial confirmation for an operation, the system updates the status
as PCNF (Partially Confirmed) for the operation, as shown in Figure 8-33.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-33.  Production order: operation overview

Final confirmation: When the operation is processed completely and there is

no work left to be performed for the order, you must select Final Confirmation. Once
you post a final confirmation for an operation, the system updates the status as CNF
(Confirmed) for the operation in the order. You can also check Operation Quantity,
Confirmed Quantity, and so on, as shown in Figure 8-34.

Figure 8-34.  Production order: operation overview

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Automatic final confirmation: You can use this setting to automatically determine
whether a partial or final confirmation should be posted.

• When the total confirmed quantity (yield + rework + scrap quantity)

is less than the quantity to be confirmed based on the order, the
system posts a partial confirmation.

• When the total confirmed quantity is greater than or equal to the

quantity to be confirmed, the system posts a final confirmation.

The Clear Open Reservations indicator is used together with a final confirmation.
When posting confirmation using this setting, the system will set the Final Issue
indicator in the reservation. Also, it will set the status as ORSP Open Reservations Posted
to the operation in the order.
If you click the Actual Data icon, the system will propose the data to be confirmed;
for example, yield and activities to be confirmed as planned.
In the Quantity section, you must specify the quantity to be confirmed—for example
Yield, Scrap, or Rework. You can enter Reason for Variance when there is a deviation
from the quantity planned; for example due to scrap.
You can click the Goods Movement button to display all the materials for which a
goods movement should be posted. The list shows all the materials for which goods
issue and Goods receipt should be posted, as shown in Figure 8-35. The list contains
information like material, quantity, plant, storage location, and so on. You can select the
batches to be used. The Debit/Credit indicator shows how the accounting is posted for
the material. The S indicator means debit and H means credit. The goods issue for the
components is posted with movement type 261 and goods receipt for the material to be
produced is posted with movement type 101.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-35.  Enter confirmation for production order: goods movements

Once you have specified all the details for all the material/components, you can post
the confirmation by clicking the Save button.
Milestone Confirmation: The milestone confirmation is a special form of
confirmation used to report only critical operations and all preceding operations
are confirmed automatically by the system. The milestone operations are defined in
the Control key and then assigned to the operations in the routing information. The
following table shows the type of confirmations available. Confirmation type 1 means
Milestone Confirmation. The control key PP03 comes preconfigured with Milestone

Confirmations Short Description

1 Milestone confirmation (not PS/PM)

2 Confirmation required
3 Confirmation not possible
Confirmation possible but not necessary

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Business Case: There are three operations in the routing and the control key PP03
is assigned to operation 30 in the routing. Post the confirmation for operation 30 for a
quantity of 50 pcs without confirming operations 10 and 20. Operations 20 and 30 are
confirmed automatically with the same quantity as operation 30. The system sets the
status as PCNF (Partially Confirmed) and MILE (Milestone Confirmation). The status
MILE indicates that all these operations were confirmed using milestone confirmation.

Order Confirmation
You can confirm the whole order in one step using order confirmation.
Business Case: At SuperGears AG, the assembly process for each gearbox takes
about five minutes; i.e., they produce about 24 parts every hour. Since the lead time
is quite low, the business wants to post a confirmation every two hours with order
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Shop Floor Control ➤ Confirmation ➤ Enter ➤
For Order. You can also use Transaction Code CO15 to post an order confirmation.
Enter the order number on the initial screen, as shown in Figure 8-36.

Figure 8-36.  Production order confirmation: initial screen

Enter the quantity (i.e. Yield, Scrap, or Rework) to be confirmed. Select the
Confirmation type—Partial Confirmation, Final Confirmation, or Automatic Final
Confirmation. Enter the execution dates/times—execution start date/time, execution
finish date/time and posting date—as shown in Figure 8-37.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-37.  Production order confirmation: actual data

Click the Save icon to save the confirmation. Once the confirmation is posted, the
system updates the status of the order to PCNF (Partially Confirmed) or CNF (Confirmed).

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Display Confirmation
You can display a production order’s confirmation by choosing Logistics ➤ Production
➤ Shop Floor Control ➤ Confirmation ➤ Display.
Enter the data for the confirmation that you want to display (confirmation number/
counter or order, sequence, and operation number). You can also use Transaction Code
CO14 to display an order confirmation.
Enter the confirmation number or the order and press Enter. The system will display
the order confirmation.
If several confirmations have been posted for an order, the system lists all the
confirmations posted for an operation. Each operation confirmation is indicated
using a counter and the quantity posted against each operation/counter, as shown in
Figure 8-38.

Figure 8-38.  Display production order confirmation: operation overview

You can select the operation/counter and then click the Details icon to display the

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Cancel Confirmation
If you entered a confirmation by mistake or want to cancel the confirmation for any
other reason, you can cancel it by using Transaction Code CO13 or choosing Logistics
➤ Production ➤ Shop Floor Control ➤ Confirmation ➤ Cancel. Enter the confirmation
number or the order that you want to cancel.
If several confirmations have been posted for an order, the system lists all the
confirmations posted for an operation. You can select the confirmations you want to
cancel, similar to Figure 8-38.
Click the Save button to save the confirmation cancellation.

Goods Receipt for Production Order

Once the production is finished, you must post the goods receipt for the production
order. The goods receipt is posted with movement type 101 and the stock of the material
is debited or increased.
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Shop Floor Control ➤ Goods Movements ➤
Goods Issue/Goods Receipt. You can also use Transaction Code MIGO to post goods
Select the executable action as Goods Receipt and the Reference Document as Order.
Enter the production order number. Based on the order number, the system populates
all the information from the production order, like the material, quantity, storage
location, and so on, as shown in Figure 8-39.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-39.  Goods receipt order

Check the material, quantity, plant, storage location, and so on. The goods
receipt will be posted with movement type 101. Select the Item OK indicator. Click
the Check icon to ensure there are no errors in the document. If everything is fine,
click the Post button. The system will post goods receipt and then generate a material
document number.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Status Management
A status documents the entire lifecycle of an order and specifies its current processing
status. Whenever a business transaction is posted, the status of the order changes
accordingly. The order status also controls or influences which business transactions can
be performed on the order.
The production order allows two types of statuses—the System status and the
User Status.

System Status
Whenever a business transaction is performed, the system status is set automatically
by the system. For example, when an order is created, the system status is set as CRTD
(created). Likewise, when the order is released, the system automatically assigns the
status as REL (released). These statuses inform the users of the current stage of the order
and which particular business function was performed on the order. The system status
is set by the system automatically and the user cannot change the status manually. The
system status can only be set or changed by posting a business function or a transaction.

User Status
In addition to the system status, it is possible to assign additional statuses, which can be
used to control several business functions. User statuses are defined in the Status Profile
in the customizing area. A status profile is created based on the order type, which can
have as many statuses as needed.
• A status profile is used to define user statuses and document their
function in long texts.
• The sequence of user statuses can be assigned using a “status
number” for each user status.
• Initial status can be defined and set automatically when the order is
• A user status can be set automatically when a business transaction
is posted.
• User status can be used to control (allow or forbid) certain business
Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Technical Completion of a Production Order

Technical completion means that the production order is finished from a logistics point
of view. This function should be used when you want to terminate any further logistics
business function. It can be used when the order is finished, or an order must be stopped
prematurely, and no further business transaction should be performed. This will allow
the system to delete open reservations, capacities, and purchase requisitions for external
operations. The system status TECO (Technical Complete) is restricted to execute any
logistics activity on the order. However, activities like confirmation, goods movements,
settlement, and variance calculation can still be posted. The order is not relevant for
MRP planning. An order cannot be changed if it has the TECO status.
If you want to set the TECO status on an order, use Transaction Code CO02: Change
Order. Then choose Functions ➤ Restrict Processing ➤ Technically Complete. You can
also use mass processing transaction COHV to set the TECO status on several orders.
The system status technical completion can be reversed by changing the order in
Transaction Code CO02: Change Order. Then choose Functions ➤ Restrict Processing ➤
Revoke Technical Completion.

Close a Production Order

The closed (CLSD) status means the order is finished from a logistics as well as a
financial point of view. You cannot post any goods movements or confirmation to the
order. An order cannot be changed if it has a closed status. To set a closed status, the
order must have a Released (REL) or Technically Completed (TECO) status and there
cannot be any open purchase requisitions or purchase orders.
If you want to set a closed status on an order, use Transaction Code CO02: Change
Order. Then choose Functions ➤ Restrict Processing ➤ Close. You can also use mass
processing transaction COHV to set the CLSD status on several orders.
The closed status can be reversed by changing the order in Transaction Code CO02:
Change Order. Then choose Functions ➤ Restrict Processing ➤ Undo Close/Complete.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Co-Products and By-Products
In some special production process, a secondary product is also produced in
conjunction with the primary product. The secondary product produced can be either a
co-product or by-product. Although both of them are produced as a secondary product,
they are conceptually different.
A co-product is produced as a secondary product alongside the main product. This
means while producing the primary product, a secondary product is produced as a co-­
product. The cost of the production is split between the member of the joint production
Business Case: On the machining line in SuperGears AG, a lot of steel chips or swarf
is generated while running operations like machining, drilling, and boring. These chips
can be treated as co-products or by-products, depending on how the cost is shared.
The product must be activated as a co-product in the material master, as shown in
Figure 8-40.

Figure 8-40.  Material master: MRP2 view

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-41.  Cost apportionment to co-products

Click the Joint Production icon and assign the apportionment structure.
Now assign the percentage of each material to be produced (i.e., primary product
and co-product). Based on the apportionment structure, the costs of the production is
split between the primary product and the co-product.

Note To explain the concept of co-product, the STEEL_CHIPS are assigned as a

co-product to CM_GEARBOX, which is a gearbox assembly. However, the chips are
actually generated at the machining line.

Figure 8-42 shows the major cost of production (i.e., 95% is assigned to CM_
GEARBOX and 5% is assigned to STEEL_CHIPS).

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-42.  Cost apportionment to co-products: equivalence numbers

The co-product is then assigned as a BOM component of the primary product. The
co-product should be maintained as a negative quantity, as shown in Figure 8-43.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-43.  Change material BOM: assign co-product

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Now go to the item detail and activate the Co-Product field, as shown in Figure 8-44.

Figure 8-44.  Change material BOM: activate co-product

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

When creating a production order for the main material or the primary material,
the system will generate a separate order item for the co-product. As you can see in
Figure 8-45, the settlement rule contains two settlement receivers, which means both the

Figure 8-45.  Production order: settlement rule

While posting the goods receipt for the production order, the co-product is produced
with movement type 101, just like the primary material shown in Figure 8-46. The cost
of production is split between the primary product and the co-product based on the
Apportionment Structure assigned in the material master.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-46.  Goods receipt order

A by-product is produced as a secondary product alongside the main product.

However, it is different from a co-product due to the fact that a separate order item is not
created for a by-product. Also, the valuation of a by-product is based on the price defined
in the Accounting view of the material master.
The by-product is specified as a component in the BOM of the primary material with
a negative quantity similar to the co-product. However, during the goods receipt of the
production order, the by-produced is produced with movement type 531.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

The by-product can be marked as CostingRelevncy in the BOM. The cost of the

by-product is then reduced from the total cost of production of the primary product. If
you uncheck the CostingRelevncy indicator, the system will not consider the cost of the

Automatic Goods Movement at Order Confirmation

Earlier in this chapter, you learned how to post goods movement manually (i.e., goods
issue to the order and goods receipt for the order). However, you can post goods issue
and goods receipt automatically when posting confirmations. You can decide how you
want to post a confirmation using any of the following approaches:

• Goods Issue + Confirmation

• Goods Receipt + Confirmation

• Goods Issue + Goods Receipt + Confirmation at the same time

Auto goods issue to the production order is called backflush. You can skip the
manual goods issue to the production order using backflush. The automatic goods issue
can be activated using the backflush indicator, which can be activated in multiple master
data objects. The highest priority is checked based on the following hierarchy:

• Routing: You can activate backflush for a component in a component


• Material master: You can activate backflush in the material master

or let the work center decide.

• Work center: If you opted for the work center to decide in the
material master, you can activate the backflush in the work
center. This provides an advantage if you want to backflush all the
components that are consumed in this work center and thus do not
need to activate backflush for each material in the material master.

Once backflush has been activated on any of these objects, you can see that the
backflush indictor is reflected for the component in the production order, as shown in
Figure 8-47. The goods issue of the component that has backflush indicator is posted
automatically during order confirmation.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Figure 8-47.  Display production order: component overview

Auto goods receipt to the production order can be controlled in two ways:
• Control Key: Goods receipt can be posted automatically during
order confirmation when confirming an operation with a control
key that has Automatic GR active. The heat treatment process for the
gearbox has four operations—Annealing, Normalizing, Stress Relief,
and Hardening. The last operation (Hardening) is assigned with
Control key PP03, which comes preconfigured with Automatic GR
active. When posting confirmation for operation 40, the system will
also post goods receipt automatically.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

• Production Scheduling Profile: A Production Scheduling Profile can

be customized in SPRO to allow automatic goods receipt. It must be
assigned to work scheduling view in the material master. Once you
post a confirmation for the material, the goods receipt will be posted
automatically. Figure 8-48 shows the Production Scheduling Profile
000001 for Plant SG01 in which Automatic Goods Receipt has been

Figure 8-48.  Production scheduling profile

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

Rework Order
During quality inspection, some of the gear assembly were found to be “Not OK” and
thus they need to be reworked. The production planner should create a rework order to
rework these faulty materials.
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Shop Floor Control ➤ Order ➤ Create ➤ Without
Material. You can also use Transaction Code CO07 to create an order without material or
a rework order.
On the initial screen, enter the production plant and order type. Enter the quantity
to be reworked. Press Enter. In the popup window that appears, you must assign the
Reference Operation Set. Usually, a task list with task list type S Reference Operation
Set is created for rework orders. The operations from the reference operation set are
assigned to the Operation tab in the order.
In the Component tab, you must assign the defective material to be reworked. This
defective material is consumed as a component in the rework order.
Go to Settlement Rule and assign the rework cost center as the settlement receiver.
Release the rework order by clicking the Release icon. Click the Save icon and the
system will generate a rework order. The rework order is confirmed and the goods
receipt with movement type 101 is posted like normal a production order.

During production, some products were found defective and they cannot be reworked.
Therefore, these products must be scrapped. There are two possibilities to post scrap:
During production: If products are found defective during the production process,
they must be scrapped during confirmation. This way you would post the loss of
components and the activity costs.
After production: Once the production process has been finished and goods receipt
has been posted, the quality inspection is carried out. During the quality inspection
some of the products can be found to be faulty. These products must be scrapped using
Transaction Code MIGO with movement type 551.

Chapter 8 Discrete Manufacturing

This chapter discussed the entire production order management process, which is
mostly used in discrete industries. It discussed the production order document in detail
and all the steps involved in manufacturing execution using production order-based
The next chapter discusses manufacturing executing using repetitive manufacturing.


Repetitive Manufacturing
This chapter covers production execution using repetitive manufacturing in SAP. You’ll
learn about master data for REM, costing objects like the product cost collector, and so
on. You’ll learn about the planning table and REM backflush and scrap.

What Is Repetitive Manufacturing?

Repetitive manufacturing is a simplified manufacturing execution methodology. There
is a common misconception that repetitive manufacturing is implemented only in
repetitive industries or continuous industries. Although, this is not true. Manufacturing
industries are classified into two industry types—discrete industry and process industry.
Repetitive manufacturing can be implemented in discrete as well as repetitive industries,
where you want to keep the manufacturing lean.
Repetitive manufacturing can be implemented in industries where similar products
are produced over a period. It is not required to produce material in lots. The production
process (routing/rate routing) is similar for materials and the setup time is shorter.
The biggest strength of repetitive manufacturing lies in the simplified manufacturing
execution process. The steps required in the manufacturing execution cycle are reduced
to an absolute minimum. This is also called lean manufacturing.
Repetitive manufacturing can be implemented in make-to-stock as well as make-to-­
order environments.

Repetitive Manufacturing with Make-to-Stock

It is very common to implement repetitive manufacturing in make-to-stock
environments. Production is carried out based on the run schedule header. The
production plan is created using demand management and then the planned orders
with Order Type PE, also called a run schedule quantity, are created by the MRP. 

© Himanshu Goel 2022
H. Goel, Handbook for SAP PP in S/4HANA,
Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

The production execution is performed using backflush and the requirement for the
sales orders are delivered from the stock.
The cost of production is accumulated and settled by the product cost collector.
A product cost collector is created from a unique combination of material, plant, and
production version.
Business case: Repetitive manufacturing with make-to-stock can be implemented
for automotive suppliers, like SuperGears AG, who produce similar parts over and
over. The production process is similar and the same gears can be shipped to multiple
Moreover, repetitive manufacturing can also be implemented in process industries,
such as the beverage industry, where similar products are produced over and over.

Repetitive Manufacturing with Make-to-Order

Repetitive manufacturing can be implemented to produce materials in make-to-order
environments. The demands are derived from the sales orders and the planned orders
are created by the MRP to meet the customer’s demands. Each planned order is created
with reference to a sales order. The parts are backflushed and placed into stock with
reference to the sales orders.
The cost of production is accumulated and settled by the product cost collector.
Business case: Repetitive manufacturing with make-to-order can be implemented
in the automotive industry (OEM). The vehicles can be produced based on customer
specifications (using configurable materials). However, there is no need to capture the
costs of production against each sales order. Consequently, product cost collectors are
used for capturing and settling production costs.

Master Data for Repetitive Manufacturing

At SuperGears AG, the production of the main shaft assembly is a continuous process
and thus is produced using repetitive manufacturing. Let’s create the master data for the
main shaft assembly in the REM environment.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Material Master
The material should be created with the REM indicator in MRP4 view. Also, a REM
profile must be assigned to the material, as shown in Figure 9-1.

