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Performance specifications of industrial robot

Industrial robotics @ NITT 1

Specifications of Robot

Industrial robotics @ NITT 2

Industrial robotics @ NITT 3
Forward kinematics

Link and Joint Parameters

Length of linki (ai) - It is the
mutual perpendicular distance
between Axisi-1 and Axisi

Angle of twist of linki (ai) - It is

the angle between Axisi-1 and

Industrial robotics @ NITT 4

Link and Joint Parameters

Industrial robotics @ NITT 5

Example 2

Industrial robotics @ NITT 6

Classification of sensors
A sensor is used to take measurement of physical variable.
Sensors are used to build intelligent robots.

Industrial robotics @ NITT 7

Classification of sensors contd.

Industrial robotics @ NITT 8

Characteristics of sensors

Industrial robotics @ NITT 9

Touch Sensor

Industrial robotics @ NITT 10

Position sensor - Potentiometer
Linear potentiometer


Industrial robotics @ NITT 11

Industrial robotics @ NITT 12
Optical encoder

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Industrial robotics @ NITT 14
Industrial robotics @ NITT 15
Industrial robotics @ NITT 16
Construction of Optical Encoders

Industrial robotics @ NITT 17

Industrial robotics @ NITT 18
Obtain the position and orientation of the tool point ‘P’ with respect to the
base for the 2-DoF RP Planar manipulator for 𝜽𝟏 = 𝟏𝟐𝟎° 𝒅𝟐 = 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝒎𝒎

Industrial robotics @ NITT 19

Sensory Devices
• The component of modern robots that was most commonly missing from
their early predecessors was the ability to collect data from the outside
• Humans accomplish this task, of course, by means of our hands, eyes, ears,
noses, and tongues.
• With some important exceptions, robots usually do not need to have the
ability to hear, smell, or taste things in the world around them, but they are
often required to be able to "see" an object or to "feel" it.
• The simplest optical system used in robots is a photoelectric cell. A
photoelectric cell converts light energy into electrical energy.
• It allows a robot to determine "yes/no" situations in its field of vision,
such as whether a particular piece of equipment is present or not.
Suppose, for example, that a robot looks at a place on the table in
front of it where a tool is supposed to be.

• If the tool is present, light will be reflected off it and sent to the robot's
photoelectric cell. There, the light waves will be converted to an
electrical current that is transmitted to the robot's computer-brain.
• More complex robot video systems make use of television cameras. The images
collected by the cameras are sent to the robot's "brain," where they are
processed for understanding.

• One means of processing is to compare the image received by the television

camera with other images stored in the robot's computer-brain.

• The human sense of touch can be replicated in a robot by means of tactile

sensors. One kind of tactile sensor is nothing more than a simple switch that
goes from one position to another when the robot's fingers come into contact
with a solid object.
• When a finger comes into contact with an object, the switch may close,
allowing an electrical current to flow to the brain.

• A more sophisticated sense of touch can be provided by combining a group

of tactile sensors at various positions on the robot's hand.

• This arrangement allows the robot to estimate the shape, size, and contours
of an object being examined.
• Sensors are generally classified into two groups: internal sensors and
external sensors. Internal sensors such as its position sensor, velocity
sensor, acceleration sensors, motor torque sensor, etc obtain the
information about the robot itself, while external sensors such as
cameras, range sensors (IR sensor, laser range finder, and ultrasonic
sensor) contact and proximity sensors (photodiode, IR detector, RFID,
touch, etc.) and force sensors gather the information in the
surrounding environment.
Light Sensor
• A light sensor detects light and creates a difference in voltage. A robot’s vision
system has a computer-controlled camera that allows the robot to see and
adjust its movements accordingly. The two primary light sensors in robots are
Photoresistor and Photovoltaic cells. Other light sensors like phototubes,
phototransistors, CCDs, etc. are rarely used.

• a) A photoresistor is a type of resistor whose resistance varies with light

intensity changes; more light leads to less resistance, and less light leads to
more resistance. They can be easily implemented in light-dependent robots.
• b) Photovoltaic cells convert solar radiation into electricity. This is especially
helpful when planning a solar robot. While the photovoltaic cell is considered as an
energy source, a smart implementation combined with transistors and capacitors
can convert this into a sensor.

• 2D & 3D Vision: A standard 2D machine vision image is flat, calibrated to measure

length and width, but does not provide any height information. 3D vision allows a
robot to detect the orientation of a part that needs handling more effectively, even
if the location and position of the components vary.

