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Burp Suite(in digital security)

1.Burp Suite is a proxy tool. --->true
2.You can change the request body from “HTTP History Tab”. --->false
3.Sequencer helps to attack a site. --->false
4.“HTTP History Tab” helps to capture all the host URLs. --->true
5.When Intercept is on, the request will hit the ________. --->burp proxy
6.Which one attacks with a single payload? --->Battering Ram
7.“Site Map” helps to capture only the specified URL. --->false
8.Comparer helps to compare both words and bytes. --->true
9.You can check the response in Intercept tab. --->false
10.Which one of these options helps to identify the flaws automatically?
11.When Intercept is on, you can __________. ---> forward a request or
12. Which of these options will perform all the possible combination of attacks?
Cluster bomb
13.What type of attack helps to send multiple payloads to attack? --->both
pitchfork & cluster
14.You can change the session and token id with the help of Sequencer. --->false
15.Burp Suite certificate helps to access an HTTPS website. --->true
16.Which of the following option is a false statement about request manipulation
in Burp Suite? --->The Decoder tool is used
to identify the differences between the failed log in responses using invalid
and valid usernames.
17.Which of the following option is correct about cluster bomb attack? --->It
uses multiple payload sets
And The total number of requests generated by the attack is the product of
the number of payloads.
18.SSL Handshake is used in HTTP. --->true
19.Which of the following option is applicable for “Action” control for the
panel in intercepting request?
--->It is used to check the proxy history and on the intercepted responses.
20.What is the role of the sequencer in request manipulation in Burp Suite?
--->To check the strength of random values
AND It defines the application's status in terms of sessions
21.A Sequencer helps to attack a site. --->false
22.Which of the following application is about extending Burp proxy? --->All the
23.What are the tasks related to Burp Proxy for intercepting and manipulating
the request? --->All the option
24.What is the role of Burp suite proxy in handling requests in the web
--->The user needs to log into the Burp Suite for the responses and requests
that pass through each of the proxies.
25.What is the task of “Forward” control in intercepting Burp Suite request?
--->It shows a menu of available actions that can be performed on the
currently displayed message.(wrong)
26.Which of the following option is true about XSS with Burp-Repeater tool?
--->This tool checks the cross site scripting vulnerability AND This tool
uses a Java script syntax like code to check the vulnerability.
27.Does “HTTP History Tab” help to capture all the host URLs? --->true
28.Which of the following Burp suite tools is used for web application mapping?
Advanced Statistics and Probability(in Data Science)
1. Independent variables refer to those variables _________. --->Whose values
are known during the experiment(wrong)
2. Multivariate data analysis is an application of ________. --->Multivariate
Statistics(wrong), All the options(wrong)
3. Use of only one variable to describe data is known as _____________.
--->Univariate data analysis
4. Dependent variables refer to those variables __________. Whose variation is
5. ________ is an example of Multivariate analysis in which relationship exists
between a dependent variable and independent variable/variables.
--->Partial Least Squares Regression
6.What is done when a new data in the sub Interval is added? --->One bin is
added on the top
7.The least number of coordinates required to showcase a point is _________.
8.What is the drawback of using Kernel density estimation's Histogram method?
--->Plot is not smooth
9.If the area under the PDF curve is zero, then __________. --->Probability = 0
10.Stochastic variables are also known as ___________. --->Random variables
11.Principal component analysis reduces ____________. --->Both the
12.What is prior probability? --->Probability distribution done with a lack of
13.What are the characteristics of Markov process? --->Both the options
14.What is density estimation? --->It estimates probability density function.
15.Lurking variable remains _________________. --->Hidden during the analysis
16.If time space or state space is discrete, ___________. --->Markov process can
be termed as discrete-time Markov chains
17.We use __________________ in histogram for sub intervals. --->bins
18.What is posterior probability? --->The conditional probability of the event
after the evidence is taken into consideration!
19.What are the features of probability density function? --->All the options
20.What are kernels? --->All the options
21.What is Random walk? --->We cannot predict the outcome in advance.
