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University Law College &

Department of Studies in Law



Sl. No. Contents Page Number

1 Definitions 02

2 Date and Venue of the Competition 04

3 Participation and Eligibility 05

4 Registration Process 06

5 Memorial Guidelines 07

6 General Procedure 12

7 Preliminary Rounds 15

8 Quarter- Final Round 16

9 Semi- Final Round 17

10 Final Round 18

11 Miscellaneous 20

12 Key Dates 21

13 Awards 22

14 Copyrights 23

15 Disclaimer 23

16 Contact Details 23

17 Final Registration Form 24


1. Organizing Committee shall mean The Moot Court Society, i.e., The Society of Mooters,
University Law College, Bangalore University, members thereof, or any person or
persons appointed for the administration of this moot court competition.

2. Clarifications shall mean any questions, inquires or doubts sent by a registered team to
the organizers seeking any factual clarification(s) in the Moot Problem. The
clarifications, if any, provided by the organizing committee shall be considered as if they
were part of the Moot Proposition and shall have no individual significance.

3. Compendium shall refer to a concise compilation of principle heads, general principles,

case laws, and other relevant academic resources related to the Memorial.

4. Competition shall denote the 27th All India Moot Court Competition.

5. Memorial shall refer to the written submissions submitted by participating teams.

6. Participant refers to any member of an institution participating in the Competition.

7. Participating Team shall denote the team that has registered for the competition as
specified below.

8. Participating Institution shall be deemed to be the parent institution of the Participating


9. Penalty shall refer to the deduction imposed on the Memorial scores for non-compliance
with the rules stated herewith.

10. Petitioner shall refer to the side that argues on behalf of the party that brings the claim
at any given point in the Competition.

11. Respondent shall refer to the side that argues on behalf of the party against whom the
claim has been made at any given point in the Competition.

12. Rebuttals shall denote the arguments presented by the Petitioner in response to the
Respondent's submissions at the conclusion of the main pleadings of all speakers.

13. Sur-rebuttals shall denote the defense presented by the Respondents to the rebuttals.

14. Scouting shall refer to the practice whereby any individual observes the Oral Rounds of
a team other than the one with whom they are associated with. (Such scouting by the
participants shall be closely monitored by the organizers and shall attract penalties)

15. Speaker shall refer to a Participant who presents oral arguments in any given round.

16. Team code shall refer to the code allocated to a Participating Team by the Organizing
Committee after the completion of the registration process.


Date: The 27th All India Moot Court Competition 2023, shall be held from 9th June, 2023
to 11th June, 2023.

Venue: University Law College, Bangalore University, Jnanabharathi Campus,

Jnanabharathi, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560056.

Google Maps link:


Participation in the competition is open to all law students pursuing 3- or 5-year integrated
courses, or any equivalent law program from any law college/department/university
recognized by the Bar Council of India.

Team composition

Team Registration:
• Each institution may register a maximum of two teams for the competition.
• Each team shall comprise a minimum of two members and a maximum of three members.
• Once registered, this number shall not be modified under any circumstance.
• Any changes to the team composition will be subject to the discretion of the Organizing

Team Dynamics:
• In a team consisting of three participants, two members must perform the role of a
speaker, and one member must perform the role of a researcher.
• In a team consisting of two participants, both members must perform the role of speakers
and one among them must be the researcher.

Disclosure of Identity:

• Teams shall not disclose the identity of their institution; such disclosure shall invite
penalties, including disqualification. The decision will be made at the sole discretion of the
Organizing Committee.


• The registration shall be initiated in the following manner:

The registration form given at the end of this document must be filled out, duly signed by the Head of
the Institution and uploaded to the link given below.

• The link for registration:

• The hard copy of the final registration details should be submitted on the day of the competition.

• Unless otherwise specified, the maximum number of teams participating in the event shall be 32
Teams on the basis of Memorial Qualification.


