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Métodos Suggestopedia Kinesthetic Learning Project based Unlocking ESA (Engage, study, Total, Physical Flipped Learning Problem

Total, Physical Flipped Learning Problem Based Learning Experiential Learning. Presentation, practica and
Learning Potential of activate) Response production
Content and
Definition Is a pedagogic It is a learning style Is a student- Content and Methodology that marks It is a method of It is a pedagogical model that Problem-based learning (PBL) It is an engaged learning It is a method of teaching
system of during which the centered Language the development of a teaching language or transfers the work of certain is a student-centered process whereby students structures (for example,
teaching, which learner has to feel pedagogy that Integrated class or a lesson through vocabulary concepts by learning processes outside the approach in which students “learn by doing” and by grammar or vocabulary) in a
is the or move in involves a Learning (CLIL) is 3 phases which are using physical classroom and uses class time learn about a subject by reflecting on the foreign language. As its name
combination of order to learn more dynamic an approach developed by intrinsic movement to react to to facilitate and enhance other working in groups to solve an experience. Experiential suggests, PPP is divided into
pedagogy, effectively. classroom where students verbal input. The processes of knowledge open-ended problem. This learning activities can three phases, moving from strict
motivation, new
psychology and approach in learn a subject process mimics the way acquisition and practice within problem is what drives the include, but are not limited teacher control to greater
language structures and
artistic which it is and a second that infants learn their the classroom. motivation and the learning. to, hands-on laboratory student freedom.
practical and
approaches. believed that language at the first language, and it experiments, study abroad,
students acquire same time. communicative tasks. reduces student undergraduate research
a deeper Studies have inhibitions and lowers and studio performances.
knowledge shown that CLIL stress.
through active has been proven
exploration of to increase
real-world student
challenges and engagement and
problems. improve academic
Author. Dr. Georgi Howard Gardner William Kilpatrick David Marsh Jeremy Harmer James J. Asher Jon Bergmann y Aaron Sams Howard Barrows David Kolb John R. Firth

Year of 1978 1983 2015 1994 2019 60s and 70s 2012 1950 1970 1950

Anxiety and fear Allow them to Motivate Integrated The engage phase-Kepps It is a good activity for Encourages active learning. It allows really significant Improvement in the It’s easy to learn for new
failure: Removed move. students to learn. learning students interested. those students who learning. cognitive structure of the teachers.
Comfortable encourages active learn best through Promotes practice-based student.
environment. Motivate them to Develop your participation in The study Phase-helps actions and learning. It is versatile. Teachers can It’s very flexible.
create their notes. autonomy. relevant real-life students to learn. observation, and for structure activities and Modify the activities,
The use of arts experiences. those who prefer to be Improves the working strategies to address diverse values, perceptions and It’s easy to plan for and has a
for each skill Try to provide Encourage your The activity phase-helps on the move. environment in the classroom. topics with different patterns of behavior in logical progression.
Music in the practical component self-critical spirit. It serves as a put into practice what approaches in different students.
background to the lessons. connection they have learned. Help to remember. Increases the teacher's contexts. It works for most types of
while teaching. between various attention to each student. Construction of knowledge classes, including larger classes.
curricular It is easy to prepare Develop digital skills in by valuing their own
Reading out disciplines. and hardly any students. knowledge and that of
loud: Adquire materials are needed. others.
new vocabulary It develops
thinking skills.