22.What is multivariate statistics? --->All the options
Security Analytics with Apache Metron(Digital Security)(Many answers wrong)

1.Machine Learning models can be adopted in Metron for ________ --->all the
given options
2.Metron Provides support for multiple types of data through its __________
--->Pluggable framework
3.Metron Data Capture supports the protocols such as _______ --->all the given
4.Timestamp in Metron is parsed in ________ ---> UTC format
5.Apache Metron in Deployment is __________ --->centralised
6.Apache Metron is built on top of _________ --->Apache Open Source
7.Which of the following is an Example of Threat Intel feeds in Metron?
8.Stellar is a ___________ --->Domain specific language
9.Enrichment configuration can be stored on _________ --->zookeeper
10.What is the order of stages in Stream Processing Pipeline. a) Theat Intel b.)
Telemetry Parsing c.) Index and Write d.) Alert Triage e.) Enrichment
11.Metron Stream Processing is built on top of --->Apache Storm
12.Stellar Expressions can be used in telemetry parsing as part of ______
--->cannot be used in telemetry parsing
13.Threat Intel Feeds can be __________ --->all the given options
14.Client for MaaS is written in _____ --->java
15.Select the Correct order of nested data in a JSON file which is processed in
the pipeline --->enrichment -> threatIntel ->triageConfig
16.ElasticSearch uses --->Kibana Indexing
17.Hail a Taxi is _________ --->External Stix Feed
18.Risk Level is determined through --->riskLevelRules.
19.Identify Threat Intel Storages --->Hbase
20.Solr and ElasticSearch Indices are supported __________ --->as they are
random access indices
21.Profiler can be configured for entities like --->all the given options
22.Which of the following statements regarding MetaalertDao is/are TRUE --->It
denormalizes the relation between alerts and metaalerts
23.DPI(Deep Packet Inspection) Data is best to be extracted only for ___________
--->Netflow protocol
24.In Telemetry Parsing Stage ________--->data normalization takes place
25.UDFs are supported by Stellar --->true
26.bulk loaded and streamed into a threat intelligence store --->Key – Value
27.Identify the Stellar Function which is NOT VALID --->IS_SUBNET
28.Default Indexer of Metron is ____________ --->HDFS, either Solr or
29.Pick out the Stellar Keyword among the following. --->NaN
30.Who among the following is considered to be an advanced SME w.r.t Apache
Metron Platform _____________ --->SOC Investigator
31.MaaS scaling can be done through ______ --->REST
32.Soltra is a --->Threat Intel Feed aggregator
33.Data to create a profiler is collected --->all the given options
34.HDFS Index updates are supported in Metron. --->No, Only Random Access Index
updates are supported
35.Apache Metron do NOT have a dependency on _______ --->none of the options ,,,
36.How does Network Intrusion Detection System works? --->all the given options
37.Metron apart from in-built Geo Enrichment supports --->all the given options
38.Stellar is Integrated into Metron Components such as ________ --->Global
Validation and Threat Triage
39.Consider you are a store owner operating your own website for the people of
your Town.
What can be ideal for maintaining security of the shopping platform on your
site? --->Metron
40.Zeppelin Interpreter do NOT support --->Cassandra
41.When Machine Learning models are employed for threat intelligence what is
considered to be an infrastructure challenge? --->Type of adopted model
42.Threat Intel Store is based on --->Key-value pair
43.Which of the following is NOT a component of parsing topology? --->Storm
parser spout
44.Consider you are trying to parse telemetry of a application which uses a
custom API. Its telemetry is highly complex and the data is generated at a rapid
What is an ideal parsing strategy for the scenario? --->Modify a Grok Parser
while using JVM parser as stop gap ,,,, Use in-built Grok Parser,,,,Write and
use a Custom JVM parser
45.How does Network Intrusion Detection System works? --->all the given options
46.What happens when a specific no.of entries are not populated in batchTimeout
specified? --->Entries are flushed out
47.Validation of data entering Metron can be validated ___________ --->all the
given options ,,,partially at the time of ingestion
48.What are the feeds in Metron? --->Threat Intel
49.Stellar supports Regular Expressions. --->true
50.Parallel Enrichment is available on Metron by default --->false
Secure Programming Practices(in digital security)
1.To improve the overall quality of web applications, developers should abide by
which of the following rules? --->Clean and validate all user input}
2.Which of the following is not an authorization type? --->User Access Control
3.Temporarily files created by applications can expose confidential data if:
--->File permissions are not set appropriately}
4.Exception Handling refers to: --->All the options
5.It is a good programming practice to prevent caching of sensitive data at
client or proxies,
by implementing which of the following? --->"Cache-Control: no-cache, no
6.Which of the following is not an appropriate method to make an authentication
mechanism secure? --->Providing default access.
