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Single Correct Answer Type

1. Oxidation number of Cr in the following complex is

a) 3 b) 6 c) 4 d) 5
2. What type of isomerism is present in the pair of complexes [Co(NH ) Br]SO and [Co(NH ) SO ]Br
a) Linkage isomerism b) Ligand isomerism
c) Ionisation isomerism d) Coordination isomerism
3. Test tube I contains (aq) KI, II contains (aq)HgCl ,III contains mixture of I and II in 4:1 ratio, Select the
correct statement
a) I and III give test for I and K b) II and III both give test for Hg
c) Both (a) and (b) are correct d) None of the above is correct
4. The number of unpaired electrons expected for the complex ion[Cr(NH ) ]
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
5. Isomerisms exhibited by [Cr(NH ) (H O) Cl ] are
a) Ionisation, optical b) Hydrate, optical
c) Eometrical, optical d) Coordinate, geometrical
6. The complex showing a spin-only magnetic moment of 2.82 BM is
a) Ni(CO) b) [NiCl ] c) Ni(PPh ) d) [Ni(CN) ]
7. The complex showing a spin-only magnetic moment of 2.82 BM is
a) Ni(CI) b) [NiCl ] c) Ni(PPh ) d) [Ni(CN) ]
8. Consider the following complex, ions, 𝑃, 𝑄 and 𝑅 𝑃 = [FeF ] , 𝑄 = [𝑉(𝐻 𝑂) ] and 𝑅 = [Fe(H O) ]
The correct order of the complex ions, according to their spin-only magnetic moment values (in BM) is
a) 𝑅 < 𝑄 < 𝑃 b) 𝑄 < 𝑅 < 𝑃 c) 𝑅 < 𝑃 < 𝑄 d) 𝑄 < 𝑃 < 𝑅
9. [Ni(CN) ] and [NiCl ] have similarity but not in
a) Magnetic moment b) C.N. and O.N c) Structure d) Both (a) and (c)
10. Consider the following statements in respect of [CoCl ] complex ion
I. It is paramagnate
II. It is low-spin complex
III. Oxidation number of cobalt is −4
IV. The coordination number of cobalt is 6
Select the correct statement
a) All of the above b) III and IV only c) I and IV only d) I and II only
11. [Ni(CN) ] and [Ni(CO) ]have
a) 𝑠𝑝 hybridised Ni in both cases b) 𝑠𝑝 and 𝑠𝑝 𝑑 hybridised Ni
c) 𝑑𝑠𝑝 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑝 hybridised Ni d) 𝑑𝑠𝑝 in both cases
12. The complex

Can be formally formed from K [PtCl ] by which one of the following sequences of substitution of the
chloride ions?
a) Py, Br , NH b) Br , Py, NH c) Br , NH , Py d) NH , Br , Py
13. Consider the following complexes:
I. K PtCl II.PtCl ∙ 2NH III.PtCl ∙ 3NH IV.PtCl ∙ 5NH
Their electrical conductances in aqueous solutions are
a) 256,0,97,404 b) 404,0,97,256 c) 256,97,0,404 d) 404,97,256,0
14. Of the following complex ions, the one that probably has the largest overall formation constant, 𝐾 , is
a) [Co(NH ) ] b) [Co(H O) ] c) [Co(H O) (NH ) ] d) [Co(en) ]
15. Which of the following complex species is not expected to exhibit optical isomerism?
a) [Co(en) ] b) [Co(en) Cl ] c) [Co(NH ) Cl ] d) [Co(en)(NH )Cl ]
16. The ions or molecules attached to the central metal atom or ion in a complex are called
a) Ligands b) Chelates c) Ambident d) Lewis acid
17. [Co(NH ) (NO )] and[Co(NH ) (ONO)] will differ in
a) Colour b) Structure c) Hybridisation d) magnetic moment
18. Potassium diamminedicyanosulphatosuperoxo palatinate (IV) is
a) K[Pt(CN) (O )(SO )(NH ) ] b) K [Pt(NH ) (CN) (SO )(O )]
c) K [Pt(NH ) (CN) (SO (O )] d) K [Pt(NH ) (CN) (SO )(O )]
19. Arrange the following in order of decreasing number of unpaired electrons
I. [Fe(H O) ] II. [Fe(CB) ]
III. [Fe(CN) ] IV. [Fe(Fe(H O) ]
a) IV, I, II, III b) I, II, III, IV c) III, II, I, IV d) II, III, I, IV
20. Among the following metal carbonyls, C— O bond order is lowest in
a) [Mn(CO) ] b) [Fe(CO) ] c) [Cr(CO) ] d) [V(CO) ]
21. Of the following complex ions, one exhibits optical isomerism, That one is
a) 𝑐𝑖𝑠 − [Co(en) Cl ] b) [Co(NH ) Cl ]
c) [Co(NH ) Cl ] d) 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠 − [Co(en) Cl ]
22. In spectrochemical series chlorine is above than water i.e., Cl > H O, this is due to
a) Good π-acceptor properties of Cl
b) Strong σ −donor and good π-acceptor properties of Cl
c) Good π −donor properties of Cl
d) Larger size of Cl than H O
23. Which pair is not associated with complimentary colour
a) Orange−blue b) Yellow−purple c) Green − red d) Red− yellow
24. Coordination number of Cr is six, A complex with , C O , en and superoxide O will be in the ratio to
make complex Cr(C O ) (en) (O )
a) 1 1 1 b) 1 1 2
c) 1 2 2 d) 2 1 1
25. Which has maximum number of unpaired electrons
a) [Cr(NH ) ] b) [CoF ] c) [Co(NH ) ] d) Ni(CO)
26. Pentamminechloroplatinum (IV) chloride ionizes to give
a) Two ions b) Three ions c) Four ions d) Five ions
27. If excess of AgNO solution is added to 100 mL of a 0.024 M solution of dichlorobis (ethylendiamine)
cobalt (III) chloride, how many moles ofAgCl be precipitated
a) 0.0012 b) 0.0016 c) 0.0024 d) 0.0048
28. Complex [Co(en) Cl ] can
a) Exist as 𝑐𝑖𝑠-and trans-isomer
Enantiomorphic pair 𝑑 and𝐼 are formed if the isomer in which two unidentate liands have to be cis-cis
to each other
c) Both (a) & (b) correct
d) None of the above is correct
29. Which of the following reactions are kinetically favourable
1. [Cu(H O) ] + 4NH ⟶ [Cu(NH ) ] + 4H O
2. [Cu(H O) ] + 4Cl ⟶ [CuCl ] + 4 H O
3. [Co(H O) ] + 6Cl ⟶ [CoCl ] + 4H O
a) I,III b) II,III c) I,II d) I,II,III
30. CrCl ∙ 4H O will exist as
a) [Cr(H O) Cl ] ∙ H O
b) [Cr(H O) Cl ]Cl
c) Both (a ) and (b)
d) None of these
31. Coordination number of calcium is six in
a) [Ca(EDTA)] b) CaC O c) [Ca(C O ) ] d) CaSO ∙ 4H O
32. Which has aromatic ring in complex
a) DNG in dimethyl glyoximate b) Cyclopenta-dienyl anion in ferrocene
c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of the above
33. If ∆ and ∆ represent crystal field splitting energies for d-orbitals for octahedral and tetrahedral
geometries respectively, then for d (high spin in both cases) what are CFSE (ignore the pairing energy)
a) 0.6 ∆ and 0.6 ∆ b) 0.4 ∆ and 0.6 ∆ c) 0.6 ∆ and 0.6 ∆ d) 0.6 ∆ and 0.4 ∆
34. Total number of geometrical isomers for the complex [RhCl(CO)(PPh )(NH )] is
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
35. Spin only magnetic moment of the compound Hg[Co(SCN) ]is
a) √3 b) √15 c) √24 d) √8
36. Of the following complex ions, one is a Bronsted-Lowry acid That one is
a) [Cu(NH ) ] b) [FeCl ] c) [Fe(H O) ] d) [Zn(OH) ]
37. Select the correct statement
a) Complex ion [MoCl ] is paramagnetic b) Complex ion [Co(en) ] is diamagnetic
c) Both (a) and (b) are correct d) None of the above is correct
38. [Cr(NH ) Br)Cl and [Cr(NH ) Cl]Brcan be distinguished by / and isomerism shown is
a) BaCl , ionization b) AgNO , ionization c) AgNO , coordinate d) BaCl ,linkage
39. In the complex [CoCl ∙ 4NH ]
a) Coordination entity is [Co(NH ) Cl ] b) Counter ion is Cl
c) Both (a) & (b) correct d) None of the above is correct
40. The pair of compounds having metals in their highest oxidation state is
a) MnO , FeCl b) [MnO ] , CrO Cl
c) [Fe(CN) ] , [Co(CN) ] d) [NiCl ] , [CoCl ]
41. Geometrical shapes of the complexes formed by the reaction of Ni with Cl , CN and H O , respectively,
a) Octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar b) Tetrahedral ,square planar and octahedral
c) Square planar ,tetrahedral and octahedral d) Octahedral , square planar and octahedral
42. Geometrical shapes of the complexes formed by the reaction of Ni with CN ∙ CN andH O respectively,
a) Octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar
b) Tetrahedral, square planar and octahedral
c) Square planar, tetrahedral and octahedral
d) Octahedral, square planar and octahedral
43. The correct structure of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is

