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Surface Operations
SL 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard Job Procedures
SL 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pre-Job Information
SL 1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pre-Job Preparation
SL 1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wireline Unit and Accessory Equipment Selection
SL 1.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wire Selection
SL 1.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spooling Wire
SL 1.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wire Use and Inspection
SL 1.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wire Failure Procedure
SL 1.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selection and Use of Lubricator Equipment
SL 1.9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wellhead Connection
SL 1.10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pump-In or Flow Tee
SL 1.11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubricator Safety Valves
SL 1.12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wireline Valves
SL 1.13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pressure Control Equipment and Rig Up
SL 1.14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tool Catchers and Tool Traps
SL 1.15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubricator Purge Valve
SL 1.16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chemical Injection Sub
SL 1.17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stuffing Boxes
SL 1.18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pack-Offs and Grease Injection Heads
SL 1.19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chemical and Grease Injection Systems
SL 1.20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Slickline Hay Pulley and Braided Line Ground Block Sheave
SL 1.21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weight Indicators Selection and Use
SL 1.22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wireline Toolstring Selection and Use
SL 1.23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Tool Box” Safety Meetings
SL 1.24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Spotting Equipment on Location
SL 1.25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Load Handling Apparatus
SL 1.26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wellhead Preparation
SL 1.27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toolstring and Lubricator Make-Up
SL 1.28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rigging Up the Lubricator Stack
SL 1.29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Location Pressure Testing
SL 1.30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Wire Running Operations
SL 1.31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tool Change Outs and Lubricator Bleed-Off Operations
SL 1.32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rigging Down and Securing Well
SL 1.33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H2S Procedures and Precautions
SL 1.34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydrate Precautions and Prevention
SL 1.35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubricator Auto-Ignition Precautions and Prevention
SL 1.36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Best Practice for Braided Line Operations
SL 1.37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Best Practice for Monoconductor Cable Operations

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-1

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.0: Standard Job Procedures

SL 1.0: Standard Job Procedures

Standardized Job Procedures have been set up for two reasons. First is to establish the best
way to perform certain types of jobs and which equipment to use. The second reason is to
achieve some standardization of procedures throughout Halliburton's Slickline Service
operations. This Manual will include procedures for slickline, braided line, and Advanced
Slickline Services operations.

The Standardized Job Procedure sections are set up to give procedural guidelines. The
Halliburton representative in charge on location can make the decision to vary from the
procedures if a better and safer way is known. However, the standard procedures marked
“NV” (No Variation) will require approval from the local Area PSL Manager before
variance will be accepted. Additional information such as references to existing policies,
areas of responsibilities, and other general information are included.

Local operational area and customer requirements, or government regulations may dictate
that additional procedures be followed for specific jobs or types of jobs. In these cases, the
standard procedures outlined herein should be considered the minimum to perform
wireline service operations.

This manual is divided into four different sections. The first section will cover general
wireline service and surface operations. The second section will deal primarily with
downhole operations. The third section will provide technical support to the standardized
procedures of the first two sections, and the last section will provide various safety topics
that can be used in the daily toolbox safety meetings. Detailed operating procedures on
individual tools are not covered in this manual. Downhole tool information is available in
the Wireline Specialist Trainee manuals as well as in the Basic Design and Maintenance
Instructions (BDMI) that cover specific tools being used.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-2

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.1: Pre-Job Information

SL 1.1: Pre-Job Information

1.0 Scope
Proper pre-job planning and preparation are important for the successful completion of
any slickline service job.

2.0 General Information

Before any slickline service operation can commence, a certain amount of information is
required. This information should be gathered by the Technical Advisor, Field Sales
Representative, Service Coordinator, Dispatcher or other designated person. Many
locations have established a dispatch sheet, which prompts the information taker to gather
the proper information.

Minimum Information Requirements:

• Operator (customer) name
• Type of operation/job to be performed
• Field/area name - Where the well is located
• Well identification - Operator well name and/or number
• Well Environment - Presence and concentration of various well fluids that might have
an adverse effect if persons or equipment are exposed to it; such as H2S, CO2, acids,
chlorides, etc.
• Anticipated surface well pressure - Shut in and/or flowing depending on the job being
• Tubing and casing type, size weight threads, and lengths
• Surface and bottom hole temperature
• Type and size tree connection
• Size and depth/location of various flow controls
• Size and depth/location of any other known restrictions
• Rig up equipment size and weight limitations
• Directions to location/dock or designated meeting area
• Date and time service operations will be required
• Well schematic and/or completion detail
• Customer contact and phone number

3.0 Procedure
1. Person designated to perform necessary communication with the customer will record
information on service instruction form. This form may also be known as a job, data,
dispatch, or call-out sheet.
2. Delivers form and other pertinate information to slickline operations personnel for
equipment selection and to carry out SL service operations.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-3

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.2: Pre-Job Preparation

SL 1.2: Pre-Job Preparation

1.0 Scope
Proper preparation is the key to a successful slickline service job. Communication of job
specifics to the crew, selection and checking the function of the equipment, and obtaining
the proper work permits are part of this preparation.

2.0 General Information

Specific personnel must be appraised of the job, of any specific hazards, concerns, or
potential problems with the well, and must be informed of the equipment that will be
required to perform the service operation. The chain of communication necessary to get
the job information to the service supervisor or specialist performing the job will depend
on the size of the location. The job information may be gathered by the operator that will
do the job, another specialist, the salesman, service coordinator, service supervisor,
dispatcher, etc. Each NWA and corresponding BD group shall set up their own procedure
for gathering and communicating job information.

Job information may be distributed via forms developed for this purpose. Some locations
may refer to these as Job Sheets, Data Sheets, Call-Out Sheets, Workover Prognosis, etc.
In addition, it may be necessary to obtain a work permit from the customer before
commencing any service operation. This is common with major service contracts. In
addition, travel permits may also be required in some parts of the world. This is to keep
both customers and our operations supervisory people informed of where personnel will
be travelling. This is common for some desert operations and in Arctic operations, where
hazardous travel conditions may exist.

The person(s) responsible for equipment preparation may also be someone other than the
crew that will perform the job. This is especially true in larger locations where there is a
Special Tool Person or some other dedicated person(s) whose responsibilities are to
prepare equipment for jobs and to maintain and refurbish equipment as necessary.

3.0 Procedure
1. Designated person (Service Coordinator, Service Supervisor, Service Specialist, etc.)
reviews job sheet.
2. Selects crew that will perform job.
3. Provides crew with Service Instructions/Job Sheet and discusses job specifics with
special emphasis on any hazards that might be present or potential problems customer
has relayed.
4. The person(s) designated to get equipment together for the job will also be given a job

Note In offshore and some land service centers it is the special tools person’s
responsibility to load out the tool container or truck with the necessary tools and to prepare
the unit for the job. Equipment may travel to location several days before the crew arrives.

5. Provides crew with any work or travel permits as necessary and notes any specific job
site hazards on the work permit as well as the Job Sheet.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-4

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.2: Pre-Job Preparation

6. Crew or other designated personnel gathers all necessary equipment, including any
special downhole tools, surface equipment, tree connections, and special safety
equipment (H2S Monitors, Air Packs, Chemical Suits, etc.) This equipment may be
customer-owned in some areas of the world and will require that the crew travel to
customer’s warehouse to pick equipment up.
7. Crew or other designated personnel ensures that the proper equipment is selected for
the job and that it is in good operating condition.
8. Crew or other designated personnel load equipment on/in service unit, tool truck, or in
toolbox, ensuring that all equipment is secured properly for transport. Fills out pre-job
equipment check list and shipping documents as necessary.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-5

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.3: Wireline Unit and Accessory Equipment Selection

SL 1.3: Wireline Unit and Accessory Equipment Selection

1.0 Scope
Wireline unit and accessory equipment selection should be based on well environment,
well pressures, location and location conditions, well depth, and type of job being

2.0 General Information

Wireline service units and accessory equipment now exist to handle various service
conditions throughout the world, from Arctic operations in sub-zero conditions on the
North Slope and Siberia to 140°F in Oman and Saudi Arabia. In addition, WL service
units come in a variety of configurations and sizes to satisfy most any need, skid mounted
for offshore platform/rig operations, or mounted in spud or life boats for inland water/bay
operations. Some unit designs are heliportable for flying into remote land or offshore
locations where normal land or sea transportation is not available. Some land units come
equipped with integral masts or cranes. Offshore units can be self-contained with the
power source as an integral part of the skid or the reel and power source can be separated
into two or three skids. Reel packages can be acquired in single, double, or triple drum

Accessory equipment as defined here will be nonpressure control equipment that is used to
facilitate rig up or offer enhanced or additional services when run in conjunction with
Wireline. This includes, but is not limited to, mast trucks or skids, crane trucks, transfer or
chemical injection pumps, pressure control or grease injection systems, gin poles, etc.

Typically, Halliburton locations will have WL service units and accessory equipment to
address the specific needs of the customers in their area. On occasion, it may be necessary
to acquire equipment from other locations for particular jobs or acquire new equipment.
Before this equipment is put in operation, the Team or Service Coordinators should ensure
that all personnel required to run this equipment become familiar with it and know how to
operate it safely before it is put into service.

3.0 Procedure
1. The Service Coordinator or other responsible person coordinates and interfaces with
others as necessary to ensure that the right size and type of unit is selected to
accomplish the job.
2. The special tools person or other responsible person shall visually inspect all
equipment for obvious defects or damage and see to it that all repairs and maintenance
have been done prior to sending the equipment to location.

Note Under no circumstances should a piece of equipment with a problem that could
lead to the unsuccessful completion of a job or be potentially hazardous to personnel be
sent on the job before necessary repairs are made.

3. The Team Coordinator and Service Coordinator should ensure that the personnel
being sent on location have the training and the skill sets to operate the equipment
safely before they work with the equipment.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-6

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.4: Wire Selection

SL 1.4: Wire Selection

1.0 Scope
Selection of the proper wire for a specific job requirement and wellbore environment is
critical for the successful completion of any wireline service job. Wire failures that lead to
costly WL fishing jobs can be the result of improper wire selection.

2.0 General Information

There are basically two different parameters used in selecting wire to be used in wireline
service operations. The first is to determine if the wire will have sufficient strength to handle
the tensile load that it will be subjected to during the job. This should include the weight of the
toolstring and other tools suspended on the end of the wire, any over-pull required to remove
or pull objects from the wellbore (including drag), and the weight of the suspended wire itself.
Under normal circumstances, the maximum tensile load subjected to the wire should be no
more than 60 to 65% of its published minimum breaking strength.

Note The breaking strength of the wire is a function of its cross-sectional area and its
ultimate tensile strength. For example, higher tensile strength wire of a particular diameter can
be subjected to a larger tensile load then a lower tensile strength wire of the same diameter.
Conversely, a larger diameter wire of a given strength can be subjected to a larger tensile load
then the same wire of a smaller diameter. Typically wireline used in slickline operations will
have a tensile strength between 220,000 and 260,000 psi.

Second, the wellbore environment can have an adverse effect on the integrity of the wire due
to corrosion. It is important to select a wire that is of a metallurgy that will be able to handle
the corrosive effects of wellbore fluids, or the wire should be inhibited to eliminate these
effects. Almost all wells exhibit some form of corrosive environment either naturally
occurring, like chlorides, H2S, or CO2,or introduced to the wellbore during drilling or
stimulation operations, such as HCl or Fe acids or other chemicals.

3.0 Procedure
1. Determine the maximum anticipated tensile load that the wire will be subjected to.

Note Include the weight of the wire, toolstring, and anticipated overpull to determine the
maximum tensile load.

2. Determine if the well is corrosive.

• Chloride content and concentration
• H2S content and concentration (percent, ppms, grains, or partial pressure)
• CO2 content and concentration (percent or parts per million ppms)
• Any solvents or acids? (amines, paraffin solvents of HCl, Fe, hydrofluoric acids, etc.)
• Determine the bottomhole temperature or anticipated temperature in the wellbore
during the slickline service operation.
3. Select proper wire to handle anticipated tensile load and well environment based on charts
and tables provided in Section 4.1.

4.0 Appendix
SL 4.1 Wireline Selection and Technical Information

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-7

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.5: Spooling Wire

SL 1.5: Spooling Wire

1.0 Scope
Correctly spooling slickline on the service unit is extremely important. Wire incorrectly
placed on the reel can be damaged or entangled in such a way as to prevent the successful
completion of wireline service operations.

Note It is recommended that braided line be spooled stet by an experienced person that
has been trained in the techniques required to get the proper tension and lay of the line on
the wireline drum. In addition, spooling braided line requires some specialized equipment.
Unless your location has the experienced personnel and proper equipment, spooling
braided line should not be attempted. Most Halliburton locations contract this out to
companies that specialize in this service.

2.0 General Information

Gloves and eye protection are required when spooling wire. Keep hands, rags, and loose
clothing away from the moving wire, drums, and storage spools during wire spooling

The wire should be firmly anchored to the drum. The wire must be placed on the unit with
a sufficient amount of tension to bend the wire around the core of the drum and to prevent
the upper wraps from pulling down into the lower wraps. This tension must be maintained
during spooling operations to ensure that the wire doesn't bury itself into the lower wraps
when performing jarring operations. If this occurs, damage could result to the wire, or it
could become entangled in such a way as to prevent the wire from spooling off of the
drum freely.

In addition, the wire must be relatively smooth wrapped for many of the same reasons. If
the wire is allowed to build up too high on the drum in one spot, it can become loose,
which can cause damage or entanglement of the wire.

The correct and incorrect drum/spool arrangements for spooling new wire on a unit to
minimize stress are shown in Figure 1. The wire must always be spooled on in the same
direction that it comes off the storage spool. Figure 1B shows an incorrect technique
involving a reverse bend in the wire, which could lead to premature wire failure. Also
shown is an alternative where the storage spool is laid on its side. This arrangement is only
recommended when one of the other methods mentioned later cannot be used.

2.1 Equipment Considerations

Various types of equipment are required to maintain the proper line tension in the wire.
Yard spooling units, spool-off devices, other WL units, manila rope, and load cell/weight
indicators may be used to maintain, control, and monitor line tension.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-8

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.5: Spooling Wire

2.1.1 Spool-Off Devices or Spooling Tensioning Units

The spool-off device that is optional on most Halliburton Wireline units and spooling
tensioning units have been used to apply tension to the wire. Hydraulic back pressure is
applied to the spool-off device to achieve the desired line tension.

Note As the Spool-Off device was not designed for this application, it should be used
sparingly and should never be used for spooling on any wire larger than .108 in.
(2.74 mm) diameter.

2.1.2 Other Wireline Service Units

Other wireline service units are generally used when switching out wire between units, or
when it becomes necessary to achieve a higher line tension that the storage spool is
capable of handling. In this case, the wire is first spooled onto another wireline unit at a
tensile load that will not cause damage to the wire or storage spool. It is then spooled onto
the service unit at the desired wireline tension from the first unit. Hydraulic back pressure
or braking on the wireline drum is used to achieve the proper line tension.

To help assure the longest possible life of wirelines, care should always be taken to keep
the wire clean, to minimize stress on the wire, and to protect it from mechanical damage.
Because the operating characteristics of oil and gas well wireline work are inherently
destructive to wire, regular preventive maintenance will help extend the life of the wire
and detect any potential for problems before they result in wire failure downhole.

Figure 1

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-9

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.5: Spooling Wire

2.1.3 Manila Rope

Manila rope has been used successfully to apply tension to the wire. Tension is applied to
the wire by braiding the wire into the rope. Tension is adjusted by adding or taking off
braids. Water or oil must be used on the rope to prevent excessive heat build up and
binding of the rope to the wire. The rope must be securely anchored.

In some cases, manila rope is used in conjunction with one of the other line tensional
systems to achieve the desired tension. In this case, just enough hydraulic back pressure is
applied to the storage spool to keep the wire in tension. The remaining tension is made up
by braiding the wire into the rope. This is especially helpful when working with storage
spools where the wire is loosely wrapped and too much line tension will cause the wire to
bury itself into remaining wire on the spool.

2.1.4 Load Cell/Weight Indicator

To ensure that the proper tension is being maintained on the wire when spooling, a load
cell/weight indicator system should be used. As the wireline builds up on the drum,
adjustments to the line tensional system may be required. This is best observed and
controlled by using a load cell and weight indicator.

2.2 Spooling Methods

There are several acceptable methods used to spool wire onto a unit:

2.2.1 Spooling 90o Between Units

With this method, the storage spool is placed on the spool-off device of another unit or on
a spooling unit. The wireline service unit is placed at a right angle (90°) from the spooling
unit. Line tension is maintained by adjusting the relief valve on the spool-off device or
spooling unit. A conventional load cell is placed between the units so the line tension can
be monitored during the spooling operation. The units should be approximately 25 ft
(7.62 m) to 50 ft (15.24 m) away from the hay pulley/load cell, which must be securely

2.2.2 Spooling Between Units Side By Side

This method is similar to the previous one, with the exception that the spooling unit is
placed to the side of the wireline service unit. With this method an additional hay pulley
and anchor point is required. Again, the units should be located approximately 25 ft
(7.62 m) to 50 ft (15.24 m) from the hay pulley. This method affords better communication
and visibility between the spooling unit and the wireline service unit.

2.2.3 Spooling Direct

An alternative method for spooling on wire is to spool directly from the spooling unit to
the wireline service unit. With this method, a combination depth measurement/load cell
counter system is required to monitor line tension. The spooling unit is placed
approximately 25 ft (7.62 m) to 50 ft (15.24 m) directly in front of the wireline service unit
and the wire is spooled directly onto the service unit.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-10

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.5: Spooling Wire

2.2.4 Spooling Using the Same Unit

Another acceptable method is to use the spool-off device on the same unit. With this
method the hay pulley/load cell is anchored approximately 25 ft (7.62 m) to 50 ft
(15.24 m) from the unit. Line tension is controlled by adjusting hydraulic back pressure to
the spool-off device and/or use of a rope. Using the conventional mechanical load cell/
weight indicator system will give an inaccurate line tension reading.

Note As the spool-off device was not designed for this application, it should be used
sparingly and should never be used for spooling on any wire larger than .108 in.
(2.74 mm) diameter.

2.2.5 Spooling Direct from Storage Spool

This method is generally used when none of the other methods can be used or when on
location where field replacement of the wire on the unit is required. With this method, the
storage spool is laid on its side over a stake driven into the ground. (In an offshore
application a bar, stem, pipe, etc. should be welded to the deck of the platform.) Rope is
used to maintain the proper tension in the line.

3.0 Procedure
1. Select the proper wire for the intended application. (Refer to Technical Section SL 4.1
for the proper selection of wire for different well environments, conditions, and
strength requirements.)
2. Storage Spool Requirements:
• Storage spools may either be made of wood or steel. Check the condition of the
storage spool to ensure that it can be used safely during the spooling operation.
The spool should be mechanically sound without any loose parts that could fly off
while spooling.
• The wire on the spool should be smooth wrapped and reasonably tight on the
spool to prevent burying of the wire during the spooling process.

Note If the wireline on the storage spool is too loose, then it is recommended that it be
spooled onto a regular wireline drum first at a tension that will not allow it to bury itself in
the spool. The wire can then be transferred over to the wireline service unit at the proper
line tension without the fear of damaging the wire.

