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1st Edition (February 2020)




1. SLNBR 15 , Sri Lanka Naval Drills, Parades and Ceremonials in SLN service, having been
approved by Naval Headquarters, is hereby promulgated for information, guidance and action.

2. The Drills, Parades, Procedures and Ceremonials promulgated in this SLNBR are to be referred
to on all occasions whenever required.

The Commander of the Navy

Naval Headquarters




Sr.No. Authority Initial Remarks




Sl. No. Contents Page

Introduction vi - vii
Key to Symbols viii
Definitions ix - xi
1. Chapter 1 Squad Drill. 1-1 to 1- 24

2. Chapter 2 Rifle Drill. 2-1 to 2-37

3. Chapter 3 Sword and Cutlass Drill 3-1 To 3-20

4. Chapter 4 Ceremonial Units, Training, 4-1 To 4-3

Equipment and Dress

5. Chapter 5 Ceremonial Parades, Divisions and 5-1 To 5-13


6. Chapter 6 Guard of Honour And Lining 6-1 To 6-13

the Streets

7. Chapter 7 Wreath Laying at War Memorials 7-1 To 7-3

8. Chapter 8 Funerals 8-1 To 8-19

8-A-1 to 8-E-1

9. Chapter 9 The President‟s Colour – 9-1 To 9-13

Ceremonial Drills 9-A-1 to 9-F-1

10. Chapter 10 Investiture Ceremony Drills and 10-1 To 10-5

Passing Out Parades with 10-A-1
Oath Administration Ceremony

11. Chapter 11 Launching/ Commissioning/

De-Commissioning Of War Ship And 11-1 To 11-5
Naval Establishments.

12. Chapter 12 Gun Salutes 12-1 To 12-5

13. Chapter 13 Armed and Un-Armed Parties, 13-1 To 13-4

Guards and Sentries



14. Chapter 14 Flag Ceremonial 14-1to 14-5

15. Chapter 15 Procedures on Board Ship 15-1 to 15-14

16. Chapter 16 Pace Stick and Baton Drill 16-1 to 16-17

17. Chapter 17 Unallocated

18. Chapter 18 Unallocated



1. The drills and procedures laid down in this BR are to be followed in all ships and
establishments, as a lack of uniformity, defeats the very objectives of drill. The aims of drill are: -

a. To make officers and men well disciplined and smart.

b. To develop the power of command in officers, senior sailors and leading rates.
c. To enable formations of men to be handled with order and expedition.

2. Good Discipline. A disciplined person obeys orders instantly, accurately and

unquestioningly. Therefore good discipline calls for a high development of personal qualities,
particularly of self-control and co-operation. Basic training and day-to-day routine of service life are
designed to develop these qualities so that their practice becomes habit and persist under the strain of
war both in the excitement of battle as well as during periods of inaction. Good discipline, however,
must on no account be rigid to the exclusion of initiative and commonsense.

3. Parades. Parades have been found by experience that to form a sound basis for
development of those characteristics required in a well-disciplined man. Insistence on immediate
obedience, smart personal appearance, physical fitness and mental alertness develops self-confidence
and serves to instill a sense of pride in men and ships. No substitute has been found by any service in
any country that will swiftly instill discipline into large number of men as parade/ drills do. They
also demonstrate organization and leadership by decentralization of command from the parade
commander to the Division commander and provide opportunities for all to develop and exercise
powers of command and leadership and to study the reaction to such examples in others.

4. Power of Command. The chief and outstanding requirement for all officers and senior
sailors is power of command (POC). The elements of POC are taught on the parade ground and its
three principles are as follows: -

a. An order given is clearly understood and inspires confidence.

b. Mistakes are immediately observed and corrected to prevent recurrence.
c. Turn out is exemplary and ensures that the personnel wear the uniform correctly as
per the uniform regulations and any deviation is corrected immediately.

5. Word of Command. The manner in which an order is obeyed depends largely on the
way it is given. Clear and determined words of command are those most likely to be obeyed smartly
and correctly. Every command consisting of one word must be preceded by a caution, which must
be given slowly and distinctly. The last executive part should consist of only one word and it must
be given sharply and quickly. A distinct pause must be made between the caution and executive
words of command except whilst on the march when the pause will be regulated by the marching

6. Method of Instructions. Instructors must know their subject thoroughly, any ignorance
at once apparent to class, leading to general loss of interest and confidence. The best way to teaching
Parade and Rifle drill may be summarized as follows;



Firstly - Demonstration
Secondly - Explanation
Thirdly - Imitation
Fourthly - Practice

7. While the wording of the Handbook may be concise and accurate, instructors should
nevertheless cultivate the gift of being able to describe motions and practices in their own words.




Parade Commander

Parade Second in Command

Senior Officer (GOH)

New Colour officer


President‟s Colour

Colour Party /Escort

Colour CPO/ Escort CPO


Petty Officer/ CPO

Petty Officer Guide


FCPO/CPO (Training Staff)

Inspecting Officers Route ----






Alignment: Any straight line on which a body of men is formed, or is to form.

Close Column: A column with distance reduced to suit requirements. If no specific orders are
given, the distance between guides of Divisions will be 10 paces.

Column: Bodies of men on parallel and successive alignments, at a distance from one another
approximately equal to their own frontage. Ex; column of companies or column of Divisions.

Column of route: A column of threes with not more than three men abreast in any part of the
column, including officers and supernumeraries; the normal formation for marching on a road.

Company: An administrative unit consisting, normally, of 3 Divisions, with headquarters when used
for landing parties.

Covering: The act of the man (or body of men) placing himself correctly in rear of another man.

Depth: The space occupied by a body of men from front to rear.

Directing the march: The officer or man who verifies and, if necessary, corrects the direction of
motion of the unit or sub-unit, is said to direct the march.

Direction, Sub-unit of: The sub-unit, which contains the unit guide.

Distance: The space between corresponding points of sub-units, or between individual men,
measured along the direction of advance of the unit.

Dress, by: To take up the alignment correctly.

Equipment: When carrying out parade drills, officers and men are to wear drill order. Drill order for
officers consists of sword, undress sword belt, and gaiters: for ratings belt, bayonet and anklets.
When armed, rating dressed, as seamen are to wear their chin stays down.

File: A front rank man and his centre and rear rank men.

Flank directing: The flank by which units are marching or dressing.

Flank inner: That flank of a sub unit, which is nearer to the directing flank of the unit.

Flank outer: That flank of a sub unit, which is further from the directing flank of the unit.

Formation Company, Division, Section or File of: The company, Division, section or file on
which a change of formation is base.



Frontage: The extent of ground covered laterally by men.

Guides: Those officers or men by whom the remainder of the men in their unit or sub-unit marches
and dress.

Incline: The movement by which an equal amount of ground is gained to the front and flank

Interval: The space between adjacent points of sub-units, or between individual men, measured at
right angle to the direction of advance of the units.

Interval, deploying: The lateral space between units in close column or column, on the same
alignment, the space being equal to the frontage of a unit in line.

Line: Men formed on the same alignment.

Markers: Officer or men who are placed so as to indicate the position, which a unit will occupy on
falling in, or on the completion of any movement.

Pivot flank: The flank of which a units pivots when changing front.

Pivot guide: The guide about whom a unit or sub-unit pivots.

Position change of: A movement by which a body of men takes up a new alignment.

Rank: A line of men, side by side.

Right (or left) flank: That portion of a unit or sub-unit which, were the unit or sub-unit to Advance,
would lie on the right (or left) hand.

Squad: A small body of men formed for drill.

Sub unit: Any one of the component bodies forming a unit, e, g. unit, company, sub-unit,

Sub-unit guides: The guides of sub units. They march and dress on the unit guide.

Supernumeraries: Men not fallen-in in the Division but who form an additional rank.

Unit: A term, which denotes a number of men, organized to act as one body.

Unit advancing: A unit is advancing when moving in the direction that the front rank is facing, or
would face if it were in line.

Unit retiring: A unit is retiring when moving in such a direction that the rear rank is leading if the
unit were formed into line.


Unit moving to a flank: A unit moving to a flank is moving in a direction at right angles to its
direction of advance.

Unit guide: The guide by which sub unit guides march and dress. It is his duty to select points to
march on.

Wheeling: A movement by which a body of men change their direction of advance.





101. Attention. “iSrefjka isgSu” (Figure 1-1) When the order is given “isrefjka isgska ” a
person stands smartly with heels together and in line, feet turned out making an angle of 45 degrees
with each other, knees straight stomach in, chest out, shoulders level and square and pressed slightly
back, neck erect and balanced arms braced straight down at the side. Wrists straight, elbows pressed
in to the side Palms of the hands turned towards the thighs, fingers clenched at the first and second
knuckles and thumb along on second knuckle of fore finger. Fingers touching the thigh slightly,
thumb in line with the seam of the trouser and look at your height. The weight of the body should be
balanced on both the feet.

102. Stand at Ease. “myiqfjka isgSu” (Figure 1-2) When the order is given “myiqfjka
isgsk”a keep the legs straight, carry the left foot 12 to 14 inches to the left with the weight of the body
evenly on the both legs and at the same time carry your both hands behind so that right hand back on
the left hand palm, and the arms braced to their full extent.

Note. When one arm is occupied the other arm is to be kept to the side.

103. Standing Easy. “is;a fia isgSu” When the order is given “is;a fia isgska” persons are
permitted to move the limbs and relax upper part of the body. However, no movements to the legs or
hands are permitted to ensure dressing of the squad is not disturbed. Persons standing at easy when
receive caution such as “>Kh$ wxYh$ fm,md,sh” will automatically assume the position of
Stand at Ease.

104. Turning at the Halt. “kej;S isgsh oS yersu”

a. Right Turn. “ol+Kg yersu” When the order is given “ol+Kg yefrka” this drill
is performed in two distinct movements as follows: -

i. One. Keeping both knees straight, both arms well closed to the side and
keeping the body erect, turn 90 degrees to the right with the right heel and left toe,
whilst raising the left heel and right toe.

ii. Two. Bring the left heel smartly up to the right without stamping the foot on
the ground and assume the position of attention.

b. Left Turn. “jug yerSu” As above (a) but using the left heel and right toe.
When the order is given “jug yefrka” Right heel is to be brought up to left to assume the
position of attention.



c. About Turn. “wdmiq yersu” when the order is given “wdmiq yefrka” This drill
is performed in two distinct movements as follows;

i. One. Turn 180 degrees through right using right foot heel and left foot toe with
right toe and left heel raised. Both hands to remain well closed to the body,
shoulders square and looking at own height.
ii. Two. Bring the left foot heel with the right foot heel without stamping the
foot on the ground and assume the position of attention.

d. Right/ Left Incline. “wvla ol+Kg$ jug yersu” When the order is given “wvla
ol+Kg$ jug yefrka” As described for right (or left) turn, but turning only half right (or

105. Front Salute with Hand. “fmrg wdpdr lsrSu” (Figures 1-3 to 1-5) When the order is
given “fmrg wdpdr lrka” The naval salute shall be made by raising the right hand on the peak of
the cap naturally and smartly, through the shortest route, with the thumb and fingers straight and
close together, elbow in line with the shoulder, forearm making an angle of 45 degrees with upper
arm, the palm slightly inclined and the fingers touching the rim of the peak over the right eye. After
a pause of two marching paces, cut the right hand smartly through the shortest route to the right side.



Figure 1-1 Figure1-3 Figure 1-2 Figure1-4



Figure 1-5 Figure 1-7 Figure 1-6 Figure 1-8



106. Right/ Left Salute. “ol+Kg$ jug wdpdr lsrSu ” (Figures 1-6 to 1-9) Salutes to the
right/left are carried out while on the march. Raise the right hand as for the front salute, turn head
towards the person being saluted. When saluting to the right, the right elbow must be carried to the
rear so that the hand does not obscure the eyes. When saluting to the left, the elbow must be carried
forward so that the hand can be brought to the correct position over the right eye. Then cut right
hand smartly to the side, turn the head to the front.

a. When making the salute on the march (unarmed) the left arm continues to swing.

b. The right arm is swung to the rear as soon as the salute has been completed.

c. When on the march, the salute is to be made at least 3 paces before meeting the
Officer being saluted, if the latter is halted. If the officer being saluted is also on the march
the salute is to be made at least 6 paces before reaching him.

d. Salute to be completed when abreast the officer being saluted.

e. Mark of respect is to be given when approaching from any angle.

f. If it is considered that the officer being saluted will not pass abreast, the salute should
be given at a distance at which can be seen and acknowledged.

107. Saluting on the Double. “is.% .ufkaos wpdr lsrsu ” (Figures 1-10 to 1-11) When
doubling ,the salute must be at least 6 paces before reaching the officer being saluted, if the latter is
halted or marching at the quick, when officer being saluted at the quick march by the parties at
double at least 9 paces before reaching him and at least 12 paces before reaching him if both parties
are doubling as per Article 106.

Saluting other than with the Hand.

108. Eyes Right/ Left. “ol+Kg$ jug weia” The order is “ol+Kg$ jug weia” given by a
squad leader (an officer or a sailor) on two successive beats of right foot during ceremonial
Divisions/ Parades while marching past the dais. At this order except the right (or left) hand marker,
all others turn their heads and eyes to the right (or left) as the left foot comes on the ground looking
90 degrees right or left continue marching .The leader of the squad will do right or left salute same
time and when passing the center of the dais, all squad to look in to the eyes of Chief Guest.

109. Eyes Front. “fmrg weia” This order cancels the eyes right/left order previously
given. The order is given on two successive beats of the ground. At this order “fmrg weia” all
personnel turn their heads and eyes smartly to the front, as left foot comes on ground Squad
commander cuts the salute and continue marching.



Figure 1-9 Figure1-11 Figure 1-10 Figure1-12



Figure 1-13 Figure1-15 Figure 1-14 Figure1-16



110. Occasions to Salute.

a. All Officers of the tri services and Midshipmen when undergoing sea training are to
be saluted by the juniors. The Officers in plain clothes, who are recognized to be Officers,
are also to be saluted. It is the duty of men to recognize an Officer in plain clothes, of the
same ship or one who should be known from his position in the service.

b. Foreign Royalties, Officials and Officers are to receive the same salutes as their

c. Commissioned Officers of other services are to receive the same salutes as their naval

d. Officers and ratings if in uniform and wearing head gear are to face the appropriate
direction and salute on the following occasions:-

i. Whenever the national anthem or any foreign national anthem is played.

ii. When colours are hoisted.
iii. When colours are lowered at sunset.

Note: Parties fallen in are to be called to attention by the Officer or rating in charge who
alone is to salute. when „vehicle‟ movements in close proximity, should come to halt and
personnel get down and salute as appropriate.

e. Officers and ratings passing the troops with uncased standard or Colours are to salute
the standard or Colours.

f. Officers and ratings if in uniform passing a funeral procession are to salute.

g. Certain senior officers of the Navy and other services are entitled to carry official
distinguishing flags/star plates on their vehicles. Officers junior to the officer concerned and
all ratings are to salute such flags/star plates whether they can see the occupant of the vehicle
or not. An official flags/star plates are never to be displayed unless the entitled officer is in
the vehicle.

h. Officers and men are to salute when Embark/ Disembark on board commissioned
ships. The officer being saluted should receive the salute at the edge of the gangway towards
the ship and step on board. When leaving the officer honoured with the salute on the deck
and step out the ship through gangway.
Note: If the gangway facility is not promoting for such salute, it should be when on deck.

j. Inside a building, when making reports, salutes with the hand are only to be
exchanged if both parties are wearing caps. But when entering an office of an Officer, salute
to be made.



k. Salutes are to be given on all occasions, day and night, when it is sufficiently light to
recognize the persons saluted.

m. Men in uniform are to salute superior and equivalent of other services at public places
if he is in uniform.

n. When receiving a Trophy or prize in plain cloths personnel are to salute as deemed

111. Occasions When Salutes are Not Given.

a. In the interest of safety, the driver of a vehicle or the rider of a motorcycle or bicycle
is not to salute. It is more suitable if rider pays his mark of respect by sharp turn of the head
towards required direction and the officer being respected not required to acknowledge.
b. Salutes are not to be exchanged on board ship except when addressing or being
addressed by a superior officer. (it is however, customary for junior officers to salute their
superiors on the first occasion of meeting each day)
c. Funeral corteges return no compliments.
d. Cased Colours of all armed services are not to be saluted.

e. During the ceremonial parades, Officers in attendance on a senior officer are not
salute when the senior officer receives a personal salute from the guard.

f. When president/Prime Minister Salute is given (first 54/13 bars of the National
anthem) the presence should not salute.

112. Method of Saluting.

a. The salute is to be made when in uniform with or without head gear, plain clothes
with appropriate compliments such as “Good morning sir”.

b. Men in uniform or plain clothes when carrying anything that prevents him saluting
with the right hand, (However, every endeavour has to be made to keep the right hand free) if
he is standing still, to stand to attention and face the superior as he passes; if walking, he is to
turn his head smartly towards the superior before reaching him. The same procedure is to be
used by men whose right hands are injured so as to prevent the normal drill.
c. When two or more officers together are saluted, the senior Officer only is to return
salute. When two or more Officers together pass, or are passed, by a superior, they all are to
salute. A junior Officer, when in company with a senior Officer is only to salute Officers
senior to the latter.
d. If two or more ratings not in an organized party are sitting or standing about they are
to be called to attention by the rating who has seen the approach of an officer firstly and may
call attention and all ratings are to salute. The same procedure is to be applied to a group of
Officers when passed by a superior.


e. When making a report to a superior Officer, officers and ratings are to halt two paces
in front of him, salute, wait for the salute to be returned, make the report, salute again, turn
right or left and step off without turning their back except where lack of space prevents them
doing otherwise. For short reports, the Officer to whom the report is being made is to
acknowledge the first salute only.
f. A rate standing about, and an Officer passes him, rating to come attention, faces the
Officer and salute; if sitting, rating to rise, stand at attention and salute.

g. When carrying a Batons/sticks with the right hand, placed the baton/stick horizontally
under the left arm when salute, the left arm remaining at side, as in the position of attention.

113. Salutes by Organized Parties.

a. On March, When Commanded by an Officer. He is to give the order “ol+Kg

weia” or “jug weia” and is to salute, when passing:
i. An officer senior to him and equivalent ranks in the other services.
ii. Uncased standards or Colours.
iii. Funeral procession with the body of the deceased
iv. When passing armed parties or Guards of Honour without Colours, or with
Colours cased.
v. Junior officer or sailor saluting to be returned.

b. On March When Commanded by a Sailor. He is to give the order “ol+Kg weia

” or “jug weia” and salute when passing:
i. All officers.
ii. Uncased standards or Colours.
iii. Funeral procession.
iv. When passing armed parties or Guards of Honour without Colours, or with
Colours cased.

c. At the Halt When Commanded by an Officer or Rating. The party is to be

called to attention, turned to face the appropriate direction and the Officer or rating in charge
to salute.
114. Salutes by Sentries.
a. Ceremonial sentry in their ceremonial sentry boxes salute by standing to attention.
b. Ceremonial sentries are to “Present Arms” to all Officers of Lieutenant commander‟s
rank and above, equivalent ranks in other services. A “Front Salute” is to be made to all
Officers junior to Lieutenant Commander. Ceremonial sentry are to “Present Arms” to
Standard‟s or Colours uncased, to armed parties and when funeral procession passes. A
“Front Salute” is to be made to unarmed parties.
c. Operational sentries are to “Front Salute” to all Officers and equivalent ranks in other
services, Standard‟s or Colours and funeral procession.
d. When carrying a Batons/sticks with the right hand, placed the baton/stick horizontally
under the left arm when salute, the left arm remaining at side, as in the position of attention.


Figure 1-17 Figure1-19 Figure 1-18 Figure1-20



Figure 1-21 Figure1-23 Figure 1-22 Figure1-24



115. Taking off Peak Cap/ Duck Cap/ Beret/ Tri corn Hat/ Cap Peak Blue Cloth.
“isria;, bj;a lsrSu” (Figures 1-12 to 1-22) At the order “isria;, bj;a lrka” the drill is
carried out from attention position in two movements as follows:

a. One. Men/Women wearing peak cap/tri corn hat/cap peak blue cloth seize the right
center of peak of the cap with the right hand, bringing the hand across the front of body by
the shortest route, thumb underneath the peak fingers on top. Men wearing duck caps,
bringing the right hand across the front of body by the shortest route seize the top of the cap
with the forefinger and thumb just above the left ear above the bow. The back of the hand is
to be to the front, fingers together and pointing to the rear. Men wearing berets grasp the
beret with right hand from top edge of the cap badge at the front with the right hand bringing
across the front of the body by the shortest route, thumb under the fold and fingers straight,
together and top of the beret pointing rear.

b. Two. Resume the position of attention carrying the peak cap/ duck cap/ beret/tri
corn hat/cap peak blue cloth in the right hand across the front of the body by the shortest
route. The printed letters “Ys% ,xld kdjsl yuqodj” on duck caps to be to the front. In case
of peak cap/ tri corn hat/ cap peak blue cloth, peak pointing upward, hollow portion of the
cap touching thigh. In case of berets cap badge pointing upward.

116. Standing at Ease with Peak Cap/Duck Cap/ Beret/ Tri corn Hat/ Cap Peak Blue Cloth
Off. “isria;, bj;a lr myiqfjka isgsu ” When the order is given “myiqfjka isgska” carry
the left foot off and at the same time place the peak cap/duck cap/tri corn hat/ cap peak blue cloth
behind the back with the crown to rear, the right hand retaining its grasp of the cap. When standing
at ease with peak cap/ tricorn hat/cap peak blue cloth grip the left center of the peak with left hand,
back of the hand against the body. In case of duck cap, holds the rim near the bow, with the back of
the hand against the body. When standing at ease with beret, position of the beret when standing at
attention should not be changed other than coming to stand at ease.

117. Standing Easy with Peak Cap/Duck Cap/ Beret/ Tri corn Hat/ Cap Peak Blue Cloth.
“isria;, bj;a lr is;afia isgsu ” When the order is given “is;afia isgska” shift the grip of right
hand on peak of peak cap/ tri corn hat/cap peak blue cloth between the thumb and fore finger. For
duck cap shift the grip of right hand to the rim of the cap near the bow in such a way the bow of duck
cap to be in-between both thumbs, back of the hand against the body. When wearing berets to
maintain the position of stand at ease.

118. Putting of Peak Cap/ Duck Cap/ Beret/ Tri corn Hat/ Cap Peak Blue Cloth. “ isria;,
ysfia ,Eu” The drill is carried out from attention position in two movements On the order “isria;,
ysfia ,ka”.

a. One: Men/Women wearing peak caps/duck cap/tricorn hat/cap peak blue cloth
replace the cap on head with right hand. Cap badge of peak cap/ tri corn hat/cap peak blue
cloth to be to the front. The printed letters “Ys% ,xld kdjsl yuqodj”on duck caps to be to
the front. Men/Women wearing berets remain at attention and do not put on.



b. Two. Men/Women wearing the peak caps/duck cap/ tri corn hat/cap peak blue
cloths release the grip on the cap and resume position of attention by bringing right hand in
front of the body through the shortest route. Men/Women wearing berets remain in attention.
The two motions for taking off and putting on caps should be combined with a pause of two
marching paces between the first and second movements. Putting of duck cap to be done in
such a way letter “kd” of printed ward “Ys% ,xld kdjsl yuqodj” to be in line with nose.
Putting of peak cap/ tri corn hat/cap peak blue cloth to be done in such a way that the cap
badge in line with nose. Men/Women wearing berets remain at attention.


1. After Putting of Peak Cap/duck cap/ tri corn hat/cap peak blue cloth, the order
“myiqfjka isgska” is given and thereafter the order “is;afia isgska” is given and then “up two
three relax” is uttered by mind and Peak Cap/duck cap/ tri corn hat/cap peak blue cloth is
adjusted properly as quickly as possible and resume position of standing easy. Then the order
is given >Kh$ wxYh$ fm,md,sh”and resume position of stand at ease.

2. The design of berets is such that they cannot be easily replaced on the head using one
hand and even when both hands are used sufficient time must be allowed to enable them to
be fitted correctly. the replacement of berets is , therefore, to be carried out when the order is
given “is;afia isgska”. Men/Women replace berets as quickly as possible but sufficient time
must be allowed, before any further order is given, to enable berets to be properly adjusted.


119. Marching Speed. The number of steps per minute to be taken while marching or side
stepping are as follows:

Movement Speed (steps/minute)

a. Quick march/quick mark time - 116

b. Double march/ double mark time - 180

c. Slow march /slow mark time - 65 (75 by Funeral Gun Carriage)

d. Side Steps - 116.

120. Length of Pace. The standard length of pace while marching as follows:

Movement Length of Pace (inches)

a. Quick march and slow march 30

b. Double march 40

c. Side steps 12


d. Initial stepping out (quick/slow march) 20

e. Step long (quick march) 33

f. Step short (quick march) 21

121. Quick March. “.ufka hdu” (Figure 1-23) On this order “.ufka hd” step out with
the left foot taking a pace of 20 inches with swinging arms, so that the left foot heel digging the
ground, toe pointing upward, knees straight, stomach in and chest out. Swing right hand straight to
the front up to a level in line with shoulder and left hand fully to the rear, fingers of both hands fully
clenched at first and second knuckles and thumb along. Take another step with right foot so that heel
digging the ground toe pointing upward, left arm fully to the forward, right hand fully to the rear and
continue marching swinging both arms and progressively increasing the length of pace to 30 inches,
taking 116 steps per minute.

1. While marching the head must be evenly balanced on the neck and the body should
be erect without strain.
2. The weight of the body is to be balanced on both legs.
3. The arms should be swung from as far in rear of the body as possible to straight
forward up to the level of shoulders without straining the shoulders.
4. The arms should be swung from the shoulder, the wrist and elbow being kept straight,
without undue stiffness.
5. The foot should be carried straight to the front, and, without being drawn back, placed
firmly upon the ground, heel first, with knees straight without jerking the body.
6. While marching in Formation/ Parades/ Squads, every person must take a reference
point straight to his/ her front at some distance so as to march in a straight line.

122. Slow March. “fiuska .ufka hdu” (Figure 1-24) On this order “fiuska .ufka hd”
step out with the left foot so that toe pointing downwards, heel raised, left foot heel in line with right
foot toe. Both hands well closed to the side. Place the left foot on the ground with the extension of
20 inches and at the same time bring right foot heel in line with the left foot toe in similar manner.
Thereafter, continue slow march increasing the length of pace to 30 inches progressively, taking 65
steps per minute.

123. Double March. “is.% .ufka hdu” (Figure 1-25) On this order “is.% .ufka hd” Step
out with the left foot with slight lean forward but heads up, the length of pace 40 inches and at same
time raise the right foot so that the thigh is parallel to the ground, toe pointing downwards and heel
raised. Simultaneously, bend both arms from elbow at an angle of 90 degrees, right arm forward and
left arm to the rear, and continue double march taking 180 steps per minute, alternating movements
of arms with opposite leg.



124. Halt from Quick/ Slow March. “.ufka/ fiuska .ufkaoS kej;Su” The order “kj-
;sk”a will be given on two successive beats of the right foot. As soon as the order completes on right
foot, take check step with left foot. Thereafter, bring the right foot heel in line with left foot heel and
assume the position of attention performing the drill in two movements.

125. Halt from Double March. “is.% .ufkaoS kej;Su” This order “kj-;ska” will be
given on two successive beats of the right foot. As soon as the order completes on right foot take
three check steps commencing with left foot (left, right and left/ one, two, three). With fourth
movement bring the right foot heel in line with left foot heel and assume the position of attention
performing the drill in four movements.

126. Quick Mark Time. “l,a ne,Su” This order can be given at halt as well as while
marching. At this order “l,a n,ka” A raise the left foot such that the thigh is parallel to the ground,
the lower leg perpendicular and the foot parallel keeping both hands well closed to the side.
Continue this drill alternately beating the ground with left and right foot 116 times in a minute
without advancing. The order “bosrshg hd” is to be given on two successive beats of the right foot if
the men are to be marched.

127. The Halt from Quick Mark Time. “l,a ne,Su isg kej;Su” This order “kj-;sk”a is
given on two successive beats of the right foot and halt is completed in two mark time paces.

128 Slow Mark Time. “fiuska l,a ne,Su” The order “fiuska l,a n,ka” is given at slow
march when right foot comes to the ground. (can also given in halt) The left foot completes its pace,
after which the cadence of 65 paces in a minute is continued without advancing, keeping the arms to
the side raising the right and left knee alternately so that the top of the thigh is parallel with the
ground, the lower leg perpendicular. The foot is kept at a natural angle. The order “bosrshg hd” is to
be given on two successive beats of the right foot if the men are to be marched.

129. The Halt from Slow Mark Time. “fiuska l,a ne,Su isg kej;Su” Same as the halt
from quick mark time, but in slow time.

130. Double Mark Time. “iS.% l,a ne,Su” At this order “is.% l,a n,ka” raise the left foot
above the ground such that thigh parallel to the ground, toe pointing downwards and heel raised.
Simultaneously, bend both arms from elbow at an angle of 90 degrees and both elbows locked to the
side. Continue this drill alternatively with right and left foot beating the ground 180 times per
minute but without advancing.



Figure 1-25

131. The Halt From Double Mark Time. “iS.% l,a ne,Su isg kej;Su” This order will
be given on two successive beats of the right foot, as soon as the order “kj-;sk”a completes on right
foot, take three double mark time paces commencing with left foot (left, right and left). With fourth
movement bring the right foot heel in line with left foot heel and assume the position of attention
performing the drill in four movements.

132. Changing Steps at Quick March. “.ufka hdfuzos mshjr udre lsrSu ” This drill is
carried out in three movements as follows: -

a. One. As the order completes "mshjr udre lrka" on right foot, take a check step
with left foot with right hand forward, left hand to the rear, left foot heel digging the ground,
toe pointing upwards, knees and elbows straight.

b. Two. Bring the right foot hollow portion behind left foot heel and at the same time
cut both hands to the side.

c. Three. Step out with left foot and continue quick march with swinging arms.


1. When order “mshjr udre lrka” is given during mark time, make two successive
beats on the ground with the left foot without advancing.



2. When order “mshjr udre lrka” is given during double mark time, hop twice on the
ground with left foot without advancing.

3. When order “mshjr udre lrka” is given during double march, hop twice on the
ground with left foot while advancing.

133. Changing to Double March from Quick March. “.ufkaoS is.% .ukg udrelsrsu ”
The order “is.% .ufka hd” is given as the right foot comes on the ground, and as soon as the order
completes, immediately break into double march with the left foot.

134. Changing to Quick March from Double March. “is.% .ufkaoS .ukg udre lsrsu ”
This order “.ufka hd”" is given on the two successive beats of right foot, and as soon as the order
completes, take a check step with left foot toe to reduce the momentum of the body with the right
foot above the ground, thigh parallel to the ground. Lower leg is to be vertical and toe pointing
downwards. Take similar two paces with alternate foot and with the fourth pace place the right foot
on the ground and at the same time break into quick march with left foot.

135. Changing to Slow March from Quick March. “.ufkaoS fiuska .ukg udre lsrsu”
when a squad advancing at quick march the order is given “ fiuska .ufka hd” to the right foot and
then breaks in to the slow march on the next pace.

136. Changing to Quick March from Slow March. “fiuska .ufkaoS .ukg udre lsrsu ”
when a squad advancing at slow march the order is given “ .ufka hd” to the right foot and then
takes two more paces at slow march and then breaks in to quick march.

137. Turning Right at Quick March. “.ufkaoS ol+Kg yersu ” This order “ol+Kg
yefrka” is given on two successive beats of the right foot and performed in three movements as
follows: -

a. One. Take a check step with the left foot, heel digging the ground, toe pointing
upwards, right hand forward and left hand to rear. Knees and arms must be straight without
strain and bend.

b. Two. Turn 90 degrees to right with the help of left foot such that right foot heel
digging the ground, toe pointing upwards, left hand forward and right hand to rear.

c. Three. Step out with the left foot and continue quick march with swinging arms.


1. For turning left at quick march the order “jug yefrka” must be given on two
successive beats of the left foot and the drill is to be carried out similarly as above
commencing with the right foot.

2. While turning right (or left), the pace is not to be checked and the body balance
should not be lost.



138. Formation of Squad. A squad is formed in single, two or three ranks depending upon the
strength of personnel as follows: -

Strength of personnel Squad formed in

a. 5 and below. Single Rank

b. 6 to 9. Two Ranks

c. 10 and above. Three Ranks

139. Formation of Squad in Three Ranks. “;+kafm, iEosu” Squads are normally formed
for drill in three ranks. When the right marker having been placed, rest of the squad fall in at the
march or double in three ranks. The distance between each rank should be 30 inches and interval
between men within a rank is one arm length (heel to heel 40 inches). Men in the center and rear
ranks take dressing from right/left and also from the front. When the squad is not consisted of
multiple of three, the man or men second from the left form a blank file. If there are two men in a
file, center rank left blank .If there are one in a file center and rear rank left blank.

Note: When necessary, on board a ship or in any confined space, men may fall in without intervals.

140. Sizing up of a Squad. All men fall in order of height from the right marker and form a
single rank without interval. Then the following sequence of orders will be followed;

a. The order is given “>Kh foflka .Kska” and men in the rank to count in two‟s
“tl” “fol” sequence.

b. Then the order is given “fofla wxl mshjrla miaig hd” and Even numbers of the
rank take one step to rear and make two ranks.

c. Then the order is given “>Kh, uQ,slhd yer, fmr fm, olqKg;a, miq fm<
jug;a, jug iy ol=Kg yefrkaa” and front rank turns to right, rear rank turns to left.

d. The order is given “uq,slhd n,d .ufka hd” and both ranks start marching, rear
rank follows the front rank. Then order is given “fmrn,d jug yefrka” and line turn to

e. The order is given “>Kh foflka .Kska” and drill of (a) will be repeated.

f. Then the order is given “fofla wxl mshjr 2 la miaig hd” and Even numbers of
the rank take two steps to rear and make two ranks.

g. The order is given “>Kh bv rys;j ol+fKka fm, n,ka” and both the ranks will
take dressing without interval.



h. Then the orders will be given “fmr fm, ;+fkka .Kska” and front rank to count in
three‟s “tl” “fol” “ ;+k”. The same order is given to rear rank and same drill will be

j. Then the order is given “fmr fm, fofla wxl mshjrla miaig hd” and Even
numbers of the front rank take one step to rear. Then the order “miq fm, ;+fka wxl
mshjrla bosrshg hd” is given and those who count three of rear rank take one step forward,
making three ranks.

k. Then the order “wxYh ol+fKka fm, n,ka” is given and squad will take dressing
by the right as per Article 117.

141. Numbering a Squad. “.eKSu” The order “wxYh .Kska” is to be given for numbering
the personnel of a squad. At this order, the right hand man of the front rank calls “tl”, then
followed by “fol” and so on in rapid succession to left. The numbers are to be called sharply and
loudly. When in two or three lines, the rear rank and center rank listens to the given number by his
front rank, and adopts the number.

142. Reporting the Squad. “wxYh rfmdarA;+ lsrsu ” When reporting a squad, if fallen in
single rank or two ranks, it is reported as the number of men as "wxYh fm, idod we; .kKska
…… ;+uks" and if fallen in three ranks the number of files is reported as "wxYh fm, idod we;
;+fka fldgia …… hs ;+fkka …… hs ;+uks" The report of the squad is always prefixed with

143. Forming Two Ranks from Threes. “;+kafm, isg fofm, iEoSu ” The order “wxYh
fofm, ioka” is to be given after numbering and dressed with intervals. At this order: -

a. All odd numbers of the center rank take one pace to the left with the left foot, one
pace forward with the right foot and bring the left foot in line with right foot to align with
front line.

b. All even numbers of the center rank take one pace to the left with the left foot, one
pace to the rear with the right foot and bring the left foot in line with the right to align with
rear line.

144. Forming Three Ranks from Two Ranks. “fom, isg ;+kafm, iEoSu ” When the order
“wxYh ;+kafm, ioka” is given;

a. All Even numbers of the front rank will take one step to the rear with the left foot,
one step to the right with the right foot and bringing the left foot up in line with the right foot.

b. All Odd numbers of the rear rank will take one step forward with their left foot and
one step to the right with the right foot and bringing the left foot up in line with the right foot.