a) b)

c) d)

44. Which has maximum coordinating (donor) points?

a) DMG b) EDTA c) En d) Py
45. The correct structure of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is

a) b)

c) d)

46. The volume (in mL) of 0.1 M AgNO3 required for complete precipitation of chloride ions present in 30 mL
of 0.01 M solution of [Cr(H O) Cl]Cl , as silver chloride is close to
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
47. The ionisation isomer of [Cr(H O) Cl(NO )C] is
a) [Cr(H O) (O N)]Cl b) [Cr(H O) Cl ](NO )
c) [Cr(H O) Cl (ONO)] Cl d) [Cr(H O) Cl (NO )]. H O
48. Which of the following complexes is not a chelate?
a) Bis (dimethylglyoximato) nickel (II)
b) Potassium ethylenediaminetetrathiocyanato chromate (III)
c) Tetrammine carbonatocobalt (III) nitrate
d) Trans-diglycinatoplatinum (II)
49. Dipole moment will be zero in complexes
I. [Ni(CN) ] II. 𝐶𝑖𝑠 − Pt[(NH ) Cl III. 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠 − [Pt(NH ) Cl ]
a) I and II b) I and III c) II and III d) I,II and III
50. A compound has the empirical formula CoCl ∙ 5NH , When an aqueous solution of this compound is
mixed with excess silver nitrate, 2 moles ofAgCl precipitate per mol of compound. On reaction with excess
HClno NH is detected. Hence, it is
a) All theCl show primary valency (PV)
b) Two Clshow (PV) and one Cl secondary valency (SV)
c) Two Cl show (PV) and one Cl (PV) as well as (SV)
d) All the Cl show (SV)
51. Aqueous Fe (III) ion develops intense red colour with SCN while Fe(II) does not. It is due to
a) Fe (III) ion forms a chare transfer complex with transfer complex with SCN ions
b) Fe(III) is reduced to Fe(I) which is deep red in colour
c) SCN ion oxidizes to CN ion that forms red complex with Fe (III) ion
d) SCN ion does not form any complex with Fe (II) ion
52. Select the incorrect statement
a) [Ni(en) ] is less stable than [Ni(NH ) ]
b) Increase in stability of the complexes due to presence of multidentate cyclic ligand is called macrocyclic
c) A complex ion that exchanges ligands slowly is said to be non-labile or inert
d) For a given ion and ligand, greater the charge on the metal ion, greater the stability
53. Why is [Ni(en) ] nearly10 times more stable than [Ni(NH ) ]
a) NH evaporates easily and causes instability to[Ni(NH ) ] complex
b) Six NH ligands cause steric hindrance around the Ni centre
c) ‘en’ is a chelating ligand and forms thermodynamically more stable complexes
d) NH is the weakest ligand known
54. The complex [Co(NH ) (NO )] and [Co(NH ) (ONO)] are called
a) Ionization isomer b) Linkage isomers c) Coordination isomer d) Geometrical isomer
55. Ink contains Fe .Spot of ink can be removed by addition of C O , Complex formed is
a) [Fe(C O ) ] b) [Fe(C O ) ] c) [Fe(C O ) ] d) [Fe(C O ) ]
56. The complex

