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GALILEOS Service Manual
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual GALILEOS

Table of contents
1 About this Service Manual........................................................................................ 12

1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................ 12

1.2 Other documentation required ...................................................................... 12
1.3 Tools and auxiliary materials......................................................................... 13
1.4 Structure of the document............................................................................. 14
1.4.1 Identification of danger levels............................................................. 14
1.4.2 Formats and symbols used ................................................................ 14

2 Safety instructions .................................................................................................... 15

2.1 Modifications to the unit ................................................................................ 15
2.2 Fixed connection ........................................................................................... 15
2.3 Electromagnetic compatibility........................................................................ 15
2.4 Electrostatic discharge .................................................................................. 15
2.5 Switching the unit on ..................................................................................... 15
2.6 Condensation ................................................................................................ 16
2.7 Laser light localizer ....................................................................................... 16
2.8 Ventilation slots ............................................................................................. 16
2.9 Qualifications of service personnel ............................................................... 16
2.10 Radiation protection ...................................................................................... 16
2.11 Safety checks................................................................................................ 16

3 Unit description......................................................................................................... 17

3.1 Unit classes and versions ............................................................................. 17

3.1.1 "GALILEOS Comfort" and "GALILEOS Compact" ............................. 18
3.2 Hardware....................................................................................................... 19
3.2.1 Information on the unit ....................................................................... 19
3.2.2 Installation versions............................................................................ 20
3.2.3 Modules and components .................................................................. 21 Slide ................................................................................................. 22 Stand................................................................................................ 23 Remote control................................................................................. 24 FACESCAN...................................................................................... 24
3.2.4 Cabling overview................................................................................ 25

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3.2.5 Board photos...................................................................................... 31 Boards in the slide............................................................................ 31 Boards in the stand .......................................................................... 37 Board in the remote control .............................................................. 39 Boards in FACESCAN) .................................................................... 40
3.2.6 Covers................................................................................................ 42
3.2.7 Technical data.................................................................................... 45 Diagrams .......................................................................................... 48
3.3 Software/compatibility ................................................................................... 50
3.3.1 GALILEOS firmware........................................................................... 50
3.3.2 FaceScan firmware ............................................................................ 56
3.3.3 GALILEOS Software .......................................................................... 56

4 General operating procedures.................................................................................. 58

4.1 Switching the unit on ..................................................................................... 58

4.1.1 Switching the "GALILEOS Comfort" on.............................................. 59
4.1.2 Switching the "GALILEOS Compact" on ............................................ 60
4.1.3 Factory setting after switch-on ........................................................... 60
4.2 Updating the firmware ................................................................................... 61
4.2.1 Updating the unit firmware ................................................................. 61 Update mode.................................................................................... 65 Check program releases .................................................................. 66
4.2.2 Updating the FaceScan firmware....................................................... 67 Option 1: Update using the FaceScan USB stick............................. 67 Option 2: Firmware update via the network ..................................... 70
4.3 Configuring the unit ....................................................................................... 71
4.3.1 Configuring the unit via the SIDEXIS Manager .................................. 71
4.3.2 Configuring FaceScan........................................................................ 71 Type 1: Configuration using the Facescan USB stick ...................... 71 Type 2: Configuration over a network cable (peer-to-peer) ............. 75 Resetting the FaceScan configuration to factory default settings .... 76
4.4 Reading unit data .......................................................................................... 77
4.4.1 Reading the unit data of the GALILEOS via "Extended Details"........ 77
4.4.2 Reading FACESCAN unit data over the network............................... 78
4.5 Using demo mode – operation without radiation release .............................. 79
4.5.1 Switching on demo mode................................................................... 79
4.5.2 Switching off demo mode................................................................... 81

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5 Messages ................................................................................................................. 82

5.1 Help messages ............................................................................................. 82

5.2 System messages ......................................................................................... 84
5.3 Status messages and displays...................................................................... 84
5.4 Error messages ............................................................................................. 85
5.4.1 Error code: Ex yy zz ........................................................................... 85
5.4.2 Ex - Error type .................................................................................... 85
5.4.3 yy - Location....................................................................................... 87
5.4.4 General handling of error messages.................................................. 87
5.5 List of error messages................................................................................... 88
5.5.1 Location 06: Tube assembly/DX6 ...................................................... 88

5.5.2 Location 07: Easypad/DX7................................................................. 94
5.5.3 Location 10: System hardware........................................................... 98
5.5.4 Location 11: Power PC/Board DX11.................................................. 101
5.5.5 Location 12: CAN bus ........................................................................ 103
5.5.6 Location 14: Digital extension, SIDEXIS XG...................................... 104
5.5.7 Location 15: Configuration, update .................................................... 106
5.5.8 Location 41: Media interface card ...................................................... 107
5.5.9 Location 42: Remote control .............................................................. 111
5.5.10 Location 71: Multipad, board DX71.................................................... 115
5.5.11 Location 89: X-ray detector ................................................................ 119

6 Troubleshooting........................................................................................................ 125

6.1 Error logging memory.................................................................................... 125

6.1.1 Example of error logging data ............................................................ 126
6.2 Checking the CAN bus .................................................................................. 128
6.2.1 Checking the CAN bus with the diagnostic function of board DX1 .... 132
6.2.2 Jumper positions in the CAN bus....................................................... 132
6.3 Checking the boards ..................................................................................... 134
6.3.1 Checking board DX32 ........................................................................ 136
6.4 Checking the motors ..................................................................................... 138
6.5 Checking the light barriers ............................................................................ 139
6.6 Device leakage current too high.................................................................... 140
6.7 Checking the cables ...................................................................................... 141

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6.8 Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path ................................................. 142

6.8.1 Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path: up to unit serial number 142
3199 (with board DX41)
6.8.2 Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path: from unit serial number 147
3201 (without board DX41)
6.9 Fault diagnosis of the X-ray detector and on board DX89 ........................... 151
6.9.1 LEDs on board DX89 ........................................................................ 152
6.9.2 LED statuses and their significance in case of an error .................... 153
6.9.3 LEDs of operating voltages ............................................................... 154

7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit.................................................................................... 155

7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration .......................... 157
7.1.1 Displays and help messages during adjustment/calibration ............. 158
7.1.2 "Service Functions" menu ................................................................. 159 Calling the "Adjustment/Calibration" menu...................................... 161
7.1.3 Enabling exposure readiness ............................................................ 162
7.1.4 Taking an exposure........................................................................... 162
7.1.5 Save values....................................................................................... 162
7.1.6 Test phantoms for adjustment and calibration .................................. 163 Distortion phantom .......................................................................... 163 Geometry phantom.......................................................................... 164 Constancy test phantom.................................................................. 166
7.2 Checking the mechanical system adjustment .............................................. 166
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu ..................... 167
7.3.1 Diaphragm image .............................................................................. 167 "Type 1/Type 2" diaphragm............................................................. 167 "Type 3" diaphragm......................................................................... 171
7.3.2 Checking the radiation field............................................................... 178
7.3.3 Dosimetry .......................................................................................... 179
7.3.4 Sensor adjustment ............................................................................ 181
7.3.5 Iris adjustment................................................................................... 182
7.3.6 Shading calibration............................................................................ 183
7.3.7 Distortion calibration.......................................................................... 185
7.3.8 Geometry calibration ......................................................................... 187
7.3.9 Service .............................................................................................. 189
7.4 Performing a white balance for FaceScan ................................................... 190
7.5 Checking and adjusting the touchscreen ..................................................... 191

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7.6 Mechanical adjustments................................................................................ 193

7.6.1 Ring center adjustment ...................................................................... 193
7.6.2 Adjusting the swivel arm .................................................................... 195
7.6.3 Diaphragm adjustment ....................................................................... 197 Adjusting the "type 1" diaphragm (up to serial no. 2200) ................. 197 Adjusting the "Type 2" diaphragm (serial no. 2201 and higher) ....... 198 Adjusting the "Type 3" diaphragm .................................................... 200

8 Service ..................................................................................................................... 202

8.1 Overview of service routines ......................................................................... 202

8.1.1 List of all service routines available for selection ............................... 202
8.1.2 Alphabetical list of service routine functions ...................................... 204

8.2 Service menu and service routines ............................................................... 206
8.2.1 Displays and symbols in the service menu ........................................ 206 Easypad ........................................................................................... 206 Multipad............................................................................................ 208
8.3 Basic operating procedures in the service menu .......................................... 210
8.3.1 Activating the service menu ............................................................... 210 Easypad ........................................................................................... 210 Multipad............................................................................................ 212
8.3.2 Selecting service routines and test steps........................................... 213 Selecting a service routine ............................................................... 213 Selecting a test step......................................................................... 214 Service routines with security access .............................................. 215
8.3.3 Select parameters .............................................................................. 217
8.3.4 Saving parameters ............................................................................. 219
8.3.5 Exiting the test step and service routine ............................................ 220
8.4 S002: Radiation without rotary movement, selectable kV/mA level and 221
maximum radiation time
8.4.1 S002: Test step 5 ............................................................................... 221
8.5 S005: General X-ray tube assembly service ................................................. 223
8.5.1 S005: Test step 1 ............................................................................... 223
8.5.2 S005: Test step 4 ............................................................................... 225
8.5.3 S005: Test step 5 ............................................................................... 226
8.5.4 S005: Test step 8 ............................................................................... 227

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8.6 S007: Error logging memory ........................................................................ 229

8.6.1 S007: Test step 1 .............................................................................. 229
8.6.2 S007: Test step 2 .............................................................................. 232
8.6.3 S007: Test step 5 .............................................................................. 235 Displaying the log with a web browser ............................................ 236
8.7 S008: Update service ................................................................................... 238
8.7.1 S008: Test step 2 .............................................................................. 238
8.7.2 S008: Test step 3 .............................................................................. 240
8.8 S009: Flash file system ................................................................................ 241
8.8.1 S009: Test step 4 .............................................................................. 241
8.8.2 S009: Test step 5 .............................................................................. 243
8.8.3 S009: Test step 7 .............................................................................. 245
8.9 S011: Dosimetry (without ring movement) ................................................... 247
8.9.1 S011: Test step 12 ............................................................................ 247
8.9.2 S011: Test step 9 .............................................................................. 248
8.10 S012: CAN bus service ................................................................................ 249
8.10.1 S012: Test step 1 .............................................................................. 249
8.11 S017: Configuration service ......................................................................... 252
8.11.1 S017: Test step 2 .............................................................................. 252
8.11.2 S017: Test step 3 .............................................................................. 254
8.11.3 S017: Test step 4 .............................................................................. 256
8.11.4 S017: Test step 5 .............................................................................. 258
8.11.5 S017: Test step 6 .............................................................................. 259
8.11.6 S017: Test step 7 .............................................................................. 261
8.11.7 S017: Test step 9 .............................................................................. 263
8.11.8 S017: Test step 13 ............................................................................ 265
8.11.9 S017: Test step 14 ............................................................................ 266
8.11.10S017: Test step 15 ........................................................................... 268
8.11.11S017: Test step 25 ........................................................................... 270
8.12 S018: Service for height adjustment ............................................................ 272
8.12.1 S018: Test step 2 .............................................................................. 272
8.12.2 S018: Test step 3 .............................................................................. 274
8.12.3 S018: Test step 4 .............................................................................. 275
8.13 S037: Network service ................................................................................. 277
8.13.1 S037: Test step 1 .............................................................................. 277
8.13.2 S037: Test step 2 .............................................................................. 279
8.13.3 S037: Test step 3 .............................................................................. 281
8.13.4 S037: Test step 4 .............................................................................. 283
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9 Repair....................................................................................................................... 288

9.1 Safety checks................................................................................................ 289

9.2 Height adjustment motor (M1_4)/spindle ...................................................... 290
9.2.1 Preparing for motor replacement ....................................................... 290 Moving the slide manually ................................................................ 290
9.2.2 Removing board DX32....................................................................... 294
9.2.3 Replacing the height adjustment motor/spindle ................................. 296
9.2.4 Laying of cables when replacing the height adjustment motor .......... 298
9.2.5 What has to be done after replacing the height adjustment motor 300
(M1_4) or the spindle?
9.3 Ring motor (M1_3) ........................................................................................ 301

9.3.1 Replacing the ring motor .................................................................... 301
9.3.2 Replacing the pinion at the ring motor ............................................... 303
9.3.3 Laying of cables when replacing the ring motor................................. 305
9.3.4 What has to be done after replacing the ring motor (M1_3)/pinion? .. 305
9.4 Rotary knob on the swivel arm ...................................................................... 306
9.4.1 Replacing the rotary knob .................................................................. 306
9.5 Control panel................................................................................................. 307
9.5.1 Replacing the Easypad user interface (GALILEOS Comfort) or 307
Multipad (GALILEOS Compact) What has to be done after replacing the user interface? ................. 308
9.5.2 Laying of cables when replacing the user interface ........................... 309
9.6 X-ray tube unit............................................................................................... 310
9.6.1 Replacing the X-ray tube assembly ................................................... 310
9.6.2 Cables and connectors for replacement of the X-ray tube assembly. 316
9.6.3 What has to be done after replacing the X-ray tube assembly? ........ 317
9.7 Fan (X-ray tube assembly) ............................................................................ 318
9.7.1 Replacing the fan ............................................................................... 318
9.7.2 What has to be done after replacing the fan? .................................... 318
9.8 X-ray detector................................................................................................ 319
9.8.1 Replace X-ray detector ...................................................................... 319
9.8.2 What has to be done after replacing the X-ray detector?................... 324

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9.9 FaceScan ..................................................................................................... 325

9.9.1 Replacing the scan unit ..................................................................... 325 Removing the defective scan unit ................................................... 325 Attaching new scan unit .................................................................. 327 What has to be done after replacing the scanner unit?................... 332
9.9.2 Replacing the PoE module................................................................ 333 Removing the faulty PoE module .................................................... 333 Installing the new PoE module ........................................................ 335
9.10 Head fixation device ..................................................................................... 338
9.10.1 Replacing receptacle element for head fixation (for unit with head 338
fixation device)
9.11 Light barriers ................................................................................................ 341
9.11.1 Replacing the light barriers ............................................................... 341
9.12 Boards .......................................................................................................... 342
9.12.1 Important notes about replacing boards............................................ 342
9.12.2 Replacing boards .............................................................................. 343 PC board DX1 ................................................................ 344 board DX11 .................................................................... 344 board DX32 .................................................................... 345 board DX89 ....................................................................... 346
9.12.3 Measures following replacement of boards....................................... 347 changing the DX11 board ....................................................... 350
9.13 Cable ............................................................................................................ 358
9.13.1 Replacing energy chain 1 completely ............................................... 358
9.13.2 Replacing cables ............................................................................... 362 fiber-optic cable L5, L6 or L15........................................ 363 replacement (L3, L5, L6, and L15)/Laying the cable/ 364
corrugated tube at the rotation unit cable L7/L117 or L108 in cable track 2 .......................... 366 cable L1 or grounding strap in cable track 1 .................. 368

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10 Maintenance ............................................................................................................ 369

10.1 Calibrating the unit ....................................................................................... 369

10.2 Checking the height adjustment ................................................................... 370
10.3 Checking the fan and temperature sensor ................................................... 371
10.4 Checking the cables for damage.................................................................. 371
10.5 Checking the idling rollers ............................................................................ 372
10.6 Checking the grounding straps..................................................................... 373
10.7 Checking the cable shields........................................................................... 375
10.8 Checking the protective ground wires .......................................................... 377
10.9 Checking the device leakage current ........................................................... 382

11 Dismantling and disposal......................................................................................... 384

11.1 Dismantling and reinstallation ...................................................................... 384

11.2 Disposal........................................................................................................ 384

12 Service Manual History............................................................................................ 386

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1 About this Service Manual Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
1.1 Scope Service Manual GALILEOS

1 About this Service Manual

About this Service Manual

1.1 Scope
Scope of the Service Manual: GALILEOS

This Service Manual describes the servicing of the "GALILEOS Comfort"

and "GALILEOS Compact" digital volume tomographs. It is intended for
use exclusively by trained and authorized distributors and service

1.2 Other documentation required

Other documentation required

In addition to this manual, you need the following documents:


Spare parts list

● GALILEOS List of Spare Parts: Order no. 61 25 699
GALILEOS wiring diagrams

Wiring diagrams
● GALILEOS Wiring References: Order no. 61 25 640
GALILEOS installation

Installation Instructions
● GALILEOS Comfort: Order no. 61 25 574
● GALILEOS / ORTHOPHOS XG 3D Software installation: Order no.
61 42 389
● GALAXIS Operator's Manual: Order no. 61 23 488
● SIDEXIS XG Digital Radiography Installation Instructions:
Order no. 59 67 356
DVD text

You can order the technical documentation in paper form free of change
from our Customer Service Center by specifying the above mentioned
order numbers (REF).
A large portion of the technical documentation is also available our the
product DVD. To call up the instructions, insert the DVD in the DVD drive
of the PC. The DVD then starts automatically and a start screen opens.
The latest documentation can always be downloaded from the Sirona
homepage ( HOME ⇨ Service ⇨ Technical

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1 About this Service Manual
Service Manual GALILEOS 1.3 Tools and auxiliary materials

1.3 Tools and auxiliary materials

Tools and
Tools and auxiliary
auxiliary materials:
materials GALILEOS

● GALILEOS service set: Order No. 6146562

● Screwdriver set (slot and Phillips)
● Torx offset screwdrivers TX10, TX20, TX25
(included in the scope of supply)
● Hexagon socket-head screwdriver, hexagon socket-head screw size
6 mm
(included in the scope of supply)
● Open-end wrench, 13 mm A/F
● Socket wrench, 13 mm A/F, 17 mm A/F, 18 mm A/F
● Side cutting pliers
● Spirit level
● Digital Multimeter, Accuracy Class 1

● Mult-O-Meter 512L
● Soldering tool for repairing cables
● Cable ties
● Teflon tape
● Loctite

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1 About this Service Manual Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
1.4 Structure of the document Service Manual GALILEOS

1.4 Structure of the document

Structure of the document

1.4.1 Identification of danger levels

Identification of danger levels

To prevent personal injury and material damage, please observe the

warning and safety information provided in this document. Such
information is highlighted as follows:

An imminent danger that could result in serious bodily injury or death.

A possibly dangerous situation that could result in serious bodily injury
or death.

A possibly dangerous situation that could result in slight bodily injury.

A possibly harmful situation which could lead to damage of the product
or an object in its environment.

Application instructions and other important information.

Tip: Information on making work easier.

1.4.2 Formats and symbols used

Formats and symbols used

The formats and symbols used in this document have the following

✔ Prerequisite Requests you to do something.

1. First action step
2. Second action step
➢ Alternative action
ª Result
See "Formats and symbols Identifies a reference to another
used [ → 14]" text passage and specifies its page
● List Identifies a list.
"Command/menu item" Identifies commands, menu items
or quotations.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 2 Safety instructions
Service Manual GALILEOS 2.1 Modifications to the unit

2 Safety instructions
Safety instructions

2.1 Modifications to the unit

Modifications to the unit

Modifications to this unit which might affect the safety of the system
owner, patients or other persons are prohibited by law!
For reasons of product safety, this product may be operated only with
original Sirona accessories or third-party accessories expressly approved
by Sirona. The user is responsible for any damage resulting from the use
of non-approved accessories.

2.2 Fixed connection

Fixed connection

Potentially lethal shock hazard!

Fixed connection!
Installing a mains plug instead of the specified fixed connection infringes
international medical regulatory actions and is prohibited. In case of
error, this puts patients, users, and other parties seriously at risk.

2.3 Electromagnetic compatibility

Electromagnetic compatibility

The unit complies with the requirements of standard IEC 60601-1-2.

Medical electrical equipment is subject to special EMC preventive
measures. It must be installed and operated as specified in the document
"Installation Requirements".
If high-voltage systems, radio link systems or MRI systems are located
within 5 m of the unit, please observe the specifications stated in the
installation requirements.
Portable and mobile RF communications equipment may interfere with
medical electrical equipment. Therefore, the use of mobile wireless
phones in medical office or hospital environments must be prohibited.

2.4 Electrostatic discharge

Electrostatic discharge (abbreviated: ESD – ElectroStatic Discharge)
Electrostatic discharge

Electrostatic discharge from people can damage electronic components

when the components are touched.
Touch a ground point to discharge static electricity before touching any

2.5 Switching the unit on

Safety the unit on
information for switching on the unit: Service engineer

Due to the risk of injury caused by malfunction, no person may be

positioned in the unit when it is switched on.

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2 Safety instructions Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
2.6 Condensation Service Manual GALILEOS

2.6 Condensation
Safety information for condensation: Service engineer

Extreme fluctuations of temperature may cause condensation inside the

unit. Do not switch the unit on before it has reached normal room
temperature. See also Technical Data.

2.7 Laser light localizer

Laser light localizer

Safety information for light localizer: Service engineer

The system incorporates Class 1 laser products.

A minimum distance of 10 cm (4") is required between the eye and the
laser. Do not stare into the beam.
Do not use the system with any other lasers, and do not make any
changes to settings or processes that are not described in these
operating instructions. This may lead to a dangerous exposure to

2.8 Ventilation slots

Ventilation slots
Ventilation slots

Never cover the ventilation slots on the unit under any circumstances,
since this may obstruct air circulation. This can cause the unit to overheat.

2.9 Qualifications of service personnel

Qualifications of service personnel

Installation and startup may be carried out only by personnel specifically

authorized by Sirona.

2.10 Radiation protection

Safety protection
information for radiation protection: Service engineer

The valid radiation protection regulations and measures must be

observed. The statutory radiation protection equipment must be used.
During an exposure, the service engineer should move as far away from
the X-ray tube assembly as the coiled cable of the manual release
With the exception of the service engineer, no other persons are allowed
to stay in the room during an exposure.
In case of malfunctions, cancel the exposure immediately by letting go of
the exposure release button.

2.11 Safety checks

Safety checks
Safety checks

After implementing repair work, protective conductors and device leakage

current checks must be carried out (see the sections on "Checking
protective conductor" and "Checking device leakage current").

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.1 Unit classes and versions

3 Unit description
Unit description

3.1 Unit classes and versions

Unit classes and versions


B Control panel
C Facescan (optional)

*The unit is prepared for optional operation with Facescan from the
following unit serial numbers:

Unit class from serial number

GALILEOS Comfort 9,000
GALILEOS Compact 49,000

Unit software version V04.09.00 or higher must be installed to operate the

GALILEOS with Facescan.

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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.1 Unit classes and versions Service Manual GALILEOS

3.1.1 "GALILEOS Comfort" and "GALILEOS Compact"

The "Comfort" and "Compact" unit classes differ by the equipment of the
"GALILEOS Comfort" and "GALILEOS Compact"

control panel (B). While the GALILEOS Comfort has a control panel with
a color touchscreen (Easypad), the Compact has a simpler control panel
with a single-line display (Multipad). There are slight variations in how the
two unit classes operate because of the difference in the control panels.


Prog. S kV mA


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Service Manual GALILEOS 3.2 Hardware

3.2 Hardware

3.2.1 Information on the unit

Information on the unit

The following symbols are applied to the unit:

Accompanying documents
Observe accompanying documents. The Operating Instructions are
provided on an electronic data carrier. These are delivered together with
the unit.

Electrostatic discharge (ESD)

Connector pins or sockets bearing ESD warning labels must not be

touched or interconnected without ESD protective measures. See also
"Electrostatic discharge" and "Electromagnetic compatibility" [ → 15].

Identification of single use devices

Single use devices are identified with the symbol shown on the left. They
must be disposed of immediately after use. Do not use single use devices
more than once.

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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2 Hardware Service Manual GALILEOS

3.2.2 Installation versions

Installation versions


The unit can be equipped with...

● a 1-3 m coiled cable with release button inside the treatment room (A)
or ...
● a remote control with or without coiled cable (B+C) located outside
the X-ray room (see also installation instructions).

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.2 Hardware

3.2.3 Modules and components

Modules and
Modules and components
components: GALILEOS


A Slide
B Stand
C Remote control [ → 24]
D FACESCAN [ → 24] (optional)

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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2 Hardware Service Manual GALILEOS Slide






Component Designation Function

Boards DX1 Open loop/closed loop control in
DX11 Controller board
DX6* Open loop/closed loop tube
DX7* Easypad touchscreen
(GALILEOS Comfort)
DX71* LED display on Multipad
(GALILEOS Compact)
DX89 Image memory of the X-ray detector
Motor MU Rotary movement of rotating
Light barriers LS Position control of the ring cycle
LS Position control of the swivel arm

*) not available as individual repair part (see spare parts list).

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.2 Hardware Stand




Component Designation Function

Boards DX32* Power supply board
DX41** Interface board
Motor MHV Linear movement of height

*) From unit serial number 3101, new units are supplied with a new
version of the board DX32 (see chapter "Board photos [ → 31]").
**) Starting with unit serial number 3201, new units will be delivered
without board DX41.

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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2 Hardware Service Manual GALILEOS Remote control

Remote control

Component Designation Function

Board DX42 Display board for remote control

DX42 Facescan

Component Designation Function

Boards FACESCAN Modular board
PoE Power supply board

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.2 Hardware

3.2.4 Cabling overview

Cabling overview


L5 DX11
L2 DX89


A L4


L5 B

A Power switch
B Line filter
C Wago terminal

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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2 Hardware Service Manual GALILEOS

DX1 / J306 – J307


DX6 / J2 – J3

L6 526 DX1/


L6 DX11
DX1 DX89
L10 L10

L15 DX7/DX71

A Power switch

61 25 665 D3437
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.2 Hardware


L19 DX1 DX89
L16 L29

L13 L27 L28*





* Cable L28 cannot be replaced on X-ray detectors with a serial number

≥ 5000.

A Power switch

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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2 Hardware Service Manual GALILEOS

Cabling up to serial number 3199


L8 DX1



L7 L8


E Media converter

61 25 665 D3437
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.2 Hardware

Cabling from serial number 3201


L108 DX1



L108 L7



E Media converter

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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2 Hardware Service Manual GALILEOS

Facescan cabling

L77 L78
DX1 DX89





A Power switch

61 25 665 D3437
30 D3437. 06.2012
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.2 Hardware

3.2.5 Board photos

Board photos Boards in the slide

Boards in the slide

Boards DX1/DX11 Installed up to unit serial number 8499 for "GALILEOS Comfort" and
48499 for "GALILEOS Compact".


GALILEOS DX1 new version, approx. March 2011

61 25 665 D3437
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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2 Hardware Service Manual GALILEOS

Boards DX1/DX11 Installed from units with a serial number of 8500 and above for
"GALILEOS Comfort", and
48500 and above for "GALILEOS Compact"

The DX1/DX11V2 board can only be operated with unit software version
V04.04.00 or higher.

61 25 665 D3437
32 D3437. 06.2012
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.2 Hardware

Board DX6 This board is not available as a spare part or a repair part. X-ray tube
assemblies can only be ordered as complete units.


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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2 Hardware Service Manual GALILEOS

Board DX7
DX7: GALILEOS restriction

This board is only used in the "GALILEOS Comfort" (not in "GALILEOS

The board is not available as a spare part or a repair part. The Easypad
can only be ordered as a complete unit.


61 25 665 D3437
34 D3437. 06.2012
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.2 Hardware

Board DX71 This board is only used in the "GALILEOS Compact" (not in "GALILEOS


61 25 665 D3437
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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2 Hardware Service Manual GALILEOS


Board DX89

61 25 665 D3437
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.2 Hardware Boards in the stand

Boards in the stand

Board DX32 Up to device serial number 3199

Board DX32
DX32: GALILEOS: from serial no. 3201

From device serial number 3201

A Line filter

61 25 665 D3437
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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2 Hardware Service Manual GALILEOS

Board DX41 This board is not available as a repair part or spare part.
Board DX41 is omitted in units with a serial number of 3201 and above.

61 25 665 D3437
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.2 Hardware Board in the remote control

Board in the remote control

Board DX42 This board is not available as a spare part or a repair part.


61 25 665 D3437
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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2 Hardware Service Manual GALILEOS Boards in Facescan)

Boards in Facescan)

FACESCAN modular board This modular board is not available as a spare part or a repair part.
Facescan can only be ordered as a complete unit.

61 25 665 D3437
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.2 Hardware

PoE power supply board


61 25 665 D3437
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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2 Hardware Service Manual GALILEOS

3.2.6 Covers

When removing covers, always remember that direct sunlight or bright

room lighting can cause system malfunctions due to activated light
barriers. Therefore: avoid direct sunlight and bright room lighting above
the unit!
Reattach all covers. When attaching the covers: be sure to screw the
sheet metal cover back on.
IMPORTANT: For reasons of electromagnetic compatibility, be sure to
fasten all screws.

61 25 665 D3437
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.2 Hardware




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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2 Hardware Service Manual GALILEOS

A Profile covers, top and bottom

B Intermediate piece
C Tube assembly cover, front
D Tube assembly cover, rear
E Cover for ring center (in units without head fixation device)
F Acquisition unit for head fixation device (in units with head
fixation device)
G Ring cover
H Support cover
I Swivel arm cover
J Arm cover
K Slide cover, front
L Slide cover, top rear
M Slide cover, center rear
N Slide cover, bottom rear
O X-ray detector cover

61 25 665 D3437
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.2 Hardware

3.2.7 Technical data

Technical data

Chassis: Model designation GALILEOS

Nominal voltage: 200 V – 240 V
Permissible fluctuation: ±10%
Permissible drop under load: 10%
Rated current: 6A
Nominal power output: 0.6 kW at 85 kV/7mA
Current time product: 42 mAs
Nominal frequency: 50 Hz/60 Hz
Internal line impedance: max. 0.8 ohms
Main building fuse: 25 A slow-blow (16 A for single line)
Power consumption: 0.9 kVA

X-ray tube assembly: Focal spot size acc. to IEC 60336,
measured in the central X-ray beam: 0.5
kV: 85 kV
mA: 5 mA/7 mA
Pulsed mode: 10 ms – 30 ms
Total filtration of X-ray tube assembly > 2.5 Al / 90 IEC 60522
Cone-beam angle: collimated to approx. 24°
High voltage generation frequency: 80 kHz – 100 kHz

Detector: Type: Image intensifier (I.I.),

Thales or Siemens
Active input window size: 215 mm (8 1/2") diameter
Camera: Pixels: 10002
FPS: 15 – 30
Dynamics: 12 bits,
(4096 brightness values), 60 dB

Facescanner (optional): Model designation Facescan

Maximum current: 6.25 A
Power consumption: 0.945 kVA
Weight 5.7 kg

Geometry: Source-I.I. converter coating distance 510 mm (20 1/16")

(central X-ray beam)
Source-isocenter distance 333 mm (13 1/8")
(central X-ray beam)
Source-skin distance approx. 220 mm (8 5/8")
(minimum distance)

Scanning operation: Orbital angle 204°

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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2 Hardware Service Manual GALILEOS

Scan time approx. 14 s

Number of single exposures 200

Marking of focal spot:

Automatic exposure blocking: The duration of automatic exposure

blocking (cooling period) depends on the
set kV/mA level and the actual exposure
time. Depending on the tube load, interval
times of 8 s to 300 s are automatically set
by the system.
Class I device
Degree of protection against electric
shock: Type B device
Degree of protection against ingress of Ordinary equipment
water: (without protection against ingress of
Year of manufacture:

20XX(on the rating plate)

Mode of operation: Continuous operation
Long-term power output: 100 W
Anode material: Tungsten
Exposure parameters for determining 7mA/85 kV
leakage radiation:
Continuing current for leakage radiation 0.14 mA
Transport and storage temperature:
Basic unit -40°C – +70°C (-40°F – 158°F)
Detector -30°C – +55°C (-22°F – 131°F)
Air humidity: 10% – 95% without condensation
Admissible operating temperature: from +10°C to +35°C (50°F – 95°F)
Operating altitude: ≤ 3000 m

X-ray tube: Toshiba DF-151R

Siemens SR 120/15/60

61 25 665 D3437
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.2 Hardware

Minimum requirements for Processor: DualCore from 1.6 GHz

reconstruction PC (included
in the scope of supply):
Hard disks: > 200 GB
Operating system: Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2
or newer
External drive: 1x DVD-ROM, dual-layer

Minimum requirements for See SIDEXIS XG Operator’s Manual.

SIDEXIS visualization PC
(not included in the scope of

The system requirements are also listed under

Network: Network: 100 MB Ethernet, 1 Gbit Ethernet
Communication interface: RJ45 for LAN cable

61 25 665 D3437
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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2 Hardware Service Manual GALILEOS Diagrams

Cooling curve of tube housing

Cooling curve of X-ray tube

Heating curve of tube housing

61 25 665 D3437
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.2 Hardware

Central X-ray beam


Anode angle


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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.3 Software/compatibility Service Manual GALILEOS

3.3 Software/compatibility

3.3.1 GALILEOS firmware

GALILEOS firmware

Any software combinations other than those listed here are not allowed.
If a module software version does not match the main software version,
the main software version is identified with an asterisk on the info screen
(e.g. 04.03.01*).
Main software V03.03.02
GALILEOS Remote control
Board Software Board Software
DX6 02.88.00 DX42 02.45.06
DX7 02.57.00
DX7-L0 02.18.00
DX7-L1 02.18.00
DX7-L2 02.18.00
DX7-L3 02.18.00
DX7-L4 –
DX7-L5 –
DX71 –
DX11 02.61.01
DX41 02.30.00
DX89 01.10.06
DX89 FPGA 01.13.01

The main software V03.03.02 is run-compatible as of GALILEOS

Software V1.2.
Main software V03.04.00
GALILEOS Remote control
Board Software Board Software
DX6 02.88.00 DX42 02.46.04
DX7 02.58.03
DX7-L0 02.22.00
DX7-L1 02.22.00
DX7-L2 02.22.00
DX7-L3 02.22.00
DX7-L4 –
DX7-L5 –
DX71 –
DX11 02.63.05
DX41 02.30.00
DX89 01.12.07
DX89 FPGA 01.13.01

The main software V03.04.00 is run-compatible as of GALILEOS

Software V1.4.

61 25 665 D3437
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.3 Software/compatibility

Main software V03.04.02

GALILEOS Remote control
Board Software Board Software
DX6 02.88.00 DX42 02.46.04
DX7 02.58.03
DX7-L0 02.22.00
DX7-L1 02.22.00
DX7-L2 02.22.00
DX7-L3 02.22.00
DX7-L4 –
DX7-L5 –
DX71 –
DX11 02.64.00
DX41 02.30.00
DX89 01.12.07

DX89 FPGA 01.13.01

The main software V03.04.02 is run-compatible as of GALILEOS

Software V1.4.3.
Main software V03.05.00
GALILEOS Remote control
Board Software Board Software
DX6 02.88.00 DX42 02.47.00
DX7 02.60.00
DX7-L0 02.22.00
DX7-L1 02.22.00
DX7-L2 02.22.00
DX7-L3 02.22.00
DX7-L4 01.00.00
DX7-L5 –
DX71 –
DX11 02.66.00
DX41 02.30.00
DX89 01.16.00
DX89 FPGA 01.15.00

The main software V03.05.00 is run-compatible as of GALILEOS

Software V1.5.

61 25 665 D3437
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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.3 Software/compatibility Service Manual GALILEOS

Main software V03.06.01

GALILEOS Remote control
Board Software Board Software
DX6 02.90.00 DX42 02.48.00
DX7 02.61.00
DX7-L0 02.22.00
DX7-L1 02.22.00
DX7-L2 02.22.00
DX7-L3 02.22.00
DX7-L4 01.00.00
DX7-L5 –
DX71 02.40.00
DX11 02.67.01
DX41 02.30.00
DX89 01.17.00
DX89 FPGA 01.15.00

For "GALILEOS Comfort": The main software V03.06.01 is run-

compatible from GALILEOS Software V1.5 or above.
For "GALILEOS Compact": The main software V03.06.01 is run-
compatible from GALILEOS Software V1.6 or above.
Main software V03.06.02
GALILEOS Remote control
Board Software Board Software
DX6 02.90.00 DX42 02.48.00
DX7 02.61.00
DX7-L0 02.22.00
DX7-L1 02.22.00
DX7-L2 02.22.00
DX7-L3 02.22.00
DX7-L4 01.00.00
DX7-L5 –
DX71 02.40.00
DX11 02.67.03
DX41 02.30.00
DX89 01.17.00
DX89 FPGA 01.15.00

For "GALILEOS Comfort": The main software V03.06.01 is run-

compatible from GALILEOS Software V1.5 or above.
For "GALILEOS Compact": The main software V03.06.01 is run-
compatible from GALILEOS Software V1.6 or above.