Content of Memorial

i. The Memorial is required to contain the following sections:

1. Cover Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Table of Abbreviations
4. Index of Authorities
5. Statement of Jurisdiction
6. Statement of Facts (shall not exceed 2 pages)
7. Issues Raised
8. Summary of Arguments
9. Arguments Advanced
10. Prayer

Format of Memorial

1. The section on Summary of Arguments, Arguments Advanced and Prayer shall not exceed
a maximum of 30 pages.

2. The Memorial shall not exceed a maximum of 40 pages, which shall include the cover

3. The teams shall adhere to a uniform style of citation, i.e., the 21st Edition Bluebook
Method of citation, throughout their written submissions.

4. The Cover page of the Memorial shall prominently feature the allocated Team Code in
the upper right-hand corner, followed by a ‘P’ or ‘D’ to indicate whether the Memorial is
being submitted on behalf of the Petitioners or Respondents. For instance, the team code for
the cover page of TC_01 shall be mentioned as “TC_01 P” and “TC_01 D” for the
Petitioners’ and Respondents’ memorials, respectively.

Additionally, the Petitioner’s Memorial shall feature a Blue cover page, and the
Respondent’s Memorial shall feature a Red cover page.

5. The submission of the Memorial in soft copy shall include both Microsoft Word
Document format (.doc/.docx) and PDF Format.

6. Each Memorial should be contained in a single file, with the file name consisting of the
allocated team code, followed by the name of the side whose arguments are presented in
that Memorial, i.e., ‘Petitioner’ or ‘Respondent’. For instance, the Petitioner Memorial
submitted by the team with the code ‘TC_25’ shall be named “Petitioner TC_25.”

7. Formatting Rules:

Font type Times New Roman

Font size 12 for the main text, headers and
Line Spacing 1.5 spacing for main text, headers
and footers.
Footnotes The font size should be 10
Single spacing between lines and
double spacing between 2

Body Of text Justified

Margin 1 inch from all sides.

8. Participating teams are required to adhere to the prescribed clause of anonymity. Throughout
the course of the competition, the Memorial must refrain from disclosing any personal
information of the team members, including their names and institutional affiliation.

Exchange of Memorial

• The exchange of Memorials will take place on the day of Orientation, i.e., June 9th,

subsequent to the inauguration ceremony.

• Teams are strictly forbidden from making any annotations on the exchanged Memorials.

• Teams are also prohibited from reproducing photocopies of such Memorials.

• The Memorial of the opposing team must be returned to the Court Officers upon the
completion of each Round.

Penalties for non-compliance with Memorial Format

Penalty for any submission made after the 1 point/hour

deadline specified.

Non-compliance with rule (1) 1 point/additional page

Non-compliance with rule (2) 2 points/additional page

Non-compliance with rule (3) 1 point per error

Non-compliance with rule (4) 1 point

Non-compliance with rules (5) and (6) 5 points

Non-compliance with rule (7) 1 point per error

Non-Compliance with rule (8) Disqualification


The participants are required to refrain from employing similar language or replicating content
from the memorials of other teams or any other sources. Even the usage of publicly available
information must be accompanied by proper citations. It is crucial to note that these rules shall
be applicable to all components of the memorial and not just limited to the Pleadings and
Prayer. Failure to adhere to this rule may lead to disqualification from the 27th All India Moot
Court Competition, 2023. The Organizing Committee, in consultation with the memorial
judges, shall make the final decision regarding the determination of instances of plagiarism and
the imposition of penalties for such actions.


Sl. Marking Criteria Marks

No Allotted

01 Logical Progression of Ideas 10

02 Originality in Analysis and Arguments 10

03 Understanding Essential Legal Issues 10


04 Clear, Concise and Unambiguous Writing 10


05 Forceful and Persuasive Presentation 10

06 Integration of Facts into Legal Arguments 10

07 Understanding and Analysis of Authority 10

08 Proper Use of Citation and Citation 10


09 Effective Use of Authority to Support 10


10 Neatness, Legibility and Formatting 10


10 | P a g e
Clarification guidelines
• Participants are kindly requested to communicate their clarifications via email.

• The last day to seek clarifications will be April 25th, 2023.

• Email inquiries should be directed to [email protected]

Submission guidelines
• The soft copy of the memorial should be mailed to [email protected]
by May 7th, 2023.

