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April 1-8, 2023

Masters Tournament Visitors Special Edition Augusta, Georgia

Looking to play NOT INTO GOLF? STAFF PICKS for

a few rounds? Here’s what else is best restaurants
Here’s where to go on this week
How locals
SPRUCING UP Why do golf balls prepare for
the Garden City have dimples? MASTERS RENTALS
Augusta National has Sunday unlike any other at Masters
By DOUG FERGUSON AP Golf Writer in a playoff. She was under the oak tree by the Fuzzy Zoeller. O’Meara pointed to his left —
clubhouse the next day and one kid exclaimed, there was Zoeller, sitting on bench.
AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) — Mark O’Meara is re- “There’s Rose Zhang!” “I shot my smooth 80,” he said. “I was terrible
minded every year how meaningful it was to win An hour earlier, former Masters champion Jor- compared to the kids today.”
the Masters. dan Spieth teed off for a practice round with his Player won his first Masters in 1961. This could
O’Meara was on the practice green Sunday brother, Steve, who played basketball at Brown. be an awkward week for Player, one of only five
at Augusta National, 25 years removed from his It wasn’t until midafternoon that Tiger Woods men to win the career Grand Slam. In an inter-
birdie-birdie finish to win his first major. Now he arrived, the five-time champion and star of the view with the Times of London, he criticized
is 66 and plays the PGA Tour Champions only show even in a year divided by Saudi-funded Augusta National for making it difficult for him
occasionally. But he remains part of Masters LIV Golf. to play a practice round “without having to beg a
week. Woods visited briefly on the range with Mas- member to play with us.”
And he has company, young and old. ters Chairman Fred Ridley before heading onto “I’ve played my role. I’ve won it three times,”
Also on the putting green was Bernhard Langer. the golf course, as quiet as the course will be all Player said. “If it wasn’t for the players, it would
They were with a half-dozen kids barely into week. be just another golf course in Georgia. It’s just
their teens, preparing for the Drive, Chip and Spieth, O’Meara and defending champion sad — and I put great emphasis on the word
Putt Finals. Scottie Scheffler were among Masters champi- ‘sad’ — that Augusta (doesn’t) make you feel
There was little to suggest the first major of the ons who handed out awards to the various age welcome in that regard because I helped make
year had arrived. divisions for boys and girls who won the driv-
“It never gets old,” O’Meara said. “I feel bless- ing, chipping and putting competitions, plus the
ed. I feel privileged. I don’t play the tournament overall winners.
anymore, but I still come and enjoy what the All this was taking place as Masters champions
Masters Tournament is all about.” Gary Player, Sandy Lyle, Ian Woosnam and Fred
Ultimately, it’s about a green jacket that gets Couples headed to the putting green and then the
presented in seven days. first tee.
What makes this Sunday so unusual is the It was a trip back in time, and even O’Meara
stage for the Masters is just a private club. Au- felt that way.
gusta National started the Drive, Chip and Putt He looked to the top of the clubhouse at the
in 2014. Five years later, it added the Augusta Crow’s Nest, where amateurs stay, and recalled
National Women’s Amateur. being there in 1980 as the U.S. Amateur champi-
Rose Zhang won the fourth edition Saturday on. He played the opening round that year with

Joe Edge
[email protected]

Executive Editor
Debbie Reddin van Tuyll
[email protected]

Skyler Andrews
Stephanie Hill
Scott Hudson
Susan McCord
Liz Wright
Chairman of Augusta National Golf Club and the Masters Tournament Fred Ridley presents the trophies for the winners of
the Drive, Chip and Putt National Finals at Augusta National Golf Club, Sunday, April 2, 2023. Layout and Design
Debbie Reddin van Tuyll

Bear Grant
[email protected]

Contact us at
(706) 834-8677
[email protected]

The Augusta Press is a publication of

Augusta Journalism. Opinions
expresssed herein are not necessarily
those of the owners or staff. The award
winning Augusta Press covers news,
sports and features and has been recog-
nized by the Georgia Press Association
for its aggressive reporting on local
Ashley Kim of the Girls 7-9 division reacts to her putt during the Drive, Chip and Putt National Finals at Augusta National issues.
Golf Club, Sunday, April 2, 2023.
How Augusta plans for Masters traffic 

