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Rainbow Songs................................................................................................................................ 3
Good for Foodcircle............................................................................................................................................ 8
Good for Magic head......................................................................................................................................... 10

Sanskrit Mantras............................................................................................................................. 10
Short explenation Hinduism.......................................................................................................................... 10
Vishnu Energy Mantras...................................................................................................................................... 11
Shiva Energy Mantras....................................................................................................................................... 13
Other sanskrit Mantras.................................................................................................................................... 16

Deutsche Kraftlieder..................................................................................................................... 18

Spanish medecine Songs........................................................................................................ 20

From all over the world............................................................................................................. 22

own Songs...................................................................................................................................... 24

:// means repeat

G/em means you can play eather G or em. Try them both. It makes the athmosphere of
the whole song different.

(C) means possible to play this chord, but dont need to.

KAPO feel free to use the Kapo on all the Songs if they are to low (or to high) for you.
Singing in your comfort zone can make singing so much more fullfilling.
Rainbow Songs
fire sacred fire
Am C G G am
I am here to release all of my fears burning through the night
come to peace with all my tears come to me in my dreamtime
(dm) E E7 G am
and discover what it means to be alive bring me visions of light

am G C dm
Forever shining, forever flowing we are one in harmony
am G F C
guiding me to you, singing in celebration
am G E dm F C
you are beautiful, you fill me up with love we are one in harmony singing in love
dm F C
we are one, singing in celebration
dm F C
we are one singing in love
dm G
how could anyone ever tell you
C am
you were anything less than bautiful
dm G
how coud anyone ever tell you Am G
C am above and below and all around you are://
you were less than whole
dm G dm am
how could anyone fail to notice you are the essence of all the beauty of life
C am dm am
that your loving is a miracle you are the essence of all the love of my life
dm G
and how deeply you are connected C G am
C //: sacred one source within and beyond ://
to my soul

am G am E KAPO 3
am Dear friend, dear friend
we are guided and protected am G F G
F let me tell you how i feel
where ever we are am G F G
dm you have given me so much pleasure
where ever we are am G am
G/E i love you so
where ever we are am G am
i honor what you know
Chapter Rainbow Songs Page 4

am am G am
let the way of the heart the ocean is the beginning of the earth://
G am G am
let the way of the heart all life comes from the sea://
let the way of the heart
shine through ://

am G am am C
love upon love upon love find my joy in the simple things
C G am G am
all hearts are beating as one coming from the earth
G am am C
light upon light upon light find my joy in the sun that shines and the
F G am G am
shining as bright as the sun water that sings to me

am C G
listen to the wind and listen to the water hear
am G what they say
I just close my eyes am C G am
dm em am singing heja heja heja heja heja heja ho
and the world is carried away by the river :// am C G am
singing heja heja heja heja heja heja ho
am G
what is left behind i can say am C G
F G am so let us never forget, never forget to give
its just the sound of the water :// am
am G dm em am C G
Om namah shivaj, hare om namah shivaj, om //:give thanks, give thanks, give thanks and
am am
namah shivaja :// prais://

am F G am am G
oh great spirit earth and sky and sea mother i offer my prayers to you
F G am am G
you are inside and all around me for the healing of the nation
am G
mother i offer my prayers to you
am G
for the healing of the earth
dm am dm am
music of silence, music bejond words C G em am
dm E am (A7) cause healing the earth ist healing the tribes
children of the ocean thats what me are :// C G
dm G and healing the tribes
love is the most shining star em am
C am is healing the earth
in the inner sky of your beeing
dm em am (A7)
love is the most shining star inside of you ://
Chapter Rainbow Songs Page 5

am am C G F KAPO 1
I‘ve always been a gipsy create a pure heart in me great spirit
G am am C E(m)
I traveled all my life create a pure heart in me://

and when i can not hit the road F C em F

G am and renew a true soul within me
i travel in my mind C hm (G) E (am)
renew a true soul within://
C am
REF: some people call me crazy
some people call me strange
but when i say i love you all sure as the wind my sisters and
G am sure as the rain
i‘m calling for a change sure as the sun does shine we will rais our
song again
am (body percussion)
its not that i dont give a damn
G am
its not that i dont mind

there‘s always a room in my heart

G am G D C
for the ones i leave behind the sun shines on everyone://
REF he doesn‘t mke choices
I always had a dream or two he doesn‘t mke choices://
or three or four or five
but i‘d rather live this one this you • the earth carries
than dreaming all my life • the moon shines

some people call me crazy

some people call me strange
butwhen i say i‘m leaving you
my love will still remain
may the love we share spread it wings

fly across the earth and bring

G em am
dm gm C dm new joy to every soul that is alive://
ancient mother i hear you calling
F C dm am
ancient mother i hear your song:// may the blessings of your grace nature
G em
gm C dm F C dm shine on everyone and may we all see the light
hej hej hej ho, hej hej hej ho:// am
within the light within://
gm C dm G am
ancient mother i hear your laughter lokah samasta sukino bavantu
F C dm G
ancient mother i share your tears:// may all the beeings in all the worlds be
Chapter Rainbow Songs Page 6
am G F
Blessed we are we are as god created us
em C G
to dance on this ground in the love in the light in the glory://
by the rhythems of saints G
D in the love, inthe light, in the glory
to carry the sound F
am in the love, inthe light, in the glory
hold the prayer for the earth C
em in the love, inthe light, in the glory
for the ones jet to come G
G we are://
may we all walk in beauty
and remember this song