145. Step to Forward or Stepping Backward March. “mshjrla bosrshg$ miaig

hdu” When the order is given “mshjrla bosrshg$ miaig hd” the stepping outs will be with the
left foot. Length of pace is to be 30 inches. Position of the body is to be the same as while marching,
except that both hands are to be kept locked to the side. The maximum numbers of steps that can be
ordered to forward or rear are four only. (Rhythm 116 to a minute)

146. The Side Steps. “me;s mshjr .ekSu” When the order is given “mshjrla ol+Kg$
jug hd”. Each man carries his right (or left) foot 12 inches straight to the right (or left) and closes
his left (or right) foot to it, thus completing one step; he takes the further steps in same manner.
Shoulder to be kept square and knees straight, unless on rough or broken ground; the direction must
be kept in a straight line to the flank. Persons/ Squad should not be ordered to move to the side more
than six steps at a time. (Rhythm 116 to a minute)

147. Falling Out of Front /Center /Rear Ranks. “fmr/ ueo/ miq fm, fm, nsoSu” The
drill is carried out as follows: -

a. At the order “fmrfm, fm, nsoska” the whole front rank is to come to attention, all
rank acknowledges “tfiah ;+uks” and takes one-step forward with a left foot and make
front salute and march away.

b. At the order “ueo fm, fm, nsoska” the whole center rank is to come to attention, all
rank acknowledges “tfiah ;+uks” takes a pace to the right with the right foot, then takes
two paces with the left foot then the right foot through the openings in the front line and
make front salute and march away.

c. At the order “miq fm, fm, nsoska”, the whole rear rank is to come to attention, all
rank acknowledges “tfiah ;+uks” takes a step to the rear with the left foot and make front
salute and march away.

148. Individual Falling Out from Front/ Center /Rear Ranks. “fmr/ ueo/ miq fm, isg
fm, nsosu” After numbering the squad the order is given “fmr$ueo$miq fm, ……fm, nsoska”
each individual who has been called out will come to attention, acknowledge “tfiah ;+uks” and
fallout from his /her line performing the drill as per article 110 depending upon his /her position in
the line.

149. Individual Falling In to Front /Center /Rear Ranks. “fmr$ ueo$ miq fm,g tlajSu ”
When the order is given “fmr$ueo$miq fm, fm,g tlajka” each individual who has been called
out will come to attention, acknowledges “tfiah ;+uks” and if he is from front rank halt one pace in
front of the position he is to take up, turn about, take one pace to the rear and pick up dressing. If he
is from center rank halts one pace in front of the opening through which he is to pass, turn about and
takes two paces to the rear, commencing with the left foot and carrying the left foot off to the left for
a side pace on completion .He then pick his dressing. If he is from rear rank halts one pace in rear of
the position he is to take up, facing a flank, turn to face his position, take one pace forward and pick
up dressing.



Note: When the Squad is not in attention, the man Falling In from front, rear and center should take
the dressing from right (or left). The two men either side should come to attention when taking
dressing. "At ease" "myiqfjka isgska" command is given by the man who Fall in.

150. Open Order March in Two Ranks. “fofm, isg jsjD; fma,s hdu” In two
lines squad, on the order “jsjD; fma,s hd” the whole rear rank will take two paces to the rear and
the front rank will stand fast. However, at parades to have uniformity in Squad, the front rank may
take two steps forward and whole rear rank will take one step forward with nothing count, taking
dressing from the right.

151. Close Order March in Two Ranks. “fofm, isg lsgzgq fma,s hdu” On this order
“lsgsgq fma,s hd” the rear rank will take two steps to the front. However, during parades, the front
rank may take two steps to the rear and rear rank will take one step to the rear.

152. Open order march in three ranks. “;+ka fm, isg jsjD; fma,s hdu” This order is
given when the squad is going to be inspected by an officer. On the order “jsjD; fma,s hd” all
personnel in front rank will take two steps forward and at the same time personnel in rear rank will
take two steps to the rear. The center rank will stand fast.

153. Close Order March in Three Ranks. “;+ka fm, isg lsgzgq fma,s hdu” This order is
given when the squad is in open order march to bring back the squad in three line formation. At this
order “lsgsgq fma,s hd” the front rank to take two steps to the rear and rear rank to take two steps to
the forward, taking dressing from the right.

154. Dressing a squad. “fm, ne,su”

a. Dressing with Interval. On the order “ol+fKka$ jfuka fm, n,ka”, each
person except the corner most one on the named flank (left or right), looks towards his/her
right (or left) with a smart turn of head and eyes simultaneously. The personnel in the front
rank extend their right (or left) arm horizontally, behind the back of their right ( or left)
person, back of the hand uppermost, fingers fully clenched from first and second knuckles
and thumb along on second knuckle of fore finger . Every person except the right (or left)
hand file, after a pause of two marching paces, take quick and short steps to the required
direction and take up dressing in line until his/ her knuckles are in the same vertical line as
the shoulder of the person on his/ her right (or left) and he/ she is just able to distinguish the
lower part of the face of the second person from him/ her. Care must be taken to carry the
body backward or forward with the feet, the shoulders being kept perfectly square in their
original position, and that the arm is raised horizontally. When dressing is completed each
man, in succession, form the directing flank turns his head smartly to the front, brings his
arm to the side and resumes the position of attention. Dressing with intervals, each man
occupies approximately 40 inches.

b. Dressing with Half Arm Interval. When space is restricted it is required to carry
out dressing with half arm intervals by the right/left dress. when the order is given “wvla bv
;nd ol+fKka$ jfuka fm, n,ka” the same drill should be carried out as for full arm
dressing except that each man dresses in until the knuckles of his hand are in line with the



center of the back of the man on his right/left. Dressing with Half Arm Intervals, each man
occupies approximately 30 inches.

c. Dressing Without Interval. When on demand to dress without intervals, the

order is given “bv rys;j ol+fKka$ jfuka fm, n,ka”. At the order each man close until
he is approximately two inches clear of the man on his right/left. Dressing without Intervals,
each man occupies approximately 24 inches.

Note: After the dressing, the second person of right (or left) in each rank also turn their
heads and eyes to the front together followed by third, fourth,…files subsequently, If not
ordered by a command "fmrg weia" collectively for Squads.

155. Dismiss. “jsisr hdu” This order is given to dismiss/ break off the Squad. At the order
“jsisr hd” all persons in the Squad turn towards to the Main Mast (if not towards to right), dwell a
pause of two marching paces and break off quietly.

156. Forming Squad. “ol+Kg$ jug >Kh ioSu ” The order is given to change the
formation of the squad without changing direction as follows.

a. At the order “ol+Kg$ jug >kh ieosu ol+Kg$ jug fm, ioka” the whole
squad will turn 45 degrees to the ordered direction except the Left (or Right) man of first file.
Thereafter, the order “.ufka hd” is to be given. At this order the Right (or Left) hand man
takes three marching paces forward and mark time. The center and rear ranks conform to the
movements of the front rank and also do mark time in succession when they come up into the
new formation, taking up dressing on the right (or left) hand marker. At the order “bosrshg
hd”, the squad moves forward in the same direction in which they were originally marching
but in changed formation.

b. At the order “ol+Kg$ jug >kh idod kej;Su ol+Kg$ jug fm, ioka” the
whole squad will turn 45 degrees to the ordered direction except the Left (or Right) man of
first file. Thereafter, the order “.ufka hd” is to be given. At this order the Right (or Left)
hand man takes three marching paces forward and halt. The center and rear ranks conform to
the movements of the front rank and halt in succession when they come up into the new
formation, taking up dressing on the right (or left) hand marker.

157. Right/ Left Wheel. “ol+Kg$ jug jla jSu” When the order is given “ol+Kg$ ju
jla jka” the right (or left) leading person moves round a quarter of circumference of a circle having
a radius of four feet. The other person or file(s) follow in succession maintaining the dressing while
wheeling, with outer files taking longer steps and inner files taking shorter steps.

158. Changing Direction by Forming. “ol+Kg jug osid udre lsrSu ” This order is given
for changing the direction, without changing the formation of the squad. On the order “ol+Kg$
jug osYd udre lsrsu ol+Kg$ jug fm, ioka ” or “ol+Kg$ jug osYd udre lr kej;su
ol+Kg$ jug fm, ioka” right (or left) hand man of front rank turns 90 degrees to the ordered
direction, and remainder of the front rank make right/ left incline. The center and rear ranks stand
fast. Thereafter, the order “.ufka hd” is to be given. At this, the Right (or Left) hand man takes



three marching paces forward and mark time and the remainder will march maintaining the dressing
in line and mark time. After they come up into the new alignment, the order “bosrshg hd” is given
to march the Squad in new direction or if desired to halt the Squad, an order “kj-;sk”a is given.


1. If the squad is already marching the order “.ufka hd” is not required. The marker
makes a 90 degrees turn in the required direction, taking three marching paces forward and
stop or do mark time with the remainder following in succession as explained above.

2. This order can only be given when the squad is in ranks.

159. Moving Forward in Single Line When in Three Lines and Vise Versa. “;+kafj,ska isg
ol+fKa$ jfuz ;ksfm, idod bosrshg hdu iy kej; ;+kafj,ska bosrshg hdu” This order is
given when the squad is to move through a narrow place. The order “ol+fKa$ jfuz ;ks fm, idod
bosrshg hdu fmrfm, .ufka hd” is to be given to the first line according to the position of the
person ordering (eg., if the person commanding the squad is on right side of the Squad then the right
side line becomes front line and left side file becomes rear line). The remaining ranks to mark time
and order “ueo fm, bosrshg” will be given to center line to follow in the rear of the first line, the
leading person wheeling as necessary to cover off the rear person of the preceding rank. The order
“miqfm, bosrshg” will be given to rear line to follow the same drill of centerline and the Squad
leader will follow the rear line. After clearing the narrow place squad will forms in threes.

160. Obstacles. Should a squad, marching in line, encounter an obstacle, such as a bush, tree, etc,
the file whose way is blocked do mark time until the remainder of the squad have passed the obstacle
and then do double march and resume its position in the ranks. If, however, a squad (or any large
body of person), moving to a flank in threes, encounters an obstacle, the squad (or any large body of
person) must wheel or incline to avoid the obstacle.

161. Traffic Precautions on the March. When personnel are marching on roads in formed
bodies, two lookouts are to be posted at a suitable distance in front and two at the rear, to warn
motorists. In daylight the warning is to be by hand signals or the display of a notice. At night or after
dusk the lookout men in front will carry white lights and the two at the rear will carry red lights.
These lights should be so positioned as to indicate width of the marching column to oncoming and
overtaking traffic. If personnel are marching in single file it will be necessary to post two lookouts
carrying the appropriate lights, one in front of the column and one at the rear. Traffic signals are to
be observed by the marching formations in the same way as by the other road users. Members of
look out parties must be instructed about the necessary hand signals that are to be given.





201. Rifle Drill. “wjs irU” The drill is performed with 7.62 SMG Fixed butt standard rifle with
sling. Before sailors commence rifle drill, they are to be thought names of deferent parts of the rifle.
(Figure 2-1) When teaching rifle drill sailors should be in single rank. Sailors carrying out rifle drill
are to have the following important points impressed on them;

a. The body and head are to be kept perfectly still while the rifle is moving.

b. The eyes are not to follow the movement of the rifle, but are to be kept looking to the
front at their own level.

c. The rifle during its movement is to be kept as close to the body as possible.

Upper Hand
Unit Receiver Cover
Small of
the butt

Mussel end Lower Hand

Mag Trigger
Bayonet releasing
Trigger Lower
Guard sling
Magazine Grip

FIG –2-1 Parts of 7.62 mm SMG Fixed Butt Rifle.

202. Pauses Between Drill Movements. Where the rifle drill is carried out in two or more
movements, a pause of two marching paces between each movement is to be followed unless
otherwise indicated. When teaching rifle drill in quick time, men should count aloud in order to
maintain correct time and rhythm. „By Number‟ (wxl wkqj) May used as required, so that instructor
may correct mistakes in the drill.



203. Attention. “iSrefjka isgska” (Figure 2-2) The normal position of attention is maintained,
except that the right hand holds the rifle to the right side so that the rifle is vertical. The rifle is held
with the hand near to the fore sight, four fingers together pointing towards the ground, thumb
gripping the left side of the rifle also pointing to the ground. The rifle‟s butt is on the ground, the toe
of the rifle in line with the toe of the right boot. The right hand elbow is fully extended and not bent.

Note: Tall men may find it necessary to hold the rifle with the right hand grasping the barrel above
the foresight, slight bending of the right arm may be necessary.

204. Stand at Ease. “ myiqfjka isgska” (Figure 2-3) Force the left foot 12" to14" to the left so
that the body is evenly balanced on both feet. At the same time, force the rifle out to the front to the
full extent of the right arm, keeping the upper arm and elbow close to the body, the fingers pointing
to the front.



Figure 2-2 Figure 2-4 Figure 2-3 Figure 2-5



Figure 2-6 Figure 2-8 Figure 2-7 Figure 2-9



205. Stand Easy. “is;afia isgska” At the order of “is;afia isgska” Dwell a pause of two
marching paces and relax the upper part of the body and allow the fingers to curl around the rifle.

206. Standing at Ease from Standing Easy. At order of “>Kh” brace the body and straighten
the fingers of right hand and assume the position of stand at ease.

207. Attention from Stand at Ease. At order of “ iSrefjka isgska” pull the rifle into the side
keeping the butt on the ground, at the same time force the left foot to the right keeping the left arm to
the side and assume the position of order.

208. The Shoulder from the Order. “iSrefjka wjs isg mfil wjs” (Figure 2-4 and 2-5)
At order of “mfil - wjs” the Shoulder Arms is carried out in two movements as follows;

a. One. Throw the rifle upwards, slightly forward and in front of the right shoulders
with a vigorous flick of the right wrist keeping the elbow as still as possible, release the rifle,
grasp the pistol grip firmly with right hand, thumb around it, touching the seam of the
trousers, back of the hand to the right. At the same time, bring the left hand across the body,
strike and seize the stock, keeping left forearm horizontal. The rifle will then be canted
slightly forward.

b. Two. Cut the left hand smartly to the side through the shortest route to the position
of Attention.

209. Order from the Shoulder. “ mfil wjs isg iSrefjka wjs” (Figure 2-6 and 2-7) At order
of “ iSrefjka - wjs” this drill is carried out in three movements as follows;

a. One. Retaining the grip of the right hand, take the left hand across the body through the
shortest route to strike and seize the barrel immediately below the bayonet post keeping the
left elbow close to the body.

b. Two. With left hand lower down the rifle to the right side until the butt is about half an
inch from the ground close to the right foot. Toe of the rifle to be in line with the toe of the
foot, at the same time shift the grip of the right hand to the end of the stock, fingers together
and extended downwards, back of the hand to the right, thumb to the left, elbow kept to the
rear. The weight of the rifle should be in left hand.

c. Three. Cut the left hand smartly to the side through the shortest route, at the same
time place the rifle on the ground to the correct position of attention.



Figure 2-10 Figure 2-12 Figure 2-11 Figure 13



Figure 2-14 Figure 2-16 Figure 2-15 Figure 2-17



210. The Present from Shoulder. “ mfil wjs isg m%N2 iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjs”
(figures 2-8 to 2-10) At the order of “W;a;udpdr wjs” the drill is carried out in three movements,
as follows;

a. One. Throw the rifle vertically up to the right side, shift the grasp of the right hand
from the pistol grip to the small of the butt, with full extent of the arm, fingers together and
straight inclining towards the ground, the back of the hand to the right and thumb near to the
right thigh. At the same time, keeping the left elbow close to the body, strike and seize the
stock with the left hand with an all around grip, left forearm parallel to the ground.

b. Two. Taking an all round grip with the right hand bring the rifle in front of the center
of the body, so that the rifle is vertical with the magazine pointing to the front and rifle six
inches away from the mouth. At the same time, move the left hand smartly to strike on left
side of the rifle with palm, fingers and thumb together and pointing upwards. The left wrist in
line with top of the magazine, base of thumb in line with the mouth and left elbow forced to
the side of the rifle.

c. Three. Pull the rifle straight down in front of the body to the full extent of the right
arm, keeping the rifle vertical and close to the body. The fingers of right hand together and
fully extended inclined towards the ground, the back of the right hand slightly forward. At
the same time, grip the bottom of the stock with left-hand fingers closed and together with all
round grip and thumb vertically up. Simultaneously, move the right foot to the rear such that
the hollow portion of the right foot is behind the left heel making an angle of 30 degrees,
with the right foot.

211. The Shoulder from Present. “m%N2 iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjs isg mfil wjs” At order of
“mfil - wjs” This drill is carried out in two movements as follows;

a. One. Force the rifle to the Shoulder position, pushing the stock well back with the
left hand and simultaneously transferring the right hand to the pistol grip. At the same time
move the right foot in the position of Attention.

b. Two. Cut the left hand to the side smartly through the shortest route.

Common Faults.

i. Not bringing the rifle in the correct position of the shoulder arms.

ii. Not taking the right foot to the correct position of attention.

iii. Not bringing the rifle to the right side through the shortest route.

iv. Not cutting the left hand smartly through the shortest route.



v. Not keeping the left elbow close to the body.

vi. Moving the rifle when the left hand releases it.

211. The Order from Present.“ m%N2 iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjs isg iSrefjka wjs” (Figure 2-
11 and 2-12) At order of “iSrefjka - wjs” this drill is carried out in three movements as follows;

a. One. Maintaining the grip of the rifle with the left hand, seize the rifle with the right
hand at the end of the stock, fingers pointing to the front and at the same time, bring the right
foot to the position of attention.

b. Two. With right hand force the rifle down to the right side, butt about half an inch
above the ground, and seize the barrel below the bayonet post with the left hand all around

c. Three. Cut the left hand to the side smartly through the shortest route, place the rifle on
the ground and resume the position of attention.

212. The Present from the Order. “ iSrefjka wjs isg m%N+ iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjs” (Figure
12-13) At the order of “m%N+ iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjs” this drill is carried out in three movements as

a. One. Jerk the rifle straight up to the right side with a vigorous flick of the wrist.
Grasp the small of the butt fingers straight and together inclining towards the ground, back of
the hand to the right, thumb between the rifle and the right thigh and right arm fully
extended. At the same time strike and seize the stock with left hand taking an all round grip,
left fore arm parallel to the ground, fingers pointing to the rear.

b. Two. Same as Art 210 (b).

c. Tree. Same as Art 210 (c).

214. Ground Arms. “ N+us wjs ” (Figure 2-14 and 2-15) At the order of “ N+us wjs ” this drill is
carried out in two movements as follows;

a. One. At the order, turn the riffle 45° to the right. At the same time take a full
marching pace to forward with the left foot. Maintaining a firm all round grip on the riffle.
Bend forward on left knee kept the back vertical & head up, place the riffle on the ground at
the right side, magazine to the right, muzzle pointing in the same direction of right foot. The
right hand should be in line with the right knee, as it place the riffle on the ground.

c. Two. Return smoothly to the position “one” keeping both hands remaining either
side close to the body and return smartly to the attention position.

215. Take up-Arms. “ .ka wjs ” (Figure 2-15) At the order of “ .ka wjs ” this drill is carried
out in two movements as follows;


a. One. Take a full marching pace forward with the left foot. Bend forward on the left
knee keeping the back vertical and head up, grasp the rifle with the right hand at the end of
the stock left hand remains vertically up and down the left side.

b. Two Return smartly to the order, bringing the rifle quickly to the correct position.

216. Fixing of Bayonets. “hjq,a ijs lsrSu” (Figure 2-16) The fixing of bayonet on the rifle
is always carried out from the Shoulder Arms by three separate orders as follows;
a. One. At the order “hjq,a ijs lsrSu ijS lrka ” At the order, retaining the grip of
the right hand, take the left hand across the body through the shortest route and
release the bayonet catch by pressing it down. Meantime guide the left palm in between
bayonet and the barrel facing palm outward and fingers together, resting bayonet on

b. Two. At the order “ >Kh hjq,a” (Figure 2-17) turn the head downward and look
directly at the muzzle of the rifle and at the same time fix the bayonet keeping fingers and
thumb together pointing outwards.

c. Three. At the order“ iSrefjka isgska” Cut the left hand to the side, raise and turn the
head to the front, assuming position of attention.

217. Unfixing of Bayonet. “ hjq,a bj;a lsrSu ” The unfixing of the bayonet drill is also
always carried out from the Shoulder Arms under three separate orders as follows;

a. One. At the order “hjq,a bj;a lsrSu bj;a lrka ” (Figure 2-18) At the order,
retaining the grip of the right hand, take the left hand across the body through the shortest
route and release the bayonet catch by pressing it down. Then hold the bayonet between
thumb and index finger facing thumb outward and fold it down until bayonet makes 45 º
angle with barrel.

b. Two. At the order “ >Kh - hjq,a ” (Figure 2-19) Turn the head downward
and look directly at the muzzle of the rifle and at the same time secure the bayonet and keep
fingers and thumb together pointing outwards.

c. Three. At the order “ iSrefjka - isgska” Cut the left hand to the side, raise and turn
the head to the front, assuming position of attention.



Figure 2-18 Figure 2-20 Figure 2-19 Figure 2-21



Figure 2-22 Figure 2-24 Figure 2-23 Figure 2-25



218. The Short Trail. “ flgs iudka;r - wjs ” (Figure 2-20) At the order of “ flgs
iudka;r - wjs ” bend the right arm slightly, to raise the butt of the rifle one inch above the ground,
keep the rifle still at the side. This position is used when moving short distances, or when taking up
dressing. The left arm is kept to the side.

219. Port from the Order. “ iSrefjka wjs isg yria wjs ” (Figure 2-21) At the order of “yria
- wjs ” this drill carryout in two movements as follows;

a. One. Throw the rifle up to the first position of the shoulder from the order.

b. Two. Allow the muzzle to come forward and left side by given upward push from
the right hand. Left hand grip should release gently and again grip the lower hand guard by
touching small finger to cocking handle, right hand should remain same by gripping small of
the butt end of the furniture should be level with left shoulder.

220. Order from Port. “ yria wjs isg iSrefjka wjs” ” (Figure 2-22 and 2 -23) At the order
“iSrefjka - wjs” this drill is carried out in three movements as follows;

a. One Move the right hand from the small of the butt, strike and seize the riffle at the
end of the upper hand guard, back of the hand to the front, fingers pointing to the left, and
grip the rifle, fore arms parallel with receiver cover.

b. Two Force the riffle down to the right side, butt about one inch from the ground.

c. Three. Cut the left hand to the side to the position of attention lowering the butt
gently to the ground to the correct position of order.

221. Port from the Shoulder. “ mfil wjs isg yria wjs ” At the order of “yria - wjs ” this
drill is carried by changing the grip from pistol grip to small of the butt, same time right shoulder
should gently push forward forcing the muzzle, throw the riffle across the body, left hand grip the
lower hand guard, small finger touching cocking handle, and end of the upper hand guard level with
left shoulder.

222. Shoulder from Port. “ yria wjs isg mfil wjs ” At the order of “mfil wjs ” this drill
is carried out in two movements as follows;

a. One. Force the rifle back to the position of the shoulder arm changing the grip of
the right hand to its correct position on the pistol grip.

b. Two. Cut the left hand to the side and assume the position of attention.



223. For Inspection Port Arms from the Shoulder and Order. “msrsCIqug yria - wjs”
(Figure 2-24) At the order of “msrsCIqug yria - wjs” this drill is carried out in five movements as
a. One.
i. From the Order. As for the first movement of Art. 219.
ii. From the Shoulder. As for the first movement of Art. 221.

b. Two. Twist rifle little upward and remove the magazine to keep in the pouches as
c. Three. Shift the safety Catch to the second position using right hand thumb.

d. Four. Hold the cocking handle with thumb and index finger of right hand with the
fingers clenched and the knuckles to the front.

e. Five. Cock the rifle by pulling the cocking bolt fully to the rear.

Note: This movement may be carried out subsequently as a drill movement or

individually by men.

224. Inspection of Arms. Maintaining the correct angle of the rifle, place the right forefinger in
the ejection opening, with the nail at an angle of 45 degree for the nail to reflect the light up the

Note: This drill is carried out automatically and individually by men when an inspection officer
looks down the barrel.

225. Ease Springs. “oqKq fi,jSu ” At the order of “oqKq fid,jkA ” this drill is carried
out in eight movements as follows;

a. One. Shift the safety Catch to the fist position using right hand thumb.
b. Two. Hold the cocking handle with right hand thumb and index finger.
c. Three. Pull the cocking handle fully to the rear.
d Four. Release the cocking handle allowing the moving parts to go forward.
e. Five. Return the right hand to the pistol grip.
f. Six. Press the trigger with the right forefinger.
g. Seven. Push the safety catch back to “S” with the index finger and thumb of the right hand.
h. Eight. Return the right hand to the pistil grip.



226. The Port from Inspection. “msrslaiqug wjs isg yria wjs” Maintain the correct angle
of the rifle, seize the pistol grip with the right hand index finger out side the trigger guard and
assume the position of port arms”.


1. Inspection of Arms will always be done with the squad already in “For inspection
Port-Arms” position.

2. In normal inspection, the inspecting officer will inspect arms as he reaches individual.
Men having been inspected will return to “For inspection Port-Arms” position as the officer
moves to the next man to be inspected. Such men will then do “Ease Spring”, followed by
“Order Arms”.

227. High Port from the Order. “ iSrefjka wjs isg fmrg wjs ” (Figure 2-25) At the order of
“fmrg wjs ” throw the rifle directly to a position diagonally across the body, muzzle making an
angle of 45 deg with the body, magazine pointing to the front, seize the bottom of the lower hand
guard with the left hand in line with chest at the same time grasp the pistol grip with the right hand,
forefinger outside the trigger guard, right elbow forced down on the butt.

228. Order from High Port. “fmrg wjs isg iSrefjka wjs” (Figure 2-26) At the order of
“iSrefjka - wj”s This drill is carried out in three movements as follows;
a. One. Shift the right hand from the pistol grip, strike and seize at the end of the lower
hand guard with right forearm and elbow well close to the rifle.
b. Two. With the right hand, bring the rifle down to the right side, butt about half an
inch above the ground, strike and seize the barrel below the bayonet post with the left hand.
c. Three. Cut the left hand to the side, place the rifle gently on the ground, assuming
the correct position of order arms.

229. High Port from the Shoulder. “mfil wjs isg fmrg wjs” At the order of “fmrg - wjs”
bring the rifle diagonally across the body to the correct position of the high port and hold upper hand
guard with the left hand. (see paragraph 227) At the same time shift the right hand grip on the pistol
grip, index finger out side the trigger guard.

230. Shoulder from the High Port. “fmrg wjs isg mfil wjs ” At the order of “mfil -
wjs ” this drill is done in two movements, as follows: -

a. One. With the left hand bring the rifle to the right side of the body, left fore arm parallel
to the ground, fingers pointing to the rear at the same time changing the grip of the right hand
on the pistol grip to all around grip as the rifle is shifted to the right.

b. Two. Cut the left hand to the side through the shortest route.



231. Trail from the Shoulder. “ mfil wjs isg idudka;r wjs ” (Figure 2-27 to 2-29) At
the order of “ idudka;r - wjs ” this is carried out in three movements as follows;

a. One Shift the left hand through the shortest route across the body and seize the
lower hand guard keeping the left elbow close to the body with the forearm parallel to the
ground. Rifle lifting little up using right hand.

b. Two. Shift the right hand up, strike and grip the rifle above the magazine covering
rear site and resting palm on cocking handle by the shortest route.

c. Three. Lower the rifle to a horizontal position at the full extent of the right arm,
muzzle pointing to the front, at the same time cut the left hand to the side.



Figure 2-26 Figure 2-28 Figure 2-27 Figure 2-29



Figure 2-30 Figure 2-32 Figure 2-31 Figure 2-33



Note: When about turn “wdmiq yefrka” order is given with the rifle at the “Trail Arm”, while at
march, the rifle will go to the vertical position with the first movement. On completion the rifle is
brought back to trail arm as the left foot goes forward and continue marching.

232. Shoulder from Trail. “ iudka;r wjs isg mfil wjs ” At the order of “ mfil - wjs ”
the drill is carried out in three movements as follows;

a. One. With the right wrist and forearm, force the muzzle of the rifle upward,
keeping the rifle close to the right side, at the same time strike and seize the lower hand guard
with the left hand keeping forearm parallel to the ground with elbow well close to the body.

b. Two. Shift the right hand to the pistol grip with all round grip.

c. Three. Cut the left hand to the side through the shortest route.

233. Change at the Trail. “iudka;r wjs isg udre wjs ”(Figure 2-30 and 2-32) At the order
of “udre wjs ”drill is carried out in three movements as follows

a. One. By bending the right arm raise the rifle into a vertical position, magazine to the
front, right upper arm and elbow close to the side, right forearm parallel to the ground.

b. Two. Through rifle across the body and seize the lower end of the stock with the
left hand, keeping left elbow close to the side, at the same time cut the right hand smartly to
the side.

c. Three. Lower the rifle to the horizontal position at the left side, keeping the left arm
close to the side.

Note: “Change arms” from left hand to right hand is done in reverse order.

234. Change Arms at Shoulder. “ mfil wjs isgshoS udre wjs ” (Figure 2-32 to 2-34) At the
order of “udre - wjs ” this drill is performed in four movements as follows;

a. One. Bring the riffle little up using right hand, at the same time shift the left hand
through the shortest route across the body and seize just above the magazine.

b. Two. Shift the right hand from pistol grip to upper hand guard keeping fingers
pointing forward.

c. Three. Change the riffle to left side across the body, while changing left hand to the
pistol grip keeping right elbow close to the body with fore arm parallel to the ground.

d. Four. Cut the right arm smartly to the side through the shortest route.



Note: Change arms from left to right is carried out in similar manner but in reverse order.
235. On Guard from the Order. “iSrefjka wjs isg WfrA wjS” (Figure 2-35) At the order of
“WfrA- wjs” drill is carried out by keeping the left foot forward a full pace with knee slightly bent
and toe pointing towards the target. Same time rifle should carry forward, pointing bayonet towards
target. The body leaning slightly forward, right hand on the pistol grip, forefinger out side the trigger
guard, butt held against the body by the right fore arm. The left hand gripping the stock, with all
round grip, left arm straight, rifle held horizontal to the ground.

236. On Guard from the Shoulder. “mfil wjs isg WfrA wjs” At the order of “WfrZA - wjs”
drill is carried out same as Art. 235.



Figure 2-34 Figure 2-36 Figure 2-35 Figure 2-37



Figure 2-38 Figure 2-40 Figure 2-39 Figure 2-41



237. Order from On Guard. “WfrA wjs isg iSrefjka wjs” At the order of “iSrefjka wjs”
this drill is carried out in three movements as follows;

a. One. Bring the left foot heel back in the line with the right foot heel, at the same time
seize the rifle at the end of the stock with the right hand fingers together pointing towards the

b. Two. Using the right hand, pivot the rifle to the position of the order arms with the
support of left hand gripping the muzzle all round. The butt held an inch above the ground.

c. Three. Cut the left hand to the side smartly and place the rifle gently on the ground.

238. Shoulder from On Guard. “WfrA wjs isg mfil wjs” At the order of “mfil - wjs"
this drill is carried out in two movements as follows;

a. One. Bring the left foot heel back in line with right foot heel, at the same time force
the rifle to shoulder arms, shifting the grip of the right hand on the pistol grip.

b. Two. Cut the left hand to the side smartly.

239. On Guard from High Port and High Port from On Guard. “fmrg wjs isg WfrA wjs
iy WfrA wjs isg fmrg wjs” At the order “WfrZA - wjs” or “fmrg - wjs” the respective position
will be assumed in one movement.

240. The Salute at the Shoulder. (Figure 2-36) At the order of “fmrg$ jug$ ol=Kg
wdpdr lrka s” this drill is carried out in two movements as follows;

a. One. Bring the left hand across the body parallel to deck by bending from elbow,
keep fingers together and fully stretch and same time turn head smartly to Left/ Right.

b. Two. Cut the left hand to the side smartly.

241. Slope Arm from Shoulder Arms. “mfil wjs isg WfrA wjs” (Figure 2-37 and 2-38)
At the order of “WfrA wjs” this drill is carried out in three movements as follows;

a. One. As same as first step of present arm.

b. Two. Shift the rifle to left shoulder, same time hold the but plate on palm of left
hand keeping lower arm parallel to the ground the thumb about one inch above the

c. Three. Cut the right hand to the side.



242. Order from Slope Arm. “WfrA wjs isg iSrefjka wjs” . (Figures 2-39 and 2-40) At the
order of “iSrefjka - wjs” this drill is carried out in three movements as follows;

a. One. Lower the Left hand to side holding rifle on the palm. Left hand fully
stretched. Same time shift right hand on to the gas went, palm inward and thumb slide
between barrel and shoulder, right elbow parallel to the ground.

b. Two. Shift the rifle to right side with the help of right arm; same time shift left arm
on to muzzle end pointing fingers down and hold rifle one inch above the deck.

c. Three. Lower the rifle gently to deck and cut left hand to side.

243. Present Arm from Slope Arm. “WfrA wjs isg m%N2 iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjs” (Figure 2-
41) At the order of “W;a;udpdr- wjs” this drill is carried out in three movements as follows;

a. One. Hold the small of the butt with right hand with all-round grip.

b. Two. With the right hand bring the rifle in front of the center of the body, so that the
rifle is vertical with the magazine pointing to the front and rifle six inches away from the
mouth. At the same time, move the left hand smartly to strike on left side of the rifle with
palm, fingers and thumb together and pointing upwards. The left wrist in line with top of the
magazine, base of thumb in line with the mouth and left elbow forced to the side of the rifle.

c. Three. Pull the rifle straight down in front of the body to the full extent of the right
arm, keeping the rifle vertical and close to the body. The fingers of right hand together and
fully extended inclined towards the ground, the back of the right hand slightly forward. At
the same time, grip the bottom of the stock with left-hand fingers closed and together with all
round grip and thumb vertically up. Simultaneously, move the right foot to the rear such that
the hollow portion of the right foot is behind the left heel making an angle of 30 degrees,
with the right foot.

Funeral Drills.

244. Reverse Arms from the Order. “ iSrefjka wjs isg wjr wjs ” At the order of “wjr
wjs ” this drill is carried out in three movements as follows;

a. One. Throw the rifle across the body in line with the left shoulder, magazine to the
front, seizing the rifle simultaneously with both hands With the right hand grasp the lower
hand guard with an all round grip just below the left hand and immediately above the
magazine. There should not be any gap between all the fingers of both the hands.

b. Two. With right hand, turn the muzzle to the rear and place the rifle under left
armpit at an angle of 45 degrees, magazine in front of the left shoulder and uppermost. At the
same time grasp the small of the butt with the left hand back pointing to the ground.

c. Three. Move the right hand smartly to the rear of the body and seize at the end of the


Gas vent, back of the hand pointing downward to the ground.

245. Reverse from the Shoulder Arms. “ mfil wjs isg wjr wjs ” (Figure 2-42 to 2-44) At
the order of “wjr wjs” the drill is carried out in four movements as follows;

a. One. Bring the rifle across the body to a position in line with the left shoulder and,
at the same time grasp the center of the lower hand guard with an all around grip with left
hand keeping left elbow well close to the side.

b. Two. Shift the right hand from the pistol grip and grasp the lower hand guard with
an all round grip just below the left hand and immediately above the magazine. There should
not be any gap between all the fingers of both the hands.

c. Three. Release the grip of the left hand and with right hand turn the muzzle to the
rear and place the rifle under left armpit at an angle of 45 degrees, magazine in front of the
left shoulder and uppermost. At the same time grasp the small of the butt with the left-hand
back pointing to the ground.

d. Four. Move the right hand smartly to the rear of the body and seize at the end of
the lower hand guard, back of the hand downward pointing to the ground.

Note: The rifle is carried at the reverse only when marching in slow time.



Figure 2-42 Figure 2-44 Figure 2-43 Figure 2-44



Figure 2-45 Figure 2-47 Figure 2-46 Figure 2-47



246. Shoulder Arms from the Reverse. “ wjr wjs isg mfil wjs” (Figure 2-45 and 2-46)
At the order of “ mfil - wjs" the drill is carried out in four movements as follows;
a. One. Release the grip of the right hand and with the left hand retaining all round
grip on the small of the butt allow the rifle to swing out from the left arm pit to a vertical
position with muzzle pointing downward and the butt in line with the left shoulder and
magazine pointing to the rear. At the same time move the right arm smartly to the front of the
body and take an all-round grip on the pistol grip with the index finger pointing downwards.
b. Two. Shift the grip of the left hand from the small of the butt to the lower hand
guard of the rifle with the back of the hand towards the body at its full extent.
c. Three. Pivot the rifle so that the muzzle moves in a forward and upward direction and
at the same time carry the rifle to the right side of the body maintaining an all round grip with
left hand on the lower hand guard with left forearm parallel to the ground. At the same time
change the grip of the right hand to the pistol grip all around.
d. Four. Cut the left hand smartly to the side through the shortest route.

Note: Shoulder Arms from the Reverse can be carried out at the Slow with a pause of one
marching pace between each movement. On completion of the movement the left arm remains held
to the side until the order “.ufka – ahd” is given.

