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84) The following two SQL statements will produce different results.

Select last_name, first_name

from customer
where state = 'MA' or state = 'NY' or state = 'NJ' or state = 'NH' or state = 'CT';

Select last_name, first_name

from customer
where state in ('MA','NY','NJ','NH','CT');
Answer: FALSE
LO: 6.3: Define a database using the SQL data definition language.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

85) The ORDER BY clause sorts the final results rows in ascending or descending order.
Answer: TRUE
LO: 6.3: Define a database using the SQL data definition language.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

86) A single value returned from an SQL query that includes an aggregate function is called a
vector aggregate.
Answer: FALSE
LO: 6.3: Define a database using the SQL data definition language.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

87) When a GROUP BY clause is included in an SQL statement, only those columns with a
single value for each group can be included.
Answer: TRUE
LO: 6.3: Define a database using the SQL data definition language.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

88) The HAVING clause and the WHERE clause perform the same operation.
Answer: FALSE
LO: 6.3: Define a database using the SQL data definition language.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology
89) The following query totals sales for each salesperson.

Select salesperson_id, sum(sales)

from salesperson
group by salesperson_id;
Answer: TRUE
LO: 6.3: Define a database using the SQL data definition language.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

90) The following query totals sales in state= 'MA' for each salesperson.

Select salesperson_id, sum(sales)

from salesperson
group by salesperson_id
having state = 'MA';
Answer: FALSE
LO: 6.3: Define a database using the SQL data definition language.
Difficulty: Difficult
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

91) The ORDER BY clause is the first statement processed in an SQL command.
Answer: FALSE
LO: 6.3: Define a database using the SQL data definition language.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

92) The WHERE clause is always processed before the GROUP BY clause when both occur in a
SELECT statement.
Answer: FALSE
LO: 6.3: Define a database using the SQL data definition language.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

93) The FROM clause is the first statement processed in an SQL command.
Answer: TRUE
LO: 6.3: Define a database using the SQL data definition language.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology
94) When creating a table, it is not important to consider foreign key—primary key mates.
Answer: FALSE
LO: 6.5: Establish referential integrity using SQL.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

95) A referential integrity constraint specifies that the existence of an attribute in one table
depends upon the existence of a foreign key in the same or another table.
Answer: FALSE
LO: 6.5: Establish referential integrity using SQL.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

96) Explain the three classes of SQL commands and when they would be used.
Answer: There are three classes or types of SQL commands. Data definition language
commands are used to create tables, alter and drop tables, views and indexes. These commands
are used to build the structure of the database as well as some additional objects. The next type is
Data Manipulation Language commands, which are used to maintain and query a database.
Commands in this class include select, update, delete and insert. The last type is the data control
language commands, which are used to grant and revoke privileges on tables and other objects in
the database.
LO: 6.1: Define key terms.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

97) Discuss the pros and cons of using dynamic views.

Answer: A dynamic view is useful, since it provides a way to access part of a table or a
combination of columns from multiple tables. A view can simplify query commands, since much
of the complicated syntax of a query can be done to create the view. A view can also improve
programmer productivity, since programmers can access views rather than have to rewrite the
SQL commands for a query. Security is increased, since users can only see what the view
presents. Also, views use little or no storage space. On the downside, views use processing time
each time that the view is recreated for reference. Also, the views may or may not be recreatable.
LO: 6.1: Define key terms.
Difficulty: Difficult
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology
98) What is a materialized view, and when would it be used?
Answer: Materialized views are just like dynamic views, except that an actual copy of the data is
kept. With a dynamic view, the SQL is stored on the server and executed when the view is
referenced. A materialized view, on the other hand, keeps a copy of the actual data. This
increases performance and is particularly useful if the data are relatively static and the number of
queries against the view are high.
LO: 6.1: Define key terms.
Difficulty: Difficult
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