Figure 9-1.  Material master: MRP 4 view

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Bill of Materials
A bill of materials should be created for finished/semifinished materials, similar
to discrete manufacturing. Figure 9-2 shows the bill of materials for the main shaft

Figure 9-2.  Bill of materials: item overview

Rate Routing
A rate routing must be created for the finished/semifinished assembly. A rate routing is a
task list with type R, which is similar to routing.
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Master Data ➤ Routings ➤ Rate Routings ➤
Create. You can also use Transaction Code CA21 to create a rate routing. Figure 9-3
shows the operations overview of the rate routing for the main shaft assembly.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Figure 9-3.  Create rate routing: operation overview

Standard routings with task list type N can also be used in repetitive manufacturing.
Yet, it is recommended to use rate routing with repetitive manufacturing. You might
wonder why.
A routing can be created with three types of sequencing—standard sequence,
parallel sequences and alternative sequence.
Standard sequence: When you create a task list (a routing or a rate routing) that
defines all the operations needed to produce the material, it is created as a standard
Parallel sequence: More than one operation can be processed at the same time. You
must specify parallel operations. For example, there is a machining line that consists
of several CNCs. However, the grinding operation is performed on a lathe machine,
which is a bottleneck operation. Thus, two lathe machines are installed to overcome
the capacity constraints. Therefore, a standard sequence is created with Lathe01, and a
parallel sequence is created for the grinding operation with work center Lathe02.
Alternate sequence: Alternate sequences contain operations or series of operations
that are supposed to be alternative to standard operations or series of operations in
the standard sequence. For example, a machining operation is performed on CNC1.
However, if the batch is bigger, CNC2 is used. For a batch size of 1 to 100 pieces, CNC1 is
used while for a batch size of more than 100 pieces, CNC2 is used. This business scenario
is captured in the routing information using alternate sequences for the machining

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Now that you understand standard, parallel, and alternate sequences, let’s go back
to the question about why it’s better to create rate routing for repetitive manufacturing.
This is due to the fact that routings can be created with standard sequence, alternate
sequence, and parallel sequence, whereas a rate routing can only be created with
standard and parallel sequences. Alternate sequences are not allowed in rate routing.
In repetitive manufacturing, confirmation is called backflush. The backflush is
posted using Transaction Code MFBF. While posting the backflush, there is no way to
choose an alternate sequence of operation. That’s why it is better to use rate routing with
repetitive manufacturing. However, this doesn’t mean that you cannot use rate routing
with repetitive manufacturing. You must ensure that alternate sequences are not defined
in the routing when used with repetitive manufacturing.

Production Version
A production version must be created and you must activate the REM Allowed indicator,
as shown in Figure 9-4.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Figure 9-4.  Production version details

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Product Cost Collector

A product cost collector must be created for each material. It is a costing object that’s used
to collect the actual costs of materials production and settle these costs periodically.
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Repetitive Manufacturing ➤ Product Cost
Collector ➤ Process Product Cost Collector. You can also use Transaction Code KKF6N
to create a product cost collector.
Enter the material and plant and then click the Create icon to create a product cost
collector, as shown in Figure 9-5.

Figure 9-5.  Display product cost collector

A popup window, as shown in Figure 9-6, is displayed. You must specify Order Type
RM01 and the production version of the main shaft assembly to create this product cost
collector, as shown in Figure 9-6.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Figure 9-6.  Create a product cost collector

Now click the Header tab. Here you can see that an internal order with the order
number 700062 has been created with Order Type RM01 Product Cost Collector,
as shown in Figure 9-7. An internal order can also be displayed using Transaction
Code KO03.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Figure 9-7.  Create product cost collector header

Click Save and confirm to create a product cost collector.

Product cost collectors can also be created in mass using the mass Transaction Code
KKF6M. Figure 9-8 shows the initial screen, called Create Multiple Cost Collectors for
Production Versions. You can enter the plant and order type. You can also enter a range
of materials on the selection screen.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Figure 9-8.  Create Multiple Cost Collectors for Production Versions screen

The master data for repetitive manufacturing has been created. Now you see how to
create a standard cost estimate.

Standard Cost Estimate

A standard cost estimate is created to calculate the standard price of a material. The
materials produced in-house usually have price control S in the Accounting 1 view of the
material master. The standard cost estimate calculates the price of finished goods, and it
takes into account product structure, production costs, and overheads.
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Product Cost Planning ➤ Material Costing ➤
Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure ➤ Create. You can also use Transaction Code
CK11N to create a standard cost estimate.
Enter the material, plant, and costing variant. The appropriate costing variant must
be selected based on the configuration settings, as shown in Figure 9-9.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Figure 9-9.  Create Material Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure screen

Once you have entered the data, click Enter. The system will take you to the next
tab—Dates. Here you must enter the Costing Date From, Costing date to, Quantity
Structure Date, and Valuation Date. The Costing Date To defaults to the end of the
year, while the other three dates set the current date as the default. These dates can be
A standard cost estimate contains the total cost of production of a material, which
contains all the costs like component costs, production cost, and overheads. The cost
of components is calculated based on the quantities from the BOM, and the cost of
production activities is taken from the routing, The overhead costs are taken from the
costing sheet and overhead key, as shown in Figure 9-10.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Figure 9-10.  Create Material Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure screen

Now that the standard cost estimate has been created, it is time to update the
calculated price in the material master.
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Product Cost Planning ➤ Material Costing
➤ Price Update. You can also use Transaction Code CK24 to update the price in the
material master.
Enter the posting period, plant, and material code. It is not mandatory to enter the
company code since it is filled in automatically based on the configuration, as shown in
Figure 9-11.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Figure 9-11.  Mark and release standard cost estimate

When you mark the standard cost estimate, the costs of the finished good calculated
by the cost estimate are updated as the future standard price in the costing view of the
material master.
When you release the standard cost estimate, the costs of the finished good
calculated by the cost estimate is updated as the current standard price in the costing
view of the material master. This price is used for valuation in Financial Accounting until
the next time the standard cost estimate is released.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Planning Table
The planning table is used in repetitive manufacturing to plan production quantities for
a planning period. The planning table is a very powerful tool that’s used by production
planners to check and adjust production quantities. The tool lets the planner monitor
the production line capacities. It also provides real-time overviews of availability
situations of the products.
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Repetitive Manufacturing ➤ Planning ➤
Planning Table ➤ Change Mode. You can also use Transaction Code MF50 to plan your
production in repetitive manufacturing.
Enter the MRP area or plant into the initial screen of the planning table.
The planning table can be executed based on several selection parameters. The tool
provides flexibility in planning production for a production line or a product group. You
must select the relevant selection parameter using the radio button.

• Production Line

• Work Center Hierarchy

• Material

• Product Group

• Class

• MRP Controller

Production Line: You can run the planning table for a production line, and it will
display all the materials that are assigned on the production line. The table gives you a
holistic overview of the capacity situation of the production line and thus helps you plan
production considering the capacity constraints.
Based on the selection parameters, the planning table displays the planning
situation for the materials assigned to the production line.
Material: The planner can review and adjust the production plan of a material by
using this option. Enter the plant and material, as shown in Figure 9-12.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Figure 9-12.  Planning table: initial screen

Product group: Several products can be grouped together using a product group.
You can run the planning table for a product group, and it’ll display the planning
situation for all the members assigned in the group.
MRP group: The planning table can be executed for an MRP controller. The MRP
controller will be able to plan all the materials, which falls in their responsibility area in a
single screen.
Execute the planning table with Transaction Code MF50 for a material, as shown in
Figure 9-13.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Figure 9-13.  Planning Table for Repetitive Manufacturing

You may notice that the planning table has the look and feel of Microsoft Excel. This
provides the planner an excellent user experience.
The screen contains two sections—Total Capacity Data and Material Data. The Total
Capacity Data section displays information from the work center’s point of view and
displays the required capacity versus the available capacity. The Material Data section
contains information from the material’s perspective.
On the X-axis, the planning table shows the planning periods based on the planning
period selected on the initial screen. The planner can select any of the planning periods
for planning purposes:

• Shift

• Day

• Week

• Month

• Planning Calendar

On the Y-axis, the planning table has several parameters, including Available
Quantity, Requirements, and so on.
The first column displays the material information (the material number).

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Available Quantity displays the stock development along the time axis. The Due
column displays the stock on the current date.
Figure 9-13 shows that the current stock is 0. It also displays the stock development
along the time axis.
Total Requirements displays all the demand elements for the material along the
time axis. There is a requirement of 220 pcs on 27.06.22. Similarly, there is another
requirement for 120 pcs on 28.06.22, 110 pcs on 29.06.22, and 100 pcs on 30.06.22.
The MRP generated planned orders for 340 pcs on 28.06.22, 110 pcs on 29.06.22,
and 100 pcs on 30.06.22. These orders are assigned to the production version 0001. If
the planned orders are not assigned to any production versions, they are displayed in
the Not Assigned row and the planner must manually assign the orders to appropriate
production versions.
The planning table is most commonly used to plan productions (planned orders) in
repetitive manufacturing, although it can also be used to plan production orders. If you
want to use the planning table for planning, you must ensure that a valid production
version exists for the material master record.

Create a Planned Order Using the Planning Table

A production planner can also create planned orders directly in the planning table. All
that a planner must do is enter the quantity of the material that they want to produce on
a given date, such as 125 pcs on 01.07.2022.
Double-click the 125 pcs and a popup screen appears, as shown in Figure 9-15. Here
you can see that a planned order with an order number has been created for a quantity
of 125 pcs to be produced on 01.07.2022. Isn’t that great?
Figure 9-14 shows the available quantity as 125 from 01.07.2022 onward, due to the
fact that there is no requirement.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Figure 9-14.  Planning Table for Repetitive Manufacturing screen

The planning table provides a lot of options; for example, Convert a Planned Order
to Production Order/Process Order or to Move Quantities Along Time Axis, or Download
the Data into Microsoft Excel.

Convert Quantities to Production/Process Orders

You can convert a planned order directly into a production order or a process order by
clicking to the Quantity Change option in the menu bar. Click Convert Quantities. The
system provides you with two options—In Production Order and In Process Order.

Move Quantities Along the Time Axis

You can allocate production quantities along the time axis, in partial or full. For example,
there is an order of 125 pcs on 01.07.2022, as shown in Figure 9-14. To move this time
order, click the Move icon and a new screen appears, as shown in Figure 9-15.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Figure 9-15.  Planning table: detailed data for production quantity

Now, click the Select Periods icon to specify the period for which you would like to
move the planned order. Enter the start and end dates to move the order, as shown in
Figure 9-16.

Figure 9-16.  Planning table: selecting days

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

The order has been moved/split based on the selected periods. As shown in
Figure 9-17, the order with quantity 125 pcs has been split into three orders of 42 pcs, 42
pcs, and 41 pcs for the dates 05.07.2022, 06.07.2022, and 07.07.2022, respectively.

Figure 9-17.  Planning table: move function

Pull List
The components required to produce finished goods should be moved from the
warehouse to the production storage location (PSL). The process of transferring the
materials to PSL is called material staging.
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Repetitive Manufacturing ➤ Material Staging ➤
Pull List ➤ Trigger Replenishment. You can also use Transaction Code MF60 for material
Material staging can be triggered on various levels, like Inventory Management,
Warehouse Management, Kanban, and Extended Warehouse Management. It can also
be triggered for planned, production, and process orders.
Enter the planned order number in the Planned Orders section, as shown in
Figure 9-18.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Figure 9-18.  Material Staging for Planned Orders: initial screen

The pull list (see Figure 9-19) is split into two sections—Total Requirements and
Replenishment Elements. The pull list checks the requirements and the available stock
of the components at the production storage location. Based on this data, the pull list
calculates the quantities of missing components.

Figure 9-19.  Material staging for planned orders: output list

You can create replenishment elements for the missing parts by clicking the
Replenish Proposals icon.
Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

REM Confirmation
The confirmation process in repetitive manufacturing is commonly known as backflush.
In discrete manufacturing, the term backflush refers to automatic goods issue during
the order confirmation process. This means there is no need to execute the goods issue
separately. Whereas, in repetitive manufacturing, the term backflush is used for order
confirmation which may or may not include goods issue, activity posting, and goods
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Repetitive Manufacturing ➤ Data Entry ➤
Repetitive Manufacturing Confirmation. You can also use Transaction Code MFBF to
post order confirmations for repetitive manufacturing, as shown in Figure 9-12.
Transaction Code MFBF gives you an option to post three types of backflush
(confirmations)—Assembly Backflush, Component Backflush, and Activity Backflush.

• Assembly Backflush: This is the most commonly used backflush

type and it’s used to post goods issue, activity confirmation,
and goods receipt. While producing materials using repetitive
manufacturing, it is common to post assembly backflush periodically:
say every hour or two. Assembly backflush indicates that the finished
good is produced and the components consumed is posted at the
same time. The activities consumed during the production process
is also posted together with goods issue of components and goods
receipt of finished goods.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Figure 9-20.  REM confirmation

If you click the Post with Corrections icon, a new screen appears which shows all the
materials (i.e., the finished goods and all the components needed to manufacture the
product). The goods receipt for the finished goods is posted with movement type 131
and the goods issue for the components is posted with movement type 261.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

• Component Backflush: You can use Component Backflush only

to report the goods issue of components during the confirmation
process. While using Component Backflush, the goods receipt
for finished goods and confirmation for activities are not posted.
For example, you may use Component Backflush to report excess
consumption of components.

• Activity Backflush: You can use Activity Backflush only to post

activities consumed during the confirmation process. While using
Activity Backflush, the goods receipt for finished goods or goods
receipt for components are not posted.

Reporting Point Backflush

Reporting point backflush is similar to milestone confirmation in discrete
manufacturing. It is used to reflect the progress of an order. For example, there are
several operations in the routing of a material. Some of these operations are critical and
the lead time for the production is several days, whereas other operations have shorter
lead times and no additional components are consumed. You may define the critical
operations as reporting points to keep track of the status of the work in progress and to
note when components are consumed.
Reporting points can be confirmed by selecting the RP Confirmation check box and
selecting the reporting point (the operation number).
You can also display the reporting point information by choosing Logistics ➤
Production ➤ Repetitive Manufacturing ➤ Evaluations ➤ Reporting Point Overview or
using Transaction Code MF26.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Enter the plant and material, as shown in Figure 9-21.

Figure 9-21.  Display Reporting Point Information: initial screen

The reporting point information is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-22. The report

displays the material and quantity reported for each reporting point.

Figure 9-22.  Display Reporting Point Information: output list

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Scrap in Repetitive Manufacturing

You can post scrap incurred during the production process using Transaction Code
MFBF. You must click the Scrap icon. The screen looks almost similar to the Backflush
screen, except the Yield Quantity field disappears and the Scrap Quantity field is
displayed. You can also specify the reason for the scrap and the scraped quantities.
Just like with backflush, you can post scrap for Assembly Backflush, Component
Backflush, and Activity Backflush.

Post-Processing of Error Records

Some activities might fail during posting REM backflush. For example, insufficient stock
of the component may lead to failure of goods issue document posting. Or a material
was being processed by another user, so the goods movement of the material could be
posted. The backflush process should not stop due to such errors. Therefore, all such
errors are recorded and then can later be reprocessed.
Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Repetitive Manufacturing ➤ Data Entry ➤
Postprocess ➤ Postprocessing List. You can also use Transaction Code MF47 to post-­
process error records.
Enter the plant on the initial screen. You can also enter other selection parameters to
filter the output, as shown in Figure 9-23.

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

Figure 9-23.  Postprocessing List for Components on Line: initial screen

The postprocessing list is generated and displays information like Assembly,

Material, Material Description, Plant, Quantity, and so on.

Figure 9-24.  Postprocessing List for Components on Production Line: output list

Chapter 9 Repetitive Manufacturing

You must select the error by clicking the check box and then clicking the Postprocess
Selected Postprocessing Recs icon.

This chapter covered repetitive manufacturing, which is used for serial production or
continuous production. It discussed the master data needed for REM, different costing
objects, backflush in repetitive manufacturing, scrap posting, post-processing of error
records, and so on.
In the next chapter, you’ll learn about process order-based manufacturing, which is
primarily used in process industries.


Process Order
In this chapter, you learn about manufacturing execution using process order
management, which is primarily used in process industries. The chapter discusses
master data objects and other functions in SAP PP-PI. Special attention is paid to process
management, which includes PI-sheets and control recipes.

What Is Process Order Management?

Process order management is used in batch-oriented process manufacturing. Process
manufacturing is a production methodology where the production involves special
processes that transform the ingredients into a totally new product. The production
process is intricate and usually involves formulas or recipes. This production is used
with highly composite processes like casting, grinding, blending, boiling, and so on.
Pharmaceutical, petroleum, plastics, rubber, paper, textile, metal, and food products
go through such chemical processes. Industries like Chemical, Pharma, FMCG (Fast-­
moving consumer goods), and Food and Beverages use process manufacturing to
manufacture products like chemicals, medicines, shampoo, soaps, cheeses, juices,
and so on.
Unlike with discrete manufacturing, the finished goods cannot be disassembled into
their original raw materials.
The process industry is executed using process orders. This chapter discusses
process order management.

© Himanshu Goel 2022
H. Goel, Handbook for SAP PP in S/4HANA,
Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Master Data for the Process Industry

The following master data is required for process order management:

• Material master

• Bill of materials

• Production version

• Resources
• Master recipes

Material Masters
Material masters should be created for all materials, similar to the discrete industry. In
the process industry, it is quite common to execute orders in batches or, in other words,
batch management is used quite extensively here.
A material is created called Fruit Juice – Apple, as shown in Figure 10-1.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-1.  Material master

A batch represents a lot produced in one go. All the materials produced during this
production run should have the same characteristics and specifications. For instance,
a process order is created to produce 1000 liters of fruit juice. Usually, the production
line produces 250 liters of fruit juice in four hours in one production run. Since 250
liters of juice is produced in one go, it means that the entire batch will contain the same
specifications, including Calories, Vitamin C, Protein, Sugar, and so on. To meet the
process order requirement, four batches should be produced. Although the product
is the same, different batches can have different characteristics that fall within the
allowed thresholds. For such materials, inventory is managed at the batch level. Batch
management is critical in process industries, as it helps with end-to-end traceability. A
batch contains all the information about the raw material/batches consumed as well
as the resources used to produce the batch. You can see batch numbers or lot numbers
on soft drinks and packaged foods that you buy. If a batch is found to be faulty for some

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

reason, the manufacturer can trace all the customers to whom that batch was shipped,
and the products can be recalled. The manufacturer can also trace all the ­component/
batches that were used in production and determine the faulty raw materials/batches to
prevent them from being used.