am em am
remember why you came here I am the light of my soul
remember that life is sacred:// i am bountiful i am beautiful
am em G D i am blissed, i am, i am://
heja heja heja
(by Peia) am G
I am the light of my soul
i am bountiful i am beautiful
am E
i am blissed, i am, i am://
am C
hej wanna heja wanna ho
G em
wanna heja wanna hej hej
wanna heja wanna heja na hej hej ho
Listen to the sound of the angles singing
listen to the sound of the angles singing
can you feel it too
calling for your heart, praying for your soul
it the rhythem me and you
G em
listen to the sound of the angle singing
it the rhythem of my heartbeat
C G am
//:heaven is here right now://
its the ryhtme of my soul

wanna heja na hej

am, G
put your roots down
spürst du es auch
put your feet on the ground
you can hear what she says if your listening://
die Musik in deinem Bauch
G em
its the sweet sound of the river
die Musik in deinem Herzschlag
as it moves across the stones
its the sweet sound of the blod in your body
die Musikin deiner Seele
as it moves across your bones
if your listening
wanna heja na hej
(by colorful tribe) are you listening?
Chapter Rainbow Songs Page 7
am G
Am G be impacable with your words
REF Pachamama i‘m coming home am G
F G am dont make any, any assumptions
to the place where i belong:// am G
dont take anything personaly
am G am
i wanna be free so free and llways do your best
F am G G
like a flower and a bee, like a bird on a tree jah will do the res
F am (the four greements by columbian toltec culture)
like a dolphin in the sea
G F am
i wanna fly high so high like an eagle in the sky
and when my time has come am G am
F am Jah rastafarai, you are my salvation
i gonna lay down and die G
G you make i realise
and when my time has come am G
F am that love is surrounding us all
i gonna spread my wings and fly am
in every situation
here with the i and i ://
am, G, F
I wanna be free, be me am G am
be the beeing that i see jah you have given me everything i need
not to rise and not to fall G
beeing one and loving all to be free
there‘s no high there‘s no low am G am G
there‘s nowhere i could go in this reality ooh, in this reality ooh
//: just inside a little star
telling me be as you are:// am G
so let the music free your soul
am G
great spirit is in full controle
am G
am G let the music free your soul
truth, simplicity and love 4x am G
am G great spirit is in full controle
hare om namah shivaja 4x

am G
am G I got roots so deep
just for today i wont be angry am G
am G i got roots so strong
just for today i wont worry am G
am G i got roots hold on
just for today i will treat everyone as my am G
am G forever holding on://
relevant and my teacher am G
am G am G my roots are strong my heart is open
just for today i will live my life in honesty am G
am G am G to the spirit of devotion
just for today i will respect all life am G am G
(the five Reiki principles) jah, jah carry me across the ocean
Chapter Rainbow Songs Page 8
i am one with the earth that keeps turning am C
F i am a cloud, i am the blue sky
one with the stars that shine F E
am i am a bird, spreading out its wings
one with the waves that are ocean am C
F G i am a flower, i am the sunshine
one with the light that i see in your eyes:// F E
i am the earth, receiving a seed
C am
i am the waves C G
F and i am free when my heart is open
i am th ocean am
G i am free and my mind is clear
i am stillness in motion:// C G
oh dear brother, oh dear sister
am E7
lets walk together mindfully/joyfully
am G
Grandmother moon i‘m praying to you
grandmother moon i‘m praying to you
am G Good for Foodcircle
all night long, all night long
with all my heart:// let your littel light shine shine shine
let your little light shine shine shine
heja wanna heja wanna… there there might be someone down in the
valley trying to get home
trying to get home

it could be me or it could be you

am it could be a brother or a sister too
in the still of the night there might be someone down in the valley
F trying to get home
from the darkness comes the light trying to get home
G am
than i know in my heart it is you://

am, F, G, am I step into the flow and than i let it go

jay ma, jay ma, jay ma… i open my heart my body my soul ://

am i surrender, i surrender, i surrender

when the fire in my soul i open my heart my body my soul
F i open my heart my body my soul
burns with longing for the goal
G am
than i know in my heart it is you://

am, F, G, am We are a circle within a circel

jay ma, jay ma.. with no beginning and never ending

am F
when the truth is revealed all my sorrows will
G am bless this food and the earth that grew it
be healed than i know in my heart it is you:// thank you mother for sustaining us
am, F, G, am let us walk this rainbow together
jay ma… help us life in harmony
Chapter Good for Foodcircle Page 9
mother i feel you under my feet
mother i feel your heart beeting :// Coleoco mama coleoco
heja heja…. coleoco mama coleoco 4x
mama coleoco, mama coleoco 4x

calling the sun mama calling the sun 4x

mama calling the sun, mama calling the sun 4x
Earth my body water my blood
air my breath and fire my spirit ://
heja heja….
Erde meinen Körper wasser mein Blut
Luft mein Atem und Feuer meine Seele:// i can feel my heart beat
heja heja... beating to the rhythem of the freedom song
//: if i say yes to the beat in me
i can set my spirit free://

tall trees, warm fire, strong winds, deep water

i can feel it in my body i can feel it in my soul://
Du bist mein Bruder, du bist meine Schwester
Himmel und Erde haben uns geborn ://

fly like an eagle (fly like an eagle) //:Engel begleiten uns auf all unsern Wegen
flying so high (flying so high) unsere Mutter Erde ist immer für uns da://
circeling the univers (circeling the univers)
with wings of pure light (with wings of pure

