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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and
Specification apply to this Section.

A. This Section includes semi rigid and flexible duct, plenum, and breeching insulation; insu-lating cements;
field-applied jackets; accessories and attachments; and sealing compounds.

B. Related Sections include the following:

1. Section "Fire stopping" for fire stopping materials and requirements for penetrations through fire
and smoke barriers.
2. Section "Equipment Insulation" for insulation materials and application for pumps, tanks,
hydronic specialties, and other equipment.
3. Section "Pipe Insulation" for insulation for piping systems.

A. Product Data: Identify thermal conductivity, thickness, and jackets (both factory and field applied, if any),
for each type of product indicated.

B. Shop Drawings: Show fabrication and installation details for the following:
1. Removable insulation sections at access panels.
2. Application of field-applied jackets.
3. Applications at linkages for control devices.

C. Samples: For each type of insulation and field-applied jacket. Identify each Sample, de-scribing product
and intended use. Submit 12-inch- (300-mm-) square sections of each sample material.
1. Manufacturer's Color Charts: Show the full range of colors available for each type of field-applied
finish material indicated.

D. Material Test Reports: From a qualified testing agency acceptable to authorities having ju-risdiction
indicating, interpreting, and certifying test results for compliance of insulation materials, sealers,
attachments, cements, and jackets with requirements indicated. Include dates of tests.

E. Installer Certificates: Signed by the Contractor certifying that installers comply with re-quirements.


A. Installer Qualifications: Skilled mechanics who have successfully completed an appren-ticeship program
or another craft training program certified by the U.S. Department of La-bor, Bureau of Apprenticeship and

B. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: As determined by testing materials identical to those specified in this

Section by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities hav-ing jurisdiction. Factory label
insulation and jacket materials and sealer and cement mate-rial containers with appropriate markings of
applicable testing and inspecting agency.

C. Mockups: Before installing insulation, build mockups for each type of insulation and fin-ish listed below
to demonstrate quality of insulation application and finishes. Build mockups according to the following
requirements, using materials indicated for the com-pleted Work:
1. Include the following mockups:
a. One 10-foot (3-m) section of rectangular straight duct.


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b. One 90-degree square elbow and one 90-degree radius elbow.
c. One branch takeoff.
d. One transition fitting.
e. Four support hangers.

2. Build mockups with cutaway sections to allow observation of application details for insulation materials,
mastics, attachments, and jackets.

3. Build mockups in the location indicated or, if not indicated, as directed by Archi-tect.

4. Notify Architect seven days in advance of dates and times when mockups will be constructed.

5. Obtain Architect's approval of mockups before starting insulation application.

6. Maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the completed

7. Demolish and remove mockups when directed.

8. Approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial


A. Packaging: Ship insulation materials in containers marked by manufacturer with appropri-ate ASTM
specification designation, type and grade, and maximum use temperature.

A. Coordinate clearance requirements with duct Installer for insulation application.

A. Schedule insulation application after testing duct systems. Insulation application may begin on segments of
ducts that have satisfactory test results.




A. Material: Low density polyethylene foam Alustucco type, close cellular structure.
B. Form: Sheet, tube, andpreformed pipe sections as appropriate for surface.

C. Thermal Conductivity: 0.038 W x m/sq. m x K at 40 deg C and 0.035 W x m/sq. m x K at 10 deg C

D. Dry Density: 30-45 kg/cu. m.
E. Pipe surface shall be cleaned and painted before insulation is applied, for cleaning shall be used a grease
dissolving agent.
F. Joints between Thermaflex insulation shall be with Thermaflex adhesive 474 on both surfaces.
G. Shall be no adhesive material between duct or pipe and insulations.
H. The lengthwise joints shall be finished with Alufoil tape.
I. Flanges shall be finished with Thermajoint Alustucco and Alufoil-tape.
J. Before applying alufoil-tape, surface has to be dust and oil free.
K. Insulation of fittings, accessories or equipment with the closed cell blanket type insulation


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L. Fire Performance Characteristics: Provide materials identical to those whose fire performance
characteristics have been determined, per test method indicated below, by UL or other testing and
inspecting organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction.
1. Test Method: ASTM E 84.
2. Flame Spread: 0.
3. Smoke Developed: 0.


A. Adhesive-Attached Anchor Pins and Speed Washers: Galvanized steel plate, pin, and washer manufactured
for attachment to duct and plenum with adhesive. Pin length suffi-cient for insulation thickness indicated.
1. Adhesive: Recommended by the anchor pin manufacturer as appropriate for sur-face temperatures
of ducts, plenums, and breechings; and to achieve a holding ca-pacity of 100 lb (45 kg) for direct
pull perpendicular to the adhered surface.

B. Self-Adhesive Anchor Pins and Speed Washers: Galvanized steel plate, pin, and washer manufactured for
attachment to duct and plenum with adhesive. Pin length sufficient for insulation thickness indicated.


A. Examine substrates and conditions for compliance with requirements for installation and other conditions
affecting performance of insulation application.
B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
C. Apply all method of statement from manufacturer for cleaning, cutting, joint, glue and in-stalling of the

A. Surface Preparation: Clean and dry surfaces to receive insulation. Remove materials that will adversely
affect insulation application.