• Once qualified for the preliminary rounds, the qualified teams must submit six hard copies of
both sides of the memorial on the day of the competition.

• Binding Specifications: Spiral Binding only.

• Failure to submit hard copies of the memorials will result in immediate disqualification.

11 | P a g e

Number of Rounds

• The oral rounds shall be conducted in offline mode at the venue and shall comprise four
rounds in total:
i. Preliminary Round (Rounds 1 and 2)
ii. Quarter-Final Round
iii. Semi-Final Round
iv. Final Round

• The team representing the Petitioner shall submit their arguments first, followed by the team
representing the Respondent. Upon completion of the arguments, the Petitioner shall have
the option of submitting rebuttals and sur-rebuttals by the respondents, which will be subject
to the judges' discretion.

• During the oral rounds, the student counsels shall not state their names and/or any
personal details. They are also not allowed to reveal their institution's name and must use
the Team Code provided.

Dress Code
• Participants must be dressed in formal courtroom attire for all event days.

• Participants are required to wear white collar shirts, black trousers, black blazers, and black

Procedure for Oral Submission

Time Division:
The division of time between the two speakers shall be at the discretion of the team.

12 | P a g e
Communication to the Organising Committee:
Prior to the Oral Round, teams must inform the Court Officers about the time allocation
(i) The first speaker,
(ii) The second speaker, and
(iii) The rebuttal (for Petitioner) or sur-rebuttal (for Respondent), which will be subject to
the discretion of the judges.

Although not mandatory, teams may choose to submit a compendium. If a team decides to
do so, a hard copy must be submitted in accordance with the following guidelines:

• The Compendium can be presented at the discretion of the Judge. If permitted, it must
happen 10 minutes before the commencement of the rounds.

• The compendium for the book/case or any other resource shall be cited on the first page
of the resource and the relevant pages only. For instance, for citing a paragraph(s) from a
case X v. Y, the first page of the case, followed by relevant pages, shall be cited for this
part of the compendium.

• The responsibility of creating a comprehensive, accessible compendium folder lies with

the teams. Teams must also provide an index for their compilation.


• Teams are prohibited from observing the Oral Rounds of any other teams whatsoever.

• Scouting by any of the teams shall entail immediate disqualification.

• Any team can file a written complaint to the Organizers regarding scouting. The
Organizer's decision regarding scouting shall be final.

13 | P a g e

• The decision of the judges shall be final and binding.

• The Teams shall be evaluated in the oral rounds based on thecriteria mentioned

Sl. No Marking Criteria

01 10
Appreciation and Application of Facts

02 Identification and Articulation of Issues 10

03 Application of Legal Principles 10

04 Use of Authorities and Precedents 10

05 Response to Questions 10

06 Presentation Skills 10

07 Clarity of thoughts and legal structure of 10


08 Poise and Demeanour 10

09 Strategy 10

10 Ingenuity 10


14 | P a g e
(PRELIMS 1 & 2)

1. Details of the Round: The preliminary rounds, rounds 1 and 2, shall comprise the
competition's initial phase. Each team shall have the opportunity to argue on both sides,
as a Petitioner and a Respondent, in each round.

2. Determination of Fixtures: The Draw of Lots system shall be employed to determine

the match-ups, thus ensuring a fair and unbiased selection process.

3. Adjudging Bench: To promote a diverse and impartial adjudication process, no team

shall encounter the same bench more than once during the preliminary rounds.

4. Oral Arguments:
• Oral arguments must remain limited to the issues articulated in the Memorials.
• Each team shall be allotted 30 minutes to present their case; this shall include time
allotted for arguments advanced, rebuttals and sur-rebuttals.
• Attendance by researchers is mandatory during oral rounds.

5. Evaluation of Rounds: The cumulative score for both the rounds;Rounds 1 and 2, shall
be tabulated, and the teams that secure the highest scores shall qualify for the Quarter-
final Rounds.

15 | P a g e

1. Details of the Round: The Quarter-Finals shall feature the top eight teams
with the highest scores, duly selected from the previous rounds.

