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Definition of Customer Service

Our customer is revolting! They are demanding

more for less and want world class products
and services and they want it now. If we can't
provide what they want, they will find some
one who can. We must provide great customer
Definition of Customer Service

Excellent customer service is

the ability of an organization to
constantly exceed the
customer's expectations.

Mission or Goals of Company Customer is the most important


Customer Satisfaction He is not depend on us, rather we

depend him

In serving him the company does no favor

to him rather he obliges by providing an
opportunity to serve him/her.

Quality Service He is not someone to argue because

no one can win argument to him
Customer Satisfaction Definitions
What customer expects and how he perceives that service received lived up to
those expectations.

Service satisfaction= (customer) Expectation- perception (of customer)

Objective satisfaction is reduction of the discrepancy between the current

situation and desired situation.

Depend more on customer & his styles than technology or system.

Customer Satisfaction
Overall post purchase evaluation lead to satisfaction/
A state of experience: Intellectual & emotional patron-
centered personal reaction/ response depend on:
1. perception
2. view point
3. experience
4. expertise
Customer Satisfaction
Satisfying a person differs from satisfying a need: long term customer
satisfaction is the aim.

Customer's expectations tell what to sell and serve (user requirement).

Perception is a conscious thought process, it consist of sensory

perception, association, evaluation & decision.

Individual perception is all encompassing( hopes, fear, upper limits) and

all power.
Customer Satisfaction
Customer's expectations tell what to sell and serve (user requirement)

Customer's perceptions of service tell how to sell , serve and satisfy users
behavior, attitude preference, etc.)

Perception is a conscious thought process, it consist of sensory perception,

association, evaluation & decision.

Individual perception is all encompassing (hopes, fear, upper limits) and all
Customer Satisfaction
User perception goes deep and when it comes to perception feelings are

People like to hold old ideas or beliefs as though they were valued personal
possessions. It requires original thinking which hurt because of considerable
efforts, self analysis and risk to adopt new ideas.

Satisfaction has a linear relation to loyalty and repeat purchase.

Measuring satisfaction is part of research method. Psychometric factors ,

practical considerations , choice of scales, administration of questionnaire,
etc. are used.
Customer Satisfaction in Organization
1. Expectation
Previous experience has powerful influence

Regular customers have more realistic expectations

Image is defined based on immediate impact when service is

Customer Satisfaction in Organization
2. Perception
Single incident can change in other interactions

To improve: involve customers genuinely

Strives for a service wide image of consistency and efficiency

Customer Satisfaction in Organization
3. Demand
Satisfaction and demand are closely linked

Satisfaction is adaptive: good service over stretched causes

drop in satisfaction; poor service retain some customers who
are persistent, rarely satisfied and low expectations.

The rating further go down as service improves because of

attracting more customers, who are more critical, want even
higher level of service, and more knowledgeable.
Type of Customers & Reasons for

Major reason for customer dissatisfaction

Service provided in careless & unprofessional manner.
Service not performed correctly for the first time
Things were worse after service than before
Treated with extreme rudeness.
Type of Customers & Reasons for

Customer behavior in response to unsatisfactory service experience

Decided to quit
Warned family and friends
Contacted the company to complain
Type of Customers & Reasons for

Types of Customers
Proud and in a hurry
Angry and anxious
Type of Customers & Reasons for

Types of Customers
Move Away
Product service dissatisfaction indifferent attitude of service
personnel/ employee
What do complaining
customers want?
To be taken seriously
immediate action feeling or words from
your heart
compensation apology
clear up problem
To be listened to
Expectations of your customers (96%)
are reasonable.
Listen to them
You will "Fight for them"
You will feel for them.
Customer service
Customer service is your best sale tool
Customers must be given best possible service
Customer satisfaction requires proffessional
work culture
Advertise makes promises, but only people can
keep them.
How to make customer happy?

What is service quality?
Transcendent - Quality= excellence
Product-based- Quality is precise and measurable
User-based- Quality lies in the eyes of beholder
Manufacturing-based- Quality is in conformance to
the firms developed specifications.
Components of Service Quality

Service Assurance
Quality Empathy
Closing the gaps
Gap 1: Learn what customer's expect

Gap 2: Established the right quality service standard

Gap 3: ensure the service performance meets standard

Gap 4: Ensure that delivery matches promises

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