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This movie called "THE PLATFORM" that release on year 2019. This movie talk

about a prison that is divided into floors, but no one knows how many floor it has, it

seems endless.

Each floor have two prisoners. The main actor is Goreng. He willingly went to

prison to change his life. He was place in 48th floor. On the floor he have a company

of prisoner or a jail mate. An old man who has been in prison for a long time . The

old man explained to Goreng how the prison works. He then kneeled down while

seeing the platform with a food on it going down to their floor. The old man eating so

fast like there was no tomorrow, but Goreng noticed that the food was only leftovers.

If their is 47 floor up that the leftover food for them then their is 94 people above. The

old man advised Goreng to eat this food because it is only once a day. Goreng took

a perlas of it and pocketed it. After that the platform descends to the next floor.

After the old man consumed the wine, he threw it down with a spit. Goreng

asked, "Why did you do that?" The old man replied, "Why not? There is nothing they

can do". Goreng suddenly felt warm. The old man explained that if you put food

away from the platform the temperature of the floor will rise and rise until they both

die. That's why Goreng had to throw away the fruit. And that night, Goreng heard a

loud of echo. The platform quickly climbs upwards.

The next day the old man ate again like there was no tomorrow, while Goreng

just looked at the leftovers. He asked the old man how many floors the prison had.

The old man said he didn't know because he only reached the 132 floor. Goreng

asked again, "How much food is left in there?" The old man replied that "there is

nothing left because the people at the top do not care. " That day the food of platform

had a woman on it. Goreng tried to talk to the woman, but she didn't answer. The old

man said that woman came down every month to see her son. Then the platform

suddenly dropped to the next floor.

When the people below saw the woman, the men tried to rape her. Goreng

wanted to help but every floor had a six meter gap so he didn't try to jump. Goreng's

concern was replaced by amazement because he heard the men shouting. The

woman returned to the platform as if nothing had happened, holding a bloody knife.

She is a killer. The next few days came when Goreng started eating from the


One night, the old man said to him "friend, let's pray for tomorrow, I can smell

the sleeping gas. Tomorrow we will wake up on another floor. Let's hope we don't

end up downstairs". Goreng woke up bound and saw the old man holding a knife. He

tied Goreng. The old man apologized to him because the floor they were on was the

unexpected one. They were on the 171 floor, probably if they were on such a low

floor there would definitely be no food left. If you want to live you have to eat other

people, or you will be the one to eat, said the old man. They heard a shout from

above. This is from people who are dying.The platform arrived at their floor with no

food left. If you look at the plates it is clean. The old man told Goreng that he would

wait for eight days, after the eight days, he would cut Goreng into pieces. The days
passed quickly, but for Goreng it was a slow torture. He screamed and asked for

help, but no one came.

The eighth day came, the old man began to cut Goreng, until he saw the female

killer coming down with the platform. The woman hit the old man to make him

unconscious. After Goreng removed the bonds he saw the woman eating the old

man then she went down with the platform.

A few days passed, Goreng couldn't bear the hunger anymore, he came to the

old man's corpse and ate the worms from his corpse, until he woke up the next day.

He saw that he was transferred to the 33 floor, he also noticed that his companion

had been replaced by a woman holding a dog. She is a former worker of the prison

they are in. She said that this prison has 200 floors and he even said that they will

prepare enough food for everyone, but when the people on the top floor eat too

much the people on the bottom floor will suffer. The woman showed discipline in

taking the food and did not forget to tell the people below to control the taking, but

they didn't listen. Because Goreng couldn't bear the situation anymore, he also said

that if you don't reduce the consumption of food, I will defecate and urinate on the


A few days later, the food came down as usual, along with the food was the

deceased who seemed to be unconscious. At dawn, he woke up to a noise. He saw

that the two women were fighting. He saw that the woman had slaughtered Imoguiri's

dog to eat. The next day, she told to Goreng why she was in prison, it turned out that

she had an illness that could not be cured, so she was in prison and she wanted to

improve the situation inside.

The next day Goreng woke up on the 202 floor and saw a shocking incident,

Imoguiri hanged himself in despair at the situation. Goreng looked down but still saw

no end. He realized that Imoguiri was wrong, this number does not end at the two

hundredth floor. Goreng was almost crazy with fear and worry, he lived for a few

days through paper but because of hunger he was forced to eat Imoguiri's corpse.

The day of moving floors came, Goreng saw that he was on the 6th floor. His new

companion was a man with a rope. He was talking to the people above to hold the

rope so he could climb up, they agreed, but when he was near the 5th floor, the

people above dropped the rope with the man, fortunately Goreng was waiting and

that it pulls him. Just a few moments ago, the food arrived, the food seemed to stop

moving as if no one took it or pinched it. They ate for a while and then the platform

came down. Goreng saw that the people on the 7th floor started to destroy it and he

came up with a plan that would change the situation in the prison. He told his new

friend that they will go down and they will control the food on each floor and they will

try to divide the food fairly. His friend agreed, they prepared their weapons and

started. In the first 50 floors, they did not give food, as the floor went down, the

tension increased, it came to the point where they had to use force, starting from the

fifty-first floor, they started to give food and when they went down, they saw many

dead bodies that seemed to have been passed over by a woman who would die.

