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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Washington, DC 20546-0001

January 26, 2023

Reply to attn. of:Office of Communications

History and Information Services Division

John Greenewald, Jr.

The Black Vault, Inc.
27305 W. Live Oak Rd., Suite 1203
Castaic, CA 91384-4520

Re: NASA FOIA Tracking Number 23-00082-F-GSFC

Dear Mr. Greenwald:

This is our final response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), dated and received in this office on
November 10, 2022. Your request was assigned the above-referenced tracking number. You
seek the following:

“All emails, with any level of classification, which contain the following keywords:
"Unidentified Aerial" and/or "Unidentified Flying" and/or "UAP" and/or "UFO" and/or
"Unidentified Spacecraft" and/or "Unidentified aircraft" and/or "UAPTF" and/or “AARO”
and/or “Anomaly Resolution”
I ask that you search the follow e-mail boxes, with the time frames in the parentheticals:
- Christy Hansen, Goddard Airborne Sciences Manager (January 1, 2016, through the date of
processing this request)
You may omit any newspaper articles that are publicly available, which do NOT contain
commentary. Should the email have additional commentary including a newspaper, I ask that
you please include those as responsive to this request.”

In an email dated November 29, 2022, you agreed to omit the overly broad term “Anomaly
Resolution” from the search. Additionally, in an email dated December 15, 2022, you also
agreed to amend your request to omit any non-UAP related information.

In response to your request, we tasked NASA’s Information Technology (IT) division to

conduct a search of the email account for Christy Hansen using the search terms
“Unidentified Aerial" and/or "Unidentified Flying" and/or "UAP" and/or "UFO" and/or
"Unidentified Spacecraft" and/or "Unidentified aircraft" and/or "UAPTF" and/or “AARO”
between January 1, 2016 and November 14, 2022, the date of the search. That search
identified records responsive to your request. We reviewed the responsive records under the

FOIA to determine whether they may be disclosed to you. Based on that review, this office is
providing the following:

4 page(s) are released in full (RIF); 1

26 page(s) are released in part (RIP);
0 page(s) are withheld in full (WIF); 2
1 page(s) are duplicate copies of material already processed;

NASA redacted from the enclosed documents certain information pursuant to the following
FOIA exemptions:

Exemption 3, 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(3)

Exemption 3 concerns matters that are “specifically exempted from disclosure by statute if
that statute. The relevant withholding statute is 10 U.S.C. § 424, which provides (except as
required by the President or for information provided to Congress), that no provision of law
shall be construed to require the disclosure of the organization or any function of the National
Reconnaissance Office (NRO); the number of persons employed by or assigned or detailed to
the NRO; or the name or official title, occupational series, grade, or salary of any such person.

Exemption 5, 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(5)

Exemption 5 protects “inter-agency or intra-agency memorandums or letters which would not

be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with the agency.”
5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(5). Courts interpret Exemption 5 to incorporate three primary privileges:
the attorney work-product privilege, the attorney-client privilege and the deliberative process
privilege. NASA invokes the deliberative process privilege.

The deliberative process privilege is intended to protect the decision-making process of

government agencies and to encourage frank discussion of legal and policy issues. The scope
of the privilege covers documents reflecting advisory opinions, recommendations, and
deliberations comprising part of a process by which government decisions and policies are
formulated. To qualify for the deliberative process privilege, a document must be both “pre-
decisional” and “deliberative.” Documents are pre-decisional when they precede an agency
decision and are prepared in order to assist an agency in arriving at its decision. Documents
are deliberative when they comprise part of the process by which government decisions are
made. The types of information NASA withheld under this exemption consists of draft
documents, recommendations and opinions expressed by employees. NASA considered the
foreseeable harm that would result from the release of this information and determined that its
release would hinder the decision-making process, create a chilling effect on internal
deliberations, lead to uninformed decision-making, and public confusion.

All page counts are approximate numbers.
Per your agreement, 55 pages of non UAP related information, were considered out of scope of the request.
Therefore, they are not included in the number of pages provided above.

Exemption 6, 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6)

Exemption 6 allows withholding of “personnel and medical files and similar files the
disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.”
5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6)(emphasis added). NASA invokes exemption 6 to protect work cell
phone numbers.


Provisions of the FOIA allow us to recover part of the cost of complying with your request. In
this instance, because the cost is below the $50 minimum, there is no charge.


You have the right to appeal my action regarding your request. Your appeal must be received
within 90 days of the date of this response. Please send your appeal to:

NASA Headquarters
Executive Secretariat
ATTN: FOIA Appeals
MS 9R17
300 E Street S.W.
Washington, DC 20546

Both the envelope and letter of appeal should be clearly marked, “Appeal under the Freedom
of Information Act.” You must also include a copy of your initial request, the adverse
determination, and any other correspondence with the FOIA office. In order to expedite the
appellate process and ensure full consideration of your appeal, your appeal should contain a
brief statement of the reasons you believe this initial determination should be reversed.
Additional information on submitting an appeal is set forth in the NASA FOIA regulations at
14 C.F.R. § 1206.700.