a) Is the molecular complex b) Has four ions in the aqueous solution

c) Primary valency of cobalt is six d) All the above are correct
57. Lead poisoning in the body can be removed by
a) EDTA in the form of calcium dihydrogen salt b) 𝑐𝑖𝑠-platin
c) Zeise’s salt d) DMG
58. What is CFSE of a free Co(II) ion on forming the tetrahedral chloro complex [CoCl ] (in the units of ∆ )
a) 0.6 b) 1.2 c) 1.8 d) 2.4
59. Potassium trisoxalatochromate (III) is
a) K [Cr(C O ) ] b) K[Cr(C O ) ] c) K [Cr(C O ) ] d) 𝑲𝟒 [𝑪𝒓(𝑪𝟐 𝑶𝟒 )𝟑 ]
60. Which of the following complexes exhibit optical isomerism?
a) Trans-tetramminedithiocyanatochromium (III) ion
b) Cis-diamminedicarbonatocobaltate (III) ion
c) Trans-diamminedicarbonatocobaltate (III) ion
d) Cis-glycinatoplatinum (II)
61. Select the correct statement
a) Chelation effect is maximum for five or six-membered rings
b) Complex ions in which ligands can be interchanged rapidly are said to be labile
c) Both (a) and (b) are correct
d) None of the above is correct
62. IUPAC name of is K [Fe(CN) ] is
a) Potassium hexacyano iron (II) b) Potassium iron (II) hexacyano
c) Tetrapotassium iron (II) hexacyano d) Potassium hexacyanoferrate (II)
63. Among Ni(CO) ∙ [Ni(CN) ] and NiCl
a) Ni(CO) and[Ni(CN) ] diamagnetic andNiCl is paramagnetic
b) Ni(CO) and NiCl are diamagnetic and[Ni(CN) ] are paramagnetic
c) Ni(CO) is diamagnetic and[Ni(CN) ] and NiCl are paramagnetic
d) NiCl and[Ni(CN) ] are diamagnetic and Ni(CO) is paramagnetic
64. Cu and Cd are distinguished through formation of complex [Cu(CN) ] and [Cs(CN) ] , when H S
gas is passed
a) There is yellow precipitate due to CdS b) There is black precipitate due to CuS
c) There is blue precipitation due to CuS d) There is precipitation of CuS and CdS together
65. Which one of the following complex species does not obey the EAN rule?
a) [Cu(CN) ] b) [Cr(NH ) ] c) [Fe(CN) ] d) [Ni(CO) ]
66. Zeisse’s salt is
a) [Pt(NH ) Cl ] b) K[PtCl (C H )] c) Fe(C H ) d) None of these
67. [Co(NO )(NH ) ] is yellow in colour, then its linkage isomer is
a) Yellow b) Red c) Blue d) orange
68. Select the correct statement

a) Excess of copper and iron are removed by the chelating ligands D-penicillamine and desferrioxime B via
the formation of coordination compounds
b) Cis-platin is used in the treatment of cancer
c) Both (a) and (b) are correct
d) None of the above is correct
69. [Fe (O )(CN) Cl] is named as
a) Chlorotetracyanodioxoferrate (II) ion b) Chlorotetracyanoperoxoferrate (II) ion
c) Chlorotetracyanosuperoxoferrate (II) ion d) None of the above is correct
70. When concentrated HClis added to a, solution of [Co(H O) ] ion, an intense blue colour develops due to
the formation which one of the following
a) [CoCl ] b) [CoCl ] c) [CoCl (H O) ] d) [CoCl(H O) ]
71. In the complex [Pt(O )(en) (Br)] coordination number and oxidation number of platinum are
a) 4,3 b) 4,5 c) 4,6 d) 6,4
72. Which of the following types of bonds are present in CuSO ∙ 5H O
I. Electrovalent II. Covalent III. Coordinate
𝑆𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑜𝑓
a) I,II b) II,III c) I,III d) I,II,III
73. EAN of the elements (*) are equal in
a) Ni(CO) , [Fe(CN) ] b) [Ni(en) ] , [Fe(H O) ]
c) [Co(CN) ] , [Fe(CN) ] d) [Ni(en) ] , [Sc(H O) ]
74. Match the geometry (given in Column I) with the complexes (in Column II) in
Column I Column II
A. Octahedral [Ni(CN) ]
B. Square Ni(CO)
C. Tetrahedral [Fe(CN) ]
a) 1 2 3 b) 3 1 2
c) 3 2 1 d) 2 1 3
75. The compound(s) that exhibit (s) geometrical isomerism is (are)
a) [Pt(en)Cl ] b) [Pt(en) Cl c) [Pt(en) Cl ]Cl d) [Pt(NH ) Cl
76. What is the ratio of uncomplexed to complexed Zn ion in a solution that is 10 M in , in NH if the stability
constant of is [Zn(NH ) ] is 3 × 10
a) 3.3 × 10 b) 3.3 × 10 c) 3.3 × 10 d) 3 × 10
77. Complexes of which ions are not kinetically labile
a) Cu , Ni b) Cr , Co
c) V , Ti d) None of the above is correct
78. In which case racemic mixture is obtained on mixing its mirror images in 1:1 molar ratio
a) [Cr(en) ] b) [Ni(DMG) ] c) Cis − [Cu(Gly) ] d) In all cases
79. Which of the following an example of coordination compound
a) CoCl ∙ 6NH b) KCl ∙ MgCl ∙ 6H O
c) FeSO ∙ 6H O d) FeSO ∙ (NH ) SO ∙ 6H O
80. Which is the incorrect observation
For the complex , [CoF ] ,F is a weak-field ligand, so that ∆ < 𝑃 (electron –pairing energy) and is
thus high spin complex
b) For the complex , [Co(NH ) ] , NH is a strong-field ligand, so that ∆ > 𝑃 and thus low spin complex
c) ∆ = + ∆
d) Greater the ionic charge on the central metal ion the greater the value of ∆
81. In Which case geometrical isomers is possible with 𝑀 as metal ion?
a) 𝑀𝑋 𝑌 b) 𝑀𝑋 𝑌 c) 𝑀𝑋 𝑌 𝑍 d) In all cases

