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Dehumidification for Indoor Swimming Pools

SWIMPOOL Bulletin # 006/2005

Supersedes bulletin # 006/2000

This manual has been prepared to assist the

mechanical engineer in the design and selection of Table of Contents
the mechanical systems for enclosed swimming pools.
SwimPool, the answer / Nomenclature .............. 2,3
Complete performance data on SKM SwimPool units
is provided along with fan and electrical data, model Standard Features .............................................. 3
information and design guidelines. Options ............................................................... 5
Specifications ...................................................... 6
For further assistance, your SKM representative will
be happy to provide you with computerized equipment Electrical Data ..................................................... 7
selections. Typical Wiring Diagram ...................................... 8
Fan Data ............................................................. 9
Weights ............................................................... 9
Dimensional Data ............................................... 10
Pool Design Guidelines ...................................... 11
Typical SwimPool Installation ............................ 14
Data Input Sheet ................................................ 15
Built in the Gulf ... for the world SwimPool Guide Specifications ......................... #

SPA 80 2 6 X

No. of rows of
Model Code dehumidification coil
No. of Ref. Circuits

Power Supply Code

SP - SwimPool Basic Unit w/out remote condenser Y : 380V-415V/3Ph/50Hz ; P :440V/3Ph/50Hz
SPA - SwimPool with auxiliary air cooled condenser R : 380V/3Ph/60Hz ; E : 460V-480V/3Ph/60Hz
SPW - SwimPool with auxiliary water cooled condenser T : 220-230V/3Ph/60Hz

heat, that is also transferred into the evaporating

SwimPool Is The Answer refrigerant. On a well designed system, the latent heat
will be approximately the same as sensible heat. When
SwimPool has been developed for indoor swimming pool the refrigerant leaves the dehumidification coil, it is
dehumidification with an eye towards controlling costs, completely evaporated into a vapor and drawn into the
both in terms of minimizing energy usage and preventing compressor.
future building maintenance problems. The SwimPool
concept combines the principles of mechanical The compressor raises the temperature and pressure of
dehumidification and the heat pump, substantially the refrigerant vapor. The energy required to do this is
reducing energy costs. Its main duty will be to dehumidify transferred into the refrigerant vapor and is called
and reclaim that very large amount of latent heat that compressor heat. The refrigerant now contains sensible
normally would be wasted. Because the mechanical and latent heat from the air and the compressor heat. This
dehumidification equipment is basically a specialized combination called the total heat of rejection, is available
airconditioner, it is possible to cool the space for a modest for pool use.
cost increase.SKM builds everything in one package,
providing an economical method for controlling the pool The high pressure refrigerant then passes to the reheat
environment. condenser where it is condensed. The air leaving the
dehumidification coil is cold and nearly saturated. It must
The basic operating principle of the SwimPool is simple. be heated to atleast the pool air temperature or it will cool
Air is drawn from the pool enclosure through the the pool air. As the air passes through the reheat
dehumidification coil where moisture and heat are condenser where it receives heat from the condensing
removed. Condensing the moisture on the coil releases refrigerant, all of the sensible heat released from the air
the same amount of heat that was required to evaporate it in the dehumidification process must be returned to the
from the pool surface. This heat is called latent heat and air by the reheat condenser. This brings the air back up to
is transferred into the evaporating refrigerant. The air which the pool air temperature.
cools during this process releases heat called sensible

Page 2


After satisfying air pool temperature, the refrigerant is

switched to the pool water heat exchanger by a refrigerant Standard Features
diverting valve. Here, heat is transferred back into the pool
water. The heat required by the pool is equal to the latent Cabinet
heat removed from the air by the dehumidification coil.
The SwimPool cabinet is, as standard, double walled
The inexpensive addition of an auxiliary heat rejection
sandwiched type construction made from heavy gauge
condenser and a 3-way diverting valve enables SKM's
hot dip galvanized steel inner & outer skins. The outer
SwimPool to completely control the swimming pool
skin is made of zinc coated galvanized steel sheets
environment on a year round basis. If the pool air and
conforming to JIS - G 3302 and ASTM A653 which is
water require no heating and the space is still in need of
phosphatized and then baked with electrostatic powder
dehumidification, the hot gas will be switched to the air
coat of approximately 60 microns. The finish and coating
cooled condenser and the heat will be rejected to the
can pass a 1000 hour in 5% salt spray testing at 95°F
(35°C) and 95% relative humidity as per ASTM B 117-95.
SwimPool, in this simple yet effective manner, is the
Hot dip galvanized inner skin is coated with baked
answer to the challenge of indoor swimming pool
electrostatic powder coating to provide resistance against
environmental control.
corrosive chlorinated water environments prevalent in
swimming pools. All cold bridges are prevented by proper
SKM offers SwimPool in an air-cooled version with remote
sealing and insulation between inner and outer skins.
or built-in condenser. Available in various sizes with
nominal capacities ranging from 30 to 248 lb/hr [13.6 to
113 kg/hr] of dehumidification capacity, 50 & 60 Hz power Compressors
supply. Larger units can be custom designed for special
applications. Compressors used in SwimPool are fully accessible,
semi-hermetic, reciprocating type. They are equipped with
SKM SwimPool packaged swimming pool environmental an oil sight glass, suction and discharge service valves
control units have been designed from the ground up to and crankcase heater.
meet the demanding conditions of the swimming pool
environment. All features required to control and withstand All compressors are refrigerant gas cooled and equipped
the swimming pool environment are standard in the with an oil pressure lubrication system. The oil pump
SwimPool design. Materials, components and finishes working in either direction is protected by an oil screen
have been selected to provide many years of reliable and a valve provided for the fitting of an oil pressure gauge.
service. Many optional features are also available for the
engineer and architect designing a pool to satisfy the needs For protection, all compressors are fitted with preset
of their client.