A. Apply insulation materials, accessories, and finishes according to the manufacturer's writ-ten instructions;
with smooth, straight, and even surfaces; and free of voids throughout the length of ducts and fittings.

B. Refer to schedules at the end of this Section for materials, forms, jackets, and thicknesses required for each
duct system.

C. Use accessories compatible with insulation materials and suitable for the service. Use ac-cessories that do
not corrode, soften, or otherwise attack insulation or jacket in either wet or dry state.

D. Apply multiple layers of insulation with longitudinal and end seams staggered.

E. Seal joints and seams with vapor-retarder mastic on insulation indicated to receive a vapor retarder.

F. Keep insulation materials dry during application and finishing.

G. Apply insulation with tight longitudinal seams and end joints. Bond seams and joints with adhesive
recommended by the insulation material manufacturer.

H. Apply insulation with the least number of joints practical.

I. Apply insulation over fittings and specialties, with continuous thermal and vapor-retarder integrity, unless
otherwise indicated.


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J. Hangers and Anchors: Where vapor retarder is indicated, seal penetrations in insulation at hangers,
supports, anchors, and other projections with vapor-retarder mastic. Apply insu-lation continuously
through hangers and around anchor attachments.

K. To prevent compressing insulation to less than 75 percent of its nominal thickness.

L. Roof Penetrations: Apply insulation for interior applications to a point even with top of roof flashing.
1. Seal penetrations with vapor-retarder mastic.
2. Apply insulation for exterior applications tightly joined to interior insulation ends.
3. Seal insulation to roof flashing with vapor-retarder mastic.

M. Interior Wall and Partition Penetrations: Apply insulation continuously through walls and partitions,
except fire-rated walls and partitions.

N. Fire-Rated Wall and Partition Penetrations: Terminate insulation at fire/smoke damper sleeves for fire-
rated wall and partition penetrations.

O. Floor Penetrations: Terminate insulation at underside of floor assembly and at floor sup-port at top of
1. For insulation indicated to have vapor retarders, taper termination and seal insula-tion ends with
vapor-retarder mastic.

P. Board Applications for Ducts and Plenums: Secure board insulation with adhesive and anchor pins and
speed washers.
1. Apply adhesives according to manufacturer's recommended coverage rates per square foot, for 100
percent coverage of duct and plenum surfaces.
2. Apply adhesive to entire circumference of ducts and to all surfaces of fittings and transitions.
3. Space anchor pins as follows:
a. On duct sides with dimensions 18 inches (450 mm) and smaller, along longi-tudinal
centerline of duct. Space 3 inches (75 mm) maximum from insulation end joints, and 16
inches (400 mm) o.c.
b. On duct sides with dimensions larger than 18 inches (450 mm). Space 16 inches (400
mm) o.c. each way, and 3 inches (75 mm) maximum from insu-lation joints. Apply
additional pins and clips to hold insulation tightly against surface at cross bracing.
c. Anchor pins may be omitted from top surface of horizontal, rectangular ducts and
d. Do not over compress insulation during installation.

4. Cut excess portion of pins extending beyond speed washers or bend parallel with insulation
surface. Cover exposed pins and washers with tape matching insulation facing.

5. Create a facing lap for longitudinal seams and end joints with insulation by remov-ing 2 inches
(50 mm) from one edge and one end of insulation segment. Secure laps to adjacent insulation
segment with 1/2-inch (13-mm) staples, 1 inch (25 mm) o.c., and cover with pressure-sensitive
tape having same facing as insulation.

6. Apply insulation on rectangular duct elbows and transitions with a full insulation segment for each
surface. Groove and score insulation to fit as closely as possible to outside and inside radius of
elbows. Apply insulation on round and flat-oval duct elbows with individually mitered gores cut
to fit the elbow.

7. Insulate duct stiffeners, hangers, and flanges that protrude beyond the insulation surface with 6-
inch- (150-mm-) wide strips of the same material used to insulate duct. Secure on alternating
sides of stiffener, hanger, and flange with anchor pins spaced 6 inches (150 mm) o.c.


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A. Insulation materials and thicknesses are specified in schedules at the end of this Section.

B. Materials and thicknesses for systems listed below are specified in schedules at the end of this Section.

C. Insulate the following plenums and duct systems:

1. Indoor concealed supply-, return-, and outside-air ductwork.
2. Indoor exposed supply-, return-, and outside-air ductwork.

D. Items Not Insulated: Unless otherwise indicated, do not apply insulation to the following systems,
materials, and equipment:
1. Factory-insulated flexible ducts.
2. Flexible connectors.
3. Vibration-control devices.
4. Testing agency labels and stamps.
5. Nameplates and data plates.
6. Access panels and doors in air-distribution systems.


A. Service: Rectangular and Round, supply-air ducts, exposed.
1. Material: Polyethylene
2. Thickness: 40 mm for supply and return duct under roof.
3. Number of Layers: two
4. Field-Applied Jacket: Not applicable

B. Service: Round, return-air ducts, concealed.

1. Material: Polyethylene
2. Thickness: 30 mm inside ceiling and under roof.
3. Number of Layers: two
4. Field-Applied Jacket: Not applicable



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