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Onboarding Checklist

Instructions for Recruiting:

This onboarding checklist contains activities that are essential to increasing new hire performance and engagement. Alter the
checklist to reflect onboarding activities for hires at your organization, and assign owners (e.g., Recruiting, hiring manager, or
HR generalist) for each activity. Once you have customized the checklist appropriately, provide it to hiring managers to inform
them of the process and keep them accountable for completing necessary onboarding activities. Delete this text before
presenting to hiring managers.

Instructions for Hiring Managers:

There are many logistical and strategic components to onboard new hires into the team and organization effectively. Yet, this
critical stage often fails to receive the attention it warrants due to divided or unclear responsibilities and a lack of defined tasks
and activities. Use this checklist to ensure that you or your team has taken action to onboard each new hire effectively.

New Hire Name and

Hire Date Hiring Manager Name Recruiter Name

Task Additional Information Owner Completion Date
The welcome kit should include the following:
 Logistical information for their start date
 Required forms
 Information about the organization's vision and
1. Send a welcome kit strategy
to the new hire  Candidate experience survey
 Examples of work the new hire will be doing and/or
information about upcoming projects
 Information unique to the new hire’s location (e.g.,
parking, lunch spots, day care)
2. Maintain Reiterate information sent via the welcome kit and
communications address new hire concerns through phone calls and e-
with the new hire mails.
3. Enroll new hire in
Centralized onboarding courses introduce the new hire to
organizational culture and processes.
onboarding courses
4. Prepare workspace
This activity may include providing the new hire with a
and make sure all
workstation, computer or other equipment, office
supplies, username and password, business cards,
resources are
planners for recurring meetings, and access to all
present and
resources necessary to the job.
5. Communicate to the
Encourage the new hire's teammates to welcome the
rest of the team the
new hire to the organization and be available for
start date of the new
questions once the new hire arrives.

1 Source: Recruiting Roundtable research.

Onboarding Checklist

First Week
Task Additional Information Owner Completion Date
1. Celebrate the new Show the new hire that he/she is appreciated by
hire's arrival scheduling a lunch or social event in their honor.
2. Have the new hire
The new hire should complete government forms (e.g.,
complete necessary
the W-2 in the United States), and enroll in benefits.
work documents
Schedule a time to meet with the new hire on a weekly
basis to review and address concerns. Hold some
3. Respond to new hire
meetings in the cafeteria, at a nearby coffee shop, or
other informal atmosphere to make the new hire feel
more comfortable.
4. Introduce the new
hire to members of Have the new hire set up one-on-one conversations with
his/her immediate team members throughout the first few weeks.
This tour should include where the new hire can find
5. Give the new hire a
supplies, copy machines, coffee, restrooms, the
tour of the facilities
cafeteria, and exits.
6. Review onboarding
Ensure the new hire is prepared for the onboarding
objectives and
schedule for the first few months, and address questions
timelines with the
the new hire may have.
new hire

7. Review processes, This conversation should include introducing basic

contacts, and sources workflows; reviewing the names, titles, and basic
of information background of immediate team members; and
necessary to the new introducing the new hire to online and offline places to
hire's job find answers regarding their job.

Arrange a meeting to hear about the new hire's work

8. Get to know the new
style, communication preferences, areas of strengths
hire's preferences
and weaknesses, and career objectives.
9. Provide the new hire The new hire should have simple assignments to
with a clear complete starting during the first week. Arrange a
explanation of their meeting to go over steps to complete the first
first assignment assignment.

Provide the new hire with an overview document of the

performance review process. Walk through a sample
10. Review performance performance review form that includes performance
objectives criteria, how criteria are measured, how information will
be presented to the new hire, and discussion points
during the formal review.

2 Source: Recruiting Roundtable research.

Onboarding Checklist

First Month
Task Additional Information Owner Completion Date

Once the new hire has developed an understanding of

1. Explain to the new
their job responsibilities and organizational structure,
hire how their job
speak with the new hire regarding the impact that they
responsibilities relate
have, however indirectly, on organizational outcomes.
to organizational
This can be done by using an example or starting from
the customer's point of view.

2. Assign a
Buddies should be employees who are knowledgeable of
mentor/buddy to
the organization and high-performing. Provide buddies
assist the new hire in
with a list of possible activities to undertake or questions
acclimating to the
to answer with the new hire.

3. Create a networking
plan between the new The networking plan should include senior executives,
hire and appropriate peers of the new hire, and other new hires within the
individuals across the organization.

First Three Months

Task Additional Information Owner Completion Date

The informal review should be a scheduled, structured

conversation between the new hire and their manager
regarding their performance to date. The informal review
should take place after the manager has had time to
gauge performance strengths and weaknesses of the
1. Provide an early
new hire, but early enough for the new hire to change
informal performance
behaviors before the formal review process begins.
During the conversation, the manager should discuss
actionable items to improve performance, while making
clear that the review will not become part of the new
hire's record. This activity should conclude with creation
of an individual development plan for the new hire.

3 Source: Recruiting Roundtable research.

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