61 25 665 D3437
52 D3437. 06.2012
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.3 Software/compatibility

Main software V03.07.00

GALILEOS Remote control
Board Software Board Software
DX6 02.93.00 DX42 02.48.00
DX7 02.63.00
DX7-L0 02.26.00
DX7-L1 02.26.00
DX7-L2 02.26.00
DX7-L3 02.26.00
DX7-L4 02.03.00
DX7-L5 02.01.00
DX71 02.40.00
DX11 02.71.00
DX41 02.30.00
DX89 01.18.00

DX89 FPGA 01.15.00


Server software Compatibility Update Implant
V2.5.1 or higher V1.7.x V1.7.x V1.7.4 or higher V1.7.x
V1.8 V2.0 / V2.1 V1.8

Main software V03.07.02

GALILEOS Remote control
Board Software Board Software
DX6 02.94.00 DX42 02.48.00
DX7 02.63.00
DX7-L0 02.26.00
DX7-L1 02.26.00
DX7-L2 02.26.00
DX7-L3 02.26.00
DX7-L4 02.03.00
DX7-L5 02.01.00
DX71 02.40.00
DX11 02.73.00
DX41 02.30.00
DX89 01.19.00
DX89 FPGA 01.15.00


Server software Compatibility Update Implant
V2.5.1 or higher V1.7.x V1.7.x V1.7.4 or higher V1.7.x
V1.8 V2.0 / V2.1 V1.8

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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.3 Software/compatibility Service Manual GALILEOS

Main software V04.04.00

GALILEOS Remote control
Board Software Board Software
DX6 03.05.00 DX42 02.54.00
DX7 02.77.01
DX7-L0 02.29.00
DX7-L1 02.29.00
DX7-L2 02.27.00
DX7-L3 02.27.00
DX7-L4 02.04.00
DX7-L5 02.02.00
DX71 02.54.00
DX11 04.04.01
DX11-FPGA 01.03.00
DX41 02.30.00
DX89 01.55.00
DX89 FPGA 01.54.00


Server software Implant
V2.5.1 or higher V1.8 V2.0 / V2.1 V1.8

Main software V04.07.00

GALILEOS Remote control
Board Software Board Software
DX6 03.05.00 DX42 02.55.00
DX7 02.79.00
DX7-L0 02.29.00
DX7-L1 02.29.00
DX7-L2 02.27.00
DX7-L3 02.27.00
DX7-L4 02.04.00
DX7-L5 02.02.00
DX71 02.54.00
DX11 04.07.00
DX11-FPGA 01.03.00
DX41 02.30.00
DX89 01.56.00
DX89 FPGA 01.54.00


Server software Implant
V2.5.1 or higher V1.8 V2.0 / V2.1 V1.8

61 25 665 D3437
54 D3437. 06.2012
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.3 Software/compatibility

Main software V04.07.01

GALILEOS Remote control
Board Software Board Software
DX6 03.05.00 DX42 02.55.00
DX7 02.79.00
DX7-L0 02.29.00
DX7-L1 02.29.00
DX7-L2 02.27.00
DX7-L3 02.27.00
DX7-L4 02.04.00
DX7-L5 02.02.00
DX71 02.54.00
DX11 04.07.01
DX11-FPGA 01.03.00
DX41 02.30.00

DX89 01.56.00
DX89 FPGA 01.54.00


Server software Implant
V2.5.1 or higher V1.8 / V1.9 V2.0 / V2.1 V1.8 / V1.9

Main software V04.09.01

GALILEOS Remote control
Board Software Board Software
DX6 03.06.01 DX42 02.56.02
DX6NG 04.07.01
DX7 02.80.05
DX7-L0 02.29.00
DX7-L1 02.29.00
DX7-L2 02.27.00
DX7-L3 02.27.00
DX7-L4 02.04.00
DX7-L5 02.02.00
DX71 02.54.03
DX11 04.09.01
DX11-FPGA 01.03.00
DX41 02.30.00
DX89 01.58.00
DX89 FPGA 01.55.00


Server software Implant
V2.5.3 or higher V1.10 V2.2 V1.9SP1

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3 Unit description Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.3 Software/compatibility Service Manual GALILEOS

3.3.2 Facescan firmware

Facescan firmware


main unit software
FS 000001 V04.09.00 or higher V1.10 or higher V2.5.3 or higher
or higher

3.3.3 GALILEOS Software


Software index
V1.2 004 Requires unit main software V 03.03.01 and
V1.4 005 Requires unit main software V 03.04.00 and
V1.4.3 SW 007 Requires unit main software V 03.04.01 and
V1.5 009 Requires unit main software V 03.05.00 and
V1.6 011 For "GALILEOS Comfort": Requires unit main
software V 03.05.00 and SIDEXIS 2.3 or
For "GALILEOS Compact": Requires unit
main software V 03.06.01 and SIDEXIS 2.3 or
V1.6.1 012 For "GALILEOS Comfort": Requires unit main
software V 03.05.00 and SIDEXIS 2.3 or
For "GALILEOS Compact": Requires unit
main software V 03.06.02 and SIDEXIS 2.3 or
V1.7 013 For "GALILEOS Comfort": Requires unit main
software V 03.05.00 and SIDEXIS 2.3 or
For "GALILEOS Compact": Requires unit
main software V 03.06.02 and SIDEXIS 2.3 or
V1.7.1 014 For "GALILEOS Comfort": Requires unit main
software V 03.05.00 and SIDEXIS 2.3 or
For "GALILEOS Compact": Requires unit
main software V 03.06.02 and SIDEXIS 2.3 or
V1.7.1.1 015 For "GALILEOS Comfort": Requires unit main
software V 03.05.00 and SIDEXIS 2.3 or
For "GALILEOS Compact": Requires unit
main software V 03.06.02 and SIDEXIS 2.3 or

61 25 665 D3437
56 D3437. 06.2012
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Unit description
Service Manual GALILEOS 3.3 Software/compatibility

Software index
V1.7.2 016 For "GALILEOS Comfort": Requires unit main
software V 03.05.00 and SIDEXIS 2.3 or
For "GALILEOS Compact": Requires unit
main software V 03.06.02 and SIDEXIS 2.3 or
V1.7.4 002 For "GALILEOS Comfort": Requires unit main
software V 03.05.00 and SIDEXIS 2.3 or
For "GALILEOS Compact": Requires unit
main software V 03.06.02 and SIDEXIS 2.3 or
V1.8 001 For "GALILEOS Comfort": Requires unit main
software V 03.05.00 and SIDEXIS 2.5.1 or

For "GALILEOS Compact": Requires unit
main software V 03.06.02 and SIDEXIS 2.5.1
or above.
V1.9 003 For "GALILEOS Comfort": Requires unit main
software V 03.05.00 and SIDEXIS 2.5.1 or
For "GALILEOS Compact": Requires unit
main software V 03.06.02 and SIDEXIS 2.5.1
or above.
V1.10 004 For "GALILEOS Comfort": Requires unit main
software V 04.09.00 and SIDEXIS 2.5.3 or
For "GALILEOS Compact": Requires unit
main software V 04.09.00 and SIDEXIS 2.5.3
or higher.

61 25 665 D3437
D3437. 06.2012 57
4 General operating procedures Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
4.1 Switching the unit on Service Manual GALILEOS

4 General operating procedures

General operating procedures

4.1 Switching the unit on

Switching the unit on

Be sure to observe the radiation protection regulations applicable in
your country.
➢ No person may be positioned in the unit when it is switched on.

Damage to the unit
Check the room height before you raise the unit.
➢ If the room height is less than 2.27 m (89 3/8") or 2.30 m (90 1/2")
for installation with the floor stand, you must limit the maximum
travel height [ → 272].

Fluctuations in temperature can cause condensation to form in the unit.
Electrical components are destroyed by short circuits.
➢ Do not switch the unit on until the temperature of the unit has
adapted to the ambient temperature and the condensation has
Waiting time when switching on and off

The unit must not be switched on/off constantly.
Constant switching on and off reduces the service life of individual unit
components and results in increased power consumption.
➢ After switching the unit off, wait for approx. 60 seconds before
switching it on again.

61 25 665 D3437
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 4 General operating procedures
Service Manual GALILEOS 4.1 Switching the unit on

4.1.1 Switching the "GALILEOS Comfort" on

Switching the "GALILEOS Comfort" on

The surface of the touchscreen is sensitive.
The touchscreen can be damaged or its surface scratched.
➢ Never use pointed objects such as ballpoint pens, pencils, etc. to
operate the touchscreen.
➢ Only use your fingertips to operate the touchscreen.

After the unit is switched on, the touchscreen has only limited readability
for several minutes until the background lighting has completed its
warm-up phase.
After the unit is switched off with the main switch, the touchscreen
remains lit for approx. another 3 to 5 seconds.

1. Turn the main switch (A) to position I.
2. Wait for approx. 1 minute.
A B ª The X-ray radiation indicator (B) lights up for approx. 1 second as
a functional check.
ª After approx. 2 seconds, the green LED (C) in the upper part of
the control panel lights up. This LED remains lit as long as the
unit is on.
C ª The start screen is displayed on the touchscreen for several
ª The program selection is then displayed on the touchscreen.
3. Check whether the patient symbols on the touchscreen can be
selected in exactly the right position.
If problems occur during selection, adjust the touchscreen [ → 191].
4. Press the R key.
ª The unit moves to its starting position.
5. Switch on the PC.
6. Start SIDEXIS XG.
ª As long as no connection has been made to SIDEXIS XG, the
message "Switch SIDEXIS to ready for exposure state" is
displayed in the comment line of the control panel.

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D3437. 06.2012 59
4 General operating procedures Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
4.1 Switching the unit on Service Manual GALILEOS

4.1.2 Switching the "GALILEOS Compact" on

1. Turn the main switch (A) to position I.
Switching the "GALILEOS Compact" on

2. Wait for approx. 1 minute.

A B ª The X-ray radiation indicator (B) lights up for approx. 1 second as
a functional check.
ª After approx. 2 seconds, the green LED (C) in the upper part of
the control panel lights up. This LED remains lit as long as the
unit is on.
C 3. Press the R key.
ª The unit moves to its starting position.
4. Switch on the PC.
5. Start SIDEXIS XG.
ª Help message H401 remains displayed on the Multipad as long
as there is no connection with SIDEXIS XG.

4.1.3 Factory setting after switch-on

Factory setting
Factory setting after switch-on GALILEOS
after switch-on:

The unit has the following factory configuration on delivery:

● Start settings:
– Starting position: from the front (right)
– VO1 (for "GALILEOS Comfort")
– V04 (for "GALILEOS Compact")
– Patient symbol 2: 85 kV/21mAs
● The acoustic signal for end of exposure is activated.
For "GALILEOS Comfort" only:
● The unit language is preconfigured as ordered.
● The welcome screen is switched on.
● The first name, last name and date of birth lines are displayed on the
welcome screen.
If the customer requires a different configuration, this can be implemented
via service routine S017 [ → 252].

61 25 665 D3437
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 4 General operating procedures
Service Manual GALILEOS 4.2 Updating the firmware

4.2 Updating the firmware

Updating the firmware

4.2.1 Updating the unit firmware

Updating thesoftware
GALILEOS unit firmware

Read the information provided on the software CD supplied with the unit
and on the SIRONA dealer page on the Internet very carefully. These
sources always contain the latest information on software updates.
1. Start the "SIDEXIS Manager" under "Start"/"Programs"/"SIDEXIS"/
2. Click on "Configuration of the X-ray components".
ª The "Configuration of the X-ray components" menu opens.

3. Select the "Attributes" tab.
4. Click on the "Software update" button.
ª The dialog box for entering the service password opens.
5. Enter the service password.
Enter the first 4 digits of the current system date in reverse order as
the service password (e.g. on 05/24/1995, 5042 must be entered as
the service password.
If an incorrect service password or no password at all is entered, the
limited update menu for users will be started. This only supports an
automatic update option.
ª The dialog box for selecting the installation source opens.

6. Click on the button with the 3 dots.

"imagefile" is the default installation source for the software update.

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4.2 Updating the firmware Service Manual GALILEOS

7. Select the path or the desired update file from the list and click "Open"
to confirm the selection.
The update file is located on the unit software CD. It is delivered with
each DX11 replacement board and also included in the country set.
The contents of the CD can be downloaded from the Dealer domain
of the SIRONA Internet home page (under Product Info/X-ray
8. Click on the "OK" button.
ª The software manager opens.
ª The left-hand window of the software manager displays the
modules and their current software versions.
ª In the left-hand window of the software manager, you can now
select the update modes "Automatic" and "Main version" using
the tabs.

9. Select the desired mode for the software update (see chapter entitled
"Update mode").

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Service Manual GALILEOS 4.2 Updating the firmware

Unit inoperability!
Before starting the software update, make sure that no unit movements
are active. Otherwise the system may become inoperable in rare cases.
The X-ray detector must be installed as part of the update. Exposure
readiness must be deselected in SIDEXIS XG and the unit must not
already be in service mode.

10. Click on the "Start SW update" button.

ª The update is started. A message box informs you when the

update process is completed. båÖäáëÜ
11. Confirm the update by clicking the "OK" button.
ª A message in the software manager notifies you that a unit restart
is required to activate the software update you performed.

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4.2 Updating the firmware Service Manual GALILEOS

Effectiveness of the software update
The unit must be restarted after every software update. The new DX11
version will not run until the unit has been rebooted (see also chapter
"Measures following replacement of boards [ → 347]").
Any errors with the consecutive numbers 01, 03, 04, 06 or 07 displayed
immediately following the software update may be ignored. If these
messages appear again after the unit is rebooted, perform
troubleshooting as described in the section entitled "Error
messages [ → 85]".
If anything conspicuous occurs in connection with unit handling on
completion of the software update and restart of the unit, please repeat
the software update as the first measure.

12. Click on the "Show logfile" button and use the log files to check
whether the update was successfully performed.
If it features entries such as "Update of DXxx failed!", please perform
the update again. Repeat this procedure as often as necessary until
the "failed messages" no longer appear.

13. Restart the unit now.

14. Use the software manager or the service routine S008.2 (see chapter
entitled "Unit software versions and compatibility") to check whether
all modules have been updated to the latest release of the program
(see chapter entitled "Using the update manager to check the
program releases".
15. Call up "More details..." via SiXABCon.
This generates an XML file (with the system parameters) which is
Filed in the PDATA/.../P2K_Config directory under the network name
of the unit.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 4 General operating procedures
Service Manual GALILEOS 4.2 Updating the firmware Update mode

Update mode:
Update mode GALILEOS

You can select two different update modes via the tabs "Automatic" or
"Main version":
● "Automatic"
The software of all components is automatically updated to the latest
software version.
The right window displays a list of the modules, their installed
software version and the latest software version offered by the

● "Main version"
The software can be upgraded or downgraded to the desired version.
This update mode is required, for example, if a replacement module
arrives from the warehouse and features a newer release than the
existing main release of the unit. In this case, a main version update
to the overall system status (displayed on the info screen) must be
performed for the corresponding component with the appropriate
update file (*.SUI). The module is then reprogrammed.
The colored bars in front of the software releases indicate their validity
(see chapter entitled "Using the update manager to check the program

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4 General operating procedures Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
4.2 Updating the firmware Service Manual GALILEOS Check program releases

You can use the right-hand window of the software manager to check
Check program releases

which modules are connected to the unit and what their latest program
release is.
NOTE: From unit serial number 8500 (for "GALILEOS Comfort") or 48500
(for "GALILEOS Compact") and above, a DX11_FPGA version is also
displayed in addition to this list.

Modules which are connected and whose program release corresponds

to the latest main software version (see chapter entitled "" are identified
by a continuous green bar.
Modules which the system does not recognize are identified by a broken
red bar.
If the actual status of the module cannot be polled for the update, the
actual SW version will be displayed as = V00:00.
If a module has a hardware incompatibility to the program status to be
programmed or the software version on the module is newer than the one
in the update file, this will be indicated by a red triangle with an
exclamation mark.
If the version of the selected update file is lower than the current software
version of the unit, then there will be no display in the right window. The
downgrade required in this case is possible only via "Main version" mode.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 4 General operating procedures
Service Manual GALILEOS 4.2 Updating the firmware

4.2.2 Updating the Facescan firmware

Updating the Facescan firmware

There are two ways of updating the Facescan firmware:

● Option 1: Update via USB stick [ → 67]
The program data on the Facescan unit is completely overwritten.
● Option 2: Update via the network [ → 70]
The program data is transferred to the Facescan unit. Unlike in option
1, the unit configuration data is, however, not overwritten. Option 1: Update using the Facescan USB stick

Option 1: Update using the Facescan USB stick

Opening Facescan
1. Unscrew the cover (A) from the Facescan.

2. Pull gray cable L78.4 from slot X2 of the FACESCAN modular board.
3. Unscrew the protective plate (T) from the Facescan unit.
ª The FACESCAN modular board is visible.
4. Plug cable L78.4 again into slot X2 on the FACESCAN modular

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4 General operating procedures Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
4.2 Updating the firmware Service Manual GALILEOS

Updating the software

1. Plug the Facescan USB stick into the PC.
2. Open the "facescan_settings.cfg" configuration file in a text editor.
3. Enter the value "UPDATE" for the "USB_STICK_MODE" entry
(for example: USB_STICK_MODE=UPDATE).
4. For selection by DHCP:
Enter the value "ON" for the "DCHP_STATE" entry
(for example: DHCP_STATE=ON).
➢ For selection without DHCP:
Enter the value "OFF" for the "DCHP_STATE" entry
(for example: DHCP_STATE=OFF).
5. Enter the value "OFF" for the "DCHP_STATE" entry
(for example: DHCP_STATE=OFF).
6. Specify the IP address and the subnet mask in the "IP" and
"Netmask" entries.
7. Save your changes.
8. NOTICE! Incorrect removal of the USB stick can lead to loss of data
on the USB stick.
Remove the USB stick using the Safely Remove function (operating
system) of the PC.

Starting the update

✔ The unit must be switched off.

Always switch the device off before inserting the USB stick.
Before the Facescan USB stick can be inserted into the USB socket of
the FACESCAN modular board, GALILEOS must be switched off.
Otherwise the update will not be completed. Instead, the configuration
data stored on the USB stick will be uploaded to GALILEOS.

1. Insert the USB stick into the USB port (U) of the FACESCAN modular
2. Switch the unit on again.
ª The Facescan will be updated.
Both LEDs in the status display light up during the update.
The process takes around 5 minutes (around 1 minute in the
event of an error).
ª The "USB_STICK_MODE" entry in the facescan_settings.cfg file
is reset to "CONFIG".
3. Wait until the green status display LED goes out.
The blue LED should then light up.
ª The update is completed.
4. Switch GALILEOS off.
5. Remove the Facescan USB stick safely from the USB port.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 4.2 Updating the firmware

Checking the update

1. Plug the Facescan USB stick into a PC.
2. Open the "facescan_settings.log" log file in a text editor.
3. Check the entries in the log file.
ª If the update was successful, the log file should state:
"Facescan device software updated with version … successful!"
4. Remove the USB stick from the PC.
Closing the FACESCAN USB slot

Closing Facescan
1. Pull gray cable L78.4 from slot X2 of the FACESCAN modular board.
2. Screw the protective plate (T) onto the Facescan unit.

3. Plug cable L78.4 again into slot X2 on the FACESCAN modular

4. Screw down the cover (A) onto the Facescan.

Concluding the update

1. Switch the unit on.
2. Perform a complete unit calibration [ → 155].
3. Perform a white balance [ → 190].

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4 General operating procedures Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
4.2 Updating the firmware Service Manual GALILEOS Option 2: Firmware update via the network

Option 2: Firmware update via the network

Opening the web dialog

1. In SIDEXIS Manager, start the "Facescan Configuration" application.
2. Click on the "Facescanner in browser" button.
ª A password dialog box opens.
3. In the field "User" enter "service".
4. In the field "Password" enter "sirona".
ª The "Facescan Device Service " web dialog opens.
Select Update dialog

Select Update dialog

➢ In the menu bar, select the menu item "UPDATE".
ª The "Facescan Firmware Update" window opens.

Starting the update

1. Press the "Enter Update Menu" button.
ª A further "Facescan Firmware Update" window opens.
2. Press the "Browse…" button.
3. Navigate to the firmware update file and select it.
4. Press the "Upload Image" button.
5. Press the "Run Update" button.
ª The update starts.
The update ends automatically after around 5 minutes with a text
6. Press the "Reboot" button.
7. Wait around a minute until the green LED on the Facescan unit
begins to light up.
8. Only if the SIRONA browser is not being used:
Refresh the browser display (e.g. in Windows® Internet Explorer:
press [F5]).
ª The update is completed.

Concluding the update

1. Switch the unit on.
2. Only at initial installation: Perform a complete unit calibration [ → 155].
3. Only at initial installation: Perform a white balance [ → 190].

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 4 General operating procedures
Service Manual GALILEOS 4.3 Configuring the unit

4.3 Configuring the unit

Configuring the unit

4.3.1 Configuring the unit via the SIDEXIS Manager

SIDEXIS the unit via the
configuration: SIDEXIS Manager

The X-ray component must be set up and enabled using the SIDEXIS
Manager. For more information, refer to SIDEXIS XG Installation

4.3.2 Configuring Facescan

Configuring Facescan

Facescan is generally configured via the integrated web dialog on the

FaceScan unit [ → 75].
There are however two basic options for configuring the Facescan unit:
● Type 1: Configuration using the Facescan USB stick [ → 71]
● Type 2: Configuration over a network cable (peer-to-peer) [ → 75]

båÖäáëÜ Type 1: Configuration using the Facescan USB stick
Type 1: Configuration using the Facescan USB stick

Connecting the USB stick

1. Pull gray cable L78.4 from slot X2 of the FACESCAN modular board.
2. Unscrew the protective plate (T) from the Facescan unit.
ª The FACESCAN modular board is visible.

3. Plug cable L78.4 again into slot X2 on the FACESCAN modular


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4 General operating procedures Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
4.3 Configuring the unit Service Manual GALILEOS

Starting the configuration

1. Plug the Facescan USB stick into a PC.
2. Important! Check the entry "USB_STICK_MODE". The value must be
at "Config".
3. Using a text editor program, edit the configuration file
"facescan_settings.cfg" on the Facescan USB stick and save this
(see section "Syntax of the configuration file
"facescan_settings.cfg" [ → 74]“).
4. NOTICE! Improper removal of the USB stick can lead to loss of data
on the USB stick.
Remove the USB stick using the "safely remove" function (operating
system) of the PC.
5. Switch GALILEOS on.
6. Wait until the green LED of the Facescan status display lights up.
ª The Facescan is now ready for operation.

Always switch the device on before inserting the USB stick!
Before the Facescan USB stick can be inserted into the USB socket of
the FACESCAN modular board, GALILEOS must be switched on.
Otherwise, the Facescan configuration data will be reset to the factory

7. Insert the Facescan USB stick into the USB port of the FACESCAN
ª The Facescan will be configured.
ª Both LEDs of the status display light up.
8. Wait until the light on both the LEDs of the status display goes out
(process lasts some 10 secs).

Faults during configuration
If there has been an error during configuration, only the blue LED of the
status display goes out.
Starting the device again is not necessary here.
➢ In the event of an error, check the log file "facescan_settings.log" on
the USB stick.
➢ Make sure to read section Syntax of the configuration file
"facescan_settings.cfg" [ → 74]“.
➢ Repeat the configuration process.

9. IMPORTANT! Remove the Facescan USB stick from the USB

10. Perform a restart of the device.
ª The Facescan configuration is complete.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 4.3 Configuring the unit

Checking the configuration

1. Insert the Facescan USB stick into a PC.
2. With a text editor program, open the log file "facescan_settings.log".
3. Check the entries in the log file.
ª If the configuration has been successful, the log file should state:
"Network configuration successful!"
4. Remove the USB stick from the PC.
Closing the FACESCAN USB slot

Closing Facescan
1. Pull gray cable L78.4 from slot X2 of the FACESCAN modular board.
2. Screw the protective plate (T) onto the Facescan unit.

3. Plug cable L78.4 again into slot X2 on the FACESCAN modular

4. Screw down the cover (A) onto the Facescan.

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4 General operating procedures Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
4.3 Configuring the unit Service Manual GALILEOS Syntax of the configuration file "facescan_settings.cfg"

Syntax of the configuration file "facescan_settings.cfg"

Pay attention to the syntax!
Text entries should never have a space before and after "=".

Configuration without DHCP

Text entry (factory setting):

Changes to network addresses.
➢ Adjust the entries "IP" (IP address) and "Netmask" (subnet mask) as

Configuration with DHCP

Text entry:

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 4 General operating procedures
Service Manual GALILEOS 4.3 Configuring the unit Type 2: Configuration over a network cable (peer-to-peer)

Type 2: Configuration over a network cable (peer-to-peer)

Connecting the Facescan unit to a PC

✔ A PC with an installed web browser must be available.

✔ The factory setting of the IP address of the Facescan is
✔ The PC employed must be in the 192.168.16.xx network; otherwise,
no network connection can be achieved.
➢ Using a network cable, connect the PC directly to the GALILEOS
media converter with installed Facescan.
Opening the web dialog / general types 1

Opening the web dialog

1. Switch GALILEOS on.
2. Open up a web browser on the PC.
3. Enter the Facescan IP address into the web browser

ª A password dialog box opens.
4. In the field "User" enter "service".
5. In the field "Password" enter "sirona".
ª The "Facescan Device Service " web dialog opens.
Selecting the configuration dialog

Selecting the configuration dialog

➢ In the menu bar, select the menu item "CONFIGURATION".
ª The "Facescan Configuration" window opens.

Starting the configuration

1. When selecting with DHCP:
Set the "DHCP State" field to "On".
➢ When selecting without DHCP:
Set the "DHCP State" field to "Off".
2. In the "IP Adresse" field, enter the desired IP address (factory setting:
3. In the "Netmask" field, enter the desired subnet mask (factory setting:
Completion / Configuration

Completing the configuration

➢ Confirm the configuration with the "Configure Network" button.
ª The Facescan restarts with the modified settings.

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4 General operating procedures Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
4.3 Configuring the unit Service Manual GALILEOS Resetting the Facescan configuration to factory default settings

Resetting the Facescan configuration to factory default settings

Opening the web dialog

1. In SIDEXIS Manager, start the "Facescan Configuration" application.
2. Click on the "Facescanner in browser" button.
ª A password dialog box opens.
3. In the field "User" enter "service".
4. In the field "Password" enter "sirona".
ª The "Facescan Device Service " web dialog opens.
Selecting the service dialog

Selecting the service dialog

➢ In the menu bar, select the menu item "SERVICE".
ª The "Facescan Service Functions" window opens.

1. Press the "Settings Reset" button.
ª A reset dialog opens.

Complete loss of user data
When the unit is reset to factory settings, all user data is overwritten,
including white balance and calibration data.
The network settings are, however, retained.

2. Press the "Settings Reset" button.

ª The configuration is reset to the factory settings.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 4 General operating procedures
Service Manual GALILEOS 4.4 Reading unit data

4.4 Reading unit data

Reading unit data

4.4.1 Reading the unit data of the GALILEOS via "Extended

1. Start the "SIDEXIS Manager" under "Start"/"Programs"/"SIDEXIS"/
Reading the
Selecting unitdetails
more data ofinthe GALILEOS via "Extended Details"

2. Click on "Configuration of the X-ray components".
ª The "Configuration of the X-ray components" menu opens.

3. Select the "Attributes" tab.

4. Click on the "More details" button.
ª The current parameters are read from the unit and filed in an XML
file under the network name of the unit in the PDATA/.../
P2K_Config folder. The process can take up to 30 seconds. After
the parameters are read, an editor displaying the data is opened


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4.4 Reading unit data Service Manual GALILEOS

4.4.2 Reading Facescan unit data over the network

Reading FACESCAN unit data over the network

Opening the web dialog

1. In SIDEXIS Manager, start the "Facescan Configuration" application.
2. Click on the "Facescanner in browser" button.
ª A password dialog box opens.
3. In the field "User" enter "service".
4. In the field "Password" enter "sirona".
ª The "Facescan Device Service " web dialog opens.
Selecting the service dialog

Selecting the service dialog

➢ In the menu bar, select the menu item "SERVICE".
ª The "Facescan Service Functions" window opens.

Reading unit settings

1. Press the "Get Device State" button.
ª A dialog box to read the unit settings opens.
2. Press the "Press Here to Download" button.
3. Save the archived unit settings to the hard disk.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 4 General operating procedures
Service Manual GALILEOS 4.5 Using demo mode – operation without radiation release

4.5 Using demo mode – operation without radiation

Using demodemo
GALILEOS modemode
– operation without radiation release

For demo use, the "X-ray detector dummy for GALILEOS" (Order No. 61
19 007) should be used instead of the actual X-ray detector. For further
information, please refer to the instructions included with the dummy.
If the volume tomograph is to be presented as a demo unit at trade fairs
or exhibitions, it must be ensured that radiation release is blocked.

4.5.1 Switching on demo mode

Switching on demo mode

When operated in demo mode, the unit must not release any radiation.
For this reason, you must take the following safety measures:
1. Switch off the unit.


Potentially lethal shock hazard!
It is essential to switch off the unit and to wait at least another 4 minutes
before taking off the covers of the X-ray tube assembly.

2. Remove the cover of the tube assembly.

3. Loosen the screws (A) and remove the cover plate (B).

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4.5 Using demo mode – operation without radiation release Service Manual GALILEOS

4. Set dip switch S2 (DX6) to position 2.

IMPORTANT: If switch S2 is not set to position 2 in demo mode
before switching off the unit, various error messages will display
when the unit is turned back on.

5. Pull cable L5 (XRAY) off connector J6 (DX6).

ª Radiation release is now no longer possible.

6. Switch on the unit and check the mode on the info screen.
Demo mode: ON means that: Demo mode is switched on (radiation
release is not possible)
Demo mode: OFF means that: Demo mode is switched off
(radiography, X-ray radiation are possible!)
7. Switch the unit off again and reattach the cover plate (B) and the tube
assembly covers by following the dismantling procedure in reverse

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Service Manual GALILEOS 4.5 Using demo mode – operation without radiation release

4.5.2 Switching off demo mode

Switching off demo mode

1. Switch off the unit.

Potentially lethal shock hazard!
It is essential to switch off the unit and to wait at least another 4 minutes
before taking off the covers of the X-ray tube assembly.

2. Remove the cover of the tube assembly.

3. Loosen the screws (A) and remove the cover plate (B).
4. Set the dip switch S2 (DX6) to position 1.
5. Connect cable L5 (XRAY) to connector J6 (DX6).
ª Radiation release is now once again possible.
6. Switch on the unit and check the mode on the info screen.
Demo mode: ON means that: Demo mode is switched on (radiation

release is not possible)
Demo mode: OFF means that: Demo mode is switched off
(radiography, X-ray radiation are possible!)
7. Switch the unit off again and reattach the cover plate (B) and the tube
assembly covers by following the dismantling procedure in reverse

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5 Messages Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.1 Help messages Service Manual GALILEOS

5 Messages

The different message texts are displayed ...

GALILEOS message texts

● GALILEOS Comfort: On the Easypad touchscreen

● GALILEOS Compact: on the Multipad display
● On the display of the remote control
There are 3 groups of message texts:
Help messages (Hx xx):
● Help messages are caused by operator errors.
● The user must take action.
Error messages (Ex yyxx):
● Error messages indicate unit faults.
● The user must take action to eliminate the fault(s).
System messages (Sxxx):
● System messages inform the user about the current operating status
of the unit.
● The user does not have to take any action.
If error messages are displayed on the control panel that are not listed in
this section (such as message 1311), these messages come from the
Windows system. In such cases, you must check whether the firmware
you are using is compatible with the SIDEXIS XG version and run a
software update [ → 61] if necessary.

5.1 Help messages

Help messages:
Help messages GALILEOS

The help messages are displayed as help codes (Hx xx) on the Easypad
touchscreen (GALILEOS Comfort) or on the Multipad display (GALILEOS
Compact) as well as on the display of the remote control (if present). The
codes tell you how to operate the system if radiation release is not
possible due to a previous operator error.
The following list provides you with an overview of all help codes, their
meaning and the action required to eliminate the corresponding

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5 Messages
Service Manual GALILEOS 5.1 Help messages

IMPORTANT: The measures listed only clear help messages that result
from operator errors. If it is not possible to clear a message by taking the
measures listed, another type of error is the cause. In such cases, you
should run an error diagnosis [ → 88].

Help code Description Actions required

H3 01 "R button, move into starting position" ● Press the R key.
● Panoramic unit moves to starting position.
H3 20 "R button, confirm exposure data" ● Press the R key.
● Exposure data are confirmed.
H3 21 "Close the door" ● Close the door or check door contact.
H3 23 "Swivel pendant into end position" ● Move the swivel arm to its end position
(completely open or completely closed).
H3 24 The X-ray detector preparation is in progress. ● Wait until the X-ray detector is ready. This can
take up to 10 minutes.

H4 03 "Switch SIDEXIS to ready for exposure state" ● Make SIDEXIS XG ready for exposure.
H4 07 "SIDEXIS 3D Vorauswahl korrigieren" Correct SIDEXIS XG 3D preselection.
H4 08 "SIDEXIS 3D Aufnahme wählen" Correct SIDEXIS XG 3D preselection.
H4 20 "Get existing exposure" IMPORTANT: Do not switch the system off until
the help message has disappeared.
● Get exposure with "Sirona Control Admin"
(see SIDEXIS XG"Operator’s Manual" (REF
59 62 134).

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5 Messages Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.2 System messages Service Manual GALILEOS

5.2 System messages

System messages
GALILEOS system messages

System codes are only displayed on the Multipad (GALILEOS Compact)

and the remote control. System messages are displayed in plain text on
the Easypad (GALILEOS Comfort).
GALILEOS system message table

System code Description Actions required

S100 "System is starting" ● Wait, no action required.
S110 "Exposure not possible" ● Restart the unit:
1. Switch off the unit.
2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit on.
4. Repeat procedure
S150 "Sensor is prepaired (XX seconds)" ● Wait, no action required.
The message will be deleted automatically (this
may take up to 10 minutes).

5.3 Status messages and displays

Status messages and displays

On the control panel

Status displays: GALILEOS

Status displays Description

Easypad Multipad
(GALILEOS Comfort) (GALILEOS Compact)
"Ready for exposure" no special display; kV level and mAs System is ready for exposure.
"X RAY" are displayed
"X RAY Active!" LED lights up on Multipad. Exposure in progress.
"Please wait" Progress bar Unit waiting for operational readiness.
"Ready for exposure in XXs" XXs The cooling time countdown is running.

On the Facescan
Facescan operating conditions

LED Blue (A) LED Green (B) Meaning

Off On Standby
Blinking Off Ready for exposure
ready to send data
On Off Exposure
end of a firmware update via the
Facescan USB stick
On Blinking Data transfer
On On Boot process, firmware update or
reset to factory settings

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Service Manual GALILEOS 5.4 Error messages

5.4 Error messages

Error messages
GALILEOS error messages

The error messages are displayed as error codes (Ex yy zz) on the
Easypad touchscreen (GALILEOS Comfort) or on the Multipad display
(GALILEOS Compact) as well as on the remote control display (if there is
The codes provide you with error type, error location and troubleshooting

5.4.1 Error code: Ex yy zz

Error code: Ex yy zz

The error messages are encoded according to the following pattern:

Ex Error type “Troubleshooting” classification for the user

yy Location Module, subsystem or logical function unit
zz Consecutive Identification of error

5.4.2 Ex - Error type
Ex - Error type

Identifier x is intended to help you reach a decision quickly on how to

proceed with the corresponding error.

x Description Error group Actions required

1 System warning This error group includes all errors ● Acknowledge the error message.
that indicate still acceptable
System message If the error occurs again ...
tolerance variations, or messages
about states which do not directly ● Restart the unit:
affect system operation.
1. Switch off the unit.
2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit on.
4. Repeat procedure
If the error occurs again ...
● Run an error diagnosis [ → 88].
2 Errors caused by This error group includes states ● Acknowledge the error message.
system overload that indicate temporary
● Repeat the procedure step after a certain
overtemperatures or similar, for
waiting time.
example. The cause of the error
disappears automatically after a If the error occurs again ...
certain waiting time.
● Extend the waiting time.
If the error occurs again ...
● Run an error diagnosis [ → 88].

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x Description Error group Actions required

3 The system detects that This error group includes all errors ● Restart the unit:
a key was pressed that indicate invalid signal states
1. Switch off the unit.
during power-on. of keys and safety signals during
power-on. 2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit on.
4. Repeat procedure
If the error occurs again...
● Run an error diagnosis [ → 88].
4 Malfunction or This error group includes all errors ● Acknowledge the error message and make
mechanical obstruction that indicate problems with the sure that the movements of the unit are not
of unit movements motor-controlled movements on obstructed.
the outside of the unit.
● Repeat the last procedure step or exposure.
If the error occurs again ...
● Run an error diagnosis [ → 88].
5 Malfunction during the This error group includes all errors ● Acknowledge the error message.
exposure or during resulting from a certain system
● Repeat the last procedure step or exposure.
exposure preparation. action triggered by the user which
could not be performed because a If the error occurs again ...
required (internal) partial function
● Run an error diagnosis [ → 88].
(software or hardware) is not
ready or fails.
6 Error during system This error group includes all errors ● Acknowledge the error message.
self-test. which may occur spontaneously
● Run an error diagnosis [ → 88].
and without any related operator
action. They may be caused by Further operation of the unit is possible.
system self-tests.
7 Unrecoverable system This error group includes all errors ● Run an error diagnosis [ → 88].
error. which may occur spontaneously
and without any related operator
action. They may be caused by
system self-tests. In this case it is
absolutely certain that continued
system operation is not possible.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 5.4 Error messages

5.4.3 yy - Location
yy - Location

Identifier yy defines the location or logical function unit where the error
has occurred.

yy Location/Function unit Board

06 X-ray tube assembly DX6
07 Easypad user interface (GALILEOS Comfort) DX7
71 Multipad user interface (GALILEOS Compact) DX71
10 System hardware DX11/DX1
11 System software DX11/DX1
12 CAN bus DX11/DX1
13 Stand peripherals DX11/DX1
14 Digital extension DX11/DX1
15 Configuration/update (wrong software, wrong module constellation, etc...) DX11/DX1

41 Media interface card DX41
42 Remote control DX42
89 X-ray detector DX89

The location may be a DX module number standing for an entire HW

function unit, or a logical SW function unit on board DX11 (central

5.4.4 General handling of error messages

General handling of error messages

Error messages must always be acknowledged with the R key.

