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UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 2000 DEFENSE PENTAGON, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301-2000 MAR 24 2023 Thank you for your March 14, 2023, letter regarding Ukraine's aircraft requirements. 1 am responding on behalf of the Secretary of Defense The Department of Defense places utmost importance on getting the Armed Forces of Ukraine the security assistance they need most urgently, which is focused on air defense, artillery, armored vehicles, and ammunition, Secretary Austin is in regular discussion with his Ukrainian counterpart regarding these priorities. The Department is doing its utmost, in concert with Allies and partners, to deliver in each of these areas, and to date the United States has delivered almost $33 billion in security assistance to Ukraine, Ukrainian counterparts have informed us that combat aircraft is a priority, but itis not one of their highest priorities, Combat aircraft is currently Ukraine’s seventh priority capability area, With regard to this capability area, the United States has focused our near-term efforts on sustaining and bolstering Ukraine's existing aircraft, including by coordinating the delivery of spare parts and provision of Western weapons such as the High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile and the Joint Direct Attack Munition that can be integrated into Ukraine's legacy aircraft to make their aircraft even more capable. Our Allies have indicated they intend to transfer additional Sovict-legacy aircraft, employment of which does not require additional training, to Ukraine. ‘The Department assesses that F-16 aircraft would not provide Ukraine with a significant capability advantage in the near term due to the current battlefield environment. The Department is ready to provide a more fulsome analysis of aircraft capabilities in a classified setting, Furthermore, the Department assesses an accelerated training plan for Ukrainian pilots on F-16 aircraft would take approximately 12 to 18 months for an initial cadre of pilots. The Department assesses production of new F-16s would take approximately six years to deliver, and used F-16s ~ regardless of source ~ could require approximately 18 months or more of refurbishment and modification before delivery. ‘The Department assesses the cost of a substantial number of new F-16 aircraft would be significant, For example, the Department estimates the cost of 72 new F-16 aircraft could total more than $10 billion. In addition, provision of Western fighter aircraft would come with significant maintenance and sustainment costs. If Ukraine were to receive F-16 aircraft, these costs could total more than one billion dollars over the first three years, depending on condi of the aiteraft, the number of aircraft transferred, and other factors. As with other high-end systems, the Department anticipates that Ukraine would request investment from its partners to procure, and ensure sustainment of, the capability. If the United States were to support these costs, it would likely consume a large portion of the remaining U.S. security assistance authority and funding available to the Department. The Department will continue to consult closely with Ukraine as its needs, and the dynamics on the battlefield, change. We are continuously assessing additional and more advanced capabilities to provide to Ukraine. Maintenance and sustainment, readiness, technology security, and other factors are part of every decision. As stated earlier, as of March 20, 2023, the United States has committed almost $33 billion in security assistance since Russia’s February 2022 invasion. This support to Ukraine ‘would not have been possible without the strong bipartisan support of the U.S. Congress. ‘Again, thank you for your letter and your support for the Department of Defense. I have sent identical letters fo the other signatories. Sincerely, [ty Colin H. Kahl, PhD

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