Richmond County traffic observation cameras. File photo by Dana Lynn McIntyre

  “In the afternoon, if you want to north on Ber- Time for housekeeping, signs,
By Susan McCord
ckmans, that will be unavailable to you from 4
  Returning Masters Tournament patrons and p.m. to roughly 7 p.m.,” Ussery said.
locals who remain in the area will see a hand-   The city also takes the time to tidy up its roads,
Berckmans, a public drive that feels like an ex-
ful of changes to Augusta Traffic Engineering’s replace light bulbs and install all the additional
tension of the club, was reconfigured in 2016
effort to prevent golf week gridlock. With atten- signs intended to get motorists to the club.
thanks to a $17 million advance by the golf club
dance expected to reach pre-COVID levels, first-   “For the Masters, we go out, and we’ve been
to get the sales tax project started early. The club
time patrons might save time with a rideshare or restriping several streets that lead to Augusta Na-
maintains the roundabout landscaping through a
hotel shuttle. tional where the striping has faded over time,”
long-term agreement with the city.
  Traffic Engineering has developed a network he said.
  Traffic from the club’s upper parking lots,
of detours, one-way streets, road closings and   “We’ve replaced and installed not just normal
those closest to Washington Road, can similar-
even a hidden exit that GPS rarely seems to traffic signs, but guide signs. We’re installing
ly use one-way Berckmans lanes to enter in the
know. Key advice is to follow the signs and di- those over the next couple of days that say ‘golf
morning and leave in the afternoon, he said.
rections from officers. traffic’ ‘or ‘golf parking.’ We’ve put up all the
  In addition, the city division is restriping overhead signs that you see at traffic signals,
Same: Closing the I-20 exit at the signs on the band wires that are between the
roads, replacing light bulbs, installing signs and
Washington Road lights.
adjusting the timing of traffic lights. It’s all to en-
  Patrons arriving on I-20 will again encounter   Expect lane closures on River Watch the week
sure the smooth and sightly passage of vehicles
the eastbound Washington Road exit closed each of March 13 as lights are repaired and bulbs re-
in and out of Augusta National Golf Club.
morning from 7-10 a.m. Georgia Department placed, he said.
  John Ussery, the head of Augusta Traffic En-
of Transportation does this to stop traffic from   Lastly, during the week before Masters Week,
gineering for six years, said the plan remains in
backing up on the expressway. Engineering adjusts the timing of traffic lights in
place to make Berckmans Road a one-way street
  Eastbound vehicles that don’t exit I-20 before the vicinity of the golf club.
each morning and afternoon.
the Washington Road exit will be routed to the   “It basically emphasizes all the roads to and
  Travelers approaching the golf club from the
River Watch Parkway exit, then to Alexander from Augusta National and the side roads, they
south each morning will find Berckmans, which
Drive. have to wait a little longer,” Ussery said.
lines the club’s patron parking, split into two
northbound lanes.
NEW: River Watch turn lane to Ei-
NEW: Using both sides of the senhower
Ussery said the big change this year is on River
roundabout in one direction Watch, which backs up to Augusta National Golf
  An update this year is one lane will take the
Club employee parking on Eisenhower Drive.
opposite side of the roundabout at Ingleside
  “Last year, you could leave the parking lot and
turn right on River Watch. This year, (Georgia
  “We figured out a way to actually get two
Department of Transportation) has allowed us to
lanes going through the roundabout up toward
install a right-turn lane. It allows people to now
Augusta National in the morning,” Ussery said.
turn into and out of that gate,” Ussery said.
“One lane will go through the normal way, and
  The gate isn’t normally open. It’s part of an
then there will be officers there to direct traffic
arrangement between the club and Augusta offi-
to actually go the opposite way you would nor-
cials, who allow the club to use Eisenhower Park
for parking. But the passage is used as a route for
  Each afternoon, the lanes are reversed. Patron
all cars exiting the area.
traffic exiting south from the parking lots can
Once they turn right, there isn’t another River
either go straight through the roundabout onto
Watch exit for the three miles to downtown Au-
Highland Avenue or, using the righthand lane,
turn onto Ingleside Drive.
Top 5 Weirdest Masters Arrests:
Not All Golf Fans are Law-Abiding
Photo courtesy iStock Photos

by Greg Rickabaugh   Authorities say they ordered the 52-year-old orderly conduct after his dip into the small body
  Augusta welcomes thousands of visitors each preacher not to enter Augusta National “due to of water on the Par-3 hole.
year to the Masters tournament. But some of his aggressive behavior towards patrons” and   Authorities say the restricted area was clearly
them wear out their welcome with criminal be- comments on “how the patrons were dressed.” marked by rope.
havior. But three hours later, Craft entered the golf prop-
  Here are the five wildest Masters arrests in the erty on Berckmans Road and told deputies he Tiger’s Biggest Fan (2005)
last 20 years: was “not going to leave,” Sgt. Shane McDaniel   On Masters Sunday in 2005, Tiger Woods de-
said. He was then arrested. feated Chris DiMarco in a thrilling playoff win
Adam Scott’s Father? (2014)   Later that year, a six-member jury watched the to clinch his fourth Masters victory. Moments
  Fresh off his release from jail for allegedly video of deputies arresting Craft and found him later, 24-year-old Arun Arora of Martinez flew
crashing the gates of Augusta National on Satur- not guilty of trespassing and obstruction of an through Gate 1 in his 2001 Acura and refused to
day, April 3, 2014, Pennsylvania resident Joseph officer. stop despite an officer yelling and signaling for
Murphy tried again that next Monday morning. him to stop.
But an alert deputy recognized the man, and he Sand Souvenir (2012)   When he finally stopped in front of the shut-
was jailed without bond until the tournament   After flying into Augusta on a private jet with tle pick-up near the Par 3 course, Aurora told an
ended. his client for Masters Sunday 2012, Oklahoma officer “he just wanted to meet Tiger and that he
  Authorities say the 50-year-old golf fan salesman Clay Baker ended up hearing the re- was a big fan of the Masters,” a report stated.
showed up at 9:12 a.m. Monday at the main sults of the tournament from jailers at the Rich-   Authorities were a little concerned when they
entrance, driving a rented Mercedes-Benz and mond County Detention Center. found two half-filled gas cans in the trunk, which
claiming to be the father of former Masters   He was jailed on a charge of disorderly con- Mr. Aurora said were there in case his car ran out