If trouble-free operation is possible after the error is acknowledged, then
no further action is necessary.
If error messages occur again or frequently, or if fault-free operation is not
possible, run an error diagnosis (see chapter entitled
"Troubleshooting [ → 125]"). In some cases it can be advisable to obtain
more information about the history or frequency of the errors from the
error logging memory (S007) and from "SiXABCon" / "Properties" / "More
details..." (see chapter entitled "Opening Extended Details); see also
chapter entitled "Error logging memory [ → 125]".

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5.5 List of error messages

List of error messages

In the following table, the error codes are sorted by the location or function
unit where the error has occurred. For enhanced clarity, the
corresponding ID in the error code is printed in bold type.

5.5.1 Location 06: Tube assembly/DX6

Location 06: Tube assembly/DX6

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 01 General error during module ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
initialization Service Center (CSC) to find out
whether a bug fix by means of a
software update is possible and
perform such an update if necessary.
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 310]
● Replace the tube assembly.


Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 02 Invalid system data or uninitialized ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
module storage data Service Center (CSC) to find out
whether a bug fix by means of a
software update is possible and
perform such an update if necessary.

E6 06 03

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 03 Invalid commanding of control data, ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
CAN bus error ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
This error may also occur in Service Center (CSC) to find out
connection with other causal error whether a bug fix by means of a
messages! Please also observe the software update is possible and
causal error message! It appears perform such an update if necessary.
only after you acknowledge the first
error message.

E6 06 04

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 04 Data transfer error or dialog error to ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
module (master side) ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
Service Center (CSC) to find out
whether a bug fix by means of a
software update is possible and
perform such an update if necessary.

E6 06 05

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 05 Data transfer error or dialog error to ● Repeat the software update. S. [ → 61]
bootloader of module ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
Only occurs in connection with If the error occurs repeatedly or the module S. [ → 310]
software update. is no longer addressable ...
● Replace the tube assembly.

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E6 06 06

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 06 Module failed in TTP (detected on ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
master side) ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
This error may also occur in Service Center (CSC) to find out
connection with other causal error whether a bug fix by means of a
messages! Please also observe the software update is possible and
causal error message! It appears perform such an update if necessary.
only after you acknowledge the first
error message.
TTP = Time Trigger Protocol

E6 06 07

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 07 TTP timeout error (detected on ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
slave side). ● Check power supply of board DX11;
The module was temporarily not measuring point 3.3 V on board DX1

addressed by the master: (see wiring diagrams)

● Undervoltage on the master If 3.3 V present ... S. [ → 342]

side ● Replace board DX11.
● Procedure error in the software If 3.3 V is not present ... S. [ → 342]
● Master (DX11) receives no ● Replace board DX1.
return commanding from the ● Check cable L6, replace if necessary. S. [ → 141]
S. [ → 362]
This error may also occur in
● Check tube assembly (DX6), replace if S. [ → 310]
connection with other causal error
messages! Please also observe the
causal error message! It appears
only after you acknowledge the first
error message.
TTP = Time Trigger Protocol

E6 06 08

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 08 General fault detected locally on ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
module (slave side). CAN controller ● Check software versions on the info S. [ → 238],
being reinitialized. screen or by running service routine
S. [ → 61]
S008.2, perform software update if
● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
Service Center (CSC) to find out
whether a bug fix by means of a
software update is possible and
perform such an update if necessary.
● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]

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E7 06 10

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 06 10 Module is stuck in bootloader stage. ● Check board DX6 (note LED states). S. [ → 134]
If the board remains in the bootloader S. [ → 61]
stage ...
● Repeat the software update.
● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]

E7 06 12

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 06 12 Unit is not ready for operation ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
This error may also occur in If this error occurs in combination with
connection with other causal error other errors ...
messages! Please also observe the ● Restart the unit:
causal error message! It appears
only after you acknowledge the first 1. Switch off the unit.
error message. 2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit on.
4. Repeat procedure and observe causal
error messages.
● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]

E6 06 13

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 13 Error when writing to ● Acknowledge error and repeat
EEPROM. procedure.
Stored data may be lost. If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 310]
● Replace the tube assembly.

E2 06 20

Error code Description Actions required see

E2 06 20 Overtemperature of single tank/ ● Wait until the X-ray tube assembly has
power pack cooled down.
● Check fan function by running service S. [ → 225],
routine S005.4; replace fan if
S. [ → 318]
● Check temperature sensor in single S. [ → 226],
tank by running service routine S005.5,
S. [ → 310]
replace tube assembly if necessary.

E6 06 21

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 21 Hardware signal of release button ● Check cable L5 (optical fiber), replace S. [ → 141],
not detected. if necessary.
S. [ → 362]
● Replace board DX1. S. [ → 342]
● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]

E6 06 22

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 22 Broken temperature sensor ● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]

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E3 06 23

Error code Description Actions required see

E3 06 23 Hardware signal of release button ● Check cable L5:
applied during power-on.
1. Switch off the unit.
2. Pull cable L5 off tube assembly.
3. Switch unit on.
4. Perform optical check of L5:
If light is visible ... S. [ → 342]
● Replace board DX1.
If no light is visible ... S. [ → 310]
● Replace the tube assembly.

E5 06 30

Error code Description Actions required see

E5 06 30 Total radiation time exceeded. If a CAN bus error had been reported
before ...

● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
Service Center (CSC) to find out
whether a bug fix by means of a
software update is possible and
perform such an update if necessary.

E5 06 31

Error code Description Actions required see

E5 06 31 Partial radiation time exceeded If a CAN bus error had been reported
● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
Service Center (CSC) to find out
whether a bug fix by means of a
software update is possible and
perform such an update if necessary.

E5 06 32

Error code Description Actions required see

E5 06 32 Minimum preheating time not If a CAN bus error had been reported
observed. before...
● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
Service Center (CSC) to find out
whether a bug fix by means of a
software update is possible and
perform such an update if necessary.


Error code Description Actions required see

E1 06 40 Tolerance exceeded ● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]
VH nom.


Error code Description Actions required see

E1 06 41 Tolerance exceeded kV nom. ● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]

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Error code Description Actions required see

E1 06 42 Tolerance exceeded ● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]
mA nom.


Error code Description Actions required see

E1 06 43 Tolerance exceeded ● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]
VH actual value


Error code Description Actions required see

E1 06 44 Tolerance exceeded kV actual ● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]


Error code Description Actions required see

E1 06 45 Tolerance exceeded mA actual ● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]


Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 51 VHmax ● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]


Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 52 MAmax ● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]


Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 53 KVmax ● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]

E6 06 54

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 54 Basic heating pulses not applied. ● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]

E6 06 55

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 55 Anode voltage too low. ● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]

E6 06 56

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 56 Error during auto-compensation. ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
Service Center (CSC) to find out
whether a bug fix by means of a
software update is possible and
perform such an update if necessary.
● Let the tube assembly cool down for
approx. 30 mins and repeat this
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 310]
● Replace the tube assembly.

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E6 06 60

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 60 TDI signal from board DX11 to ● Replace cable L15. S. [ → 362],
board DX6 is disturbed.
● Replace board DX1. S. [ → 342],
TDI = Signal to start synchronized
● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]
readout sequence and to prepare
the next exposure

E6 06 65

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 65 Tube current or tube voltage is too ● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]
high in standby mode.

E6 06 66

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 66 Impermissible tube type. ● Check tube type of tube assembly S.,
using extended detail query or service
S. [ → 223],
routine S005.1, replace tube assembly

if necessary. S. [ → 310]

E6 06 67

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 67 Light guide input TDI is active during ● Check TDI signal:
1. Switch off the unit.
TDI = Signal to start synchronized 2. Disconnect cable L15 at board DX11.
readout sequence and to prepare
3. Switch unit on.
the next exposure
4. Perform visual check at socket J5:
● If light is visible: Replace board DX11. S. [ → 342],
● If no light is visible: Replace the tube S. [ → 310]


Error code Description Actions required see

E6 06 68 Tube assembly output after ● Replace the tube assembly. S. [ → 310]
exposure does not match the
expected value.

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5.5.2 Location 07: Easypad/DX7

Location 07: Easypad/DX7

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 07 01 General error during module ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
initialization Service Center (CSC) to find out
whether a bug fix by means of a
software update is possible and
perform such an update if necessary.
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 307]
● Replace user interface with electronics

E6 07 02

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 07 02 Invalid system data or uninitialized ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
module storage data Service Center (CSC) to find out
whether a bug fix by means of a
software update is possible and
perform such an update if necessary.
● Acknowledge error and repeat
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 307]
● Replace user interface with electronics

E6 07 03

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 07 03 Invalid commanding or control data. ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
This error may also occur in ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
connection with other causal error Service Center (CSC) to find out
messages! Please also observe the whether a bug fix by means of a
causal error message! It appears software update is possible and
only after you acknowledge the first perform such an update if necessary.
error message.

E6 07 04

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 07 04 Data transfer error or dialog error to ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
module (master side) ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
Service Center (CSC) to find out
whether a bug fix by means of a
software update is possible and
perform such an update if necessary.

E6 07 05

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 07 05 Data transfer error or dialog error to ● Repeat the software update. S. [ → 61]
bootloader of module ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
Only occurs in connection with ● Replace user interface with electronics S. [ → 307]
software update. (DX7).

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E6 07 06

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 07 06 Module failed in TTP (detected on ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
master side). ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
This error may also occur in Service Center (CSC) to find out
connection with other causal error whether a bug fix by means of a
messages! Please also observe the software update is possible and
causal error message! It appears perform such an update if necessary.
only after you acknowledge the first ● Replace user interface with electronics S. [ → 307]
error message. (DX7).
TTP = Time Trigger Protocol

E6 07 07

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 07 07 TTP timeout error (detected on ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
slave side). ● Check power supply of board DX11;
The module was temporarily not measuring point 3.3 V on board DX1

addressed by the master: (see wiring diagrams)

● Undervoltage on the master If 3.3 V is present ... S. [ → 342]

side ● Replace board DX11.
● Procedure error in the software If 3.3 V is not present ... S. [ → 342]
● Master (DX11) receives no ● Replace board DX1.
return commanding from the
This error may also occur in
connection with other causal error
messages! Please also observe the
causal error message! It appears
only after you acknowledge the first
error message.
TTP = Time Trigger Protocol

E6 07 08

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 07 08 General fault detected locally on ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
module (slave side). CAN controller ● Check software versions on the info S. [ → 238],
being reinitialized. screen or by running service routine
S. [ → 61]
S008.2, perform software update if
● Replace user interface with electronics S. [ → 307]
● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
Service Center (CSC) to find out
whether a bug fix by means of a
software update is possible and
perform such an update if necessary.

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E7 07 10

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 07 10 Module is stuck in bootloader stage. ● Check user interface with electronics
(DX7) (note LED states).
If the board remains in the bootloader S. [ → 61]
stage ...
● Repeat the software update.
● Replace user interface with electronics S. [ → 307]

E7 07 12

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 07 12 Unit is not ready for operation ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
Therefore, the error can only be This error is a sequential fault.
displayed on the remote control ● Restart the unit:
1. Switch off the unit.
2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit on.
4. Repeat procedure and observe causal
error messages.

E6 07 20

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 07 20 Contact to DX11 interrupted during ● Note error message on remote control S.
operation. (DX42) and check log memory (via
extended details).
● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
● Check cable L9, replace if necessary. S. [ → 141],
S. [ → 362]

E6 07 21

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 07 21 No CAN bus connection. DX11 does ● Start the detail query via SiXABCon.
not start. If DX11 responds ... S. [ → 362],
Occurs in the start screen after ● Check the signal path to DX7, repair or S. [ → 342]
power-on. replace cables/connectors if
● Replace board DX1.
If DX11 does not respond ... S. [ → 342]
● Replace board DX11.

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E3 07 30/33/34/35/36 GALILEOS

Error code Description Actions required see

E3 07 30 Up/down keys pressed on power- ● Restart the unit: S. [ → 307]
1. Switch off the unit.
E3 07 33 Light localizer key pressed during
2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit on.
E3 07 34 T key pressed during power-on.
4. Repeat procedure and observe causal
E3 07 35 R key pressed during power-on. error messages.
E3 07 36 Touchscreen pressed during power-
If the error occurs repeatedly ...
● Replace user interface with electronics

E6 07 40

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 07 40 No valid language set found. Check selected language set by running S. [ → 258]
service routine S017.5, correct if

Check whether selected language set is S. [ → 61]
already installed, perform software update
if necessary.
Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
Service Center (CSC) to find out whether a
bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if

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5.5.3 Location 10: System hardware

Location 10: System hardware

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 10 01 EEPROM cannot be written. ● Acknowledge error and repeat procedure.
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 350]
● Replace board DX11.

E7 10 02

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 10 02 FPGA of DX1 is not addressable. ● Replace board DX1. S. [ → 343]
FPGA = Field Programmable Gate

E1 10 03

Error code Description Actions required see

E1 10 03 The flash file system must be ● Acknowledge error and repeat procedure.
The flash file system is formatted and error
Occurs after replacement of board code E110 04 is displayed.

E1 10 04

Error code Description Actions required see

E1 10 04 Flash file system formatting in ● Wait until the error code automatically
progress. disappears (approx. 2 - 3 mins).

E1 10 05: GALILEOS

Error code Description Actions required see

E1 10 05 Flash file system is not ready for ● Execute service routine S009.4 and S. [ → 241]
operation. format flash file system.
The contents of the error memory are thus lost.
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 350]
● Replace board DX11.


Error code Description Actions required see

E7 10 06 Incompatible DX1-FPGA ● Check the hardware version of DX1 for S. [ → 343]
(programmable logic component) compatibility, replace board DX1 if
version for current operating mode. necessary.

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Error code Description Actions required see

E1 10 07 The unit is not ready for operation. If this error is displayed after a longer period of S. [ → 141],
disuse and the attainment of exposure
Following longer periods of disuse S. [ → 362],
readiness ...
(> 200 h), a preparation time of up to
S. [ → 319]
ten minutes is required for the ● Acknowledge the error and wait until the
sensor after the unit is switched on. "Sensor being prepared" message goes
During this period, the message out.
"Sensor being prepared" or S150 is
If this error is displayed without attainment of
displayed. During this time the unit
exposure readiness ...
is not ready for operation. If
exposure readiness is reached ● Check cable L13 between board DX11
during this time, error message E1 and board DX89, replace if necessary.
10 07 appears.
● Check cable L28 between the camera
head and board DX89 (in the X-ray
detector), replace if necessary.
● Check cable L27 (in the X-ray detector),

replace if necessary.
● Replace board DX89.
● Replace board DX1.
● Replace the X-ray detector.
● Replace board DX11.

* As of X-ray detector serial number 5000, cable L28 can no longer be

replaced individually.
E1 10 20/21/22 GALILEOS

Error code Description Actions required see

E1 10 20 Board DX11 does not have valid ● Perform service routine S009.7 (copy data S. [ → 245],
data about the X-ray detector. from DX89 to board DX11).
S. [ → 155]
● Perform service routine S009.7 (copy data
E1 10 21 Board DX11 does not have valid from DX89 to board DX11).
data about board DX89.
● Perform service routine S009.7 (copy data
from DX89 to board DX11).
E1 10 22 X-ray detector was replaced and
● Calibrate the unit.
must be registered in the system.

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E1 10 23/24/25/26 GALILEOS

Error code Description Actions required see

E1 10 23 Board DX89 does not have valid ● Perform service routine S009.7 (copy data S. [ → 245],
data via the X-ray detector. from DX11 to board DX89).
S. [ → 319]
The X-ray detector has been ● Replace the X-ray detector.
E1 10 24 replaced. Board DX89 does not Please report this event to the Customer
have valid data via the X-ray Service Center to help us improve the
detector. product.
This error message should not
occur in the application.
Board DX89 was replaced and must
E1 10 25
be registered in the system.
● Perform service routine S009.7 (copy data
The X-ray detector has not been from DX11 to board DX89).
initialized. Board DX89 does not
E1 10 26 ● Replace the X-ray detector.
have valid data via the X-ray
Please report this event to the Customer
Service Center to help us improve the
This error message should not product.
occur in the application.

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5.5.4 Location 11: Power PC/Board DX11

Location 11: Power PC/Board DX11

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 11 01 Program sequence error. ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if
● Acknowledge error and repeat procedure.
If the error occurs again ...
● Reset the entire calibration of the unit and S. [ → 155]
readjust the unit.
● Replace board DX11. S. [ → 350]

E6 11 02: GALILEOS

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 11 02 Watchdog error ● Acknowledge error and repeat procedure.

If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 350]
● Replace board DX11.

E6 11 03: GALILEOS

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 11 03 Operating system/resource error. ● Acknowledge error and repeat procedure.
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 350]
● Replace board DX11.

E7 11 04

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 11 04 Implausible data in EEPROM. ● Check the unit configuration via service S. [ → 252],
routines S017 and S018 and reconfigure if
S. [ → 272]
● Check calibration with diaphragm test S.
If the calibration is not OK ... S. [ → 155]
● Recalibrate the unit.
If the calibration is OK ...
● Make the individual unit settings again
(e.g. programming of the patient symbol
keys; see Operating Instructions).

E6 11 05: GALILEOS

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 11 05 RAM allocation failed. ● Replace board DX11. S. [ → 350]

E7 11 07

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 11 07 Unknown or invalid definition of unit ● Take the action required after replacing a S. [ → 347]
class. board.
Occurs during first power-on after
replacement of board DX6 or DX11.

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E5 11 09

Error code Description Actions required see

E5 11 09 Internal error in program sequence ● Acknowledge error and repeat procedure.
of board DX11. If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 61]
● Perform a software update (bug fix).

E7 11 11

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 11 11 Wrong unit configuration. ● Check the unit configuration by running S. [ → 252]
service routine S017.2 and reconfigure if


Error code Description Actions required see

E7 11 12 Internal error in data management If the error occurs after a module has been S.
of board DX11. replaced ...
● Query "More details..." with SiXABCon
and seek advice from the Sirona
Customer Service Center on how to
If no module has been replaced ...
● Restart the unit:
1. Switch off the unit.
2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit on.
4. Repeat procedure
● Check software versions on the info S. [ → 238],
screen or by running service routine S. [ → 61]
S008.2, perform software update if
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 61]
● Perform a software update (bug fix).

E7 11 14

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 11 14 Wrong remote control for this unit. ● Install the correct remote control.
This error message blocks all unit ● If necessary, obtain a new remote control
functions. To continue to work with from the manufacturer.
this unit, you must unplug the
A remote control for another Sirona unit or a
remote control and restart the unit.
third-party manufacturer unit may have been


Error code Description Actions required see

E7 11 15 A diaphragm not suitable for the ● Run service routine S017.25 to modify the S. [ → 270]
diaphragm configuration was diaphragm configuration as appropriate
detected by the unit. for the installed diaphragm.

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Error code Description Actions required see

E1 11 19 No image data available. ● Check TDI signal (synchronized readout S. [ → 362]
sequence)/cable L13, replace cable L13 if
● Replace board DX89. S. [ → 343]
● Replace board DX1. S. [ → 343]


Error code Description Actions required see

E1 11 20 The calibration data on the unit is ● Calibrate the unit. S. [ → 155]
invalid or does not match the serial If the error occurs again and no modules were S. [ → 343]
numbers of the modules. replaced ...
● Replace board DX11.
If the error occurs again and modules were
replaced ...

● This error is a sequential fault. watch for
additional causal error messages and take
the respective action.


Error code Description Actions required see

E2 11 22 The default iris table is write- ● Check the software versions of SIDEXIS S. [ → 61]
protected. XG and the unit for compatibility, perform
software update if necessary.


Error code Description Actions required see

E1 11 23 No matching iris diaphragm setting ● Check the software versions of SIDEXIS S. [ → 61]
is available for the current program XG and the unit for compatibility, perform
parameters. software update if necessary.

E1 11 88

Error code Description Actions required see

E1 11 88 The unit is in demo mode. If user mode is expressly required ... S. [ → 81]
Occurs when the unit is switched on. ● Switch the demo mode off.
CAUTION! Radiation can be released
after the demo mode is switched off!

5.5.5 Location 12: CAN bus

Location 12: CAN bus

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 12 01 CAN controller initialization error on ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]

E6 12 02

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 12 02 CAN malfunction (cannot be ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
assigned to module).

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5.5.6 Location 14: Digital extension, SIDEXIS XG

Location 14: Digital extension, SIDEXIS XG

Error code Description Actions required see

E5 14 01 Abort by SIDEXIS XG. ● Check network connection, XG3D plugin
installation and software version.

E7 14 02

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 14 02 Interface version not compatible ● Check the software versions of the unit S. [ → 238]
with SIDEXIS XG. (S008.2) and XG3D plugin and perform
software update if necessary.

E5 14 04

Error code Description Actions required see

E5 14 04 The network connection was ● Acknowledge error and quit service
interrupted. domain on unit and in SIDEXIS XG.
This error often occurs if SIDEXIS ● Restart the unit:
XG is selected before the unit is
1. Switch off the unit.
ready for selection.
2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit on.
4. Repeat procedure and check function.
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 238],
● Perform network diagnosis with the S. [ → 61]
support of the Sirona Customer Service
Center (CSC) and check the setting of the
network card if necessary, again seeking
assistance from the Sirona Customer
Service Center. (Checksum offload for
patient names with 15 characters with
several network cards (preferably for
onboard systems).)
● Check and, if necessary, replace network
components (PC network card, Cat5
cable, hub/switch/router, media converter,
● Check the software versions of the unit (on
the info screen or by running service
routine S008.2) and XG3D_plugin, and
perform software update if necessary.

E6 14 05

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 14 05 Service of DHCP server is not ● Have network configuration of dental
available. practice checked by the administrator in
● Ensure proper functioning of the DHCP

E6 14 06

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 14 06 The bootline of board DX11 had to ● Reconfiguration of network data via
be preassigned with default values. SiXABCon required.

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E6 14 10/12 GALILEOS

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 14 10 Clock signals for sensor image ● Check cable L13 for crushed spots and S. [ → 362]
transfer not received on board DX1/ kinks and check connectors, repair or
DX11 (...10). replace if necessary.
Faulty detection of sensor image ● Check board DX89, replace if necessary. S. [ → 134],
E6 14 12 transfer data signals on board DX1/ S. [ → 343]
DX11; recurring (...12).


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5.5.7 Location 15: Configuration, update

Location 15: Configuration, update

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 15 01 Wrong memory modules. If a DRAM memory module is plugged into S. [ → 350]
board DX11 ...
● Replace memory module or DX11.
If no DRAM memory module is plugged into S. [ → 350]
board DX11 ...
● Replace board DX11.

E7 15 03

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 15 03 Wrong software constellation of ● Check the software versions of the unit (on S. [ → 238],
modules. the info screen or by running service
S. [ → 61]
routing S008.2), and run or repeat
software update or downgrade if

E6 15 04

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 15 04 Product activation keys invalid or ● Enter release key. see OI*
not available.
Occurs after replacement of tube
assembly (DX6) or board DX11 and
possibly after software updates.
See also the section titled Measures
following replacement of
boards [ → 347].

*) OI = Operating instructions
E6 15 05

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 15 05 Unit serial number invalid or not ● Run service routine S008.3 and confirm or S. [ → 238]
available. enter the unit serial number on the unit.
Occurs during first power-on after
replacement of board DX6 or DX11.
See also the section titled Measures
following replacement of
boards [ → 347].

E6 15 10

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 15 10 Update file for module is corrupt. ● Obtain latest update file from the Sirona S. [ → 61]
Customer Service Center (CSC) or the
Sirona home page and perform software

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5.5.8 Location 41: Media interface card

Location 41: Media interface card

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 41 01 General module initialization error. ● If the error is a software error known to the S. [ → 61],
Sirona Customer Service Center (CSC), a
S. [ → 343]
software update (bug fix) must be
● Replace board DX41.

E6 41 02

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 41 02 Invalid system data or uninitialized ● If the error is a software error known to the S. [ → 61]
module storage data Sirona Customer Service Center (CSC), a
software update (bug fix) must be
● Acknowledge error and repeat procedure.
If the error occurs again ... S. [ → 343]

● Replace board DX41.

E6 41 03

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 41 03 Invalid commanding or control data. ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
This error may also occur in ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
connection with other causal error Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
messages! Please also observe the a bug fix by means of a software update is
causal error message! It appears possible and perform such an update if
only after you acknowledge the first necessary.
error message.

E6 41 04

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 41 04 Data transfer error or dialog error to ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
module (master side)
● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if

E6 41 05

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 41 05 Data transfer error or dialog error to ● Repeat the software update. S. [ → 61],
bootloader of module
● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
Only occurs in connection with
● Replace board DX41. S. [ → 343]
software update

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E6 41 06

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 41 06 Module failed in TTP (time trigger ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
protocol) (detected on master side).
● Replace board DX41. S. [ → 343],
This error may also occur in
● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
connection with other causal error
Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
messages! Please also observe the
a bug fix by means of a software update is
causal error message! It appears
possible and perform such an update if
only after you acknowledge the first
error message.

E6 41 07

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 41 07 TTP (time trigger protocol) timeout ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
error (detected on slave side)
● Check power supply of board DX11;
The module was temporarily not measuring point 3.3 V on board DX1 (see
addressed by the master: wiring diagrams).
Undervoltage on the master side If 3.3 V is present ... S. [ → 343]
Procedure error in the software ● Replace board DX11.
Master (DX11) receives no return
commanding from the module If 3.3 V is not present ... S. [ → 343]

This error may also occur in ● Replace board DX1.

connection with other causal error
messages! Please also observe the
causal error message! It appears
only after you acknowledge the first
error message.

E6 41 08

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 41 08 General fault detected locally on ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
module (slave side). CAN controller
● Check software versions on the info S. [ → 238],
being reinitialized.
screen or by running service routine
S. [ → 61],
S008.2, perform software update if
necessary. S. [ → 61]
● Replace board DX41.
● Please contact the Sirona Customer
Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if

E6 41 09

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 41 09 Board DX41 is installed in the unit, ● Perform device configuration via service S. [ → 343]
but not configured. routine S017.9.

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E7 41 10

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 41 10 Module is stuck in bootloader stage. ● Check operating status of board (note S. [ → 134]
LED states).
If the board remains in the bootloader stage ... S. [ → 61],
● Repeat the software update. S. [ → 343]
● Replace board DX41.

E7 41 12

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 41 12 Unit is not ready for operation This error is a sequential fault. S. [ → 343]
● Restart the unit:
1. Switch off the unit.
2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit on.
4. Repeat procedure and check function.

● Check unit configuration (with or without
DX41) by running service routine S017.9,
correct the configuration if necessary.
If the error occurs repeatedly ...
● Repeat procedure and observe causal
error messages.

E3 41 20

Error code Description Actions required see

E3 41 20 Release signal applied during ● Restart the unit:
1. Switch off the unit.
2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch on the unit, making sure that the
release button is not pressed during
4. Repeat procedure and check function.
If the error occurs again ... S. [ → 142]
● Check signal path for short-circuit
according to wiring diagrams, replace
component if necessary.

E6 41 21

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 41 21 CAN bus connection to board DX41 ● Check cable L17, replace if necessary. S. [ → 141],
S. [ → 362]
Board DX41 cannot address board ● Check board DX42, replace if necessary. S. [ → 134],
DX42 via the separate CAN bus
connection. S. [ → 343]
● Check board DX41, replace if necessary. S. [ → 134],
S. [ → 343]

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E6 41 23

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 41 23 Hardware fault at controller input on ● see section Error analysis of X-RAY S. [ → 142]
board DX41. control signal path: up to unit serial
number 3199 (with board DX41) [ → 142].
Board DX41 detects a wrong signal
level of the hardware signal for
radiation release.

E6 41 24

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 41 24 Short circuit in radiation release ● see section Error analysis of X-RAY S. [ → 142]
signal path between board DX42 control signal path: up to unit serial
and board DX41 (cable L17). number 3199 (with board DX41) [ → 142].
The release signal was detected on
boards DX11 and DX41 but not on
board DX42.

E6 41 25

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 41 25 X-RAY hardware signal present, ● Check cable L17, replace if necessary. S. [ → 141],
software signal not present.
S. [ → 362]
● Check board DX42, replace if necessary. S. [ → 134],
S. [ → 343]
● Check board DX41, replace if necessary. S. [ → 134],
S. [ → 343]

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5.5.9 Location 42: Remote control

Location 42: Remote control

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 42 01 General module initialization error.● Check unit configuration (with or without S. [ → 263],
DX41) by running service routine S017.9,
Error generated during module self- S. [ → 61],
correct the configuration if necessary.
S. [ → 343]
● Please contact the Sirona Customer
Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if
● Replace board DX42.

E6 42 02

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 42 02 Invalid system data or uninitialized ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
module storage data Service Center (CSC) to find out whether

a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if
● Acknowledge error and repeat procedure.
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 343]
● Replace board DX42.

E6 42 03

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 42 03 Invalid commanding or control data ● Run service routine S008.2 to check S. [ → 238],
software version of DX42 (in relation to
This error may also occur in S. [ → 61],
main software releases), perform software
connection with other causal error
update if necessary. S. [ → 128],
messages! Please also observe the
causal error message! It appears ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 343]
only after you acknowledge the first
● Check the signal path from board DX1 to
error message.
board DX42, replace module DX42 if
● Please contact the Sirona Customer
Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if

E6 42 04

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 42 04 Data transfer error or dialog error to ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
module (master side)
● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if

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E6 42 05

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 42 05 Data transfer error or dialog error to ● Repeat the software update. S. [ → 61],
bootloader of module
● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
Only occurs in connection with a
● Replace board DX42. S. [ → 343]
software update.

E6 42 06

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 42 06 Module failed in TTP (detected on ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
master side).
● Check the signal path from board DX1 to S. [ → 343],
TTP = Time Trigger Protocol board DX42, replace module if necessary
S. [ → 61]
● Replace board DX42.
● Please contact the Sirona Customer
Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if

E6 42 07

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 42 07 TTP timeout error (detected on ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
slave side)
● Check power supply (3.3 V) of board S. [ → 343]
The module was temporarily not DX11, replace board DX1 or DX11 if
addressed by the master: necessary.
Undervoltage on the master side
● Check the signal path from board DX1 to
Procedure error in the software board DX42, replace module if necessary
Master (DX11) receives no return ● Replace board DX42.
commanding from the module
This error may also occur in
connection with other causal error
messages! Please also observe the
causal error message! It appears
only after you acknowledge the first
error message.
TTP = Time Trigger Protocol

E6 42 08

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 42 08 General fault detected locally on ● Check software versions on the info S. [ → 238],
module (slave side). CAN controller screen or by running service routine
S. [ → 61],
being reinitialized. S008.2, perform software update if
necessary. S. [ → 128],
Occurs if software of boards is
incompatible. ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 343]
● Replace board DX42.
● Please contact the Sirona Customer
Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if

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E7 42 10

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 42 10 Module is stuck in bootloader stage. ● Check board DX42 (note LED states). S. [ → 134]
If the board remains in the bootloader stage ... S. [ → 61]
● Repeat the software update.
● Replace remote control, see Installation


Error code Description Actions required see

E7 42 12 Unit is not ready for operation This error is a sequential fault. S. [ → 263]
● Restart the unit:
1. Switch off the unit.
2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch on the unit, making sure that the
release button is not pressed during

4. Repeat procedure and check function.
● Check unit configuration (with or without
DX41) by running service routine S017.9,
correct the configuration if necessary.
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 343]
● Repeat procedure and observe causal
error messages.
● Check the signal path from board DX1 to
board DX42, replace module if necessary


Error code Description Actions required see

E6 42 20 Contact to DX11 interrupted during ● Check the signal path from board DX1 to S. [ → 343],
operation. board DX42, replace module if necessary
S. [ → 128],
● Check connection of remote control, see
S. [ → 141],
Installation Instructions.
S. [ → 362],
● Check the CAN bus.
S. [ → 134],
● Check cable L17, replace if necessary.
S. [ → 343]
● Check board DX42, replace if necessary.
● Check board DX41, replace if necessary.
Tip: If the error cannot be eliminated
immediately, the unit can be temporarily
reconfigured and operated with a release
button located directly on it (see Installation

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Error code Description Actions required see

E7 42 21 No CAN bus connection. DX11 does ● Check configuration (with or without S. [ → 343],
not start. DX41) by running service routine S017.9,
S. [ → 343],
correct the configuration if necessary.
Occurs in the start screen after
S. [ → 128],
power-on. ● Check the signal path from board DX1 to
board DX42, replace module if necessary S. [ → 259],
● Check the CAN bus. S.
● Check remote control by running service
routine S017.6, configure if necessary.
● Start the detail query via SiXABCon.
If board DX11 responds ... S. [ → 362],
● Check the signal path to DX42, repair or S. [ → 343]
replace cables/connectors if necessary.
● Replace DX1.
If DX11 does not respond ... S. [ → 343]
● If error persists: Replace board DX11.

E3 42 30

Error code Description Actions required see

E3 42 30 R key pressed during power-on. ● Restart the unit:
1. Switch off the unit.
2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch on the unit, making sure that the
remote control is not pressed during
4. Repeat procedure and check function.
If the error occurs repeatedly ...
● Replace remote control, see Installation

E3 42 31

Error code Description Actions required see

E3 42 31 Release button pressed during ● see section Error analysis of X-RAY S. [ → 142]
power-on. control signal path [ → 142].
The hardware signal for radiation
release is applied on board DX42
when the unit is switched on.

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5.5.10 Location 71: Multipad, board DX71

Location 71: Multipad, board DX71

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 71 01 General error during module ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
initialization Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 343],
● Replace board DX71 or Multipad. S. [ → 307]

E6 71 02

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 71 02 Invalid system data or uninitialized ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
module storage data Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if

● Acknowledge error and repeat procedure.
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 343],
● Replace board DX71 or Multipad. S. [ → 307]

E6 71 03

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 71 03 Invalid commanding or control data. ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
This error may also occur in ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
connection with other causal error Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
messages! Please also observe the a bug fix by means of a software update is
causal error message! It appears possible and perform such an update if
only after you acknowledge the first necessary.
error message.

E6 71 04

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 71 04 Data transfer error or dialog error to ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
module (master side)
● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if

E6 71 05

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 71 05 Data transfer error or dialog error to ● Repeat the software update. S. [ → 61],
bootloader of module
● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
Only occurs in connection with
● Replace board DX71 or Multipad. S. [ → 343],
software update.
S. [ → 307]

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E6 71 06

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 71 06 Module failed in TTP (time trigger ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
protocol) (detected on master side)
● Replace board DX71. S. [ → 343],
● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if

E6 71 07

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 71 07 TTP (time trigger protocol) timeout ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
error (detected on slave side)
● Check power supply of board DX11;
The module was temporarily not measuring point 3.3 V on board DX1 (see
addressed by the master: wiring diagrams).
Undervoltage on the master side If 3.3 V is present ... S. [ → 343]
Procedure error in the software ● Replace board DX11.
Master (DX11) receives no return
commanding from the module If 3.3 V is not present ... S. [ → 343]

This error may also occur in ● Replace board DX1.

connection with other causal error
messages! Please also observe the
causal error message! It appears
only after you acknowledge the first
error message.

E6 71 08

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 71 08 General fault detected locally on ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
module (slave side). CAN controller
● Check software versions on the info S. [ → 238],
being reinitialized.
screen or by running service routine
S. [ → 61],
S008.2, perform software update if
necessary. S. [ → 343],
● Replace board DX71 or Multipad. S. [ → 307]
● Please contact the Sirona Customer
Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if

E7 71 10

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 71 10 Module is stuck in bootloader stage. ● Check board DX71. S. [ → 134]
If the board remains in the bootloader stage ... S. [ → 61],
● Repeat the software update. S. [ → 343],
● Replace board DX71 or Multipad. S. [ → 307]

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5 Messages
Service Manual GALILEOS 5.5 List of error messages

E6 71 12

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 71 12 Unit is not ready for operation ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128]
This error is a sequential fault.
● Restart the unit:
1. Switch off the unit.
2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit on.
4. Repeat procedure and observe causal
error messages.

E6 71 20

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 71 20 Contact to DX11 interrupted during ● Note error message on remote control S. [ → 125],
operation. (DX42) and check log memory (via
S. [ → 128],
extended details).

S. [ → 141],
● Check the CAN bus.
S. [ → 362]
● Check cable L9, replace if necessary.

E6 71 21

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 71 21 No CAN bus connection. DX11 does ● Start the detail query via SiXABCon. S.
not start. If board DX11 responds ... S. [ → 362],
Occurs in the start screen after ● Check the signal path to DX71, repair or S. [ → 343]
power-on. replace cables/connectors if necessary.
● Replace board DX1.
If board DX11 does not respond ... S. [ → 343]
● Replace board DX11.

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D3437. 06.2012 117
5 Messages Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.5 List of error messages Service Manual GALILEOS

E3 71 30/33/34/35/36/37/38/39/40/41

Error code Description Actions required see

E3 71 30 Up/down keys pressed on power- ● Restart the unit:
1. Switch off the unit.
E3 71 33 Light localizer key pressed during 2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit ON, making sure that the
E3 71 34 T key pressed during power-on. Multipad is not actuated during boot-up.
E3 71 35 R key pressed during power-on. 4. Repeat procedure and check function.
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 343],
Service key actuated during power-
E3 71 36 on. ● Replace board DX71 or Multipad. S. [ → 307]
Memory key actuated during power-
E3 71 37 on.
Program selection key actuated
E3 71 38 during power-on.
Radiation time key actuated during
E3 71 39 power-on.
kV/mA key actuated during power-
E3 71 40 on.
Patient symbol pressed during
E3 71 41 power-on.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5 Messages
Service Manual GALILEOS 5.5 List of error messages

5.5.11 Location 89: X-ray detector

Location 89: X-ray detector

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 89 01 General error during module ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61],
initialization Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
S. [ → 141],
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if S. [ → 362],
S. [ → 134],
● Check cable L27/L28*, replace if
S. [ → 343],
S. [ → 319]
● Check board DX89, replace if necessary.
● Check x-ray detector, replace if

* As of X-ray detector serial number 5000, cable L28 can no longer be

replaced individually.

