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Operation manual

Drawworks Control System


PPL Hull P2009 Jack-Up, BMC PC 375 S0100473 T4845 - Drawworks D3000 AC, PPL Hull #
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© Copyright National Oilwell Varco - 2006


S0100473-OPM-200 01

National Oilwell Norway AS

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Document number S0100473-OPM-200
Revision 01
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01 03.07.2006 For Information AB EM JERA

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01 First issue
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1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................5
1.1 General....................................................................................................................5
1.2 Abbreviations and definitions..................................................................................5
1.3 Reference documents and drawings......................................................................6
1.4 Service and support................................................................................................6
2 OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS.........................................................................................7
2.1 Preparation / configuration......................................................................................7
2.1.1 Block position..............................................................................................8
2.1.2 Operation limits............................................................................................9
2.1.3 Auto driller limits........................................................................................10
2.1.4 Select hook load source............................................................................10
2.1.5 Block position / proximity switch configuration..........................................11
2.2 Human-Machine Interface (HMI) operator station................................................12
2.2.1 Cyberbase displays...................................................................................12
2.2.2 Operator commands from Cyberbase screen...........................................15
2.2.3 Operator commands from keypads and joysticks.....................................16
2.3 Main components of the drawworks.....................................................................20
2.3.1 Braking systems........................................................................................20
2.4 Starting procedure.................................................................................................21
2.5 Normal operation...................................................................................................21
2.5.1 Slow speed................................................................................................21
2.5.2 Clutch change............................................................................................21
2.5.3 Weight on bit..............................................................................................22
2.5.4 Crown saver override................................................................................22
2.5.5 Floor saver override...................................................................................22
2.5.6 Auto driller constant WOB.........................................................................23
2.5.7 Auto driller constant ROP..........................................................................24
2.6 Stop procedures....................................................................................................25
2.6.1 Normal stop...............................................................................................25
2.6.2 Emergency stop.........................................................................................25
2.7 Emergency lowering..............................................................................................25
2.8 Test and exception functions................................................................................26
2.8.1 Brake system safety and performance testing..........................................26
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2.8.2 Brake burning procedure...........................................................................29

2.8.3 Slip & cut....................................................................................................32
3 SAFETY FUNCTIONS.....................................................................................................33
3.1 Power management system..................................................................................33
3.1.1 Power consumption management.............................................................33
3.1.2 Power regeneration management.............................................................33
3.2 Dynamic acceleration / deceleration ramps..........................................................34
3.3 Crown saver..........................................................................................................34
3.4 Floor saver............................................................................................................35
3.5 Interlocks with other machines..............................................................................36
3.5.1 Top Drive (TD) clamp................................................................................36
3.6 Anti collision interface...........................................................................................36
3.7 Slip alarms.............................................................................................................37
3.8 Creep alarm...........................................................................................................37
3.9 High motor temperature........................................................................................37
3.10 Broken chain detection..........................................................................................37
3.11 Shut down logic.....................................................................................................38
4 DISTURBANCE OF OPERATION, CORRECTIVE MEASURES...................................39
4.1 Alarms visualization..............................................................................................39
4.2 Alarms and preferred actions................................................................................40
4.2.1 Group 1 Diagnostic alarms........................................................................41
4.2.2 Group 2 Communication alarms................................................................41
4.2.3 Group 3 Drive / motor alarms....................................................................42
4.2.4 Group 4 Auxiliary alarms...........................................................................43
4.2.5 Group 5 Not used......................................................................................44
4.2.6 Group 6 Brake system alarms...................................................................44
4.2.7 Group 7 External signal fault alarms.........................................................45
4.2.8 Group 8 Misc. alarms................................................................................45
4.3 Alarm- and operation limits...................................................................................47
5 HAZARDS AND PROTECTIVE MEASURES.................................................................48
5.1 Start after long term shutdown or major maintenance..........................................48
6 OPERATOR SKILLS AND TRAINING...........................................................................48
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1.1 General

This operation manual describes the operations in conjunction with the day-to-day
running of the drawworks.

This document describes the various control and monitoring facilities. For Cyberbase
system overview and description of standard pop-ups etc, refer to document Cyberbase
Control System, operation manual /6/, ref chapter 1.3.

It is essential that the equipment operators have the required knowledge, education and
training before using the system.

Running the drawworks involves pinch point risk. Keep distance from working

1.2 Abbreviations and definitions

BOP Blowout Preventer

DCI Drilling Control Interface
DW Drawworks
FDL Fieldbus Datalink
FDS Functional Design Specification
HVAC Heat, Ventilation & Air Conditioning
IR Iron Roughneck
HMI Human-Machine Interface
MCC Motor Control Center
MP Mud Pump
P&ID Piping & Instrument Diagram
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
ROP Rate Of Penetration
RT Rotary Table
STEP7 Siemens PLC Programming Software
TD Topdrive
VSDS Variable Speed Drive System
WOB Weight On Bit

Operator The person assigned the responsibility of physically operating and

maintaining the equipment
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1.3 Reference documents and drawings

Please refer to documents and drawings part in final documentation dossier.

The following documents should be studied together in order to get a good

understanding of the functions, limitations and operation of the equipment; Document no. Description

/1/ 9108E015 Instruction, Operation and Service Manual
Drawworks Mechanical Parts
/2/ S0100469-SID-301-01/02 Network Topology
/3/ S0100473-IDX-201 Instrument Index, Field Instruments
/4/ S0100473-MAM-200 Maintenance Manual, Drawworks Control System
/6/ S0100469-OPM-330 Operation and Maintenance Manual For DCDA
/7/ 9108X003 D3000AC Hydraulic & Air Schematic

1.4 Service and support

For assistance from National Oilwell Varco, please contact:

Company: National Oilwell Norway AS

Address: Lagerv.8
P.B. 8181
4069 Stavanger
Contact: Service Department
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 51818181
Telefax: +47 51800547
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2.1 Preparation / configuration

The drawworks control system has to be set up before the machine is ready to be used.
Most configuration data has been set during commissioning. Configuration data other
than those listed below has to be changed by an NOV service engineer.

Setup screen

This screen is a sub-page of the drawworks screen.
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2.1.1 Block position

This procedure can also be found by pressing the “i”-button “Block Positioning Setup”.

Before the drawworks can be used the following parameters has to be set:
- Number of lines strung
- Reset of layer shift from layer 1 to 2 on the drawworks drum
- Reference height for the TD (lowest fixed point on TD)
- Reset of zero elevator position (floor height)
In order to set any of these parameters, the park brake must be on.