247. Change Arms at the Reverse. “ wjr wjs isg udre wjs” At the order of “udre - wjs"
the drill is performed in three movements as follows;
a. One. Release the rifle from the right hand and cut it to the side. At the same time
holding the rifle at the small of the butt with the left hand allow the muzzle to swing forward
so that the rifle is perpendicular with muzzle pointing downwards and magazine to the rear.
b. Two. Throw the rifle across the body and catch it at the small of the butt with the
right hand level with the right shoulder. At the same time cut the left hand smartly to the side.
c. Three. Force the rifle under the right armpit and seize it at the end of the stock in
rear with the left hand all around grip, back of the hand pointing downwards.

Note: When changing the arms from right to left the reverse procedure is carried out.

248. Rest on Arms Reversed from the Reverse. “ wjr wjs isg wjs wjr lr isgSu ” (Figure
2-47 to 2-49) At the order of “wjs wjr lr isgska” the drill is carried out in three movements as

a. One. Using the left hand lower the muzzle of the rifle on to the toe of the left foot,
magazine towards the body, rifle perpendicular, at the same time cut the right hand to the



b. Two. Place the right hand on the butt plate, back of the hand uppermost, fingers
down the left side of butt, right elbow well close to the side.

c. Three. Place the left hand on the top of the right hand, fingers together and
extended, left elbow well close to the side, at the same time lower the head (chin) onto the

249. Reverse from Rest on Arms Reversed. “ wjs wjr lr isg wjr wjs” (Figure 2-50 to 2-
52) Before the order “wjr wjs” is given the squad must be called to attention (iSrefjska isgska) on
which the head (chin) is raised. The remaining drill is performed in three movements as follows;

a. One. Lift the rifle with right hand until lower arm parallel to the ground and seize
the small of the butt with the left hand all round grip, back of the hand to the left.

b. Two. Force the rifle under the left armpit by left hand, pushing the butt well forward
with the right hand.

c. Three. Force the magazine close to the left shoulder at the same time shift the
right hand to the rear and grasp the end of the gas vent with back of the hand downward.

250. Shoulder from Rest on the Arms Reverse.“wjs wjr lr isg mfil wjs” ( Figures 2-53
to 2-55) Before the order “mfil - wjs ” the squad must be called to attention (iSrefjska isgska) on
which the head (chin) is raised. The remaining drill is carried out in four movements as follows;

a. One. Raise the rifle with the right hand, butt plate in line with the left shoulder, at
the same time grasp the lower hand guard with the left hand at it‟s full extent, back of the
hand towards the body and thumb forward.

b. Two. Seize the rifle at the small of the butt with the right hand, thumb forward and
back of the hand downward.

c. Three. Turn the muzzle forward and upwards, at the same time carry the rifle to the
right side, changing the grip of the right hand to the pistol grip, the left hand holding the
lower hand guard with an all round grip, left forearm parallel to the ground.

d. Four. Cut the left hand smartly to the side through the shortest route.

251. Present from Rest of the Arms Reverse. “ wjs wjr lr isg m%N2 iuzudk W;a;udpdr
wjs” Before the order “m%N2 iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjs” is given, the squad must be called to
attention on which the head (chin) is raised. The further drill is carried out in three movements as

a. One. Raise the rifle with the right hand, butt plate in line with the left shoulder, at
the same time grasp the lower hand guard with the left hand at its full extent, back of the
hand towards the body, thumb forward.



b. Two. Seize the rifle at the small of the butt with the right hand, thumb forward, back
of the hand downward.

c. Three. Turn the rifle by lowering the butt towards the body and lifting the barrel
upward to the position of present arms, at the same time move the right foot hollow portion
behind the left foot heel.

252. Rest on Arms Reveres from Present. “m%N2 iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjs isg wjs wjr lr
igSu” (Figure 2-56) At the order of “wjs wjr lr - isgska” the drill is carried out in three
movements as follows;

a. One. Taking an all round grip with right hand at small of the butt, force the muzzle
forward and downward on to the toe of the left foot, magazine towards the body. At the same
time, grasp the heel of the butt with the left hand, fingers curled around and together pointing
towards the body, thumb along. At same time bring the right heel in line with the left heel.

b. Two. Same as Art. 248 (b).

c. Three. Same as Art. 248 (c).

253. Reverse from Present. “m%N2 iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjs isg wjr wjs” At the order of “
wjs wjr lr isgska” the drill is carried out in three movements as follows;

a. One. Keeping the rifle in the center of the body, magazine to the front, grasp the
rifle with the right hand at the bottom of the lower hand guard just above the magazine, at the
same time cut the left hand to the side and bring the right heel in line with the left heel.

b. Two. Same as Art. 244 (b).

c. Three. Same as Art. 244 (c).



Figure 2-48 Figure 2-50 Figure 2-49 Figure 2-51



Figure 2-52 Figure 2-54 Figure 2-53 Figure 2-55



254. Rest on the Arms Reverse from the Order. “ iSrefjka wjs isg wjs wjr lr isgSu ” At
the order of “wjs wjr lr isgska” its drill is carried out in four movements as follows;

a. One. Cant the rifle vertically up on the right side of the body grasping the rifle with
right hand at the small of the butt, back of the hand to the right, fingers together and
extended, thumb between rifle and the body. Simultaneously, the left hand seizing the lower
hand guard with an all round grip, left fore arm parallel to the ground. The rifle is held at the
full extent of the right arm.

b. Two. Taking an all round grip with the right hand at the small of the butt, force the
muzzle forward and downward onto the toe of the left foot, left hand grasping the heel of the
butt, fingers curled round and together and thumb on the top of the butt plate.

c. Three. Same as Art. 248 (b).

d. Four. Same as Art. 248 (c).

255. Marching at the Quick from the Slow with Arms Reversed. “ fifuka .ufka isg
.ukg udrelsrSu ^wjr wjs isg&” ( Figures 2-57 to 2-58) The order “.ukg udre lsrsu .ufka
hd” is given on three successive beats of the right foot. As the next left foot comes to the ground,
shift the left hand grip under the magazine, thumb extended to the front. A further pace is taken with
the right foot without any action, and as the next left foot comes to the ground the rifle is lowered to
the full extent of the left arm, rifle horizontal, at the same time break into quick march with swinging
of the right arm.

256. Marching at the Slow from the Quick with Arms Reversed. “ .ufka isg fiuska .ug
udrelsrsu ^wjr wjs isg&” The order “fifuka .ukg udre lsrsu fifuka hd” is given on three
successive beats of the right foot. As the next left foot comes on to the ground the rifle is thrown up
under the left armpit to the position of reverse and commence slow march.

257. Halting from Quick with Arms Reversed. “ .ufka isg kej;Su ^ wjr wjs isgShzoS&”
The order “kj;sk”a is given on two successive beats of the right foot. A check pace is taken with
the left foot, and the right foot heel is brought in line with the left heel. Simultaneously, the rifle is
thrown up under the left armpit to the correct position of the reverse.



Figure 2-56 Figure 2-58 Figure 2-57 Figure 2-59



Figure 2-60

Ceremonial Firing.

258. Firing of Volleys with Blank Cartridge at the Funeral. (Figure 2-59) The order “fjvs
mqrjka”is normally given from shoulder arms. The drill is performed in six movements as follows;

a. One. Grasp the lower hand guard with left hand with all round grip. Left forearm is
parallel to the ground. Turn the body half right (45 deg) and carry the left foot 12” to 14” to
the front in single movement. At the same time, move the left shoulders slightly forward;
force the muzzle upward and forward with the left hand. And bend the right arm so that fore
sight is in line of right eye and the butt pressed between the body and fore arm. As the rifle is
forced to this position shift the right hand to the pistol grip with the index finger out side the
trigger guard.

b. Two. Shift the safety Check to the first position using right hand thumb.

c. Three. Hold the cocking handle with right hand thumb and index finger.

d. Four. Cock the Rifle in one movement and hold the breechblock back the head
should be lowered to look in to the chamber and remain until completion of the next step.

e. Five. Release the cocking handle at once and same time head turned up to look



f. Six. Return the right hand to the pistol grip.

Note: This movement can also be carried out from the Order. The first movement is being
the same as for Shoulder.

259. At the order of “fjvs lKavdhu ierfika” (Figure 2-60) Carry the rifle up, butt plate
resting on the right shoulder, the rifle elevated at an angle of 45 degrees. Keep the head still and
look at own height. Curl the right index fingers around the trigger, the right elbow raised. At the
order of “fjvs lKavdhu fjvs” Press the trigger. Then, at the order of “fjvs lKavdhu h,s
mqrjka” this drill is carried out in six movements as follows:

a. One. Bring the rifle to the position of the load.

b. Two. Seize the cocking handle with the right hand.

c. Three. Tilt the rifle to the right so that ejected round strikes the ground.

d. Four. Cock the Rifle in one movement and hold the breechblock.

e. Five. Release the cocking handle at once.

f. Six. Return the right hand to the pistol grip.

Note: The drills at (b),(c) and (d) will be repeated three times.

260. At the order of “fjvs lKavdhu ysialrkaa” this drill is carried out in six movements as

a. One. Bring the rifle to the loading position.

b. Two. Seize the cocking handle with the right hand.

c. Three. Tilt the rifle to the right. Turn head down to see the chamber.

d. Four. Pull the working parts to the rear and return them three times, the third time
release the cocking handle.

e. Five. Push the safety catch to “Safe” with right hand index finger and thumb.

f. Six. Turn the rifle upright, raise the head; return right hand to the pistol grip.
Note: This drill is modified to avoid unexpected accidental fire round getting fired while
carrying out “ysia lrka” drill. The proper “ysia lrka” drill is to be performed at a safe
place on completion of Funeral rituals.



261. The proper “ysia lrka” drill is as follows;

a. One. Bring the rifle to the loading position.

b. Two. Seize the cocking handle with the right hand.

c. Three. Tilt the rifle to the right.

d. Four. Pull the working parts fully to the rear and return them three times, the third
time release the cocking handle.

e. Five. Turn the rifle upright, raise head and place the right index finger on the

f. Six. Press the trigger.

g. Seven. Move the right thumb and index fingers to the safety lever and put it to "Safe".

h. Eight. Return the right hand to pistol grip and place right index finger out side the
trigger guard.





Section I: Sword drill
301. General Rules.

a. All officers on ceremonial parades should, as a rule, fall in with swords drawn and
scabbards hooked up. When this has not been done, officers draw and return swords to
conform to the movement of fixing and unfixing bayonets.
b. Officers hook up scabbards after drawing swords, and unhook scabbards after
returning swords, without further orders. Officers may look down for those movements.

c. The sword worn by the “Colour officer” is always sheathed with the scabbard hooked
up. In the ceremonial dress the sword is worn through a small slit cut in the side panel of the
d. Sword drill is always to coincide with the first and last movements of rifle.

e. Officer‟s divisions with sword are to be fallen in two ranks, if the number exceeds
five officers.

f. When officers are in No1 uniform must carry the sword but in No 2 uniform not to

g. When sword is drawn in No 1 uniform, it should be in drill order (Except the

service wedding ceremony)

Figure 3-1 Parts of SLN Officer‟s Sword.



Drill with the Sword Sheathed

302. Position of Attention. “iSrefjka isgska” (Figure 3-2) The sword is held upright to the
side by left hand, the shoe of the scabbard resting on the ground close to the left foot and just in front
edge of the heel. The hilt is grasped between the thumb and fore finger of the left hand, elbows to the
rear, fingers straight, together and pointing to the front.

303. Position of Stand at Ease. “miqfjka isgska” (Figure 3-3) Both legs are to be kept straight.
The left foot is carried about 12 to 14 inches to the left, the scabbard being carried off with the left
foot. The shoe of the scabbard will rest on the ground close to the left foot and just in front edge of
the heel. The left hand grasps the hilt as for the position of Attention. The hilt is pushed to the front
in line of left shoulder, the right arm remains by the side.

304. The Quick March. (Figure 3-4) At the order of “.ufka - hd” first place is taken, and
without bend forward or disturbing the position of the body, smartly jerk the sword clear of the
ground, cant the hilt to the rear and grasp the scabbard at the point of the balance with the left hand
holding the sword at an angle of 45 degrees with the ground. Left hand grip all around the scabbard,
the left arm at the side, fully extended and the rings of the scabbard are to be downward. The right
arm is to be swung from the shoulder.

305. At the Double. (Figure 3-5) At the order double march, the grip of the left hand from the
hilt is shifted to point of balance and the scabbard is hold forward to an angle of 45 degree and hop
up with the left foot swinging the right arm only. The sword is held by the side of left hand while on
the double march.

306. Slow March. (Figure 3-6) At the order of “fifuka .ufka - hd” When stepping out at
slow march the drill above for “quick march” is to be carried out except the right arm is not to be
swung but kept to the side.

307. The Short Trail. At the order of “flgs idudka;r wis” When it is necessary to move only
a few paces, the sword may be carried at the Short Trail position. Raise the sword vertically about
three inches from the ground on stepping out and lower it to the position of attention on halting.

308. The Halt. At the order of “kj;ska” As the right foot comes into the line with left, lower the
sword to the ground and resume the position of Attention.

309. Front Salute. At the order of “fmrg wdpdr - lrka” the salute is made by the right hand.
But the hilt is grasped between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, elbow to the rear, fingers
straight and together. The sword is held upright by the shoe of the scabbard resting on the ground
close to the left foot and just in front of the heel.



Figure 3-2 Figure 3-4 Figure 3-3 Figure 3-5



Figure 3-6 Figure 3-8 Figure 3-7 Figure 3-9

Figure 3-6 Figure 3-8 Figure 3-7 Figure 3-9



310. Right (or Left) Salute. At the order of “ol=Kg$jug wdpdr - lrka” the whole Squad will
salute with hand and turn their head and eyes to right (or left) simultaneously. The thumb and
fingers are to be around the scabbard, the left arm at the side fully extended. The right (or left) hand
marker will continue to look to front. After six marching paces, automatically cut the salute, turn the
head and eyes to the front and continue marching past by swinging the right arm.

311. Eyes to the Right (or Left). At the order of “ol=Kg$jug weia” the whole Squad except
the right (or left) Marker, turn their head and eyes to the right/ left with the Squad commander
performing the drill of Right (or Left) salute.

312. Eyes to the Front. At the order of “fmrg weia” this order cancels the “Eyes to the right (or
Left)” order previously given by the Squad commander. The whole Squad turns their head and eyes
to the front and the Squad commander cut the salute.

Drill with the Sword Drawn

313. Drawing Swords. (Figures 3-7 to 3-9) At the order of “wism;a weoSu wism;a woska” this drill
is performed in three movements as follows;

a. One. Raise the sword smartly with the left hand and grasp the scabbard between the
upper and lower rings, shoe pointing to the rear at an angle of 45 degrees. At the same time
grasp the hilt with the right hand and raise the catch with the right thumb.

b. Two. Draw the sword and come to the Recover “fmruqfka wis” with the right hand
and at the same time bring the scabbard back in line with left leg with left elbow bent to the
rear, thumb between the scabbard and the body, fingers together and across the scabbard.

c. Three. Bring the sword to the Carry. “mfil wis” The scabbard is then hooked up,
the movement being performed independently, the head and eyes being lowered to look at
the scabbard.

314. Drawing Swords at Fix Bayonets. At the order of “hjq,a ijs lsrSu ijS lrka ”the drill is
carried out as same as Art. 313 (a). At the order of “ >Kh hjq,a” the drill is carried out as same as
Art. 313 (b).At the order of “ iSrefjka isgska” the drill is carried out as same as Art. 313 (c).

Note: Normally the swords are drawn and returned independently as stated in paragraph 301.

315. The Position of the Carry. (Figure 3-9) In this position, the sword is held in a
perpendicular position in the right hand, with the index finger and thumb around the grip and rest of
the fingers straight within the guard. The right forearm should be parallel to the ground and making
an angle of 90 degree with the upper arm and right elbow close to the side. The left hand fully
extended, fingers holding the scabbard all round grip with index finger pointing towards the ground
over the scabbard.



316. Recover Swords. (Figure 3-8) At the order of “fmruqfka - wis” bring the sword up with
the right hand by flickering it so that the cross is one inch away, in line of mouth. Guard to the left,
blade vertical and in front of the face, at the same time shifting the grasp so that the thumb is vertical
and in line with the flat of the blade.

317. Slope Swords. (Figure 3-10) At the order of “WfrA - wis” loosen the grip of the
fingers of right hand and, without disturbing the position of the hand, drop the point of sword
smartly on to the right shoulder midway between the neck and the shoulder without shaking the

318. Attention (from Slope Swords). “WfrA wis isg fmrg wis” At the order of “iSrefjka -
isgska” spring to position of Attention by bringing the sword to the Carry position.

319. Stand at Ease. (Figure 3-11) At the order of “myiqfjka isgska” carry the left foot to the
left about 12 to 14 inches, at the same time bring the sword to the Slope.

320. Stand Easy. (Figure 3-12) At the order of “is;afia isgska” this drill is carried out in two
movements as follows: -

a. One. On the order “is;afia isgska”, bring the sword down with the point of sword
resting on the ground between the feet, sharp edge to the right, blade vertical, fingers of the
right hand straight on the hilt of the sword.

b. Two. Place the left hand on the back of the right hand.

Note: On the caution ">Kh " resume the position of „Stand at Ease‟

321. At the Double. Shift the sword to the left hand and grasp the scabbard and sword together
with arm fully extended with scabbard and sword making an angle of 45 degrees to the rear while
breaking into double.

322. Halting from the Double. The order Halt “kj;ska” is given on two successive beats of
the right foot. As soon as the order completes on right foot, take three check steps and bring sword to
carry position at last pace and come to Stop position keeping right foot heel with the left foot heel
and Carry position.

323. Quick March from the Double. “iS.% .ufka isg .ukg udre lsrSu ” The order
“Quick march” “>Kh .ukg udrelsrSu .ufka hd” and command should be given in four
successive beats of right foot. As the order completes on the right foot, check the movement with
next three steps and with the fourth step commence quick march swing the left arm to rear at the
same time bring the sword to the Carry position.



Figure 3-10 Figure 3-12 Figure 3-11 Figure 3-13



Figure 3-14 Figure 3-16 Figure 3-15 Figure 3-17



324. Returning Swords. (Figures 3-13 and 3-14) “wism;a nyd,Su wism;a nyd,ka” The drill
is performed by two separate orders as follows;

a. One. Bring the sword to the position of Recover. At the same time grasp the mouth
of the scabbard with the left hand, keeping it vertical, fingers straight and together, securing
stud towards the body.

b. Two. Taking an all-round grip with the left hand, cant the shoe of the scabbard to the
rear at an angle of 45 degrees, lower the point of the sword smartly and push it half way
inside the scabbard, keeping the right forearm parallel to the ground. At the same time lower
the head so as to look at the scabbard.

At the order of “iSrefjka isgska” The drill is performed by two separate orders as follows;
a. One. Push the sword fully inside the scabbard smartly and turn down the catch with
the thumb of the right hand.
b. Two. Assume the position of Attention by bringing scabbard close to the side with
the left hand and turning of head and eye to the front simultaneously. The scabbard is then
unhooked, the movement being performed independently. The head and eyes are being
lowered to look at the scabbard and both hands being used.

Note: The officer- in- charge of the Division is to raise his head before giving the order
“iSrefjka isgska”
Saluting with the sword

325. At the halt (Front-Salute) “kej;S isgshoS fmrg wdpdr lsrsu”. (Figures 3-15 and 3-16)

a. At the order of “fmrg wdpdr lrka” The drill is carried out in two paces as
One. Bring the sword to the Recover position.
Two. Lower the sword smartly to the saluting position. The guard of the sword
touching the back of the thigh, blade making an angle of 45 deg. with the thigh, point
of sword about 12 inches from ground and pointing in the same direction as the right
foot. The right hand straights, behind the thigh, thumb on top and flat on the grip of
the sword.

b. At the order of “fmrg wis”. the drill is carried out in two paces;
One. Bring the sword to the Recover.
Two. Bring the sword to the Carry.

Note: When saluting individually, come back to the Carry position when the officer being
saluted has acknowledged the salute.



326. On the March Right (or Left) Salute. (Figures 3-17 to 3-21) first the order of
“jug$ol=Kg wdpdr lrka a” is given and after the order of “fmrg weia” is given. The drill is
carried out as follows;

a. Carry the sword direct to the right to the full extent of the right arm, hand as high as
the shoulder, back of the hand to the rear, blade perpendicular, edge to the right, and turn the
head and eyes to the right (or left). At the same time grasp the scabbard with the left hand
and hold it in a vertical position by the side, thumb of the left hand to the front.

b. Swing the right arm from the shoulder in front of the body, bending the elbow as late
as possible, until the sword is in line with and close in to the left shoulder then by forcing
back with the right elbow, draw the sword across the chest to the right shoulder, and drop the
right arm to the side to the position of the salute, at the same time changing the grip on the
hilt so that the thumb is on, and pointing down the grip.

c. The whole movement should be carried out in one sweeping, without pauses in any
position. The blade of the sword must be kept vertical and the right arm horizontal until the
final phase of dropping the arm to the position of the Salute.

d. The order is given on the right foot. The salute is started as the left foot comes to the
ground, and must be completed as the right foot comes to the ground 4 paces later.

e. At the order of “fmrg weia” bring the sword to the Recover and head and eyes to the
front as the foot comes to the ground and then to the Carry, after a pause of 2 further paces.
The left arm is swung after further 3 paces.

327. Eyes Left/ Right. At the order of “jug$ol=Kg weia” the drill is same as above.
However, the Squad will continue looking to the right (or left) in saluting position until “fmrg
weia” order is given.

328. Eyes Front. At the order of “fmrg weia” this order cancels the order “Eyes Left /Right”
previously given. The whole Squad cut their salute and simultaneously turns their head and eyes to
the front.

329. Saluting at the Double. “iS.%.ufkaoS wdpdr lsrSu ”. At the order of “jug$ol=Kg
wdpdr lrkaa” while holding the sword by the left hand and grasp the scabbard and sword together
with arm fully extended with scabbard and sword making an angle of 45 degrees to the rear, the
salute will be made by the right hand.

1. When on the march, the salute is to be made at least 3 paces before meeting the
officer being saluted, if the latter is halted. If the officer being saluted is also on the march
the salute is to be made at least 6 paces before reaching past him.



2. When doubling, the salute must be made at least 6 paces before reaching the officer
being saluted, if the latter is halted or marching at the quick and at least 12 paces before if
both parties are doubling.
330. Making Report. Approach the senior officer; halt three paces in front of him and salute
as per Article 325. The senior officer acknowledges by coming to “Recover position” and then
“Carry position”. If the senior officer is unarmed, he shall acknowledge the salute with hand.

a. Long Report. If the report is lengthy the junior officer does front salute then come to
“Carry position” before making the report and salutes again on completion of report.

b. Short Report. If the report is short the officer making report remains in saluting
position until the completion of report and then returns to “Carry position”.

Sword Drills with the Movement of the Rifle

1. All sword drills explained in succeeding paragraphs are as per the movements of rifle
drill keeping a pause of two marching paces between each.

2. Sword is to be at “fmrg wis” (Carry Position) on all occasions when men armed
with rifles are at the Order Arms or Shoulder Arms.

3. Sword is to be at the “fmrg wis” (Carry position) while on quick march.

331. Present Arms. “W;a;udpdr wjs” At the order of “W;a;udpdr wjs” this drill is
performed in three movements as follows;.

a. One. Bring the sword to the “Recover” position.

b. Two. No action.
c. Three. Bring the sword to the saluting position.

332. Order Arms from Present Arms. At the order of “iSrefjka wjs” this drill is performed in
three movements as follows;

a. One. Bring the sword to “Recover” position.

b. Two. No action
c. Three. Bring the sword to “Carry” position.

333. Shoulder Arms. At the order of “mfil wjs” this drill is performed in two movements as

a. One. Bring sword to “Recover” position.

b. Two. Bring sword to “Carry” position.



Figure 3-18 Figure 3-20 Figure 3-19 Figure 3-21



Figure 3-22 Figure 3-23



334. Officers Guard of Honour at Wedding Ceremony.

a. On arrival at the church, Officers should not draw their swords inside the church.

b. On completion of the “poruwa” ceremony/ wedding ceremony, the bride and groom
having entered the vestry, the Guard of Honour will form up in front of the “poruwa”/
outside the church either side of the church doorway.

c. Form up in two ranks facing inwards, senior officers furthest from the “Poruwa”/
church doors, and dress with full arm intervals.

d. When the bride and groom step down from “poruwa” / appears at door the order will
be given “Officers form arch”. At the order swords are brought to the Recover and then held
out at the full extent of the right arm at an angle of 45 degree with the hand guard and cutting
edge uppermost.

e. The bride and groom having departed, Guard of Honour will be brought back to the
Carry and march off.

f. Sequence of orders;

i. Officers form up
ii. Officers attention
iii. Officers dress
iv. Officers draw swords
v. Officers form Arch
vi. Officers carry swords
vii. Officers dismiss

Note: Minimum number for above GOH is 08 and maximum 12.

Section II: Funeral Drill

335. Reverse Arms from the Present. (Figure 3-22) At the order of “wjr wjs” the drill is
performed in three movements as follows:

a. One. Bring the sword to “Recover” position.

b. Two. No action.

c. Three. Drop the point of the sword downwards and take the sword under the right
armpit with the right hand so that the edge is upwards and the grip is held between the thumb
and the base of the forefinger, fingers extended and together, thumb in level with the mouth,
right elbow well close to the side, sword is at an angle of 45 degrees at the rear.


336. Quick March from the Slow March with Arms Reversed. At the order of “.ukg udre
lsrSu .ufka hd” this drill is performed in two movements as follows;

a. One. Bring the sword to the “Carry” position.

b. Two. Drop the sword on the shoulder as in The “Slope” and commence quick march
by swinging left hand to rear.

337. Slow March from Quick March. At the order “fifuka .ukg udrelsrSu fiuska .ufka
hd” assume “Reverse Arms” without coming to the “Recover” on the first pace of slow march.

338. Shoulder Arms from the Reverse. At the order “mfil wjs” this drill is performed in four
movements as follows;

a. One. Bring the sword to the “Recover” position.

b. Two. No Action.
c. Three. No Action.
d. Four. Bring the sword to the carry position.

339. Reverse Arms from the Shoulder. At the order “wjr wjs” this drill is performed in four
movements as follows;.

a. One. Bring the sword to the “Recover” position.

b. Two. No Action.
c. Three. No Action.
d. Four. Bring the sword to “Reverse” position.

340. Resting on Arms Reversed from the Reverse. (Figure 3-23) At the order “wjs wjr lr
isgska” this drill is performed in three movements as follows;

a. One. Drop the point of the sword between the feet.

b. Two. Place the left hand over the right.
c. Three. Drop the head (chin) smartly on to the chest.

341. Reversed Arms from Resting on Arms Reversed. At the order “iSrefjka isgska” is to be
given on which head is raised. At the order “wjr wjs” this drill is performed in three movements as
a. One. Bring the sword to “Recover” position.
b. Two. No Action.
c. Three. Reverse the sword under the right armpit and assume the position of



342. Shoulder Arms from Resting on Arms Reversed. At the order “iSrefjka isgska” is to be
given on which head is raised. At the order “mfil wjs” this drill is performed in four movements
as follows;

a. One. Bring the sword to the “Recover” position.

b. Two. No Action.

c. Three. No Action.

d. Four. Bring the sword to the “Carry” position.

343. Rest On Arms Reversed from Order. At the order “wjs wjr lr isgska” this drill is
performed in four movements as follows;

a. One. Bring the sword to “Recover” position.

b. Two. Drop the point of the sword between the feet.

c. Three. Place the left hand over the right hand.

d. Four. Lower the head (chin) smartly on to the chest.

344. Present arms from resting on arms reversed. At the order of “iSrefjka isgska” is to be
given on which head is raised. At the order “W;a;udpdr wjs” this drill is performed in three
movements as follows;

a. One. Bring the sword to the Recover position.

b. Two. No Action.

c. Three. Bring the sword to the saluting position.

Note: This drill is for street lining parties.

345. Rest On Arms Reversed from the Present. At the order “wjs wjr lr isgska” this drill is
performed in three movements as follows;

a. One. Bring the sword to the “Recover” position.

b. Two. Drop the point of the sword between the feet.

c. Three. Place the left hand over the right hand and at the same time lower the head
(chin) smartly on to the chest.



346. Change Arms at the Reverse. At the order “udre wjs” this drill is performed in three
movements as follows;

a. One. Bring the sword to the “Carry” position.

b. Two. Pass the sword across the body, gripping the hilt with the left hand and cutting
the right hand away to the side.
c. Three. Reverse the sword under the left arm.

Note: A pause of two marching paces is given between movements.

Section III: Cutlass Drill

347. Wearing of the Cutlass. A cutlass is only worn by the CPO of a “Colour party” or when
Non Commission Officer nominated as a firing party in charge at a funeral.

348. Position of Attention with Cutlass Sheathed. “iSrefjka isgSu” (Figure 3-25) The
Scabbard to be gripped by the left hand, the index finger extended downs the outside. The cutlass is
to be vertical and close to the left leg.

349. Stand at Ease with Cutlass Sheathed. “miqfjka isgSu” (Figure 3-26) Both legs to be
kept straight. The left foot carried about 12 to 14 inches to the left. Hands are to remain as in the”
Attention” position.

350. Moving at Quick or Double with Cutlass Sheathed. “.ufka hd$ iS.%.ufka hd”
(Figures 3-27 and 3-28) When moving at the quick march or slow march the Scabbard is to be
grasped by the left hand, the shoe being canted forward at an angle of 45 degrees, left hand fore
fingers around the scabbard.

1. When “N+us wjs ” order given, sword or the cutlass are sheathed.



Figure 3-25 Figure 3-27 Figure 3-26 Figure 3-28



Section IV: Sword Knot

The correct way of tightening the sword knot is illustrated from figures 3-29 to 3-34

Figure 3-29 Figure 3-31 Figure 3-30 Figure 3-32



Figure 3-33 Figure 3-34






401. General. In order that a ceremonial unit such as Guard of Honour may reach the
required standard of smartness, not only must keen interest be shown by both officers and men, but
the inaccuracies which are most prevalent in drill must be known and guarded against. The following
notes deal with these inaccuracies and other particular points; they are not exhaustive and close
attention must be given to other relevant section of this book.

402. Choosing of Men. Men selected should be as tall as possible and as nearly as possible the
same height. Right and left guides should be of a similar height to the men they stand next to and
25% over the number required should be told off. After preliminary drill it will be found that some
do not possess the necessary qualification for a guard; eventually 10% above the required strength
should be retained.

403. Training. The guard should be drilled often, but for short periods, so that men can use
their maximum energy all the time. It should be explained to the guard when and for what, they are
required. Following finer points are also to be adhered.

a. The guard as a whole should be sized and divided in to sections. Each section
should, if possible, have its own instructor.

b. Instructors themselves should first be drilled together with arms to obtain uniformity
of position and movements.

c. The guard should first be trained by sections so that every man may perfect
movements and positions of the rifle. The first few drills may be carried out without
bayonets fixed, but later they should always be fixed.

d. As soon as men are competent, the guard should be drilled as a whole, each instructor
still supervising his section. It is important that the whole guard should work together as soon
as possible, but training in individual sections should be continued after this has commenced.

e. It may be necessary for the guard to remain standing at ease for a long period during
certain ceremonies. In this case they will require special training; practicing standing still, yet
relaxing their muscles, for periods starting at 5 minutes and increasing daily up to the
maximum expected period.



404. Dress and equipment.

a. Officers. The senior officer, who is guided by the instructions contained in SLNO
0203, Uniform Regulation and occasions on which they are worn, orders the dress for
officers. When No 1 dress is ordered, swords and gaiters are to be worn. When the
appropriate dress for officers is No 1‟s, consideration should be given to officers of a Guard
of Honour other party not wearing boots and gaiters. When the appropriate dress for officers
is No 5‟s the dress for rating may be No 1‟s or No 2‟s. Guards paraded for colours on normal
occasions may wear no 5‟s or 6‟s Drill Order.

b. Men. Drill order irrespective of dress ordered. Whitened webbing equipment is to

be worn by Guard of Honour. The use of Whitened webbing equipment upon other
occasions, e. g., by patrols, sentries, is to be at the discretion of senior officers having regard
to climate and weather condition etc.

c. Boots. To be in good repair, well polished all laced athwart ships and tied so that
they do not come undone.

d. Gaiters and belts. To fit the wearer-they are supplied in three sizes. The straps are
to be tucked neatly under the buckle.

e. Trousers. To be folded down to the ankle and tucked in to the socks with only
slight bag at the knees.

f. Badges. To be sewn on in the correct position.

g. Medals. To be very firmly sewn on, otherwise they may be torn off by the rifle.

h. Lanyards. To be new.

j. Caps. To be worn so that the air holes are over the ears. Chin stays to be well fitting
and, if down, to pass just in front of the ears cap ribbons to be new and tied with a small bow
over the left ear, the center letter being over the nose. Caps to be worn square.

k. White Gloves. As laid down in SLNO 0203 (Uniform Regulations).

405. Method of addressing parties of seamen ashore. If a unit consisting of men from
different ships, or from a single ship, is with military or Air force units, the prefix to orders should
be “kdjsl lKavh ---- wjs”. If units are from different ships, each should be distinguished by the
name of their ship. When there is no likelihood of confusion, units should be addressed by their
ordinary designations,
e. g., “wxY” , “>Kh” etc.

406. Inspection. All armed parties are inspected at the order, both on ceremonial and non-
ceremonial occasions. When the inspecting officer arrives at the unit, men should therefore be at the



Order and the unit should be reported to him in this state.When an armed party is being reported,
other than for inspection, Arms should be at the Shoulder.

407. Officers‟ swords. Officers draw swords if bayonets are fixed except for the commander
of a parade or of an armed party, who does not draw his swords unless a more senior officer is
present. (For Guards of Honour, see paragraph 0606)

a. On the march: When the marching past the saluting base.

b. At the halt: When reporting personally to the senior officer.

Note: On the occasions of saluting, e. g., to salute a senior officer being passed or to acknowledge
the salute of a subordinate passing, sub-unit commanders will salute by bringing their swords to the




Section I: Procedures

501. The procedures laid down in this chapter cannot always be adhered to rigidly. The
considerations, which will affect the procedure to be implemented, are as follows;

a. The size and shape of the ground available.

b. The numbers of units taking part.
c. The composition of the parade, whether any Army or Air Force units are present.
d. As desired by the Reviewing Officer.

502. On ceremonial occasions when units of other services are participating, the procedure
followed is to be that of the service responsible for the general conduct of the ceremony. If, owing to
the participation of more than one service, the correct procedure to be followed is in doubt, the
directive of the Reviewing Officer is to be obtained.

503. Ceremonial Parade. The term „Ceremonial Parade‟ applies only to Divisions held ashore,
when a Guard of Honour is paraded.

504. Divisions. The term “Divisions” will apply to parades held on board ships, irrespective of
whether a Guard of Honour is paraded, or not, and ashore, only when a Guard of Honour is not

505. Ceremonial Parade and Divisions. The procedure for ceremonial parades in shore
establishments is given below. It is also to be followed with minor adjustment for Divisions held in
shore establishments or on board ships. In ceremonial parades held at shore establishments where the
strength of parade is more, review may be carried out in a jeep, after the inspection of the guard.
The inspection of the guard will always be on foot.

SR Order/ Event Given by Remarks

01 “buslrejka leojka” Parade GI/ DI Markers thrown out by the
Marker GI/ DI.

02 “wxY leojka” Parade GI/ DI Divisions march to their

Markers by the division POs,
Divisions fall-in with bayonets



03 “wxY iSrefjka - isgska” Parade GI hands over the parade to

“wxY jsjD; fma,s - hd” Parade GI/ DI Parade Commander by reporting
“wxY ueoska fm< - n,ka ” “wxY fm< idod we; ;=uKs” On
“wxY fmrg - weia” completion of report he orders
“wxY myiqfjka - isgska” order arms followed by stand at
“wxY iSrefjka - isgska” ease.
“wxY mfil - wjs”

04 “wxY iSrefjka isgska” Parade

“wxY myiqfjka isgska” Commander
05 “wxY Ndr ks<OdrSka wxYNdr Parade Supernumerary officers and those
.ka” Commander nominated as Division
Commanders to take post. In
command parades, the Divisional
Commanders march inside the
parade ground along with their

06 “wxY iSrefjka - isgska” Division PO Division PO report Division-to-

“mfil wjs” Division officer indicating the
present of the division.
07 “wxY iSrefjka - wjs” Division PO Division PO take post behind
“myiqfjka - isgska” Division and do fixing of bayonet.
08 “wxY iSrefjka - isgska” Division Officer
“wxY myiqfjka - isgska”
09 “wxY iSrefjka - isgska” Parade Marching in GOH (with or without
“wxY mfil - wjs” Commander Colour), and band. All are required
“iuzudk uqrh iy ;+rAH jdol to stand up.
lKavdhu f.k tkq”
10 “tfiah ;=uKs” OOG-II The guard and band are marched
in, and turned into line by the
11 “fm<md,sh iSrefjka - wjs” Parade Guard forms part of parade and
“fm<md,sh myiqfjka - isgska” Commander confirms all movement with
parade. Parade Commander goes
to stand easy facing the parade.