E6 89 02

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 89 02 Invalid system data or uninitialized ● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
module storage data Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if
● Acknowledge error and repeat procedure.
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 141],
● Check cable L27/L28*, replace if S. [ → 362],
S. [ → 134],
● Check board DX89, replace if necessary.
S. [ → 343],
● Check x-ray detector, replace if
S. [ → 319]

* As of X-ray detector serial number 5000, cable L28 can no longer be

replaced individually.
E6 89 03

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 89 03 Invalid commanding or control data. ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
S. [ → 61]
This error may also occur in ● Please contact the Sirona Customer
connection with other causal error Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
messages! Please also observe the a bug fix by means of a software update is
causal error message! It appears possible and perform such an update if
only after you acknowledge the first necessary.
error message.

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D3437. 06.2012 119
5 Messages Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.5 List of error messages Service Manual GALILEOS

E6 89 04

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 89 04 Data transfer error or dialog error to ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
module (master side)
● Please contact the Sirona Customer S. [ → 61]
Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if

E6 89 05

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 89 05 Data transfer error or dialog error to ● Repeat the software update. S. [ → 61],
bootloader of module
● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
Only occurs in connection with
● Check x-ray detector, replace if S. [ → 319]
software update

E6 89 06

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 89 06 Module failed in TTP (time trigger ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
protocol) (detected on master side).
● Check x-ray detector, replace if S. [ → 319],
S. [ → 61]
● Please contact the Sirona Customer
Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if

E6 89 07

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 89 07 TTP (time trigger protocol) timeout ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
error (detected on slave side)
● Check cable L13, replace if necessary. S. [ → 141],
The module was temporarily not
● Check power supply of board DX11; S. [ → 362]
addressed by the master:
measuring point 3.3 V on board DX1 (see
● Undervoltage on the master wiring diagrams).
side If 3.3 V present... S. [ → 343]
● Procedure error in the software ● Replace board DX11.
● Master (DX11) receives no If 3.3 V not present... S. [ → 343]
return commanding from the
module ● Replace board DX1.

This error may also occur in

connection with other causal error
messages! Please also observe the
causal error message! It appears
only after you acknowledge the first
error message.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5 Messages
Service Manual GALILEOS 5.5 List of error messages

E6 89 08

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 89 08 General fault detected locally on ● Check the CAN bus. S. [ → 128],
module (slave side). CAN controller
● Check software versions on the info S. [ → 238],
being reinitialized.
screen or by running service routine
S. [ → 61],
S008.2, perform software update if
necessary. S. [ → 134],
● Check board DX89, replace if necessary. S. [ → 343]
● Please contact the Sirona Customer
Service Center (CSC) to find out whether
a bug fix by means of a software update is
possible and perform such an update if

E7 89 10

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 89 10 Module is stuck in bootloader stage. ● Check operating status of board (note S. [ → 134]

LED states).
If the board remains in the bootloader stage ... S. [ → 61],
● Run software update. S. [ → 134],
● Check board DX89, replace if necessary. S. [ → 343]

E7 89 12

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 89 12 Unit is not ready for operation This error is a sequential fault.
● Restart the unit:
1. Switch off the unit.
2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit on.
4. Repeat procedure and check function.
If the error occurs repeatedly...
● Repeat procedure and observe causal
error messages.

E5 89 13

Error code Description Actions required see

E5 89 13 Error when writing to EEPROM ● Acknowledge error and repeat procedure. S. [ → 61]
IMPORTANT: Stored data may be ● Run software update.
lost. If the error occurs again ... S.,
● Check log memory (via extended details). S. [ → 319]
● Check x-ray detector, replace if

E6 89 20

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 89 20 Faulty voltage supply of DX89. ● Check cable L13, replace if necessary. S. [ → 141],
S. [ → 362]

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5 Messages Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.5 List of error messages Service Manual GALILEOS

E6 89 21

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 89 21 File system error. ● Check board DX89, replace if necessary. S. [ → 134],
S. [ → 343]

E5 89 22

Error code Description Actions required see

E5 89 22 The power supply of the X-ray ● Check board DX89, replace if necessary. S. [ → 134],
detector does not respond or is the
S. [ → 343]
wrong version.
● Check x-ray detector, replace if S. [ → 319]

E5 89 23

Error code Description Actions required see

E5 89 23 Camera head in the X-ray detector ● Check cable L27/L28*, replace if S. [ → 141],
does not respond or wrong version. necessary.
S. [ → 362]
● Check board DX89, replace if necessary. S. [ → 134],
S. [ → 343]
● Check x-ray detector, replace if S. [ → 319]

* As of X-ray detector serial number 5000, cable L28 can no longer be

replaced individually.
E7 89 25

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 89 25 Image memory error. ● Restart the unit:
1. Switch off the unit.
2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit on.
4. Repeat procedure and check function.
● Run software update. S. [ → 61]
● Check that the memory modules on board S. [ → 343]
DX89 are firmly fixed, replace board DX89
if necessary.

E7 89 26

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 89 26 Total exposure time was exceeded. ● Check cable L13 (CAN bus), replace if S. [ → 141],
S. [ → 362]

E7 89 27

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 89 27 At least 10 image segments are ● Check cable L13 (CAN bus), replace if S. [ → 141],
defective. necessary.
S. [ → 362]
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 134],
● Check board DX89, replace if necessary. S. [ → 343],
● Replace the X-ray detector. S. [ → 319]

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5 Messages
Service Manual GALILEOS 5.5 List of error messages

E7 89 28

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 89 28 FPGA (field programmable gate ● Restart the unit:
array) on board DX89 is defective or
1. Switch off the unit.
does not respond.
2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit on.
4. Repeat procedure and check function.
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 61],
● Run software update. S. [ → 343]
● Replace board DX89.

E7 89 29

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 89 29 Memory test error during system ● Restart the unit:
1. Switch off the unit.

2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit on.
4. Repeat procedure and check function.
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 343]
● Check that the memory modules on board
DX89 are firmly fixed, replace board DX89
if necessary.

E7 89 30

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 89 30 Flash memory component does not ● Restart the unit:
1. Switch off the unit.
2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit on.
4. Repeat procedure and check function.
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 343]
● Replace board DX89.

E6 89 32

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 89 32 TDI (Signal to start synchronized ● Check cable L13, replace if necessary. S. [ → 141],
readout sequence and to prepare
S. [ → 362]
the next exposure) pulses not
detected during the exposure. ● Check board DX89, replace if necessary. S. [ → 134],
S. [ → 343]
● Check board DX1, replace if necessary. S. [ → 134],
S. [ → 343]

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5 Messages Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.5 List of error messages Service Manual GALILEOS

E6 89 33

Error code Description Actions required see

E6 89 33 Board DX89 has detected an image ● Check cable L13, replace if necessary. S. [ → 141],
signal at the wrong point of time.
S. [ → 362]
● Check board DX89, replace if necessary. S. [ → 134],
S. [ → 343]
● Check board DX1, replace if necessary. S. [ → 134],
S. [ → 343]

E1 89 34

Error code Description Actions required see

E1 89 34 X-ray detector voltages inaccurate. ● Check cable L27 (DX89/power supply), S. [ → 141],
replace cable if necessary.
S. [ → 362]
● Check x-ray detector, replace if S. [ → 319]

E2 89 35

Error code Description Actions required see

E2 89 35 Error in iris diaphragm positioning. ● Restart the unit:
1. Switch off the unit.
2. Wait 1 minute.
3. Switch unit on.
4. Repeat procedure and check function.
If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 319]
● Check x-ray detector, replace if

E7 89 37

Error code Description Actions required see

E7 89 37 Video amplification outside ● Check board DX89, replace if necessary. S. [ → 134],
S. [ → 343]

E2 89 38

Error code Description Actions required see

E2 89 38 Error in image signal during ● Check cable L13, replace if necessary. S. [ → 141],
S. [ → 362]
● Check board DX89, replace if necessary. S. [ → 134],
S. [ → 343]
● Check board DX1, replace if necessary. S. [ → 134],
S. [ → 343]

E1 89 39

Error code Description Actions required see

E1 89 39 Error during X-ray detector ● Repeat procedure
preparation. If the error occurs repeatedly ... S. [ → 319]
● Check x-ray detector, replace if

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 6 Troubleshooting
Service Manual GALILEOS 6.1 Error logging memory

6 Troubleshooting

Potentially lethal shock hazard!
It is essential to switch off the unit and wait at least 1 minute before
removing a cover.
Switch OFF the X-ray unit before connecting a measuring instrument.
Perform continuity tests only on units which are switched off.

Risk of damage to unit
Select the correct current/voltage type and adjust the measuring range
to match the expected readings.

Keep to the prescribed cool-off periods if several exposures have to be
taken to check a measured value.
Please observe the usual precautionary measures for handling printed
circuit boards (ESD). Touch a ground point to discharge static electricity
before touching any boards.
CAN bus cable: When unplugging CAN bus cables, it is essential to
unplug the power supply as well.

6.1 Error logging memory

Error logging memory

The error logging memory is part of the extended details.

Data which might be expected to occur in the error logging memory is

explained below to aid you in interpreting it.

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6 Troubleshooting Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
6.1 Error logging memory Service Manual GALILEOS

6.1.1 Example of error logging data

Example of error logging data

System time 2006-03-06, 20:13:02 System time (clock on DX11)

Entry type [Message] General system event
[Message + val] General system event with additional
[Error] Error event
[DeviceError] Data for error event on a module
[Error Sidexis] Network error event
[Stringname] Free status texts
[Stringsegment] Additional data (string name)
[RTC Date / Time Change] Date and time of a SIDEXIS PC
[PC Date / Time] Date and time of the DX11 set
[Compression table] Compression table
Entry data [Message] Self-test: Successful Self-test completed successfully
Recording started Start of a recording
Value: 9000 Sequence ID of the recording
Recording stopped End of an exposure
Recording cancelled Exposure cancelation
Termination state Reason for ending exposure
Value: 0 Exposure completed
Value: 1 Exposure cancelation by user
Value: 2 Exposure cancelation due to internal
Imagetransfer started Start of image data transfer
Imagetransfer stopped End of image data transfer
Logbook started Corresponds to unit switch-on
Image state switched to Released Exposure has been delivered to
SIDEXIS XG and confirmed by SIDEXIS
Other entry data which document the occurrence of a rescue event include:
● Image state switched to Rescue
● Rescue request Sidexis Error
● Rescue request Sidexis TrackEpilogue
● Rescue request Sidexis Timeout
These entry data may also occur after "Recording stopped" or "Cancel" and
indicate an exceptional circumstance. You can supply important information for
error diagnosis in coordination with the Sirona Customer Service Center.
Entry data [Error] E6 07 06 Error code
ERR_DX7_TTP_LOST Clear text error display

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 6 Troubleshooting
Service Manual GALILEOS 6.1 Error logging memory

Entry data [DeviceError] DEV_DX42 Name of module to which the message

Byte 0-7: Detailed error bytes for an error
0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 occurrence
Entry data SidErr: ERR_SOCKET_ERROR Detail of network error (for Sirona only)
[Error Sidexis] SockErr: Detail of network error (for Sirona only)
Entry data [Stringname] Key Act Activation transaction
Key Ok Activation transaction
Entry data [Stringsegment] 7YFWDUFV-E4MMRJBW e.g. activation or confirmation code (for
activation transaction)
061-00133 e.g. counter (ID counter reading)
Entry data Tried to change to: e.g. Tried to change to:
[RTC Date / Time Change] YYYY-MM-DD, HH:MM:SS 2006-Nov-30, 11:32:13
Entry data YYYY-MM-DD, HH:MM:SS 2006-Nov-30, 11:32:13

[PC Date / Time]

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6 Troubleshooting Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
6.2 Checking the CAN bus Service Manual GALILEOS

6.2 Checking the CAN bus

bus safety bus

Risk of damage to unit
The power supply MUST be plugged in and switched on when cables
are attached and plugged in. For example, if no power cable is
connected to the DX71, the module has no ground connection to the unit
and there is no potential equalization. If the CAN cable is plugged in, the
CAN transceiver (IC on the DX71) can be destroyed by the voltage
difference. In other words, when the unit is switched on, CAN cables
may only be plugged in on modules that are connected to the power
source and ground.

For troubleshooting, you can disconnect the CAN bus cable and/or plug
it back in and observe the (unit's) behavior.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 6.2 Checking the CAN bus


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6.2 Checking the CAN bus Service Manual GALILEOS

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Service Manual GALILEOS 6.2 Checking the CAN bus


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6 Troubleshooting Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
6.2 Checking the CAN bus Service Manual GALILEOS

6.2.1 Checking the CAN bus with the diagnostic function of

board DX1
Checking the CAN bus with the diagnostic function of board DX1

Board DX1 features a diagnostic function for diagnosing malfunctions of

the CAN bus via LEDs V700 and V701 (see wiring diagrams). The
following table indicates the operating status of the CAN bus and the
recommended error correction measures:

V700 V701 CAN bus operation Error correction

Slow flashing Slow flashing CAN bus OK Not required
Fast flashing Off CAN error, no communication with ● Check cabling.
board DX7, i.e. no display of error
● Check CAN jumpers (Jumper
positions in the CAN bus [ → 132])
Fast flashing Fast flashing CAN error, no physical communication ● Disconnect CAN cables one after the
with CAN bus possible; there is other (set jumpers to inner position!)
probably a short circuit in the CAN until the CAN bus functions again
cable or on the board of a module. (V700 and V701 flash slowly).
Replace faulty module.
Off Fast flashing CAN error, CAN bus TTP (time trigger ● Disconnect CAN cables one after the
protocol) disturbed by defective, other (set jumpers to inner position!)
constantly transmitting board (bus- until the CAN bus functions again
heavy). (V700 and V701 flash slowly).
Replace faulty module.
Off Off System did not power up (DX11) Switch unit off and on again and wait until
end of power-on time.

6.2.2 Jumper positions in the CAN bus

Jumper positions in the CAN bus

The jumpers are located on board DX1 at sockets X302, X303, X306,
X307, X309, X500, and X503 (see also wiring diagrams). If a cable is
connected to the socket, the corresponding jumpers must be set to the
outer position. If no cable is plugged in, the jumpers must be set to the
inner position. If a jumper is set to the inner position without a cable
plugged in, the CAN bus is interrupted at this location. Modules located
behind this location can no longer be connected to the CAN bus and,
therefore, do not function.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 6.2 Checking the CAN bus

Jumper outside
If the jumpers are set to the outer position, the module is connected
(i.e. the connector is plugged in).


Jumper inside
If the jumpers are set to the inner position, the module is not connected
(i.e. the connector is not plugged in).


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6 Troubleshooting Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
6.3 Checking the boards Service Manual GALILEOS

6.3 Checking the boards

Checking the boards

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 6 Troubleshooting
Service Manual GALILEOS 6.3 Checking the boards


Important LEDs on the boards

(see also wiring diagrams)

Board LEDs Normal operation Malfunction Bootloader

DX1 V100 lit not lit
V101 lit not lit
V108 lit not lit
V110 lit not lit
V200 flashing at 1 Hz lit or
not lit
V610 lit not lit flashing at 2 Hz
DX6 V1 flashing at 1 Hz not lit flashing at 2 Hz
V203 lit not lit
DX7 V100 lit not lit

V101 lit not lit
V102 lit not lit
DX71 V101 lit not lit
V103 lit not lit
V107 flashing at 1 Hz not lit flashing at 2 Hz
DX32 V132 lit not lit
V133 lit not lit
DX41* V103 flashing at 1 Hz not lit flashing at 2 Hz
V202 lit not lit
V204 lit not lit
DX42 V101 lit not lit
V103 lit not lit
DX89 V201 lit not lit
V202 lit not lit
V203 lit not lit
V204 flashing at 1 Hz not lit flashing at 2 Hz
V205 lit not lit
V207 lit not lit

*) Starting with unit serial number 3201, new units will be delivered
without board DX41.

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6 Troubleshooting Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
6.3 Checking the boards Service Manual GALILEOS

6.3.1 Checking board DX32

Checking board DX32

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Service Manual GALILEOS 6.3 Checking the boards


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6 Troubleshooting Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
6.4 Checking the motors Service Manual GALILEOS

6.4 Checking the motors

Checking the motors

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 6 Troubleshooting
Service Manual GALILEOS 6.5 Checking the light barriers

6.5 Checking the light barriers

Checking the light barriers


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6 Troubleshooting Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
6.6 Device leakage current too high Service Manual GALILEOS

6.6 Device leakage current too high

Device leakage current too high

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 6 Troubleshooting
Service Manual GALILEOS 6.7 Checking the cables

6.7 Checking the cables

Checking the
Checking the GALILEOS
cables cables

You can use a standard Cat5 cable as a test cable for L8 (up to unit
serial number 3201), L10, L12, L40 and L37. This cable must not be
permanently installed.

IMPORTANT: Most cables have the same plug at both ends and are
connected 1:1.


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6 Troubleshooting Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
6.8 Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path Service Manual GALILEOS

6.8 Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path

Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path

6.8.1 Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path: up to unit

serial number 3199 (with board DX41)
Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path: up to unit serial number 3199 (with board DX41)

Error and help messages with remote control installed

E3 42 31 + E3 13 40 + E3 41 20 occur in
combination after the unit is switched on
with the door contact closed:

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Service Manual GALILEOS 6.8 Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path

E3 42 31 occurs once after the unit is

switched on:

E3 41 20 occurs once after the unit is
switched on:

E3 41 24 occurs once during operation of

the unit:

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6 Troubleshooting Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
6.8 Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path Service Manual GALILEOS

E6 13 43 occurs once during operation

of the unit:

H321 is triggered at start of exposure:

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 6 Troubleshooting
Service Manual GALILEOS 6.8 Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path

Error messages without installed remote control

E3 13 40 + E3 41 20 occur in
combination after the unit is switched on:


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6.8 Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path Service Manual GALILEOS

Error messages with and without installed remote control

Error code Description Actions required see

E3 41 20 Faulty detection of release signal by ● Replace board DX41. S. [ → 343]
DX41 processor when the unit is
switched on.
E6 41 23 Faulty detection of release signal by ● Replace board DX41. S. [ → 343]
DX41 processor during operation of
the unit.
E6 41 25 The DX41 detects no release signal ● Replace board DX41. S. [ → 343]
when the exposure is started.
E3 13 40 Short circuit in signal path between ● Replace cable L7. S. [ → 362],
boards DX11 and DX41 during
● Replace board DX41. S. [ → 343]
● Replace board DX1.
● Replace board DX11.
E6 13 41 Release signal missing on board ● Replace cable L7. S. [ → 362],
DX11 at start of exposure.
● Replace board DX41. S. [ → 343]
● Replace board DX1.
● Replace board DX11.
E3 13 42 Short circuit in signal path between ● Replace cable L7. S. [ → 362],
boards DX11 and DX41 during
● Replace board DX41. S. [ → 343]
operation of the unit.
● Replace board DX1.
● Replace board DX11.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 6.8 Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path

6.8.2 Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path: from unit

serial number 3201 (without board DX41)
Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path: from unit serial number 3201 (without board DX41)

Error and help messages with remote control installed

E3 42 31 + E3 13 40 occur in
combination after the unit is switched on
with the door contact closed:

E3 42 31 occurs once after the unit is
switched on:

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6.8 Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path Service Manual GALILEOS

E6 13 43 occurs once during operation

of the unit:

H321 is triggered at start of exposure:

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Service Manual GALILEOS 6.8 Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path

Error messages without installed remote control

E3 13 40 occurs after the unit is switched


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6 Troubleshooting Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
6.8 Error analysis of X-RAY control signal path Service Manual GALILEOS

Error messages with and without installed remote control

Error code Description Actions required see

E3 13 40 Short circuit in signal path between ● Replace cable L117 or L108. S. [ → 362],
board DX11 and release button A2
● Replace board DX1. S. [ → 343]
during power-on.
● Replace board DX11.
E6 13 41 Release signal missing on board ● Replace cable L117 or L108. S. [ → 362],
DX11 at start of exposure.
● Replace board DX1. S. [ → 343]
● Replace board DX11.
E3 13 42 Short circuit in signal path between ● Replace cable L117 or L108. S. [ → 362],
board DX11 and release button A2
● Replace board DX1. S. [ → 343]
during operation of the unit.
● Replace board DX11.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 6 Troubleshooting
Service Manual GALILEOS 6.9 Fault diagnosis of the X-ray detector and on board DX89

6.9 Fault diagnosis of the X-ray detector and on

board DX89
Fault diagnosis of the X-ray detector and on board DX89

Do not damage the image tube!
The image tube of the X-ray detector is sensitive to mechanical stress,
and therefore must be handled with extreme care. Avoid bumps and
jolts. Please consider this point during transport and installation.

For error messages in connection with board DX89, it is important to

determine whether the fault concerned is attributable to a defect on board
DX89 or to a defect in the X-ray detector. To do this, proceed as follows:
1. Move the unit down using the Up/Down keys.
2. Switch off the unit.
3. Remove the x-ray detector cover.

4. CAUTION! Risk of injury! The cover plate has sharp edges.
Carefully pull the cover plate upwards to remove it from the X-ray
detector (see also Replace X-ray detector [ → 319]).
5. WARNING! Potentially lethal shock hazard! Do not touch any live
parts while observing board DX89.
Remove the cover plate of board DX89. Switch the unit on again and
observe board DX89.
The LEDs on the board can provide information about the possible
cause of the error (LEDs on board DX89 [ → 152]).

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6.9 Fault diagnosis of the X-ray detector and on board DX89 Service Manual GALILEOS

6.9.1 LEDs on board DX89

LEDs on board DX89

The diodes PLL_FPGA, PLL_CCD as well as (A) (image memory test)

and (D) (gettering) in particular should be observed (LED statuses and
their significance in case of an error [ → 153]).

A Image memory test

B Operating voltage on board DX89
C Operating voltage on image amplifier
D Gettering

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Service Manual GALILEOS 6.9 Fault diagnosis of the X-ray detector and on board DX89

6.9.2 LED statuses and their significance in case of an error

LED statuses and their significance in case of an error

For X-ray detector errors, it is usually necessary to send the extended

details of the unit to the Sirona Customer Service Center (CSC). The
results of the LED inquiry described below also must be added to the
extended details.
The LED statuses specified here apply to the booted system.
LED on: FPGA on DX89 has started properly.
LED off: FPGA on DX89 has not started properly.
Action: ● Format flash file system via service routine
S009.4 [ → 241].
● Run software update [ → 61].
● If this step does not lead to the desired result,
board DX89 must be replaced [ → 346].

If all LEDs light up after the power-up phase, this leads to conclusions
concerning a defect on board DX89. See the procedure outlined above
for troubleshooting.
The unit must be switched off before disconnecting any plugs or cables.

LED on: There is a connection to the CCD sensor in the camera

LED off: There is no connection to the CCD sensor in the
camera head.
Action: ● Check the plug connections and connection cables
between board DX89 and the x-ray detector,
if necessary, replace cable L28 or the x-ray
NOTE: In x-ray detectors with a serial number
≥ 5000, cable L28 cannot be replaced.

If all LEDs light up after the power-up phase, this indicates that there is a
defective FPGA on board DX89. For troubleshooting, see the action
under "LED OFF for PLL_FPGA".
LED on: Gettering is o.k.
LED flashing (after a waiting Gettering is not o.k.
period of 12 minutes):
Action: ● Replace the X-ray detector [ → 319].

The free ions are pumped out of the vacuum of the X-ray detector by the
getters (hence the name "getter pump"). The getter current is measured
during operation. If this does not drop below a certain value within 12
minutes, the gettering is not o.k. In this case, the error is probably caused
by a defective x-ray detector.

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6.9 Fault diagnosis of the X-ray detector and on board DX89 Service Manual GALILEOS

Image memory test

LED on: Image memory test is o.k.
LED off: Based on the PLL_FPGA LED, check whether the
FPGA on DX89 has started properly:
see the action under "LED OFF for PLL_FPGA".
● PLL_FPGA LED on: Replace board DX89 [ → 346].

6.9.3 LEDs of operating voltages

LEDs of operating voltages

The unit must be switched off before disconnecting any plugs or cables.

Operating voltages (28V, 24V, 5V, 3.3V) The four LEDs are powered directly by the four operating voltages and all
must light up after the system start.
If this is not the case, check connector X201 for firm seating. If the
connector is OK and the LEDs still do not light up, then replace the X-ray
detector [ → 319].

Supply voltage (in V) Light-emitting diode (LED)

28 V101
24 V109
5 V108
3,3 V107

Operating voltages on DX89 and X-ray These two LEDs PLL_FPGA and PLL_CCD must light up following the
detector system start. If this is not the case, replace the x-ray detector [ → 319].

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit
Service Manual GALILEOS

7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit

Adjusting/calibrating the unit

When performing the following tests, be sure to observe the radiation
protection regulations applicable in your country (see Operating

"Radiation" is signaled by the message "X-RAY active!", a beep, and an
GALILEOS service set

You will need the following accessories to perform unit calibration:

● Geometry phantom [ → 164]
● Distortion phantom [ → 163]
● Steel tape measure, 300mm

If you encounter problems with unit calibration, check whether the
required EMC conditions have been met. No heavy-duty electric
equipment (e.g. air conditioners, fan motors, etc.) should be present in
the vicinity of the unit.

Tip: Move the unit to a typical working height (bite block height (A) =
approx. 1,520 mm (60")) with the Up/Down keys on the control panel
before commencing calibration.

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Service Manual GALILEOS

Adjusting the height of the unit during calibration: GALILEOS

As of unit software version V 03.04.00, you can even adjust the height of
the unit during the calibration procedure. If the unit is ready for an
exposure (after the "Image acquisition" button has been pressed in the
SIDEXIS XG service menu), the corresponding service routine (S002.6/
S010.10-14/S011.8, and S030.5) is displayed on the control panel. All of
these service routines allow the height adjustment menu to be opened by
pressing the Test key. The current unit height is displayed in selection
field 1 in this menu. You can then set the unit to the desired height using
the UP/DOWN keys on the control panel.
Press the Service key or the double arrow key (Easypad) or the arrow key
above selection field 3 (Multipad) to exit the height adjustment menu.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit
Service Manual GALILEOS 7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration

7.1 General information about unit adjustment and

General information
Checking aboutunit
the mechanical unitadjustment:
adjustment GALILEOS
and calibration

Start by checking the mechanical unit adjustment. This step is a

prerequisite for the subsequent adjustment and calibration of the unit.
Please adhere to the following order when adjusting and calibrating the
GALILEOS calibration procedure

● Diaphragm exposure: "Type 1/Type 2" [ → 167] diaphragm or

diaphragm exposure: "Type 3" diaphragm [ → 171]
● Checking the radiation field [ → 178]
● Dosimetry [ → 179]
● Sensor adjustment [ → 181]
● Iris adjustment [ → 182]
● Shading calibration [ → 183]

● Distortion calibration [ → 185]
● Geometry calibration [ → 187])
Tip: It may be helpful to use the SIDEXIS XG coloring function to evaluate
the image.

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7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration Service Manual GALILEOS

7.1.1 Displays and help messages during adjustment/

Displays and help messages during adjustment/calibration

The most frequent help and status messages during calibration are listed
Help messages H3 01: Move unit to starting position, press the R key.
H3 07: Remove the occlusal bite block.
H3 21: Close the door.
H323/3244 GALILEOS

H3 23: Close swivel arm.

H3 24: Gettering in progress, please wait.
H4 03: SIDEXIS XG is not ready for exposure, make unit ready for
Status messages
GALILEOS status messages

Easypad Multipad
"Ready for exposure" no special display;
kV level and mAs are displayed
"Exposure not possible" S110
"Please wait" Progress bar
"Ready for exposure in XXs" XXs
"X RAY Active!" LED lights up on control panel

If error message E1 11 20 is displayed on the control panel and/or the

remote control during the calibration process, this does not necessarily
indicate an equipment error. This error message only indicates that the
adjustment or calibration data of the unit is incomplete at this point.
Acknowledge the error message with the R key, if applicable, and
continue the adjustment or calibration procedure.
For assistance with other help messages or error messages displayed
during the adjustment or calibration process, please refer to the section
of these instructions entitled Messages [ → 82].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration

7.1.2 "Service Functions" menu

"Service Functions" menu

A Message window
B Tabs
C Preview image
D Status column
E Tools pictograph

Message window The message window displays text messages about the calibration
Tabs / index cards (submenus) The "Service exposure " menu guides you through the calibration process
and contains the following tabs via which you can open and change back
and forth between eight index cards (submenus):
● "Diaphragm"
● "Radiation field"
● "Dose"
● "Sensor "
● "Iris"
● "Shading"
● "Distortion"
● "Geometry"
● "Service"

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7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration Service Manual GALILEOS

Preview image The "Diaphragm" and "Shading" submenus each contain a preview
image that symbolizes the exposure to be taken during the calibration
step. Due to the varying geometry of the "GALILEOS Comfort" and the
"GALILEOS Compact" diaphragms, the preview images displayed in
these submenus differ slightly.

We use only the display of the "GALILEOS Comfort" in these instructions,

unless explicit reference is made to the "GALILEOS Compact".
Status column To the right of the menu you can see the status column. This column
provides information about the system's current calibration state.

Green and Valid data record;

checked calibration is in progress.
No calibration required!
Green Calibration data record present,
calibration has not been performed,
calibration may be insufficient.
Red Invalid data record or no record
Calibration required!

Tools pictograph The tools pictograph shows which (if any) test phantom must be used for
this particular calibration step.

Click "Cancel" to quit the "Service functions" menu.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit
Service Manual GALILEOS 7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration Calling the "Adjustment/Calibration" menu

Call the "Adjustment/Calibration" menu

You can call the "Service functions" menu via SIDEXIS XG:
"Utilities"/"Constancy test..."/"3D"/"Select X-ray device"/"Service
exposure "/Password prompt/"Select X-ray component"/"Service
The "Select X-ray device" and "Select X-ray component" prompts are
only displayed if more than one unit has been set up in SIDEXIS XG.

Password protection
GALILEOS password

The "Service functions" menu is password-protected. Enter the first four

digits of the current system date (PC) in reverse order as the password.
For example: On 05/30/2010, the service password is 5003.

Service mode
GALILEOS service

When you open the "Service functions" menu, the unit switches from user

mode to the PC service mode logged by the PC. In PC service mode, the
control options that are available on the control panel are determined by
SIDEXIS XG and the service routine currently selected. General control
of the unit by means of the control panel (as in the user mode) is not
possible in this mode.
Easypad overview (GALILEOS)

Service mode is displayed on the Easypad via the PC service image.
GALILEOS service mode

"SERVICE" is displayed on the Multipad to indicate that the service mode
is active.

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7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration Service Manual GALILEOS

7.1.3 Enabling exposure readiness

Enabling exposure readiness

To take an exposure in SIDEXIS XG, the system must first be made ready
for exposure.

✔ Call the "Service functions" menu.

GALILEOS exposure readiness

✔ Select the corresponding tab.

➢ Click on the "Image acquisition" button.

ª The exposure window opens in SIDEXIS XG. It indicates the

current status of exposure readiness.
ª The service routine used for the corresponding exposure is
displayed on the control panel, along with the specific exposure

7.1.4 Taking an exposure

✔ Call the "Service functions" menu.
Taking an
Taking an exposure
exposure in GALILEOS

✔ Select the corresponding tab.

✔ SIDEXIS XG must be ready for exposure.
1. Press the R key to move the unit into the starting position.
ª The procedure is complete as soon as the "Ready for exposure"
status message is displayed on the touchscreen (Easypad only)
and the service routine exposure parameters are visible.
2. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal indicating the end of the exposure
(double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).

7.1.5 Save values

Save values

✔ Adjustment or calibration must be OK, i.e. the values in the menu's

text boxes must be equal to zero.
➢ To save the adjustment or calibration values, click the "Save values"
ª The adjustment or calibration is saved.
ª The saved adjustment or calibration is identified in the structure
tree by a check mark (2D adjustment) or a green traffic light
symbol with a check mark (3D adjustment).

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit
Service Manual GALILEOS 7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration

7.1.6 Test phantoms for adjustment and calibration

Test phantoms for adjustment and calibration Distortion phantom

Distortion phantom

You must clip the distortion phantom onto the X-ray detector cover for the
radiation field check [ → 178] and for the distortion calibration [ → 185].
This phantom must be removed again for all other calibration steps.

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7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration Service Manual GALILEOS Geometry phantom

Geometry phantom

IMPORTANT: Make sure that the phantom is securely fastened and in an

upright position in the bite block holder of the unit.
For the geometry calibration [ → 187], you must insert the geometry
phantom in the block holder of the unit.
This phantom must be removed again for all other calibration steps.
Up to unit serial number 8,699
(GALILEOS Comfort) and 48,699
(GALILEOS Compact) This geometry phantom is not suitable for calibration with Facescan.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration

From unit serial number 8,700

(GALILEOS Comfort) and 48,700
(GALILEOS Compact)

Once it has been inserted into the bite block holder, the geometry
phantom must be aligned vertically and horizontally with the spirit level,
so that calibration can be performed correctly.

➢ Insert the geometry phantom (A) into the pan bite block holder (B) on
the unit and secure it with the screw (C).

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7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
7.2 Checking the mechanical system adjustment Service Manual GALILEOS Constancy test phantom

Constancy test phantom

The constancy test phantom is inserted in the bite block holder of the unit
for for the constancy and acceptance tests as well as for the check of the
mechanical unit adjustment [ → 166].

7.2 Checking the mechanical system adjustment

Checking the mechanical system adjustment

1. Insert the constancy test phantom in the bite block holder of the unit.

P1 P2 M
P3 M

B2 B2

2. Measure distances B1, B2and B3 between the tube assembly

housing and measuring point M on the constancy test phantom
(positions 1, 2 and 3) using the steel tape measure from the service
M set.
3. Then calculate the ideal distance between the tube assembly and
measuring point M as follows: (B1+B2)/2 = ideal distance
4. Distances B1, B2 and B3 must not deviate more than ± 2 mm from
the calculated ideal distance. With deviations exceeding ± 2 mm, the
unit must be adjusted mechanically via the position of the ring
motor [ → 193].

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit
Service Manual GALILEOS 7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu

7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service

Functions" menu
Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu

7.3.1 Diaphragm image

Diaphragm image "Type 1/Type 2" diaphragm

"Type 1/Type 2" diaphragm

✔ The "Service functions" menu is selected.
1. Click on the "Image acquisition" button.
ª SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 162].
ª Service routine S030.5 is displayed on the control panel.
2. Take an exposure (85 kV/21 mAs) [ → 162].
3. For "GALILEOS Comfort": Evaluate the image.

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7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu Service Manual GALILEOS

A+B Adjustment OK
C Adjustment not OK
E Permissible tolerance: 30 pixels ± 5 pixels

ª The brightness distribution along the border surrounding the

image on all sides must be uniform (A).
ª The distance between the bottom edge and the lowest point in
the image should be 30 ± 5 pixels (measure with SIDEXIS scale)
If the distance between the bottom edge and the lowest point in
the image is out of tolerance (E) or the brightness distribution
along the surrounding border is not uniform (C), the diaphragm
must be adjusted mechanically [ → 197].
4. For "GALILEOS Compact": Evaluate the image.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu

A+B Adjustment OK
C Adjustment not OK, diaphragm not centered
D Adjustment not OK, diaphragm too small
E Permissible tolerance: 65 pixels ± 5 pixels

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7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu Service Manual GALILEOS

ª The brightness distribution along the surrounding border must be

uniform (A).
A shadow in the image indicates horizontal or vertical
displacement of the diaphragm.
ª The distance between the bottom edge and the lowest point in
the image should be 65 ± 5 pixels (measure with SIDEXIS scale).
No surrounding gray shadow should be visible (D).
A surrounding gray shadow in the image indicates that the
diaphragm is too small.
If the distance between the bottom edge and the lowest point in
the image is out of tolerance (E), or the brightness distribution
along the surrounding border is not uniform (C), or a surrounding
gray shadow is visible in the image (diaphragm opening too
small) (D), the diaphragm must be adjusted
mechanically [ → 197].
5. If the exposure is OK (A+B), confirm this by clicking the check box
underneath the message window.
ª The box will appear checked.
ª Calibration of the diaphragm is now complete.
6. Continue the calibration procedure with the radiation field
check [ → 178].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu "Type 3" diaphragm

"Type 3" diaphragm

Adjusting the "diaphragm open" ✔ The "Service functions" menu is called [ → 161].
diaphragm setting
✔ The "Diaphragm" tab is selected.
✔ The "Collimator open" is selectable in the "Image acquisition" menu
1. Set the rotary knob on the tube assembly to the "open diaphragm"

2. Click on the "Collimator open" button.

ª SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 162].
ª Service routine S030.5 is displayed on the control panel.
3. Take an exposure (85 kV/21 mAs) [ → 162].
4. For "GALILEOS Comfort": Evaluate the image.