These settings have to be reconfigured if the wire has been replaced or a “Slip
and Cut”-operation has been executed. It is also necessary to do this if the PLC
memory has been reset. It is important to be accurate in order to ensure that the
positioning system works and that the floor- and crown-saver functions correctly. Reset of layer shift from layer 1 to 2

Proceed with the following procedure in order to reset the layer shift from layer 1 to 2:

1. Position the block where the wire on the drum transits from layer 1 to 2.
2. Set the park brake on.
3. Press reset “Layer Shift 1 to 2” and confirm on the screen.
4. Lower the TD to a wanted position. This position is normally as close to the drill
floor as possible. Set the park brake on and measure the distance from a known
reference point on the TD (lowest fixed point on the TD). Update the “Measured
height to TD reference point”. See below for information when this is needed.
Note that the height to the TD reference point is not a position that the block will
run to or stop at. It is only used as an offset to tell the control system the amount
of dead wraps placed on the drum, so that the TD height is correct.
5. Execute procedure for reset of floor height. See chapter

It is important that the layer shift configuration is correct. Block position and
speed and safety-functions are based upon this.

Point 4 has only to be done if the wire has been replaced or after a “Slip and Cut”-
operation. It also has to be done if the PLC memory has been reset or lost.

Reset of layer shift defines for the control system the angle on the drum. It has to be
done if a “Height Not Calibrated”-alarm has been given to the operator. All calculations
are based upon this angle.
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The floor height is used for calculating the floor saver activation point.

Proceed with the following procedure in order to reset the floor height:

1. Position the block where the lowest point on the TD or elevator is right above
floor level. It is also possible to place the block at a higher position if desired.
2. Set the park brake on.
3. Press reset “Zero Elevator Position”.
4. Verify on the operator screen that the elevator / hook position becomes zero.
5. Release the brakes and hoist the block up 3 meters (10 feet).
6. Lower the block and verify that it stops above the set height.

A safety margin of approx. 1 foot (30 cm) is added to the floor saver. This will ensure
that the block stops at a safe distance from the floor.

2.1.2 Operation limits Max speed

Maximum speed setting is not included. Max overpull

This setting is used to limit the maximum overpull when tripping out of the hole to
protect the system / equipment if the pipe gets stuck. The overpull value is equal to the
negative WOB value. It is calculated based on the last “Zero WOB” command. The
overpull setting is also applicable for the auto driller when going out of the hole. A low
overpull setting will also limit the maximum hoisting speed.

When the overpull limit is reached, the hoisting speed is set to zero.
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2.1.3 Auto driller limits Max WOB

The maximum WOB setting is used to set the maximum allowed WOB setpoint when
using WOB auto driller, and the maximum WOB when using the ROP auto driller. Max ROP

The entered value is used to limit the ROP when operating in WOB mode. Auto driller lower stop height

The auto driller function will be turned off when the elevator reaches the auto driller
lower stop height. The block movement will stop and the auto driller speed is

The lower stop height can not be lower than the minimum height set in the PLC.
(Approx. 0,5 meter above the elevator height reset).

2.1.4 Select hook load source

This is a command for selection of the hook load sensor to use.

The alternatives are:

 Deadline anchor
 Traveling block

It is possible to set a filter value on the measured deadline anchor signal ranging
between 0 and 20 seconds. A higher filter time will make the signal more robust against
rapid fluctuations in the measured signal. The filter only affects the value displayed on
the operator station, not the weight used by the control system.
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2.1.5 Block position / proximity switch configuration

Block position / proximity switch information screen

The block and proximity switch information picture is only intended as information for
the operator. Only an NOV service engineer can change these settings, as they have to
be changed within the PLC program. This screen will not be described in detail in this
manual but on-screen help is available by pressing the “i”-button on this screen.

The “Height to Top Drive reference” shows at all time the height from the drill floor or
rotary table to the reference point on the top drive, which is the lowest fixed point on the
top drive.
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2.2 Human-Machine Interface (HMI) operator station

The drawworks is operated from an operator station located in the driller’s cabin with all
the necessary switches and controls to operate the machine in a safe and controlled

Commands are selected and given from keypads / buttons / switches and joysticks on
left and right hand side of the operator station. Status signals are shown on the
monitor(s). Setup and configuration inputs are made from the screen(s).

2.2.1 Cyberbase displays

Machine and operation status are shown on the screens for the drawworks and the
instrument screen for drilling (Drilling –> Instr.)

Drawworks screen
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The drawworks screen shows information about the machine. By clicking on the top
menu the operator will have access to the setup screen and test / exception screen.
See chapter 2.1 and 2.8.

Instrument screen

The instrument screen shows following data applicable to the drawworks:

ROP Average rate of penetration

WOB Weight on bit
Hookload Hookload
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Test / exception screen

The test / exception screen controls and displays the;

Brake Burning Burning of new brake pads

Brake Test Test of brake capacity
Slip & Cut Slip & cut operation
Document number S0100473-OPM-200
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Page 15 Braking caliper animation

Each of the calipers are animated on the machinery screen.

Yellow: Either on or off

Green: Caliper released (brake is off)
White: Caliper set (brake is on)
Red: Either brake off- or on-fault present

Braking caliper animation

The pressure on each of the caliper sets is also shown.

2.2.2 Operator commands from Cyberbase screen

Motor information

Motor information pop-up is displayed by pressing the “i”-button for one of the motors.
There is one individual screen for each motor.

Drawworks sub-page menu

By clicking on this menu found on the top of every drawworks screen, it will give the
operator access to the various sub-pages found.
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2.2.3 Operator commands from keypads and joysticks Drawworks manual – left side

Index Switch text Description

1 Clutch Lo Press and confirm to choose
Drawworks low clutch.
2 Clutch Hi Press and confirm to choose
high clutch.
3 Zero WOB Press and confirm to reset
Esc TD the weight on bit.
4 Crown Saver Press and hold to override
RT O/R the crown saver and the
Crown O’Matic functions.
TD How this works is described
PH in the chapter about the
crown saver and Crown
5 DW On Press and confirm to turn the
machine either on or off.
6 Act. Brk. Tst / Press and confirm to start or
Clutch Clutch Burn stop the brake burn or brake
Lo Hi test function.
7 DW Park Press and confirm to set the
Zero Crown park brake either on or off.
WOB Saver
DW Activate DW
On Test Park


Index Joystick text Description

Dolly Extend


Dolly Retract
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Index Switch text Description

MP Control


Close MP Sync


- On +


- On +


- On +

TT Mix Mix
Pump Pump 1 Pump 2
On On On


Drawworks Index Joystick text Description

1 Lower Lower the block.
Lower 2 Hoist Hoist the block.
3 Creep To achieve creep speed
move the joystick to the left
Creep at the same time as hoist or
Slips lowering command is given.
This also functions as floor
saver reset and override.

