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Automatic Packaging Items for Goods Issue

MIT Demo Session EWM 9.01

07 – 2013
EWM Team 3

 Motivation
 Solution
 Demo

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 Some packaging materials like pallets, containers, … are very costly and should
not just be “given away”
– Certain packaging materials should be sold to customer
– Keep track of stock for certain packaging materials
(to be able to get them back later on)

 Current state:
– Packaging information is in Handling Unit (HU), but not on delivery
– For goods issue or invoicing, information has to exist as delivery item

 Current Solution
– Manual creation of delivery packaging items in EWM necessary
o Delivered item types and profiles not appropriate
o Cumbersome and time consuming
– Usage of own (BAdI) implementation or functions on ERP side

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 Create automatically packaging items during outbound delivery creation

– Packaging items are created based on HU packing information

 Configuration to define which packaging materials and deliveries are relevant

 New item type and profiles that support the process

 Automatic process
– Goods Issue posting automatically done together with the outbound delivery
– During outbound delivery deletion, such created packaging items are automatically
deleted again.

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Solution: Example

Pack Items

Create Outbound Delivery / Goods Issue

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Solution: New packaging item details

• New Packaging Item vs. Normal Packaging Item

Generated Packaging Items Standard Packaging Items

for HU
Picking Required NO YES
Loading Required NO YES
Creation AUTOMATIC (using HU) MANUAL
TU assignment AUTOMATIC (via OD) MANUAL

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Solution: Configuration

 Activation possible for certain delivery types / warehouses

 Activation possible for certain package material types
– e.g. generation for specific pallets but not for cartons
 Determination of item type and stock category

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Solution: Difference to normal packaging items

 Handling in Transportation Units

– Automatically handling during OD creation or Goods issue posting (based on HU)
– Automatically generated packaging items not visible / manually assignable in TUs.

 Cross Delivery Handling Units

– Packaging Items must only be created for one outbound delivery order
(otherwise they would be counted double)
– Default logic how and in which delivery the packaging item gets created

 ERP Integration
– Normal handling of items. No development done.
– Behavior in ERP depends highly on configuration in ERP
(e.g. movement type,…)
– Ensure that connected (ERP) systems (like in stock transfer scenarios) handle the
additional items correctly

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Solution: Extensibility

Several BAdIs exist

(enhancement spot /SCWM/ES_DLV_PACK_ITEM)
 To influence configuration
– For example behavior should differ based on customer, country,…
 For algorithm of item creation
– To adjust default logic how item quantities are determined based on HUs
 Cross Handling Units
– Default BAdI can be overwritten to adopt cross HU handling

– Can be used to avoid repacking after outbound delivery creation

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