2. Determination of Fixtures: The Draw of Lots system shall be employed to

determine the match-ups, thus ensuring a fair and unbiased selection process.

3. Oral Arguments:
• Oral arguments must remain limited to the issues articulated in the Memorials.
• Each team shall be allotted 40 minutes to present their case; this shall include time
allotted for arguments advanced, rebuttals and sur-rebuttals.
• Attendance by researchers is mandatory during oral rounds.

4. Evaluation of Rounds: After a rigorous assessment, the team scores shall be

tabulated, and only the teams with the highest scores shall qualify for the Semi-Final
Rounds through a knock-out basis.

16 | P a g e

1. Details of the Round: The Semi-Final Rounds shall consist of the top four teams, who
have secured the highest scores in the Quarter-Final Rounds against their opponents. In
the event of a tie, the scores of the memorial will be utilized to evaluate the teams.

2. Determination of Fixtures: The Draw of Lots system shall be employed to determine

the match-ups, thus ensuring a fair and unbiased selection process.

3. Oral Arguments:

• Oral arguments must remain limited to the issues articulated in the Memorials.
• Each team shall be allotted 45 minutes to present their case; this shall include time
allotted for arguments advanced, rebuttals and sur-rebuttals.
• Attendance by researchers is mandatory during oral rounds.

4. Evaluation of Rounds: The team score shall be tallied, and the team that obtains the
highest score shall advance to the Final Rounds through the knock-out system.

17 | P a g e

1. Details of the Round: Top 2 teams securing highest scores in Semi-Finals as against
the opponents, will advance to Final Rounds. In case of a tie, the scores of the Memorial will
be used to evaluate the teams.

2. Determination of Fixtures: The Draw of Lots system shall determine the match-ups.

3. Oral Arguments:
• Oral arguments must remain limited to the issues articulated in the Memorials.
• Each team shall be allotted 60 minutes to present their case; this shall include time
allotted for arguments advanced, rebuttals and sur-rebuttals.
• Attendance by researchers is mandatory during oral rounds.

4. Evaluation of Rounds: Upon completion of the competition, the scores earned by

each team shall be carefully calculated and analyzed. Upon due consideration, the team
that has achieved the highest overall score shall be pronounced as the undisputed
champions of the competition.

18 | P a g e
• In the event of a team failing to present themselves for the oral submissions of a Round
within the first 5 minutes after the scheduled commencement of such Round, the other
team shall be obliged to proceed with ex-parte oral submissions.

• A written test will be conducted to determine the “Best Researcher.”
• Questions for the researcher’s test will be formulated based on the factual circumstances
of the Moot Proposition, as well as relevant legal principles and statutes.
• The researcher’s test is exclusively open to the designated researchers of the Participating
• In the event where there are only two members in a team, either one of them may partake
in the Researchers test.
• The test will be conducted for a duration of 60 minutes.
• In the event of a tie, the score of the memorials will be used to ascertain the “Best


• Accommodation shall be arranged by the Organizers commencing from 12:00 PM

of 9th June, 2023 and concluding at 08:00 PM of 11th June, 2023.
• Teams wishing to prolong their stay beyond 11th June, 2023 will have to make
arrangements for accommodation on their own. However, the Organizers will be
happy to assist Participating Teams in procuring additional accommodation on
request, subject to additional charges.
• Accommodation will be provided solely to participants, limited to a maximum of
three members.
• Meals will be furnished to members of the participating teams from dinner on 9th
June, 2023, through to dinner on 11th June, 2023.

19 | P a g e
• The Participating Teams will be provided assistance by the Organizers to reach the venue
from their respective places of arrival, subject to the completion of the Registration
• The Participating Teams are required to inform the Organizers of their travel plans when
the Organizers request for the same.
• Any subsequent changes made to the travel arrangements must be promptly
communicated to the Organizers.
• The Organizers shall assume responsibility to provide transportation for the Participating
Teams from the place of accommodation to the venue of the competition.