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Index Switch text Description

1 Auto ROP Press and confirm to activate
Top Drive the Rate Of Penetration auto
2 Zero WOB Press and confirm to reset
the weight on bit.
Esc DW 3 Auto WOB Press and confirm to activate
TD the Weight On Bit auto
PH driller.
4 DW Park Press and confirm to set the
Grabber park brake either on or off.

Torque TD Torque
- Rev +

B/O Spin M/U

Mode Mode Mode

Auto Zero Auto


On Brake Park


Top Drive Index Joystick text Description

Speed Inc.


Speed Dec.
Document number S0100473-OPM-200
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Page 19 Drawworks auto driller – right side

Index Switch text Description

MP Control (AD)


Close Stop/


- On +


- On +


- On +

TT Mix Mix
Pump Pump 1 Pump 2
On On On


Auto driller setpoint Index Joystick text Description

1 Inc Increase the auto driller
Inc setpoint.
2 Dec Decrease the auto driller
Deactivate 3 Deactivate More than 90% activation
will immediately deactivate
the auto driller function.

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2.3 Main components of the drawworks

The drawworks consist of the following main elements:

- Drawworks mechanical parts with AC-motors, low and high clutch, disc brakes
and emergency lowering system.
- Cooling blowers for the drawworks motors.
- Lubrication system for the drawworks.
- Drawworks control system
- Interface to operator stations and other PLC’s.

The drawworks is run by the VSDS system and operated from the operator station in
the driller’s cabin. It communicates to these systems through communication network

Please look in reference /1/ for information regarding the drawworks mechanical parts.

2.3.1 Braking systems Main braking system

Normal braking when lowering is achieved by use of regenerative braking using the AC-
motors and the VSDS as generator, hence feeding the energy from the braking into the
resistor system. The resistors are designed for a 140% braking capacity compared to
motor nominated capacity. Disc brake system

The disc brakes are designed as a park- and emergency stop brake. The drum has two
direct mounted discs. Each disc is equipped with multiple braking calipers. The calipers
are spring applied, and are deactivated by use of hydraulic pressure, thus making the
system fail safe. Covers that will reduce the contamination of the discs and pads are
installed. Disc / pad contamination would lower the braking capacity.

The braking capacity is 200% of maximum designed static torque. Since the disc brakes
are not designed for dynamic braking (except for an emergency situation), the discs
should cool down to below 158 F (70ºC) after an emergency stop before the operation
continues. The cooling time will depend on the speed before the emergency stop, the
hook load and the condition of the calipers. One single emergency stop should normally
not result in disc temperatures above 70ºC. The temperature should be measured
before start after an emergency stop, using a hand instrument such as a laser
temperature meter or equivalent (not supplied by NOV).
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The disc brake system consists of a brake system A and B. Each of these systems will
set half of the calipers. Each system has a capacity of 100% of the nominal braking
capacity. Separate return lines are provided for each system to ensure fail-safe
operation of the disc brakes.
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2.4 Starting procedure

1. Select the correct operator mode on the operator station.

2. Verify correct settings on the “Setup” screen.
3. Press “DW On” and confirm in order to turn the machine on. The auxiliary
equipment such as blowers, hydraulic pumps and lube oil pumps will start
4. Ensure that all auxiliary equipment is running and that no low hydraulic pressure
or low lube oil pressure alarms are active.
5. When the “Clutch Lo” or “Clutch Hi” buttons comes available, press either one of
them and press confirm. This selects which clutch the operator desires to use.
6. When the “DW Park” button comes available, press it followed by confirm. Doing
this will torque up the motors followed by the release of the park brake. It is now
possible to hoist and lower the block.
7. Run past the reference proximity switch with the block to ensure that the
positioning system is healthy.
8. The drawworks is now ready for operation.

2.5 Normal operation

As soon as the starting procedure has been finished normal operation of the drawworks
is possible. The block is hoisted / lowered using the right hand joystick. The drawworks
control system ensures smooth acceleration and deceleration depending on the hook
load and available power and regenerative power to the drawworks.

2.5.1 Slow speed

The slow speed mode gives only a small percentage of the maximum speed signal to
the drawworks when using the maximum range of the joystick. Pushing the joystick over
to slow speed will also reset the floor saver, if activated.

When using slow speed mode, both hard and soft floor saver is deactivated. Be aware
that using this function means that there is no automatic braking when moving

2.5.2 Clutch change

The clutch can be changed as soon as the park brake is set. Press the desired clutch
followed by confirm, and release the brake again to run with the desired clutch.
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2.5.3 Weight on bit

In order to reset the weight on bit monitoring, hold the drill string right above the bottom
of the drilled hole. Then press “Zero WOB” followed by confirm. The weight on the bit is
then calculated by subtracting actual hook load from the stored weight value. If
changing between deadline anchor and traveling block hook load monitoring, the weight
on bit should be reset. Zero WOB command is not allowed with the auto driller active.

2.5.4 Crown saver override

Push and hold the “Crown Saver O/R”-button to activate the crown saver override
function. This makes it possible to run past the upper stop proximity switch in slow
speed. Release the button to deactivate the crown saver override function.

Be aware that using this function means that there is no automatic braking / stopping
when moving upwards.

2.5.5 Floor saver override

Push and hold the drawworks joystick to the left while hoisting and lowering. This will
give slow speed and also disable the floor saver. Set the joystick in mid position in the
x-direction to enable the floor saver function again.

Be aware that using this function means that there is no automatic braking / stopping
when moving downwards.
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2.5.6 Auto driller constant WOB

When activating this mode, the control system will take the WOB set by the operator,
compare it with the current weight on bit and automatically adjust the speed of the
drawworks to maintain the WOB setpoint. A “Zero WOB”-command has to be done
before activating the auto driller. The WOB function can be adjusted to both positive and
negative setpoint, where the negative WOB setpoint will have an effect upwards i.e.
pulling out with constant pull force (weight).

Note that the Max. ROP setting will be used as a limit together with the WOB function by
using absolute values for the max velocity check.

1. Set maximum WOB, overpull and ROP in the “Setup”-screen.

2. Zero the WOB.
3. Press the “Auto WOB”-button followed by confirm. The button then becomes
white and the right joystick will switch to increase / decrease of auto driller
4. Adjust the WOB by moving the joystick forward to apply weight or backward to
ease up on the weight.
5. Deactivate the WOB function by using the deactivate function on the right joystick
or repressing the “Auto WOB”- button followed by confirm.

Note 1:
To avoid a too high ROP in loose formations, a maximum ROP limit must be set before
starting the operation.

Note 2:
The auto driller will be deactivated if the floor saver is activated.