champ Adam Scott. duct after he tried grabbing a handful of sand of gas. The man said he didn’t have tickets for
  “He stated he was Adam Scott’s father, and he from a bunker at Augusta National Golf Club. the 2005 event. A supervisor for Augusta Nation-
was meeting him to play golf,” a deputy’s report   Baker later told reporters that his attempt to al Security ordered the man to be escorted from
said. “Adam Scott is a PGA pro competing in the score some souvenir sand should not have led to the property and banned from ever returning. He
Masters golf tournament and is in no way related him being roughed up and hauled away to jail. later pleaded guilty and received probation and
to Mr. Murphy.” “I didn’t think grabbing a handful of sand would heavy court fees.
  Two days before that, police said he walked be that big of deal,” he said.
up to the club’s main gate at 8:40 p.m. After be- Baker said he attended the 2011 World Series Greg Rickabaugh is the Jail Report Contributor
ing told that only members were allowed inside, at Ranger Ballpark in Texas and sat in the front for the Augusta Press. Reach him at greg.ricka-
Murphy returned in his car 10 minutes later and row. Before he left, he grabbed some dirt from [email protected].
bypassed security. He was quickly stopped and the field and was not arrested.
arrested for trespassing.   Authorities said that Baker was not arrested
  Both cases were dropped a year later. Authori- for the sand, but for being drunk and crossing a
ties say the suspects family believed he had men- rope barrier that clearly prohibited patrons from
tal issues. They say he even claimed to have had walking on the course.
a private meeting with Bobby Jones.   The charge was dismissed after Baker agreed
to forfeit the $285 in bond that he posted to be
Street Preacher Arrested (2013) released from jail.
  A street preacher from Tennessee was arrested
on Wednesday, April 10, 2013, outside Augusta Lake Jumper (2010)
National Golf Club, accused of trespassing on   A Canadian golf fan was “highly intoxicated”
club property after being told to leave. when he wrapped up Masters Sunday in 2010 by
  Larry Craft, a controversial street preacher jumping into the pond on the 16th hole at Augus-
who traveled the country with his family, was ta National.
arrested for trespassing and obstruction.   Eric Blue-Sky Sweet, 37, was arrested for dis-
Masters housing rentals poised to do well this year
By Skyler Andrews
  Housing rentals for Master’s Week is a de-
cades-long phenomenon in Augusta; and tourna-
ment week in 2023 is gearing up to be as lucra-
tive as ever.
  “Looks like we will rent more houses this year
than we did in 2019, which is a great sign that
our homeowners still continue to benefit from
patrons coming to the tournament,” said Sue
Parr, president of the Augusta Metro Chamber of
Commerce, about the Masters Housing Bureau’s
2023 bookings.
  The Masters Housing Bureau is the only home
rental agency sanctioned by Augusta National
Golf Club. The Metro Chamber and the ANGC
partnered to create the bureau 50 years ago to be
a trusted means for golf tournament patrons to
secure rentals during their visits to Augusta.
  Its automated booking system competes with
the likes of Airbnb and online travel company
Vrbo. Homeowners can set up accounts, list their
properties, upload photos and select their rental
rates on the bureau’s website, where the listings
Photo courtesy iStock
are placed in a larger database that prospective
renters can search through. The bureau also minute stragglers are not uncommon. Hayden
works with homeowners to help set their rates if we’re working with a large company, in the fall said January through March are “absolutely in-
they’ve never rented before; and assist renters in they may want to come here and actually tour sane” with rentals; and Parr notes that sometimes
seeking out properties. the homes and get a sense of how they want, and visitors have been known to book rooms on the
  Stacey Hayden, vice president of Tourna- how it would work logistically if they have mul- first week of practice rounds.
ment Housing & Events, got into the business of tiple homes.”   As to be expected, the COVID pandemic saw
booking homes for tournament week when her   Both Parr and Hayden acknowledge areas a dip in bookings, with 2019 usually marked as
mother, owner and former Housing Bureau di- such as Summerville, the Rhodes Farm neigh- one of the last profitable years for rentals.
rector Jane Fuhrmann, branched out on her own borhood and the West Lake subdivision in Mar-   The local industry has made its full recovery:
in 2002. tinez tend to prove popular for golf visitors. Hayden said that 2022 was “huge” for Tourna-
  Tournament Housing is also web-based, “We have some clients that acquire housing for ment Housing, and this year poised to be partic-
though a lot of business comes either via its web- purposes of their staff and their workers, and ularly successful for the Housing Bureau.
site, word of mouth, or its visible location on 607 those tend to be more in the National Hills area,   “The ability for a homeowner to rent their
Furys Ferry Rd. areas that are smaller homes, closer to the actual home is a great economic boon for the commu-
  “Homeowners start registering when the kids tournament,” said Parr. nity, because most of those homeowners are ei-
go back to school,” said Hayden about the usual   Many of those companies booking early ther maybe going out and doing remodeling or
booking cycle. “That’s kind of the rule of thumb. are looking to secure hospitality homes where landscaping or buying new furniture, whatever
I always tell them when the kids start going back groups will gather as hubs and host dinners and that might look like even their if that’s tuition for
to school, it’s time to start thinking Masters.” events. Sleeper homes, on the other hand, are their children,” said Parr. “A lot of it we know is
  Hayden notes, however, that companies have spaces where guests actually lodge. really felt here locally to support our local busi-
begun registering for bookings earlier and earlier   “The sleeper homes are kind of rented ness community and in our economy.”
each year. throughout the whole year,” said Hayden. “A lot
  “We actually start booking homes right after of the host homes are rented first because com-
the tournament ends because people, especially panies need to find where they’re going to have Skyler Q. Andrews is a staff reporter covering
if they really like the house, just want to get it their main hub, and then they build their sleeper business for The Augusta Press. Reach him at
locked down,” said Parr, noting that the bureau homes around that.” [email protected].
is usually booking homes starting in May. “If   Even with so many early reservations, last
TAP staff picks on best places to dine in
Augusta vary from healthy to decadent to

