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AS Chemistry Titration questions 12th Oct

1/ 28.00 cm3 of 0.750 moldm-3 hydrochloric acid neutralized 40.00 cm3 of

potassium hydroxide solution.

a) Write the equation for the reaction.

HCl + KOH -> KCL + H2O
b) Calculate the number of moles of hydrochloric acid.
28.00 / 1000 = 0.0280 dm3
0.0280 x 0.750 = 0.021 mol
c) Calculate the number of moles of potassium hydroxide.
Balanced ratio = 1:1
So 0.021
d) Calculate the concentration of potassium hydroxide used.
Vol = 40.00 / 1000 = 0.0400 dm3
Conc = 0.021 / 0.0400 = 0.525 mol/dm3

2/ 15.3 cm3 of 1.5 moldm-3 sodium hydroxide reacted exactly with 35.0 cm3 of
nitric acid. Write the equation and calculate the concentration of nitric acid

Equation = HNO3 + NaOH -> NaNO3 + H2O

35.0 / 1000 = 0.0350 dm3

0.0350 x 1.5 = 0.0525 mol

35.0 / 15.3 = 2.287

0.0525 / 0.0325 = 1.5

x 2.287 = 3.430 mol/dm3

3/ 12.0 cm3 of 0.005 moldm-3 hydrochloric acid reacted exactly with 24.0 cm 3 of
lithium hydroxide. Write the equation and calculate the concentration of lithium
hydroxide used.

Equation = LiOH + HCl -> LiCl + H2O

24.0 / 1000 = 0.0240 dm3

0.0240 x 0.005 = 0.000120 mol

24.0 / 12.0 = 2

0.000120 / 0.0240 x 2 = 0.01 mol/dm3

4/ 18.2 cm3 of 0.80 moldm-3 sulphuric acid reacted exactly with 0.300 moldm-3
of lithium hydroxide. Calculate the volume of lithium hydroxide required to
neutralize the sulphuric acid.

a) Write out a balanced equation.

H2SO3 + 2LiOH -> 2H2O + Li2SO3
b) Calculate the number of moles of sulphuric acid.
Vol = 18.2 / 1000 = 0.0182 dm3
0.0182 x 0.80 = 0.0146 mol
c) Calculate the number of moles of lithium hydroxide.
Ratio 1:1
So still 0.0146

d) Calculate the volume of lithium hydroxide required.

0.0146 / 0.300 = 0.0487 dm3

5/ 18.80 cm3 of 0.200 moldm-3 nitric acid reacted exactly with 0.450 moldm -3 of
lithium hydroxide. What volume of lithium hydroxide was required to neutralize
the acid?

Vol of nitric acid = 18.80 / 1000 = 0.0188 dm3

Mol = c x v

= 0.200 x 0.0188 = 0.00376 mol

Mol ratio = 1:1

0.00376 / 0.450 = 0.00836 dm3

6/ 37.3 cm3 of 0.420 moldm-3 potassium hydroxide reacts with 1.10 moldm -3 of
ethanoic acid. What volume of ethanoic acid was required to neutralize the

Vol of potassium hydroxide = 37.3 / 1000 = 0.0373 dm3

Mol = c x v

= 0.0373 x 0.420 = 0.01570 mol


Mol ratio = 1:1

1.10/ 0.01570 = 70.06 dm3

7/ 14 cm3 of 1.00 moldm-3 barium hydroxide reacts with 0.5 moldm-3 of

hydrochloric acid solution. What volume of hydrochloric acid was required to
neutralize the barium hydroxide?

Vol of barium hydroxide = 14 / 1000 = 0.014 dm3

Mol = c x v

0.014 x 1.00 = 0.0140 mol

Ratio = 1:1

0.5 / 0.0140 = 35.71 dm3

8/ What volume of 0.125 moldm-3 sodium hydroxide solution is needed to titrate

25.0 cm3 of 0.085 moldm-3 sulphuric acid?

Volume of sulphuric acid = 25.0 / 1000 = 0.025 dm3

Mol = c x v

0.025 x 0.085 = 0.00213 mol

Ratio 1:1

0.125 / 0.00213 = 58.69 dm3

9/ 1.96g of an unknown hydroxide X(OH)2, was dissolved in water, and the

solution was made up to 250.00 cm3 in a volumetric flask. In a titration, 25.00
cm3 of this solution of X(OH)2 required 21.20 cm3 of 0.250 moldm-3 dilute
hydrochloric acid to reach the endpoint.
2HCl (aq) + X (OH)2 (aq)  XCl2 (aq) + 2H2O(l)

Identify the unknown hydroxide X(OH)2


Before next week go to the link above. From the Topic menu - watch the videos
about ‘using a pipette’ (we will be using volumetric pipettes), ‘using a burette’ and
‘doing a titration’. There is a script for each video.

Make some notes about how to do a titration and bring them with you to
Monday’s class.

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