Note 3:
If the operator is adjusting the AD-setpoint when the lower or upper limit is reached, the
joystick function will change to normal lowering / hoisting. In this case the joystick will
have to be set to neutral before normal operation can commence. This is only
applicable if not the operator has selected slow speed by pulling the joystick to the left
before deactivation of the auto driller.
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2.5.7 Auto driller constant ROP

This mode is typically used during drilling operations when a constant rate of
penetration is required. When activating this mode, the control system will set the speed
reference to the ROP set by the operator. ROP function can be adjusted to both positive
and negative setpoint, where the negative ROP setpoint will have an effect upwards.
Note that the maximum WOB setting and maximum overpull setting (upwards) will be
used as a limit together with the ROP function using absolute values for the weight

1. Set maximum WOB and overpull in the “Setup”-screen.

2. Zero the WOB.
3. Press the “Auto ROP”-button followed by confirm. The button then becomes
white and the right joystick will switch to increase / decrease of auto driller
4. Adjust the ROP by moving the joystick forward to increase speed or backward to
decrease speed.
5. Deactivate the ROP function by using the deactivate function on the right joystick
or repressing the “Auto ROP”- button followed by confirm.

Note 1:
To avoid too high WOB in hard formations, a maximum WOB limit must be set before
starting the operation. If the maximum WOB Limit is exceeded an alarm will be issued.

Note 2:
The auto driller will be deactivated if the floor saver is activated.

Note 3:
If the operator is adjusting the AD-setpoint when the lower or upper limit is reached, the
joystick function will change to normal lowering / hoisting. In this case the joystick will
have to be set to neutral before normal operation can commence. This is only
applicable if not the operator has selected slow speed by pulling the joystick to the left
before deactivation of the auto driller.
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2.6 Stop procedures

2.6.1 Normal stop

A normal stop procedure for the equipment is done from the operator station.

 Set the joystick in the center position and deactivate the auto driller, if active. Wait
till the block comes to a standstill.
 Press then the “DW Park”-button followed by confirm to set the brakes.
 When the brakes are set, the drawworks can be switched off by pushing the “DW
On”-button followed by confirm.

If the Cyberbase mode switch is switched out of mode 2, the block will decelerate and
brakes will be set immediately.

2.6.2 Emergency stop

Activating the emergency stop buttons on the operator station or the local emergency
stop adjacent to the drawworks will set the brakes immediately. Pull out the activated
emergency stop button and start up the drawworks to continue operation.

When activating emergency stop the drives might trip. The drives must then be reset
from the motor information screens, or locally on the drive itself.

2.7 Emergency lowering

Emergency lowering of the block in an emergency situation is possible. Look in

reference /1/ in chapter 1.3.
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2.8 Test and exception functions

In order to enter any of the modes the drawworks must be turned off and the “Test /
Exception”-key switch inside the PLC control cabinet has to be switched over from

Then choose one of the desired test / exception


Green light shows that the

key switch in the PLC
control cabinet is

2.8.1 Brake system safety and performance testing

The control system has a feature for easy brake capacity testing. This feature should be
used after new brake pads are installed and burnt, prior to handling of high loads and
also at regular intervals during the operation. The frequency of brake testing should be
increased whenever brake tests fail. Any failed brake test should be followed up as
soon as possible with visual inspection of the brakes for contaminants. The testing can
be done without hanging off the block.

The brake test is developed for quick, repeatable and accurate determination of the
brake caliper capacity. The test is initiated manually, but the sequence is program
controlled. During the test, the motors are gradually torqued up in steps against an
activated caliper set (one caliper or caliper pair at the time). If the brake slips, the torque
is logged and presented for the operator as the tested caliper torque. The program will
also allow the brake to slip one rotation on the drum, if it slips before 120% of the pass
torque is reached.

If the tested caliper torque reaches the pass value, a passed indication is presented for
the operator. Any caliper set that doesn’t get the passed indication will decrease the
maximum allowable hook load rating for the machine according to how far from the pass
value it were tested. Only the caliper set with the lowest tested torque (divided by 2 if
two calipers) will be used in the maximum allowable hook load calculation. If the tested
hook load rating is lower than 75% of the nominal drawworks rating, an alarm will be
given to the operator and the maximum allowable hook load will be set to a low value.
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The actual braking force for each caliper is depending on several conditions when
mounted on the drawworks:

1. Air gap between brake pad and disc when fully released. Increased air gap reduces
the clamping force. Refer to reference /1/ in section 1.3 for correct air gap

2. Coefficient of friction. This factor is strongly depending on the cleanliness of the

brake disc and the brake pads. Contamination from soap, hydraulic oil and lubricant
(wire lube, grease etc.), antiseize compounds will strongly reduce this coefficient and
thereby reduce the braking force. Glazing of the brake pads, i.e. the brake pad
material is heated and a hardened film of brake pad material is deposited on the
pad, will also lower the coefficient of friction and reduce the braking capacity.

3. Brake burning. The pads delivered together with the drawworks are burned to
achieve a braking force equal to or better than the design criteria as described
below. Some pads might be better than other pads depending on the burning. When
purchasing new pads, these will have to be burned after they have been mounted on
the drawworks.

Brake capacity test procedure:

1. Secure the load in the slips or elsewhere so that only the weight of the top drive is in
the hook.

2. Hoist the traveling block so that the elevator position is between 32.8 ft (10 meter)
and 82 ft (25 meters) above the drill floor.

3. Park the drawworks and switch it off. Switch to the “Test / Exception” operator

4. Turn the mode selector switch in the drawworks PLC control cabinet to test position.
Select “Brake Test” on the “Test / Exception” screen and start the drawworks and
release the brakes as normal.

5. Activate the “Act. Test”-button followed by confirm on the Cyberbase keypad. (This
will disable the normal drawworks operation and start the automatic sequence).
Note: The test can be aborted by activating the right drawworks joystick to the left at
any time during the automatic sequence.

6. The control system will now check that the block is located at safe distance from
floor and crown. It will also check that there is no load in the hook except for the top
drive and that there is enough motors available to fulfill the test. The ‘Brake Test
Aborted‘ and ‘Block Too Low/High’, ‘Block Weight Too High’ or ‘Not Enough Motors
Available’ indicators on the screen will be activated if any of these parameters are
outside the preset limits.
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7a. Verify that the “Brake Test On” and “Brake Test Active” indicators are activated on
the operator station. This will start the automatic test sequence as follows:

7b. When all brakes are released and the test is started, the mean torque value
representing the force from the external load is recorded by the program and
presented as the “Torque At Current Hookload”. This test is the offset test and takes
approximately 8 seconds.

7c. The motors are torqued up in steps for each caliper set until the caliper slips or
reaches a value well above the pass value. Each step will be held for approx. 1
second giving a test time of approx. a minute for each caliper set. The motors are
only applying torque to simulate a downward force. The actual tested torque value
working on the caliper will be increased gradually and displayed for the operator as
the test progresses.