Page 3

internal relief valve between suction and discharge sides. The heat transfer coil has the same quality construction as
The compressors are provided with vibration isolator the indoor heat transfer coils, but without coat.
springs under the compressor and therefore external to
SwimPool, AVM's may be necessary only for critical Protective coating can be provided on request. This
applications. condenser may be built in, as part of the unit or may be
remote to the unit.
The compressor motors have inherent thermal protection.
This is in addition to other standard safety and protection
controls. Compressors conform to DIN standards. SKM Fan Assembly
SwimPool uses the Copeland Discuss ® series high
efficiency compressors exclusively. The supply fan is an efficient, heavy duty forward /
backward curved fan wheel made of heavy gauge
Pool Water Heat Exchanger galvanized steel, coated with polyglycoat as protection
against chlorine corrosion. The wheel is mounted on a
turned, ground and polished solid steel shaft with self
SKM SwimPool unit is equipped with copper-nickel shell
aligning, lubricated for life ball bearings.
& tubes pool water heat exchanger sized to transfer the
full compressor heat of rejection to the swimming pool
The fan and motor assembly are mounted onto a welded
water.These heat exchangers are designed and
structural steel base which is isolated from the unit base
manufactured to SKM's specifications for swimming pool
with anti vibration mounts.The fan discharge is connected
to the duct connector through a reinforced canvas flexible
connection which eliminates air leakage and prevents
They are designed to give low water and refrigerant side
vibration transmission to the unit base.
pressure drops while maintaining high heat transfer
efficiency. The inlet of each pool water heat exchanger is
The fan motor is IP55 protected with sealed and
monitored by a flow switch and pool water sensor. These
permanently lubricated bearings and fitted with an
interface with SwimPool's automatic control system.
adjustable Vee - belt sheave.
Specify option : PWHE

Heat Transfer Coils

Refrigeration Piping
Coils are manufactured from seamless copper tubes
The refrigeration circuit piping is fabricated from ACR
mechanically bonded to Pre-Coated aluminium fins to
grade copper piping. Each refrigeration circuit includes
ensure optimum heat transfer. Coils are hydraulically
removable core filter drier, liquid line solenoid valve,
tested in water bed, dip cleaned and spray coated with
thermostatic expansion valve, shut off valve, sight glass,
protective coating to resist corrosive chlorinated swimming
suction vibration eliminator, discharge vibration eliminator,
pool environments. The cross wave fins and staggered
3 nos check valves, 2 nos heat reclaim valves, 3/8''
tube design uses the surface effectively by creating
solenoid valve and hot gas muffler. After fabrication, the
uniform air turbulence and optimum heat transfer over
refrigeration circuit suction line is insulated with 1/2''
the entire finned surface.
(13mm) wall thickness closed cell pipe insulation.
The dehumidification coil is equipped with a manually
adjusted bypass damper. This allows the proper evaporator Air Filters
air flow to be adjusted for various system air flow
requirements. The coil air flow must be set to the design Two inch thick cleanable aluminium filters average rated
value to achieve the maximum dehumidification effect.The at 75% dust arrestance efficiency as per ASHRAE
system air flow can be adjusted with the supply fan pulley Standard 52-76 are supplied.The filters are installed in a
to meet the site air flow requirements. flat rack assembled from a 16 gauge galvanized steel
Dehumidification coils are rated in acordance with ARI - holding frame. Two inch thick disposable / pleated filters
410/91. are available as an option.

Auxiliary Air-Cooled Condenser Base Frame

SPA models are equipped with an auxiliary air-cooled The steel channel base is shot blasted before application
condenser section to reject compressor heat to the of primer and a minimum of one coat of rust preventing
outside air when necessary. A three way valve diverts the black enamel. The whole structure comes complete with
hot refrigerant from the reheat air or pool water heat lifting holes for ease of rigging.
exchanger to the auxiliary condenser. The auxiliary air
cooled condenser section consists of a finned tube heat
transfer coil(s) with a direct drive propeller type fan(s).

Page 4

Ventilation Heating Section

An air inlet damper with single detection grill and air filter, A variety of optional heating sections can be added to
and manually adjustable damper is supplied to provide the SwimPool unit to provide supplemental heat. These
ventilation air into the pool enclosure. heating options include :
• electric resistance heating (Option Code : ERH)
To provide pressure relief for the pool area, an exhaust • hot water heating (Option Code : HWH)
fan is supplied. A gravity type barometric relief damper (Consult SKM for requirement)
and bird screen is mounted to the discharge of the fan.

Other Optional Features

Standard Controls
Many other optional features are available for SKM
All SKM SwimPool units come factory installed with all SwimPool units, including :
required safety and operational controls.
• copper fins for heat transfer coils (FC)
• powder coated or anodized aluminium airofoil
Options Available dampers (CAFD or AAFD)
• pressure gauges (SDG) for :
- compressor discharge pressure
- compressor suction pressure, and
SKM SwimPool units can be equipped with de- - compressor oil pressure
superheaters to heat domestic hot water for whirlpools / • Rainhood for outdoor applications (ARH)
• section lights with on/off switches (BLF)
• extended lubrication fitting (LFE)
Spectator Ventilation Cycle
If you do not see what you need, contact your SKM
Is a low cost energy saving feature available on all SKM representative. SKM has the ability to customize any
SwimPool dehumidifiers. Pools designed for athletic SwimPool unit to your exact specifications.
competition often have seating capacity for several
hundred spectators. Local building codes and good
engineering practices require that outside air be brought
in to provide ventilation for spectators. Often the fresh air
requirement for spectators is several times that needed
for the pool.

Typically, the number of hours that spectators are present

in the pool is small (usually less than 1% of the year). It
makes sense to reduce the ventilation rate when
spectators are not present and increase the rate when
they are. SKM's spectator ventilation cycle package gives
you the equipment to do just that. Specify option : SPC

Unoccupied Period Setback

Another energy saving option available from SKM is the
unoccupied period setback control which sets the
ventilation rate at zero during unoccupied periods. This
control can be interfaced to either the building energy
management system or the seven day time clock
supplied with the customized remote monitoring panel.
Specify option : UPS

