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Test answers
The End-of-year test and the Mid-year test have been written by the authors.
This may not fully reflect the approach of Cambridge Assessment International Education.

End-of-unit tests
Unit 1 Living things
1 a Arteries
b Veins
c Capillaries

Statement True False

a The heart is made of muscle. ✓

b The heart has to stop sometimes

to rest.
c The left side of the heart pumps

blood that contains oxygen.
d The right side of the heart pumps

blood that contains oxygen.
e The ribs protect the heart. ✓

3 a 98 beats per minute

b The heart beats faster to pump more food and oxygen in the blood to the muscles
we use when we are active.
c 70 beats per minute.
4 a Respiratory system
b Windpipe
c Diaphragm
d Oxygen
e Breathing rate
f puberty
g sperm
h ovaries
i fertilisation

Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 1

5 a Label must point to skin.

b Label must point to stomach.
c Label must point to windpipe or lungs.
d Label must point to eye.
f Puberty
g Sperm
h Ovaries
i Fertilisation

Unit 2 Materials
1 a Melting point
b Peanut oil
c Candle wax
d Different substances have different melting points which helps to identify
the substances.
2 a A
b C
c B

3 a Beaker 4 at 40 °C
b Heating/Increasing the temperature of the solution makes the particles in the solution
move faster and further apart. This allows the solute particles to spread though the
solution more easily.
c The time taken for the sugar to dissolve.
d The temperature of the solution.
e The quantity of sugar and the quantity of water
are two control variables in the investigation.
f Yes, because only one factor/variable was changed or because there was only
one independent variable.
g Because the solute and solvent do not change into new substances.
4 a Iron, air and water (in any order)
b Rust.
c A change in colour

Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 2

Unit 3 Rocks
1 a Loam
b Cast
c Erode
d Texture
e Compost
2 a True
b False
c False
d True
3 a Minerals
b Magma
c Its crystals are large.
The crystals formed slowly when magma cooled inside the Earth’s crust.
d Granite
4 a Cooling
b Deposition
c Sedimentation
d Heat or pressure
e Pressure or heat
f Melting

Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 3

Unit 4 Food chains and food webs

1 a Any two from: grass, jack fruit, palm shoot
b Any two from: locust, snail, monkey
c Frog, leopard
d Loris, peacock
e Any one from:
jack fruit → loris → leopard
jack fruit → peacock → leopard
f Any one from:
grass → locust → frog → peacock
grass → locust → loris → leopard
jack fruit → snail → peacock → leopard
palm shoot → snail → peacock → leopard
palm shoot → snail → loris → leopard
2 a True
b True
c False
d True
3 a Pesticides are harmful substances used to kill living things that eat plants.
b The cabbage plant
c The pesticide moves through the food chain when bugs eat the sprayed cabbage plants,
then lizards eat the bugs which now contain the pesticide, and then the bird eats the lizard.
d The bird
e Accumulation/bioaccumulation

Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 4

Unit 5 Forces
1 a False
b True
c True
d False
2 a Gravity
b The cup moves downwards; the cup is stopped by the floor;
the cup changes shape/breaks (1 mark each).
3 a Parallel circuit
b There are two paths for the electric current to flow.
c No. Lamp A will not light up. Lamp B will light up.
d In Lamp A’s circuit the switch is open. Lamp B’s circuit is complete because the switch
is closed.
4 a The mass of the key is greater than the mass of the water displaced by upthrust.
b He could put it in a flat-bottomed container.
c Arrows on diagram should be the same size.

Object Weight Mass

1 20 N 2 kg

2 65 N 6.5 kg

3 250 N 25 kg

Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 5

Unit 6 Light and the solar system

1 a True
b True
c False
d False
e False
2 First B; second C; third D; fourth A
3 a The Moon orbiting the Earth
b Right side
c Point 1: new; point 3: first quarter; point 5: full.
d 29.5 or 29½ days
e Between positions 5 and 1
4 a Point A is in his direct line of sight or the ray from B is refracted
b It refracts or bends.
c When light passes from water to air it travels at a different speed, which causes
it to bend or refract (2 marks).

Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 6

Mid-year test
1 a C
b C
c B
d A
e B
f C
2 a The number of times a person breathes in and out in one minute.
b After two minutes of exercise, the breathing had about doubled
(or similar answer).
c Jamal’s breathing rate (it is much more than double).
d Yes. To check that they did not make any mistakes in their first set of measurements
(or similar answer).
3 Sleep under bed nets – by insects
Boil water before you drink it – in water
Wash hands with soap and water after going to the toilet – in food
Cough or sneeze into a bathroom tissue – in body fluids
4 a Condensation happens when particles of water vapour lose energy and cool down
to become liquid water.
b If the liquid water is heated/gains heat energy, the liquid water particles gain energy
and change into water vapour again.
5 a The butter and the stainless-steel are different substances so they have different
melting points.
b The air Marcus pumps into the football takes up space and fills the ball, making
it expand.
c An increase in the mass of the ball.
d Air is made of gases which have mass.
6 a More sugar dissolves as the temperature increases.
b Approximately 240 g.
c Adding heat makes the particles in the solution move faster so the particles of the
solids spread more quickly through the solution.

Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 7

7 a A gas (with a bad smell) was produced.

b Sulfur powder and ammonia
c The gas

Rock A B C
Is the rock igneous,
sedimentary or Metamorphic Sedimentary Igneous
Give a reason for your Layers caused by
Laid down in layers It is crystalline
answer. pressure
Tick the rock that

formed under the sea.
Tick the rock that
formed as a result of ✓
magma cooling.
Tick the rock that

could contain fossils.

Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 8

End-of-year test
1 1–D
2 a C
b A
c C
d B
e A
f C
g B
3 a Heart
b Windpipe
c Testes
d Uterus/womb
e Stomach
f Skin
4 a The ball slows down.
b The tree stops the ball.
c The ball changes direction.
d It stops the ball.

Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 9

5 a Neither of the lamps will light up.

b The switch is open/the circuit is broken.
c Series circuit
d Parallel circuit
e Lamp B
f Close the switch; add another cell/battery to the circuit.
Or a third possibility: remake the circuit as a parallel circuit.
6 a The Sun
b When a living thing eats another living thing in the food web.
c Deer, rabbit
d Berries → rabbit → bear
e Berries → rabbit → fox → tiger
f Energy is lost at each level/link in a food chain, so very little of the energy that enters
the food chain is available to the final consumers.
7 a A
b B
c Incident ray
d Plane mirror
e Normal
f Equal
8 a Sedimentary
b They have been laid down in layers.
c Quartzite, marble or shale
d Any two from: burial, heat and pressure
9 a Forcemeter
b They used the same shopping bag to hold each food.
c The weight of three of the four foods was ten times the mass.
d The bag of flour
e They must measure the mass and weight of the flour again.
f The mass of each food would be the same but the weights would not be ten times
the mass.
g The force of gravity is less on the Moon than it is on Earth.
10 a The number of times we breathe in and out in one minute.
b Breathing rate 2
c Our bodies need more oxygen when we exercise, so we have to breathe faster
to get enough oxygen into the body.
d Reliable results are results that are close to the true answer (or similar definition).

Cambridge Primary Science 6 – Fiona Baxter & Liz Dilley © Cambridge University Press 2021 10

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