7d. If the brake calipers do not slip before the passed value is reached, the passed
indication will be activated and the actual brake capacity represented as maximum
allowable hook load will be shown on the screen.

7e. If the caliper set slips (drum turning more than 4 degrees) before the passed value is
reached, the tested torque will stop being updated but the actual torque will still
show on the screen until the test is fulfilled. The test will continue until the drum has
done one whole revolution but the highest tested torque before the brake slipped
more than 4 degrees will be used as the caliper tested torque when the test is

7f. The test continues with the remaining caliper sets until all calipers are tested.

7g. If parts of the test is not completed the “Brake Test Aborted” indicator will be
activated and there will not be presented a final weight capacity.

8. When done, the drawworks brakes will be set automatically. Also turn off the

9. Ensure that the “Brake Test Active” and “Test Mode On” indicators are deactivated.

10. Turn the test/exception mode selector switch to normal in the drawworks PLC
control cabinet.

If the calipers have a capacity less than the pass value, the brake capacity is lower than
the design criteria and maintenance should be done to increase the capacity. Any load
above the “Maximum Allowable Hookload” should not be lifted.
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2.8.2 Brake burning procedure

Refer also to the brake manufacturer’ maintenance manual as incorporated in document

ref. /1/ in chapter 1.3.

"When working in drum area with drill line attached to the drum, lock out the drawworks

 Only one caliper or linked pair of calipers can be burnt in at the same time.
 If changing pad or caliper or disassembling the caliper, ensure that an air gap check
is done before performing the brake capacity test or continuing operation.

Brake burning procedure:

1. Hang off traveling block with the hang off line and remove the drill line from the

2. Park the drawworks and switch it off. Switch to the “Test / Exception” operator

3. Clean the brake discs with white spirit and thereafter with thinner or trichloretylene
prior to inserting any new pads. Install new pads according to the procedure in the
maintenance manual.

4a. Ensure that all manual / remote valves are in REMOTE position. Refer to the sign
located inside the drum area for selection of correct valves.

4b. Install / extend, unlatch and pin the handle on the “EMERGENCY LOWERING” valve
(Item H on the schematic /7/).

4c. Close the “EMERGENCY DUMP” valve (Item N on the schematic /7/).

4d. Put the two (2) MANUAL / REMOTE valves (Item F on the schematic) on the pair of
calipers to be burned (bedded) in the MANUAL position. Refer to the sign located
inside the drum area for selection of correct valves and further instructions.

5. Turn the mode selector switch in the drawworks PLC control cabinet to test position.
Select “Brake Burning” on the “Test / Exception” screen.

6. Start the drawworks and release the brakes as normal, ensure the hydraulic supply
pressure is approximately 3000 psi.

7. Select the caliper pair to be burned. Ensure that this is consistent with the manually
operated valves on the drawworks.
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8. Activate the “Act Test”-button followed by confirm on the Cyberbase keypad (this will
disable normal drawworks operation, override brake alarms and disengage the
calipers not selected). Verify that the “Brake Burn Active” indicator is activated.

9. Pull down the “EMERGENCY LOWERING” valve (Item H on the schematic /7/) to
release the caliper pair to be burned from the brake disc.

10. Activate the joystick to rotate the drum (the drawworks control system will limit the
speed and motor torque).

11. Slowly raise the handle of the “EMERGENCY LOWERING” valve (Item H on the
schematic /7/) to reduce the pressure on the caliper pair. The pressure should be
held between 400 and 600 psi depending on the number of calipers on the set that is
being burned. If the rotation stops the pressure needs to be adjusted to stay within
the available motor torque.

12. Monitor the brake disc temperature with an infrared temperature sensor (or
equivalent. Burn the brake until the disc temperature reaches 212° F or 100°

13. Once the disc reaches 212° F or 100° Celsius pull down on the “EMERGENCY
LOWERING” valve (Item H on the schematic /7/) to fully disengage the disc caliper
from the disc.

14. Select “Disc Cooling” to disengage all calipers by the control system.

15. Raise the handle on the “EMERGENCY LOWERING” valve (Item H on the
schematic /7/) and ensure that the calipers remain disengaged from the disc.

16. Continue to rotate the drum and spray clean fresh water (no soaps, detergents,
softeners, salts, oils, etc) onto both sides of the heated disc to cool it down to
approximately 77° F or 25° Celsius.

17. Deselect “Disc Cooling” to engage the previously selected caliper and repeat steps 7
thru 17 until the caliper pair has been burned 4 times total.

18. After the caliper pair has been burnt and the disc has been cooled down, stop
rotating the drum. Select next caliper pair (REMEMBER the manual operation on the
drawworks hydraulics) and repeat the procedure.

19. Raise the handle on the “EMERGENCY LOWERING” valve (Item H on the
schematic /7/) and allow the caliper pair to engage the brake disc.

20. Deselect the “Act. Test” button to disable the test mode.

21. Select the “No Test Mode”.
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22. Switch the MANUAL / REMOTE (Item F on the schematic /7/) valve for the caliper
pair to the REMOTE position.

23. Perform an automatic brake capacity test according to the procedure. If the caliper
pair capacity is insufficient burn the caliper pair 2 more times and perform a new
brake capacity test.

24. If the caliper pair capacity is adequate remove / retract, latch and pin the handle on
the “EMERGENCY LOWERING” valve (Item H on the schematic /7/).

25. Open the “EMERGENCY DUMP” valve (Item N on the schematic /7/).

26. Release the joystick and apply the brake when the complete procedure is finished.
Verify that the brakes are set on the operator screen.

27. Switch the mode selector switch in the drawworks control cabinet to normal.

28. Ensure that the “Brake Burning”, “Brake Test On” and “Test Mode On” indicators are
off, that the “Act. Test” button is disengaged, that the brakes are set and no alarms
are active.

29. Reattach the drill line to the drum and disconnect the hang off line.

It is possible to burn in one caliper by itself. To do this it is necessary to disconnect one
end of the brake cylinder from the caliper arm by removing the pin shown below.

Removing this pin will

allow the other caliper
in the pair to be burnt in
by itself. Thus it is
possible if necessary to
burn in each caliper
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2.8.3 Slip & cut

In this mode the block-position update / calculation is stopped (to avoid triggering the
floor and crown saver), the speed / torque limits are forced to low values. Slip & cut
mode must be turned off before the load is picked up after slip & cut operation.

Do the following before entering slip & cut mode:

 Hang off the load and block.
 Set the brakes.
 Switch the drawworks off.

Do the following to set slip & cut mode when wire is disconnected from the drum:
 Switch on the “Test / Exception”-key switch located inside drawworks control
 Select “Slip & Cut” mode on drawworks test / exception screen.
 Start up the drawworks. (Note that the torque is reduced by the system such it is
important that the load is hanged off!)