Bill of Materials
A bill of materials should be created for finished products/semifinished products, similar
to what’s done in the discrete industry, as shown in Figure 10-2.

Figure 10-2.  Bill of material

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

This refers to a place or a workstation where an activity or an operation is performed
during the production process. A resource performs the same function as a work center
in production order management.
The work center and resources are differentiated by the work center category. Each
work center category is assigned to an application area in customization. Figure 10-3
displays the application areas of the work center category 0001- Machine and 0008-
Processing Unit. The 0001 – Machine category can be used in routings, while 0008-
Processing Unit can be used in recipes.

Figure 10-3.  Work center category: application

You can create a resource using Transaction Code CRC1 or choosing Logistics ➤
Production-Process ➤ Master Data ➤ Resources ➤ Resource ➤ Create. A processing
unit has been created for the juice processing line, as shown in Figure 10-4.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-4.  Resource: process industry

Production Version
The production version defines a unique production technique for producing a material.
In other words, this is a unique combination of alternative BOMs and the master recipe.
The process of creating a production version is a bit different in the process industry as
compared to discrete manufacturing. In PP-PI, the production version is created with
BOM details, as shown in Figure 10-5, and it is later assigned to the master recipe when
the master recipe is created. A production version can be created using Transaction
Code MM02 or C223.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-5.  Production version

Master Recipes
The master recipe outlines the production process or a series of operations that
transform raw materials to finished products in a process industry. The master recipe is
similar to routing in discrete industries, with Task List Type 2.
You can create a master recipe by using Transaction Code C201 or by choosing
Logistics ➤ Production-Process ➤ Master Data ➤ Master Recipes ➤ Recipe and
Material List ➤ Create.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

A master recipe can be created in two ways:

1. Without reference to a material: You can create a master recipe

without reference to the material or plant. When a master recipe
is created, a unique recipe group number and recipe is generated,
which are similar to the routing group number and group counter
in discrete manufacturing. You can create a production version
and enter the BOM and recipe details. Now that the production
version has been created, you can go back to the master recipe
in change mode (Transaction Code C202) and assign the header
material in the material assignment. You must also assign the
production version, since it is mandatory to assign a production
version to a master recipe so that the BOM can be exploded.

2. With reference to a material/plant: A master recipe can be

created for a material and plant. However, a production version
must be created as a prerequisite, since it is mandatory to assign
a production version when creating a master recipe. In this case,
the production version is created only with the BOM details.
Once the master recipe is created and the recipe group number is
generated, you must go back to the production version in change
mode and assign the recipe details.

To create a master recipe, enter the material, plant, production version, and profile.
The profile is created in customization and it controls several functions, including
increment for process instruction number, usage of X-Steps as optional or mandatory,
and so on.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-6.  Create Master Recipe: initial screen

Master Recipe Header

On the Recipe Header screen, you must enter the Status, Usage, and so on. These fields
are similar to the ones found in routing.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-7.  Create Master Recipe: header

One interesting feature with the master recipe is Charge Quantity. The unit of
measure of a recipe is pieces, while the unit of measure for operations is kilogram. The
total weight of two pieces is three kilograms, which means that each piece is 3/2 kgs. You
can specify the Charge Quantity as 2 while the operation quantity will be 3.
This relationship is maintained directly in the operations details in routing or rate

Operations and Phases in a Master Recipe

A master recipe contains two objects—Operations and Phases. An operation is used
to define the general production process and the resource on which the operation will
be processed. An operation can be split into various phases describing the process in
more detail. A resource and a control key are assigned to the operation and the same
Chapter 10 Process Order Management

resource is adopted by the phases, since phases acts similar to sub-operations, as

shown in Figure 10-8. The components from the BOM are assigned to phases and not to
operations. Activities like Setup, Machine Time, and so on, are assigned to each phase.
This is different than discrete manufacturing, since activities are maintained at the
operation level in routing or rate routing. An operation can be branched into multiple
phases and the time required to process an operation is the total of the activities of
the phases. Since the activities are maintained at the phase level, this implies that the
operations confirmed are performed at the phase level as opposed to the operation level
in discrete manufacturing. The inspection characteristics can be assigned to operations
as well as to the phases.
First, you must create an operation, assign the resource and control key, and
enter the operation details. Then you can activate the Phase check box and assign the
operation to link the phase to an operation. You can specify the relation between phases
as start-finish, finish-start, finish-finish, or start-start. This means the phases can be
executed in parallel or in an overlapping sequence. The relationship between phases can
be defined by choosing Goto ➤ Relationships in the Operations tab of the master recipe.
The control recipe destination and process instructions should be assigned to the
phases. The process instructions can be assigned to the control recipe destination in the
customization, or they can be assigned directly to the master recipe as master data. The
process instructions can be assigned to the phases in the operations view of the master
recipe by choosing Goto ➤ Process Management ➤ Process Instructions.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-8.  Create Master Recipe: operations

Once the operations and phases have been created, click the Materials tab.

Bill of Materials in Master Recipes

The bill of material is exploded in the master recipe with the help of the production
version. As explained earlier, a production version is created with only the BOM details
and then the master recipe is created with reference to the production version. All
the components of the BOM are exploded to the master recipe in the Materials view
of the master recipe, as shown in Figure 10-9. The BOM in the master recipe is used
for Material Quantity Calculations, which is another unique feature of the master
recipe. The master recipe details (Recipe Group and Recipe) should be updated in the
production version once the master recipe is created.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-9.  Create Master Recipe: materials

Material Quantity Calculations

The quantity of the component to be used in a process order is calculated based on the
order quantity. However, in process industries, it may happen that you need to change
the order quantity since it was needed to consume the entire batch of the raw material or
change the component quantities due to a change in the amount of another component.
This can be accomplished by using Material Quantity Calculations.
Material Quantity Calculations is a unique feature of the process industry and it
provides the following functions:

• Change the production quantity of the header material in proportion

to the component quantities or the active ingredient proportions.

• Change the quantities of the component in proportion to a change

to the quantity of other components or the header product or with
reference to active ingredient proportions.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

• Calculate the planned scrap for each phase. The costs of planned
scrap are determined in the planned production costs.

To use Material Quantity Calculation, you must create a master recipe with
reference to a production version so that the component from BOM is exploded in the
master recipe.
The component scrap is maintained in the MRP4 view of the material master. The
component quantities are adjusted automatically based on the planned scrap. The
planned scrap of a component can be used as a variable to calculate the quantity of
other components using the material quantity calculation formulas.
The quantities are calculated automatically during the process order creation, based
on the formulas defined in the material quantity calculation. However, if a formula is
processed at the batch level and uses active ingredient proportions, the material quantity
calculation should be executed manually after batch determination is carried out.
The formulas for components can be specified by choosing Goto ➤ Material
Quantity Calculation.

• Figure 10-10 shows the Material Quantity Calculation screen. Select

the component that you want to assign the formula to and then click
the Select Formula button in the menu bar.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-10.  Material Quantity Calculation screen

• Enter the formula or equation that should be used to derive

the output.

• You can easily include the variables in the formula. Double-click

the variable that you want to include in the formula or place your
cursor on the variable and click the Insert in Formula button in the
menu bar.

Various operators, including +, -, *, /, DIV, and MOD, can be used in the formulas.
You can also use functions like Exponential, absolute values (ABS), rounding (ROUND),
truncation (TRUNC), square root (SQRT), IF THEN ELSE conditions, IF THEN NOT
conditions, and EXP, LOG, SIN, COS, and TAN.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Process Management
Process management is used to exchange production-relevant data between SAP and an
external system, like the process control system (PCS). The relevant data can be stored in
Process Instruction or in X-Steps. This data can be forwarded from the process order to
the process operator or the process control system.

Control Recipes
The control data in the process order (such as process instructions assigned to a phase)
are transferred to the process operator or the process control system. This production
relevant data is transferred from the process order to a process control by using the
control recipes.
When the process order is created, the production-relevant data from the Process
Instruction or X-Steps is compiled in control recipes. When the process order is released,
the control recipes are sent to process management, which is further sent to the process
operator or the process control system.
When the control recipe is sent to a process operator, all the information contained
in the control recipe is converted into a text file and displayed as a PI-Sheet on the
operator’s screen. The PI-Sheets provide instructions to the operator on how to execute
the production steps.
When the control recipe is sent to an external process control system (PCS), the
information specified in the control recipe is transferred as parameters via the PI-PCS
interface. These parameters are used to monitor and regulate the production process by
the process control system.
The process operator or process control system can report the production to SAP by
sending the process messages via a PI-Sheet or the process control system.
Figure 10-11 explains the various elements and the process flow in process

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-11.  Process flow in process management

The process management component of PP-PI supports the following functions:

• It receives control recipes once the process order is released and then
sends the control recipes to process operators or process control

• Process instructions are converted to texts, which are then displayed

on the operator’s computer screen.

• Process messages can be received with actual production data from

the process control system. The data is verified and sent to SAP.

• Process messages and control recipes are monitored, and manual

creation of process messages is also supported.

Control Recipe Destinations

The control recipe destination can be defined in customization to specify who receives
and processes information from the control recipe. The destination could be a process
operator, a group of operators, or a process control system. While creating the process
order, one control recipe should be created for each control recipe destination.
Control recipe destination could be defined for one of the following types:

• Transfer to ABAP list-based PI-Sheet

• Download to external system, initiated by SAP process management

• Download to external system, initiated by process control

• Transfer to browser-based PI-Sheet

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Process Instructions
Process instructions are used to describe the production process, in part or in full. The
process instructions contain comprehensive details of the production process that the
operator must follow. For example, process instructions can provide specifications
like the temperature and humidity level for an operation. The operator must ensure
the operation is processed based on the specifications in the process instructions. Not
just that, but the operator is also supposed to document and report the specifications.
The data must be communicated and exchanged between the plant operator and
process control system (PCS). This ensures that the products are produced with the
correct specifications, as this is quite critical to process industries. Any deviation to the
process beyond the specified thresholds could result in the material being scraped.
Communication between SAP and the PCS (Process Control System) can be established
by defining the type of control recipe destination.
The process instructions are assigned in the master recipe and the process order.
SAP allows two types of process instructions:

• Characteristic-Based Process Instructions: The process

instructions can be created for a phase using characteristics and their
characteristics value.

• X-Step Process Instructions: The X-Step or Execution Step is

created using the context menu in the X-Steps Editor. Although
X-Steps are based on characteristics and their values, the knowledge
of characteristics structure is not needed. X-Steps are not created
with reference to a phase; rather, they are assigned to a phase with
reference to a context.

The process instructions are assigned to the phase in the operation view of the
master recipe. Select the phase that you would like to assign the process instructions
to, as shown in Figure 10-12. Then choose Goto ➤ Process Management ➤ Process
Instructions from the menu bar.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-12.  Change Master Recipe: recipe

You can assign the process instruction categories in the next screen, as shown
in Figure 10-13. You can also simulate the PI-Sheet by choosing Goto ➤ Process
Management ➤ Simulate PI Sheet for phases. This will enable you to display the output
format of the PI-Sheet.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-13.  Change Master Recipe: Operation: process instructions

All the master data required for PP-PI is created. The production planning part
is the same as with discrete manufacturing. All the steps in the production planning,
including S&OP, Demand Management, Material Requirement Planning, and Capacity
Requirement planning, are the same as in discrete manufacturing. The next section
discusses process order management.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

 anufacturing Execution with Process

Order Management
Most of the manufacturing execution process in a process order is similar to discrete
manufacturing; however, there are a few differences. There are some functions that
are unique to process orders, including Releasing Control Recipe, Executing Material
Quantity Calculations, and Batch Allocation.

Create Process Order

You can create a process order by choosing Logistics ➤ Production-Process ➤ Process
Order ➤ Process Order ➤ Create ➤ With Material or you can use Transaction Code
COR1. Enter the material number of the finished/semifinished material to be produced,
the production plant, and the process order type on the initial screen, as shown in
Figure 10-14.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-14.  Create Process Order: INITIAL SCREEN

Order Type determines the master data that should be populated in the order when
the process order is created, and it also governs which parameters are relevant for
controlling. SAP comes preconfigured with the process order types listed in Table 10-1.

Table 10-1.  SAP Process Order Types

Order Type Description

PI01 Process order (internal number assignment)

PI02 Process order (external number assignment)
PI04 Filling/packaging with “assembly order”

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

When the process order is created, all the master data (such as the material master,
the BOM, and the master recipe data) is populated in the process order. The material
quantity calculation data is also taken into account.
Click the Generate Control Recipe icon, as shown in Figure 10-15. The control recipe
can also be generated automatically when the process order is released. A control recipe
is generated for each control recipe destination in the process order.

Figure 10-15.  Create Process Order: header

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Control Recipe Monitor

Once the control recipes have been generated, you can use the Control Recipe Monitor
(Transaction Code CO53) to generate PI-Sheets from the control recipe. Enter the
process order number and click the Display button.

Figure 10-16.  Control Recipe Monitor: Initial Screen

As shown in Figure 10-17, you can select the control recipe and click the Send button
to generate PI-Sheets.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-17.  Control Recipe Monitor: Overview screen

You can display the PI-Sheet using Transaction Code CO60, which has been
generated. You can display the PI-Sheets for a combination of the plant and control
recipe, or you can enter the process order number, as shown in Figure 10-18.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-18.  Find PI-Sheet: initial screen

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

The output list displays all the PI-Sheets and their status based on the selection
criteria, as shown in Figure 10-19.

Figure 10-19.  Find PI-Sheet: output

The next section discusses how you can display and change the PI-Sheets.

Maintain PI-Sheets
You can maintain the PI-sheets by choosing Logistics ➤ Production Process ➤ Process
Management ➤ PI Sheet ➤ Work List -Maintain. You can also use Transaction Code
CO55. You can enter the selection parameters on the selection screen, like the new or
in-process PI-Sheets, as shown in Figure 10-20. You can also specify the resource or
materials for which you want to display PI-Sheets.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-20.  Worklist for PI-Sheets/Work Instructions

The output screen displays all the PI-sheets, which are relevant based on the
selection criteria.
Select the PI-Sheets and click Maintain PI-Sheet. Figure 10-21 displays all the fields
that can be maintained/changed in the PI-Sheet. A PI-Sheet is assigned to each phase.
A wide range of functions can be performed using a PI-Sheet:

• Standard operating procedure can be assigned to a phase to inform

the operator how the process should be executed and which
parameters should run.

• Drawings or other PDFs can be assigned to a PI-Sheet using thing the

document management system.

• You can call another transaction, like MIGO, by clicking GO


Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-21.  Work instructions

• Goods issue/goods receipt for the process order can be posted.

• Special parameters can be recorded, like temperature, pressure,

viscosity, and so on.
• Digital signatures can be incorporated to track which user updated
the fields in the PI-Sheet.
• QM results recording can be executed by using the Call Transaction

These are the fields that must be maintained by the operator. Once all the fields
have been maintained in the PI-Sheet, it can be marked as completed. If the operator
wants to save the PI-sheet without completing it, they can simply click Save so that the
field values are not lost. Once all the fields have been maintained, the operator can click
the Complete button. Once the PI-Sheet has been marked as complete, it’s no longer
possible to make changes to it.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Send Process Messages

Once the PI-Sheet has been marked as completed, a process message is created that
contains all the information that needs to be transferred to a specific destination. This
information could be goods issue, goods receipt, or confirmation against the process
order. The information received from the PI-Sheet is updated in the process order.
The process messages can be sent by choosing Logistics ➤ Production-Process
➤ Process Management ➤ Message ➤ Message Monitor or you can use Transaction
Code CO54XT.
Enter the plant and other selection criteria, such as the creation date and time, on
the initial screen, as shown in Figure 10-22. You can display messages that have been
sent, terminated, or that are yet to be sent. Click the To Be Sent button to display a list of
messages that are yet to be processed.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-22.  Monitor for Process Messages: Selection screen

The output list displays all the messages with their status, like To be Sent, Sent, or
Terminated, as shown in Figure 10-23. Select the message that you want to send and
then click the Send button.

Chapter 10 Process Order Management

Figure 10-23.  Monitor for Process Messages: Selected Messages screen

If the message is terminated due to an error, these error messages can be

reprocessed using the Process Message Monitor screen.

This chapter discussed manufacturing execution in the process industry using process
orders. You learned about the master data objects used in SAP PP-PI. It also discussed
control recipes and PI-sheets, which are specific to process industries.
So far you have learned about all the manufacturing execution methodologies—
discrete manufacturing, repetitive manufacturing, and process industry.
The following chapters cover the latest innovations in SAP S/4HANA. Let’s start with
SAP PP/DS in the next chapter.


