B2 - Practice - Exam - Answer Key

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Practice Exams – Answer Key

Reading 5 Suggested answers

1 Cut down on smoking
Ward off illness
a and b Students’ own answers Keep up water intake
c you can look at it / see how it works / get information Rule out / Cut down on red meat
about it / compare it with other similar products in the
d Students’ own answers
a to look at the products and get information / advice
a no b no c yes d no e no f yes
from sales staff
b Students’ own answers 2
3 c
a have a big problem because of ‘showrooming’ / 3
suffer greatly due to ‘showrooming’ OR similar
a yes b no c yes d yes e no f yes
b they leave the shop OR similar
c there will be no more shops on our high streets / high 4
street shops will close down completely OR similar
a yes b yes c no d yes e yes f no
a more b rent c service d a way of
a yes b yes c no d yes e yes f yes
look around – browse (paragraph 5)
in another place – elsewhere (paragraph 4) Speaking
result – outcome (paragraph 5) 1
new and different – original (paragraph 6)
separate – individual (paragraph 4) a yes b yes c no d yes e no f yes
feel sorry about – regret (paragraph 6) 2
option – possibility (paragraph 4)
danger – threat (paragraph 6) a make b drop c cause d take e run f get
returned – refunded (paragraph 5) 3
produce – create (paragraph 4)
correct – accurate (paragraph 4) a yell b bin c rowdy d amenity e punctuality
give a reason for – justify (paragraph 6) f policy
a yes b yes c yes d no e no f yes
1G 2H 3A 4F 5D 6C 7B
a no b no c yes d yes e yes f no
1 keeping
2 cut out alcohol / drinking
3 stop
4 healthy
5 the key
6 small amounts of
3 Student’s own answers.
1c 2d 3e 4f 5b 6a

English File fourth edition EOI Exam Power Pack: Intermedio B2 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2020 A002562
a Your hotel boss
b Formal
c The number of stars on each review
d Recommendations for spending on the hotel
a no b no c no d yes e yes f yes g yes h
yes i no
a yes b no c no d yes e no
approve, criticism, advise, enjoyment, suggestion,
a I recommend spending money on
b One thing I would recommend is
c I strongly suggest that we
d I advise that we update the
e It’s a good idea to replace the
f Perhaps we should buy some

English File fourth edition EOI Exam Power Pack: Intermedio B2 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2020 A002562

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