The following will be executed while the system is in slip & cut mode:
 Torque limit to the drive is set to 5%.
 Torque reference (start up torque) is set to ½ of torque limit.
 Slow speed activated, normally 10% of full speed.
 Disabling of block position system.
 Trig of “Height Not Calibrated”-alarm. A new block position calibration is required.

Do the following to deactivate slip & cut mode when the operation is done and wire is
attached to the block before picking up the load.
 Set the brakes.
 Switch the drawworks off.
 Deselect “Slip & Cut” mode on drawworks test / exception screen.
 Switch the “Test & Exception”-key switch located inside drawworks control
cabinet to normal mode.

Normal operation can commence:

 Execute a calibration of block position.
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The drawworks control system is designed to provide enhanced safety and integrity for
the operation, machinery, and the personnel onboard the platform. This is achieved by
an active control philosophy with equipment self-checks and monitoring, and by use of
duplicated critical equipment such as duplicated brake discs, hydraulic pumps and by
interface to other machines / systems to avoid collision or equipment damage.

The primary safety requirement for the drawworks is that ‘one single point of failure shall
not cause any hazardous condition leading to either personnel injury or any damage to
the equipment’.

3.1 Power management system

The drawworks control system utilizes external power available signals to avoid a black
out and other dangerous situations. If a communication fault is detected to the power
management system, minimum power available values will be set.

3.1.1 Power consumption management

The power available signal is used in the calculation of maximum speed and maximum
acceleration calculations when hoisting. The signal should at any time give the correct
amount of power that is available for use by the drawworks independent of actual used
power by the drawworks itself.

3.1.2 Power regeneration management

The power available for regeneration is used in the calculation of maximum lowering
speed and maximum deceleration calculations and the floor saver calculations. The
signal should at any time give the correct amount of power that is available for
regeneration by the drawworks.

The signal must be adjusted accordingly if any resistors, choppers or other components
in the regeneration system is out of function or if the vessel power management is
activated and thus reducing the actual regeneration capacity.
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3.2 Dynamic acceleration / deceleration ramps

The drawworks control system calculates and restricts the maximum acceleration and
deceleration ramps of the drawworks motors. This is done to avoid wire slack problems,
power usage and regeneration outside the system limitations and operations outside the
dynamic capabilities of the drive system.

The calculations will take into account factors such as speed, direction, hook load and
the power limit values. These values are used in the calculations to ensure dynamic
ramps in both hoisting and lowering operations and for optimum performance as well as
safe operation of the drawworks.

3.3 Crown saver

There are installed 3 proximity switches in the derrick. These switches are used by the
crown saver and in addition check of the positioning system and set slow speed upon

The crown saver has two activation steps:

- The crown saver system will at any time calculate ramp down speed depending on
remaining distance to stop point. This height is close to the height of the upper stop
proximity switch. The calculation is based on actual speed, hook load, block
extended / retracted position and available braking force. This ramp down speed will
override operator speed as soon as ramp down speed is less than operator given
speed. This function will during “normal” conditions stop the block beneath upper
stop proximity switch without activation of the hard crown saver levels described

- Hard crown saver is activated when upper stop proximity switch is activated without
activation of crown saver override button. The "hard" crown saver sets the
mechanical brakes.

It is possible to hoist the block above upper stop point by using the crown saver override
function. Operator speed is then restricted. Ref. chapter 2.5.4.
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3.4 Floor saver

The floor saver system works together with the regeneration power management
system and will at any time calculate actual stop length based on actual speed, hook
load, block extended / retracted position and available braking force.

The lower stop is based on the actual stop length from the floor saver system and the
drill floor anti collision system. The drill floor anti collision system should give a signal
setting a new "floor height" if any equipment is located between the hook and the drill
floor. The available distance between the hook and the drill floor or between the hook
and whichever drilling machine is underneath the hook is checked. If the available
distance between the hook and the obstruction is coming close to actual stop length the
hook position lower stop is activated, called the “floor saver”.

The floor saver has three activation steps:

- Speed ramp down function ramps down the maximum lowering speed depending on
calculated stop length and remaining distance to stop point. This maximum lowering
speed will override operator speed as soon as maximum speed is less than operator
given speed. This function will during “normal” conditions stop the block without
activation of the floor saver levels described below.

- The "soft" floor saver is activated when the available stopping distance including a
safety distance is less than the calculated stop length. The "soft" floor saver sets the
operator speed reference to zero. The drawworks PLC logic will decelerate the
drawworks according to calculated minimum deceleration ramp.

- The "hard" floor saver is activated when the available stopping distance is less than
half the calculated stop length. The "hard" floor saver sets the mechanical brakes

It is possible to lower the block below “hard” floor saver activation point by using the
floor saver override function. Operator speed is then restricted. Ref. chapter 2.5.5.
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3.5 Interlocks with other machines

3.5.1 Top Drive (TD) clamp

The drawworks has an interlock with the top drive clamp. The TD clamp is designed to
keep the drill string from rotating while the TD is spinning / torqing onto the pipe. The
interlock is implemented to avoid that the drill string load is hung on the TD torque
wrench clamp if this, by a mistake is clamped to the drill pipe when the operator starts
hoisting. This interlock will not work if a communication fault between the top drive PLC
and the drawworks PLC is detected.

3.6 Anti collision interface

The anti collision system is located in the DCI PLC. The DCI PLC sends a machine
height (raised floor level) and stop signals to the drawworks control system. The
drawworks control logic will adjust the floor saver according to the height received from
the anti collision system. The drawworks will also send the actual elevator height and
calculated stop length to the anti collision system. If a communication fault is detected to
the anti collision system slow speed will be set as long as the drawworks is not released
from the anti collision system.
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3.7 Slip alarms

When the park brake is set (with the drawworks still on) and a movement of the block is
detected, a slip alarm will be announced to the operator and the PLC system will
automatically activate the second brake system.

After a slip alarm is given all calipers are set, the operator can release the brakes in a
normal manner to secure the load / operation and park the drawworks. Before continued
operation the required maintenance / repairs based on the slip alarm have to be
performed. National Oilwell Varco should be notified if this alarm occurs.

3.8 Creep alarm

If the load is held at standstill by the motors with zero joystick command and brakes
released, and a movement larger than 5 cm (2”) on the traveling block is detected by
the drawworks control system, the brakes will be applied, the motors turned off and a
creep alarm is given to the operator.

3.9 High motor temperature

Each of the motors is equipped with winding temperature sensors. An alarm to the
operator is given upon high motor temperature. Soft stop of the drawworks is initiated if
the high high temperature level is reached. A motor with high high temperature fault is
excluded from new start as long as the alarm is present. This allows further operation
with remaining motors without fault.

