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School Grade Level Grade 11
Teacher Learning Area Statistics and
Time & Quarter 3

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sampling and
sampling distributions of the sample mean.
B. Performance The learner is able to apply suitable sampling and sampling distributions of the
Standards sample mean to solve real-life problems in different disciplines.
C. Learning M11/12SP-IIId-2
Competencies/Objectives Illustrates Random Sampling
Write the LC code for
D. Specific Objectives At the end of the topic, the learners should be able to:
a. differentiate types of random sampling techniques;
b. appreciate the significance of random sampling;
c. illustrate random sampling with its several techniques.
Il. CONTENT Illustrates random sampling
A. References
1.Teacher's Guide pages
2. Learner's Materials Statistics and Probability 11
pages pp. 75-79
3.Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Power Point Presentation, activity sheet
Good afternoon class!
Good afternoon, ma’am!
How is your day?
It is fine, ma’am.
That’s nice to know. To start our session today,
let us first pray. May I request everyone to stand
up. And Hazel, please lead the prayer.
(Hazel is leading the prayer)
Before you take your seat, kindly arrange your
chairs and pick-up the scattered papers.
Is there anyone absent today, class secretary?
None, ma’am.
Very good.
For us to have a good flow of our discussion and
for your active participation, we have some class
room rules that should be strictly observed all the
time. Please read our classroom rules, Chenni.
(Chenni will read the
In addition, we have our objectives which are classroom rules.)
expected for you to achieve at the end of our
lesson. Kindly read our objectives today,

(Shaynne will read the

A. Reviewing previous Have you ever conducted a survey?
lesson or presenting the Yes, ma’am.
new lesson When and how did you conduct a survey?
Ma’am, in our Practical
B. Establishing a purpose Research 1. We went to
for the lesson every section in Grade 11
and we asked how many of
them save in daily, weekly
and monthly basis coming
from their own allowance.
Okay. Now, what do you call the people who will
answer your survey?
Ma’am, they are our
respondents or participants.
Why wouldn’t you ask all the people related to a
survey topic to answer a survey.
If we ask all the people,
there will be so many
respondents or participants
and it will be time
consuming, ma’am.
If that so, how will we lessen the people that are
needed to answer your survey?
Ma’am, we will only select
some of them.
Very good!
So, what do you think is our topic for today?
Ma’am, I think it is related to
how can we get sample for
our survey.
You have the idea. Any other answer?
Ma’am, is it about selecting
our respondents?
You got it right! Is related on how you can get or
select your respondents.
C. Presenting That is what we call sampling techniques.
examples/instances of
the new lesson Sampling is a process used in statistical analysis
in which a predetermined number of
observations are taken from a larger population.

Random Sampling is a sampling method of

choosing representatives from the population
wherein every sample has an equal chance of
being selected.
 Accurate data can be collected using
random sampling techniques.

POPULATION is the group you want to

generalize. It consists of all the members of the
group you are interested in.
SAMPLE is the subset from the population you
want to examine.
 Taking samples instead of the population is
less time-consuming and cost-effective.
 A well-chosen sample allow true inferences
to be made about a population from that

We have these probability sampling techniques.

Please read the first one, Ivan.

Simple random sampling -

each individual is chosen
entirely by chance and each
One good example of simple random sampling is member of the population
in choosing a winner in a raffle. Where all raffle has an equal chance or
ticket will be put in a tambulo. And they will get a probability of being
raffle ticket from the tambulo. The picked raffle selected.
ticket will be the winner.

The second sampling technique is systematic

sampling. Kindly read its definition, Rosevic.

Systematic sampling -
individuals are selected at
regular intervals from the
sampling frame. The
intervals are chosen to
ensure an adequate sample
size. If you need a sample
size n from a population of
size x, you should select
every x/nth individual for the
sample. Systematic
sampling is done by
selecting every 𝑘th element
in your population list.
An example of this technique is when a The sampling interval, k, is
researcher tells the class to count and then calculated by dividing the
selects those students who count a multiple of 7 population size by the
numbers. The same thing happened in selecting desired sample size.
students who count multiple of 7 or 7, 14, 21,
and so on.

Is it clear class?

Now we move on to the next technique. Please

read, Rhoda.
Yes, ma’am.

Stratified sampling - in this

method, the population is
first divided into subgroups
(or strata) who all share
similar characteristics. It is
used when we might
reasonably expect the
measurement of interest to
Example of this technique is when we have vary between the different
school activities where you will be classified subgroups, and we want to
according to your grade level. Each grade level, ensure representation from
there will be selected students to represent their all the subgroups.

