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Creeg Greythorn Ambitious. +2 INT stat.

1st-Level Talent. Learn mage armor spell.

Spellcasting. +4 (DC 10 + spell tier). Tier 1 Spells.

7 -2 18 +4 Human Detect Magic: Near, focus, sense presence of
magic. Magic Missile: ADV to cast, 1d4 damage
one creature in Far. Sleep: Near-sized cube
13 +1 14 +2 from you, LV 0-2 creatures inside fall asleep.
Wizard Mage Armor: Self, AC 14 (10 rounds).

Languages. Common, Elvish, Goblin, Merran,

Draconic, Primordial.
10 +0 11 +0 1 10

3 11
Staff —
Dagger — Backpack
Oil flask —
Lawful Flint and steel —
Torch —
Rations (3) —
Staff, -2, 1d4
Sailor Caltrops bag —
Rope, 60’ —
Dagger, +1 (N), 1d4
Grappling hook —
Mirror —

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