12 “iuzudk uqrh iSrefjka - isgska” OOG–II Ceremonial Dressing is to be

“iuzudk uqrh ol=fKka$ueoska carried out by the Guides. At the
fm< - n,ka” command OOG-I & OOG-II, turns
“iuzudk uqrh fofm< - ioka” towards Guard and do dressing.
“iuzudk uqrh bv rys;j
ol=fKka fm< - n,ka”
“iuzudk uqrh jsjD; fma,S - hd”
“iuzudk uqrh bv rys;j
ol=fKka - n,ka”

13 “iuzudk uqrh fmrg – weia” Guide At the command OOG-I & OOG-
II, turns towards dais.

14 “iuzudk uqrh myiqfjka - isgska” OOG–II On completion of dressing of

Guard, the OOG - II orders Guard
stand at ease. At this movement
the Parade Commander turns
about and face the Dais.
15 “fm<md,sh iSrefjka - isgska” Parade On approach of the Conducting
“fm<md,sh myiqfjka - isgska” Commander Officer parade brought to
attention. The Conducting officer
proceeds to dais and parade
Commander salutes.

16 “fm<md,sh iSrefjka - isgska” Parade “Sound Alert”

Commander The order is given on approach of
the Chief Guest. Only Conducting
Officer will accompany the Chief
Guest to the Saluting Dais.

17 “iuzudk uqrh mfil - wjs” OOG – I

18 “iuzudk uqrh m%N+ iuzudk OOG – I After the Chief Guest takes post at
W;a;udpdr - wjs” the dais Guard and Parade present
arms Band plays the appropriate
musical Salute, Divisional
Commanders of unarmed divisions
to confirm the movement of the
salute with armed divisions/
19 “iuzudk uqrh mfil - wjs” OOG I Guard and armed divisions return
“iuzudk uqrh iSrefjka - wjs” to Shoulder Arms. On completion
of the movements order given for
“Order Arms”.
20 “fm<md,sh msrslaiqug Parade Parade Commander reports to the
iQodkuz ;=uKs ” Commander Chief Guest. When the Chief
Guest steps down from the dais, he


is conducted towards the guard by

the Conducting Officer and the
Parade Commander
21 “iuzudk uqrh msrslaiqug OOG I The OOG I steps out and makes
iQodkuz ;=uKs” the report. The Chief Guest is
accompanied by the OOG I and
Conducting Officer during the
inspection of the Guard. The
OOG I should be on the right and
slightly ahead of the Chief Guest.
Parade Commander to take
position inline with 2nd line
number one keeping 4 paces,
facing towards the divisions.

22 “wxY myiqfjka - isgska” Parade The Order is given on completion

Commander of the inspection of the first row of
the Guard. The Parade
Commander to line No.1 then
escorts the Chief Guest. As the
Chief Guest approaches the first
division, the division Commander
bring the division to attention and
reports “……………………wxYh
Tnf.a msrslaiqu ioyd iQodkuz
;=uKs” The inspection of each
division is done from the right.
The Division Commander and the
Parade Commander should be on
the left/ right and slightly ahead of
the Chief Guest accordingly.

23 “iuzudk uqrh iSrefjka - isgska” OOG I The order is given by the OOG I
“iuzudk uqrh lsgzgqfma,s - hd” when the Inspecting Officer has
“iuzudk uqrh ;=kafm< - ioka” completed inspection of divisions
“iuzudk uqrh ol=fKka$ueoska in line No 1. When the inspection
fm< - n,ka” of the third division commences,
“iuzudk uqrh myiqfjka - isgska” the Division Commander of the
first division gives orders for
reforming after the Guard
reformed. On completion of
inspection of the last division the
Chief Guest is conducted to the
dais by the Conducting Officer.



24 “wxY lsgzgqfma,s - hd” Divisional Reforming of Divisions to be done

“wxY ol=fKka fm< - n,ka” Commander by individual divisional
“wxY myiqfjka isgska” Commanders. A similar procedure
is followed by the other divisions.
25 Address by the Chief Guest Chief Guest If desired by Chief Guest

26 “fm<md,sh iSrefjka isgska” Parade Parade Commander takes post and

“fm<md,sh mfil - wjs” Commander gives this order when the Chief
“fm<md,sh mshjr 20 la ;nd Guest has taken post on the dais
fm<ska wdpdr .ufka hdu iuzudk
uqrh bosrsfhka”
“fm<md,sh ;=ka fj,ska ol=Kg
hdu ol=Kg - yefrka”

27 “iuzudk uqrh jfuka fm< n,d OOG I Guard steps out. Divisional
.ufka - hd” Commanders taking timing from
the Guard/ front division order
“Quick March.” divisions march
past followed by Band as
appropriate. On completion, the
divisions and Band may then carry
out one of the following
a. Leave the parade ground
b. Remain its position on the
original alignment, preparatory
to advancing in review order.

28 Parade Parade Commander reports end of

Commander parade.
29 Chief Guest leaves escorted by the Parade If in case of above 27 a. Parade
Conducting Officer Commander remains at order till Chief Guest
leaves and dispersal of Parade.
30 “iuzudk uqrh f.khkq” Parade Parade commander turn about
Commander and order to OOG I. He
acknowledges and marches off the
guard and band
31 “ks<OdrSka fm< nsoska” Parade Parade Commander orders
Commander dispersal of parade.


1. As per the existing practice onboard ships and establishments, the Master-At- Arms
or the sailor carrying out such duties follow the Inspecting Officer during the Division



inspection. He positions himself at a convenient place to follow the Inspecting Officer /

Chief Guest when inspection of Divisions commence.

2. Sr no 21, the order can be adjusted appropriately in order to accommodate the time of
the parade when demands.
iuzudkuqrh Tnf.a msrsCIqug;a fiiq wxY ksrSCIKhg;a iQodkuzh ;=uKs.
iuzudkuqrh iy jsisr hk ks,Odrs wxY Tnf.a msrsCIqug;a fiiq wxY ksrSCIKhg;a
iQodkuzh ;=uK.s
iuzudkuqrh iy jsisr hk kdjsl wxY Tnf.a msrsCIqug;a fiiq wxY ksrSCIKhg;a
iQodkuzh ;=uK.s

3. Sr no 22, during commissioning or passing out parade the Chief Guest will be
accompanied by the conducting officer and will be stationed behind the Chief Guest.

506. Conducting Officer. For Ceremonial Parades/ Divisions the Conducting Officer will be
the Commandant/ Commanding Officer. In shore establishments/ ships, when Commanding Officer
is the Reviewing Officer, the Executive Officer will be the Conducting Officer. If Commandant
becomes reviewing officer TC will then become Conducting officer.

507. Parade Commander. The Parade Commander takes post eight paces in front of the center
of the guard.

508. Parade State. Senior Service officers reviewing or inspecting a ceremonial parade are to
be acquainted with the parade state, preferably before their arrival at the parade. The parade state is
to contain the name of the Parade Commander, in addition to the nomenclature of the Divisions, the
borne strength of the establishment, the strength as parade and sketch of route, which should be
followed while inspecting the parade.

509. Marks of Respect to Chief Guest /Senior Officers Arriving at Ceremonial Parades.
Since the strength of the Guard of Honour at a ceremonial parade is related to the rank and/ or status
of the inspecting officer (Chief Guest), the Guard of Honour will only present arms to the Inspecting
Officer. When the Conducting Officer arrive the location the parade is brought to attention and only
Parade Commander giving full salute. The senior officers such as Area Commander or Commander
of the Navy arriving as spectators at a ceremonial parade will be received by the Conducting Officer/
Area Commander. The Parade Commander brings the parade including Guard of Honour to
„Attention‟ and then escort to seat by Conducting Officer/ Area Commander.

510. Inspecting division. The sequence of inspecting Divisions is shown at Annex “A”.

511. Supernumerary Officers. For Divisions, heads of departments and supernumerary

officers take post two paces to the rear and three paces to the right of the dais, facing the parade and
similarly the gunnery officer will take post left to the flag „A‟. The parade GI and Master at Arms
will take post two paces left to the each other on left side of the Gunnery Officer.



512. Advance in Review Order. The personages in whose honour the ceremonial parade is to
advance in review order are as follows;

a. The President, Prime Minister and Minister of Defence.

b. Heads of States, Presidents and Vice - Presidents of foreign and commonwealth
c. The Chief of Defence Staff.
d. Service Commanders.
e. Area Commanders (for farewell parades and Investiture ceremonies).

513. Musical Salutes. The musical salutes given to various Chief Guests and dignitaries are as

Sr.No. Name of Salute For Duration

(sec/ beats/

a. National Anthem “ckdOsm;s iuzudk” 58 Sec/

For the President 54 bars

b. National Anthem (half) PM/ Mess night toast 13 bars

c. General Salute Chief of Defence Staff/ 16 Sec

C of S, Rear Admiral and
equivalent ranks
d. C of N salute Commander of the Navy 08 Sec

e. Nancy Lee Advance in review order 08 Sec

f. Captain of the Navy March Quick March (ceremonial) 116 beats
per min
g. Alert All Flag rank Officers 3 sec

h. Auld long Syne POP and farewells 65 beats

per min
j. Colours Flag hoisting 16 sec
k. Sun set/ Retreat Flag lowering 48 sec
l. Last Post For service funerals 76 sec
m. Reveille Commemoration 26 sec


1. Whenever a National Anthem is played, all service personnel acting as officials but
not forming a part of the parade will salute.


2. Service personnel, as spectators are to keep their peak caps on until the parade is

3. Officers in attendance on his/her Excellency the president are not to salute when the
National Anthem is played for the President salute.

514. General Rules.

a. From the time the Divisions fall in and until dismissed, the Ceremonial drill is carried
out. This means: -
i. Officers and men while moving will always do proper “Quick march” unless
it is ordered otherwise.

ii. Officers‟ swords are at the Carry position.

iii. Divisions are to be dressed up in lines and columns and bayonets fixed in a
convenient place before enter in to the parade ground.
iv. All officers are to take up their respective positions correctly.

b. Position of Division Commander and Division MCPO/ FCPO/ CPO/ PO. The
Division Commander takes post two paces in front of center of the „Front‟ rank. The Division
PO/ CPO/ MCPO takes post two paces rear of center of the “Rear” line when the Division is
un-armed. If Division is armed both will have to keep three paces from front and rear rank

c. Marking Points and Markers. Flags or posts may be set up to mark out the rank on
which the men are to form, or a line may be picked up by „Markers‟, act as laid down in Drill
for Markers, or line be marked with white line, if required.

d. Marking the Ground for March Past. (figure 5-1) The placement of the marker
flags is as follows;



Saluting Base

6 Flag 8Flag 3 Flag B Flag A Flag 2 Flag 7 Flag 5 Flag

4 Flag 1 Flag

Figure 5-1: Placement of the marker flags.


1. The line 2-3 flag and its extension either way, is known as the saluting base.
2. The flag A and B are placed 10 paces on either side of the center of the saluting base.
3. The rest of the flags are placed 20 paces intervals.

e. Distance Between Ranks. The Divisions must always be in “Open order” for
inspection, unless otherwise ordered due to lack of space. If units are in close order the front
rank only will be inspected. The separate order for “Open order march” will be given after
formation of Divisions on the parade ground. The Division commander will bring the
Division to “Close order-March” on completion of inspection of his Division and the second
Division to his left(or right) depending upon his Division‟s position on parade ground.
f. Drums and Band (or Buglers). The drums and band will form up 10 paces in rear
of the center of the unit paraded for inspection. The band will be in column of three to nine as
appropriate, with two paces between each file. The Drum Major will be five paces in front of
the center of the front rank and the Band Master will be three paces in front of him. The band
will remain at the halt during the march past. The band should step off at appropriate time,
wheeling as necessary, and march past at the rear of the last Division keeping 20 paces

g. Standing Easy. The parade may be ordered to standing easy when there is a wait
of any appreciable time.



h. Marching Through Public Areas. Whenever the Divisions march through public
roads/ streets, the civil authorities should be notified in advance so that the traffic is regulated
accordingly. When marching to and from the review ground, units may march through the
streets with drums beating, colours uncased and bayonets fixed. The Ceremonial units are to
always march in column of route.

515. Falling in Preparatory to Sizing, Proving, Dressing, etc. (Figure 5-2)The Division falls
in as taught in Division drill.



Figure 5-2: Division formed for inspection with arms.

516. Ceremonial Dressing. Ceremonial dressing is a special method of dressing a Division or a

unit in line on ceremonial occasions.

a. Ceremonial dressing is carried out with rifles at the Order.

b. When dressing ceremonially;

i. Division. The Division commander orders “wxY ol=fkka n,ka” The

sailors in the ranks act as taught in squad drill, except that they do not look to their
front until ordered. The Division petty officer shoulder arms, turn right and march out
until he is 4 paces clear of the front rank, halts, turns about and dress the front rank.
Individual men ordered to dress forward or back continue moving until they receive
order „well‟, e.g., “m<uq fm< y;r bossrshg/ miaig" fydod" fm< os.g” . The
Division PO turn left, take one pace forward (3 paces in open order), turn right and
dress the center rank. He then turns left, take one pace forward, (3 paces in open
order), turn right and dresses the rear rank. When the rear rank has been dress he turn
right and takes 2 paces (or 6) forward, turn left and orders “wxY fmrg weia”. He then
takes up his position and order arms.
c. The Division petty officer dose not swings his arm when taking pace forward.
d. Head and arms are moved smartly and together at the order “fmrg weia”.



517. Fixing and Unfixing Bayonets.

a. Division. Acts under the orders of the Division commander.
b. Unit. Acts under the orders of the unit commander.

518. Proving a Division. The Division falls in line, each line forming as one rank with its
section leader as the right hand man of that rank. The Division Petty Officer orders Division
attention, Right dress and Number. The Division PO remembers the strength of the Division, makes
report to Division Commander and thereafter falls in three paces rear of the rear line. The Division
Commander has to remember the Division‟s strength to report to his senior officer, if required.

519. Markers Drill. The Divisions forming up on the left (or right) side of the parade ground
as per parade state will detail right (or left) hand man of their Division respectively as Marker. The
Marker GI will position all Markers at their respective Division places. The procedure for markers
Drill is as follows: -
a. All markers will fall in at the first Division left hand man‟s left and take up dressing,
numbered by marker DI and go to stand at ease.
b. Parade GI Orders Markers, attention “buslrejka iSrefjka isgska”, sound markers
“buslrejka leojka”, After the last note of the Bugle, the marker GI turns towards markers
and orders markers shoulder arms “buslrejka mfil wjs” (if there are armed Divisions),
“buslrejka m<uq ;Srej fkdfif,ka fiiq buslrejka ;=kafj,ska jug hEu jug
yefrkaa”. Markers by the right quick march “buslrejka ol=fkka $ ueoska fm< n,d .ufka
hd”. All the markers will be ordered halt at their respective position of the Division as second
column halt “fojk ;Srej kj;ska ;=kajk ;Srej kj;ska etc”. The marker of respective
column will stop and turn toward the dais. Marker GI will also does halt at the last column at
second line and face towards the dais.

c. Parade GI Orders markers “buslrejka fmr fm< buslrejka fkdfif,ka miqmi

bus lrejka wdmiq yefrka” Markers dress up themselves in column. First column markers
remain facing towards the dais and remaining markers will do about turn. Marker GI also
conforms to the movements and order markers quick march “buslrejka ol=fkka$ueoska fm<
n,d .ufka hd”. Markers GI will take charge and orders second line halt “fojkfm,
kj;ska ;=kajk fm, kj;ska” & so on at their respective places. Simultaneously when the
remaining markers do quick march the markers of first line will automatically go to stand at
ease (armed Divisions will first do order arms). After halt all markers of respective lines will
turn towards the dais and go to order arms (if armed) followed by stand at ease.

d. Parade GI orders, markers attention “buslrejka iSrefjka isgska”, “buslrejka

i<l=Kq wkqj ueoska /ol=fKka fm<n,ka”. All markers adjust themselves at their Division
marks/ spots. Thereafter Parade GI orders, markers stand at ease “buslrejka myiqfjzka
isgska”. All markers go to stand at ease together.



523. Column GI Drill.

a. The necessity of column GI is to dress up the whole parade in column from the front
so that each individual falling on the parade must cover the man in the front line of the front
Division as well as all Division must dress up them self from the I st column. Both the
column GI will take position either side of the parade ground in line with front line keeping
15 paces away from the marker of the outer Division and three steps ahead of the Division

b. When Parade Commander orders “wxY ueoska fm< n,ka” Column GIs step out and
after taking 15 steps halt, turn towards Division marker and give dressing in column. On
completion of first/ last columns dressing, the column GIs report their respective column
“ksi,jka”. Thereafter, both the GIs turn inward and again march 15 paces and do the
similar drill till the inner most columns. The column GI‟s will then turn inwards and march
three paces facing each other, then turn towards the parade, take 10 steps and then turn
outward and halt on the 17th step. After that both will turn towards the dais.

c. The Parade Commander gives order “fmrg weia”.



Annex A to Chapter 5


Sequence of inspecting Guard and Divisions





Section I: Guard of Honour

601. General.

a. Personages entitled and the occasions when a Guard of Honour may be presented are
given in the Section 3 of Ceremonial instructions for the Armed forces in Sri Lanka. Addition
Guard of Honour is also to be paraded by the saluting ships/ establishments while firing
national salutes, and salutes in celebration of national anniversaries/ personal salute. The
composition and strength of such Guards of Honour will be as per the entitlement of the
personage being accorded the gun salute.

b. All requests to Naval Authorities for providing a Guard of Honour or for participation
in a local ceremonial function are to be forwarded to Naval Headquarters for necessary

c. Dignitaries/Flag rank officers mentioned at the Article 605 'para a' are the only
recipient for such honours, but should not be entitled for the representatives. The
representative should entitle only for his own status of honour.

d. The Colours can be paraded at GOH only in Ceremonial Uniform (No 1 Drill order).
However, only the GOH can be presented in any other uniform as appropriate taking into the
consideration of the uniform of the officer being saluted.

e. The composition and the dress may be varied for GOHs at training establishments
only for training purposes as appropriate but not for proper ceremonial functions.
(Commissioning and Passing Out Parades)

f. 48 men Guard of Honour will always be a Single Service Guard.

g. An inter-Service Guard of Honour where only two services are participating is

formed in two divisions, the senior service being on the right. Where all three services
participate, it is formed in three divisions, the Army division on the right, and the Air Force
division on the left of the naval division.

h. The Chief of Defence Staff, the Commander of the Army and the Commander of Air
Force will always be received with Guard of Honour when on an official visit to the Naval
Ships or Establishments. No other Army or Air Force visitors to Naval Ships and
Establishment are entitled to a Guard of Honour.

j. During inclined weather conditions Guard of Honour may not be mounted by wearing
rain caps. In such occasions Guard may be mounted under a cover/ shelter as appropriate.



k. In a 12 men Guard the bugler will take post two paces right to Petty Officer and the
OOD will take post two paces left to front rank marker when the Chief Guest approaches
from right side and vice versa when leaving. The Bugler may represent by the Quarter master
and to pipe still on approaching the Chief Guest.

m. The 12 Men Guard can be placed at any occasion where other GOHs cannot be
paraded due insufficient time and restricted in space.

602. Colours Guard. The Guard (minimum12 Men) to form in convenient place away from the
mast and marched in before the mast, ten minutes before Colours. Guard is formed in two‟s and at
stand at ease. One minute before the colours, officer or petty officer in-charge of the Guard brings
the Guard to attention, and shoulder arms. When Colours is reported, the bugler sounds alert. Officer
or petty officer in charge of the Guard orders, Present arms. Band/ bugler play the appropriate
anthem. The guard is brought to Shoulder arms. Bugler sounds “Carry on”. The guard is brought to
Order arms and formed in threes and marched off.

Note: In the event on board a ship or Establishment, above may be executed by a “Colour Party” and
composition as deemed fit.

603. Responsibility for Organizing. The overall responsibility is entrusted to DGA for
organizing such functions as follows;

a. In Colombo .

i. On the occasion of national anniversaries, i.e., Independence Day, State visits

by Foreign Head of States etc, the Commander Western Naval Area.

ii. On other occasions, the Commanding Officer of the establishment where the
Guard of Honour is being paraded.

b. Outside Colombo.

i. The Area Authority / Commanding Officer of the establishment where the

Guard of Honour is paraded.

c. On the occasions, when it is not always clear which Service should responsible for
providing the Guard of Honour, the guiding rule should be that the guard required to parade
in a place under the jurisdiction of one Service should normally be provided by that service.
On the occasion of State Visit by Foreign Head of State and Foreign Royalty the Guard
would be provided in rotation by the three Services.

d. Whenever an inter-service Guard of Honour is paraded, the OOG I will be provided

by SLA. The service providing the OOG will normally be responsible for providing ADC
(Aides de Camp).



604. 96 Men Guard of Honour. (President Guard)

a. Paraded For. The President of Sri Lanka, visiting Heads of State and Royal
b. Composition of Single Service Guard of Honour.

i. Officer of the Guard I LCdr

ii. Officer of the Guard II Lt
iii. POs 4
iv Junior ratings 96

c. Composition of Inter Services Guard of Honour.

i. OOG Major/ LCdr/ Sqd Ldr

ii. Officers (Div Cdr) 3 (1 Capt/ Lt, 2nd Lt, Lt/ Slt,
1 Flt Lt/ Flying officer)
iii. NCO & Equivalents 6 (1 Staff Sgt, 1 CPO, 1 Flt Sgt
1 Sgt, 1 PO, 1 Sgt)
iv. Junior ratings 96 (32 from each service)

605. 72 Men Guard of Honour. (Prime Minister's Guard)

a. Paraded For. The Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, visiting Vice-Presidents and
Prime Ministers of foreign countries, Member of regaining foreign Imperial or Royal Family
as decided by the Government.

b. Composition of Single Service Guard of Honour.

i. Officer of the Guard I Lt

ii. Officer of the Guard II Lt / Slt
iii. POs 4
iv. Junior ratings 72

606. 48 Men Guard of Honour.

a. Paraded For. Defence Minister, Deputy Minister of Defence, Defence

Ministers of foreign or Commonwealth countries, Secretary to the Minsitry of Defence, the
Chief of the Defence Staff, the Commander of the Army, the Commander Of the Navy, the
Commander of the Air Force, Admiral or equivalent rank of foreign officers.

b. Composition.

i. Officer of the Guard I Lt

ii. Officer of the Guard II Lt/ Slt
iii. POs 2
iv Junior ratings 48



607. 18 Men Guard of Honour. (Subaltern‟s Guard)

a. Paraded For. AAs, Flag officers and Commanding Officers of ships /

establishments of the rank of commander & above on the occasion of AAs divisions, AAs
HO/TO, CO‟s divisions and Change of Command for Commissioned ships.

b. Composition.

i. Officer of the Guard S/Lt (OOG I)

ii. PO 1
iii Junior ratings 18

608. 12 Men Guard of Honour. (12 Men Guard)

a. Paraded For. Mounted at the entrance/ gangway to receive/ send off following
personnel only from Colours to Sunset .

i. Flag Rank Officers (only in uniform).

ii. Any other dignity / Chief Guest as directed by NHQ.
iii. The president of the Court Martial is only entitled for such honours even after
sunset subject to the completion of Court Martial proceedings if continues.

b. Composition.

i. PO‟s 1
ii Junior ratings 12

609. The Guards of Honour - Procedure Onboard Ships.

a. Paraded For. When mounting GOHs on board ships (for special occasions as
decided by the C of N) considering the space restrictions, the “Lt Cdr or Lt‟s Guard”
is meant to serve the purpose of 96, 72 and 48 men GOH as indicated in the 604,605
and 606. The “Lt or SLt‟s Guard” and “PO‟s Guard” is meant to served the purpose
of 607 and 608 respectively.

b. Composition and Strength.

Type of Guard Composition

Large Ships Small Ships

a. Lt Cdr or Lt‟s Guard 1 LtCdr/ Lt 1 Lt

2 POs 2 POs
1 Bugler 8 sailors in line
24 sailors in two ranks



b. Lt or SLt‟s Guard 1 Lt/ SLt 1 Lt/SLt

1 PO 1 PO
1 Bugler 8 Sailors in line
18 sailors in two ranks

c. PO‟s Guard 1 PO 1 PO
12 Sailors in two ranks 8 Sailors in line

Note: Refer General Instructions at 1512.

610. Layout .

a. The Guard of Honour will be formed up as follows;

i. In one division when the guard is being paraded by a single Service.

ii. In two equal divisions when provided by two Services.

iii. In three equal divisions when all the three Services are participating.

b. The guard will be in two ranks with a distance of four paces between the front and the
rear ranks, and will be dressed at intervals of 24 inches. The distance between each division
will be three paces. As far as possible, the Guard of Honour, when formed up, will face the
direction from which the Chief Guest will approach.

611. The position of officers and sailors for a single service Guard of Honour will be as follows: -

a. When Colour is Paraded.

i. The procedure for parading the President‟s Colour is given in chapter 9.

ii. The first officer of the guard will be three paces in front of the second file
from the right, i.e., when guard is formed up in two halves.

iii. The second officer of the guard will be three paces in front of the second file
from the left.

iv. The officer carrying the colour will be three paces in front of the center of
the guard.

b. When Colour is not Paraded.

i. The first officer of the guard will be three paces in front of the file midway
between the centre of the guard and the right flank.



ii. The second officer of the guard will be three paces in front of the file
midway between the centre of the guard and the left flank.

c. If there is only one officer of the guard, he will take post three paces in front of the
centre of the guard.

612. The position of an officer in an inter- Service Guard of Honour will be as follows;

a. OOG. In the centre of the Guard of Honour, and eight paces from the front rank.

b. Officers Commanding Divisions. The Commander of the central division will be

in the centre of his division and two paces from the front rank. The right Division
Commander will be two paces in front of the second file from the right. The left Division
Commander will be two paces in front of the second file from the left.

613. The band will form up in the right flank in line with the Guard, the left hand man of the band
being seven paces from the right hand marker of the guard. The band will be in columns and number
of files as appropriate, with two paces between each file. The Drum Major will be five paces in front
of the centre of the front rank of the band and the Band Master. When Band Master is present he will
be stationed himself in line with the front rank keeping three steps left to the left most person.

614. When Aides-de-Camps are present they will march in to parade ground and stand in front of
the right marker of first division when inspection of the Guard of Honour is commenced. They will
step out in slow march after the first division reported and will go off from parade ground, on
completion of inspection of the last division.

615. The civil or military officer, who receives the Chief Guest and conducts him to the saluting
dais, will, after conducting the Chief Guest to the dais, position himself two paces left and one pace
rear to Chief Guest.

616. Colour. Colour may brought on parade when an inter-service Guard of Honour is
provided. Within the Navy, Colour may be paraded as follows;

a. By a Guard of Honour mounted for the President.

b. By a Guard of Honour mounted for a foreign Sovereign, or the President of a Republican


c. On such important ceremonial occasions as may be ordered by the Commander of

the Navy.

617. Officers‟ Swords and Fixing Bayonets.

a. Guard of honour are normally formed up and inspected by the senior officer of the
guard in some convenient position. After the preliminary inspection, bayonets fixed and
officers draw swords. The Guard of Honour then marches to its place of duty.



b. Swords may be at the slope when the Guard of honour is marching to or from its
place of duty, but at its place of duty swords are always to be at the carry unless the guard is
standing at ease.
c. All officers salute with the sword when the guard presents Arms.

618. Guard of Honour on the March. A Guard of honour marches in line or in column of
route, with bayonets fixed and all officers‟ swords drawn. If in column of route the guard is to revert
to column of threes before halting. In column of route the officer commanding marches 3 paces
ahead of the guard, the second officer 3 paces to rear; the bugler marches at the head of the centre
rank, in line with the guides. Only the officer commanding salutes with the sword at the order „Eyes
– Right‟ (or left).

619. Compliments Paid by Guard of Honour.

a. The particular ceremonial associated with Guard of honour is only applicable when
such guards are actually mounted or engaged in their duties. At all other times, Guard of
honour are considered to be armed parties and act in accordance with orders for such parties.

b. When actually mounted or engaged in their duties, Guard of honour are to act as
i. Salutes by officers junior to the officers of the guard, by rating or by unarmed
parties are not to be acknowledged.

ii. When passed by officers who are entitled to a salute by presenting arms, but
who are of lesser degree than those for whom they are mounted, guards are to be
called to the attention.

iii. Guards salute the President‟s Colour uncased, of persons of degree equal to or
higher than those for whom they are mounted, acting in accordance with the order for
an armed party.

c. Guard of honour, escort units, and escort parties accompanying the President‟s colour
uncased salute only to the President and other personages as laid down in Ceremonial
instructions for the Armed forces in Sri Lanka (to whom the colour is lowered), other
reviewing officers (to whom the colour is let fly) and other Colour‟s (when colours are not
dipped, but the respective escorts act as armed parties)

620. Frontage Occupied by Guard of Honour.

Type of Guard In Threes In Threes Half Arm Two Ranks

President Guard with colour 120ft 93ft 106ft
President Guard without colour 110ft 83ft 93ft
Captain‟s Guard 56ft 6in 42ft 6in 50ft
Subaltern‟s Guard 20ft 15ft 18ft
Pety Officer‟s Guard 13ft 6in 10ft 12ft


Notes: 1. Dressed with intervals distance measured from heels to heels 40 inches.
2. With half-arm intervals distance measured from heels to heels 30 inches.
3. Without intervals distance measured from heels to heels 24 inches.

621. Inspection of a Guard of Honour. The guard is inspected in 2 ranks with Arms at the
Order, Bayonet fixed and in open order (see Figure 6-1).

Senior Officer (Guard of Honour)
Guied PO
Drill Instructor

Figure 6-1

622. Procedure for Guards of Honour Paraded Separately.

a. The OOG I is to march forward and report to the Chief Guest.

b. The Chief Guest will come down from the dais, and the OOG I will conduct him,
moving on the Chief Guest‟s right side and a little in front of him. He will walk and not to do
the slow march.

c. Aides de Camp will be provided whenever a 96 men guard of honour is paraded. On

completion of the report by the OOG I, the Aides-de Camp will step forward and move at
quick march to take position six paces ahead of the OOG I. They will precede the Chief
Guest during the inspection in slow march.

d. As soon as the Chief Guest comes in line with the right marker the band start playing.

e. The band will stop playing as soon as the Chief Guest has finished the inspection.

f. Only the front rank of the guard will be inspected. The Chief Guest will move in front
of the officers and the Colour, i.e., he will inspect the guard from a distance of 3-4 paces
from the front rank. If the Colour is paraded, then the Chief Guest and OOG I will salute
when passing the Colour.

g. After inspection, the Chief Guest will be guided back to dais. The Guard gives
appropriate salute and when the Guard assume shoulder arm the Chief Guest should be
guided away from the dais by the conducting officer.


h. When the Chief Guest has proceeded some distance away from the Guard of Honour.
The OOG may then resume Order Arm and stand the guard at Ease till the Chief Guest for
whom it is paraded has left the place.

Note: If a guard is paraded in a ship or establishment of a Flag Officer for an Officer junior to him,
the OOG will not report the Guard, unless the Flag Officer desires that the visiting officer should
inspect the guard.

623. Inspection of the Naval Guard by Naval Officer. Naval officer when inspecting naval
Guard of Honour will inspect both ranks. The Inspecting Officer will move in front of the OOG II, if
any, and about 3 to 4 paces from the front rank. The Parade Commander will move to left of the
guard in line with rear line and take post six paces away facing the guard while the Chief Guest
inspects the guard.

624. Honours and Salutes. The honours and salutes to be given by Guard of Honour and
parade on the arrival and departure of the personages are as follows:

a. The President of People‟s Republic of Sri Lanka. President salute (Pkdêmÿ

iusudk W;a;updr wjs) Arms presented, breaking the Standards at peak of the main mast,
Guidons and colors lowered and the band plays first 54 bars of national anthem.

b. Visiting Heads of State and Royal Highness. As Same as President Salute

(rdclSh iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjs) colour left fly before playing Sri Lanka National
Anthem band plays foreign National Anthem.

c. The Prime Minister of People‟s Republic of Sri Lanka. General Salute (m%N+
iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjs ) Arms presented, Standards, Guidons and Colours lowered (with
th approval of MOD) and the band plays first 13 bars of National Anthem. If President
Colours paraded it should not be lowered.

d. Visiting Prime Ministers of foreign countries. Same as General Salute (m%N+

iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjs ) But band plays short version of foreign National Anthem
followed by the first 13 bars of Sri Lanka National Anthem.

e. Deputy Head of States and Member of regaining foreign Imperial or Royal

Family as decided by the Government. Royal Salute or General Salute as decided by
the Government, colours other than President colours could be lowered as appropriate
and band plays only the foreign National Anthem.

f. The Chief of Defence Staff and Service Commanders. General Salute (m%N=
iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjs) Navy colour may be paraded but not lowered band plays musical

g. Admiral or equivalent in other services. Same as above (m%N+ iuzudk

W;a;udpdr wjs) but colours will not be lowered.

h. Other dignities not belong to Armed Forces. (m%N+ iuzudk



W;a;udpdr wjs) to be accorded as directed by the Ministry of Defence.

625. Pilot Vehicles / Motorcycles. It is customary in armed services to provide Pilot Vehicles
and motorcycle escort to the Chief Guests. When they attend for official functions. Composition of
Motor Cades to be provided for the President, Prime Minister of Republic of Sri Lanka and other
personages is as follows:

Personage Pilot Motor cycles

Officers Sailors Standby
The President 01 01 09 01

The Prime Minister 01 01 05 01

Minister/Dep/Minister of Defence 01 - 03 -
Secretary of Defence/other Ministers
and Chief Guests

CDS, Service Commanders 01 - 02 01

Rear Admirals/ Equivalents 01 - 02 -

Commodore/Captain/ Equivalents - - 01 -

Section II: Lining the Streets

626. General Remarks. The street may be lined for the President, State Visits or for State
funerals. The procedures for the guidance of a major/ small unit are given in succeeding paragraphs.

627. Taking up Position.

a. When in the position on the route, the President‟s colour and officers should be on the
right hand side of the road as seen by the passing personage or colours moving through the
route. The Contingent Commander should place himself in a position where he can assure
full command. Division Commanders are to place themselves in the center of their Division
areas and where possible two paces clear of the line. This being varied to ensure that they are
well sighted.

b. Where possible the President‟s Colour should be at the center of the contingent area but
must also be in a position where it is well sighted the Petty officers are stationed on the
Division flank farthest away from the direction the procession is approaching should take
there respective Divisions to attention.



c. The ground is usually allocated some days before hand and careful survey is necessary.
Strength of the Division should be calculated, taking particular account of the curves and
endeavoring to form each Division without a blank file. Division Petty Officer is sent ahead
as marker under the contingent Petty Officer.


1. All officers salute with their sword when the Division does Present Arms.

2. The Division Petty Officers assist in the even spacing of the men by stepping off the
number of paces required.

3. Although it is primarily the task of the police to control the crowd, it should be
understood by all officers, sailors and other ranks lining the street, that they, no less than the
police are responsible for keeping the route clear. It is the duty of the Naval/ Military
personnel to prevent egress through their ranks on to the roadway, and to assist the police to
restore the integrity of the cordon with the least possible delay. Person who breaks through
the line, however, are not to be pursued by the service personnel. But officer and men must
concentrate their effort on preventing further breaches of the line.

628. Drill for Lining the Street. In order to form two ranks from threes when possible the
squad should be made up of a complete number of files. For ease in handling a Division, it is
recommended that no more than eight files should be in a Division.

629. Drill for Opening to Distance Ordered. Having placed the markers, the contingent
approaches in column of threes and as the rear Division enters its area, the Division Commander
orders halt and turn left/right, then the Division to “ fofm< ioka ” The Division ranks are turned
right/left are then ordered to outward wheel “ jsjr hd”. At this order the leading man of each file
wheels outwards to leave the rank along the line which they are going to line on to their markers.
The markers on seen his rank approaching turn to face them and halts them with the leading man
alongside him. The Division Commander will then turn the ranks towards the center of the road.
Order Arms and dress them half arms interval. Bayonets are fixed at this stage if required and ranks
are then extended as required.

630. Arrival of the Procession.

a. The Division Commanders are to be supplied with a table of salutes for the various
personages of procession.

b. Salutes are to be given in succession by Divisions. Men should be brought to the

Present 20 paces ahead of the leading horse/ motorbike of the escort.

c. The band should play the appropriate salute with the same movement.