Ensures active
participation by
triggering the
point of interest
of students.
The wrong Music This learning style is It is not always Lack of time to The ESA method can It is not designed for The teacher must dedicate Although the subject is Experiential learning often Research shows that it may not
can be a the least common applied in large plan effective focus too much on the comprehensive time and knowledge to explored in depth, the pace of takes longer than be the best way to teach/learn a
distraction. among the general groups. units. grammar and language method. It represents a improve their lesson plans, the progress is considerably slower traditional methods, which language.
population, so rules, which can lead to a set of ideas rather than methodology and the and less material is covered. is challenging for the
The almost no area is Do not do well on Teachers are lack of focus on other a complete method. resources that are used. student. Weaker learners may overuse
suggestopedia correctly adapted to standardized reluctant to put important skills, such as Many students prefer to work the target language from the
doesn’t work it. tests. the time and listening comprehension Very little emphasis on He focuses on the resources individually and do not like to The implementation of the practice session, so it sounds
with many effort into and speaking fluency. accuracy. rather than the methodology work in teams for long. method can often require unnatural.
students. Kinesthetic children Limitations in the changing what itself, so these must be significant financial
generally have quite ability to solve they already do in It can get very carefully selected. Little participation due to lack resources to organize and Learners may not know how to
No Grammar. a few problems problems. the classroom to repetitive. of interest. carry out the activities. use the target language in
during their school implement It requires the teacher to different contexts.
age, as they tend to There is no clarity something that Students may feel invest a lot of time to create or
be very restless and in the study doesn’t guarantee embarrassed. select new digital material.
easily distracted. objectives, exceptional
ambiguous results.
Difficulty retaining results are
information promoted in the
presented visually students' work
and aurally also
causes all sorts of
problems for
kinesthetic people.
Dialogues can be Focuses on It focuses on The evaluation in Assessment focuses on Teachers know The assessment process Both the learning outcomes Assessment focuses on Assessment focuses on
designed measuring student measuring the the CLIL focuses measuring students' immediately whether focuses on assessing both and the learning process itself measuring students' ability measuring students' progress in
specifically to performance and performance and on two main ability to apply what they or not students content learning and students' are assessed. That is, the to apply what they have acquiring new concepts,
meet understanding results of aspects: the have learned in authentic understand what is skills in applying and students' ability to solve the learned in practical vocabulary, and grammar, and
communicative based on their students content communication being seen through transferring what they have problem posed is evaluated, as situations. The objective is their ability to apply them in
needs of ability to perform throughout the evaluation and situations. Therefore, the simple observation. An learned. well as their ability to work as to evaluate the authentic communicative
learners, but this physical tasks and process of the language assessment focuses on exam can be one in a team, reflect on the process performance of the situations.
depends on the activities. Instead of creating and evaluation. assessing the students' which the teacher gives The focus in assessment in and learn from their mistakes. students in the application
capabilities of written exams or executing the ability to use the orders to each student flipped learning is on feedback of skills and knowledge in The evaluation is carried out in
individual multiple-choice project. Unlike It is important to language in practical so that they perform a and continuous improvement It is important to highlight that real situations and not only each of the stages of the PPP
instructors. A tests, students can traditional emphasize that situations, rather than on series of actions. As of student learning. Teachers the evaluation in the PBL does in the theoretical method. During the
good instructor be assessed through assessments, the assessment memorizing grammatical students advance in can use formative assessment not focus only on the final understanding of the presentation stage, the teacher
will make observation and which focus on on the CLIL must rules or vocabulary. knowledge, performing results to personalize results, but also on the concepts. can assess students'
dialogues measurement of measuring be authentic and "comedies" that they instruction and tailor course learning process. Students' understanding by asking
practical. their performance in knowledge and relevant to the Assessment can take have previously learned content based on individual ability to work as a team, Assessment in experiential questions and comprehension
specific activities understanding at learning place at various stages of can be examined. student needs. They can also make decisions and learn from learning is based on direct exercises. During the practice
The carefully related to the a specific time, objectives and the the learning process, and use summative assessment their mistakes is valued. In this observation, feedback and stage, the teacher can assess
planned subject matter. assessment in the topics being can include formative results to assess students' sense, PBL fosters reflection. Instructors and the students' ability to apply the
atmosphere and PBL is continuous taught. and summative overall progress and make metacognition and the ability tutors observe students as new concepts and vocabulary
varied activities and takes place Assessment on assessments. adjustments to curriculum and of students to reflect on their they apply their knowledge by carrying out practical
create interest. throughout the the CLIL should be instruction to improve future own learning process and and skills in practical exercises. During the production
entire learning an ongoing learning. continuously improve. situations, and provide stage, the teacher can assess
process. process, in which feedback in real time. After the students' ability to
students receive the experience, reflection communicate effectively in
regular feedback on what has been learned authentic situations.
on their progress and how it can be applied in
in learning the future situations is
subject and encouraged.
language, and are
opportunities to

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