//: hej witchichaio (hej witchichaio) every day i love my life a little bit more
witchichaio (withichaio):// a little bit more, a little bit more://

fly like a butterfly (fly like a butterfly) past is history, future a mistery
flying so low (flying so low) presence reality
circeling the mother earth (circeling the mother and this is who we are
with wings of rainbow (with wings of rainbow) this is just a song about the rainbow people
this is just a song about freedom://
//: hej witchichaio (hej witchichaio)
witchichaio (witchichaio):// freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom://

I am a gypsy (a healer, a pixie,a hitchhiker)

here we are once again i am a wonderer (al istener, unicorn, recycler)
holding hands in a circle i am a rainbow my soul will never die://
mother earth gives us birth
father sky brings us changes //: kumbaja kumbaja hey
face the sun, feel the power kumbaja kumbaja ho
face the moon and let it flow kumbaja kumbaja hey
my soul will never die://

Rundherum im Kreis
give thanks to mother gaja wir reichen uns die Hände
give thanks to father sun tanzen unser Leben
give thanks to the flowers and the veggies in das Licht in mir, ich schenke es dir
the garden where the mother and the father
are one
Chapter Good for Magic head Page 10

Good for Magic head Sanskrit Mantras

C Short explenation Hinduism
deep inside my heart i got this
3 main Aspects
of the divine father/of the divine mother
ever lasting love thats shining
• Bramah/Sarasvati
like a sun that rediates on everyone ◦ Creator, Creativity, Art, Realization,
F C G C • Vishnu/Lakshmi
and the more that i give the more i got to give ◦ Protector of the Creation Giving,
F C G C Peace, Beauty, Abundance
its the way that i live, thats what i‘m living for • Shiva/Parvati
◦ Destroyer, Let go, Transformation

Deities in Vishnu Energy:

am • 8. Avatar of Vishnu
our magic is our give away • is the all pervasive Love
G am • devine Joy
our magic is our song • his flute is the symbole of the human heart
whitch gets alive through divine Prana
so give away your love today (breath)
G am • pictured with blue skin, his flute, a peacock
and sing the whole day long fether and sometimes as cowherd boy
• Krishnas eternal concord
• symbolizes devine love, romance,
//:sing the whole day long unconditional devotion, aesthetics
G am •
sing the whole day long:// Govinda/Gopala
• two names of Krishna
• Protor of the cows
• God as Cowherd boy→ we can dedicate we can dedicate
our selfs to good. He will care for us
am G • they give joy to our senses and the land
all around my, all around my, all around my •
am Rama
heart :// • 7. Avatar of Vishnu
G am • stands for righteouseness and fairness,
rainbow spirit is all around my heart:// dignity
G am • pictured with bow and arrow to protect the
put some love into the magic head:// good
• incarnation of Lakshmi
• stands for courage, dedication and purity
• wife of Rama
am F Hanuman
if jah is stainding by my side • Ramas faithful follower
G • He is as fast as the wind, has the strength
to tear up mountains and clouds, is big as
why should i be affraid? why should i be the mountains, has a voice like thunder
am and can fly
affraid?:// • symbolizes the mood of complete focused
and humble dedication and devotion to
am, F, G... go(o)d and through repeating his name
love, love love in the rainbow 3x • pictured with a monkey body
love Deities in Shiva Energy
(kiss, jump, shine, dance in the rainbow)
Chapter Short explenation Hinduism Page 11
Shiva Vishnu Energy Mantras
• is the destroyer and through this also the
cause for the creation, because without (Krishna, Govinda, Gopala, Radha, Rama, Sita, Hanuman)
destroying the old cycle there can‘T be a
new creation am G am
• helps to let go of illusions, of the ego, of Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna
attachements G am
• pictured with skin covered in ashes (stands Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
for light and knowledge), 3 eyes, Snake C G
around his neck, Ganga and half moon in Hare Rama, Hare Rama
the hair, trident and a drum em am
Rama Rama, Hare Hare
Parvati (Rainbow Melody)
• Mother of the univers
• Wive of Shiva and mother of Ganesha
• gives succes and prosperity
• Goddess of the Himalaja and of food am em
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna
Kali F G
• wild form of Parvati
Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
• stands for death, destruction and through
am em
this also for renewal
Hare Rama, Hare Rama
• destroys Illusions and ignorance
• pictured black, terrifying, dancing on shivas
head Rama Rama, Hare Hare
(Alex Melody)
• friendly form of Parvati
• gives material ritchness
• stands for power, renounciation and G hm C
wisdom Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna
• pictured with bright skin, 8 arms, riding on Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
a tiger G hm C
Hare Rama, Hare Rama
Ganesha Rama Rama, Hare Hare
• helps to overcome obstacles (Sadbudhja Melody)
• pulles the searcher out of his or her wordly
problems and connects them with infine
• destroys all wishes and bindings am F
• son of shiva and parvati I open my eyes oh Lord
• pictured as an elephant often with a G am
mouse (stands for egoism and wordly cause i want to see you all the time
wishes) and sweets (stand for the reward
of spiritual searching) am, F, G, am
I open my ears oh Lord
other Sanskrit words cause i want to hear you all the time
Om or Aoum
• Om is the sound of the universe. When we
chant it, we are symbolically and physically am, F, G, am
tuning in to that sound and recognizing I open my heart oh Lord
our connection to everything within the cause i want to feel you all the time
• Impersonal manifestation of the devine am
Namaha Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna
• the word for salutation and praise F
Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Shri G
• word denoting the devine feminine, wealth Hare Rama, Hare Rama
and prosperity, primarily used as an am
honorific. Rama Rama, Hare Hare
Chapter Vishnu Energy Mantras Page 12
em hm C D em
Shri Krishna, Govinda, Hare Monali:// am KAPO 3
em hm Radhe radhe radhe sham
He Radhe Radhe Govinda G em am
C D em govinda radhe shri radhe://
Govinda Gopal://
am G
Govinda radhe radhe sham
am em am
Om shri Krishna Chai- Gopala radhe radhe sham://
tanya Prabhu nityananda
G em am
Hare Krishna, Hare Rama, Rahade Govinda
(Chaitanya is the one who brought the maha mantra to am G am
the world. Until he came and sang it everywhere on the Hej hej Govinda, hej hej Gopala
streets, it was secret. G am
Prabhu means master or prince
Nityanada means the one whos bliss is eternal, was a hej Vasudesva, hej Nityananda
friend and student from chaitanya)
G hm C //: shri radhe radhe radhe
Shri Krishna Chaitanya, Prabhu Nityananda
G hm C
Shri Advaita Gadadhara Shrivasadi Gaurabhakta Vrinda radhe radhe radhe sham://

