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TITLE: The Efficiency of Social Media Marketing on the Selected Fashion

Industry on Tanauan City Batangas

1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Hours spent on social media

1.2 Duration of the business

1.3 Kind of Social Media platforms used

2.What is the effectiveness of Social Media Marketing as perceived by the


3. What is the effectiveness of Social media marketing in increasing sales?

4. Is there a significance between the success of social media marketing and

the effectiveness of social media in increasing sales?

Name of the Business: ___________________________________
Hours spent on social media to promote business: ____
_ 1to 3 hours _ 4 to 6 hours _ 6 hours and above
Years of operation: __________
___3 months to 1 year ___6 and above ___2-5 years
Social Media Platforms: ___________
_ Facebook _Instagram _TikTok _YouTube _Others: (Specify)

Instruction: Using the rating scale below, check the box under either 5 or 4 or
3 or 2 or 1 next to each statement. Please be open and honest in your
responding. Your response must be the truest for you right now.
Likert Scale Verbal Interpretation
5 – Strongly Agree Highly Effective
4 – Agree Effective
3 – Neutral Moderately Effective
2 – Disagree Not Effective
1 – Strongly Disagree Highly Not Effective
I. Social Media Marketing
5 4 3 2 1
Are your technique and procedure up to date and are able to keep up with the
Does Social media marketing increase your brand exposure?
Does your skill in social media marketing catch the attention of your target
Do you practice the latest social media marketing strategy?
Are strategies and procedures properly established and communicated in
a clear manner?
Does your post reach great number of engagements?
Does your post reach great number of viewers?
Does your post gain significant number of likes, comments and share?
Do you have substantial quantity of follower/ subscribers?
Can you get an acceptable number of inquiries?
5 4 3 2 1
It allows you to reach an expansive audience
Social media marketing is extremely cost-effective.
It offers many interactive ways to market my products.
It enables sales professionals to build relationships with leads.
It helps you to connect to your target audience.
Turning your loyal customer to brand advocates.
Working with Social Media personality and/or influencer.
Tags and mentioned by the customer wearing their products in their post or
story online.

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