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7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu Service Manual GALILEOS

A+B Adjustment OK
C Adjustment not OK
E Permissible tolerance: 30 pixels ± 5 pixels

ª The brightness distribution along the border surrounding the

image on all sides must be uniform (A).
ª The distance between the bottom edge and the lowest point in
the image should be 30 ± 5 pixels (measure with SIDEXIS scale)
If the distance between the bottom edge and the lowest point in
the image is out of tolerance (E) or the brightness distribution
along the surrounding border is not uniform (C), the diaphragm
must be adjusted mechanically [ → 197].
5. For "GALILEOS Compact": Evaluate the image.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu

A+B Adjustment OK
C Adjustment not OK, diaphragm not centered
D Adjustment not OK, diaphragm too small
E Permissible tolerance: 65 pixels ± 5 pixels

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7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu Service Manual GALILEOS

ª The brightness distribution along the surrounding border must be

uniform (A).
A shadow in the image indicates horizontal or vertical
displacement of the diaphragm.
ª The distance between the bottom edge and the lowest point in
the image should be 65 ± 5 pixels (measure with SIDEXIS scale).
No surrounding gray shadow should be visible (D).
A surrounding gray shadow in the image indicates that the
diaphragm is too small.
If the distance between the bottom edge and the lowest point in
the image is out of tolerance (E), or the brightness distribution
along the surrounding border is not uniform (C), or a surrounding
gray shadow is visible in the image (diaphragm opening too
small) (D), the diaphragm must be adjusted
mechanically [ → 197].
6. If the exposure is OK (A+B), confirm this by clicking the check box
located to the right of the "Collimator open" button.
ª The box will appear checked.
ª The adjustment for the "open diaphragm" diaphragm setting is
now complete.
ª The "Upper jaw" button is selectable.
7. Continue the calibration procedure with the adjustment of the "upper
jaw" diaphragm setting.
Adjustment of the "Upper jaw" ✔ The "Service functions" menu is called [ → 161].
diaphragm setting
✔ The "Diaphragm" tab is selected.
✔ The "Upper jaw" is selectable in the "Image acquisition" menu area.
1. Set the rotary knob on the tube assembly to the "maxillary exposure"

2. Click on the "Upper jaw" button.

ª SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 162].
ª Service routine S030.5 is displayed on the control panel.
3. Take an exposure (85 kV/0.21 mAs) [ → 162].
4. Evaluate the image.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu

A Adjustment OK
B Adjustment not OK

ª The upper edge of the lower lead diaphragm must be within

tolerance, i.e. lie inside of the auxiliary lies (A).
If the edge is out of tolerance (B), the diaphragm must be
adjusted mechanically [ → 197].
5. If the exposure is OK (A), confirm this by clicking the check box
located to the right of the "Upper jaw" button.
ª The box will appear checked.
ª The adjustment for the "Upper jaw" diaphragm setting is now
ª The "Lower jaw" button is selectable.
6. Continue the calibration procedure with the adjustment of the "Lower
jaw" diaphragm setting.

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7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu Service Manual GALILEOS

Adjustment of the "Lower jaw" ✔ The "Service functions" menu is called [ → 161].
diaphragm setting
✔ The "Diaphragm" tab is selected.
✔ The "Lower jaw" is selectable in the "Image acquisition" menu area.
1. Set the rotary knob on the tube assembly to the "lower jaw" position.

2. Click on the "Lower jaw" button.

ª SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 162].
ª Service routine S030.5 is displayed on the control panel.
3. Take an exposure (85 kV/0.21 mAs) [ → 162].
4. Evaluate the image.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit
Service Manual GALILEOS 7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu

A Adjustment OK
B Adjustment not OK

ª The lower edge of the lower lead diaphragm must be within

tolerance, i.e. lie inside of the auxiliary lies (A).
If the edge is out of tolerance (B), the diaphragm must be
adjusted mechanically [ → 197].
5. If the exposure is OK (A), confirm this by clicking the check box
located to the right of the "Lower jaw" button.
ª The box will appear checked.
ª Diaphragm adjustment is now complete.
6. Continue the calibration procedure with the radiation field
check [ → 178].

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7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu Service Manual GALILEOS

7.3.2 Checking the radiation field

Checking the radiation field

IMPORTANT: The illumination must be checked once the collimator has

been adjusted.

✔ The "Service functions" menu is called [ → 161].

1. Clip the distortion phantom onto the X-ray detector cover. [ → 163]
2. Click the "Radiation field" tab.
ª The corresponding tab card is selected.
3. Click on the "Image acquisition" button.
ª SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 162].
ª Service routine S002.6 is displayed on the control panel.
4. Press the R key to move the unit back to the starting position.
5. Press the release button. Hold down the release button and observe
the distortion phantom. The lighting strips on the distortion phantom
(A) must not light up.
If the strips on the phantom light up at all, the system is overexposed,
and you cannot continue the adjustment. In this case, repeat the
diaphragm adjustment procedure and then check the radiation beam
A field again. If the lighting strips still light up during the re-check of the
beam field, contact the SIRONA Customer Service Center (CSC) to
solve the problem.

6. To confirm that the lighting strips on the distortion phantom are not lit,
click the check box underneath the message window.
ª The box will appear checked.
ª The radiation field check is now complete.
7. Continue the calibration procedure with the dosimetry [ → 179].
Tip: Leave the distortion phantom on the unit for the next calibration

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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu

7.3.3 Dosimetry

A dosimeter for pulsed radiation (e.g. Mult-O-Meter 512L) is required for


✔ The "Service functions" menu is called [ → 161].
✔ The distortion phantom is clipped onto the cover of the X-ray detector
for protection against scratching.
1. Click the "Dose" tab.
ª The corresponding tab card is selected.
2. Attach the Mult-O-Meter sensor approximately in the middle of the
distortion phantom mounted on the X-ray detector.

3. Click on the "Image acquisition" button.

ª SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 162].
ª Service routine S011.8 is displayed on the control panel.
4. Press the R key to move the unit back to the starting position.
5. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal indicating the end of the exposure
(double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).

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7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu Service Manual GALILEOS

6. Then read off the dose from the Mult-O-Meter.

The value must be between 1.2 and 2.3 mGray. If the value is outside
the permissible range (1.2 to 2.3 mGray), check the X-ray tube
7. To confirm that the dose is within the permissible range between 1.2
and 2.3 mGray, click the check box underneath the message window.
ª The box will appear checked.
ª The dosimetry is now complete.
8. Remove the sensor from the distortion phantom and take the
phantom off the X-ray detector.
9. Continue the calibration procedure with the sensor
adjustment [ → 181].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu

7.3.4 Sensor adjustment

Sensor adjustment

✔ The "Service functions" menu is called [ → 161].
1. Click the "Sensor " tab.
ª The corresponding tab card is selected.

2. Click on the "Image acquisition" button.

ª SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 162].
ª Service routine S010.8 is displayed on the control panel.
3. Press the R key to move the unit back to the starting position.
4. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal indicating the end of the exposure
(double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).
IMPORTANT: This process takes approx. 2-3 minutes.
ª The unit transfers the acquired images to the Reconstruction and
Control Unit (RCU). This process can take 2-3 minutes. Once the
transfer is complete, the evaluation of the sensor calibration is
displayed in the message window.
If the information in the message window indicates that
calibration is not OK and/or not possible, keep repeating the
procedure starting with Step b) until calibration is OK and/or
If you have repeated the procedure three times and still have not
attained a positive result, please contact the SIRONA Customer
Service Center (CSC).
5. If the adjustment is OK or possible, click the "Save values" button.
ª The adjustment is saved.
ª The sensor adjustment is now complete.
6. Continue the calibration procedure with the iris adjustment [ → 182].

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7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu Service Manual GALILEOS

7.3.5 Iris adjustment

Iris adjustment

✔ The "Service functions" menu is called [ → 161].

1. Click the "Iris" tab.
ª The corresponding tab card is selected.

2. Click on the "Image acquisition" button.

ª SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 162].
ª Service routine S010.10 is displayed on the control panel.
3. Press the R key to move the unit back to the starting position.
4. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal indicating the end of the exposure
(double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).
IMPORTANT: This process takes approx. 2-3 minutes.
ª The unit transfers the acquired images to the Reconstruction and
Control Unit (RCU). This process can take 2-3 minutes. Once the
transfer is complete, the evaluation of the sensor calibration is
displayed in the message window.
If the information in the message window indicates that
calibration is not OK and/or not possible, keep repeating the
procedure starting with Step b) until calibration is OK and/or
If you have repeated the procedure three times and still have not
attained a positive result, please contact the SIRONA Customer
Service Center (CSC).
5. If the calibration is OK or possible, click the "Save values" button.
ª The adjustment is saved.
ª The iris adjustment is now complete.
6. Continue the calibration procedure with the shading
calibration [ → 183].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu

7.3.6 Shading calibration

Shading calibration

✔ The "Service exposure " menu is called [ → 161].
1. Click the "Shading" tab.
ª The corresponding tab card is selected.

2. Click on the "Image acquisition" button.

ª SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 162].
ª Service routine S010.11 or S010.15 (extended shading
calibration) is displayed on the control panel.
3. Press the R key to move the unit back to the starting position.
4. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal indicating the end of the exposure
(double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).

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7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu Service Manual GALILEOS

ª The shading exposure and the evaluation of the shading

calibration is displayed.
If the information in the message window indicates that
calibration is not OK and/or not possible, keep repeating the
procedure starting with Step b) until calibration is OK and/or
If you have repeated the procedure three times and still have not
attained a positive result, please contact the SIRONA Customer
Service Center (CSC).
IMPORTANT: No foreign bodies may be visible on the shading
exposure. If this is the case, check the beam path for foreign
bodies, remove them if necessary and repeat the calibration.

5. If the calibration is OK or possible, click the "Save values" button.

ª The calibration is saved.
ª The shading calibration is now complete.
6. Continue the calibration procedure with the distortion
calibration [ → 185].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu

7.3.7 Distortion calibration

Distortion calibration

IMPORTANT: When a new distortion calibration is saved, all calibration

data in the list are set to "invalid" (red LEDs).

✔ The "Service functions" menu is called [ → 161].
1. Click the "Distortion" tab.
ª The corresponding tab card is selected.

2. Read off the serial number of the distortion phantom from the ID label
of the phantom and enter it in the "Seriennr. Kalbrierphantom" text
box of the "Distortion" tab card.
3. Clip the distortion phantom onto the X-ray detector cover [ → 163].
4. Click on the "Image acquisition" button.
ª SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 162].
ª Service routine S010.12 is displayed on the control panel.
5. Press the R key to move the unit back to the starting position.
6. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal indicating the end of the exposure
(double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).
IMPORTANT: This process takes approx. 2-3 minutes.
ª The unit transfers the acquired images to the Reconstruction and
Control Unit (RCU). This process can take 2-3 minutes. Once the
transfer is complete, the evaluation of the distortion calibration is
displayed in the message window.
If the information in the message window indicates that
calibration was not successful, check the calibration phantom to
make sure that it is not damaged.
If the phantom checks out OK (all balls are present and correctly
positioned), repeat the procedure starting with point d) as often
as required until the calibration is OK.
If you have repeated the procedure three times and still have not
attained a positive result, please contact the SIRONA Customer
Service Center (CSC).

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7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu Service Manual GALILEOS

7. If the calibration is OK or possible, click the "Save values" button.

ª The calibration is saved.
ª The distortion calibration is now complete.
8. Remove the distortion phantom again from the X-ray detector cover.
9. Continue the calibration procedure with the geometry
calibration [ → 187].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu

7.3.8 Geometry calibration

Geometry calibration

For an installed and configured Facescan:
The face scanner is automatically calibrated during the geometry
calibration of GALILEOS. In this case, make sure that the normal room
lighting is switched on during the calibration process. The room does not
have to be darkened during calibration.

✔ The "Service functions" menu is called [ → 161].
1. Click the "Geometry" tab.
ª The corresponding tab card is selected.

2. Read off the serial number of the geometric phantom from the ID
label of the phantom and enter it in the "Seriennr. Kalbrierphantom"
text box of the "Geometry" tab card.
3. Insert the geometric phantom in the bite block holder of the
unit [ → 164].
4. For Facescan: Check to make sure that the room lighting is switched
on. Switch it on if necessary.
5. Click on the "Image acquisition" button.
ª SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 162].
ª Service routine S010.13 is displayed on the control panel.
6. Press the R key to move the unit back to the starting position.

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7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu Service Manual GALILEOS

7. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal indicating the end of the exposure
(double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).
IMPORTANT: This process takes approx. 2-3 minutes.
ª The unit transfers the acquired images to the Reconstruction and
Control Unit (RCU). This process can take 2-3 minutes. Once the
transfer is complete, the evaluation of the calibration is displayed
in the message window.
If the information in the message window indicates that
calibration was not successful, check the calibration phantom to
make sure that it is not damaged.
If you have repeated the procedure three times and still have not
attained a positive result, check the mechanical geometry of the
unit [ → 166]. Adjust the unit if necessary and then repeat the
If this still does not lead to a positive result, please contact the
SIRONA Customer Service Center (CSC).
8. If the calibration is OK or possible, click the "Save values" button.
ª The calibration is saved.
ª Calibration of the geometry is now complete.
9. Remove the geometric phantom from the bite block holder of the unit.
Calibration of the unit is now complete. IA test image can be
generated [ → 189] via the "Service" tab card if necessary.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu

7.3.9 Service

You can create a test image with the "Service" tab card.
It is not necessary to execute this menu for the calibration of the unit!

✔ The "Service functions" menu is called [ → 161].
1. Click the "Service" tab.
ª The corresponding tab card is selected.
2. Click on the "Image acquisition" button.
ª SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 162].
ª Service routine S032.41 is displayed on the control panel.
3. Press the R key to move the unit back to the starting position.
4. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal indicating the end of the exposure
(double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).
ª The CCD test image is displayed.

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7.4 Performing a white balance for Facescan Service Manual GALILEOS

7.4 Performing a white balance for Facescan

Performing a white balance for Facescan

Constant lighting conditions
If the lighting conditions during the white balance process are different
from those during the subsequent Facescan process, this will lead to
inaccurate colors.
➢ Ensure that the lighting conditions during white balancing
correspond with those of the later Facescan operation.

Without white balance the pictures will be tinged.

A white balance can be performed during:
● The first installation
● Making changes to environmental lighting
● Following a software update
Opening the web dialog / general types 2

Opening the web dialog

1. In SIDEXIS Manager, start the "Facescan Configuration" application.
2. Click on the "Facescanner in browser" button.
ª A password dialog box opens.
3. In the field "User" enter "service".
4. In the field "Password" enter "sirona".
ª The "Facescan Device Service " web dialog opens.
White balance type 1

White balance (type 1)

✔ 1 white sheet of paper (such as DIN A3)

1. Attach the sheet of paper (A) to where the patient's head goes, so that
the cameras are pointed at the white surface area.
2. Select the menu item "SERVICE".
3. Press the "Enter Auto White Balance" button.
ª The "Auto White Balance" dialog box opens.
4. Wait until the status LEDs light up.
5. Press the "Auto White Balance" button.
ª The white balance starts. During this time, the LEDs of the
Facescan are on for the duration of the white balance.
The white balance takes a minimum of 2 minutes (up to 20
minutes in the event of errors).
In the event of errors: If the white balance does not work, then the
white balance procedure must be repeated.
ª The Facescan restarts.
ª The white balance is complete

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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.5 Checking and adjusting the touchscreen

7.5 Checking and adjusting the touchscreen

1. Switch the unit on.
Checking and adjusting the touchscreen

ª Once the unit software has started up, the start screen is
displayed on the touchscreen.
2. As soon as the start screen appears, press the 3 keys light localizer,
T, and R simultaneously (see (A)).
IMPORTANT: These keys must be pressed while the unit is booting
and the start screen is still displayed.
ª The first adjustment screen appears on the display.
A ª You can abort the adjustment procedure at any time by pressing
the "Abort" button.
3. Touch the top left corner of the screen.
ª The second adjustment screen appears on the display.

4. Touch the bottom right corner of the screen.
ª The third adjustment screen appears on the display.

5. Touch the center of the green square in the top right corner of the
IMPORTANT: Touch the green squares as close to the center as
possible so that the black dots that then appear will be positioned
exactly in the center of the squares.
ª The fourth adjustment screen appears on the display.

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7.5 Checking and adjusting the touchscreen Service Manual GALILEOS

6. Touch the center of the green square in the bottom left corner of the
ª The fifth adjustment screen appears on the display.

7. Confirm the adjustment settings by clicking the "Yes" button.

ª The touchscreen is now adjusted.
ª To repeat the adjustment procedure, touch the "No" button.
ª To abort the adjustment procedure, touch the "Abort" button.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 7 Adjusting/calibrating the unit
Service Manual GALILEOS 7.6 Mechanical adjustments

7.6 Mechanical adjustments

Mechanical adjustments

7.6.1 Ring center adjustment

Ring center adjustment

Perform this adjustment only if the measured values are out of
tolerance [ → 166].

1. Remove the "arm cover".

2. Move the ring center to the left or right:
NOTICE! Do not undo the screws completely! Make sure that spring
(B) does not pop out. This spring has a defined prestress!
Loosen the four screws (A) slightly.
B 3. Correct the position carefully and then retighten the screws.


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4. Move the ring center to the left or right:

NOTICE! Do not undo the screws completely!
Loosen the four screws (C) slightly.
5. Correct the position carefully and then retighten the screws.
If the center of the ring cannot be fully adjusted using the screws (C)
then proceed with adjusting the swivel arm. Otherwise, the
mechanical adjustment is now complete and you may begin
6. Re-attach the "arm cover".


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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.6 Mechanical adjustments

7.6.2 Adjusting the swivel arm

Adjusting the swivel arm

Perform this adjustment only if the measured values are out of
tolerance [ → 166].

1. Remove the "swivel arm cover".

Move the swivel arm to the entry position, loosen the internal grid,
slightly bend the housing upwards and remove it by pulling towards
the pivot joint of the swivel arm.

2. Loosen screw (A) slightly.
3. NOTICE! Do not forget to tighten screw (A) again. Otherwise, the
B clearance and play of the swivel arm is not ensured!
Adjust the swivel arm with the eccentric screw (B). Hold the eccentric
screw securely in place and tighten screw (A) again.
IMPORTANT: The swivel arm is shown here without the control panel
for purposes of clarity (*).

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7.6 Mechanical adjustments Service Manual GALILEOS

4. Re-attach the "swivel arm cover".

To do this, position the nose (C) in the groove of the swivel arm and
press the cover on until it snaps in place.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.6 Mechanical adjustments

7.6.3 Diaphragm adjustment

Diaphragm adjustment

Preparations 1. With the "Type 3" diaphragm:Pull off the adjusting knob with the
silicone ring.
2. Remove the "Front tube assembly" and "Rear tube assembly" covers. Adjusting the "type 1" diaphragm (up to serial no. 2200)
Adjusting the "type 1" diaphragm (up to serial no. 2200)




1. Loosen both screws (A)) slightly (approx. 1 turn).

2. Adjust the diaphragm position by using screws (B) (horizontal
adjustment) and (C) (vertical adjustment).
Depending on the adjustment direction of the diaphragm, it may be
necessary to loosen the corresponding locknuts (E) slightly before
the adjustment.
CW rotation of screws:
Moves the diaphragm to the right or upwards
CCW rotation of the screws:
Moves the diaphragm to the left or downwards
IMPORTANT: To measure the shift, refer to the gap between the
plastic support and the lead diaphragm (D).
3. Retighten screws (A) and locknuts (E).
4. Repeat the diaphragm exposure [ → 167].

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7.6 Mechanical adjustments Service Manual GALILEOS Adjusting the "Type 2" diaphragm (serial no. 2201 and higher)
Adjusting the "Type 2" diaphragm (serial no. 2201 and higher)

Horizontal and vertical diaphragm

adjustment C

1. Loosen both screws (A)) slightly (approx. 1 turn).

2. Adjust the diaphragm position using screws (B) (horizontal
adjustment) and (C) (vertical adjustment).
CW rotation of screws:
Moves the diaphragm to the right or upwards
CCW rotation of screws:
Moves the diaphragm to the left or downwards
3. Retighten screws (A) firmly.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.6 Mechanical adjustments

Adjusting the diaphragm size In order to adjust the size of the diaphragm opening, adjust the diaphragm

1. Loosen screw (D) slightly (approx. 1 turn).
2. Adjust the diaphragm distance with knurled nut (E).
Turn the knurled nut toward the rear:
The image on the X-ray detector becomes larger
Turn the knurled nut toward the front
The image on the X-ray detector becomes smaller
3. Retighten screw (D) firmly.
4. Repeat the diaphragm exposure [ → 167].

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7.6 Mechanical adjustments Service Manual GALILEOS Adjusting the "Type 3" diaphragm

Adjusting the "Type 3" diaphragm

Adjusting the complete diaphragm unit If the exposure taken in the "diaphragm open" diaphragm setting is not
OK, the complete diaphragm unit must be adjusted.
1. Set the rotary knob on the tube assembly to the "open diaphragm"


2. Loosen the five screws (A) (but do not remove them).

3. If necessary, use the adjustment screws to adjust the diaphragm in

the X, Y or Z direction.
CW rotation of screws:
Moves the diaphragm in the X, Y or Z direction
CCW rotation of the screws:
Moves the diaphragm in the direction opposite to the X, Y or Z
4. Retighten the five screws (A) firmly.
5. Repeat the diaphragm exposure [ → 167].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 7.6 Mechanical adjustments

Adjusting the lower lead diaphragm If the exposure taken in the "upper jaw" diaphragm setting is not OK, the
lower lead diaphragm must be adjusted.
1. Set the rotary knob on the tube assembly to the "maxillary exposure"


2. Loosen both screws (B) of the lead diaphragm.

3. Manually adjust lead diaphragm (C).
4. Tighten both screws (B) firmly.
5. Repeat the diaphragm exposure [ → 167].
Adjusting the upper lead collimator If the exposure taken in the "lower jaw" diaphragm setting is not OK, the
upper lead diaphragm must be adjusted.
1. Set the rotary knob on the tube assembly to the "lower jaw" position.

2. Loosen both screws (B) of the lead diaphragm.

3. Manually adjust lead diaphragm (C).
4. Tighten both screws (B) firmly.
5. Repeat the diaphragm exposure [ → 167].

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8 Service Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
8.1 Overview of service routines Service Manual GALILEOS

8 Service

8.1 Overview of service routines

Overview of service routines

8.1.1 List of all service routines available for selection

List of all service routines available for selection

Service routine Function see

S002 Radiation without rotary movement, selectable kV/mA level and S. [ → 221]
maximum radiation time
S002.5 Long-term exposure with fixed radiation intervals from any S. [ → 221]
S005 General X-ray tube assembly service S. [ → 223]
S005.1 Read/select tube type S. [ → 223]
S005.4 Fan test S. [ → 225]
S005.5 Temperature sensor test, single tank S. [ → 226]
S005.8 Automatic adjustment of pulse preheating S. [ → 227]
S007 Error logging memory S. [ → 229]
S007.1 Display error logging memory S. [ → 229]
S007.2 Clearing error logging memory S. [ → 232]
S007.5 Enable the CAN bus logging in the Miniweb S. [ → 235]
S008 Update service S. [ → 238]
S008.2 Overview of the module software versions S. [ → 238]
S008.3 Confirming the unit serial number S. [ → 240]
S009 Flash file system S. [ → 241]
S009.4 Formatting flash file system S. [ → 241]
S009.5 Test flash file system S. [ → 243]
S009.7 Save/restore DX89 data S. [ → 245]
S011 Dosimetry (without ring movement) S. [ → 247]
S011.9 Current measurement (unpulsed) S. [ → 248]
S011.12 Dosimetry with pulsed radiation S. [ → 247]
S012 CAN bus service S. [ → 249]
S012.1 Presence display of modules S. [ → 249]
S017 Configuration service S. [ → 252]
S017.2 Configuring the hardware version S. [ → 252]
S017.3 Enter the country group code S. [ → 254]
S017.4 Select a language S. [ → 256]
(for "GALILEOS Comfort")
S017.5 Select a language set S. [ → 258]
(for "GALILEOS Comfort")
S017.6 Activate the remote control display S. [ → 259]
S017.7 Configure the switching plate for the swivel arm S. [ → 261]
S017.9 Activate/deactivate operation with board DX41 S. [ → 263]
S017.13 Enable/disable the welcome screen S. [ → 265]
(for "GALILEOS Comfort")

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 8 Service
Service Manual GALILEOS 8.1 Overview of service routines

Service routine Function see

S017.14 Enable/disable certain lines of the welcome screen S. [ → 266]
(for "GALILEOS Comfort")
S017.15 Activate/deactivate the acoustic signal for end of exposure S. [ → 268]
S017.25 Select the diaphragm type S. [ → 270]
S018 Service for height adjustment S. [ → 272]
S018.2 Set the maximum travel height S. [ → 272]
S018.3 Undo the maximum travel height setting S. [ → 274]
S018.4 Check the height adjustment sensor system S. [ → 275]
S037 Network service S. [ → 277]
S037.1 Displaying the network data S. [ → 277]
S037.2 Setting the default IP address, default gateway address and S. [ → 279]
default subnet mask
S037.3 Configuring boot mode: DYNAMIC (DHCP/AutoIP) / STATIC S. [ → 281]

(fixed address)
S037.4 Manual input of static network settings (IP address, default S. [ → 283]
gateway address, and subnet mask)

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8 Service Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
8.1 Overview of service routines Service Manual GALILEOS

8.1.2 Alphabetical list of service routine functions

Alphabetical list of service routine functions

Function Service routine see

Acoustic signal for end of exposure, activate/deactivate S017.15 S [ → 268].
Automatic adjustment of pulse preheating S005.8 S. [ → 227]
CAN bus logging in the web interface, enable S007.5 S. [ → 235]
CAN bus, service S012 S. [ → 249]
Configuration, service S017 S. [ → 252]
Configure the switching plate for the swivel arm S017.7 S. [ → 261]
Configuring boot mode: DYNAMIC (DHCP/AutoIP) / STATIC S037.3 S. [ → 281]
(fixed address)
Country group code, enter S017.3 S. [ → 254]
Current measurement, unpulsed S011.9 S. [ → 248]
Default gateway address, manual input S037.4 S. [ → 283]
Default gateway address, set to defaults S037.2 S. [ → 279]
Displaying the network data S037.1 S. [ → 277]
Dosimetry (without ring movement) S011 S. [ → 247]
Dosimetry, with pulsed radiation S011.12 S. [ → 247]
Error logging memory S007 S. [ → 229]
Error logging memory, clear S007.2 S. [ → 232]
Error logging memory, display S007.1 S. [ → 229]
Fan, test S005.4 S. [ → 225]
Flash file system S009 S. [ → 241]
Flash file system, format S009.4 S. [ → 241]
Flash file system, test S009.5 S. [ → 243]
Height adjustment, sensor system test S018.4 S. [ → 275]
Height adjustment, service S018 S. [ → 272]
IP address, enter manually S037.4 S. [ → 283]
IP address, set to defaults S037.2 S. [ → 279]
Long-term exposure with fixed radiation intervals from any S002.5 S. [ → 221]
Maximum travel height, set S018.2 S. [ → 272]
Maximum travel height, undo setting S018.3 S. [ → 274]
Module software version, show overview S008.2 S. [ → 238]
Modules, presence display S012.1 S. [ → 249]
Network, service S037 S. [ → 277]
Radiation without rotary movement, selectable kV/mA level and S002 S. [ → 221]
maximum radiation time
Remote control, enable/disable display S017.6 S. [ → 259]
Save/restore DX89 data S009.7 S. [ → 245]
Select a language S017.4 S. [ → 256]
(for "GALILEOS Comfort")
Select a language set S017.5 S. [ → 258]
(for "GALILEOS Comfort")

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 8 Service
Service Manual GALILEOS 8.1 Overview of service routines

Function Service routine see

Select the diaphragm type S017.25 S. [ → 270]
Subnet mask, manual input S037.4 S. [ → 283]
Subnet mask, set to defaults S037.2 S. [ → 279]
Temperature sensor test, single tank S005.5 S [ → 226].
Tube assembly service, general S005 S. [ → 223]
Unit serial number, confirm S008.3 S. [ → 240]
Unit variant, configure S017.2 S. [ → 252]
Update, service S008 S. [ → 238]
Welcome screen, enable/disable S017.13 S. [ → 265]
(for "GALILEOS Comfort")
Welcome screen, enable/disable lines S017.14 S. [ → 266]
(for "GALILEOS Comfort")


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8.2 Service menu and service routines Service Manual GALILEOS

8.2 Service menu and service routines

Service menu and service routines

You can use the service routines to check the function of certain unit
components and modules, as well as to set important unit parameters.
Description of Service Routines: Service Manual

This chapter describes all service routines that can be selected and
started via the service menu on the control panel. Service routines S010
and S030 cannot be selected manually and, therefore, are not described
here. They are used solely for unit adjustment and calibration.

8.2.1 Displays and symbols in the service menu

Displays and symbols in the service menu Easypad

There are many different control symbols and display fields on the
touchscreen; these are activated on a context-sensitive basis depending
on the procedure step.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.2 Service menu and service routines

A X RAY Radiation can be released.

X RAY Active! Caution! Radiation is being released.
B Selection field 1 Display fields for service routines, test
C Selection field 2 steps, values, unit parameters, etc.
D Selection field 3
E Arrow keys Touch the "+" and "-" arrow keys to
select unit parameters in the selection
fields [ → 217].
F S1 - S37 Selected service routine.
G 1-n Selected test step.
H Patient symbol keys Different functions, depending on
service routine.
I Memory key Save selection.
J Service key Different functions, depending on

service routine. Most, however,
confirm a selection or the activation of
the next test step.
K T(est rotation) key Start a test.
L R(eturn) key Move the unit to the starting position
or confirm a save operation.
M Double arrow key Return to the main menu.
N Wrench symbol Displayed if level 4 (service menu) is

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8.2 Service menu and service routines Service Manual GALILEOS Multipad



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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.2 Service menu and service routines

A X-ray lamp Caution! Radiation is being released.

B Selection field 1 Display fields for service routines, test
(8 digits) steps, values, unit parameters, etc.
C Selection field 2
(4 digits)
D Selection field 3
(4 digits)
E Arrow keys Touch the "+" and "-" arrow keys to
select unit parameters in the selection
fields (Select parameters [ → 217]).
H Patient symbol keys Different functions, depending on
service routine.
I Memory key Save selection.
J Service key Different functions, depending on
service routine. Most, however,

confirm a selection or the activation of
the next test step.
K T(est rotation) key Start a test.
L R(eturn) key Move the unit to the starting position
or confirm a save operation.

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8.3 Basic operating procedures in the service menu Service Manual GALILEOS

8.3 Basic operating procedures in the service menu

Basic operating procedures in the service menu

8.3.1 Activating the service menu

Activating the service menu Easypad

The structure of the touchscreen user interface on the control panel is

subdivided into 4 levels:
● Level 1: Main menu
● Level 2: Program Settings
● Level 3: Basic Settings
● Level 4: Service menu
When the unit starts up, the main menu appears on the touchscreen.
1. To select level 2 ("Select program settings"), touch the blue arrow in
the top right corner of the touchscreen (A).

2. To select level 3 ("Select basic settings"), touch the left-hand blue

arrow in the top right corner of the touchscreen (B).

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.3 Basic operating procedures in the service menu

3. To select level 4 (service menu/access), touch the wrench symbol


4. Switch to the service menu:

Press and hold down the Service key (D) until the patient symbol keys
light up (E-H) (approx. 2 s). Then press the patient symbol keys in the
sequence F – H – E within the next 4 s.

ª After you have entered the key combination correctly, the service
menu is displayed. You can return to the next higher level with the
double arrow key (I) at any time.

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8.3 Basic operating procedures in the service menu Service Manual GALILEOS Multipad
1. Press and hold down Service key (D) until the patient symbol keys

light up (E-H) (approx. 2 s).

2. Then press the patient symbol keys in the sequence F – H – E within

the next 4 s.


ª After you have entered the key combination correctly, the service
menu is displayed. You can return to the next higher level with the
arrow key above selection field 3 (I) at any time.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.3 Basic operating procedures in the service menu

8.3.2 Selecting service routines and test steps

Selecting service routines and test steps Selecting a service routine

Selecting a service routine

✔ The service menu must be selected [ → 210].

➢ Select the desired service routine via the arrow keys in the selection
A A field 1 (A) and confirm the selection via the service key (B).
If the selected service routine has several test steps, the first
selectable test step is displayed in selection field 2 (test step 1 in the
- S005 + S5

- 1 +



61 25 665 D3437
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8.3 Basic operating procedures in the service menu Service Manual GALILEOS Selecting a test step

✔ The service menu must be selected [ → 210].
Selecting a
Selecting a test
test step
step in GALILEOS

✔ The required service routine must be selected [ → 213].

➢ Select the required test step in selection field 2 with arrow keys (C)
and confirm your selection by pressing Service key (B).

ª Easypad: The selected service routine as well as the test step

chosen are displayed in the right-hand column (S005.4 in the
- 01 + S5

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.3 Basic operating procedures in the service menu

ª Multipad: The parameters or IDs of the selected service routine

are displayed on the Multipad. The Multipad does not show which
service routine or test step is currently active. Service routines with security access

Service routines with security access

A security code is required for accessing service routines involving

functions such as radiation release or editing of configuration data or
stored values. This procedure prevents the inadvertent selection or
activation of these service routines.
To select a service routine or test step with security access, proceed as

1. Select the service routine or the test step, and confirm your selection
with the Service key [ → 213].
ª After you have confirmed your selection, a "0" appears in
selection field 2.

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8.3 Basic operating procedures in the service menu Service Manual GALILEOS

2. Confirm security access by once again selecting the number of the

main routine (2 in the example) with the arrow keys in selection field
2 (C) and press the Service key (B) to confirm your selection.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.3 Basic operating procedures in the service menu

ª Following this double selection and confirmation via the Service

key, the service routine is activated.

8.3.3 Select parameters
Select parameters

Easypad touchscreen
If arrow keys are displayed in the selection fields once the required
service routine has been selected, you can use these arrow keys to
choose between different parameters.
Example You want to run service routine S017.6 to activate the remote control.
✔ Once you have selected service routine S017.6, the code "00" is pre-
selected for the "Remote control disabled" option.

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8.3 Basic operating procedures in the service menu Service Manual GALILEOS

➢ Touch the + or - arrow keys (A) to select the code 01 (B) for the
"Remote control enabled" option.
ª Once the selected parameter has been changed (in this case the
code for the activation of the remote control), the Memory key (C)
lights up.
Selecting parameters in GALILEOS

Example You want to run service routine S017.6 to activate the remote control.
✔ Once you have selected service routine S017.6, the code "00" is pre-
selected for the "Remote control disabled" option.

➢ Press the UP or DOWN arrow key (A) to select the code 01 (B) for the
"Remote control enabled" option.
ª Once the selected parameter has been changed (in this case the
code for the activation of the remote control), the LED above
Memory key (C) lights up.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.3 Basic operating procedures in the service menu

8.3.4 Saving parameters

Saving parameters

Once one or a number of parameters have been selected via a service

routine, the current selection must be saved so that it is applied in the unit.
Title: Saving parameters in GALILEOS

Easypad touchscreen
Example You want to run service routine S017.6 to save the selected option
"Remote control enabled".
✔ The Memory key (C) lights up.
1. Touch the Memory key (C).
ª The R key (D) lights up.
2. Touch the R key (D).
ª The selected setting is saved to non-volatile memory.
Saving parameters in GALILEOS

Example You want to run service routine S017.6 to save the selected option
"Remote control enabled".
✔ The LED above Memory key (C) lights up.
1. Press Memory key (C).
ª The LED above the R key lights up.
2. Press R key (D).
ª The selected setting is saved to non-volatile memory.

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8.3 Basic operating procedures in the service menu Service Manual GALILEOS

8.3.5 Exiting the test step and service routine

Exiting the test step and service routine

Touch the Service key (A) or the double arrow key (B) to go back to the
menu for selecting service routines.
Touch the double arrow key (B) in the service menu to go back to the
main menu.

Exception: Service routine S017

In service menu S017, touch the Service key (A) to go to the next test step
in the service routine.
Exiting test steps_service routines in GALILEOS

Press the Service key (A) or the up arrow key above selection field 3 (B)
to go back to the menu for selecting service routines.
In the service menu, touch the up arrow key above selection field 3 (B) to
go back to the main menu.

Exception: Service routine S017

In service menu S017, press the Service key (A) to go to the next test step
in the service routine.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.4 S002: Radiation without rotary movement, selectable kV/mA level and maximum radiation time

8.4 S002: Radiation without rotary movement,

selectable kV/mA level and maximum radiation
S002: Radiation without rotary movement, selectable kV/mA level and maximum radiation time

SR* SHZ** Function

S002 X-ray beam test
S002.5 Yes Long-term exposure with fixed radiation intervals from any position

* SR=service routine, ** SHZ=security access

8.4.1 S002: Test step 5

S002: Test step 5

Long-term exposure with fixed radiation intervals from any position


Unit is radiating X-rays
Excess exposure to X-rays is detrimental to health.
➢ Use the prescribed accessories for radiation protection.
➢ Do not stay in the X-ray room during exposure. Move as far away
from the unit as the coiled cable for the release button allows you to.

