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Helping our children grow in their Catholic faith.

March 2023
St. Francis Xavier and St. Wendel Religious Education Program

Five ways to prepare for Easter joy

Lent is an opportunity to strengthen participation from children. Teach
our family’s spiritual life. We start by them the prayers and the most
examining where we are and who we common hymns sung at your parish.
want to become as a family. Cue them when to sit, stand, and
Better parenting in Lent Recommitment: Resolve kneel. Whisper together, “I love
to live as a gospel-centered you, Jesus,” at the elevation of
Is there a parenting habit you
family and recommit to the Body and Blood.
want to get rid of? Jesus came to
the Ten Togetherness: Shared
free prisoners. With his help, work
Commandments. time is an
during Lent to let go of a habit you
Encourage reverence opportunity to
want to shed. Do you nag? Fail to
for God, modesty share values and
listen? Spent too much time on
and respect for faith. When
your screen? If you would like to
others, integrity in parents invest time
be a better parent, pick one habit
work, gratitude, – like family meals
and, one day at a time, work to let
and respect for – to share their
it go.
others’ faith, children
possessions. understand that
Unconditional forgiveness
Reconciliation: Jesus said we should faith is important.
Children learn about reconcile with our brother before Service: Catholic Charities is active
God’s love from us, coming to worship (Matthew 5:23:24). in most dioceses and offers many
their parents. Lent is Commit to frequent Confession and opportunities for faith-based service.
the perfect time to make it a family practice to make You can also check with your parish,
teach forgiveness. amends and to repair relationships or refer to the U.S. Conference of
Attend a penance with anyone wronged. Catholic Bishops listing here:
service as a family. Worship: Give your family the to
Invite children to powerful grace of the Eucharist. Attend find a charity that speaks to your
make an examination Mass together and encourage prayer and hearts.
of conscience. Make it clear that
unconditional forgiveness is part of
any Catholic home. Seek God’s help
and the help of the larger Why do Catholics have
Crucifixes in Church?
“The steadfast love of
the LORD never ceases, A crucifix – a cross with (Catechism of the Catholic
his mercies never come Christ’s body on it – Church, 1367). “When
to an end; they are represents the ultimate act you look at the crucifix,
new every morning; of love. It’s a symbol of the you understand how much
great is thy price of our salvation, done so Jesus loved you then. When you
faithfulness” we could be in heaven with God. look at the Sacred Host you
(Lamentations This sacrifice is renewed in an understand how much Jesus loves
3:22-23). unbloody manner at Mass you now” (Mother Teresa).

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March 2023 Page 2

Correction, fraternally
Fraternal correction – or alerting someone to sin and Speak the loving truth. People close to us who
encouraging them to virtue – is part of family life and is offend don’t always do so with ill intent. Always
essential to forming children in virtue. It must be done give the benefit of the doubt, but say what’s
carefully, however, to be effective: on your mind. Give your loved one a chance
Be discrete. If wrong has been done, Jesus to explain.
said, “Go and tell him his fault, between you and Pick your battles. Correcting the sinner is
him alone” (Matthew 18:15). Try to resolve an act of charity. Children may try to push
conflicts at the lowest level. For example, if limits, and these are great opportunities to
you have trouble with a relative, solve it with clarify what you value as a family. Choose the
him or her directly and in private, instead battles that must be fought, rather than the
of involving others. battles that can be fought.

John 11:1-45, Generous

faith, generous reward
God always answers prayers, response was a marvelous one: for
sometimes in unexpected ways. Martha her faith, he worked a Our children were so disruptive
and Mary had sent word to Jesus great miracle. Martha during Mass that my husband and
that their brother was dying, was right: Jesus cared, he I attended separate Masses to avoid
believing he could could help, and all bringing them.
help. They may have things are possible After a while,
been disappointed with God. I really missed
when he took his time What can a parent attending Mass
coming to them and do? Tell children that as a family. So
Lazarus died. Still, they can talk to God I asked our
Martha demonstrated about anything and pastor for
great faith: “Even now I that they can trust him suggestions.
know that whatever you ask completely. He always The first thing
of God he will give you.” hears our prayers. Fr. Stan said was to sit up front. He
Jesus intentionally delayed so that Sometimes God doesn’t give us said children pay closer attention
rather than just heal Lazarus, he gave what we want but he always gives us when they can see what is going on.
him new life. Martha didn’t know what we need, right when we need it. Then he suggested arriving 15
what would happen, but she knew We can trust that his answer to us minutes early to pray a decade of
Jesus and she trusted his wisdom. His will be marvelous, too. the Rosary together. When children
pray in a quiet church, they get the
idea that church is for prayer – not
credited for having established the play.
Church there. Finally, he said to take the family
March 18 – St. Cyril of Jerusalem out for a treat after Mass. Not only
(386). Born around 315 and raised in is it a reward for good behavior, it
March 6 – St. Colette (1447). St. Jerusalem, St. Cyril was ordained a priest helps make Sunday feel special.
Colette was born in Corbie, France. She and later appointed the Bishop of His advice worked well. I still have
was orphaned at seventeen and gave her Jerusalem. He spent half of his office to issue the occasional “shush,” but
inheritance to the poor. She became a exiled by Arian heretics. He’s known for now we get to attend Mass together.
Franciscan Tertiary and lived in solitude. his catechetical lectures. And that’s important for all of us.
God later sent St. Colette to reform the March 20 – St. Joseph, Husband
Poor Clares. She founded seventeen of Mary (1st century).
convents under the reformed rule. Jesus’ earthly father and
March 17 – St. Patrick of Ireland To help parents raise faithful Catholic children
husband to the Blessed
Success Publishing & Media, LLC
(461). Born in Scotland, St. Patrick was Mother, St. Joseph is a Publishers of Growing in Faith™ and Partners in Faith™
kidnapped and brought to Ireland as a model of fatherhood (540)662-7844 (540)662-7847 fax
slave. He escaped but later returned to and a protector of (Unless noted Bible quotes and references are from
become the bishop of Ireland and is families. the Revised Standard Version and the New American Bible.)

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