Production planning and detailed scheduling (PP/DS) in SAP S/4HANA aims at
maximizing production efficiency and reducing costs of production. In this chapter,
you’ll learn about tools like Heuristics, the PP/DS Optimizer, and the Detailed Scheduler,
which are available in SAP S/4HANA PP/DS.

 hat Is Production Planning

and Detailed Scheduling?
Before the S/4HANA era, SAP offered a product called SAP Advanced Planning and
Optimization or simply SAP APO, which was a specialized supply chain planning tool.
SAP APO was comprised of several modules, including demand planning, supply
network planning, production planning, and detailed scheduling. The production
planning and detailed scheduling (PP/DS) module was designed to provide advanced
features that were not available in SAP ERP, including:

• Materials planning with finite capacity planning

• Planning with exact times

• Forecast consumption with descriptive characteristics

• Planning runs with multiple steps

• Dynamic pegging (assignment of receipt elements across the bill of

material levels)

• Planning with custom heuristics (planning algorithm that executes

the planning on selected objects)

© Himanshu Goel 2022
H. Goel, Handbook for SAP PP in S/4HANA,
Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

SAP APO was a standalone system, and it was needed to exchange data from SAP
ERP. It was also needed to send master data from SAP ERP to SAP APO using a tool called
the CORE Interface (CIF).
With the launch of SAP S/4HANA, the PP/DS module was integrated within the
S/4HANA suite. The other modules (such as demand planning and supply network
planning) have been launched in a cloud-based product called SAP Integrated Business
Planning (IBP).

Master Data for PP/DS

This section discusses the master data that should be set up to run PP/DS in S/4HANA:

• Locations

• Material master

• Work centers and resources

A location can be used to represent a plant, a business partner (i.e., a customer or
vendor), a shipping or receiving point, or an MRP area. You can create a location by
executing the report /SAPAPO/CREATE_LOCATION. Go to Transaction Code SE38 and
enter the program name /SAPAPO/CREATE_LOCATION. Then specify the business object
that you want to create as a location in SAP APO. In Figure 11-1, I create the location for
Plant 1105.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-1.  Create locations for business partners, plants, and shipping points

The system will generate the location 1105 in PP/DS for the specified plant 1105.
If the location already exists in the APO, the system will show a message, as shown in
Figure 11-2.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-2.  Create locations for business partners, plants, and shipping
points: logs

Material Master
In SAP APO, you had to transfer all the master data (including the material master) from
SAP ERP to SAP APO via the Core Interface (CIF). This process has been simplified in
SAP S/4HANA. Now that PP/DS is embedded into the S/4HANA suite, you don’t have
to transfer materials to SAP APO PPDS. You can simply activate PP/DS in the material
master in the new view called Advanced Planning.

Advanced Planning View

The Advanced Planning view contains six sections: General, Procurement/PP-DS,
Demand, Lot Size, Goods Receipt/Goods Issue, and Location-Dependent Shelf Life. Let’s
look at these fields. If you want to use PP/DS in SAP S/4HANA, you must activate the
Advanced Planning indicator, which supports advanced live cache-based planning and
scheduling, as shown in Figure 11-3.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-3.  Material master: advanced planning view

This section covers the Proc./PPDS section of the Advanced Planning view of the
material master, as shown in Figure 11-4.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-4.  Material master: advanced planning view: proc/PPDS

Plan Explosion: This specifies the task list type that the system should use to create
receipts in PP/DS. In PP/DS, a task list type is a combination of the bill of materials
(BOM) and the routing (production version in SAP ERP ECC) that can be transferred
from SAP ERP ECC as a Production Data Structure (PDS) in PP/DS. See Table 11-1.

Table 11-1.  Plan Explosion

Plan Explosion Short Description

The default value from customizing is used

3 Single explosion of iPPE
4 Matrix explosion of iPPE
5 PDS generated from R/3

Product Heuristic: In PP/DS, a heuristic is a planning function that executes

planning for selected objects, such as products, resources, operations, or line networks,
depending on the planning focus.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

A product heuristic is used for procurement planning, which is used in the following

• If it automatically and immediately plans a product after a planning-­

relevant event occurs

• If you plan the product in an MRP planning run

Table 11-2 shows the standard heuristics available in the standard SAP S/4HANA PP/
DS system.

Table 11-2.  Heuristics

Heuristic Description

SAP_LEN_001 Length-based heuristic

SAP_MOP_001 Multiple output planning heuristic
SAP_PP_002 Planning of standard lots
SAP_PP_004 Planning of standard lots in three horizons
SAP_PP_005 Part period balancing
SAP_PP_006 Least-unit cost proc.: ext. procurement
SAP_PP_007 Reorder point planning
SAP_PP_013 Groff procedure
SAP_PP_017 Plan standard lots for co-products
SAP_PP_C001 Planning of standard lots for conti- I/O
SAP_PP_Q001 Quota heuristics
SAP_PP_SL001 Planning of std lots with shelf life

–– Priority: The system can determine the priority of the order based on
the priority of the product. You can assign values from 0 to 255 for the
priority, 1 being the highest and 255 being the lowest. A value 0 or no
value means the lowest priority.

–– Planning Package: This key can be used to group location products

that should be planned together in the procurement planning run
with an MRP heuristic.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

–– PP Planning Procedure: You can select the strategy to determine the

actions to be triggered when a certain event occurs. The production
planning (PP) planning procedure can also determine if the desired
quantity or confirmed quantity of a schedule line is relevant for
pegging for customer requirements. The system immediately exe-
cutes automatic planning for products that have a relevant planning
procedure. This setting is mandatory if you want to run planning
with PP/DS.

–– Interactive Sourcing Profile: The Production Planning (PP) heuris-

tic is equipped with an option for interactive sourcing that allows you
to interactively choose the sources of supply for each procurement
proposal. An interactive sourcing profile lists the key components
and key resources at each location. The information provided in the
interactive sourcing profile can be used to determine the availability
of key components and resources at the linked product location.

–– Planning Group: You can use the planning group to restrict the
selection of products that you plan in the processing step of the
production planning run. The planning group specifies if the product
is relevant for planning with heuristics that plan products—for
example, for procurement planning heuristics and for the MRP

–– Conversion Rule: You can specify a conversion rule to perform

checks during the conversion of planned orders to production orders
and purchase requisitions into purchase orders.

–– Product-Dependent Storage Costs: You can specify the costs to

store the product in the warehouse per the base unit of measure and
per day.

–– Safety Stock Penalty: You can use this field to specify the penalty
cost if the safety stock is violated or if the stock level falls below the
safety stock.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

This section discusses the Demand section of the Advanced Planning view of the
material master, as shown in Figure 11-5.

Figure 11-5.  Material master: advanced planning view: demand

Avoid Alerts in Pegging: If this indicator is selected, the system will attempt to
create the pegging relationships between requirements and receipts, if possible, without
the quantity or date alerts. First, the system links receipts and requirements that are
compatible on a time and quantity basis, and then links the remaining receipts and
requirements in a second step.

Fixed Pegging: You can use this indicator to specify if you want
to retain fixed pegging for the product even after a document
change (for example, after converting a planned order into a
production order).

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Pegging Strategy: This is used to determine the time sequence

in which the system should cover requirements for the product
with dynamic pegging and in which time sequence the system
should use the product receipts in the pegging interval to cover a

Proposed Strategy: This determines how quantities forecasted in

demand planning are produced and how the demand forecast is
consumed with sales orders. This is similar to the strategy group
defined in the MRP3 view; however, they are not exactly the same.
The requirement strategies used in demand planning are shown
in Table 11-3.

Table 11-3.  Requirement Strategies in Demand Planning

Strategy Description

10 Make-to-stock production
20 Planning with final assembly
21 Planning with third-party orders
30 Planning without final assembly
35 Planning w/o final assembly for config.
40 Planning product

Figure 11-6 shows a comparison between planning strategies in SAP S/4HANA

production planning and SAP S/4HANA PP/DS.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-6.  Planning strategy in SAP S/4HANA PP and SAP S/4HANA PP/DS

Minimum Passing Amount: This field specifies the minimum

passing amount for a continuous input/output node. The system
splits the receipt element into factors of the value specified in
this field.

Use Total Receipts: This indicator specifies if the system should

consume the entire quantity of a receipt element. The system may
assign a receipt element to just one requirement element for the
product during dynamic pegging. The requirement element must
thus completely consume the receipt element.
Use Total Stock: This indicator specifies that the system may
assign a stock element for the product to just one requirement
element in dynamic pegging. The requirement element must thus
completely consume the stock element.

Alert Threshold for Earliness (Receipts): The system creates a

date/time alert for a fixed or a dynamic pegging relationship if the
earliness exceeds the alert threshold—that is, if the availability
date/time is earlier than the specified timeframe before the
requirements date. To specify the time frame, use the format
HHH.HHH:MM (Hours: Minutes). For example, 1000:10 means
1,000 hours and 10 minutes, while 20:20 means 20 hours and

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

20 minutes. If no value is specified, the system uses the value

100000:00. Therefore, the system only creates an alert if an
availability date/time is more than 100,000 hours before the
requirements date.

Alert Threshold for Lateness (Delayed Receipts): The system

creates an alert similar to the threshold for early receipts. It
also creates a date/time alert for a fixed or a dynamic pegging
relationship if the delay exceeds the alert threshold—that is, if the
availability date/time is later than the specified timeframe after
the requirements date.

Resource Network: A resource network describes the physical

links between the resources in a plant, such as processing units,
reactors, vessels, and so on, which are used to explain the flow of
the materials through a plant.

Product Alerts: You can use this field to specify if the system
should determine direct alerts for a requirement or a receipt of a
product, or if the product is relevant to network alerts. If a product
is relevant to network alerts, the system evaluates the direct alerts
for this product for receipts or requirements at the higher levels of
the pegging structure, as well. Alerts for less critical components
can be hidden and thus increase the clarity and transparency of
network alerts and improve system performance.

Lot Size
This section discusses the Lot Size section of the Advanced Planning view of the material
master, as shown in Figure 11-7.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-7.  Material master: advanced planning view: lot size

Lot Size Unit: This field indicates the valid unit of measure for the
lot size. If no lot size unit is maintained, the system considers the
base unit of measure. If you are specifying the lot size unit, you
must also maintain the conversion in an alternate unit of measure.

Target Day’s Supply: The PP-DS standard heuristic SAP_PP_002

(planning of standard lots) considers the target day’s (in
workdays) supply to plan location products using target stock
level methods.

Reorder Day’s Supply: Specify the reorder day’s supply if the

Reorder Point Method 2 is defined for the location product.

Goods Receipt/Goods Issue

This section discusses the GR/GI section of the Advanced Planning view of the material
master, as shown in Figure 11-8.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-8.  Material master: advanced planning view: goods receipt/goods issue

GR Processing Time: This is the time required for inspection and

placing it in the stock once the stock is received. Goods receipt
processing time is also considered in the total replenishment
lead time.

Goods Receipt Handling Capacity Consumption: This field is

used to specify how much of the handling capacity is consumed
by the product during goods receipt for a specific plan.

GI Processing Time: This is the time required for inspection

and placing it in the stock between issuing the product from
storage and transporting it. Goods issue processing time is also
considered in the total replenishment lead time.

Goods Issue Handling Capacity Consumption: This field is used

to specify how much of the handling capacity is consumed by the
product during goods issue for a specific plan.

Location-Dependent Shelf Life

This section explains the Location Dependent Shelf-Life section of the Advanced
Planning view of the material master, as shown in Figure 11-9.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-9.  Material Master: advanced planning view: location-dependent

shelf life

This indicator specifies if the system should consider the resource location-­
dependent shelf life of a product when planning.
If you are using location-dependent shelf life, you must maintain the standard shelf
life, minimum shelf life, maximum shelf life, and maturation time, which are location-­
dependent. In PP/DS, a location can be a plant, a distribution center, a storage location,
an MRP area, a transportation lane, or a business partner (customer or vendor).

Product Master in APO

Product master is used in APO to represent the materials or services that are sold by
any organization. Similar to the material master in SAP ECC, a product master in SAP
APO contains attributes that are global as well as location specific. Once the Advanced
Planning is activated in the material master in SAP ECC, the system creates a product
master in APO and all the relevant fields are mapped to the corresponding fields in the
product master in SAP APO.
You can display the product master using Transaction Code /SAPAPO/MAT1. Enter
the product and plant in the initial screen, as shown in Figure 11-10.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-10.  Product master: initial screen

Go to the PP/DS view of the product master to review the fields shown in
Figure 11-11.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-11.  Product master: PP/DS view

Work Center/Resource
A work center in SAP ERP is called a resource in SAP APO. Earlier, it was needed to create
a work center in SAP ERP and then transfer it to SAP APO using CIF. However, it is not
needed anymore. Similar to material master, you can simply activate Advanced Planning
in the Basic Data view of the work center, as shown in Figure 11-12.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-12.  Work center: basic data

Once you activate Advanced Planning in the work center, the system automatically
creates a resource in the APO.
An APO resource refers to anything that has limited capacity and is used to carry out
a specific function. It could be a machine or a person like a work center in SAP PP but it
could also be an installation or a means of transport. Resources are used to determine
available capacity. You can display a resource using Transaction Code /SAPAPO/RES01.

Note A resource is created using nomenclature other than the work center. You
can find the resource by searching for work center name followed by the plant; for
example, CMASSY_1105, as shown in Figure 11-13.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-13.  Resources: initial screen

Figure 11-14 shows the resources in SAP APO. It contains several views, such
as General Data, Time-Cont. Capacity, PP/DS Bucket Capacity, External Capacity,
Downtimes, Block Planning, Short Texts, and so on.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-14.  Resources: header data

Production Data Structure

A production data structure (PDS) is used to determine the BOM and routing for the
product. A production version in SAP ERP is used as a basis for creating a production
data structure in SAP APO. A PDS can be created using Transaction Code CURTOADV_
CREATE. In the selection screen, enter the selection parameters like Plant, Material,
Production Version, and so on, as shown in Figure 11-15.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-15.  Transfer of product data structures: PPDS on ERP

You can select one of the transfer modes (i.e. Absolute Transfer, Absolute Transfer
(Delta Mode), or Change Transfer). Absolute transfer is used to transfer all the objects
and change transfer is used to transfer only the objects that have changed since the
last time.
The system will generate logs messages and will display the success or error
messages, as shown in Figure 11-16. A PDS has been created for the CM_GEARBOX in
Plant 1105.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-16.  PDS generation

Note  You must also transfer scheduling agreements, contracts, and purchasing
info records for externally procured materials. All these objects should be
transferred to PP/DS using the CORE Interface (CIF).

Planning Run with MRP Live

MRP Live can be used to plan materials that are planned with PP/DS heuristics as well
as materials that are planned with classic MRP. MRP Live is executed using Transaction
Code MD01N or it can also be scheduled to run in the background using the program
PPH_MRP_START. Define MRP Type X0 in the MRP1 view of material master for the
materials that should be planned with the PP/DS heuristics. You must also ensure that
if a semifinished material is to be planned with PP/DS heuristics, the parent material is
also planned with PP/DS heuristics.

Production Planning Run

The production planning run can be executed using Transaction Code /SAPAPO/CDPSB0.
If you’re running the planning for huge set of materials, it is always recommended to run
it in the background.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

You can execute the planning run for one of the following functions:

• Heuristics

• PP/DS optimization

• Detailed Scheduling (DS)

You must specify the parameters in the Global Settings section, as shown in
Figure 11-17.

Figure 11-17.  Production planning run

Planning Version: You can have multiple planning versions, however, only one
version is active. The active planning version is 000.
Time Profile: The time profile specifies the planning horizon for the planning run.
You may select one of the time profiles that comes preconfigured in standard SAP, as
shown in Table 11-4. If needed, new time profiles can be created in customization.

Table 11-4.  Time Profiles

SAP001 Planning period -2 to +3 months
SAP002 Planning period -1 to +14 days
SAP003 Planning period -1 to +28 days
SAPREM Test profile for REM heuristic

Propagation Range: Specifies the products or resources that can be planned

in PP/DS.
Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

A heuristic is an algorithm used to execute the planning procedure in a certain way.

SAP has delivered several heuristics (or algorithms) that can influence the characteristics
of the planning procedure. You can execute the production planning for several heuristics
in several steps. For example, you can execute heuristic SAP_PP_002 Planning of
Standard Lots in Step one and then run heuristic SAP001 Schedule Sequence. You must
specify the appropriate planning object. For example, the planning object for heuristic
SAP_PP_002 Planning of Standard Lots should be products, whereas the planning object
for Schedule sequence should be operations or resources, as shown in Figure 11-18.
You can execute several functions or heuristics in a single planning run.

Figure 11-18.  Production planning run

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Once the planning run has been executed, the logs can be assessed immediately.
You can also use the transaction /SAPAPO/RRPLOG1 to check the logs generated during
the planning run, as shown in Figure 11-19.

Figure 11-19.  Production planning run: display logs

Now that the planning run has been executed, the system will create planned orders
for in-house produced materials and purchase requisitions for externally procured
materials. Go to Transaction Code MD04 to display the stock requirement list.

Product View in PP/DS

Just like Transaction Code MD04 Stock Requirement list in SAP ERP, you can display the
demand and supply situation in the product view in PP/DS. However, the product view
offers much more functionality than the stock requirement list. You can use Transaction
Code /SAPAPO/RRP3 to display the product view. Enter the planning version, product,
and location on the initial screen, as shown in Figure 11-20.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-20.  Product view: initial screen

The supply element (planned/production order) in PP/DS are displayed with

dates and times due to the fact that PP/DS runs with finite capacity and can plan the
production with the exact time, as shown in Figure 11-21.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-21.  Product view

There are several tabs in product view (Periods, Quantities, Stock, Pegging Overview,
Product Master, and Forecast). These views provide detailed information about the
planning situation from a different point of view.
The product view in PP/DS can also be used to execute multiple functions other than
displaying demand and supply elements, such as:

• Creating forecasts

• Create planned orders

• Execute product heuristics

• Change the planning strategy of the product

• Display logs and alerts

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Convert Planned Orders

Planned orders created by PP/DS can be converted to production orders by using
Transaction Code /n/SAPAPO/PROD_ORD_CNV, as shown in Figure 11-22. This report can
be used to convert planned orders created by PP/DS as well as orders created by MRP.

Figure 11-22.  Batch conversion of planned orders to production orders:

initial screen

The program converts the planned orders to production orders and displays the
logs. The report displays the planned order number and the production order number.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

It also displays the error messages generated during the conversion; for example, Error
calculating costs, as shown in Figure 11-23.