am C KAPO 3
Govinda Narajana
G am am G
Gopala Narajana:// Jay Bajaranga Bali
am G am (F) am
Govinda Gopala Narajana:// Jay Hanuman a ki://
C G em am
Hare Govinda Gopala Narajana:// C G
Jay Mahavira, jay Hanuman
em am
am G F G Jay Gurudeva, Karo Kalyan://
Govinda jaya jaya, Gopala jaya jaya:// (Mantra which activates the power, devotion and
am G F G strength of Hanuman)
Radha Ramana hari Govinda jaya jaya://
(Sadbhudja melody. Kirtan)

am C F G KAPO 2 Jaya sita ram jay jay Hanuman://
Govinda jaya jaya, Gopala jaya jaya dm F
am C F G jaya sita ram jay jay Hanuman
Radha Ramana hari Govinda jaya jaya:// dm F
2. Part: F, dm, am, G jaya sita ram jay jay
fast Part: am, F, G
am G F G Hanuman, Hanuman, Hanuman
Haribol, Hariobol, Haribol, Haribol://

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna am F
Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare sita ram, jay jay ram
Hare Ram, Hare Ram sita ram, jay jay ram://
Ram Ram, Hare Hare sita ram, jay jay ram
(By Laeela with different melodies) am G
sita ram, jay jay ram://
Chapter Vishnu Energy Mantras Page 13

am KAPO 2 am F C G
Om shri ram jay ram jay jay ram Om namah shivaya:// (slow)
G am
Om shri ram jay ram jay jay ram am
C G Om namah shivaya (fast)
Om shri ram jay ram jay jay ram F
em am Om namah shivaya
Om shri ram jay ram jay jay ram C
Om namah shivaya
am G
I am one my lord, I am one with the Om namah shivaya://
G am
I am one with the beauty of all I see
I am one with the gras, am G
G Namah kare hej namah kare
with the bird and the tree em am
em am namah kare hej namah kare://
I am one with your love for eternity
am G em am
shivaya namah om, shivaya namah om
am G em am
shivaya namah om, hare om namah shivaya