631. Sequence of Orders.

Situation Ceremonial Procession Funeral Procession (With

(With Bayonets fixed) Bayonets Unfixed)
After forming up on “myiqfjka isgska” “myiqfjka isgska”
either side of the
Approach of the “iSrefjka isgska” “iSrefjka isgska”
procession “mfil wjs” “wjs wjr lr isgska”
While the carriage or “W;a;udpdr wjs” “W;a;udpdr wjs”
gun carriage passes
After the carriage or “mfil wjs” “wjs wjr lr isgska”
gun carriage has
After the procession “mfil wjs” “iSrefjka wjs”
has passed “iSrefjka wjs” “myiqfjka isgska”
“myiqfjka isgska”

632. Departure. When the procession has passed, the band should be moved to the flank away
from the direction of march and proceed down the road at short pace, Division forming up behind
the band as convenient. When all the Divisions have reformed, the unit commander orders quick

633. Closing on the Original Flank. Bayonets are unfixed and Division return to Shoulder
arms. Division Commander orders “wxY mshjS hEu" .ufka - hd” Halt in the correct position turn
to outwards towards the direction of march and stepped off. Then Division Commander orders „form
threes‟^;=ka fm< ieoSu ;=ka fm< ioka& and moved to join up with the remainder of the contingent.

634. Order of March Regular and Auxiliary Services of Combined Parades. A combined
parade is a number of separate units, of more than one-armed service, paraded in combination for
ceremonial purposes. All regular and auxiliary male and female units should group on parade in the
following order of precedence:

a. Sri Lanka Army

b. Sri Lanka Navy
c. Sri Lanka Air Force
d. School cadets
e. Ancillary services. (Civil organizations integrated to armed forces)

Note: The Service concerned decides the order of March within each Service.

635. Order of March in the Navy. The order of March within the Navy is as decided by the
Commander of the Navy.



636. Occasions for Giving Three “ch .S%‟‟. The occasions for giving three “ch .S%‟‟ are as
follows :-

a. For the President of Sri Lanka at the Independence Day parades, if the President is
taking the parade.

b. For an outgoing C of N and all Rear Admirals at the farewell parade.

637. Drill for Three “ch .S%‟‟ Without Arms.

(a) The ship‟s company is brought to Attention.

(b) The parade commander gives the order “f;jrla ch me;Su ioyd isria;, bj;a
lrka‟ Officers and men remove caps and hold them at angle of 45 degrees above the head
and in front of the body, crown outboard, arm fully extended.

(c) At the order “ckdOsm;s$woausrd,a …………….. ;=udg ‟ch .S%‟, synchronizing with
the command rotating the arm in a clockwise direction viewed from the rear around a
diameter extending no lower than the shoulder and returning to the original position after
each cheer.

(d) This procedure is repeated until three “ch .S%” are completed.

(e) At the order “isria;, ysfia-,ka” caps are replaced on heads and the right hand
is brought to the side. There after Stand at Ease and Standing easy orders are given for cap

638. The band, if present, is not to carry out the movements of “ch .S%” but remain at attention

639. Chin stay should not be down when men are paraded to give “ch .S%” unless the state of
weather makes it absolutely necessary. If chinstays are necessary, the drill will be carried out only by
saying “ch .S%” without removing caps.





701. The procedure as mentioned in succeeding paragraphs is to be followed for laying a wreath
by dignitaries at war memorials.

702. War Memorial. At all times , War Memorials are to be maintained with sanctity and in all
special occasions floral decorations are in order and should be done.

703. Guard. The composition of the guard will be as per the entitlement of dignitary.

704. Wreath Bearers. Two junior sailors ( Male / Female ) preferably of equal height.

705. Dress. Dress will be ceremonial (No1/No2, as appropriate)

706. Procedure when Guard Paraded. The following drill procedure is to be followed during
the ceremony;

a. The Guard, buglers and wreath bearers are to take their respective positions well in
time, prior to the arrival of dignitary.

b. The wreath bearers are to stand at indicated positions, approximately 15 paces away
from the memorial, holding wreath in the center facing inwards.

c. Additional officers and personnel are to take position at the place indicated in the
sketch Position can be altered depending upon availability of space at War Memorial.

d. On sighting the car carrying dignitary, the Alert is sounded and the MAA shouts the
arrival of the dignitary. The Officer of the Guard orders the Guard to attention and then
“Alert sounded”. The dignitary is received by the Conducting Officer and conducted towards
the wreath bearers.

e. The dignitary takes post two steps clear from the wreath bearers. Immediately, the
wreath bearers turn towards the memorial and step out in slow march. In order to ensure
proper drill, the right hand wreath bearer is to order “fiuska .ufka hd” at low voice. The
dignitary follows behind. The Conducting Officer remains at the entrance facing towards the

f. Wreath bearers halt two paces short of memorial. The dignitary also halts. The
Officer of the Guard orders the Guard to Present Arms. At the last movement of present arms
the dignitary salutes and all other personal present, are to salute.

g. Immediately, the Officer of the Guard orders, “wjs wjr lr isgska.” At the last
movement of Rest on Arms Reverse the dignitary cuts the salute and takes over the wreath.


He moves forward and lays the wreath at the memorial holding it in one or both hands. The
wreath bearers after handing over the wreath turn outwards and proceed to places indicated in
the sketch.

h. The dignitary lays the wreath, withdraw two paces to the rear and stands in attention.
Bugler sounds the “Last Post”. With the first note of the last post, the dignitary and all other
personnel present, are to salute.

j. With the last note of the “Last Post”, the dignitary and all present cut their hand to
the side. Thereafter two minutes silence is to be observed. All present, including dignitary to
lower chin to the chest.

k. The two minutes silence is to be kept by the Officer of the Guard by counting 1001 to
1120 in mind. Thereafter, he orders “W;a;udpdr wjs'”.

m. At the last movement of present arms the dignitary and all officers present Salute.
Simultaneously the bugler sounds the „Reveille‟.

n. On completion of "Reveille" the Officer of Guard orders, “iuzudkuqrh mfil wjs”

The dignitary and all officers cut the hands to the side at the last movement of shoulder arms.

p. The dignitary thereafter turns right and proceeds to the podium to sign the visitors
book (if required).

q. On completion, the dignitary departs (seen off by the Conducting officer). Bugler
sounds “Carry On”. The Conducting Officer then orders the Guard to march off. Thereafter,
the remaining personnel are dispersed in normal manner.

707. Procedures When Guard is Not Paraded. On occasions when parading of the Guard is not
possible the under mentioned modifications to the procedures mentioned above are to be followed:-

a. Same as Article 706 (b) & (c).

b. The dignitary is received by the Conducting Officer and conducted towards the
wreath bearers. T

c. Same as Article 706 (e).

d. The wreath bearers halt two paces short of memorial and the dignitary also halts. He
salutes the memorial; takes over the wreath from the bearers, moves forward and lay the
wreath. The wreath bearers after handing over the wreath turn outward and proceed to places
indicated in the sketch.

e. After laying wreath, the dignitary takes two paces to the rear and salutes. Cuts the
salute after two marching paces interval and then observes two minutes silence by lowering
the chin to the chest.


f. The two minutes silence is to be kept by the dignitary himself. Thereafter, raise the
chin and again salute. Cut the salute after two marching paces interval, turn right and proceed
to the podium to sign the visitor‟s book (if any).

g. On completion, the dignitary departs. (Seen off by the Conducting Officer)

708. Commemoration of War Heroes. Every year the commemoration of war heroes will
be done in the first Sunday of Month of November. The procedure to be followed at the ceremony is
as follows;

Sr Time Action Remarks

01 0750 Divisions fall-in. Dressed and stand easy

02 0755 Divisions attention Colours.

03 0800 Sounding of gong Stating of two minutes silence

04 0802 Sounding of gong End of two mints silence

05 Last post Officers Salute.

06 Off cap Reading of verses.

07 On cap

08 Reveille

09 Divisions fall-out





801. The Service personnel are given funeral honours depending upon whether the deceased was
in active service or retired. The following instructions are applicable and for further details on
Funeral Drill, reference should be made to Chapter 2 (Rifle Drill) and Chapter 3 (Sword Drill).

802. Composition of Cortege. It will be as follows: -

a. Firing Party
b. Band
c. Gun Carriage
d. Pall Bearers
e. Insignia Bearer (if any)
f. Personal Mourners
g. President Representative (if any)
h. Service Mourners
j. Attending Party
k. Mourners other than from the Services
m. Coffin Bearers

1. Service mourners are representatives from the deceased's own ship/establishment and
as directed by NHQ to the nearest establishment.

2. Attending party are representatives from other ships or services who may be required
to attend.

3. Coffin Bearers in Naval funerals will either be taken from the gun carriage party or may
be a separate party who need not march in the cortege. At other services funeral the Bearers
march alongside the coffin outside the pall bearers, if any.

4. Pall Bearers are usually provided only at the funerals of very distinguished persons
and should if practicable be of the same or equivalent rank as the deceased. Eight pall bearers
are the usual numbers but if some are provided from other services or countries the number
may be increased. Pall bearers never carry the coffin but act as its personal escort. They
march on either side of the gun carriage in reverse order of seniority. The senior being the
starboard after, next senior port after and so on. (The Pall used to be the cloth roof of the
funeral carriage and the pall bearers hold up its edges. Today the “National Flag" covering
the coffin most nearly represents the pall of past days.)



803. Composition of Funeral Parties.

In Attending Party Firing Party

Rank charge of
Strength In Command Strength In Command
Admiral of the Fleet/ Senior 400 Cdr 24 Cdr
Admiral Capt

Other Flag rank Officers Capt 300 Cdr 24 Cdr

Captain in Command Capt 200 Cdr 24 Cdr

Other Captains Cdr 150 Cdr 24 Cdr

Commanders in Cdr 150 Cdr 24 LCdr/ Lt

LCdr 100 LCdr 12 LCdr/ Lt
Other Commanders and Lt
Lt. 50 Lt 12 Lt
Officer of
SLTs Lt. 25 - 06 equal Rank

Lt. 20 - 06 Officer of
Midshipmen/ Cadets equal Rank
Lt 15 06 CPO/PO
Lt 15 06 PO
Petty officer
Lt 10 06 PO
All other ratings

1. The strength in column 3 is subject to the means at the disposal of the senior officer
2. The strength shown in column 5 should be adhered to whenever possible.
3. This table does not include mourners on whose number there is no restriction, subject
to availability of transport with the senior officer.



4. At small funerals the officer in charge of funeral may also be in command of the
attending party.
5. For other general rules see Para 805 below.
6. No funeral ceremony is to be conducted when a service person commits

804. Duties and Dress.

a. Officer-in-Charge. At funerals Officer-in-Charge should not have duties other

than the tasks entrusted by NHQ/AAs.

b. Firing party. Fallen in two ranks, bayonets unfixed. Officers / Subordinate Officers
in charge sword / cutlass drawn respectively, if a Petty Officer is in-charge he is armed with
Riffle (bayonet unfixed). The magazine charged with three rounds of blanks, white belt,
anklets are worn.

c. Gun Carriage. If there is an Officer-in-Charge of the gun carriage he occupies the

front left seat with sheath sword (Warrant/Petty Officer In Charge unarmed). Pall bearers
march either side of coffin. Coffin bearers march either side of pall bearers with white belts
and anklets worn.

d. Service Mourners. Officer‟s swords sheathed, no webbing equipment is worn by


e. Attending Party. Carry wreaths to the graveside. Officer‟s swords sheathed,

sailors unarmed. No webbing equipment is worn.

f. Coffin Bearers. To eliminate wobble and slanting of the coffin, bearers should be
of the same height and on stepping off, are to step off, left file with the left foot and right file
with the right foot. The inner arms of the bearer are to be interlaced by placing the hand on
the outer shoulder of the opposite bearer; this allows the coffin to be partially supported by
the inner arms as well as the shoulders. The disengaged hand is placed just in front of the
right/ left shoulder grasping the bottom ridge of the coffin. Caps are not to be worn by
coffined bearers.

g. Band. Drums are to be muffled.

805. General Rules.

a. The coffin of any naval officer or rating is to be draped with National Flag,

b. At the funeral of an officer or sailor of any of Sri Lankan Naval Ships/

Establishments, three volleys of musketry (blank ctgs) are to be fired over the grave or over
the body when committed to the sea.


c. In addition to the three volleys of musketry at the grave, a salute of guns (Minute
Guns) is to be fired as follows:

Admiral of the fleet - 19 guns.

Admiral - 17 guns.
Vice- Admiral - 15 guns.
Rear- Admiral - 13 guns
Commodore - 11 guns.

Note: At the funeral of a Captain or a Commander in Command of a ship, whether or not

the ship deceased commander is present at the place of interment, a salute of seven guns is to
be fired after the body has been deposited in the grave, pyre or committed to the sea, but such
salute is to be fired only by the ship which the officer commanded.

d. Flag Rank Officers. At the funerals of Flag Rank Officers, Minute guns shall be
fired whilst the body is proceeding to the place of cremation or interment, but these minute
guns shall not exceed the number to which the officer‟s rank entitled him when living. They
shall also be fired, after the body is deposited in the grave, or in the sea or cremated, a salute
of cannon, amounting to the same number of guns as the deceased officer was entitled to
when living: In such event of any such officer, dying afloat and being buried at a place on
shore where there is a naval establishment, minute guns shall be fired from the ships whilst
the body is being conveyed to the shore; and after the body is landed, minute guns shall be
fired by the naval establishment while the funeral procession is moving from the landing
place to the place of cremation or interment; the minute guns, both from the ship and the
naval establishment, shall not exceed twice the number of the guns the officer was entitled to
when living.

e. Captains and Commanders in Command of a Ship.

(i) At the funeral of the Captain or Commander in command of a ship, seven

minute guns shall be fired by the ship he commanded, whilst the body is proceeding
to the place of cremation or interment. After the body is deposited in the grave or in
the sea or cremated, a salute of seven guns shall also be fired by the same ship. If the
ship be alone, the officer succeeding to the command shall order this to be done.

(ii) The minute guns and salute shall be fired only by the ship, which the officer
commanded, and this shall be done whether the ship is present at the port of
cremation or interment or not. If circumstances do not permit of the minute guns
being fired by the ship, which the officer commanded, any other ship in lieu shall not
fire them.

f. The Officer-in-Charge of the funeral is responsible for the conduct of the funeral as a
whole and he places himself where he can best supervise the procedures when the party has
halted. When on march, he is immediately in front of the gun carriage.



g. At an officer‟s funeral, his cap and sword are placed on top of the coffin as follows:-



h. The Senior officer in the attending party march in the front, the junior ranks or ratings
bringing up the rear. The same applies to the officer and men included in the mourners.

j. At a senior officer‟s funeral, the medals of the deceased are carried on a dark blue
cushion by a nominated officer. Medals are carried in rear of the coffin.

k. Officers in command of the firing party and Gun Carriage draw swords when the
funeral party assembles. All other officers keep their sword sheathed.

l. Attending party to wear black mourning bands on the left arm midway between
elbow and shoulder.

m. Officers stand to attention and salute while coffin is being placed on Gun Carriage.

n. Officers with sword sheathed remove caps at the commencement of the religious
rituals at the cemetery and wear at the end of the rituals before volleys are fired.

p. At funeral procession attended in uniform by officers of other Services, special

positions are to be allotted to: -

i. Flag officers and their equivalents in other services.

ii. Officers representing the Army, Air Force and other Services.

q. Officers of each service form the separate groups in the cortege.

r. If civil officials are present in their official capacity, the Senior Naval Officer is to
allocate to them the position in the cortege appropriate to the circumstances of the funeral.
s. Funeral honours shall be paid officially only at the funeral of officers or sailors who
have died on active service and whose bodies are committed to the sea, cremated or buried as
per the above chart

t. A gun carriage may be used for carrying coffins of deceased personnel of the Sri
Lanka Navy.



806. Half Masting of Colours.

a. Colours half mast for a funeral on designated shore establishment shall be lowered at
the time the funeral procession is due to leave the place where the body has been lying, and
re-hoisted when sufficient time has elapsed for the cremation or interment.

b. When the body leaves a ship, the Colours shall be lowered when the body is removed
from where it has been lying onboard the ship, and re-hoisted when sufficient time has
elapsed for the cremation or interment.

c. For a funeral at sea, Colours shall be lowered when the body is removed from where
it has been lying and re-hoisted when the funeral service is ended.

d. When a body is being removed from a ship to await cremation or interment, Colours
shall not be half mast, but the boat conveying it shall fly a boat‟s ensign at half mast.

e. When the Colours are ordered to be half mast through out the day, they shall be
hoisted (close up) at Colours in the morning, and immediately lowered to half mast. At
sunset, the Colours shall first be hoisted (close up) and then lowered in the usual manner.

f. When in foreign ports, if warship of the country concerned, half mast their Colours on
the death of one of their nationals, the Sri Lankan Naval ships, shall as a matter of courtesy
conform to by half masting their own Colours. In the event of a foreign ship being in a Sri
Lankan port on such an occasion. Sri Lankan Naval ships in company shall half-mast their
Colours on the day of the funeral, only unless special orders are issued by the Commander of
the Navy.

g. When the Sri Lankan Naval ships approaching or leaving an anchorage where ships
of any other country are wearing a foreign national flag at half mast at the main, or have their
Colours at half mast, shall, while within sight of the ships in port, hoist or keep the foreign
national flag at half mast or half-mast their own Colours.

h. On the death (other than in battle) of a Flag Officer whose flag is flying in one of Sri
Lankan Naval Ships /Establishments, his flag shall be half-mast and kept at half mast until
sunset on the day of the funeral when it shall be hoisted (close up) and then finally lowered.

j. If however, the funeral is to take place at a distance from the ship or port in which the
flag is flying, the flag shall be kept at half-mast until sunset on the day on which the body is
removed from the ship or port for the purpose of cremation or burial.

k. Instructions regarding half-masting of Colours on the death of the President as

contained in sub Para (b) above, shall also be applicable in the event of the death of the
Prime Minister.



807. Forming of Procession. When moving off to Right

a. Starting procession after various parties are formed up as shown at Annex "A".

i. Alone the centre of the road the band will be placing at the front facing
towards to the OIC funeral followed by pilot vehicle and gun carriage, a coffin stand,
service mourners and attendant party .

ii. OIC and Gun Carriage crew will be placed on the opposite side of the road
near to the pilot vehicle.

iii. Insignia bearers, pall bearers, firing party and coffin bearers will be on the
opposite side of the road near to the coffin stand.

b. OIC Funeral take the parade to attention "wjux.,H fm<md,sh iSrefjka isgska"
when the coffin being carried by the family members towards coffin stand. At this time the
officer in-Charge of the Firing Party should draw his sword. The rest of the orders are as

i. fjvs lKavdhu mfil wjs - By Firing party In Charge

ii. wjux.,H fm<md,sh isria;, bj;a lrka - By OIC Funeral (only `service
mourners and attendance party except officers to off caps)

iii. The family members place the coffin on the coffin stand

iv. Coffin bearers take position either side of the coffin stand, take dressing,
salute and off caps (the caps will be collected). When the coffin bearers lift the coffin,
firing party make the Present Arm at the order by firing party in charge "fjvs
lKavdhu m%N+ iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjs- All officers will salute

v. Coffin bearers place the coffin on the Gun carriage and firing party in charge
give the order "fjvs lKavdhu mfil wjs"

vi. wjux.,H fm<md,sh isria;, ysfia ,ka - By OIC Funeral

c. The numbers indicate sequence in which the various parties move off to right as
shown at Annex "A".

i. wjux.,H fm<md,sh ;=ka j,ska ol=Kg hdu ol=Kg yefrka- By OIC

Funeral. (OIC Funeral will march and take his position in front of the Gun Carriage
and Firing party in charge march with the firing party while saluting to the coffin
when passing the gun carriage and position in front of the band)

ii. fjvs lKavdhu wjr wjs - By Firing party In Charge



iii. wjux.,H fm,md,sh jfuka fm< n,d fiuska .ufka hd- By OIC Funeral
iv. The Annexure „B‟ shows the formation of the procession when it is to move
to left.

1. The actual arrangements of parties can be altered to suit the particular circumstances
for the funeral.

2. OIC Funeral orders “fiuska .ufka hd”. The procession moves in slow march in the
sequence as follows: -

a. Firing Party
b. Band
c. OIC Funeral
d. Pilot vehicle and Gun Carriage - Pall bearers either side Gun Carriage if any
and Coffin bearers either side near to the gun carriage
e. Insignia bearers
f Personal Mourners
g. Service Mourners
h. Attending Party

3. The band will play “Dead march” (75 steps per minute). The band must not play
when passes hospitals/courts/religious places procession.

808. Procession to Cemetery. When head of procession is few paces from the cemetery gates,
the OIC Firing Party orders “ueoska jsjrj hd”. The ranks incline outwards taking three paces and
then march in original direction. When the movement of front rank confirm reaching to the location,
OIC Firing Party orders “kj;sk”a , "jug iy ol=Kg yefrka " and “wjs wjr lr isgSka”. The
OIC Firing Party aligns himself with the rear rank facing the bugler prior to “Rest on arms -
Reversed”. The band wheels and disengages out side the cemetery. If required, it will proceed after
Firing Party and continue to play until the last of the attending party entered the cemetery. The gun
carriage mourners and attending party lead on through the Firing Party into the cemetery, being led
by the Clergies conducting the service.

809. Procedure at Cemetery.

a. After the attending party has passed through the ranks of the Firing Party, the OIC
Firing Party orders;
"isrefjka isgSka",
"wjr wjs",
"ol=Kg fyda jug yefrka",
"fiuska .ufka hd”,

b. The Firing Party step out as ordered and again inclines toward the cemetery after
taking three paces inward without order. Bugler and OIC resume their original positions.



c. The Firing Party is then marched to graveside, halt and turn towards the grave. Before
commencement of service/ religious rituals, OIC Funeral orders "isria ;, bj;a lrka".
All officers with sheathed swords and other service personnel except the Band and the Firing
Party act as ordered. OIC Firing Party orders “wjs wjr lr isgska". The bearers carry the
coffin at the graveside (feet first) and coffin is kept on stands. Clergies conduct the funeral
service/ religious rituals.

d. Oration will be read by a nominated officer and insignias, National flag, cap will be
removed and hand over to next of Kin by an officer nominated.

810. On Completion of Religious Rites.

a. OIC Firing Party orders “isrefjzka isgSka”. (The firing party acts as in funeral drill)

b. OIC Funeral orders “isria;, ysfia ,ka”.

c. The coffin is placed inside “Chitakaya” or shifted on top of grave.

811. When “Chitakaya” is Set Fire / Soil is Put in the Grave.

a. OIC Firing Party orders;

“mfil wjs",
“fjvs lKavdhu fjvs mqrjka”
“fjvs lKavdhu ierfika”.
“fjvs lKavdhu fjvs"
“fjvs lKavdhu h,s mqrjka”

b. Same drill to be carried out three times in order to fire three volleys.

c. OIC Firing Party thereafter orders;

“fjvs lKavdhu ysia lrka”
“fjvs lKavdhu mfil wjs”
“fjvs lKavdhu hjq,a ijs lsrSu ijs lrka”

d. The OIC Firing party orders “iuzudkuqrh m%N+ iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjs”. All
officers salute with the last movement of rifle. After a short pause bugler sounds the “Last

e. After Last Post the OIC Firing party orders “iuzudkuqrh mfil wjs”. All officers
cut the salute. After another short pause bugler sounds “Reveille”.

f. The OICFiring party (iuzudk uqrh jug$ ol=Kg yefrka jfuka$ol=fKka fm,
n,d .ufka hd& Guard proceeds to a safe place to carry out proper “unloading” drill. All
funeral parties – in charge march their respective parties out side the cemetery. When all are
outside the cemetery, OIC funeral organizes them for marching back with the band leading,



followed by the firing party, mourners attending party and accordingly dismiss at the
appropriate place.

Note: It is always recommended not to press the trigger during “unload” drill in a crowded
cemetery, as un-extracted misfired cartridge will pose danger. The full “unloading” drill can
be carried out separately in a safe place on completion of funeral.

Funerals at Sea

812. When Honours are Paid. If the body is conveyed to the ship at harbour then the funeral
party is to fall in, if space permits. The coffin bearers and Firing Party are to fall in on the jetty
awaiting the arrival of the body. When the cortege arrives following procedures are to be followed.

a. OIC Firing Party orders “iSrefjka isgska”. The coffin bearers are also to confirm.
Thereafter, OIC Firing Party orders “wjs wjrlr isgska”. Coffin bearers lift the coffin and
carry it up the gangway in “slow march”. The gangway staff pipes the side. The Ship‟s
company on the upper decks are ordered “isria;, bj;a lrka” whilst the coffin is carried
on board and officers salute. The coffin is to be placed on the committal platform by the
bearers. The Ship‟s company is thereafter ordered “isria;, ysfia,ka” and officers cut the
salute. Sentries are to be placed at four corners of the coffin facing away from each corner in
“Rest on your arms -reversed”. Coffin bearers disperse and stand by to commit the body at

b. OIC Firing Party orders after the coffin has been taken onboard, “iSrefjka isgska”,
“mfil wjs”. Firing Party then is marched onboard and into their position near the coffin for
leaving harbour. The Firing Party will assume “Rest on arms -reversed” while leaving

c. Mourners are taken below decks. After ship has left harbour the sentries may be
dispersed or kept at stand easy. The Firing Party is also to be ordered “is;afia isgSka” after
bringing them to Attention.

d. On ship reaching the burial position, the funeral parties are formed up as given in
Annex “C” The Firing Party and sentries resume “Rest on arms -reversed”. The coffin
bearers take post without caps facing the committal platform. The mourners are then brought
on deck near to the committal platform.

e. OIC Funeral orders “isria;, bj;alrka” with the commencement of religious/

service rituals. Thereafter the procedures mentioned at Para 812 and 813 above will be
followed. The three volleys are fired when the body/ coffin is committed to sea.


1. Coffin bearers are to commit the body/ coffin to the sea.

2. Firing Party is to face outwards for firing of volleys.



3. Cremated remains are accorded full funeral honours if the same has not
been accorded at the crematorium.

4. Ashes are not scattered. The urn containing the ashes is committed to the sea and it
must be arranged to sink.

5. When wreaths have been provided they should be dropped after the coffin has been
committed by the appropriate mourners after firing of volleys, last post and reveille.

813. When Honours are Not Paid.

a. Provision of parties. Four men are mounted as sentries, one at each corner of the
coffin. The necessary coffin bearers are to be provided. An attending party and Firing Party
are not paraded.

b. Procedure. The sentries are ordered “wjs wjrlr isgSka” during the religious/
service rituals and while the body is committed to sea by the coffin bearers they are ordered
“mfil wjs” and “m%Nq iuzudK W;a;udpdr wjs” after which the Last Post is sounded.
After the Last Post the sentries are ordered “mfil wjs” and Reveille is sounded. Officers
salute with the hand taking the time from the sentries. The service personnel present near
committal platform are to be ordered “isria;, bj;alrka ” with the commencement of
religious/ service rituals and ordered “isria;, ysfia,ka” on completion.

814. The Procession.

a. The order of march of the procession is given at Annexure “A & B”separately as per
the moving of direction.

b. After laying the wreaths, the mourners will join the other mourners lining up on the
road. The officer or Senior Sailor-in-Charge of the Firing Party will give order “ol=Kg
jug yefrka”, “fiuska .ufka hd”. The carriage will follow the Firing Party.

c. The front escort will move off in “slow march” resume its correct position, i.e., in
front of the Firing Party.

d. The mourners and band and drummers will get into their proper position in the
procession as the Firing Party or leading detachment and the remainder of the leading portion
of the procession passed between flanks. The officers in uniform will salute as the carriage
carrying the body passes them.

e. The band and drums will begin to play the “Dead March” after joining the procession
and when three hundred yards from the mortuary, and continue for such a distance as the
Officer-in-Charge may have ordered before marching off. The Firing Party or leading
detachment will receive the command “.ufka hd”(the remainder confirming) when the
band and drummers cease playing.


f. When at a convenient distance from the cemetery or cremation ground and at the
instance of the Officer-in-Charge, the officer or Senior Sailor–in-Charge of the Firing Party
or leading detachment will give the command “fifuka .ufka hd” and the band or
drummers will again begin playing.

g. Troops lining the route will at the “Order Arms” as the funeral procession comes into
view they will assume “Rest on Arms Reversed”. They will go to “Present Arms” as the
head of the funeral procession approaches them and return to “Rest on Arms Reversed”,
when the procession has passed. When the procession is well clear they will resume the
position of “Order Arms” and await further instructions for dispersal.

h. Troops lining up, who are part of the escort, will join in behind the rear escort, as it
passes through them.

j. When marching in “Slow march”, arms will be carried at the Reverse, in “Quick
march” at the Trail (butt forward, sling uppermost). During the march, arms may be
changed, but the party will not march at ease.

Procedure at Burial/Cremation Ground

815. Arrival to the Place of Cremation/Burial.

a. When the head of the procession arrives near the cremation/ burial ground, the Firing
Party or leading detachment and the band and drummers will be ordered “ueoska jsjrj hd”
at which the ranks will open out to six paces distance between them and form a “Space” (To
facilitate the coffin and all other personnel to move inside the cemetery The OIC Firing Party
or Sr Sailor -in-Charge will order “kj;ska” and “fmrn,d jug iy ol=Kg
yefrka”.(inward turn Thereafter Firing Party will assume “Rest on Arms Reversed” on the
orders of OIC Firing Party.

b. Leading motor cyclist/ Pilot will move to the car park.

c. Front escort will line up the remainder of the route and thicken the cordon around the
cremation/ burial ground. The rear escort may also be used for cordoning the area.

d. The coffin is then carried by the bearers; the feet end first lead on through the firing
party in to cemetery.

e. All other personnel of procession will follow the coffin passing through the Firing
Party and Band.

f. The vehicles of the Chief Guest accompanying the procession will proceed to the car



g. Firing Party and the buglers only will move inside the crematorium after everybody
has gone inside in “Reverse Arms ” and “Slow March”.
816. The order of the procession will now be:

a. Clergies.
b. Coffin with bearers and Pall bearers.
c. Mourners.
d. Band and drums.
e. Firing Party or Detachment.

817. The order of forming up/ position of various parties at the cremation/ burial ground is given at
Annex “E”.

818. Procedure During Cremation/ Burial.

a. Before the coffin position inside “Chitakaya” or the coffin lowered in to the grave the
National flag, Cap, Sword (in case of officers) and wreaths are to be removed.

b. For those entitled to it, the appropriate number of Gun Salutes (Minute Guns) will be
given when the coffin is taken off the carriage and is being carried to the place of burial/
cremation. Three volleys of small arms fire will be fired when fire is being set to the pyre or
when the body has been lowered in to the grave.

c. After the volleys of small arms fire, and when authorized the Gun Salutes have been
fired, firing Party or detachment will do “General salute present arm”. The bugler will sound
the “Last Post” – on completion firing party brought to shoulder arms. After five seconds
duration sound “Reveille”. During the sounding of these calls, all will stand to “Attention”.
Officers will remain at the Salute during present arms and sounding of the “Last Post”.

819. Procedure Post Cremation/ Burial.

a. The band and drums will move off followed by the Guard/ Firing party, detachment,
mourners and the rest inside the enclosure in that order. Service personnel when marching off
the enclosure will get into threes without any word of command having been given.

b. The Guard will unfix bayonets at the first opportunity after leaving the burial/
cremation ground. The band will not play, nor the drums beat until the party is entirely clear
of the cremation / burial ground.

c. The mourners will move off to their respective car parks after coming out of the

d. The portion of escort not required for cordoning any more will also move off.

820. General Instructions.



a. Pall Bearers will march immediately on either side of the carriage, and the Coffin
Bearers on the outer flanks at two paces interval. The position of the Pall Bearers will be in
order of seniority alternately on either side of the coffin, the senior being in rear on the right
hand side, the next senior in rear on the left hand side, and so on. If the space does not
permit, the Coffin Bearers and/ or Pall Bearers will march behind the Coffin.

b. The constitution of the Firing Party will be as laid down by the services concerned.

821. Drill for Flag rank officer‟s Funeral Gun carriage Crew.

a. The gun carriage crew for flag rank consists of senior officer (Front left seat of Pilot
vehicle), 04 S/S or J/S (as convenient in back of pilot vehicle), 02 CPOs and 12 Junior
rating for drag rope. The Annexure „C‟ shows the formation of the procession when it is
to move to left.

b. In Command of Gun Carriage Crew are as follows;

Admiral of the Fleet

Other Flag Officers
Captain An officer junior to officer- in
Commander charge of the attending
Lieutenant Commanders
MCPO/CPO Petty Officer
Petty officer
All other ratings

c. When the gun carriage crew is in position and officers have taken station, all orders
are given by in-charge of funeral.

d. The crew is sized with the tallest men at the front and shortest close to pilot vehicle.

e. The crew are marched on to the gun carriage, each man do “Mark time” as he arrives
at his respective loop until ordered to “Halt”.

f. The Pole and drag ropes are taken up in three movements with a pause of two
marching paces between each as follows:

i. One. Drag-rope Nos. take one pace forward with the left.

ii. Two. All bend knees and take pole and drag-rope in hand.

iii. Three. Assume the position of “Attention” bringing right foot up to the left.



Note: CPOs to conform all movements. Officers do not take post until the movements are

g. The ground pole and the drag-ropes are also taken up in three movements with a
pause of two marching paces as explained above.

h. The drag ropes are held with hands gripping the fore part of the loop, palms up, wrists
resting on the rear part of the loop (wrists must be rather higher than the elbow, so that the
drag ropes are held well up). At the order “kj;Ska”, disengaged hands are kept to the side.
On the march, disengaged hands of men on inner loops are clasped palm to palm, fingers and
forearms interlocked. Men on outer loops swing disengaged arms at the “Quick march” and
hold them steady at the side at the “Slow march”.

j. When embarking the Coffin to the gun carriage. Overall commander and officer in
charge of the pilot vehicle also have to salute with the synchronizing with the present arm
given by the firing party.

k. At the order “isria;, bj;alrka” all men remove their caps in two movements at a
pause of two marching paces and officers salute with the sword.

m. While doing “Turn about” men holding the loops with right hand support them during
the turn, all men change hands in the loops as soon as possible during the turn.

n. Selected sailors on leading call the time.

o. Immediately after the caps are at the side, keeping a pause of two marching paces
heads are lowered slowly, so that chin rest on the chest (time taken to be approximately three
seconds). Selected sailors call “Down” softly. The coffin is placed on the gun carriage. As
soon as bearers are clear, the two outer men of the leading drag-rope at the same time move
out at “Slow march” and screw up the security arrangement of the coffin. On completion all
men, at a signal from a nominated man return to their places at the drag-ropes.

p. The Commander orders “iSrefjka isgska” Men slowly raise their heads then orders
“isria;, ysfia ,ka”. Caps are replaced in three motions as mentioned below, while
officers returning to “fmrg wis” position.

i. Place cap on head, then dwell a pause of two marching paces.

ii. Square off cap (taking time of two marching paces).
iii. Cut hand smartly to the side.

q. At the order “Gun‟s Crew, wdmiq yefrka”, drag-rope numbers turn about. The gun
carriage is then moved off at “Slow march”.



824. Drill for Disembarking the Coffin.

a. The Order “kj;ska” is given as the gun wheels come opposite the point of
disembarkation. While the bearers are removing their caps, the two men detailed from drag
ropes to unscrew securing arrangements. They return to their positions in the ranks before the
bearers start to remove the coffin. When the coffin is on the shoulders of the bearers the order
“fifuka .ufka hd” is given. When rear men are clear of coffin (approx. 15 paces) the
order “kj;ska” is given. The order “wdmiq yefrka” is given and whole of the gun‟s crew act
as ordered. Then order “isria;, bj;alrka” is given and gun crew act as before, officers
saluting with the sword.

825. Drill for Retiring the Gun Carriage. (If Required) Gun carriage will then move out
slowly without disturbing the movements of the procession.

826. Drill for Coffin Bearers.

a. Personnel required. 6 junior sailors will be used as coffin bearers.

b. Dress. The dress for coffin bearers will be as follows;

i. Officer-in-Charge - No. 1 or No. 2 with black arm-band, medals and peak


ii. Sailors - No. 1 / 2s with medal and peak caps.

c. Coffin Covering. The Coffin will be draped with a National Flag or the personal
Standard of the deceased.. Attention is drawn to Note No.3 below.

d. Orders. Orders are to be given as quietly as possible but they must be sufficiently
loud and clear for all bearers to hear. The orders to be given when removing a coffin from a
Hearse, etc, placing a coffin on to a catafalque, moving a coffin to graveside and lowering a
coffin into a grave are explained separately in succeeding paragraphs.