Figure 11-23.  Batch conversion of planned orders to production orders: logs

PP/DS stands for production planning and detailed scheduling. So far, you have seen
production planning using PP/DS. The next section looks at detailed scheduling.

Detailed Scheduling Board

Detailed scheduling is used for scheduling operations of an order taking into account the
capacity constraints as well as component availability. The scheduling board is used for
scheduling or rescheduling the operations. You can also deallocate an operation on the
resource. You can choose the scheduling direction—forward or backward.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

The DS planning board can be accessed via Transaction Code /SAPAPO/CDPS0.

Specify the planning version and time profile on the initial screen. Based on the time
profile, the system calculates the Display Start, End of Display, Planning Start, and
Planning End dates.
A work area can be created using Transaction Code /SAPAPO/CDPSC3 to define the
resources and products for which you want to run detailed scheduling. You can simply
enter the work area in the DS board. Otherwise, you can specify resources, products, and
orders directly in the DS board, as shown in Figure 11-24.

Figure 11-24.  Detailed scheduling planning board: initial screen

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

As shown in Figure 11-25, the DS board is split into three sections—the Resources

Chart, the Product Chart, and the Product Stock. As you can see, the DS board looks
similar to the capacity levelling board (Transaction Code CM25) and provides a
graphical representation of the orders, as shown in Figure 11-25.

Figure 11-25.  Detailed scheduling planning board

The DS strategy profile is used to control scheduling parameters, including the

Scheduling Sequence, Scheduling Mode, Planning Direction (forward or backward), and
so on (see Figure 11-26).

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-26.  Strategy settings: DS view

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

SAP has provided the following heuristics that can be used with a production
scheduling board:

• SAP001 – Schedule Sequence

• SAP002 – Remove Backlogs

• SAP003 – Schedule Sequence Manually (Fiori UI Popup Supported)

• SAP004 – Minimize Runtime

• SAP005 – Schedule Operations

• SAP_DS_01 – Stable Forward Scheduling

• SAP_DS_02 – Enhanced Backward Scheduling

• SAP_DS_03 – Change Fixing/Planning Intervals

• SAP_DS_04 – Activate Seq.-Dependent Setup Activities

PP/DS Optimizer
You can also run PP/DS optimizer to create the most cost-effective plan. PP/DS
optimizer checks for all possible plans and optimizes the plan by checking the following

• Costs, such as production, procurement, transport, and storage costs.

• Costs for increasing the production capacity.

• Penalties for violating the stock below the permissible safety

stock level.

• Penalties for late delivery.

PP/DS optimizer can be executed via the transaction /SAPAPO/CDPSB1 or directly

from the DS board. Enter the optimization horizon, as shown in Figure 11-27.

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Figure 11-27.  Setting for optimization

Fiori Application for Production Scheduling Board

A Fiori application is also available for the Production Scheduling Board. You can
access the Production Scheduling Board either by using SAP GUI or a Fiori App. One big
advantage of Fiori-based apps is that the Production Scheduling Board can be displayed
on a monitor and each production line displays the production schedule, as shown in
Figure 11-28.

Figure 11-28.  Production scheduling board: Fiori app

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Resource Planning Table

This is used to determine scheduling and sequencing order, similar to the DS planning
board. The scheduling data is displayed in tabular format in the resource planning table
as opposed to a graphical format in the DS Scheduling board. A resource planning table
can be used to execute the following planning functions:

• Sequencing
• Backlog rescheduling

• Capacity leveling

You can use quick drag-and-drop functions to sequence operations. The resource
planning table uses the scheduling heuristics assigned to the heuristics profile. You can
access the resource planning table with Transaction Code /SAPAPO/RPT. You can also
access different applications, including Alert Monitor, Plan Monitor, and Optimizer
directly from the resource planning table, as shown in Figure 11-29.

Figure 11-29.  Resource planning board

Chapter 11 PP/DS in S/4HANA

Alert Monitor
You can create alert profiles for each application in PP/DS. Based on the alert profile,
the system will generate an alert or notification to report a problem. This enables you to
monitor the system and make sure the system is running smoothly. The alert monitor
is used to display all the alerts that have arisen and allows you to navigate directly
to the relevant application in order to resolve the problem. You can access the alert
monitor using Transaction Code /SAPAPO/AMON1. It can also be accessed via the product
view (Transaction Code /SAPAPO/RRP3) or the planning board (Transaction Code /

Plan Monitor
The plan monitor can be used to determine the quality of the current planning situation.
You can also compare several plans and simulation versions, or you can also compare
planning over several planning periods.
Key figure variants must be created in the key figure schema. These key figures are
considered by the plan monitor. It evaluates the key figures for a plan in relation to
specific objects, versions, and periods, and then assigns scores to the results. You can a
use standard calculation (such as a sum or mean value), or you can also create your own
calculation rules to calculate scores.

This chapter discussed PP/DS, which has now been integrated with SAP S/4HANA. It
discussed the master data objects in PP/DS, heuristics, the planning board, and other
PP/DS functions.
The next chapter discusses DDMRP (demand-driven replenishment), which is
another latest innovation in SAP S/4HANA.


Demand-Driven Material
Requirements Planning
In this chapter, you learn about demand-driven replenishment (DDMRP), which
is a new approach to classical MRP that reacts more quickly to demand and supply
fluctuations. The chapter discusses how DDMRP can be executed in SAP S/4HANA using
the Fiori apps.

 hat Is Demand-Driven Material Requirements

Planning (DDMRP)?
In 2011, Carol Ptak and Chad Smith introduced a new concept to the world called
demand-driven material requirements planning, or DDMRP.
Traditional MRP is fundamentally forecast-driven. However, the supply chain is
extremely volatile and uncertain in today’s age. The forecasts, which are generated
based on historical figures, can’t be trusted to be 100 percent accurate. There are a lot of
uncertainties that cannot be foreseen and, thus, could result in component shortages.
Industry experts calls the supply chain in today’s world VUCA—Volatile, Uncertain,
Complex, and Ambiguous. DDMRP tries to answer these uncertainties by responding to
real-time fluctuations in demand.
Classic MRP operates on the “push” principle and therefore pushes inventory into
the system based on forecasts or demands. DDMRP is an innovative multi-echelon pull
methodology that is based on three principles—position, protect, and pull.

© Himanshu Goel 2022
H. Goel, Handbook for SAP PP in S/4HANA,
Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

Why Is DDMRP Needed?

2021-22 witnessed shortages of semi-conductors like never before. This was because
vehicle sales plummeted in early 2020 due to COVID restrictions, which forced
automakers to cut short their orders for chips and semi-conductors. The demand for
vehicles recovered much faster than predicted, but the semi-conductor manufacturers
had already diverted their production toward other applications.
Things change very quickly in today’s dynamic supply chain. When demand
fluctuates, Classical MRP tries to solve this issue by consuming the buffer stock. While
the buffer stock does help in mitigating the shortages, it can only prevent some of the
shortages. Also, if you’re always keeping buffer stock, it means you’re blocking inventory
and capital.
The supply chain has tons of variability caused by several factors, such as forecast
inaccuracy, logistics delays, and more. While variability cannot be eliminated altogether,
inventory costs and component shortages can be mitigated using DDMRP.
DDMRP takes variability out of the equation by using “pull” for materials in a
demand-driven approach. Rather than relying on forecast accuracy—and buffering
for fluctuations in demand and supply—DDMRP tracks actual usage and manages
replenishment through a simple visual system. Buffer inventory is only used to ensure
the availability of key items that are deemed to be of strategic importance. With the use
of DDMRP, there is less inventory overall and fewer shortages.
DDMRP combines some of the features of Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
and Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP) together with the concepts like pull and
visibility emphasize lean manufacturing and the theory of constraints and the variability
reduction emphasis of Six Sigma.

 omponents of Demand-Driven Material

Requirement Planning
DDMRP methodology is based on three principles—position, protect, and pull. These
three principles comprise of five components—Strategic Inventory Positioning, Buffer
Profiles and Levels, Dynamic Adjustments, Demand-Driven Planning, and Visible and
Collaborative Execution. The first three components fundamentally outline the initial
and evolving configuration of the planning model to be used for DDMRP and the last
two components define the day-to-day process. Figure 12-1 illustrates this.

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

Buffer Profiles and Dynamic Adjustments Demand Driven Collaboration

Strategic Decoupling
Levels Planning

Figure 12-1.  The principles of DDMRP methodology

Position: The first step is to identify strategic materials that are placed at critical
points in the BOM structure. As per the Theory of Constraints method, the critical
resources that determine manufacturing limitations are known as constraints. These
critical materials or constraints must be the prime focus over other components.
Protect: Once the critical components are identified, the next step is to ensure
availability of these components by using inventory as a buffer. However, this buffer
inventory is not defined as static safety stock. It is rather dynamic.
Pull: The inventory levels of the critical components are continuously monitored
and used for managing buffer inventory using an innovative pull technique. Visual cues
are used to maintain the buffer inventory within a specified range.
The five components of demand-driven material requirement planning are:
1. Strategic Inventory Positioning: These are materials that have
significant variability or fluctuations in the demand or supply,
materials with very long lead times, or materials with bottleneck
in the production capacities. They are the top candidates for
DDMRP. The planner should identify these materials and
determine the decoupling point.

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

2. Buffer Profiles and Levels: The planner should determine the

inventory levels to be stocked (buffer stock) at each decoupling
point. Materials with similar variability can be grouped together,
relevant buffer profiles can be assigned, and buffer levels can be
maintained. The buffer level is calculated based on the average
consumption of the materials.

Let’s look at some important terms used with buffer sizing:

• Average daily usage (ADU): As the name suggests, it refers to

average consumption of a material in a period of time.

• Minimum order quantity (MOQ): The minimum quantity of an

order to be procured from a vendor or to be produced in-house.

• Decoupled lead time (DLT): Lead time is usually referred to as the

time required to procure a material (i.e., to produce or purchase
a material). When none of the components is available, the total
time required to procure all the raw materials and produce the
semi-finished and finished assemblies, the total time taken is called
cumulative lead time. However, with the introduction of buffered
positions in DDMRP, it can be assumed that stocked positions are
available. Therefore, the total time to procure all the components
except for the buffered position is referred to as decoupled lead
Time (DLT).

Calculation of Buffer Zones

The buffer zone is divided into three zones—Green, Yellow, and Red—as shown in
Figure 12-2.

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

Top of Green (TOG)
Maximum Stock
 Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)
 Desired Order Cycle (DOC) x Decoupled Lead Time (DLT)
 Average Daily Usage (ADU) x Decoupled Lead Time (DLT) x Lead time
Green (LT) factor

Top of Yellow (TOY)

Reorder Point

Average Daily Usage (ADU) x Decoupled Lead Time (DLT


Top of Red (TOR)

Safety stock
Red Variability factor x Red Zone Base
Minimum Safety
stock Red
Average Daily Usage (ADU) x Decoupled Lead Time (DLT) x Lead time (LT) factor
Figure 12-2.  Buffer zones

The buffer zones are calculated based on the average consumption over the entire
decoupled lead time (i.e., ADU x DLT). Each zone is then calculated as below.
Green zone: Green zone is calculated based on either of the three, whichever is the
• Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)

• Desired Order Cycle (DOC) x Decoupled Lead Time (DLT)

• Average Daily Usage (ADU) x Decoupled Lead Time (DLT) x Lead

Time (LT) factor

The highest point of the green zone is called Top of Green (TOG) and it reflects a
comfortable buffer position. When the stock on hand crosses the TOG, it indicates an
excessive inventory level and is called Over the Top of Green (OTOG).
Yellow zone: Average Daily Usage (ADU) x Decoupled Lead Time (DLT).
The highest point of the yellow zone is called Top of Yellow (TOY). When the on-­
hand inventory falls below TOY, then it is considered a warning for the buffer.

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

Red zone: The red zone is split into two sub-zones—the Red Zone Safety and the Red
Zone Base.
Red Zone Base is calculated as Average Daily Usage (ADU) x Decoupled Lead Time
(DLT) x Lead time (LT) factor. Red Zone Safety is calculated as variability factor x Red
Zone Base.
The Total Red Zone is the sum of the Red Zone Safety and the Red Zone Base.
The highest point of the red zone is called Top of Red (TOR). When the on-hand
stock levels falls below the TOR, it calls for urgent and immediate action from the

1. Dynamic adjustments: The whole idea behind DDMRP is that

the buffer levels should be dynamic and should react quickly
to demand/supply situations. The buffer levels are adjusted
automatically based on the average daily usage (ADU) of the
component. Although the dynamic adjustment is quite robust, it
might be necessary to adjust them manually due to several factors
like promotions or seasonality, product lifecycle (phase-in or
phase-out), and so on.

2. Demand-driven planning: The planner can create replenishment

orders using the visual planning tools. The orders are created
based on the net flow position. The net flow position is calculated
based on the following formula:

Net flow position = Stock on hand + Ordered quantity – Qualified

Sales order demand

In this equation, note the term “qualified” sales order demand.

A sales order demand is considered “qualified” if it is past due,
due today, or if it is a spike. A day is considered a spike if it is
a configurable number of times above ADU (Average Daily
Usage). If the net flow position for a component falls below the
top of yellow, then a replenishment order is created to reach the
inventory up to top of green.

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

3. Visible and collaborative execution: The planners should take

action as proposed by the system. The replenishment orders
must be converted to production orders or purchase orders.
Material lead times or scheduling synchronization alerts can be
used to quickly respond to material shortages. Demand-driven
replenishment operates on a priority-based pull system and
notifies the planner whenever there is a need for urgent action.

SAP adopted the new methodology by the Demand Driven Institute and introduced
demand-driven replenishment in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 1708 and SAP S/4HANA 1709.
Now that you have read about these DDMRP concepts, it’s time to find out how to map
these concepts in SAP S/4HANA.

Setup in the Material Master
Identify the relevant materials for demand-driven MRP and assign the MRP type: D1
(demand-driven MRP, fixing type -1-) in the MRP 1 view of the material master, as shown
in Figure 12-3. D1 is a new MRP type for demand-driven replenishment, which has been
launched in the S/4HANA release 1709. You must also assign the Lot Sizing Procedure
as H1 or HB to replenish up to the maximum stock level. You must also maintain the
following fields:

• Minimum Safety Stock: This field acts as Top of Red – Safety

• Safety Stock: This field acts as Top of Red – Base

• Reorder point: This field acts as Top of Yellow

• Maximum stock level: This field acts as Top of Green

These fields are maintained but are eventually overwritten based on the values
calculated by DDR and the actual consumption data.

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

Figure 12-3.  Material master: MRP1 view

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

Schedule Product Classification (DD)

You can classify the materials using the Schedule Product Classification app. You can
use this app to classify the materials based on several parameters, including Usage Value
in % (ABC Classification), BOM Usage (PQR classification), and Coefficient of Variation
(XYZ Classification). Based on the classification, the system determines if the product
should be replenished using DDMRP and eventually helps assign the buffer profile in the
Stock positioning, which is the consequent step of the DDMRP process.
Click the Schedule Product Classification (DD) app in the demand-driven
replenishment section of the Fiori apps (see Figure 12-4).

Figure 12-4.  Schedule Product Classification (DD) tile

Click the New button to schedule a new job to classify the products based on the
criteria you would like to specify. In the Product Selection criteria, you must specify
the products or product groups that you want to classify—the plant and MRP area.
The number of days in the past is used to calculate the material movements during
that period.
In the Parameters section, you must specify the values according to how the products
should be classified, as shown in Figure 12-5.

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

Figure 12-5.  New job: product classification for demand-driven replenishment

Each product can be classified in three groups according to the defined criteria:

• ABC Classification: Materials are classified based on the historical

consumption (i.e., it analyzes the material movements in the
specified period and determines the proportion of the goods
movement). Materials with the highest consumption are classified as
A while the materials with the lowest consumption are classified as
C. The materials that have a lower proportion of consumption than A
materials but higher than C are classified as B.

• PQR Classification: Materials are classified based on the usage of

a component in the BOMs (i.e., to determine how many BOMs a
component is assigned to). The higher number of BOM assignments
means the component has a higher relevance for planning.

• XYZ Classification: XYZ analysis is used to classify the products

based on their variability of demand (i.e., to determine the deviation
of demand from the forecast). When the deviation is negligible
or lowest, then the products are classified as X, the products with
medium to high deviation are classified as Y, and the products with
unpredictable demands are classified as Z items.
Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

The Schedule Product Classification app classifies products based on three criteria:

• How frequent and how much is the material used?

• How many finished goods are impacted by the product based on

usage in BOM?

• How accurate is the forecast?

These characteristics play a key role in determining the central process of demand-­
driven replenishment process, since they can help determine how the product should be
managed and if there is a need to maintain inventory of the product.

Mass Maintenance of Products (DD)

This app is used to display and change the product details or the master data records
for the products that are relevant for DDMRP. The result of classification of the products
from the previous step is displayed in this app, as you can see in Figure 12-6. The
classification of each product is displayed in the app. You can use the Mass Change
function if you want to change the material master data for products. This app can also
be used to derive stock positioning of the products based on the classification results.

Figure 12-6.  Mass maintenance of products (DD)

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

Product classification plays a critical role in determining the variability factor and
the lead time factor since these values are calculated based on the classification results,
which are later used for buffer proposal calculation.
SAP comes preconfigured with a standard buffer profile, which contains standard
values for the variability factor as well as the lead time factor. However, it is not possible
to define buffer profile values. It can only be changed using view cluster PPH_DD_
PROFILE_ASG_VC with the Transaction Code SM34.
The buffer profile can be defined at the plant level, which contains various fields like
spike horizon constant, spike horizon DLT multiplier, spike threshold, and on-hand alert
threshold, as shown in Figure 12-7.

Figure 12-7.  Buffer profile: plant

Order Spike Horizon is calculated using the following formula:

Order Spike Horizon = Spike Horizon Constant + (Spike Horizon DLT Multiplier x
Decoupled Lead Time)

Schedule Lead Time Classification of Products (DD)

The next step in demand-driven replenishment is to determine the decoupled lead time.
Lead time determination can only be executed once the decoupling points have been
determined. This is because decoupled lead times for the subsequent buffer calculation
are determined based on the decoupling points. Decoupled lead times are used to
calculate the buffer level.

