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Name: ____________________________________ Period: ____ Date: __________

Seaweed and Macroalgae WebQuest

 Go to the following URL:

 Answer the questions below while reading through the information provided.

1. Why are seaweeds assigned to the Protista rather than Plantae?

2. List, describe, and state the function of the four basic parts of seaweed. Make sure to state the name for
the entire seaweed body. Draw a simple diagram labeled with the basic parts.

3. What are the most important ecological roles filled by seaweeds?

4. List several types of environmental stress seaweeds encounter.

5. Briefly describe sexual and asexual reproduction in seaweed.

6. Upon what characteristic are seaweeds classified?

Name: ____________________________________ Period: ____ Date: __________



(ex. sheets, filaments)



Human Uses

Useful Substances

 Follow the links at the bottom of the page to fill in the table with the necessary information.
 Pick one example from each phylum. Draw a basic diagram, give one identifying characteristic and give the scientific name:
Green: Red: Brown:
Name: ____________________________________ Period: ____ Date: __________

 Go to the following URL:

 Important vocabulary is underlined; definitions can be seen when you place the mouse over the term.
 Define the following terms as you move through the web page:
 Seaweed -

 Photosynthesis -

 Chloroplast -

 Diatom -

 Dinoflagellate -

 Euglenid -

 Alga –

 Kelp -

 Kelp Forest -

Intro and Ecology of Algae

1. What is the main difference between diatoms and seaweed?

2. How is seaweed similar to plants? Name two ways.

3. How is seaweed different than plants? Name two ways.

4. What role does phytoplankton play in the marine food web?

5. Which multicellular seaweed is the base of many food webs?

6. Where do scientists think red and green algae evolved from?

7. How are the chloroplasts of the red and green alga structured? Why?

8. How are the chloroplasts of dinoflagellates and euglenids structured? Why?

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