Page 5

S wimP ool Mode l 15 16 2 0 16 3 0 16 4 0 16 4 5 16 6026 7026 7526 8026 9026
ft 2 700 900 1,400 2,000 2,400 2,900 3,600 3,800 4,000 4,700
* P ool Are a (Approxima te )
m 2 65 84 130 186 223 269 334 353 372 437
MBh 122.9 163.5 235.7 349.8 407.1 478.0 568.7 633.5 697.0 803.5
Tota l Ca pa c ity
KW 36.0 47.9 69.1 102.5 119.3 140.1 166.7 185.7 204.3 235.5
MBh 85.6 114.7 164.8 243.7 283.2 332.3 385.2 435.7 486.2 562.0
S e nsible Ca pa c ity
KW 25.1 33.6 48.3 71.4 83.0 97.4 112.9 127.7 142.5 164.7
lb/hr 31.4 41.0 59.7 89.2 103.6 123.2 153.6 167.0 173.7 200.6
De humidific a tion Ca pa
Kg/hr 14.3 18.6 27.1 40.5 47.1 56.0 69.8 75.9 79.0 91.2
P e rforma n Compre ssor P owe r Inpu KW 11.6 15.8 22.6 34.2 41.1 44.6 55.6 62.8 68.5 83.1
c e (1) MBh 135.5 181.5 260.4 387.0 448.9 528.4 628.1 699.6 770.9 885.5
Tota l Ca pa c ity
KW 39.7 53.2 76.3 113.4 131.6 154.9 184.1 205.1 226.0 259.5
MBh 90.5 121.6 174.4 258.2 299.5 352.1 409.0 461.7 515.0 593.8
S e nsible Ca pa c ity
KW 26.5 35.6 51.1 75.7 87.8 103.2 119.9 135.3 150.9 174.0
lb/hr 38.1 50.8 72.1 109.7 127.4 154.8 189.3 202.7 215.0 248.6
De humidific a tion Ca pa
Kg/hr 17.3 23.1 32.8 49.9 57.9 70.3 86.0 92.1 97.7 113.0
Compre ssor P owe r Inpu KW 13.8 18.6 26.8 40.4 48.5 52.7 65.4 73.9 80.9 102.1
D10 D15 D25 D35 D40 D25 D25 D25 D35 D40
Code -
Compre ss - - - - - D25 D35 D40 D35 D40
or S e c tion Numbe r of Re frige ra nt Circ ui # 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
Ca pa c ity S te ps - 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4
ft² 6.3 8.4 12.1 18.0 20.6 24.8 27.5 30.8 35.5 40.3
De humidific a tion Coil Are a
m 2 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.7 1.9 2.3 2.6 2.9 3.3 3.7
Eva pora to
Fa n Code - 315 315 400 500 500 560 630 630 710 710
r S e c tion
Fa n Motor S iz e KW 3.0 4.0 5.5 7.5 7.5 11.0 11.0 11.0 15.0 15.0
(2 )
cfm 3120 4210 6030 8870 10300 12060 13520 15630 17740 20600
Nomina l Air Flow
l/s 1472 1987 2846 4186 4861 5691 6380 7376 8372 9721
Exha ust Fa n Code - 10 10 12 15 15 18 18 18 18 18
Fa n Fa n Motor S iz e KW 1.1 1.1 1.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.5 5.5
S e c tion cfm 1500 2000 3000 4500 5000 6000 6500 8000 9000 10000
Ma ximum Air Flow Ra te
(3 ) l/s 708 944 1416 2124 2360 2831 3067 3775 4247 4719
Re he a t ft² 8.9 11.3 16.9 24.4 27.5 32.1 35.8 40.1 46.3 52.5
Conde nse r Coil Are a
Conde nse m 2 0.8 1.0 1.6 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.3 4.9
ft² 12.2 19.4 24.4 36.7 53.3 64.0 64.0 72.0 72.0 96.0
Coil Are a
m 2 1.1 1.8 2.3 3.4 5.0 5.9 5.9 6.7 6.7 8.9
Fa n Code / Q ua ntity - 729 / 1 628 / 2 729 / 2 829 / 2 829 / 3 823 / 4 823 / 4 829 / 4 829 / 4 829 / 6
Auxilia ry Motor S iz e / Q ua ntity KW / # 1.1 / 1 0.37 /2 1.1 / 2 1.5 / 2 1.5 / 3 1.5 / 4 1.5 / 4 1.5 / 4 1.5 / 4 1.5 / 6
Conde nse cfm 7250 8780 14500 21180 32790 37160 35920 42160 42160 63960
Air Flow Ra te
r l/s 3421 4143 6843 9995 15474 17536 16951 19895 19895 30183
Motor S iz e / Q ua ntity KW / # 1.5 / 1 0.55 /2 1.5 / 2 2.2 / 2 2.2 / 3 2.2 / 4 2.2 / 4 2.2 / 4 2.2 / 4 2.2 / 6
cfm 8520 10660 17040 25640 39660 45240 43760 51040 51040 77460
Air Flow Ra te
l/s 4021 5030 8041 12100 18716 21349 20650 24086 24086 36553
C- 41 C- 65 C- 65 C- 140 C- 140 C- 65 C- 65 C- 65 C- 140 C- 140
Code -
- - - - - C- 65 C- 140 C- 140 C- 140 C- 140
ftwg 9.4 6.7 8.4 10.0 15.0 8.4 8.4 8.4 10.0 15.0
Kpa 28.1 20.0 25.0 29.9 44.8 25.0 25.0 25.0 29.9 44.8
Wa te r P re ssure Drop (4
ftwg - - - - - 8.4 10.0 15.0 10.0 15.0
Kpa - - - - - 25.0 29.9 44.8 29.9 44.8
P ool
Usgpm 30.7 41.2 46.9 88.4 103.7 93.8 135.3 150.6 176.8 207.4
Wa te r Wa te r Flow Ra te , Total (
l/s 1.9 2.6 3.0 5.6 6.5 5.9 8.5 9.5 11.2 13.1
He a te r (4 )
ftwg 11.7 8.4 10.4 13.7 17.8 10.4 10.4 10.4 13.7 17.8
Kpa 35.0 25.0 31.0 40.9 53.2 31.0 31.1 31.1 40.9 53.2
Wa te r P re ssure Drop (4
ftwg - - - - - 10.4 13.7 17.8 13.7 17.8
Kpa - - - - - 31.0 40.9 53.2 40.9 53.2
Usgpm 34.6 46.4 52.5 99.4 116.3 105.0 151.9 168.8 198.8 232.6
Wa te r Flow Ra te , Total (
l/s 2.2 2.9 3.3 6.3 7.3 6.6 9.6 10.6 12.5 14.7
Liquid LR- 15 LR- 20 LR- 30 LR- 40 LR- 50 LR- 30 LR- 30 LR- 30 LR- 40 LR- 50
Code -
Re c e ive r - - - - - LR- 30 LR- 40 LR- 50 LR- 40 LR- 50
lbs 30.8 45.2 62.6 95.9 103.7 63.3 70.2 67.0 95.1 97.6
kg 14.0 20.5 28.5 43.6 47.1 28.8 31.9 30.5 43.2 44.4
Re frige ra nt Cha rge - R2 2 (5 )
lbs - - - - - 63.3 92.8 116.5 95.1 97.6
kg - - - - - 28.8 42.2 53.0 43.2 44.4