SolFood Kitchen in Surrey Center offers a variety of tasty, healthy dishes. Photo courtesy SolFood Kitchen

Newspaper folks love good food at good prices, phia Roll. The chicken teriyaki entrée and chick- Masters week, but when it does, this is a real-
so we polled the staff for their recommendation en teriyaki bento box are also some favorites. ly comforting dish to warm up with. For more
of best restaurants for Masters Week visitors to For more information, visit information, check out their website at: https://
check out.
  Our selections are varied and offer opportuni-  
ties to sample healthy, not-so-healthy but oh-so- Sole is a restaurant in downtown Augusta Villa Europa/Roman Villa is located in
tasty and everything in between. These are just that serves sushi, tapas and craft cocktails. This South Augusta at 3044 Deans Bridge Road. Villa
a sampling of the variety of dining opportunities restaurant, located at 1033 Broad St., Augusta, Europa is an old Augusta staple that specializ-
in the Garden City. GA, 30901, has salads, sandwiches and so many es in German and Italian food as well as amaz-
­ sushi options, from normal rolls to specialty rolls. ing steaks and prime rib. My husband loves the
Stephanie Hill, staff reporter Two of my favorites are the Gamecock Roll and bratwurst plate, and I tend to go for either the
the Sole Roll. The Sole Roll is a fried roll that is salmon or a steak, or one of their amazing spe-
Laziza Mediterranean Grill has loca- filled with tuna, crab, shrimp, cucumber, avoca- cials. A good friend always goes for the French
tions in both Evans (4272 Washington Road, do and cream cheese and is topped with a crab onion soup and snails appetizer. Their potato
Ste 8A, Evans, GA, 30809) and downtown Au- salad. The dyno and eel sauce are also amazing soup is to die for, as is their German salad, which
gusta (901 Broad St., Augusta, GA, 30901. This to pour or dunk the sushi in. One of my favorite features picked green beans, pickled beats and a
restaurant features a variety of Mediterranean things about this restaurant is the atmosphere. cucumber-sour-cream-and-dill salad. Add a glass
food, including a chicken shawarma platter, gyro There’s a lot of seating inside and out, including of German wine, and you’ll have a happy tum-
platter, falafel platter, chicken shawarma wrap, fireside tables and a porch. There are also bars my. That said, they also offer good Italian food
cauliflower bowl, hummus, and my personal fa- on the inside and outside of the restaurant, along that includes a range of pizza and pastas. Dessert
vorite, feta fries. I love the variety of food avail- with plenty of TVs to watch different sports, in- focuses on European cakes like Black Forest and
able at this restaurant and the fact that you can’t cluding the Masters. For more information, vis- Italian Cream. Yum. For more information, visit
go wrong with what you order. I’ve had wraps, it their website at
bowls, platters, and different extras, and loved
everything. I also like that there is a plethora of Debbie Reddin van Tuyll, executive editor Manny’s Sports Off Broad is located at
options for vegetarians so it’s easy to find some- 215 10th St. in downtown Augusta. They focus on
thing for everyone. To see a full menu or find Salsas Bar and Grill has two locations, typical pub food – burgers, sandwiches and sal-
out hours of operations, visit one in Augusta at 204 Bobby Jones Expy. and ads, but they also offer a super smoked pimento one in Evans at 4460 Washington Road #2. This meatloaf that’s served with jalapeño mashed po-
  is one of the top Mexican restaurants in the area. tatoes and house-made pickled slaw. They have
TOKI Japanese Steakhouse and Their food is always fresh, and they use quality one of the biggest selections of beer – bottled
Sushi Bar has two locations, one at 362 Fu- ingredients. They offer the traditional Tex-Mex and on tap, and the best French fries in Augusta. I
rys Ferry Road Ste. 4, Martinez, GA 30907 and dishes such as tacos, burritos, chimichangas, and promise – you won’t be able to stop eating them.
the other at 4534 Washington Road Ste. 7, Ev- fajitas as well as some creations of their own. You can find out more about Manny’s at https://
ans, GA 30809. This restaurant has a variety of One of my favorites is their street burritos, which
options, including chicken teriyaki, spring rolls, are filled with black beans, rice, your choice of manny-s-sports-off-broad-food-menu
shrimp and chicken tempura, bento boxes, and protein, and salad ingredients like tomato and
a variety of sushi and sashimi. I would recom- lettuce. Another favorite is their chicken and rice Susan McCord, staff reporter
mend any of the sushi, especially the Philadel- soup. Weather doesn’t usually turn cold during
SolFood Kitchen is located at Surrey Cen-
ter, right next door to Calvert’s. It isn’t soul food
in the traditional sense - it’s “farm-fresh soul
food” or “SolFood,” food from the sun. The
restaurant intended to open during Masters Week
2020, but the pandemic delayed owner Mela-
nie Harvey, who opened the socially-distanced
“wellness cafe” in Surrey Center that August. Its
emphasis is on food that’s healthy but also tastes
good and offers a wide variety of vegetarian as
well as poultry, fish and beef items including
small plates, bowls, salads and larger plates such
as a vegetarian lasagna, smoked cauliflower,
shepherd’s pie and a ribeye steak. The restaurant
specializes in traditional dishes with a new twist,
such as kimchi pimento cheese served with scal-
lion pancakes. The restaurant at 471 Highland
Ave. has a full bar and wide selection of craft
beer, seltzers and kombuchas and recently added
brunch from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays.

Scott Hudson, senior reporter

TBonz Steakhouse has two locations,

one in Augusta at 2856 Washington Road, and
one in evans at 601 N. Belair Square. TBonz
has, over decades, developed a reputation for
excellent steaks and service. The restaurant
only serves specially aged Angus beef and also
features homemade chili and crab bisque. The
“Tommy Fries” are a TBonz specialty and come
to the table piled high on an entree plate. Be
forewarned, though; TBonz rolls out a special
menu for Tournament Week, and the prices are
far higher than those seen over the regular menu.
Only the largest steaks and prime rib are served
along with crab legs as big as your arm. If you
are willing to wait for a table and pay a premium
price for the food, you will not be disappointed.
For more information, check out their website at New Moon Cafe is downtown on Broad Stree. Phot courtesy New Moon Cafe