7.When valuable information has to be transmitted as part of a client request,
which of the following mode should be used? --->POST method with a suitable
encryption mechanism
8.Which of the following statement is not true regarding Error Handling and
Logging? --->All errors generated by internal components such as system calls,
database queries, and other internal functions, should be handled by the
application’s exception handler.
9.In a multi-staged login mechanism, which of the following regarding
application security should be ensured by the developer?
--->Credentials given during the previous stage should be saved in a persistent
cookie, and the current stage supplier credentials must be validated at the
server end.
10.Which of the following is not an authentication method? --->Form-based
11.Through a successful format-string attack against a web application,an
attacker is able to execute which of the following actions? --->All the options
12.Authentication and session management are security concerns of which of the
following programming languages? --->ALL
13.Identify the correct statement in the following: --->ALL
14.Identify the correct statement in the following: --->Vulnerability is a
security weakness.
15.Which of the following is true about improper error handling? --->All }
16.Securing a database application with username/password access control should
be considered sufficient: --->Only when combined with other controls}
17.From application security perspective, why should a CAPTCHA be used in a web
application? --->To prevent scripted attacks
18.Which of the following algorithm/encryption method is the safest to use?
--->Block Ciphers using Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode
19.Which of the following statement is correct? --->Properly validated inputs
improve the security of an application.
Client and server-side validation improve web application security.
20.Setting the cookie flag to which of the following mode is a good programming
practice? --->locked
21.Proprietary protocols and data formats are: --->Unsafe, because they rely on
security by obscurity.
22.Which of the following methods can be used by the client and server to
validate user input? ---> A) and B)
23.What is the purpose of Audit Trail and Logging? --->ALL
24.A race condition in a web server can cause which of the following? --->All
25.Which of the following is a security advantage of managed code over unmanaged
code? --->Size of the attack surface
26.Identify the correct statement in the following: --->Authorization validates
user identity.
27.Which of the following is not recommended to secure web applications against
authenticated users? --->Filtering data with a default deny regular expression
28.From application security perspective, why should a CAPTCHA be used in a web
application? --->To prevent scripted attacks
29.Identify the correct statement in the following: --->None of the above
30.Which of the following are secure programming guidelines? --->A), B) and C)
31.Security check can be enforced at compile time by: --->A) and C)

Typography(in User Experience)
1.Helvetica is a serif font. --->false
2.______ is the space between letters and varies per character to create
comfortable looking typography. --->kerning
3.The final one or two lines of a paragraph which break to form a new column is
called _______. --->Orphan
4.The distance between the baseline and ascender line is called __________.
--->Ascender height
5.The horizontal position of a type is called _________. --->Alignment
6.In _______ text alignment, the text takes the shape of a concrete object.
7.______ is the amount of spacing between the characters of a word or a text
block. --->Tracking
8.The orientation of a curved character is called __________. --->stress
9.em of a 10 point type is equal to _______. --->100 points(wrong)
10.The small stroke extending from the bowl of a 'g' or 'r' is called
__________. --->Ear
11.The part of a letter which falls below the baseline is called __________.
12.The distance between the baseline and mean line is called __________. --->x-
13.__________ has a lighter stroke than the regular style. --->Light
14.The height of capital letters or the distance between the baseline and cap
line is called __________. --->cap height
15.Which text alignment has the text wrapped around an image? --->Runaround
16.The fonts that have a small stroke at the end of the main horizontal or
vertical stroke is called __________. --->Serif
17.__________ has a wider stroke than the regular style --->BOLD
18.Tracking varies per character to create comfortable looking typography.
19.The space inside a bowl is called __________. --->Counter
20.The characters that are aligned with the descender line are called
__________. --->Subscript
21.A stroke that joins two parts of a letter is called __________. --->Link
22.Different typefaces with the same point size can have different x-heights.
23._______ is the white space formed between the words of a justified body text.