And the last technique is cluster sampling.

Please read, Roshel.

Cluster sampling –
in a clustered sample,
subgroups of the population
are used as the sampling
unit, rather than the
individuals. The population
An example of this is when all students is divided into subgroups,
belonging to the 8 randomly selected sections known as clusters, which
will participate in the survey on the readiness of are randomly selected to be
students for SY 2020-2021. included in the study.

Is it clear class?

Do you have any questions or clarifications?

Yes, ma’am.

None, ma’am.
D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #1
E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2
E Developing mastery Since you do not have any questions or
(Leads to Formative clarification, we will have an activity. This is a
Assessment 5) group activity. For your groupings, please count
from 1 to 4. All 1s will be group 1. All 2s will be
group 2. All 3s will be group 3. And all 4s will be
group 4. Now, please proceed to your groupings
and form a small circle.
(Students grouped
Students, please assign a leader for your group.
And all leaders will pick a scenario in this bowl.
(Leaders will pick an activity
Directions: Each group will perform the assigned
task to them. Discuss how to perform your task.
Then present/discuss the process in front the
class with the team leaders.
Write ten names of your mates on each piece of
paper, mixes the papers in a box/hat, and draws
5 pieces of paper from it.

The 5 drawn names will say “We will be a

successful future researcher!”
(Simple group will perform
the assigned task.)
Very good, simple group!
What they presented is an illustration of what we
call simple random sampling.

Now we proceed to the next group.

Count and then select your groupmates who
counted a multiple of 2 numbers.

The selected students will say “We are young

(Systematic group will
perform the assigned task.)
Job well done, systematic group!
The group actually illustrated systematic

The next to perform is the stratified group.

Get the list of names of Entrepreneurs from the
class secretary. Separate the list of boys and
girls, then draw 5 names by gender. Select 5
each randomly from boys & girls.

The randomly drawn girls and boys will say “We

gonna go go and search it!”
(Stratified group will perform
the assigned task.)
Good job, stratified group!
They illustrated stratified sampling.

And the last to present will be the cluster group.

A researcher surveys all Entrepreneurs students
from 2 randomly selected rows/clusters out of 6
rows/clusters in the class.

The students of the selected two rows will say

“We are responsible respondents!”
(Cluster group will perform
the assigned task.)
The last group illustrated cluster sampling.
G. Finding practical Job well done, students!
applications of Are there any questions or clarifications?
Concepts and skills in None, ma’am.
daily living Now, how can you apply your learnings from our
lesson today in a practical situation or in real life?
(Students answers may
H. Making generalizations Very good students!
and abstractions about To sum up everything we discussed today.
the lesson
What are the four different sampling techniques?

Ma’am, stratified, simple

random sampling, cluster
sampling and systematic
What is simple random sampling? Random sampling is each
participant will be chosen
entirely by chance and all of
them will have an equal
chance of being selected,
Correct! How about systematic sampling?
Ma’am, in systematic
sampling there will be a
regular interval from the
sampling frame.
Very good! How about stratified sampling?
In stratified sampling
ma’am, the population will
be divided into subgroups
or strata who share a
similar characteristic.
Precisely! And lastly, what is cluster sampling?
Cluster sampling is when
the population is divided
into subgroups or cluster.
And the selected subgroup
will represent the whole
Very well said!
Are there any questions or clarifications class?
None. ma’am.
I. Evaluating learning Direction: Identify the random sampling
technique illustrated in each scenario.
SI for Simple Random
SY for Systematic
ST for Stratified
CL for Cluster Sampling

Write your answer on the space provided before

the number.
_____1. A survey will be conducted to 25
randomly selected students from a Grade 11
class to determine their most preferred learning
modality for SY 2020-2021.
_____2. In a class, every 5th student will be
chosen to participate in the webinar on, “The
Effect of Covid-19 to Philippine Education”.
_____3. In a municipality with 30 barangays, five
barangays will be randomly selected and all
students from the 5 barangays will be
interviewed regarding the impact of Covid-19 to
them as students.
_____4. Twenty teachers from a certain school
will be selected using the lottery method to be
the respondents of a study on the “Readiness of
Teachers in the New Normal
_____5. Students are categorized into grade
levels and sections. Fifteen representatives from
each grade level and section will be chosen to
participate on a survey on the gadgets they have
at home.
J. Additional activities for Direction:
application or remediation Give one situation/scenario that illustrates each sampling techniques that we
discussed today.
A. No. of learners who
earned 70% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me Solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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