Rhinehart’s Oyster Bar also has two lo- case showcasing an array of homemade cakes, tacos, too, as well as shrimp and shredded beef.
cations, one at 3051 Washington Road in Augus- cheesecakes and apple blossoms. Cakes can be If your idea of better is bigger, Nacho Mama’s
ta and one at 305 North Belair Road in Evans. ordered entirely or by the slice. For more infor- has got you covered. For more info visit www.
This Augusta institution is on the other end of mation, visit
the spectrum from TBonz in every way possible.
A local staple for 40 years, Rhinehart’s owners Skyler Andrews, staff reporter
New Moon Café. Two words: Green Mon-
Craig and Amy Bailey started the restaurant in
ster. There are plenty more reasons to visit this
1983 in an inherited house “with little more than Knuckle Sandwiches. If you’re wander-
coffee and sandwich shop, which has long-es-
a small refrigerator and their Aunt Nancy’s toast- ing down Broad Street, be careful not to blink
tablished locales in both downtown Augusta
er oven.” Over time, the little oyster shack with and miss this charming sandwich shop nestled
(936 Broad St., in the JB White’s Building),
a volleyball court outback has transformed into between the Firehouse bar and Grantski Re-
and downtown Aiken (116 Laurens St. NW). If
a full scale restaurant while keeping the delight- cords. The boxing-themed eatery at 1149 Broad
you’re a coffee drinker there’s a lot to love, of
fully tacky atmosphere that resembles a coastal St. has been a late-night mainstay downtown for
course, but if you’re not there’s a wide variety
dive bar. The only thing missing is a statue of over a decade. One of its signature sandwiches is
of smoothies and specialty drinks, such as the
Quint holding a shark harpoon. For decades, the the PBR-BQ, a beer-braised pork shoulder and
aforementioned Green Monster (comprised of
restaurant’s slogan was, “You can always tell an Swiss cheese hoagie. If one’s in the mood for
peanut butter, banana kale, yogurt and honey),
oyster eater by the smile on his wife’s face.” The grilled chicken—with sauteed bell peppers and
as well as the tropical Beet Monster (pineap-
restaurant features hand-breaded fried seafood, caramelized onions to boot—try the Blackeye
ple, strawberry, banana, coconut water, honey,
homemade Florida hushpuppies, shrimp and Chicken; and beef-lovers would likely find the
chia seeds and beets). If you’re stop by in the
grits and, of course, oysters at reasonable prices.sliced ribeye and bella mushrooms in the Up-
afternoon for lunch, you could try the “Tony
For more information, visit the website: https:// percut Cheesesteak a knockout. The fries with
Montana” Cuban roasted pork and Swiss; the Thai chili ranch that usually come with orders
“G-Love” with roast beef and mushrooms, or the
are worth the trip alone. For more info check out
“Turknado” with turkey and Muenster. The shop
The Boll Weevil is located at 10 James its Facebook page at also has plenty of sweets, as well as vegetarian
Brown Boulevard, and it’s the place to go for profile.php?id=100063575410235. and vegan options. For a look at the menu visit
those looking for a celebration of Augusta’s his-
tory along with great food; the restaurant is lo- Nacho Mamas. The tasty Tex-Mex keeps
cated inside a pre-1850 cotton warehouse. Din- the lines long at this downtown diner on 976
ers will encounter southern delights such as fried Broad St. Fill your order at the counter, listen for
green tomatoes and a large menu of sandwiches your name called and you’ll find it’ll be worth the
like paninis, the Southern Gent Sammich and wait. Patrons will find the usual Mexican fare—
homemade chicken salad. No visit is complete hard and soft shell tacos, burritos, salads and the
without a cup or bowl of tomato apple soup with like. But flavor and gusto spice up the menu—
carrots, a Boll Weevil creation. While the Boll as in the pulled-pork and guacamole-stuffed
Weevil is known for great soups and sandwich- “Godfather” burrito; or the Baja burrito, which
es, it is famous for their desserts and sweets. includes roasted potatoes and mahi mahi. The
The restaurant offers an entire wrap-around deli grilled, seasoned dolphinfish is a choice meet for
Columbia County prepares for the Masters The system the county uses allows them to work
the traffic signals from their office, so if they
see traffic starting to back up, they can work the
lights to relieve it. 
  While visitors are in town, there are many
things they can do, including visiting one of the
14 parks in Columbia County. John Luton, the
director of community service for Columbia
County, said other than Rock Fore Dough at Ev-
ans Towne Center Park the county doesn’t see
much of a change in park use. 
  “As far as day-to-day use we’ve found it to
by Stephanie Hill be about the same as any other week,” Luton
 The Masters tournament may take place in said.   “Really even less when you factor in that
Richmond County, but that doesn’t mean Co- our youth athletic programs are taking the week
lumbia County isn’t affected.  off it’s usually a slower week for parks. We don’t
  Many people stay in Columbia County during really do anything special or specific landscaping
the week at either one of the 18 hotels or in a wise at the parks to prepare for Masters week,
rented house. Columbia County Convention we like to try to maintain that high standard all
adjustments as needed,” Prickett said. “It’s a
& Visitors Bureau Executive Director Shelly year long. We feel like if, I know a lot of people
completely different way that people drive that
Blackburn, said that, pre-COVID, local hotels in the area do a lot to get ready for Masters week,
week. They’re mainly going to the National and
saw 98% occupancy during Masters week.  but we want to try treat every week as masters
coming back. It’s not like generally during the
  “Of course, things were a little wonky when week so our parks are maintained and kept at a
week we have people going to work and coming
the Masters was moved to November and the high standard for the masters.
home during a set time. They leave, in the morn-
year prior when it was limited, but last year...   One of the benefits that Columbia County gets
ings we kind of know their patterns. Masters
they were definitely higher than they had been.” out of the Masters is recognition, Blackburn said. 
week we don’t because you’ve got some folks
Blackburn said that while they don’t have exact   “Our homeowners benefit from it. All of our
that are going to go early, some folks will swap
numbers on how many people are in town be- business establishments, and then it’s just great
the badges out and go after lunch, so you don’t’
sides the patrons of the tournament, many people for tourism in general because it helps to put us
really know. You can’t really set for it. This year,
are brought into town to work at the tournament on the map,” Blackburn said. “People may, or
these people got badges or got practice round
from cooks to drivers. barely never heard of Columbia County or the
badges and they may stay wherever. It’s just a
  “We see the people here. We know they’re things we have here. It’s a great opportunity for
matter of monitoring it and making adjustments
spending money. It’s really difficult to gauge us and our whole community really shines that
as they go.”
how much they spent,” Blackburn said. week. It’s a great chance for people to see what
  To deal with the traffic, Prickett said there is
  With plenty of visitors in town, Columbia we have so they may come back sometime out-
somebody in the office from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
County also monitors all the traffic on the roads. side of that first week of April.”
starting the week before Masters because of the
Randy Prickett, the manager for Columbia Coun- Women’s Amateur being played at Champions
ty traffic operations, said the traffic patterns are Stephanie Hill is staff reporter for The Augusta
Retreat in Evans.
different because many locals head out of town.  Press. Reach her at stephanie@theaugustapress.
  “What we do is watch the signals so we can
  “Our main thing is that we monitor and make com
make adjustments if we need to,” Prickett said. 

