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What is ICO Marketing and how to do it

Cryptocurrency startups and companies frequently employ an Initial Coin

Offering (ICO) as a fundraising strategy to raise money for their new initiatives. It
entails taking payment in the form of the company's cryptocurrency, which is
offered as a "token" in exchange for Bitcoin, Ethereum, or any other
cryptocurrency or fiat cash. Marketing is one of the most essential and
fundamental components of making an ICO reach its target audience and
succeed. With full disclosure, you can expect investors to begin purchasing your
ICO tokens. The role of ICO marketing in this is clear.
ICOs are another type of cryptocurrency used by companies to raise money.
Investors obtain distinctive cryptocurrency "tokens" through ICO trading platforms
in return for their monetary investment in the company. Creating and selling a
digital token is a method of crowdsourcing used to finance project development.
This unique token works like a currency unit and grants investors access to
particular characteristics of a project being operated by the company that issues
it. Because they assist in funding open-source software projects that would
otherwise be challenging to finance via conventional frameworks, these tokens
are distinctive.
Difference between IPO and ICO:
Regulatory oversight is the main distinction between a stock initial public offering
("IPO") and a cryptocurrency initial coin offering ("ICO"). Any firm planning to
launch an initial public offering (IPO) must first prepare a legal document known
as a "prospectus" as part of the obligation to register with the regulatory
authorities. The prospectus must adhere to particular transparency requirements
because it serves as the company's official legal announcement of its intention to
sell shares to the general public. To help potential investors make an informed
choice, it must, among other things, provide important information about the
business and its planned IPO.

Contrarily, ICOs only need to adhere to regulations if they are issued as security
tokens rather than utility tokens, as stated in a recent US regulatory action, which
is covered in more depth below. However, due diligence and investor
assessments are more challenging to complete because a such regulatory
activity has only recently been developed. This is particularly true when
compared to evaluating stock IPOs, which are subject to stringent regulations
monitored by accounting firms and investment banks, giving investors more
security and information.

The primary objective of the ICO marketing plan is to promote the project. SMM
alone was sufficient in 2017–2018 to generate buzz. This is seriously lacking
right now. Many methods and techniques for crypto marketing are used to create
hype. The crucial among them is:
 A list of periodically released Press Releases
 A carefully crafted and informative Whitepaper
 A unique and functional website
 An ICO listing calendar promotion on Social Media
 Paid to advertise
 A bounty program
 Affiliate Marketing and Email Marketing.

Whitepaper for ICO

Product or technology specs used in marketing come in a variety of formats.
They include one-pagers, two-pagers, yellow paper, blue paper, etc. All of the
materials are informal and used for marketing and sales. Yet they need to be
more adequate for selling cryptocurrencies. Please include all ICO information in
the Whitepaper. In the case of the digital sector, a whitepaper is also typically the
first thing investors read. As a result, when writing a Whitepaper, you must cover
the technical aspects in detail and point out the advantages for partners, early
investors, and investors in general. As a result, it ought to appear to be a
business strategy.
The idea of the project in relation to the market scenario; the team's expertise
and composition; the likely magnitude of the ROI; the token distribution; a
realistic roadmap; your company's anti-illegal activity policy; and its social duty.
An excellent benefit is the stylish, appealing design.

A beautiful and helpful website

A project website can be built on the foundation of a well-written whitepaper.
Since the advent of the digital era, it is common knowledge that more than 90%
of potential investors visit the website to learn more about the project. The
website briefly describes the project; the key benefits should be underlined. A
website with eye-catching visual effects and an attention-grabbing design is more
persuasive. As a result, the focus should be more on the design than the text to
motivate the visitor to read the Whitepaper for more information. The provision of
SEO components is vital to advance the site and draw investors.

ICO listing calendars

Listing on websites that keep ICO calendars is an excellent way to grab
investors' attention. By the time the project launches, it also lends its significance.
Often, registration on such services only demands the bare minimum of project
information: title, token details, website, and contact information. Calendars at
Coincodex, CoinGecko, and ICOdrops are all well-liked.
A series of press releases that are routinely released
Press releases are a trustworthy source of content for project promotion. These
expert newsletters are disseminated via news websites and raise interest in the
undertaking. Press releases are released concerning significant developments in
the project. The most effective distribution approach is through a network of
focused news organizations. Your offers to investors should be highlighted in
press releases as well. Press releases serve as the foundation for all posts,
including those made on blogs and social media, and they help manage the
project community.

The Social Media Promotion

The key characteristic of ICO promotion on social media is that it works best on
professional platforms like Bitcointalk. Nonetheless, Quora and Reddit are also
useful forums for discussion. It must have a pleasing appearance. LinkedIn posts
will draw possible business partners and accredited investors. Posting short
explanatory films on Instagram and YouTube is the best way to generate buzz.
Sadly, the marketing of ICOs is prohibited on Facebook and Twitter.
Google AdWords and SEO
Yet, most social media platforms let paid advertisements if a few simple
conditions are satisfied. Paid advertising can expand organic reach when SEO
tactics are applied. Google AdWords offers a way to increase website visitors
with little pay-per-click.
One of the best ways to make money is through SEO. Positions in the ranking
are improved, and site traffic is increased. There are more investors and
investments the more people who attend.

Programs for Bounties and Airdrops

Programs offering rewards are currently used to create buzz. They also assist in
creating a sense of community behind the project and lighten the marketing
department's workload. Users are encouraged to participate in bounty programs
so they may spread the word about the project and earn token rewards. Thus, it's
crucial to establish a balance between the difficulty of the jobs and the number of
tokens that have been distributed. People will only be sufficiently motivated by an
insufficient incentive. An excessive bounty may reflect poorly on the initiative and
raise suspicions that it is a scam.

Another popular strategy for generating buzz and fostering community in the
blockchain industry is airdrops. The same rule applies: an excessively generous
airdrop appears suspicious. Signing up for trackers like Airdropalert,
Airdropaddict, Airdrops, and Earni is the most incredible method to get noticed.

Influencer marketing and affiliate marketing

Although it costs money, affiliate marketing considerably increases the possibility
of luring investors. Affiliate marketing is a form of the partner incentive scheme.
In general, affiliates boost lead creation and draw in investors. Their
commissions might be paid to them in tokens.
Prominent individuals working to promote your ICO will increase participation at
the expense of their subscriber base. The rise in registrations and subscriptions
also boosts the project's credibility and conversion rate. Influencers are prized for
differentiating ICOs from competing projects.

Email advertising
Email marketing, among the most straightforward advertising, can be a crucial
component of any ICO marketing plan. You can retain investors and entice new
ones by including subscription and registration forms, engaging newsletters, and
personalized messages. Also, it is the finest technique to establish and keep up a
project's community. You can set up and use autoresponders for your emails to
increase efficiency and cut costs. Furthermore, it offers quick tracking. Because it
generally improves conversion rates, email marketing is a crucial component of
an ICO marketing strategy.

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