Assistance and Dispute Resolution Services

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or (202)
358-4664. For further assistance and to discuss any aspect of your request you may also

Stephanie Fox
Chief FOIA Public Liaison
Freedom of Information Act Office
NASA Headquarters
300 E Street, S.W., 5P32
Washington D.C. 20546
Phone: 202-358-1553

Email: [email protected]

Additionally, you may contact the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) at the
National Archives and Records Administration to inquire about the FOIA mediation services
it offers. The contact information for OGIS is as follows: Office of Government Information
Services, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road-OGIS, College
Park, Maryland 20740-6001, e-mail at [email protected]; telephone at 202-741-5770; toll free at
1-877-684-6448; or facsimile at 202-741-5769.

Important: Please note that contacting any agency official including myself, NASA’s Chief
FOIA Public Liaison, and/or OGIS is not an alternative to filing an administrative appeal and
does not stop the 90 day appeal clock.


Alyssa Bias
Government Information Specialist

neFreedom ofI
ear i
orthedec l
releasedbytheU. S.Government&Mi l

From: Tagg, Bruce A. (HQ-DK000)
Subject: RE: IMG_3123.jpeg
Date: Monday, February 22, 2016 2:16:50 PM

It’s a UFO......


Bruce Tagg

NASA Airborne Science Program

Earth Science Division                           
Science Mission Directorate             
NASA Headquarters
Washington, DC  20546

work (202) 358-2890

cell (b) (6)
fax  (202) 358-2770

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2016 3:16 PM
Subject: IMG_3123.jpeg
(b) (6)

(b) (6)


Duplicate Email Already Processed









(b) (6)




RE [EXTERNAL] CurrentstatusofNASASmartbaloonprogram
Friday, April 30, 20212:07:02FAI

Duplicate Email Already Processed

(b) (6)

(b) (6)


Duplicate Email Already Processed

Deletion Page

Requester: John Greenewald

Request #: 23-00082-F-GSFC

1 page(s) containing duplicate

information is/are held in the file.
To: Fly nn, Karen E. (HQ : DAQQQ): New, Michael H. (HQ-DAQQO); Eyans, Daniel A. (HQ: DAQ00); Kearns, Ipel K, (HQ;
DAOQflI: Connelly, Sandra (HQ-DAOOQ); Zurbuchen, Thomas H. (HQ-DAWO); Peters, Wanda C. (HQ-DAOM);
HANSEN. CHRISTY (HQBAQ20); Woods, Dan (HQ DAmiO); Zurbuchen, Thomas H. (HQ DAO M ): Bailey, Brad E.
(HQ-DAm )
Subject: Meeting of Deputies Notes - April 18, 2022
Date: Monday, April 18, 2022 9:02:38 AM

Notes from Deputies Meeting

Apr 18, 2022

Non-^esponsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

• Nothing to report
Karen/Dan W.
Non-Kesponsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Dan Evans
• Successfully briefed Nelson last week on UAP; J b) (6)
• Meeting with!..b) (5,
• Meeting with'(b) (5)
• For the SMACMDJ ( 0 )
Joel ____________
on-Responsive per agreement; Not related to |M P or l l t f

Wanda / Cnristy
^on-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

• Dan Evans -5 b) (5) JEEE3HEi!(b) (5) but maybe next time -

(b) (5)

Thanks all!

Kirsten Petree
Executive Officer
NASA Science Mission Directorate
Mary W. Jackson NASA Headquarters Building
300 Hidden Figures Way SW, Washington, DC 20546-0001
k irs te n.p e t re [email protected]
Pronouns: she/her
To: Fly nn, Karen E. (HO-DA(MM): New, Michael H. (HQ-DAQQO); Eyans, Daniel A. (HQ: DA(M1O); Kearns, I^el K, (HQ;
DAQQflI: Connelly, Sandra (HQ-DA(OU; Zurbuchen, Thomas H. (HQ-DAWO); Peters, Wanda C. (HQ-DAOOO);
HANSEN. CHRISTY (HQ: BAQ2p); Woods, Pan (H Q -D A ton ? Zurbochen, Thomas H. (HQDAOW ): Bailey, Brad E.
Subject: Meeting of Deputies Notes - May 2, 2022
Date: Monday, May 2, 2022 8:24:09 AM

Notes from Deputies Meeting

May 2, 2022

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Karen/Dan W.
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Dan Evans
(b)(5) L liM l b) (5)
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Mon-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO
To: Fly nn, Karen E. (HQ-DAQQD): New, Michael H. (HQ-DAQQD); Eyans, Daniel A. (HQ: DAQQQ); Keams, I^el K, (HQ;
DAOQflb Connelly, Sandra (HQ-DAODO); Zurbuchen, Thomas H. (HQ-DAWO); Peters, Wanda C. (HQ-DAOOO);
HANSEN, CHRISTY (HQ: BA02q); Woods, Dan (HQDAQOO): Zurbochen, Thomas H. (HQDAOW ): Bailey, Brad E.
Subject: Meeting of Deputies Notes - May 23, 2022
Date: Monday, May 23, 2022 9:39:59 AM