24.A wider version of the regular style is called __________. --->Extended
25.__________ is a measurement used to specify the length of a line. --->Pica
26.Times New Roman is a serif font. --->true
27.______ is the amount of spacing between the characters of a word or a text
block. --->Tracking
28.A slanted version of the regular style is called __________. --->Italics
29.__________ is a unit of relative measurement derived from the uppercase
letter 'M'. --->Em
30.Measurements of fixed values are called __________. --->Absolute Measurements
31.The distance between the baseline and descender line is called __________.
--->descender height
32.Serif strokes help to lead the eye while reading a sentence. ---> true
33.The fonts without a serif are known as __________. --->Sans-serif
34.Serifs help the eye while reading a sentence. --->true
35.The curving stroke of 'S' is called __________. --->spine
36.A set of characters, numbers, and symbols with the same unique design is
called _________. ---> typeface
37.__________ is the basic style of typeface that is most commonly used for body
text. --->Regular or Roman
38.The angle formed at the bottom of a letter when strokes meet is called
__________. --->vertex
39.The orientation of a curved character is called __________. --->stress
40.In _______ text alignment, the lines not aligned with each other.
41.The part of a letter which extends above the x-height is called __________.
42.The joining of two or three separate characters to form a single unit to
avoid interference is called _______. Ligature
43.The space that encloses space in circular letterforms is called __________.
Color Theory(in User Experience)

1.Which of the following is a neutral color? --->white

2.The inability of a person to recognize red color is known as ________.
3.Which color scheme is used in designs that require good contrast?
4.All colors are a combination of red, blue, and green lights. --->True
5.The attribute that differentiates colors as red, blue, green is called ______.
6.Blue and Yellow colors combine to form _____ --->Green
7.The colors should be combined in such a way that it creates a ______.
8.Red and green are complementary colors --->true
9.The color scheme created by choosing different tints, tones and shades of the
same hue is called __________. --->Monochromatic
10.The color scheme created by choosing colors that are directly opposite to
each other on the color wheel is called __________. --->Complementary
11.Which is the color system that is used by most monitors? --->RGB
12.Red and Blue colors combine to form _______. --->Purple
13.Red and Yellow colors combine to form _______. --->orange
14.The color scheme that only involves white and black color is called
__________. --->Monochromatic(wrong)
15.The variance between two colors is known as _______. --->Color Contrast
16.Red and green are analogous colors. --->false
17.In which of the following color gradient types, the colors sweep around the
starting point in a counterclockwise direction? --->angular
18.Which is the color system that is used by most printers? --->CMYK
19.In which of the following color gradient types does the linear gradient gets
mirrored on either side of the starting point? --->reflected
20.The attribute that defines the intensity of a color is called ______.
Wireframing(in User experiences)
1.Wireframes cannot be modified easily and fast to support the iterative and
collaborative style of product design and development in agile enterprises and
2.In contrast to wireframes, mockups include richer visual elements such as
color, visual style, add typography. --->true
3.When numerous pages of wireframes are made as clickable, these wireframes can
be converted as a prototype.
This is termed as a ________ prototype. --->high-fidelity(wrong), low-fidelity

4.Visual elements must be used as high as possible in a wireframe. --->false

5.What are the colors used in a wireframe? --->gray, white, and black
6.Apart from basic wireframes, what are the other type of wireframes that are
available? --->All the mentioned options
7.Grid systems are a fundamental part of any design practice. --->True
8.The different types of fidelity are ______________. --->All the mentioned
9.Wireframes are static. --->True
10.Are word processing software such as Microsoft Word and Apple Pages used for
creating wireframes? --->Yes
11.Wireframes can be _____________. --->All the mentioned options
12.Wireframes are easier to adapt than a concept design. --->True
13.Wire framing happens _______ in the project lifecycle. --->early
14.A designer has to translate the wireframes into a design. Communication is
required to support the wireframe, explaining why page elements are placed
15.Wireframes exhibit __________. --->low-fidelity
16.Design fidelity is the level of functionality and details incorporated into a
prototype. --->True
17.Mockups exhibit __________. --->high-fidelity
18.Wireframes are not intended to represent the __________ or communicate the
identity or brand. --->both the option
19.What are the fidelity levels that you must consider while creating a
wireframe? --->All the mentioned options
20.Provide examples for non-digital wireframing tools from the given options.