As long as the drawworks is on or the motors are running the start signal is kept to all
blower motors.

3.10 Broken chain detection

A function in the drawworks control system monitors the torque of each of the motors. If
the torque between the motors deviates more than a preset limit, the brakes will be set.
Disconnect the drive of the faulted motor, and investigate the mechanical parts of the
drawworks before continuing.
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3.11 Shut down logic

The drawworks is equipped with many devices for monitoring of the drawworks and
related equipment conditions. A failure on simple devices which does not influence the
safety of the equipment or people on board will normally only give alarms on the
operator station screen. Other, more critical failures, will result in different actions from
the control system depending on which operational mode is active, combined with
continued warning to the driller as described below.

1) Alarms leading to reduced speed (slow speed).

2) Alarms leading to shutdown of the machine in a normal manner, i.e. speed ramped
down to zero and brakes set.
3) Alarms leading to activation of the emergency brakes.

standstill followed by

Emergency brakes
Deceleration to

on immediately
Slow speed

brakes ON
Action by PLC

Fault description
DW Brake supply pressure low-low x
DW Brake off fault x
DW Brake on fault 1
DW Block upper stop / crown saver x
DW Soft floor saver active 2
DW Hard floor saver active x
Comm. loss to Ac-drives x
Comm. loss to operator station x
Dw 1 – 3 drives tripped x3
Remaining drives can not hold load
Dw M1 – M3 x
Temp high-high alarm
Creep alarm
(Drives not holding block at standstill when x
speed ref. = zero)
Crown O’Matic activated x
Broken chain alarm x
Brake slip level 1 alarm x
Encoder speed deviation alarm between x
motors and drum
Drum velocity and acceleration fault x

Only used when drawworks is at standstill and failure to set brakes. Motors will hold load at zero speed.
Sets zero operator speed.
Coast to zero speed if moving upwards.
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It is very important that errors and unexpected operations are documented in

writing and as detailed as possible. A copy of these reports should be sent or e-
mailed to National Oilwell Varco support team.

4.1 Alarms visualization

Alarms are shown in an alarm banner on top of the right Cyberbase screen. The last
trigged alarm will be shown in this banner.

Typical alarm banner

An alarm list is also available for the operator. This list will show the last received alarm
on the top. Unacknowledged alarms will be red, acknowledged yellow and
unacknowledged alarms which are no longer active will be green. The green alarms will
disappear from the list as soon as they are acknowledged.

Typical alarm listing
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4.2 Alarms and preferred actions

The attached table gives a short description of the drawworks alarms and how to act on
these. Refer to the product manuals for further description of maintenance and repair.
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4.2.1 Group 1 Diagnostic alarms

Alarm Description Control system action Operator action

PLC Major Diagnostic Error Combined alarm for serious Alarm only.
PLC diagnostic errors
Table 4-1

4.2.2 Group 2 Communication alarms

Alarm Description Control system action Operator action

Communication Error DW Drive A/B/C Alarm for fault diagnostics Alarm only.
One drive must be available to operate
the drawworks.
Loss of drive will (can) limit the block
Table 4-2
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4.2.3 Group 3 Drive / motor alarms

Alarm Description Control system action Operator action

Drive A/B/C Alarm Active Alarm for fault diagnostics Alarm only. Check the alarm code in the
There is an active alarm on one of the applicable drive information
drives. screen.
Drive A/B/C is Tripped Drive faulted (tripped) Alarm only. Possible drawworks stop if Check the drive information
no motors are left running or not for specific trip/alarm details.
enough torque left to hold the load.
Drive A/B/C Has Detected Motor Temperature High Motor windings high Alarm only. Check motor airflow and
temperature. blowers.
Drive A/B/C Has Detected Motor Temperature Too Motor windings high high When motor is running it will be Verify alarm by manually
High temperature. decelerated to standstill followed by checking motor temperature.
brakes on. Restart drawworks without
actual motor.
Drive A/B/C Has Detected Bearing Temperature High Motor bearings high Alarm only. Check motor airflow and
temperature. blowers. Also check if
motors are scheduled for
Drive A/B/C Has Detected Bearing Temperature Too Motor bearings high high When motor is running the drawworks Verify alarm by manually
High temperature. will be decelerated to standstill followed checking motor temperature.
by brakes on. Restart drawworks without
actual motor.
DW Release Brake Permissive Fault Release brake permissive Brake off sequence is aborted. Check that there is enough
from drives timed out. motors connected for
Drive A/B/C Earth Fault Diagnostic alarms. Alarm only.
Drive A/B/C Encoder Fault
Drive A/B/C External Fault
Drive A/B/C Over Current Fault
Drive A/B/C Over Voltage Fault
Drive A/B/C Under Voltage Fault
Drive A/B/C Run Disabled Fault
Inverter DWA/B/C Fuse Not Healthy Alarm for fault diagnostics Alarm only. Troubleshoot the drive
Table 4-3
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4.2.4 Group 4 Auxiliary alarms

Alarm Description Control system action Operator action

DW Motor A/B/C Cooling Pressure Low The cooling pressure switch Alarm only.
has faulted or cooling
pressure is low.
Brake HPU Tank Level Low Low oil level in HPU tank Alarm only. Check level by reservoir dip
Brake Supply Pressure Low Low brake supply pressure Alarm. Unable to release the brake if
drawworks are at standstill.
Brake Supply Pressure Low Low Too low brake supply Speed reference is set to zero.
pressure Drawworks will decelerate at a
predefined deceleration ramp. Brakes
will be set when drawworks is at
Brake Supply Pressure High High brake supply pressure Alarm only.
Brake HPU Filter Clogged Brake HPU filter is clogged Alarm only. Change filter element. Take
oil sample to verify
cleanliness of hydraulic oil.
Brake HPU Tank Temperature High High temperature in HPU Alarm only.
Brake HPU Excessive Running Brake HPU motors running Alarm only. Compare transmitter
for an extended time (more pressure (on screen) with
than 3 minutes). pressure on local gauges.
Shut down brake HPU to
avoid overheating.
Lube Oil Pressure Low Low lube oil pressure Alarm. Unable to release the brake if
drawworks are at standstill.
Lube Oil Pressure High High lube oil pressure Alarm only.
Lube Oil Pump Not Available Alarm only. Check MCC status.
Brake HPU A/B Not Available Alarm only. Check MCC status.
Cooling Blower A/B/C Not Available Alarm only. Check MCC status.
Table 4-4
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4.2.5 Group 5 Not used