82. While Ti , V , Fe and Co afford a large number of tetrahedral complexes, Cr never does this, the
reason being
a) Cr forces high crystal field splitting with a verieties of ligands
Crystal field stabilization energy in octahedral vis-à-vis tetrahedral Cr system plays the
Deciding role
c) The ionic radius of Cr is the largest among the other M ions mentioned
Electronegativity of Cr is the largest among these trivalent 3d- metals and so chromium prefers to be
associated with as many ligands as its ionic radius permits
83. In an octahedral complex , if ligands on one axis are displaced little away from their ideal positions the
crystal field splitting of d-orbitals for this complex is as given below
𝑑 𝑑 𝑑 𝑑 𝑑
The ligands are displaced on which axis/axes
a) 𝑥-and y b) 𝑦-only c) 𝑥-only d) 𝑧-only
84. Of the following complex ions, one exhibits isomerism. That is
a) [Ag(NH ) ] b) [Co(NH ) NO ] c) [Pt(en)Cl ] d) [Co(NH ) Cl]
85. A compound has the empirical formula CoCl ∙ 5NH , When an aqueous solution of this compound is
mixed with excess silver nitrate, 2 moles ofAgCl precipitate per mol of compound. On reaction with excess
HClno NH is detected. Hence, it is
a) [Co(NH ) Cl ]Cl b) [Co(NH ) Cl]Cl
c) [Co(NH Cl ]
) d) [Co(NH ) Cl ]Cl ∙ NH
86. Hexammine platinum (IV) tetrachloroplatinate (II) is
a) [Pt(NH ) ][PtCl ) ] b) [Pt(NH ) [PtCl ] c) [Pt(NH ) ][PtCl ] d) [Pt(NH ) ][PtCl ]
87. The crystal field-splitting for Cr , ion in octahedral field increases for ligands I , H O, NH , CN and the
order is
a) I < H O < 𝑁H < 𝐶N b) CN < I < H O < 𝑁H
c) CN < 𝑁H < H O < I d) NH < H O < I < 𝐶N
88. For the complex 𝑀𝐿 , stepwise formation constants for
𝑀 + 𝐿 ⇌ 𝑀𝐿
𝑀𝐿 + 𝐿 ⇌ 𝑀𝐿
are 4 and 3. Hence, overall stability constant for
𝑀 + 2𝐿 ⇌ 𝑀𝐿 is
a) 12 b) 7 c) 1.33 d) 0.75
89. The formula of a carbonyl complex of cobalt,(CO) Co − Co(CO) ,in which there a single covalent Co −
Cobond is
a) Co (CO) b) Co (CO) c) Co (CO) d) Co (CO)
90. The spin only magnetic moment value (in Bohr magneton units) of Cr(CO) is
a) 0 b) 2.84 c) 4.90 d) 5.92
91. Select the correct statement
a) [Fe(CN) ] ]and [Fe(H O) ] can be distinguished by magnetic moment
b) [Ni(CN) ] and [Ni(CO) ]both are diamagnetic
c) [Fe(CN) ] and [Co(NH ) ] have equal magnetic moment
d) All the above are correct statements
92. Which is true for ,[Ni(en) ] , Z(Ni)=28
a) Paramagnetism, 𝑑𝑠𝑝 , square planar, CN of Ni =2
b) Diamagnetism, 𝑑𝑠𝑝 square planar, CN of Ni =4
c) Diamagnetism, 𝑠𝑝 tetrahedral, CN of Ni =4
d) Paramagnetism , 𝑠𝑝 square planar, CN of Ni =4
93. Among the following complexes (𝐾 − 𝑃)K [Fe(CN) ](𝐾), (Co(NH ) Cl (L),
Na [Co(ox) ](M), [Ni(H O) ]Cl (N),
K [Pt(CN) ](O) and [Zn(H O) ](NO ) (P) The diamagnetic complexes are

