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The Desensitization of Triggers and Urge Reprocessing

(DeTUR) Protocol Work Sheet

Name: Diagnosis:

Step 1: Rapport – essential to treatment

Step 2: History, Assessment, Diagnosis
Presenting Problem:
Addiction Duration Start
What made you start?

History of the use of the substance: (times quit, what caused the relapse.)

Step 3: Accessing Internal Resource State

Recall a time when felt resourceful, powerful, in control: (Get the specific description
what they saw, heard, smelled, felt)

Feed the description back while doing BLS min 24 rapid sets. Check to insure they have
a resourceful feeling..
What word would you like to represent that feeling? (Auditory anchor)
Test: Think of small disturbance notice feeling. add your word. Notice the change. If no
change repeat the exercise.
If change: You have just learned how to change your emotions!

Step 4: Positive Treatment Goal (PG) What do you want - What will it get you?
PG uses positive language, occurs in the near future, is achievable, uses client’s own
language about coping and functioning successfully, is attractive, magnetic and highly
desirable. Bring up an picture of self already achieving goal Perform BLS while asking
them Make the picture bigger, closer, brighter (adjusting the visual sub modalities to
make the picture most desirable.

Step 5: Positive Sate (PS) How will you know when you get it?

Step into that you in the picture. Notice what you are seeing, hearing, smelling, etc.
Perform BLS min 24 passes rapidly while you or the client presses a knuckle or any
other non-intrusive spot (A kinesthetic anchor). Saying, while touching and BLS, Notice
how others are positively reacting and the positive words they are saying, and the
positive words you are saying to yourself. Turn the volume up, notice the way you feel
in your body, move around and feel. You are enhancing success and anchoring it in their
Step 6: Identify Urge Triggers (T) What prevents you?
How do you know when to _________? (Include picture, words, tastes, smells, etc.)
T1________, T2_______, T3________,.......Tn________.

Step 7: Level of Urge (LOU) Desire to use or do.

When you bring up that Trigger T1, T2, ...Tn (Include picture, words, tastes, smells,
etc.) How strong is the desire to _______ on a scale of 0 to 10 where 10 is the strongest
and 0 is neutral or none.

Step 8: Desensitize Triggers

When you bring up that T1 Where are you feeling that LOU1 in your body? Bring
up a picture of that T1 along with all the words, tastes, smells, etc. that go along with it
and notice where you are feeling it in your body. Do the BLS (minimum 24 rapid
passes. Continue until LOU1 = 0.

Step 9: Install Positive State Triggering Incident + Anchor + BLS

Bring up that T1 and everything associated with it, touch the anchor and perform BLS.
What are you noticing now about the LOU1? If positive do another BLS to enforce. If
negative repeat step 9.
Step 10: Test and Future Check
Run a movie in your head and imagine handling T1 successfully the way you want. If
you run into any blocks open your eyes. Perform BLS until cleared. Run the movie
again from the begining. Clear any blockages and always start the movie in the
beginning and run through till clear.


Step 11: Closure and Self-Work – as in Standard EMDR Protocol

Add, “If you feel any urges, notice what and where you are feeling it or them. If any
uncomfortable urges arise, pick a spot on the wall and move your eyes rapidly back and
forth until the urge or desire fades and then touch anchor(i.e., anchor the positive
state) . If the urge remains, call your sponsor or support group person. If you are
unable to prevent the urge and indulge in the dysfunctional behavior, remember that
this is new information emerging and make a note of it so we can work on it during
your next visit. It is like peeling away the leaves of an artichoke to get to the heart of
the matter.”
Step 12: Follow-Up Sessions or Reevaluation
What is happening with the triggers? Perform BLS on all successes to enhance.
If relapse on any triggers target relapse triggers and then work through remaining triggers
using Steps 7-10

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