Shiva Energy Mantras

(Shiva, Kali, Durga, Parvati, Ganesha)
am F C G
am Om namah shivaya namah om Haidakande://
om namah shivaya, om namah shivaya am F C G
C Hare hare, hare hare, hare hare, shankara://
om namah shivaya namah om
G dm am am F C
namah shivaya, namah shivaya om namah shivaya guru dev
G am G am
namah shivaya namah om satchidananda murtaje
C G dm am F C
namah shivaya, namah shivaya namastasje, namastasje
G am G am
namah shivaya namah om:// namastasje, namo namah://
am dm G am am F C
shiva om, shiva om, shiva om, shiva om now i do remenber when we were in
am dm G am G
shanti om, shanti om, shanti om, shanti om Haidakande
am F C G
sitting by the Gangha singing her own song
am F C G
sitting by the holy sacred fire
am F
am G/em F G has been burning there for many
Jaya shiva shankara boom boom hare hare:// C G
thousands of years://
am G/em F G (from Jayjayjay)
hare hare, hare hare, boom boom hare hare
am G/em F G am
hare hare, hare hare shiva mahadeva
Chapter Shiva Energy Mantras Page 14

am dm am
He amba, he amba, he amba bol Hare Hare Hare Hare Mahadeva://
am dm am em am E
ishwara, sat chid ananda bol:// Shiva shiva shiva sada shiva://
am om hare hare hare hare mahadeva://
samba sadash shiva, samba sadash shiva dm E
dm om namo namo namah shivaja://
samba sadash shiva bol
am dm am em am am
palaka preraka sata pati bol:// Bramah vishnu surashitaya
dm E7
am dm am om namo namo namah shivaja://
Amba amba jaya jagadamba
dm C em am E
akilandeshwari jaya jagadamba:// Uma Ganesha saravani sevita
om namo namo namah shivaja://
dm E7
am om namo namo namah shivaja://
Shivaya Parameshwaraya
F am
Chandrashekaraya namah om://
am C F
F am Om Arunajala om
Bhavaya bhavaya Gunasambhavaya am C F
G F am Om Arunajala om ://
Shiva Tandavaya Namah Om:// am C F
Arunajala, arunajala, arunajala
am C F
Arunajala, arunajala, arunajala://
am dm am C F
Sarva mangala mangalye Shiva, shiva, shivaja://
am G am
shive sarvatha sadhike://

am dm C G am em/G
sharanye trayambake gauri Jay Ganesha Deva, jay durge ma
am dm G am F G
narajani namostute:// Uma Paravati , Ananda ma://

am C G dm am C/F
om nama shivaja om nama shiva Om namah shivaya, om namah shivaja
am C G am G/em am
om nama shivaja om nama shivaja:// mahadeva shambo://
(honor of the mother Narajani. It brings luck and fulfills
the wishes of the seeker)

am G F KAPO 2 F G am
om mata, om mata, om mata om Ganesha om ganapati oooom://
G am
Haidakandeshwari:// am F
am G/em F gana pati om, gana pati om
om mata, om mata, om mata dm G
G am gana pati om, gana pati om://
Chapter Shiva Energy Mantras Page 15
Ganesha sharanam, sharanam ganesha C G am KAPO 3
dm am G am Jai shri ma kali kali ma, jay shri ma://
Ganesha sharanam, sharanam ganesha://
C G dm am
am D am Ananda ma durga devi, jagadambe shri ma://
Om gam gana pataje namaha
D am
Om gam gana pataje namaha
G em am
om gam gana pataje namaha
G em am am G am
om gam gana pataje namaha Jaya mata Kali, jaya mata Durge://
(by Joachim Böttcher)
am C G am
Kali Durge namo nama://
Om gam gana pataje namaha dm am
F Kali Druge namo nama://
Om gam gana pataje namaha am C G am
dm Kali Durge namo nama
Om gam gana pataje namaha
Om gam gana pataje namaha://

am dm
Om gam gana pataje namaha am G am
F G Jaya mata Kali we invoke to this place
Sharanam, Sharanam dm G
am dm take a way our fears and bless us with your
Om gam gana pataje namaha am
F G am grace://
Sharanam Ganesha://
am G am
am G am burn it all away Kali, burn it all away
Gana pati, Gana pati dm G am
E G am if it doesn‘t serve us than burn it all away://
gana pataje, gana pataje://

Om gam gana pataje namaha am
em Sarasvati, Maha Lakshmi
Om gam gana pataje namaha:// C G am
am G am G am Durga Devi Namaha
strong, strong my roots deep into the ground dm am
G am G am sarasvati, Maha Lakshmi
strong, strong my wings way bejond the sky C G am
F G am Durga Devi Namaha
Freedom, freedom light
F G am
I am dancing with creation
F G am
Freedom, freedom love
here we‘re singing in celebration
(by Deva Premal and miten)
Chapter Other sanskrit Mantras Page 16

Other sanskrit Mantras am dm

Om bhur bhuvah swaha
Am G tat savitur vareniam
Om mani padme om, om mani padme om am dm
am em bargo devasya dhimahi
Om mani padme om , om mani padme om C G/E am
(oldest Buddhist mantra. Mani padme: jewel in the lotus dhiyo yo nah prachodayat
→ we can dedicate balance male and female energy. Desire for liberation
(is directed towards the sun of truth, the divine light that
from the cycle of rebirth)
shines through everything. Ask for spiritual
enlightenment. Life giver)

dm F C am dm
D C D Lokah Samasta Sukino Bavantu://
Om mani om mani padme om
C em dm F C am
om mani padme om May all the beeeings in all the worlds be happy
C G/em C/am D dm
Om mani padme om , om mani padme om and free://
(by Jayjayjay) (by Yopi from Jayjayjay)