Notes from Deputies Meeting

May 23, 2022


on-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Paul asked to have Astrophysics budget for CGI replenished; working with Dave Mitchell and
1(b) (5)
) (5)
Non-Kesponsive per agreement; Not related to UAH or u r u
From: Petree, Kirsten D. (HQ-DA030)
To: Flynn, Karen E. (HQ-DA000); New, Michael H. (HQ-DA000); Evans, Daniel A. (HQ-DA000); Kearns, Joel K. (HQ-
DA000); Connelly, Sandra (HQ-DA000); Zurbuchen, Thomas H. (HQ-DA000); Peters, Wanda C. (HQ-DA000);
HANSEN, CHRISTY (HQ-BA020); Woods, Dan (HQ-DA000); Zurbuchen, Thomas H. (HQ-DA000); Bailey, Brad E.
Subject: Meeting of Deputies Notes - June 13, 2022
Date: Monday, June 13, 2022 9:10:30 AM

Notes from Deputies Meeting

June 13, 2022
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Karen/Dan W.
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Michael/Dan E.
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

UAP Announcement –(b) (5)

(b) (5)
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO
Bias, Alyssa K. (HQ-NA050)

From: Johnson, Bryan C. (HQ-DK000)[X3M Systems, LLC]

Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2022 3:37 PM
To: Bailey, Brad E. (HQ-DA000); Baldwin, Philip J (HQ-CG000); Bentley, Merideth L. (HQ-
MC000); Bernstein, Max (HQ-DA000); Cauffman, Sandra A. (HQ-DH000); Clements,
Gregory R. (KSC-UBE00); Connelly, Sandra (HQ-DA000); Davis, Jeanne (HQ-DH000);
Degn, Holly (HQ-DL000); Delgado Lopez, Laura M. (HQ-DA040); DENNING, ELAINE J.
(HQ-DA040); Edmond, Jerry (HQ-LP012); Erickson, Kristen (HQ-DO000); Evans, Daniel A.
(HQ-DA000); Feeley, Jens (HQ-DA040); Fisher, Alise M. (HQ-NA020); Flynn, Karen E.
(HQ-DA000); Fox, Karen C. (HQ); Fox, Nicola J. (HQ-DJ000); Furfaro, Emily M. (HQ-
DO000); Gagosian, John S. (HQ-DN000); Garza, Andrew (HQ-DA030); Gasbarre, Joseph
F. (LARC-D206); Glaze, Lori S. (HQ-DG000); Gomez, Leo (HQ-DA030); Gramling, Jeffrey J.
(HQ-DA050); HANSEN, CHRISTY (HQ-BA020); Hautaluoma, Grey (HQ-NA020); Hertz,
Paul (HQ-DA000); Horne, William D.. (HQ-CG000); Hudiburg, John J. (HQ-CG000);
Ianson, Eric (HQ-DG000); Jedrich, Nicholas M. (GSFC-KA000); Jenkins, Jason E. (HQ-
DA000); Kaye, Jack (HQ-DK000); Kearns, Joel K. (HQ-DA000); Kirkham, Gib (HQ-TG000);
Kundrot, Craig E. (HQ-DP000); Luce, Peg (HQ-DJ000); Malarik, Diane C. (HQ-DP000);
McCarthy, Lacey G. (HQ-DK000)[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]; Mercer, Carolyn R (HQ-
DA000); New, Michael H. (HQ-DA000); Nguyen, Quang-viet (HQ-DN000); Oliver, Dawn L
(JSC-AL111); Panetta, Peter (HQ-GC000); Pavlick, Ariel D. (HQ-GC000); Peters, Wanda C.
(HQ-DA000); Petree, Kirsten D. (HQ-DA030); Robinson, Gregory L (HQ-DA010); Rowe,
Andrew (HQ-VA000); Ruiz, Kelvin R. (KSC-AAB00); Ryan, Richard M. (HQ-DA050);
Salgado, Vincent A. (HQ-MD000); Salute, Joan S. (HQ-DG000); Schurr, Andrew D. (HQ-
DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Smith Gibson, Trevon T. (HQ-LP025)
[Diversified Protection Corp.]; Smith, Eric P. (HQ-DH000); Smith, Joseph S. (HQ-DH000);
St Germain, Karen M. (HQ-DK000); Volosin, Jeffrey F. (GSFC-4200); Webb, Charles E.
(HQ-DN000); Wolf, Katherine M. (HQ-DL000); Woodroffe, Jesse R. (HQ-DJ000); Woods,
Dan (HQ-DA000); Zurbuchen, Thomas H. (HQ-DA000)
Cc: Anzaldua, Reynaldo (HQ-DA000); Arbitrario, Genevieve A. (HQ-DA030); Brown, John H.
(HQ-DG000)[Lentech, Inc]; Caisse, Christopher (HQ-DJ000)[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON];
Coleman, Tanye M. (HQ-DA000); Fujieh, Maura (ARC-DN000); Harriell, Maria (HQ-
DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Holmes, Eric B. (HQ-DN000); Hornback,
Justin S. (LARC-B602E); Hoskins, Wynette A (HQ-DA030)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM
SOLUTIONS]; Howard, Mackenzie (HQ-DA000)[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]; Johnson, Kelly
L. (HQ-DH000); Johnson, Tricia L. (HQ-DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS];
Khalil, Natalie C. (HQ-CI000)[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]; Marshall, Amy Marie. (HQ-
DJ000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Maynard, Andrew P. (HQ-DG000); Melito,
Angela M. (HQ-DA000); Mitchell, Tresa K. (HQ-DN000); Petersen, Kate M. (HQ-DK000)
[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]; Rayl, Nicole A. (HQ-DJ000); Razzaghi, Andrea I. (HQ-RA000);
Sladek, Mary F. (HQ-DA000); Smallwood, Angela L. (HQ-DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM
SOLUTIONS]; Tan, Florence W. (HQ-DA000); Treat, Amy A. (HQ-DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL
SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Watkins, Marcus A. (HQ-CG000)
Subject: Quad Charts | 06/14/2022
Attachments: QuadCharts_06152022.pdf

