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Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.

13(2021), 2285-2292
Research Article

Automatic temperature control of flute in paper corrugated box manufacturing machine

Dr Bharat Chede a, Ayu Kalidas Ramtekeb, Swapnil Choudharyc, Nitin Sawarkard

ab Professor Mechanical Engineering, Wainganga College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur
Research Scholar (M.Tech CAD/CAM), Wainganga College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur
c , d Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering, Wainganga College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur
[email protected],b [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Article History: Received: 11 January 2021; Revised: 12 February 2021; Accepted: 27 March 2021; Published
online: 4 June 2021
Abstract: Paper corrugate boxes are widely and extensively used for packing of industrial and domestic item. There are
various kinds, depending on the item to be package, size, thickness, and strengths. Cardboard pass through flutes at high
temperature at 180-250 degree Celsius. Due to continue running of roller, roller temperature increase above 270 degrees
Celsius and leads to halt production for some time to cool down rollers. In this paper, studying feasible option to overcome
overheating problem..
Keywords: Paper corrugate box, roller temperature, production halts.

1. Introduction
Cardboard manufacturing follows simple manufacturing process and most of processes perform on corrugator
machine. Corrugator machine is combination of small machine which performs couple of operation together on
raw materials. One of operation, where raw material passes through series of roller which are at high temperature
and temperature continuously increase on par critical point where raw material can be damaged.
2. Packing Industry Machine

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.13(2021), 2285-2292
Research Article
1.Corrugator Machine

Fig.1. Corrugator Machine

Corrugator machine is combination of couple of machine to perform two-ply paper from. The operation
basically divided into four sub-operations: 1 unwinding and conditioning two webs, 2 actual corrugating of
medium, 3 combining and gluing two webs, 4 holding a single face in bridge to allow the glue set dry.[1][9][10]

Fig.2. Layer in cardboard

Fig.3. Table for size of flute

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.13(2021), 2285-2292
Research Article
The wave pattern in medium is due number of flute appear on roller. As above table, number of flute are given
and we start moving from A onward wave pattern started getting compressed. The dimension of the box is given
by clients and
It can be change as per requirement.
2. Testing Machine
Testing machine basically add one layer of paper onother side to make three-ply cardboard. As shown in the
below figure, two-ply material passes through testing machine three-ply material

Fig.4. Three-ply machined material

Testing machine consist of roller which are adjust as per requirement. The pressure can be changed by using
appropriate gear configuration.

Fig.5.Testing Machine
Testing machine use glue in extreme low amount to stick paper on other side without making cardboard moist.
3. Creasing and Cutting Machine
After material pass through testing machine, it consists of unevenness at the edges which can create problem
while joining them. To avoid this, material pass through greasing and cutting machine which make even edge cut
material at the required dimension. This machine performs simultaneous operations of cutting and applying
pressure cardboard at required dimension. There are two cutter on the roller, one is sharp for cutting purpose and
other is blunt which produced lining on the board for making folding and obtaining its required shape.

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.13(2021), 2285-2292
Research Article

Fig.6. Creasing and Cutting Machine

4. Slotting and Cutting Machine

Fig.7. Slotting and Cutting Machine

The slotting and cutting machine is used for cutting machine and creating interlock hooks so cardboard can
withstand when force applied on it.
5. Printing Machine
Printing machine consist on big roller of 70cm -80cm of diameter and dies are fixed on it and start rotating at
medium speed 30-40 rpm creating impression on the cardboard.

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.13(2021), 2285-2292
Research Article
Fig.8.Printing Machine
Printing machine only produce monotone colour logo on the cardboard at each side.
6. Stitching Machine
The stitching machine use G.I. iron strip to join two end of cardboard and giving it it’s final form as box.