Alarm Description Control system action Operator action

Table 4-5

4.2.6 Group 6 Brake system alarms

Alarm Description Control system action Operator action

DW Brake Off Fault Brakes failed to go off. Brakes will be set and motors will be Check caliper transmitters,
torqued down. calipers and valves for
DW Brake On Fault Brakes failed to be set. Motors are still holding the load. Secure the load. Check
caliper transmitters, calipers
and valves for faults.
Brake Caliper 1/2/3/4/5/6 On Fault Individual caliper on faults Alarm only.
Brake Caliper 1/2/3/4/5/6 Off Fault Individual caliper off faults. Alarm only.
Brake Slip 1 Activated Drum moving while brakes All calipers will be applied. Check discs for
are set. contamination. Check brake
pads. Do a brake test and
maybe brake burning.
The Disc Brakes Are Contaminated - Continued The brake test results are Alarm only. Check discs for
Operation Not Recommended below 75% of nominal contamination. Check brake
drawworks rating. pads. Do a brake test and
maybe brake burning.
Table 4-6
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4.2.7 Group 7 External signal fault alarms

Alarm Description Control system action Operator action

Load Cell A/B Fault Fault on hook Block Hook load value locked to the value at Troubleshoot wiring or
Load Cell A/B Deviation Fault load moving last standstill. sensor failure. Change
Hook Load Deadline Transmitter Fault measurement, @ stand Hook load set to max. measuring methods
Hook Load Top Drive Cell A/B Transmitter Fault still between traveling block
and deadline anchor.
Crown O Matic Transmitter Fault Analog input signal failure Alarm only. Troubleshoot wiring or
Low Clutch Transmitter Fault (Over-range, under-range sensor failure.
High Clutch Transmitter Fault or wire break)
Lube Oil Pump Pressure Transmitter Fault
Brake Supply Pressure Transmitter Fault
Brake Caliper 1&2/3/4/5&6 Pressure Transmitter
Brake HPU Oil Tank Temp. Transmitter Fault
Table 4-7

4.2.8 Group 8 Misc. alarms

Alarm Description Control system action Operator action

Emergency Stop An emergency stop button Brakes on immediately.
is activated.
Soft Floor Saver Active The floor saver has The floor saver has activated, lowering Floor saver has to be
activated based on block is stopped, and further lowering overrided in order to do
position against hindrances. inhibited. further lowering.
Hard Floor Saver Active The floor saver has Brakes on immediately. Floor saver has to be
activated and soft floor overrided in order to do
saver did not stop the load. further lowering.
Broken Chain Alarm A broken chain has been The actual motor will be stopped. Check drawworks
detected. Continued running on the remaining mechanical chains.
Block Upper Warning Block has passed warning Slow hoisting / lowering speed.
proximity switch or preset
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Alarm Description Control system action Operator action

warning height.
Block Upper Stop Block has passed stop Brakes on immediately. Manual hoisting in slow
proximity switch or preset speed allowed if override is
stop height. activated.
Position Check Prox. Position Error Block position calibration Alarm and slow hoisting / lowering Activate block calibration
Upper Warning Prox. Position Error routine not completed or speed. sequence. If continued fault;
Upper Stop Prox. Position Error position fault in regard to check proximity switches for
Height Not Calibrated derrick proximity switches fault.
Crown O Matic Activated The crownomatic has been Brakes on immediately. Further hoisting requires
activated. overriding of the crown saver
Low Clutch On Fault Unable to set the desired Alarm only. Troubleshoot wiring,
High Clutch On Fault clutch. sensor failure, clutch and
Low Clutch Off Fault Unable to release the Alarm only. Troubleshoot wiring,
High Clutch Off Fault clutch. sensor failure, clutch and
Clutch Fault Common clutch alarm Alarm only.
Drawworks Released From Anti Collision System The drawworks anti Raised floor height signal from the anti Be careful and observant
collision release switch is collision system is inhibited. while running without the
activated. anti collision system active.
Creep Alarm Drum rotation is detected Brakes on immediately. Troubleshoot the drive
while zero speed reference system.
is sent to the drives.
Overpull Limit Exceeded The overpull function is Zero hoisting speed. Lower the block or increase
activated. the overpull limit.
Max WOB Exceeded The WOB setpoint has Auto driller deactivated. Increase the setpoint or limit
been exceeded by 5% the ROP setting.
while using the auto driller.
Drooping Creep Alarm The drooping function was Brakes on immediately. Troubleshoot the drive
not able to hold the block at system.
Table 4-8
4.3 Alarm- and operation limits

Alarm limit Description Limit Unit Limit Unit

DW Lube Oil Pressure low alarm 1,50 Barg 22 Psi
DW Lube Oil Pressure high alarm 5,0 Barg 72 Psi

DW Brake Supply Pressure low-low alarm 165 Barg 2400 Psi

DW Brake Supply Pressure low alarm 179 Barg 2600 Psi
DW Brake Supply Pressure high alarm 220 Barg 3200 Psi

DW Brake HPU Oil Temp. high alarm 70 C 158 F

DW Motor 1-3 Windings Temp high alarm 150 °C 302 F

DW Motor 1-3 Windings Temp high-high alarm 170 °C 338 F

Operational limit Description Limit Unit Limit Unit

DW Brake Supply Pressure low, start pump 1 196,5 Barg 2850 Psi
DW Brake Supply Pressure low, start pump 2 186,2 Barg 2700 Psi
DW Brake Supply Pressure high, stop pump 1 and 2 207 Barg 3000 Psi
DW Brake Supply Pressure OK 193 Barg 2800 Psi
(allowed to release calipers)
Brakes OFF indication pressure (speed allowed) 104 Barg 1500 Psi
Brakes ON indication pressure 4 Barg 60 Psi
Brakes start to engage (approximately) 45 Barg 650 Psi
Document number S0100473-OPM-200
Revision 01
Page 49 of 49


Note that the drawworks is a rotating machinery, with a high pinch point risk. Keep
people away from the machinery while in operation and not locked out.

Only qualified people should make changes to the mechanical structure and control
system to avoid any unwanted situations.

5.1 Start after long term shutdown or major maintenance

If the drawworks control cabinets has been out of active service for a period of time or
major maintenance has been done on the drawworks electrical system, the following
start up procedure shall be used:

 Megger test power cables

 Energize fuse board in the drawworks control cabinet, from highest level and
downwards, ensure that corresponding equipment is energized.
 Function test emergency stop circuits for the drawworks.
 Complete block position calibration procedure according to chapter 2.1.1.


The operator should be experienced and well acquainted with the type of work and
operating sequences that the equipment is performing. The operator must pay special
attention to general safety aspects and be well aware of the limitations and capabilities
of the equipment.

As a minimum requirement, the operator must carefully study the documentation listed
in the reference section, chapter 1.3. Together, these documents give an overall
understanding of functions, possibilities, limitations and safety hazards related to
operation of the equipment. Further information can be obtained from National Oilwell
Varco and special training sessions can be offered upon request.

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