3. Wireline Unit Drum Requirements:

• Check the condition of the drum. It should be in good mechanical working
condition. The core surface should be smooth and straight. The flanges must be
perpendicular to the drum core. There should be no visible cracks in core, flanges,
shafts, or the core/flange or flange/shaft interface.
• The drum should be checked to determine if there is sufficient capacity to handle
the wire length requirements. Refer to Reel Capacity Calculations in Section 4.9.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-11

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.5: Spooling Wire

• The drum should be checked to determine if it has sufficient strength to handle the
wireline load requirements.

CAUTION Premature drum failure can result from using the wrong wire size on a drum.

4. Determine the line tension requirements for the line being placed on the unit. The line
tension that should be maintained while spooling on the wire is 20% of the minimum
breaking strength of the wire.
5. Using one of the methods described earlier, string the wire between the service unit
and the spooling system being used with the proper hay pulley/weight indicator
6. Ensure that the wire is placed in the counterhead assembly and zero the counter. This
will allow for the wire to be counted as it is placed on the unit. (Remember that the
counter will be counting backwards when placing wire on the unit. If using a panel-
mounted Advanced Measurement System (AMS), reverse the count direction switch.
After spooling, return count direction switch to original setting.)
7. Secure the wire to the drum through the hole provided on reel. A loop can be tied in
the wire or around the disc from an old knot type rope socket,
Ref: Halliburton Part No. 43B3, SAP #101017067, to secure the wire to the drum.
8. Using a wooden mallet or piece of wood with a hammer, tap the first wrap of wire
tightly against the flange. Continue to periodically tap additional wraps of wire over
toward the flange, while spooling on the bed wrap. This ensures that the bed wrap
does not have any gaps. DO NOT use a metal punch or hammer, as wire could be
damaged. Make sure that the predetermined line tension is being maintained on the
unit and spool on a minimum of two smooth wraps on the core of the drum, including
the bed wrap. After two smooth wraps, the wire should be spooled on at random
making sure that it is fairly smooth. Allow for at least 1/2 in. of freeboard on the
flanges to prevent the wire from falling off the drum.

Note The two smooth bed wraps have been arbitrarily picked as the Halliburton
standard. This will flag Halliburton wireline operators that they are approaching the end of
the wireline.

We do not recommend smooth wrapping slickline all the way up on the drum. Smooth
wrapping all the wraps increases the chances for the wire to unravel when line tension
is removed and may allow the wire to bury itself in the lower wraps under the heavy
9. Lubricate each wrap/layer of wire when spooling the wire on the unit. A light weight
oil is recommended for this purpose. If the unit is expected to go offshore or it will not
be placed into service immediately, it is recommended that a protective coating of
grease or lubricated cheese cloth be placed over the top layer of wire for corrosion
protection. This is especially recommended when bright steel wireline is being used.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-12

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.6: Wire Use and Inspection

SL 1.6: Wire Use and Inspection

1.0 Scope
Proper use and care of wire along with periodic inspection will ensure its integrity, extend
its useful life, and help prevent premature failures.

2.0 General Information

A determination of remaining wire life is very important to wireline service operations. If
the estimated time before failure is inaccurate, costs will rise either due to premature wire
replacement or expensive fishing jobs. Normally, a determination of wireline integrity, or
remaining time before failure, has been based on visual inspection, operator experience,
keeping logs on wire usage, twist tests, or metallurgical analysis. More recently, a non-
destructive Eddy Current inspection method has been developed to find defects, flaws, or
wear in the wireline. It may be used both to inspect new wire as it is originally spooled
onto the unit and periodically to inspect for wear and corrosion effects on existing wire.

1. Visual Inspection
Several nonscientific methods are commonly used to determine wire integrity, or
remaining wireline lift. The most common is a visual inspection of the wireline. The wire
is visually examined for pitting or mechanically produced damage, or it is measured with
calipers. Unfortunately, this will only find defects capable of being detected with the
naked eye. In addition, when moving the wire is normally traveling at a high rate of speed.
This makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to visually inspect the wire. Another
common visual inspection method is to observe the wire's springiness or tendency to form
coils when relaxed. Work-hardened wire tends to lay more flat with fewer coils. However,
this type of examination requires that the wire be stopped and have no tension on it. This
only allows examination of a small portion of the total length of the wire. Also, some of
the newer, more exotic wirelines do not react in the same way as bright steel wirelines.

2. Wire Use Log Book

Another method used by wireline specialists to estimate the remaining wire left is to
maintain a log book showing the number of cycles on the wire, the amount of jarring, and
the loads placed on the wire. Wireline replacement is then based solely on some
established norm for maximum allowable wire use. Unfortunately, the estimation of
wireline integrity based on its history can be inaccurate because of many varying factors.
They can easily lead to either underestimating or overestimating the remaining wireline
lift. However, a written history of wire usage can be quite useful, and keeping a log book
is recommended.

Some companies require replacement of wireline based solely on either the time of service
or the number of operations performed. If the wireline being used is inexpensive and most
of the wells and operations are the same, this method can prove to be cost effective.
However, this practice can easily lead to an inaccurate estimation or remaining wireline

3. Twist/Torsion Test
API-9A discusses a method to determine the relative wire fatigue or life of bright steel
wire. In this method, a twist test apparatus is used to twist a specified length of wire under
a specific load to the point of failure. A minimum number of twists of the wire

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-13

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.6: Wire Use and Inspection

corresponding to the API-9A or manufacture’s specifications must be achieved or the wire

is considered fatigued or near the end of its useful life. The wire twist test is a destructive
test, so it cannot be used to inspect the entire length of wire; therefore the condition of the
wire further into the spool remains unknown with this method of test.

A copy of API Specification 9A, “Specifications for Wire Rope,” can be ordered from the
API. Their Internet page is at The web page for finding and ordering
API documents over the Internet is at

Documents also can be ordered by mail:

American Petroleum Institute
Order Desk
1220 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 2005-4070

Or the document can be ordered by telephone:

Call (202) 682-8375, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

4. Metallurgical Analysis
If requested, a metallurgical analysis can be performed on a sample of wireline. This will
involve the API 9A twist test mentioned above, tensile strength tests, and microscopic
examination of the wire’s metallic structure to look for impurities, inclusions, corrosion,
and fatigue fractures. Unfortunately, this is a destructive examination and only examines a
small portion of the wire. Portions of the wireline further into the spool may have been
subjected to many more cycles over the sheaves during jarring and may, therefore, be
closer to failure. As with the twist test examination of the wire, further into the spool is not
possible as these tests will destroy the wire being tested.

5. Wireline Inspection Instrument

While not as thorough as a complete metallurgical analysis, the Halliburton Wireline
Inspection Device provides a portable, nondestructive, on-the-spot method of examining
the entire length of the wire for defects. The inspection method indicates manufacturing
defects, pitting, mechanical damage, necked areas and cracks in both ferrous and non-
ferrous metal wires from .092 in. to .125 in. OD.

The system consists of the Eddy Current Inspection Instrument, an AC adapter/charger

and connecting cable in a carrying case, and hardware for mounting the inspection coil to
the wireline unit’s depth counter. A different coil is required for each wire size and is
ordered separately. The instrument can be programmed for various wires.

For a more in-depth explanation of this wire inspection tool and how it is used, see the
Slickline Manual titled “Eddy Current Tester, Part Number 996.17363.” It can be found at
the HalWorld website that lists Slickline manuals:

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-14

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.6: Wire Use and Inspection

6. Wire Management Software

A slickline wire management program is available that tracks the life of wireline. Using an
Excel spreadsheet program, the operator records the wire history including job details and
well environment. The program uses this data to estimate and to display a graph of the
wire’s “used life.” Having the “used life” percentage, the operator knows when to remove
the wireline from service. The program also can be used to help determine when to make
adjustments in the length of the line or to reverse the line on the wireline unit. By
periodically cutting off a few feet of wireline or reversing the wireline, the operator can
increase the usable life of the overall wire length.

Though the program does not predict the “used life” with 100% accuracy, the program
will show which wireline sections have been subjected to the highest number of cycles.
Improving distribution of these cycles throughout the wireline is the key to increasing
wireline life. Long term use of the program and periodic testing of used wireline samples
will help improve the accuracy of the wireline management program.

The program, instructions for its use, and a sample application can be obtained from the
Slickline Technology group in Carrollton, Texas.

3.0 Procedure
1. Visually inspect all wire the for indications of mechanical damage the first time it is
spooled onto the reel. Refer to Eddy Current Manual, API-9A, wire management
software, and recommended engineering documents.
2. Use Linetrak Eddy Current Inspection Device for microcrack and flaw detection when
deemed appropriate.

4.0 Appendix
Twist/torsion test per API Specification 9A, “Specifications for Wire Rope” (see above).

Eddy current wire inspection per manual “Eddy Current Tester, Part Number 996.17363”
(see above).

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-15

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.6: Wire Use and Inspection

4.0 Appendix
Wire Twist/Torsion Test Apparatus - Drawing/Chart

Figure 4.0 - 1 Slickline Management System Wire Tester

Note Cover wire length with safety shield when testing.

Note Use appropriate PPE when using tester.

Tester Specifications

Grade Weight
Breaking Min. Twists
Diameter Required

.066 11.62 32 min

.072 13.83 29 min

.082 1239 17.93 26 min

.092 1547 22.58 23 min

29.41 20 min

2109 51.11 19 min

41.68 17 min

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-16

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.6: Wire Use and Inspection

Wire Inspection System - Drawing




Direction of Motion

Magnetic Field

Coil Assembly

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-17

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.7: Wire Failure Procedure

SL 1.7: Wire Failure Procedure

1.0 Scope
As with any other piece of equipment, when wireline fails, a CPI should be generated,
followed by a report of a thorough metallurgical analysis. In order to perform this analysis,
samples and certain information will be required from the field location.

2.0 General Information

In order to properly analyze the cause of wire failure, the field location will need to
generate a CPI that documents not just what was occurring at the time of failure, but also a
general history of the wire. This can be attached or included in the CPI form. This section
will attempt to describe the type of information needed. As each report will be different,
many of the questions asked here are in very general terms.

The first portion of the report should describe the well on which the failure occurred as
well as what operation was taking place at the time. Addressing the following concerns
will assist in determining whether the wire was over-stressed or metallurgically
incompatible with the well environment at the time of the failure. The wellbore
environment as described on the next page is particularly important to the analysis.

Note The following is to serve as a format or checklist of items and information that
needs to be placed in the report submitted to Technology. It is not intended to be used as a

(* and bold print = minimum information required)


Customer: ________________________________________________________

Field Name/Well Name: _____________________________________________

Size and type of wireline: ____________________________________________

Size of measuring wheel, hay pulley, and stuffing box sheave: _______________


* Completion Equipment: __________________________________________

Tool String Configuration____________________________________________

Type of Well: _____________________________________________________

(gas, oil, injection, storage)

Artificial Lift Method: ______________________________________________

(if any)

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-18

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.7: Wire Failure Procedure


* Bottom Hole Pressure: ________________________

* Bottom Hole Temperature:_____________________
* Wellhead Pressure: ___________________________
* Wellhead Temperature:________________________
Production Rates:Oil: _____________Gas:____________
Gas Condensate: _____________Water: _____________

WATER ANALYSIS (Attach report if available)

Is Produced Water Formation Water?________________

Or Condensed Water? ________________

* Chloride Content: ____________________________

* Acidity (pH): ________________________________
Bicarbonate Content: ____________________________
* Oxygen Content: _____________________________
(if injection well)

GAS ANALYSIS (Attach report if available)

* CO2 Concentration: __________________________

* H2S Concentration: ___________________________
* Oxygen Concentration: ________________________
(if gas injection or storage well)
* Free Sulfur: _________________________________
* Mercury:____________________________________
Other Chemicals: _______________________________


What was the operating depth at the time of failure?_______________________

Describe the operation at the time of failure: _____________________________


Was heavy jarring involved? _________________________________________

What was the approximate load on the wire at the time of failure? ____________

Where did the wire break (i.e.,on the surface at the hay pulley, at a certain downhole
depth, etc.)? ______________________________________________________

Were corrosion inhibitors present in the wellbore? If yes, list type. ___________

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-19

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.7: Wire Failure Procedure

Did the wire contact acidizing fluids? If yes, list acid type and concentration:___

Corrosion history of this or similar wells? _______________________________


Describe the condition of the wire. (How old? Stored unprotected for a long period of
time? Exposed to salt water for long period of time?, etc.):__________________

3.0 Procedure
1. Mark failed end of wire by wrapping a piece of tape approximately 6 in. from the
failed end. If the end that was left in the well is recovered, mark each end of failed
wire as “In Hole” or “Out of Hole.”
2. Cut off between 6 and 10 ft of wire from the failure point.

Note Avoid wiping down wire because the wellbore fluid residue on the wire may give
the metallurgist a clue as to failure mechanism.

3. Coil up wire and place in air tight plastic bag (freezer-type or something similar).
4. Answer questions from above and provide as much well information as possible.
5. Forward wire and documentation to Technology in Carrollton, Texas, USA and
include a copy of the CPI. Note the urgency of getting a report back and provide local
contact person’s name, phone no., fax no., Memo ID, etc.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-20

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.8: Selection and Use of Lubricator Equipment

SL 1.8: Selection and Use of Lubricator Equipment

1.0 Scope
Wireline lubricator equipment are critical pressure-containing components. Lubricator
equipment is referred to as Wellhead Pressure Control Equipment (WPCE). Proper
selection, use, and maintenance of this equipment is essential in the safe and successful
completion of wireline operations performed under pressure.

2.0 General Information

Lubricator equipment is composed of tubular pressure-containing equipment used to allow
running a string of wireline tools into a well under pressure. There are numerous
components available, each with a specific function. Each of these components will be
discussed at length in succeeding sections of this manual. However, certain general rules
apply to all lubricator equipment.

Each piece of Halliburton lubricator equipment must be clearly stamped with the part
number, working pressure, and type of service. In addition, each piece will be color coded
as per ES-C-62. A 12-in. wide painted bank indicative of the working pressure will be
placed near the upper end of each piece of lubricator equipment. If the equipment is
approved for use in H2S or cold weather service, an additional 4-in. wide green or brown
band, respectively, will be centered in the 12-in. band.

As a further precaution against confusing H2S and standard service equipment, most sour
service equipment has Halliburton quick union (QUN) connections that have threads that
are incompatible with standard (sweet) services QUNs. Any sour service lubricator
equipment requiring standard service QUN threads will be a special order.

Note Halliburton and Bowen quick unions are not compatible and may not be mixed.
The lengths and ID of each piece of lubricator equipment must be carefully noted to
ensure its suitability for each wireline operation to be performed.

3.0 Procedure
3.1 Select surface pressure containing components (WPCE) to meet all anticipated job
3.1.1 WPCE shall be suitable for the well environment. Equipment for H2S and low
temperature environments shall be properly identified for the service.
3.1.2 The WPCE shall meet the service tool requirements, considering the length and
OD of the all toolstring components.
3.1.3 The working pressure and service rating of all WPCE shall not be less than the
pressure and environment rating of the permanent wellhead equipment, unless
the actual maximum possible shut in pressure is no more than 80% of the
working pressure rating of the next lower working pressure range. For example,
it would be permissible to rig up with 5M WPCE on a well with 10M
permanent wellhead equipment if the maximum shut in pressure does not
exceed 4,000 psi.
3.2 Ensure that all WPCE components have been inspected and tested in accordance with

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-21

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.9: Wellhead Connection

SL 1.9: Wellhead Connection

1.0 Scope
Wellhead connections, whether threaded or flanged, are critical pressure containing

2.0 General Information

The type of tree connection to be used must be determined during the pre-job planning
stage. The use of flanged tree connections are preferred; however, customer requirements
may at times dictate the use of threaded (screw-in) tree connections.

Threaded Tree Connections

Threaded tree connections are not allowed for working pressures greater than 5,000 psi.
Threaded tree connections can be used for H2S service only with the Division Manager's
approval. Threaded tree connections with line pipe (LP) threads can only be used for
working pressures less than 3,000 psi, and then only with the Division Manager's
approval. Threaded tree connections with non-upset (NU) threads can only be used for
working pressures less than 5,000 psi, and then only with the Division Manager's
approval. Threaded tree connections with external-upset (EU) or premium (VAM,
Buttress, etc.) threads can be used for working pressures up to 5,000 psi.

Flanged Tree Connections

Flanged tree connections must be used for working pressures above 5,000 psi. During the
pre-job planning stage, the flange size should be noted. A new ring gasket of the proper
size should be used each time.

All flanges should be color-coded per ESC-62, ESC-115-63, and CPS010 to reflect
pressure rating and service and both flanges and tree connections should be tested and
inspected. The flanges should have a metal tag attached with a property number, which all
testing and inspection will be recorded against. Threaded tree connections should be
particularly well inspected for thread condition and any deterioration due to wrench

3.0 Procedure
1. Check to ensure that threads or flange is the same as the wellhead upon arrival on
2. Confirm that connection is marked with latest test date.
3. Confirm that proper quick union is being used for well application and pressures.
4. Visually inspect tree connection for wear and cracks.
5. Inspect Quick Union Threads and Seal bore for wear, and clean as necessary.
6. Clean out threads on tree or flanged ring groove before installing threaded or flanged
connections respectively.
7. Make up tree connection to wellhead.

4.0 Appendix
Refer to CPS010.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-22

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.10: Pump-In or Flow Tee

SL 1.10: Pump-In or Flow Tee

1.0 Scope
Pump-In or Flow Tees are considered critical pressure-containing components and are
used to facilitate the flow of fluids into and out of the wellbore through the lubricator

2.0 General Information

If it is anticipated that a well must be pumped into or flowed back during wireline
operations and the wells flowline connection cannot be used, a flow tee should be utilized.
The flow tee should be placed below the wireline valve and should have a working
pressure equivalent to that of the rest of the lubricator equipment. Flow tees are available
for almost any specifications with Halliburton Quick Union Connections (QUN)
connections at either end.

Flow tees are used to prevent pumping or flowing through the wireline valve, thereby
eliminating any unnecessary corrosion or erosion. At least one quick-acting valve, such as
a Halliburton Lo-Torque valve, should be used. A hammer union half is usually made up
to the valve to facilitate quick rig up of flow or pump in lines to the flow tee*. The ID of
the flow tee should be noted so that an unanticipated restriction is not created.

Refer to Rig Up Guidelines for Pump-In Subs in Technology Bulletin CPS023.

3.0 Procedure
1. Confirm compatibility of QUNs with other lubricator equipment.
2. Confirm that Pump-In/Flow Tee is marked with latest test date.
3. Visually inspect for cracks, wire tracking, unusual wear in bore, QUN seal area, QUN
connections, and o-ring groove on QUN pin end. Replace o-ring as necessary. Refer to
CPS010 for inspection guidelines.
4. Inspect hammer union, seal area, and replace as necessary.
5. If equipped with valve, ensure that valve is functional. Lubricate as necessary.
6. Make up pump-in tee onto tree connection or lubricator riser above the wellhead.