Locals embrace Masters week opportunities

by Stephanie Hill   She said that at The Barn, they usually serve golfers, and it went very well…we’ve been rent-
  The annual Masters tournament is less than a a couple of hundred people a night. While work- ing to the same group ever since.”
month away, and that means locals have several ing at Champions, Wells said she has met people   Like Rogers, Deese said a lot of work goes
options on what to do. from all over the world, including family mem- into getting the house ready for Masters week.
  Since it’s spring break for students, many bers of professional golfers. “We spend the either month of March cleaning
work at the Augusta National to make some extra   “It’s fun. It’s a lot (of work), but it’s fun,” and (doing) repairs, and you know, we do all the
money. Blake Lewis, a sophomore at Grovetown Wells said. home repairs that you’re supposed to do anyway,
High School, will be working at the Masters for   Because so many people come to town for the but we’re forced to do it because we have to get
the first time. tournament, many locals rent out their houses to ready for our guests,” Deese said. “…we have
  “I heard it from my teacher, and it sounded patrons. For Kyle Rogers, this will be the first the benefit of being forced to take care of our
like an excellent idea to make money,” Lewis year he and his girlfriend are renting out their house. I think it’s a win/win for everybody.”
said. “I also wanted to see golf in person and was house. He said there is a lot that goes into getting
like, I can apply my skills of being an amazing the house ready for the week. Stephanie Hill is staff reporter for The Augusta
driver to drive the golf carts.”   “We had to clean it extremely good just to Press. Reach her at stephanie@theaugustapress.
Lewis said his job will include picking up trash get pictures for Airbnb. We had to move stuff com 
and driving the golf carts. But what he’s looking around. We had to make changes,” Rogers said.
forward to most is the money he will make. “…it’s a lot of work to get the pictures done, and
  “I don’t have school. Nothing is going to con- if we actually rent it out we’ll hire a maid service
flict with this. It was easy to get the job,” he said. to do a deep clean.”
Janita Wells will be working at Champions Re-   Rogers said he rents his house out for the
treat during the Augusta National Women’s Am- money, which is used to update the house.
ateur and the Masters. During the year she works   While Rogers is renting his house out for the
as a bartender and events coordinator at Champi- first time, Jack Deese, owner of the New York
ons, but during the Masters, she works primarily Butcher Shoppe, and his wife have rented their
as a bartender. house out for the last several years. They did
  “During ANWA and Masters, ANWA is pret- it the first time because a friend has a situation
ty much bartending outside for that tournament come up where she needed a house.
every single day,” Wells said. “Then that Sunday   “She actually takes care of some of the golf-
after ANWA, we go straight into Masters. We ers and had a last minute situation come up and
have a venue called The Barn, and we usually asked if we were interested in renting, and we
use it for weddings for 200, 300 or 400 people, had already been discussing it and said yes,”
so we turn that into a steak house.” Deese said. “It was to one of the well-known
What to see and do around Augusta
Area natural and historical resources are plentiful
Visitors looking for non-golfing activities for the
week can take in one of the 14 parks in Colum-
bia County, including Evans Town Center Park,
Patriots Park, Lakeside Park, Gateway Park and
at Savannah Rapids.
  These parks offer a variety of activities, in-
cluding playgrounds and trails for walking or
jogging. Many of the areas have picnic tables,
pavilions and restrooms.
  At Savannah Rapids Park, visitors can take the
Augusta Canal Trail all the way from Savannah
Rapids into downtown Augusta. In downtown
Augusta, visitors can walk along the Riverwalk.
Just across the river in North Augusta, S.C., vis-
itors can stroll along the North Augusta Gree-
neway. For more information on the parks, visit

Savannah Rapids is an area where locals and visitors to town can go walking and enjoy the scenery. Staff photo by Stephanie Hill

located at 1 Tenth St., Augusta. It is open Tues- is a 56-acre plantation where visitors can learn
day to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sun- about Job Calloway, who built a log cabin at
day from noon to 5 p.m. The art museum fea- the location in 1787, and the history of Wilkes
tures a variety of exhibits, including a permanent County. For more information, visit the Calla-
collection. For more information, visit https:// way Plantation Facebook page.   Across the river is Redcliffe Plantation, a
North Augusta Greenway. Photo North Augusta City government   For those wanting to venture outside the area, South Carolina State Historic Site, 181 Redcliffe
  Besides parks and walking/jogging trails, there is the Robert Toombs House state historic Road, Beech Island, S.C. Redcliffe was complet-
there are several museums’ visitors can stop by. site in Washington. Robert Toombs had a career ed in 1859 and was the home of James Henry
In Harlem, patrons can stop by the Harlem Mu- as a U.S. congressman and senator and served Hammond and his descendants. For more in-
seum and Welcome Center, which is home of the as the Confederate Secretary of State for five formation, visit
Laurel and Hardy Museum. months before resigning to serve as a brigadier redcliffe.
  The museum features several exhibits includ- general in the Army of Northern Virginia. He
ing the Genesis of Harlem, Harlem Did It First, was one of the top contenders for president of
Celebrating Our People and The Marvels of Ed- the Confederate States of America, but because
ucation. Interactive parts of the museum, includ- he was drunk for most of the convention, dele-
ing a cinema room, photo options, a “Where in gates decided not to vote for him.
the World were Laurel and Hardy,” and What   Before the Civil War, Tombs was one of the
does “We Are Harlem” Mean to You? highest paid attorneys in the South, which is ob-
vious from the architecture of his house. During
the Reconstruction Era, he believed Georgia
should have its own constitution. For more in-
formation, visit
  Also in Washington is the Callaway Planta-
tion, 2160 Lexington Road, Washington. This Redcliffe Plantation. Staff photo by Stephanie Hill

The Harlem Museum. Staff photo by Stephanie Hill

  The museum is located 135 North Louisville

St. in Harlem. For more information, visit https://
  The Grovetown Museum features a history of
the city. The museum is located at 106 E. Robin-
son in Grovetown next to Grovetown City Hall.
The museum is open Thursday – Saturday from
noon to 4 p.m.
  The Augusta Museum of History is located in
downtown Augusta at 560 Reynolds St. in Au-
gusta from Thursday to Saturday from 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The
museum features a variety of exhibits and pro-
grams. For more information, visit
  Also downtown is the Morris Museum of Art Robert Toombs house in Washington, Ga. Photo courtesy Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Last year’s canceled Masters Week music festival still resonates
Day, New Year’s Eve and other occasions during
up to 80 days per year. 