--->Sketching, Blackboarding and Whiteboarding
User Research Methods(in User experiences)
1.A/B Testing involves having an experienced evaluator using his/her knowledge
of testing products. --->true
2.The objective of user research is _________________. --->both the option
3.User Research is essential because _____________________________________.
--->All the options
4.People with low uncertainty avoidance ___________________________. --->are
open to new ideas
5.In this technique, users are provided with two or more options for selection.
--->A/B Tests
6.People with low uncertainty avoidance are restricted to new ideas. --->false
7.The techniques used to evaluate the hierarchy of a website are
____________________________. --->Card Sorting and Tree Testing
8.Which of the following is also known as split testing? --->A/B Testing
9.The technique used for evaluating findability of topics in a website is
________________________. --->Tree test
10.Contextual Interview can be done without users. --->false
12.A/B testing is done for specific aspects of hierarchy alone. --->false
11.'One size fits all' should not be the focus of UX design. --->true
13.User Persona is a quantitative approach. --->true
14.Design should not be changed based on iterations. --->false
15.A stakeholder could only be clients/customers. --->false
16.Which technique involves having an experienced evaluator using their
knowledge for testing products?--->Expert Review
17.People possessing this cultural trait take initiative and make their own
decisions. --->Individualistic
18.In Usability tests, we test the interface's usability. --->true
19.Surveys and questionnaires are primarily used for collecting information from
a large number of users. --->true
20.The systematic process of collecting and analyzing target customer data, the
and the target market environment to aid in making messaging, positioning and
pricing decisions is _______________________. --->Market research
21.This is an additional deliverable that gathers all recommendations together
in a simple table format—usually in Word or Excel—with
a summary of the findings that led to each recommendation and, often, a
severity rating for each issue. --->Findings and Recommendations Matrix
22.It is a sequential art, where images are arrayed together to visualize the
story. --->Storyboard
23.User Persona is a ___________________________. --->Quantitative approach
24.A Stakeholder is _____________. --->Anyone with an interest in the project
25.What is key in a User Research? --->Detailed surveys and questionnaires
26.Storyboards are illustrations that represent shots to represent a story.
27.Tree testing is not similar to card sorting. --->false
28.For users from other nationalities, it is enough to offer a product
translated in their respective languages. --->false
29.A stakeholder could only be clients/customers. --->false
30.Power Distance Index measures _____________. --->The degree of a society’s
level of inequality endorsed by the followers as much as by the leaders
31.User Research is the first step of a UX design process. --->true
32.Expert Review is done by end users. --->false
35.Card sorts are used to generate information architecture. --->true
36.Which of these techniques are used exclusively for designing hierarchy?
--->card sortinf
37.If time is a constraint, the quickest deliverable format is an email message
or word document. --->true
38.User Research means _________________________. --->All the options
39.The apparent limitation with surveys and questionnaires is _________________.
--->Lack of any interaction between researcher and users
40.People from this cultural group are more tolerant to new ideas and opinions
that differ from their own. --->People with low uncertainty avoidance
41.Two types of benchmarking are ___________________________. --->Stand-alone
benchmarking and competitive
42.A fictitious representation of a group of users is
__________________________________. --->User Persona
43.These are comprehensive reports. --->Detailed Reports
44.Expert Reviews are conducted during the development phase. --->false
Purview of Icon Design(in User experiences)

1.Icons adds value to an element like any marketing tool. --->true

2.What is the unique feature of icons? --->Icons are self-explanatory without
the presence of text or additional information
3.Amiga Workbench released _________ icons in 1985. --->Colored
4.Icons can take shape as small artistic paintings. --->true
5.Do not use blank or white space around icons. --->false
6.Stay away from needless ________, and keep icons _________. --->complexity,
7.___________ used icons that were designed by Susan Kare. --->Macintosh
8.Which of the following is a/are the feature(s) of icons? --->All the options
9.Icons are devoid of language barriers and provide a universal meaning.
10.In 1981, the first digital icons were launched for users in _________, which
was the first computer with a GUI operating system. --->Xerox Alto
Realm of Logo Design(in User experiences)
1.A logo is a distinctive way of writing your name. It can also be called a
logotype --->true
2.A logo is an identifier. --->true
3.Logo types have to be unique. --->false
4.It is the logo's job to win design awards. --->false
5.It is the logo's job to get more customers. --->false
6.Memorability can be categorized as _________ logo and __________ logo.
