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Social skills

• Follows rules and routines at home and in class room

• Uses materials purposefully and respectfully
• Comfortably adapts to changes
• Shows eagerness and curiosity as a learner
• Sustains attention to a single task over a period of time
• Works, plays and shares with others
• Participates in group activities
• Respects the feelings and rights of others
• Uses words to resolve conflicts
• Seeks adult help when needed

Reading & comprehension

• Listens with interest to stories read aloud
• Retells a simple story
• Recognizes the association between spoken and written words
• Recognizes all the letters of the alphabet in order
• Distinguishes between and prints capital and lowercase letters
• Associates letters and sounds
• Distinguishes likenesses and differences of letter sounds in spoken words
• Recognizes rhymes and rhyming patterns
• Makes predictions about a story or passage based on the title and/or
• Identifies words and constructs meaning from picture clues in text
• Identifies basic sight words
• Distinguishes fact from fiction
• Begins to understand simple punctuation marks (period, question mark, etc.)
• Locates the title, author name, illustrator name and table of contents
• Reads and writes own name
• Tells a story using pictures
• Uses letters or shapes to depict words or ideas
• Writes familiar words
• Copies or writes words to convey messages
• Participates in group dictated stories
• Builds simple words and sentences
• Demonstrates left-to-right progression, and top-to-bottom progression
• Handles writing tools correctly

Language & listening skills

• Understands and follows simple directions
• Listens to others for short periods of time without interrupting
• Participates in discussions and conversations
• Asks questions
• Speaks clearly to convey messages and requests
• Uses complete sentences
• Composes oral stories
• Retells a simple story with basic elements of beginning, middle and end

Numbers, operations & problem solving skills

• Names numerals 0 through 30
• Writes numerals 0 through 20
• Uses counting skills to add to 10
• Classifies and compares objects
• Recognizes, duplicates and extends patterns and relationships of objects,
symbols and shapes
• Solves problems by guessing and checking using manipulatives or fingers

Geometry & measurement

• Estimates and measures real quantities using non-standard units (blocks or
• Understands and uses comparative words (long and short, heavy and light, etc.)
• Identifies, labels and creates a variety of shapes

Math in action: Telling time, counting money

• Shows an understanding of the calendar and time
• Knows the days of the week and months of the year

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