(1) Performanc e based on Pool Air Conditions of 82°F (26.7°C) Dry Bulb Temperature & 50% Relative Humidity at 115°F (46.1°C) A
(2 ) Motor Size at Nominal Supply Air Flow Rate @ 3 inwg (750Pa) Total Static Pressure
(3 ) Motor Size at Maximum Exhaust Air Flow Rate @ 2 inwg (500Pa) Total Static Pressure
(4 ) Water Flow Rates and Water Pressure Drops @ Nominal Unit Performanc e (1)
(5 ) Refrigerant Charge for a c omplete Pac kaged Unit c omprising of Reheat Heat Coil, Pool Water Heater, Auxiliary Air Cooled
Condenser and Liquid Reciever.
* The given pool areas are approximate / for quic k selection, calc ulated on the basis of 20 fpm air veloc ity over the surface of pool
water for the c orresponding SwimPool models. For ac tual c alulations, contac t SKM

Page 6

Electrical Data
Power Supply : 380 - 415 / 3Ph / 50 Hz Voltage Tolerance : 342 V - 440V
MFA MCA Compressor Condenser Motor Supply Fan Motor Exhaust Fan Motor
1516 63 37 1 22 20 121 1 3.1 11.6 7.2 37 2.6 12.2
2016 80 48 1 29 27 129 2 1.4 4.4 9.1 52 2.6 12.2
3016 125 69 1 42 38 177 2 3.1 11.6 11.9 76 3.6 18
4016 160 103 1 64 58 272 2 4.4 18 15.2 117 7.2 37
4516 200 128 1 81 74 325 3 4.4 18 15.2 117 7.2 37
6026 200 131 2 42 38 177 4 4.4 18 21.1 163 7.2 37
7026 250 157 2 42 + 64 38 + 58 177 + 272 4 4.4 18 21.1 163 7.2 37
7526 250 179 2 42 + 81 38 + 74 177 + 325 4 4.4 18 21.1 163 9.2 52
8026 250 189 2 64 58 272 4 4.4 18 29.1 216 11.9 76
9026 315 233 2 81 74 325 6 4.4 18 29.1 216 11.9 76
Power Supply : 440V / 3 Ph / 50 Hz Voltage Tolerance : 400V - 462V
MFA MCA Compressor Condenser Motor Supply Fan Motor Exhaust Fan Motor
1516 63 36 1 22 20 121 1 2.8 10.5 6.5 33.5 2.3 11.2
2016 80 46 1 29 27 129 2 1.3 3.8 8 43 2.3 11.2
3016 125 66 1 42 38 177 2 2.8 10.5 10.6 65 3.2 16
4016 160 100 1 64 58 272 2 3.9 16.4 13.9 104 6.5 33.5
4516 200 124 1 81 74 325 3 3.9 16.4 13.9 104 6.5 33.5
6026 200 126 2 42 38 177 4 3.9 16.4 18.5 135 6.5 33.5
7026 250 151 2 42 + 64 38 + 58 177 + 272 4 3.9 16.4 18.5 135 6.5 33.5
7526 250 173 2 42 + 81 38 + 74 177 + 325 4 3.9 16.4 18.5 135 8 43
8026 250 183 2 64 58 272 4 3.9 16.4 26.4 197 10.6 65
9026 315 226 2 81 74 325 6 3.9 16.4 26.4 197 10.6 65
Power Supply : 460V / 3 Ph / 60 Hz Voltage Tolerance : 414V - 506V
MFA MCA Compressor Condenser Motor Supply Fan Motor Exhaust Fan Motor
1516 63 37 1 22 20 121 1 4 18 6.2 36.6 2.3 12
2016 80 47 1 29 27 129 2 1.6 6.4 7.8 51 2.3 12
3016 125 69 1 42 38 177 2 4 18 10.2 75 3.4 18
4016 160 102 1 64 58 272 2 5.1 32 13.5 114 6.2 36.6
4516 200 127 1 81 74 325 3 5.1 32 13.5 114 6.2 36.6
6026 200 130 2 42 38 177 4 5.1 32 18.4 156 6.2 36.6
7026 250 156 2 42 + 64 38 + 58 177 + 272 4 5.1 32 18.4 156 6.2 36.6
7526 250 178 2 42 + 81 38 + 74 177 + 325 4 5.1 32 18.4 156 7.8 51
8026 250 186 2 64 58 272 4 5.1 32 24.9 216 10.2 75
9026 315 232 2 81 74 325 6 5.1 32 24.9 216 10.2 75
Power Supply : 380V / 3 Ph / 60 Hz Voltage Tolerance : 342V - 418V
MFA MCA Compressor Condenser Motor Supply Fan Motor Exhaust Fan Motor
1516 80 43 1 26 24 158 1 4.5 18.9 6.6 31.3 2.6 10.3
2016 100 54 1 35 32 152 2 1.9 7 8.5 44 2.6 10.3
3016 125 80 1 50 45 209 2 4.5 18.9 11.7 65 3.4 15.3
4016 200 119 1 76 69 324 2 5.8 33.6 15 99 6.6 31.3
4516 250 149 1 97 88 376 3 5.8 33.6 15 99 6.6 31.3
6026 250 152 2 50 45 209 4 5.8 33.6 21.6 136 6.6 31.3
7026 315 183 2 50 + 76 45 + 69 209 + 324 4 5.8 33.6 21.6 136 6.6 31.3
7526 315 208 2 50 + 97 45 + 88 209 + 376 4 5.8 33.6 21.6 136 8.5 44
8026 315 218 2 76 69 324 4 5.8 33.6 28.4 189 11.7 65
9026 400 272 2 97 88 376 6 5.8 33.6 28.4 189 11.7 65
Power Supply : 200V / 3 Ph / 60 Hz Voltage Tolerance : 200V - 242V
MFA MCA Compressor Condenser Motor Supply Fan Motor Exhaust Fan Motor
1516 125 77 1 45 43 274 1 7.8 33 11.5 54.2 4.5 17.8
2016 160 99 1 61 59 263 2 3.2 13 14.7 76.2 4.5 17.8
3016 250 145 1 91 83 424 2 7.8 33 20.3 112.5 5.9 26.5
4016 315 219 1 139 127 622 2 11.4 66 26 171.5 11.5 54.2
4516 400 274 1 178 162 709 3 11.4 66 26 171.5 11.5 54.2
6026 400 281 2 91 83 424 4 11.4 66 37.4 236 11.5 54.2
7026 500 336 2 91+139 83+127 424 + 622 4 11.4 66 37.4 236 11.5 54.2
7526 630 383 2 91+178 83+162 424 + 709 4 11.4 66 37.4 236 14.7 76.2
8026 630 400 2 139 127 622 4 11.4 66 49.2 327 20.3 112.5
9026 800 502 2 178 162 709 6 11.4 66 49.2 327 20.3 112.5
Legend : FLA : Full Load Amperes; RLA : Rated Load Amperes at 80°F( 26.6 °C) DB & 50 % RH Pool Air Conditions & ambient temp 115
°F (46 °C); LRA : Locked Rotar Amperes; MCA :Minimum Circuit Amperes; MFA : Maximum Fuse Amperes; MOC : Maximum Operating
Current Voltage Tolerance between phases not to exceed 2% .