--->Simple and Impressive
7.A good logo engages users with a backstory or story. --->true
8.'Mercedes' was the name of the son of one of Mercedes Benz's early backers.
9.A good logo fits properly in only one venue. --->false
10.A good logo is a cliché. --->false
Understanding Design Thinking(in User experiences)
1.Design thinking is a mindset --->true
2.The following are stages in the design thinking process, except _________.
3.Design Thinking is a _______ centered way of solving a problem. --->Human
4.Design thinking is a linear and traditional method of Problem Solving
5.Which is the technique used to align the team on a common goal quickly?
--->Mission countdown
6.Concepting in Design Thinking is the ________. --->Idea to solve a user-
centered problem
7.Prototyping should be done slowly to cover all the ideas. --->false
8.The following are data-driven prototyping tools, except _______. --->UiPata
9.What are the two types of Prototyping? --->Real,Conceptual(wrong)
10.What are the two methods suggested by Edward De Bono for thinking out of the
box? --->Lateral Thinking, Six thinking hats
11.Customer Experience is applied only to IT organizations. --->false
12.Customer Experience (CX) is the ________. --->Customer Interaction with the
13.Which tool is used to measure the customer relationship? --->relationship
14.Designers should design a solution based on their views and assumptions.
15.What are the two prototyping techniques using data intelligence? --->Data
prototyping, Data driven prototyping
16.Trust and Empathy within the team are built by the _______ activity. --->Team
17.For the design thinking process to evolve, Interaction designers should
deepen their knowledge on Human Interactions with _______. --->Machines
18.______ prototypes are built using papers, stickers, or any readily available
materials, and are not necessarily working. --->Low fidelity
19.________ is a summary of all the interactions a customer has with the
organization through different touchpoints. --->Customer Experience
20.Breadth, depth, and consistency are the key points of measurement in
________. --->Relationship Framework
21.Design thinking is a linear process. --->false
22.A good leader must know the skills of the team members. --->true
23.______ describes the journey from defining the needs of the customer to
delivering the final solution. --->Journey Map
Implementing Design Thinking(in User experiences)
1.Design Thinking is a human-centered approach of problem-solving. --->true
2.How often does a team generally meet to discuss the solutions and progress?
--->once a week
3.Representatives from every discipline should be included in a Design Thinking
Team. --->true
4.To understand the real pain points, the team must ______. --->Interact with
real users
5.Paper prototyping is a type of ______ prototyping technique. --->Low fidelity
6.Design Thinking is an/a ______ process. --->Agile
7.______ prototyping involves actual coding. --->Native
8.Generating ideas, conveying interactions, documenting design, and learning
users interaction with ideas are the four categories of _______. --->Prototyping
9.Design Thinking is a lean and ______ process. --->agile
10.Making concepts real and in quick succession ensures that the design
activities will be fast and focused. --->true
11.3D modelling is a part of ________ prototyping. --->Rapid Prototyping
12.Prototyping helps in reducing written documentation. --->true defines Interaction design as the interaction between
people and _______. --->product
14.______ is a part of User Experience Design. --->Interaction Design
15.______ is a tool for UX design. --->Invision
16.What is the main disadvantage of high fidelity prototyping? --->Time
17.Creating a person helps in the design thinking process. --->true
18.Not having a clear idea of the solution and getting trapped in the details
are the two major mistakes in _______. --->Prototyping
19._________ is the process of reframing questions and breaking assumptions
leading to solutions. --->understanding(wrong), Design
20.Prototypes as ________ can quickly convey the concepts of emotion and
personality. --->Documentation ,,, fuction
21.A _______ is any situation where the product doesn't support users completing
their task. --->pain point
22.Prototypes help start interactions by involving the users in the field.
23.______ is a Design Thinking process that prevents the team from building the
first solution that comes to mind. --->Prototyping
24.Prototyping is a big, slow, and costly process. --->false
25.The end product of a Design Thinking process is a concept on a whiteboard.---
26.Which type of prototypes is more user interactive? --->high-fidelity
27.Does the Experience of the team play an essential role in the Design Thinking
process? --->false
28._______ tells a one day story for the chosen persona using ideation.