a) K, L, M, N b) K, M, O, P c) L,M, O, P d) L, M, N, O
94. Extraction of Ag from sulphide ore and removal of unreacted silver from photographic plate involve
a) [Ag(S O ) ] in both b) [Ag(CN) ] in both
c) [Ag(S O ) ] , [Ag(CN) ] d) [Ag(CN) ] , [Ag(S O ) ]
95. FeSO on treatment with excess of KCN gives a product that does not give test of Fe ,the product
formed is
a) [Fe(CN) ]SO b) K [Fe(CN) ] c) K [Fe(CN) ] d) KFe[Fe(CN) ]
96. [Fe(H O) ] and [Fe(CN) ] differ in
a) geometry, magnetic moment b) Magnetic moment and colour
c) Geometry and hybridization d) None of the above
97. Select the correct statement
The 𝑑 and𝑑 orbitals are directed alon a set of mutually perpendicular 𝑥, 𝑦 and 𝑧-axes. As a group
these orbitals are called, 𝑒 orbitals
b) The𝑑 , 𝑑 and𝑑 orbitals lie between the axes and collectively called 𝑡 orbitals
c) Both (a) & (b) are correct
d) None of the above is correct
98. [Pt (NH )(NO )Py (NH OH)] will form geometrical isomers
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
99. The number of water molecule(s) directly bonded to the metal centre in CuSO .5H O is
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
100. Extraction of metals or other processes is through the complex formation
I. Cyanide process
II. Monds process
III. Photographic fixing process
Complexes formed in these methods are
a) [Ag(NH ) ] ClNi(CO) [Ag(CN) ] b) [Ag(CN) ] Ni(CO) [A(S O ) ]
c) [Ag(CN) ] [Ag(S O ) ] Ni(CO) d) [Cd(CN) ] Ni(CO) [Ag(S O ) ]
101. The intense blue colour of Prussian blue salts arises from which one of the following?
a) 𝑑-𝑑 transition b) Inter valence electron transfer
c) Ligand to metal charge transfer d) Metal to ligand chare transfer
102. NiCl {P(C H ) (C H )} exhibits temperature dependent magnetic behavior (paramagnetic/diamagnetic)
the coordination geometries of Ni in the paramagnetic and diamagnetic states are respectively
a) Tetrahedral and tetrahedral b) Square planar and square planar
c) Tetrahedral and square planar d) Square planar and tetrahedral
103. The reaction between metallic silver and aqueous NaCN forming a soluble complex occurs in the presence
a) Nitrogen b) Helium c) Argon d) Oxygen
104. Which complex gives three chloride ions per formula unit?
a) CrCl ∙ 6H O b) CrCl ∙ 5H O c) CrCl ∙ 4H O d) All of these
105. The spin only magnetic moment value (in Bohrmagneton units) of Cr(CO) is
a) 0 b) 2.84 c) 4.90 d) 5.92
106. The crystal field splitting energy for octahedral (∆ ) and tetrahedral (∆ ) complexes is related as
4 1 4
a) ∆ = − ∆ b) ∆ = ∆ c) ∆ = −2∆ d) ∆ = − ∆
9 2 9
107. Which one of the following compounds has tetrahedral geometry
a) [Ni(CN) ] b) [NiCl ] c) [PdCl ] d) [Pd(CN) ]
108. If there is 100% ionisation of this complex A compound has the empirical formula CoCl ∙ 5NH , When an
aqueous solution of this compound is mixed with excess silver nitrate, 2 moles ofAgCl precipitate per mol
of compound. On reaction with excess HClno NH is detected, its 1 M solution at 300 k will have osmotic

pressure equal to
a) 8.21 atm
b) 24.63 atm
c) 49.28 atm
d) 73.89 atm
109. Which of the following compounds show optical isomerism?
I. 𝐶𝑖𝑠 − [Co(NH ) Cl ] II.𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠 − [Co(en) Cl ] III.𝐶𝑖𝑠 − [Co(en) Cl ] IV.[Co(en) ]
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
a) I and IV b) II and III c) III and IV d) I,III and IV
110. Which kind of isomerism is exhibited by octahedral Co(NH ) Br Cl ?
a) Geometrical and ionisation b) Geometrical and optical
c) Optical and ionisation d) Geometrical only
111. Which contains monovalent cationic complex
a) CoCl ∙ 6NH b) [CoCl ∙ 5NH c) CoCl ∙ 4NH d) CoCl ∙ 3NH
112. As per IUPAC nomenclature, the name of the complex [Co(H O) (NH ) ]Cl is
a) Tetraaquadiaminecobalt (III) chloride b) Tetraaquadiaminecobalt (III) chloride
c) Diaminetetraquacobalt (III) chloride d) Diamminetetraaquacobalt (III) chloride
113. The compound having tetrahedral geometry is
a) [Ni(CN) ] b) [Pd(CN )] c) [PdCl ] d) [NiCl ]
114. The IUPAC name of [Ni(NH ) ][NiCl ] is
a) Tetrachloro nickel (II) – tetraammine nickel (II)
b) Tetraammine nickel (II) –tetrachloro nickel(II)
c) Tetraammine nickel (II) –tetrachloro nickelate(II)
d) Tetrachloro nickel (II) –tetraammine nickelate(0)
115. What are the spin-only magnetic moments (in BM) for ion in square-planar and octahedral geometry
a) 0,2,83 b) 2.83,2.83 c) 2.83,0 d) 0,0
116. Which one of the following is the correct order of the wavelengths of absorption for complexes?
I. [Ni(H O) ] II. [Ni(NH ) ] III. [Ni(NO ) ]
a) I>II>III b) II>I>III c) III>II>I d) III>I>I
117. The coordination number of Pt in the complex ion [Pt(en) Cl ] is
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
118. Which has maximum EAN of the underlined atoms
(Cr = 24, Co = 27, Fe = 26, Ni = 28)
a) [Cr(EDTA)] b) [Co(en) ] c) [Fe(C O ) ] d) [Ni(CN) ]
119. The ionization isomer of [Cr(H O) Cl(NO )]Cl is
a) [Cr(H O) (O N)]Cl b) [Cr(H O) Cl ](NO )
c) [Cr(H O) Cl(ONO)]Cl d) [Cr(H O) Cl (NO )] ∙ H O
120. Which one of the following complexes is expected to have lowest ∆ values?
a) [Co(NH ) ] b) [CoF ] c) [Rh(NH ) ] d) [Ir(NH ) ]
121. Primary and secondary valency of Pt in [Pt(en) Cl ]Cl are
a) 4,4 b) 4,6 c) 6,6 d) 4,2
122. Which is Prussian blue
a) KF [Fe (CN) ] b) KFe [Fe (CN) ] c) K [Fe (CN) ] d) K [Fe(CN) ]
123. In the complex PtCl ∙ 5NH
a) Two Cl ligands satisfy primary as well as secondary valencies
b) Four NH ligands satisfy secondary valency
c) Ions are [Pt(NH ) Cl ] and 2Cl
d) All the above are correct statements
124. Select the correct statement about the complex [Co(NH ) SO ]Br
a) Its ionization isomer is [Co(NH ) Br]SO
b) It gives yellow precipitate with AgNO
c) Its ionization isomer give white precipitate with BaBl
d) All the above are correct statements
125. In the complex [Fe(NH ) ]
a) Fe is a Lewis acid b) NH is a Lewis base
c) Both (a ) & (b) correct d) None is Correct
126. Following ligands can show linkage isomerism
a) CNS b) NO c) CN d) All of these
127. Among the following complexes (K-P),
K [Fe(CN) ](𝐾) , [Co(NH ) ]Cl (𝐿),
Na [Co(ox) ](𝑀)
[Ni(H O) ]Cl (𝑁) , and
[Zn(H O) ](NO ) (𝑃) the diamagnetic complexes
a) K, L, M, N b) K, M, O, P c) L, M, O, P d) L, M, N, O
128. Which one of the following is an example of coordination isomerism
a) [Co(NH ) Br]SO and [Co(NH ) SO ]Br b) [Co(NH ) NO ]Cl and [Co(NH ) ONO]Cl
c) [Cr(H O) Cl and [Cr(H O) Cl]Cl ∙ H O d) [Cr(NH ) ][Co(CN) ]and [Co(NH ) ][Cr(CN)
129. Which of the following complexes is diamagnetic?
a) [Fe(CN) ] b) [Cu(NH ) ] c) [Ti(H O) ] d) [Ni(en) ]
130. Which is used in cancer-chemotherapy?
a) Cis-platin b) Zeise’s salt c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these
131. The complex [Fe(H O) NO] is formed in the brown ring test nitrates when freshly prepared FeSO
solution is added to aqueous solution of NO followed by addition of conc. H SO Select correct
statement about this complex
a) Colour change is due to charge transfer
b) It has iron in +1 oxidate state and nitrosyl as NO
c) It has magnetic moment of 3.87 BM confirming three unpaired electrons in Fe
d) All the above are correct statements
132. Optical isomers are
1. enantiomers
2. non-superimposable
3. have the property of chirality
4. form racemic mixture if present in 1:1 ratio
Select the correct alternate
a) I,II, Iv are correct b) I,II III are correct c) All are correct d) All are incorrect
133. In the ring compounds formed by bidentate ligands ,on binding to a metal or metal ions, are called
a) Ligands b) Chelates c) Complexes d) Ambident
134. Select the correct statement
a) Geometrical isomer may differ in dipole moment and visible/UV spectra
b) Complexes of the type [𝑀𝑎 𝑏 ]can also have facial (fac) and meridional (mer) isomer
c) No optical isomer exists for the complex 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠 − [Co(en) Cl ]
d) All the above are correct