Page 7

Typical Wiring Diagram

Page 8

Supply Fan Data

Total Static Pressure, inwg [Pa]
Fan Air Flow Rate
Code 2.00 [500] 2.25 [562] 2.50 [625] 2.75 [687] 3.00 [750] 3.25 [812] 3.50 [875] 3.75 [937] 4.00 [1000]
cfm l/s rpm PI rpm PI rpm PI rpm PI rpm PI rpm PI rpm PI rpm PI rpm PI
3000 1416 1141 1.4 1216 1.6 1286 1.8 1353 2.0 1416 2.2 1476 2.4 1534 2.6 1589 2.9 1643 3.1
315 4000 1888 1110 1.9 1184 2.1 1255 2.3 1322 2.6 1387 2.8 1449 3.1 1509 3.3 1566 3.6 1621 3.8
5000 2360 1097 2.4 1164 2.7 1230 3.0 1294 3.2 1357 3.5 1417 3.8 1476 4.1 1533 4.4 1589 4.7
5500 2595 871 2.2 927 2.5 981 2.7 1032 3.0 1082 3.3 1130 3.6 1176 3.9 1221 4.2 1264 4.5
400 6500 3067 870 2.7 922 3.0 972 3.3 1022 3.6 1069 3.9 1116 4.2 1161 4.5 1204 4.8 1247 5.2
7500 3539 879 3.3 927 3.6 974 3.9 1020 4.2 1064 4.6 1108 4.9 1151 5.2 1194 5.6 1235 6.0
8000 3775 744 3.1 791 3.5 836 3.9 878 4.3 920 4.7 959 5.2 997 5.6 1033 6.0 1069 6.5
500 9500 4483 743 3.9 787 4.3 830 4.7 872 5.1 912 5.6 951 6.0 988 6.5 1025 7.0 1060 7.5
11000 5191 751 4.7 792 5.2 832 5.6 871 6.1 909 6.6 946 7.1 983 7.6 1018 8.1 1053 8.6
11000 5191 648 4.3 689 4.8 728 5.4 766 5.9 802 6.5 838 7.0 871 7.6 904 8.2 936 8.8
560 12000 5663 648 4.8 687 5.3 725 5.9 762 6.4 798 7.0 833 7.6 866 8.2 899 8.8 930 9.5
13000 6135 650 5.4 688 5.9 724 6.5 760 7.0 795 7.6 829 8.2 862 8.9 894 9.5 925 10.2
13000 6135 563 5.1 599 5.7 634 6.3 667 7.0 698 7.6 729 8.3 758 9.0 786 9.7 814 10.5
630 14500 6843 560 5.7 595 6.4 629 7.0 662 7.7 693 8.4 724 9.2 753 9.9 781 10.7 808 11.4
16000 7550 560 6.5 593 7.2 626 7.9 658 8.6 689 9.3 719 10.1 748 10.9 776 11.7 803 12.5
17000 8022 500 6.5 532 7.3 562 8.1 591 9.0 619 9.8 646 10.7 672 11.6 697 12.5 721 13.5
710 19000 8966 500 7.5 530 8.3 559 9.1 587 10.0 615 10.9 641 11.8 667 12.8 692 13.7 716 14.7
21000 9910 503 8.6 532 9.4 559 10.3 586 11.2 613 12.1 638 13.1 657 14.0 688 15.1 711 16.1
PI = Fan Input Power in KW

Exhaust Fan Data

Total Static Pressure, inwg [Pa]

Fan Air Flow Rate
Code 1.00 [250] 1.25 [312] 1.50 [375] 1.75 [437] 2.00 [500] 2.25 [562] 2.50 [625] 2.75 [687] 3.00 [750]
cfm l/s rpm PI rpm PI rpm PI rpm PI rpm PI rpm PI rpm PI rpm PI rpm PI
750 354 1003 0.2 1132 0.2 1249 0.2 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1000 472 973 0.2 1101 0.3 1218 0.3 1326 0.4 1426 0.4 1520 0.5 1608 0.5 - - - -
10 1250 590 951 0.3 1074 0.3 1189 0.4 1295 0.5 1395 0.5 1489 0.6 1578 0.7 1662 0.7 1743 0.8
1500 708 941 0.3 1057 0.4 1166 0.5 1269 0.6 1367 0.6 1459 0.7 1547 0.8 1631 0.9 1712 1.0
2000 944 960 0.5 1058 0.5 1153 0.6 1245 0.7 1333 0.8 1419 1.0 1502 1.1 1582 1.2 1659 1.3
1750 826 813 0.3 916 0.4 1008 0.5 1094 0.6 - - - - - - - - - -
2000 944 807 0.4 908 0.5 1000 0.6 1086 0.7 1165 0.8 1240 0.9 - - - - - -
12 2250 1062 802 0.5 902 0.6 993 0.7 1078 0.8 1157 0.9 1232 1.0 1302 1.1 1369 1.3 - -
2500 1180 800 0.5 897 0.6 987 0.7 1071 0.9 1149 1.0 1224 1.1 1294 1.2 1361 1.4 1425 1.5
3000 1416 805 0.7 895 0.8 980 0.9 1060 1.1 1137 1.2 1210 1.3 1279 1.5 1346 1.6 1410 1.8
3000 1416 665 0.6 749 0.8 828 0.9 901 1.1 970 1.3 1035 1.5 1097 1.6 1157 1.8 - -
3500 1652 661 0.7 742 0.9 817 1.1 888 1.3 955 1.5 1019 1.7 1080 1.9 1138 2.1 1194 2.3
15 4000 1888 664 0.9 739 1.0 811 1.2 879 1.4 944 1.6 1006 1.9 1065 2.1 1122 2.3 1178 2.5
4500 2124 671 1.0 742 1.2 810 1.4 875 1.6 937 1.8 997 2.1 1055 2.3 1110 2.6 1164 2.8
5000 2360 684 1.2 750 1.4 814 1.6 876 1.9 935 2.1 993 2.3 1048 2.6 1102 2.8 1154 3.1
6000 2831 569 1.2 634 1.5 695 1.7 752 2.0 806 2.3 858 2.5 906 2.8 953 3.1 998 3.4
7000 3303 580 1.5 639 1.8 695 2.1 750 2.4 802 2.7 852 3.0 900 3.3 946 3.6 990 4.0
18 8000 3775 597 1.9 651 2.2 703 2.5 753 2.9 803 3.2 850 3.5 896 3.8 941 4.2 984 4.5
9000 4247 621 2.4 669 2.7 716 3.1 763 3.4 809 3.8 854 4.1 898 4.5 940 4.9 982 5.2
10000 4719 649 3.0 692 3.3 736 3.7 779 4.1 821 4.4 863 4.8 904 5.2 944 5.6 984 6.0
PI = Fan Input Power in KW