Lawsuits filed against C4 Live

  Today, the company’s presence in Augusta has
“Another year has gone by and another year,
nothing,” Wray said. “Nothing has happened at
the stadium since, and we’ve sued C4.”
  Filed last month by the AEDA and the city,
the lawsuit contends C4 did nothing, including
paying $25,000 annually for operating costs.
Nor has it paid the difference from the required
$425,000 in improvements it was expected to
make from 2020-2023.
  “Defendant was well aware of the soil con-
ditions as they existed,” the suit states, and has
abandoned the project “for its own economic
Promo for last year’s canceled concert.
conditions, unrelated to any subsurface condi-
By Susan McCord C4 was also required to leave the property in
  One of the biggest Masters Week disappoint- Masters Week event on March 11, 2020, claim- good repair, which it hasn’t, and all told, Augus-
ments since the cancelation of the tournament ing it was unable to secure A-list talent. Little ta has suffered at least $1 million in economic
due to COVID-19 was last year’s collapse of was said during 2021, when the tournament was injuries, it said. 
XPR Augusta. held with substantially fewer spectators.   The AEDA has now become the unofficial
  What was billed as being a weeklong festival   Four area nonprofits designated as beneficia- caretaker of the property, and has been spending
with three evening VIP concerts by A-list head- ries also missed out. They were the James Brown thousands on basic repairs connected largely to
liners was called off on March 19, 2022 after Academy of Musik Pupils, the Jessye Norman vandalism at the isolated site, and maintenance
event producer C4 Live announced ticket sales School of the Arts, the Augusta Boxing Club and such as cutting the grass, Wray said.
had been suspended. the Savannah Riverkeeper.   C4, meanwhile, is being sued for $784,454 by
  The Las Vegas company had promised Blake   Riverkeeper Tonya Bontitatibus said the C4 a contractor it hired to build double-decker tents
Shelton and Nelly, Tim McGraw and Pitbull and experience should be a lesson learned. and staircases at the site. The lawsuit, filed by
Jimmy Buffet in three concerts with large, luxu- “Augusta got burned on that one, but it would be Imarfer US LLC, contends C4 gave notice it was
ry VIP sections and high-end food and beverages wise to closely look at all of Augusta Econom- cancelling its contract on March 10, 2022 and
geared toward tournament visitors and local big ic   Development’s deals giving away/provid- has yet to provide any explanation.
spenders. ing resources in exchange for projected events   C4’s counterclaim to the suit, filed in U.S.
  C4 Live had halted construction of a stage and of jobs and ensure those deals really have our District Court for the Western District of New
VIP area two weeks earlier, blaming soil insta- community’s best interest at heart,” she said. York, blames Imarfer for the problems.
bility at city-owned Lake Olmstead Stadium, the   Locals remained optimistic even after last   While the condition at Olmstead was “not
event’s intended venue. year’s cancelation, saying it was a safety con- foreseeable,” Imarfer was expected to provide “a
cern not worth the risk. And C4 had promised site inspection and offer site-specific engineering
C4 Live had been ‘vetted’ more than just a Masters Week show. Under a if required,” it said. The firm “failed to address
  Coupled with last year’s return of the full 10-year contract it was expected to put on a Soul the condition of the venue that ultimately led to
tournament after two COVID-abbreviated years, Festival, and events for Halloween, St. Patrick’s C4’s instability to move forward.”
the disappointment was almost palpable, and C4
Live couldn’t issue refunds fast enough. 
  “As far as I know, within 60 days everybody
got refunded, but we weren’t involved in any
ticketing,” said Cal Wray, executive director for
the Augusta Economic Development Authority.
“I haven’t had anybody call me since then.”
  The authority underwent months of contract
negotiations and had vetted C4, whose manag-
ing partner Greg Costello reported leading “key
entertainment operations” for five Super Bowls
and multiple Country Music Awards festivals.
  “We had our attorneys vet them, and every-
thing they told us checked out,” Wray said.
  The authority and C4 thrilled the Augusta
Commission with the promise of free upgrades
at the neglected stadium, abandoned since the
Augusta GreenJackets moved to a new venue in
North Augusta. 
  “When they came into the city and made
their proposal, they were going to invest $3.5 to
$5 million into that city property,” said former
Commissioner John Clarke, who served on the
commission during the episode.
  “That would have been a great fix for that
property and an investment for the city that tax-
payers wouldn’t have to pay for,” Clarke said.

Group had time to identify issues

  C4 had more than two years to evaluate the
soil at Olmstead since leasing the property “as-
is” in January 2020. The group called off the first
Something you may not have known:

Why golf balls have dimples

by Scott Hudson
  They say the smaller the ball, the greater the
sport, and aside from ping pong, golf has one
of the smallest balls in sports. The golf ball has
evolved slowly over the centuries into the little
orb that can fly for hundreds of feet if not yards.
  While America popularized golf for the mod-
ern era, the game was actually invented in Scot-
land, and it was banned three times between the
15th and 18th centuries.
  According to the pros at Panther Run Golf
Course, not only did people play so much that
they would fail to show up for military service,
but liquored-up golfers would play in the streets
and cause disturbances.
  While it is debatable who actually invented the
game, according to Historic UK, King Charles I
gave the game the royal seal, ensuring it would
spread from to England to Europe and eventual-
ly to America.
  Charles I was an avid golfer, and that gave the
game a bit of an elitist image. Perhaps if the king
had spent less time on the links and more on a
rebellious Parliament, he might not have lost his
  Original golf balls were made of leather
wrapped in feathers. According to Panther Run,
the leather was fashioned into a ball, and wet
feathers would be wrapped around it.
  Later, players would make the balls out of
wood, and they resembled a small croquet ball.
  As golf developed into a professional sport in
the 20th century, the modern golf ball came into
  So, why the dimples?
  It would seem antithetical that a less aerody-
namicball would travel further; however, that is
precisely what the dimples accomplish.
  Every surface of an airplane is smooth, but the
difference is that a plane is generally traveling in
a straight line. Once a golf ball is hit, it travels in
a straight line while also spinning.
  According to Scientific American, the main
forces acting on a flying object are lift, drag, Photo courtesy iStock photos
gravity and air turbulence. The friction of the
air creates a wake behind the flying object that
slows it down.
  A smooth surface on a spinning ball actually
creates more drag and more wake, but dimples
on the ball create a bit of a force field around the
ball, allowing for less wake.
  “Dimples on a golf ball create a thin turbu-
lent boundary layer of air that clings to the ball’s
surface,” the Scientific American reported, add-
ing that a dimpled ball travels twice as far as a
smooth ball.
  John Patrick, host of The Augusta Golf Show
on WGAC radio, offers a less scientific explana-
tion from a player’s point of view.
  “The dimples give you more control over the
spin of the ball. Without the dimples, you have
far less control of putting the ball where you
want it to go,” Patrick said.
  According to, the number of dim-
ples varies between 300 to 500 depending on the
ball’s manufacturer, and the balls are ever evolv-
ing with designers trying out different dimple
shapes to get the ball to travel even further.
  …And that is something you may not have