Note The pump-in tee should be placed below the Wireline Valve (WLV) to prevent any
flow through the valve.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-23

Flowback Operations

Wireline Valves (swabbing) 2 X 1 / Swing assembly
Blanking Cap (flowback) must be supported in Gas

February 15, 2013

some manner. Adjustable Choke Buster
Short Swing or 5' loop
Slickline Operations Manual

Pump-in Sub
4.0 Appendix

2 X 1 Valve Any configuration of loops,

Tree Connection swings and straight
Swab Tank
Secure flowback iron to
Swab Valve swab tank with chain


Flow Line Secure flowback iron to flow
line with chain if possible
Top Master
3" Discharge


Bottom Master Secure with chain, flowback iron
to the deck/ground in at lease
two points. If possible at each

Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas)

SL 1.10: Pump-In or Flow Tee

Flowback Operations

Wireline Valves (swabbing) 2 X 1 / Swing assembly

February 15, 2013

Blanking Cap (flowback) must be supported in
some manner.
Short Swing or 5' Loop
Slickline Operations Manual

Pump-in Sub

2 X 1 Valve
Tree Connection

Any configuration of loops,

swings and straight
Swab Valve
Secure flowback iron to flow
line with chain if possible

Flow Line

Top Master
Chicksan CAUTION
Secure flowback iron with a chain to
the deck/ground in at lease
two points. If possible chain Production Test
at each connection
Bottom Master


Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas)

SL 1.10: Pump-In or Flow Tee

Flowback Operations

Adjustable Choke Short Swing or 5' Loop Pressure Gauge

February 15, 2013

Blanking Cap
Slickline Operations Manual

Tree Connection

Swab Valve
Swab Tank

Flow Line Valve Short Swing or 5' Loop

Secure flowback iron to
swab tank with chain

Top Master

3" Discharge
Bottom Master

CAUTION High Pressure /

High Volume
Chain to deck CAUTION Pump
^or ground Chain to deck
or ground Halliburton

Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas)

SL 1.10: Pump-In or Flow Tee

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.10: Pump-In or Flow Tee

Swabbing or Cirulating If possible go to the production system when swabbing or cirulating a well

Rigging up surface equipment on tree

1 If possible, rig up remote ESD
2 Secure tree connection on well head
3 Position pump-in sub on top of tree connection
4 Position Wireline Valves on top of pump-in sub
5 Position lubricator on top of Wireline Valves for swab operations.
6 Position Blanking Cap on top of tree connection for Cirulating Operations.

Rigging up Surface Flowback Equipment.

Pump-in sub - Chicksan - Adjustable Choke - Swab Tank
1 Secure 2 X 1 valve to pump-in sub
2 Attach ether short swing or 5' loop to 2 X 1 valve. The short swing is preferable
CAUTION : The 2 X 1 valve and swing/loop assemble must be supported in some fashion to minimize the hanging weight.
* Supported assembly with a crane
* Supported assembly with a sling from overhead structural supports
* Braced on the deck or ground in a fashion to support the hanging weight.
* Secure vertical run to the flow line or structural support in a fashion to support the hanging weight of the assembly
3 Additional flowback iron may be of any configuration of intragal loops, swings, straights, double threads or double wings.
* Secure vertical flowback iron to the flowline or a structural support with a chain if possible
* Secure flowback iron to the deck /ground at a minimum of two points with chain. If possible secure with a chain at each connection
* Secure flowback iron to swab tank with chain

Unloading Well (gas or fluids), Plug and Safety Valve Test If possible, go to the production system when unloading
a well or testing a down hole device
Rigging up surface equipment on tree
1 Secure tree connection on well head
2 Position pump-in sub on top of tree connection
3 Position blanking cap (nite cap) on top of pump-in sub
* Do not use lubricator on flowback operations
4 Place a pressure gauge into the blanking cap

Rigging up Surface Flowback Equipment.

Pump-in sub - Chicksan - Adjustable Choke - Swab Tank
1 Secure 2 X 1 valve to pump-in sub
2 Attach ether short swing or 5' loop to 2 X 1 valve. The short swing is preferable
CAUTION : The 2 X 1 valve and swing/loop assemble must be supported in some fashion to minimize the hanging weight.
* Supported assembly with a crane
* Supported assembly with a sling from overhead structural supports
* Braced on the deck or ground in a fashion to support the hanging weight.
* Secure vertical run to the flow line or structural support in a fashion to support the hanging weight of the assembly
3 Additional flowback iron may be of any configuration of intragal loops, swings, straights, double threads or double wings.
* Secure vertical flowback iron to the flowline or a structural support with a chain if possible
* Secure flowback iron to the deck /ground at a minimum of two points with chain. If possible secure with a chain at each connection
* Secure flowback iron to swab tank with chain

CAUTION:When rigging down flowback equipment all valve on the tree must be closed. All valves located
within the flowback equipment must be open to insure there is no trapped pressure.

All flowback equipment / iron must have intregal unions. Proper working pressure must be verified.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-27

Pumping Operations
Pressure Gauge
2 X 1 / Swing assembly

February 15, 2013

Blanking Cap must be supported in
some manner.
Slickline Operations Manual

Pump-in Sub
Short Swing or 5' Loop

2 X 1 Valve
Tree Connection

Any configuration of loops,

swings and straight
Swab Valve

Secure flow back iron to flow
line with chain if possible

Flow Line Secure with chain, flowback iron
to the deck/ground in at lease
Top Master two points. If possible at each
connection High Pressure / High Volume

Bottom Master


Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas)

SL 1.10: Pump-In or Flow Tee

Pumping Operations


February 15, 2013

2 X 1 / Swing assembly
must be supported in
some manner.
Slickline Operations Manual

Pump-in Sub
Short Swing or 5' Loop

2 X 1 Valve
Tree Connection

Any configuration of loops,

swings and straight
Swab Valve

Secure flow back iron to flow
line with chain if possible

Flow Line Secure with chain, flowback iron
to the deck/ground in at lease
Top Master two points. If possible at each
connection High Pressure / High Volume

Bottom Master


Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas)

SL 1.10: Pump-In or Flow Tee

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.10: Pump-In or Flow Tee

Pumping into Well If possible tie pumping iron into the flowline

Rigging up surface equipment on tree

1) If possible, rig up a remote ESD system
2) Secure tree connection on well head
3) Position pump-in sub on top of tree connection
4) Position Blanking Cap on top of tree conection
5) Insert Pressure Gauge into Blanking Cap

Rigging up Surface Pumping Equipment.

Pump-in sub - Blanking Cap W / Pressure Gauge - Chicksan - Manifold - Chicksan
1) Secure 2 X 1 valve to pump-in sub
2) Attach ether short swing or 5' loop to 2 X 1 valve. The short swing is preferable
CAUTION : The 2 X 1 valve and swing/loop assemble must be supported in some fashion to minimize the hanging weight.
* Supported assembly with a crane
* Supported assembly with a sling from overhead structural supports
* Braced on the deck or ground in a fashion to support the hanging weight.
* Secure vertical run to the flow line or structural support in a fashion to support the hanging weight of the assembly
3) Additional pumping iron may be of any configration of intragal loops, swings, straights, double threads or double wings.
* Secure vertical pumping iron to flow line or structural support with a chain if possible
* Secure pumping iron to the deck/ground at a minimum of two points with chain. If possible secure with a chain at each connection
* Secure manifold to the deck/ground with a chain

Tubing Testing (test tool, cirulating plug or hole finder) If possible tie pumping iron into the flowline

Rigging up surface equipment on tree

1) If possible, rig up a remote ESD system
2) Secure tree connection on well head
3) Position pump-in sub on top of tree connection
4) Posiition wireline valve on top of pump-in sub
4) Position lubricator on top of wireline valve
5) Insert Pressure Gauge into lubricator

Rigging up Surface Pumping Equipment.

Pump-in sub - Lubricator W / Pressure Gauge - Chicksan - Manifold - Chicksan
1) Secure 2 X 1 valve to pump-in sub
2) Attach ether short swing or 5' loop to 2 X 1 valve. The short swing is preferable
CAUTION : The 2 X 1 valve and swing/loop assemble must be supported in some fashion to minimize the hanging weight.
* Supported assembly with a crane
* Supported assembly with a sling from overhead structural supports
* Braced on the deck or ground in a fashion to support the hanging weight.
* Secure vertical run to the flow line or structural support in a fashion to support the hanging weight of the assembly
3) Additional pumping iron may be of any configration of intragal loops, swings, straights, double threads or double wings.
* Secure vertical pumping iron to flow line or structural support with a chain if possible
* Secure pumping iron to the deck/ground at a minimum of two points with chain. If possible secure with a chain at each connection
* Secure manifold to the deck/ground with a chain

All pumping iron / equipment must have intragal unions. Proper working pressure must be verified.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-30

Kerr Pump

HP Nipple Pressure Gauge Caution:

February 15, 2013

Needle Valve Manifold assembly should be
High Pressure Nipple rigged as close to the tree
Lubricator High Pressure "T" as possible
High Pressure Nipple
Slickline Operations Manual

Needle Valve High Pressure Inline Check

High Pressure Nipple
High Pressure Connection

Wireline Valve

Tree Connection

1/2" Rubber Hose

Swab Valve

Flow Line

Top Master
Kerr Pump / Mustang Pump

Caution: Halliburton
Do not allow the rubber hose
Bottom Master to rub on sharp objects


Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas)

SL 1.10: Pump-In or Flow Tee

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.11: Lubricator Safety Valves

SL 1.11: Lubricator Safety Valves

1.0 Scope
Several lubricator safety valves have been designed and built. They are designed to
maintain pressure control in the event that the toolstring becomes lodged across the
wellhead valves as well as the wireline valve.

2.0 General Information

During wireline operations, the lubricator is normally removed by closing one of the
wellhead valves or the wireline valve, and bleeding off the pressure. However, if the
toolstring becomes stuck across the wellhead and the wireline valve, these valves can no
longer be closed. At this point, there are two methods of working on the well and fishing
out the toolstring. The most common is to pump into and kill the well. This will allow the
lubricator to be removed and fishing to take place. Another more efficient method would
be to have a lubricator safety (ball) valve located just below the stuffing box. When the
valve is closed, it will cut the wire and isolate the pressure below. The stuffing box would
then be bled down and removed and additional lubricator placed above the safety valve.
After equalizing the pressure, the valve would be opened and fishing would take place as

Several design criteria should be considered. The safety valve should be able to cut the
wire without difficulty. It must be rated at the working pressure of the rest of the lubricator
equipment and have close to a full ID, yet be as lightweight and slim as possible.

Lubricator valves are also used in situations where there is a need for a riser to be placed
on top of the wellhead to ease slickline operations. For example, it may be safer and easier
to rig up the wireline valve through the grating on an upper deck to facilitate the removal
of tools from the lubricator during multiple run operations. In this case, a riser made up of
lubricator sections may be used to bring the wireline valve up to a safe working level. If
this is the case, then a lubricator safety valve could be added to the stack just above the

3.0 Procedure
Note Refer to CPS010 for inspection procedures.

1. Confirm compatibility of QUNs with other lubricator equipment.

2. Confirm that Pump-In/Flow Tee is marked with latest test date.
3. Visually inspect for cracks, wire tracking, unusual wear in bore, QUN seal area, QUN
connections, and o-ring groove.
4. Inspect o-ring groove on QUN pin end and replace o-ring as necessary.
5. Make up lubricator valve onto tree connection or lubricator riser above the wellhead.

Note The lubricator valve should be placed as near to the top of the tree as possible.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-32

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.12: Wireline Valves

SL 1.12: Wireline Valves

1.0 Scope
Since wireline valves are a critical part of a wireline lubricator rig up, it is imperative that
they be maintained in excellent condition. It is of vital importance that the proper wireline
valve or combination of wireline valves be selected prior to rigging up for the wireline job.
Proper testing procedures must be observed.

2.0 General Information

Wireline valves in the lubricator stack are an integral part of the pressure-containing
function of the stack with the additional ability to close off flow from the well with or
without wireline across the rams in the valve. When pressure is bled off above the closed
rams, the valve must have the ability to hold maximum differential pressure up to the
working pressure of the valve and have an equalizing device to allow for equalizing
pressure above the rams prior to reopening them. Since wireline valves come in many
sizes, services, and pressure rating, it is important that the valve be properly color coded
per ESC-62 and ESC 115-63 and that a metal tag with the properly number of the valve be
attached. The scheduled pressure testing and inspection for this unit will be conducted and
recorded against this property number.

Wireline valves are available to meet almost any specific need. The following table lists
some of the options available.

Sizes 2 1/2 in.- 6 3/8 in.

Pressure Rating 5,000 - 20,000 psi WP

Type Service Standard and H2S

No. of Rams 1, 2 and 3

Closure Manual or Hydraulic

Material Alloy Steel or Corrosion-Resistant Alloy

Manual Vs. Hydraulic

• Manual wireline valves are smaller, lighter, and easier to handle. However, for the
larger sizes and/or higher pressure ratings, even with torque reducers, they are difficult
(and slow) to close. Each set of rams should be fully closed and reopened before the
valve is placed on the well.
• Hydraulic wireline valves, although heavier and bulkier than their manual
counterparts, have a great advantage in that they can be shut in from a remote location.
With a properly designed wellhead control panel, the wireline valve, as well as other
mechanisms, may be controlled from the operators console. Hydraulic wireline valves
can be closed quite rapidly.
Before placing the wireline valve on the well, each set of rams should be actuated and
visually inspected to ensure full closure and opening. Indicator pins should be
operational. NO hydraulic leaks are allowed. The ram stems should be run in with the
rams closed to test the mechanical locking mechanism, and then backed out.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.12: Wireline Valves

Dual and Triple Ram Wireline Valves

• Dual and triple ram valves allow the use of more than one type of ram. Three different
types of wireline ram assemblies are available. All are designed to seal against a
differential pressure from the bottom equivalent to the working pressure of the valve.
The most common type of ram is a blind/slickline ram, This type of ram is designed to
seal as a blind ram if no wire is present, but due to the resilience of the ram face will
also seal with multiple stands of slickline ranging in size from .072 in. to .125 in. The
ram body is designed to center the wireline for a better seal. Braided-line ram
elements are designed to seal on braided wireline ranging in size from 3/16 in. to
9/16 in. Each size braided line requires a different ram element. Braided-line ram
elements will not seal when the wireline is not present. The third type of ram is a
cutter ram. Cutter rams are designed to cut any size wireline present and then seal
against itself as a blind ram.
• Stripping slickline through the ram elements requires no special preparation.
However, if braided line is to be stripped through the rams, grease injection will be
required. Dual and triple wireline valves come with a grease injection port between
the sets of rams. It should be noted that the rams are designed to hold pressure only
from the bottom. Therefore, the lower ram assemblies must be inverted to hold a
grease seal.

Flow Tees
• The grease injection port should not be used as a kill line or a flow-back line. This will
unnecessarily introduce foreign matter into the valve, as well as cause erosion. If
pump-in or flow-back work is anticipated and the flowline-wellhead connection
cannot be used, a flow tee should be installed below the wireline valve. The flow tee
should have at least two properly sized quick-acting valves, such as Halliburton Lo-
Torque valves. Make sure that the flow tee does not create an unanticipated wellbore

Emergency Overnight Shut-in

• If the well is to be shut-in overnight with wire in the hole or in the event of an
emergency, the wireline valve rams should be closed on the wire. If possible, the ram
stems on hydraulic wireline valves should be screwed in completely to provide a
mechanical lock. This will prevent loss of well control in the event of a hydraulic leak.
If hydraulic pressure is lost for any reason prior to closing the rams, the rams can be
closed mechanically using the ram stems. However, the innermost hydraulic
connections may need to be removed before the rams can be closed in this fashion.

Transport and Storage

• For transport, each set of rams should be closed and a layer of oil poured on top. For
storage, the inside of the valve, the QUN connections, and the ram stems should be
greased and the rams should be closed and oiled. During cleaning, care should be
taken to remove all fluids and foreign matter from the ram bores.

Testing on Location
• Pressure testing of wireline valves on location is becoming a standard procedure. The
lubricator equipment is rigged up as usual with the wireline toolstring inside, but the
swab valve is left closed. Using either the lubricator bleed off valve or the flow tee,

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-34

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.12: Wireline Valves

the equipment is filled with water and/or glycol/water mix and pressured up to either
the maximum anticipated well pressure or to the working pressure of the equipment.
After 3 minutes with no leaks, the blind rams on the wireline valve are closed and the
lubricator is bled off. It should be noted that braided line-rams will not seal against
themselves. After 3 minutes with no leaks, the equalizing valve can be used to bleed-
off the pressure under the wireline valve. After closing the equalizing valve and bleed
off valve and ensuring that the rams are completely open, the swab valve can be
slowly opened and wireline operations may proceed.

Note Welding is not permitted on any wireline valve.

Well pressure from either the well currently being worked on or from another well can
be used for pressure testing, but this practice is not recommended. If needed, portable
test pumps are readily available.

3.0 Test Procedure Wireline Valves

Prior to operating wireline valves, make sure they are secure. Place barriers around
working area, make a PA announcement, and record pressure tests.

CAUTION When operating wireline valves, ensure hydraulic pressure does not exceed 2,000 psi
when closing rams.

All wireline valves shall be shop tested, maintained, and periodically inspected in
accordance with CPS010 every 24 months. Also, test records shall maintained.

Ensure that the proper rams and front seal elements are selected to match the wire size in
accordance with the manufacturer's Basic Design and Maintenance Instruction (BDMI) or
Operating Manual for the particular Wireline Valve model being used. BDMIs are
available from the original manufacturer.

4.0 Appendix
Reference CPS010.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-35

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.13: Pressure Control Equipment and Rig Up

SL 1.13: Pressure Control Equipment and Rig Up

1.0 Scope
The lubricator is considered to be critical pressure-containing equipment. Proper selection,
maintenance, and testing of this equipment is essential to the successful completion of any
wireline operation.

2.0 General Information

The lubricator is pressure-containing pipe with quick unions that is manufactured to
rigorous standards. It is available in various sizes and pressure ratings for both standard
and H2S service. Each section of lubricator is normally 8 ft. (2.44 m) long. The lubricator
is designed to be a pressure-containing resting place for the wireline toolstring while well
pressure is being equalized or bled off. There must be enough lubricator to ensure that the
bottom of the toolstring, as well as any “fish” recovered from the well, will clear the
wellhead and the wireline valve.

The lower section of lubricator will have one or two bleed-off ports with needle valves.
For pressures ratings below 10,000 psi WP, the bleed off ports will normally have a 1/2 in.
NPT thread with a standard manifold. Above 10,000 psi WP, each bleed-off port will use
an Autoclave (or similar) connection and two Autoclave valves. The inner valve will
remain open and the outer valve will be used for bleed-down operations. At times, it may
be unnecessary to use a bleed off or diverter line to prevent uncontrolled escape of well

Careful pre-job planning is necessary for proper lubricator handling, especially when
using four or more sections. Sufficient space must be available to make up the lubricator
while laying down, or plans should be made to pick up one joint at a time and assemble the
lubricator while hanging. If long made-up sections are to be lifted, additional support must
be supplied to prevent the lubricator from bending. In addition, a two-wheel trolley is
recommended to prevent damage to the lower most QUN connection.

All lubricator sections must be color-coded to reflect the pressure rating and service per
ESC-115-67 and ESC-62. Also, each lubricator section must have a metal tag with the
property number, which will have all testing and inspections reported against. A thread
caliper is available to check the condition of the quick union threads and should be used on
a regular basis. (Reference CPS010.)

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.13: Pressure Control Equipment and Rig Up

3.0 Procedure
1. Select the ID and length of lubricator that will accommodate the length and OD of all
the tools that be run or pulled from the well.