827. Removing Coffin from Gun Carriage or Hearse.

a. When Hearse/ Gun carriage is at position for coffin to be removed, order “fifuka
.ufka hd”. Coffin bearers march towards the rear of the Hearse/ Gun carriage. Leading
bearers to close to hearse/ gun carriage and “Halt”. Then inward turn bearers turn and face
each other.

b. At the order “tijSug iqodkuz jka”, (stand by – launch) two men nearest the hearse/
gun carriage take hold of the coffin and slide it to the rear. When the weight of the head of
the coffin is taken by the two bearers they shift their grip further towards the foot of the



coffin and continue to slide the coffin to the rear. This process is repeated until the coffin is
cleared from the hearse/ gun carriage and is supported by the bearers.

c. On order “Tijka” (Stand by – lift) bearers lift coffin to the shoulder height and then
turn to face the foot of the coffin. As they turn bearers are to place their in board arm under
the coffin and around the shoulder of the man on the opposite side of the coffin. The
disengaged hands is placed on the coffin with fingers curled on the base ridge.

d. Order “ol=Kg fyda jug jla jka fifuka .ufka hd”,(right/ left wheel-slow
march) bearers step off with the inner foot.

828. Placing a Coffin on to a Catafalque.

a. When the Coffin is at the position where it should be placed, bearers are ordered
“kj;sk”a . Senior sailor-in-Charge does “Turn about”.

b. He orders “fmr n,d jug ol=Kg yefrka”. (Inwards turn)Bearers turn to face the
coffin at the same time remove their hand from the shoulder of the man opposite. The coffin
is held at shoulder height using both hands.

c. Coffin is ready to be lowered, orders “my;a-lrka”.(Stand by- lower) The coffin is

lowered to a position which will enable it to be launched into the Catafalque.

d. When coffin is at correct height, Order “uqojka ”(Stand by – launch) bearers pass the
coffin hand over hand until it is on the Catafalque. Bearers remain at “Attention” with heads
bowed. the coffin drape to be squared up by a communicator detailed for this task as suitably.

e. When bearers ready to move off, order, “ol=Kg ^fyda jug& yefrka”, “fifuka
.ufka hd”. Bearers‟ turns as ordered and move off at “Slow march”.

829. Moving a Coffin to the Graveside. The coffin may be taken to the cemetery by the
bearers/ gun carriage depending on the circumstances. The coffin will normally be carried from the
Residence, Church or Chapel of Rest to the graveside if the distance is not too great. The coffin is to
be removed from the Hearse/ gun carriage as given in Para 831. Further procedure as follows;

a. On approaching the grave, order “kj;ska”, bearers are to be halted just before
reaching the grave.

b. After the bearers halted at the head of the grave they are ordered “fmrn,d jug iy
ol=Kg yefrka” (Inward turn) Bearers turn towards coffin and support it with the both
hands at shoulder height.

c. Then order “my;g- lrka”(Lower) and coffin is lowered level to waist height.



d. Adjust the position of coffin over the grave then order “ia:dk .ekSug fiuska
.ufka - hd" (sideways slow march) bearers move sideways along their respective side of
the grave until the coffin is in the required position.

e. When Coffin is over the grave, order, “my;a lrka”(Stand by- lower) Coffin is
lowered on to the slats that span the width of the grave. Bearers stand to attention with head

830 Lowering the Coffin into the Grave.

a. When it is time to lift coffin off slats, order “ Tijka” (Stand by – lift) The left and
right bearer on each side of the grave will take weight of the coffin on the lowering tapes.
The other bearers will remove the slats and slide them between their feet to the rear.

b. When coffin is to be lowered into the grave order “my;a lrka” (Stand by- lower)
Bearers lower the coffin to the bottom of the grave, when coffin has settled in the grave,
lowering tapes are placed to the right and rear. Bearers remain at the grave side until after the
completion of the service.

c. When service has completed and mourners have left then Order “ol=Kg ^fyda
jug& yefrka”, “fifuka .ufka hd” Bearers are turned towards the cemetery gates and
march off at “Slow march”.

d. When bearers have cleared off the grave side then order “.ufka hd”. Bearers are
marched to a suitable position, halted and dispersed.

1. If the coffin is carried up steep, steps inclined the senior rating, will follow the
bearers at the head of the coffin and will assist the bearers if necessary.

2. If the coffin is carried down steep, steps inclined the senior rating will remain at the
foot of the coffin and he will turn about and assist the bearers if necessary.

3. Nominated two communicators are to ensure that the coffin is draped in the National
Flag or personal Standard as appropriate and sword and cap place on top. Also must ensure
that all such items are removed before the coffin is lowered into grave or passed through the
shutter of the Catafalque at the crematorium.

4. On completion of the funeral the cap and the medal bar are to be hand over to NOK
by the senior most officer attending.

5. The officer or senior sailor–in-charge must visit the cemetery or crematorium before
the funeral and familiarize himself with the „lie of the land‟ and to ensure that necessary
action is taken before the funeral to remove possible hazards and solve any problem which
may exist.



831. Music‟s to be Played in the Event of Funeral.

Music Occasion Duration

Dead march During the procession form 75 steps per minute

residence to cemetery

Last Post At the time of present arms 76 sec

Reveille When guard at shoulder arms 26 sec

Quick March During the procession from 116 steps per minute
cemetery to residence



Annex “A” to
Chapter 8















Annex “B” to
Chapter 8















Annex “C” to
Chapter 8















Annex “D” to
Chapter 8









. .
I. I I

Typical layout for burial at sea and embarkation of body



Annex “E” to
Chapter 8


Car Park Car Park

BAND Bugler and Firing Party

Mourners NOT in Uniform

Mourners NOT in Uniforms

Mourners in Uniform
Pall Bearers

Priest of

Pyre/Grave Religion
Chief Guest

Close relatives

Mourners NOT in Uniform

The dots denotes the troops cordoning





President‟s Colour.

901. The term “Colour” is a colloquial expression embracing the Standard and Guidon carried out
by the certain arms. Like all National Flags, the “Colour” is a symbol embodying the spirit of the
people, who fight under them. Any Arm, Command or Unit approved for presentation of the
“Colour” must, therefore consider the occasion to be of the highest honour. This recognition by the
Supreme Commander, the President of Sri Lanka, is to be invariably celebrated in the best tradition
of service and with all available resources.

902. Description of Flag and Staff.

(Fig. 9.1)

a. The Flag is of white silk having dimensions of four feet length and breadth with the
National flag embodied within the top left quadrant, the armorial sign of the republic
superimposed at the center. The colour is ornamented with a gold fringe of one and a half
inches and draped with two blue tassels.

b. The colour staff will be of light wooden material of a length of seven foot eleven


inches and one and a half inches in diameter. It has brass sheathing at the foot extending to
nine inches followed by another eighteen inches of brass chain mail. The flag will be secured
nine inches below the head of the staff with a gap of one inch of wood and the rest sheathed
in brass of five inches on the top. The same measurement and arrangement appears at the
bottom of the secured flag. The top of the staff exhibits an anchor with the lion embossed in
brass standing to a height of three inches.

903. The “Colour” shall be paraded on shore in Sri Lanka only on the following occasions: -

a. By a Guard of Honour mounted for the President.

b. By a Guard of Honour mounted for a foreign sovereign, or a President of Republican


c. On such important ceremonial occasions as may be ordered by the Commander of the


904. When the “Colour” is paraded on the occasion of a funeral, if ordered by the Commander of
the Navy, it is to be draped with a black bow. The “Colour” is not to be draped, when paraded on
any other occasions. The “Colour” is draped with a peace of crepe eight feet long and 13 inches
wide, tied in bow around the foot of the gilt badge in such manner that the span of the bow is 12
inches. The ends, which should be pointed in a single point, should then hang about halfway down
the “Colour”.

905. The “Colour” is to be carried by Lieutenant /Sub Lieutenant in a Colour belt, hung over the
left shoulder.

906. Colour Party. The Colour Party consists of the Colour Officer, one CPO and two
Leading rates. Two Leading rates carry Riffle with bayonets fixed and they should be provided with
short sheaths to slip on the points of their bayonets so as to avoid the risk of tearing the colour. The
Colour Officer wears a sword. The CPO is armed with a drawn cutlass and confirms to the motion of
the rifle drill of the “Colour Party”.

907. When uncased, the “Colour” is to be saluted at all times with highest honour. Salutes to the
“Colours” are not acknowledged. The “Colour” is usually carried uncased, but in wet weather it may
be carried furled and cased.

908. Whenever the “Colour” is received or returned by a Guard of Honour, it is received/ returned
with a Presidents salute and with the band playing the National Anthem. When carried onboard ship
and it is required to be paraded ashore, the Colour (cased) is conveyed in a boat by Colour escort.

909. Colour Escort. It consists of a CPO and two leading seamen, the former unarmed and the
latter with rifles and with bayonets. The uncased “Colour” is landed ashore. It is conveyed at “high-
port” position to a designated spot where it is to be received by the Colour party consisting of a
Colour Officer a CPO and two Leading seamen.



910. In a shore establishment, the Colour escort CPO draws the Colour from the place where it is
kept, and conveys it cased/ uncased at “high-port” position to a designated spot where it is to be
received by the Colour party . The Colour is always received by Colour party uncased.

911. In both the above cases, the “Colour” is to be inserted in between the Guard at parade ground/
place where Guard is mounted. The further procedure to be followed is given in Annex “A”

912. Positions of the President‟s Colour.

a. Colour at “Order Arms”. (Fig 9.3) The colour staff and the Colour held with the
right hand at that part of the staff where the lowest corner of the President‟s Colour reaches,
the staff perpendicular, the bottom of the staff resting on the ground in line with and against
the right toe, the right elbow well close to the body.

Note: The Colour should not be stretched taut down the staff, but allowed to hang naturally.

b. “Stand at Ease”. (Fig 9.4) As for the “Order Arms” position, but the left foot
carried off to the left, the left arm remaining at the side.

c. “Port” Position. (Fig 9.5) The colour staff and the Colour held in both
hands at an angle of 45 degrees across the body, with the head of the staff to the left. The
bottom of the staff to be at a foot above the ground, the right hand to be in line with the belt
and the left hand in line with the left shoulder. Both elbows are to be kept close to the body.

d. “Slope” Position. (Fig 9.6) The staff is held at an angle of 45 degrees resting on
the right shoulder, the right elbow close to the side and the forearm parallel with the ground.
The Colour should hang over and cover the right shoulder and arm.

e. “Carry” Position. (Fig9.7) The Colour and staff held supported in the socket of
the Colour belt; the right hand holding the staff all-round grip palm turned inward; the left
hand fully stretched and close to the side of the body and swing back and forth while

f. Lowering the Colour at “Halt”. (Fig 9.8) At the order “PkdOsm;s iusudK
W;a;udpdr wjs”, the staff is raised just clear of the socket of the Colour belt and the Colour
is lowered keeping the time of the three movements of the rifle. The Colour is carried out to
the right and lowered with a sweeping motion to a position in the front of and in line with the
right toe, the head of the staff resting on the ground, the Colour being spread on the ground to
the right of the staff. The staff is held under the right armpit, the back of the hand towards the
ground, the right elbow close to the body.

1. Care must be taken to look straight to the front when lowering the Colour and not to
follow it with the eyes.

2. If the ground is muddy the Colour is held in the hand to prevent it becoming soiled.


3. Should the wind be blowing from right of the Guard, the Colour is to be spread on the
ground to the left of the staff.

4. The Colour is lowered only to the President of Sri Lanka.

g. Lowering the Colour While Marching. (Fig 9.9) At the order “ol+Kg weia” the
Colour is lowered such that the staff is held horizontally in front of the body and resting
underneath the forearm. When there is no room to lower, the salute may be made by letting
fly without lowering.

h. To Carry the Colour from Lowered Position. At the order “fmrg weia” raise the
Colour to the Carry position with the right hand and with the help of left hand insert the
bottom of the staff in the socket of the Colour belt and assume the position of Carry.

Notes: On ceremonial parades the following rules as to the carrying the Colour are observed:-

1. When at “Halt”, the Colour is never be sloped; it should be at the Carry or “Order
arms” position according to whether arms are “shoulder arms” or “Order arms”, but during
an inspection when arms at the “Order arms” the Colour is at the Carry position. When cased
the Colour is never held at the “Carry” position.

2. When on the march, the Colour is always to be carried at the slope, except when on
the parade/ review ground, when it should be at the “Carry” position.

3. The salute, by lowering the Colour, may be made only when a President Salute is
given for the President. It is again lowered during march-past, when marching past in front of
the dais of the President.

912. Position of the Colours in Parades. The position of the Colour at reviews and inspections
and when marching past is as follows: -

a. Reviews and Inspections. The Colour is inserted between the two halves of the
Guard on the parade ground with full ceremonies. The Colour Officer should be in the center
of the OOGs, the Colour CPO and escort in line with Front line of the Guard.

b. Marching Past. When the parade is turned to right for march past, the Colour party
takes post in between the two halves of the guard. The Colour Officer at the front with
escorts either side behind the first half of the guard and Colour CPO behind them. During the
March Past, when the guard turns into line near the flag 5, the Colour party should be seven
paces behind the first half of the Guard. The other half of the Guard should be seven paces
behind the Colour party. The OOG I and OOG II will give orders for their respective halves
of the guard. After marching past the dais when the Guard turns into column near the flag 5,
the Guard and Colour party will resume their positions as it was just before the march past
and halt at their position together. The positions of the Colour are shown in Annex “B”.



Note: When at march the Colour party always moves so as to preserve their formation/ position.
Therefore, OOGI must allow sufficient time between “Right (or Left) turn”, and order “Quick
march” only when Colour party wheels into this formation. Again, when turning into line from
column of threes, a similar pause must be made.

1 1


Fig 9.2

914. To Drape Prersident‟s Colour. The Colour is draped with a piece of crepe 8 feet long
by 13 inches wide tied in a bow around the foot of the gilt badge in such manner that the span of the
bow is 12 inches. The ends, which should be pointed in a single point, should then hang about half
way down the Colour.

Parading President‟s Colour During Ceremonial Parades.

915. Aides-de-Camp will be provided whenever the President‟s Colour is paraded. They will
stand on either side of the dais, two paces to the right and left of the front edge of it. ADCs will not
salute when the General Salute is given to the Chief Guest. However, during March past while the
Colour is passed by, the ADCs will salute. On completion of report by OOG I, they will proceed in
front of the Chief Guest during inspection in slow march. The ADCs will salute the Colour when
being passed. During the inspection of Guard of Honour, the Chief Guest, Conducting officer, ADCs
and the OOG I will salute the Colour when being passed. On completion of inspection of Guard of
honour, the Chief Guest will be conducted away towards other divisions keeping ADCs in front. The
procedure is illustrated in Annex “C”.

916. Initial Forming Up and Dressing. The Colour escorts including Colour Chief Petty officer
and one Chief Petty Officer will take position near the Flag „E‟ at parade ground/ designated place
with the Colour cased. The Colour party takes position to the rear of the Guard. The parade is
brought to “Attention” and “Shoulder Arms” by the Parade Commander. The Chief Petty Officer
steps out and halt in front of Colour escorts CPO and salute. The Colour escorts CPO points the
Colour secured on a stave towards him. The Chief Petty Officer uncases the Colour and receives the
cover in the left hand. He then salutes the Colour and marches off the parade ground. The Colour
CPO orders escorts to “mfil wjs” ,“ol+Kg yefrka”, “.ufka hd” and halt in front and centre of
the dais/ on a designated spot. The Guard is by then being marched in by the Parade Commander.



The Guard marches in and halts. The Parade Commander allows sufficient time for Colour party to
wheel into position before ordering “Parade Order Arms”.

917. Formation of Colour Guard.

a. The OOG I forms the Guard into two halves and orders “myiqfjka isgska”.

b. The Parade Commander brings the parade to “Attention”. The Colour party and
escorts advance and halt at designated spot. Colour party presents arms and returns to the
position of “Shoulder arms”. The Colour Officer sheaths his sword, takes three paces
forward, salutes the Colour with hand and receives the same from Colour escorts and returns
to his position. The Colour is received hand to hand without the Colour Officer going down
on his knee.

c. Thereafter, Colour escorts present arms, the CPO saluting by hand and ordering
escorts to “mfil wjs”. At the same time, Colour Officer orders Colour party to wheel in
such a way that the Colour faces the parade.

d. The OOG I then orders ^ckdOsm;s iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjS&.The parade, Colour
party, Colour escorts and ADC salute/Present arms, band plays the National Anthem. All
spectators are to rise and stand to attention. Officers are to salute the Colour. On completion,
the OOG I orders „ckdOsm;s jr®K f.ktkQ‟ The colour officer orders, shoulder arm,
about turn, march allowing sufficient time for colour to halt and about turn there by Colour
officer coming in line with OOG I & II and CPO coming in line with the front rank of the
guard. The Parade is then ordered “mfilwjs” by OOG I. The Guard is now called Colour

918. The Colour escorts march off the parade ground to a place where the Colour will be returned
on completion of the parade. The Parade Commander orders “fm, md,sh isrefjka wjs” and
“myiqfjka isgska.”

919. Display of the Colour. If time permits, the OOG I orders “PkdOsm;s jrAK
m%orAYkh lrka”. (Show the presidents Colour) At this order the Colour officer comes to Attention,
slopes the Colour, takes one pace forwarded and turns left. He then parades the Colour at the slow
march along the frontage of the Guard, turning about on reaching either flank. He continues to
parade the Colour until ordered to “ia:dk.;jka” (Take post) by the Parade Commander. On taking
post the Colour officer Stands at Ease. The procedure is illustrated in Annex “D”.

920. On Arrival of Conducting Officer. The parade is brought to “Attention”, Alert is sounded
if applicable, and the Parade Commander giving full salute.

921. On Arrival of the Chief Guest. The Alert is sounded the parade is brought to “Attention”
and arms are presented (president Salute /Present Arms). The Colour Officer takes the Colour to
carry position and will remain in the same position when “isrefjka wjs” is ordered. (The Colour
Officer will not lower the Colour unless the dignitary is entitled to the lowering of President‟s
Colour (section 2, Regulation 16 of Ceremonial Instructions for Armed Services of Sri Lanka).


During the inspection of the Colour Guard, only front line will be inspected. The Conducting Officer
would have to move to new position six paces away to the right of front line and facing the Colour
Guard. The ADCs will halt in line and to the left of Conducting Officer. The ADCs, Chief Guest and
OOG will salute the Colour when being passed. When the review /inspection of the other divisions is
in progress, the ADCs will assume their position and the Colour Guard is formed up in threes with
the Colour Officer and CPO.

a. At the order “lsgsgq fm,s hd” march the guard acts as ordered, the Colour officer and
CPO turn about and the Colour officer order “.ufka hd”

b. At this order the Colour officer takes 3 paces forward to align himself with the front
rank. The CPO takes 2 paces forward to align himself with the rear rank and then about turn.

922. March Past. The parade is brought to “Shoulder arms”, the Colour Party conforms and the
Colour is taken to Carry position. After the parade is turned to the right in threes for the march past,
the OOG I gives sufficient time for the Colour Party to wheel before ordering “iusudK uqrh
jfuka fm, n,d .ufka - hd”. Then the Colour Guard with Colour Party and the Parade
Commander step out together. After the first half of the Guard has turned to the left in line the
Colour Party continues marching and wheels to the left so as to keep the Colour Party behind the
centre of the first half of the Guard. The Colour Party marches saven paces behind the first half of
the Guard. Similarly the second half of the Guard aligns itself seven steps behind the Colour Party.
Officers, ADCs and all spectators are to act as follows: -

a. During parading of the Colour whenever the National Anthem is played by the band,
spectators should rise and stand to “Attention”. Officers and sailors in uniform are to keep
there headgear on. However, only officers, ADCs are to salute when National Anthem is
played with the exception that Officers and no one is to salute during “present arms” on
arrival/ departure of the Chief Guest.

b. During the march-past spectators should rise and stand to “Attention”. Only
supernumerary officers, officials and ADCs are to salute when the Colour passes in front of

923. The OOG I and OOG II will order their halves of the Guard to “ol+Kg weia” and “fmrg
weia” when in position. The Colour party will not lower the Colour unless the dignitary is entitled to
the lowering of the Colour (Section 2 Regulations 16 of Ceremonial Instructions for Armed Services
of Sri Lanka). The Colour party will continue marching in between the two halves of the Guard. The
Colour Guard is halted at its position on completion of the march past. It is then turned to the left in
line. Sufficient time is given for the Colour party to wheel before the OOG 1 dresses up the Guard.

924. Dispersal. After the Reviewing and Conducting Officers have departed, the Parade
Commander orders “jrAK iusudK uqrh f.k hkq”. The Guard is turned to the right (or left).
After giving sufficient time for the Colour party to wheel, the Colour Guard is marched off to the
position where the Colour will be cased and returned. The procedures for returning the Colour is
given at Annex “E”.



925. Procedure of Presenting and Consecration of the President‟s Colour. The following
instructions describe the ceremony to be observed when a Colour is presented to a command which
has not previously held.

926. Composition of Parade.

The parade is to include the following units:


1 President Guards 01 Lieutenant Commander 04 POs 96

03 Commissioned officers

1 Colour party 1 Lieutenant Commander 01 CPO -

1 Lieutenant 02 Leading Hands

Massed Band As available

Drum party 2 Pos 8

Armed or There should normally be at least 4 armed or unarmed

Unarmed divisions on parade

927. Formation of Parade.

a. All Divisions form up on parade as per procedure.

b. The President‟s Colour party with Colour cased and carried by the Colour CPO is
marched on and takes up its initial position 15 paces rear of the last line of parade.

c. The Drum party takes post on the left of the dais.

d. When the remainder of the parade is formed the Colour Guard march in by Parade
Commander, turn in to line and formed in two ranks.

928. Sequence of Events.

a. Arrival of the Commander of the Navy. When the Commander of the Navy arrives
the parade is to be at the Shoulder Arms and only the Parade Commander gives full salute.

b. Arrival of the personage presenting the Colour. The personage presenting the Colour
is received with the appropriate salute, as laid down regulations in ceremonial
instructions for Armed Services of Sri Lanka.


c. Inspection of the Guard. The Parade Commander reports the parade to the personage
presenting the Colour who may then inspect the Guard. On completion of the inspection, the
personage returns to the dais.

d. Deployment for the Consecration. The parade then prepares for the Consecration
Service. The Drum party piles drums in front of the dais, between the dais and the Guard.
The Divisions are ordered to take post on either side of the Guard facing each others to form
three sides of the square.

e. The Clergies take up their position in rear of the piled drums, facing the dais.

f. The Guard is broken in two equal halves by OOG I as per procedure.

g. The Parade Commander takes post on the right side of the drums, with the Colour
Lieutenant Commander on the opposite side.

h. The Parade Commander then orders March on Colour‟. The Colour (cased) is
marched on from its position in rear of the major unit (S), by the Colour Chief Petty
Officer and escort. The escort halts 15 paces clear of the drums and facing clear of the
drums, the Colour Chief Petty Officer marching on until 7 paces clear of the drums and
facing them.

j. The Colour is then uncased by the Colour Lieutenant Commander and placed on the

k. The Colour Chief petty Officer then takes post in the Colour escort and draws his
cutlass. The new Colour officer takes post in the Colour escort.

m. The Consecration. When the personage presenting the Colour has been conducted to a
position near the drums, caps are removed by order of the Parade Commander, and the
Commander of the Navy then invites the Clergies to bless the Colour.

n. After the service the Clergies move to one side.

p. The Parade Commander orders „On Caps‟ and the parade is brought to the shoulder.

q. The presentation. The Colour is handed (bunched) to the personage by the Colouir
Lieutenant Commander. The personage presents the Colour to the Colour officer who
receives it on bended knee.

r. After the presentation the personage returns to the dais. The Colour officer turns
about and takes post in the Colour party.

s. The parade then Presents Arms. The parade Commander orders‟ March in the
president‟s Colour. The Colour party turns about and steps off at the slow and marches into


position between the two Guards. The national anthem is played while this movement is in

t. The address. When the new Colour is in position the parade is brought to the
shoulder, then to the order, and the personage may then wish to address the parade.

u. Three cheers. Caps are then removed and three cheers are given by the order of the
Parade Commander.

v. Deployment for the March past. Both guard and the Colour are turned right and
march past in line, by half guards. Guard and Colour party salute the personage on marching
past the dais. The Guard returns to their original position where they are turned into ne and

w. Advance in review order. The guard then advance in review order. On halting the
appropriate musical salute is played, the Guard presenting arms. The personage leaves the
parade ground on conclusion.

x. Dispersal. When the personage has left, Colour Guard, and the Colour is marched off
and returned. Officer‟s salute as the Colour passes their fronts.

y. The parade is dispersed when the Colour has left the parade ground.

z. Wet weather. An alternative wet weather routine should be organized on the same
general lines.

Note : Formation for presenting president‟s colour shown in Annex “D”.



Figure 9-3 Figure 9-5 Figure 9.4 Figure 9.6



Figure 9.7 Figure 9.9 Figure 9.8 Figure 9.10




Annex “A” - Procedure for receiving the President‟s Colour

Annex “B” - Positioning of Colour

Annex “C” - Parading of President‟s Colour

Annex “D” - Procedures for Showing the President‟s Colour

Annex “E” - Procedures returning/ casing President‟s Colour

Annex “F” - Procedures blessing of president/ Navy colour



Annex “A” to
Chapter 9


Sr. No. 01 to 9 as per Para 505 of Chapter 5 Procedure for Ceremonial Parades in Shore

Sr. Order / Event Given Remarks

No By
10. iuzudk uqrh f.k tkq PC a. The guard, Colour party and band march
into the parade ground. Colour party
formed behind the guard.

b. The Colour officer carries his sword

drawn and scabbed holed to his sword belt,
where it is to remain throughout; the
Colour party have bayonets fixed.
11. iuzudk uqrh kj;ska OOG II a. Guard with colour party turns to left to
iuzudk uqrh fmr n,d jug face the dais.
b. At the order „halt‟ the colour party with
the CPO of the Colour party 2 paces in
rear of the Colour officer who have been
marching in rear of the GOH halts and
turns in to file when the remainder are
formed in to line.
12. fm<md,sh iSrefjka wjs PC a. When the parade order arms the Colour
fm<md,sh myiqfjka isgska party remains at shoulder and at attention
at the order parade stand at ease.

13. iuzudk uqrh iSrefjka isgska OOG II a. At the order guard open order march the
iuzudk uqrh ol=fKka fm< n,ka colour party steps off, when clear of the
iuzudk uqrh fom< ioka guard by order of the colour officer, it
iuzudk uqrh bv rys;j ol=Kska turns right, in to line, wheels left opposite
fm< n,ka the centre of the guard and halts 12 paces
iuzudk uqrh jsjD; fma<shd
in front of the guard.

b. The Colour party when in position order




14. iuzudk uqrh mshjr 5 la ueoska OOG II a. At the order Guard 5 paces out ward
jsjrjs hd march the guard breaks in to two parts.
iuzudk uqrh bv rys;j ueoska b. Simultaneously PC moves 5 paces to the
fm< n,ka right.

c. Ceremonial dressing for the guard

carried out.
15. iuzudk uqrh fmrg weia Guide a. At the order „Eyes front‟ the colour
PO Escort
b. Advance and halt 4 paces in front of and
facing the colour party.
16. iuzudk uqrh mfil wjs PC a. At the order parade shoulder arms the
Colour party conforms the order.
17. jrAK lKavdhu W;a;udpdr wjs Colour a. After “Colour party shoulder arms” is
jrAK lKavdhu mfil wjs Officer given he return his sword, take 3 paces
forward, salute the president Colour with
the hand and receives it in to Colour belt.
18. jrAK wdrCIl lKavdhu Colour a. CPO when he has handed over the
W;a;udpdr wjs escort president Colour aboves Colour escort
jrAK wdrCIl lKavdhu mfil CPO “Present Arms” him self saluting with the
wjs hand there after orders “Shoulder Arms”

b. The Colour officer then turns about and

resumes his position with the Colour party
19. iuzudk uqrh ckdOsm;s iuzudk OOG I a. Parade goes to “Present Arms” the
W;a;udpdr wjs Colour party and Colour escorts conform
to the movements.

b. Band plays 13 bars of National

Anthem. If band not available bugler
sounds General Salute.
20. ckdOsm;s jrAK f.k tkq OOG I a. Colour officer will order”Colour guard
shoulder arms “about turn”

b. The Colour party forms in lines with

front line of the guard such that Colour
officer is in line with OOG I and OOG II
escorts of Colour party in line with front
line of guard with exception of CPO and
„Mark Time till order halt by Colour



21. iuzudk uqrh mfil wjs OOG I The Colour Guard and Colour Party
iuzudk uqrh iSrefjka wjs confirms.

22. jrAK wdrCIl lKavdhu jug Colour Colour escort march off the president
jlajka .ufka hd Escort guard.
23. fm<md,sh myiqfjka isgska PC Now guard has become Colour guard.



Annex “B” to
Chapter 9

+  +

4 10 Side Paces

Open Order


+  +

Close Order



Moving to a flank in threes



Colour Officer + OOG I

Colour CPO + OOG II

L/Rate + Guides


NOTE: The OOG I and OOG II should be in front (or alongside of) the Nos 8 and 24 of the front
rank when in three ranks 13 and 38 in two ranks.



Annex “C” to
Chapter 9


Continued for Annex A to Chapter 9.

Sr. Order / Event Given Remarks

No. By
24 fm<md,sh iSrefjka isgska PC On arrival of the conducting officer PC takes
fm<md,sh myiqfjka isgska parade to attention and when conducting
officer ascend the dais only PC will salute.

25. fm<md,sh isrefjka isgska PC a. When the personage arrives the guard in
brought to attention, sound alert and to the
iuzudk uqrh mfil wjs OPG I shoulder, the Colour being brought to the
carry when arms are brought to the shoulder.
iuzudk uqrh ckdOsm;s iuzudk OOG I
W;a;udpdr wjs
b. On arrival of personage an dais president/
general salute will be given. Colour will be
lowered depending on parsonage.

c. Band plays appropriate musical salute.

Division officers of unarmed divisions to
confirm movements with armed divisions/

d. When the salute has been acknowledged

OOG I the guard in brought to the shoulder and the
iuzudK uqrh mil wjss colour brought to the carry.

iuzudK uqrh iSrefjka wjs OOG I e. The guards in now brought to the order for
inspection but the Colour remains at carry.

26 fm<md,sh wxY msrsCIqug iQodkuz PC a. The PC steps out and makes report to the
;=uKs Chief Guest as per procedure.
b. Chief Guest steps down from the dais. He
will be conducted towards the guard by the
conducting officer and PC.
c. ADCs step out in „Quick march‟ and take
post three paces in front of right guide
keeping two paces interval between them.



27. ckdOsm;s iuzudKuqrh Unf.a OOG I a. OOG I steps out and makes report to the
msrsCIqug iQodkuz ;=uKs Chief Guest. The ADC will be marching
ahead of the Chief Guest in slow march.
Parade Commander will take post 2 paces
right of right side of rear rank of colour guard.

b. The Chief Guest/ conducting

officer/OOGI/ ADCs will salute the colour
while passing from the front of colour.

28. wxY myiqfjka isgska PC a. On completion of the inspection of 1st

line of guard PC brings divisions to stand at
ease, the colour returning to the order first.

b. Parade Commander steps out 3 paces

towards the parade and turning about and
awaiting for the Chief Guest. .
29. ……. wxYh iSrefjka isgska Div Off a. The Chief Guest is escorted by the
m<uq wxYh Unf.a msrsCIqug conducting officer and Parade Commander to
iQodkuz ;=uKs the divisions of line No. 1 as the Chief Guest
approaches the Division No. 1 divisional
officer reports.

b. The Parade Commander and divisional

officer should be to the right and ahead of the
Chief Guest. Conducting officer will be to the
left and Behind of the Chief Guest.

30. ckdOsm;s i( uq iSrefjka isgska OOG I a. The Guard will be reformed on

ckdOsm;s i( uq lsgzgq fma,s hd commencement of the inspection of 05th
ckdOsm;s i( uq ;=ka fm, ioka Division.
ckdOsm;s i( uq ueoska fm, n,ka
ckdOsm;s i( uq myiqfjka isgska b. On the order „ Close order march‟ the
Guard acts as ordered. The colour officer and
CPO turn about and the colour officer orders
„Quick march‟ at this order colour officer
takes 3 paces forward to align himself with
the front rank. The Chief Petty Officer takes 2
paces forward to align himself with the rear
rank. Then about turns.

c. Finally the Chief Guest is conducted to

the dais.

d. The Chief Guest‟s address.



31. fm,md,sh iSrefjka PC a. Parade Commander turns the parade to

fm,md,sh mfil wjs right.
fm,md,sh mshjr 20la ;nd
wpdr .uk hdu ckdOsm;s b. Colour officer orders jrAK lKavdhu
iuzudk uqrh bosrsfhka fm,
l,a n,ka On order they wheel on and align
md,sh ;=kafj,ska ol=Kg hdu
ol=Kg yefrka with the guard (15 mark time duration)

32. ckdOsm;s iuzudK uqrh jfuka PC a. Colour guard with colour party and the PC
fm< n,d .ufka hd steps out together. After the first half of the
guard has turned to the left in column, Colour
party continues marching and wheel to the
left, so as to keep themselves behind in the
center of first of first half of the Guard colour
party marches five paces behind first the first
half of the guard similarly the second half of
the guard aligns itself five steps behind the
colour party.

b. All divisions will maintain timing from the

colour guard and after march past, Divisions
including guard will leave the parade ground
or resume preparatory to advance in review

33. fm,md,sh msrsCIqug hdu ueoska Colour The parade as a whole. marches 15 paces and
fmr n,d .ufka hd gives present arms without any further orders.
jrAK lKavdhu W;a;udpdr wjs The band plays Nancy Lee and the
jrAK lKavdhu mfil wjs appropriate musical salute during the present

34. fm,md,sh mfil wjs Parade comes to shoulder arms

35. ckdOsm;s iuzudk uqrh f.k PC a. After parade comes to shoulder arms PC
hkq takes post at the spot near flag „B‟.

b. OOG I marching off colour Guard from

parade guard.

c. Colour party to act as per note in para 913.

d. All service personnel to rise and salute to

the colour when it pases infront of them.



Annex “D” to
Chapter 9


Sr.No. Order / Event Given By Remarks

ckdOsm;s jrAK m%orAYkh PC/OOG I a. If time permits the Parade

lrka Commander/ OOG I orders slow the
precedent Colours.
ia:dk.;jka PC/DI b. At this order the Colour officer
comes to Attention, slopes the Colour,
takes I pace forwarded and turns left. He
then parades the Colour at the slow along
the frontage of the Guard, turning about
on reaching either flank. He continues to
parade the Colour until ordered to „Take
post‟ by the OOG I. On taking post the
Colour officer Stands at Ease.


Annex “E” to
Chapter 9


Colour Guard after marching off from the parade ground comes to the designated place in threes.
The Colour escorts should reach this place after they hand over the Colour to Colour party at the
Parade ground.

Sr. Order / Event Given Remarks

No. By
01 ckdOsm;s iuzudK uqrh kj;ska OOG I a. Colour escorts adjust their position so
ckdOsm;s iuzudK uqrh as to face the Colour party.
fmr n,d jug yefrka
ckdOsm;s iuzudK uqrh isrefjka wjs b. On order “Open Order March” Colour
ckdOsm;s iuzudK uqrh fom, ioka party to act as per the note in Para 913
ckdOsm;s iuzudk uqrh jsjD; fma,s
ckdOsm;s iuzudK uqrh bv rys;j
ueoska fm, n,ka
02 iuzudK uqrh PkdOsm;s OOG I Band plays National Anthem. Colour
iuzudk W;a;udpdr wjs escorts and Colour party conform to the

03 ckdOsm;s jrAK f.k hkq OOG I a. Colour Officer orders “jrAK

lKavdhu mfil wjs”. Colour escorts
also conform to the movement.

b. Colour Officer orders “jrAK

lkavdhu ueoska fm, n,d .ufka hd”.
Colour party halts four paces clear from
Colour escorts.

c. Colour Officer takes three steps

forward and hands over Colour to Colour
escorts CPO hand to hand. After that takes
one step to rear and gives hand salute.
Then another step to the rear and
unsheathe the sword. There after take one
more step to the rear and assume position
in Colour party and orders “jrAK
lKavdhu W;a;udpdr wjs”. Colour
escorts also conform to the order.


04 iuzudK uqrh mfil wjs OOG I a. OOG I orders immediately after Colour
Officer gives Salute to the Colour.

b. Colour party and Colour escorts

conform. Colour party there after march
off and take post behind the Guard.

c. Nominated CPO steps out and “halt” in

front of Colour escorts CPO with casing.
He salutes by hand and Colour escorts
CPO extends the Colour to enable casing.

d. Colour escorts after casing march off to

the place where Colour is to be returned.