Multiple Correct Answers Type

135. The effective atomic number ofCo(CO) is 35 and hence ,is less stable, It attains stability by
a) Oxidation of Co b) Reduction of Co c) Dimerization d) Tetramerization
136. Which of the following complexes will have four different isomers
a) [Co(en) Cl ]Cl b) [Co(en)(NH ) Cl ]Cl
c) [Co(PPh ) (NH )Cl ]Cl d) [Co(en) ]Cl
137. Which of the following coordination compounds would exhibit optical isomerism
P a g e | 10
a) Pentaamminenitrocobalt (III) iodide b) Diamminedichloroplatinum (II)
𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠-dicyanobis (ethylenediamine) chromium
c) d) 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑠-(ethylenediamine) cobalt (III) bromide
(III) chloride
138. Which of the following can show coordination isomerism
a) [Cu(NH ) ][PtCl ] b) [Fe(NH ) ] [Pt(CN) ]
c) [Co(NH ) ][Cr(C O ) ] d) [Pt(en )](SO )
139. Which of the following statement is/are false?
a) [Ni(CO) ] is high spin complex
b) Weak ligands like F , Cl and OH usually form low spin complexes
c) [FeF ] is high spin complex
d) Strong ligand like CN and NO , generally form high spin complexes
140. The pair (s) of coordination complexes/ions exhibiting the same kind of isomerism is/are
a) [Cr(NH ) Cl]Cl and[Cr(NH ) Cl ]Cl b) [Co(NH ) Cl ] and [Pt(NH ) (H O)Cl]
c) [CoBr Cl ] and[PtBr Cl ] d) [Pt(NH ) (NO )]Cl and[Pt(NH ) Cl]Br

The compound may be called as

a) Cinnamic acid b) Mandelic acid
c) Citric acid d) 3-phenylprop-2-ene-1-oic acid
142. Nitroprusside ion is
A: [Fe (CN) NO ] and not
B:[Fe (CN) NO] 𝐴. and 𝐵can be differentiated by
a) Estimating the concentration of iron b) Measuring the concentration of CN
c) Measuring the magnetic moment d) Thermally decomposing the compound
143. K [Fe(CN) ] is used in the identification of
a) Cu ions b) Fe ions c) Cd ions d) Fe ions
144. Consider the following compounds and choose the correct statement

a) Structure (I) and (II) are identical b) All are identical

c) Structure (I) and (III) are identical d) Structure (I) and (II) are different
145. Bidentate ligands are
a) C O (oxalate) b) En (ethylenediamine)
c) DMG (dimethyl glyoxime) d) Gly (glycine)
146. In which of the following, the chemical formula and the name correctly matched?
a) K [Cr(C O ) ] − Potassium trioxalatochromate (III)
b) K[Pt(NH )Cl ] − Potassium amminepentachloro palatinate (IV)
c) Na [Ni(EDTA)] − Sodium ethylenediaminetetra Acetonickel (I)
d) [Ag(CN) ] − Dicyanoargentate (I)
147. Which of the following can exist in syn and anti forms?
a) (C H )C = NOH b) C H − N = N − OH
c) C H − N = N − C H d) C H − N = NOH
148. CN is a strong field ligand .This is due to the fact that
P a g e | 11
a) It carries negative charge
b) It is a conjugate base of weak acid
c) It can accept electrons from metal species
d) It forms high spin complexes with metal species
149. Which of the following name is/are correct for compound is/are
CH − CH − CH − COCl
| |
a) Pentanedinoyl chloride b) Alkanedinoyl chloride
c) 3-chloroformyl pentane dinoylchloride d) None of the above
150. The compound CH − C ≡ C − CH can be named as
a) Allylene b) But-2-yne
c) Dimethyl acetylene d) crotonylene
151. Which is optically active?