When they saw the woman she was no match for the two men so they immediately

helped but they failed to save her, they both won but got hurt. Despite their serious

condition they continued to go down and down and brutally brutal even though they

tried to divide the food fairly, the only thing left was a jelly. They did not realize that

they had reached the 333rd floor and here they saw a child, it was the son of the

woman who would kill them, they also discovered that they were at the end of the
prison because there was no one on the next floor. They fed the jelly to the boy

because they noticed that he was getting weak from hunger. Not long after, Goreng's

friend died due to exhaustion of blood.

n this movie. The prison is divided into floors, this represents the division of

society. Those at the top are the rich who are not a problem to eat while those at the

bottom are the poor who can do nothing but fight the rest of the rich which results in

a change in people's behavior to get by. We can see here that the natural human

behavior is greedy, we can tell others to make sacrifices for others but not everyone

will follow and agree. At the end, Goreng put the girl on the "Platform" and let her go

up with him to prove to the people above that no matter how bad the world or the

people are, there are still people who think about the welfare of others and not only


"The Platform"

The essence of the story is based on the distribution of food. Our protagonist,

Goreng and the movie opens with him checking himself into a prison to kick his

smoking habit. He later wakes up with his copy of Don Quixote as inmates are only

allowed one item and his roommate, an elderly guy named Trimagasi. Goreng

immediately discovers that he is in a multi-leveled tower, and that the inmates are

fed once a day by a massive platform that mysteriously floats through a massive

square gap (The Hole) and contains a variety of food. Trimagasi notes that they are

fortunate to be on floor 48, which is considered a mid-tier level, where they can eat

leftovers, however those below them are not so fortunate. This is an allegory for

capitalism, but the parallels between the film and our own economic system are

striking. The food is made on floor 0 by a group of chefs who appear to belong in an

elite restaurant, the bourgeoisie and then sent down to the lower levels with no real

instructions. The food is essentially finished by the time the platform reaches our

protagonist, as we witness in the film. Trimagasi notes how fortunate they are to be

at that altitude because malnutrition is a serious problem for others below them.

Goreng becomes friendly with his floormate and discovers that Trimagasi is serving

a year in the platform prison for unintentional killing and that his only possession is a

Samurai Plus self-sharpening knife.

In this film, human personality, nature, and interaction are all strongly examined.

Goreng is a representation of the idealist academic. The fact that he ends up

(almost) being a victim of Trimagasi's depravity is an interesting metaphor for how

society attacks educational Institutions. Goreng isn't the only Idealist within the story.

Goreng and Baharat are two floormates who take matters into their own hands.

Miharu's character is constantly looking for her missing child, which gets questioned

throughout the film. As a viewer, I love it when productions concentrate on all

aspects of the film rather than simply the writing or the performance. For example,

most of the action in the film revolves around the hole in the center of the prison,

where the platform moves vertically once a day. Its allegorical depiction adds to the

film's overall message that this jail is filled with never-ending hopelessness, with

glimmers of light flitting through from time to time. The film does not shy away from

depicting gruesome images. Extreme violence, particularly cannibalism, is depicted

in the film, and the audience will undoubtedly be disturbed. There are also more

subtleties scenes that reflect the many convicts' horrible reactions to their

surroundings particularly the food during their stay.

I have learned that when there is enough communication and aims toward a

larger vision that can aid individuals, anyone can overcome primordial and horrible

DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION THEORY - formulated by Sutherland. Edwin

This theory states that criminality, just like any other behavior, can be learned

through socialization.

It can be seen in the movie of the platform when Goreng went to the 6th floor

and his new companion was a man with a rope. He was talking to the people above

to hold the rope so he could climb up. They agreed, but when he was close to the

5th floor, the people at the top dropped the rope with the man, luckily Goreng was

waiting and he pulled him.

It can be seen in the movie that Goreng came up with a plan to change the

situation in the prison. He told his new friend that they would go down and control the

food on each floor and try to divide the food fairly. His friend agreed, they prepared

their weapons and started. It got to the point where they had to resort to violence just

to be fair and get everyone to eat.

DIFFERENTIAL REINFORCEMENT THEORY - Individuals behavior depends on

how people around him react towards his behavior. Thus, the word "reinforcement"

is in the name. A behavior is reinforced when individuals gains something from it or if

punished for doing of such action. The keyword here is punishment and rewards.
It can be seen in the movie of the platform that when you put away any food

from the platform the temperature of the floor will increase and increase until they

die. It can also be noticed in the movie that when the people upstairs eat too much,

the people on the lower floor will suffer.

The movie of the platform also shows how disciplined the woman with the dog

took food and did not forget to tell the people below to control the taking but they did

not listen. So Goreng thought of a way to get the others on the floor to follow. She

said that if they did not reduce her food consumption she would defecate and urinate

on the food.

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