Note Do not use the subsurface safety as the only method to lubricate long assemblies
unless it is protected with a high viscous pill such as K-Max and the valve has been tested
with 0 psi leakage. (See WL 2.30 Running Long Assemblies With Pressure.)

2. Confirm compatibility of QUN's with other lubricator equipment.

3. Confirm working pressure and service rating for lubricator is correct.
4. Confirm that lubricator is marked with latest test date.
5. Visually inspect for cracks, wire tracking, unusual wear in bore, QUN seal area, QUN
connections, and o-ring groove.
6. Inspect o-ring groove on QUN pin end and replace o-ring as necessary.
7. Inspect lifting clamp and move as necessary to facilitate rig up.
8. Use certified sling or strap with sufficient length so as not to interfere with the stuffing
box sheave.
9. Ensure that there is sufficient room on the location to lay our lubricator stack or make
arrangements to make up vertically a section at a time.
10. Make up lubricator stack and back off of each QUN connection slightly while rigging
up, except for the Stuffing Box connection which should be made up tightly. This is
done to prevent the potential rotation of the QUN with the swiveling of the sheave.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-37

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.14: Tool Catchers and Tool Traps

SL 1.14: Tool Catchers and Tool Traps

1.0 Scope
Both tool catchers and tool traps are considered critical pressure-containing components
and are used to capture the toolstring in the lubricator stack to prevent it from falling back
down the hole.

2.0 General Information:

Tool Catcher
The tool catcher is placed immediately below the stuffing box and chemical injection sub.
It is designed to latch the fishing neck of the rope socket to prevent the toolstring from
falling back downhole in the event that the wire is pulled out of the rope socket. The
catcher is composed of a collet-type catcher and a hydraulically operated piston used to
retract the collet fingers and release the toolstring. Tool catchers are used most often with
electric line toolstrings containing expensive and extremely fragile logging tools.

Tool Trap
The tool trap is placed immediately above the wireline valve. This device is used primarily
in E-Line/Logging applications to prevent the long logging tools from inadvertently
falling down hole when they are retrieved from the wellbore. It is a manually or
hydraulically operated flapper with a slot that is slightly larger than the wireline. It is
opened just before the toolstring is lowered into the well and just before the string is pulled
back into the lubricator. The flapper is intended to prevent any part of the toolstring or
anything fished from the hole from falling back out of the lubricator.

3.0 Procedure
1. Confirm working pressure and service rating for lubricator is correct.
2. Confirm compatibility of QUNs with other lubricator equipment.
3. Confirm that tool trap or pump-in/flow tee is marked with latest test date.
4. Visually inspect for cracks, wire tracking, unusual wear in bore, QUN seal area, QUN
connections, and o-ring groove.
5. Inspect o-ring groove on QUN pin end and replace o-ring as necessary.
6. If required, make up the tool trap just above the WLV and make up the tool catcher
directly above the top most lubricator section.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-38

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.15: Lubricator Purge Valve

SL 1.15: Lubricator Purge Valve

1.0 Scope
Lubricator purge valves are considered critical pressure-containing components and are
used to purge air out of the lubricator stack prior to opening the well.

2.0 General Information

Prior to performing an on-site hydrostatic test of the lubricator stack, the lubricator must
be filled with water. A purge valve can be placed near the top of the lubricator stack to
allow the air to be purged while the lubricator is being filled. This is especially helpful
when using an extremely long rig up. The purge valve is placed immediately below the
stuffing box and chemical injection sub. The valve consists of an exhaust port and a
plunger, which is moved off-seat by pulling the rope socket up against it. Relaxing the
tension on the wireline allows the plunger to again form a seal. The pressure test can then
be contained as usual. Obviously, this cannot be used simultaneously with a tool catcher.
(See SL 1.35 Lubricator Auto-Ignition Precautions and Prevention.)

3.0 Procedure
1. Confirm working pressure and service rating for lubricator is correct.
2. Confirm compatibility of QUNs with other lubricator equipment.
3. Confirm that purge valve is marked with latest test date.
4. Visually inspect for cracks, wire tracking, unusual wear in bore, QUN seal area, QUN
connections, and o-ring groove.
5. Inspect o-ring groove on QUN pin end and replace o-ring as necessary.
6. If used, make up the purge valve directly above the top most lubricator section.

Note The purge valve cannot be used with a tool catcher in the lubricator stack.

7. To activate the purge valve, the rope socket on the toolstring must engage the bottom
of the valve plunger and an over-pull of approximately 100 lb must be exerted on the
valve to open it.
8. To close the purge valve, release the line tension on the toolstring, and the spring in
the valve will push the plunger back on seat.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-39

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.16: Chemical Injection Sub

SL 1.16: Chemical Injection Sub

1.0 Scope
Chemical injection subs are considered critical pressure-containing components and are
used to allow injection of various types of chemicals onto the wire in the lubricator stack.

2.0 General Information

Chemical injection subs are placed immediately below the stuffing box. Injection subs are
designed to lubricate and inhibit the wireline, reduce hydrate formation at the stuffing box,
and wipe off any fluids or abrasives that might damage the stuffing box packing. They can
be used for slickline or for braided line.

A chemical injection sub is composed of a non-energized packing stack immediately

below a chemical chamber with an injection port. The non-energized packing stack helps
support a column of liquid chemical through which the wire must pass.

3.0 Procedure
1. Confirm working pressure and service rating for lubricator is correct.
2. Confirm compatibility of QUN's with other lubricator equipment.
3. Confirm that injection sub is marked with latest test date.
4. Visually inspect for cracks, wire tracking, unusual wear in bore, QUN seal area, QUN
connections, and o-ring groove.
5. Inspect o-ring groove on QUN pin end and replace o-ring as necessary.
6. Inspect and replace internal packing if necessary.
7. If required, make up directly below the stuffing box or grease injection sub when
using braided line.

4.0 Appendix
SL 4.23 Chemical Injection Sub List

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-40

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.17: Stuffing Boxes

SL 1.17: Stuffing Boxes

1.0 Scope
Stuffing boxes are considered critical pressure-containing components of the lubricator
stack, so it is very important that they be maintained and tested to ensure proper operation.

2.0 General Information

A wireline stuffing box is designed to control well pressure up to the working pressure of
the equipment while still allowing the wireline to pass through the packing. Stuffing boxes
are available in sizes and ratings equivalent to the lubricator equipment.

Each stuffing box must be color-coded to reflect its pressure rating and service per
ESC-62 and ESC-115-63. Also, each stuffing box must marked with its test or property
number and latest pressure test and date.

The sealing pressure exerted on the wireline by the stuffing box packing is adjusted using
the packing nut. Manual packing nuts are available, but hydraulic packing nuts are
recommended. Hydraulic packing nuts allow remote adjustment, thus eliminating the
necessity for climbing equipment.

Stuffing box packing is reamed to suit size of wire being used for job prior to
commencement of wireline operations. Various materials are used in the construction of
packing and the packing stack is build to suit the well conditions. A 16-in. stuffing box
sheave should be used. Use of the 10-in. sheave greatly reduces the life of the wireline,
especially with the larger sizes. Converting a stuffing box to the larger size sheave will
require the replacement of both the sheave and the sheave staff.

3.0 Procedure
1. Confirm working pressure and service rating for suffing box is correct.
2. Confirm compatibility of QUN with other lubricator equipment.
3. Confirm that the stuffing box is marked with latest test date.
4. Visually inspect the QUN pin connection and nut. Replace o-ring if necessary.
Periodically remove o-ring from groove and inspect.
5. Visually inspect for wear or wire tracking of the wireline plunger housing and plunger.
Replace as necessary. Have spare wireline plunger available.
6. Visually inspect the upper and lower packing glands and replace as necessary. Have
spare upper and lower packing glands available.

Note Hand toolbox should contain proper socket and extension length to reach up
inside the body of the stuffing box in order to replace and inspect the lower packing gland.

7. Ensure that sheave wheel staff is free to rotate and is not loose on the body and
lubricate as necessary.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.17: Stuffing Boxes

8. Ensure that the sheave wheel moves freely and that it does not have excessive side-to-
side play and lubricate as necessary.

CAUTION Do not remove the sheave staff cross member. Removal of the cross member and guide
from the top of the sheave staff can lead to premature wear on the components of the
stuffing box. Removing the guide could cause a possible accidental breaking of the wire if
the wire jumps out of the sheave.

9. Periodically remove, clean, and inspect bed valve from stuffing box. Lubricate and
replace as necessary.

Note The stuffing box needs to be maintained properly to ensure that it will function
when needed and not start to leak. If the valve seat get to the point that it will not seal due
to corrosion, the entire stuffing box body will need to be replaced.

10. Visually inspect and replace worn packing on every job or at least once a day. Replace
sooner if job conditions require it. Ream out packing as necessary to pass the wire that
will be used.
11. Thread wire through the packing nut upper packing gland, packing, and lower packing
gland. Place wireline plunger on wire and slide up to its seat. Place plunger housing on
the wire and screw into stuffing box housing till it is snug. Do not put a wrench on it.
12. Once the wire has been threaded through the stuffing box and the rope socket is
attached to the toolstring, make up on top of the upper most part of the lubricator stack
assembly. Make up QUN connection snug as this will prevent the possible rotation
while the sheave staff turns.

Note This is the only QUN connection in the stack that should be made up snug. The
QUN nut of the other connections in the stack should be backed off slightly. This
facilitates easier removal of the other QUN connections and helps the o-rings to energize.

4.0 Appendix
SL 4.16 Halliburton Quick Union Connections
SL 4.19 Stuffing Boxes List
SL 4.20 Hydraulic Packing Nuts
SL 4.21 Stuffing Box Packing Stacks

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-42

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.18: Pack-Offs and Grease Injection Heads

SL 1.18: Pack-Offs and Grease Injection Heads

1.0 Scope
Pack-offs and grease injection heads are used with braided wireline to effect a seal against
well pressure. They are considered critical pressure containing components.

2.0 General Information

Packs-offs/Line Wipers
Pack-offs are also called line wipers, oil-savers, and strippers. They are designed to seal
around the braided line against low wellhead pressures. Most have a rated working
pressure of 5,000 psi, but for extended use the recommended working pressure is
3,000 psi. They are most commonly used where well pressures are below 1,500 psi simply
to wipe the well fluids from the line.

Line wipers have a single rubber element that is compressed manually or hydraulically
against the wireline to effect a seal. With higher pressures, there are two common methods
of failure. First, the pressure tends to extrude the rubber packing, eventually causing a
leak. Second, the pressure will actually penetrate between the strands of the wireline,
bypassing the seal. If leaks occur, it will be necessary to switch to a grease injection head.

Grease Injection Head

Compressing a rubber element or a packing stack around braided line will form a pressure
seal at low pressures. In fact, if the wireline is stationary, a pressure seal can be maintained
even at pressures above 5,000 psi. However, when the wireline is moving, wellbore fluids,
especially gas, will penetrate the wireline strands and form a leak. To maintain pressure
integrity, a secondary sealing mechanism must be provided with the use of a grease
injection head.
• A grease injection head is a section of lubricator made up of several sleeves screwed
together with specially designed collars. Each sleeve contains a carefully machined
flow tube about 14 in. long. Each flow tube has an ID that is approximately .004 in.
larger than the OD of the wireline. As a general rule, for working pressures of
10,000 psi or less there are 3 or 4 flow tubes used. In pressures up to 15,000 psi, there
are 4 or 5 flow tubes, and for pressures above 15,000 psi, use 5 or more flow tubes.
Grease is injected at one or more points into the space between the flow tubes and the
wireline at a pressure greater than the wellhead pressure. The grease that does not remain
on or in the wireline returns through a drain line at the top of the grease head. The flow
tubes extend most of the length of the grease head. The viscosity of the grease, combined
with the length and close tolerance of the flow tubes, resists flow and forms a pressure

Checking Cable
When spooling on new braided line, it is recommended that the entire cable be passed
through the correct size flow tube. This will prove that the wireline is not “bird nested” or
oversized. Also, used cable should be checked for uniformity. When possible, the OD of
the cable should be measured with a micrometer on two axis every 1,000 ft at regular
intervals. This should ensure that the flow tubes are sized correctly. Cable will tend to
wear more on the head end causing a tapering effect. Worn cable must cut off when

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.18: Pack-Offs and Grease Injection Heads

Experience has shown that injecting grease at more than one place along the grease head
provides a more effective pressure seal than does single, point injection. Therefore, the
newer grease head designs have two injection ports with one drain line at the top end of
the grease head. The expended grease is normally contaminated and should be collected in
a container for disposal.

Not all of the grease will be returned through the drain line. Grease adhering to the cable
will be carried into the wellbore. Grease returns should be carefully monitored. Worn
cable may allow the grease to flow too easily through the restricted ID. When this
happens, back pressure may need to be held on the return line to maintain a pressure seal.

The grease that is used should be carefully chosen for surface temperature and wellhead
conditions. Wellbore fluid contamination and high surface temperature will both act to
reduce the grease viscosity, which can affect the grease seal. On the other hand, grease
used with extremely low surface temperatures should be carefully chosen to prevent the
grease from actually becoming a solid. If there is any doubt about the suitable of a
particular grease, supplier should be contacted before rigging up the grease and a field test

A line wiper is placed at the top of the grease head. The line wiper is normally left open,
but it can perform several functions. First, it can provide a pressure seal while the line is
stationary and/or while regaining the grease seal. When environmental considerations or
cleanliness is a concern, it can be used to wipe any excess grease or well fluids from the
wireline when coming out of the hole. Finally, the line wiper can be used as a temporary
brake to slow cable movement when the toolstring weight is insufficient. To maintain
weight on cable when well pressure is capable of blowing wire up through grease head
especially if toolstring lost in hole and only cable returned to surface.

Increased tool weight will be necessary to start the toolstring into the hole due to the
necessity to overcome the well pressure and the friction due to the grease (and possible the
line wiper). Additional weight bar should be included during pre-job planning. If electric
line tools are to be used, a dummy run is strongly recommended to make sure enough
weight bar is being used prior to making the electrical connections.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-44

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.18: Pack-Offs and Grease Injection Heads

3.0 Procedure
1. Confirm working pressure and service rating for packoff/line wiper or grease head is
greater than the maximum wellhead shut in pressure.
2. Confirm compatibility of QUN with other lubricator equipment.
3. Confirm that the line wiper or greasehead is marked with latest test date.
4. Visually inspect the QUN pin connection and nut. Replace o-ring if necessary.
Periodically remove o-ring from groove and inspect. (CPS010)
5. Visually inspect for wear or wire tracking of the guides in the line wiper.
6. Visually inspect and replace wiper rubber as necessary.
7. For grease seal operations, caliper the wire to determine size of grease tubes to be
8. Visually inspect grease tubes for wire tracking and confirm ID marking on tubes by
calipering the ID of the tubes at each end.
9. Use at least three sections of grease tubes when working with pressures up to
10,000 psi when running 3/16-in. braided or dye-form line. Use at least four grease
tubes when operating this size wire up to 15,000 psi.
10. If so equipped, ensure that sheave wheel staff is free to rotate and is not loose on the
body and lubricate as necessary. Ensure that the sheave wheel moves freely and that it
does not have excessive side to side play and lubricate as necessary.

Note Using a sheave in conjunction with the line wiper or grease head is not
recommend for heavy jarring operations, because as it places too much side loading on the
lubricator stack. The preferred method is to hang a sheave (crown sheave) in the block on
a rig or use an auxiliary line on a crane or mast unit.

CAUTION If using a crown sheave, ensure that the crane or mast can handle the load that will be
exerted. The hook load on the sheave will be twice the load that is indicated on the weight

11. Inspect the ball check and seat to ensure proper function.

Note Most current designs of grease heads incorporate a ball check to seal off against
well pressure if the wire is not present through the bore of the head.

12. Thread wire through the guides and packing rubber of the line wiper. If using a grease
head, thread the wire through the grease head, packing nut upper packing gland,
packing, and lower packing gland. Place wireline plunger on wire and slide up to its
seat. Place plunger housing on the wire and screw into stuffing box housing till it is
snug. Do not put a wrench on it.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-45

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.18: Pack-Offs and Grease Injection Heads

13. Once the wire has been threaded through and the rope socket is attached to the
toolstring, make up on top of the uppermost part of the lubricator stack assembly.
Make up the QUN connection snugly because this will prevent the possible rotation
while the sheave staff turns.

Note This is the only QUN connection in the stack that should be made up snug. The
QUN nut of the other connections in the stack should be backed off slightly. This
facilitates easier removal of the other QUN connections and helps the o-rings to energize.

4.0 Appendix
SL 4.5 Braided Line Information
SL 4.16 Halliburton Quick Union Connections
SL 4.22 Braided Line/E-Line Grease Head

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-46

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.19: Chemical and Grease Injection Systems

SL 1.19: Chemical and Grease Injection Systems

1.0 Scope
Chemical and grease injection systems are used to inject grease, chemicals, and fluids into

2.0 General Information

High pressure pumps inject grease into grease heads to effect a viscous seal on braided
line against well pressure.

High pressure pumps inject chemicals into the wellbore to prevent formation of hydrates
and to inject inhibitors for corrosion protection.

The pumps can be air, electrical, or hydraulically driven. The wireline operator controls
injection pressure and rate as required for well conditions.

3.0 Procedure
1. Confirm hoses and all connections are rated for the WP.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-47

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.20: Slickline Hay Pulley and Braided Line Ground Block Sheave

SL 1.20: Slickline Hay Pulley and Braided Line Ground

Block Sheave
1.0 Scope
Hay pulleys and sheaves are used to guide wireline from the wireline unit to the lubricator.
Proper selection of pulleys and sheaves will prevent undue stress on the wireline.

2.0 General Information

Slickline normally travels horizontally from the wireline unit to the hay pulley/weight
indicator at the base of lubricator. It makes a 90o turn around the hay pulley, travels up the
lubricator, and makes a 180obend at the stuffing box to pass into the lubricator.

The recommended hay pulley is 16-in. diameter. For .092-in. and smaller, 8-in. hay
pulleys may be used.

More unusual rigups may necessitate the use of several hay pulleys to achieve a 90o bend
at the weight indicator and to prevent the wireline from scraping on obstructions. If a 90o
angle at the hay pulley/weight indicator is not possible, a correction factor must be applied
to the weight indication.

Braided Line
Braided line is most commonly run using a floor sheave and a crown block sheave.
Slickline service still normally uses weight indicator at floor sheave. (Most logging units
have a weight indicator built into the levelwind assembly. This eliminates the need for a
weight indicator to be attached to the floor sheave hay pulley). a crown block sheave is
commonly used instead of having a sheave attached to the lubricator.

3.0 Procedure
1. Visually inspect the hay pulley or ground block sheave for excessive wear and repair
as necessary before rigging up. Lubricate if needed.
2. Attach to the tree using certified strap, chain, or sling and secure. If weight indicator is
used, attach between sheave and tree.

Note The newer 16 in. slickline hay pulleys have a tendency to lay over when little or
no line tension is on the line. This can cause the wire to jump from the sheave and possibly
be damaged. To prevent this, a hole in the frame of the sheave may be used to attach a soft
line higher up on the tree to prevent the sheave from falling over. Also, a sheave stand is
also available to help in rigging up the wire and will also help keep the sheave in the
upright position.

