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This AXIE MANAGER – SCHOLAR CONTRACT is hereby made and executed by and

Claudine Vinnet F. Caluya, single, of legal age, and a resident of Block 33 Lot 27
Phase2A Palmera Northwinds City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan, hereunto
referred to as MANAGER; and

Yoshiro A. Fujita, single, of legal age, and a resident of Block 15 Lot 1 Jerusalem St.
North Olympus Zabarte, hereunto referred to as SCHOLAR;

Witnesseth that:

The MANAGER has a team of three (3) Axies in Axie Infinity, which cost 0.255
ETHEREUM (ETH) bearing the monetary equivalent of THIRTY-SIX THOUSAND, SIX
HUNDRED PESOS (Php 36,600.00) upon signing of this contract. The said team can
be found in the ronin account ronin:ae4ae9ae0eafb2f8f1a418dff48d53a99173d72e
with Axie ID No. 6329536, 4883319 & 1200452;

The SCHOLAR agrees to use the said account containing the aforementioned team,
and the MANAGER allows the SCHOLAR to use the said account containing the
aforementioned team, based on the terms and conditions as follows:

1. The duration of this contract shall be for 3 months, beginning 25 th of

September 2021 up to 25th of December 2021, which shall be renewable
by the parties upon giving of notice to renew ten (10) days before the
expiry of this contract;

2. The MANAGER shall grant the SCHOLAR access to the account by giving
him the Login QR Code;

3. The MANAGER still owns the account subject of this contract even if it is
the SCHOLAR who uses the said account;
4. The SCHOLAR is not allowed to have other persons or a third-party use
the subject account;

5. The SCHOLAR shall undergo a two-week probation, starting 25 th of

September 2021. During this probation, the SCHOLAR agrees to farm a
minimum of 75 SLP daily garnering a total (minimum) of 525 SLP per

6. During the probationary period, the MANAGER shall assess the capability
of the SCHOLAR to handle the said account. The MANAGER has the right
to terminate the services of the SCHOLAR upon finding the SCHOLAR’s
management of the account unsatisfactory at any time during the
probationary period. The SCHOLAR shall be found unsatisfactory when
he fails to meet the minimum daily/weekly SLP farming, any forms of
mismanagement of the account, acquiring prohibited, illegal or bannable
offenses as per Axie Infinity terms and conditions, and analogous terms

7. After the probation period, the SCHOLAR agrees to farm a minimum of

100 SLP daily, garnering a total of 700 SLP weekly or 3000 SLP monthly
to stay in this scholarship program;

8. Failing to farm the minimum required daily, weekly or monthly SLP

under paragraphs 5 or 7 shall result in termination of this SCHOLARSHIP
CONTRACT, subject to the following:

a. First Offense – Reprimand and coaching

b. Second Offense – Warning
c. Third Offense – Termination of contract

All remaining SLP at the time of termination will be forfeited in favor of the

9. As to profit sharing or cash-out / withdrawal:

a. The MANAGER and SCHOLAR shall have a 60/40 share of the

earned SLP (Smooth Love Potion) during the duration of the
scholarship. The Cash Out/Withdrawal shall be done every 10th
and 25th day of the month at 10:00 PM. The SCHOLAR has until
9:30 PM of the cash-out day to meet the daily SLP requirements of
that day;

b. SLP rewards in Ruin 21 (200 SLP) & Ruin 36 (300 SLP): The
MANAGER and SCHOLAR shall also have a 60/40 share of the
earned SLP rewards in Ruin 21 & Ruin 36;

10. ALL AXS rewards earned by Scholars (top 1000 in Arena) will be split
with the Manager. Scholars will get 50% of the AXS they earn from every

11. The cash-out / withdrawal / profit-share shall be given by the

MANAGER to the SCHOLAR in the form of SLP. The MANAGER has no
liability in case the SCHOLAR encounters problems in withdrawing his
SLP. The MANAGER shall likewise not be responsible for mishandling of
the SLP given to the SCHOLAR or in cases of fraud / scamming
encountered by the SCHOLAR in withdrawing or trading his SLP;

a. Should the SCHOLAR choose to withdraw in the form of cash,

computation will be: profit-share = Binance rate peso converted
value (SLP/USDT/PHP) minus gas fees & other charges

12. The MANAGER shall monitor the account handled by the SCHOLAR daily.
Further, a weekly review of the SCHOLAR shall be held by the MANAGER;

13. Upon entering this contract, the SCHOLAR must have a Ronin wallet to
accept SLP withdrawals. This is a requirement to be accepted in this
scholarship program. The SCHOLAR is required to store his seed phrases
in a safe place, as losing it might lose all his SLP in that account. The
MANAGER shall not be liable for the lost of SLP of the SCHOLAR due to
SCHOLAR’s negligence in storing his seed phrase;

14. The SCHOLAR is given much leeway as to the time he will play or access
the scholarship account, the strategies he will take to garner SLPs, and to
the means and methods of playing, accessing and management of the
account, subject to the terms and conditions of this contract, terms and
conditions of Axie Infinity and its administration, and those agreed upon
by the MANAGER and SCHOLAR during the validity of this contract;

15. The SCHOLAR is strictly prohibited from owning and playing a personal
Axie Infinity account. The SCHOLAR cannot farm even a single SLP on his
personal account when farming and handling the scholarship account
subject of this contract. The SCHOLAR agrees to observe and comply with
strictly ONE account per device per person rule;

16. The SCHOLAR is prohibited from playing or accessing another

scholarship account from another manager. The SCHOLAR is prohibited
from entering contract with another manager during the validity of this
contract. This is because if the scholar plays another account different
from the scholarship account subject of this contract, all Axie involved
might get banned and can never be used again;

17. Upon signing of this contract, the SCHOLAR agrees to cancel all other
offers of scholarship programs from other persons or managers;

18. In case the scholarship account is banned by causes attributable to the

SCHOLAR, the SCHOLAR shall be liable to the MANAGER for the monetary
equivalent of the team upon signing of this contract, and shall be
responsible to pay the MANAGER for the said amount. All remaining SLP
at the time of termination will be forfeited in favor of the MANAGER;

19. In addition to the penalties of the SCHOLAR mentioned in prior

provisions of this contract, violation by the SCHOLAR of any of these
provisions or the rules of Axie Infinity will result to immediate kicking
and banning from this scholarship program permanently;

20. In case the SCHOLAR wants to quit from this scholarship program prior
the ending of the validity of this contract, he may do so by informing the
MANAGER three (3) days before the intended resignation, stating
likewise valid reasons behind the decision;
21. This contract does not signify or prove employer – employee
relationship between the MANAGER and the SCHOLAR.

This contract may not be modified in any manner unless in writing and signed by
both parties. This document and any attachment hereto constitute the entire agreement
between parties. This contract shall be binding upon the parties and shall be enforced
under the laws of the Philippines.

The parties have hereunto set their hands this ____ day of __________________, 2021,
hereat _______________________________________.

______________________________________ ______________________________________
Government Issued ID: Government Issued ID:

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