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Arrakis, Dune, Desert Planet - It the year of 10.190 AG (around 20.

000 years since

current real-day), the almost galaxy-spanning Imperium of Man is ruled by the
Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV along with the Great Houses, The House Majors and their
associated House Minors - all having a voice in the Landsraad - the Council that as
a whole runs the Imperium with the Emperor as the lead head figure. Padishah
Emperor Shaddam IV's House of House Corrino's sat on the throne for 10.000 years
now, but slowly, the grip of control on the Imperium has slipped from the Emperor -
amongst the Great Houses is House Atreides who amongst others have garnered an
increase in popularity in the Landsraad which the Emperor fears might end up with
his own House's loss of the Throne!
However, that's another story to tell that some Princess might write a book or 5
This, will be a 'what if' scenario, based around if the Emperor did not go the
route of the books (and movies)... but instead a year prior to the date in the
books, he opened Arrakis to have governorships given to every house in the Imperium
- each getting a tiny slice of the cake that is Arrakis, the only planet in all the
galaxy where the Geriatric Spice Melange is found... Of course this will cause
conflicting issues, it'll cause lots of intrigue as many a House will be required
to keep to the rules of Kanly and the Great Convention while trying to get an upper
hand on the harvesting of the spice.
Most Great Houses will of course end up delegating downwards for their potential
House Majors beneath them and their House Minors to do the actual work on-site and
be held responsible if issues arise or the Spice quotas aren't met, etc.
This is also where YOUR House will come in, maybe with great focus on Events on
Arrakis, maybe with focus elsewhere... only time will tell.

Greetings! Welcome to the recruitment for Dune - Adventures in the Imperium!

A system based around 2d20 rolls (with a chance to gain more dice in various ways),
and where your Drive's Value and Skill Value put together gives you a Target Number
to roll equal to or under to succeed. Roll of 20 is a critical failure and a Roll
of 1 is a critical success.
You also have only 5 Drives to deal with and 5 Skills - together they'll create
that Target Number to roll equal to or under. There's of course also Focuses to the
skills, and Drive Descriptions that is applied to often aid your roll even further,
or in less-common cases might make things harder in exchange for advancement
points or other such Maguffin points that you can save up and use later. Accepting
a Negative usually means you as the Player gets something out of it... you learn
more from failing after all than always succeeding.

It also makes use of lots of Traits that is gained from either abilities, scene
descriptors, other characters' Temporary Traits (perhaps the character is drunk, or
has a broken arm, etc. etc.), even various assets your character might have on them
or easily on hand can grants bonuses or be used to gain access to a roll, etc. etc.
(you need something like an Ornithopter to chase a flying enemy that's attempting
to flee, after all, so without such an asset or Scene Trait to make use of, you
cannot attempt the act of trailing the enemy, make sense, yes?)
Also, should a scene happen with not every Player Character in it, then any Player
without their PC present can create a Supporting Character for free to take control
of (or give me the GM some Maguffin points to spend in-game for various negative
effects or bonuses to enemies, in exchange for making a more powerful Supporting
Character that might be near-on-par with a regular Player Character). Thusly no
matter the scene, you can all participate and it represents that you're part of a
larger entity, a House. Not singular Adventurers doing things. This also helps
avoid having every PC be in all the same scenes constant even if it don't
reaaaaally makes much sense to have a House Heir-Potential present during a search
for enemy spies in a local area, when the character is neither created towards
being useful in such situations, and the character can do something much more
productive elsewhere.

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