99) What were the original purposes of SQL, and does SQL as we know it today live up to those
Answer: The following were the original purposes of SQL:
1. To specify the syntax and semantics of SQL data definition and manipulation languages
2. To define the data structures and basic operations for designing, accessing, maintaining,
controlling, and protecting an SQL database
3. To provide a vehicle for portability of database definition and application modules between
conforming DBMSs
4. To specify both minimal (Level 1) and complete (Level 2) standards, which permit different
degrees of adoption in products
5. To provide an initial standard, although incomplete, that will be enhanced later to include
specifications for handling such topics as referential integrity, transaction management, user-
defined functions, join operators beyond the equi-join, and national character sets

While SQL as we know it today does have some variants, there is a basic standard which is
adhered to. As mentioned in the text, it seems that industry lags behind the standards somewhat.
Each vendor has its own set of proprietary features which differ from the standard.
LO: 6.2: Interpret the history and role of SQL in database development.
Difficulty: Difficult
Classification: Synthesis
AACSB: Information Technology

100) What steps should be followed when preparing to create a table?

Answer: When preparing to create a table, one should:
1. Identify the appropriate data type and length for each attribute
2. Identify the columns that should accept null values
3. Identify that columns that need to be unique
4. Identify all primary-foreign key mates
5. Determine default values
6. Identify any columns for which domain constraints, such as check, need to be stated
7. Create the table and any indexes using create table and create index statements
LO: 6.3: Define a database using the SQL data definition language.
Difficulty: Difficult
Classification: Synthesis
AACSB: Information Technology

101) What three clauses are contained in most SQL retrieval statements?
Answer: The SELECT clause, which lists the columns and calculated expression from base
tables. The FROM clause, which identifies tables and views which we want to gather data from
in the query. Finally, the WHERE clause, which is used to specify conditions for selection of
rows in the result set.
LO: 6.4: Write single-table queries using SQL commands.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

102) What are some of the standard SQL functions that can be used in the SELECT clause?
Answer: The standard functions can be broken down into 4 categories: Mathematical, String,
Date and Analytical. Mathematical functions include: Min, Max, Count, Sum, Round, Trunc and
Mod. String functions include lower, upper, initcap, concat, substr and coalesce. Date functions
are used for converting dates and calculating dates and include next_day, add_months and
months_between. Top (to find the top n values) is one of the analytical functions.
LO: 6.4: Write single-table queries using SQL commands.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

103) Discuss when to use the GROUP BY clause.

Answer: The GROUP BY clause is useful when you have a set of values for one column (such
as a salesperson ID) and you would like to then calculate something like total sales for each
salesperson. Rather than having to use the sum function with one salesperson's ID in the
WHERE clause (and run multiple queries) you can use the GROUP BY to get the same results in
one query.
LO: 6.4: Write single-table queries using SQL commands.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology
104) How is the HAVING clause different from the WHERE clause?
Answer: While the WHERE clause works on each row in a query resultset, the HAVING clause
works on the aggregate (or combined) rows in a GROUP BY. WHERE does not allow
aggregates while the HAVING does allow aggregates. For example, if you had the following

select customer_id, sum(purchase_price*quantity)

from customer
where sum(purchase_price*quantity) > 100

this would not work. However, with a GROUP BY and HAVING written as follows we would
get back all customers whose total purchases were greater than $100

select customer_id, sum(purchase_price*quantity)

from customer
group by customer_id
having sum(purchase_price*quantity) > 100
LO: 6.4: Write single-table queries using SQL commands.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept

105) What are some of the advantages and disadvantages to an SQL standard?
Answer: Some of the advantages are: reduced training costs, increased productivity, application
portability, application longevity, reduced dependence on a single vendor and cross-system
communication. Some disadvantages include: stifling creativity, difficulty in changing standard,
and loss of application portability when adding additional proprietary features.
LO: 6.6: Discuss the SQL:1999 and SQL:2011 standards.
Difficulty: Difficult
Classification: Synthesis
AACSB: Information Technology
Modern Database Management, 12e (Hoffer)
Chapter 5 Physical Database Design and Performance