Model 1516 2016 3016 4016 4516 6026 7026 7526 8026 9026
lbs 520 660 850 1055 1425 1588 1718 1980 1980 2145
Condenser Section A
Kg 236 300 386 480 648 722 781 900 900 975
lbs 1426 1605 1790 2057 2141 2765 2950 3232 3375 3590
Compressor Section B
Kg 648 730 814 935 973 1257 1341 1469 1534 1632
lbs 820 914 1146 1444 1463 1729 1895 1956 2208 2288
Supply Air Section C
Kg 373 415 521 656 665 786 861 889 1004 1040
lbs 767 885 1040 1242 1315 1422 1503 1624 1757 1918
Reheat Section D
Kg 348 402 473 565 598 646 683 738 799 672
lbs 870 994 1136 1323 1381 1477 1542 1639 1742 1859
Dehumidifier Section E
Kg 395 452 516 601 628 671 701 745 792 845
lbs 828 919 1025 1339 1359 1537 1572 1649 1836 1918
Return Air Plenum F
Kg 376 418 466 609 618 699 715 750 835 872

Page 9

Dimensional Data

Page 10

Pool Design Guidelines The lower limit on humidity is established by the comfort
level of the swimmers. Low humidity levels will result in
substantial evaporation off the swimmers as they leave
Air and Water Conditions the water, causing them to feel cold. Experience has shown
that reasonable comfort levels can be maintained down
Special consideration must be given to the design of pool to 50% RH at air temperatures between 80°F [26.7°C]
enclosures. In addition to the normal considerations of and 85°F [29.4°C].
HVAC design, attention must be given to problems
caused by extremely humid environment maintained Operating costs also influence the humidity level set
inside the pool. The pool architect and engineer must point. Lower humidity levels ,mean higher energy
work closely together to specify the air and water consumption. Low humidity levels result in high pool
conditions, the selection of construction materials and evaporation rates, which in turn, increase the demand for
the air distribution system in order to insure a successful heat in the pool and cause the dehumidification equipment
project. This section is intended to be a brief discussion to run longer. SKM recommends designing the structure
of the special considerations of pool enclosure design to prevent condensation at 60% RH in the pool area at
and should augment a pre-existing knowledge of HVAC winter design conditions. We also recommend selecting
design and building construction. the dehumidification equipment to maintain 50% RH in
the winters and 60% during summer months. The influence
The operating conditions of the pool must first be of outside air required for pool ventilation combined with
determined before the mechanical systems can be lower condensing temperatures cause the equipment to
designed and selected. The three conditions to be have greater dehumidification capacities in the winter
considered are, the pool water temperature, the design months than in the summer months.
air temperature and the design air relative humidity level.
The optimal temperature at which the pool water will be Sizing the equipment for 50% in the summer design
maintained is related to the main use of the pool. ASHRAE condition would oversize the equipment in the winter
recommends the following : design condition. With high outside temperatures,
Pool Water Temperature condensation is not a problem. Therefore, a 60% RH
Pleasure Swimming 75 to 85 oF, (24 to 29oC) design for summer operation is adequate. The 10% RH
difference between the structure design and equipment
Therapeutic 85 to 95 oF (29 to 35 oC)
selection will result in a safety margin and create a dead
Competitve Swimming 72 to 75 oF (22 to 24 oC) band in which the controls can operate.
Whirlpool/Spa 97 to 102oF (36 to 39 oC)

Indoor Air Temperature & Humidity Load Calculations

Pleasure Swimming 75-85 oF, (24-29oC), 50-60% RH
Therapeutic 80-85oF, (27-29 oC), 50-60 RH A certain amount of controversy exists in determining the
o o evaporation rate off of the pool surface. ASHRAE suggests
Competitive Swimming 72-75 F, (22-24 C), 55-60% RH
the following equation in IP System :
Whirlpool Spa 85-90 oF, (29-32oC), 40-60% RH
In order to minimize evaporation and keep comfortable wp = A (pw - pa) (95 + 0.425V) / Y
environment for swimmers when they are out of water,
the air should be kept at relatively higher temperature Where
than the pool water temperature. In the case of Spa or wp = evaporation of water, lb/hr
Sauna this is not feasible because temperatures above A = area of pool surface, ft2
90°F [32.2°C] are not practical. V = air velocity over water surface, fpm =20 (rec.)
Y = latent heat required to change water to vapour
Two factors influence the selection of the relative humidity at surface water temperature, Btu/lb
inside a pool enclosure. The maximum humidity level is pa = saturation pressure at room dew point, in.Hg
determined to prevent condensation on the inside of the pw = saturation pressure taken at the surface water
building at cold outside temperatures. Experience has temperature, in.Hg
shown that it is practical to prevent condensation with air
relative humidity levels as high as 60%. OR, in SI System :
wp = A (pw - pa) (0.089 + 0.0782V) / Y
With air temperatures between 80°F [26.7°C]and
85°F [29.4], a relative humidity level of 60% will result in Where
a dew point temperature of approximately 15°F [-9.4°C] wp = evaporation of water, Kg/s
below the air temperature. This means that the inside A = area of pool surface, m2
surfaces of the pool enclosure must be kept within 15°F [- V = air velocity over water surface, m/s
9.4°C] of the air temperature. This is possible if special Y = latent heat required to change water to vapour
consideration is given to the windows and structural steel at surface water temperature, KJ/Kg
during the construction phase.