Good Afternoon – Hope all is well.

Attached are the Quad Charts for this week.

If you have any questions or requests, please let me know.

Staff Meeting Rotation Schedule for Wednesday, June 15, 2022

 Earth Science
 Heliophysics
 James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
 Joint Agency Satellite
 ESSIO Office
 Planetary Science
 MSR Program Office
 Science Engagement & Partnerships
 Policy & Admin Branches
 Resource Management
 Astrophysics

Have a great week!

Thank you - Take care,


Bryan Johnson
Project Support Specialist / ESD R&A
[email protected]
o: (202) 358-5220 | c: (b) (6)
300 E. St. SW, Washington, DC 20546
X3M | Customer Focused. Extreme Performance.

SLATS U p d a te s [1 - 1 ]

. ID Action Title Assigned Date Due Status Notes

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

1613 FOIA 22-HQ-F-00553 Evans, Daniel D6/21/2022 Forwarded incoming FOIA request to
Unidentified Aerial Dan Evans
Phenomena Task
Force, the Airborne
Object Identification
and Management
Group ("AOIMSG")
Deletion Page

Requester: John Greenwald

Request #: 23-00082-F-HQ

This document contains:

14 Page(s) deleted as non-responsive per the

parameters of the request.

Description: Attachments not related or responsive to UAP or UFO

Bias, Alyssa K. (HQ-NA050)

From: Johnson, Bryan C. (HQ-DK000)[X3M Systems, LLC]

Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2022 7:33 PM
To: Bailey, Brad E. (HQ-DA000); Baldwin, Philip J (HQ-CG000); Bentley, Merideth L. (HQ-
MC000); Bernstein, Max (HQ-DA000); Cauffman, Sandra A. (HQ-DH000); Clements,
Gregory R. (KSC-UBE00); Connelly, Sandra (HQ-DA000); Davis, Jeanne (HQ-DH000);
Degn, Holly (HQ-DL000); Delgado Lopez, Laura M. (HQ-DA040); DENNING, ELAINE J.
(HQ-DA040); Edmond, Jerry (HQ-LP012); Erickson, Kristen (HQ-DO000); Evans, Daniel A.
(HQ-DA000); Feeley, Jens (HQ-DA040); Fisher, Alise M. (HQ-NA020); Flynn, Karen E.
(HQ-DA000); Fox, Karen C. (HQ); Fox, Nicola J. (HQ-DJ000); Furfaro, Emily M. (HQ-
DO000); Gagosian, John S. (HQ-DN000); Garza, Andrew (HQ-DA030); Gasbarre, Joseph
F. (LARC-D206); Glaze, Lori S. (HQ-DG000); Gomez, Leo (HQ-DA030); Gramling, Jeffrey J.
(HQ-DA050); HANSEN, CHRISTY (HQ-BA020); Hautaluoma, Grey (HQ-NA020); Hertz,
Paul (HQ-DA000); Horne, William D.. (HQ-CG000); Hudiburg, John J. (HQ-CG000);
Ianson, Eric (HQ-DG000); Jedrich, Nicholas M. (GSFC-KA000); Jenkins, Jason E. (HQ-
DA000); Kaye, Jack (HQ-DK000); Kearns, Joel K. (HQ-DA000); Kirkham, Gib (HQ-TG000);
Kundrot, Craig E. (HQ-DP000); Luce, Peg (HQ-DJ000); Malarik, Diane C. (HQ-DP000);
McCarthy, Lacey G. (HQ-DK000)[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]; Mercer, Carolyn R (HQ-
DA000); New, Michael H. (HQ-DA000); Nguyen, Quang-viet (HQ-DN000); Oliver, Dawn L
(JSC-AL111); Panetta, Peter (HQ-GC000); Pavlick, Ariel D. (HQ-GC000); Peters, Wanda C.
(HQ-DA000); Petree, Kirsten D. (HQ-DA030); Robinson, Gregory L (HQ-DA010); Rowe,
Andrew (HQ-VA000); Ruiz, Kelvin R. (KSC-AAB00); Ryan, Richard M. (HQ-DA050);
Salgado, Vincent A. (HQ-MD000); Salute, Joan S. (HQ-DG000); Schurr, Andrew D. (HQ-
DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Smith Gibson, Trevon T. (HQ-LP025)
[Diversified Protection Corp.]; Smith, Eric P. (HQ-DH000); Smith, Joseph S. (HQ-DH000);
St Germain, Karen M. (HQ-DK000); Volosin, Jeffrey F. (GSFC-4200); Webb, Charles E.
(HQ-DN000); Wolf, Katherine M. (HQ-DL000); Woodroffe, Jesse R. (HQ-DJ000); Woods,
Dan (HQ-DA000); Zurbuchen, Thomas H. (HQ-DA000)
Cc: Anzaldua, Reynaldo (HQ-DA000); Arbitrario, Genevieve A. (HQ-DA030); Brown, John H.
(HQ-DG000)[Lentech, Inc]; Caisse, Christopher (HQ-DJ000)[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON];
Coleman, Tanye M. (HQ-DA000); Fujieh, Maura (ARC-DN000); Harriell, Maria (HQ-
DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Holmes, Eric B. (HQ-DN000); Hornback,
Justin S. (LARC-B602E); Hoskins, Wynette A (HQ-DA030)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM
SOLUTIONS]; Howard, Mackenzie (HQ-DA000)[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]; Johnson, Kelly
L. (HQ-DH000); Johnson, Tricia L. (HQ-DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS];
Khalil, Natalie C. (HQ-CI000)[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]; Marshall, Amy Marie. (HQ-
DJ000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Maynard, Andrew P. (HQ-DG000); Melito,
Angela M. (HQ-DA000); Mitchell, Tresa K. (HQ-DN000); Petersen, Kate M. (HQ-DK000)
[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]; Rayl, Nicole A. (HQ-DJ000); Razzaghi, Andrea I. (HQ-RA000);
Sladek, Mary F. (HQ-DA000); Smallwood, Angela L. (HQ-DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM
SOLUTIONS]; Tan, Florence W. (HQ-DA000); Treat, Amy A. (HQ-DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL
SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Watkins, Marcus A. (HQ-CG000)
Subject: Quad Charts | 06/22/2022
Attachments: QuadCharts_06222022.pdf

Good Afternoon – Hope all is well.

Attached are the Quad Charts for this week.

If you have any questions or requests, please let me know.

Staff Meeting Rotation Schedule for Wednesday, June 22, 2022

 Heliophysics
 James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
 Joint Agency Satellite
 ESSIO Office
 Planetary Science
 MSR Program Office
 Science Engagement & Partnerships
 Policy & Admin Branches
 Resource Management
 Astrophysics
 Earth Science

Have a great week!

Thank you - Take care,


Bryan Johnson
Project Support Specialist / ESD R&A
[email protected]
o: (202) 358-5220 | c: ((b) (6)
300 E. St. SW, Washington, DC 20546
X3M | Customer Focused. Extreme Performance.

SLATS U p d a te s [1 - 1 ]

' ID Action Title Assigned Date Due Status Notes

Non-FResponsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UF(3

1613 FOIA 22-HQ-F-00553 Evans, Daniel 06/21/2022 Forwarded incoming FOIA request to
Unidentified Aerial Dan Evans
Phenomena Task 6/15 - Submitted response to FOIA
Force, the Airborne Office-Alyssa Bias and Nikki Gramian
Object Identification
and Management
Group ("AOIMSG")
Deletion Page

Requester: John Greenwald

Request #: 23-00082-F-HQ

This document contains:

13 Page(s) deleted as non-responsive per the

parameters of the request.

Description: Attachments not related or responsive to UAP or UFO

Bias, Alyssa K. (HQ-NA050)

From: Johnson, Bryan C. (HQ-DK000)[X3M Systems, LLC]

Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 4:03 PM
To: Bailey, Brad E. (HQ-DA000); Baldwin, Philip J (HQ-CG000); Bentley, Merideth L. (HQ-
MC000); Bernstein, Max (HQ-DA000); Cauffman, Sandra A. (HQ-DH000); Clements,
Gregory R. (KSC-UBE00); Connelly, Sandra (HQ-DA000); Davis, Jeanne (HQ-DH000);
Degn, Holly (HQ-DL000); Delgado Lopez, Laura M. (HQ-DA040); DENNING, ELAINE J.
(HQ-DA040); Edmond, Jerry (HQ-LP012); Erickson, Kristen (HQ-DO000); Evans, Daniel A.
(HQ-DA000); Feeley, Jens (HQ-DA040); Fisher, Alise M. (HQ-NA020); Flynn, Karen E.
(HQ-DA000); Fox, Karen C. (HQ); Fox, Nicola J. (HQ-DJ000); Furfaro, Emily M. (HQ-
DO000); Gagosian, John S. (HQ-DN000); Garza, Andrew (HQ-DA030); Gasbarre, Joseph
F. (LARC-D206); Glaze, Lori S. (HQ-DG000); Gomez, Leo (HQ-DA030); Gramling, Jeffrey J.
(HQ-DA050); HANSEN, CHRISTY (HQ-BA020); Hautaluoma, Grey (HQ-NA020); Hertz,
Paul (HQ-DA000); Horne, William D.. (HQ-CG000); Hudiburg, John J. (HQ-CG000);
Ianson, Eric (HQ-DG000); Jedrich, Nicholas M. (GSFC-KA000); Jenkins, Jason E. (HQ-
DA000); Kaye, Jack (HQ-DK000); Kearns, Joel K. (HQ-DA000); Kirkham, Gib (HQ-TG000);
Kundrot, Craig E. (HQ-DP000); Luce, Peg (HQ-DJ000); Malarik, Diane C. (HQ-DP000);
McCarthy, Lacey G. (HQ-DK000)[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]; Mercer, Carolyn R (HQ-
DA000); New, Michael H. (HQ-DA000); Nguyen, Quang-viet (HQ-DN000); Oliver, Dawn L
(JSC-AL111); Panetta, Peter (HQ-GC000); Pavlick, Ariel D. (HQ-GC000); Peters, Wanda C.
(HQ-DA000); Petree, Kirsten D. (HQ-DA030); Robinson, Gregory L (HQ-DA010); Rowe,
Andrew (HQ-VA000); Ruiz, Kelvin R. (KSC-AAB00); Ryan, Richard M. (HQ-DA050);
Salgado, Vincent A. (HQ-MD000); Salute, Joan S. (HQ-DG000); Schurr, Andrew D. (HQ-
DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Smith Gibson, Trevon T. (HQ-LP025)
[Diversified Protection Corp.]; Smith, Eric P. (HQ-DH000); Smith, Joseph S. (HQ-DH000);
St Germain, Karen M. (HQ-DK000); Volosin, Jeffrey F. (GSFC-4200); Webb, Charles E.
(HQ-DN000); Wolf, Katherine M. (HQ-DL000); Woodroffe, Jesse R. (HQ-DJ000); Woods,
Dan (HQ-DA000); Zurbuchen, Thomas H. (HQ-DA000)
Cc: Anzaldua, Reynaldo (HQ-DA000); Arbitrario, Genevieve A. (HQ-DA030); Brown, John H.
(HQ-DG000)[Lentech, Inc]; Caisse, Christopher (HQ-DJ000)[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON];
Coleman, Tanye M. (HQ-DA000); Fujieh, Maura (ARC-DN000); Harriell, Maria (HQ-
DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Holmes, Eric B. (HQ-DN000); Hornback,
Justin S. (LARC-B602E); Hoskins, Wynette A (HQ-DA030)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM
SOLUTIONS]; Howard, Mackenzie (HQ-DA000)[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]; Johnson, Kelly
L. (HQ-DH000); Johnson, Tricia L. (HQ-DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS];
Khalil, Natalie C. (HQ-CI000)[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]; Marshall, Amy Marie. (HQ-
DJ000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Maynard, Andrew P. (HQ-DG000); Melito,
Angela M. (HQ-DA000); Mitchell, Tresa K. (HQ-DN000); Petersen, Kate M. (HQ-DK000)
[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]; Rayl, Nicole A. (HQ-DJ000); Razzaghi, Andrea I. (HQ-RA000);
Sladek, Mary F. (HQ-DA000); Smallwood, Angela L. (HQ-DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM
SOLUTIONS]; Tan, Florence W. (HQ-DA000); Treat, Amy A. (HQ-DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL
SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Watkins, Marcus A. (HQ-CG000)
Subject: Quad Charts | 06 / 29 / 2022
Attachments: QuadCharts_06292022.pdf

Good Afternoon – Hope all is well.

Attached are the Quad Charts for this week.

If you have any questions or requests, please let me know.

Staff Meeting Rotation Schedule for Wednesday, June 29, 2022

 James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)

 Joint Agency Satellite
 ESSIO Office
 Planetary Science
 MSR Program Office
 Science Engagement & Partnerships
 Policy & Admin Branches
 Resource Management
 Astrophysics
 Earth Science
 Heliophysics

Have a great week!

Thank you - Take care,


Bryan Johnson
Project Support Specialist / ESD R&A
[email protected]
o: (202) 358-5220 | c: (b) (6)
300 E. St. SW, Washington, DC 20546
X3M | Customer Focused. Extreme Performance.