1) A requirement to begin designing physical files and databases is:

A) normalized relations.
B) physical tables created.
C) implementation complete.
D) all datatypes determined.
Answer: A
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

2) A key decision in the physical design process is:

A) ignoring the size of the database.
B) selecting structures.
C) deciding on the monitor.
D) deciding the e-r diagrams.
Answer: B
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

3) Designing physical files requires ________ of where and when data are used in various ways.
A) maps
B) descriptions
C) keys
D) hints
Answer: B
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

4) Database access frequencies are estimated from:

A) transaction volumes.
B) user logins.
C) security violations.
D) random number generation.
Answer: A
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

5) A detailed coding scheme recognized by system software for representing organizational data
is called a(n):
A) DBMS code.
B) data type.
D) DB layout.
Answer: B
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

6) All of the following are objectives when selecting a data type EXCEPT:
A) represent all possible values.
B) improve data integrity.
C) support all data manipulations.
D) use a lot of storage space.
Answer: D
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

7) All of the following are valid datatypes in Oracle 11g EXCEPT:

A) varchar2.
B) boolean.
C) blob.
D) number.
Answer: B
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

8) The smallest unit of application data recognized by system software is a:

A) field.
B) row.
C) data type.
D) column.
Answer: A
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology
9) An appropriate datatype for one wanting a fixed-length type for last name would include:
A) VarChar.
B) Char.
C) Blob.
D) Date.
Answer: B
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Application
AACSB: Information Technology

10) An appropriate datatype for adding a sound clip would be:

A) VarChar.
B) Char.
C) Blob.
D) Date.
Answer: C
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Application
AACSB: Information Technology

11) Which of the following is an objective of selecting a data type?

A) Represent a small number of possible values
B) Maximize storage space
C) Limit security
D) Improve data integrity
Answer: D
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

12) In which data model would a code table appear?

A) Conceptual
B) Logical
C) Physical
D) Data layout
Answer: C
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology
13) An integrity control supported by a DBMS is:
A) substitute estimates.
B) security.
C) range control.
D) GUI guards.
Answer: C
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

14) The value a field will assume unless the user enters an explicit value for an instance of that
field is called a:
A) default value.
B) null value.
C) range control.
D) gurand.
Answer: A
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

15) A method for handling missing data is to:

A) substitute with random numbers for the missing data.
B) track missing data with special reports.
C) perform insensitivity testing.
D) delete the associated row.
Answer: B
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

16) Sensitivity testing involves:

A) checking to see if your teeth hurt when you brush.
B) seeing how accurate data are.
C) checking to see if missing data will greatly impact results.
D) deleting the associated row.
Answer: C
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology
17) The storage format for each attribute from the logical data model is chosen to maximize
________ and minimize storage space.
A) query design
B) programmer productivity
C) data integrity
D) data integration
Answer: C
LO: 5.3: Choose storage formats for attributes from a logical data model.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

18) Within Oracle, the named set of storage elements in which physical files for database tables
may be stored is called a(n):
A) extent.
B) table.
C) tablespace.
D) partition.
Answer: C
LO: 5.3: Choose storage formats for attributes from a logical data model.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

19) While Oracle has responsibility for managing data inside a tablespace, the tablespace as a
whole is managed by the:
A) user.
D) operating system.
Answer: D
LO: 5.3: Choose storage formats for attributes from a logical data model.
Difficulty: Difficult
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

20) A contiguous section of disk storage space is called a(n):

A) track.
B) sector.
C) extent.
D) tablespace.
Answer: C
LO: 5.3: Choose storage formats for attributes from a logical data model.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

21) A method to allow adjacent secondary memory space to contain rows from several tables is
A) cluttering.
B) clustering.
C) concatenating.
D) compiling.
Answer: B
LO: 5.3: Choose storage formats for attributes from a logical data model.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

22) A(n) ________ is a field of data used to locate a related field or record.
A) key
B) index
C) lock
D) pointer
Answer: D
LO: 5.4: Select an appropriate file organization by balancing various important design factors.
Difficulty: Difficult
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

23) A(n) ________ is a technique for physically arranging the records of a file on secondary
storage devices.
A) physical pointer
B) retrieval program
C) file organization
D) update program
Answer: C
LO: 5.4: Select an appropriate file organization by balancing various important design factors.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

24) Which type of file is most efficient with storage space?