• A 3D vision system can accurately guide a robotic arm during assembly, while a
robotic arm can provide multiple viewing angles for critical assembly inspection.
Sound Sensor
• Sound sensors are generally a microphone used to detect the equivalent
voltage of sound and return. The sound it receives can be navigated by a
simple robot.
• Complex robots may use the same microphone for voice recognition. Sound
sensors are not as easy as light sensors because sound sensors generate a
minimal voltage difference which should be amplified to produce a
measurable change in voltage.
• Voice systems also use robots with voice commands. This is useful if the
trainer has to handle other objects when training robots.
Proximity Sensor
• The nearby object can be detected by a proximity sensor without physical
contact. The transmitter transmits electromagnetic radiation in the
adjacent sensor and receives and analyzes the interruption feedback signal.

• Thus, the amount of light received in the area can be used to detect the
presence of nearby objects.

• The sensors provide a collision avoidance method for the robot.

• There are various types of proximity sensors, and only a few of
them are usually used in robots.
• Infrared (IR) transceiver: An IR LED transmits an IR light beam
that reflects the light captured by an IR recipient when an
obstacle is found.
• Ultrasound Sensor: These sensors generate sound waves at
high frequencies; the received echo indicates an object is
interrupted. Ultrasound sensors can also be used for distance
• Photoresistor: Photoresistor is a light sensor, but it can still be
utilized as a sensor of proximity. If an object approaches the
Current Applications
• Incorporating a sensory system in a robot will enable its use in a wide range
of applications, such as:

• They can be used in medical applications and used to help children and
adults suffering from mental and physical disabilities

• Robots with sensory systems similar to that of fish and amphibians can be
used underwater and can withstand harsh conditions

• Robots equipped with advanced sensory systems are used for search and
rescue operations.
Future Developments
• Researchers are working towards a robot that will have all the capabilities of a
human being and maybe more.

• Incorporating suitable sensory systems is the only way to achieve this goal
hence this research is ongoing.

• Researchers are striving towards a robotic system that can recognize and
engage in joint attention behaviours enabling social interaction between
humans and robots, something that has not been possible before.
• The robot of the future will be able to learn from an observer with normal
social signals just like human infants learn.

• The robot will be able to express its desires, ambitions and goals through
social interactions without depending on an artificial vocabulary.

• Hopefully, future robots will also be able to recognize a human’s desires and
ambitions and adjust its behaviour accordingly.
Robot Vision
• Robotic vision systems consist of one or more cameras, special-purpose
lighting, software, and a robot or robots.

• The camera takes a picture of the working area or object the robot will grip and
software searches the image for features that let it determine position and

• This information is sent to the robot controller and the programmed positions
are updated. Depending on the application, the camera might be mounted on
the robot or could be in a fixed position within the cell.

• Calibration is usually needed to relate the vision system coordinate space to

the robot
Tactile Sensors
Tactile Sensor is a device specifying an object’s contact.
Often used in everyday objects such as elevator buttons
and lamps, which dim or brighten by touching the base, a
tactile sensor allows the robot to touch and feel. These
sensors are used to measure applications and gently
interact with the environment. It can be sorted into two
principal types: Touch Sensor and Force Sensor.
• Touch Sensor or Contact Sensor: Touch Sensor is capable of sensing and
detecting sensor and object touch. Some of the commonly used simple devices
are micro-switches, limit switches, etc. These sensors are mostly used for robots
to avoid obstacles. When these sensors hit an obstacle, it triggers a task for the
robot, which can be reversed, turned, switched on, stopped, etc.

• Force Sensor: Force sensor is included in calculating the forces of several

functions, such as machine loading & unloading, material handling, and so on,
performed by a robot. This sensor will also be a better assembly process to check
Temperature Sensor
• Temperature sensors are used to detect the surrounding temperature
• It is based on the principle of voltage difference change for a
temperature change; this voltage change will provide the surrounding
temperature equivalent.
• Temperature sensing applications include air temperature, surface
temperature, immersion temperature.
Navigation and Positioning Sensors
• Positioning sensors are used to approximate the position of a robot. The
usual positioning sensor is a GPS (Global Positioning System).
• Satellites orbiting our Earth transmit signals, and a robot receiver acquires
and processes these signals.
• Use the processed information to determine a robot’s approximate
position and velocity.
• Digital Magnetic Compass provides directional measurements using the
Earth’s magnetic field that guides your robot to reach its destination.
• Compared to GPS modules, these sensors are cheap, but a compass
works best when you need both positional feedback and navigation.

• Another method called location refers to the task of automatically

determining a robot’s location based on external elements such as
natural and artificially placed landmarks such as doors, windows,
walls, etc.
Acceleration Sensor
• An accelerometer is a device for measuring acceleration and
tilt. The two types of forces affect an accelerometer:
• Static Force — the frictional force between any two objects.
• By measuring this gravity, we can determine how much robot
• This measurement is useful in balancing robot or determining
whether a robot is driving on a flat or uphill surface.
• Dynamic Force — The acceleration required to move an
• Measuring dynamic force using an accelerometer tells the

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