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Practices and Policies in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) amidst COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis

in Selected Private Hospitals in City of Balanga, Bataan: An Evaluation


Part I: Demographic Profile
1. Age f. Dialysis
a. 21 - 30 years old g. Others (specify): __________
b. 31 - 40 years old 5. Designation / Position
c. 41 - 50 years old a. Staff Nurse
d. 51 - 60 years old b. Head Nurse
e. Greater than 60 years old c. Nurse Supervisor
2. Sex d. Chief Nurse
a. Male 6. Length of Work Experience
b. Female a. Less than or equal to 5 years
3. Highest Educational Attainment b. 6 - 10 years
a. Bachelor of Science in Nursing c. 11 - 15 years
b. Master of Arts / Science in Nursing d. 16 - 20 years
c. Doctor of Nursing e. Greater than 20 years
4. Area of Assignment 7. Status of Employment
a. Triage a. Permanent
b. Emergency Room b. Part-time
c. Ward c. Reliever
d. Operating Room d. On-call
e. Intensive Care Unit

Part II: Hospital Profile

1. Level of the Hospital
a. Level I (Primary)
b. Level II (Secondary)
c. Level III (Tertiary)
2. Total Number of Actual Bed Capacity
a. Less than or equal to 50
b. 51-100
c. 101-150
d. 151-200
e. Greater than 200


Part III: Hospital Policies in COVID-19 IPC
(Adopted from the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, 2016)
No Low Level of Medium Level High Level of Advanced
Implementation Implementatio of Implementation Level of
n Implementation Implementation
1 2 3 4 5
A. Infection Control Program and
1. Provides support for maintaining
IPC programs such as teaching
precautionary measures to
prevent cross-infection such as
doing hand hygiene, using PPE,
environmental cleaning, and
monitoring COVID-19 infection.
2. The IPC Committee is qualified
and trained.
3. Performs an annual facility
infection risk assessment that
evaluates and prioritizes
potential risks for infections,
contamination, and exposures
as well as the preparedness to
eliminate or mitigate such risks.
4. Written IPC policies and
procedures are available,
current, and based on evidence-
based guidelines, regulations, or
5. Provides IPC education to
healthcare workers and
B. Hand Hygiene
6. Has a competency-based
training program for the 5
moments of hand hygiene.
7. Audits, monitors, and
documents adherence to hand
8. Provides feedback from audits
to personnel regarding their
hand hygiene performance.
9. Supplies necessary for
adherence to hand hygiene (ex.
soap, water, paper towels,
alcohol) are readily accessible
to patient care areas.
10. Hand hygiene policies promote
preferential use of alcohol over
soap and water in most clinical
C. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
11. Has a competency-based
training program for use of
12. Audits, monitors, and
documents adherence to proper
PPE selection and use,
including donning and doffing.
13. Provides feedback from audits
to personnel regarding their
performance with selection and
use of PPE.
14. Supplies necessary for
adherence to PPE
recommendations specified
under Standard and
Precautions (ex. gloves, gowns,
goggles, and face masks) are
available and located near the
point of use.
15. Provides employees protection
from recognized hazards and
teaches the N95 mask fit test.
D. Environmental Cleaning
16. Has a competency-based
training program for
environmental cleaning and
provides supplies for
environmental cleaning.
17. Has policies that clearly define
responsibilities for cleaning and
disinfection of equipment,
devices, monitors, ventilator
surfaces, workstations, code
carts, etc.
18. Has protocols to ensure that
healthcare personnel can
readily identify equipment that
has been properly cleaned and
disinfected and is ready for
patient use.
19. Routinely audits, monitors, and
documents adherence to
cleaning and disinfection
procedures, including use of
products in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions (ex.
dilution, storage, shelf-life,
contact time).
20. Provides feedback from audits
to personnel regarding their
adherence to cleaning and
disinfection procedures.
E. COVID-19 Infection
21. Has a system in place for early
detection and management of
infectious persons including
patient cohorting, rapid isolation,
and systems for surgical
22. Has a system in place for
intrafacility communication to
identify infectious status and
isolation needs of patients prior
to transfer to other units or
shared spaces (ex. radiology,
laboratory, rehabilitation) within
the hospital.
23. Has a system in place for
interfacility communication of
infectious status and isolation
needs of patients prior to
accepting or transferring to
other facilities.
24. Has a surveillance program to
monitor incidence of COVID-19
infection and to implement
corrective actions rapidly when
transmission of COVID-19
infection increases.
25. Compliant with mandatory
reporting requirements for
COVID-19 infection.


Part IV: Hospital Practices in COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control
(Adopted from World Health Organization, 2020)
A. Health Literacy
Very Very
Difficult Easy
1 2 3 4 5
1. How easy or difficult would you say it is to prevent the COVID-19
2. How easy or difficult would you say it is to understand information
about what to do if you think you have COVID-19?
3. How easy or difficult would you say it is to judge if the information
about COVID-19 in the media is reliable?
4. How easy or difficult would you say it is to follow restrictions and
recommendation of authorities regarding COVID-19?

B. Probability and Severity

Not Very
Susceptible Susceptible
1 2 3 4 5
5. How susceptible do you consider yourself to COVID-19
Not Severe Very Severe
6. How severe would contracting COVID-19 for you (How
seriously ill do you think will be)?

C. Preparedness and Perceived Self-Efficacy

Not At All Very
1 2 3 4 5
7. Knows how to protect myself from COVID-19.
Very Very
Difficult Easy
8. Avoiding COVID-19 infection in the current situation is…

D. Prevention Behaviors
Not At All Very
1 2 3 4 5
9. Frequently wash my hands with soap and water
10. Use antiseptics to clean hands when soap and water are not
11. Wear face mask and face shield
12. Reuse face mask and face shield
13. Wear PPEs
14. Reuse PPEs
15. Disinfect surfaces
16. Ensure social distancing
17. Regular self-assessment for COVID-19 signs and symptoms
18. Regular COVID-19 testing
19. Submitting oneself for COVID-19 immunization
20. Taking of vitamins and other supplements

Kindly fill-up for comments / suggestions / recommendations if there's any.


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