05 iuzudK uqrh isrefjka wjs OOG I Guard will march off to the place where
iuzudK uqrh mshjr myla arms are to be returned. Band will also be
ueoska mshjs hd dispersed.
iuzudK uqrh ;+kafm, ioka
iuzudK uqrh ol+fkka fm, n,ka
iuzudK uqrh myiqfjka isgska



Annex “F” to
Chapter 9


| 4 | | 4 |

Base Drum
Tenor Drum
Side Drum


Clergy New Colour Officer Colours

Parade Commander President






Section I: Investiture Ceremony

1001. The ship‟s company forms up as for a ceremonial parade. All the procedures, as laid down
Para 505 of Chapter 5 are followed till completion of the inspection of the parade by the dignitary.
The only variation in the formation of the parade is that the awarder (s) shall stand in the close
proximity on the left of the dais and in line with the rear of the dais.

1002. While the parade is being inspected by the dignitary, the officer reading the citation and
award bearer(s) shall stand as per Annex “A”. The investiture ceremony will commence after the
inspection, there being no march past.

Sr. Events Action Remarks

No. By
1. Reading of Name of the Officer
award reading
Ex. “Vishistha citation
Seva Vibushana”
2. Rank, Name and No. of Do a. The recipient springs to attention and
recipient acknowledge by calling out “tfiah ;=uKs”.
He then falls out by taking one step forward.
Thereafter he marches off, wheels to right and
halt three paces in front of the Chief Guest.

b. Concurrently with Ist recipient, the award

bearer, carrying the award on a suitable platter
comes from the right of the dais and halts in
front and to the right of the Chief Guest half a
pace away, facing left. The first and award
bearer should halt at the same time.

c. Thereafter, the recipient to do right turns to

face the Chief Guest and salutes him.

d. In the event of more than one award being

presented, a second award bearer will take post
one pace to the right of the first award bearer
facing the same direction and carrying out the
same movements as the first award bearer. He
will carry the remainder of the medals and



3. Reading of Citation Officer The citation is read out.
4. Name and Rank Do a. As recipient‟s name and rank is called out,
of the recipient he takes two steps forward. The dignitary pins
the medal on the left chest, 4” below the
shoulder and hands over the scroll. The scroll
is accepted the recipient by the right hand and
then transferred to the left hand. The dignitary
may shakes hand with the recipient.

b. The recipient to take two steps back,

salute, turn left and march off and return to his
original position going behind the dais (see
Annex “B”). If there are more than one
recipient, the procedure is repeated.

c. The award bearer carries one medal/ scroll

(as applicable) at a time on the platter. If there
is more then one medal to be presented, after
the first award has been presented and before
the second recipient comes in front of the
dignitary, the first bearer turns right and faces
the second award bearer who places the medal /
scroll for the recipient on the platter. The first
award bearer then turns left and stands by for
the presentation of the second award. The
procedure is repeated for any subsequent

d. On completion of the investiture ceremony,

the officer reading the citation and the award
bearers fall out independently and take position
on the right of the dais.

e. When all awards have been given away, the

Chief Guest may address the parade.

5. “fm<md,sh iSrefjka Parade a. Orders are given after the address by

isgska” Commander the Chief Guest is over.
“mfil wjs”
“ksrSCIKhg hEu b. Parade takes 15 steps forward in quick
ueoskafm, n,d .ufka - march and halt. Band will play appropriate
hd” music during quick march. Guard and armed
Divisions will perform “present arms”


automatically keeping a pause of two marching


c. Division Commanders of all other Divisions

will salute taking timing with the Guard and
armed Divisions.

d. Band will play appropriate musical

salute during “Present Arms”.

6. “fm<md,sh mfil Parade Guard and armed Divisions come to “Shoulder

wjs” Commander Arms”. Division Commanders cut the salute
taking timing with Guard/ armed Division.

7. Chief Guest departs - Escorted by Conducting Officer.

8. “iuzudk uqrh f.k - Parade OOG acknowledges and marched off the
hka ” Commander Guard.

9. Dispersal of parade Gunnery As per procedures mentioned at Para 505 of

officer Chapter 5.


1. If the award is being received by the next of kin of a recipient, the person receiving the
award is to be escorted to the front of the dais and back, by an officer or a senior sailor as

2. In case the ceremony is held on board a ship , the procedures as stated in Sl.1 to 4 above
are to be carried out on completion of the inspection of Divisions by the Chief Guest. The
ships company may be suitably reformed to enable them to witness the investiture ceremony.

3. Should the Chief Guest not inspect Divisions, then the Investiture Ceremony will
immediately follow the inspection of the Guard of Honour.

4. The Chief Guest may give away the award from the dais or may come down to a lower

5. If, due to layout of the parade ground, it is not possible/ desirable to have the awardees in
line with the rear of the dais they may be shifted in line with the front.

6. Where due to shortage of space or other constraints the above procedure can not be
followed, the procedure may be modified suitably and the order “ksrSCIKhg hEu ueosk
fm< n,d .ufka - hd” may be dispensed with.



Section II: Passing Out Parades

1003. With Oath Administration Ceremony. The procedures for the passing out parade of
sailors with Oath Administration Ceremony are given below. All the procedures, as laid down para
505 of Chapter 5 are followed till completion of the inspection of the parade by the dignitary.

Sr. Event Action By Remarks

1. Address by the Chief Guest Chief Guest If desired by Chief Guest

2. “fm<md,sh iSrefjka isgska” Parade Parade Commander takes post and gives
“fm<md,sh mfil wjs” Commander this order when the Chief Guest has taken
“fm<md,sh mshjr 20 la post on the dais
;nd fm<ska wdpdr .ufka
hdu iuzudk uqrh bosrsfhka”
“fm<md,sh ;=ka fj,ska
ol=Kg hdu ol=Kg yefrka”
3. “iuzudk uqrh jfuka fm< OOG I Guard steps out. Division Commanders
n,d .ufka - hd” taking timing from the guard/ front
Division order “.ufka - hd” Divisions
march past followed by Band. On
completion, the Divisions due passed out
and Band will form in the parade ground
preparatory to advancing in review order.
Others leave the parade ground.

4. fm<md,sh msrsiqug hdu Parade Parade takes 15 steps forward in quick

ueoska Commander march and halt. Band will play “Nancy
fm< n,d .ufka - hd” Lee” during quick march. Guard and
armed Divisions will perform “Present
Arms” automatically keeping a pause of
two marching paces.

5. “fm<md,sh mfil wjs” Parade a. Parade Commander brings parade to

Commander “Shoulder Arms” and march off along
with Division Commanders and only he
will take post five paces right to the dais.

b. With the drum beet sailors passing out

will bring rifle to “Port arms” and raise
right hand with fingers together and fully
stretch to the front making 45 degree
angle with shoulder.



6. a. Commandant will read Article “c” of

"Oath Administration" Commandant Chapter 5 of SL Navy regulations 1950
“osjqreuz oSfuz m%ldYh” repeated by all sailors passing out.

b. When Commandant commences as

I….. all sailors passing out will
pronounce their name and rank (eg.
Recruit Anil Kumara Gamage) and repeat
the oath.

7. Passing out On completion with the drum beet sailors

comes to Shoulder Arms and pass through
the quarterdeck in slow march with six
paces interval. All will salute the Chief
Guest by turning their head inwards.
Band will play Auld Long Song.

8. Finale Parade Parade Commander march in front of the

Commander dais and report “fm<md,sh wjidkhs
;=uKs” to the Chief Guest.
9. Chief Guest leaves escorted by
the Conducting Officer


Annex “A” - Sketch of Investiture Procedure



Annex “A” to
Chapter 10


3 2 1 4 5 6

Chief Guest

2 2 paces

3 4



1. Officer Reading Citation

2. Award Bearer
3. Award Bearer
4. First Recipient
5. Second Recipient
6. Third Recipient




Section I: Launching Ceremony – warships

1101. The launching ceremony of Sri Lankan warship would normally be performed by a lady
nominated by Naval Headquarters, or by the head of the local Sri Lankan diplomatic mission in case
the launching takes place abroad.

1102. Invitations for attendance at the launching ceremony are generally issued by the ship
builders. However, the naval officer responsible for the arrangement shall, in consultation with the
ship builders, or when aboard, with the head of the Sri Lankan diplomatic mission concerned, ensure
that invitations are issued to all the personages, who would have normally been invited on such an

1103. At the commencement of the ceremony, the representative of the ship builders will normally
make a short speech, which will be suitably replied to by the senior Sri Lankan naval officer present
or by the naval attaché/ naval adviser. At the conclusion of the speeches, both of them shall escort
the dignitary to the launching platform.

1104. Appropriate religious ceremonies will be conducted before the launching if arrangements
could be made.

1105. On being requested to perform the launching, the dignitary shall first name the ship by saying
“I have great pleasure in naming this ship as Sri Lanka Naval Ship …….….. May good fortune
attend her and all those who sail in her”. In case of minor war vessel designated by Pennant
Numbers only, on being requested to perform the launching, the dignitary shall say “I have great
pleasure in launching Sri Lankan Naval Craft (pennant number) or as designated. May good fortune
attend on her and all those who sail in her”.

1106. The dignitary is to garland the ship and then release a coconut, which is arranged, and break
on the bows of the ship. Soon thereafter the ship is to be launched.

1107. The general public may be admitted to the shipyard on the occasion of the launching of Sri
Lankan Naval Ship, at the discretion of the ship builder and subject to prior approval of Naval
Headquarters. If the ship builder desires to allow members of the press to attend the ceremony, or
the launching to be photographed, filmed, broadcast, or otherwise recorded or transmitted to the
public, prior approval of Naval Headquarters should be obtained.

1108. The ship being launched shall wear, throughout the launching, the white ensign at the ensign
staff and the National Flag at the Jack Staff. The largest sized flags appropriate to the class of ship
shall be worn.



1109. If a formal meal is arranged on the day of the ceremony, toasts shall be drunk in accordance
with Chapter 12 of Ceremonial instructions for Armed Services of Sri Lanka, including a toast to the
ship and another to the ship builders.

Section II: Commissioning Ceremony - Shore Establishments

1110. On receipt of commissioning orders from Naval Headquarters, the Commanding Officer
(Designate) is to arrange the details of the commissioning ceremony in consultation with the
respective Area Authority. The Area Commander, with the approval of NHQ may also admit the
general public to the establishment on the occasion, will issue invitation to the local dignitaries.
Naval Headquarters, in consultation with the Area Commander will nominate the Chief Guest.

1111. A Guard and band is to be paraded whenever possible and the ship‟s company
mustered at Divisions before the arrival of the invitees.

1112. The Chief Guest, who should be the last to arrive, is to be received with proper naval
ceremony. The Commander of the Navy or his representative and the Chief Guest on their respective
arrivals should be introduced to the officers of the ship by the Commanding Officer (Designate).

1113. Appropriate religious ceremonies will be conducted before the Commissioning.

1114. At the commencement of the ceremony, the Commander of the Navy or his representative
will make a short introductory speech.

1115. The Commanding Officer (Designate) is then to read out the commissioning warrant, on
conclusion of which the Naval Ensign of appropriate size depending upon mast is to be hoisted,
accompanied by the National Anthem. The commissioning pennant is to be broken at the masthead
during the playing of the final bar of the National Anthem.

1116. The Commander of the Navy or Area Commander will then escort the Chief Guest for
naming the Establishment to the appropriate place on the quarter deck. He or she will name the
Establishment by saying “I have great pleasure in naming this Establishment as Sri Lanka Naval
Ship…….May good fortune attend all those who serve in her” and will then unveil the nameplate on
a plaque or life buoy rigged up for the purpose.

1117. The Chief Guest is then to be requested to address the ship‟s company. After the address and
if the space permits, the ships company is to march past the Chief Guest, or carry out „Advance in
Review Order‟, if it is appropriate to the rank and status of the Guest of Honour.

1118. At the conclusion of the ceremony, refreshments may be offered to the invitees. If a formal
meal is arranged, toasts shall be drunk in accordance with the procedure laid down in Chapter 12 of
Ceremonial instructions for Armed Services of Sri Lanka, including a toast to the new establishment.

1119. The ship‟s company may be treated to a “Mangala Bojana”.



Section III: Commissioning Ceremony - Warships

1120. On receipt of the commissioning order from the Naval Headquarters, the Commanding
Officer (Designate) is to arrange the details of the ceremony in consultation with the respective Area
Authority. The Naval Headquarters shall nominate the Chief Guest for the commissioning ceremony.
The Flag Officer Commanding Naval Fleet will be the chief host for the function except on
occasions when the Commander of the Navy present, then the Commander of the Navy shall be
chief host. The Area Authority shall issue invitations to the local dignitaries for the Commissioning
Ceremony. However, on occasions when the Commander of the Navy present during the ceremony,
the invitations shall be issued by the Area Authority on behalf of and in the name of the Commander
of the Navy.

1121. Dress. Dress number 1 or 2 (or equivalent for other services) shall be worn by all service
officers for the Ceremony.

1122. Seating Plan. For the Commissioning Ceremony, the Chief Guest, Commander of the Navy
(if present), Area Commander and Commanding Officer (Designate) of the ship shall be seated
separately either onboard the ship; or on the jetty as applicable for the type of ship. Invitees shall be
seated on the jetty and shall enter the ship only after the Commissioning Ceremony is completed.
The seating plan for the dignitaries attending the Commissioning Ceremony is to be finalised by the
Area Authority.

1123. A guard and band shall be paraded whenever possible. The ship‟s company is to be at
Divisions either on board the ship or ashore on the wharf from where they can view the ceremony.

1124. The Chief Guest who should be the last to arrive is to be received with proper naval
ceremony. The Commander of the Navy or senior naval officer present and the Chief Guest, on
completion Commissioning, should be introduced to the officers of the ship by the Commanding

1125. Commissioning Ceremony.

a. At the commencement of the ceremony, the representative of the ship builders may
do a suitable introductory speech, which shall be followed by an address by the Commander
of the Navy or senior naval officer present.

b. The Commanding Officer (Designate) is then to read out the commissioning warrant,
on conclusion of which the white ensign and the National Flag of the largest sizes applicable
to the class of ship are to be hoisted, accompanied by appropriate ceremonial by the guard
and band, if paraded. The commissioning pennant is to be broken at the masthead during the
playing of the final bar of the National Anthem. Then the Chief Guest will board the ship
and unveil the Name board of the ship. This is to be followed by an address by the Chief

1126. At the conclusion of the ceremony, refreshments may be offered to the assembled guests. If a
formal meal is arranged for the occasion, toasts shall be drunk in accordance with the procedure laid


down in Chapter 12 of Ceremonial instructions for Armed Services of Sri Lanka, including a toast to
the ship and another to the ship builders.

1127. Decorum and Dignity of Ceremony. Guidelines for ensuring decorum and dignity in the
conduct of the commissioning ceremony are as follows: -

a. There should be a “Master of Ceremony” who should conduct the entire proceedings
in a precise service like manner.

b. The provost drill should be well rehearsed and the precise position of embarking and
disembarking the Chief Guest from the car should be briefed to the concerned dignitaries.

c. The refreshments enclosure fo the Chief Guest should be kept separate from that of
the normal participants.

1128. The ship‟s company may be treated to a “Mangala Bojana”.

Section IV: Decommissioning Ceremony - Warships

1129. On receipt of Naval Headquarters directive for decommissioning of a ship, the Commanding
Officer is to arrange the details of the ceremony in consultation with the Area Authority. The
ceremony is to take place in the presence of the Area Authority, who may however, nominate a
suitable representative if he himself is unable to attend.

1130. On special occasions Naval Headquarters may nominate a Chief Guest. The Chief Guest
should be the last to arrive and is to be received with due naval ceremony. Both the Area Authority
(or his representative) and the Chief Guest (if nominated) should be introduced to the officers of the
ship by the Commanding Officer.

1131. List of invitees to the decommissioning ceremony is to be drawn up by the

Commanding Officer in consultation with the Area Authority. This may include local dignitaries (at
the discretion of Area Authority), personnel who previously served on board etc. The press may also
be invited at the discretion of the Naval Headquarters.

1132. At colours on the Sunday, preceding the day on which a ship is to pay off, she is to fly a
paying off pennant. If the ship is not in the paying off port, she is to fly the paying off pendant on the
Sunday proceeding for departure from the last port of call. The paying off pennant is similar to and
is flown in the place of masthead commissioning pennant till decommissioning day. The length of
paying off pennant is to be equal to the length of the ship, the breadth being adjusted
proportionately. This pennant is to be hoisted on the fore truck and secured to the top of Ensign
Staff via main truck (in case of two mast ships) and has the remaining length of pennant flying

1133. The decommissioning ceremony is to take place at sunset. A guard and band may be paraded
whenever possible. The ships company is to be at Divisions either onboard the ship or ashore on the



wharf from where they can view the ceremony. The composition and strength of the guard is to be as
per Colour Guard.

1134. At five minutes to sunset the Chief Guest together with the Area Authority (or his
representative) and the Commanding Officer are to take post on the quarterdeck. At sunset,
accompanied by the appropriate ceremonials for guard and band, the Naval Ensign and the National
Flag are to be lowered. The Naval Ensign is then to be folded by two communication sailors and
handed over to the Commanding Officer, who is to receive it and put it into a special box.

1135. The „Last post‟ is then to be played and on completion, the paying off pennant is to be
lowered. Thereafter, the Commanding Officer is to report to the Area Authority (or his
representative) “ SLNS-----------------decommissioned Sir.”

1136. On conclusion of above ceremony, the Chief Guest and other invitees may be offered
refreshments on board. Earlier during the day the ship‟s company is to be treated to a “Mangala
Bojana”. The ship‟s visitors book may be signed by only the dignitaries present.

1. Where, due to local conditions, it is not possible to adhere to these orders in every detail,
minor adjustments from the procedures laid down may be made.

2. It is customary that the „paying off pennant‟ is cut into number of pieces equal to ship‟s
company and same distributed among them by the Commanding Officer as a souvenir





1201. Gun Salutes to the Nation. The National salute of 25 guns will be fired in honour of the
nation on national day or any day nominated by the government. The procedure for gun salute on
national day of Sri Lanka is as follows;

a. Positioning Of Gun Salute Party DI/GI gun salute party is to muster giving
following orders;
(1) wdpdr fjvsuqr lKavdhu iSrefjka isgska
wdpdr fjvsuqr lKavdhu ol=fKka fm< n,ka
wdpdr fjvsuqr lKavdhu ;=ka j,ska jug$ olqKg yefrka
wdpdr fjvsuqr lKavdhu ol=fKka fm< n,d iS>% .ufka hd
wdpdr fjvsuqr lKavdhu kj;Ska
wdpdr fjvsuqr lKavdhu ol=fKka fm< n,ka
wdpdr fjvsuqr lKavdhu myiqfjka isgska

b. Reporting to Gunnery officer Gun salute DI/GI Gun salute party is to take
gun salute party to attention giving the order "wdpdr fjvsuqr lKavdhu isrefjka
isgska"and report to Gunnery officer”"ksoyia ieureuz osk cd;sh fjkqfjka wpdr fjvsuqr
msrskeusu ioyd wdpdr fjvsuqr lKavdhu fm<iod we; ;=uKss " on reporting Gunnery
officer, DI/GI Gun salute party is to acknowledge and keep gun salute party stand at ease
then DI/ GI gun salute party is to march up to his position and keep the gun salute party
stand at ease ordering "wdpdr fjvsuqr lKavdhu iSrefjka isgska".

c Reporting to officer in charge Gun salute. Gunnery officer Gun salute party is
to take gun salute party to attention giving the order "wdpdr fjvsuqr lKavdhu iSrefjka
isgska " and report to Officer in charge gun salute giving the order of " ...... jk ksoyia
ieureuz osk cd;sh fjkqfjka wdpdr fjvs uqr msrs keuSu ioyd wdpdr fvvs uqr
lKavdhu fm< idod we; ;=uKs" on reporting Officer in charge Gun salute is to
acknowledge and order to proceed with gun salute by ordering " fndfydu fydohs wdpdr
fjvs uqr lrf.k hkq" Gunnery officer is to march up to his position and order DI/GI to
proceed with gun salute ordering " wdpdr fjvs uqr lrf.k hkq".

1202. Gun Salutes to the President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

a. A gun salute of 21 guns may be fired in honour of the President of the Democratic
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on the following occasions, when ordered by the

i. On the assumption of appointment.

ii. On the relinquishing of appointment.



1203. Sovereigns or Heads of States.

a. A gun salute of 21 guns may be fired for the under mentioned on their arrival and
departure on state visits. Whenever any foreign dignitary arrive at or depart from any place in
Sri Lanka, they shall receive a 21 gun salute on their first arrival and again on their departure
subject to the concurrence of the Government, from any Sri Lankan Naval ships present or
from any battery from which salutes are usually fired. If any Naval ship arrives or departs
that place during the stay of such personage, a similar salute is to be fired by the ship.

i. A foreign sovereign.
ii. The President of a Republic or Head of a state.

b. If the above personage visits any Naval ship a 21-gun salute is to be fired upon their
arrival on board and again on departure but concurrence of the Government will be required
in such case. On such occasions, all ships shall be dressed, either overall or with masthead
flags as may be ordered.

1204. Scale of Salutes.

Designation / Rank No. of Guns

(a) The National Salute 25

(b) President of Democratic Socialist

Republic of Sri Lanka 21

(c) The President of a Republic or Heads

of a States , foreign sovereign,
entitled members of Royal family 21

(d) Governor Generals of Common

Wealth Countries 21

(e) Prime Minister 19

(f) Minister of Defence /

Admiral of the fleet and equivalent 19

(g) Admiral or equivalent 17

(h) Envoys extraordinary and Ministers

plenipotentiary and others accredited to
sovereigns (with the exception of such
as are accredited in the specific character
of Minister Resident) 17


(j) Governor/ High commissioner of

mandate territory 17

(k) Governor/ Governor General of Her

Majesty‟s colonies, protectorates or
dependencies 17

(l) Secretary of Defence 17

(m) Vice Admiral or equivalent 15

(n) Rear Admiral or equivalent 13

(p) Charged Affairs or subordinate

Diplomatic agent left in charge of
a Mission 13

(q) Commodore or equivalent 11

(r) Consul General 11

(s) Consul 9

(k) Captain and below in command of a

ship (return salute) 7

Note: In countries where a rank of Admiral does not exist in their Navy and Vice-Admiral
is the Commander of the Navy, in such cases he should be saluted with 17 guns as entitled
to the Admiral.

1205. Time of Firing. As a general rule no salute should be fired by Sri Lankan Naval Ship
between sunset and 0800 hrs. A salute fired by a foreign man-of war within this period shall
however, be returned in foreign water, the custom of the country shall be followed. Salutes are not
normally to be fired on Sunday routine days.

1206. Salute not authorized. No other salute than those authorised shall be fired except on the
occasion of a great victory of Sri Lankan Armed Forces or other important National Events, and then
NHQ may direct such salutes to be fired. If out of Sri Lanka, the firing of such salutes may be
directed by the senior Sri Lankan Naval Officer present in consultation with the local representative
of Sri Lanka, if any.

1207. Permission of Senior Officer. No salutes are to be fired from Sri Lankan Naval Ships,
without prior approval of the senior officer present, by signal or otherwise.



1208. When Holding Multiple Offices. If any officer carries out more than one appointment
entitling him to a salute, he is to be saluted in that which entitles him to the greatest number of guns.

1209. Reciprocity with Foreign Ships. When foreign naval ships salute the Sri Lankan National
Flag or other personages, or any of Sri Lanka‟s functionaries, the salute be reciprocally observed by
Sri Lankan Naval Ships present as to returning or not returning the salutes.

1210. Procedure for Gun Salutes. It is essential that Saluting Gun Fire is precisely co-ordinated,
particularly the first and last guns. The procedure followed for gun salutes is as follows:-

(a) Communication. Ship firing gun salute should ensure that proper communication is
manned well in advance and fix a channel for uninterrupted communication.

(b) Zero Time. The time in the watches/ clocks are to be synchronised. Watch is
to be set at Zero minus 15 minutes unless otherwise ordered. Zero time (Z) is the time of the
first gun.

(c) First Gun. The first gun is normally to be fired to starboard. The ships alongside, if
allowed to fire, are to fire outboard guns only.

(d) Precautions on Communication Failure. All ships are to watch the senior officer‟s
ship carefully and are in any case to start a watch with her first gun. If ship‟s communication
fails, she is to start with the second gun of the senior officer‟s ship but is then only to fire one
gun less than the actual number of guns so that all ships finish together.

(e) Precautions to Avoid Accidental Firing. Guns are not to be brought to the “Ready”
until the order “Stand By” is received.

(f) Ammunition Required. The number of blank cartridges kept ready at the saluting
deck should be minimum twice the quantity of actual requirement to cater for misfires.

(g) Saluting Guns. As far as possible keep one gun each as stand by for the number of
guns that will be firing during gun salutes. If it is not feasible at least two guns must be kept
as stand by.



1211. Command Orders – Gun Salutes.

Time Order Action
(i) Z minus Guard “Shoulder Arms” Sound “Alert”. Guard
8 secs “Attention” “Shoulder

(ii) Zero “Commence” “One –fire” Commence gun salute

(iii) Z plus “Two Fire” and so on

5 secs until final gun with
5 secs interval
between each gun.

(iv) On “Cease Fire”. Cease Firing

Completion Guard “General Salute Band plays musical
Present Arms ”. salute.
Guard “Shoulder Arms”
Sound “Carry On” Carry on is sounded

1. If the Guard cannot be seen nor the band heard, the return salute is to be fired 35
seconds after the last gun of the salute.

2. If the Guard and band are not paraded, the return salute is to be fired 10 seconds after
the last gun of the salute.

3. Except when hands are fallen in the Divisions or for entering harbour, they are to be
cleared off the upper deck, during the gun salute.

1212. Return of salutes.

(a) Royal and personal salutes are not returned.

(b) Salutes to other authorities are returned according to scale.
(c) National salutes are returned gun for gun.

1213. General rule. The distinguishing flag or National flag as appropriate is to be hoisted on the
ship at the mast. The interval between successive guns is five seconds,





1301. Definitions.

a. Guards. The armed detachments for the protection of camps, shore establishments,
Naval or Command Headquarters ashore and any other places for which Naval forces are
responsible are known as Guards.

b. Armed Parties. All parties carrying arms are called armed parties except the
following: -

i. Guards of honour when posted or engaged in their duties.

ii. The President‟s Colour parties with colour uncased.

iii. Units actually on ceremonial parade or on the review ground (armed


c. Un-Armed Parties. Parties without arms are known as unarmed parties.

d. Guards of Honour. The Armed detachments provided for following occasions/

purposes are called Guard of Honour.

i. Receiving, attending upon, and guarding President/ Chief Guests, Flag

and other distinguished personages.

ii. Receiving and escorting the President‟s Colour.

iii. Taking part in the State and National ceremonies.

1302. Method of Addressing Parties. In a ceremonial parades/ occasion while the contingents
from the Army, Navy and Air Force take part, the orders should be prefixed with name of service
e.g. “kdjsl Lkavh mfil wjs”. If in a ceremonial parade / occasion Divisions from different
ships/ establishments take part, the Divisions should be distinguished by the name of their ship.
When there is no likelihood of confusion, unit should be addressed by their ordinary designation e.g.
“wxYh”, “>Kh” etc.

1303. Armed and Un-Armed Parties. Armed parties may march through cities and town with
drums beating and bayonet fixed/ unfixed. The civil authorities should be notified in advance when
any large armed or unarmed party is being landed, in order that the traffic may be regulated




1. Armed parties must not be landed in foreign countries without prior permission from
the local authorities, and permission to march with bayonet fixed/ unfixed must also be

2. Armed parties ashore are normally to march in column of route. Small-unarmed

parties may march in column of threes.

3. Band is desirable to maintain a high marching standard and as a warning to point duty
police on the route.

1304. Inspection. All armed parties are to be inspected at Order Arms, both on ceremonial and
non-ceremonial occasions. When the inspecting officer arrives at the unit, men should therefore be at
the Order Arms and the unit should be reported to him in this state. When an armed party is being
reported, other than for inspection, arms should be at Shoulder Arms.

1305. Officer‟s Swords. All officers commanding armed parties are to draw their sword. While
commanding armed party the Division commanders are to give full salute with the sword on the
following occasions:

a. When marching past the Saluting dais.

b. When reporting personally to the senior officer. The senior will acknowledge the
salute of a subordinate officer by bringing their sword to “Recover”.

1306. Guard Turning Out.

a. Guards are to fallen at quick march with shoulder arms and bayonet unfixed / fixed.
When the guard is commanded by an officer, he is to be three paces in front of the center
man of the first line.

b. A Petty Officer, whether or not in charge, falls in on the right side of the first Line.
He conforms to the movements of the men‟s rifles, but when in charge of guard he does not
fix his bayonet.

c. A Petty Officer guard consists of one Petty Officer and 12 junior sailors.

d. The bugler falls in on the right of the “front Line” of the guard, one pace clear.

e. Guards including reliefs, rounds and patrols, march with arms at Shoulder Arms and
bayonet fixed/ unfixed. In wet weather bayonets are not fixed and the arms should be slung
with butt uppermost.



1307. Relieving a Guard. The new Guard and band advance in line, with arms at Shoulder,
towards the front of the old guard and halt when a distance from it is 15 paces, or, if this is not
possible, six paces on the left. The old guard does Present Arms. The new guard returns the salute.
The old guards, followed by the new guard perform Shoulder Arms, Order Arms and Stands at Ease.
The new guard is then detailed and the first relief sent out. The Petty Officer of old guard is detailed
to go out with them and bring in the old guard. When man relived has returned, the old guard moves
off, the new guard “Presents Arms” and the old guard giving Eyes Right (or left). The new guard
moves off as necessary to take position. If it is necessary to pay other compliments during guards
mounting, the orders are given to both guards by the Senior Officer or Petty Officer present on

1308. Conduct of Ceremonial Sentries. Sentries should not quit their arms, lounge about, or
converse with anyone on any pretence; neither may they stand in their sentry boxes, except in very
bad weather. They always wear white drill order with rifle and bayonet fixed / unfixed. Sentries pay
marks of respect as laid down.

1309. Orders for Ceremonial Sentries. Whenever sentries are posted in ships or on shore,
detailed orders are to be given to each sentry at the commencement of his watch regarding:-

a. The reasons for which he is posted.

b. Special orders/ instructions as the officer ordering his post may direct.
c. The officer ordering the posting of sentries should take into consideration standing
instructions issued by the Area Authority.

1310. Marching Relief Sentries. Relief of five or less are formed in single rank, six to nine in
two ranks, ten or more in three ranks (in street or narrow places, relief should always be marched in
single file). When marching in line the Petty Officer should be three paces rear of the center. When
in threes, file or single file, he should be on the right of the rear file (or person).

1311. Relieving and Posting Sentries. On approach of the relief, the sentry with rifle at
Shoulder Arms, places himself at front of the sentry box. The Petty Officer of the relief marches the
relief up in line and proceeds with the following orders:-

a. “uqr kejshka kj;ska”. At about six paces from sentry, the relief halts. The new
sentry then moves out from the relief and falls in on the left of the old sentry, facing in the
same direction; the old sentry then turns over his orders/ instructions, the Petty Officer
seeing that they are correctly given and understood.

b. “uqr kejshka ia:dk .ka”. The old sentry moves off and the new sentry closes up.

c. “uqr kejshka .ufka hd”. The relieved is marched off.

Note: When a sentry is to be posted on a new post he must be ordered to halt and face in the
required direction. The Petty Officer then reads and explains the orders to him.



1312. Marks of Distinction and Equivalent Ranks in the Services.

Army Equivalent Air Force Equivalent

Naval Ranks Rank Shoulder Sign Rank Shoulder Sign
Sub Lieut. Lieutenant Two Star Flying Officer One stripe

Lieutenant Captain Three Star Flight Lt. Two stripes

LCdr Major National Emblem Sqdn. Leader Two and half stripes

Commander Lieutenant National Emblem Wing Cdr Three stripes

Colonel and One Star

Captain Colonel National Emblem Group Four stripes

and two Stars Captain
Commodore Brigadier National Emblem Air One Broad Stripe
and three Stars Commodore
Rear Major Crossed sword and Air Vice One broad and one
Admiral General baton and star Marshal stripe
Vice Lieutenant Crossed sword and Air Marshal One broad and two
Admiral General baton and National stripes
Admiral General Crossed sword and Air Chief One broad stripe and
baton, National Marshal three stripes
Emblem and Star
Admiral of Field Crossed batons on Marshal of the One broad stripe and
the Fleet Marshal a wreath of laurel Air Force four full stripes.
with National
Emblem above.





1401. Introduction.

a. Most ceremonies are an expression of respect, courtesy, rejoicing or sorrow, and so

their form varies and must also be adapted to suit local circumstances. Ceremonial plays an
important part in the Navy and those involved must therefore have a good knowledge of its
naval forms and of the customs and traditions upon which these are founded.

b. There are many references, which give the regulations for and the detail of
ceremonial procedures. This chapter extracts, and where necessary expands or interprets,
those regulations in which the communicator is regularly involved, i.e., the flag ceremonial.
Nothing in this Chapter should be read as specifically authorizing any particular procedure
and, where any conflict arises, Naval Headquarters or other authoritative reference should be
consulted and obeyed.

1402. Definition of colours.

a. The colours referred to are those “worn‟ by Sri Lankan Naval Ships in commission,
that is, The White Ensign and the National Flag as Jack.
b. The terms “Morning colours” and “Evening Colours” are used to describe the two
ceremonies of hoisting and lowering Colours. These ceremonies may also be referred to as
“Colours” and “Sunset” respectively.

1403. Time of Morning and Evening colours. Ship, when lying in home ports and roads, are to
hoist their colours at 0800 but when aboard, at 0800 or as the Commander of the Navy shall direct;
and they shall be worn if the weather permits or unless the senior officer present sees objection
thereto to direct otherwise, throughout the day until sunset, when they are to be hauled down.
Evening colours are to be carried out at sunset.

1404. Preparation for Morning colours.

a. Colours party personnel should be nominated and individual duties specified as a matter
of normal daily harbour routine. The Duty Senior Communication Rating (DSCR) should
muster and brief his party as to their duties.

b. By thirty minutes prior to the ceremony all arrangements should be completed, i, e.,
i. Colour Party mustered and detailed,
ii. Halyards and clips checked,
iii. Ensign and National flag checked and bent on,
iv. Preparative pennant bent on,



v. Time check carried out.

c. At 15 minutes prior to the ceremony, the DSCR is to report to the Officer of the Day
(OOD) that, the Colour Party and all preparations are correct.

d. At 10 minutes prior to the ceremony.

i. The OOD is to report to the Captain “10 minutes to Colours”.

ii. Colour party close up in their position (earlier if Guard/Band are present).

1405. Morning Colours. (No Guard or Band present)

a. At 5 minutes prior to the ceremony.

i. Hoists “Prep” close up.

ii. Rating on Ensign Staff reports to OOD “5 minutes to Colours Sir”.

b. At approximately one minute to the Ceremony rating at Ensign Staff reports to OOD
“one minute to colours sir” then OOD is to order “Colour Party Attention”.

c. At the exact time of the Ceremony (in the following sequence);

i. Dips “Prep.”
ii. Rating on Ensign staff reports “eight O clock Sir”.
iii. Rating detailed strikes eight bells. Ratings on Ensign and Jack staffs turn back
to face the staff.
iv. On completion of the bells, “Sound Alert” or “Pipe Still” if no bugler is

d. On completion of the Alert/ Still:

i. The bugler if available sounds the “General Salute”, rating on Ensign and Jack
hoist away at a rate to ensure that both flags reach their block as the last note of the
General Salute is sounded or.

ii. If no bugler is present, ratings on Ensign and jack hoist away slowly so that
flags reach their block in approximate 20 seconds.

e. When the last note of the “General salute” has sounded and/ or the Ensign is closed
up to the block, the rating on the Ensign turns to face the OOD.

f. The Bugler Sound/ Pipe “carry on” and “Prep” is hauled down.

g. On completion of the “Carry on”, the OOD orders “Oc uqrh fm< nsoska” Ensign and
Jack halyards are then made fast.



1406. Morning Colours. (Guard present)

a. When a guard is present, the following procedure should be used in addition to that
laid down in paragraph 1405.

b. At approximately one minute prior to the Ceremony, after the rating at Ensign staff
reports to OOD “one minute to colours sir”, the OOG is to call the guard to attention and
order “iuzudk uqerh mfil - wjs”.

c. After the Alert/ Still is sounded/ piped, the OOG is to order “iuzudk uqrh m%N+
iuzudk W;a;udpdr - wjs”. (All hand salutes are to confirm to the guard‟s movements)

d. On completion of the “General Salute” (or, if a band is present, on completion, of the

National Anthem(s), the OOG is to order “iuzudk uqrh mfil - wjs”.

e. When the guard has returned to the shoulder, pipe “Carry on”.

f. On completion of the “carry on” the OOG is to march off the guard and, when they
have left, the OOD is to order “Oc uqrh fm< nsoska”.