Selection field Parameters Range of values

1 kV/mA level 60 kV/8 mA –
85 kV / 7 mA*
2 Radiation time 0.1 s – 5.0 s*

* Factory setting

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8.4 S002: Radiation without rotary movement, selectable kV/mA level and maximum radiation time Service Manual GALILEOS

1. Call service routine S002.5 [ → 213].

2. Use the arrow keys (A) to select the required kV/mA level and the
required radiation time (see table).

3. Initiate the radiation.

ª The maximum set radiation time has elapsed.
IMPORTANT: If you let go of the release button before the
maximum radiation time has elapsed, radiation is terminated
prematurely and the exposure is interrupted. The actual radiation
time is not displayed.
When you release radiation during the cool-down interval, a
countdown of the remaining waiting time is displayed in the
header of the control panel or in selection field 2 on the Multipad
(automatic exposure blocking).
4. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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222 D3437. 06.2012
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 8 Service
Service Manual GALILEOS 8.5 S005: General X-ray tube assembly service

8.5 S005: General X-ray tube assembly service

S005: General X-ray tube assembly service

SR* SA** Function

S005 General X-ray tube assembly service
S005.1 No If tube type is valid:
Read out tube type
Yes If tube type is not valid:
Select tube type
S005.4 No Fan test
S005.5 No Temperature sensor test, single tank
S005.8 Yes Automatic adjustment of pulse preheating

* SR=service routine, ** SHZ=security access

8.5.1 S005: Test step 1

S005: Test step 1

Read or select the X-ray tube assembly type

Tube type GALILEOS

Only CB tube D151 R (indicator number 03) is permissible for use with
the GALILEOS volume tomography unit.

➢ Call service routine S005.1 [ → 213].

ª Selection field 1 shows the indicator number of the installed tube

The X-ray tube assembly automatically queries the tube type
information. If no defined value is saved, the security access will be
shown instead of the tube type.

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8.5 S005: General X-ray tube assembly service Service Manual GALILEOS

If the tube type is invalid ... 1. Confirm the security access [ → 215].
ª Selection field 1 shows the indicator number of the (invalid) tube
type detected by the X-ray tube assembly.
2. Use the arrow keys in selection field 1 to select the code for the tube
type (see table).
ª The Memory key (B) (Easypad) or the LED above the Memory
key (B) (Multipad) lights up.
3. Save the selected parameter [ → 219].
4. Exit the service routine [ → 220].
After calling the service routine S005.1 again, the security access is no
longer requested and the stored tube type is displayed.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.5 S005: General X-ray tube assembly service

8.5.2 S005: Test step 4

S005: Test step 4

Fan test

Selection field Code Function

1 00 Fan off*
01 Fan on

* Factory setting
1. Call service routine S005.4 [ → 213].
2. Use the arrow keys (A) in selection field 1 to select the code "01" (see
3. Confirm your selection by pressing the R key (B).
ª The fan starts up.
4. Check the fan for running noise.

5. Exit the service routine [ → 220].
Upon exiting the service routine, the fan is automatically switched off

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8.5 S005: General X-ray tube assembly service Service Manual GALILEOS

8.5.3 S005: Test step 5

S005: Test step 5

Temperature sensor test, single tank

1. Call service routine S005.5 [ → 213].
ª After the service routine has been selected, selection field 1
displays the single tank temperature in °C. The display is updated
once per second.
2. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.5 S005: General X-ray tube assembly service

8.5.4 S005: Test step 8

S005: Test step 8

Automatic adjustment of pulse preheating

1. Call service routine S005.8 [ → 213].
ª An inactive progress indicator in selection field 1 and the
message "FFFF" in selection field 2 signal that the system is
ready for compensation.

2. Start the automatic adjustment by pressing and holding the release
IMPORTANT: Keep pressing the release button until adjustment is
completed and the new offset value for preheating is displayed. If you
interrupt the adjustment procedure prematurely by letting go of the
release button, the message "EEEE" appears in selection field 2. This
message must be acknowledged by pressing the R key.
ª When pressing the release button, radiation is released for 2 s to
warm up the tube assembly to operating temperature. This is
followed by the automatic tuning routine.

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8.5 S005: General X-ray tube assembly service Service Manual GALILEOS

ª A progress indicator is displayed during the service function.

3. After the adjustment has been performed, exit the service
routine [ → 220].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.6 S007: Error logging memory

8.6 S007: Error logging memory

S007: Error logging memory

SR* SHZ** Function

S007 Error logging memory
S007.1 No Display error logging memory
S007.2 Yes Clearing error logging memory
S007.5 No Enabling CAN bus logging in the web interface

* SR=service routine, ** SHZ=security access

8.6.1 S007: Test step 1

S007: Test step 1

Display error logging memory

In addition to service routine S007.1, you can also use the extended detail
query in SiXABCon to check the error logging memory.

Title only for GALILEOS

Easypad touchscreen

Symbol on the control Status Function

Patient symbol key 1 (B) is selected Step width for scrolling
between error events = 1*
Patient symbol key 2 (C) is selected Step width for scrolling
between error events = 10
Patient symbol key 3 (D) is selected Step width for scrolling
between error events = 100

Selection field Selection/display

1 Error event
2 Error code for the selected event
3 Date and time of the selected
error event

* Factory setting
1. Call service routine S007.1 [ → 213].
2. Use the patient symbol keys (B, C, D) to select the step width for
scrolling between the error events (see table).
ª The selected patient symbol key lights up.

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8.6 S007: Error logging memory Service Manual GALILEOS

3. Use the arrow keys (A) in selection field 1 to select the required error
event (66 in the example).
ª The corresponding error message is displayed in selection field
2 [ → 82].
ª Selection field 3 displays the date and time of the error event.
4. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

1. Call service routine S007.1 [ → 213].
2. Use the arrow keys (A) in selection field 1 to select the required error
event (66 in the example).
Use the patient symbol keys to set the increment for scrolling
between the error numbers:
Patient symbol key 1 (left) = increment 1 (factory setting)
Patient symbol key 2 = increment 10
Patient symbol key 3 = increment 100
The LED above the selected patient symbol key is lit up.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.6 S007: Error logging memory

3. Use the arrow keys (B) to scroll and display the corresponding error
code [ → 82], the time, and the date of the error event in selection field
4. Exit the service routine [ → 220].


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8.6 S007: Error logging memory Service Manual GALILEOS

8.6.2 S007: Test step 2

S007: Test step 2

Clearing error logging memory

1. Call service routine S007.2 [ → 213].
ª The system's readiness to clear the memory is indicated by the
display message "FFFF" in selection field 1. If the error logging
memory does not contain any data, "0000" is displayed.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.6 S007: Error logging memory

2. To clear the memory, press the Memory key (A) (R key (B) (Easypad)
or LED above the R key (B) (Multipad) lights up) followed by the R key


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8.6 S007: Error logging memory Service Manual GALILEOS

ª Once the memory has been cleared, the message "0000" is

displayed in selection field 1.
3. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.6 S007: Error logging memory

8.6.3 S007: Test step 5

S007: Test step 5

Enabling CAN bus logging in the web interface

This service routine may only be called up subject to the approval of and
with the support of the Sirona Customer Service Center (CSC).

Selection field Parameters Function

1 WS CAN bus off Logging off*
WS CAN bus on Logging on
WS CAN bus ex. on Extended logging on

* Factory setting
1. Call service routine S007.5 [ → 213].

2. Use the arrow keys (A) to select the required setting (see table).
ª Once the required setting has been selected, the T key (B)
(Easypad) or the LED above the T key (B) (Multipad) lights up.
3. Touch the T key (B) to enable the selected setting.
ª All CAN bus events occurring from now on during operation of the
unit will be logged and can be displayed with a web browser (e.g.
Internet Explorer). This log will help you when consulting the
Sirona Customer Service Center (CSC) for error diagnosis.
4. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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8.6 S007: Error logging memory Service Manual GALILEOS Displaying the log with a web browser

Displaying the log with a web browser

1. Enter the following web address on a PC (with internet access)

integrated in a system network:
A: IP address of the unit

ª The CAN bus browser opens.

2. In the lower area, select the "CAN bus" link.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.6 S007: Error logging memory

ª The CAN bus protocol is displayed in the browser and can be
saved as an HTML page, printed out, or sent to the Sirona
Customer Service Center (CSC).

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8.7 S008: Update service Service Manual GALILEOS

8.7 S008: Update service

S008: Update service

SR* SHZ** Function

S008 Checking the software versions
S008.2 No Overview of the module software versions
S008.3 No Input/confirm/query unit serial number

* SR=service routine, ** SHZ=security access

8.7.1 S008: Test step 2

S008: Test step 2

Overview of module software versions

Title only for GALILEOS

Easypad touchscreen
1. Call service routine S008.2 [ → 213].
ª The software versions currently installed on the modules are
displayed on an info screen on the touchscreen display.
2. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.7 S008: Update service

1. Call service routine S008.2 [ → 213].
ª "SYSTEMSOFTWARE" is displayed on the display line of the
2. Select the required module in selection field 1 with the arrow keys (A)
and confirm your selection by pressing the Memory key (B).

ª The software version of the selected module is displayed in
selection field 1.
3. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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8.7 S008: Update service Service Manual GALILEOS

8.7.2 S008: Test step 3

S008: Test step 3

Confirming the unit serial number

If the backup copy of the old unit serial number does not match the new
one after replacing a module, the entry of the serial number is activated.
If an incorrect serial number is entered, the message "FFFF" appears
on the display. In this case, the service routine can be run again.

1. Call service routine S008.3 [ → 213].

2. Confirm the serial number displayed by pressing the R key (A).
3. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.8 S009: Flash file system

8.8 S009: Flash file system

S009: Flash file system

The unit has to be completely recalibrated after formatting the flash file
system [ → 155]. When the flash file system is formatted, the content of
the error logging memory is lost.

SR* SHZ** Function

S009 Flash file system
S009.4 Yes Initializing the flash file system
S009.5 No Test flash file system
S009.7 Yes Save/restore DX89 data

* SR=service routine, ** SHZ=security access

8.8.1 S009: Test step 4

S009: Test step 4

Formatting flash file system

1. Call service routine S009.4 [ → 213].


2. To initialize the flash file system, press the Memory key (A) (R key
(Easypad) or LED above R key (Multipad) lights up) followed by the
R key (B).

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8.8 S009: Flash file system Service Manual GALILEOS

ª Flash file system formatting in progress. This process takes

approx. 5-6 mins and is visualized by a progress indicator.

ª The end of this process is indicated by the message "0000" in

selection field 2.
3. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.8 S009: Flash file system

8.8.2 S009: Test step 5

S009: Test step 5

Test flash file system

1. Call service routine S009.5 [ → 213].


2. To test the flash file system, press the Memory key (A) (R key
(Easypad) or LED above R key (Multipad) lights up) followed by the
R key (B).


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8 Service Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
8.8 S009: Flash file system Service Manual GALILEOS

ª Once the system has passed the test without errors, "OK"
appears in selection field 1.
ª If the test fails, "ERROR" is displayed. In this case, the flash file
system must be formatted with service routine S009.4 [ → 241].
3. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.8 S009: Flash file system

8.8.3 S009: Test step 7

S009: Test step 7

Save/restore DX89 data

1. Call service routine S009.7 [ → 213].
ª After you select this service routine, the following can be
displayed in selection field 1:
DX89 ⇒ DX11:
Data is transferred from DX89 to DX11, memory key (A)
(Easypad) or LED above the memory key (A) (Multipad) is lit up.
DX11 ⇒ DX89:
Data is transferred from DX11 to DX89, memory key (A)
(Easypad) or LED above the memory key (A) (Multipad) is lit up.
Data on both boards (DX11 and DX89) is valid or the data
transfer is not possible, all keys (Easypad) or LEDs (Multipad) are
not lit.

Only one practical direction of data transfer is offered at any one
time. If both locations contain valid data,
"---" is displayed.

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8.8 S009: Flash file system Service Manual GALILEOS

2. To trigger the memory process, press the Memory key (A) (R key (B)
(Easypad) or LED above the R key (B) (Multipad) lights up) followed
by the R key (B).

ª The data are transferred. During the data transfer, a progress

indicator is displayed in selection field 1.
3. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 8 Service
Service Manual GALILEOS 8.9 S011: Dosimetry (without ring movement)

8.9 S011: Dosimetry (without ring movement)

S011: Dosimetry (without ring movement)

Unit is radiating X-rays
Excess exposure to X-rays is detrimental to health.
➢ Use the prescribed accessories for radiation protection.
➢ Do not stay in the X-ray room during exposure. Move as far away
from the unit as the coiled cable for the release button allows you to.

SR* SHZ** Function

S011 Dosimetry (without ring movement)
S011.9 Yes 4s Continuous radiation with 85kV/7mA (for current measurement)
S011.12 Yes Dosimetry with pulsed radiation

* SR=service routine, ** SHZ=security access

8.9.1 S011: Test step 12

S011: Test step 12

Dosimetry with pulsed radiation

1. Call service routine S011.12 [ → 213].
ª Selection field 1 displays "85kV/42mAs".

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8.9 S011: Dosimetry (without ring movement) Service Manual GALILEOS

2. Initiate the radiation.

ª Radiation uses 200 pulses and 85kV/42mAs.
IMPORTANT: If you let go of the release button before the
maximum radiation time has elapsed, radiation is terminated
prematurely and the exposure is interrupted. The actual radiation
time is not displayed.
If you release radiation during the cool-down interval, a
countdown of the remaining waiting time is displayed in the
header of the Easypad or in selection field 2 on the Multipad
(automatic exposure blocking).
3. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

8.9.2 S011: Test step 9

S011: Test step 9

Current measurement (unpulsed)

1. Call service routine S011.9 [ → 213].
ª Selection field 1 displays the kVmA level, and selection field 2
displays the maximum radiation time.
The kVmA level and the maximum radiation time are preset and
cannot be changed.

2. Initiate the radiation.

ª The maximum set radiation time has elapsed.
IMPORTANT: If you let go of the release button before the
maximum radiation time has elapsed, radiation is terminated
prematurely and the exposure is interrupted. The actual radiation
time is not displayed.
If you release radiation during the cool-down interval, a
countdown of the remaining waiting time is displayed in the
header of the Easypad or in selection field 2 on the Multipad
(automatic exposure blocking).
3. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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248 D3437. 06.2012
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 8 Service
Service Manual GALILEOS 8.10 S012: CAN bus service

8.10 S012: CAN bus service

S012: CAN bus service

SR* SHZ** Function

S012 CAN bus service
S012.1 No Presence display of modules

* SR=service routine, ** SHZ=security access

The CAN bus service is not yet implemented for the module DX11!

8.10.1 S012: Test step 1

S012: Test step 1

Presence display of modules

Selection field Parameter/Display Range of

1 Subassembly DX1 - DX88
2 ● Counter value of
CAN bus events
● Presence code behind
the counter value:
P = module present
L = module lost

➢ Call service routine S012.1 [ → 213].

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8.10 S012: CAN bus service Service Manual GALILEOS


Checking the module

➢ Use the arrow keys (A) in selection field 1 to select the required
ª The counter value of the CAN bus events processed so far (since
the last switch-on of the unit) of the selected module is displayed
in selection field 2 with the presence code of the module ("L" or
"P") (see table).
ª Once the module has been selected, the T key (B) (Easypad) or
the LED above the T key (B) (Multipad) lights up.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.10 S012: CAN bus service

Clearing the counter for the module

1. To delete the counter, press the T key (B).
ª The counter is then reset to "0".
2. Exit the service routine [ → 220].


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8 Service Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
8.11 S017: Configuration service Service Manual GALILEOS

8.11 S017: Configuration service

S017: Configuration service

SR* SA** Function

S017 Unit configuration
S017.2 Yes Confirming the unit version
S017.3 Yes Enter the country group code
S017.4 Yes Select a language
(for "GALILEOS Comfort")
S017.5 Yes Select a language set
(for "GALILEOS Comfort")
S017.6 Yes Enable/disable the remote control
S017.7 Yes Configure the switching plate for the swivel arm
S017.9 Yes Enable/disable operation with board DX41
S017.13 Yes Enable/disable the welcome screen
only for
("GALILEOS Comfort")
S017.14 Yes Enable/disable certain lines of the welcome screen
(for "GALILEOS Comfort")
S017.15 Yes Activate/deactivate the acoustic signal for end of exposure
S017.25 Yes Select the diaphragm type

* SR=service routine, ** SHZ=security access

8.11.1 S017: Test step 2

S017: Test step 2

Configuring the hardware version

Selection field Code Function

1 0100 CB*
0500 CB incl. Facescan

* Factory setting

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.11 S017: Configuration service

1. Call service routine S017.2 [ → 220].

ª Once the service routine has been selected, the code for the
current setting is displayed in selection field 1.
ª Memory key (A) (Easypad) or the LED above Memory key (A)
(Multipad) lights up.

2. Use the arrow keys (A) to select the code for the required hardware
version in selection field 1 (see table).
ª Once the hardware version has been selected, Memory key (B)
(Easypad) or the LED above Memory key (B) (Multipad) lights up.
3. Save the setting [ → 219].
4. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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8.11 S017: Configuration service Service Manual GALILEOS

8.11.2 S017: Test step 3

S017: Test step 3

Enter the country group code

Selection field Code Function

1 00 Worldwide*
01 Asia
02 US

* Factory setting
1. Call service routine S017.3 [ → 213].

ª Once the service routine has been selected, the code for the
current setting is displayed in selection field 1.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.11 S017: Configuration service

2. Use arrow keys (A) to select the required country group code in
selection field 1 (see table).
ª Once the country group code has been selected, Memory key (B)
(Easypad) or the LED above Memory key (B) (Multipad) lights up.
3. Save the setting [ → 219].
4. Exit the service routine [ → 220].


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8.11 S017: Configuration service Service Manual GALILEOS

8.11.3 S017: Test step 4

S017: Test step 4

Select a language

Selection field Code Function*

1 00 English
01 English
02 French
03 Italian
04 Dutch
05 Spanish
06 Russian
08 Portuguese
10 Chinese (PRC)
11 Korean
12 Japanese
13 Chinese (Taiwan)

* Factory setting varies by order

1. Call service routine S017.4 [ → 213].
ª Once the service routine has been selected, the code for the
current setting is displayed in selection field 1.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.11 S017: Configuration service

2. Use the arrow keys (A) to select the code for the required language
in selection field 1 (see table).
ª Once the language has been selected, the Memory key (B) lights
3. Save the setting [ → 219].
IMPORTANT: If the selected language is not in the installed language
set (S017: Test step 5 [ → 258]), "English" is set by default.
4. Exit the service routine [ → 220].


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8.11 S017: Configuration service Service Manual GALILEOS

8.11.4 S017: Test step 5

S017: Test step 5

Select a language set

A software update must be performed [ → 61] every time the language
set changes, in order to install the corresponding languages in the

Selection field Code Function*

1 00 German, English, French, Italian
01 German, English, French, Dutch
02 German, English, Spanish, Russian
03 German, English, Korean, Japanese
04 German, English, Spanish, Portuguese
05 German, English, Chinese (PRC),
Chinese (Taiwan)

* Factory setting varies by order

1. Call service routine S017.5 [ → 213].
ª Once the service routine has been selected, the code for the
current setting is displayed in selection field 1.

2. Use the arrow keys (A) to select the code for the required language
set in selection field 1 (see table).
ª Once the language set has been selected, the Memory key (B)
lights up.
3. Save the setting [ → 219].
4. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.11 S017: Configuration service

8.11.5 S017: Test step 6

S017: Test step 6

Enable/disable the remote control

Selection field Code Function

1 00 Remote control
01 Remote control

* Factory setting
1. Call service routine S017.6 [ → 213].

ª Once the service routine has been selected, the code for the
current setting is displayed in selection field 1.


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8.11 S017: Configuration service Service Manual GALILEOS

2. Use arrow keys (A) to select the code for the required setting in
selection field 1 (see table).
ª Once the required setting has been selected, Memory key (B)
(Easypad) or the LED above Memory key (B) (Multipad) lights up.
3. Save the setting [ → 219].
4. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.11 S017: Configuration service

8.11.6 S017: Test step 7

S017: Test step 7

Configuring the switching plate for the swivel arm

Selection field Code Function

1 01 up to unit serial
number 1079
02 unit serial number
1080 or higher*

* Factory setting
1. Call service routine S017.7 [ → 213].
ª Once the service routine has been selected, the code for the
current setting is displayed in selection field 1.


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8.11 S017: Configuration service Service Manual GALILEOS

2. Use arrow keys (A) to select the required country group code in
selection field 1 (see table).
ª Once the required setting has been selected, Memory key (B)
(Easypad) or the LED above Memory key (B) (Multipad) lights up.
3. Save the setting [ → 219].
4. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.11 S017: Configuration service

8.11.7 S017: Test step 9

S017: Test step 9

Activate/deactivate operation with board DX41

This service routine is used to configure operation of the system with or
without module DX41. This configuration is necessary for software
updates and module replacement of board DX11 if systems with or
without board DX41 should be supported.

Selection field Code Function

1 00 Board DX41 inactive*
01 Board DX41 active

* Factory setting
1. Call service routine S017.9 [ → 213].
ª Once the service routine has been selected, the code for the

current setting is displayed in selection field 1.

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8.11 S017: Configuration service Service Manual GALILEOS

2. Use arrow keys (A) to select the required code in selection field 1 (see
ª Once the required setting has been selected, Memory key (B)
(Easypad) or the LED above Memory key (B) (Multipad) lights up.
3. Save the setting [ → 219].
4. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.11 S017: Configuration service

8.11.8 S017: Test step 13

S017: Test step 13

Enable/disable the welcome screen

Selection field Code Function

01 00 Welcome screen disabled
01 Welcome screen enabled*

* Factory setting
1. Call service routine S017.13 [ → 213].
ª Once the service routine has been selected, the code for the
current setting is displayed in selection field 1.

2. Use arrow keys (A) to select the required setting in selection field 1
(see table).
ª Once the required setting has been selected, the Memory key (B)
lights up.
3. Save the setting [ → 219].
4. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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8.11 S017: Configuration service Service Manual GALILEOS

8.11.9 S017: Test step 14

S017: Test step 14

Enable/disable certain lines of the welcome screen

Selection field Code Meaning/Function

1 1 First name
2 Last name
3 Date of birth
4 Patient number
2 0 Inactive*
1 Active

* Factory setting
1. Call service routine S017.14 [ → 213].
ª Once the service routine has been selected, the code for the line
currently selected is displayed in selection field 1.

2. Use the arrow keys (A) to select the required line in selection field 1
(see table).
ª The activation status code is displayed in selection field 2.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.11 S017: Configuration service

3. Use the arrow keys (B) to select the code for the required state of the
line selected in selection field 1 in selection field 2 (see table).
ª Once the required setting has been selected, the Memory key (C)
lights up.
4. Save the setting [ → 219].
5. Exit the service routine [ → 220].


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8.11.10 S017: Test step 15

S017: Test step 15

Selection field Code Function

1 00 Acoustic signal indicating the end of the
exposure is disabled
01 Acoustic signal indicating the end of the
exposure is enabled*

* Factory setting

Activate/deactivate the acoustic signal for end of exposure

1. Call service routine S017.15 [ → 213].


ª Once the service routine has been selected, the code for the
current setting is displayed in selection field 1.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.11 S017: Configuration service

2. Use arrow keys (A) to select the required setting in selection field 1
(see table).
ª Once the required setting has been selected, Memory key (B)
(Easypad) or the LED above Memory key (B) (Multipad) lights up.
3. Save the setting [ → 219].
4. Exit the service routine [ → 220].


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8.11 S017: Configuration service Service Manual GALILEOS

8.11.11 S017: Test step 25

S017: Test step 25

Select the diaphragm type

Selection field Code Function

1 00 Type 1 diaphragm
("GALILEOS Compact")
01 Type 1/Type 2 diaphragm
("GALILEOS Comfort")
02 Type 3 diaphragm
("GALILEOS Compact")
03 Type 3 diaphragm
("GALILEOS Comfort")*

* Factory setting
1. Call service routine S017.25. [ → 213]
ª Once the service routine has been selected, the code for the
current setting is displayed in selection field 1.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.11 S017: Configuration service

2. Use arrow keys (A) to select the required code in selection field 1 (see
ª Once the required setting has been selected, Memory key (B)
(Easypad) or the LED above Memory key (B) (Multipad) lights up.
3. Save the setting [ → 219].
4. Exit the service routine [ → 220].


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8 Service Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
8.12 S018: Service for height adjustment Service Manual GALILEOS

8.12 S018: Service for height adjustment

S018: Service for height adjustment

SR* SA** Function

S018 Service for height adjustment
S018.2 No Set the maximum travel height
S018.3 No Undo the maximum travel height setting
S018.4 No Check the height adjustment sensor system

* SR=service routine, ** SHZ=security access

8.12.1 S018: Test step 2

S018: Test step 2

Set the maximum travel height

1. In user mode, move the unit to the required maximum travel height by

pressing UP/DOWN keys (A).

2. Call service routine S018.2 [ → 213].
ª Once the service routine has been selected, the current height
position is displayed in selection field 1.
ª Memory key (B) (Easypad) or the LED above Memory key (B)
(Multipad) lights up.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.12 S018: Service for height adjustment

3. To save the maximum travel height, press Memory key (B) (R key (C)
lights up) followed by R key (C).

4. Set the mechanical limit stop at the unit:
Loosen nut (D) and move mechanical limit stop (E) for the limit switch
until it engages. Tighten nut (D) again.
The next time the UP key is pressed, the unit stops 10 mm below the
limit switch.
5. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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8.12 S018: Service for height adjustment Service Manual GALILEOS

8.12.2 S018: Test step 3

S018: Test step 3

Undo the maximum travel height setting

1. Call service routine S018.3 [ → 213].


ª Once the service routine has been selected, the current height
position is displayed in selection field 1.
ª Memory key (B) (Easypad) or the LED above Memory key (B)
(Multipad) lights up.
2. To undo the maximum travel height setting, press Memory key (B) (R
key (C (Easypad) or LED above R key (C) lights up) followed by R key
3. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.12 S018: Service for height adjustment

8.12.3 S018: Test step 4

S018: Test step 4

Check the height adjustment sensor system

This service routine is used to move the unit up or down as far as the limit
switches using the Up/Down keys on the control panel. The "soft limit
positions" set by the software are ignored in this case.

Display on the control Status Meaning

Patient symbol key 1 lit Correction switch activated
not lit Correction switch not
Patient symbol key 2 lit Lower limit switch activated
not lit Lower limit switch not

Patient symbol key 3 lit Upper limit switch activated
not lit Upper limit switch not

1. Call service routine S018.4 [ → 213].


ª Once the service routine has been selected, the current height
position is displayed in selection field 1.
ª Patient symbol keys 1 to 3 (F) show the switching state of the limit
switches (see table).
If the patient symbol key (Easypad) or the LED above the patient
symbol key (Multipad) is lit, the corresponding switch is activated,
i.e. the unit is at a position value greater than 1500.

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8.12 S018: Service for height adjustment Service Manual GALILEOS

2. Use UP/DOWN keys (A) on the control panel to move the unit up and
down and use patient symbol keys (F) to check the switching states.
3. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.13 S037: Network service

8.13 S037: Network service

S037: Network service

SR* SA** Function

S037 Network service
S037.1 No Displaying the network data
S037.2 Yes Delete network addresses or set them to factory defaults
S037.3 Yes Set boot mode: DYNAMIC (DHCP/AutoIP) / STATIC (fixed address)
S037.4 Yes Manual input of static network settings (IP address, default gateway
address, and subnet mask)

* SR=service routine, ** SHZ=security access

8.13.1 S037: Test step 1

S037: Test step 1

Displaying the network data


If all network data is set to default, the system is in UDP boot mode.

Symbol on the control Status Meaning

Patient symbol key 1 (A) lit The IP address is displayed in
selection field 1*
Patient symbol key 2 (B) lit The default gateway is displayed
in selection field 1
Patient symbol key 3 (C) lit The subnet mask is displayed in
selection field 1

* Factory setting

Selection field Parameter/Display Meaning

1 IP address, default gateway, or subnet mask of the
2 default Fixed address*
static Fixed address, modified
dynamic Automatic address

* Factory setting

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8.13 S037: Network service Service Manual GALILEOS

1. Call service routine S037.1 [ → 213].

ª Once the service routine has been selected, the IP address of the
unit is displayed in selection field 1.
ª "default", "static" or "dynamic" is displayed in selection field 2
(see table).

2. You can display various items of network data in selection field 1 by

pressing the patient symbol keys (A, B, or C) (see table).
ª The patient symbol key selected in each case (Easypad) or the
LED above the patient symbol key selected in each case
(Multipad) lights up.
3. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.13 S037: Network service

8.13.2 S037: Test step 2

S037: Test step 2

Setting the default IP address, default gateway address and default

subnet mask

The network address can only be restored to the factory setting (default
value) in fixed address boot mode (STATIC or no DHCP).

Symbol on the control Status Meaning

Patient symbol key 1 (A) lit The IP address is displayed in
selection field 1*
Patient symbol key 2 (B) lit The default gateway is displayed
in selection field 1
Patient symbol key 3 (C) lit The subnet mask is displayed in

selection field 1

1. Call service routine S037.2 [ → 213].

ª Once the service routine has been selected, the network data is
displayed as in test step 1.
ª Easypad: The Memory key and the R key also become visible.
ª The Memory key (Easypad) or the LED above the Memory key
(Multipad) lights up.

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8.13 S037: Network service Service Manual GALILEOS

2. Before restoring the factory settings, check the network data that is
still in the system:
A = Show IP address
B = Show default gateway
C = Show subnet mask
ª The patient symbol key selected in each case (Easypad) or the
LED above the patient symbol key selected in each case
(Multipad) lights up.

3. To reset the network data, press Memory key (E) (R key (Easypad)
or LED above R key (Multipad) lights up) followed by R key (F).
ª The default network data (factory default setting) is displayed. To
switch between the display of the different network data, proceed
as in test step 1.
4. Restart the unit.
5. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.13 S037: Network service

8.13.3 S037: Test step 3

S037: Test step 3

Configuring boot mode


Selection field Parameters Meaning

1 DYNAMIC Automatic address assignment
STATIC Fixed address*

* Factory setting
1. Call service routine S037.3 [ → 213].
ª Once the service routine has been selected, the current boot
mode of the unit is displayed in selection field 1.


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8.13 S037: Network service Service Manual GALILEOS

2. Use arrow keys (A) to select the required boot mode "automatic
address assignment" (DYNAMIC) or "fixed address" (STATIC) in
selection field 1 (see table).
ª Memory key (B) (Easypad) or the LED above Memory key (B)
(Multipad) lights up.
3. Save the setting [ → 219].
4. Exit the service routine [ → 220].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.13 S037: Network service

8.13.4 S037: Test step 4

S037: Test step 4

Manual input of static network settings (IP address, default gateway

address, and subnet mask)

This service routine cannot run in DYNAMIC mode (T key is blocked).

Symbol on the control Status Function

Patient symbol key 1 (A) lit The IP address is displayed in
selection field 1*
or - after pressing the T key -
number pad B1 is selected
Patient symbol key 2 (B) lit The default gateway is displayed
in selection field 1
or - after pressing the T key -

number pad B2 is selected
Patient symbol key 3 (C) lit The subnet mask is displayed in
selection field 1
or - after pressing the T key -
number pad B3 is selected
Patient symbol key 4 (D) or - after pressing the T key -
number pad B4 is selected

* Factory setting

Selection field Parameter/Display Meaning

1 IP address, default gateway, or subnet mask of the
or - after pressing the T key - selected digit
2 default Fixed address*
static Fixed address, modified
dynamic Automatic address

* Factory setting

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8.13 S037: Network service Service Manual GALILEOS

1. Call service routine S017.4 [ → 213].

ª Once the service routine has been selected, the IP address of the
unit is displayed in selection field 1.
ª Easypad: "DEFAULT", "STATIC" or "DYNAMIC" is displayed in
selection field 2 (see table).

2. You can display various items of network data in selection field 1 by

pressing the patient symbol keys (A, B, or C) (see table).
ª The patient symbol key selected in each case (Easypad) or the
LED above the patient symbol key selected in each case
(Multipad) lights up.
3. To change the selected parameter, first press the T key (E).

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 8 Service
Service Manual GALILEOS 8.13 S037: Network service

4. Now use the patient symbol keys to select the required number pad
1-4 (A-D) (see also table):
A = Number pad B1
B = Number pad B2
C = Number pad B3
D = Number pad B4
ª The patient symbol key selected in each case (Easypad) or the
LED above the patient symbol key selected in each case
(Multipad) lights up.

ª The digit currently selected for changing is displayed in selection

field 1 ("Digit No. 3" in the example).
Important: The number of the digit always refers to the currently
selected number pad.
ª The current value of the corresponding digit is displayed in
selection field 2 ("2" in the example).


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8 Service Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
8.13 S037: Network service Service Manual GALILEOS

5. Use arrow keys (E) to select the digit to be changed in selection field
1 ("Digit No. 12" in the example).
ª The corresponding patient symbol key (D) or the LED above the
corresponding patient symbol key (D) lights up.
ª Selection field 2 displays the value of the currently selected digit.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 8.13 S037: Network service

6. To change the value for the digit, use arrow keys (F) in selection field
ª Memory key (G) (Easypad) or the LED above Memory key (G)
(Multipad) lights up.
7. Save the setting [ → 219].
8. Exit the service routine [ → 220].
9. Restart the unit.


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9 Repair Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual GALILEOS

9 Repair

Potentially lethal shock hazard!
It is essential to switch the unit off and to wait at least 1 minute, or 4
minutes if disconnecting the tube assembly (cable L3), before starting
the repair or taking off a cover panel!
When replacing parts in the vicinity of the power connection, power
switch, board DX32 or X-ray tube assembly, the unit must be
disconnected from the junction box of the main building!

Make sure to reattach all ground cables to ensure correct grounding of
all modules.

Product safety
Modifications to this unit which might affect the safety of the system
owner, patients or other persons are prohibited by law! For reasons of
product safety, this product may be operated only with original Sirona
accessories or third-party accessories expressly approved by Sirona.
The user is responsible for any damage resulting from the use of non-
approved accessories.

Do not damage the cables
Be careful not to kink the cables when removing or installing them. Take
particular care with fiber-optic cables L5, L6, L7, and L15. Tighten cable
ties only as far as the contact and do not apply force.

Risk of damage to boards
Please observe the usual precautionary measures for handling printed
circuit boards (ESD). Touch a ground point to discharge static electricity
before touching any boards.

After replacing boards or modules containing boards, check to make
sure that the software version of the module corresponds to the current
software status of the system. The software versions of the modules can
be queried by running service routine S008.2 or using the extended
detail query in SiXABCon. You can also check the info screen in
advance to determine whether the current software constellation is
permissible. If this is not the case, the version number of the entire
software is labeled with an asterisk (e.g. V03.03.01*).

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 9 Repair
Service Manual GALILEOS 9.1 Safety checks

When replacing modules, be sure to note which ones contain boards
and follow the instructions in the section titled Measures following
replacement of boards. Also check whether the current software CD or
the SIRONA dealer page contains any additional more up-to-date
information about module replacement.
Be sure to follow the instructions about how to proceed following module
replacement. You will find this information at the end of each set of
repair instructions.

9.1 Safety checks

Safety checks
Safety checks

After implementing repair work, protective conductors and device leakage

current checks must be carried out (see the sections on "Checking
protective conductor" and "Checking device leakage current").


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9 Repair Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
9.2 Height adjustment motor (M1_4)/spindle Service Manual GALILEOS

9.2 Height adjustment motor (M1_4)/spindle

Height adjustment motor (M1_4)/spindle

9.2.1 Preparing for motor replacement

Preparing for motor replacement

1. Switch the unit on.

2. Use the Up/Down keys on the control panel to move the slide up.
3. Switch the unit off again.
4. Remove the covers:
– Intermediate piece
– Profile covers (top and bottom)
Tip: While loosening the screws, press the top profile cover down
towards the unit and allow it to slide down once the screws are loose.
– Arm cover
– Slide cover rear, center
– Slide cover rear, top
– Slide cover rear, bottom and
– Slide cover front.
Tip: If the height adjustment motor is inoperative, you can also move the
slide manually [ → 290]. Moving the slide manually

Moving the slide manually

Risk of injury due to uncontrolled movement of the slide
If the slide can no longer be moved electrically, it must be moved

The position of the slide must be secured to ensure that no uncontrolled

downward movement occurs during service, in cases where the
carriage has fewer self-locking properties.
For this purpose, Sirona recommends using the free height adjustment
service kit, REF. 62 57 518. This service kit is used to prevent automatic
downward movement of the slide during service by fixing the slide and
the spindle holder.
The clamp (A) should be clamped under the slide. The locking pin (B) is
used to secure the spindle holder against twisting.

It must be ensured that no one is located underneath the ring arm during
the repair.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.2 Height adjustment motor (M1_4)/spindle Moving the slide with the "height adjustment" service kit, REF. 62
57 518
Moving the slide with the "height adjustment" service kit, REF. 62 57 518

Move the slide

1. Insert the clamp through the opening (A) in the stand and rotate it 90°.
Tighten the nut securely.

2. Loosen the two screws (C) and remove the cover (D).


3. Remove the 1st screw (E) on the spindle holder (F).


4. Insert the locking pin (B) into this opening.

5. Remove the 2nd screw (E) on the spindle holder.
6. Attach the socket wrench (SW19) to the spindle. Remove the locking
pin and then turn the slide up to the desired height using the socket
Clockwise rotation of spindle = slide moves up
Counterclockwise rotation of spindle = slide moves down
7. Reinsert the locking pin.