am C G am em G am
dm Lokah Samasta Sukino Bavantu
There‘s a juwel in the Lotus flower (by Frauke Richter)
C am dm
unfolding deep within my soul
to be a juwel in the lotus flower am C F am
C am dm Lokah Samasta Sukino Bavantu://
unfolding is my highest goal://
am C
dm We are one, space in time
Mani om mani padme om F am
C am dm connected in love, here and now://
om mani om mani padme om://

am em G am KAPO 3
Lokah Samasta Sukino Bavantu
(Schweibenalp melody)
am F C
Om tryambakam yajamahe
G am
sugandim pushti vardanam
em C
Om namo baghavate vasudevaja
uruva rukamiva bhandana
D em
G E E7
om namo baghavate vasudevaja://
mrityor mukshia maamritat
(Opens higher realities. Blessings before traveling.
Letting go, spiritual maturation. Healing of diseases. For em C
the dead to let go of earthly liability) Vasudevaja, vasudevja
D em
om namo baghavate vasudevaja://
(I bow to the divine light of all beings)
Chapter Other sanskrit Mantras Page 17

am am G am G KAPO 3
Gate gate para gate Om Asatoma Sat Gamaya
C G am F G
para sangate buddhi suaha Tamasoma Jyothir Gamaya
em am
dm am Mrithyorma Amritham Gamaya
Gate gate para gate
C G am am G am G
para sangate buddhi suaha Lead us from the unreal to the real
from darkness into light
em am
from death to imortality
C am dm G
Om krim sum surjaja namaha
(slow and fast together)
(Mantra for the sun by jayjayjay)

am F G E
Jay ma, Jay ma, Jay ma, Jay ma://
(Prasadini melody)

am G C
Om tare tu tare ture suaha
dm G am G am
Om tare tu tare ture suaha:// am em
Jay ma, Jay ma, Jay ma
jay ma, jay ma, jay ma://
am dm am G
Om namo amitabaya ananda ma, ananda ma
C G am F G am
buddaya, dharmaya, sangaya:// ananda ma, ananda ma://
am G F
Om namo, om namo, om namo
am G am em
sat siri siri akal
am C G
siri akal maha akal
am F dm am
Gobinde, Mukande, Udare, Apare maha akal satanam
G E em/G am
Hariang, Kariang, Nirname, Akame:// akal murit wahe guru
(great sublime eternity, we are infinite. inconceivable
F G mortality, inconceivable infinity. you are my true infinite
Gobinde, Mukande, Udare, Apare being. You're Marvellous. lead us from the dark into the
E F C E light)
Hariang, Kariang, Nirname, Akame
(Erhaltend, befreiend, erleuchtend, unendlich,
zerstörend, erschaffend, namenlos, wunschlos; Kundalini
Chapter Deutsche Kraftlieder Page 18

Deutsche Kraftlieder om aufm Berg da bin ich froh

om aufm Berg gfällts mir so
om aufm berg da bin i frei
Am dm om aufm Berg hab i mei freid
Tief in mir bin ich Kraft
G E ooom aufm Berg
bin ich Liebe vom Licht bewacht:// ooom aufm Berg
am dm (by Josh)
Tief in dir bist du Kraft
bist du Liebe vom Licht bewacht://
am dm
Tief in uns sind wir Kraft am G
G E Die Engel sind in meiner Gegenwart
sind wir Liebe vom Licht bewacht:// am
ich bin geschützt
am dm G
Ja wir öffnen unsere Herzen die Engel sind in meiner Gegenwart
G E am
feiern unser wahres sein ich bin geführt
am dm C G
Liebe wohnt in allen Wesen Die Engel sind in meiner Gegenwart
G E am
und in ihr sind wir daheim:// ich bin geliebt
Die Engel sind in meiner Gegenwart
C am
ich bin

am G
am die Liebe ist in meiner Gegenwart…..
Auf dieser Erde gehe ich Gott ist in meiner Gegenwart…..
G am Freunde sind in meiner Gegenwart….
(by colorful tribe)
auf dieser Erde stehe ich
G am
auf dieser Erde bin ich richtig/wichtig://

ja ich bin, so wie ich bin am dm am
am E am Trommel mein Herz für das Leben
und wie ich bin, bin ich Sinn und Liebe:// G E am
Singe mein Wunsch dem Frieden://
am dm am G E am
Das die Erde heller und schöner werde://

am dm am
Heene ma tov uma naem
am G am G E am
So tief in die Erde wie ein Baum shevet achim gam yachat://
G am am dm am G E am
so hoch in den Himmel wie ein Baum Heene ma tov shevet achim gam yachat://
(C) G am G am (Hebrew)
geht mein Weg, geht mein Weg
Chapter Deutsche Kraftlieder Page 19

am dm
Große Mutter breite deine Flügel Es gab einmal ne Zeit

über diese Täler diese Hügel und die wird es wieder geben
F am C dm
segne alles was lebt und was stirbt ja da hatte alles Leben ja da hatte alles Leben
G am
große Mutter wir danken dir:// keinen Nahmen, sondern Melodie
C dm
am keinen Namen sondern Melodie
Durge, durge, durge jay jay ma
Durge, durge, durge jay jay ma drum lasst uns sein wie die Vögel
dm C dm
Durge, durge, durge jay jay ma und singen wie sie die alte Melodie
Durge, durge, durge jay jay ma drum lasst uns sein wie die Vögel
G am C dm
jay ma, jay ananda ma und singen wie sie die alte Melodie
G am
jay ma jay ananda ma dm
//:jada hejda jadahejda ho
C dm
jeda hejda jadahejda ho://

