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Covers the subjects of discussion Clear and comprehensible
Can produce extended stretches of Fully appropriate words and
well on a wide range of general, pronunciation although L1
language spontaneously with fairly even expressions for the tasks at this Fully confident with the structures
academic, vocational or leisure accent may be noticeable.
tempo on a wide range of topics. level. demanded by the tasks.
topics. Natural word stress and
D Can interact without placing strain on the
Can tackle every aspect of the sentence intonation
Can confidently and spontaneously Can spontaneously produce examples
participants. use a wide range of language of more complex grammar at B2 level.
conversation and discussion. throughout.
May need to briefly hesitate and pause without obvious searching for Occasional minor inaccuracies
Shows willingness to offer No strain imposed on the
for thought. words.
additional ideas listener.
Candidate is reasonably fluent and Reasonable pronunciation Adequate vocabulary for all the Good grammatical control of grammar
Covers the subjects well and
contributes effectively to the and word stress / sentence tasks without obvious searching for at B2 level.
offers some additional ideas.
conversation on familiar tasks intonation. words. Little sign of having to restrict what
Actively participates in
M Can express views clearly by providing
Occasional mother tongue Some attempts at a wider range of he/she wants to say for grammatical
relevant points and arguments interference, although vocabulary, beyond the basics reasons.
Effort made not too distracting
Some unevenness of tempo and pauses generally not impeding required for this level. Mistakes are made, but do not usually
for participants.
for thought. understanding. break up the flow.
Can use the basic grammar required
May not say what he / she Sufficient vocabulary for all the of the tasks but less confident/
Candidate can make his / her way thinks, but rather what he / she Mother tongue interference debate and discussion, even if unwilling to use more complex
through the interactions, but the effort is can say, leading to blocked leads to some oddities in limited at times. grammar of this level.
P obvious and could be distracting for the discussion, but not a complete stress and intonation. Some paraphrase or pause noted May be evidence of grammar
flow of conversation. stop. Oddities may occasionally when a true expression is missing. limitations.
Can initiate some discourse. Can express some opinion on impede understanding. Sufficient range to simply describe, Mistakes, but can keep going and
most general topics explain and justify at B2 level. make him / herself understood.

Flow of pronunciation and

Pauses and hesitation indicating lack of Does not confidently cover the intonation does not inspire Mistakes and language range
Vocabulary too limited to be called
R adequate range in candidate’s spoken subject. Is very hesitant about confidence in the speaker
functional at B2 level.
indicating B2 grammar in spoken
English to cope with the tasks. what to say. having a B2 level of spoken English not quite achieved.
U Little or no communication in English takes place at all.

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