a) b)

c) | d)
152. Which of the following statements are not correct?
A 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑜 compound is optically active because the rotation caused by any molecule is cancelled by an
equal and opposite rotation caused by another molecules that is the mirror image of the first
b) A 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑜 compound has chiral centres and but exhibits no optical activity
c) A 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑜 compound has no chiral centres and thus exhibits no optical activity
A 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑜 compound has molecules which are superimposable on their mirror image a even through they
contain chiral centres
153. For which of the following 𝑑 configuration of octahedral complexes, can’t exist in both high spin and low
spin forms
a) 𝑑 b) 𝑑 c) 𝑑 d) 𝑑
154. Which of the following complexes are chelates
a) 𝑏𝑖𝑠-(dimethyl glyoximato )nickel (III)
b) Potassium ethylenediaminetetracyanato chromate (III)
c) Tetraamminedicyanocobalt (III) nitrate
d) Trans-diglycinatopalladium (II)
155. Which of the following are paramagnetic
a) [Ni(CN) ] b) [NiCl ] c) [CoF ] d) [Co(NH ) ]
156. Which of the following name are correct for the compound?
HOOC − CH − CH − CH − CH − CH − COOH
a) Heptane-1,4,7-trioic acid b) 4-carboxy heptane-1,7-dioic acid
c) Pentan-1,3,5-tricarboxylic acid d) All of the above
157. 0.0012 mol of CrCl ∙ 6H O was passed through a cation exchange resin and acid coming out of it required
28.5 mL of 0.125 M NaOH. Hence, complex is
a) [Cr(H O) Cl ∙ H O b) [Cr(H O) Cl ] ∙ 2H O c) [Cr(H O) ]Cl d) [Cr(H O) Cl ] ∙ 3H O
158. Which of the following are cyclic compounds?
a) Borazole b) Pyrrole c) Anthracene d) Isobutylene
159. Which are correct statements?
a) [Ag(NH ) ] is linear with sp hybridized Ag ion

P a g e | 12
b) NiCl , Vo and MnO have tetralhedral geometry
c) [Cu(NH ) ] , [Pt(NH ) ] and [Ni(CN) ] have dsp hybridisation of the metal ion
d) Fe(CO) have bipyramidal structure with hybridised iron
160. Using anhydrous AlCl as catalyst, which one of the reaction produces ethyl benzene?
a) CH CH OH + C H b) CH CH=CH + C H c) CH =CH C H d) CH —CH + C H
161. In which of the following compounds transition metal may have zero oxidation state
a) [Fe(CO) ] b) [Ni(CN) ] c) Fe O d) CrO
162. The Fischer-projection of the molecule as represented in the wedge

𝑒g, is/are not

a) b) c) d)

163. In which of the following complexes metal atoms have zero oxidation state?
a) [Fe (CO) ] b) [Ni(CO) ] c) Na[Co(CO) ] d) Cu
164. Identify the complexes which is/are eapected to be coloured
a) Ti(NO ) b) [Cu(NCCH )] BF c) [Cr(NH ) ]Cl d) K [VF ]
165. Which is/are correct statement(s)
a) [Co(en) ][Cr(CN) ]will display coordination isomerism
b) [Mn(CO) (SCN)]will display linkage isomerism
c) [Co(NH ) (NO )]SO will display ionization isomerism
d) None of the above is correct

Assertion - Reasoning Type

This section contain(s) 0 questions numbered 166 to 165. Each question contains STATEMENT 1(Assertion)
and STATEMENT 2(Reason). Each question has the 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is

a) Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is correct explanation for Statement 1

b) Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is not correct explanation for Statement 1

c) Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is False

d) Statement 1 is False, Statement 2 is True


Statement 1: The IUPAC name for the compound, NCCH CH COOH is 3-cyano propanoic acid

Statement 2: −COOH is considered as substituent group while – CN is considered as the principal

functional group

Statement 1: CH − CH(Cl)OH is a optically active compound

Statement 2: Dissymetry arises in a chemical compound owing to the presence of chiral centre

P a g e | 13

Statement 1: F- ion is weak ligand and forms outer orbital complex.

Statement 2: F- ion can not force the electrons of d z2 and d x2-y2 orbitals to occupy dxy dyz and dzx
orbitals of the same shell.

Statement 1: Highly charged cations are expected to form most strongly acidic hydrated cations

Statement 2: The acidity of a hydrated metal ion depends on the strength of the bond between cation
and oxygen

Statement 1: A compound whose molecule has D configuration will always be dextrorotatory

Statement 2: Compounds having D configuration may be dextrorotatory or levorotatory


Statement 1: The IUPAC name of the CH − CH = CH − C ≡ CH is pent-3-en-1-yne and not pent-2-ene-

Statement 2: Lowest locant rule for multiple bond is preferred


Statement 1: EDTA forms complexes with a large number of metal ions

Statement 2: It coordinates with 6 points of attachement to the metal, 4 O-atoms and two N atoms


Statement 1: Ions with more than five 3𝑑 electrons have usually slightly larger magnetic moment than
calculated on the basis of 𝜇 = 𝑛(𝑛 + 2)
Statement 2: The maximum number of unpaired 𝑑-electrons is five as in Mn and Fe and so,
𝜇 = 5.92 for 5 unpaired electrons

Statement 1: The conversion of an optically active compound into its enantiomer is called Walden
Statement 2: A racemic mixture is optically inactive due to internal compensation


Statement 1: Staggered form is less stable than the eclipsed form

Statement 2: The conformation in which the bond pairs of two central atoms are very far from one
another is called staggered form

Statement 1: 𝑑-𝑑 transition is not possible in [Sc(H O) ]

Statement 2: [Ti(H O) ] is coloured while [Sc(H O) ] is colourless


P a g e | 14
Statement 1:

is 3-methyl butanoic acid

Statement 2: In poly functional group, the substituent should be given lower number than the principal
functional group

Statement 1: Geometrical isomerism is also called C is- trans isomerism.

Statement 2: Tetrahedral complexes shows geometrical isomerism.


Statement 1: In keto-enol tautomerism of dicarbonyl compounds, the enol form is preferred in

contrast to the keto-form
Statement 2: The enol form is more stable due to resonance


Statement 1: [Ti(H2O)6]3+ is coloured while [Sc(H2O)6]3+ is colourless.

Statement 2: d-d transition is not possible in [Sc(H2O)6]3+.