A) Sequential
B) Hashed
C) Indexed
D) Clustered
Answer: A
LO: 5.4: Select an appropriate file organization by balancing various important design factors.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology
25) Which type of file is easiest to update?
A) Sequential
B) Hashed
C) Indexed
D) Clustered
Answer: B
LO: 5.4: Select an appropriate file organization by balancing various important design factors.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

26) A factor to consider when choosing a file organization is:

A) inefficient data retrieval.
C) efficient storage.
Answer: C
LO: 5.4: Select an appropriate file organization by balancing various important design factors.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

27) One field or combination of fields for which more than one record may have the same
combination of values is called a(n):
A) secondary key.
B) index.
C) composite key.
D) linked key.
Answer: A
LO: 5.4: Select an appropriate file organization by balancing various important design factors.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

28) In which type of file is multiple key retrieval not possible?

A) Sequential
B) Hashed
C) Indexed
D) Clustered
Answer: B
LO: 5.5: Describe three important types of file organization.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology
29) A file organization that uses hashing to map a key into a location in an index where there is a
pointer to the actual data record matching the hash key is called a:
A) hashed file organization.
B) hash key.
C) multi- indexed file organization.
D) hash index table.
Answer: D
LO: 5.5: Describe three important types of file organization.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

30) A file organization where files are not stored in any particular order is considered a:
A) hashed file organization.
B) hash key.
C) multi- indexed file organization.
D) heap file organization.
Answer: D
LO: 5.5: Describe three important types of file organization.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

31) An index on columns from two or more tables that come from the same domain of values is
called a:
A) bitmap index.
B) multivalued index.
C) join index.
D) transaction index.
Answer: C
LO: 5.6: Describe the purpose of indexes and the important considerations in selecting attributes
to be indexed.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

32) A(n) ________ is a routine that converts a primary key value into a relative record number.
A) record index calculator
B) index pointer program
C) hashing algorithm
D) pointing algorithm
Answer: C
LO: 5.6: Describe the purpose of indexes and the important considerations in selecting attributes
to be indexed.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology
33) A method that speeds query processing by running a query at the same time against several
partitions of a table using multiprocessors is called:
A) multiple partition queries.
B) perpendicular query processing.
C) parallel query processing.
D) query optimization.
Answer: C
LO: 5.6: Describe the purpose of indexes and the important considerations in selecting attributes
to be indexed.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

34) A command used in Oracle to display how the query optimizer intends to access indexes, use
parallel servers and join tables to prepare query results is the:
A) explain plan.
B) show optimization.
C) explain query.
D) analyze query.
Answer: A
LO: 5.6: Describe the purpose of indexes and the important considerations in selecting attributes
to be indexed.
Difficulty: Difficult
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

35) All of the following are common denormalization opportunities EXCEPT:

A) two entities with a one-to-one relationship.
B) a one-to-many relationship.
C) a many-to-many relationship with nonkey attributes.
D) reference data.
Answer: B
LO: 5.7: Translate a relational data model into efficient database structures, including knowing
when and how to denormalize the logical data model.
Difficulty: Difficult
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology
36) In most cases, the goal of ________ dominates the design process.
A) efficient data processing
B) security
C) quick pointer updates
D) shorter design times
Answer: A
LO: 5.7: Translate a relational data model into efficient database structures, including knowing
when and how to denormalize the logical data model.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

37) Distributing the rows of data into separate files is called:

A) normalization.
B) horizontal partitioning.
C) vertical partitioning.
D) file allocation.
Answer: B
LO: 5.7: Translate a relational data model into efficient database structures, including knowing
when and how to denormalize the logical data model.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

38) Horizontal partitioning makes sense:

A) when different categories of a table's rows are processed separately.
B) when less security is needed.
C) when partitions must be organized the same.
D) when only one category is allowed.
Answer: A
LO: 5.7: Translate a relational data model into efficient database structures, including knowing
when and how to denormalize the logical data model.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

39) An advantage of partitioning is:

A) efficiency.
B) remote optimization.
C) extra space and update time.
D) increase redundancy.
Answer: A
LO: 5.7: Translate a relational data model into efficient database structures, including knowing
when and how to denormalize the logical data model.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology
40) A disadvantage of partitioning is:
A) simplicity.
B) remote optimization.
C) extra space and update time.
D) shorter technology spans.
Answer: C
LO: 5.7: Translate a relational data model into efficient database structures, including knowing
when and how to denormalize the logical data model.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

41) All of the following are horizontal partitioning methods in Oracle EXCEPT:
A) key range partitioning.
B) hash partitioning.
C) multivalued partitioning.
D) composite partitioning.
Answer: C
LO: 5.7: Translate a relational data model into efficient database structures, including knowing
when and how to denormalize the logical data model.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

42) ________ partitioning distributes the columns of a table into several separate physical
A) Horizontal
B) Crossways
C) Vertical
D) Final
Answer: C
LO: 5.7: Translate a relational data model into efficient database structures, including knowing
when and how to denormalize the logical data model.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology
43) A form of denormalization where the same data are purposely stored in multiple places in the
database is called:
A) data duplication.
B) data replication.
C) advanced placement.
D) horizontal partitioning.
Answer: B
LO: 5.7: Translate a relational data model into efficient database structures, including knowing
when and how to denormalize the logical data model.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

44) Requirements for response time, data security, backup and recovery are all requirements for
physical design.
Answer: TRUE
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

45) One decision in the physical design process is selecting structures.

Answer: TRUE
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

46) The logical database design always forms the best foundation for grouping attributes in the
physical design.
Answer: FALSE
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

47) Efficient database structures will be beneficial only if queries and the underlying database
management system are tuned to properly use the structures.
Answer: TRUE
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology
48) SOX stands for the Sorbet-Oxford Act.
Answer: FALSE
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

49) Adding notations to the EER diagram regarding data volumes and usage is of no value to the
physical design process.
Answer: FALSE
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

50) The smallest unit of named application data is a record.

Answer: FALSE
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

51) One objective of selecting a data type is to minimize storage space.

Answer: TRUE
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

52) The Number datatype would be appropriate for a zip code.

Answer: FALSE
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Application
AACSB: Information Technology

53) VarChar2 would be appropriate for a user that wanted a text datatype for LastName that
would only consume the required space.
Answer: TRUE
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Application
AACSB: Information Technology
54) A default value is the value that a field will always assume, regardless of what the user enters
for an instance of that field.
Answer: FALSE
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

55) A range control limits the set of permissible values that a field may assume.
Answer: TRUE
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

56) Sensitivity testing involves ignoring missing data unless knowing a value might significantly
change results.
Answer: TRUE
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

57) One method to handle missing values is to substitute an exact value.

Answer: FALSE
LO: 5.2: Describe the physical database design process, its objectives, and its deliverables.
Difficulty: Moderate
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

58) An extent is a named portion of secondary memory allocated for the purpose of storing
physical records.
Answer: FALSE
LO: 5.3: Choose storage formats for attributes from a logical data model.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

59) A tablespace is a named set of disk storage elements in which physical files for the database
tables may be stored.
Answer: TRUE
LO: 5.3: Choose storage formats for attributes from a logical data model.
Difficulty: Easy
Classification: Concept
AACSB: Information Technology

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