3. Thread wire around the sheave wheel and secure back to the guide using a spring-
loaded latch pin. Ensure that the pin is properly seated and that the pin spring keeps
the latch down pin engaged.

4.0 Appendix
SL 1.21 Weight Indicators Selection and Use
SL 4.13 Weight Indicators
SL 4.34 Hay Pulleys and Ground Block Sheaves

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-48

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.21: Weight Indicators Selection and Use

SL 1.21: Weight Indicators Selection and Use

1.0 Scope
A weight indicator is necessary for all wireline operations. It indicates the amount of
tension being applied to the wireline at the surface.

2.0 General Information

There are two types of line tension measurement system: hydraulic and electronic.

Slickline Operations
When using slickline, or when using braided line with a slickline-type wireline unit, the
most common type of weight indicator is a Martin-Decker hydraulic type. The load cell is
placed between the wellhead and the hay pulley (see appendix). The indicator is calibrated
in such a way that the wireline must make a 90° bend around the hay pulley. If the wireline
makes an angle other than 90°, the indicated load will not be correct and a correction
factor from the Technical Section must be applied. (See 4.13 and line tension correction

Two Wheel Systems

Two wheel systems used today combine depth and tension measurement. The load cell for
the Halliburton Advanced Measurements System is described in Section 3.7.

3.0 Procedure
1. Hydraulic Weight Indicators
• Inspect weight indicator to ensure that proper gap is between the two halves of the
hydraulic load cell. Inspect weight indicator regularly to ensure that proper gap is
between the two halves of the hydraulic load cell. The gap may increase or
decrease markedly due to the thermal expansion or contraction of the hydraulic
fluid in the load cell hose when the ambient temperature changes (e.g., during the
transition periods between night and day time temperatures) so special care should
be taken to regularly inspect and adjust the load cell gap during these periods.

If the gap is too small, the two halves of the hydraulic load cell may meet resulting
in an incorrect tension reading (i.e., reading will be less than actual weight).

If the gap is too big, the bladder may expand to its limit and further thermal
expansion of the hydraulic fluid will result in an incorrect tension reading (i.e.,
reading will be greater than actual weight).

Adjusting the weight indicator in accordance with the manufacturer’s

specifications at the beginning of the job will accommodate most daily
temperature fluctuations.

Refer to manufacturer’s operating manual TW554.

• Martin Decker Adjustment—If the gap is not correct, add Martin Decker Weight
Indicator Oil to the system. Crack open the bled port on the load cell and connect
small hand pump and reservoir to the indicator dial part of the system. Fill

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.21: Weight Indicators Selection and Use

reservoir and pump up hydraulic line while bleeding air out of the load cell bled
port. Continue until all air is out of the system and shut bled port. Continue to
pump up on load cell until proper gap is achieved and close valve on the dial
• Adjust the sensitivity of the load cell by utilizing the dampening valve on the dial
• Attach the load cell between the hay pulley and tree using a certified strap, chain,
or sling and secure. Arrange the hay pulley and weight indicator to create a 90°
angle of the wire between the slickline service unit and the stuffing box sheave.

Note Any angle other then 90 will create a false reading of line tension on the weight
indicator dial. (See attached correction chart for varying load angles other then 90.)

• Ensure that the hydraulic line between the load cell and weight indicator is not
kinked and that nothing is allowed to sit on top of it.

4.0 Appendix
SL 4.13 Weight Indicators
SL 4.34 Hay Pulleys and Ground Block Sheaves
TW554 Martin-Decker Single Line Weight Indicating Systems Installation,
Operation and Maintenance

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-50

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.22: Wireline Toolstring Selection and Use

SL 1.22: Wireline Toolstring Selection and Use

1.0 Scope
One of the most important criteria for successful job completion is the selection of the
proper wireline toolstring.

2.0 General Information

There is no one correct toolstring configuration. Sizes, lengths, and placement of different
parts of the toolstring will be based on wellbore design and experience. Careful pre-job
planning is essential for successful job completion.

Toolstring Components
Rope Sockets
There are two types of rope sockets currently in use. Each is used to connect the wireline
to the rest of the toolstring and to provide a clean fishing neck to aid in recovering lost
toolstrings. They can also be used in the middle of the toolstring with a pulling tool to
provide an emergency release point.

The knot-type rope socket has a button around which the wireline is actually tied. This
knot creates a weak spot in the wire at the top of the rope socket. During a recent pull test
using two knot-type rope sockets and a length of wire, the wire parted at one of the rope
sockets every time. This type of rope socket is often used by some operators to
deliberately create a weak spot. If the wire parts, there will be a clean rope socket looking
up. Of course, this reduces the amount of tension that can be pulled on the wire.

On the no-knot rope, the wire is bent around a wedge that fits inside a sleeve and then
inside the body of the rope socket. Since the wire is not wrapped around itself, the wire's
strength is only slightly reduced. There is still a slight weak spot at the top of the rope
socket, but it is not enough to depend on the wire parting at that point every time.
Releasable rope sockets are also available.

Quick Connects
The quick connect system is an addition to the normal toolstring which allows an
extremely rapid exchange of tools or toolstrings at the wellhead without the use of pipe
wrenches. It is most commonly composed of a male and female half with threaded ends
that are made up to two parts of the toolstring. However, if desired, the two halves can be
machined on the ends of the various toolstring components. The two halves are made up
by pushing the male end up into the female end and turning one-quarter turn. The male
end is held in place by a spring-loaded latch. Testing has shown the quick connect
shoulders to be stronger than the threads in the remainder of the toolstring.

The Stem, or weight bar, is normally available in 1 1/4 in., 1 1/2 in., 1 7/8 in. and 2 1/8 in.
OD and in lengths of 2 ft, 3 ft and 5 ft. It is normally made of alloy steel, but is also
available with fillings of lead or depleted uranium for additional weight. Each piece of
stem has a fishing neck at the top sized to fit a pulling tool. If the fishing neck or the
threads become worn or damaged, the piece of stem can be remachined.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.22: Wireline Toolstring Selection and Use

Stem is most often used to provide weight to the toolstring. This weight is necessary to
counteract the force due to the well pressure acting on the cross-sectional area of the wire
and the friction of the stuffing box packing. It also helps the toolstring slide down an
inclined section of the wellbore. The roller stem, or stem with wheels, is sometimes used
to extend the reach of wireline tools in a deviated well.

The stem is normally place immediately above the jars to provide an increased impact
force during jarring. Sometimes the stem is also placed below the jars during fishing or
bailing to provide a stand-off distance to prevent the jars from becoming stuck.

An accelerator is essentially a large spring that is most often used in conjunction with pipe
during jarring with hydraulic jars. Its purpose is to prevent the impact load of the jars from
being cushioned by the mass of the pipe. They are used much less frequently with wireline
since the wire's smaller mass and greater stretch coefficient causes very little damping

3.0 Procedure
1. Select proper toolstring make-up for operation.
2. Select amount of stem necessary to overcome friction and well pressure. Utilize “Stem
Weight Vs. Pressure” chart and/or rule of thumb calculations to determine needed
stem weight. (Ref. SL 4.38 and SL 4.53)
3. Visually inspect box and pin (sucker rod) connections. Clean and lubricate box and
pin threads before assembly. If make-up is loose, do not run. If thread condition is
questionable, use “no-go” thread gauge to determine if thread is acceptable. If “no-go”
thread gauge can engage threads more than three turns, do not use. Thread gauge
engagement is by hand only. Do not use wrench on thread gauge. Sucker rod API
“no-go” thread gauges are listed below. For additional information on handling and
care of sucker rods, see API Recommended Practice 11BR.

P/N Gauge Description Thread

101500887 No-Go Ring for 3/4 API Sucker Rod Pin 1 1/16-10

101500889 No-Go Ring for 3/4 API Sucker Rod Box 1 1/16-10

101500890 No-Go Ring for 5/8 API Sucker Rod Pin 15/16-10

101500891 No-Go Ring for 5/8 API Sucker Rod Box 15/16-10

4. Make up threaded connections using 18 in. or 24 in. pipe wrenches to ensure that they
are tight before running in hole.
5. If heavy jarring is required, retighten toolstring connections after each run.

4.0 Appendix
SL 4.36 Rope Sockets
SL 4.37 Stem
SL 4.38 Stem Weight Vs. Pressure Chart
SL 4.39 Knuckle Joints
SL 4.40 Jars

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.22: Wireline Toolstring Selection and Use

SL 4.41 Accelerators
SL 4.42 Toolstring (Sucker Rod) Connections
SL 4.43 Quick Disconnects and Tools
SL 4.53 Handy Formulas and Data

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-53

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.23: “Tool Box” Safety Meetings

SL 1.23: “Tool Box” Safety Meetings

1.0 Scope
Personnel safety is a top priority for Halliburton. “Tool Box” Safety Meetings are to be
held daily or for each job when switching locations and recorded on the field ticket/

2.0 General Information

“Tool Box” or “Tail Gate” safety meeting as they are sometimes called, are a means to
inform all personnel on location of the potential hazards involved in the operation and to
raise everyone's awareness of safety before the work commences. In some cases, it may be
necessary to conduct the meeting before spotting the equipment on location. This should
be the case when H2S is present or other job-site hazards are known before the job begins.

The “Tool Box” safety meeting must be held upwind of the well and within easy access of
an escape route if the well is known to have H2S present in sufficient enough quantities to
be harmful to life or if other conditions warrant.

Topics to be covered:

• Review of unsafe practices

• Dangerous situations
• Prior tour report when two crews are involved
• Day’s/Job plan of action
• Job assignment in case of an emergency
• Selection of meeting place in case of an emergency
• Special Instructions
• Inform company man and any other personnel on-site of any unusual noise they are
not normally accustomed to. Example: Bleed-off of lubricator, stuffing box leak or
blow out, etc.
• Warn company man and any other personnel that wire is sometimes difficult to see
and they should not walk between wellhead and back of unit.

Note See Safety Awareness Plan for check sheets, etc.

Tool Box Talks

To provide a guideline for all personnel in the preparation and presentation of Toolbox
Talks and to promote discussion on potential job hazards and share experiences among all
members of the work party.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.23: “Tool Box” Safety Meetings

It is the responsibility of the person supervising any work party to ensure that a Tool Box
talk that meets the following guidelines is properly conducted and that all the necessary
information is given to promote awareness and understanding of all the potential hazards
that may affect the safe and efficient completion of the job.

A Tool Box talk is an instruction, awareness, and experience retention session about a
specific job including safety. A Tool Box talk deals with the challenge of executing and
completing the work according to all quality requirements.

Supervisors and leading hands who use this meeting format and who give proper emphasis
to safety usually find that increased awareness and understanding of the hazards
associated with a specific job indicates that the job can be, and usually is, completed

Before tackling the job, the party assembles with the supervisor or leading hand to discuss
the tools, materials, and personal protective equipment they need, and they agree upon the
part of the job that each person is to carry out. In addition, any special Permit-To-Work
requirements or potential hazards will also be identified and discussed and appropriate
actions and responsibilities agreed on.

On significant jobs made up of sequential steps, a Tool Box talk may be needed prior to
each step. A series of Tool Box talk check sheets for subsea well services operations has
been created to assist in holding toolbox talks.

It is also important on completion of a job to summarize what was to planned and what
could be improved for learning and experience retention.

Objective of Job
At the beginning of the Tool Box talk, the objective of the specific job to be undertaken
must be discussed so that all work party members fully understand the potential hazards
and also appreciate the need to systematically organize the job steps in order to address the
significant aspects of the job and identify potential hazards.

Plan and Method

The procedure that has been developed for the specific job must be discussed from the
point-of-view of how each job step will be handled and to identify special precautions that
must be followed in order to complete the job safely. This would include Permit-To-Work
requirements, personal protective equipment, atmospheric tests, etc. The person in charge
of the work site must discuss and explain his methods of communication with all involved.

Each person or groups of people who are assigned various responsibilities to ensure that
the job progresses safely must be identified and their specific responsibilities reviewed
during the Tool Box talk. It is particularly important that the person with overall
responsibility is identified to ensure that work party members know who to refer to if in
doubt about any aspect of the job. This is necessary so that all persons involved in the job

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.23: “Tool Box” Safety Meetings

clearly understand not only their own role and responsibilities but the roles and
responsibilities, of others as well. The person with overall responsibility must explain how
he will communicate to stop and start activities.

Manpower and Skills

At this point in the toolbox talk, it will also be advantageous to indicate the manpower
needed to execute and complete the job and also to discuss the possible requirement for
additional manpower. The specific skills that are necessary should be discussed to ensure
that only those who have these skills will be allowed to carry out that part of the job. This
may discourage any person who does not possess the required skill from attempting to do
a job or part of a job that he is not trained to do.

Access and Evacuation

In the event that the job will involve access to confined spaces, then the specific
requirements of the Permit-To-Work must be discussed in detail to ensure that all
members of the work crew are familiar with and understand these additional precautions.
Access controls and communications may need to be reviewed. Job specific emergency
procedures including evacuation procedures, should it be necessary, must also be

Work Environment
The actual or anticipated environment in which the work is to be carried out must be
discussed if it is anticipated that the environmental conditions could lead or contribute to
job hazards. Such environmental concerns are weather conditions, excessive heat, noise,
areas of restricted movement, or other conditions that could have a detrimental effect on
the safe completion of the work. Another consideration would be work activities within
areas whose status may be altered through a change in operating conditions.

At this stage all known or anticipated hazards that could affect the work must be identified
and discussed. The work party members must be made familiar with the accepted
procedure for reporting hazards that become evident during the course of the work
activity. It may be beneficial to re-establish the responsibilities for reporting and acting on
hazards at this time.

The various tools and equipment needed for the job should be checked for condition prior
to the start of the job, also from a safety and efficiency standpoint. It is imperative that the
correct tool is used for the job and that the tools should be available prior to the start of the
work. In addition, equipment standards should be reviewed to reduce the potential for
improper or unsuitable equipment to be used. The personal protective equipment
requirements should also be reviewed to ensure that all personnel know not only what PPE
is needed but why it is needed. It may be advantageous to review the use of the PPE in the
event that work party members are unfamiliar with the particular type or brand being used.

If the job involves the installation or replacement of materials or the use of specific
materials such as chemical substances, etc., then the crew must be made aware. COSHH
recommendations should be used for guidance. This will ensure compliance or at least

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.23: “Tool Box” Safety Meetings

familiarity with any regulations or procedures that deal with these materials. Material
standards and specifications should be reviewed if applicable, and all personnel should be
familiarized with any precautionary measures.

All mechanical and/or electrical isolations that have been applied or that will be applied
must be discussed so that personnel are aware of the necessary isolations and so that work
does not commence until the isolations have been implemented and confirmed via the
Permit-To-Work system.

Conflicting Activities
On occasion, some work activities will occur that can affect the safety of other activities
that are being undertaken in the same area, for example, product sampling in an area
where hot work is taking place. Conflicting activities or the potential for conflicting
activities to occur must be considered and discussed as part of the Tool Box talk.

The information aspects of the Tool Box talk should address all pertinent questions that
could arise in respect to the work being undertaken. A Tool Box talk should be held as part
of all nonroutine jobs and also routine jobs if there are people who are unfamiliar with the
work activity or are unfamiliar with the location. New personnel can benefit greatly from
the Tool Box talks and at the same time issues can be addressed to remind all personnel in
the party of the potential hazards that can develop in routine activities.

Questions should be asked of work party members to ascertain their understanding of the
job and the hazard potential. Party members should be invited to participate in the Tool
Box talk by questioning the established procedure, identifying hazardous actions and
conditions, and by recommending solutions to job related problems. This will provide a
good opportunity for work parties to question and discuss existing job procedures to
confirm current applicability and/or the need to review and update the procedure.

All personnel should be reminded that if they are uncertain about any aspect of the job,
they must confirm the proper methods before carrying on with the job.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.23: “Tool Box” Safety Meetings


Tool Box talks can be conducted in a meeting room, in the canteen, or at the actual work-
site wherever is best suited to providing the information and should be of such duration as
to ensure that the objective of the meeting is met. It may be advantageous for the meeting
leader to record the content of the toolbox talk so that any suggestions, recommendations,
actions, and experiences can be monitored.

3.0 Procedure
1. Safety meeting will be held at the start of each job, change of locations, or crew
change in a safe location, if known hazards exist.
2. All Halliburton personnel involved with the job will attend. Recommend that others
involved, such as customer personnel, other service personnel, rig crews, etc. also
3. The “Tool Box” safety meeting should cover all topics concerning the job ahead.
4. Review communication system to be used. Example: hand signals.
5. The meeting shall be recorded on the job ticket/M.S.O.
6. Hold additional meetings as required if adverse conditions arise during the course of
the job.

4.0 Appendix
Tool Box Check List Form
SL 5.0 - SL 5.xx - Tool Box Meeting Topics

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-58

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.24: Spotting Equipment on Location

SL 1.24: Spotting Equipment on Location

1.0 Scope
Consideration must be given to spotting wireline service equipment at/on the job site. Job
site condition, well type and condition, and the position of other production or service
equipment around the location will have an impact on the way wireline service equipment
is spotted to conduct the job safely.

2.0 General Information

As a general rule, the wireline service unit and all other equipment should be spotted up
wind from the wellhead if at all possible. This should always be done when working on
wells having hazardous amounts of H2S. Some regulatory bodies and customers place
restrictions on how close the wireline service unit can be spotted to the wellhead. Some
refer to this area as hazardous zone and are usually areas immediately around the

Other site considerations include:

• Will the ground or deck support the weight of load of the equipment?
• Is there sufficient room for the extension of outriggers that may be required in the case
of a mast or crane to support the lubricator stack?
• Will overhead power lines or other equipment interfere with the safe rig up of the
lubricator stack?
• Are there any buried lines/other production equipment that could be damaged should
the service equipment be moved over or spotted on top of them?
• Is there a cellar around the wellhead that would preclude moving a mast, crane, or
picker close enough to the wellhead to handle the lubricator?
• Can the unit be rigged in “line of sight” with the wellhead? (Rigging up on a rig job
with multiple hay pulleys.)

3.0 Procedure
1. The wireline specialist in charge of operations determines the best location for
spotting wireline service unit and related equipment, considering well conditions and
possible hazardous cases. Equipment should always be spotted upwind, wherever
2. Confirms that ground or deck will support the weight and loads of the equipment
before moving equipment on to these areas
3. Reviews site for any overhead power lines or other overhead obstructions that will
interfere or cause hazardous conditions during wireline service operations
4. Spots equipment the required minimum safe distance from wellhead as required by
local regulations or customer
5. Place hazard flags around job sight to prevent personnel and/or vehicles from running
into wire strung between the wellhead and the wireline service unit
6. Sets out all safety equipment and ensures that all personnel entering the work area are
wearing a hard hat and other safety apparatus as required

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-59

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.25: Load Handling Apparatus

SL 1.25: Load Handling Apparatus

1.0 Scope
The load handling apparatus is used to manipulate heavy or bulky equipment at the well

2.0 General Information

Over center masts or mobile cranes may be mounted on a separate truck or mounted in
combination with a wireline service unit on the same truck. They are also available in
truck and skid-mounted versions.