Fig.9. Stitching Machine

7. Wrapping Machine
It is machine wrapping machine which wrap plastic around cardboard for avoiding getting moist or something.
3. Identification of Problem in Corrugator Machine

Fig.10. Corrugator machine flutes (side view)

The corrugator machine consistsof fourrollers with diameter of 20 cm diameter and three of them connected
with electric heater 3-phase and 415 volts with 50 Hz. Each of three roller have 9 heaters and every single rod
produce 7 kw and one roller produces 63 kw and there three, so they will produce total heat of 190 kw [12]. These
rollers are driven by electric motor of rpm 1440 by chain mechanism. Overall rpm of these four roller are 25-30
rpm. With 190 kw of heat produce very high heat which increase temperature up to 270 degrees Celsius. Working
condition required temperature is between 180-250 degree Celsius above or below this range can harm raw
material. Raw material passes through series of rollers from roller which use cohesive mixture of corn to act as

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.13(2021), 2285-2292
Research Article
glue agent and next between two flutes (roller has grooves over them), these rollers have heater connected to them
in order to remove excessive moist remain in raw material due cohesive mixture.
The range temperature between 180 to 250 degree Celsius which is ideal for making two-ply [11]. Due to
continuous supply of heat roller temperature continues to increase and reaches to critical temperature of 270
degrees Celsius which is harmful for raw material which burn material and if temperature below 180 degrees
Celsius which can cause for improper sticking of material which will consider as fail material. The continuous rise
in temperature leads to stop production, until it reaches below 200 degrees Celsius. Due to such halting, it affects
production efficiency and directly increase idle time and that leads successive machine to stop working unless
they have buffer storage raw material for continuation of respective machines.
Roller Specifications
Diameter = 20 cm
Length =120 cm(approximate)
Material = Iron
Heater material= Brass/chrome
Heater capacity= 7 kw
Roller rpm = 25-30 (it may vary)
Temperature range = 180-250 degree Celsius
For continuous working of machine, we have to control the voltage amount which provide to heater and
maintaining the temperature between 180-250 degree Celsius. To maintain temperature range, there are some of
the feasible solution are follow as-
1.Rheostat with potentiometer
The aim of a voltage regulator is to maintain a generator's output voltage at a desired value. The voltage would
also begin to change as the load on an AC generator increases. The explanations for this voltage change are the
change in the internal voltage drop across the winding of the armature caused by a change in load current and the
changes in power factor [5][6][7].
The electrical symbol used for a voltage regulator is shown here. An electronic device connected to the output
of a power supply to maintain the output voltage at its constant rated value is a voltage regulator. Normally, done
by voltage regulator circuit.

Fig.11. Rheostat construction
The easiest method of using a variable resistor is a rheostat. In light dimmers and audio control knobs,
rheostats can be commonly seen. It uses two terminals: one connected to the end of the track, the other connected
to the mobile wiper. Turning the spindle alters the resistance from zero to full resistance between the two
terminals. For example, rheostats may be used to regulate the speed of a motor or the rate at which a capacitor
charges. Rheostats are also used to adjust the current[4].

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.13(2021), 2285-2292
Research Article

2.Resitive Temperature Detector
The resistance temperature detector, or RTD, is another form of electrical resistance temperature sensor.RTD's
are precision temperature sensors that are made from high purity metals such as platinum, copper or nickel
woundinto a coil and whose electrical resistance, close to that of the thermistor, varies as a function of
temperature. RTD's for thin-film are also available.Such devices deposit a thin film of platinum paste on a white
ceramic substrate [13][14].
Resistive temperature detector, or RTD, is another form of electrical resistance temperature sensor. RTD’s are
precision temperature sensor that are made from high purity metals such as platinum, copper or nickel wound into
a coil and whose electrical resistance, close to that of the thermistor, varies as function of temperature. RTD’s for
thin-film are also available. Such device deposit a thin film of platinum paste on a white ceramics substrate.
Resistive temperature detector has positive temperature coefficient(PTC), but their performance is highly
linear in relation to the thermistor, providing very precise temperature measurements. They do, however, have
very low thermal sensitivity, which is that a change in temperature, for example only causes a very small change
in performance, l ohm per degree Celsius. The most popular forms of RTD’s are made of platinum are referred to
as Platinum Resistance Thermometer or PRT’s with the Pt 100 sensor, which has a standard resistance value of
100 at 0 degree Celsius, the most widely available of them. The downside is that Platinum is costly and its price is
one of the key drawback of this kind of system

Fig.14. Resistive thermistor

4. Conclusion
There are many possible solution ranging from small amount to huge that may cost fortunes. Rheostat is
simple and easy solution which control voltage as per requirement for maintaining corrugator machine’s flute
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Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.13(2021), 2285-2292
Research Article
10. Herbert B. Kohler, “Method for moisture and temperature control in corrugating operation”
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