• Upon completion of the Competition, the Organizing Committee reserves the exclusive
right to utilize the memorials submitted to them, as they deem appropriate.
• Participating Teams should ensure they have the necessary study or reference materials
for their use during the oral rounds of Competition.
• Participating Teams are expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the legal
profession and maintain the appropriate decorum of the courtroom during the
• The Organizing Committee retains the right, at its sole discretion, to take appropriate
action for any unethical, unprofessional and wrongful conduct throughout the Moot
Court Competition.
• The Organizing Committee's decision concerning the interpretation of these rules or any
other matters relating to the Moot Court Competition shall be final and binding. If there
is any situation not covered by these rules, the decision of the Organizing Committee
shall be conclusive.
• The Organizing Committee reserves the right to amend, modify or repeal any of the rules
if required and as deemed appropriate. Participating Teams shall receive adequate notice
of any/all such amendments or modifications to the rules and regulations.

20 | P a g e

Last Date for Registration 10/04/2023

Last Date for Sending Clarifications 25/04/2023

Release of Clarifications 01/05/2023

Last Date for submission of soft copies of the Memorial 07/05/2023

Announcement of teams qualified 14/05/2023

Submission of travel plan 22/05/2023

Inauguration of AIMCC, Researcher’s test, Draw of lots 09/06/2023

Preliminary Rounds of the Moot Court Competition 10/06/2023

Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals, Final Rounds, and the Valedictory 11/06/2023

Function of the Competition

21 | P a g e

Winning team : Prizes worth Rupees One Lakh

[Three (3) one-year academic subscriptions to SCC Online worth
Rupees 81,000 + Attractive Cash prize + Trophy]

1ST Runner Up : Prizes worth Rupees 60,000

[Three (3) one-year complimentary subscription to EBC Learning

worth Rupees 43,500 + Attractive Cash prize + Trophy]

Best Memorial : 7500 Rupees + Trophy

Best Speaker Award : 7500 Rupees + Trophy

Best Researcher : 7500 Rupees + Trophy

22 | P a g e

• The copyright over the memorials submitted for participation in the competition shall
be assigned by the participants and will vest completely and fully on the Organizers.
• Participants are required to provide written certification of the originality of materials
contained therein and will be responsible for any claim or dispute arising from the
further use and exhibition of these materials.
• The exclusive right to further use these materials, electronically or otherwise, shall
belong to the Organizers. They shall not be held liable for any loss caused by errors or
omissions in the collection of information, or for the accuracy, completeness, or
adequacy of the information contained in these materials.


The All India Moot Court Competition features a purely fictional scenario, with all the
characters and incidents being entirely imaginary and unrelated to any person or event, past or
present. The Competition serves as a training ground for law students in India, with the aim of
developing their analytical skills and preparing them to serve the Bar and the Bench to the best
of their abilities.


Email: [email protected]

Hasan Rahil - +91 96322 11867

Sharan S. Banad - +91 91488 28028

Meghana Manoj - +91 70228 62921

23 | P a g e

(Should be filled in CAPITAL letters only)

Name of the Institution : __________________________________

Address : __________________________________
E-Mail ID : _________________________________

1. Name of the Speaker 1 : ________________

Course and Year of Study : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Contact Number : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _s
Email I.D :________________

2. Name of the Speaker 2 : ________________

Course and Year of Study : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Contact Number : ________________
Email I.D :________________

3. Name of the Researcher : ________________

Course and Year of Study : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Contact Number : ________________
Email I.D :________________

24 | P a g e
Bona fide Certificate

This is to certify that the above-mentioned participants are bona fide students of this institution
who will be participating in the 27th All India Moot Court Competition organized by University
Law College and Department of Studies in Law, Bangalore University and will comply with
the rules of the competition.

Signature of the Head of the Institution

Official Seal

Signature of Participants:

Speaker 1:

Speaker 2:


25 | P a g e
Travel Form

Accommodation Required Yes No

Travel Details Bus / Train /Flight

Arrival Details Arrival From:

Arrival Date:

Arrival Time:

Train, Flight or Bus Details Train/Flight Number:


Departure Details Departure Date:

Departure Time:

26 | P a g e

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