Regardless of their configuration, special considerations must be made when using mast
or crane equipped units. Some of these considerations are:

• Load rating of system

• Distance of lift to center point of mast/crane
• Maximum lift load
• Outrigger extension and stability
• Maximum height
• Overhead obstructions
• Guy lines - some of lattice work mast systems require guy lines and anchors to ensure

3.0 Procedure
1. Wireline specialist or assistant inspects mast/crane and outriggers to ensure that no
obvious damage has occurred to system during transport. All pivot pins should be
greased and secured.
2. The location will be surveyed to determine if there are any power lines or other
overhead obstructions that will interfere with the safe rig up of the mast/crane.
3. Ensure that the area where the mast/crane is to be spotted is level and confirm that
ground or deck will support weight of the unit and outrigger loads. If necessary,
timbers can be used under outriggers to offer additional support. Separate mast/crane
units must be spotted upwind or crosswind from the wellhead if at all possible,
especially if hazardous concentrations of H2S are present. Combination mast/crane
wireline units should always be spotted upwind from the wellhead.

Note If a mast is used, ensure that the mast is spotted close enough to wellhead so that
lift line is centered on top of wellhead when the mast is fully extended. The crane should
be spotted at a sufficient distance to allow full capability of the crane. Refer to the load
chart on the side of the boom for maximum lift load at distance.

4. Ensure that all personnel are clear and deploy outriggers fully. Confirm that outriggers
are firmly planted. Use cribbing (timbers) if necessary to add support.
5. Prior to operating cranes, the operator must receive training from a certified agency.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.25: Load Handling Apparatus

6. Lift the mast/crane out of the cradle with the boom lift cylinder and position as
necessary for lubricator rig up.

Note Some cranes utilize a jib to extend their reach. If this is the case, position the crane
boom so that the jib can be reached. Remove the locking pin and swing the jib around and
lock in position. String the lift line through the jib sheave.

7. Verify that the crane anti-two block device is present and functional.
8. When guy lines are necessary for stability, anchors shall be sufficient to withstand
anticipated loads directly over the load being lifted.
9. Position lift line and block directly over the load being lifted.
10. Ensure that the hook latch is still in place and operable.
11. Make sure all personnel know and use the proper hand signals for crane/mast
12. All personnel will wear all personnel protection equipment when operating or
working around a crane or mast.
13. Before hoisting equipment, determine weight of items being lifted and verify the
weight does not exceed the load chart.

4.0 Appendix

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-61

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.26: Wellhead Preparation

SL 1.26: Wellhead Preparation

1.0 Scope
Wireline operations require the temporary mounting of pressure-control equipment or
mounting the lubricator stack to the top of the wellhead in most applications. Knowledge
of wellhead operations and functions is essential for preparing the well for the safe
completion of wireline service operations.

2.0 General Information

Wellheads, sometimes referred to as “christmas trees” or “trees,” are used to control the
flow of the well into the production or flow line that would normally go to some
processing equipment or facility. Generally, the wellhead will consist of one or more
valves that are in line with the vertical bore of the well. These may be called “master
valves” or “swab valves.” In most applications, there are two valves located below the
wing or cross where the flow is diverted from the vertical bore into the flowline. These
valves are generally referred to as “master valves.” In addition, some wellheads are
equipped with another valve that is located above the cross that is referred to as a “swab”
or “crown valve.” There will almost always be at least one valve that is mounted
horizontally or at a diagonal away from the vertical bore. This valve is normally mounted
directly to the cross/wing and is referred to as the “wing valve.” Many wells contain an
actuator that will allow for emergency shut-down of the well in an emergency.

In addition to valves, there is normally a tree cap with a connection on it that will facilitate
the rigging up of the lubricator stack on top of the wellhead. Some wellheads may also
incorporate a choke/choke body that is mounted downstream of the wing valve(s). This
choke may have a fixed or variable displacement.

It is important that the wireline service personnel become familiar with the operation of
these various valves and tree connections.

3.0 Procedure
1. The WL service operator will make a visual inspection of the wellhead and
surrounding area to determine if there are any obvious problems or leaks.
2. If the well has been designated an H2S well then an H2S detection test must be
performed by a qualified member of the service team. This person must have received
formal training in H2S detection.

Note If leaks are suspected or heard near an H2S designated well, the area is to be
cleared of all personnel to a predetermined safe area, upwind from the wellhead and
location. A customer representative must be notified immediately of the problem. A
breathing apparatus must be worn by qualified personnel on any attempt to reenter the
location area to determine the source of the leak.

3. If the wellhead cellar is exposed, a portable grating must be placed around the
4. The wireline assistant will observe and give the operator the well's pressure for
recording, if this is required for the service operations being performed. This is

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.26: Wellhead Preparation

normally taken from a gauge on top of the tree cap, or the WL crew may keep a dial
gauge on hand for this purpose. The procedure for this is as follows:
• If the pressure is to be a static pressure, the assistant should shut the wing or flow
line valve on the wellhead.

Note During all wireline operations it is extremely important that the assistant counts
the number of turns to open and close valves on the wellhead. By counting the number of
turns of the valve handle, the relative position of the gate in the valve can be determined,
which can be used to detect tools and other obstructions that might prevent the full closure
or opening of a valve. To ensure consistency, only one person should be responsible for
opening and closing wellhead valves on the job.

For flowing pressures, the wing valve should remain in the full open position. If both a
static and flowing pressure is required, the flowing pressure should be taken before the
wing valve is shut. After shutting the wing valve and allowing the pressure to stabilize, the
pressure should be observed again for the static pressure recording.

Note The wellhead should be clear of any grease or oil to prevent slipping. The
assistant should use caution when climbing on the wellhead, making sure that hand holds
and foot holds are secure.

• The assistant ensures that all necessary valves on the wellhead are open to the point of
the pressure reading (i.e., both master valves and swab valves should be open if the
pressure reading is being made from the needle valve on top of the tree cap).
• The assistant makes up the gauge in the top of the needle valve if not already so
• The assistant checks to ensure the needle valve is in the open position before making a
reading off of the gauge.
• After recording or giving the pressures to the operator, the assistant closes the needle
valve on the tree cap and carefully removes the pressure gauge ensuring that the
pressure trapped below the gauge is released first before completely removing the
gauge from the needle valve.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.26: Wellhead Preparation

5. The assistant shuts in the swab valve, keeping track of the number of turns to shut the
valve in. To ensure consistency, only one person should be responsible for opening
and closing wellhead valves on the job. In most cases a wing valve should also be
closed for slickline service operations unless a flowing well service such as a flowing
BHP or paraffin cutting operation, is being performed.

CAUTION Never stand in front of wellhead valve when operating. This will help prevent injury in
case the handle/valve core blows off the wellhead during operation.

Note It is important that the sequence of valve closure on a wellhead always be done
first, starting with the furthermost valve from the fluid entry in the tree from the wellbore.
For example, the furthermost wing valve away from the vertical bore should be closed
first, followed by the closer wing valve to the wellhead, the top master valve, and finally
the lowest master valve. This helps prevent flow cutting of the upstream valves, increasing
their usable life. This process is extremely important to remember when shutting a well in
that is flowing abrasive fluids such as muds, heavy brines, formation sands, shale, etc.

6. The needle valve on the tree cap is now opened to bleed off the pressure below the tree
cap. A breathing apparatus (BA) is required for this process if the well is designated
an H2S well. Ear plugs or muffs will be provided and worn by the assistant during this
operation to prevent loss of hearing. The assistant shall position himself upwind when
bleeding off well pressure to prevent breathing in well effluents.
7. Remove the tree cap or tree cap adapter flange as required for rig up to bottom of
pressure control stack.
8. Add any necessary tree connection assembly to the top of the tree, if not already
equipped with a tree cap, that allows access to the bottom of the pressure control stack
9. Secure weight indicator/hay pulley around the wellhead with a chain or sling that is
load certified for two times the load rating. Check load cell gap and pump in fluid as

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-64

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.27: Toolstring and Lubricator Make-Up

SL 1.27: Toolstring and Lubricator Make-Up

1.0 Scope
The slickline toolstring and the lubricator/pressure control stack, must be made up
properly before wireline service operations can commence.

2.0 General Information

The toolstring is the working part of wireline operations. It is attached to the end of the
wireline, lowered into a wellbore, and used to manipulate various types of devices in the
well. It provides the mass and means of imparting an impact load to these various tools. It
also provides the weight to overcome pressure and stuffing box packing friction.

Lubricator/Pressure Control Stack

The lubricator stack provides the means to get the wireline toolstring in and out of the well
under pressure. It seals off around the wire to prevent well fluids from escaping into the
atmosphere. It provides a pressurized chamber above the operating valves of the wellhead
into which the toolstring can be run or pulled. It also includes a valve that will allow the
well to be closed without damaging the wire. Lubricator stack components vary depending
on the type of service operation being performed. Various lubricator stack components are
discussed in detail in the technical section of this manual.

3.0 Procedure
1. The operator selects the proper toolstring and lubricator stack for the job being

Note Hard hats, gloves, steel toe shoes, and eye protection (safety glasses) should
always be used when handling wire, lubricator equipment, or toolstring components. In
addition, always secure both ends of the wire when cutting.

2. Lay out lubricator sections using lubricator stands. Lubricator sections will always be
carried or moved by two people to avoid lifting injuries.

Note All personnel will be instructed of proper lifting techniques to avoid injury.

3. Visually inspect lubricator components and connections. Replace worn or cut o-rings.
Clean and use light oil on Quick Union (QUN) connections.
4. Make up the proper length and size lubricator stack to accommodate the tools being
run or retrieved from the wellbore. All of the QUN connections, except the working
connection, should be made up tight by hand. The working connection is the one that
is used during tool changes to provide access to the wellbore and toolstring. This is
usually the connection between the lower section of lubricator and the wireline valve.
This connection should always be backed off between 1/8 and 1/4 of a turn to ease
5. Visually inspect each connection of the toolstring to ensure its integrity and that it is
clear of any debris.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.27: Toolstring and Lubricator Make-Up

6. Lay out the toolstring components in the proper sequence and screw components
together until snug. Make up connections tight using a pair of 18 in. or 24 in. pipe
wrenches. Use flat spots where provided in the toolstring components when making
up to prevent wrench slippage and potential personal injury. If work space is limited or
large OD toolstring is being utilized, insert, make up, and tighten each individual
toolstring component into the lubricator separately.

Note With wrenches placed in appropriate areas, tighten connections with an open hand
and palm down until connection is tight. Do not jump on wrenches to tighten toolstring
It is the Service Supervisors responsibility to ensure that all connections are made up
safely and correctly.

7. Slide the toolstring into the top of the lubricator stack leaving 6 to 8 in. of the pin on
the top piece of the stem protruding from the end of the lubricator.
8. Visually inspect the stuffing box and replace any worn components and stuffing box
packing. Ensure that the wireline valve plunger is still operable and replace as
necessary. Confirm that the hydraulic packing nut piston moves freely.
9. Pull sufficient wire from the wireline drum to allow wire to be threaded through the
stuffing box.

Note When cutting wire, always ensure that both ends are secure.

10. Connect the rope socket to the protruding end of the stem, making sure not to twist the
rope socket.
11. Slide the toolstring down into the lubricator stack to ensure that the rope socket will
not interfere with the makeup of the stuffing box to the top section of lubricator.
12. Secure the stuffing box to the top lubricator section and pull the wire up until the
toolstring touches the bottom of the stuffing box. This prevents the tools from being
blown up into the lubricator if hit with a sudden surge of well fluid when first opening
a well.
13. Check stuffing box packing friction to ensure that tools will fall freely and lubricate
wire at the stuffing box if necessary.
14. Attach the hydraulic hose to the hydraulic pack-off nut and secure to the lubricator
with soft line to prevent pulling the quick disconnect apart.
15. Pull the wire tight, attach a wireline clamp to the wire, and secure to the needle valve
at the lower end of the bottom section of lubricator. This will prevent the tools from
falling out of the bottom of the lubricator when rigging up on the wellhead.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.28: Rigging Up the Lubricator Stack

SL 1.28: Rigging Up the Lubricator Stack

1.0 Scope
This section discusses the procedures for using various types of equipment to assist in
rigging up wireline surface equipment. It also lists many of their advantages,
disadvantages, and safety considerations. Following proper wireline rig up procedures is
critical in maintaining structural integrity and pressure control.

2.0 General Information

There are essentially six types of equipment used to handle lubricator equipment: Gin
poles, masts or cranes, offshore A frames, offshore portable hydraulic masts, stationary
drilling/workover rigs, and semi-submersible rigs or floating production platforms. All are
discussed separately however, there are several general precautions that must be taken:

General Precautions:
• Is the working pressure rating and the rated service of the lubricator equipment and
the wellhead proper for the anticipated conditions?
• Is there sufficient lubricator to cover all anticipated combinations of wireline tools and
• Is the height and/or weight rating of the lifting equipment sufficient to support all of
the necessary lubricator?
• The lifting block must be directly above the wellhead. Use appropriate lift clamps.

Gin Pole Operations

Gin poles may be used for light-duty wireline operations and are normally limited to
lifting two sections of 2 in., 5,000 psi WP lubricator and one section of 3 in., 5,000 psi WP
lubricator. If heavy jarring or heavy loads are anticipated, guy lines are recommended.

Offshore A-Frames
A-frames are sometimes used offshore as an alternative to either a gin pole or erectable
mast. Their height and load limits are similar to those of a gin pole. Make sure that the
frame is securely fastened to the deck and that the load limits are not exceeded.

Stationary Drilling/Workover Rigs

Drilling and workover rigs vary widely in size, design, and complexity. In addition,
particularly when offshore, available space can be extremely limited. Therefore, before rig
up or lifting operations, a brief meeting between the wireline operator, the tool pusher, and
the company representative should be held. This will help in solving potential problems
with safety, procedures, moving obstructions, and communication. It should discuss and
hopefully eliminate problems during rig up, such as bending the lubricator, damaging the
wireline valve, and pulling out of the rope socket. Rapid and accurate hand signals must be
prearranged (especially the one for stop) due to distance, unusual angles, obstructions and
bad lighting.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.28: Rigging Up the Lubricator Stack

Drilling and workover rigs generally have one thing in common-there is a significant
offset distance between the pickup point and the actual lifting equipment. Larger rigs will
have additional difficulties because the derrick floor will be a considerable height above
the level from which the wireline crew will be working. In addition, concurrent operations
or operations immediately preceding or following wireline work can severely limit deck
space as well as access to the V-door of the rig. The following is a discussion of some of
these difficulties.

Deck Space Limitations

There will be times, especially offshore, where deck space will be at a premium. However,
sufficient space must be found or made to allow 1) safe working conditions, 2) sufficient
space to allow lubricator assembly, and 3) a good location for the wireline unit. It may
actually be necessary to carry the stuffing box and toolstring to the rig floor and assemble
the lubricator stack one joint at a time while hanging from the blocks, although this
situation is not desirable.

Horizontal and Vertical Offset

• In general, the lubricator stack will be lifted through the V-door in the side of the
derrick immediately above the catwalk (if present).
• To prevent bending, and thereby damaging, lubricator stacks made up on the deck,
ground, or catwalk, the rig air hoist or a crane may be required to provide support in
the middle of the stack.

Fall Protection
If rigging up or using any other wireline operation will require any personnel to work
more than 6 ft off of the ground, deck, or rig floor, scaffolding and anti-fall devices are

Multiple Hay Pulleys

To prevent the wireline from being damaged by rubbing on the rig and to ensure that the
wireline makes a 90o angle at the weight indicator, multiple hay pulleys may be required.

A catline is a pulley system present on many rigs that uses rope instead of wire cable.
Loops of the rope are slipped onto a cathead, which is a revolving polished spindle located
on the side of the draw works. As more loops are slipped on, the force due to friction
overcomes that of the load on the hook. Catlines are quick and quite useful for small loads,
although they are notorious for slipping and jerking. For this reason, DO NOT LIFT OR

At times the rig crew has not ensured that the blocks are positioned directly over the
wellhead. This means that when separating the lubricator QUN from the wireline valve
QUN, the connection may be in a bind, causing the lubricator to jump. Extreme caution
should be exercised to prevent personal injury or equipment damage.

Semi-Submersible Rigs or Floating Production Platforms

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.28: Rigging Up the Lubricator Stack

3.0 Procedure
Gin Pole Rig-Up Procedure
1. With the sections of the gin pole collapsed, the butt should be placed on one of the
flanges, preferably as low as possible.
2. Hook the chain around the gin pole and wellhead in two places as shown in Figure 1.
Use the ratchet-type boomer to bind the pole to the wellhead. Do not bind the pole to
the wireline valve.
3. Hook the rope fall into the eye on the top section of the gin pole and carefully
straighten the ropes.
4. Manually raise the top (inner) section and pin in place. Then raise and pin the middle
5. Rotate the gin pole so that the rope fall is positioned over the wellhead.
6. Attach the rope fall to the pick up clamp or the lubricator.
When anticipating heavy jarring or heavy loads, guy lines are recommended. The
location of these lines are shown in Figure 1. The recommended positions have three
3/8-in. chains supporting the lubricator. The three chains should be located 120o apart
with one on the far side (away from the unit). The 3/16 cable should run at about a 4o
angle from the top of the lubricator to a stake on the far side.
7. Pick up the lubricator manually using the rope falls.

Note A pulley and a cathead have been used to pickup the lubricator, but this is not
recommended. If a cathead is used, great care should be taken as the lubricator nears the
top. If the hook becomes jammed against the top block, the gin pole can be bent and/or the
rope broken and the lubricator dropped. In either case, the lubricator stack should be lifted
from a point as close to the wellhead as possible and prevented from swinging. This will
prevent unnecessary side loading on the gin pole.

CAUTION When separating the lubricator QUN from the wireline valve QUN, the lubricator stack
may swing to one side, causing unacceptable side loads on the gin pole.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-69

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.29: Location Pressure Testing

SL 1.29: Location Pressure Testing

1.0 Scope
All wireline lubricator equipment must be tested in the shop. However, pressure testing on
location is recommended and often required. Adherence to all applicable company and/or
governmental regulations is required.

2.0 General Information

During the planning stage, the operator must obtain the tubing pressure, casing pressure,
maximum anticipated surface pressure, and the working pressure of the weakest
component of the wellhead. From these he can determine the required working pressure of
all lubricator equipment. Upon arrival on location, the operator should immediately check
the tubing pressure, casing pressure, and the working pressure rating of the wellhead.

If present, the crown valve (swab valve) should be used to shut in the well. This will
prevent unnecessary wear on the master valve(s). Also, some master valves are designed
to hold pressure only from below. This means the master valve could leak during the
hydrostatic pressure test of the lubricator.

3.0 Procedure
1. Close swab valve.
2. Bleed off and remove tree cap.
3. Install tree connection and wireline valve with the rams open.
4. Assemble lubricator equipment and wireline toolstring.
5. Place lubricator equipment on wireline valve.
6. Rig up hay pulley, and pull wireline toolstring up against the top of the stuffing box.

Recommended Test Procedure

1. Using the bleed off valve or flow tee, slowly fill the lubricator equipment with clean
2. Pressure up to the test pressure and hold for 15 minutes. No leaks are allowable. The
test pressure will normally be the working pressure of the lubricator equipment but
may not be more than the working pressure of the weakest component. If requested,
the test pressure may be limited to the maximum anticipated wellhead pressure or
1,000 psi, whichever is greater.
3. SLOWLY open the swab valve to open the well and count the turns of the handle.

Alternate Procedure 1
This may be used if a test pump is not available.