Page 11

Refrigerant Piping Diagram (Typical) • Undersizing the equipment
will result in corrosion of
the pool enclosure and
D - Discharge equipment. This can lead
R - Reclaim to substantial repair costs
NC - Normal Condenser and has the potential to
cause personal injury.

Legend : Activity factors can be used

1. Compressor.
2. Hot Gas Vib. Eliminator.
to approximate equipment
3. Heat Reclaim Valve. annual energy consumption,
4. Check Valve.
5. 3/8" Solenoid Valve. but they should not be used
Shut Off Valve.
Pressure Relief Valve.
for equipment sizing.
8. Filter Drier.
9. Solenoid Valve.
10. Sight Glass.
Expansion Valve.
Material Selections
13. Suction Vib. Eliminator.
Care should be taken in
selecting materials to be
used in the pool enclosure.
The moist chlorine laden
atmosphere in the pools is
corrosive to many common
pa = saturation pressure at room dew point, kPa metals. All steel and aluminium items used in the pool
pw = saturation pressure taken at the surface water enclosure should be specially coated. Steel parts should
temperature, kPa be, at very minimum galvanized.

This equation does not recognize the influence of pool activity Better protection is provided if the galvanized steel part
on the evaporation rate. Clearly, activities such as competition is then painted with baked electrostatic powder coat.
swimming, children splashing, wet pool decks and the use Ungalvanized steel should be primed with zinc rich primer
of air bubblers in whirlpools, all influence the rate of and then coated with a two-part epoxy or a catalyzed
evaporation. Some evidence points to 'active' pool surfaces polyurethane paint. Aluminium parts must be coated to
evaporating water at twice the rate of 'still' pool surfaces. withstand the pool environment.Properly primed polyurethane
or fluoropolymer paints provide excellent corrosion protection
SKM's experience in sizing and installing this equipment for aluminium parts. High nickel alloy stainless steels hold
indicates that the ASHRAE equation approximates the up well in the pool environment and do not require additional
worst case of peak pool evaporation rate. We do not coatings.
recommend the use of activity factors to modify this
equation for equipment sizing for the following reasons :
• Activity factors attempt to average out the pool
evaporation rate. The equipment, however must be Condensation will form whenever moist pool air reaches
able to respond to the peak demand. One of the surfaces that are at temperatures below the dew point of
primary functions of the dehumidification equipment the air. The moist pool air will contain water vapor at partial
is to prevent condensation.Temporary condensation pressures far in excess of those that exist on the outside
caused by peak pool evaporation in excess of the of the pool enclosure. If not contained by a proper moisture
equipment capacity can still cause substantial barrier, this pressure difference will cause the moisture to
damage. be pushed out to the perimeter of the building. As the
moisture passes through the structure's walls, it will
• Insufficient research exists to substantiate the condense when the temperature reaches the dew point. If
magnitude of the activity factors. Considering the the outside temperature is low enough, the water will
substantial damage that can result from undersizing freeze inside the wall causing substantial damage to the
and the potential liabilities that follow, it is not prudent structure. It is important that all walls be insulated and
engineering to rely on unsubstantiated calculation treated with a moisture barrier on the pool side of the
methods. ASHRAE has called for further study on this insulation.
The structural steel used to support the building and roof
• The activity patterns of the pool may change, or may
can provide a thermal bridge to the outside and can also
not be clearly understood at the time the pool is
cause substantial condensation problems if not properly

Page 12

treated. Roofing systems should be selected to effectively in three to six air changes in the space per hour. The
insulate the roof trusses to keep the truss surface minimum air flow requirement is a function of the air
temperatures above the dew point. Those structural required to operate the dehumidification equipment.This
members that cannot be sufficiently insulated from the air flow is approximately 50CFM/LBM/Hr [10.7L/s/Kg/Hr]
outside must be enclosed on the inside with an appropriate of pool evaporation rate. The outside air requirement will
moisture barrier system. be established by local codes, based on building
occupancy. It is desirable to keep the outside air ventilation
Windows and skylights create a particular problem and rate to the minimum possible value to minimize site energy
require special treatment. Where possible, triple glazing consumption. A positive means of exhaust should be
should be used. Triple glazing alone will not keep the glass supplied in order to keep the pool area at a slight negative
surface temperature above the pool area dew point with pressure. This will keep the moist chlorine from permeating
still air on the window when the outside air temperature is to untreated adjacent spaces.
10°F [-12.2°C] or lower. Air should be blown over the
surface of the glass at a rate of atleast 50 feet / minute [0.25m/
sec] to keep the triple glazed window from condensing at Spectator Areas
temperatures below -10°F [-23.3°C]. Higher velocities are
required for double glazed windows, and single pane Spectator areas require special consideration. Competitive
windows are almost impossible to keep from condensing swimming pools may be designed with a large capacity
at this temperature. The warm supply air form the HVAC for spectators. Local codes and good engineering practice
system should be ducted to distribute air over the windows require that a substantial amount of ventilation air be
and skylights. If it is impossible to duct supply air to the brought in, as a result. The amount of outside required to
windows, a separate fan should be supplied to blow room handle the spectators may be many times greater that the
air over them. pool would normally require. The energy consumption of
the pool will go up dramatically when a large amount of
Suspended ceilings in pool enclosures pose problems that ventilation air is introduced to the environment. A typical
are difficult to solve. While they typically provide an competitive pool in a high school or university may only
effective thermal barrier, they do not work as a moisture be occupied by spectators 100 hours each year. The
barrier. This combination leads to condensation problems balance of the year, it is either unoccupied or occupied
above the ceiling because the area above the ceiling is only by swimmers. Maintaining the outside air requirement
not heated and tends to have lower temperatures than as set by the spectator load will result in unnecessary
the area below the ceiling. If moisture is allowed to migrate high energy consumption for the pool.
freely, it tends to condense on the cold surfaces found
above the ceiling.The lights and supports are all subject SKM recommends a two stage ventilation cycle for these
to hidden corrosion.If a suspended ceiling is required, applications. The maximum air volume can be specified
these problems must be solved. The plenum area above to handle the maximum occupancy, and the normal air
the ceiling can be heated, or the dropped ceiling can be volume can be specified to handle the normal occupancy
insulated and a moisture barrier installed between the of the pool. The equipment will switch from the low
ceiling and the insulation. In either event, a regular ventilation rate to the high ventilation rate. This can be
inspection program for hidden corrosion above the ceiling controlled by a manual switch or it can be tied to the lighting
should be implemented. system for the spectator areas. If the number of spectators
planned for is unusually large (i.e. several thousand
people), separate HVAC equipment should be utilized for
Air Distribution those areas. This enables it to be shut off when
Special consideration to air distribution must be made
during the design stage. Low air velocities should be
maintained over the deck area and over the pool. High
air velocity over the deck causes swimmer discomfort.
General Installation Requirements
High air velocity over the pool increases the evaporation
rate off the pool. Air velocities over 20 feet per minute Unit Location
[0.10 m/sec] in the pool and deck areas are not
recommended. Return air inlets should be centrally The SwimPool unit should be located as close to the pool
located above the pool near the ceiling. Air should be enclosure as possible to minimize the duct run, keeping
distributed along the exterior perimeter of the structure the air horsepower requirements to a minimum. Outdoor
at floor level. This will allow the air to blanket the packages can be configured for roof curb mounting with
perimeter walls with high velocity warm air and pick up air connections through the roof. Indoor packages are also
the skin load without excessive air flow over the pool available. Adequate service clearance should be provided
and deck areas. on all four sides. On SPA models, there should be atleast
six feet [1800 mm] clearance from the face of the
Sufficient air should be supplied to blanket all exposed air-cooled condenser surface to the nearest wall. The
walls, ceiling areas and windows. This will usually result discharge of the condenser fans should not be obstructed.

