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Diversity in the Classroom 1

For a proper understanding of this discuss, it is most appropriate that we find out what diversity
in a classroom is all about. Diversity in a classroom has to do with the variations across groups
of Students in terms of their background and live experiences in a multicultural, multilingual
classroom. These diversities includes race, gender, ethnicity, language, Cultural background,
mental and physical abilities, family structures, religion, immigration status and Learning styles,
just to mention but the least. On the other hand, this simply means that all Students are blessed
with their individual attributes that makes them very unique in their own ways. These collective
attributes of the students, strengthens their potentials for successful Learning. Due to the rapid
Development of technology around the world, the world has become a very global village and
this has made diversity in our classrooms so inevitable because human beings seeks for ways of
improving their standard of living from all angles of the globe and this has constantly brought
them together in their varieties.
In a world that is becoming more multicultural and multiracial, diversity is something that must
be placed in the front burner so as to encourage transfer of knowledge and information. It is a
known fact that difference is an essential part of our history and current reality. The ultimum
performance of students when it comes to Learning is most enhanced by diversity among
Students in Education. This invariably implies that diversity among Students have direct impacts
on their performance. In many cases, when diversity is mentioned, what comes into mind is race,
but diversity goes beyond that. There are numerous factors that must be known that actually
play into diversity, especially in a classroom setting. Factors like Religion, economic background,
Learning styles and gender. So it is very important to remember each one when promotion of
diversity in a school is being looked into. The incorporation of a lesson plan that accounts for all
forms of diversity is also very important.
Studies have shown that students feel safer in school and in life when they are educated in a
diverse setting. This enables them to learn about different cultures and Backgrounds, thereby
giving them the feeling of a greater Sense of comfort with these differences. Developing a
classroom Culture that embraces strong diversity in the classroom can positively impact the
school community. It is very important to know that the development of a safe, supportive and
purposeful environment for pupils and teachers gives room for the students to grow
academically and socially too. Since our society is now so fragmented, the possibility and ability
to connect with fellow students with diverse background and potentials is very important. The
ability of critical thinking skills is highly encouraged by diversity, it builds empathy and
encourages pupils to see concepts differently.
Going by the write-up of Matthiessen, in his article of (2018) where he wrote about why diversity
matters. I, being from Africa really didn't know that the level of discrimination in USA is still this
high. I also didn't know that the problem in schools in the USA is this worst despite all the media
claims of United States of America being number one accommodating nation in the world.
Though, I wasn't surprised by what I read because America has a long history of racial and other
forms of discrimination. 
Diversity in the Classroom 2

Dealing with human diversity and differential status is intractable in United States of America
due to their national history of racism and tensions between individual freedom and the
common good. It was really interesting that the article says that studies show that diversity
promotes tolerance ( Matthiessen, 2018). It is also worthy of note that the article took note of
the fact that" The lack of diversity reflects a disturbing Development in the US today: the
growing resegregation of American schools"( Matthiessen,2018).

It is quite unfortunate that the government of United States of America does not practice what
they preach by allowing the lack of racial diversity, which it's resegregation has resulted to an
educational system that is increasingly separate and unequal. It is very unfortunate that a
country like USA still allows segregation of non-white schools via race and poor fundings. For
me, this is a deliberate attempt by the government to keep the non-white groups in the country
uneducated. Studies have shown that students from diverse settings show less racial and ethnic
prejudice when compared to Students who did not go through diverse settings. It is a well
known fact that students are well prepared to navigate through an increasingly multicultural
future, through Learning empathy, flexibility and how to work with individuals from different
cultures and Backgrounds. Increasing diversity has a positive impact on academic outcomes for
low socioeconomic status (SES) Students. 


In putting the improvement of climates in respect to diversity, the most important thing is to
implement an inclusive curriculum in the educatinal system. In so doing, administrators/
Instructors or teachers are deeply saddled with the responsibility of being held accountable for
situations where segregation take place. The adults in charge needs to also be fully committed
and constantly reflect on their own experiences and proffer solutions to challenging issues that
inhibits diversity. From time to time, the school authorities must introduce programs that
encourage diversity, because this goes a long way in giving the students a sense of belonging. "
Teachers need to actively teach a diverse curriculum, even if that means they moving outside of
the school expectations"(Wells, Fox & Cordova-Cobo, 2020). Government should try as much as
possible to criminalize segregation  of any kind, because the foundation of every child begins
from the home and the home is the major structure of the society from which the school is
constituted. It is also important that parents should be involved in some school activities as this
helps in the cross pollination of ideas, knowledge and skills. 


Since the world has fast become a global village, diversity is inevitable since diversity in
education has been proven to promote tolerance, it is very important that our kids learn to get
Diversity in the Classroom 3

along with and understand people from all walks of life. This definitely will promote Learning
empathy, flexibility and also how to work with people from different backgrounds, Culture and
religion. The last result of diversity is the promotion of world Peace. 


Matthiessen,C.(2018) "Why diversity in the classroom Matters".


Maria, K.(November 06,2020) " 7 ways to support Diversity in The Classroom.

Wells, Fox & Cordova, C.(2020) " How Racially Diverse Schools and Classrooms Can Benefit All".

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