Scott Hudson is the senior reporter at The Au-

gusta Press. Reach him at scott@theaugusta-
Reasons for knee pain from playing golf, how to avoid it
by Hetal Acharekar quad muscles (quadricepts femoris) are com- are looking for a full-body analysis of why you
  It’s common to hear golfers complain about monly linked to knee pain in many older golfers. might be experiencing knee pain, we can con-
knee pain. For one, the lead leg and knee un- to address this, do the staggered stance-sit/stand duct a full-body functional assessment and train-
dergo intensive stress during the swing, plus exercise. ing program that will get your body physically fit
you may be walking long distances around the   Lack of ankle mobility with tightness in the for the course.
course, you’re moving up and down to pick up calf muscles pulls the knee backward, causing   Our exercises will help improve your golf
your golf ball and you’re subject to standing on pain. performance while preventing injury because we
uneven ground, all of which will place stress on focus on improving your strength, stability, and
your knees.   My specialty is working with golfers of all lev- flexibility. Schedule your 30-minute consulta-
  Here are three reasons why you’re experienc- els. With my background as a physical therapist tion today at
ing knee pain, and I’ve also provided the appro- and my training as a golf specialist, I am able to above/initial-consultation?month=2022-04>
priate exercise you need to be doing to reduce provide my clients with the proper training and   If you are experiencing a locking sensation in
knee pain and prevent further injury: injury prevention techniques to keep their bodies your leg or the inability to strengthen your leg,
healthy for years to come. you should see your doctor before trying these
  Lack of Internal hip rotation may cause ex-   So, if you’re experiencing knee pain, you’ve exercises.
cessive extension of your knee joint during the come to the right place.
downswing and backswing. To address this, do   When you apply these strength training ex- Hetal Acharekar is a physical therapist who
the hip rotation exercise. ercises to your routine, you quickly reduce the specializes in treating golf-related problems.
  Weak gluteal muscles plus dominance of the risk of injury and improve performance. If you You can reach her at (803) 716-8750.
Hip rotation exercise Staggered stance/ Calf stretch exercise
Lie on your stomach and bend both knees to Sit-Stand exercise
roughly 90 degrees, then internally rotate your Begin by standing be-
Start by sitting in a
hips by bringing both feet in and out.  hind a slanted board
chair with your feet
Reps: 10 – Set: 1 before and after your game staggered (one leg in (or you can use a small
front of the other), step (2/4 step) or wall).
Squeeze the glute of Movement: Step onto
the leg that is back- the board, leaning into
ward, then stand up the slope until you feel
while keeping your a good stretch. Tip: You
feet in the same can hold onto a wall
position. Sit back or pole for balance as
down and repeat. needed. Keep your heels down on the slant
Reps: 5 - 10  Set: 1
Reps: 3 - 5 Set: 1  Before and after your
game, and hold for 10-15 secs

Change Your Mindset - Change Your Game - Change Your Life

by Deborah De Vita on. create new positive habits, get out of a negative
  OK, I admit it. My golf game can best be de- groove! And the way to get out of a groove is to
scribed as “shoot and giggle”. And my tennis Performance = Outer Game (po- start a new positive habit.
game…. well, I won’t go there! But what I have tential) minus Inner Game (interfer-   Learn to quiet your mind. Let go of the incli-
learned from my times on the fairway is this – nation to judge yourself and your performance as
your “Inner” game in sports and life affects your either good or bad, be it sports or life. Letting go
  Recognizing these two sides of each of us,
“Outer” experience. Sports trainer/coach Tim- of this judging process is a basic key to the Inner
we are challenged to trust in our Outer Game.
othy Gallwey (author of best sellers, The Inner Game. When you learn to become less judgmen-
This will help you to put your Inner Game in the
Game of Tennis and The Inner Game of Golf) tal, it is possible to achieve spontaneous, focused
background to improve cores and a balanced and
suggests… play and life.
more purposeful life.
  Neither mastery nor satisfaction can be found   This is a trap that you fall into. You judge
  Think about the frame of mind of a player who
in the playing of any game without giving some yourself. “I’m a loser,” “I’m too lazy,” “I suck
is “hot” or “playing in the zone.” Is she think-
attention to the relatively neglected skills of the at xyz,” and so on. These are all judgments. Au-
ing about how to hit each shot? Is he thinking
inner game. thor Gallwey suggests if you say to yourself “I
at all? Listen to the phrases commonly used to
  This is the game that takes place in the mind… have a bad swing,” then you are setting a certain
describe a player at his/her best: “He’s out of
played against such obstacles as lapses in con- expectation for yourself and you begin playing
his mind.” “She’s playing over her head.” “He’s
centration, nervousness, self-doubt and self-con- the role of a bad swinger. It you say to yourself
unconscious.” The common factor in “best per-
demnation… “I can’t reach my desired results in life,” then
formance” never comes when they are thinking
  Do you often wonder why you play well one you will not achieve them. You start to become
about it.
day and so poorly the rest, or why you choke what you think.
  Fighting your mind does not work. What
during competition, or blow easy shots? And   For anyone working on the “mechanics” of
works best is learning to focus it.
why does it take so long to break a bad habit and their sport or finding ways to create more balance
  Whether you want to experience a level of
learn a new one? Successes in the inner game and/or accomplishment in their life, it is a mat-
peak performance at your game or to achieve
may not add more trophies to your trophy case, ter of caring, yet not caring, effort yet effortless.
your key desired results in life, you must not be
but they bring valuable rewards that are more This concept presented is applicable beyond the
so caught up with your internal mind chatter. You
permanent and that can contribute significantly purely motor/movement skills of a sport.
must be fully in the moment. In life coaching, I
to your success on the fairway as well as in life.
call that being in the “present.”
Here is the distinction between the Inner Game Deborah De Vita is a life coach at E3LifeCoach
  As a life coach, the approach that I use with
and the Outer Game. Your Outer Game consists in Aiken, S.C. Reach her at deborah@e3life-
my clients is unique because, as in sports coach-
of your day-to-day actions, mechanics, and tasks
ing, the focus is on what happens between the
that you take to achieve an outcome or desired
“hits” -- in this case, between the coaching meet-
result. These are the “how tos,” the “doing” as-
  Learning how to play your sport better or
  And then there’s the Inner Game. The Inner
learning how to navigate obstacles and challeng-
game is the “being” aspect. It comprises your
es in your life isn’t about having more and more
emotional state. Conversely, it also affects your
information but rather is the creation of a pat-
sense of nervousness, anxiety, lack of self-es-
tern of thought. It’s when you form a new belief,
teem, being scared or experiencing fear and so

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