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

The Schedule Lead Time Classification of Products (DD) app is used to classify
the products based on the decoupled lead time. This is called EFG classification. EFG
classification can only be executed once the dispatching characteristics in demand-­
driven replenishment have been defined. This is because the decoupling points are not
known when the DDR process is initiated.
Click the Schedule Lead Time Classification of Products (DD) app in the Demand-­
Driven Replenishment section of the Fiori apps (see Figure 12-8).

Figure 12-8.  Schedule lead time classification of products (DD) tile

Now click the New button to schedule a new job to classify the products based on
the criteria that you would like to specify. In the product selection criteria, you must
specify the products or product groups that you want to classify—the plant and MRP
area. The number of days in the past is used to calculate the material movements during
that period.
In the Parameters section, you must specify the values according to which products
should be classified with EFG classification. The threshold for decoupled lead times can
be maintained at three levels—in-house production, external procurement, and stock
transfer—as shown in Figure 12-9.
E- products have the shortest lead times according to the specified threshold.
F- products have average lead times according to the specified threshold.
G- products have the longest lead times according to the specified threshold.

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

Figure 12-9.  New job: decoupled lead time (EFG) classification of products (DD)

During EFG classification of the in-house produced materials, all the production/
process orders are identified that fall in the analysis horizon. The replenishment lead
time (RLT) is calculated based on the time between the order creation date and the final
confirmation date. The average RLT is calculated for each material/plant combination.
If the RLT cannot be calculated based on this logic, the in-house production time in the
material master is considered for the RLT.
Similarly, for externally procured materials, all the purchase orders are identified
within the analysis horizon. The replenishment lead time is determined based on the
time between the purchase order creation date and the final delivery date. If the RLT
cannot be calculated using this logic, the planned delivery time from the purchase
info record is used. If the RLT cannot be determined from the info record, the planned
delivery time from the material master is used.

Schedule Buffer Proposal Calculation

The next step in demand-driven replenishment is to determine the central buffer zones
and buffer levels. It can be calculated based on the average daily usage, decoupled lead
time, buffer profiles, and several other factors.

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

Click the Schedule Buffer Proposal Calculation app in the Demand-Driven

Replenishment section of the Fiori apps, as shown in Figure 12-10.

Figure 12-10.  Schedule buffer proposal calculation tile

In this app, you can schedule a job and specify the scheduling parameters of the
job. For example, as a single job or periodic. In the product selection criteria, you can
specify the Product, Product Group, Plant, or MRP Area, as shown in Figure 12-11. You
can specify if the Average Daily Usage should be calculated. You can specify if you want
to recalculate the decoupled lead time or adopt it from the material master. In addition
to this, you can automatically adopt the buffer level proposal in the Automated Proposal
Processing Options section. If you want to review the buffer level proposals and then
adopt them manually, you must select the Do Not Adopt Proposals option.

Figure 12-11.  New job: buffer proposal calculation for demand-driven


Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

Manage Buffer Levels

This app is used to ensure that the products are available whenever they’re needed since
inventory points like the safety stock, reorder point, and maximum stock are calculated.
Click the Manage Buffer Levels app in the Demand-Driven Replenishment section of
the Fiori apps, as shown in Figure 12-12.

Figure 12-12.  Manage buffer levels tile

The Buffer Level field displays the current buffer levels as well as the proposed buffer
levels. As you can see in Figure 12-13, the current stock for Product 64 is 1264 pcs, while
the proposed stock is 52 pcs.

Figure 12-13.  Manage buffer levels

Figure 12-14 shows the buffer levels. The buffer level so far is quite high as compared
to the proposed buffer level today onward. Click the Adopt button if you want to accept
the proposed buffer level.

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

Figure 12-14.  Buffer levels: planning view

Once the buffer proposal is accepted, you can execute MRP Live using
Transaction Code MD01N to generate the replenishment proposals. Now, go to the
Stock Requirement list (MD04) to display the demand and supply situation. New
replenishment orders are generated and inventory points, like safety stock, reorder
point, and maximum stock are updated in the Demand-Driven Replenishment view of
the Stock Requirement List, as shown in Figure 12-15. These inventory points have been
calculated by the DDR process.

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

Figure 12-15.  Stock requirement list: demand-driven replenishment

The replenished can be triggered by MRP, as you saw in the previous example.
However, the replenishment can also be triggered by Fiori apps for demand-driven
replenishment. The next section looks at how to execute replenishments in DDR using
Fiori apps.

Replenishment Execution by On-Hand Status

Click the Replenishment Execution by On-Hand Status app in the Demand-Driven
Replenishment section of the Fiori apps (see Figure 12-16).

Figure 12-16.  Replenishment execution by on-hand status tile

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

The Fiori app called Replenishment Execution by On-Hand Status displays the
existing inventory in the warehouse and determines if the on-hand stock is sufficient for
production (see Figure 12-17).

Figure 12-17.  Replenishment execution by on-hand status

You can click the > button in the Execution Action. The procurement proposals
can be modified as needed. For example, planned orders can be edited, deleted, or
converted into production/process orders and purchase requisitions can be edited or
deleted, as shown in Figure 12-18.

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

Figure 12-18.  Replenishment details

Replenishment Planning by Planning Priority

The Fiori app called Replenishment Planning by Planning Priority is used to postprocess
the output of the planning run. Click the Replenishment Planning by Planning Priority
app in the Demand-Driven Replenishment section of the Fiori apps (see Figure 12-19).

Figure 12-19.  Replenishment planning by planning priority tile

Chapter 12 Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)

The output screen displays the buffer level of all the products. The output is sorted
based on the planning priority. The app also displays other important fields, like Net
Flow Position, Proposed Quantity for Replenishment, Planning Priority Status, and so
on. As you can see in Figure 12-20, the stock of material 108 is below demand, so the app
has generated a replenishment proposal of 1454 pcs. You can click the Create Supply
button to trigger this replenishment.

Figure 12-20.  Replenishment planning by planning priority

In this chapter, you learned about the latest MRP procedure—demand-driven
replenishment. The chapter discussed some of the components of DDMRP, including
strategic inventory positioning, buffer profiles, and so on. It also discussed how demand-­
driven replenishment is performed in SAP and how to execute DDMRP using the
Fiori apps.
The next chapter discusses Predictive MRP (pMRP), which is the latest innovation in
SAP S/4HANA that can be used to identify potential capacity constraints in a long-term
planning horizon.


Predictive MRP
Predictive Material Requirements Planning (pMRP) helps you determine capacity
issues for materials planned with demand driven replenishment. In this chapter, you
learn about the Fiori apps—Schedule pMRP Simulation Creation and Process pMRP
Simulations—which are used for executing pMRP in SAP S/4HANA.

What Is Predictive MRP?

Predictive Material and Resource Planning (pMRP) is a new functionality launched
by SAP on the S/4HANA 1909 release. pMRP aims to identify capacity issues that may
happen in the long run so that planner can evaluate potential solutions to solve capacity
constraints. The production planner can simulate a requirements plan for a long-term
planning horizon to analyze demands, resources, and capital expenditures. This helps
with informed make-or-buy decisions.
Figure 13-1 shows the process flow of pMRP or predictive material and resource
pMRP starts defining a simulation scenario by determining which data from the
MRP should be considered as reference data by the simulation in pMRP.
Planners can copy a simulation to create multiple simulations to compare. Within
a simulation, planners can display capacity issues. Then the planner can make changes
to the capacity of work centers or to the quantity of top-level demands. Planners can
also display the multi-level bill of material, start a preproduction on the component
level, or change the source of the supply to solve capacity issues. These changes are only
simulations, which the planner can compare to analyze the impact of the changes on
the delivery performance or the capacity situation. When planners decide to implement
simulation results in the operative MRP, they can then release the simulation.

© Himanshu Goel 2022
H. Goel, Handbook for SAP PP in S/4HANA,
Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

Figure 13-1.  The predictive MRP process

Prerequisites for pMRP
You must ensure that all the master data relevant to SAP PP exists.

• Material Master

• Bill of Material

• Work Center/Resources
• Routing/Master Recipe

• Production Version

Note  The Predictive Material and Resource Planning solution has been developed
completely to run on the Fiori Launchpad; there are no transactions available
for pMRP.

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

Create the Planned Independent Requirements

The first step is to create forecasts in the form of PIRs. The PIRs are used to produce or
procure materials or components in advance so that materials can be shipped when
sales orders are received from customers. PIRs play a very important role when the
lead time to procure components is quite long and the lead time for supplying finished
products to customer is much shorter.
You can create PIRs with Transaction Code MD61 or you can use the Fiori App called
Maintain PIRs. Figure 13-2 shows the PIRs that have been created for a monthly bucket.

Figure 13-2.  Maintain PIRs

Schedule pMRP Simulation Creation

The first step in the pMRP simulation process is to define the reference data for the
simulation. The same reference data can be used for multiple simulations. The planner
can change the reference data and thus simulate several scenarios and then choose the
one that works best.
The planner can schedule jobs to create pMRP simulations using the Schedule
pMRP Simulation Creation app, as shown in Figure 13-3. The system uses the operative
data that’s used for material requirement planning and modifies it to be used in a
simplified form. This data is called reference data in pMRP. Multiple simulations can be
created using the same reference data. You can also create several scheduling jobs and
create simulations using different reference data.
Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

Figure 13-3.  Schedule pMRP simulation creation tile

Click the Create button to create a new simulation job, as shown in Figure 13-4.

Figure 13-4.  Application jobs

In the General Information tab, you must specify the job name and select one of the
job templates from the following template list:

• Creation of pMRP Simulations via Work Centers

• Creation of pMRP Simulations via Top-Level Materials

• Creation of pMRP Simulations via Components

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

Figure 13-5.  Creating pMRP simulations via top-level materials: template


In the Scheduling Options view, you can define the frequency of the job run. For
example, you can pick single job or recurring job. You can also define the data and time
of the job run. (See Figure 13-6).

Figure 13-6.  Creating pMRP simulations via top-level materials:

scheduling options

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

In the Parameter tab, add or edit the values for ID for reference plan, reference
description, bucket category, start and end date for reference, and simulation ID, as
shown in Figure 13-7.

Figure 13-7.  Creating pMRP simulations via top-level materials: parameters

Also enter the plant and material into the Object Selection section on the same
screen, as shown in Figure 13-8. Then click the Schedule button to execute the job.

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

Figure 13-8.  Creating pMRP simulations via top-level materials: parameters:

object selection

Figure 13-9 shows a list of all the jobs that have been executed for pMRP simulations.
You can also see if the job was executed successfully or with errors or warnings.

Figure 13-9.  Application job status

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

Click the page icon in the Results column to display the results of the pMRP
simulation run. A new window opens and displays the results of the job. Click the cube
icon in the Type Column, as shown in Figure 13-10.

Figure 13-10.  Displaying the results for an application job

Figure 13-11 displays a list of all the materials that were simulated during the pMRP
simulation run. If there are any errors in the simulation run, they are displayed in the
comment field against each material.

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

Figure 13-11.  Document: logs of pMRP simulation

Define Flexible Constraints

You can use this app to define constraints that should be considered during the
simulations. The constraints can be defined for a single material or multiple materials
that are produced in-house or procured externally from other vendors or from
other plants (stock-transfer). These constraints are taken into consideration during
pMRP simulation and the system will issue messages when a constraint is violated.
For example, you can define a constraint quantity for a material in a time period.
If the demand quantity exceeds the constraint quantity, it is displayed as Violated
Constraint in the simulation.

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

Enter the plant and material, as shown in Figure 13-12, and then click the > icon.

Figure 13-12.  Defining flexible constraints

Click the Edit button to define the constraints for the material, as shown in
Figure 13-13.

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

Figure 13-13.  Material constraints

Process pMRP Simulations

This app is used to create simulations for pMRP (see Figure 13-14). For example, you can
change demand quantities and check the impact on the production plan. Likewise, you
can adjust the capacities of the work center and make informed decisions for production
planning. This could eventually help in reducing inventory costs or delayed delivery to
the customer due to capacity constraints.
Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

Figure 13-14.  Process pMRP simulations tile

The app provides a lot of options:

• Display the list of simulations with status of each simulation.

• Change or display the requirement quantity of the material.

• Display the capacity situation per work center.

• Adjust capacity demands for the work center.

• Group work centers.

• Adjust demand for the top-level material.

• Display supplier for each component.

• Display simulation for all levels of the BOM hierarchy.

• Start a preproduction for in-house produced materials.

• Start early procurement of externally procured components.

• Produce materials on alternate production lines.

• Procure components from alternate suppliers.

As shown in Figure 13-15, a simulation has been created and there are three capacity
issues that should be resolved.

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

Figure 13-15.  Process pMRP simulations

Click Simulation Summary and then click the Unresolved Issues view to display all
the issues. As shown in Figure 13-16, the issues are caused by capacity overload.

Figure 13-16.  Simulation summary

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

To resolve these issues, you must go back to the previous screen by clicking the Back
icon. Now select the simulation.
In the Demand Plan Simulation window, the planning periods that have capacity
issues are highlighted in red, as shown in Figure 13-17. If you hover the mouse over any
of the highlighted weeks, the system will display the issues for that particular week.
In the Inspector panel on the right, click Multi-Level Material Simulation to display
all the components in the BOM hierarchy and resolve the issues associated with each

Figure 13-17.  Demand plan simulation

Figure 13-18 displays the multi-level material simulation for finished material 26. As
you can see in the Inspector Panel, there are two issues—Capacity Overload and Outside
of Simulation.

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

Figure 13-18.  Multi-level material simulation

Change Available Capacity: Click the Capacity Plan Simulation option to resolve the
capacity issue. A new screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-19. To resolve the issues,
click Change Available Capacity.

Figure 13-19.  Capacity plan simulation

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

A popup window appears, and the system displays the capacity situation. The system
also proposes a capacity utilization. You can accept the proposal by clicking Adopt
Proposal, as shown in Figure 13-20.

Figure 13-20.  Change available capacity

Shift Demand: The other way to resolve this issue is to shift demand, as shown in
Figure 13-19.
A new window appears, as shown in Figure 13-21. Click the Shift Demand option in
the Inspector panel. Click Adopt Proposal and then click Apply.

Figure 13-21.  Shift the top-level demand

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

If you go back to the Demand Plan Simulation screen (see Figure 13-22), you can see
that the quantity for the month of October has been reduced to 13.

Figure 13-22.  Demand plan simulation

Now click the quantity in November to display issues in the Inspector Panel and then
click Multi-Level Material Simulation. See Figure 13-23.

Figure 13-23.  Multi-level material simulation

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

As shown in Figure 13-24, there are two ways to solve this issue—Change Source of
Supply or Pull In Quantity.
Change Source of Supply: If the material has multiple production versions, you can
choose the Change Source of Supply option. This function is preferred when you can
produce the material with multiple production versions and do not want to preproduce
the material. Select the material and click Change Source of Supply. The system will
display the required quantity and the missing quantity.

Figure 13-24.  Change source of supply

The material has two production versions, but only 13 pieces could be produced on
the first production version. There is no available capacity on the second production
version. If there was enough capacity on the second production version, the system
would have proposed you produce the remaining 87 pieces on the second production
If you go back to the Multi-Level Material Simulation, as shown in Figure 13-25, you
can still see these issues. Try to resolve these issues using other option—Pull In Quantity.

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

Figure 13-25.  Multi-level material simulation

A new popup window appears, as shown in Figure 13-26. There is a shortage of one

component, so the system is trying preproduction or early procurement. However, there
is no available capacity in October, which is why the proposed distribution is 0.

Figure 13-26.  Pull-in quantity

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

Since the issues in November couldn’t be resolved completely, the best way is to
change the available capacity, as explained earlier. As shown in Figure 13-27, all the
capacity issues have been resolved.

Figure 13-27.  Capacity plan simulation

Preproduce: As a planner, you have decided that you would like to preproduce
the material, which means you’ll produce the material in advance before the actual
requirement date and keep it in stock to resolve capacity issues. Click Preproduce and
the system will automatically propose the available slots where the production can be
done. The system will give a proposal to preproduce during an earlier week or month.
If the planner is convinced with the proposed preproduction, they can click Adopt
Proposal. Then, the system updates the Capacity Distribution field with the Proposed
Distribution quantity. Click the Apply button so that the system will move the missing
production quantity to the proposed week. This will also resolve the issues that were
reported earlier.
In this way, pMRP helps planners simulate capacity issues and resolve issues in
several ways, such as by adjusting demand or preproducing materials. Once the planner
is satisfied with the simulation, they can release the simulation by clicking the Release
icon, as shown in Figure 13-28.

Chapter 13 Predictive MRP

Figure 13-28.  Process pMRP simulations

Once you release the simulation, the planned independent requirements

are generated with active version 00 for materials planned via demand driven
replenishment. For the top-level materials, you can select the requirement version
manually, as shown in Figure 13-29.

Figure 13-29.  Release

In this chapter, you learned about pMRP (predictive material and resource planning),
which is the latest innovation in SAP S/4HANA. The chapter also discussed several
methods that the system can propose to solve capacity issues.
So far, the book has covered all the processes and functionalities offered in SAP
S/4HANA PP. The next chapter discusses reports and other analytical tools that are
available from the SAP S/4HANA GUI, as well as Fiori apps.


Reporting and Analytics
This chapter discusses several reports and tools that can be used for reporting and
analysis purposes. They can be executed using SAP GUI. It also discusses the latest
monitoring tools available in Fiori apps.
A lot of reports and analytic tools are available in SAP that give you strategic insight
into your business operations. This chapter discusses reports that can help you make
informed decisions. You can use standard reports for analyzing master data, the
production planning process, order management, stock analysis, and so on.

