Pro Deathpenalty

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The Death penalty is a type of capital punishment that refers to the execution of a person who
has been found guilty by the government of committing capital crimes or offenses. The Death penalty
has existed in the Philippines since the Spanish conquest. Garrotte and death by firing squad (reserved
for treason exclusively) were the most popular methods of execution during this time. It was also
enforced by the Spanish on people who revolted against them, and it was maintained during the
American period. Even though Martial Law was repealed under Cory Aquino's administration, it was
reinstated when Ramos took the oath of office. It was also present throughout the terms of Estrada and
Arroyo. This paper presents in favor of the death penalty in the Philippines. The death sentence is
necessary to reduce the number of people convicted of serious crimes, and its form as a response to the
public's demand for justice. Since society has the greatest interest in preventing murder, it should adopt
the most severe punishment available to discourage murder, which is the death sentence.


Death penalty is retributive justice. Capital punishment can serve as a way to appease the
victims and their families while also providing the general public with a sense of justice. Many victims of
heinous crimes feel justice can only be served when the people who did the crimes are put on death row
and executed. This will provide catharsis for them and will also repair the distrust of the public about the
judiciary system of the country. Many testimonies are like this, the people want justice to be served

Death penalty deters people from committing heinous crimes. Due to the fear of losing one's
life, those who are about to commit heinous crimes will feel discouraged thus, lowering the crime rate.
Back in 1993, the crime rate per 100,000 population was 145.7. When the death penalty was imposed,
the crime rate decreased by 47.7 in 1998, as that year's crime rate was 98. There is also the fear factor.
When a person is thinking of committing a crime, they will think beforehand, if it's worth condemning
themselves to the hands of the law. As such, this will be very effective in lowering the crime rate of the

Death penalty has become painless, quick, and humane. Death penalty methods have gradually
become less gruesome and more humane over the years. The development of lethal injection has made
executing less painful for them compared to the previous ones like hanging, death by fire squad, and
others. Technology has progressed as such that we have invented drugs to ease us, to put us in deep
sleep. It is called Sodium Thiopental, with it, Pancuronium Bromide, and Potassium Chloride they work
together to kill the inmate painlessly and efficiently. Compare that with the methods that were used
previously, this really is more preferable. Back then, electric chairs were used to execute a death row
inmate. Not only is it gruesome to watch someone die slowly while in pain, it also consumes lots of
electricity which isn't something that is free. Death by firing squad also incurs costs for the bullets used.
All of these factors should be considered as they present solid evidence to why we should consider the
death penalty.

The death penalty shows justice. The death penalty may be utilized to pacify victims and their
families while also presenting the general public with a feeling of justice. The death sentence has evolved
into painless, efficient, and compassionate means of punishing individuals who have committed crimes.
It has the ability to save the lives of thousands of potential victims. When someone steals another
person's life, the balance of justice is thrown off. Unless and until that balance is restored, society will be
ruled by violence. Only the murderer's execution restores the balance and allows society to show clearly
that murder is an intolerable crime that will be punished in kind. Offenders deserve the most severe
punishment available under our legal system, which is the death sentence.

Citations: Do families of victims feel justice with the death penalty?

Cyril Abello/ (2020, December 22) Sen. Bato dela Rosa believes Jonel Nuezca deserves death

Ana Roa/ (2019, January 29) Looking at the numbers behind death penalty (2012, November 13) Death Penalty: Moral and Judicial Debate under
the Philippine Government
e-government#comments (2012, November 12) Death Penalty: Moral and Judicial Debate under the
Philippine Government, March 30) Lethal injection: Most humane way of execution

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