1. Make sure that the bleed off valve is closed.

2. SLOWLY open the swab valve to equalize the pressure and count the turns of the
handle. Hold for 15 minutes. No leaks are allowable.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-70

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.30: General Wire Running Operations

SL 1.30: General Wire Running Operations

1.0 Scope
This section discusses general wire running operations.

2.0 General Information

These operational procedures for running wire in the hole are common to all slickline
service jobs. The procedures for running wire have been developed over the years to help
eliminate unforeseen problems. Most are common sense-type processes.

3.0 Procedure
Running In
1. A constant speed should be maintained when running through unrestricted sections of
the well, though the optimum running speed will be determined by the dimension of
the toolstring, tubing size, deviation, and fluid content of the well.
2. The tension on the wireline should be monitored at all times with increased caution
and slower speeds while passing through any restricted diameters or completion
assemblies, particularly when passing through the wellhead Christmas tree or surface
test tree and tubing hanger where a speed of not more than 30 ft/min. is required.
3. Running speeds should not exceed 300 ft/min. for standard operations, with maximum
speeds of 250 ft/min. permitted for operations in plastic coated tubing and 120 ft/min.
for operations involving pressure recording or sampling instruments.
4. No personnel shall stand or work within 10 ft of the wireline during running in,
jarring, or pulling out of the hole.
5. During slickline operations, while running in the hole, the wire should be lubricated
with a light oil to reduce friction and stuffing box packing wear.

Note Alternative practice is use of slickline flow tube device to reduce stuffing box

Pulling Weight
Prior to any downhole operations, a pulling weight or pick-up weight must be recorded as
a reference to be compared with a similar pulling weight upon completion of the wireline
operation in order to observe the success of that particular operation.

1. Slowly retrieve the wireline from the well.

2. While pulling up, note the weight on the weight indicator dial and also observe the
pressure on the hydraulic system if using a hydraulic SL service unit.
3. Record the pickup weight and depth in a talley book.
4. A pickup weight should be taken about every 1,000 ft or at much shorter intervals in a
deviated well or one where cork screwed tubing or scale deposits are expected. In
highly deviated wells, a pickup weight may be required every 100 ft or so.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.30: General Wire Running Operations

Jarring is the operation necessary to set, manipulate, and retrieve most wireline tools and

1. Prior to commencing jarring operations, the area should be cleared of all non-essential
2. Jarring down operations are impeded by the density of the well fluid, well pressure,
and the deviation of the well. These facts should be taken into account when selecting
the required weight and diameter of stem to be utilized during the operation.
3. During jarring up operations, tension on the wireline should never exceed 50% of the
breaking strain of the wire when it is new.
4. Careful consideration should be given during this operation to the condition and age
of the wireline, the angle of operation of the weight indicator load cell, and well
conditions as to the maximum permissible line pull during the operation.
5. Ensure that the appropriate correction factor is applied to the indicated load to give the
true loading on the line for all angles other than 90o.
6. If prolonged upward jarring takes place in the retrieval of a plug or other downhole
device after one hour of jarring, it is recommended the toolstring is retrieved from the
well by shearing the pulling tool. Upon returning to surface an appropriate length of
wire should be cut off to alter the wear points across the sheaves and also to re-torsion
test the wireline prior to the continuing of the upward jarring operation to retrieve the
downhole device.
7. During unavoidable continuous heavy jarring operations where the toolstring cannot
be released by conventional methods, and prior to a fishing operation, the following
steps should be taken:
a. Clamp the wireline to allow the slickline to be removed from around the counter-
head measuring wheel.
b. Run the slickline over the top of the measuring wheel, marking it with a piece of
tape at a point where pulleys, guide rollers, etc. will not interfere with the tape.
c. Replace the stuffing box sheave with a hay pulley suspended above the lubricator
sections to enable the bending stress points on the slickline to be altered as
d. When jarring operations are completed, replace the slickline around the stuffing
box sheave and counterhead measuring wheel.
e. After approximately 2 hr of continuous heavy jarring, a decision is to be made to
drop a cutter bar to allow retrieval of the wire.

Pulling Out
1. A constant speed should be maintained when pulling through unrestricted sections of
the well while maintaining a close watch on the wireline tension.
2. Increased caution should be taken while passing through restricted diameters in the
tubing bore, particularly the DHSV, and when re-entering the tubing through the
wireline entry guide.
3. The pulling speed will be determined by the dimensions of the toolstring and tubing
size, deviation of the well, well fluid, and friction through the stuffing box packing.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.30: General Wire Running Operations

4. In dry gas wells, it is recommended to lubricate the slickline through the injection port
on the chemical injection sub or stuffing box.
5. A wireline wiper should be used to remove any remaining well fluids, and the wireline
should be lightly lubricated with oil for protection against corrosion.

Pulling into the Lubricator

Caution should be exercised when retrieving the toolstring into the lubricator. This
operation should be performed at minimal speeds. When the toolstring is approximately
50 ft below the wellhead christmas tree or surface test tree:

1. All personnel should be kept clear of the area when pulling the toolstring up to the
stuffing box.
2. Ensure all the necessary checks on the wellhead valves, particularly the pressure on
the hydraulic master valve to ensure clear passage of the toolstring.
3. If a tool catcher or tool trap is used, ensure that they are ready to accept the toolstring.
4. The winch reel speed should be adjusted to a minimum with the hydraulic bypass
valve to such an extent that should the toolstring and the tree or lubricator the reel will
5. While slowly retrieving the toolstring, a close monitoring of the weight indicator dial
is required with the reel hand brake ready to be applied by the operator.
6. Another member of the wireline crew can also be utilized during this operation to lean
on the wire to feel when the rope socket is at the stuffing box.
7. With the toolstring at the top of the lubricator and with the reel hand brake on the
wireline clamp should applied to clamp the wire until the well is shut in and bled

Note During semi-submersible operations, it is advisable to lower the toolstring

sufficiently to take into account the heave at that time.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-73

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.31: Tool Change Outs and Lubricator Bleed-Off Operations

SL 1.31: Tool Change Outs and Lubricator Bleed-Off

1.0 Scope
During the course of wireline operations, it is sometimes necessary to change out the tools
on the bottom of the toolstring. Accomplishing these change-outs in a timely and safe
manner leads to a successful slickline service operation.

2.0 General Information

During the change-out of tools below the wireline toolstring, it becomes necessary for the
wireline crew members to handle the suspended lubricator and pressure from the wellbore.
Precautions must be made to ensure the safety of personnel while performing these types
of operations. Personal protective equipment must be used, including a hard hat, steel toe
boots, and gloves, when working around an overhead crane or on the well sight. In
addition, ear plugs or protectors shall be used when bleeding of the pressure from the

This procedure assumes that the wire is in the hole and in the process of being pulled in
order to retrieve or change out the tool or piece of equipment on the end of the toolstring.

3.0 Procedure
1. The operator slows down the speed of the wire within 200 ft from service.
2. At approximately 20 to 30 ft from the surface, the operator slows the unit down even
more and requests that the assistant walk the line in to prevent undue stress on the wire
when the rope socket hits the bottom of the stuffing box.

Note There is very little, if any, line stretch at the surface, so it is extremely important
that overpull of the wire at the surface not take place. A sudden overpull, such as running
the toolstring into the stuffing box, may cause the wire to fail or be pulled out of the rope

3. Once the operator is sure all the tools are above the swab valve or after the top of the
toolstring hits the stuffing box, the operator gives the OK to the assistant to shut in the
4. The assistant closes the swab valve, counting the turns it takes to close the valve fully.
Under no circumstances should the assistant try to force the valve closed if the proper
number of turns has not been reached. Notify the operator immediately if an
obstruction is encountered while closing the valve. This may be an indication that
tools or wire are caught across the valve.

Note Forcing the valve closed could ruin the valve and/or cause further problems with
the tools being retrieved.

5. Once the swab valve is closed the required number of turns, the assistant will bleed off
the lubricator via the needle valve in the lower section of lubricator or other prescribed
location. Certain care should be given when bleeding off pressure from the lubricator.
The procedure below should be followed in order to prevent explosive decompression.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.31: Tool Change Outs and Lubricator Bleed-Off Operations

a. Slowly open the needle valve in the lubricator to bleed off pressure, making sure
to face up wind of the flow from the needle valve.
b. Observe the gauge in the secondary needle valve port on the lower section of
lubricator and wait for pressure to reach 1,000 psi. Pressure can be relieved at a
moderate rate before bleeding down to 1,000 psi.
c. Once the pressure has bled down to 1,000, reduce the rate of the bleed off. It is
recommended that the duration of pressure reduction from 1,000 psi to 0 psi be
approximately 5 minutes. This will help prevent the possibility of explosive
decompression that can occur when gases are present. This precaution should be
taken even if pure liquid is present in the lubricator. Gases may still be present in
the liquid.

Note To prevent spillage of wellbore liquids from the lubricator stack, it may be
desirable to first bleed the lubricator stack down the flow line. This is accomplished by
closing the top master valve, opening the swab valve, and then the wing valve on the
wellhead. Once the pressure in the lubricator is equal to the flowline pressure, the wing
valve is closed, followed by the swab valve, and the master valve can be reopened.
Normal bleed-off procedures can then commence.

d. If wellbore liquids are still suspected to be in the lubricator stack, a high pressure
hose may be connected to one of the needle valves on the lubricator to allow the
liquids to be gathered in a container on the ground. This is a two-man operation.
One assistant should control the needle valve and the other assistant/operator
should hold the hose securely at the container to ensure that it does not fly around.
The needle valve should be barely opened to allow liquids to flow into the

CAUTION Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should a closed top container such as an empty 55 gallon
drum be used. These are not designed to take any pressure from the inside and could blow
apart, causing injury if used for this purpose. Using an open-top grounded metal container
is the preferred method to use. Plastic containers have a tendency to hold a static electric
charge especially in dry climates such as the Arctic and desert operations. The static
charge in a plastic bucket has been known to ignite wellbore fluids when used as a bleed-
off container.

6. Disconnect the quick union (QUN) connection at the top of the wireline valve after
pressure is completely bled off the lubricator stack. (This is the working connection.)
7. The crane operator picks up the lubricator high enough for the pin of the QUN
connection to clear the box end of the wireline valve.
8. The assistant holds bottom of lubricator stack out away from the wellhead to allow the
toolstring to fall out of the lubricator stack.

Note All personnel shall stay clear from underneath the lubricator stack when lowering

9. The operator lowers the toolstring to waist-high level to allow removal of tools and
equipment from the bottom of the toolstring.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-75

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.31: Tool Change Outs and Lubricator Bleed-Off Operations

10. The assistant removes and places additional tools as necessary on the bottom of the
11. The operator records tool change in job notes.
12. The assistant positions himself back on the wellhead to hold the lubricator over to
ensure that tools do not hang up when being pulled back into lubricator. The bottom of
the lubricator should be even with the top of the tree.
13. The operator zeroes the depthometer with the bottom of the tools even with the tubing
hanger pins or flange and pulls the tools up into the lubricator.
14. The assistant positions the lubricator QUN pin connection over the WLV QUN box,
keeping hands clear while the lubricator is stabbed.
15. The crane operator lowers the lubricator on top of the WLV once the lubricator is
secured on the wellhead.
16. The assistant makes up the QUN connection by hand and backs off the connection 1/4
17. Check that the needle valve on the lubricator is closed.
18. The assistant cracks open the swab valve and checks for leaks while allowing the
lubricator to fully equalize.
19. If no leaks are detected and the lubricator is fully equalized, then open the valve, fully
keeping track of number of turns to full open.

Note Never stand in front of the wellhead valve when operating. This will help prevent
injury in case the handle/valve core blows off the wellhead during operation.

20. The operator proceeds in the hole with tools once the assistant gives the signal that the
well is open.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-76

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.32: Rigging Down and Securing Well

SL 1.32: Rigging Down and Securing Well

1.0 Scope
As with the rigging up operation and actual job performance, precautions must be made to
ensure personnel safety and prevent damage to property.

2.0 General Information

Rigging down operations are basically the reverse of the rigging up operation and require
basically the same effort. As with these other operations, the same personal safety
equipment is required. These include hard hat, steel toe boots, ear and eye protection, and

Special consideration must be given to the rig-down operation to ensure that all equipment
is accounted for and secured back on the vehicles to prevent damage in transit. Other
considerations should be made to prevent corrosion of equipment while not in use.

3.0 Procedure
1. On the last trip out of the holes consideration should be given for wiping the line and
oiling it properly as it goes back on the drum to prevent corrosion between jobs.
2. Shut in the well, bleed off the lubricator stack, and lower the toolstring.
3. Remove tool from end of toolstring.
4. The operator determines if wire is to be cut and new rope socket tied for the next job
or if existing toolstring and rope socket knot can still be used.

Note If the wire is to be cut, secure both ends of the wire when cutting to ensure that it
doesn't spring back and injure someone. Also, all personnel should be informed that the
wire is going to be cut and to stay clear, especially if the dead end of the wire is pulled
through and out the top of the lubricator. The assistant helps the operator by keeping wire
unraveled as it is spooled back on the unit.

If the decision is made not to cut the wire, then the toolstring will be pulled up into the
lubricator and clamped using a wire clamp that does not slip. The wire will then be slacked
off so it can be removed form the hay pulley. (All personnel should stay away from end of
the lubricator if tools are inside.)

5. Stab the lubricator back on to the wireline valve and secure QUN connection.
6. Disconnect WLV from wellhead connection.
7. Move lubricator over to unit and secure WLV to its holder on the back of unit.
8. Assistants secure hoses in hose reels. This should include securing the weight
indicator hoses and weight indicator in its receptacle at the back of the unit. This also
includes stuffing box hose.
9. Disconnect the lubricator from top of the WLV.
10. Close the WLV rams and fill with oil.
11. Disconnect sections of the lubricator as necessary and secure the remaining lubricator
in the rack on the unit. Wipe down as necessary and place rags in the bottom section to
prevent well fluids from dripping on ground.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.32: Rigging Down and Securing Well

12. Secure crane in crane pedestal and tie down boom.

13. Ensure that all personnel are clear of outriggers and bring them up and secure. Pick up
any outrigger stabilizer boards that may have been used and secure them on the unit or
in the crew truck.
14. Remove the tree connection from the tree, clean or wipe down, and secure on unit,
crew truck, or toolbox.
15. Place the tree cap back on the tree and close the needle valve.
16. Crack the swab valve to test the tree cap for leaks.
17. Place the gauge back in the needle valve on the tree cap, if so equipped.
18. Place the well back on line if shut in. The operator should record the time when the
well was shut in and when it was placed back on line.
19. The operator completes the necessary paper work and generates a job report.
20. The operator performs a gas test.
21. Police location.
22. Remove safety cones and signs and secure on vehicles as necessary for transit.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-78

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.33: H2S Procedures and Precautions

SL 1.33: H2S Procedures and Precautions

1.0 Scope
Prior to rigging up on a well with a potentially hazardous concentration of H2S, certain
safety precautions must be taken to prevent the escape of H2S gas to the atmosphere, and
therefore avoid personal injury. H2S gas is very hazardous to unprotected personnel and
unsuitable equipment. Careful attention to equipment selection and job planning will help
ensure safe and successful completion of the job. Reference Halliburton Policy CPS047
and CPS048.

2.0 General Information

A well with a concentration of more than 20 ppm H2S is potentially hazardous to the crew
and the environment if control is lost for any reason. This concentration of 20 ppm is
equivalent to .002% or 1.17 grains per 100 scf.

Note This concentration of H2S may be at a pressure that is considered sweet service as
far as the equipment is concerned. Make sure that the concentration of H2S is obtained
before rigging up.

The following safety precautions and operating techniques must be employed whenever a
wireline unit is rigged up on a well with a concentration of H2S greater than 20 ppm.
Personal protective equipment required includes a self-contained breathing apparatus
(SCBA) or a mask with supplied air, and H2S (detector tape) for each person on location.
A three-man crew is recommended for an H2S job. Every member of the crew must be
trained and H2S certified. A flanged tree connection must be used.

3.0 Procedure
1. All persons on location must be clean shaven to ensure that the air mask will form a
proper seal against the face.
2. Before arriving at the wellsite, the operator should determine the wind direction.
Approaching the well from upwind, he should stop the crew at a safe distance from the
well. At this point, unless the customer is furnishing an outside safety company and
they have already checked the location for the presence of H2S gas, the operator
should designate someone to approach the well. This person should cautiously
approach the well with an H2S monitoring device while wearing an SCBA.
Only if the concentration of H2S in the air is within allowable limits may rest of the
crew and the unit approach the well. If the H2S concentration exceeds allowable
limits, the crew must be protected before proceeding to the wellsite.
3. The operator will hold a safety meeting with all persons on location in attendance.
Two safe briefing areas shall be chosen and marked. Each member of the crew shall be
briefed on their tasks. Two members of the crew will be assigned to secure the well if
problems develop.
4. Make sure that the location has two wind socks and/or other means of monitoring the
wind direction. These should be placed at the briefing areas and other conspicuous

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.33: H2S Procedures and Precautions

5. Verify that the breathing apparatus is functional and the tanks are properly filled.
Make sure that all persons on location are properly trained in the use of the equipment.
Most locations require valid a H2S pass.

CAUTION Verify once more that all pressure-containing equipment is rated for H2S service.

6. Rig up and pressure test lubricator equipment as usual. While performing wireline
work, pay close attention to personal safety equipment, wind conditions and H2S
monitors. When bleeding down the lubricator, make sure that persons downwind are
properly protected.

4.0 Appendix
Ref. CPS047
Ref. CPS048

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-80

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.34: Hydrate Precautions and Prevention

SL 1.34: Hydrate Precautions and Prevention

1.0 Scope
Hydrate plugs can form inside the production tubing or in the lubricator equipment,
temporarily trapping pressure. There are several methods by which to reduce the
possibility of hydrate formation.

2.0 General Information

During wireline operations, the tubing or lubricator equipment can become plugged with
hydrates. These plugs are often referred to as “ice” plugs, although they are not ice in the
normal sense. Hydrates are complex, snow-like compounds that form from water and light
hydrocarbons, such as natural gas, under certain conditions. It is possible for hydrates to
form at temperatures above 70oF.

Water is present in essentially all wells, either as a vapor or in liquid form. Hydrates can be
formed only from liquid water. However, under conditions of increasing pressure and
decreasing temperature, the dew point is reached and the water vapor condenses into
liquid form. At that point, hydrate formation may take place. A chart in the Appendix
shows the conditions under which the formation of hydrates can be expected. The well
does not have to be flowing for hydrates to form. If a well is shut in overnight, the pressure
can increase and the temperature can drop to a point at which hydrates may form.

3.0 Procedure
The most likely locations for hydrate plugs to form are in the lubricator stack. Especially
on a high pressure gas well, the needle valve becomes quite cold while bleeding down the
lubricator. This may cause a hydrate plug to form. This can lead someone to believe that
all of the pressure has been bled off the lubricator when pressure is still trapped inside.
This potentially dangerous situation can fool even the most experienced personnel. Often,
this plug can be dislodged by closing the needle valve completely and then reopening it.
However, this procedure is not completely effective.

CAUTION Do not use a pipe wrench to loosen the QUN connection. If the connection is not hand
tight, this may indicate that there is pressure inside.