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9.2 Height adjustment motor (M1_4)/spindle Service Manual GALILEOS

Locking the slide ➢ Now move the clamp (A) directly underneath the slide.
ª The slide is now locked in this position for further repair work. Moving the slide without the "height adjustment" service kit, REF.
62 57 518
Moving the slide without the "height adjustment" service kit, REF. 62 57 518

Move the slide

1. Loosen the two screws (C) and remove the cover (D).

2. Loosen the 1st of the two screws (E) on the spindle holder (F).

3. Attach the socket wrench (SW19) to the spindle. Hold it firmly in place
while you unscrew the 2nd of the two screws (E).
CAUTION! If the socket wrench has to be reset, secure the spindle
holder against turning, e.g. by using a screw.
4. Rotate the spindle holder using a socket wrench (SW19) to move the
slide to the required height.
Clockwise rotation of spindle = slide moves up
Counterclockwise rotation of spindle = slide moves down
5. After reaching the desired target position, secure the position again
using the two screws (E).
CAUTION! Before replacing the height adjustment motor, the slide
must be secured in this position.
Locking the slide: GALILEOS

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.2 Height adjustment motor (M1_4)/spindle

Locking the slide 1. Make a mark at the position of the upper limit stop.
2. Loosen nut (G) on the upper profile clamp (H) and remove the upper
limit stop (J) from the stand.

3. Install limit stop (J) above the lower limit stop so that there is a
distance of 31 cm between the upper edge of the upper screw on
board DX41 and the lower edge of the limit stop.


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9.2 Height adjustment motor (M1_4)/spindle Service Manual GALILEOS

9.2.2 Removing board DX32

1. Unscrew the bracket (C) which is located in front of board DX32.
Removing board DX32

2. Move the stand to a height of 1260 (Easypad display)

3. Disconnect GALILEOS from the power supply.

4. Remove the cable ties (A) from cable L2.

5. Loosen all the left-hand screws (B) of the protective plates (E).

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.2 Height adjustment motor (M1_4)/spindle




E X2


6. Unscrew the remaining screws from the protective plates (E).

7. Remove the covering plates (E) (top and bottom) from the connection
box (F) of board DX32.
8. Cable L3 can stay on the top covering plate (E) (remove any possible
shield terminal).
Tip: The covering plate can be folded away simply at the sides and
put away in the stand sideways (to protect against scratches suitable
padding should be put in between.).
9. Remove connector X2 from board DX32 and remove the protective
10. Remove cable L2 from terminal X100 and pull it downwards from out
of the connection box (F).
11. Remove connector X1 from board DX32.
12. Loosen the two left-hand screws (G).
13. Loosen the two screws on the right (I) and remove the connection box
including board DX32.

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9.2 Height adjustment motor (M1_4)/spindle Service Manual GALILEOS

9.2.3 Replacing the height adjustment motor/spindle

Replacing the height adjustment motor/spindle

Removing the spindle 1. Loosen the two screws (E) on the spindle holder (F) (if you have not
already done so) [ → 290].
2. Turn spindle holder (D) (with an 18 mm A/F socket wrench)
counterclockwise until the motor comes to rest on the limit stop and
spindle (L) has been turned all the way out of the motor.
3. Remove the straight pin (K).
4. Remove the spindle (L).
Tip: First, pull spindle (L) downward along the motor, and then
diagonally upward and out of the unit.

Removing the defective motor 1. Pull the pulse generator cable connector X402 off board DX1.
2. Detach the motor cable from the cable harness and carefully pull it
out of the stand.
3. Pull the motor connecting cable off of the filter.
4. Loosen the three screws (M).
5. Remove the motor while carefully pulling the motor cable out of the

Inserting the dampers

➢ Attach the new rubber pads (N) to the new motor.
They are included in the scope of supply of a new HA motor.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.2 Height adjustment motor (M1_4)/spindle

Installing the new motor Install the height adjustment motor in the reverse order of removal.
Please observe the following:
Nuts: When fastening the motor, make sure that all three screws are
tightened uniformly and protrude approx. 3 mm out of the nut.
Acorn nuts: If acorn nuts have been installed in the unit, turn the acorn
nuts to the end stop.
CAUTION! Do not forget to reattach all connectors or cables, route them
in their original position and reattach all cable ties and cable clamps.
Make sure that none of the cables are crushed by the cover plates of the
DX32 connection box.
Final work With the "height adjustment" service kit
1. After reinstalling the spindle, screw the first of the two screws (E)
back into the spindle holder.
2. Then remove the locking pin and screw in the second of the two
screws (E).

3. Attach the cover (D).
4. Remove the clamp (A).
5. Only then should you check the travel function of the slide.
Without the "height adjustment" service kit
1. Attach the spindle holder (F) with the two screws (E).
2. Attach the cover (D).
3. Reattach the upper limit stop to the previously marked position.
4. Only then should you check the travel function of the slide.

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9.2 Height adjustment motor (M1_4)/spindle Service Manual GALILEOS

9.2.4 Laying of cables when replacing the height adjustment

1. Plug connector X2 (O) into board DX32.
Laying of cables when replacing the height adjustment motor

2. Connect the protective ground wire (P) and lay it as shown in the

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.2 Height adjustment motor (M1_4)/spindle

3. Attach cable L2 first to the lower strain relief (photo on the left) and
then to the upper strain relief (photo on the right) (Q) of board DX32.
4. Connect cable L2 to board DX32 (R) and attach the protective ground
wire (S).

5. Run cable L3 (T) and the motor cable (U) around the height
adjustment motor.

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9.2 Height adjustment motor (M1_4)/spindle Service Manual GALILEOS

6. Lay the motor cable in the cable harness (V) on the rear of the unit
and secure in position with the cable clamps.
7. Route the cable into the arm.
IMPORTANT: The green mark must lie in the recess (X).
8. Plug connector X402 (W) into board DX1.

9.2.5 What has to be done after replacing the height adjustment

motor (M1_4) or the spindle?
What has to be done after replacing the height adjustment motor (M1_4) or the spindle?

1. After inserting the new spindle above and below the height
adjustment motor, grease it thoroughly with Chesterton 622.
2. Use the Up/Down keys on the control panel to check the function of
the height adjustment motor.
3. Reset the travel height.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.3 Ring motor (M1_3)

9.3 Ring motor (M1_3)

Ring motor (M1_3)

9.3.1 Replacing the ring motor

Replacing the ring motor

Removing the covers ➢ Remove the "arm cover".

Removing the defective motor

A D X813



1. Detach the motor cable from the cable harness and pull it off of
connector X813 on board DX1.
2. Loosen the four screws (A) on the ring motor and remove the motor
including the screws and the serrated washers (B).

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9.3 Ring motor (M1_3) Service Manual GALILEOS

Installing the new motor 1. Insert the new motor including coupling and absorber in the ring.
Tip: While inserting the motor, turn it back and forth slightly until the
pinion engages in the ring gear.
2. Use the screws (A) and serrated washers (B) to screw the new motor
onto the motor support ring.
3. Run the ring motor cable along its original path and plug it back into
connector X813 on board DX1.
IMPORTANT: Don't forget to reattach all cable ties and clamps.
Attaching the covers ➢ Reattach the covers.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.3 Ring motor (M1_3)

9.3.2 Replacing the pinion at the ring motor

Replacing the pinion at the ring motor

Removing the covers ➢ Remove the "arm cover".

Removing the motor ➢ Remove the ring motor as described in the chapter Replacing the ring
motor [ → 301] .



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9.3 Ring motor (M1_3) Service Manual GALILEOS

Replacing the pinion 1. Loosen the set screws (A) and pull off the defective pinion (B).
2. IMPORTANT: Ensure that the pinion is seated in the coupling so that
the set screws (A) are sitting on the flattened surface (C) of the pinion
during subsequent tightening to prevent the pinion from turning.
Insert the new pinion.
3. IMPORTANT: Apply Loctite 242 to the set screws (B) before
Retighten the set screws (A).
Installing the motor ➢ Reinsert the motor in the ring, route the cable and connect the motor
as described in the chapter Replacing the ring motor [ → 301] .
Attaching the covers ➢ Reattach the covers.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.3 Ring motor (M1_3)

9.3.3 Laying of cables when replacing the ring motor

Laying of cables when replacing the ring motor


1. Lay the cable (G) parallel to cable L3 and secure it with the clamps.
2. Plug connectors X804 (I) and X813 (H) into board DX1.

9.3.4 What has to be done after replacing the ring motor

What has to be done after replacing the ring motor (M1_3)/pinion?

1. Check the function of the ring motor.

2. Perform complete unit adjustment or calibration [ → 155].

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9.4 Rotary knob on the swivel arm Service Manual GALILEOS

9.4 Rotary knob on the swivel arm

Rotary knob on the swivel arm

9.4.1 Replacing the rotary knob

Replacing the rotary knob

Removing the rotary knob

1. Slide the plastic ring (A) toward the rear.

2. Turn the rotary knob and find the opening (B).
If no opening (B) appears, you can now simply pull off the rotary knob.
➢ , if an opening appears: Loosen setscrew (C) with an Allen key
3. Pull the rotary knob off.
Attaching the rotary knob Install the rotary knob by performing the steps above for dismantling in
reverse order.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.5 Control panel

9.5 Control panel

Control panel

9.5.1 Replacing the Easypad user interface (GALILEOS

Comfort) or Multipad (GALILEOS Compact)
Replacing the Easypad user interface (GALILEOS Comfort) or Multipad (GALILEOS Compact)



1. Press into slit (A) of the housing cover with a screwdriver (do not pry!)
and remove the defective user interface from the control panel.
2. Pull cables L9 and L10 off of connectors X102 (L9) and X103 (L10)
on board DX7 (Easypad, "GALILEOS Comfort") or DX71 (Multipad,
"GALILEOS Compact") of the defective user interface.
3. Plug the cables into connectors X102 (L9) and X103 (L10) of board
DX7 (Easypad, "GALILEOS Comfort") or DX71 (Multipad,
"GALILEOS Compact") on the new user interface.
4. Clip the new user interface onto the control panel.

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9.5 Control panel Service Manual GALILEOS

5. Update the nameplate at the control panel cover.

To do so, affix the supplied label as shown in the figure.

6. For "GALILEOS Comfort" (Easypad) only: Cable L10 (green cable)

must be equipped with ferrite core (B), unless this has already been
done. What has to be done after replacing the user interface?

What has to
Important: be done after replacing
Cross-Reference GALILEOSthe user interface?

IMPORTANT: So that the board is also replaced with the user interface,
you MUST also follow the instructions in the chapter titled "Measures
following replacement of boards [ → 347]“.
1. Check that the user interface and the display elements are
functioning correctly: When the unit is switched on, all of the display
elements must light up briefly.
2. Perform a software update to the latest version [ → 61].
GALILEOS with Easypad

Easypad only Following replacement of the user interface, the language set on board
DX7 is set to the factory setting by default (00 = German, English, French,
Italian). If the configured unit language set (which can be queried by
running service routine S017.5 or using the “extended detail query“ in
SiXABCon) has a configuration other than 00, this configuration will be
copied to board DX7 by the update function.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.5 Control panel

9.5.2 Laying of cables when replacing the user interface

Laying of cables when replacing the user interface


1. Plug the green cable L10 (A) into connector X103 on board DX7.
2. Plug the gray cable L9 (B) into connector X102 on board DX7.
Laying of cables: Multipad


1. Plug the green cable L10 (D) into connector X103 on board DX71.
2. Plug the gray cable L9 (C) into connector X102 on board DX71.

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9 Repair Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
9.6 X-ray tube unit Service Manual GALILEOS

9.6 X-ray tube unit

X-ray tube unit

Potentially lethal shock hazard!
It is essential to switch the unit off and to wait at least another 4 minutes
before starting the repair or taking off a cover panel!

9.6.1 Replacing the X-ray tube assembly

Replacing the X-ray tube assembly

Removing the covers 1. Only for "Type 3" diaphragm:

Pull off the adjusting knob with the silicone ring.
2. Remove the "Front tube assembly" and "Rear tube assembly"
covers [ → 42].
Installing the diaphragm unit 1. Turn the rotating element so that the tube assembly (as viewed from
the front) is located on the right side of the unit (i.e. not above the
swivel arm).
2. Remove the old diaphragm unit.

"Type 1" diaphragm (up to serial no. 2200)

Oil leakage!
The screws (E) from the ring (X-ray window) must not be loosened, as
otherwise oil may leak out.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.6 X-ray tube unit

1. Loosen the two lower screws (A) (approx. 2 to 3 turns).

2. Push the diaphragm (B) upward and then toward the front.
3. Unscrew the two sleeves (C) with washers.
4. Remove the aluminum filter (D).
5. Remove the primary diaphragm (F).
6. Keep diaphragm (B) safe and store primary diaphragm (F) and
aluminum filter (D) in a safe place.
IMPORTANT: These components will be reused when attaching the
diaphragm unit to the new tube assembly.

"Type 2" diaphragm (serial no. 2201 and higher)

Oil leakage!
The screws (E) from the ring (X-ray window) must not be loosened, as
otherwise oil may leak out.

1. Loosen the two lower screws (A) (approx. 2 to 3 turns).
2. Push the diaphragm (B) upward and then toward the front.
3. Unscrew the two sleeves (C) with washers.
4. Remove the aluminum filter (D).
5. Keep diaphragm (B) safe and store aluminum filter (D) in a safe
IMPORTANT: These components will be reused when attaching the
diaphragm unit to the new tube assembly.

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9.6 X-ray tube unit Service Manual GALILEOS

"Type 3" diaphragm

1. Loosen the two lower screws (A) (approx. 2 to 3 turns).

2. Push the diaphragm (B) upward and then toward the front.
Removing the defective X-ray tube

1. Loosen the four screws (A) and remove cover plate (B) incl. the cable
shielding (L3). CAUTION! Also pull cable L3 off connector X3 and the
ground cable off connector X304 on board DX6.
Tip: The ferrite core and cable shielding can remain on the cover
2. Detach cables L5, L6 and L15 from the rubber grommets and pull the
cables off of sockets J6 (L5), J2-J3 (L6) and J5 (L15) on board DX6.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.6 X-ray tube unit

3. Loosen the two rear screws (C) on the tube assembly.
4. CAUTION! The tube assembly is heavy!
Hold the tube assembly firmly in place, loosen the two front screws
(D) (3-4 turns) and remove the tube assembly toward the front.
Preparing the new X-ray tube assembly
for installation
Oil leakage!
The screws (E) from the ring (X-ray window) must not be loosened, as
otherwise oil may leak out.

Note the order for attaching the filters when reattaching the diaphragm
unit to the new tube assembly. If the filters are installed in the wrong
order, this will impair the image quality. Insert the aluminum filter (D)
first, followed by the copper filter (M).

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9.6 X-ray tube unit Service Manual GALILEOS



With the "Type 1" diaphragm unit:

1. Remove the retaining ring (L).
2. Remove the copper filter (M) and the aluminum filter (D).
3. Unscrew the two sleeves (C) with washers.
4. Loosen the two lower screws (A) (approx. 2 to 3 turns).
With the "Type 2" diaphragm unit:
1. Remove the retaining ring (L).
2. Remove the copper filter M and the aluminum filter (D).
With the "Type 3" diaphragm unit:
➢ No preparations are required.
Installing the new tube assembly 1. Hang the new tube assembly on the two front screws of the rotating
element and tighten them securely.
2. Insert the two rear screws and tighten them firmly.
3. Plug cables L3, L5, L6 and L15 as well as the ground cable back onto
board DX6 and reattach the cables to the rubber grommets.
4. Reattach the cover plate.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.6 X-ray tube unit

Installing the diaphragm unit ➢ NOTICE! Do not forget to re-install the filters or in the case of "Type
1" diaphragm unit, the primary diaphragm.
The diaphragm is installed in the reverse order to removal.
With the "Type 3" diaphragm:

Note the order for installing the filters!
The image quality will be impaired if the filters are installed in the wrong
sequence. Insert the aluminum filter (D) first, followed by the copper filter

Attaching the covers ➢ Reattach the covers.

With the "Type 3" diaphragm:
➢ NOTICE! Do not force on the adjusting knob. Make sure the locking
function of the adjusting knob works properly when setting the button
in place.

Set the adjusting knob in place with the silicone ring.
Updating the ID label

➢ Update the nameplate at the tube assembly cover.

To do so, affix the supplied label as shown in the figure.

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9.6 X-ray tube unit Service Manual GALILEOS

9.6.2 Cables and connectors for replacement of the X-ray tube

Cables and connectors for replacement of the X-ray tube assembly

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.6 X-ray tube unit

A Cable L5 → Socket J6 on board DX6
B Cable L6 → Socket J2/J3 on board DX6
C Grounding cable → Connector X304 on board DX6
D Cable L3 → Connector X3 on board DX6
E Laying cables correctly on the cover plate
F Cable L15 → Socket J5 on board DX6
G Cable routed on left side of tube assembly:
2x L21 and L20
H Cable L12 routed on right side of tube assembly.

9.6.3 What has to be done after replacing the X-ray tube

What has to be done after replacing the X-ray tube assembly?

Since board DX6 is also replaced with the tube assembly, you MUST
also follow the instructions in the chapter entitled Measures following
replacement of boards [ → 347].

1. Perform a complete unit adjustment or calibration [ → 155].

2. Perform an acceptance test (for Germany only) without calling in an

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9.7 Fan (X-ray tube assembly) Service Manual GALILEOS

9.7 Fan (X-ray tube assembly)

Fan (X-ray tube assembly)

9.7.1 Replacing the fan

Replacing the fan

1. Remove the "Front tube assembly cover".

2. NOTICE! Cable! Loosen the three screws (A) and carefully remove
the cover plate including the fan.
3. Pull the fan cable off of connector X2 on board DX6.
4. Install the new fan in the reverse order of removal.

9.7.2 What has to be done after replacing the fan?

What has to be done after replacing the fan?

➢ Check the function of the fan using service routine S005.4 [ → 225].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.8 X-ray detector

9.8 X-ray detector

X-ray detector

9.8.1 Replace X-ray detector

Replace X-ray detector

For Facescan units:
The FaceScan must be removed [ → 325] from units with
FacescanFacescan fitted before the X-ray detector can be replaced.

Removing the covers ➢ Remove the "x-ray detector cover".

Remove cable

1. CAUTION! Risk of injury! The cover plate may have sharp edges.
Carefully pull cover plate (A) upwards to remove it from the X-ray
2. Loosen the screws (B) and (C), as well as clamps (D) and (E).
3. Remove cable L13 from connector X201 (F) on board DX89.

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9.8 X-ray detector Service Manual GALILEOS

4. NOTICE! Make sure that the grounding cable does not slip into the
ring. Secure it with a cable tie or piece of adhesive tape if necessary.
Loosen screw (G) and disconnect the grounding cable (H).
Removing the X-ray detector
➢ CAUTION! The x-ray detector is heavy!
Loosen the screw (J), swing the X-ray detector slightly upwards and
lift it out of the holder on the ring.
IMPORTANT: Depending on the unit hardware version involved,
there may be a second screw located on the side opposite screw (J).
If so, this screw(*) must be loosened in order to remove the X-ray
detector. This second screw does not have to be used during

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.8 X-ray detector

Installing the X-ray detector

1. Hook the new x-ray detector into holder (K) from above, using the ring
on the unit. The dead weight of the X-ray detector will cause it to tilt
into the correct position.

2. Secure it in place using the screw (J).

3. CAUTION! Risk of injury! The cover plate may have sharp edges.
Carefully pull the cover plate (K) upwards to remove it from the X-ray

4. Plug cable L13 (from the ring) onto connector X201 on PCB DX89
and use the two screws to secure it.

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5. Connect the grounding cable from the ring with screw (G) as well as
with washer (L), serrated washer (M) and contact washer (N).

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.8 X-ray detector

6. NOTICE! Ensure that cable L13 is correctly laid in the nut (O) of the
X-ray detector.
Route the cable L13 as illustrated in the diagram, and attach the
cover shielding on the X-ray detector housing using the 2 clamps (D)
and screws (B).
Depending on the unit hardware version, the brackets on your unit
may differ slightly from those shown.
7. Secure the cable with clamp (E) and screw (C).


8. Re-attach the cover plate (A).

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9.8 X-ray detector Service Manual GALILEOS

Attaching the covers

1. Remove the plastic cap (P) in front of the input window of the new X-
ray detector.
Depending on the hardware version of your unit, the plastic cap may
differ slightly from the one shown in this diagram.
2. Use the two screws (Q) to attach the lower cover part to the X-ray
3. NOTICE! The tab on the upper cover part must be pushed
underneath the ring cover. Then place the upper cover part on the
lower one and screw it tight using the four screws (R) as well as a fifth
screw (S).

Updating the ID label

➢ Update the nameplate on the detector cover.

To do this, affix the supplied label as shown in the figure.

For Facescan units:
The FaceScan must be refitted [ → 327] on units with Facescan fitted
after the X-ray detector has been replaced.

9.8.2 What has to be done after replacing the X-ray detector?

What has to be done after replacing the X-ray detector?

1. Perform a software update to the current main software version

(V03.03.01 or higher) [ → 61].
2. Save the configuration data from board DX89 (to board DX11) via
service routine S009.7 [ → 245].
3. Perform a complete unit adjustment or calibration [ → 155].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.9 Facescan

9.9 Facescan

9.9.1 Replacing the scan unit

Replacing the scan unit Removing the defective scan unit

Removing the defective scan unit

Removing the covers

1. Undo the four screws (K) and remove the two covers (J).

2. Disconnect the cable (H) from the display board (I) on the inside of
the cover (F).

3. Undo the six screws (G) and remove the cover (F).

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9.9 Facescan Service Manual GALILEOS

Disconnecting electrical connections

1. Disconnect cable L78.3 from cable L78.4.

2. Remove the cable L78.4 from the clamp (Z).
3. Pull cable L78.4 from socket X2 of the FACESCAN modular board.
4. Disconnect the gray cable L78.3 from the chassis to the side.
5. Slacken the two screws (S) and remove the panel (T).
ª The FACESCAN modular board is open.

6. Pull gray cable L78.3 from socket X1 off the FACESCAN modular
7. Refit the panel (T) with the two screws (S).

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.9 Facescan

Attaching the transport locks

➢ Screw the transport lock (B) to the Facescan using the wing screws
(A) (for return shipping).

Removing the scan unit

1. Unscrew the securing screws (E).

2. Unscrew the six screws (D) and detach the scan unit from the X-ray
detector brackets to the rear. Attaching new scan unit

Attaching new scan unit

Preparing for fitting

Preparation for screwing in the scan unit

Risk of damage
Mechanical stress can cause damage to the scanning unit.
➢ For transporting and aligning the scan unit hold on to the transport
lock (B) only.

➢ Loosen one wing nut (A) of the transport lock (B).

➢ Do not remove the wing nuts.

Attaching the scan unit

Attaching the scan unit

Risk of damage
When hanging the scan unit, the housing of the X-ray detector can get
➢ Hang the scan unit carefully on the X-ray detector.

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1. Hang the scan unit from behind in the inlets of the X-ray detector.
2. Attach the scan unit loosely with 6 screws (D) - do not screw tightly!

3. Mount the installation aid (C) from below on both sides onto the first
cooling vent (H) of the face scan unit.
4. Insert the fastening element (F) into the installation aid (C).

5. Turn the holding plates (G) over the chassis plate of the face scan
6. Push the installation aid (C) with the scan unit on to the sensor
surface (H) of the X-ray detector.
7. Align the installation aid (C) to the center of the sensor surface (H).

Possible faulty alignment
Displacement of the installation aid (C) can be caused through further
fastening of the scan unit with the safety screws (E).
➢ When screwing in the safety screws (E), please ensure that the
installation aid (C) always remains aligned.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.9 Facescan

8. Move the safety screw (E) on both sides from the parked position (L)
(delivered condition) to the function position (M).
9. Screw the scan unit down from below with the safety screws (E). In
so doing, the screws should pierce through the housing of the X-ray
ª The distance (K) between the plate of the scan unit and the cover
of the X-ray detector should be 6 mm.

10. Screw down the 6 screws (D).
11. Remove the installation aid (C) (stays with the customer).

12. Unscrew the transport lock (B).

Keep the transport lock (B) and the wing screws (A) in case the
Facescan unit has to be returned for repairs (these stay with the

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9.9 Facescan Service Manual GALILEOS

Connecting scan unit electrically

Connecting Facescan electrically

1. Loosen the two screws (S).

2. Remove the protective plate (T).
ª The FACESCAN modular board is open.

3. Read the MAC address on the FACESCAN modular board at position

(X) and note this down.
4. Plug gray cable L78.3 in slot X1 on the FACESCAN modular board.
5. Attach gray cable L78.3 to the chassis at the side.

6. Screw down the protective plate (T).

7. Lay cable L78.4 including the ferrite core on the protective plate as
8. Plug gray cable L78.4 into slot X2 (modular board FACESCAN).
9. Fasten cable L78.4 with the clip (Z).
10. Fasten cable L78.3 with three cable ties to cable L78.4.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.9 Facescan

Attaching the cover

1. Remove the protective caps (E) from the four cameras.

Permitted cleaning agents
- A dry, lint-free cloth
- A cleaning agent approved by Sirona

An up-to-date list of approved agents can be downloaded from the

Internet at the address "". Select the "SERVICE"/"Care
and cleaning" menu items in the navigation system and then open the
"Care and cleaning agents" document.

If you have no access to the Internet, please contact your dental depot,
to request the list.

REF 59 70 905

2. Clean the surface of the mirror and the vision panel inside the
Facescan cover.
3. Screw down the covering bonnet (F) from below with 6 screws (G).

4. Connect the cable (H) with the display board (I) to the covering
bonnet (F).

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5. Read the serial number on the identification plate (S) and record this
on the device certificate.

6. Screw the right end cap (J) with two screws (K) down on the scan unit.
7. If network configuration is to be completed later using the Facescan
USB stick:
Do not screw the cover cap (A) tight.
➢ If network configuration is to be completed later using a network
Screw the cover cap (A) down with two screws. What has to be done after replacing the scanner unit?

What has to be done after replacing the scanner unit?

1. Perform a white balance [ → 190].

2. Perform a complete unit adjustment or calibration [ → 155].
3. Perform some test exposures.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.9 Facescan

9.9.2 Replacing the PoE module

Replacing the PoE module Removing the faulty PoE module

Removing the faulty PoE module

1. Remove the bottom profile cover [ → 42].

2. Remove cable L76 from the cable clamp (G).

3. Detach cable L77.WH (white) and L77.BN (brown) from terminals
K1.2 and K1.1 (orange).
4. Pull cables L71 and L7 from sockets SC:SC and BU1.

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5. Push the cable cover (I) upwards.

6. Unplug the Ethernet cable L77 from the POE socket of the PoE

7. Unscrew the two screws (K) and the nuts (L) and remove the PoE

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.9 Facescan Installing the new PoE module

1. Put the PoE module (P) on the thread bolts (H) of the mains filter plate
Installing the new PoE module

(J) (the serrated washer must sit behind the fitting plate of the PoE

2. Screw down the PoE module (P) to the place provided in the stand
with two screws (K) and a nut (L).

The locking catch of the RJ45 plug of Ethernet cable L77 is secured with
adhesive tape (N).
➢ Remove the adhesive tape (N) from the RJ45 plug of Ethernet cable

3. Plug Ethernet cable L77 into the POE socket of the PoE module.

4. To fasten, slide the cable cover (I) downwards again as far as


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5. Pull cable L7 from the SC:SC socket.

6. Plug cable L7 into the BU2 socket of the PoE module.
7. Plug cable L71 into the BU1 socket of the PoE module.
8. Plug cable L71 into the SC:SC socket.

Cable L76 must be routed behind the mains filter plate (J).

9. Route cable L76 behind the mains filter plate to the terminal K1.

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10. Connect cable L77.BN (brown) to terminal K1.1 (orange).

11. Connect cable L77.WH (white) to terminal K1.2 (orange).
12. Fasten cable L76 as low as possible downwards with the cable clamp
13. Refit the bottom profile cover.


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9.10 Head fixation device Service Manual GALILEOS

9.10 Head fixation device

Head fixation device

9.10.1 Replacing receptacle element for head fixation (for unit

with head fixation device)
Replacing receptacle element for head fixation (for unit with head fixation device)

Remove defective receptacle element. 1. Using the Up/Down buttons on the control panel, switch the device on
and move it to a comfortable working height to remove the acquisition
2. Remove the head fixation device (see operating instructions).
3. If the bore hole (C) on the defective acquisition unit is not available:
Press the locking button (A) and move the flange (B) forward to
expose the bore hole (C).

4. Loosen screw (D) and remove the defective acquisition unit.

Install the new acquisition unit.
1. If the bore hole C on the new acquisition unit is not available:
Press the locking button (A) and move the flange (B) forward to
expose the bore hole (C).

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.10 Head fixation device

2. IMPORTANT: Do not tighten the screw yet. It should not be possible
to rotate the acquisition unit.
Screw the new receptacle element on to the unit with screw (D) so
that the laser localizer (E) is facing forward.
3. Push the head fixation device (F) into the acquisition unit (see
operating instructions).

4. Press the locking button (A) and push the flange (B) including the
head fixation device backwards so that the light localizer (E) is

Adjust the light localizer.

Adjusting the light localizer (GALILEOS)

1. CAUTION! Keep a minimum distance of 100 mm between the eye

and the laser. Do not look directly into the laser beam.
Switch the laser light on using the light localizer button on the control

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9.10 Head fixation device Service Manual GALILEOS

2. Align the acquisition unit.

To do this, move the rotary knobs on the head fixation device to a
vertical position. Then align the acquisition unit so that the laser light
is shown in the middle of the vertical knobs of the head fixation device
and the bite holder.
3. Press the locking button (A) and push the flange (B) including the
head fixation device (F) back to the front so that the bore hole (C) is
exposed. Tighten the screw (D) firmly.
IMPORTANT: The acquisition unit should not be turned when
pushing the head fixation device back and tightening the screw.
4. Switch the unit off again.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.11 Light barriers

9.11 Light barriers

Light barriers

9.11.1 Replacing the light barriers

Replacing the light barriers

The following light barriers can be replaced:
● Light barrier at ring motor, starting position of rotation: V1_3
● Light barrier at HA motor, height adjustment: V1_4

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9.12 Boards Service Manual GALILEOS

9.12 Boards

9.12.1 Important notes about replacing boards

Important notes about replacing boards

Touching the boards can damage them.
Please observe the usual precautionary measures for handling printed
circuit boards (ESD). Touch a ground point to discharge static electricity
before touching any boards.

Prior to replacing boards

Before replacing the board: GALILEOS

You must observe the notes in the chapter !

This chapter describes all measures required after the replacement of
modules or boards, provided they were known at the time of publication.
You will find more up-to-date information and supplements concerning
this subject on the latest GALILEOS XG CD and on the Sirona dealer
page on the Internet. For this reason, you should always check for the
latest information on the replacement of modules and performing updates
before you start replacing any modules or boards.
Replacing DX11_DX6: GALILEOS

Replacing the boards DX6 (X-ray tube Never replace these boards at the same time. After replacing one of these
assembly) and DX11 or DX89 and DX11 boards, you must first perform the measures specified in the chapter and
then restart the unit. Only then may you begin replacement of the other
Replacing DX11: GALILEOS

Prior to replacing board DX11 If the old DX11 is still working:

Call the "Extended Details" via SiXABCon and check the switching plate
configuration for the swivel arm. If it deviates from 01 this must be
configured again after inserting a new DX11 using service routine
S017.7 [ → 261].
For GALILEOS Comfort: If the old DX11 is still working:
Call up the "Extended Details" via SiXABCon, search for the “Language
Set ID“ (under "Extended Configuration DX7") and note the configuration
of the language set. If it deviates from 00, the language set must be
configured again after inserting a new DX11 using service routine
S017.5 [ → 258].
Following replacement of board DX11, the user preferences (patient
symbols, initial position, default contrast mode, etc.) are lost. Instruct the
user accordingly or set these values after replacing the board, provided
that they were properly noted down before the board was replaced.
Connector designations on the boards The connectors on the boards are labeled on delivery of the system.
Tip: Check the designations on the connectors when pulling off the cables
and label them correctly if necessary.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.12 Boards

9.12.2 Replacing boards

Replacing boards

Risk of damage to boards
Please observe the usual precautionary measures for handling printed
circuit boards (ESD).
Touch a ground point to discharge static electricity before touching any
Replacing PC boards: GALILEOS

*) Board DX41 is omitted in units with serial numbers of 3201 and higher.

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9.12 Boards Service Manual GALILEOS Replacing PC board DX1

Replacing PC board DX1

The software version of the "DX1/DX11 board" must be compatible with
the main software version of the unit.

1. Remove the "arm cover".

2. Disassemble both cross braces (A).
3. CAUTION! Touch a ground point to discharge static electricity before
touching any boards.
B Remove the cover plate (B) of the board DX11.
A 4. Pull all cables off of board DX1.
5. Disassemble and remove the defective board DX1.
6. NOTICE! You must observe the notes in the chapter titled Replacing
board DX11 [ → 344]
A Install the DX11 board from the defective DX1 on the new DX1.
7. Reinstall the DX1 board in the unit and reattach the connectors.
8. Reassemble both cross braces (A).
9. Reattach the covers.
NOTICE! Once you have removed the cross braces (A), the unit must be
completely readjusted or recalibrated.

After replacing the board DX1, you must observe the notes provided in
the chapter . Replacing board DX11

Replacing board DX11

The software version of the "DX1/DX11 board" must be compatible with
the main software version of the unit.

The cover plates of the DX1 (REF 59 24 142 and REF 62 82 052) board
versions are not compatible with each other. In the case of boards with REF 59 24 142 (DX1) and REF 59 25
214 (DX11)
In the case of boards with REF 59 24 142 (DX1) and REF 59 25 214 (DX11)

✔ The cover plate of board DX11 must be removed [ → 344].

1. CAUTION! Touch a ground point to discharge static electricity before
touching any boards.
Pull the defective DX11 board to remove it from the DX1 board.
2. Insert the new DX11 board on the DX1 and reattach the cover plate.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.12 Boards In the case of boards with REF 62 82 052 (DX1) and REF 63 17
056 (DX11)
In the case of boards with REF 62 82 052 (DX1) and REF 63 17 056 (DX11)

✔ The cover plate of board DX11 must be removed [ → 344].

1. CAUTION! Touch a ground point to discharge static electricity before
touching any boards.
Pull the defective DX11 board using the removal tool (D) to remove it
from the DX1 board.
IMPORTANT: The removal tool (D) is included in the delivery scope
of the DX11 board.
2. NOTICE! Ensure that the connector strips of boards DX1 and DX11
are aligned precisely above one another and are not offset, before
pressing the boards together firmly.
Attach the new DX11 board on to the DX1.
DX11 3. Check that the DX11 board is correctly attached to the DX1 board.
There must be no visible gap between the connector strips.
4. Reattach the cover plate.

Replacing DX11: GALILEOS

After replacing the board DX11, you must observe the notes provided in
the chapter .

DX1 Replacing board DX32

Replacing board DX32

The removal of the board DX32 is described in the chapter Removing

board DX32 [ → 294] . Install the board by following the same procedure
in reverse order.
Replacing DX32: GALILEOS

After replacing the board DX32, you must observe the notes provided in
the chapter .

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9.12 Boards Service Manual GALILEOS Replace board DX89

Replace board DX89

1. Remove the "x-ray detector cover".

2. Carefully pull cover plate (A) upwards to remove it from the X-ray

3. Remove the four screws (B) and remove the defective DX89 board
from the X-ray detector.
4. Pull the connectors of cables L13 (X201), L27 (X203) and L28 (X400)
off of the defective board DX89.
5. Install the new board DX89 by following the steps for removal in
reverse order.
IMPORTANT: After replacing the board DX89, always observe the notes
provided in the chapter .

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.12 Boards

9.12.3 Measures following replacement of boards

Board following measures:
replacement replacement of boards

After replacing boards or modules containing boards, check to make sure

that the software version of the module corresponds to the current
software status of the system. The software versions of the modules can
be queried by running service routine S008.2 or using the extended detail
query in SiXABCon. You can also check the info screen in advance to
determine whether the current software constellation is permissible. If this
is not the case, the version number of the main software is labeled with
an asterisk (e.g. V03.03.01*)
In the event of software incompatibilities, perform a software update or
downgrade [ → 61].
Always perform the measures described below in the given sequence
and do not carry out any other actions between the steps.
The following table provides an overview of various possible replacement
situations and cross-references to detailed descriptions of the actions

required for the corresponding situations following board replacement.