1407. Morning Colours. (Band present)

a. When a band is present, the following procedure is to be used in addition to that laid
down in paragraph 1405 (and 1406 if appropriate).

b. After the “Alert” General Salute is to be sounded. The Ensign and Jack are to be
hoisted so as to reach the block on the final note of the General Salute.

c. If warships of other countries are present, on completion of the National

Anthem of own, other National Anthems are to be played in the following order;

i. National Anthem of the host country (when in foreign ports).

ii. At the discretion of the Senior Officers present a selection of anthems from
other countries in company, taking into account the seniority of Flag Officers present.
This selection is to be varied from day to day.

d. After the final note of the last anthem, the guard is ordered to shoulder arms and
“Carry On” to be sounded.



1408. Evening Colours.

a. The ceremony of Evening Colours is carried out at the actual time of sunset. When in
a foreign port in company with warships of that country, the custom of that country should be
observed in respect of timing. Preparation should follow paragraph 1404 as far as is

b. At 5 minutes prior to the Ceremony;

i. Hoists “prep” close up.

ii. Rating on the Ensign staff reports to OOD “Five minutes to Sunset Sir”.

c. At approximately one minute to the Ceremony rating at Ensign staff reports to OOD
“one minute to Sunset sir” then OOD is to order “Colour Party Attention”.

d. At the exact time of the ceremony (in the following sequence);

e. Dips “Prep”.

f. The rating on the Ensign staff reports “Sunset Sir”.

g. “Sound Alert” or “Pipe Still” if no bugler is present.

h. On completion of the Alert/ Still:

i. The Bugler sounds “Retreat”. Ratings on the ensign and Jack then lower away
at a rate to ensure that the flags are in their arms by the time the last note is sounded

ii. If no bugler is present, the Ensign and Jack are lowered in silence in a time of
approximately 20 seconds.

j. On completion of lowering, the Ensign, the rating turns to face the OOD.

k. Then “Sound/ Pipe Carry On and “Prep” is hauled down”.

m. On completion of the “Carry On”, the OOD orders “Oc uqrh fm< nsoska”.

n. The halyards are then secured and the Colour folded.

1409. Dressing Ship.

a. Dressing ship is not, in itself, part of Morning Colours but is generally carried out at
the same time. NHQ will promulgate “Dress Ship”. When the signal is executed, dressing
lines should be hauled taught and masthead ensigns broken. At Evening Colours, the dressing
lines are lowered and Masthead Ensigns are to be hauled down.


b. The same procedure is followed when dressing ship with masthead Ensign only.

1410. Half-Masting of Colours.

a. When Colours are ordered to be half-mast, only the Ensign and Jack (if worn) are
involved, masthead flags and Commissioning Pennants remain close up.

b. When colours are ordered to the half-mast from the time of Morning Colours, the
procedure in paragraphs 1405 to 1407 as applicable is to be followed. After the “Carry On”
has been sounded the Ensign and Jack are to be lowered to half-mast.

c. At Evening Colours, if Colours are at half-mast, the Ensign and Jack are to be hoisted
close up as soon as “Prep” is dipped. The OOD is not to order the “Alert/ Still” until the
Ensign is close up. The ceremony then continues as in paragraph 1408.

d. When Colours are ordered to be half-mast or re-hoisted at other than the time of
Morning or Evening Colours, the only requirement is that both Ensign and Jack (when worn)
are half-mast or re-hoist in unison.





1501. Ceremonial Divisions.

a. Falling In. Divisions should fall in three/ two ranks, dressed without intervals,
standing at ease. Where space permits dressing should be carried out with intervals. MCPO/
FCPO/ CPO/ PO‟s and leading rates should be fallen in on the right flank. The senior MCPO/
FCPO/ CPO/ PO is to take up a position from where he can best take charge of his Divisions,
falling in, in the rear on completion of the officer of the Division‟s inspection.

b Mustering, Proving and Inspection. The MCPO/ FCPO/ CPO/ PO of the Division
is to muster the Division. As each man 's name is called out, he is to come to “Attention ” "
tfiah ;+uks" and then resume “stand at ease”. The CPO/ PO of the Division is then to size
them, tallest on the flanks and shortest in center. The CPO/ PO of the Division is then to call
the Division to “Attention", dress them, ".Kska", "jsjD; fm,s hd", " ol+fkka fm, n,ka"
(bvrys;j ol+fkka fm, n,ka) and stand at ease the squad. He is then to call them to
"Attention" and report to the officer of the Division for inspection. The CPO/ PO of the
Division is to accompany the officer of the Division on his inspection. On completion of
inspection, all officers are to fall in front of the Divisions, facing out board equally spaced,
and the CPO/ PO is to fall in rear. On returning to his Divisions, the officer of the Divisions
is to stand them “at ease" and take up a position on the flank from where the Captain is
going to approach.

Note: If the space does not allow the Division to form in "Open order", then each line
should be moved forward one pace after the inspection of front line by ordering "fmr
fm, mshjrla fmrg hd, and " ueo fm, mshjrla fmrg hd "After the last line inspection
both the lines are to be ordered " fmr iy ueo fm, mshjrla miaig hd".

1502. Evening Quarters. The ships company is mustered on Quarter deck or at a suitable place
on upper deck 15 minutes prior to the end of working hours by announcing on main broadcast "Clear
Lower decks for Evening Quarters”. The Master -at- Arms reports to the OOD/ XO who shall read
out the daily order of next day and also address the ships company if need be.

1503. Entering and Leaving Harbour. Hands fall in facing out board in three/ two/ single ranks
(depending upon strength) by divisions. They are to size, shortest towards the center of the ship,
tallest towards the end of the ship. The Officers, MCPO/ FCPO/ CPO/ PO and leading rates are to
fall in as for Divisions except for the cable officer who is to stand in the "eye" of the ship facing
forward. "Guard of honour" and "Band" are to fall in on the Quarterdeck or forecastle as convenient
In the case of a seaman division whose part of the ship extends right across the ship, hands may be
split up so that an even number fall in on either side of the ship. On the "Alert" being sounded on the
bugle or the "Still" on boatswain call, Divisions are to be brought to "Attention" by their officers,
being stood at "Stand at ease" again when the "Carry on" is sounded. The officers of the divisions do



not salute. The Captain/ OOW or the nominated piping officer would only salute. Normally the
Captain salutes whenever Alert/ Still is sounded/ piped for the Flag Officers.
1504. Man and Cheer Ship. The following instructions are to be observed wherever practicable:
on board ships minor modifications can be made to suit particular condition.

1505. Falling in Before Manning Ship.

a. Men are to be fallen in the vicinity of their man ship station. They are to be sized as

i. Forecastle - Tallest forward shortest aft.

ii. Quarterdeck - Tallest aft shortest forward.

b. When required personnel are to be ordered "Man your Positions" (ia:dk.ka). Men
are to move to their position and stand at ease for further orders.

1506. Stations for Manning Ship.

a. The whole of the upper deck is to be manned from Jack Staff to Ensign Staff.

b. Ships are normally to be manned on one side only. If for special reason it is
necessary to man both the sides, sections of the waist may have to be omitted.

c. Men are to stand three feet apart facing out board and one pace in board the
Guardrails. When dressed, personnel are to stand at "Stand at ease".

d. Guard and band (if paraded) are to be on the quarterdeck or convenient place.

e. Officers, MCPO/ FCPO/ CPO / PO and Officers in-Charge of the men manning the
ship are to fallen in three paces on the rear of their men. The Officer-in-Charge is to be in the
center with his junior officers/ MCPOs/ FCPO/ CPOs/ POs equalizing the space on either
side on him.

f. Officers not otherwise stationed are to fall in together in a convenient position in the
Bridge area.

g. Officer's swords are not to be drawn.

h. Senior sailors not other wise stationed are to be fallen in a convenient position
amidships, where they can be best seen.

j. Junior sailors not manning the ship's side are to be fallen, in a convenient position
amidships where they can be best seen.



1507. Drill When President's Colour is Paraded.

Order Action

a. "isrefjka isgska" All personnel come to Attention.

b. Bugler/ QM ordered “sound Alert/ Alert sounded/ Still piped.

Pipe Still”. ^wjosh kdo lrKq&

c. "Man Ship" ^ia:dk.ka& Men manning the side take one pace forward
and grasp the guard rail underneath with both
hands(palm upwards) right arm over the left
arm of the man next to them (not in air craft
carriers or the ships with out guard rails).

d. "iuzudK uqrh m%N+$ PkdOsm;s

iuzudK W;a;udpdr wjs The Guard is to give the General/ President
salute, the President's Colour is to be lowered if
entitled and band to play the appropriate
musical salute timed so to end that three cheers
( jaya sree) may be given to the distinguished
personage while still abreast the ship. The
President's Colour is to remain at the "Salute"
and Guard at the "present arm" until the
Cheering ship sequence has been completed.

1508. Drill When President's Colour not Paraded.

Order Action

a. "isrefjka isgska" All personnel come to Attention.

b. Bugler/ QM ordered "Sound Alert/ Alert sounded/ Still piped.

Pipe Still"

c. "Man Ship" (ia:dk.ka& Men manning the side take one pace forward
and grasp the guard rail underneath with both
hands (palm upwards) right arm over the left
arm of the man next to them (not in air craft
carriers or the ships with out guard rails).

d. "iuzudK uqrh m%N+$ PkdOsm;s The Guard is to give the General/ President
W;a;udpdr wjs" salute present arm and band/bugler Play/ sounds
appropriate musical salute.


e. "iuzudK uqrh mfil wjs" Guard goes to "Shoulder Arms". Guard remains
in shoulder arms till cheering ship is completed.

1509. Cheering Ship. The drill for cheering ship is to be as follows:

Order Action

a. “Ship‟s company attention” Drop the left hand to the side.

^kejz lKavdhu iSrefjka isgska&'
„Stand by to give three cheers for..… ‟
(……. ;=kajdrhla ch me;Su ioyd
iQodku jka&

b. “Off caps” hand fingers on top and together thumb Seize

the cap at the front with the right hand fingers
(……. ;=kajdrhla ch me;Su on top and together thumb underneath the rim.
ioyd isria;, bj;a lrka&

c. „Up‟ Remove the cap and hold up at the full extent

of the arm at an angle of 45 directly to the front
crown vertical and out board.

d. „Three cheers for …Hip, hip,


^………ch Y%S … Y%S- … Y%S& On the command „hooray‟ men cheer „hooray‟
^ch Y%S& synchronizing with the command order
and at the same time rotating the arm in a
clockwise direction viewed from the rear around
a diameter extending no lower than the shoulder
and returning to the original position after each

After the third cheer, a pause of 5 seconds then:

e. „On caps‟ (^isria;, ysfia ,ka& Replace caps, hand remaining at cap.

f. „Man ship‟ (^ia:dk .ka& Resume position with hand crossed on the rails.

g. „Attention‟ (iSrefjka isgska& Drop hands to the side, take a pace to the rear
and stand at ease, stand easy and square off

h. When order to fall out: (^jsisr hd& One pace step back march.



Turn toward the Bow, dismiss.

1510. Chin-Stays. Chin-stays are to be lightly stitched inside caps to prevent them falling out. If
the weather necessitates chin stays being down the drill for cheering ship is to be as follows:

Order Action

a. „stand by to give three Cheers‟ Place the thumb of the right hand under the
^;=kajdrhla ch me;Su chin-stay below the chin. Pull the chin-stay
ioyd iQodkuz jka& clear of the chin at the same time raising
„Off caps‟ the hand to grasp the front of the cap, fingers
^isria;, bj;a lrka& on top and together, thumb underneath the
rim, retaining the grip of the chin-stay.

b. „Up' Remove the cap and hold up at the full extent of

the arm at and angle of 45directly to the front,
crown vertical and outboard.

1511. Guard of Honour and Ceremonial Reception Drills at Anchor/ Buoy.

a. About 15 minutes before the expected time of the arrival of the person entitled to the
Guard of Honour, the "Guard, Band, Buglers" and the ceremonial piping party are piped to
muster, if a Gun salute is to be fired "Saluting Guns Crew" are also mustered at their
respective places. The guard of honour falls in two ranks in a position convenient to the
gangway and facing out board. The Guard is dressed in “open order” with the bayonets fixed
and OOGs with swords drawn. When the boat is two to three lengths away from the
accommodation ladder the "Alert" is sounded and the guard is brought to the "Attention".
This is followed by the side pipe if the personage is entitled. The second pipe is timed so as
to end when the personage reaches the level of the top of the gangway. As soon as the
personage take post on the "Dais" the OOGI orders “iuzudK uqrh m%N+$ PkdOsm;s
iuzudK W;a;udpdr wjs ". The appropriate musical salute is then played by the band or
sounded by the bugler and on completion the Guard is brought to "Order arms”. The “Carry
on” is sounded automatically and OOG I salutes and reports to the personage "iuzudK uqrh
Tnf.a msrslaiqug iqodkuzh ;+uks". The OOGI conducts the Chief Guest for inspection of
the Guard and after the inspection OOGI again salutes and the Chief Guest marches away.

Note: If the Guard is paraded in the ship of a Flag Officer for the junior officer, the OOGI
does not report the Guard. The junior officer may then inspect the guard if he wishes.

b. The ceremony on the departure of the personage is similar to that for his arrival, as he
approaches towards the saluting dais, "Alert" is sounded the officer of the guard orders "
iuzudK uqrh m%N+ iuzudK+ W;a;udpdr wjs" and band or bugler plays the appropriate
musical salute. On completion, the Guard is brought to the "shoulder arms" and the first pipe
is given as the personage goes down the gangway and the second pipe is given as the boat
leaves the accommodation ladder. If a Gun salute is to be fired, it is usually carried out after
the boat has left the ship and is lying off, clear of the line of the fire. The “Commence” is


sounded and its last note is the executive signal for the firing of the first gun. The Guard
remains at “shoulder arms” through out the salute. Immediately after the last gun has fired
the "Cease Fire” is sounded. The "Carry on" is sounded after a suitable pause or when the
boat clears either the stem or stern of the ship.


1. In some circumstances when previous arrangements have been made, a gun salute
may be fired directly, before the personage arrives. The procedure is similar is to that
described above.

2. The OOGI orders "PkdOsm;s iuzudK W;a;udpdr wjs" instead of "m%N+ iuzudK
W;a;udpdr wjs ", if the personage is entitled to.

The Guards of Honour - Procedure Onboard Ships.

1512. General Instructions.

a. The Guard is fallen in two ranks, dressed with intervals, with bugler on right of the
right hand man of the front rank. If space does not permit the Guard is to be dressed without

b. Lay out of the Guard and band will depend on the space available.

c. Aides de Camp will not be required.

d. The Chief Guest is to be introduced to the officers manning the gangway before he is
conducted to a suitable position for acknowledging the salute by the Guard of Honour.
Introduction of others, where applicable, is to be done after the inspection of the Guard.

e. Salutes are to be given by the Guard when the Chief Guest arrives on board and again
when he leaves the ship. If the departure of the Chief Guest is on the same day the OOG I
will not report and no inspection will be carried out at the time of departure of the Chief

g. No Guard of Honour shall be paraded between sunset and colours.

h. Foreigners of high distinction who are received with the Guard of Honour when
visiting ships of their own nation will be similarly received when visiting Sir Lankan Naval
ships. National Anthems of other countries should always be played in full.



1513. Composition and Strength.

Type of Guard Composition

Large Ships Small Ships

a. LCdr or Lt‟s Guard 1 LCdr/ Lt 1 Lt

2 POs 2 POs
1 Bugler 8 Sailors in line
24 Sailors in two ranks

b. Lt or SLt‟s Guard 1 Lt/ SLt 1 Lt/SLt

1 PO 1 PO
1 Bugler 8 Sailors in line
18 Sailors in two ranks

c. PO‟s Guard 1 PO 1 PO
12 Sailors in two ranks 8 Sailors in line
Refer chapter 5 for entitlement of the guard.

4. Procedures for Divisions Onboard.

a. The Parade held onboard either with Guard or without Guard is always known as
“Divisions”. All orders given by the Parade Commander are to be prefixed with “Divisions”.

b. The Commanding Officer of the rank of Commander and above is entitled for a 12
men Guard of Honour.

c. The ships company is to be divided into divisions as per the total strength of
personnel attending Divisions. The sections are to be formed as far as possible with the sailors
of same divisions/ departments. Whenever the strength of department is less, then similar
departments could be combined to make one division. For example, seamen and
communication department can be combined. Similarly, engine room and electrical
department can be combined.

d. The strength of a division is not to exceed 24 personnel. The personnel can be dressed
in “the right or in the right with out interval” depending upon the availability of space.
However, to ensure uniformity all divisions should be in the same type of dressing.

e. The division Commander should as far as possible be the Divisional/ Department

Officer of that division.

f. The divisions are to be positioned as per the division numbers at suitable places. The
divisions are to be numbered commencing from officers division (if any) as division 1,



MCPOs / CPOs as division 2, POs division 3, Seaman junior sailors as division 4 and so on in
this order.
g. The Guard when paraded, is to be positioned at a suitable place from where most of
the divisions can be seen by the Reviewing Officer. This would also enable the divisions to
hear various orders given by the Parade Commander. In case this is not possible, due to design
of the ship, all orders of Parade Commander are to be announced on main broadcast/ any other
available means.

h. The ships are to have a dais of appropriate size for the reviewing officer. When the
Guard is paraded the dais is to be placed in front of the Guard. When Guard is not paraded, the
dais is to be placed at appropriate place from where most of the divisions are visible.

j. The Parade Commander is to take post in front of the dais at least four paces clear.
Space permitting he can be 6 – 8 paces clear from the dais.

k. The HODs are to take post on the right side of the dais, at least four paces clear The
spare officers are to similarly take post on the left side of the dais. In case the space does not
permit, HODs and spare officers can be suitably positioned near the dais.

l. The Gunnery Officer is the Parade Gunner for all divisions held onboard. However, if
another junior Long „G‟ officer is borne, he can be nominated as Parade Officer. In ships,
where specialist gunnery officers are not borne, the „X‟ officer carrying out the duties of
gunnery officer will be the parade Officer.

m. The Parade Officer is to make a report to the XO about the strength of officers and
sailors present after the divisions are formed/ fall in.

n. The Conducting Officer for all CO‟s divisions will be the Executive Officer
irrespective of the seniority. He is to receive the CO and make report about the parade state. He
thereafter is to take post 2 – 3 paces behind the dais to the right.

p. The Parade Commander must step out and halt three paces clear from the dais to
make report “wxY Tnf. msrslaiqug iqodkuzh ;+uks”.

q. The Division Commanders should report “ ……wxYh Tnf.a msrslaiqug iqodkuzh

;+uks” and so on.

r. The Divisions procedures and the various orders for Parade Commander are same as
applicable to the parade procedures given at Chapter 5.

1515. Colours.

a. Guard not in Attendance. One minute before Colours is reported as the

order “ One minute to Colours Sir”, The Colour party are brought to attention. When
the preparative is handed down, the Rating (Communicators) who is to hoist the
Ensign reports “Colours Sir.”, then the Quartermaster (At the gangway) strikes the


bell and the Quarter Master at the colour party “Pipe the Still”. On the last note of
the Still those in Attendance salute when the Ensign is hoisted. The Quarter Master
“Pipe the Carry On”. Those in Attendance come back to the position of attention on
the last note of the Carry On.

b. Guard in Attendance. One minute before Colours, the Guard should be

brought to the Attention then to the shoulder. When Colours are reported the bugler
sounds the “Alert”, the bell is sounded, the Officer or Petty Officer in – charge of
the Guard orders “General salute- present arms” (m%N+ iuzudK W;a;udpdr wjs& .
On completion of the salute or the playing of the National Anthem, the Guard is
returned to the Shoulder and the bugler sounds the Carry On. Officers and ratings
present conform to the movements of the guard when saluting. On completion of the
sounding of the Carry On , the Guard is marched to the position selected for the
unfixing of bayonets and dismissing. The rating hoisting the Ensign is to keep his hat
on during the ceremony of Colours.

Note: If a Boatswain‟s Call is used instead of a bugle the same drill is carried out. The guard
coming to the „General salute- Present arms‟ (m%N+ iuzudK W;a;udpdr wjs& on the last note of the
Still. The Carry On being piped when the guard has retuned to the shoulder.

1516. Burial at Sea.


a. Burials at Sea may either be of those who have died or have been killed at sea and are
subsequently buried; or of those who have died ashore and are subsequently buried at sea; or those
who have been cremated and the ashes to be buried at sea.

b. The paramount requirement for a burial at sea is that, on committal, the body shall instantly
sink. The bodies of those that die at sea are heavily shrouded and then sewn up in strong canvas, or
placed in weighted coffins. Heavy weights must be included to ensure the corpse sinks.

c. A man who has died ashore will be unconfined by and undertaker. Few undertakers are
aware of the problems involved in burial at sea and they require considerable advice. In order to
withstand hitting the sea from the deck without disintegrating, the coffin must be more stoutly
constructed than usual. This together with its overall dimensions gives it much more buoyancy than
the canvas shrouded corpse. It therefore requires much more weighting. This must be only slightly
biased towards the feet or the task of the bearers is made difficult. The extra weight will also require
extra bearers. It is usual to drill holes in the feet end and lid of the coffin to ensure quick flooding
and sinking. This can only be done if the state of the corpse will permit its effect is often nullified
by the padding and lining of the coffin expanding into the holes as soon as any water enters unless
care is taken to prevent this.

d. The National flag covers the coffin. In burials ashore this is removed before the coffin is
lowered in to the grave. For burials at sea the National flag can either be removed (with the cap and
sword of an Officer) immediately before committal, or arrangements can be made for the National


flag to be secured to the committal platform so that the coffin slides into the sea from under the
National flag. (The latter procedure is recommended when the corpse is not in a coffin but shrouded
in canvas)
e. Extra wide brows are needed if the coffin is brought onboard while the ship is alongside and
it is advisable to ensure that the angle is not steep or the bearers may lose control. If other than calm
weather is expected, the coffin will need to be secured to the committal platform and subsequently
tended by the bearers.

g. When a ship proceeds to sea to bury the dead, Colours in that ships are to be worn at half –
mast from the time the body or ashes are embarked until the burial or committal is over. All ships
and establishments passed are to pipe the still or sound the alert. The ship carrying the body is not to
respond except to call the ship‟s company to attention.

1517. Procedure of Burial at Sea. A typical procedure for a burial at sea (figure 15-1) is as

a. Assuming that the body is being conveyed by hearse to the ship, the funeral party is
to be fallen in, (figure 15-1) if space permits. Bearers and firing party are to be fallen in on
the jetty awaiting the arrival of the body. When the cortege arrives the Officer – In –Charge
of the firing party orders.

i. Firing party–Attention‟“fjvs lkavdhu iSrefjka isgSka“a (bearers conform)

ii. Rest on your arms – Reversed „wjs wjrkr isgska‟

b. Bearers move to the rear of the hearse at the slow march and lift the coffin. Moving
at the slow march, the carry the coffin up the gangway where it is piped on board. Ship‟s
company on the upper deck “off caps” whilst the body is being carried on board, officers
salute. Caps are replaced when the coffin has been placed on the committal platform.
Catafalque sentries should be posted at this stage on the 4 corners of the coffin facing away
from each corner, resting in their arms reversed. Bearers disperse and standby to commit the
body to the deep during the service. After the coffin has been taken onboard the Officer - In
– Charge of the firing party orders.

i. Firing Party – Attention “fjvs lkavdhu iSrefjka isgSka”

ii. Shoulder – Arms. “mfil wjs” (This leaves one hand free for going
up the gangway).

c. The firing party are then marched onboard and in to position for leaving harbour,
resting on their arms reversed while leaving harbour.

d. Mourners are now conducted between decks, the ship proceeds to sea. When clear of
the harbour, funeral parties stand past, sentries may be dismissed and reformed prior to
reaching the burial position. Sentries may be brought to the stand at ease position when
conditions permit.


e. On reaching the burial position funeral parties from up as in figure 15-1. Firing
parties and catafalque sentries at the rest on their arms reversed. Bearers negative caps facing
platform. With the parties at attention the personal mourners are brought on deck and
Officer-In-Charge orders.

i. „Off – Caps‟ “isria;, bj;a lrka” (The service is then commenced and the
procedure thereon, is as for funeral honours ashore).


1. Bearers are required to commit the body to the sea.

2. Firing party is to face out board for the firing of volleys.

3. Cremated remains are accorded full funeral honours if they have not been
accorded at the crematorium service. Ashes are not scattered. The urn containing the
ashes is committed to the deep and it must be arranged that if will sink.

4. When wreaths have been provided they should be dropped by the appropriate
mourners after coffin / urn has been committed and after the volleys, last post and

1518. When Honours are Not Paid.

a. Provision of parties. For men are mounted as catafalque sentries, one at each corner
of the coffin. The necessary bearers should be provided. And attending party and a firing
party are not paraded.

b. Procedure. The catafalque sentries rest on their arms reversed during the service, and
before the corpse is committed to the sea by the bearers they shoulder arms and present arms
after which the last post is sounded.

c. After the last post, sentries Shoulder Arms and Reveille is sounded. Bayonets are not

d. Officer and ship‟s company without arms remove caps during the funeral service.

e. Officers salute with the hand, taking the time from the sentries of guard.

f. When no guard is provided, the catafalque sentries act as ordered for the guard.









x x

I/C F.P.



Figure 15-1: Layout for Burial at Sea and Embarkation of Body.



Service Mourners


Urn Committal Platform

X Committal


Guard Rail Hooks

Committal Platform

Figure 15-2: Burial – Ashes



1519. Procedure for Committing of Ashes at Sea After Funeral Ashore. A typical procedure
for committal service at sea (Figure 15-2) is as follows.

a. As the funeral has already taken place ashore the procedure onboard is simpler. On
reaching the committal position, committal parties form up as in figure 10-2. Two ratings
will be required to attend to the committal platform, negative caps. With the parties at
attention the Officer-In-Charge orders.

„Off – Caps‟ ^isria;, bj;a lrka& (The committal service is then commenced).

On completion the last post is sounded (The still is sounded if no bugler).

b. After the Last Post, Reveille is sounded (The Carry-on is sounded if no Bugler).

The Officer-In-Charge then orders.

„On – Caps‟ ^isria;, ysfia ,ka&

„Stand at Ease‟ ^myiqfjka isgska&

„Stand Easy‟ ^is;afia isgska&

c. On completion of squaring – off caps and the departure of the clergies, the Officer-In-
Charge dismisses the committal parties.

i. If no clergies, the captain will conduct the service.

ii. Photographs should be taken and sent to the next of kin.
iii. A full size catafalque is not required. A simple board, of approximately
18” square, for the urn to rest on, suitably positioned.





1601. History

The Royal Regiment of Artillery claims to be the originator of the pace-stick. It was used by
its field Gun teams to ensure correct distances were maintained between the guns. This pace-stick
however, was more like a walking stick a silver or ivory knob. From this beginning the infantry
developed the pace stick as an aid to Drill. Pace-sticks have since been adopted as the standard
Parade drill stick by all three services and are to be carried in parade by all Warrant Officers, Chief
Petty Officers, Petty Officers and junior ratings who are entrusted with DI duties and are acting in
the capacity of a Drill Instructor. They are also to be used when instructing personnel in foot and
arms drill both on ships and ashore. Officers with Parade and Ceremonial Training responsibilities
do not carry a Pace-stick on Parade but are to carry instead, a Baton fitted with brass ends.

1602. General rules

a. Only Long Gunnery qualified officers and provost officers authorized to carry a

b. At the Ceremonial Parades only the senior most GI/DI and Review guide GI/DI will
carry Pace Sticks.

c. At Parade training, any GI/DI may carry a Pace Stick as necessary.

d. Drill Instructors who successfully complete DI training will be awarded Pace Sticks
at Pace Stick awarding ceremony.

e. GIs/DIs in uniforms must carry a baton at all the time except sick parades.



Section I: The Pace Stick Drill



Measre Bar
Measure Bar

36” Rear Bar


Front Bar

Brass Foot

Figure 16 – 1 (Parts of Pace Stick)

1603. Position of Attention – The Carry ( Figure. 16-2) The Baton is placed beneath the left
armpit, feet ferrule to the rear, with the hinge end protruding about 450 mm (18 inches) to the front.
It is placed there by moving the right hand across the body, placing the baton as directed. The baton
is trapped under the armpit by the pressure of the inside of the upper arm against the rib cage. When
secure force the right arm to the side and at the same time move the left hand on to the baton. The
left hand control the baton‟s direction left or right. The baton is held parallel to the ground. The left
hand holds the baton with the finger extended along the outside of the baton, thumb along the side.
The index finger runs parallel to the top of the baton, with the second fingertip in line with the end of
the baton.



1604. Stand at Ease-stick closed ( Figures 16-3 to 16-5) The normal position of stand at Ease
maintains, except the left hand smartly grip on the stick as described in Para 1603.
1605. Stand Easy-stick closed The normal position of stand at ease-stick closed maintains. In
this position body is simply relaxed.
1606. Position of Attention – Stick open ( Figure. 16-6) The normal position of attention is
maintains, except that the Pace-Stick is held with the right hand just bellow the hinge point of the
stick so that the one arm (front arm) of the stick is vertical and angular arm (rear arm) pointing
backward., for fingers together pointing towards the ground, thumb griping the angular arm of the
stick also pointing towards the direction of the fore fingers. The Pace-Stick‟s vertical arm is on the
ground, the ferrule of the vertical arm inline with the toe of the right foot. The right hand must well
close to the body.

1607. Position of Stand at Ease-Stick open (Figure. 16-7 to 16-9) The normal position of
stand at ease maintains, except that the Pace-stick is held with the right hand just bellow the hinge
point of the stick so that the one arm (rear arm) of the stick is vertical and other arm pointing front
and towards the ground. For fingers together pointing towards the front, thumb griping the vertical
arm of the stick also pointing towards the direction of the fore fingers. The Pace-Stick‟s vertical arm
is on the ground, the ferrule of the vertical arm inline with the toe of the right foot. The right hand
must well close to the body.

1608. Salute at the Halt-closed stick (Figure 16-10) When saluting at the halt-close stick,
the left hand is forced away to the position of attention alongside the left hand side of the body as the
right hand comes up to salute. When the right hand is forced away the left hand returns smartly to
the pace stick resuming its grip on the stick as described in Para 1603.
1609. Saluting on the March-closed stick (Figures 16-11 and 16-12) When saluting on
the march the order is given on two consecutive beats of the right foot, as the next left comes to the
ground the right hand comes to the position of the salute and at the same time, the left hand released
its grip of the stick and is forced away to the left side. On completion of the salute, when the right
hand is cut to the rear the left hand returns to the pace-stick resuming its grip.

1610. Salute at the Halt-Stick Open (Figure 16-13) The normal position of attention-stick
open is maintains, at step One change the Pace-stick to the left hand and hold just bellow the hinge.
Right hand remains at attention position. At step two lift the pace-stick upward by left hand till left
forearm parallel to the deck and simultaneously right hand comes up to the salute. On completion of
the salute, when the right hand is cut to the attention position, pace-stick returns to its initial position
at stick open.
1611. Saluting on the March-Stick open (Figures 16-14 and 16-15) When saluting on the quick
march, the order is given on two consecutive beats of the right foot, as the next left comes to the
ground, transfer the stick to the left hand (At the counting of, Up two , Three Change, Two,Three)
Simultaneously lift the Pace stick till left forearm parallel to the deck then the right hand comes to
the position of the salute (at the counting of Up two , Three, four, five, cut) and pace sick transfer on
completion of the salute, right hand is cut to the rear (at the counting of up, two, three, change two,
three cut two three swing)



1612. Slow march-open stick (Figures 16-16 and 16-17) During the slow march, pace stick
brought to the carry position, so that the right fore-arm parallel to the ground. The index finger
remains in front of the leading leg of stick and remaining fingers curl around the rear leg. The thumb
makes contact with the index finger round the front of the leading leg. The leading leg of the stick
maintains the perpendicular. The right elbow is forced to the side. Then step out with left foot and
proceed on quick march. Rotates anti clockwise by right hand at every consecutive step allowing the
one of the ferrules of the pace stick and the toe of the right foot ground together.

1613. Slow march-closed stick (Figures 16-18 and 16-19) The normal movements of slow
march maintains, except the left hand smartly grip on the stick. as described in Para 1603.

1614. Quick march-open stick (Figures 16-20 and 16-21) During the Quick March, pace stick
brought to the carry position, so that the right fore-arm parallel to the ground. The index finger
remains in front of the leading leg of stick and remaining fingers curl around the rear leg. The thumb
makes contact with the index finger round the front of the leading leg. The leading leg of the stick
maintains the perpendicular. The right elbow is forced to the side. Then step out with left foot and
proceed on quick march. When on the command “Hault” force the stick down to the position of

1615. Quick march-closed stick (Figures 16-22 and 16-24) The normal movements of Quick
march maintains, except the left hand smartly grip on the stick as described in Para 1603.



Figure 16-2 Figure 16-4 Figure 16-3 Figure 16-5



Figure 16-6 Figure 16-8 Figure 16-7 Figure 16-9



Figure 16-10 Figure 16-12 Figure 16-11 Figure 16-13



Figure 16-14 Figure 16-16 Figure 16-15 Figure 16-17



Figure 16-18 Figure 16-20 Figure 16-19 Figure 16-21



Figure 16-22 Figure 16-24 Figure 16-23



Section II: Baton Drill

1616. Baton Drill The baton is issued to all specialized gunnery officers(Fig 16-25), provost
branch officers who have successfully completed LT-AT-ARMS Course (Fig 16-26) and DI/ GI
sailors (Fig 16-27).The baton usually black with Brass knob engraved along with the rank officer
entitled with.. The baton is to be carried smartly and to conform with the standard drill procedures as
elaborated in the succeeding paragraphs

62 CM 2.5 CM
3CM 1.5 CM

7.5 CM Brass Nob

Figure 16-25 (Description of baton)

Figure 16– 25 (Description

50 CM of batten)
Brass Nob

Figure 16-26 (Description of baton)



70 CM 2.5 CM

3.75CM 2 CM

7.5 CM Brass Nob

Figure 16-26 (Description of baton)

1616. Position of Attention – The Carry (Figures. 16-26 to 16-28) The baton is placed beneath
the left armpit, feet ferrules to the rear. It is placed there by moving the right hand across the body,
placing the stick beneath the left armpit. The baton is trapped under the armpit by the pressure of the
inside of the upper arm against the rib cage. When secure force the right arm to the side and at the
same time move the left hand on to the baton. The left hand control the baton‟s direction left or right.
The baton is held parallel to the ground. The left hand holds the baton with the finger extended along
the outside of the baton, thumb along the side. The index finger runs parallel to the top of the baton,
with the second fingertip in line with the end of the stick.

1617. Stand at Ease “myiqfjka isgSu” (Figures 16-29 to 16-30) when the order is given
“myiqfjka isgska” keep the legs straight, carry the left foot 12 to 14 inches to the with at the same
time carry your both hands keep either side of the body same as attention position except the left
hand smartly grip the baton and keep the baton vertically along the left hand between the body and
left hand.
1618. Stand Easy The normal position of stand at ease maintains. In this position body is simply

1619. Salute at the Halt (Figures. 16-31 and 16-32) When saluting at the halt, the left hand is
forced away to the position of attention alongside the left hand side of the body as the right hand
comes up to salute. When the right hand is forced away the left hand returns smartly to the baton
resuming its grip on the baton as described in Para 216.



1620. Saluting on the March (Figures 16-33 and 16-34) When saluting on the march the
order is given on two consecutive beats of the right foot, as the next left comes to the ground the
right hand comes to the position of the salute and at the same time, the left hand released its grip of
the baton and is forced away to the left side. On completion of the salute, when the right hand is cut
and stretch to the rear the left hand returns to the baton resuming its grip.

1621. Slow march (Figures 16-35 and 16-36) The normal movements of the slow march
maintains, except the left hand smartly grip on the baton which is placed under the left
described in Para 122

1622. Quick march (Fugre 16-37) The normal movements of Quick march maintains,
except the left hand smartly grip on the baton which is placed under the left armpit. as described in
para 1603.
1623. Removing and Replacing Caps On the order „Off-Cap‟ keeping the baton under the left
armpit and holding with the left hand, seize the peak of the cap with right hand through shortest
route, four fingers together on top of the peck and thumb underneath. Forearm making an angle of
forty five degrees with upper arm and the upper arm parallel to the ground (Fig16-38 ).Cut the right
hand along with the cap through the shortet route to right side, so that peak pointing upward, hollow
portion of the cap touching to the thigh, right hand fully extended downwards in line with seam of
the trouser(Fig 16-39).



Figure 16-26 Figure 16-28 Figure 16-27 Figure 16-29



Figure 16-30 Figure 16-32 Figure 16-31 Figure 16-33



Figure 16-34 Figure 16-36 Figure 16-35 Figure 16-37



Figure 16-38 Figure 16-39



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