Another common location for a hydrate plug to form is in the stuffing box due to a leaking
packing nut. The plug thus formed can be severe enough to prevent the wire from moving.
In most cases, this will cause no inconvenience other than having to wait for the plug to
melt. However, if this occurs when the toolstring is almost out of the hole, the operator
may believe that he has tagged the stuffing box. He may then signal for the crown valve to
be closed, cutting the wire. The use of a chemical injection sub immediately below the
stuffing box with freezing point depressants such as glycol may eliminate this problem.

Through experience of careful planning, the occurrence of hydrate plugs can be

anticipated and minimized. There are several methods by which the possibility of hydrate
formation can be reduced.

1. If the well is killed and the gas circulated out of the well, hydrate formation is virtually

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.34: Hydrate Precautions and Prevention

2. Where possible, salt water or some other type of brine should be used instead of fresh
water. The presence of sodium and chloride or other ions inhibits the formation of
3. The most common methods of reducing the possibility of hydrate formation involve
the use of freezing point depressants. These can be used in a chemical injection sub or
pumped into the well through the pump in tee. The most commonly used chemicals
are methanol (wood alcohol) and glycol. The effects of methanol and glycol on the
freezing point of fresh water can be seen in the chart in the appendix. Although
methanol is slightly more effective as a freezing point depressant, the use of glycol is
recommended. Methanol is highly flammable, with a flash point of 54oF. Glycol is
considerably more stable, requiring temperatures reaching 232oF before catching fire.

CAUTION Do not bleed off pressure above a hydrate plug. If the plug comes loose, the toolstring may
hit the stuffing box with enough force to cause catastrophic failure.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.34: Hydrate Precautions and Prevention

4.0 Appendix

Table 4.0 - 1:


Methanol Freezing Glycol Freezing
% by Volume Point % by Volume Point
0% 32° F 0% 32° F
0.1% 31.92° 0.1% 31.94°
0.5% 31.6° 0.5% 31.7°
1.0% 31.2° 1.0% 31.4°
5.0% 27.8° 5.0% 28.8°
10.0% 22.9° 10.0% 25.1°

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-83

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.35: Lubricator Auto-Ignition Precautions and Prevention

SL 1.35: Lubricator Auto-Ignition Precautions and

1.0 Scope
It is possible for a mixture of air and natural gas or diesel to ignite inside the lubricator
while pressure testing or when opening up the well. This potentially dangerous occurrence
should be prevented if possible.

2.0 General Information

There has been more than one occurrence of an explosion taking place inside wireline
lubricator equipment. All of these incidents had several factors in common. In each case,
the lubricator had just been placed on the wellhead and the lubricator stack had not been
purged of air. The lubricator was being pressured up with diesel oil or well pressure which
compressed the air already present. Apparently, the mixture of air and gas or diesel fumes
happened to be in the proper proportions to explode when compressed. The explosion
caused the wire to part and the stuffing box packing to melt. While none of the explosions
were violent enough to damage the lubricator equipment, they were sufficiently alarming
to cause a change in operating procedures. Where these changes were made, no further
occurrences of lubricator auto-ignition have taken place.

3.0 Procedure
The following procedures should help in preventing further occurrences of lubricator auto-

1. The use of a purge valve and filling the lubricator with salt water should prevent the
air from being compressed or mixing with a flammable substance.
2. If the use of water is not permitted, the use of a purge valve should still prevent the
compression of the air to a dangerous point.
3. If a purge valve is not available, slightly opening the well while leaving the bleed-off
valve open for a few moments has proven effective in purging much of the air from
the lubricator stack and preventing auto-ignition. However, this procedure is not
considered normal practice and may not be permitted because of safety or
environmental considerations.
Open the crown valve slowly if auto-ignition occurs and the wire parts, the valve can be
re-closed, the pressure bled off, and the toolstring recovered. Following such an
occurrence, procedures should be carefully reviewed before resuming wireline operations.

Note It is strongly recommended that diesel should not be used as a test medium. If a
leak path develops, expelled fluid could be vaporized under pressure in the atmosphere,
thereby providing a highly volatile source for ignition.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-84

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.36: Best Practice for Braided Line Operations

SL 1.36: Best Practice for Braided Line Operations

1.0 Scope
This section is the best practice for braided line operations.

2.0 General Information

Successful operations with braided line require attention to special techniques along with
proper equipment selection. Braided line is available in several grades, alloys, and sizes.
The Dyform or Dycam variant, offering increased breaking strength, is also available.

Note Brushing the wire removes the small metal flake (mill coating) that coats the wire
when being manufactured. This will aid in the prevention of the metal flakes forming
within the grease seal control head and forming a bridge which could possibly cause a

3.0 Procedure

Spooling New Wire

1. When spooling on new wire, have the line installer brush the wire and have the wire
2. Inhibiting the wire with chemicals will aid in prevention of corrosion.

Running New Wire

Note The first run in the well is very important to the life of the line.

1. On the initial runs the line should be run in at low speeds (200 ft/min or less).

Note This will allow the line to rotate and release any torque that is introduced during
manufacture and installation.

2. During the first run it is recommended that the line be stopped and allowed to rotate at
intervals of 2,000 ft. This should be done while running into and out of the well.
3. The largest ID flow tubes that allow a proper seal should be used in order to avoid
milking the line.

Note Milking the line is the actual squeezing of the line with either flow tubes that are
too tight or excessive pressure applied to the packoff rubber.

4. The packoff should never be engaged on a moving line.

Note Packing off on a moving line is detrimental to the life of the line and can also
cause operational problems such as bird nesting and stranding.

5. If you must apply pressure to the packoff when pulling out of the hole, use the bare
minimum pressure.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.36: Best Practice for Braided Line Operations

6. During the break in period of approximately 20 runs we recommend the use of large
flow tubes, used packoff rubbers and slow line speeds.

Note These procedures allow the line to season in a normalized state.

7. Another important consideration is tension. The tension or weight on the line going
into a well and coming out of the well should be as equal as possible.
8. Going from low tension to high tension will loosen the outer armor and tighten the
inner armor. This condition can lead to inner armor breaks and failure of the line.
9. The suggested working tension is 50% of the breaking strength of the cable. When this
50% is exceeded there is a possibility of damage to the cable.

Grease/Oil Injection Control Head

Note Remember, braided lines cannot tolerate being squeezed.

1. This assembly uses grease or oil to fill the spaces between line strands and layers,
which cannot be packed off in a more direct conventional manner such as solid

Note GOM operations utilize Liquid O Ring 776, manufactured by Oil Center
Research. This wireline lubricant has a viscosity of 24 and is inhibited against the
corrosive effects of acids, caustics, salt water and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and carbon
dioxide (CO2).

2. For completely successful operation, the flow tube must fit close to the actual average
outside diameter of the particular wire being used.
3. The wire should be calipered (at several 100 ft intervals), and an average size
4. The flow tube should fit the line closely, never being more than .010 in. greater
(including wear) than the actual diameter of the wire for all lines of 1/4 in. diameter
and smaller.
5. Slightly more clearance is permissible for lines of 5/16 in. nominal size and larger;
approximately .014 in. being the maximum.

Note If at all possible, when using new braided line and well pressure is not a factor,
install the largest flow tubes possible.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.36: Best Practice for Braided Line Operations

General Guidelines for Determining Number of Flow Tubes to be Run

Pressure Fluid Type No. of Tubes

0 – 5K liquid/gas 3

5 – 10K liquid 3-4

5 – 10K gas 4-5

10 – 15K liquid/gas 5-6

Stem Weight vs. Pressure Chart Table

1. To determine the required amount of toolstring weight needed to overcome well
pressure and pull the wire into wellbore, refer to SL 4.38 of the Slickline Operation

Rigging Up and Testing Assembly

1. Thread wire through control head and attach to rope socket.
2. Secure all hoses to lubricator riser to prevent excessive hose weight from hanging on
control head hose connections.
3. Pressure test all hose connections prior to raising lubricator assembly by closing
needle valve on injection port of control head.
4. When working with above 10K psi, a second grease injection line should be used.
5. Secure grease return line in waste recovery barrel with chains or other sturdy type
6. Once lubricator stack is attached to wellhead and prior to pressure testing, apply
hydraulic pressure to the control head packing nut assembly.
7. Apply grease/oil pressure to flow tubes 1000 to 2000 psi above wellhead/test pressure
and maintain the pressure at all times while running in or out of the well.
8. After lubricator stack is tested and wellhead valves are open, slowly bled pressure
from control head packing nut, allowing the wire to descend into the well.
9. Proceed slowly at first to assure that grease/oil volume is being supplied in sufficient
quantity to control head.
10. During operation, the valve at the lower end of the return hose is kept opened and the
nozzle inserted into a waste recovery barrel.
11. If well fluid is observed coming from the packing nut drains, slight hydraulic pressure
should be applied to the packing nut to prevent seepage.

Note If running in hole more than 300 ft/min, there is a likely chance of losing the
grease seal around wire.

Loss of Grease/Oil Seal

1. Stop braided wire movement.
2. Pack off with hydraulic packing nut.
3. Close grease return line.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.36: Best Practice for Braided Line Operations

4. Increase pressure from grease injection unit as needed to regain seal.

5. Slowly open grease return line to waste recovery barrel.
6. Release pressure on hydraulic packing nut.
7. Continue operations.

Stranded / Broken Wire Below Grease Control Head

1. Stop wire movement, note tension.
2. Pack off with hydraulic packing nut.
3. Close dual wireline valve.
4. Inject grease/oil between rams on wireline valve, 1.2 times well pressure and
5. Bleed off pressure on lubricator through needle valve.
6. After pressure has been bled off and monitored for leakage, release pressure from
hydraulic packing nut.
7. Break quick union above wireline valve and slowly raise lubricator 3 - 4 ft, being
careful not to pull wire through rams.
8. Install T-Clamp on line and tie off so it does not fall over when wire is slacked off.
9. Slowly spool off wire and pull through the bottom of lubricator until stranded section
comes out the bottom. Slack wire should be placed away from work area and keep all
personnel away from the slack wire.
10. After cutting all bad wire, make final cut at an angle and slightly bend wire to seat
back in place.
11. Smooth broken wire ends with a file.
12. Spool in wire on drum slowly to previously noted tension.
13. Remove T-Clamp, lower lubricator into wireline valve and make up quick union.
14. Apply pressure to hydraulic packing nut.
15. Apply grease/oil pressure to control head, 1000 to 2000psi above well pressure.
16. Reduce pressure to 0 psi from between rams.
17. Equalize pressure in lubricator and well, open wireline valve rams.
18. POOH slowly until bad spot clears control head and is pulled back onto drum.

If Wire Is So Badly Damaged That Cutting The Wire Is Required

1. Perform steps 1 through 8 above.
2. Cut wire with as much slack as possible above the wireline valve. Must have enough
good wire to thread through two sections of lubricator and grease control head and tie
knot above control head.
3. Lower lubricator stack and remove grease control head.
4. Back thread wire through two sections of lubricator (if possible) and grease head and
tie square knot. Tape down loose ends on either side of knot.
5. Pick up lubricator stack and grease head, position above wire clamp.
6. Perform steps 12 through 17 above.
7. Spool at least 4 wraps of wire onto unit, repeat steps 1 through 8 above.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.36: Best Practice for Braided Line Operations

8. Spool wire off unit to knot, cut out any bad wire.
9. Lay down lubricator stack.
10. Pull wire out of grease control head.
11. Make up original full lubricator stack.
12. Back thread wire back through lubricator and grease control head and sheaves. Knot
must be between bottom sheave and unit.
13. Tie square knot in wire, tape down loose ends on either side of the knot, pick up
lubricator stack and grease control head, position above wire clamp, tighten knot and
pull back to tension noted earlier.
14. Release T-Clamp, lower lubricator and make up to wireline valve.
15. Apply hydraulic pressure to packing nut, apply grease/oil pressure to control head,
bleed pressure form between rams, equalize lubricator stack and well, open rams,
release pressure from packing nut.
16. POOH.

Additional Information on Braided Line Operations can be obtained in the Slickline

Operations Manual:

4.0 Appendix
SL 1.18 Pack-Offs and Grease Injection Heads
SL 1.19 Chemical and Grease Injection Systems
SL 4.5 Braided Line Information
SL 4.22 Braided Line / E-line Grease Head

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-89

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.37: Best Practice for Monoconductor Cable Operations

SL 1.37: Best Practice for Monoconductor Cable

1.0 Scope
This section is the best practice for Slickline operations utilizing monoconductor electro-
mechanical cables. This document is not intended to address all the technical factors that
need to be considered for successful operations. Special considerations pertinent to
operation by Slickline PSL operations are addressed. Slickline operators should be aware
of the critical differences between Slickline wire and conductor line.

For a more in-depth overview of electromechanical cables, it is recommended that a

technical manual produced by the cable manufacturers, such as Camesa, be studied:

2.0 General Information

Some Surface Read Out service operations performed within the Slickline PSL may be
conducted with tools and sensors deployed on monoconductor Electro-Mechanical cables.
Slickline is a mechanical service using tools and techniques developed for transmitting
mechanical energy by moving the wire. The construction of Monoconductor cables differs
significantly from conventional slickline wires and most braided line cables. The different
physical properties dictate a change in operating techniques from conventional slickline

A monoconductor cable is a heterogeneous composite of multiple high tensile metal

strands (for mechanical strength), conductive non-ferrous metallic strands (for electrical
conductivity), and non-metallic materials (for electrical insulation). The arrangement of
these components determines the physical properties of the cable. It is important to realize
that the tensile forces may not be distributed equally into the discrete strands if the cross
sectional geometry is allowed to deteriorate.

The mechanical strands are usually configured in two layers wound in a helical pattern in
opposite directions. Helical winding results in a natural tendency to rotate. The
arrangement of the contra-helical strands for a particular cable is optimized to minimize
the amount of rotation that the aggregate cable will produce when an axial tension is
applied. Another effect of tensile loading and the compliant core is that the shape of the
cross section may change. The diameter may contract and the roundness may be
compromised. It is important to maintain the original shape of the cable. Any out-of-
roundness condition may reduce the load capacity.

Electro-mechanical cables must be “seasoned” by repeated spooling of the cable under the
appropriate tension profile. The repetitive manipulation allows the individual strands to
equalize internally so that the tension force is distributed properly between the inner and
outer armor layers. Seasoning can be done at the job site as long as uniform tension profile
can be maintained. After initial spooling, care should be taken to make sure the stuffing
box elements (or flow tube bushings) are not too tight. The cable may not reach
dimensional equilibrium until it is seasoned.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.37: Best Practice for Monoconductor Cable Operations

Monoconductor cable should never be exposed to more than 50% of the tensile breaking
load. Pulls exceeding that limit may result in “drum crush” damage where the compliant
core may affect the shape causing the load carrying distribution of the strands to be
affected. This effect is more pronounced under high load conditions when sheaves are not
large enough, sheaves do not have the proper groove radius, or the wraps on the reel are
not smooth enough.

Installation of new cable should be conducted by an approved spooling service company

using appropriate tensioning control devices. The tension profile recommended by
Camesa should be maintained.

Using 7/32 cable for example, the first layer should be 400 lb, second layer 600 lb, third
layer 850 lb, then subsequent layers are to be decreased by 100 lb for each 1,000 ft. Do not
go below 200 to 300 lb.

These values need to be increased for deep wells. Consult the wire manufacturer or the
spooling service company for recommendations.

Refer to bulletin OEB-2003/031.

It is important to maintain consistent spooling tension.

To avoid cable problems resulting from cable torque, the tension at any given depth should
never be less than 1/2 of the tension going into the hole at that same depth coming out of
the hole. When the tension drops to 1/3, there is loss of contact between the inner and
outer armor layers. In this condition, the cable can accumulate wellbore material between
the armor layers, develop “high wires,” or “bird caging” of the armor can occur.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.37: Best Practice for Monoconductor Cable Operations

Example of RIH and POOH Tension profile that may be encountered in a typical deviated
well. In these instances, Cerberus software should be used to predict the tension
differential and be aware of the effect on the integrity of the cable.

This condition is common when the toolstring is deployed in deviated wells. Downhole
friction and wellbore geometry cause the “run-in-hole” (RIH) tension signature to be
much less than the “pull-out-of-hole” (POOH) tension signature. We recommend use of
the Cerberus software to simulate the expected job plan using realistic well parameters on
any well with deviations greater than 35° inclination. To comply with the 1/2 tension
excursion limitation, it may be necessary to deviate from the spooling recommendations
described above.

Note Deploying tools at high speed exaggerates the friction effect and may cause the
cable to lose its load carrying integrity.

WARNING Never allow the cable to go slack.

A properly sized weak point must be used, even on vertical wells. Use the weak point
calculator program or Cerberus software to ensure the correct weak point
selection value. The weak point calculator can be found at:

WARNING Do not conduct jarring operations when using monoconductor cable.

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Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.37: Best Practice for Monoconductor Cable Operations

3.0 Procedure
• Ensure that cable is smooth wrapped at the proper pre-load profile when spooled
on the reel. Spooling of the cable may require appropriate machinery and
techniques available from specialty spooling contractors.
• Conduct pre-job planning after gathering well conditions and parameters to
determine the expected tension profile. Ensure that the RIH tension signature is
not less than 1/2 the POOH tension profile. Cerberus is a good simulation
program to predict job tension.
• Size the weak point properly. Either the HES weak point calculator program or
Cerberus program can be used to determine the appropriate value.
• Make sure that all sheaves are of the approved size and that the groove profile
matches the wire cross section. Note: The AMS two-wheel counter is designed for
slickline wire and has a flat bottom groove. Operating at high tension values with
the AMS counter may damage the cable.
• Do not allow the wire to go slack at any time during the job. Damage from over-
running or sudden release of tension may cause:
– Bird caging
– General loosening of armor wire
– Kinking
– Conductor fatigue
– Possible insulation failure
• Make sure the wire is seasoned. When the cable is first put into use at the wellsite,
it experiences changes in length, diameter, and torque condition. The goal is for
the cable to become properly “normalized” for the typical well conditions in
which it operates. The changes in length, diameter, and torque are interrelated, and
are primarily a function of the cable's operating tension.
• Never pull more than 50% of the breaking strength. Note: A one time overpull up
to 60% may be necessary to overcome the weak point setting.
• Ensure that the stuffing box or grease head is adjusted properly. Avoid applying
too much compression. The improper use of pressure control equipment can
easily damage a new cable during the seasoning process. The grease injection
head, hydraulic packoff, pressure type wireline fluid applicator, and any similar
device can cause forced rotation and “milking” of the outer armor strands. The
closer the fit of the grease head flow tubes to the cable, the greater the wellhead
pressure, and the greater the compression from the rubber element in the hydraulic
packoff are all factors that increase the tendency for forced rotation and milking of
the armor wires. It is important to never use new packoff rubbers with a new
cable. It is preferable to not use the packoff when moving uphole, and if it is used,
it should only wipe the line lightly. Tension increase when the packoff is applied
while moving uphole should not be more than 50 or 100 lb. The packoff should
then be monitored on the way out of the well and reduced as much as possible.
• If expected operating conditions may exceed the 50% tensile limit, comply with
the recommendations and requirements stated in Bulletin OEB-2003/031.

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-93

Slickline Operations Manual SL 1.37: Best Practice for Monoconductor Cable Operations

4.0 Appendix
Link to Camesa technical manual

Link to OEB-2003/031

Link to OEB-2003/011

Link to L&P Fishing Catalog

February 15, 2013 Halliburton Company (Dallas, Texas) 1-94

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