Materials List
You can use the materials list to display materials in a plant. Choose Logistics ➤
Production ➤ Master Data ➤ Material Master ➤ Other ➤ Materials List. You can also
use Transaction Code MM60 to display the materials list.
Enter the materials or manufacturer part number or simply enter the plant to display
all the materials in the plant, as shown in Figure 14-1. You can enter additional selection
criteria, such as the material type and material group, or you can display the materials
created by a specific user. The Valuated Materials Only indicator displays only the
materials for which accounting data has been created.

© Himanshu Goel 2022
H. Goel, Handbook for SAP PP in S/4HANA,
Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-1.  Materials list: selection screen

Based on the selection criteria, the system displays the materials and other relevant
information, like the plant, material description, material type, material group, MRP
type, valuation class, price, currency, and so on, as shown in Figure 14-2.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-2.  Materials list

This report can be quite useful if you want to analyze the materials that are created
for your plant or for a material type or material group in a plant. You can also export the
list to an Excel file by choosing List ➤ Export ➤ Spreadsheet.

Report for Bill of Materials

Several reports are available for analyzing a bill of materials (BOMs). You can display a
multilevel BOM or use the where-used list for components.

Explode: Level-by-Level BOM

If you created a complex bill of material with several levels of semifinished assemblies
and you want to display everything in a single screen, you can use the Explode: Level
by Level BOM report. Access this report by choosing Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Master

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Data ➤ Bills of Material ➤ Reporting ➤ SAP HANA-Based BOM Explosion ➤ Explode:

Level by Level BOM. You can also use Transaction Code CS11H to display a level-by-­
level BOM.
Enter the material, plant, alternative BOM, and application, as shown in Figure 14-3,
and then click Execute.

Figure 14-3.  Explode level-by-level BOM: initial screen

Figure 14-4 displays all the components that are needed to produce the finished
assembly in a level-by-level structure.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-4.  Explode level-by-level BOM

Explode Multilevel BOM

Similar to the CS11H Explode: Level by Level BOM report, the Explode: Multilevel BOM
report can display multilevel BOMs. Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Master Data ➤
Bills of Material ➤ Reporting ➤ SAP HANA-Based BOM Explosion ➤ Explode: Multilevel
BOM. You can also use Transaction Code CS12H to display a multilevel BOM.
Enter the material, plant, alternative BOM, and application, as shown in Figure 14-5,
and click Execute.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-5.  Explode multilevel BOM: initial screen

Figure 14-6 displays all the components that are needed to produce the finished
assembly in a multilevel structure.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-6.  Explode multilevel BOM

The CS11H and CS12H reports are quite similar except for the fact that the CS11H
report displays the components level-by-level (i.e., all the materials at level 1 are
displayed first and then all the components at second level, and so on). Once all the
components at level 1 are displayed, the components of level 1 are displayed. Whereas
in CS12H, the components are displayed in a multilevel hierarchy. The first level of the
component is displayed and then all the components required to produce level 1 are
displayed in a hierarchical way.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Where-Used List: Material

You can use this report to analyze which component has been used in how many BOMs
by choosing Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Master Data ➤ Bills of Material ➤ Reporting ➤
Where-Used List ➤ Material. You can also use Transaction Code CS15 to display the
where-used list.
Enter the component for which you want to determine the usage in BOMs and select
the Material BOM indicator, as shown in Figure 14-7.

Figure 14-7.  Where-used list: material: initial screen

A new screen appears where you must enter the required quantity or resulting
quantity and then click Execute.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

The output displays a list of all the BOMs that use the component entered on the
initial screen, as shown in Figure 14-8.

Figure 14-8.  Material where-used list

Multiple Material Where-Used List

Similar to CS15, the where-used list, you can use report CS15M to display usage of
multiple materials in the BOM. Choose Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Master Data ➤ Bills
of Material ➤ Reporting ➤ Where-Used List ➤ Multiple Material. You can also use
Transaction Code CS15M to display the where-used list for multiple materials.
You can enter multiple materials, as shown in Figure 14-9, or you can enter a range of
materials to display the usage of selected materials in the BOM. Click Execute.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-9.  Material where-used list: initial screen

The output list shows all the materials where the material is assigned as a
component in the bill of material, as shown in Figure 14-10.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-10.  Material where-used list

Report for Work Center

This section discusses a few reports that can help when reporting and analyzing work

Work Center List

You can use the Work Center List report to display all work centers in a plant. Do so by
choosing Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Master Data ➤ Work Centers ➤ Reporting ➤ Work
Center List or use Transaction Code CR05. Enter the plant and click Execute, as shown in
Figure 14-11.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-11.  Work center list: selection screen

The output list displays all the work centers in plant SG11, as shown in Figure 14-12.

Figure 14-12.  Work center list

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Cost Center Assignment

You can use the Cost Center Assignment report to display an assignment of cost centers
to the work centers in a plant by choosing Logistics ➤ Production ➤ Master Data ➤
Work Centers ➤ Reporting ➤ Cost Center Assignment or using Transaction Code CR06.
Enter the plant and click Execute, as shown in Figure 14-13.

Figure 14-13.  Assignment of work centers to cost centers: initial screen

The output list displays the cost centers per work centers as well as the activities
assigned, as shown in Figure 14-14.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-14.  Assignment of work centers to cost centers

Stock/Requirements List
The stock requirement list is used to display the real-time stock situation and all the
demand and supply elements. This is (arguably) the most important report for the
logistics function in SAP, as it displays anything and everything happening in the logistics
area. This is a dynamic list that displays a real-time situation every time the report is
executed using Transaction Code MD04.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Demand Elements: These are MRP elements that generate the requirements for the
material stock and thus credit (or reduce) the stock in the plant or warehouse. Demand
elements are, thus, represented as -ve stock in Stock Requirement list (Transaction
Code MD04).
Some of the most common demand elements displayed in MD04 are as follows:

• Concrete demands for finished goods from customers in terms of

sales orders or schedule lines

• Planned independent requirements for finished goods coming from

S&OP: sales forecast.

• Material reservations

• Dependent requirements for a semifinished or raw material

Supply elements: These are MRP elements that fulfill the requirements and thus
debit (or add) the stock in the plant or warehouse. Supply elements are represented with
+ve stock in the stock requirement list (Transaction Code MD04).
Some of the most common supply elements in MD04 are as follows:

• Purchase requisitions for externally procured materials which are

then converted to purchase orders

• Planned orders for in-house produced materials which are

subsequently converted to production orders

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-15.  Stock requirement list

The system generates the exception messages to attract the planner’s attention. The
planner can double-click the exception message and view the details of the exception
message at the bottom of the screen. In Figure 14-15, you can see the exception message
10, which means Reschedule In. This is one of the most common exception messages
a planner will observe. Another common exception message is 15, which means
Reschedule Out. For rescheduling exception messages, the system proposes a date in the
Rescheduling Date column.
Table 14-1 shows a list of exception messages available in the stock requirement list
together with the selection groups.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Table 14-1.  Exception Messages

Selection Group Exception No. Exception Message

1 69 Recursive BOM components possible

2 New and opening date in the past
5 Opening date in the past
2 3 New and start date in the past
6 Start date in the past
63 Production start before order start
3 4 New and finish date in the past
7 Finish date in the past
64 Production finish after order finish
4 1 Newly created order proposal
42 Order proposal has been changed
44 Order proposal re-exploded
46 Order proposal has been manually changed
61 Scheduling: Customizing inconsistent
62 Scheduling: Master data inconsistent
80 Reference to retail promotion
82 Item is blocked
5 50 No BOM exists
52 No BOM selected
53 No BOM explosion due to missing config.
55 Phantom assembly not exploded

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Table 14-1.  (continued)

Selection Group Exception No. Exception Message

6 25 Excess stock
26 Excess in individual segment
27 Excess stock applied to superceding mat.
27 Underdelivery tolerance
40 Coverage not provided by master plan
56 Shortage in the planning time fence
57 Disc. matl partly replaced by follow-up
58 Uncovered reqmt after effective-out date
59 Receipt after effective-out date
60 Disc., rec. applied to superceding mat.
70 Max. release qty - quota exceeded
96 Stock fallen below safety stock level
7 10 Reschedule in
15 Reschedule out
20 Cancel process
30 Plan process according to schedule
8 98 Abnormal end of materials planning

You can click the Show Overview Tree button to display the Order Report, as shown
in Figure 14-16. You can display all the components required for the order. This is a
multilevel report that displays the components and their receipt elements. The order
report can help you determine any potential issues in the production of the assemblies
or procurement of the components. The order report can also be executed using
Transaction Code MD4C.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-16.  Order report

MRP List
The MRP List is almost similar to the MD04: Stock Requirement list except for the fact
that the MRP List is static. The MRP List shows the situation that was a result of last MRP
run. The MRP List can be executed using Transaction Code MD05, which gives users the
flexibility to check the results of last MRP run and, if needed, compare the situation with
the current situation.

The Order Information System

The Order Information System is a report to display all the information for production/
planned orders. The report can be executed using Transaction Code COOIS (or COOISPI
if you’re using PP-PI) and can be executed at several levels to display different sets of
data. If you’re in PP-PI, you can use the COOISP report. These levels are called lists.
Some of the most commonly used lists are:

• Order header

• Components

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

• Operations

• Confirmation

• Documented goods movements

You can filter the production order by a range of selection parameters on the
selection screen; for example, by material, plant, order type, MRP controller, production
supervisor, system status, and so on.

Order Headers
The Order Header list is used to display the header level information of the planned
or production orders. This is probably the most often used list, and it’s used to display
information like the material, order number, order type, order quantity, confirmed
quantity, delivered quantity, start date/time, end date/time, system status, and so on,
as shown in Figure 14-17. The list is quite useful for getting a quick sneak peek into the
overall production situation.

Figure 14-17.  Order info system: order headers

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

The Components list is used to display the semifinished assemblies or components
required to produce an order. Based on the selection criteria, the report displays
information such as the order number, material (component or semifinished assembly
from the order), requirement quantity, requirement date, quantity withdrawn, BOM
item number, activity (operation number based on component allocation), and so on, as
shown in Figure 14-18.

Figure 14-18.  Order info system: components

The Operations list is used to display all the required operations for the order. The
list displays important fields, such as order, activity, work center, operation quantity,
confirmed quantity, start date, end date, system status of the operation, and so on, as
shown in Figure 14-19. This list can be used to determine the daily workload on each
work center.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-19.  Order info system: operations

The Confirmations list is used to display order confirmations. The relevant data from
a confirmation point of view is displayed in the report, such as the order number, the
confirmation number, the quantity confirmed, the scrap confirmed, and so on.

Documented Goods Movements

The Documented Goods Movements list is used to display all the goods movement (i.e.,
the goods issue of the components and goods receipt of the finished assembly).

Fiori Apps
Several Fiori apps are available in the Production Planning module, which can be used
for reporting and analysis. The following list includes are some of the Fiori apps most
commonly used in SAP PP:

• Monitor Material Coverage

• Manage Material Coverage

• Monitor External Requirements

• Manage External Requirements

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

• Monitor Internal Requirements

• Manage Internal Requirements

• Monitor Production Orders or Process Orders

• Manage Production Orders or Process Orders

• Display MRP Master Data Issues

• Capacity Scheduling Table

• Explode Bills of Material

• Monitor Capacity Utilization

Monitor Material Coverage (F0247)

This app is used to monitor the stock situation of all the materials in a selected area of
responsibility. You can define the shortage definition and time horizon for the materials
that you want to monitor. Based on the shortage definition, the system determines which
materials have shortages in the specified time horizon, as shown in Figure 14-20.

Figure 14-20.  Monitor material coverage

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Manage Material Coverage (F0251)

This app is used to solve shortages, as determined in the Monitor Material Coverage app.
You can simulate different proposals proposed by the system and choose the one that
best suits you, as shown in Figure 14-21.

Figure 14-21.  Manage material coverage

Monitor External Requirements (F0246)

This app is used to monitor the uncovered requirements that are created from sales
orders or stock transport orders in a selected area of responsibility. You can define the
shortage definition and time horizon for the materials that you want to monitor. Based
on the shortage definition, the system determines the uncovered external requirements
in the specified time horizon, as shown in Figure 14-22.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-22.  Monitor external requirements

Manage External Requirements (F0250)

This app is used to solve the shortages determined in the Monitor External
Requirements app. You can simulate different proposals proposed by the system and
choose the one that’s best suited for you, as shown in Figure 14-23.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-23.  Manage external requirements

Monitor Internal Requirements (F0263)

This app is used to monitor all the internal requirements generated from orders, such
as production order, process orders, maintenance orders, and so on. The app is used
to ensure that all the required components are available on time and in the required
quantity. You can define the shortage definition and time horizon for the components
that you want to monitor. Based on the shortage definition, the system determines the
uncovered internal requirements in the specified time horizon, as shown in Figure 14-24.

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-24.  Monitor internal requirements

Manage Internal Requirements (F0270)

This app is used to solve the shortages determined in the Monitor Internal Requirements
app. You can simulate different proposals proposed by the system and choose the one
that is best suited for you, as shown in Figure 14-25.

Figure 14-25.  Manage internal requirements

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Monitor Production Orders or Process Orders (F0266A)

This app is used to monitor the production or process order in the specified area of
responsibility. You can determine if the materials will be available on-time for pegged
requirements. Similarly, you can check the operations status and quantity confirmed per
operation, and so on. The system can also determine if the order will be finished on time
or will be late based on the shortage definition. (See Figure 14-26).

Figure 14-26.  Monitor production or process orders

Manage Production Orders or Process Orders (F0273)

This app is used to solve the shortages determined in the Monitor Production Orders or
Process Orders app. You can simulate different proposals proposed by the system and
choose the one that is best suited for you. (See Figure 14-27).

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-27.  Manage production or process orders

Display MRP Master Data Issues (S23OP)

You can use this app to display all the issues related to the master data that were
identified during the planning run using MRP Live. The app displays all the error
messages as well as success messages for the last MRP Live run. You can accept certain
issues and use filters to restrict the issues. (See Figure 14-28).

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-28.  Display MRP master data issues

Capacity Scheduling Table (S21OP)

This app can be used to prioritize and preschedule orders to be dispatched from a work
center. You can select the source of the supply (i.e., production version) and the work
centers to dispatch the orders on the selected dates. The app proposes to use the work
center that has the available capacity to meet the requirements. You can switch the
production version if the capacity is inadequate or you can also reschedule orders. (See
Figure 14-29).

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Figure 14-29.  Capacity scheduling table

Explode Bills of Material (S23OP)

You can use this app to display the overall structure of a bill of material for a finished
assembly. The app displays all the semifinished assemblies as well as the components
that are required to produce the finished assembly. (See Figure 14-30).

Figure 14-30.  Explode bills of material

Chapter 14 Reporting and Analytics

Monitor Capacity Utilization (S21OP)

You can use this app to monitor the capacity utilization of the work center or resources.
The list displays all the work centers and a quick overview of the load situation so
that you can react to overload situations or assign orders to work centers that are
underutilized, as shown in Figure 14-31.
You can select the evaluation profile to determine which orders or operations should
be taken into account You can also select the evaluation horizon to restrict the time
frame of your evaluation.

Figure 14-31.  Monitor capacity utilization (S21OP)

This chapter discussed several reports that can be used to report or analyze master
objects like BOM or work center, or to analyze the demand versus supply situation, or to
review production order information. The chapter also discussed several Fiori Apps that
can be used to monitor and control supply chain elements.