Administration Branch
Past Items of Note Weekly Status (6/29/22)
Deletion Page

Requester: John Greenwald

Request #: 23-00082-F-HQ

This document contains:

14 Page(s) deleted as non-responsive per the

parameters of the request.

Description: Attachments not related or responsive to UAP or UFO

To: Fly nn, Karen E. (HQ : DA(Q)): New, Michael H. (HQ-DAQQO); Eyans, Daniel A. (HQ: DA(M1O); Keams, J^el K, (HQ;
DAOQflk Connelly, Sandra (HQ_-DAQOQh Zurbuchen, Thomas H, (HQ-DAWO); Peters, Wanda C. (HQ-DAOOO);
HANSEN. CHRISTY (HQ: BAQ2D); Woods, Dan (HQ-DAU110): Zurfauchen, Thomas H. (HQ-DA0Wh Bailey, Brad E.
(H Q -D A m )
Subject: Meeting of Deputies Notes - July 11, 2022
Date: Monday, July 11, 2022 1:44:35 PM

Notes from Deputies Meeting

July 11, 2022

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or
Karen/Dan W.
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

• UAP this week

ren —Karc
(b) (5)
o Fund Center distribution based on science and technology workforce at each Center
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO
To: Fly nn, Karen E. (HQ-DA(M1Q): New, Michael H. (HQ-DAQQO); Eyans, Daniel A. (HQ^DAQOp); Kearns, I^el K, (HQ;
DAOOOl: Connelly, Sandra (HQ-DAQUOh Zurbuchen, Thomas H. (HQ-DA000): Peters, Wanda C. (HQ-DAPPO);
HANSEN. CHRISTY (HQ: BAQ2ph Woods, Dan (HQDAPOP): Zurbuchen, Thomas H. (HQDAOW ): Bailey, Brad E.
(HQ-DAm )
Subject: Meeting of Deputies Notes - Aug 1, 2022
Date: Monday, August 1, 2022 10:26:14 AM

Notes from Deputies Meeting

August 1, 2022

• Nothing to report
Karen/Dan W.

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO
From: Petree, Kirsten D. (HQ-DA030)
To: Flynn, Karen E. (HQ-DA000); New, Michael H. (HQ-DA000); Evans, Daniel A. (HQ-DA000); Kearns, Joel K. (HQ-
DA000); Connelly, Sandra (HQ-DA000); Zurbuchen, Thomas H. (HQ-DA000); Peters, Wanda C. (HQ-DA000);
HANSEN, CHRISTY (HQ-BA020); Woods, Dan (HQ-DA000); Zurbuchen, Thomas H. (HQ-DA000); Bailey, Brad E.
Subject: Meeting of Deputies Notes - Aug 8, 2022
Date: Monday, August 8, 2022 11:00:54 AM

Notes from Deputies Meeting
August 8, 2022
Karen/Dan W.
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

David Spergel and Dan Evans briefing UAP to the Select Committee on (b) (5)
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO
From: Petree, Kirsten D. (HQ-DA030)
To: Flynn, Karen E. (HQ-DA000); New, Michael H. (HQ-DA000); Evans, Daniel A. (HQ-DA000); Kearns, Joel K. (HQ-
DA000); Connelly, Sandra (HQ-DA000); Zurbuchen, Thomas H. (HQ-DA000); Peters, Wanda C. (HQ-DA000);
HANSEN, CHRISTY (HQ-BA020); Woods, Dan (HQ-DA000); Zurbuchen, Thomas H. (HQ-DA000); Bailey, Brad E.
(HQ-DA000); Hertz, Paul (HQ-DA000)
Subject: Meeting of Deputies Notes - Aug 15, 2022
Date: Monday, August 15, 2022 9:32:55 AM

Notes from Deputies Meeting

August 15, 2022
(Adding Paul Hertz)
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Karen/Dan W.
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Michael/Dan E.
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Administrator briefing on UAP stand up this week; TZ asked to add a (b) (5)
(b) (5) at the SMD Community Town Hall
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO
Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