am G
Die große Mutter ruft ihre Stimme so klar
die goldne Zeit bricht an Feuergeist singe, Feuergeist tanze
am C/F G am
Erdmenschen bitte wacht auf Feuergeist du bist mein
wacht auf:// am
Feuergeist singe, Feuergeist tanze
jadadei….. C/F G am
Feuergeist ich bin dein://

kleine Flamme, kleine Flamme
C/F G am
C G am zünde mein Feuerholz an://
Flieg Vogel flieg
die Erde unter dir singt dir ein Lied://

C G am
Tanz Flamme tanz am
F G Mondin große geheime Weise
die Luft um dir macht dir ein Kranz:// G (em) em(G) am
Erde und Himmel wir rufen dich://
C G am
Schwimm Fisch schwimm em G am
F G Du scheinst durch alles du scheinst für alle
das Wasser in dir gibt dir Sinn:// G (em) am
//: für alle die wild sind und frei://
Chapter Deutsche Kraftlieder Page 20

Spanish medecine Songs
wenn du jemals vergisst
Am F
wenn du jemals vergisst Commo no voy a cantar (reir, viajar, bailar)
G am G am
wie schön du bist, wie schön du bist:// si tengo todo para cantar://
ja dann komm zu mir und ich erinner dich am F
em am tengo luna, tengo sol
ich erinner dich, wie schön du bist:// G am
tengo estrellas, tengo amor://
wenn du jemals vergisst
wenn du jemals vergisst
wie stark du bist, wie stark du bist://
ja dann komm zu mir und ich erinner dich am C
ich erinner dich, wie stark du bist:// en tus ojos de agua infinita
G F am
wenn du jemals vergisst se banjan las estrellitas mama://
wenn du jemals vergisst am C
dass du Liebe bist, dass du Liebe bist:// Agua de luz agua de strellas
ja dann komm zu mir und ich erinner dich G F
ich erinner dich, dass du Liebe bist:// pachamama vienes del cielo://
am C G
wenn du jemals vergisst limpia limpia limpia corazon agua brillante
wenn du jemals vergisst am C G
wer du bist, wer du bist:// sana sana sana corazon agua bendita
ja dann komm zu mir und ich erinner dich am C G
ich erinner dich, wer du bist:// calma calma calma corazon agua del cielo
Wenn ich jemals vergess mama://
wenn ich jemals vergess am C
wie schön und stark ich bin pachamama, pachamama
wie schön und stark ich bin:// G am
dann komm ich zu dir madre tierra, pachamama://
und du erinnerst mich, du erinnerst mich
wie schön und stark ich bin://

dm am
En el cielo y en la tierra
C dm
am G em am Con el Sol y las estrellas
Die Erde trägt mich ai ai ai am
G em am En el cielo y en la tierra
der Wind bewegt mich ai ai ai C dm
C G em am La lunita y las estrellas
das Wasser nährt mich ai ai ai
C G em am dm am
und Sonne wärmt mich ai ai ai Siento el fuego dentro dentro
C dm
C, G, Em, am Siento el fuego aquí te encuentro://
ai ai ai ai ai ai
am, G, em, am dm am
ai, ai, ai, ai Pachamama en este fuego
C dm
Pachamama aqui te encuentro://
Chapter Spanish medecine Songs Page 21

am dm am C
soy un ninjo salvaje Viento que viene de la montaña
G am dm am C
inocente libre y silvestre Viento, tráenos la claridad://
dm am C
tengo todas las edades Viento que viene de la mar
G am dm am C
mis abuelos viven en mi viento traenos la liberdad://

soy hermano de las nubes dm

y solo se compatir Vuela, vuela, vuela, vuela
se que todo es todas am C
y que todo esta viven en mi Vuela, vuela, vuela, volá con nosotros://

mi corazon es una estrella dm am C

soy hijo je la tierra Viento que viene del desierto
viajo a bordo de mi espiritu dm am C
y camino en la eternidad Viento, tráenos el silencio://
dm am C
Viento que viene de la selva
dm am C
Viento, tráenos la memoria://

em D
Llévame con tus alas de luz
C D am C
Águila, tráenos medicina Desde lejos desde lejos oigo
em D G am
Del viento, del aire, de las estrellas, del sol el canto enamorado de un pájaro
C D am C
Brillando, guía mi camino:// este pájaro Es mi abuelo
em Es mi abuelo que canta,
Cura, cura, cura, cúrame am
D Que canta enamorado.
Sana todo lo que yo llevo
C Am C
Agradezco por mi vida este pájaro Es mi abuela
Pachamama yo te amo:// Es mi abuela que canta,
em D Que canta enamorada.
Llévame con tus alas de amor
C D am
Condorcito tráenos medicina Canta, canta, canta
em D C
Del cielo, ilumina mi interior Canta, canta, canta
Volando enseña mi camino:// Canta, canta, canta
Canta, canta, canta