Board Constellation Actions Page

DX1 Inserting a new DX1
● GALILEOS Comfort ● Switch the unit on. S. [ → 155]
● System software version ● Perform a complete unit adjustment
V03.03.01 or higher or calibration.
● GALILEOS Compact
● System software version
V03.06.01 or higher
DX11 Replacing a DX11
Board DX11 with software version V02.62.01 or higher requires a SIDEXIS software version of V2.0
or higher in order to perform an update. This requires an overall system update to software version
V03.03.01 or higher, or SIDEXIS V2.0 or higher.
The SW on the CD included with the DX11 must be installed on the entire system.
● Inserting a new DX11 Proceed as described in the chapter S. [ → 350]
"After changing the DX11
● GALILEOS Comfort
board [ → 350]", Case A.
● System software version
V03.03.01 or higher
● Inserting a DX11 from another unit Proceed as described in the chapter S. [ → 352]
"After changing the DX11
● GALILEOS Comfort
board [ → 350]", Case B.
● System software version
V03.03.01 or higher
● Inserting a new DX11 Proceed as described in the chapter S. [ → 354]
"After changing the DX11
● GALILEOS Compact
board [ → 350]", Case C.
● System software version
V03.06.01 or higher
● Inserting a DX11 from another unit Proceed as described in the chapter S. [ → 356]
"After changing the DX11
● GALILEOS Compact
board [ → 350]", Case D.
● System software version
V03.06.01 or higher

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9.12 Boards Service Manual GALILEOS

Board Constellation Actions Page

DX6 Replacing a tube assembly, including board DX6
Tube ● Inserting a new X-ray tube assembly Proceed as described in the chapter , S.
assembly Case E.
● GALILEOS Comfort
● System software version
V03.03.01 or higher
● Inserting an X-ray tube assembly from Proceed as described in the chapter , S.
another unit Case F.
● GALILEOS Comfort
● System software version
V03.03.01 or higher
● Inserting a new X-ray tube assembly Proceed as described in the chapter , S.
Case G.
● GALILEOS Compact
● System software version
V03.06.01 or higher
● Inserting an X-ray tube assembly from Proceed as described in the chapter , S.
another unit Case H.
● GALILEOS Compact
● System software version
V03.06.01 or higher
DX7 ● Inserting a new Easypad incl. DX7 ● Switch the unit on. S. [ → 61]
● System software version ● Perform a software update for the
V03.03.01 or higher unit to version V03.03.01 or higher.
After replacement of the Easypad,
the language set on the board DX7 is
set to the factory default setting
(00 = German, English, French,
Italian). If the configured unit
language set (which can be queried
by running service routine S017.5 or
via the "Extended Details" in
SiXABCon) has a configuration other
than 00, this configuration will be
copied to board DX7 by the update
DX71 ● Inserting a new Multipad incl. DX71 ● Switch the unit on. S. [ → 61]
● System software version ● Perform a software update of the
V03.06.01 or higher device to a version V03.06.01 or
DX32 ● Inserting a new DX32 No further action is required.
● System software version
V03.03.01 or higher
DX41* ● Inserting a new DX41 ● Switch the unit on. S. [ → 61]
● Only for GALILEOS up to serial ● Perform a software update of the unit
number 3200 to a version V03.03.01 or higher.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.12 Boards

Board Constellation Actions Page

DX42 Inserting a new DX42
Remote ● Inserting a new DX42 ● Switch the unit on. S. [ → 61]
● GALILEOS Comfort ● Perform a software update of the unit
to a version V03.03.01 or higher.
● System software version
V03.03.01 or higher ● Up to unit serial number 3199: S.
Set jumper X109 and X110 to
"Configuration with DX41" (inside
● Inserting a new DX42 ● Switch the unit on. S. [ → 61]
● GALILEOS Compact ● Perform a software update of the
device to a version V03.06.01 or
● System software version
V03.06.01 or higher
DX89 Inserting a new DX89

● Inserting a new DX89 ● Switch the unit on. S. [ → 61]
● GALILEOS Comfort ● Perform a software update of the unit
to a version V03.03.01 or higher.
● System software version
V03.03.01 or higher ● Restore the configuration data of S. [ → 245]
board DX89 by using service routine
● Inserting a new DX89 ● Switch the unit on. S. [ → 61]
● GALILEOS Compact ● Perform a software update of the
device to a version V03.06.01 or
● System software version
V03.06.01 or higher
● Restore the configuration data of S. [ → 245]
board DX89 by using service routine

*) Board DX41 is omitted in unit serial number 3201 and higher. Board
DX41 is available as a spare part for units up to unit serial number 3199.

61 25 665 D3437
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9 Repair Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
9.12 Boards Service Manual GALILEOS After changing the DX11 board

After changing the DX11 board

Case A: ● New DX11

● GALILEOS Comfort
● For DX11: System software version V03.03.01 or higher
For DX1V2: System software version V04.04.00 or higher

After a new DX11 is inserted, the IP address is initially reset to the
factory setting. Before you set the unit to a new IP address, make sure
that the IP address you're assigning has not been assigned to any other

1. Switch the unit on.

Do not acknowledge any error messages at this time.
2. Install the current version of the SIDEXIS software (V2.0 or higher).
If the current version of SIDEXIS is a patch version, the previous
official main version of SIDEXIS XG must be installed before you can
install the current version.
3. Perform a software update to version V03.03.01 or higher using
(automatic update) [ → 61].
4. If multiple units are installed in a single network:
Set the IP address via SiXABCon.
5. Switch off the unit.
6. Wait for approx. 1 minute. Then switch the unit back on.
The error message E1 10 03 (format flash file system) is displayed.
The message "No Key" is displayed on the Easypad.
7. Press the R key to acknowledge the error message.
The formatting of the flash file system is started automatically. Error
message E1 10 04 is displayed during the entire process (approx. 5
- 6 min.). When the formatting is finished, the error message is
automatically acknowledged by the system and error message E6 11
07 (undefined system class) is displayed.
8. Press the R key to acknowledge the error message.
The access level for the service menu (level 4) is automatically
9. Press and hold down the Service key until the patient symbol keys
light up (approx. 2 s).
10. Then press the patient symbol keys in the sequence b - d - a within
the next 4 seconds.
After you have entered the key combination correctly, the service
routine S017, test step 1 (select/confirm system class) is started
automatically. The Memory key lights up.
11. Acknowledge any additional error messages with the R key .
12. Confirm the "GALILEOS Comfort" system class (03):
To do this, first press the Memory key (R key lights up) and then the
R key.
13. Exit the service routine with the double-arrow key.
14. Switch off the unit.

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15. Wait for approx. 1 minute. Then switch the unit back on.
The error message E6 15 05 (undefined system serial number) is
16. Acknowledge the error message with the R key .
17. Error message E6 15 04 (undefined activation data) is displayed.
18. Acknowledge the error message with the R key .
19. Call the service menu [ → 210].
20. Call the service routine S008.3, check the serial number, and confirm
this if necessary [ → 240].
The unit serial number is located on the nameplate of the unit.
NOTICE! If the serial number is incorrect, exit the update process and
contact the Sirona Customer Service Center.
21. Switch off the unit.
22. Wait for approx. 1 minute. Then switch the unit back on.
The message "No Key" should no longer appear.
23. Call the service menu [ → 210].

24. Call the service routine S017 and perform the unit configuration (test
step 2-15) [ → 252].
The board DX41 must be configured using the service routine
S017.9. In units with a serial number of 1080 and above, the
switching plate configuration of the swivel arm must be set or
checked using service routine S017.7.
Inform the customer of the configuration options of the software
status, for example, the welcome screen or acoustic exposure signal.
Activate these functions if they are required.
25. If the travel height of the unit has to be limited:
Set the travel height with service routine S018.2 [ → 272].
26. Perform a software update to the current software version [ → 61].
This updates all modules in accordance with the configuration.
The error message E1 11 20 (invalid unit calibration) is displayed.
27. Acknowledge the error message with the R key .
28. Perform a complete unit calibration [ → 155].
After a successful unit calibration has been performed, the error
message should no longer appear.
29. Call up the "Extended Details" via SiXABCon.
This generates an XML file (with the system parameters) which is
Filed in the PDATA/.../P2K_Config directory under the network name
of the unit.
● The process is completed.

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9.12 Boards Service Manual GALILEOS

Replacing DX11: Case B

Case B: ● DX11 from another unit

● GALILEOS Comfort
● System software version V03.03.01 or higher
IMPORTANT: Exchange is only possible within the same system class,
e.g. the DX11 must come from a "GALILEOS Comfort" unit if it is to be
installed in a "GALILEOS Comfort" unit.

After inserting the board, you must reconfigure the IP address to match
the IP address of the existing X-ray component. Before you set the unit
to a new IP address, make sure that the IP address you're assigning has
not been assigned to any other unit.

1. Switch the unit on.

Do not acknowledge any error messages at this time.
2. Install the current version of the SIDEXIS XG software (V2.0 or
If the current version of SIDEXIS XG is a patch version, the previous
official main version of SIDEXIS XG must be installed before you can
install the current version.
3. Perform a software update to version V03.03.01 or higher via
(automatic update) [ → 61].
If you are using a DX11 that already has the same software status as
the overall system, a repeated software update to this status must be
performed in order that an administrative entry can be made in the
memory of the DX11.
4. Switch the unit off.
5. Wait for approx. 1 minute. Then switch the unit back on.
The error message E6 15 05 (undefined system serial number) is
displayed. The message "No Key" is displayed on the Easypad.
6. Acknowledge the error message with the R key .
7. Call the service menu [ → 210].
8. Call service routine S008.3 [ → 240].
9. Enter the unit serial number found on the nameplate of the
unit [ → 240].
IMPORTANT: Any serial number which is unknown to the unit will not
be accepted by the unit. The serial number entered must be identical
to the number on the nameplate of the unit. If an inadmissible serial
number is entered, the input will not be accepted and the serial
number can be entered again.
10. Switch the unit off.
11. Wait for approx. 1 minute. Then switch the unit back on.
In systems that already run with a system software version V03.03.01
or higher, please check whether there is a XML file in the PDATA/.../
P2K_Config with the network name of the system. This file contains
important information about the previous unit configuration.
The error message E1 11 20 (invalid unit calibration) is displayed.
12. Acknowledge the error message with the R key .
13. Call the service menu [ → 210].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.12 Boards

14. Call the service routine S017 and perform the unit configuration (test
step 2-15) [ → 252].
The board DX41 must be configured using the service routine
S017.9. In units with a serial number of 1080 and above, the
switching plate configuration of the swivel arm must be set or
checked using service routine S017.7.
Inform the customer of the configuration options of the software
status, for example, the welcome screen or acoustic exposure signal.
Activate these functions if they are required.
15. If the travel height of the unit has to be limited:
Set the travel height with service routine S018.2 [ → 272].
16. Perform a software update to the current software version [ → 61].
This updates all modules in accordance with the configuration.
17. Perform a complete unit calibration [ → 155].
After a successful unit calibration has been performed, the error
message should no longer appear.
18. Call up the "Extended Details" via SiXABCon.

This generates an XML file (with the system parameters) which is
Filed in the PDATA/.../P2K_Config directory under the network name
of the unit.
● The process is completed.

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9.12 Boards Service Manual GALILEOS

Replacing DX11: Case C

Case C: ● New DX11

● GALILEOS Compact
● For DX11: System software version V03.03.01 or higher
For DX1V2: System software version V04.04.00 or higher

After a new DX11 is inserted, the IP address is initially reset to the
factory setting. Before you set the unit to a new IP address, make sure
that the IP address you're assigning has not been assigned to any other

1. Switch the unit on.

Do not acknowledge any error messages at this time.
2. Install the current version of the SIDEXIS XG software (V2.3 or
If the current version of SIDEXIS XG is a patch version, the previous
official main version of SIDEXIS XG must be installed before you can
install the current version.
3. Perform a software update to version V03.06.01 or higher using
(automatic update) [ → 61].
4. If multiple units are installed in a single network:
Set the IP address via SiXABCon.
5. Switch off the unit.
6. Wait for approx. 1 minute. Then switch the unit back on.
The error message E1 10 03 (format flash file system) is displayed.
The message "No Key" is displayed on the Multipad.
7. Press the R key to acknowledge the error message.
The formatting of the flash file system is started automatically. Error
message E1 10 04 is displayed during the entire process (approx. 5
- 6 min.). When the formatting is finished, the error message is
automatically acknowledged by the system and error message E6 11
07 (undefined system class) is displayed.
8. Press the R key to acknowledge the error message.
The access level for the service menu (level 4) is automatically
9. Press and hold down the Service key until the LEDs above the patient
symbol keys light up (approx. 2 s).
10. Then press the patient symbol keys in the sequence b - d - a within
the next 4 seconds.
After you have entered the key combination correctly, the service
routine S017, test step 1 (select/confirm system class) is started
automatically. The LED above the Memory key lights up.
11. Acknowledge any additional error messages with the R key .
12. Confirm the "GALILEOS Compact" system class (04):
To do this, first press the Memory key (LED above the R key lights
up) and then the R key.
13. Exit the service routine by pressing the arrow key above selection
field 3.
14. Switch off the unit.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.12 Boards

15. Wait for approx. 1 minute. Then switch the unit back on.
The error message E6 15 05 (undefined system serial number) is
16. Acknowledge the error message with the R key .
17. Error message E6 15 04 (undefined activation data) is displayed.
18. Acknowledge the error message with the R key .
19. Call the service menu [ → 210].
20. Call the service routine S008.3, check the serial number, and confirm
this if necessary [ → 240].
The unit serial number is located on the nameplate of the unit.
NOTICE! If the serial number is incorrect, exit the update process and
contact the Sirona Customer Service Center.
21. Switch off the unit.
22. Wait for approx. 1 minute. Then switch the unit back on.
The message "No Key" should no longer appear.
23. Call the service menu [ → 210].

24. Call the service routine S017 and perform the unit configuration (test
step 2-15) [ → 252].
The board DX41 must be configured using the service routine
S017.9. In units with a serial number of 1080 and above, the
switching plate configuration of the swivel arm must be set or
checked using service routine S017.7.
Inform the customer of the configuration options of the software
status, for example, the acoustic exposure signal. Activate these
functions if they are required.
25. If the travel height of the unit has to be limited:
Set the travel height with service routine S018.2 [ → 272].
26. Perform a software update to the current software version [ → 61].
This updates all modules in accordance with the configuration.
The error message E1 11 20 (invalid unit calibration) is displayed.
27. Acknowledge the error message with the R key .
28. Perform a complete unit calibration [ → 155].
After a successful unit calibration has been performed, the error
message should no longer appear.
29. Call up the "Extended Details" via SiXABCon.
This generates an XML file (with the system parameters) which is
Filed in the PDATA/.../P2K_Config directory under the network name
of the unit.
● The process is completed.

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9.12 Boards Service Manual GALILEOS

Replacing DX11: Case D

Case D: ● DX11 from another unit

● GALILEOS Compact
● System software version V03.03.01 or higher
IMPORTANT: Exchange is only possible within the same system class,
e.g. the DX11 must come from a "GALILEOS Compact" unit if it is to be
installed in a "GALILEOS Compact" unit.

After inserting the board, you must reconfigure the IP address to match
the IP address of the existing X-ray component. Before you set the unit
to a new IP address, make sure that the IP address you're assigning has
not been assigned to any other unit.

1. Switch the unit on.

Do not acknowledge any error messages at this time.
2. Install the current SIDEXIS XG software version (V2.3 or higher).
If the current version of SIDEXIS XG is a patch version, the previous
official main version of SIDEXIS XG must be installed before you can
install the current version.
3. Perform a software update to version V03.06.01 or higher via
(automatic update) [ → 61].
If you are using a DX11 that already has the same software status as
the overall system, a repeated software update to this status must be
performed in order that an administrative entry can be made in the
memory of the DX11.
4. Switch the unit off.
5. Wait for approx. 1 minute. Then switch the unit back on.
The error message E6 15 05 (undefined system serial number) is
displayed. The message "No Key" is displayed on the Easypad.
6. Acknowledge the error message with the R key .
7. Call the service menu [ → 210].
8. Call service routine S008.3 [ → 240].
9. Enter the unit serial number found on the nameplate of the
unit [ → 240].
IMPORTANT: Any serial number which is unknown to the unit will not
be accepted by the unit. The serial number entered must be identical
to the number on the nameplate of the unit. If an inadmissible serial
number is entered, the input will not be accepted and the serial
number can be entered again.
10. Switch the unit off.
11. Wait for approx. 1 minute. Then switch the unit back on.
In systems that already run with a system software version V03.03.01
or higher, please check whether there is an XML file in the PDATA/
.../P2K_Config with the network name of the system. This file
contains important information about the previous unit configuration.
The error message E1 11 20 (invalid unit calibration) is displayed.
12. Acknowledge the error message with the R key .
13. Call the service menu [ → 210].

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.12 Boards

14. Call the service routine S017 and perform the unit configuration (test
step 2-15) [ → 252].
The board DX41 must be configured using the service routine
S017.9. In units with a serial number of 1080 and above, the
switching plate configuration of the swivel arm must be set or
checked using service routine S017.7.
Inform the customer of the configuration options of the software
status, for example, the welcome screen or acoustic exposure signal.
Activate these functions if they are required.
15. If the travel height of the unit has to be limited:
Set the travel height with service routine S018.2 [ → 272].
16. Perform a software update to the current software version [ → 61].
This updates all modules in accordance with the configuration.
17. Perform a complete unit calibration [ → 155].
After a successful unit calibration has been performed, the error
message should no longer appear.
18. Call up the "Extended Details" via SiXABCon.

This generates an XML file (with the system parameters) which is
Filed in the PDATA/.../P2K_Config directory under the network name
of the unit.
● The process is completed.

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9 Repair Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
9.13 Cable Service Manual GALILEOS

9.13 Cable

9.13.1 Replacing energy chain 1 completely

Replacing energy chain 1 completely

Removing the defective energy chain

Remove energy chain

Remove cable ties
For the following steps, all necessary cable ties should be removed with
wire cutters.

Danger of fatal electrocution!
➢ Before you remove the energy chain, switch off the power supply.

1. Disconnect cable L1 from switch S1.

2. Disconnect cable L1 from the ground point (F).

3. Loosen the two screws (A).

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.13 Cable

4. If not present: Mark the position of the screw (B) on the stand.
5. Make a note of the position of the screw (B) for when you later install
the new energy chain.
6. Remove the screw (B) from the energy chain 1.

7. Remove the power cable from terminal K1.

8. Unscrew the mains filter plate.


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9.13 Cable Service Manual GALILEOS

9. Remove the cable covers (I) and (J) of the right-hand cable duct.
10. Remove the energy chain along with the mains filter plate from the

Installing the new energy chain

Installing the energy chain

1. Lead the energy chain up through the stand from its base.
2. Insert new energy chain 1 in the stand.

Assembly instructions
➢ Pay attention to the energy chain's rolling direction.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.13 Cable

Possible assembly errors
The one end piece has been removed to make the new energy chain
easier to lay .
The missing end piece is enclosed.
➢ Attach this end piece to the energy chain only when the energy
chain has been laid in the stand.

3. Screw the new energy chain down in the position (marking) of the old
energy chain.
4. Screw down the mains filter plate.
5. Screw the power cable (A) to the terminal K1 and the strain relief.
6. Lead the external PE cable (B) over the mains filter plate through the
ferrite core twice (C) (a hose).

7. Screw the external PE cable (B) down on the ground bolts (D).

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9.13 Cable Service Manual GALILEOS

9.13.2 Replacing cables

Replacing cables

Switch the unit off before you start replacing cables or removing

Be careful not to twist the cables or kink the fiber-optic light guides when
installing them.
Cable replacement; GALILEOS

Always check the cables before replacing them [ → 141].

The cables are labeled with small flags. They specify the designation and
part number of the cable. The plugs and sockets on the cables are
designated both on the boards and cables. Check the designation when
you pull off the cables.
Some cables feature markings of green adhesive tape. Mark the
corresponding positions on the unit before removing an old cable. Lay the
new cable so that the cable markings again come to rest at the
corresponding positions marked on the unit while removing the old cable.
An overview of all cables can be found in the chapter .

61 25 665 D3437
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 9 Repair
Service Manual GALILEOS 9.13 Cable Replacing fiber-optic cable L5, L6 or L15

Replacing fiber-optic cable L5, L6 or L15

IMPORTANT: If a radius limiter is not yet installed: When replacing one

cable, all existing fiber-optic cables (L5, L6 or L15) should be retrofitted
with the radius limiters included with delivery! The radius limiters improve
torsional and bending force tolerance.
1. Remove the defective fiber-optic cable.

2. NOTICE! Do not kink or twist fiber-optic cables, the bending radius
may not be less than 20mm, otherwise it is at risk of breaking!
Attach the radius limiter (A) close to the connector, which is plugged
onto board DX1, onto the cable.
3. Plug the connector of the new fiber-optic cable to the same color
assignment on the board DX1.
4. Lay the fiber-optic cables up to point (B), and clip the radius limiter (A)
at point (B) (approx. 900 mm from the connectors on DX1) onto the
5. Guide the fiber-optic cable to board DX6 and plug the connector of
the new fiber-optic cable to the same color assignment on board DX6.

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9 Repair Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
9.13 Cable Service Manual GALILEOS Cable replacement (L3, L5, L6, and L15)/Laying the cable/
corrugated tube at the rotation unit
Cable replacement (L3, L5, L6, and L15)/Laying the cable/corrugated tube at the rotation unit

The connectors and cables must be protected by inserting them in the
fabric tube (A) supplied with the cables.

Prepare the cable exchange 1. Remove the covers.

2. Pull the connectors off board DX6.
Replacing cables

1. For L3: Remove the connector of the cable with tool W1.
2. Remove the corrugated tube and the spiral spring (B) from the cable
3. Remove the defective cable and run the new cable up to the rotary
ring in the original position.
4. Bunch the cables together again to form a loom.
5. Fasten the defective cable to the loom and use it as a pull wire to pull
the loom through the fabric tube (A).
6. Pull the fabric tube over the connector and as far over the cable loom
as possible.
7. Use the pull wire to pull the fabric tube into the spiral spring (B).

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.13 Cable


8. Slide the corrugated tube over the spiral spring.

9. Remove the fabric tube and the pull wire.
Laying the corrugated tube or cable at 1. Lay the corrugated tubes and cables back in their original position.
the rotation unit 2. Plug the connectors back in again.
3. Reattach the covers.

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9 Repair Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
9.13 Cable Service Manual GALILEOS Replacing cable L7/L117 or L108 in cable track 2

Replacing cable L7/L117 or L108 in cable track 2

1. Switch the unit on.

2. Move the slide downward to a pleasant working position using the Up/
Down keys on the control panel.
3. Switch the unit off again.
4. Remove the "arm cover".
5. Remove the two cross braces and the cover plate of board DX1.
6. NOTICE! Wrap the connector X303 (cable L108) with adhesive tape
immediately after pulling it off to protect the detent at the connector
against breaking off.
Disconnect the fiber-optic cable L7/L117 and cable L108 from board
7. Switch the unit on.
8. Use the Up/Down keys on the control panel to move the slide up.
Tip: If the height adjustment motor is inoperative, you can also move
the slide manually. [ → 290]
9. Switch the unit off again.
10. Remove the covers "Intermediate piece" and "Profile (top and
Tip: While loosening the screws, press the top profile cover down
towards the unit and allow it to slide down once the screws are loose.
11. Remove board DX32 (Removing board DX32 [ → 294]).
12. Detach fiber optic cable L7/L117 and cable L108 from the cable
clamps at the rear of the unit and pull the cables through the slit in the
slide toward the front into the stand.

13. Unscrew the angle brackets on both sides of the cable track.

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Service Manual GALILEOS 9.13 Cable

14. Remove the motor-side end piece from the cable track.

15. With defective cable L7/L117: Unscrew cable L7/L117 from the
interface board and remove the shield.
If cable L7/L117 should be intact and used again, this step is not
necessary. Unless it is not possible to lay down the cable track flat
near the stand (see next step).
16. Remove the cable ties from the cable track and lay the cable track
down on a flat surface stretched out.

17. CAUTION! You must observe the position of connector X303 of cable
L108 (see image).
Carefully pull both cables (together) out of the cable track and the
fabric tube.
18. With defective cable L108: Wrap the connector X303 of the new cable
L108 with adhesive tape to protect the detent against breaking off.
19. Lay the cable track down on a flat surface stretched out.

20. Fasten the two (new) cables together with adhesive tape above the
flag labels.

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9.13 Cable Service Manual GALILEOS

21. CAUTION! Push the green cable. The white cable is carried along. In
this way, you can prevent the sensitive fiber optic cable from being
damaged. Push both cables (together) into the cable track up to the
cable markings.
New cables do not have cable markings. Orientate yourself according
to the marking on the second (old) cable and make sure that both
cables protrude equally far out of the cable track once they have been
drawn in. Then make a mark on the new cable.

22. NOTICE! The cable ties should only fix the position of the cables.
They must not be tightened too much, otherwise fiber-optic cable L7
could be damaged.
Before installing the cable track in the stand, fix the cables at both
ends of the cable track with a cable tie.
23. Reinstall the cable track in the stand.
Installation of the cable track is performed in reverse order of the
removal. Replacing cable L1 or grounding strap in cable track 1

Replacing cable L1 or grounding strap in cable track 1

The procedure for replacing cable L1 and the grounding strap is basically
analogous to the procedure described in chapter Replacing cable L7/
L117 or L108 in cable track 2 [ → 366].

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 10 Maintenance
Service Manual GALILEOS 10.1 Calibrating the unit

10 Maintenance

Potentially lethal shock hazard!
It is essential to switch the unit off and to wait at least 1 minute, or 4
minutes if disconnecting the tube assembly (cable L3), before starting
the maintenance or taking off a cover panel!

Risk of electric shock!
Always switch the unit off before ...
...connecting a measuring instrument or
...carrying out continuity checks.

Risk of damage to boards
Please observe the usual precautionary measures for handling printed
circuit boards (ESD). Touch a ground point to discharge static electricity
before touching any boards.

Risk of damage to tube assembly
Keep to the prescribed cool-off periods if several exposures have to be
taken to check a measured value.

IMPORTANT: Select the correct current/voltage type and adjust the

measuring range to match the expected readings.

10.1 Calibrating the unit

Calibrating the unit

Unit calibration is described in detail in the chapter entitled Adjusting/

calibrating the unit [ → 155] .

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10 Maintenance Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
10.2 Checking the height adjustment Service Manual GALILEOS

10.2 Checking the height adjustment

Checking the height adjustment

Check the threaded rod and motor for ➢ Perform a visual inspection of height adjustment motor (A) and
abrasion spindle (B) for abrasion.
If significant abrasion is present:
ª Replace the height adjustment motor including spindle [ → 290].
Check whether the height adjustment ➢ Use the Up/Down keys on the control panel to move the unit up and
produces atypical running noises down through its entire adjustment range.
If the mechanics of the height adjustment is defective, a speed-
dependent hammering noise may occur which points to bearing
damage at the height adjustment motor.
If a hammering noise occurs:
ª Replace the height adjustment motor including spindle [ → 290].
Check whether precise, jolt-free height If the unit is not used for a longer period of time, a slight jolt may occur the
adjustment is possible first time it starts moving. However, the next time it starts moving, it must
execute a jolt-free soft start.
➢ Use the Up/Down keys on the control panel to move the unit and
observe the movement of the slide. The slide must start in gentle
starting and then change over to a faster movement.
If the height adjustment cannot be correctly positioned in detail using
the gentle start:
ª Lubricate the spindle with a light coat of Chesterton 622.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 10 Maintenance
Service Manual GALILEOS 10.3 Checking the fan and temperature sensor

Check whether the height adjustment

limit switches are functioning properly
➢ Manually press the actuators (C) of both limit switches (D) one after
the other while the height adjustment motor is running. The motor
must stop.
If the motor does not stop:
C ª Check the corresponding microswitch and replace if necessary
ª Check cable L19, replace if necessary.


Check whether an audible signal can be ➢ Use the Up/Down keys on the control panel to move the unit up and
Checking height adjustment signal: GALILEOS

heard during height adjustment down. An acoustic signal must be audible.

If no acoustic signal sounds:
ª Replace board DX1 [ → 342].

10.3 Checking the fan and temperature sensor

Checking the fan and temperature sensor

Check whether the fan is functioning ➢ Check the function of the fan using service routine S005.4 [ → 225].
ª If the fan is defective: Replace the fan [ → 318].
Check whether the temperature sensor ➢ Read the temperature in the single tank with service routine
is supplying plausible values S005.5 [ → 226].
ª If the displayed temperature reading is not plausible: Replace the
tube assembly.

10.4 Checking the cables for damage

Checking the cables for damage

Check whether the cables feeding the ➢ Perform a visual inspection of the power cable, protective ground
unit are OK wire, control cables and data cables.
If cables exhibit external damage:
ª Replace the respective cable [ → 362].

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10 Maintenance Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
10.5 Checking the idling rollers Service Manual GALILEOS

10.5 Checking the idling rollers

Checking the idling rollers

Check whether the idling rollers (A) are ➢ Manually turn the ring (B) and check it for smooth and easy
OK movement.
If the ring does not move smoothly and easily:
ª Remove the housing covers and check the idle rollers (A) for dirt
and foreign particles. Clean and remove foreign particles if

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 10 Maintenance
Service Manual GALILEOS 10.6 Checking the grounding straps

10.6 Checking the grounding straps

Checking the grounding straps

Grounding strap in the stand


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10 Maintenance Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
10.6 Checking the grounding straps Service Manual GALILEOS

Grounding strap on the image detector: GALILEOS

Grounding strap on the image detector

Check whether the grounding straps 1. Perform a visual and “hands-on” inspection of the grounding straps to
have complete and firm contact ensure that they have complete and firm contact at the positions
If the grounding straps do not have correct contact:
ª Fasten the grounding straps correctly.
2. Perform a visual inspection of the grounding straps for damage.
If the grounding straps are damaged:
ª Replace the grounding straps.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 10 Maintenance
Service Manual GALILEOS 10.7 Checking the cable shields

10.7 Checking the cable shields

Checking the cable shields

Shield on the tube assembly

Shield on the X-ray detector: GALILEOS

Shield on the X-ray detector

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10 Maintenance Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
10.7 Checking the cable shields Service Manual GALILEOS

Shield on the housing

Check whether the cable shielding is OK ➢ Perform a visual and “hands-on” inspection of the cable shields to
ensure that they have complete and firm contact at the positions
If the cable shields do not have correct contact:
ª Fasten the cable shields correctly.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 10 Maintenance
Service Manual GALILEOS 10.8 Checking the protective ground wires

10.8 Checking the protective ground wires

Checking- Ground
General the protective ground wires
wire test

Potentially lethal shock hazard!
It is essential to switch the unit off and to wait at least one more 1 minute
before beginning the check!

1. Switch the line voltage off at the main switch of the building
2. Disconnect the power cable and the second protective ground wire
from the building installation.
3. Remove the "bottom profile", "top tube assembly", and "bottom
tube assembly" covers.
Measuring setup - Ground wire test

Measuring setup for protective ground wire test




A Ammeter
B Power source
C Measuring point A, central protective ground wire
D Voltmeter
E Measuring points B - E

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10 Maintenance Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
10.8 Checking the protective ground wires Service Manual GALILEOS

Check whether the ground wire

A and B GNYE wire 0.1 Ω
resistance complies with the
specifications A and C 2. Protective ground 0.1 Ω
A and D Housing DX32 0.2 Ω
A and E Tube assembly 0.2 Ω

✔ A power source with a current of at least 0.2 A , a no-load voltage of

24 V max. and 4 V min. is required.
1. Connect the power source between the measuring points specified in
the table for at least 5 s.
2. Measure the voltage drop with the voltmeter, measure the current
with the ammeter, and calculate the resistance using the formula
R = U / I.
ª If the resistance value is greater than indicated in the adjacent
table, check whether the protective ground wires are fastened
according to the specifications.
Check whether plain washer, tooth lock washer and cable lug are
installed on the protective ground wire in the correct order and
whether the nuts of the protective ground wire connections are
firmly tightened.
If the fastening of the protective ground wires does not meet the
specifications, fasten the protective ground wires correctly.
Tip:Do not connect the power cable and the second ground wire to the
building installation yet. Check the device leakage current first [ → 382].
Measuring point A - GALILEOS ground wire test

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 10 Maintenance
Service Manual GALILEOS 10.8 Checking the protective ground wires

Measuring point A: Central ground wire

Up to unit serial number
GALILEOS Comfort 8,999
GALILEOS Compact 48,999


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10 Maintenance Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
10.8 Checking the protective ground wires Service Manual GALILEOS

From unit serial number

GALILEOS Comfort 9,000
GALILEOS Compact 49,000

Checking measuring points B and C - protective ground wire

Measuring points B and C: GNYE power connection and 2nd ground


A Power cable to the unit

B Second protective ground wire
C Unit

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 10 Maintenance
Service Manual GALILEOS 10.8 Checking the protective ground wires

Checking measuring points D and E - protective ground wire

Measuring points D and E: Board cage DX32 and tube assembly


D Board cage DX32
E Tube assembly housing

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10 Maintenance Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
10.9 Checking the device leakage current Service Manual GALILEOS

10.9 Checking the device leakage current

Checking the device leakage current

Potentially lethal shock hazard!
It is essential to switch the unit off and to wait at least one more 1 minute
before beginning the check!

A high resistance measuring voltage source at line frequency and a

measuring circuit compliant with the requirements of IEC 60601 are
required. Complete test units, e.g. the "Bender tester", fulfill these

Measuring setup for testing the device leakage current

A 쓓




A Power cable to the unit

B Voltage source: 200-240V, 50Hz/60Hz
D Voltmeter

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 10 Maintenance
Service Manual GALILEOS 10.9 Checking the device leakage current

1. Switch the line voltage off at the main switch of the building
2. Disconnect the power cable and the second protective ground wire
from the building installation.
3. Remove the "profile" cover.
4. Check whether the unit power switch is turned on.
5. Connect a high-resistance measuring voltage source between the
short-circuited power cable (B) and the protective ground wire (A).
6. Measure the voltage drop via MD.
The measured value must not exceed 5 mA.
ª If the leakage current is not correct: Troubleshoot the problem
following the instructions in Device leakage current too
high [ → 140] .
7. Reconnect the unit to the building installation (see the installation
instructions for the unit).


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11 Dismantling and disposal Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.1 Dismantling and reinstallation Service Manual GALILEOS

11 Dismantling and disposal

Dismantling and disposal

11.1 Dismantling and reinstallation

Dismantling and reinstallation

When dismantling and reinstalling the system, proceed according to the

installation instructions for new installation in order to guarantee its proper
functioning and stability.
The X-ray unit must be recalibrated whenever structural alterations in the
area surrounding the X-ray room or new installations have been

11.2 Disposal
Your product is marked with the adjacent symbol. Within the European

Economic Area, this product is subject to Directive 2002/96/EC as well as

the corresponding national laws. This directive requires environmentally
sound recycling/disposal of the product. The product must not be
disposed of as domestic refuse!
Please observe the disposal regulations applicable in your country.

Disposal procedure
We advise that this product is subject to the stipulations in EC guideline
2002/96 governing waste electrical and electronic equipment and must
be disposed of in line with these special requirements within the
European Union (EU).
Prior to disassembly / disposal of the product, it must be fully prepared
(cleaned / disinfected / sterilized).
When disposing of equipment permanently, please proceed as follows:

61 25 665 D3437
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 Dismantling and disposal
Service Manual GALILEOS 11.2 Disposal

In Germany:
To initiate return of the electrical device, please send a disposal order to
"enretec GmbH".
1. You can find a form for placing a disposal order on the company's
homepage ( under the menu item "Entsorgung
elektrischer und elektronischer Geräte" (Disposal of electric and
electronic devices). The form can either be downloaded or completed
2. Fill out the form with the corresponding details and send it either as
an online order or fax it to enretec GmbH at +49(0)3304 3919 590.
You can also get in touch with the following contacts for disposal
orders and any questions relating to this you may have:
Phone: +49(0)3304 3919 500;
By e-mail: [email protected]
Mailing address: enretec GmbH, Geschäftsbereich eomRECYCLING
Kanalstrasse 17, 16727 Velten

ª Your equipment that is not permanently installed will be collected in
the practice, while your permanently installed equipment will be
collected curbside at your address at the agreed time and date.
All disassembly, transport and packaging costs are to be borne by the
owner/operator of the equipment. The disposal itself is free of charge.

Worldwide (outside Germany):

Please contact your local dental equipment specialist for country-specific
information on disposal.
X-ray tubes and counterweights

The X-ray tube assembly for this product contains an X-ray tube with a
potential implosion hazard, a small amount of beryllium, a lead lining and
mineral oil.
The unit contains counterbalancing weights made of lead.

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12 Service Manual History Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual GALILEOS

12 Service Manual History

Service Manual History

Version 1: Software version V03.03.01

Version 2: General revision, supplements and corrections in chapter 4, "Calibrating
the unit".
Version 3: Software version V03.04.00/01, supplements and corrections in chapters
1 "General information" (software versions and cable L13) and 4
"Calibrating the unit" (mechanical adjustment and dosimetry menu),
supplements and corrections in chapter 6 "Repair" (laying cables),
supplements to sections 7.6 "Checking the grounding straps" and 7.7
"Checking the cable shields" in chapter 7 "Maintenance".
Version 4: Software version V03.05.00, supplements and corrections in chapters 1
"General information" (software versions) and 4 "Calibrating the unit"
(input of calibration phantom serial numbers), supplements and
corrections in chapter 6 "Repair" (rotary knob), smaller corrections and
supplements in complete manual.
Version 5: Supplements and corrections in chapter 1 "General information"
(dimensions changed due to shorter wall holder and cable due to
discontinuation of board DX41) and chapters 2 and 3 (due to
discontinuation of board DX41 and new board DX32). Furthermore,
changes in chapter 6 (replacement of cables in the cable tracks and
corrections due to design changes).
Version 6: GALILEOS GAX5 added, software version V03.06.01.
Version 7: Head fixation device updated.
Version 8: Software version V03.06.02.
Version 9: Diaphragm adjustment
Version 10: Software version V03.07.00, supplements and corrections to chapters 1
"General information" (software versions) and 4 "Calibrating the unit"
(calibration of diaphragm "Type 3"), supplement to chapter 5 "Service
routines" (S017.25, diaphragm configuration) and supplements to chapter
6 "Repair" (replacing the tube assembly).
Version 11: Supplements to chapter 2, list of error messages Ex 89 xx, supplements
to chapter 6 "Repair".
Version 12: Software version V03.07.02
Version 13: Full revision of the manual including new document structure. New version
of board DX1/DX11 and new X-ray detector integrated. Service routine
S05.3 added. Name change: "GALILEOS" and "GALILEOS GAX5"
changed to "GALILEOS Comfort" and "GALILEOS Compact".
Version 14: Software version V04.07.00 and V04.07.01 added.
Version 15: Software version V04.09.01 added, Facescan added.

61 25 665 D3437
386 D3437. 06.2012

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