Statement 1: A hydroxy group directly attached to a carbonyl group constitutes a carboxyl group

Statement 2: Ester is a family of carboxylic acid derivatives in which – OH group is altered by other

Statement 1: [Cr(NH3)6]3+ is paramagnetic.

Statement 2: [Cr(NH3)6]3+ shows d2sp3 hybridisation.


Statement 1: Hydrazine has two N as donor atoms and behaves as a chelating ligand

Statement 2: Hydrazine is a neutral ligand


Statement 1:

is 3-methyl cyclopentene
Statement 2: In the numbering, double bonded carbon atom gets preference to the alkyl group in

Matrix-Match Type

This section contain(s) 0 question(s). Each question contains Statements given in 2 columns which have to be
matched. Statements (A, B, C, D) in columns I have to be matched with Statements (p, q, r, s) in columns II.

185. Match the complex (in Column I) with the equivalent conductance ( in Column II)

P a g e | 15
Column-I Column- II

(A) [Pt(NH ) Cl]Cl (1) 229

(B) [Pt(NH ) Cl ]Cl (2) 97

(C) [Pt(NH ) Cl ]Cl (3) 404

(D) [Pt(NH ) ]Cl (4) 523



a) 2 3 4 1

b) 1 4 3 2

c) 3 1 2 4

d) 4 2 1 3

186. Match the complex ( in Column I) with its corresponding (ies) (given in Column II )

Column-I Column- II

(A) [Ni(DMG)2 ] (1) Chelation

(B) Na [Fe(C O ) ] (2) Paramagnetic

(C) [Ni(en) ]Cl (3) Diamagnetic

(D) Ni(Co) (4) Conducting

(5) H-bonding



a) 1,2,4 3 1,3,5 1,3,4

b) 1,3,5 1,2,4 1,3,4 3

c) 3 1,3,4 1,2,4 1,3,5

d) 1,2,4 1,3,5 3 1,2,4

187. Match the complex (in Column I) with the hybridization of the central ion (in Column II)

Column-I Column- II

(A) Ni(CO) (1) 𝑠𝑝 𝑑

(B) [Ni(CN) ] (2) 𝑠𝑝

(C) [Fe(CN) ] (3) 𝑑 𝑠𝑝

(D) [MnF ] (4) 𝑑𝑠𝑝

P a g e | 16


a) 2 4 3 1

b) 4 2 1 3

c) 1 3 4 2

d) 3 1 2 4

188. Match list I and list II and choose the correct matching codes

Column-I Column- II

(A) [Ni(CN) ] (1) Ti

(B) Chlorophyll (2) 𝑠𝑝 ;paramagnetic

(C) Ziegler-Natta catalyst (3) non-planar

(D) [NiCl ] (4) Mg

(E) Deoxyhaemoglobin (5) Planar

(6) 𝑑𝑠𝑝 ;diamagnetic



a) 6 4 1 2 3

b) 2 4 1 6 3

c) 2 4 1 6 3

d) 6 4 1 2 3

e) 2 4 3 6 3

189. Match the complex (in Column I) with the geometry (in Column II)

Column-I Column- II

(A) [Ni(CN) ] (1) Tetrahedral

(B) [ZnCl ] (2) Trigonal bipyramidal

(C) [Fe(CO) ] (3) Square planar

(D) [Co(NO ) ] (4) Square pyramid

(5) Octahedral



P a g e | 17
a) 2 3 1 4

b) 3 1 2 5

c) 5 2 3 1

d) 1 4 5 2

190. Match the following

Column-I Column- II

(A) Cyclohexane carboxylic acid (1) CH − CH(CH )CH − CH(CH ) − CH(CH )

− CH
(B) 2,3,5-trimethyl hexane (2) CH − CH(CH )CH − CH(CH ) − CH(CH )
− CH
(C) Trimethyl bismuthane (3) CH − CH(CH )CH − CH(CH ) − CH(CH )
− CH
(D) Bicyclo [4.2.0] octane 1-ol (4) CH − CH(CH )CH − CH(CH ) − CH(CH )
− CH


a) 4 1 2 3

b) 1 2 4 3

c) 2 1 4 3

d) 3 2 4 1

191. Match the complex ( in Column I ) with its coprresponding property (ies) ( in Column II)

Column-I Column- II

(A) [Cr(NO ) (NH ) Cl ] (1) Geometrical isomerism

(B) [Cr(NH ) Cl ]Br (2) Ionisation isomerism

(C) [Cr(en) ] (3) Optical isomerism

(D) [Pt(NH ) Cl ][Cu(CN) ] (4) Linkage isomerism

(5) Coordinate isomerism



a) 1,4 1,2 3 1,4,5

b) 1,2 3 1,4,5 1,4

c) 3 1,4,5 1,4 1,2

d) 1,4,5 1,4 1,2 3

P a g e | 18
192. Match the complex ( in Column I) with the oxidation number of Co (in Column II)

Column-I Column- II

(A) [Co(NCS)(NH ) ]SO (1) −1

(B) Na[Co(CO )] (2) 0

(C) Na [Co(S O ) ] (3) +1

(D) Co (CO) (4) +2

(5) +3



a) 1 2 3 4

b) 5 3 2 1

c) 3 4 5 3

d) 5 1 4 2

193. Match the complex (in Column I) with the type of isomerism ( in Column II)

Column-I Column- II

(A) [Co(NH ) Cl ] (1) Optical

(B) 𝑐𝑖𝑠 − [Co(en) Cl ] (2) Ionisation

(C) [Co(en) (NO )Cl]SCN (3) Coordination

(D) [Co(NH ) ]Cr(CN) ] (4) Geometrical



a) 4 1 2 3

b) 1 2 3 4

c) 2 3 4 1

d) 3 4 1 2

194. Match the compounds given in List-I with their characteristic reactions given in List-II. Select the correct
Column-I Column- II

(A) CH (CH ) NH (p) Alkaline hydrolysis

(B) CH C ≡ CH (q) With KOH(alcohol) and CHCl produces bad

(C) CH CH COOCH (r) Gives white ppt. with ammoniacal AgNO .

P a g e | 19

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