Page 13

Any duct work exposed to the ambient air should be

covered with a minimum of one inch [25 mm] of high quality Note : If automatic chlorinating equipment is
thermal insulation. supplied, the chlorine should be injected downstream
of the SwimPool unit pool heating equipment.

Piping The condensate line should be trapped with a trap height

greater than the negative pressure of the unit after the
Figure given below, shows the recommended piping dehumidification coil. This will be conservatively, two inch
arrangement. The SwimPool unit and auxiliary pool heater [50 mm] plus the return duct pressure loss. A four inch
should be tied into the pool filtration loop immediately prior [100mm] trap height will normally suffice.If convenient, the
to the return connection to the pool (as indicated). The condensate can be run back into the pool, thereby reducing
filtration pump and piping should be designed according the amount of feed water required.
to the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer.
Any piping , including the condensate line, that is exposed to
The piping shown is typical but not necessarily complete. the outside air must be insulated and heat taped to prevent
The pool filtration system will normally require more flow freeze up of the lines. A bleed vent should be installed on
than the SwimPool unit and auxiliary pool heater. the highest system point and at any natural air traps in the
A balancing valve should be provided in the line as shown, piping. All piping materials should be selected to withstand
to provide sufficient pressure drop to produce rated flow the corrosive effects of the pool water. Stainless steel and
in the SwimPool unit and auxiliary pool heater loop. PVC should provide good life. Steel pipes and fittings should
A booster pump may have to be added to this loop if the not be used. Pumps with cast iron housings and impellers
filter pump cannot handle the increased pressure drop. are not recommended.
The auxiliary pool heater should be installed in series
with and after the SwimPool unit pool condenser, and All valves, pumps, heaters and piping shown external to
isolation and bypass valves should be provided. the SwimPool unit in figure below are supplied by others.


Page 14

Auxiliary Pool Heater Supplementary Air Heating

All sites will require an auxiliary pool water heater which Most sites will require a supplementary air heater. This
will normally be sized by the pool designer and supplied heater should be sized to handle the entire building load
by a pool equipment manufacturer. These heaters are in the event that the pool is not operating (i.e. water has
sized to reduce the heat-up time of the pool (after filling been drained out of the pool for repairs). SKM can provide
with cold water) to an acceptable time period. They electric or hot water heating systems built as an integral
generally supply four to five times the heat output of the part of the SwimPool package. A duct heater could also
SwimPool unit pool heat condenser. The SwimPool unit be provided in the supply duct and interfaced with the
pool heat condenser is adequate to maintain the pool SwimPool temperature control system.
water temperature, but will not bring a cold pool up to
temperature in an acceptable amount of time.

Data Input Sheet for

General Data SKM Swimming Pool Load Estimating & SwimPool Selection
Project Description : _________________________________________________________ Location : ______________________________
------------ By :_______________________________________Owner : _____________________________________________________
Engineer : ________________________________________ Elevation ft. (m) : ________________________________________________

Note : All values in brackets [ ] are recommended

Pool Data values
Main Pool Diving Well Hot Tub / Spa
Pool Width ft.(m) ____________________ _________________ ________________
Pool Length ft.(m) ____________________ _________________ ________________
Pool Water Temperature. °F (°C) ____________________ [80 (26.7)] _____________ [80 (26.7)] ________________ [90 (32.2)]
Air Velocity Over Pool. ft./min. (m/s) ___________________ [20 (0.1)] _________ [20 (0.1)] _________________ [20 (0.1)]

System Air Flow Data

System Air Flow CFM (l/s) OR Pool Enclosure Area ft2 (m2) ______________________
Average Pool Enclosure Height ft. (m) _____________
Number of Air Changes/Hour _____________________

Design Data
Is summer airconditioning required ? (yes or no) ________________ If YES, select AIR or WATER cooled condenser ______

[SUMMER (complete only with summer airconditioning)] ____ [WINTER]

Pool Area Air Temp.,°F (°C) _________ [82 (27.8)] _________ Pool Area Air Temp., °F (°C) __________________________
Pool Area Relative Humidity, %RH ____ [60] _______________ Pool Area Relative Humidity, %RH _____________________
Design Ambient DB Temp., °F (°C) _______________________ Design Ambient DB Temp., °F (°C) _____________________
Design Ambient WB Temp., °F (°C) ______________________ Design Sensible Heat Loss, BTUH (KW) ________________
Design Sensible Heat Gain, BTUH (KW) __________________
Lighting Load (Watts) _________________________________

System Outside Air Temperature

Minimum Outside Air, CFM (l/s) ________________________ OR Number of Swimmers (maxm) _______________________
Number of Swimmers (max m) _________________________ Number of Spectators (maxm) __________________________
Number of Spectators (maxm) Outside Air Required/Swimmer ________________________
Outside Air Required/Spectator _________________________ [5]
Minimum Pool Ventilation Rate ___________________________ [0.2]

Supply & Return Duct Losses

Estimated Supply Duct Loss, inwg (Pa) _______________________ [1.0 (250)]
Estimated Return Duct Loss, inwg (Pa) _______________________ [0.5 (125)]

Page 15

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