29.A good journey map should take up a large area of a wall and be full of user
observations. --->true
30.Using knowledge gathered from previous projects and experience to develop
solutions is the right approach? --->true
31.The term interaction design was first coined in the mid-1980s by ________.
--->Bill Moggridge
32.Written Documentation is not important in a project documentation process.
Interaction Design - Greenhorn's Guide(in User experiences)
1.A common problem in design and development processes is _________. --->Lack of
direct access to testers(wrong)
2.When mapping goals, which is best? --->Class-inclusion match(wrong)
3.If you want to improve product quality and only adjust the testing process.
Then _________. --->You waste development effort
4.Which of the following IS NOT a good forms design guideline? --->Maximize the
movement between mouse and keyboard
5.In fast-moving domains, the facets of faceted search are _____________.
6.Which of the following IS NOT a useful characteristic of menu terms?
7.Empathetic design ______________. --->Tries to make the team seem more real to
8.What can you be certain that all web crawlers and assistive technology will
process? --->HTML
9.Which of the following IS NOT TRUE of high fidelity prototyping? --->Best for
final assessment(wrong)
10.Paper prototyping _______________. --->Can be produced at a very early stage
11.Which is NOT TRUE? “Alternative text” (for images) should ___________.
--->Describe the contents of every image
12.Newspapers offer a contrast ratio of around __________. --->1899-12-
13.What is a common reading pattern for web pages? --->F-pattern
14.Which of the following IS NOT a feature of findable content? --->Large
15.How should we treat user input? --->Provide minimal guidance and extensive
error checking/reporting(wrong)
16.How does Ajax reduce the effects of change blindness? --->Both the options
17.What are the three characteristics of feedback? --->Timing, location and
18.What distinguishes readability from legibility? --->Legibility is about the
choice of words, readability is about their appearance(wrong)
19.Benchmark metrics tend to be ___________. --->Goal-oriented
20.Electronic accessibility to websites is provided using ___________ --->Both
the options
21.What is a superficial match? --->One based on terminology
22.Which of the following IS NOT true of progress enhancement? --->Starts with
an HTML baseline solution
23.Cognitive walkthroughs are good for testing ___________. --->Concepts and
24.Inverted pyramid approach implies that you should __________. --->increase
detail down the page.
25.Which of the following IS NOT a readability metric? --->Laurel-Hardy
26.Which of the following IS NOT a common usability testing metric?
--->Conversion rate
27.For open sort card sorting, participants will use group names that are
________________. --->Similar but not identical
28.Which of the following IS NOT a card sorting approach? --->social
29.Common Information Architecture (IA) pitfalls are _________ --->Both the
30.Well-formed pages and content are important for _____________. --->Both the
31.Multivariate testing is used for _____________. --->Websites with high
32.Which factor had the biggest negative impact on web credibility?
33.What is the optimal size for visual chunking at a viewing distance of
500mm/20in? --->50mm/2in
34.One of the most important success factors in Agile UX is ___________
--->Engaging the team in UX
35.Trust benchmarks include ___________. --->Both the options
36.Doing user research gives us data for ___________. --->Both the options
37.Which of the following terms does not apply to cluster analysis?
38.The halo effect is most relevant to which of the following option?
--->Seductive design
39.A "slip" is an error of ________________. --->Execution
40.Multivariate testing is used for _____________. --->Websites with high
41.Which of the following is not an impediment to UX maturity? --->People Focus
42.Ajax relies on DHTML and what other web technology? --->XMLHttpRequest
43.Which of the following is not relevant to Agile UCD? --->Persuasive
44.Emotional journey mapping bridges the gap between ___________. --->Users’
perception and actual experience
45.Newspapers offer a contrast ratio of around __________. --->10:1
46.The empathy gap arises because of ___________. --->A combination of low
empathy and high systemizing skills
47.Which part of a link or menu item is the most important for information
scent? --->The first 2 words
48.In the Keystroke Level Model, which action is given the longest duration?
--->M (mentally prepare)
49.Showing that only a few items or seats are available builds on what principle
of persuasion? --->Scarcity
50.Which of the following is not a persona myth? --->Personas come from user

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