am C
Águila, agui- aguile
G am
aguila aguile, agui- aguile://
Chapter Spanish medecine Songs Page 22

am C KAPO 2 C
Voy caminando en la noche Od yavo' shalom aleinu
G am F
solamente la luna me guia:// Od yavo' shalom aleinu
dm am Od yavo' shalom aleinu
a cada pasa me adentro en el bosque F C
E am Ve al kulam://
voy convirtiendome en mi sombre://
am C Salaam Aleinu ve al kol ha olam,
Busco en la tierra el origen F
G Salaam, Salaam://
y en el agua la memoria:// (Hebrew. Peace will come to us and everyone, Peace to us
and the whole world)
dm am
Busco en el aire la inspriation
dm am
y en el fuego mi corazon:// D am KAPO 5
Kol Haneshama
From all over the world Halleluyah
(Hymn tothe soul by Laor
every soul praises to the devine)
Salam aleikum, aleikum a salam
salam aleikum, aleikum a salam KAPO 5
am E F E
salam aleikum:// El na refa nala, El na refa nala, El na refa nala://
am El na refa nala, El na refa nala://
Shalom alachem alachem a shalam
shalom alachem alachem a shalom
shalom alachem:// am G
Hej nikedi hej wanna, hej nikedi hej wanna
Hare Krishna…. F G
Hallelujah… hasse wanna hej wanna
om mani padme hum… E am
hasse wanna hej wanna

Hej sister we are one
am dm am dm G
Shabat shalom, shabat shalom hej brother we are one
am dm am em am F G
shabat shabat shabat shabat shalom:// no matter where we are coming from
E am
F C no matter where we are going to
Shabat shabat shabat shabat shalom://
Chapter From all over the world Page 23

Cm dm
UCHU NO MUGEN He yama yo wanna henne yo
Gm A dm
NO CHIKARA GA KORI KOTTE he yama yo wanna henne yo://
MAKOTO dm C dm
NO DAIWA wahi hi yayana heheheho
Gm A B dm
NO MIYO wahi heheheheheyo, wahi
GA NARI NATTA (We are here and now, everywhere we are one;
indeginouse dakota tribe)
We pray for healing blessings on the waters
We pray for healing blessings on the sea
We pray for healing blessings on the rivers am
Gm Guate lenjo lenjo maote
That they may shine in crystal purity/flow in G em am
perfect harmony heiano heiano heiano://
(Japanese water mantra. The Eternal power of the
Universe has gathered itself to create the world with true am
and grand harmony) we are one with the infinte sun
G em am
forever and ever and ever://

we are in tune with the sister in moon
G em am
am G em am forever and ever and ever://
Aje kerunene, keranio, keruna://

keranio heja hejo heja hej
G em am
aje keruna://
(from Africa, Song for mother earth)

am G am G em am
Haa haje hame, haje hame, haje hame://

G am G am
Oshoru shoru Senegal
G am G am
Oshoru shoru Senegal
G am
haje haje hame
G em am
haje haje hame
Chapter own Songs Page 24

own Songs am
unterm Sternenzelt
Ref: KAPO 3 zählt kein Job kein Geld
em G F E
one love with all the shining hearts einfach nur da sein, einfach nur wahr sein://
with all the shining hearts dm
em Denn das Feuer brenn
we are the rainbow people:// C
doch für jeden Mensch
em am dm (E7)
1. sitting in the circle Einfachheit leben, durchs Leben schweben
hands together knee by knee
em H
creating all this power all this super energy
em am
there‘s just love, love and harmony am
G H Wherever you take me
and all around us all this super energy dm
whatever you bring
em am E am
2. don‘t need money fuck babylon whatever you carry away your the holy wind://
we are rising up like a cyclon am C
em am I wanna breath just breath
destroyes all attachements we can start again G F
G to feel alive
even if dark clouds are comming am C G
D breath just breath and be://
no storm can hold us back (by Matthis and Caro)


3. Dancing naked in the rain
cleans body and mind em KAPO 3
G Du Wald stehst still
beautiful sound and laughter am hm em
H ich nehm dich in mir auf denn ich will
and your shining eyes am hm em
em von deiner Weisheit lernen still
feels like eternaty am hm em
am still wird auch mein Gemüt ganz still
every part of every soul am hm
G D um doch so viel zu spüren://
is around here even the elders
em, G, D
Ref. da da da da
(by Matthis and Caro)
4. Feel your body connected to the earth
open up to the great spirit of the univers
give this place a home
in your body in your soul
than you will realize you will never be alone
Chapter own Songs Page 25

am F
Tschien tschia zang zang beilu mang mang
G am
souo wei i jen zai schue i fang
Ou luen ni tsching waan chuej tschü na li
G am
Ou luen vo men schö vou zei jen hai schijang
F am
//: uoa ei ni zua jo schan ming://
(chines by Kore
old chinese poem witch discribes a pictur of river, feeld,
mist, beautiful women. No matter where you go tonight,
no matter if we ever met in this world, I love you all the

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