A master data, 16
migration, 88
Activity backflush, 305, 307, 309
phantom, 53
Alert monitor, 380
status keys, 49
Apportionment Structure, 276
stock/non-stock item, 50
Assemble-to-order (ATO), 38, 116
subitems, 52
Assignment view, 183–185, 243, 244
usage, 46, 47
Automatic final confirmation, 262, 264
valid from date/item number, 49
Automatic goods movement, 278–281
Buffer levels, 396
Automatic reorder point planning,
Buffer zones, 384, 386, 387
32, 37, 145, 154
Business case, 258, 260, 261, 264, 271
Available capacity, 6, 64, 202–207, 211,
By-products, 271–279
254, 362, 417, 420, 454
Average daily usage (ADU), 384–386, 394
Cancel confirmation, 267
B Capacity availability check, 254
Backflush, 35, 57, 278, 305 Capacity dispatched, 183
Backlogs, 214–217 Capacity evaluation, 201
Basic scheduling, 167, 186, 240 CM01, 209–211
Bill of materials (BOM), 150, 249, 251, CM04, 214–217
286, 316 CM05, 217
base quantity, 49 production line, 213
change material, 274 standard overview, 211–214, 216
component, 50, 51, 176 strategy profile, 223
creation, 46 work center, 212
definition, 45 Capacity leveling
documents, 50 graphical planning table, 218
finished/semifinished assembly, 47 operating time, 218
general item overview, 51 orders, 220
header creation, 48 planning table, 220
item category, 49 strategy profile, 222

© Himanshu Goel 2022
H. Goel, Handbook for SAP PP in S/4HANA,

Capacity leveling (cont.) operation details, 260

tabular planning table, 218 operation/order, 258
time profile, 219 operation overview, 261
time scales, 222 order, 264, 265
Capacity planning, 210, 211 time ticket, 259, 260
Capacity reduction, 224 Confirmations list, 446
Capacity requirement planning Confirmed (CNF), 258
available capacity, 202–207 Confirmed date column, 242
capacity requirements, 207, 208 Consignment, 149
interval of available capacity, 205 Constant Mesh Gear Box, 93
leveling, 201 Consumption, 185
work center, 204, 206 Consumption-based planning (CBP), 31
Capacity requirements, 207, 208 C-parts, 153
Capacity scheduling table, 455 forecast-based planning, 145, 155, 156
Checking control, 191, 253 forecast requirements, 156
Checking control customization, 253, 254 planning procedure, 144
Checking group, 190, 253 procurement proposals, 153
Checking rule, 190, 253 reorder point planning, 145, 153–158
Clear Open Reservations, 262 time-phased planning, 145, 157–159
Closed (CLSD) status, 270 Control key, 279
CM01, 209–211 Control key operation times, 250
CM04, 214–217 Control key PP03, 263
CM05, 217 Control parameters, 163, 164
Collective availability, 189 Control recipe, 328, 329
Collective conversion, 196–198, 233, 234 Control recipe destination, 329
Collective order, 149 Control view, 246
Component Backflush, 307 Conversion indictor, 183
Component overview, 186, 187, 251, 252 Co-products, 271–279
Components, 183 Cost apportionment, 272, 273
Components list, 445 Cost center assignment report, 437, 438
Confirmation Coverage profile, 142
actual data, 265 Create Purchase Requisition, 165
cancel, 267 Customer relationship management
display, 266 (CRM), 3
final, 261 Customer requirements
initial screen, 264 requirements, 114
milestone, 263 sales order, 115
operation (see Operation confirmation) Customization setting, 246


D automatic goods movement, 278–281

confirmation, 258–268
Dates/quantities view, 247, 248
description, 227
Dates/times section, 240
operation confirmation, 258–264
Decoupled lead time (DLT), 384, 392
production methodology, 227
Delivered quantity, 240
production order, 228–255
Delivery completed indicator, 245
products, 227
Demand-driven material requirements
rework order, 281
planning (DDMRP)
status management, 269, 270
buffer sizing, 384
Display confirmation, 266
buffer zones, 384, 386, 387
Display Formula, 208
components, 383
Display material, 170, 239
definition, 381
Displays error messages, 174
methodology, 383
Documented Goods Movements
principles, 383
list, 446
in SAP
manage buffer levels, 396–398
mass maintenance of products, E
391, 392
Engineer-to-order (ETO), 116
material master, 387, 388
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), 1
replenishment execution by
business operations, 2
on-hand status app, 398–400
history, 3
replenishment planning by
Execute availability check, 190
planning priority, 400, 401
Explode level-by-level BOM, 428, 429
schedule buffer proposal
Explode multilevel BOM, 430, 431
calculation, 394, 395
External processing view, 251
schedule lead time classification of
products, 392–394
schedule product F
classification, 389–391 Finished assembly (FERT), 18
Demand elements, 134, 191, 439 Fiori application, 378
Demand management capacity scheduling table, 454, 455
proportional factor, 109 display MRP master data
transfer, 104, 105 issues, 453, 454
Demand planning, 354 explode bills of material, 455
Detailed scheduling, 373, 375, 377 external requirements, 448–450
Direct production, 149 internal requirements, 450, 451
Discrete manufacturing, 7 material coverage, 447, 448


Fiori application (cont.) Intervals button, 203

monitor capacity utilization, 456 Inventory level, 139
production orders or process iPhone X, 92
orders, 452, 453
Firming type, 136
Fixed pegging, 353 L
Fixing type, 136 LA Stock Order, 180
Flexibility, 224 Lead time scheduling, 168, 240–242
Flexible constraints, 411, 413 Lean manufacturing, 283
Floats, 243 Level-by-level planning, 91
Forecast-based planning, 145, 155, 156 Lot size calculation
material master, 146
optimum lot size, 148
G period lot size, 148
General view of production order, 238–243 procurement element, 146
Goods issue, 256, 257 static lot size, 147
Goods Movement, 262 types, 147
Goods receipt, 150 Lot size unit, 357
Goods receipt order, 267, 268, 277 Low-level codes, 141, 150
Goods Receipt view, 244–246
GR processing time, 182
Machining line, 271
H Maintenance order, 253
HB Replenishment, 153 Make-to-order (MTO), 115, 116
Header data view, 182, 183 sales order, 130
Header screen, 236 Strategy 20, 129–132
High-Speed Analytical Appliance warehouse stock, 129
(HANA), 2 Make-to-stock (MTS), 115, 116
display material, 118
multi-level MRP, 120
I, J, K planning strategies, 116
Individual/Collective Requirements stock requirement list, 119
Indicator, 130 Strategy 10, 117–121, 124
Individual conversion, 196 Strategy 11, 122–125
Infinite period, 202 strategy 40, 125–129
Info structure S076, 92 Manual creation of Production order, 228
In-house production time, 150 Manual reorder point planning, 154


Manufacturing execution process demand elements, 134

control recipe monitor, 336, 337, 339 departments, 17
maintain PI-sheets, 339–341 description
process order, 333, 335 accounting data, 23
send process messages, 342, 344 classification, 22
Master data view, 185, 186, 248, 249 costing view, 23
Master production scheduling (MPS), 30, data views, 22
142, 144, 151, 152 general plant data/storage, 23
Master/transaction data material master creation, 24
bill of materials, 45–53 meaning, 21
BOM, 16 organizational levels, 25
business scenario, 15, 16 production planning and
manufacturing execution executions tabs, 23
methodologies, 16 purchasing, 22
material master (see Material quality management, 23
Requirements Planning (MRP)) sales views, 22
meaning, 15 FERT, 18
production steps, 16 firming types, 152, 153
production version, 83–88 individual/collective, 41
routing, 73–83 industry sector, 19
unique production technique, 17 master data, 135
work center (see Work center) material availability, 133
workstation, 16 material master, 135
Material availability check, 252, 253 material number, 19
collective availability, 189 MPS, 151, 152
MRP controller, 187 MRP1 view
options, 189 ABC classification, 28
Material Availability Check, 187–192 assembly scrap, 33
Material constraints, 413 consumption-based planning, 31
Material master, 135, 146, 155, 271, forecast-based planning, 31
278, 285 lot size indicator, 32
Material quantity calculations, 325–327 master production scheduling, 30
Material requirements, 143 material master, 26
Material requirements planning (MRP) maximum/minimum quantity, 33
BOM, 150 parameters, 28
central component of ERP, 133 period/optimal lots, 33
control parameters, 163, 164 plant specific material status, 29
definition, 18 procedure, 30


Material requirements production method, 41

planning (MRP) (cont.) repetitive environment, 42
procurement quantity, 32 repetitive manufacturing, 42
reorder point, 32 requirements/demands, 133
reorder-point planning, 31 scheduling, 150, 151
SAP types, 30 supply elements, 134
stock level, 33 total planning run, 159, 160
time-phased planning, 32 types, 19, 21, 144
types, 29 work scheduling view, 42–45
unit of measure, 27 Material Resource Planning, 253
MRP2 view Material scope, 175
backflush, 35 Materials list, 425–427
batches, 35 Material staging, 303
display view, 33, 34 Material where-used list, 433–435
in-house production time, 36 Maximum Stock level, 153
planned delivery time, 36 MD02, 123
procurement type, 34 MD04, 123
procurement types, 35 MD13, 235
safety stock, 36 MIGO, 257
storage location, 36 Milestone confirmation, 263
time scheduling, 36 Minimum order quantity (MOQ), 384
MRP3 view MRP List, 443
availability checking groups, 40 MRP Live, 170–175, 366
consumption mode, 38, 39 Multi-level BOMs, 227
forward/backward Multi-level MRP, 120
consumption, 39 Multi-level MRP run, 161, 162
material master, 37
production environments, 38
strategy group, 38 N
MRP4 view, 40 Net Change Planning, 138, 140
on-time delivery, 143 Net Change Planning flag, 159
planning, 134, 151 Net Change Planning in the Planning
planning engine runs, 136–144 Horizon (NETPL), 164
planning file entry, 137–139 Net Change Planning (NETCH), 164
planning time fence, 135 Net requirement calculation, 142, 143
processing key, 164–170 Net requirements
procurement type, 148, 149 planning, 122


O Planned delivery time, 150

Planned independent requirement (PIR)
Only capacity requirements, 242
consists, 111
Operating time, 207
creation, 111, 127
Operation confirmation, 258–264
customer requirement, 127
Operation details icon, 250
display material, 122
Operations list, 445, 446
initial screen, 110
Operations overview, 250–252
manually/transferred, 110
Optimum lot size, 148
material master, 125
Order confirmation, 264, 265
monthly buckets, 112
automatic goods movement, 278–281
period for splitting, 113
Order costing, 254
planning horizon, 110
Order dispatch, 222
planning period, 110
Order Header list, 444
planning strategies (see Planning
Order information system
components list, 445
planning table, 115
confirmations list, 446
quantities, 121, 124
documented goods movements
sales requirements, 125
list, 446
schedule lines, 114
operations list, 445, 446
Strategy 11, 122–125
order headers, 444
Planned Order number, 234
Order release, 256–258
Planned orders, 165, 183, 184, 372, 373
assignment view, 183–185
P capacity planning, 199
Parallel processing, 170 collective conversion, 233
Parameters, 91 creation, 179, 181
Partial confirmation, 260 header, 236
Partial Conversion, 196 header view, 182, 183
Partially Confirmed (PCNF), 258, 260 initial screen, 179, 196, 232, 236
Pegging strategy, 354 list, 234
Period Indicator, 112 manual creation, 178
Period lot size, 148 master data, 186
Period unit, 91 MD13, 235
PG members, 104 procurement proposal, 177
Phantom assembly, 149 production order (see
Plan explosion, 350 Production order)
Plan monitor, 380 production order creation, 231
production scheduling profiles, 232


Planned orders (cont.) process flow, 403, 404

requirements, 178 reference data, 405
schedule, 186, 187 schedule pMRP simulation
stock requirement list, 230 creation, 405–411
using MD04, 229 simulations
Planning capacity plan, 417, 422
with final assembly, 125–129 change available capacity, 418
key strategies, 116 demand plan, 416, 419
Planning date, 138, 169 multi-level material, 417, 419, 421
Planning file entry process, 414, 415, 423
checking, 137–139 pull-in quantity, 421
creation, 139 summary, 415
display, 140 Process control parameters, 170
lot size calculation, 146–148 Process control system (PCS), 328, 330
low-level code, 141 Process industry
material and plant, 140 master recipes
MPS, 144 bill of materials, 324, 325
net requirement calculation, 142, 143 header, 321, 322
Planning File Entry NETPL, 138 initial screen, 321
Planning mode, 166, 167 material quantity
Planning strategy, 142 calculations, 325–327
Planning table, 220 operations and phases, 322, 324
planned order creation, 300, 301 production version, 318
quantities to production/process resource, 318
orders, 301 Processing key, 164–170
repetitive manufacturing, 299 Process instructions, 330–332
selection parameter, 297 Process manufacturing
time axis, 301, 303 execution methodologies, 7, 10
Planning time fence, 135, 152, 153 master data objects, 9
Popup window, 112 PP-PI resource, 9
Post Goods Issue (PGI), 117 production order-based
Postprocessing list, 310 manufacturing, 8
Predictive material and resource repetitive, 8
planning (pMRP) Process operator, 328
flexible constraints, 411, 413 Process order management
planned independent bill of materials, 316
requirements, 405 control recipes, 328, 329
prerequisites, 404 definition, 313


manufacturing execution (see manual creation, 228

Manufacturing execution) master data view, 248, 249
material masters, 314–316 material availability check, 252, 253
process flow, 329 operations overview, 250–252
process instructions, 330–332 order costing, 254
production version, 318, 319 order release, 256–258
resources, 317, 318 planned orders, 193, 229–235
Procurement proposal, 135 receipt section, 246
MRP run, 177 sequence of operations, 228
planned orders (see Planned orders) settlement rule, 254, 255, 276
Procurement type, 148, 149 stock requirement list, 192–195
Product cost collector, 290–293 technical completion, 270
Product group tolerance percentages, 246
creation, 93–99 Production plan
hierarchical graphic, 95 synchronous to sales, 98
member materials, 94 target days’ supply, 101, 102
multi-level, 92 target stock level, 99, 101
plan creation, 97–99 zero stock level, 103
planning hierarchy, 96 Production planner, 300
production plan, 98–103 Production planning and detailed
sales quantities, 97 scheduling (PP/DS)
similar materials, 92 definition, 345
Production data structure (PDS), 364, 366 detailed scheduling board, 373,
Production dates, 182 375, 377
Production order, 253 locations, 346, 348
assignment, 195, 243, 244 material master
capacity availability check, 254 advanced planning view, 348
closed (CLSD) status, 270 demand, 353–356
collective conversion, 196–198 goods receipt/goods issue, 357, 358
component overview, 251, 252 location-dependent shelf life, 358
control view, 246 lot size, 356, 357
creation, 194 procurement, 349–352
cycle, 227, 228 product master in APO, 359, 361
dates/quantities view, 247, 248 MRP Live, 366
general view, 238–243 optimizer, 377, 378
goods issue, 256, 257 planned orders, 372, 373
goods receipt, 244–246, 267, 268 production data structure, 364, 366
individual conversion, 196 production planning run, 366, 368, 369


Production planning and detailed definition, 283

scheduling (PP/DS) (cont.) in make-to-order environments, 284
product view, 369, 371 in make-to-stock environments, 283
work center/resource, 361–364 master data
Production planning run, 366, 368, 369 bill of materials, 286
Production resource/tools (PRT), 81–83 material master, 285
Production scheduling board, 378 production version, 288, 289
Production Scheduling Profile, 231, 232, rate routing, 286–288
256, 280, 281 planning table (see Planning table)
Production storage location (PSL), 303 post-processing of error records,
Production version, 183, 318, 319 309, 310
details, 86 product cost collector, 290–293
group counter, 85 pull list, 303, 304
migration execution, 87 REM confirmation, 305, 306
object types, 85 reporting point backflush, 307, 308
overview, 84 scrap, 309
production line, 86 standard cost estimate, 293–296
version, 84 Replenishment execution by on-hand
Product master, 359 status, 399
Proposed strategy, 354 Replenishment lead time (RLT), 394
Pull list, 303, 304 Replenishment planning by planning
Purchase Order Exists, 252 priority, 400, 401
Purchase requisition, 165 Reporting point backflush, 307, 308
bill of materials
Q explode level-by-level BOM,
Quantities, 182, 262 427, 429
explode multilevel BOM, 429–431
where-used list, 432–435
R cost center assignment, 437, 438
Rate routing, 286–288 materials list, 425–427
Receipt section, 246 MRP list, 443
Record type, 141 order information system (see Order
Re-explode BOM, 138 information system)
Regenerative Planning (NEUPL), 165 stock/requirements list, 438–443
Released (REL), 270 Work Center List, 435, 436
Reorder point planning, 145, 153–158 Reservation, 243, 244
Repetitive manufacturing Reset availability data, 190


Reset order proposals, 138 Standard SOP, 91, 92

Resource network, 356 strategic direction, 89
Resource planning board, 379 Sales orders (SO), 117, 185
Resource planning table, 379 Sales plan, 104
Rework order, 281 System Application and Products (SAP)
Rough-cut capacity planning (RCCP), 97 business case, 11, 12
Routing, 278 constant mesh gear box, 12
change number, 74 discrete manufacturing, 7
control key, 78, 79 HANA database, 2, 170
counter, 75 history, 3, 4
header details, 75 industry types, 7
initial screens, 73, 74 meaning, 1
key date, 74 process manufacturing, 7–10
lot size, 76 production planning
material assignment, 83 business functions, 4, 5
operation overview, 77 execution methodologies, 7
overall status, 76 manufacturing planning, 5, 6
overlapping, 78 tools, 6
production process, 73 products and solutions, 1
production resource/tools, 81–83 SAP005, 208
set up time, 77 Schedule buffer proposal calculation
splitting, 78 tile, 395
standard text, 79–81 Schedule lines, 165
task list usage, 76 Schedule planned order, 186, 187
Running MRP live, 175, 176 Schedule pMRP simulation
creation, 405–411
Schedule Product Classification
S app, 389, 391
Safety stock, 142 Scheduling, 150, 151, 167, 242
Safety time, 142 Scope of check, 190, 191, 253
Sales and distribution, 253 Scope of planning, 163
Sales and operations planning Scrap, 281
(S&OP), 109 Scrap portion, 238
demand and supply, 90 Settlement rule, 254, 255, 276
elements, 90 Single item, 161–163
formal business plans, 90 Single-level MRP run, 162, 163
key benefits, 89, 90 Special stock, 185
product group (see Product group) Standard cost estimate, 293–296


Standard overview, 211–214, 216 Total quantity, 238

Standard SOP, 91, 92 Transaction Codes, 97, 119, 121, 123, 127,
Standard values section, 251 130, 131, 137, 159, 163, 173, 194,
Static lot size, 147 209, 217, 218, 235, 243
Status management, 269 Transaction data, (see Master/
Stock requirement list, 119, 121, 123, 124, transaction data)
127, 128, 131, 134, 178, 192–195, Transfer strategies, 104
230, 438–443
Stocks, 190
Stock transfer, 149 U, V
Stock transfer materials, 176 Unit of measure (UoM), 27
Stock type, 245 User exit, 170
Strategic inventory positioning, 383 User exit key parameter, 170
Strategy 10, 117–121, 124 User status, 269
Strategy 11, 122–125
Strategy 20, 129–132
Strategy 40, 125–128
W, X, Y
Strategy 50, 132 Work breakdown structure
Strategy profile, 222 (WBS), 185
Subcontracting, 149 Work center, 250, 254, 278, 361–364
SuperGears AG, 93 application, 55
Supply elements, 134, 190, 439 backflush indicator, 57
Synchronous to sales, 98 capacities tab
System status, 269 capacities, 61, 62
factory calendar, 64
formulas, 63
T header option, 64
Target days’ supply, 101 intervals, 67, 68
Target stock level, 99, 101 standard available
Technical completion, 270 section, 65, 66
Technically completed (TECO), 270 utilization, 65
Time-phased planning, 145, 157–159 categories, 54, 55
Time profile, 219 confirmation parameters, 61
Time scales, 222 control key, 60
Time ticket, 260 costing view, 71–73
Tolerance percentages, 246 creation, 54
Total planning run, 159, 160 data view, 56


default values view, 58–61 Work Center List report, 435, 436
description, 56 Work centers, 202, 205–208, 210, 212, 217,
production supply area, 57 219, 221, 222, 224
scheduling tab, 68–70
standard value key, 58
task list usage, 57 Z
transaction code, 53 Zero stock level, 103


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