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Armadillo Screening


The purpose of this project is to collect data on how people use Google Sheets (“Sheets” for
short), a software tool used to create and edit spreadsheets. For each task, you will be given a
link to a spreadsheet in Sheets that has pre-populated data (this is called an “Initial State”).
Based on the data, you will create a sequence of logical natural language commands for users
to execute certain functions that edit or modify the data in various ways. Each sequence is
called a “Trajectory”, and each specific action is called an “Action”.

Initial State example - LINK

For starting, follow these steps:

1. Open the spreadsheet above by clicking the LINK

2. Make a copy of it
3. Start recording your screen with Loom in order to share the video with us after the
test is completed
4. By looking at the sheet, you need to think about 4 actions you could execute on it
and write them down in the yellow region of the doc.

Think of the actions as if you are working with the dataset and you need to create some
type of report to show useful information. Types of functions you MUST use:

5. Write down the 4 actions on the doc

Example → Action 1: make any total value below $374,722,994.42 blue

When you write them, imagine you are asking a partner to execute them for you.

6. Execute each of the actions you wrote to make sure they are logical and doable
7. Visit the Remotasks platform with this sign up link and create your account.

8. After you’ve created the account please email us at [email protected] with:

a. Your Name
b. Email of your Remotasks account
c. How you found out about this listing
d. The loom recording of your sheets exercise from steps 1-6

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