From: Johnson, Bryan C. (HQ-DK000)[X3M Systems, LLC]
To: Bailey, Brad E. (HQ-DA000); Baldwin, Philip J (HQ-CG000); Bentley, Merideth L. (HQ-MC000); Bernstein, Max
(HQ-DA000); Cauffman, Sandra A. (HQ-DH000); Clampin, Mark (HQ-DH000); Clements, Gregory R. (KSC-
UBE00); Connelly, Sandra (HQ-DA000); Davis, Jeanne (HQ-DH000); Degn, Holly (HQ-DL000); Delgado Lopez,
Laura M. (HQ-DA040); DENNING, ELAINE J. (HQ-DA040); Edmond, Jerry (HQ-LP012); Erickson, Kristen (HQ-
DO000); Evans, Daniel A. (HQ-DA000); Feeley, Jens (HQ-DA040); Fisher, Alise M. (HQ-NA020); Flynn, Karen E.
(HQ-DA000); Fox, Karen C. (HQ); Fox, Nicola J. (HQ-DJ000); Furfaro, Emily M. (HQ-DO000); Gagosian, John S.
(HQ-DN000); Garza, Andrew (HQ-DA030); Gasbarre, Joseph F. (LARC-D206); Glaze, Lori S. (HQ-DG000); Gomez,
Leo (HQ-DA030); Gramling, Jeffrey J. (HQ-DA050); HANSEN, CHRISTY (HQ-BA020); Hautaluoma, Grey (HQ-
NA020); Hertz, Paul (HQ-DA000); Horne, William D.. (HQ-CG000); Hudiburg, John J. (HQ-CG000); Ianson, Eric
(HQ-DG000); Jedrich, Nicholas M. (GSFC-KA000); Jenkins, Jason E. (HQ-DA000); Kaye, Jack (HQ-DK000);
Kearns, Joel K. (HQ-DA000); Kirkham, Gib (HQ-TG000); Kundrot, Craig E. (HQ-DP000); Luce, Peg (HQ-DJ000);
Malarik, Diane C. (HQ-DP000); McCarthy, Lacey G. (HQ-DK000)[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]; Mercer, Carolyn R
(HQ-DA000); New, Michael H. (HQ-DA000); Nguyen, Quang-viet (HQ-DN000); Oliver, Dawn L (JSC-AL111);
Panetta, Peter (HQ-GC000); Pavlick, Ariel D. (HQ-GC000); Peters, Wanda C. (HQ-DA000); Petree, Kirsten D. (HQ-
DA030); Reyna, Thomas E. (HQ-DA030); Robinson, Gregory L (HQ-DA010); Rowe, Andrew (HQ-VA000); Ruiz,
Kelvin R. (KSC-AAB00); Ryan, Richard M. (HQ-DA050); Salgado, Vincent A. (HQ-MD000); Salute, Joan S. (HQ-
DG000); Schurr, Andrew D. (HQ-DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Smith Gibson, Trevon T. (HQ-
LP025)[Diversified Protection Corp.]; Smith, Eric P. (HQ-DH000); Smith, Joseph S. (HQ-DH000); St Germain,
Karen M. (HQ-DK000); Volosin, Jeffrey F. (GSFC-4200); Webb, Charles E. (HQ-DN000); Wolf, Katherine M. (HQ-
DL000); Woodroffe, Jesse R. (HQ-DJ000); Woods, Dan (HQ-DA000); Zurbuchen, Thomas H. (HQ-DA000)
Cc: Anzaldua, Reynaldo (HQ-DA000); Arbitrario, Genevieve A. (HQ-DA030); Brown, John H. (HQ-DG000)[Lentech,
Inc]; Caisse, Christopher (HQ-DJ000)[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]; Coleman, Tanye M. (HQ-DA000); Fujieh, Maura
(ARC-DN000); Harriell, Maria (HQ-DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Holmes, Eric B. (HQ-DN000);
Hornback, Justin S. (LARC-B602E); Hoskins, Wynette A (HQ-DA030)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS];
Howard, Mackenzie (HQ-DA000)[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]; Johnson, Kelly L. (HQ-DH000); Johnson, Tricia L.
Marshall, Amy Marie. (HQ-DJ000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Maynard, Andrew P. (HQ-DG000);
Melito, Angela M. (HQ-DA000); Mitchell, Tresa K. (HQ-DN000); Petersen, Kate M. (HQ-DK000)[BOOZ ALLEN
HAMILTON]; Rayl, Nicole A. (HQ-DJ000); Razzaghi, Andrea I. (HQ-RA000); Sladek, Mary F. (HQ-DA000);
Smallwood, Angela L. (HQ-DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Tan, Florence W. (HQ-DA000); Treat,
Amy A. (HQ-DA000)[ASRC FEDERAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS]; Watkins, Marcus A. (HQ-CG000)
Subject: Quad Charts | 10/12/2022
Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 6:25:04 PM
Attachments: QuadCharts 10122022.pdf

Good Afternoon – Hope all is well.

Attached are the Quad Charts for this week.

If you have any questions or requests, please let me know.

Staff Meeting Rotation Schedule for Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Planetary Science
MSR Program Office
Science Engagement & Partnerships
Policy & Admin Branches
Resource Management
Earth Science
Joint Agency Satellite
ESSIO Office
Thank you - Take care,

Bryan Johnson
Prcject Support Specialist / ESD R&A
bryan,[email protected]
o: (202) 358-5220 ' c J b) (6)
300 E. St. SW, Washington. DC 20546
X3M | Customer Focused. Extreme Performance.
Science Engagement & Partnerships
Weekly Status 10/12/2022 SCIENCE ENGAGEMENT

on-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

□COMM 90-Day Look Ahead

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO on-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO

FEATURE: UAP Independent Study team selection

Non-Responsive per agreement; Not related to UAP or UFO
Deletion Page

Requester: John Greenwald

Request #: 23-00082-F-HQ

This document contains:

14 Page(s) deleted as non-responsive per the

parameters of the request.

Description: Attachments not related or responsive to UAP or UFO

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